Parents as Partners Welcome!

Parents as Partners
Who Are We?
Chris Romano
Vice President of Enrollment
Management and Student Affairs
Melissa Van Der Wall
Dean of Students
Who Are You?
Brief Poll
 Commuter or Resident?
 First student sending to college?
How many?
 What are you most excited about?
 What are you most worried about?
Offices Supporting Students
Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
Cahill Center for Career Development
Center for Health and Counseling Services
Office of Financial Aid
Office of the Registrar
Office of Residence Life
Office of Specialized Services
Office of Student Conduct
Center for Student Involvement
Office of Student Success
Our Philosophy & Deliverables
“a focus on the whole student”
Deliver programs, services and opportunities
that foster out of classroom learning and
student engagement
 Provide students with opportunities to lead,
volunteer, join, compete, socialize and play
 Provide services and support that maximize
potential and likelihood of success
 Administer policies and procedures designed
to create a safe, healthy, comfortable and
enjoyable living and learning environment
Important Information
Need to Know
Academic Calendar (
Ramapo email is the official means of
communication with your student
Public Safety and Communication
◦ Alert Me Now
◦ Daily Digest
◦ Timely Warning
◦ WeDriveU (managed by the college, Off
Campus Shuttle: train station, shopping, food,
area malls)
◦ NYC Bus (managed by Coach USA, tickets at
Roadrunner Central)
Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA)
Once student enrolls at Ramapo, Federal law
protects the security of, privacy of, and limits
access to student educational records
 The rights have now officially switched from the
parents (K-12) to the student, regardless of
student’s age:
allows certain members of the campus
community to discuss your student’s academic
record, tuition bill, financial aid, conduct issues,
does not allow carte blanche access
Family Educational Rights and
Engage in a discussion with your
student about the level of information
and sharing that should exist on their
 If your student wants to seek out a
FERPA waiver form, they are available
in the Office of the Registrar but must
be picked up, signed and submitted by
the student.
Communicate with the College
“if you see something, say something”
Partnering also means making us
aware of any issues or concerns with
your student
 Red flags come in different shapes and
 Avoid assumptions
 Know the college’s portfolio of services;
BIT, Counseling, Public Safety, Advisors
Tips for Productive
Difference between staying in
touch and staying attached…
 Be patient…
 Relationships will change, that’s
Don’t Forget
Arching Ceremony and Move-in/Check-In
◦ Sunday, August 30th
◦ College Annual Tradition
◦ Assembly begins at 5:15 and Arching at 6pm.
Family Day
◦ Saturday, October 3rd.
Questions or advice from
Melissa Van Der Wall
Christopher Romano