Susan Hosek Education

Susan Hosek
1776 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138
(310) 393-0411, ext. 7255
Northwestern University, MA in Economics, 1970
Cornell University, BA in Economics, 1966
Professional Experience
Adjunct Senior Economist, RAND
Senior Economist, RAND
Economist, RAND
Associate Economist, RAND
Consultant, RAND
Research Assistant, Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, Illinois
Co-Director, Center for Military Health Policy Research, RAND
Group Manager, Economics and Statistics, RAND
Director, Forces and Resources Policy Center, RAND
Associate Director, Defense Manpower Research Center, RAND
Public Service
Research Director, President’s Commission on Care for America’s
Returning Wounded Warriors
Member, Center for Disease Control Working Group on Public Health
Member, President’s Task Force to Improve Health Care Delivery for Our
Nation’s Veterans
Member, Institute of Medicine Committee on Methods Useful to the
Veterans Administration in Estimating Its Physician Needs
Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Visiting Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002
Chaitra Hardison, Susan Hosek, Chloe Bird, Establishing Gender-Neutral Standards for
Ground Combat Occupations: A Review of Best Practice Methods, RAND, forthcoming
(pre-publication copy available at
Chaitra Hardison, Susan Hosek, Anna Saavedra, Establishing Gender-Neutral Standards for
Ground Combat Occupations: A Review of the Military Services’ Methods, RAND,
forthcoming (pre-publication copy available at
Carrie Farmer, Susan Hosek, et al., Balancing Supply and Demand for Veterans’ Health
Care: A Summary of Three RAND Assessments Conducted Under the Veterans Choice
Act, RAND, RR-1165/4-RC, 2016.
RAND Study Team, Current and Projected Characteristics and Unique Health Care Needs
of the Patient Population Served by the Department of Veterans Affairs, RAND, RR1165/1-VA, 2015.
RAND Study Team, Resources and Capabilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs to
Provide Timely and Accessible Care to Veterans, RAND, RR-1165/1-VA, 2015.
RAND Study Team, Authorities and Mechanisms for Purchased Care at the Department of
Veterans Affairs, RAND, RR-1165/1-VA, 2015.
Kimberly A. Hepner, Carol Pindar Roth, Coreen Farris, Elizabeth M. Sloss, Grant Martsolf,
Harold Alan Pincus, Carrie M. Farmer, Susan D. Hosek, Daniel Mandel, Caroline Epley,
Katherine E. Watkins, Measuring the Quality of Care for Psychological Health
Conditions in the Military Health System, RAND, RR-464, 2015.
Heather Krull, Susan D. Hosek, et al., Projecting the Army’s Disability Caseload, RAND,
forthcoming (not available to the general public)
Adam C. Resnick, Mireille Jacobson, Srikanth Kadiyala, Nicole K. Eberhart, Susan D.
Hosek, How Deployments Affect the Capacity and Utilization of Army Treatment
Facilities, RAND, RR-257-A, 2014.
Jennifer Kavanagh, Susan Hosek, Rebecca Collins, Lily Geyer, Considerations in Extending
Benefits to the Same-Sex Partners of Military Personnel, RAND, forthcoming (not
available to the general public)
Susan Hosek and Susan Straus, Patient Privacy, Consent, and Identity Management in
Health Information Exchange: Issues for the Military Health System, RAND, RR-112-A,
Andrew Mulcahy, Susan Hosek, Neema Iyer, Best Practices in Formulary Management,
RAND, 2013 (not available to the general public)
Susan Hosek, Healthcare Coverage and Disability Evaluation for Reserve Component
Personnel: Research for the 11th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation, MG1157-OSD, 2012
Bernard Rostker, Susan Hosek et al. “Gays in the Military: Eventually, New Facts Conquer
Old Taboos, RAND Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, Spring 2011
Bernard Rostker, Susan Hosek et al. Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Personnel Policy,
RAND, MG-1056-OSD, 2010
Susan D. Hosek, “Health Insurance for the Guard and Reserves,” in The New Guard and
Reserve, J.D. Winkler and B.A. Bicksler (eds.), Falcon Books, 2008
Susan D. Hosek, “Leveraging Other Federal Health Systems,” in Alice Rivlin and Joseph R.
