ACADEMIC AFFAIRS POLICY Section: 300 Section Title: Academic Affairs Policy Name: Course Enrichment Component Policy Number: 300 J Approval Authority: Provost College Policy Executive: Chief Planning Officer Responsible Executive: Provost Responsible Unit: Office of the Provost Date Adopted: March 24, 2011 1. Policy : All regularly scheduled, four credit, undergraduate courses offered within the Ramapo College curriculum must include a Course Enrichment Component (CEC). The CEC consists of a minimum of five (5) hours of outside-the-classroom activity that enhances the student learning that takes place within the classroom. While there is no requirement that a faculty member monitor the outside-the-classroom experience, it is expected that the CEC will be effectively addressed within the course syllabi (including learning goals, outcomes, and assessments; assignment(s) and grading; and timeline for completion) and be consistently and effectively implemented as part of the Ramapo College Curriculum. 2. Reason for Policy: To assure that the Course Enrichment Components of all courses are conducted with rigor appropriate to the programs offered and are designed, delivered and evaluated to foster a coherent student learning experience. 3. To Whom Does The Policy Apply: To all individuals teaching at the College. 4. Related Documents: Memorandum of Agreement between the AFT Local and Ramapo College of New Jersey, November 16, 2005 ARC Manual 5. Contacts: Office of the Provost: 201 684-7529 Course Enrichment Component Policy