Local unitary transformation, long-range quantum entanglement, wave function renormalization, and topological order The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Chen, Xie, Zheng-Cheng Gu, and Xiao-Gang Wen. "Local unitary transformation, long-range quantum entanglement, wave function renormalization, and topological order." Phys. Rev. B 82, 155138 (2010) [28 pages] © 2010 The American Physical Society. As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.155138 Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 06:22:58 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/62207 Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 Local unitary transformation, long-range quantum entanglement, wave function renormalization, and topological order Xie Chen,1 Zheng-Cheng Gu,2 and Xiao-Gang Wen1 1 Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 2 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA 共Received 28 July 2010; revised manuscript received 21 September 2010; published 26 October 2010兲 Two gapped quantum ground states in the same phase are connected by an adiabatic evolution which gives rise to a local unitary transformation that maps between the states. On the other hand, gapped ground states remain within the same phase under local unitary transformations. Therefore, local unitary transformations define an equivalence relation and the equivalence classes are the universality classes that define the different phases for gapped quantum systems. Since local unitary transformations can remove local entanglement, the above equivalence/universality classes correspond to pattern of long-range entanglement, which is the essence of topological order. The local unitary transformation also allows us to define a wave function renormalization scheme, under which a wave function can flow to a simpler one within the same equivalence/universality class. Using such a setup, we find conditions on the possible fixed-point wave functions where the local unitary transformations have finite dimensions. The solutions of the conditions allow us to classify this type of topological orders, which generalize the string-net classification of topological orders. We also describe an algorithm of wave function renormalization induced by local unitary transformations. The algorithm allows us to calculate the flow of tensor-product wave functions which are not at the fixed points. This will allow us to calculate topological orders as well as symmetry-breaking orders in a generic tensor-product state. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.155138 PACS number共s兲: 64.70.Tg, 71.27.⫹a I. INTRODUCTION According to the principle of emergence, the rich properties and the many different forms of materials originate from the different ways in which the atoms are ordered in the materials. Landau symmetry-breaking 共SB兲 theory provides a general understanding of those different orders and resulting rich states of matter.1,2 It points out that different orders really correspond to different symmetries in the organizations of the constituent atoms. As a material changes from one order to another order 共i.e., as the material undergoes a phase transition兲, what happens is that the symmetry of the organization of the atoms changes. For a long time, we believed that Landau symmetrybreaking theory describes all possible orders in materials and all possible 共continuous兲 phase transitions. However, in last 20 years, it has become more and more clear that Landau symmetry-breaking theory does not describe all possible orders. After the discovery of high-Tc superconductors in 1986,3 some theorists believed that quantum spin liquids play a key role in understanding high-Tc superconductors4 and started to introduce various spin liquids.5–9 Despite the success of Landau symmetry-breaking theory in describing all kinds of states, the theory cannot explain and does not even allow the existence of spin liquids. This leads many theorists to doubt the very existence of spin liquids. In 1987, in an attempt to explain high-temperature superconductivity, an infrared stable spin liquid—chiral spin state was discovered,10,11 which was shown to be perturbatively stable and exist as quantum phase of matter 共at least in a large N limit兲. At first, not believing Landau symmetry-breaking theory fails to describe spin liquids, people still wanted to use symmetry breaking to describe the chiral spin state. They identified the chiral spin state as a state that breaks the time1098-0121/2010/82共15兲/155138共28兲 reversal and parity symmetries but not the spin rotation symmetry.11 However, it was quickly realized that there are many different chiral spin states that have exactly the same symmetry, so symmetry alone is not enough to characterize different chiral spin states. This means that the chiral spin states contain a new kind of order that is beyond symmetry description.12 This new kind of order was named13 topological order.14 The key to identify 共and define兲 new orders is to identify new universal properties that are beyond the local order parameters and long-range correlations used in the Landau symmetry-breaking theory. Indeed, new quantum numbers, such as ground-state degeneracy,12 the non-Abelian Berry’s phase of degenerate ground states,13 and edge excitations,15 were introduced to characterize 共and define兲 the different topological orders in chiral spin states. Recently, it was shown that topological orders can also be characterized by topological entanglement entropy.16,17 More importantly, those quantities were shown to be universal 共i.e., robust against any local perturbation of the Hamiltonian兲 for chiral spin states.13 The existence of those universal properties establishes the existence of topological order in chiral spin states. Near the end of 1980s, the existence of chiral spin states as a theoretical possibility, as well as their many amazing properties, such as fractional statistics,10,11 spin-charge separation,10,11 and chiral gapless edge excitations,15 were established reliably, at least in the large N limit introduced in Ref. 18. Even non-Abelian chiral spin states can be established reliably in the large N limit.19 However, it took about 10 years to establish the existence of a chiral spin