ONVERGENCE ec2 making a revolution“ the annenberg incubator project at usc CCESS YN THESIS ” JBkaFBIQEAgGCAgIFA4OFAwKBggIGA4GLB4eHBAKCggIMigkCgoIEggGFAoIGhIQFgoILiQeCAoICAgGIBYQIBIQLCIcCwgFMCYiMC mLiIgFgwKGBIQEgwGEAwIFAwGGBAQJBoYFA4MEAwLDgIADAYADAYCIhYSGg4KGg4MDggEIhQSJBgUJhoWHBAMFAoGJh4aBQQIJBgY goKEAYACgQALiQgGAsGCgQCHBIMGA4ILSQkDgABDgICJBoUEggAJBYUIhgSLCMiNSkmEREOGBAOIBoYIhgWKhwcMBAQEgwLIhYWKi AgHirhIODggAHhAOEggCEAoIFhEOEgYBCgoMFw4OHhQOFAwMFhEQLCAeKh4YEgoIKh4aEgoBMBAWFgoGDAkIHhcWIBYUEhEQCggLKB KBwWKiAaFQkEHBYUKBwaEgwIHhQSLCIeNCckHhISEgoEEAoGEAYEDAAAGBAKFBIOKiAeEAoEIBYSHBYSIhgUIhYUHhQQIBQSKh4cF g4KMyYiDgkHJBoWFg4MKB4YJhwYKRkWGhAOEAgEGg4ODAUIEgoGDgQ The concept for this brochure AGhAKDgQJhgWKiAcI UGhAMJhoYIBgSFBAMCgIAHBIQHBAQEggEKB0cFAwIAgAAMiQgCAkLHBIOEAgAFg4IEAgCEAIBGhIMCgICKB4aGA4KJBwYDAIAGAwz eIhoWEAYCEQoLFgwIIBgUGhQQHhIQAAAAGBIOJh4YGA4MDgYADAQAHBAOHhYQHhYSMiMeEAoBGw0IDAQCGBAMBgAADgYCHBQOBAAz gwELBwYFgwMCgAAFg0FMCEcJhwWAgACHBQQEAgKDAICFAoLGhIOHA4LDggCDAACCgACCAAADQ0LJhkUAAACEAQBLh8ZBgACJRcSCA D4MWSikssRlgSIUILj5VaVFIwaBAILCdTYhmEpaXLlzBjwux38iXNmv1a5tzpEkRKlQpanoxItKjRo0iTKl3KtKlTggsWuBHEAIHV yAA9MaGzB1WMLWZVGgjCJsmZNoTN9uqSZE0ROLDRlzoRLl6dOuD7zmkWb96nfv4ADCx5M2GCpSVETu1khSNCLihqhLfn4MaRIknmx uGDJsufauTB/3q0b8y1Pu was inspired by 5/HjjWpF8RmEApcChMu7bt27iPloozaVIcPohLSZUqyGrFipK5cg0ZUoEC2INiD9 cGa3c6z9htfn4rs3XJ1apL/roYH/sjlCW506tfz37ppF1x4MeZP4nPAgfChS+genyJ/6z6UNTfSSM6RVBJn1mUnF3fYcYdaTcG31c ARc6CENI033SARuBDBeVe8cMUVblzR3ogklpjbH7ugmEkXmfwR33yl4LcAYlMhQNFjWHE0GUjLtaBASLAV6BwWQSk42pGgXcdgdz4 deOBqm5GX4YYZgXjFIlguUoobJnbp5ZdG/fGHHmSS+ceKmczH22EzKnaVYxlxtNFHPCrgo514OmfSd54Z6WeSdMXkU1tOijdeR1NuG MGHYYC4iBtalqIll2BWaumlf2iiSQCalJmJHpm8Qd8kh+XnBkWOOZajRnJ25ZWP/srZGZZqaqH0560KuoBFGGVFeaGFGnYU7BWLvhA AAwztkWcqyy0566bPQspepJpnqgUqneuyCZhcw9uZAYiug+oJjWvkn55weIUrnumIF9dxPteJq5JKaCeWTC9JZiGgEjRZrrLGQTgK lpE2u4gg0SasMGGcBnDttXpgm60e9O3SG6k07lecYxj5Z5Gc57YARUcjd/QVgXe2ppe89eqqHUzjjberT0IqkGgYi1YQgc5dhNHBI Ir1F+t4uBVjM7MELJ630Upxeu4nDqEBsZhwuWgxffYlpLMgVCHCN1dfmbjSyjhuVbXJzd7Ygm2squzQer3BrFnO9dF+nq668uhas/ 28+vChxEYG4aWvZVi8Xuk7qI44gQjvfTjkDMUQNMOa4LKN1JPrPjVvJG6wJb7nbqxRR2Cbe7pcXJkQgTJiQSgokuMl1cYIPCKd8v1 l63THfPTzTvtwdKp4RU6V/AC0IgrXvTmym+OcZaLRC799P/sMnnUltsgBCpCaFominr80YXiv3k+3EToW8V1Y1d9bRHYOS5hAkeU2 xWnyvpW4oHLc/Lek+91ua0nvrYrlIxtZ the avant-garde movement. zyUOCpSXmKQ5FKSpAEaz3hwkqTlKSih71Nrgw6zVNeyD HhTQ3vzYshz60xrYg+hyHVlhYhlXCxb2sIKE7XIPM+9yHgXOpK175MprYW1K6A/gW8ncxcQzeZyU1uMXMB3Gh3hTh97QrHehTQiJa JaiKlLRelgMgJiIVoRl7QJLHAzjszxYuUuE8BIifNj3MkE+3tiHWcsiTnGu8MJxGWcJcOKa10xww/lFYHUf0ZF/9sUVn/SPD5pBpCi CIFQWEQkxgwEfHABzH5bzYAhjSEUSngt4uSlGEP2jxgVm0XhECMMFSFoCTDRSjKrtERlT0AhWXuAT3YCkEEVouYmXaHH3iUAo+9DI z4GoCIthGGI4la29sDNoazMg8JiV1emoBYP8WNmWAAVDFnCRNN747 It revolutionized design in the 1920s and 1930s