Antos, eds,. Restoring Fiscal Sanity 2007: The Health Spending Challenge, Brookings
Institution Press, 2007
Susan D. Hosek and Sandra H. Berry, “Gender Differences in Major External Federal Grant
Programs,” in Excellence in the Life Science Area (ELSA)—Adding the Gender
Dimension: Conference Report 5-6 October 2006, Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet, 2007
Pinar Karaca-Mandic, Emmett Keeler, Baoping Shang, Susan Hosek, Italo Gutierrez, A
Micro-Simulation Model to Evaluate a Health Savings Account Option for TRICARE,
RAND, 2007 (not available to the general public)
Susan D. Hosek, Amy G. Cox, Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar, Aaron Kofner, Nishal Ramphal, Jon
Scott, Gender Differences in Major External Federal Grant Programs, RAND, TR-307NSF, 2005
Janice Blanchard and Susan Hosek, Health Care Financing Issues for Women with
Disabilities, RAND, WP-139, 2003
Susan Hosek, “Taking Care of People: The Future of Army Personnel,” in Lynn E. Davis
and Jeremy Shapiro, ed., The U.S. Army and the New National Security Strategy, RAND,
MR-1657-A, 2003
Jeanne S. Ringel, Susan D. Hosek, Ben A. Vollard, Sergej Mahnovski, The Elasticity of
Demand for Health Care: A Review of the Literature and Its Application to the Military
Health System, RAND, MR-1355-OSD, 2002
Susan D. Hosek and Gary Cecchine, Organization of the Military Health System: Should
There Be A Joint Command?, RAND, MR-1350-OSD, 2001.
Susan D. Hosek, Peter Tiemeyer, Rebecca Kilburn, Debra Strong, Selika Ducksworth,
Reginald Ray, Minority and Gender Differences in Officer Career Progression, RAND,
RAND, MR-1184-OSD, 2001.
Cheryl Marcum, Lauren Sager, Harry Thie, and Susan Hosek, Department of Defense
Political Appointments: Positions and Process, RAND, MR-1253-OSD, 2001
Ronald D. Fricker, Jr., Elaine Reardon, Dalia M. Spektor, , Sarah K. Cotton, Jennifer HawesDawson, Jennifer E. Pace, Susan D. Hosek, Survey of Pest Control Problems and
Pesticide Use During the Gulf War, RAND, MR-1184-OSD, 2000
Richard J. Buddin, Carole Roan Gresenz, Susan D. Hosek, Marc N. Elliott, Jennifer HawesDawson, An Evaluation of Housing Options for Military Families, RAND, MR-1020OSD, 1999
Susan D. Hosek, Guidelines for Evaluating TRICARE 3.0 Proposals, RAND, 1998 (not
available to the general public)
Richard L. Kravitz, Jack Zwanziger, Susan D. Hosek , Suzanne M. Polich, Elizabeth M.
Sloss, Daniel McCaffrey, “Effect of a Large Managed Care Program on Emergency
Department Use: Results From the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative Evaluation”, Annals of
Emergency Medicine, Vol. 31, No. 6, 1998
Lois Davis, Susan D. Hosek, Michaele Tate, Mark Perry, Gerald Hepler, Paul Steinberg,
Army Medical Support for Peach Operations and Humanitarian Assistance, RAND, MR773-A, 1996
Susan D. Hosek, Bruce W. Bennett, Joan Buchanan, M. Susan Marquis, Kimberly A.
McGuigan, Janet M. Hanley, Rodger Madison, Afshin Rastegar, Jennifer HawesDawson, The Demand for Military Health Care: Supporting Research for a
Comprehensive Study of Military Health Care System, RAND, MR-407-1-OSD, 1995
Dana P. Goldman, Susan D. Hosek, Lloyd S. Dixon, Elizabeth M. Sloss, “The Effects of
Benefit Design and Managed Care on Health Care Costs,” Journal of Health Economics,
Vol. 14, No. 4, 1995
Susan Hosek, Military Health Care for the Post-Cold War Era, Paper for the Commission on
Roles and Mission of the Armed Forces, 1995 (not available to the general public)
Mary E. Anderson, Susan D. Hosek, Ellyn S. Bloomfield, Evaluation of the CHAMPUS
Reform Initiative: Implementation and Operations, RAND, R-4244/6-HA, 1994
Richard Kravitz, Jack Zwanziger, Suzanne M. Polich, Suzanne M., D.J. Blake, D. J., Daniel
McCaffrey, Susan D. Hosek, Evaluation of the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative: Patterns of
Medical, Surgical, and Obstetric Care, RAND, 1994 (not available to the general public)
Susan D. Hosek, Dana P. Goldman, Hyehoon Lee, Evaluation of the Catchment Area
Management: Costs and Utilization, RAND, 1994 (not available to the general public)
Elizabeth M. Sloss, Susan D. Hosek Evaluation of the Catchment Area Management, volume
2, Beneficiary Access and Satisfaction, RAND, 1994 (not available to the general public)
Beth E. Lachman, Ellen M. Pint, Janet M. Hanley, Susan D. Hosek, James R. Chiesa,
Allocating the Army's Medical Resources, A Method for Sizing Army Hospitals and
CHAMPUS, RAND, 1994 (not available to the general public)
Richard Kravitz, Neal Thomas, Elizabeth M. Sloss, Carole Oken, Susan D. Hosek,
“Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction in Institutional Practice: Results from a Survey of U.S.