state reliably without using large N limit 共based on an exactly soluble model on honeycomb lattice兲.20 Soon after the introduction of chiral spin states, experiments indicated that high-temperature superconductors do 155138-1 ©2010 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN not break the time-reversal and parity symmetries. So chiral spin states do not describe high-temperature superconductors. Thus the theory of topological order became a theory with no experimental realization. However, the similarity between chiral spin states and fractional quantum Hall 共FQH兲 states allows one to use the theory of topological order to describe different FQH states.21 Just like chiral spin states, different FQH states all have the same symmetry and are beyond the Landau symmetry-breaking description. Also like chiral spin states, FQH states have ground-state degeneracies22 that depend on the topology of the space.13,21 Those ground-state degeneracies are shown to be robust against any perturbations. Thus, the different orders in different quantum Hall states can be described by topological orders, and the topological order does have experimental realizations. The topology-dependent ground-state degeneracy, that signal the presence of topological order, is an amazing phenomenon. In FQH states, the correlation of any local operators are short ranged. This seems to imply that FQH states are “short sighted” and they cannot know the topology of space which is a global and long-distance property. However, the fact that ground-state degeneracy does depend on the topology of space implies that FQH states are not short sighted and they do find a way to know the global and longdistance structure of space. So, despite the short-range correlations of any local operators, the FQH states must contain certain hidden long-range correlation. But what is this hidden long-range correlation? This will be one of the main topic of this paper. Since high-Tc superconductors do not break the timereversal and parity symmetries, nor any other lattice symmetries, some people concentrated on finding spin liquids that respect all those symmetries and hoping one of those symmetric spin liquids hold the key to understand high-Tc superconductors. Between 1987 and 1992, many symmetric spin liquids were introduced and studied.5–9,23–26 The excitations in some of constructed spin liquids have a finite energy gap while in others there is no energy gap. Those symmetric spin liquids do not break any symmetry and, by definition, are beyond Landau symmetry-breaking description. By construction, topological order only describes the organization of particles or spins in a gapped quantum state. So the theory of topological order only applies to gapped spin liquids. Indeed, we find that the gapped spin liquids do contain nontrivial topological orders25 共as signified by their topology-dependent and robust ground-state degeneracies兲 and are described by topological quantum field theory 共such as Z2 gauge theory兲 at low energies. One of the simplest topologically ordered spin liquids is the Z2 spin liquid which was first introduced in 1991.24,25 The existence of Z2 spin liquid as a theoretical possibility, as well as its many amazing properties, such as spin-charge separation,24,25 fractional mutual statistics,25 and topologically protected ground-state degeneracy,25 were established reliably 共at least in the large N limit introduced in Ref. 18兲. Later, Kitaev introduced the famous toric code model which establishes the existence of the Z2 spin liquid reliably without using large N limit.27 The topologically protected degeneracy of the Z2 spin liquid was used to perform fault-tolerant quantum computation. The study of high-Tc superconductors also leads to many gapless spin liquids. The stability and the existence of those gapless spin liquid were in more doubts than their gapped counterparts. But careful analysis in certain large N limit do suggest that stable gapless spin liquids can exist.18,28,29 If we do believe in the existence of gapless spin liquids, then the next question is how to describe the orders 共i.e., the organizations of spins兲 in those gapless spin liquids. If gapped quantum state can contain new type of orders that are beyond Landau’s symmetry-breaking description, it is natural to expect that gapless quantum states can also contain new type of orders. But how to show the existence of new orders in gapless states? Just like topological order, the key to identify new orders is to identify new universal properties that are beyond Landau symmetry description. Clearly we can no longer use the ground-state degeneracy to establish the existence of new orders in gapless states. To show the existence of new orders in gapless states, a new universal quantity—projective symmetry group 共PSG兲—was introduced.30 It was argued that 共some兲 PSGs are robust against any local perturbations of the Hamiltonian that do not change the symmetry of the Hamiltonian.28–31 So through PSG, we establish the existence of new orders even in gapless states. The new orders are called quantum order to indicate that the new orders are related to patterns of quantum entanglement in the manybody ground state.32 II. SHORT-RANGE AND LONG-RANGE QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENTS What is missed in Landau theory so that it fails to describe those new orders? What is the new feature in the organization of particles/spins so that the resulting order cannot be described by symmetry? To answer those questions, let us consider a simple quantum system which can be described with Landau theory—the transverse field Ising model in two dimensions: H = −B兺Xi − J兺ZiZj, where Xi, Y i, and Zi are the Pauli matrices on site i. In B Ⰷ J limit, the ground state of the system is an equal-weight superposition of all possible spin-up and spin-down states: 兩⌽+典 = 兺兵i其兩兵i其典, where 兵i其 label a particular spin-up 共Zi = 1兲 and spin-down 共Zi = −1兲 configurations. In the J Ⰷ B limit, the system has two degenerate ground states 兩⌽↑典 = 兩↑ ↑ ¯ ↑典 and 兩⌽↓典 = 兩↓ ↓ ¯ ↓典. The transverse field Ising model has a Z → −Z symmetry. The ground state 兩⌽+典 respect such a symmetry while the ground state 兩⌽↑典 共or 兩⌽↓典兲 break the symmetry. Thus the small J ground state 兩⌽+典 and