WEBQUEST SUMMARY Title: The Scoop on Soil Strand: Standard & Benchmarks: School Gardens Garden Standard 2: Preparing: Understand the components that are needed in preparing to plant a garden. Benchmark: G.2.1- describes the roles that soil organisms play in the cycle of energy and nutrients in a food web. Outcome: Time Recommended: Materials needed: Vocabulary: Hawaiian vocabulary and pronunciations: Options: HI SC Standard and Benchmark: SC 4.5.2: Describe the roles or organisms in the same environment (i.e. decomposers, producers and consumers). *Visit the teacher’s page for more Science WebQuests on this topic! I can statement: I can describe the roles that soil organisms play in the cycle of energy and nutrients in a food web. Create a collection of soil organisms organized into a food web. Two 45-minute periods: one for WQ steps and another for product. Index cards, a large sheet of paper, pens, crayons, tape Producer Decomposer Consumer Food Chain Food Web • • • • Product Differentiation: • Ho'ohua Ho'omelu Ho‘ohemu Ku'ina mea'ai Punaewele mea`ai The product can be done in pairs Complete the organism collection as homework and then complete the reflection, feedback and peer sharing. For ideas to extend learning about soil organisms, visit the resources step of the WebQuest to see how to make a real organism collection and how to extract light fraction organic matter from a soil sample. Student may choose to provide a visual of their soil organism in a variety of ways: clay sculptures, paper collage, etc. This WebQuest is designed for multiple learning levels. Learners who are new to the idea of food chains can complete the low end of number of organisms and their relations. More advanced learners who have already explored this idea and have some experience with matter transformation (e.g. Nitrogen fixation) can be expected to complete the higher number of organisms and the optional descriptions. Extend the product: after completion, ask students to consider what would happen to the food chain/web if they removed one organism from the picture. An optional Note taking sheet is provided on the steps page to help with the organizing of information. • *This WQ also corresponds to the Project Ahupua’a: Malama i ka ‘aina: Sustainability Domain II 4-5 Benchmarks. http://www.k12.hi.us/~ahupuaa/pages/standards.htm "Malama I Ka 'Aina": Sustainability Students make decisions needed to sustain life on Earth now and for future generations by considering the limited resources and fragile environmental conditions Sustain Food Supply • Explore how agricultural technology affect humans and environment.