MORE NEWS FROM TAS (Shared for distribution post-January 27)

(Shared for distribution post-January 27)
Abigail Ameri's ‘15 TAS research honor project was published in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry in its
February 2016 issue.
Amanda Beecher has written a chapter in the books "Mathematical Modeling for the MCM/ICM
contests" Volumes 1 and 2 to help students understand the contest, modeling techniques, and what
makes a successful paper. Amanda also moderated a Mathematical Association of America panel on
"Interdisciplinary Modeling Experiences for Undergrads" at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in January
TAS had 5 teams participating in the international Mathematics Competition in Modeling (MCM) and
Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM), which is a 4 day competition where teams of 3 students
solve an open ended problem and write up their solution in a 20 page paper to be judged against more
than 10,000 other teams worldwide.
Max Goldberg presented M. Goldberg, S. Kim, Equivalence of local uniform convergence and local
equicontinuity for a general symmetric diffusion semigroup at the 2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings in
Seattle, WA (held Jan 6-9,2016)
Phi Sigma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International was awarded-October 2015 Showcase of Regional
Excellence: Recognizing Outstanding Achievement for Presidential Call to Action – Transformation
Publications and Presentations
Maisha Amen’s article “Healers and Healing” was published in the Sage Encyclopedia of African Cultural
Heritage in North America. Sage Reference: Los Angeles.
Kathleen Burke delivered “Research in a Collaborative Environment (keynote).” First Annual Southern
NJ Council of Magnet Organizations. November 4, 2015. Stockton University
Andrea Centrella-Nigro presented “The effect of using human patient simulators on knowledge and selfcompetence in the graduating registered nursing student.” October 2, 2015 at the NLN Summit 2015,
Las Vegas, NV.
Julie Fitzgerald presented “Active Learning Strategies to Improve Student Learning Outcomes” at the
NLN Summit 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 1, 2015.
Eric Karlin & P. E. Smouse (Rutgers University) presented “Genetic Diversity in Double Allopolyploid
Sphagnum ×falcatulum Besch.: Hypervariable Markers Tell Just Part of the Story” at the VIII Southern
Connection Conference 2016 in Punta Arenas, Chile January 19-23, 2016
At the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research in Seattle in October
2015 students Ashley Dinkel, Joseph Tarr, Dana Branch, Joshua Luster, and Thomas Owen presented
“Inhibition of c-src activity in primary bone marrow cells mimics the decreased expression of the
osteoblast phenotype seen in tumor cells” and students Sarah Carrante, Lev Blekher, Brooke Marks,
Samantha Dyckman, Elizabeth Figueiredo, Kaitlin Reilly, Thomas A. Owen, and Steven N. Popoff
presented alongside alumnus Joseph T. Tarr and Temple Medicne researcher Luca Simeoni the
presentation “SIT (SHP2-interacting transmembrane adaptor) – A Novel Regulator of Bone Mass.”
“Effective Collaboration Among Magnet Hospitals: A Win–Win for Nurses and Institutions” written by
Andrea Marie Centrella-Nigro, DNP, RN, CNE, Kathy Faber, MSN, RN, CNL, Barbara Wiklinski, EdD, RN,
CNE, Lora Bognar, MSN, RN, RN-BC, ANP-BC, Donna Lee Flynn, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, CCRN, and Mabel
LaForgia, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNL was published in the July 2015 American Journal of Nursing Vol. 115, No.
“Nurse Practitioner Care Model: Meeting the Health Care Challenges with a Collaborative Team” was
the CNE (Continuing Nurse Education Feature Article) in Nursing Economics Nov./Dec. 15 issue. The
article was authored by Kutzleb, J, Rigolosi, R, Fruhscien, A., Reilly, M., Shaftic, A, Duran, D. & Flynn D.