woxQizr/sU7ZwIyzxRKNAaynCMpkpW/EBznx8KZxisq+YU3FoY0K0nxiqCit+NJc0M9qRJdQOkrtSIhb4AEkQeKNeREyi7CApSSVK xhCKcgwiCIgwmtgfTMVAD0wClPWk8TRVjn5HYxQVJKsJ580KdSbZOiTsIThGh8QEAF+g0hfMN73msRGzfHB4u9URAagyj6IjpR9DX GBOu7z4cc8lpHHoM5cH/XmSHmFyJGWBSW9y4s3lTjJks6vpjWF3mGoCM91ampThuXUpvoZT6IW4bH4XKpkA9PUCk5OE/+calSFQFW hVUZNrFG7wKHP0IgjGA3dIKHrWf0J12MY1h/kwMrXKRKnnohk4U5BLACUm6LtJeKvPJXiMZ0+KawKbK2uQX6enBwyqWhM51bifjOU jnKy2G1KZacbABt8I7NSvcQRpkrQqn5DD+fVnIvms0lmRWUxbhCOICT1ufiuFoNgXYALZehWPW5stjgyF28n6Y1FnhSkiGwNSb0J0 OlQ98MEEp5tusUpyylKS87GFtgFnMWtWwmvhGAJLR2AxXNwDZTbFRquhUUmoqs5eQqowvEYQpkGIKaKzleTuVjDNBMD4pVOHn9Kul cfRVHDUj2yLk5WNIfPJyzydCWDaW0kimJF0belwtTzJBkOBoYYL8wQl2E/M9kKWAP2n/pq/610OA1UPJ4bn5A6g4jo7ZBeayKInNX AWP5Txg+QahBibOMcX5VMJWzRi3bRVRgl2cifE06kWOhe+f5XmVNhoRvkOMdlmuDTJljwgu1V17vdi8ENhmlx+bACPhDMwpwkKmM1c naMfgOgzAQWGZi9x1XVm0bpztoGdh32QTmXxubSOZaAfMGgu1DjGMeasjq+6B018io1bjU996pMfz+Xn21tq1ozyk5gnZzpZzBKdR M8K6km+w651X and continues to impact y1KhCkvLyzMnOfDewcTvWzTvWMnOfDe3Ejnzasy74yvK+5ktXvepQFs+GeY95cPzm l0HzlOpTnz8IjuPAIUyDc8w9fbAC83guIHwAYxODC2FM86Cmct52ItfU/qx4ESFghCB4PuciDQzHwc072qIY6YCVfevE3yslS+gb5 Ct/X33Iwf+MzKXFuYyK/jxh1H768d8MKaopv+8IY76ezTvWkhm2g9qmCnupcAMYjzPG4KzXr3sAuzP+AFssAUubIEYdjB7khV83UM uZdxygYMkAAJwOdxHkd6xfcIITdo5bVjnYItKsd82tZV9QEfDrRo7/EbpXJ91MdLvAR4jMduSwB+taNIJTVJL4VvfPBlmOdB6neAt mnwcMVMAAeDU0B6QDh/9RdQT9d6rRdxNgAMsMcFfsAFzyCA+vQIvzcFQsBTB3hma/cIkPAIPDB/DhgEpuCAUwB3NEZj03ZY3jMmm2N DVsR8K6ciHlha0heCzFM+JthLzIJaywQNfNAC7gZJ99ZbMmh0oXYAj0VK/nt2WJhzaxFHcFQ3fzzIdqTnhW8HDDh2CZ4XcWCXhEzY 7whFAYRo3AA11oY5pycRBnAwfHBVvYhVawhV74hYNGfCBHd57Va4cVMUDlSSm3VRSUIti2C6ClLW2kJnygbR/YRvLxfEOGTJ8mP5P RZe8AiGHwDqlWfgdAVH9AYmh4ObR0a1P1ALomibFYjkI4e communications today.Va4cweVMUDlSSm3Vpg4VZ1DFvU/Ws biAA cwbdB7HnB35gB88AiqFIPY3QCL9XS7n3YlPFg1r4j64Yi2D4gKRJXY8enjzr2YWj4WXq3jsWSyU3lXBKByJnGQJlYTHx7NnWVcDBU DvQsrfU/WAJVFBIOKiAeEAoEIbiAAat8HiJNUiJwEZ7qIcbRmVZoVXuIY/oTmaI5gaHC5ZkY8aANcQAzwSAzzKI/0WI+kwKjmI8Kj INTERFACE making a revolution VISION CONVERGENCE Founded in , EC has redefined the concept of business incubators. Today we nurture more than new technologies and content; we nurture new relationships, knowledge and opportunities for sharing information. Our name is inspired by the Egg Company, the initial venture of Lucas Films, whose founders, George Lucas and Marcia Lucas, attended the USC School of Cinema-Television. EC is the axis between Hollywood and the Silicon Valley, between industry and education; we are the point where the university meets the commercial world. Our actual location is equally well-situated at USC— the academic leader in communications throughout its -year history—in the heart of Los Angeles, long the center of storytelling, now a major force in emerging media. SYNTHESIS PAGE=1 ACCESS We are in the midst of a revolution in communications