Curvature, Evolutes & Envelopes Curve Tracing I YEAR B.Tech



Curvature, Evolutes & Envelopes

Curve Tracing



Y. Prabhaker Reddy

Asst. Professor of Mathematics

Guru Nanak Engineering College

Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad.



The shape of a plane Curve is characterized by the degree of Bentness or Curvedness.


The reciprocal of the curvature of a curve is called the radius of curvature of curve.


In this we have three types of problems

Problems to find Radius of Curvature in Cartesian Co-ordinates

Problems to find Radius of Curvature in Polar Co-ordinates

Problems to find Radius of Curvature in Parametric Form .

In Cartesian Co-ordinates

Let us consider be the given curve, then radius of curvature is given by

If the given equation of the curve is given as by

, then the radius of curvature is given

In Parametric Form

(i.e. in terms of other variable and in terms of other variable say


If the equation of the curve is given in parametric form then

In Polar co-ordinates

If the equation of the curve is given in polar form i.e. then where, and .

Radius of Curvature at origin (Newton’s Theorem)

Suppose a curve is passing through the origin and -axis or -axis is tangent to the curve at the origin. Then the following results will be useful to find at

If -axis is tangent at , then

If -axis is tangent at , then

Note: If the given curve passes through tangent to the curve, then

Using Maclaurin’s series expansion of , we get

and neither -axis nor -axis is


By this we can calculate at using the formula for finding Radius of Curvature in

Cartesian Co-ordinates.

Problems on Radius of Curvature

1) Find the radius of curvature at the point of the curve


Sol: Clearly, the given equation of curve belongs to Cartesian coordinates.

We know that, the radius of curvature at any point on the curve is given by

Now, consider

Differentiate w.r.t , we get


Again, differentiating , w.r.t , we get

Now, the Radius of curvature at is given by

(numerically… since radius cannot be negative)

2) If be the radius of curvature at the extremities of an chord of the cardioid

which passes through the pole, show that

Sol: Let us consider the equation of the cardioids to be

Let us consider to be the extremities of the chord, whose coordinates are given by and

Let be the radius of curvature at the point and


Let us find :

We know that the radius of curvature for the curve is given by

Now, consider




Now, consider L.H.S: i.e.


3) Show that the radius of curvature at each point of the curve


is inversely proportional to the length of the normal intercepted between the point on the curve and the axis.

Sol: Clearly, the equation of the curve is in parametric form

Let us change the problem of solving radius of curvature in parametric form to problem of solving radius of curvature in Cartesian form.

Here, given



Again ,

Hence, the radius of curvature for the equation of the curve by

at any point is given

Also, we know that the length of the normal is given by

Hence, from we can say that, the radius of curvature at each point of the curve

is inversely proportional to the length of the normal intercepted between the point on the curve and the axis.

Hence the result.


Definition : The Centre of Curvature at a point ‘P’ of a curvature is the point “C” which lies on the Positive direction of the normal at ‘P’ and is at a distance (in magnitude) from it.


Definition: The circle of curvature at a point ‘P’ of a curve is the circle whose centre is at the centre of Curvature ‘C’ and whose radius is in magnitude

Problems on Centre of Curvature and circle of curvature

1) Find the centre of curvature at the point of the curve . Find also the equation of the circle of curvature at that point.

Sol: We know that, if are the coordinates of the centre of curvature at any point

on the curve , then

Now, given

Differentiate w.r.t , we get


Again, Differentiate (1) w.r.t , we get

Hence, the coordinates of the centre of curvature are


Now, radius of curvature at the point is given by

Hence, the equation of circle of curvature at the given point is given by


Corresponding to each point on a curve we can find the curvature of the curve at that point.

Drawing the normal at these points, we can find Centre of Curvature corresponding to each of these points. Since the curvature varies from point to point, centres of curvature also differ. The totality of all such centres of curvature of a given curve will define another curve and this curve is called the evolute of the curve.