the small B ground state 兩⌽↑典 describe different phases since they have different symmetries. We note that 兩⌽↑典 is the exact ground state of the transverse field Ising model with B = 0. The state has no quantum entanglement since 兩⌽↑典 is a direct product of local states: 兩⌽↑典 = 丢 i兩 ↑ 典i where 兩 ↑ 典i is an up-spin state at site i. The state 兩⌽+典 is the exact ground state of the transverse field Ising model with J = 0. It is also a state with no quantum entanglement: 兩⌽+典 = 丢 i共兩 ↑ 典i + 兩 ↓ 典i兲 ⬀ 丢 i兩+典i, where 兩+典i ⬅ 兩 ↑ 典i + 兩 ↓ 典i is a state with spin in x direction at site i. 155138-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… We see that the states 共or phases兲 described by Landau symmetry-breaking theory has no quantum entanglement at least in the J = 0 or B = 0 limits. In the J / B Ⰶ 1 and B / J Ⰶ 1 limits, the two ground states of the two limits still represent two phases with different symmetries. However, in this case, the ground states are not unentangled. On the other hand since the ground states in the J = 0 or B = 0 limits have finite energy gaps and short-range correlations, a small J or a small B can only modify the states locally. Thus we expect the ground states have only short-range entanglement. The above example, if generalized to other symmetrybreaking states, suggests the following conjecture: if a gapped quantum ground state is described by Landau symmetry-breaking theory, then it has short-range quantum entanglement.33 The direct-product states and short-range-entangled 共SRE兲 states only represent a small subset of all possible quantum many-body states. Thus, according to the point of view of the above conjecture, we see that what is missed by Landau symmetry-breaking theory is long-range quantum entanglement. It is this long-range quantum entanglement that makes a state to have nontrivial topological/quantum order. However, mathematically speaking, the above conjecture is a null statement since the meaning of short-range quantum entanglement is not defined. In the following, we will try to find a more precise description 共or definition兲 of short-range and long-range quantum entanglements. We will start with a careful discussion of quantum phases and quantum phase transitions. III. QUANTUM PHASES AND LOCAL UNITARY EVOLUTIONS To give a precise definition of quantum phases, let us consider a local quantum system whose Hamiltonian has a smooth dependence on a parameter g: H共g兲. The groundstate average of a local operator O of the system, 具O典共g兲, naturally also depend on g. If the function 具O典共g兲, in the limit of infinite system size, has a singularity at gc for some local operators O, then the system described by H共g兲 has a quantum phase transition at gc. After defining phase transition, we can define when two quantum ground states belong to the same phase: let 兩⌽共0兲典 be the ground state of H共0兲 and 兩⌽共1兲典 be the ground state of H共1兲. If we can find a smooth path H共g兲, 0 ⱕ g ⱕ 1 that connect the two Hamiltonian H共0兲 and H共1兲 such that there is no phase transition along the path, then the two quantum ground states 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 belong to the same phase. We note that “connected by a smooth path” define an equivalence relation between quantum states. A quantum phase is an equivalence class of such equivalence relation. Such an equivalence class is called an universality class. If 兩⌽共0兲典 is the ground state of H共0兲 and in the limit of infinite system size all excitations above 兩⌽共0兲典 have a gap, then for small enough g, we believe that the systems described by H共g兲 are also gapped.34 In this case, we can show that, the ground state of H共g兲, 兩⌽共g兲典, is in the same phase as 兩⌽共0兲典, for small enough g, i.e., the average 具O典共g兲 is a E E ∆ ∆ ε (a) s E (b) s (d) s E (c) s FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Energy spectrum of a gapped system as a function of a parameter s in the Hamiltonian. 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 For gapped system, a quantum phase transition can happen only when energy gap closes. 共a兲 describes a first-order quantum phase transition 共caused by level crossing兲. 共b兲 describes a continuous quantum phase transition which has a continuum of gapless excitations at the transition point. 共c兲 and 共d兲 cannot happen for generic states. A gapped system may have ground-state degeneracy, where the energy splitting between the ground states vanishes when system size L → ⬁: limL→⬁ ⑀ = 0. The energy gap ⌬ between ground and excited states on the other hand remains finite as L → ⬁. smooth function of g near g = 0 for any local operator O.35 After scaling g to 1, we find that: if the energy gap for H共g兲 is finite for all g in the segment 关0,1兴, then there is no phase transition along the path g. In other words, for gapped system, a quantum phase transition can happen only when energy gap closes35 共see Fig. 1兲.36 Here, we would like to assume that the reverse is also true: a closing of the energy gap for a gapped state always induces a phase transition. Or more precisely if two gapped states 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are in the same phase, then we can always find a family of Hamiltonian H共g兲 , such that the energy gap for H共g兲 are finite for all g in the segment [0,1], and 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are ground states of H共0兲 and H共1兲 , respectively. The above two statements imply that two gapped quantum states are in the same phase 兩⌽共0兲典 ⬃ 兩⌽共1兲典 if and only if they can be connected by an adiabatic evolution that does not close the energy gap. Given two states, 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典, determining the existence of such a gapped adiabatic connection can be hard. We would like to have a more operationally practical equivalence relation between states in the same phase. Here we would like to show that two gapped states 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are in the same phase, if and only if they are related by a local unitary 共LU兲 evolution. We define a LU evolution as a unitary operation generated by time evolution of a local Hamiltonian for a finite time. That is, 兩⌽共1兲典 ⬃ 兩⌽共0兲典 iff 兩⌽共1兲典 = T关e−i兰0dgH共g兲兴兩⌽共0兲典, 共1兲 1 ˜ where T is the path-ordering operator and H̃共g兲 = 兺iOi共g兲 is a sum of local Hermitian operators. Note that H̃共g兲 is in general different from the adiabatic path H共g兲 that connects the two states. 