Importance of mountain headwaters to Alberta

Importance of mountain headwaters to Alberta
INARCH Inaugural Workshop
October 22 - 24, 2015
John Diiwu, PhD, P.Eng, EP
Forest Management Branch
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Why are Alberta Headwaters Important
• Source of 75% of water supply to Prairie Provinces
• Some of the water also flows to the Arctic via the PeaceAthabasca Delta
• Habitat for many wildlife species (eg bighorn sheep, grizzly
bears, elk, deer, mountain caribou etc)
• Several timber species are found in the headwaters
• Habitat for several fish species (eg cutthroat trout, rainbow trout
• Rangeland management is practiced in the headwaters
• Mineral and petroleum extraction is undertaken in the
Eastern Slopes Forest Conservation
• Operated under joint federal and provincial legislation from 1948
to 1973
• Provided a watershed management policy and planning
framework for the Rocky Mountains Forest Reserve
• This was the first version of the Eastern Slopes Policy
• Headwaters region was recognized as critical for the Prairie
• Public recreation was also considered as a priority
• Provided guidelines for the management of renewable and nonrenewable resources to optimize water quality and quantity.
Eastern Slopes Management
• In 1975 a Provincial policy for Integrated Resource Management
in the Eastern Slopes was announced
• In 1977 the government approved the original policy and
published it as “A Policy for Resource Management of the
Eastern Slopes”
• This ensured that all public lands and resources in the eastern
slopes are protected and managed under integrated resource
• The natural resources managed included: water, wildlife,
fisheries, recreation, timber, rangeland, agriculture, tourism,
mineral resources and cultural resources
Eastern Slopes Policy (Revised 1984)
• The 1977 policy was revised in 1984 to include protection of the
unique characteristics of the eastern slopes
• Also recognized existing development and provided for future
site-specific development
• It still recognized watershed management as the highest priority
• Required natural resources to be developed, managed and
protected in a manner consistent with the principles of
conservation and environmental protection
Eastern Slopes Policy (Revised 1984)
• Provided for 8 land use zones
• Protection: Prime protection, critical wildlife zones
• Resource Management: Special Use, General Recreation,
Multiple Use, Agriculture
• Development: Industrial, Facility
• Government also approved 10 integrated resource plans for the
• They represent Government of Alberta’s resource management
policy for public lands and resources
Land-Use Framework
• Alberta’s Land-Use Framework was released on December 3,
2008 following promulgation of Alberta Land Stewardship Act
• Goal: Provide strong provincial leadership and clear direction
for sound land-use planning and resource management in
• Alberta Land Stewardship Act is the legislation under which
regional planning is carried out
• Cabinet ensures integration of provincial land-use related
policies and legislation (eg Water for Life Strategy, Public Lands
Act, Forest Act etc), and
• Ensures regional plans are implemented to achieve provincial
Land-Use Framework
• Provides for 7 land use planning regions following the major
drainage basins:
South Saskatchewan
Red Deer
North Saskatchewan
Upper Athabasca
Lower Athabasca
Upper Peace
Lower Peace
• Regional Plans are being developed for each of the 7 land-use
• The mountain headwaters are within South Saskatchewan, North
Saskatchewan, and Upper Athabasca Regions
Land-Use Framework
• Establishes three desired outcomes:
– A healthy economy supported by our land and natural resources
– Healthy ecosystems and environment
– People-friendly communities with ample recreational and cultural
• Achieving the Land-Use Framework objectives requires tradeoffs and decision-making based the 7 land-use regions.
Land-Use Secretariat
• Created under the Alberta Land Stewardship Act
• Supports development of terms of reference for regional plans
• Leads development of regional plans, in conjunction with
departments whose mandate includes resource management
• Ensures application of cumulative effects assessment
• Regional Advisory Councils provide advice to Government for
regional planning.
Regional Plans
• Two regional plans completed: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan,
South Saskatchewan Regional Plan
• The North Saskatchewan Regional Plan is in the process of
being developed
• There are four plans remaining to be developed
• The headwaters of the North Saskatchewan and Athabasca
River Basins are in the Northern Eastern Slopes: the Banff
National Park and two Provincial Parks – Kakwa Wildland and
Wilmore Wildland Parks
• The headwaters of the South Saskatchewan River Basin are in
the Southern Eastern Slopes
Northern Eastern Slopes
Southern Eastern Slopes
South Saskatchewan Regional Plan
• Developed in 3 phases of public and stakeholder consultation
• Phase 1: Five key areas of focus
Priorities for SSRP
Economic growth in the SSRP
Balance between public benefits and private property rights
Identification of landscapes to be conserved
High value tourism and recreation lands
• Phase 2: Feedback on SSRP Regional Advisory Council advice
to Government
• Phase 3: Feedback on draft plan
• Approved on July 23, 2014 and became effective on September
1, 2014
South Saskatchewan Regional Plan
• Establishes a long-term vision for SSR
• Aligns provincial policies at regional level to balance economic,
environmental and social goals
• Includes responsible energy development, sustainable farming
and ranching, forest management, and nature-based recreation
• Creates four new and expanded conservation areas:
– 54,588ha Castle Wildland Provincial Park
– 34,356ha Pekisko Heritage Rangeland
• Ensures watershed management and headwaters protection in
the Eastern Slopes
• Establishes environmental management frameworks for air and
surface water quality, including strict environmental limits
Public Lands Management Legislation
Lands Act
Forests Act
Provincial Parks Legislation
Other Tools
Integrated land management plans
Access management plans
Forest management plans
Water for Life Strategy
• Historically, watershed protection has been the management
priority of the Eastern Slopes
• Source water protection helps to ensure reliable, quality water
resources for society, ecosystems and the economy
• Environmental threats such as climate change result in
droughts, floods, forest insects and diseases and wildfire
• Natural resources are to be developed, managed and protected
in a manner consistent with the principles of conservation and
environmental protection
• Data and tools are needed to inform management decisionmaking
• Research and innovation are important to support regional
planning and other resource management policies and
Academic Partnerships