that will continue to be a defining force in our economy far into the twenty-first century. Its new technologies and media forms are already changing society beyond prediction. Will this bring us closer together in the years to come—or pull us apart? At the center of this changing landscape is Egg Company (EC), The Annenberg Incubator Project, at USC. As the flagship of The Annenberg Center for Communication, EC is a business incubator for startup companies in new media, a focal point for technology transfer, a virtual and physical meeting ground and a resource center. The Annenberg Center for Communication was created in through a million grant from Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg. Its mission: to advance research and applications for the design and development of innovative modes of communication. Through EC and other cross-disciplinary work, the Center focuses on the global implications of new technologies and ways in which they effect community. develop“ INTERFACE ” CONVERGENCE VISION SYNTHESIS ACCESS the new media prototypes bli annorunda, bli bättre. sois different, sois meilleur. sia differènte, sia migliore. sei anders, sei besser. Within EC’s business development activities, economic growth and information sharing are inextricably linked. Our new media incubator is unique because our USC setting combines a community of digital pioneers with the vision of an institution that plans in terms of decades and centuries. The result is a different kind of thinking that digs down to the core questions about emerging communications. This creative matrix allows for a constant exchange and flow of ideas, with built-in opportunities for interchange and serendipity. It is an environment that encourages the unexpected. technology + content. Our occupants are involved in developing quality content for interactive communications or content-enabling technology— prototypes for tomorrow’s communications. These futurists are helping to shape the online world, designing new humancomputer interfaces, educational content, search engines, business software and products for industries that are only beginning to take form. While potential for commercial success is one criterion for selection, immediate profitability is not. We care more about whether a startup company may set a trend, establish a foundation for future advances or create entrées for new communities. hot wired for success. We offer our occupants a complete infrastructure of support for up to three years to enhance the odds of entrepreneurial success. Included are some atypical ingredients, such as access to today’s leading communications scholars and scientists at USC. In return we receive a multitude of perspectives on the world of emerging media. Each