The Locus of centres of curvature of a given curve is called the evolute of that curve.

The locus of the centre of curvature of a variable point on a curve is called the evolute of the curve. The curve itself is called involute of the evolute.

Here, for different points on the curve, we get different centre of curvatures. The locus of all these centres of curvature is called as Evolute.

The external curve which satisfies all these centres of curvature is called as Evolute. Here

Evolute is nothing but an curve equation.

To find Evolute, the following models exist.

1) If an equation of the curve is given and If we are asked to show / prove L.H.S=R.H.S,

Then do as follows.

First find Centre of Curvature , where

And then consider L.H.S: In that directly substitute in place of and in place of

. Similarly for R.H.S. and then show that L.H.S=R.H.S

2) If a curve is given and if we are asked to find the evolute of the given curve, then do as follows:

First find Centre of curvature and then re-write as in terms of and in terms of . and then substitute in the given curve, which gives us the required evolute.

3) If a curve is given, which is in parametric form, then first find Centre of curvature, which will be in terms of parameter. then using these values of and eliminate the parameter, which gives us evolute.


1) Find the coordinates of centre of curvature at any point of the parabola and also show its evolute is given by

Sol: Given curve is

We know that, if on the curve

are the coordinates of the centre of curvature at any point

, then





Now, required to prove is




Hence the Result.


A curve which touches each member of a given family of curves is called envelope of that family.

Procedure to find envelope for the given family of curves:

Case 1: Envelope of one parameter

Let us consider to be the given family of curves.

Step 1: Differentiate w.r.t to the parameter partially, and find the value of the parameter

Step 2: By Substituting the value of parameter in the given family of curves, we get required envelope.

Special Case: If the given equation of curve is quadratic in terms of parameter, then envelope is given by

Case 2: Envelope of two parameter

Let us consider two parameters

to be the given family of curves, and a relation connecting these

Step 1: Obtain one parameter in terms of other parameter from the given relation

Step 2: Substitute in the given equation of curve, so that the problem of two parameter converts to problem of one parameter.

Step 3: Use one parameter technique to obtain envelope for the given family of curve


1) Find the envelope of the family of straight line parameter.

Sol: Given equation of family of curves is

is the

Step 1: Differentiate partially w.r.t the parameter

Step 2: Substitute the value of in the given family of curves

The envelope of the given family of straight lines is an ellipse.

2) Find the envelope of family of straight line parameters which are connected by the relation .

Sol: Given equation of family of straight lines is

, where

Also given,

Substituting in , we get

Step 1: Differentiate w.r.t partially, we get

are two

Now, substitute the value of in

Step 2: Substitute the values of in the given family of curves

is the required envelope

, we get


Drawing a rough sketch of the curve is called as Curve Tracing.

Aim: To find the appropriate shape of a curve for the given equation.


Cartesian Co-ordinates:

In order to obtain general shape of the curve from the given equations, we have to examine the following properties.

1) SYMMETRY a) If the equation contains even powers of only, the curve is symmetrical about

Example: b) If the equation contains even powers of only, the curve is symmetrical about

Example: c) If all the powers of and in the given equation are even, the curve is symmetrical about the both the axes. i.e. about the origin.

Example: d) If the equations of the curve is not changed by interchanging and , then the curve is symmetrical about the line .

Example : e) If the equation of a curve remains unchanged when both and are interchanged by

– and – respectively, then the curve is symmetrical in opposite-quadrants.

Examples :


If the equation of a curve is satisfied by the origin.

then the curve passes through





in the given equation to get points of intersection with

in the given equation to get points of intersection with


If possible write the given equation in the form of Give values of to make

imaginary. Let be imaginary for the values of lying between and .

Then, no part of the curve lies between and not lies between those values of for which is imaginary.

. Similarly, the curve does

5) TANGENTS a) If the curve passes through the origin, the tangents at the origin are given by equating the lowest degree terms to zero.

Example : For the curve lowest degree terms to zero. i.e.