Military Physicians,” Military Medicine, Vol. 158, No. 1, 1993
Elizabeth M. Sloss, Susan D. Hosek, Evaluation of the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative: Vol. 2,
Beneficiary Access to Care and Satisfaction, RAND, R-4244/2-HA, 1993
Susan D. Hosek, Dana P. Goldman, Lloyd S. Dixon, Elizabeth M. Sloss, Evaluation of the
CHAMPUS Reform Initiative: Health Care Utilization and Costs, RAND, R-4244/3-HA,
Jack Zwanziger, Elizabeth M. Sloss, Susan D. Hosek, Anil Bamezai, Lois M. Davis, K.M.
Cameron, Prospective Payment for CHAMPUS Exempt Services: An Analysis of
Children’s Hospital, Substance Abuse, and Psychiatric Services, RAND, R-3700-HA,
Kenneth B. Wells, Susan D. Hosek, Susan Marquis, “The Effects of Preferred Provider
Options in Fee-For-Service Plans on Use of Outpatient Mental Health Services by Three
Employee Groups,” Medical Care, Vol. 30, No. 5, 1992
William M. Hix, Susan D. Hosek, Elements of Change in Military Medical Force Structure:
A White Paper, RAND, N-3272-FMP/RA/PAE, 1992
Kenneth B. Wells, M. Susan Marquis, Susan D. Hosek, The Effects of Preferred Provider
Options on Use of Outpatient Mental Health Services for Three Employee Groups,
RAND, R-3952-HHS/NIMH, 1991
Lloyd S. Dixon, Susan D. Hosek, D.J. Blake, Suzanne M. Polich, Deborah Wesley,
Utilization and Costs in the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative: Preliminary Results for April –
September 1989, RAND, N-3243-HA, 1991
Richard Kravitz, Neal Thomas, Elizabeth M. Sloss, Carole Oken, Susan D. Hosek, Job
Satisfaction Among Military Physicians Under the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative:
Baseline Results, RAND, N-3229-HA, 1991
Jack Zwanziger, Lois Davis, Anil Bamezai, Susan D. Hosek, “Using DRGs to Pay for
Inpatient Substance Abuse Services: An Assessment of CHAMPUS Reimbursement
System,” Medical Care, Vol. 29, No. 6, 1991
Kenneth B. Wells, Susan Marquis, Susan D. Hosek, “Mental Health and Selection of
Preferred Providers: Experience in Three Employee Groups,” Medical Care, Vol. 29,
No. 9, 1991
Susan D. Hosek, M. Susan Marquies, Kenneth B. Wells, Health Care Utilization in
Employer Plans with Preferred Provider Organization Options, RAND, R-3800HHS/NIMH, 1990
Susan D. Hosek, M. Susan Marquis, Participation and Satisfaction in Employer Plans with
Preferred Provider Organization Options, RAND, R-3799-HHS/NIMH, 1990
Susan D. Hosek, M. Susan Marquis, Kenneth B. Wells, Deborah W. Garnick, Harold S. Luft,
The Study of Preferred Provider Organizations: Executive Summary, RAND, R-2798HHS/NIMH, 1990
Susan D. Hosek, Mary E. Anderson, Lloyd S. Dixon, Neal Thomas, Jack Zwanziger, D.J.
