OFFICE O OF T THE REGISTR RAR 505 5 Ramapo Vaalley Road, Maahwah, NJ 074330-1680 Phone P (201) 6884-7695 Fax (2001) 684-7322 www.ramapo.e w du CATION FO OR IN-STAT TE TUITIO ON APPLIC For a US Citizen C or Perm manent Resid dent Card Hollder A currently enro olled studen nt wishing to establish residency in N New Jersey ffor tuition puurposes mustt submit all oof the follow wing documeents showing g the same New N Jersey reesidential adddress (not m mailing addreess) to the Office of the Registrar (D-224) ( by the t end of th he 100% refuund deadlinee as published on the Acaademic Calendar. A deccision regard ding residenccy status willl be made a fter all of the required ddocuments haave been subm mitted. d at the time of applicatioon and mustt be completed in personn. 1. Affidaviit – this will be provided 2. One of the t following g: a. Valid V NJ mo otor vehicle license l b. Valid V NJ veh hicle registraation c. NJ N Voter’s Registration R Card d. NJ N State-issu ued I.D. Card 3. Two pieeces of current business mail m sent to the student. Personal m mail or mail ssent from Raamapo College of NJ canno ot be used. Mail M sent to a P.O. Box iis not accepttable; the adddress must aalso show a street s addresss. 4. A studen nt under 23 years y of age, claiming himself/herseelf for tax puurposes, and not living w with his/her parents p or gu uardian mustt submit: a. Copy C of his/her most reccent 1040 or New Jerseyy income taxx form; and b. Copy C of his/her parents’ most recentt 1040 or Neew Jersey inccome tax forrm. 5. Internatiional studen nts must dem monstrate thatt they have hhad their perrmanent resiidency statuss or eligible visa status for f one year. I haave read all of o the above requirementts and review wed the apprropriate infoormation on tthe Ramapo College of N New Jersey website w and understand that t my requ uest will not be approvedd until all doocumentationn has beenn received. Studdent R#: R__________ R __________ ___ Student Name: _________________________________________ ((print) Datte _________ _________ Student Signature S ___ ________________________________________________ ************** ******************** ******************************************************** Appproved _____ _______ Commentts__________ __________________________________________________ Dennied Commentts__________ __________________________________________________ _____ _______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ Signnature______ w Jersey Pu ublic Libera al Arts Colleege New Datee_________________ 2/2014 OFFICE O OF T THE REGISTR RAR 505 5 Ramapo Vaalley Road, Maahwah, NJ 074330-1680 Phone P (201) 6884-7695 Fax (2001) 684-7322 APPLICATION FO OR IN-STAT TE TUITION N For a Nonrresident Stud dent A neewly accepted d student wishing to requeest exemption n from Nonressident Tuitionn and Fees chaarged to Non-New Jersey residents must m complette this form an nd submit all required docuumentation too the Admisssions Office pprior to s the bbeginning of his/her first semester. A cuurrently enrollled student wishing w to req quest exemptio on from Nonrresident Tuitiion and Fees ccharged to noon-New Jersey residents must m complette this form an nd submit all required docuumentation too the Office oof the Registrrar (D224) by the end of o the 100% refund r deadlin ne as publisheed on the Acaademic Calenndar. A decisioon regarding residency statuus will be maade after all off the required d documents have h been subbmitted. 1. Affidavitt – this will be provided att the time of application a annd must be completed in peerson. 2. Official High H School transcript t including all cou urses completted and final ggraduation. School Provvide informattion on all sch hool(s) you aattended in grrades 9-12: City State Dates: From – M Month/Year too – Month/Year I, thhe undersigned, am applyin ng for nonresiident tuition exemption e an d declare thatt all of the folllowing applyy to me: 1. I have attended high school s in New w Jersey for th hree or more yyears; and 2. I have grraduated from m a New Jerseey high school or have attaiined the equivvalent thereof, such as a H High School Equivalency E diploma, d issueed by the Statte of New Jerssey Departmeent of Educatiion; and 3. I am NOT a non-imm migrant alien with w a currently valid visa. (Non-immigrrants, as definned by federaal law, have beeen admitted to o the United States S temporaarily and mayy have been ggranted one off the followinng visas: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, H I, J, K, L, M, M N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, TN, TD, V, TRO OV, and NATO O or other noonimmigran nt visa). By ssigning this document d belo ow, I hereby state s that I am m a non-citizeen without law wful immigrattion status; I hhave filed an aapplication to legalize my immigration i status s or will file an appliccation as soonn as I am eligiible to do so. Further, I decllare that the in nformation I have h provided on this form m is true and aaccurate. I unnderstand thatt this information will be uused to determ mine my eligib bility for the tuition t exemp ption. I furtheer understand that if any off the above innformation is foound to be fallse, I will be liable l for paym ment of all no onresident chaarges from w which I was exxempted and m may be subjject to discipllinary action by b the College. Studdent R#: R_ ____________ __________ Student Nam me: ________________________________________ (print) Datte _________ _________ Student Signature S ___ ________________________________________________ ************** ******************** ******************************************************** Appproved _____ _______ Commentts__________ __________________________________________________ Dennied _____ _______ Commentts__________ __________________________________________________ Signnature______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ New w Jersey Pu ublic Libera al Arts Colleege Datee_________________ 2/2014