155138-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN First, assume that two states 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are in the same phase, therefore we can find a gapped adiabatic path H共g兲 between the states. The existence of a gap prevents the system to be excited to higher energy levels and leads to a local unitary evolution, the quasiadiabatic continuation as defined in Ref. 35, that maps from one state to the other. That is, 兩⌽共1兲典 = U兩⌽共0兲典, U = T关e−i兰0dgH共g兲兴 . 1 ˜ 共2兲 The exact form of H̃共g兲 is given in Refs. 34 and 35 and will be discussed in more detail in the Appendix. On the other hand, the reverse is also true: if two gapped states 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are related by a local unitary evolution, then they are in the same phase. Since 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are related by a local unitary evolution, we have 1 ˜ 兩⌽共1兲典 = T关e−i兰0dgH共g兲兴兩⌽共0兲典. Let us introduce 兩⌽共s兲典 = U共s兲兩⌽共0兲典, U共s兲 = T关e−i兰0dgH共g兲兴 . s ˜ 共3兲 Assume 兩⌽共0兲典 is a ground state of H共0兲, then 兩⌽共s兲典 is a ground state of H共s兲 = U共s兲HU†共s兲. If H共s兲 remains local and gapped for all s 苸 关0 , 1兴, then we have found an adiabatic connection between 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典. First, let us show that H共s兲 is a local Hamiltonian. Since H is a local Hamiltonian, it has a form H = 兺iOi, where Oi only acts on a cluster whose size is . is called the range of interaction of H. We see that H共s兲 has a form H共s兲 = 兺iOi共s兲, where Oi共s兲 = U共s兲OiU†共s兲. To show that Oi共s兲 only acts on a cluster of a finite size, we note that for a local system described by H̃共g兲, the propagation velocities of its excitations have a maximum value vmax. Since Oi共s兲 can be viewed as the time evolution of Oi by H̃共t兲 from t = 0 to t = s, we find that Oi共s兲 only acts on a cluster of size +˜ + svmax,35,37 where ˜ is the range of interaction of H̃. Thus H共s兲 are indeed local Hamiltonian. If H has a finite energy gap, then H共s兲 also have a finite energy gap for any s. As s goes for 0 to 1, the ground state of the local Hamiltonians, H共s兲, goes from 兩⌽共0兲典 to 兩⌽共1兲典. Thus the two states 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 belong to the same phase. This completes our argument that states related by a local unitary evolution belong to the same phase. The finiteness of the evolution time is very important in the above discussion. Here “finite” means the evolution time does not grow with system size and in the thermodynamic limit, phases remain separate under such evolutions, as proven in Ref. 38. On the other hand, if the system size under consideration is finite, there is a critical time limit above which phase separation could be destroyed. The time limit depends on the propagation speed of interactions in the Hamiltonian. This is the case in Ref. 39, where topological order as measured by topological entropy and fidelity was found to decay under certain local Hamiltonian evolution 共a quantum quench兲. However this result does not contradict our statement. As the calculation is done for a particular system size, the critical time limit could be below or above the time period they studied. If the calculation could be done for larger and larger system sizes for a fixed amount of time, we expect that topological order should emerge as stable against local quenches. Thus through the above discussion, we show that two gapped ground states,40 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 , belong to the same phase if and only if they are related by a local unitary evolution [Eq. (1)]. A more detailed and more rigorous discussion of this equivalence relation is given in the Appendix, where exact bounds on locality and transformation error is given. The relation 关Eq. 共1兲兴 defines an equivalence relation between 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典. The equivalence classes of such an equivalence relation represent different quantum phases. So the above result implies that the equivalence classes of the LU evolutions are the universality classes of quantum phases for gapped states. IV. TOPOLOGICAL ORDER IS A PATTERN OF LONG-RANGE ENTANGLEMENT Using the LU evolution, we can obtain a more precise description 共or definition兲 of short-range entanglement: a state has only short-range entanglement if and only if it can be transformed into an unentangled state (i.e., a directproduct state) through a local unitary evolution. If a state cannot be transformed into an unentangled state through a LU evolution, then the state has long-range entanglement 共LRE兲. We also see that all states with shortrange entanglement can transform into each other through local unitary evolutions. Thus all states with short-range entanglement belong to the same phase. The local unitary evolutions we consider here do not have any symmetry. If we require certain symmetry of the local unitary evolutions, states with short-range entanglement may belong to different symmetry breaking phases, which will be discussed in Sec. VI. Since a direct-product state is a state with trivial topological order, we see that a state with a short-range entanglement also has a trivial topological order. This leads us to conclude that a nontrivial topological order is related to long-range entanglement. Since two gapped states related by a LU evolution belong to the same phase, thus two gapped states related by a local unitary evolution have the same topological order. In other words, topological order describes the equivalent classes defined by local unitary evolutions. Or more pictorially, topological order is a pattern of longrange entanglement. In Ref. 38, it was shown that the “topologically nontrivial” ground states, such as the toric code,27 cannot be changed into a “topologically trivial” state such as a product state by any unitary locality-preserving operator. In other words, those topologically nontrivial ground states have long-range entanglement. V. LU EVOLUTIONS AND QUANTUM CIRCUITS The LU evolutions introduced here quantum circuits with finite depth. To cuits, let us introduce piecewise local piecewise local