occupant company enjoys fully wired office suites in Annenberg House on The Annenberg Center’s campus adjacent to USC. Included are high-bandwidth Internet access, network connectivity and workplace productivity services. Our advanced computer labs or hatcheries, established with leading industry partners, assist occupants in the creation of their products. These facilities include all major operating platforms (Mac OS, Windows and UNIX variants), industrystandard AVID nonlinear video editing, 3-D computer animation, multimedia authoring and sound recording and editing. Our technology never sleeps, evolving with the needs of our occupants. Occupants benefit from roundtables on critical business issues with our service providers: Price Waterhouse Coopers, accounting and finance; mPRm, public relations; O’Melveny & Myers, business law; and, Media Technology Ventures, capital formation. Such networking opportunities are one of EC’s most invaluable assets, and extend to visits from major high-technology developers, entertainment companies and governments from around the globe. joining the revolution. Non-occupant membership in EC is open at two levels to high-tech entrepreneurs who can benefit from having the tools, expertise and relationships to enhance their ventures. [] Network and developer members participate in EC roundtables with service providers, networking events, cyber chats and web page hot links. [] Developer members also can capitalize on our development facilities. unbound by tradition. Annenberg House is home to students of new media from the Schools of Cinema-Television and Engineering and the Annenberg School for Communication at USC. Students work as interns in the startup companies and take part in EC networking events, contributing fresh approaches to our work. PAGE=2&3 experimental testbed. Within our computer labs, EC conducts research for private companies on a limited basis, if the work contributes to the field of new media. Projects have ranged from specific market research for new products to user evaluations of technologies and research on corporate universities. EC is equipped to provide a safe environment to evaluate new equipment under stress-test conditions, before it goes to market. digital partnerships. EC forms key partnerships to enrich the cyber-world economy. We participate in the Digital Coast Roundtable organized by Mayor Richard Riordon to promote emerging media companies in Southern California. This trade council has adopted the name “Digital Coast” to exemplify the region’s creative and entrepreneurial strengths. Located in Annenberg House is another informal EC partner in economic development: the Los Angeles Regional Technology Alliance. convene“ INTERFACE ” the leapfrog to new understanding