UCL Athena SWAN formatting checklist the Equality and Diversity team.


Formatting Checklist

UCL Athena SWAN formatting checklist

Please go through this check list before you submit your final application or send drafts to the Equality and Diversity team.

The checklist goes through the formatting of the document and key things you need to discuss in your application. For more information on the content of the application, please refer to the UCL Athena SWAN toolkit .

General Formatting

HoD Letter

The Self-Assessment process

Data analysis

Number pages

For final submission - save HoD letter, application and action plan as a single PDF

Cross reference actions discussed in the application to the action plan

Make sure that all comments, track changes and highlighting are taken out

Letter should be letter-headed

Addressed to the Athena SWAN Manager

Signed by HoD

Letter should include a statement that the information presented in the application (including quantitative and qualitative data) is an honest, accurate and true representation of the department.

Describe when the SAT was established

State how often the SAT meets

Give a brief breakdown of size and membership – e.g. gender balance, representation from staff and students at different stages in their career

Introduce consultation with staff/students – for example surveys/focus groups. Outline response rate and gender balance for any surveys conducted.

How does/will the SAT report to other committees and be part of the culture and structure of the Department?

Clear and realistic plan for the SAT in future e.g. frequency of meetings

Are graphs clear when printed in black and white? (unless you wish to send in 10 printed colour copies to Athena SWAN)

Please ensure your graphs are consistent in their presentation (e.g.

colours / style)

Present data for a minimum of last 3 years (5 for gold awards and renewals)

For departments with clinical staff: include staff pipeline graphs separated by clinical and non-clinical

Label your graphs including data labels, titles, axes etc.

Number graphs and tables – e.g. Figure 1

State both percentages and raw numbers, either in the graphs or in the narrative

Include a clear and simple graph showing the pipeline from UG to

Prof. For examples see UCL SWAN Example Graphs

Harriet Jones, Policy Adviser for Athena SWAN Ext: 58860 Email: harriet.jones@ucl.ac.uk

Formatting Checklist

Qualitative data and surveys

(see UCL template survey )

Case studies

Action plan (for example see

UCL SWAN template action plan )

For Silver applications

For Gold applications

Include qualitative/survey data wherever relevant in the application, not just in the any other comments section

Outline any plans to repeat qualitative or survey data analysis

Also reference UCL staff survey where relevant

1 case study should be from a member of the SAT, the other should be another member of the department

Case studies should illustrate support from the department to women at different stages of their career

Ensure case studies show that a successful female scientist has progressed with the help of the department – not in spite of the department

Are timeframes specific? e.g. avoid ‘ongoing’

Do timeframes cover the next three years (not clustered in the 6 months after the application deadline)

Make sure that your professional services staff are not responsible for the majority your actions – members of the SAT team should take responsibility for actions. Don’t overload an individual

Are success measures measurable?

Include evidence of impact wherever reverent

Can you show a clear track record of activity and impact?

Have you given evidence of ‘beacon’ activities – i.e. visiting and supporting other departments/universities within UCL and externally

Harriet Jones, Policy Adviser for Athena SWAN Ext: 58860 Email: harriet.jones@ucl.ac.uk