unitary operator has 155138-4 is closely related to define quantum cirunitary operators. A a form U pwl = 兿iUi, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… g2 g2 SRE 1 2 ... l Ui (b) LRE 1 (a) FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 共a兲 A graphic representation of a quantum circuit, which is formed by 共b兲 unitary operations on patches of finite size l. The dark shading represents a causal structure. where 兵Ui其 is a set of unitary operators that act on nonoverlapping regions. The size of each region is less than some finite number l. The unitary operator U pwl defined in this way is called a piecewise local unitary operator with range l. A quantum circuit with depth M is given by the product of M piecewise local unitary operators 共see Fig. 2兲: 共2兲 共M兲 M = U共1兲 Ucirc pwlU pwl ¯ U pwl . In quantum information theory, it is known that finite time unitary evolution with local Hamiltonian 共LU evolution defined before兲 can be simulated with constant depth quantum circuit and vice versa. Therefore, the equivalence relation 关Eq. 共1兲兴 can be equivalently stated in terms of constant depth quantum circuits, 兩⌽共1兲典 ⬃ 兩⌽共0兲典 M iff 兩⌽共1兲典 = Ucirc 兩⌽共0兲典, 共4兲 where M is a constant independent of system size. Because of their equivalence, we will use the term “local unitary transformation” to refer to both local unitary evolution and constant depth quantum circuit in general. The LU transformation defined through LU evolution 关Eq. 共1兲兴 is more general. It can be easily generalized to study topological orders and quantum phases with symmetries 共see Sec. VI兲.30,41 The quantum circuit has a more clear and simple causal structure. However, the quantum circuit approach breaks the translation symmetry. So it is more suitable for studying quantum phases that do not have translation symmetry. In fact, people have been using quantum circuits to classify many-body quantum states which correspond to quantum phases of matter. In Ref. 42, the local unitary transformations described by quantum circuits was used to define a renormalization-group 共RG兲 transformations for states and establish an equivalence relation in which states are equivalent if they are connected by a local unitary transformation. Such an approach was used to classify one-dimensional matrix product states. In Ref. 43, the local unitary transformations with disentanglers was used to perform a renormalization-group transformations for states, which give rise to the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz 共MERA兲 in one and higher dimensions. The disentanglers and the isometries in MERA can be used to study quantum phases and quantum phase transitions in one and higher dimensions. For a class of exactly solvable Hamiltonians which come from the stabilizer codes in quantum computation, topological order has also been classified using local unitary circuits.44 Later in this paper, we will use the quantum circuit description of LU transformations to classify two-dimensional 共2D兲 topological orders through classifying the fixed-point LU transformations. SB−SRE 1 SB−SRE 2 SY−SRE 1 SY−SRE 2 SY−LRE 1 SY−LRE 2 SY−LRE 3 LRE 2 SB−LRE 1 SB−LRE 2 SB−LRE 3 g1 (a) (b) g1 FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 共a兲 The possible phases for a Hamiltonian H共g1 , g2兲 without any symmetry. 共b兲 The possible phases for a Hamiltonian Hsymm共g1 , g2兲 with some symmetries. The shaded regions in 共a兲 and 共b兲 represent the phases with short-range entanglement 共i.e., those ground states can be transformed into a direct product state via a generic LU transformations that do not have any symmetry兲. VI. SYMMETRY-BREAKING ORDERS AND SYMMETRY PROTECTED TOPOLOGICAL ORDERS In the above discussions, we have defined phases without any symmetry consideration. The H̃共g兲 or U pwl in the LU transformation does not need to have any symmetry and can be sum/product of any local operators. In this case, two Hamiltonians with an adiabatic connection are in the same phase even if they may have different symmetries. Also, all states with short-range entanglement belong to the same phase 共under the LU transformations that do not have any symmetry兲. On the other hand, we can consider only Hamiltonians H with certain symmetries and define phases as the equivalent classes of symmetric local unitary transformations, 兩⌿典 ⬃ T共e−i兰0dgH共g兲兲兩⌿典 1 ˜ or M 兩⌿典 ⬃ Ucirc 兩⌿典, M has the same symmetries as H. We note where H̃共g兲 or Ucirc that the symmetric local unitary transformation in the form 1 ˜ T共e−i兰0dgH共g兲兲 always connect to the identity transformation continuously. This may not be the case for the transformation M . To rule out that possibility, we define symin the form Ucirc metric local unitary transformations as those that connect to the identity transformation continuously. The equivalent classes of the symmetric LU transformations have very different structures compared to those of LU transformations without symmetry. Each equivalent class of the symmetric LU transformations is smaller and there are more kinds of classes, in general. Figure 3 compares the structure of phases for a system without any symmetry and a system with some symmetry in more detail. For a system without any symmetry, all the SRE states 共i.e., those ground states can be transformed into a direct product state via a generic LU transformations that do not have any symmetry兲 are in the same phase 关SRE in Fig. 3共a兲兴. On the other hand, LRE can have many different patterns that give rise to different topological phases 关LRE 1 and LRE 2 in Fig. 3共a兲兴. The different topological orders usually give rise to quasiparticles with different fractional statistics and fractional charges. For a system with some symmetries, the phase structure can be much more complicated. The short-range-entangled states no longer belong to the same phase since the equiva- 155138-5 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN lence relation is described by more special symmetric LU transformations: 共A兲 states with short-range entanglement belong to different equivalent classes of the symmetric LU transformations if they have different broken symmetries. They correspond to the SB short-range-entanglement phases SB-SRE 1 and SB-SRE 2 in Fig. 3共b兲. They are Landau’s symmetry-breaking states. 