Determination and Notification of Academic Standing
At the close of each fall and spring semester, once final grades have been posted, the Office of the
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews records of all matriculated students enrolled
at the College who have attempted 12 or more credits. Credits and grades of all Ramapo course
work contribute to the cumulative grade point average. Courses transferred from other colleges
count only as credits earned; accompanying grades are not calculated toward the grade point
average at Ramapo and thus do not affect academic standing at Ramapo College. Matriculated
students whose academic performance has fallen below a cumulative 2.0 GPA, which is required
to graduate from Ramapo College, are advised of the deficiency in writing by the Office of the
Provost via e-mail. Matriculated students must check their e-mail regularly for notification of their
status. Non-matriculated students should check their status on the web.
Academic Warning
Students who have a cumulative GPA below 2.0 for one semester are placed on Academic
Warning. Students placed on Academic Warning may not appeal their standing.
Students placed on academic warning are required to develop an academic plan with the campus
support service of their choice. Campus support services may include, but are not limited to, the
Center for Student Success, the Center for Reading and Writing, Counseling Services, the
Educational Opportunity Fund Program, Athletics, and the Office of Specialized Services. These
services may refer students to appropriate faculty members for additional support. The academic
plan must be developed within the first month of the semester for which the warning is in effect.
For students placed on warning after the fall semester, the plan is due February 15; for students
placed on warning after the spring semester, the plan is due September 30. Students may be
advised to meet with their campus support services at specified intervals throughout the semester.
Towards the middle of each fall and spring semester, the Office of the Provost/Vice President for
Academic Affairs sends emails to matriculated students currently on Academic Warning,
reminding them of their standing and the actions to be taken once grades have been posted at the
end of the semester. Once grades are posted at the end of the semester, the Office of the
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs notifies matriculated students by email of their status
for the upcoming semester.
Students previously on Academic Warning who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at
least 2.0 are placed in good standing.
Students previously on Academic Warning whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 are
placed on Academic Probation.
Academic Probation
Procedure 300-A - May 28, 2015
Students who have a cumulative GPA below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters are placed on
Academic Probation. Students placed on Academic Probation may not appeal their standing.
Students placed on academic probation are required to develop an academic plan with the campus
support service of their choice. Campus support programs may include, but are not limited to, the
Center for Student Success, the Center for Reading and Writing, Counseling Services, the
Educational Opportunity Fund Program, Athletics, and the Office of Specialized Services. These
services may refer students to appropriate faculty members for additional support. This plan will
include at least two meetings and will be enforced by a registration hold. The academic plan must
be developed within the first month of the semester for which the probation is in effect. For
students placed on probation after the fall semester, the plan is due February 15; for students
placed on probation after the spring semester, the plan is due September 30. Students may be
advised to meet with campus support services at specified intervals throughout the semester.
Students who meet the standards for continued probation, as described below, are also responsible
for developing an academic plan as described in this paragraph.
Towards the middle of each fall and spring semester, the Office of the Provost/Vice President for
Academic Affairs sends an email to students currently on Academic Probation, reminding
students of their standing and the actions to be taken once grades have been posted at the end of
the semester. At that time, students in peril of being placed on Academic Suspension who wish to
appeal for immediate reinstatement should take appropriate steps to ensure that the documents
required for the appeal can be submitted by the appeal deadline.
Once grades are posted at the end of the semester, the Office of the Provost/Vice President for
Academic Affairs notifies matriculated students by email of their status for the upcoming semester:
Students previously on Academic Probation who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at
least 2.00 are placed in good standing after probation.
Students previously on Academic Probation who have made good academic progress by
achieving a semester GPA of at least 2.5 but whose cumulative GPA is still below a 2.0 are
placed on continued probation for one semester. . If their cumulative GPA is not raised to a
2.0 by the end of the following semester, they will be placed on Academic Suspension.
Students previously on Academic Probation who have not made good academic progress
(as defined above) and whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 are placed on Academic
Students previously on Continued Probation who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at
least 2.0 are placed in good standing after probation.
Students previously on Continued Probation whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 are
placed on Academic Suspension.