SYNTHESIS ACCESS Our links with USC give us a tremendous advantage: the power to convene important people around important issues. EC has become a meeting ground in which worlds converge, looking for new ideas and approaches in emerging media. As a knowledge broker, the university provides a neutral field from which to resolve today’s toughest communications questions. Our interconnectivity with Hollywood, Silicon Valley, industry, education and government enables EC to identify disparate markets that would benefit from being brought together and sharing information. The result is that companies, even whole industries, can leapfrog to new levels of success. Two examples of our efforts: digital asset management. CONVERGENCE VISION A by-invitation-only, no-fee conference, first held in , addressed the growing significance of digital asset management, hosted by The Annenberg Center for Communication. More than major producers and users of digital assets from academia, library sciences, museums, software development, the PAGE=4&5 arts and copyright law—many of whom had never met—were invited for a two-day examination of critical questions surrounding intellectual property. Among the topics: defining the virtual library, whether there may be multiple concepts for a digital archive and what role digital commerce will play in the design of such storage systems. EC will sponsor this essential conference yearly, as long as it is helpful in addressing this pressing need. quality online content. EC organized and co-hosted the Internet Summit on Digital Media Content for Children and Teens at the request of the White House. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce was co-host. The focus was on quality online content that already exists for children and teens, as a way of diffusing myths and fears about the Internet. Also explored were new strategies for maximizing use of the Web for education, entertainment and communication. More than people attended in Los Angeles, with many more attending a virtual version of the event via realtime video and audio website connection. Online attendees were invited to take part in live chats and a bidirectional web board that fed questions to panelists. Among the keynote speakers and panelists representing leading Web content developers in the United States were representatives of the Federal Trade Commission, the George Lucas Educational Foundation and Vice President Al Gore, who appeared live via satellite. bandwidth communities revolution spark narrative ” educate“ INTERFACE expand its services to corporations, improving the means for becoming true knowledge organizations. entrepreneurial advice. the online resource to the world digital archives. As issues intensify surrounding the need for digital