Blake, Suzanne M. Polich, Jacob Alex Klerman, S. Adnan Rahman, Anil Bamezai,
Preliminary Results from an Evaluation of the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative, RAND, N3069-HA, 1990
Susan D. Hosek, Mary E. Anderson, Elizabeth M. Sloss, S. James Press, George T. Olson,
Alan Hartford, Plan for an Evaluation of the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative, RAND, N2647-HA, 1987
Elizabeth S. Rolph, Paul B. Ginsburg, Susan D. Hosek, “The Regulation of Preferred
Provider Arrangements,” Health Affairs, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1987
Paul B. Ginsburg, Susan D. Hosek, M. Susan Marquis, “Who Joins a PPO?” Business and
Health, 1987
Susan D. Hosek, Robert L. Kane, Maureen Carney, Janice Hartman, David Reboussin, Carl
Serrato, John Melvin, Charges and Outcomes for Rehabilitative Care: Implications for
the Prospective Payment System, RAND, R-3424-HCFA, 1986
Elizabeth S. Rolph, Paul B. Ginsburg, Susan D. Hosek, J. Peter Rich, Karen M. Keenan,
Gary B. Gertler, State Laws and Regulations Governing Preferred Provider
Organization: Executive Summary, RAND, R-3442/1-HHS/FTC, 1986
Elizabeth S. Rolph, Paul B. Ginsburg, Susan D. Hosek, Karen M. Keenan, Gary B. Gertler, J.
Peter Rich, State Laws and Regulations Governing Preferred Provider Organizations,
RAND, R-3442/2-HHS/FTC, 1986
Paul B. Ginsburg, Susan D. Hosek, “Employee Participation in PPOs,” Business and Health,
Paul B. Ginsburg, Susan D. Hosek, Naihua Duan, Harold S. Luft, M. Susan Marquis, Joan B.
Turner, Research Plan for the Preferred Provider Organization Study, RAND, N-2298HHS, 1986
Susan D. Hosek, Joan Buchanan, George A. Goldberg, Reconciling Air Force Physicians’
Peacetime and Wartime Capabilities: Demonstration of a Workforce Design
Methodology, RAND, R-3202-AF, 1985
Charles E. Phelps, Susan D. Hosek, Joan Buchanan, Adele R. Palmer, Kathleen N. Lohr,
Christina Witsberger, Health Care in the Military: Feasibility and Desirability of a
Closed Enrollment System, RAND, R-3145-HA, 1984
Susan D. Hosek, Procurement of Air Force Physicians: The Armed Forces Health
Professions Scholarship Program Versus Direct Recruiting, RAND, N-1968-AF, 1983
Robert L. Kane, Robert M. Bell, Susan D. Hosek, S.Z. Riegler, Rosalie A. Kane, OutcomeBased Reimbursement for Nursing Home Care, RAND, R-3092-NCHSR, 1983
Joan Buchanan, A Methodology for Evaluating Air Force Physicians’ Peacetime and
Wartime Capabilities, RAND, N-1990-AF, 1983
Joan Buchanan, Susan D. Hosek, Costs, Productivity, and the Utilization of Physician’s
Assistants in the Air Force Primary Medicine Clinics, RAND, R-2896-AF, 1983
George A. Goldberg, David Maxwell Jolly, Susan D. Hosek, David S. C. Chu, “Physician’s
Extenders’ Performance in Air Force Clinics,” Medical Care, Vol. 19, No.9, 1981
Susan D. Hosek, Potential Civilian Earnings of Military Physician’s Assistants, RAND, N1342-AF, 1980
Susan D. Hosek, Charles Robert Roll, Military Utilization of Physician’s Assistants, RAND,
N-1019-HA, 1979
Congressional Testimony
Senate Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Personnel, Initiatives to Control
Military Health Costs, CT-242, 2005
Susan D. Hosek, The CHAMPUS Reform Initiative: Implications for Military Health Care
Reform, Congressional Testimony, RAND, CT-107, 1993
House Armed Service Committee, Subcommittee on Military Personnel, Implications of the
CHAMPUS Reform Initiative Evaluation Findings for Expansion to New Areas, 1992
Professional Awards and Activities
RAND President’s Choice Award, 2011
RAND Gold Medal Award, 2008
RAND President’s Award, 1997
Member, RAND Human Subjects Protection Committee, 1985-2005
Member, Pardee RAND Graduate School Committee on Curriculum and Appointments,
March 2016