, the tangents are given by equating the

are tangents at origin. b) If the curve is not passing through the origin, the tangents at any point are given by finding at that point and this indicates the direction of the tangent at that point.

Note: If there are two tangents at the origin, the origin is a double point.

A) If the two tangents are real and coincident, the origin is a cusp .

B) If the two tangents are real and different, the origin is a node .

C) If the two tangents are Imaginary, the origin is a conjugate point or Isolated point.


Give values to for which the value of is Infinity and also give values to for which

is Infinity. These values indicate the direction in which the curve extends to



An Asymptote is a straight line which cuts a curve in two points, at an infinite distance from the origin and yet is not itself wholly at Infinity.

To find Asymptotes a) Asymptotes parallel to axis

Asymptotes parallel to -axis are obtained by equating the coefficient of the highest power of to zero.

Asymptotes parallel to -axis are obtained by equating the coefficient of the highest power of to zero. b) Oblique Asymptotes: ( Asymptotes which are not parallel to axis)

Let be an asymptote. Put in the given equation of the curve.

Equate the coefficients of highest powers of to zero and solve for and .

Problems on Curve Tracing Cartesian Coordinates

1) Trace the curve

Sol: In order to trace a curve, we need to check the following properties

 Symmetry

 Origin

 Intersection with coordinate axis

 Region

 Tangents

 Intersection of curve to

 Asymptotes

Let us consider given equation of curve to be

Symmetry: If we interchange and , the equation of curve is not changing.

Hence, the curve is symmetric about the line

Origin: If we substitute curve is satisfied.

and , the equation of

Hence, we can say that the curve passes through the origin.

Intersection with coordinate axis:


The curve meets the axis only at the Origin


The curve meets the axis only at the Origin

Region: Consider

is positive is also positive

The curve lies in 1 st Quadrant

is negative is positive

The curve lies in 2 nd Quadrant

is negative & is negative

Then the equation of curve is not satisfied

The curve does not lie in 3 rd Quadrant

is positive is negative

The curve lies in 4 th Quadrant

Tangents: The given equation of curve


passes through

Hence, the tangents at origin are given by equating lowest degree terms to zero. i.e.,

There exists two tangents namely,

Here, the two tangents at origin are real and distinct. Hence, we get a node

Now, let us check, at what points the curve meets the line

Hence, the curve meets at

Extension of the curve to Infinity:


The curve extends to infinity in the second quadrant.

Also, as

The curve extends to infinity in the fourth quadrant.


Asymptotes parallel to axis:

No Asymptote is parallel to

No Asymptote is parallel to

Asymptotes not parallel to axis (Oblique Asymptotes)

Let us consider to be the required asymptote.

Now, substitute in the given equation of the curve and solving for and , we get

Hence, the required asymptote is

Hence the shape of the curve is as follows


1) SYMMETRY i) If the equation does not alter by changing to – , the curve is symmetrical about the initial line or -axis.

Example: ii) If the equation does not alter by changing to – , the curve is symmetrical about the pole.

Example: iii) If the equation of the curve remains unaltered when is changed to or by changing

to – to – , the curve is symmetric about the line or -axis.

Example: iv) If the equation of the curve remains unaltered when is changed to , then the curve is symmetrical about the line

Example: v) If the equation of the curve does not alter by changing to then the curve is symmetrical about the line


2) Discussion for and


Give certain values to and find the corresponding values of and then plot the points.

Sometimes it is inconvenient to find the corresponding values of for certain values of . In such cases, a particular region for may be considered and find out whether increases or decreases in that region.

For example: It is inconvenient to find the value of for whether increases or decreases in the region from to included.

but it is equal to know

in which value is also

3) Region

No part of the curve exists for those values of which make corresponding value of imaginary


4) Tangents

Find , where is the angle between the radius vector and the tangent at

. It will indicate the direction of the tangents at any point .

5) Asymptotes

Find the value of which makes infinity. The curve has an asymptote in that direction.