archives— and more digital assets are lost because traditional archival methods prove inadequate in today’s wired world—EC is exploring possible solutions. We are engaged in research into the management of digital assets, including overall concepts for such a cultural and historical archive and the needs and objectives that may enter into its design. CONVERGENCE PAGE=6&7 Bigger bandwidth. Even bigger ideas. Bringing communities together. VISION The Corporate Knowledge Center spotlights ongoing issues of knowledge management, intellectual capital and organizational change. It strives to clarify and leverage intellectual assets for the competitive advantage of companies and individuals. Online users find links to articles, research studies, educational tools, training resources, self-assessment tests, discussion groups and more. Designed as a portal to new destinations, the site allows users to connect with powerful ideas and exchange points of view. Communication scholars working in The Corporate Knowledge Center produce independent research and benchmark studies on knowledge organizations and corporate education, available to the public. One recent example is a survey of , U.S. corporations on today’s best educational practices. As the importance of leveraging intellectual assets continues to grow, EC will The Congress for Internet Audience Measurement Standards convenes individuals and organizations interested in standardized methods for audience measurement on the Web. The work has broad implications for the pricing and practices of Internet advertising. EC’s online Internet Congress acts as a forum and a comprehensive reference point for the latest events in this field. Within this interactive site are a history of web advertising, a glossary and an up-to-date guide to who’s who in developing Internet standards and technology. SYNTHESIS hotlinks to grow on. an accountable internet. ACCESS EC’s dynamic program of online education exists to broaden the availability of the information revolution. The Knowledge Center, open to the public hours a day, began in recognition of the intrinsic value of intellectual capital and the importance of extending our resources to the world. Several components come together under this broad umbrella: The Corporate Knowledge Center, Small Business Advisor, Internet Congress and projects in digital asset management. Among The Knowledge Center’s other popular cyber features is the Small Business Advisor, a collection of columns sourced and edited by EC for the Los Angeles Business Journal. Within this resource, small business owners and managers can log onto practical, timely ideas for entrepreneurial success. The quality of our digital life, today and into the future, depends on creating intersections