共B兲 States with short-range entanglement can belong to different equivalent classes of the symmetric LU transformations even if they do not break any symmetry of the system. 共In this case, they have the same symmetry.兲 They correspond to the symmetric 共SY兲 short-range-entangled phases SY-SRE 1 and SY-SRE 2 in Fig. 3共b兲. We say those states have symmetry protected topological orders. Haldane phase45 and Sz = 0 phase of spin-1 chain are examples of states with the same symmetry which belong to two different equivalent classes of symmetric LU transformations 共with parity symmetry兲.41,46 Band and topological insulators47–52 are other examples of states that have the same symmetry and at the same time belong to two different equivalent classes of symmetric LU transformations 共with time reversal symmetry兲. Also, for a system with some symmetries, the long-range-entangled states are divided into more classes 共more phases兲. 共C兲 Symmetry-breaking and long-range entanglements can appear together in a state, such as SB-LRE 1, SB-LRE 2, etc., in Fig. 3共b兲. The topological superconducting states are examples of such phases.53,54 共D兲 Long-range-entangled states that do not break any symmetry can also belong to different phases such as the symmetric long-range-entanglement phases SY-LRE 1, SYLRE 2, etc., in Fig. 3共b兲. The many different Z2 symmetric spin liquids with spin rotation, translation, and time-reversal symmetries are examples of those phases.30,55,56 Some timereversal symmetric topological orders were also called topological Mott insulators or fractionalized topological insulators.57–62 VII. LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION AND WAVE FUNCTION RENORMALIZATION After defining topological order as the equivalent classes of many-body wave functions under LU transformations, we like to ask: how to describe 共or label兲 the different equivalent classes 共i.e., the different topological orders or patterns of long-range entanglement兲? One simple way to do so is to use the full wave function which completely describe the different topological orders. But the full wave functions contain a lot of nonuniversal short-range entanglement. As a result, such a labeling scheme is a very inefficient many-to-one labeling scheme of topological orders. To find a more efficient or even one-toone labeling scheme, we need to remove the nonuniversal short-range entanglement. As the first application of the notion of LU transformation, we would like to describe a wave function renormalization-group flow introduced in Refs. 43 and 63. The wave function renormalization can remove the shortrange entanglement and simplify the wave function. In Ref. FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 A finite depth quantum circuit can transform a state 兩⌽典 into a direct-product state, if and only if the state 兩⌽典 has no long-range quantum entanglement. Here, a dot represents a site with physical degrees of freedom. A vertical line carries an index that label the different physical states on a site. The presence of horizontal lines between dots represents quantum entanglement. 63, the wave function renormalization for string-net states is generated by the following two basic moves: k i Φ =δ Φ ij i l j 共5兲 Φ i j m l k = n ∗ jim Flk ∗ n∗ Φ i l j n k 共6兲 共Note that the definition of the F-tensor in Ref. 63 is slightly different from the definition in this paper.兲 The two basic moves can generate a generic wave function renormalization which can reduce the string-net wave functions to very simple forms.17,63 Later in Ref. 43, the wave function renormalization for generic states was discussed in a more general setting, and was called MERA. The two basic string-net moves 关Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲兴 correspond to the isometry and the disentangler in MERA, respectively. In the MERA approach, the isometries and the disentanglers are applied in a layered fashion while in the string-net approach, the two basic moves can be applied arbitrarily. In this section, we will follow the MERA setup to describe the wave function renormalization. Later in this paper, we will follow the string-net setup to study the fixed-point wave functions. Note that we can use a LU transformation U to transform some degrees of freedom in a state into direct product 共see Figs. 4 and 5兲. We then remove those degrees of freedom in the form of direct product. Such a procedure does not change the topological order. The reverse process of adding degrees of freedom in the form of direct product also does not change the topological order. We call the local transformation in Fig. 5 that changes the degrees of freedom a generalized local FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 A piecewise local unitary transformation can transform some degrees of freedom in a state ⌽ into a direct product. Removing/adding the degrees of freedom in the form of direct product defines an additional equivalence relation that defines the topological order 共or classes of long-range entanglement兲. 155138-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… VIII. WAVE FUNCTION RENORMALIZATION AND A CLASSIFICATION OF TOPOLOGICAL ORDER U region A (a) U P U region A (b) FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 共a兲 A gLU transformation U acts in region A of a state 兩⌽典, which reduces the degree of freedom in region A to those contained only in the support space of 兩⌽典 in region A. 