Procedure 300-A - May 28, 2015
Academic Suspension
Students who have a cumulative GPA below 2.0 for two or three consecutive semesters (as
described in the section on Academic Probation immediately above) are placed on Academic
Suspension for one regular semester. Upon notification of suspension, the student is given an
opportunity to submit a written appeal for immediate reinstatement to the Committee on Academic
Standards and Procedures (CASP). Appeals must be received in writing and submitted by email to by the specified deadline. The deadline for appeals is five business days after
the posting of final grades; the date will be specified in the written notification sent to the student
by the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Appeals must include the
following materials:
Letter from the student requesting reinstatement. The student should explain any unusual
circumstances which contributed to the academic difficulty and describe how he/she will be
able to make better progress if reinstated. An academic plan for the following two
semesters must be included.
Supporting documentation, which may include (but is not limited to) letters of
recommendation from Ramapo faculty/staff (signed on official College letterhead or sent
directly from the faculty/staff e-mail account) and/or letters from medical practitioners
(signed on official letterhead) documenting that the student was receiving care during the
current semester.
CASP , after having considered the appeal, decides whether the student may remain at the
College on academic probation or must accept the one full fall or spring semester suspension. A
student who does NOT appeal to the Committee in writing by the designated deadline is viewed as
accepting the one full fall or spring semester suspension.
CASP’s decisions are forwarded to the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs informs students of the decisions
in writing, by email; these decisions are final.
Students who have accepted their suspension or who have been informed that their suspension will
be enforced must meet with a Center for Student Success advisor to determine their best course of
action for the semester. Students on Academic Suspension who wish to return to the College must
apply for reinstatement; reinstatement is not automatic. The reinstatement process is described in
the next section. Students informed that they are reinstated on Academic Probation may enroll for
another semester only with an academic plan endorsed by their Center for Student Success advisor,
who may consult with the student’s faculty advisor. (The faculty advisor provides planning advice
within the major; the Center for Student Success advisor provides planning advice with respect to
other aspects of the curriculum, including (but not limited to) course load and general education.)
The plan must also include a detailed self-reflective statement indicating how the academic
Procedure 300-A - May 28, 2015
problems of past semesters will be addressed. In addition, students are required to find a
faculty/staff mentor.
Students’ records are again reviewed at the end of the probationary period:
Students who achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 will be placed in good standing
after probation;
Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 but have made good progress by
achieving a semester GPA of 2.5 or better will be placed on continued probation one final
semester at the end of which they must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better or will
be permanently dismissed.
Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and have not made good progress
(as defined above) are permanently dismissed. Students previously on Continued Probation
(after having been on Academic Probation following suspension as delineated in this
section) who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 are placed in good standing
after probation.
Students previously on Continued Probation (after having been on Academic Probation
following suspension as delineated in this section) whose cumulative GPA remains below
2.0 are permanently dismissed.
Reinstatement and Readmission following Academic Suspension
A student on academic suspension wishing to return to the College must apply for reinstatement
or readmission. Reinstatement or readmission is neither automatic nor guaranteed after academic
suspension. Students are strongly urged to apply by August 1 for the fall semester and by
December 1 for the spring semester.
The student begins the process for reinstatement or readmission by making an appointment with a
Center for Student Success advisor who will assist the student in preparing the following materials:
a detailed self-reflective statement indicating how the academic problems of past semesters
will be addressed. This will include documentation and demonstration that the student has
addressed the problems which initially led to academic difficulties OR a work record which
demonstrates a resolution of the heretofore mentioned difficulties OR other indication of
academic success (for instance, the successful completion of credits at another school
during the semester(s) in which he/she was absent from Ramapo); and an Academic Plan.
The Center for Student Success advisor may consult with the student’s faculty advisor.
(The faculty advisor provides planning advice within the major; the Center for Student
Success advisor provides planning advice with respect to other aspects of the curriculum,
including, but not limited to, course load and general education.)
Procedure 300-A - May 28, 2015
The Center for Student Success advisor will verify that the student has no outstanding
financial obligations to the College, no outstanding disciplinary charges, no assessed
sanctions, or any other holds.
Then, depending on how long the student has been away from the College, the student follows one
of two paths:
A student on academic suspension who wishes to return to the College after an absence of
one regular semester must appeal for reinstatement to the Dean of the School to which he
or she wishes to return; an undeclared student must direct his/her appeal to the Vice
A student on academic suspension who wishes to return to the College after an absence of
two or more regular semesters must apply for readmission to the College through the
Office of Admissions after successfully appealing to the Dean of the School to which he or
she wishes to return; an undeclared student appeals to the Vice Provost. The Office of
Admissions will consult with the Dean of the School to which the student wishes to return
(or the Vice Provost if the student is undeclared).