between technology and content and on finding new and better paths to converse. In this way, we can build communities of people interacting with one another at the highest possible levels. At EC, The Annenberg Incubator Project, we believe the understanding that results is the communication revolution’s primary benefit. Join us in the revolution that is transforming us all. SYNTHESIS ACCESS INTERFACE creating community in times of change CONVERGENCE VISION EC2, The Annenberg Incubator Project, is located on The Annenberg Center for Communication campus at USC. To apply for occupancy or membership at EC2, go to www.ec2.edu. A new vocabulary for a new time. Making sure we all speak the language. PAGE=8 R0lGODdhdAHWAfcAAHBQSJhwaFA4KFAwEDQoLKR0eHBISIxwaLiIeEQ4OMiYkLCAcLiAeFA4ILB4cJBgWIBQQMCQiFBAQFxMSFBAO JBkaFBIQEAgGCAgIFA4OFAwKBggIGA4GLB4eHBAKCggIMigkCgoIEggGFAoIGhIQFgoILiQeCAoICAgGIBYQIBIQLCIcCwgFMCYiM cmLiIgFgwKGBIQEgwGEAwIFAwGGBAQJBoYFA4MEAwLDgIADAYADAYCIhYSGg4KGg4MDggEIhQSJBgUJhoWHBAMFAoGJh4aBQQIJBg CgoKEAYACgQALiQgGAsGCgQCHBIMGA4ILSQkDgABDgICJBoUEggAJBYUIhgSLCMiNSkmEREOGBAOIBoYIhgWKhwcMBAQEgwLIhYWK AgHirhIODggAHhAOEggCEAoIFhEOEgYBCgoMFw4OHhQOFAwMFhEQLCAeKh4YEgoIKh4aEgoBMBAWFgoGDAkIHhcWIBYUEhEQCggLK wYKBwWKiAaFQkEHBYUKBwaEgwIHhQSLCIeNCckHhISEgoEEAoGEAYEDAAAGBAKFBIOKiAeEAoEIBYSHBYSIhgUIhYUHhQQIBQSKh4 g4KMyYiDgkHJBoWFg4MKB4YJGhqAOEAgEGg4ODAUIEgoGDgQ Jon Goodman, Executive Director, EC2 AGhAKDgQJhgWKiAc hoUGhAMJhoYIBgSFBAMCgIAHBIQHBAQEggEKB0cFAwIAgAAMiQgCAkLHBIOEAgAFg4IEAgCEAIBGhIMCgICKB4aGA4KJBwYDAIAGA LaeIhoWEAYCEQoLFgwIIBgUGhQQHhIQAAAAGBIOJh4YGA4MDgYADAQAHBAOHhYQHhYSMiMeEAoBGw0IDAQCGBAMBgAADgYCHBQOBAA AEgwELBwYFgwMCgAAFg0FMCEcJhwWAgACHBQQEAgKDAICFAoLGhIOHA4LDggCDAACCgACCAAADQ0LJhkUAAACEAQBLh8ZBgACJRcS zD4MWSikssRlgSIUILj5VaVFIwaBAILCdTYhmEpaXLlzBjwux38iXNmv1a5tzpEkRKlQpanoxItKjRo0iTKl3KtKlTggsWuBHEAIHV FyAA9MaGzB1WMLWZVGgjCJsmZNoTN9uqSZE0ROLDRlzoRLl6dOuD7zmkWb96nfv4ADCx5M2GCpSVETu1khSNCLihqhLfn4MaRIknm uGDJsufauTB 746 West Adams Boulevard HjjWpF8RmEApcChMu7bt27iPloozaVIcPohLSZUqyGrFipK5cg0ZUoEC2INiD9lmF zcGa3c6z9htfn4rs3XJ1apL/roYH/sjlCW506tfz37ppF1x4MeZP4nPAgfChS+genyJ/6z6UNTfSSM6RVBJn1mUnF3fYcYdaTcG31 1ARc6CENI033SARuBDBeVe8cMUVblzR3ogklpjbH7ugmEkXmfwR33yl4LcAYlMhQNFjWHE0GUjLtaBASLAV6BwWQSk42pGgXcdgdz deOBqm5GX4YYZgXjFIlguUoobJnbp5ZdG/fGHHmSS+ceKmczH22EzKnaVYxlxtNFHPCrgo514OmfSd54Z6WeSdMXkU1tOijdeR1Nu MGHYYC4iBtalqIll2BWaumlf2iiSQCalJmJHpm8Qd8kh+XnBkWOOZajRnJ25ZWP/srZGZZqaqH0560KuoBFGGVFeaGFGnYU7BWLvhA GAAwztkWcqyy0566bPQspepJpnqgUqneuyCZhcw9uZAYiuvkn Los Angeles, California 90089-7727 55weIUrnumIF9dxPt plpE2u4gg0SasMGGcBnDttXpgm60e9O3SG6k07lecYxj5Z5Gc57YARUcjd/QVgXe2ppe89eqqHUzjjberT0IqkGgYi1YQgc5dhNHB HBIr1F+t4uBVjM7MELJ630Upxeu4nDqEBsZhwuWgxffYlpLMgVCHCN1dfmbjSyjhuVbXJzd7Ygm2squzQer3BrFnO9dF+nq668uha