Title Hakamoa: Wrestling in the Circle Grade Topic Standard, Benchmarks & I can statement 7 Measurement Hawaii Standard(s) addressed: Standard 5: Measurement: FLUENCY WITH MEASUREMENT: Understand attributes, units, and systems of units in measurement; and develop and use techniques, tools, and formulas for measuring Benchmark: MA.7.4.3 Use know measurement (e.g., radius) to calculate desired measurements (e.g., circumference and area) of circles Common Core State Standard: 7.G.4: Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationships between circumference and area of a circle. I can (Benchmark restated): I can use the radius or diameter to calculate the circumference and area of a circle. Write a letter to a friend explaining Hakamoa Outcome Time 2 class periods: 1 class period to explore WebQuest, 1 class period to Recommended: complete product Materials Materials- paper, calculator to calculate formulas needed: if you decide to play Hakamoa you will need rope, chalk, or other option to create the circle Skills – Students need to know how to evaluate expressions with powers prior to beginning the WebQuest Printing – 1 page if students type and turn in a hard copy of letter Vocabulary: Circle po'ai Hawaiian Radius kahahanai vocabulary: Diameter anawaena Area `ili Circumference anapuni Options: • Have students send their letters to another classroom. • Have students play Hakamoa. After deciding on the diameter of the circle they want to play in, the class could determine the circumference and area of the circle. • Students can submit the letter electronically. • Homework – the product could be completed as homework • Homework – the reflection questions could be completed as homework