Regardless of the path that the student takes (reinstatement or readmission) the Dean or the
Vice Provost considers the appeal and, in so doing, may request a conference with the
student, at his/her discretion. Then the Dean or the Vice rejects or accepts the student’s
If the Dean or the Vice Provost rejects the student's reinstatement/readmission appeal, the student
may petition for a review by the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. The
petition is initiated by the submission of a written statement (submitted by email or certified letter)
by the student that explains his/her position and includes any evidence that contradicts the hearing
office's decision or contains information that had heretofore been unavailable. The Provost (or
his/her designee) reserves the right to hear the petition and will reject any request for review that
does not offer clear evidence that the hearing office made a factual mistake, violated school policy,
or otherwise acted outside the purview of the hearing office. The decision of the Provost (or his/her
designee) is final.
If the Dean, the Vice Provost, or (in the case of a review of a rejected appeal) the Provost (or
his/her designee) accepts the appeal, a student will be reinstated/readmitted on Academic
Probation. The Dean or Vice Provost may stipulate additional conditions beyond the minimum
standards cited below. He/she will be required to regularly meet with his/her Center for Student
Success advisor and may be advised to take a lower credit load.
At the end of the semester for which students were readmitted:
Procedure 300-A - May 28, 2015
Students who achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 will be placed in good standing
after probation;
Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 but have made good
progress by achieving a semester GPA of 2.5 or better and who meet any additional
conditions set by the Dean or Vice Provost (if applicable) will be allowed one final
semester on continued probation, at the end of which he/she must achieve a cumulative
GPA of 2.0 or better or will be permanently dismissed.
Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 and have not made good
progress (as defined above) will be permanently dismissed from the College.
Students previously on Continued Probation (after having been on Academic Probation
following suspension as delineated in this section) who have achieved a cumulative GPA of
at least 2.0 are placed in good standing after probation.
Students previously on Continued Probation (after having been on Academic Probation
following suspension as delineated in this section) whose cumulative GPA remains below
2.0 are placed on Academic Dismissal.
Academic Dismissal
Students who have been suspended (whether they serve the suspension term and are later
reinstatement/readmitted to the College or successfully appeal for immediate reinstatement to the College)
and meet the standards for Academic Suspension (as described above) a second or subsequent time are
permanently dismissed from the College. Upon notification of dismissal, the student is given an
opportunity to submit a written appeal for immediate reinstatement to the Committee on Academic
Standards and Procedures (CASP). The appeal process is the same as that for students who have
been suspended. CASP, after having considered the appeal, decides whether the student may
remain at the College on Academic Probation or must accept permanent dismissal from the
College. A student who does not appeal to the Committee in writing by the designated deadline is
viewed as accepting permanent dismissal. CASP’s decisions are forwarded to the Office of the
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Office of the Provost/Vice President for
Academic Affairs informs students of the decisions in writing by email; the decisions are final.
Students informed that they are readmitted on Academic Probation may enroll for another semester
only with an academic plan endorsed by their Center for Student Success advisor, who may
consult with the student’s faculty advisor. (The faculty advisor provides planning advice within the
major; the Center for Student Success advisor provides planning advice with respect to other
aspects of the curriculum, including (but not limited to) course load and general education.) The
plan must also include a detailed self-reflective statement indicating how the academic problems of
past semesters will be addressed. In addition, students are required to find a faculty/staff mentor.
Procedure 300-A - May 28, 2015
Student records are again reviewed at the end of the probationary period:
Students who achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 will be placed in good standing
after probation;
Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 but have made good progress by
achieving a semester GPA of 2.5 or better will be placed on continued probation one final
semester at the end of which he/she must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better or will
be permanently dismissed.
Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and have not made good progress
(as defined above) will be permanently dismissed with the right to appeal (as described
Students previously on Continued Probation (after having been on Academic Probation
following a dismissal) who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 are placed in
good standing after probation.
Students previously on Continued Probation (after having been on Academic Probation
following a dismissal) whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 are permanently
dismissed with the right to appeal (as described above).
Procedure 300-A - May 28, 2015