oY28+vChxEYG4aWvZVi8Xuk7qI44gQjvfTjkDMUQNMOa4LKN1JPrPjVvJG6wJb7nbqxRR2Cbe7pcXJkQgTJiQSgokuMl1cYIPCKd8 2l63THfPTzTvtwdKp4RU6V/AC0IgrXvTmym+OcZaLRC799P/sMnnUltsgBCpCaFominr80YXiv3k+3EToW8V1Y1d9bRHYOS5hAkeU phone:(213)743-2344 yvpW4oxHLc/Lek+91ua0nvrYrlIxtZzyUOCpSXmKQ5FKSpAEaz3hwkqTlKSih71Nrgw6zVNeyD1emoBYP8 sHhTQ3vzYshz60xrYg+hyHVlhYhlXCxb2sIKE7XIPM+9yHgXOpK175MprYW1K6A/gW8ncxcQzeZyU1uMXMB3Gh3hTh97QrHehTQiJ JaiKlLRelgMgJiIVoRl7QJLHAzjszxYuUuE8BIifNj3MkE+3tiHWcsiTnGu8MJxGWcJcOKa10xww/lFYHUf0ZF/9n/SPD5pBpCi1em CIFQWEQkxgwEfHABzH5bzYAhjSEUSngt4uSlGEP2jxgVm0XhECMMFSFoCTDRSjKrtERlT0AhWXuAT3YCkEEVouYmXaHH3iUAo+9DI 4GoCIthGGI4la29sDNoazMg8JiV1 facsimile:(213)746-1226 4GoCIthGGI4la29sDNoazMg8JiV1emoBYP8WNmWAAxtVDFnFi zwoxQizr/sU7ZwIyzxRKNAaynCMpkpW/EBznx8KZxisq+YU3FoY0K0nxiqCit+NJc0M9qRJdQOkrtSIhb4AEkQeKNeREyi7CApSSV MgxhCKcgwiCIgwmtgfTMVAD0wClPWk8TRVjn5HYxQVJKsJ580KdSbZOiTsIThGh8QEAF+g0hfMN73msRGzfHB4u9URAagyj6IjpR9 EAWP5Txg+QahBibOMcX5VMJWzRi3bRVRgl2cifE06kWOhe+f5XmVNhoRvkOMdlmuDTJljwgu1V17vdi8ENhmlx+bACPhDMwpwkKmM QnaMfgOgzAQWGZi9x1XVm0bpztoGdh32QTmXxubSOZaAfMGgu1DjGMeasjq+6B018io1bjU996pMfz+Xn21tq1ozyk5gnZzpZzBKd M8K6km+w651X email:info@ec2.edu y1KhCkvLyzMnOfDewcTvWzTvWMnOfDe3Ejnzasy74yvK+5ktXvepQFs+GeY95cPzm1emoB sZl0HzlOpTnz8IjuPAIUyDc8w9fbAC83guIHwAYxODC2FM86Cmct52ItfU/qx4ESFghCB4PuciDQzHwc072qIY6YCVfevE3yslS+g zCt/X33Iwf+MzKXFuYyK/jxh1H768d8MKaopv+8IY76ezTvWkhm2g9qmCnupcAMYjzPG4KzXr3sAuzP+AFssAUubIEYdjB7khV83UM ztuZdxygYMkAAJwOdxHkd6xfcIITdo5bVjnYItKsd82tZV9QEfDrRo7/EbpXJ91MdLvAR4jMduSwB+taNIJTVJL4VvfPBlmOdB6neA ZmnwcMVMAAeDU0B6QDh/9RdQT9d6rRdxNgAMsMcFfsAFzyCA+vQIvzcFQsBTB3hma/cIkPAIPDB/DhgEpuCAUwB3NEZj03ZY3jMmm XDVsR8K6ciHlha0heCzFM+JthLzIJaywQNfNAC7gZJ99ZbMmh0oXYAj0VK/nt2WJhzaxFHcFQ3fzzIdqTnhW8HDDh2CZ4XcWCXhEz RZe8AiGHwDqlWfgdAVH9AYmhx4ObR0a1P1ALomibFYjkI4e http://www.ec2.edu a4cweVMUDlSSm3Vpg4VZ1DFvU/Ws biAAml tcwbdB7HnB35gB88AiqFIPY3QCL9XS7n3YlPFg1r4j64Yi2D4gKRJXY8enjzr2YWj4WXq3jsWSyU3lXBKByJnGQJlYTHx7NnWVcDB CDvQsrfU/WAJVFBIOKiAeEAoEIbiAAat8HiJNUiJwEZ7qIcbRmVZoVXuIY/oTmaI5gaHC5ZkY8aANcQAzwSAzzKI/0WI+kwKjmI8K KjmI8LaWa5Rnzpb6HtbaAXz55RO2YBBwAVTMIaXiEbIh0Yhdi2HxZW5iHeZknd5Z23DiJHMUzWgFFppYpHwAWbypTGr9ZETFmp4yG rQJL7Vl3Tzgn9CkFn/xFkB9QCmII5B4I+TSAxSmJixSJVXF0tKyAU2EHs7+YmBAADPYJl+IJSR0wgpwANB8GFNY2bhNXVeeAeP51X LRTny1KqmCqmCCIeNCckHhISEgoEEAoGEAYEDAAAGBAKFBIOKiAeEAoEIBYSHBYSIhgUIhYUHhQQIBQSKh4cFg4KMyYiDgkHJBoWF MKB4YJhwYKRkWGhAOEAgEGg4ODAUIEgoGDgQAGhAKDgQCJhgWKiAcIhoUGhAMJhoYIBgSFBAMCgIAHBIQHBAQEggEKB0cFAwIAgAAM \QgCAkLHBIOEAgAFg4IEAgCEAIBGhIMCgICKB4aGA4KJBwYDAIAGAwLIhoWEAYCEQoLFgwIIBgUGhQQHhIQAAAAGBIOJh4YGA4MDg West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles, California - telephone: () - facsimile: () - email: info@ec.edu http://www.ec.edu design: warren group, venice usa copywriting: candace pearson illustration: linda warren and tracy ducharme