共b兲 U†U = P is a projector that does not change the state 兩⌽典. unitary 共gLU兲 transformation. It is clear that a generalized local unitary transformation inside a region A does not change the reduced density matrix A for the region A. This is the reason why we say that 共generalized兲 local unitary transformations cannot change long-range entanglement and topological order. Similarly, the addition or removal of decoupled degrees of freedom to or from the Hamiltonian, H ↔ H 丢 Hdp, will not change the phase of the Hamiltonian 共i.e., the ground states of H and H 丢 Hdp are in the same phase兲, if those degrees of freedom form a direct product state 共i.e., the ground state of Hdp is a direct product state兲. Let us define the gLU transformation U more carefully and in a more general setting. Consider a state 兩⌽典. Let A be the reduced density matrix of 兩⌽典 in region A. A may act in a subspace of the total Hilbert space VA in region A, which is called the support space VAsp of region A. The dimension DAsp of VAsp is called support dimension of region A. Now the Hilbert space VA in region A can be written as VA = VAsp sp 丣 V̄A . Let 兩˜ i典, i = 1 , . . . , DAsp be a basis of this support space VAsp, 兩˜i典, i = DAsp + 1 , . . . , DA be a basis of V̄Asp, where DA is the dimension of VA, and 兩i典, i = 1 , . . . , DA be a basis of VA. We can introduce a LU transformation U full which rotates the basis 兩i典 to 兩˜i典. We note that in the new basis, the wave function only has nonzero amplitudes on the first DAsp basis vectors. Thus, in the new basis 兩˜i典, we can reduce the range of the label i from 关1 , DA兴 to 关1 , DAsp兴 without losing any information. This motivates us to introduce the gLU transformation as a rotation from 兩i典, i = 1 , . . . , DA to 兩˜i典, i = 1 , . . . , DAsp. The rectangular matrix U is given by Uij = 具˜i 兩 j典. We also regard the inverse of U , U†, as a gLU transformation. A LU transformation is viewed as a special case of gLU transformation where the degrees of freedom are not changed. Clearly U†U = P and UU† = P⬘ are two projectors. The action of P does not change the state 兩⌽典 关see Fig. 6共b兲兴. We note that despite the reduction in the degrees of freedom, a gLU transformation defines an equivalent relation. Two states related by a gLU transformation belong to the same phase. The renormalization flow induced by the gLU transformations always flows within the same phase. As an application of the wave function renormalization, in this section, we will study the structure of fixed-point wave functions under the wave function renormalization, which will lead to a classification of topological order 共without any symmetry兲. We note that as wave functions flow to a fixed point, the gLU transformations in each step of the renormalization also flow to a fixed point. So instead of studying fixed-point wave functions, here, we will study the fixed-point gLU transformations. For this purpose, we need to fix the renormalization scheme. In the following, we will discuss a renormalization scheme motivated by the string-net wave function.63 After we specify a proper wave function renormalization scheme, then the fixed-point wave function is simply the wave function whose “form” does not change under the wave function renormalization. Since those fixed-point gLU transformations do not change the fixed-point wave function, their actions on the fixed-point wave function do not depend on the order of the actions. This allows us to obtain many conditions that gLU transformations must satisfy. From those conditions, we can determine the forms of allowed fixed-point gLU transformations. This leads to a general description and a classification of topological orders and their corresponding fixed-point wave functions. The renormalization scheme that we will discuss was first used in Ref. 63 to characterize the scale invariant string-net wave function. It is also used in Ref. 17 to simplify the string-net state in a region, which allows us to calculate the entanglement entropy of the string-net state exactly. A similar approach was used in Ref. 64 to show quantum-double/ string-net wave function to be a fixed-point wave function and its connection to 2D MERA.43 In the following, we will generalize those discussions by not starting with string-net wave functions. We just try to construct local unitary transformations at a fixed point. We will see that the fixed-point conditions on the gLU transformations lead to a mathematical structure that is similar to the tensor category theory—the mathematical framework behind the string-net states. A. Quantum states on a graph Since the wave function renormalization may change the lattice structure, we will consider quantum states defined on a generic trivalence graph G: each edge has N + 1 states, labeled by i = 0 , . . . , N 共see Fig. 7兲. We assume that the index i on the edge admits an one-to-one mapping ⴱ: i → iⴱ that satisfies 共iⴱ兲ⴱ = i. As a result, the edges of the graph are oriented. The mapping i → iⴱ corresponds to the reverse of the orientation of the edge 共see Fig. 8兲. Each vertex also has physical states, labeled by ␣ = 1 , . . . , Nv 共see Fig. 7兲. Each labeled graph 共see Fig. 7兲 corresponds to a state and all the labeled graphs form an orthonormal basis. Our fixedpoint state is a superposition of those basis states: 155138-7 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN m γ i=0,...,N m l β k j α= 1,...,N v γ l β k i j λ α= 1,...,Νijk λ n n FIG. 7. A quantum state on a graph G. There are N + 1 states on each edge which are labeled by l = 0 , . . . , N. There are Nv states on each vertex which are labeled by ␣ = 1 , . . . , Nv. FIG. 9. A quantum state on a graph G. If the three edges of a vertex are in the states i, j, and k, respectively, then the vertex has Nijk states, labeled by ␣ = 1 , . . . , Nijk. Note the orientation of the edges are point toward to vertex. Also note that i → j → k runs anticlockwise. |Φfix = all conf. Φfix . i Here we will make an important assumption about the fixed-point wave function. We will assume that the fixedpoint wave function is “topological:” two labeled graphs have the same amplitude if the two labeled graphs can be deformed into each other continuously on the plane without the vertices crossing the links. For example, ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ψfix ⎝1 0 1⎠ 2 1 0 1 = ψfix ⎝2 2 1 0 1 0⎠ 0 α m j k β . l The fixed-point wave function i Φ fix j α m k β l 共only the relevant part of the graph is drawn兲 can be viewed as a function of ␣ ,  , m: i j k ψijkl,Γ (α, β, m) = Φfix Due to such an assumption, the topological orders studied in this paper may not be most general. We also assume that all the fixed-point states on each different graphs to have the same form. This assumption is motivated by the fact that during wave function renormalization, we transform a state on one graph to a state on a different graph. The “fixed point” means that the wave functions on those different graphs are all determined by the same collection of the rules, which defines the meaning of having the same form. However, the wave function for a given graph can have different total phases if the wave function is calculated by applying the rules in different orders. Those rules are noting but the fixed-point gLU transformations. B. Structure of entanglement in a fixed-point wave function i i* FIG. 8. The mapping i → iⴱ corresponds to the reverse of the orientation of the edge. m β l if we fix i , j , k , l and the indices on other part of the graph. 共Here the indices on other part of the graph is summarized by ⌫.兲 As we vary the indices ⌫ on other part of graph 共still keeping i, j, k, and l fixed兲, the wave function of ␣ ,  , m, ijkl,⌫共␣ ,  , m兲, may change. All those ijkl,⌫共␣ ,  , m兲 form a linear space of dimension Dijklⴱ. Dijkl is an important concept that will appear later. We note that the two vertices ␣ and  and the link m form a region surrounded by the links i , j , k , l. So we will call the dimension-Dijklⴱ space the support space Vijklⴱ and Dijklⴱ the support dimension for the state ⌽fix on the region surrounded by the fixed boundary state i , j , k , l. Similarly, we can define Dijk as the support dimension of the Φ fix Before describing the wave function renormalization, let us examine the structure of entanglement of a fixed-point wave function. First, let us consider a fixed-point wave function ⌽fix on a graph. We examine the wave function on a patch of the graph, for example, α j i α k on a region bounded by links i , j , k. Since the region contains only a single vertex ␣ with Nv physics states, we have Dijk ⱕ Nv. We can use a local unitary transformation on the vertex to reduce the range of ␣ to 1 , . . . , Nijk, where Nijk = Dijk. In the rest of this paper, we will implement such a reduction. So, the number of physical states on a vertex depend on the physical states of the edges that connect to the vertex. If the three edges of a vertex are in the states i, j, and k, respectively, then the vertex has Nijk states, labeled by ␣ = 1 , . . . , Nijk 共see Fig. 9兲. Here we assume that 155138-8 Nijk = N jki . 共7兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… We note that in the fixed-point wave function i j k α Φfix m β Again, such a wave function can be viewed as a function of , ␦ , n: i j k , l N the number of choices of ␣ ,  , m is Nijklⴱ = 兺m=0 N jimⴱNkmlⴱ. Thus the support dimension Dijklⴱ satisfies Dijklⴱ ⱕ Nijklⴱ. Here we will make an important assumption—the saturation assumption: the fixed-point wave function saturate the inequality, if we fix i , j , k , l and the indices on other part of the graph. The support dimension of the state i j k χ δ n l Φfix N 兺 N jim Nkml . Dijklⴱ = Nijklⴱ ⬅ ⴱ 共8兲 ⴱ m=0 We will see that the entanglement structure described by such a saturation assumption is invariant under the wave function renormalization. C. First type of wave function renormalization Our wave function renormalization scheme contains two types of renormalization. The first type of renormalization does not change the degrees of freedom and corresponds to a local unitary transformation. It corresponds to locally deform the graph i α m j α Φfix and m i Φfix β l j χk δ n l β are related via a local unitary transformation. Thus Dijklⴱ = D̃ijklⴱ, which implies l N j χk δ n . l χ δ n l N 兺 N jim Nkml = n=0 兺 Nkjn Nl ni . ⴱ ⴱ ⴱ 共9兲 ⴱ m=0 共The parts that are not drawn are the same.兲 The fixed-point wave function on the new graph is given by i j k Φ fix on the region surrounded by i , j , k , l is D̃ijklⴱ. Again N D̃ijklⴱ ⱕ Ñijklⴱ, where Ñijklⴱ ⬅ 兺n=0 NkjnⴱNlⴱni is number of choices of , ␦ , n. The saturation assumption implies that Ñijklⴱ = D̃ijklⴱ. The two fixed-point wave functions i j k k to i χ δ n l ψ̃ijkl,Γ (χ, δ, n) = Φfix We express such an unitary transformation as N Nkjnⴱ Nnilⴱ ijm,␣˜ Fkln, 兺 兺 ␦ ijkl,⌫共, ␦,n兲 n=0 =1 ␦=1 ijkl,⌫共␣, ,m兲 ⯝ 兺 . 共10兲 or graphically as ⎛ Φfix ⎝ i α m j k β l ⎞ ⎠ kjn∗ Nnil∗ N N =0 =1 where ⯝ means equal up to a constant phase factor. 共Note that the total phase of the wave function is unphysical.兲 We will call such a wave function renormalization step a F-move. We would like to remark that Eq. 共11兲 relates two wave functions on two graphs G1 and G2 which only differ by a ijm,␣ local reconnection. We can choose the phase of Fkln, ␦ to make ⯝ into =: ⎛ ijm,αβ Fkln,χδ Φfix ⎝ i δ=1 ⎛ Φfix ⎝ i α m j k β l ⎞ ⎠= ⎞ j χk δ n ⎠. l 共11兲 kjn∗ Nnil∗ N N n=0 χ=1 δ=1 ⎛ ijm,αβ Fkln,χδ Φfix ⎝ i ⎞ j χk δ n ⎠. l But such choice of phase only works for a particular pair of ijm,␣ graphs G1 and G2. To use Fkln, ␦ to relate all pair of states that only differ by a local reconnection, in general, we may have a phase ambiguity, with the value of phase depend on 155138-9 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN the pair of graphs. So Eq. 共11兲 can only be a relation up to a total phase factor. For fixed i, j, k, and l, the matrix Fijkl with matrix elements ijm,␣ ij m,␣ 共Fkl兲n,␦ = Fkln, ␦ is a Nijklⴱ dimensional matrix 关see Eq. 共9兲兴. The mapping ˜ijkl,⌫共 , ␦ , n兲 → ijkl,⌫共␣ ,  , m兲 generated by the matrix Fijkl is unitary. Since, as we change ⌫, ˜ ijkl,⌫共 , ␦ , n兲 and ijkl,⌫共␣ ,  , m兲 span two Nijklⴱ-dimensional spaces. Thus Fijkl is a Nijklⴱ ⫻ Nijklⴱ unitary matrix ijm⬘,␣⬘⬘ ijm,␣ ⴱ Fkln, 共Fkln,␦ 兲 = ␦m␣,m⬘␣⬘⬘ , 兺 ␦ n,,␦ 共12兲 ⎛ Φfix ⎝ i ⎞ j χk δ n ⎠ l α m j k k β to β m l l i α ⎝ Fljkn,χδ ∗ i∗ m∗ ,βα Φfix m=0 α,β jkn,␦ ijm,␣ ⴱ 共Fkln, ␦ 兲 ⯝ Flⴱiⴱmⴱ,␣ . i α m j k ⎞ β ⎠ l 共16兲 共17兲 Since the total phase of the wave function is unphysical, the ijm,␣ total phase of Fkln, ␦ can be chosen arbitrarily. We can ijm,␣ choose the total phase of Fkln, ␦ to make jkn,␦ ijm,␣ ⴱ 共Fkln, ␦ 兲 = Flⴱiⴱmⴱ,␣ . 共18兲 If we apply Eq. 共18兲 twice, we reproduce Eq. 共14兲. Thus Eq. 共14兲 is not independent and can be dropped. From the graphic representation 关Eq. 共11兲兴, We note that , j ijm,␣ Fkln, ␦ = 0 and i We see that ⎛ k Φfix ⎝ β m j χk δ n l k to l δ χn j i . when N jimⴱ ⬍ 1 l i α j ⎞ ⎠ N ⎛ ∗ ∗ ,βα Fijkl∗ nm∗ ,δχ Φfix ⎝ n=0 χ,δ k l δ χn j i klⴱmⴱ,␣ ijm,␣ Fkln, ␦ ⯝ Fijⴱnⴱ,␦ ⎠. 共13兲 共14兲 共where we have used the condition Nijkl = Dijkl.兲 Using the relation 关Eq. 共12兲兴, we can rewrite Eq. 共11兲 as ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ i j χk i j k N α ijm,αβ ∗ Φfix ⎝ δ n ⎠ (Fkln,χδ ) Φfix ⎝ m β ⎠ . l l m=0 α,β or Nkmlⴱ ⬍ 1 共15兲 Φfix j χ δ n l Nnilⴱ ⬍ 1. When N jimⴱ ⬍ 1 or Nkmlⴱ ⬍ 1, the left-hand side of Eq. 共11兲 is ijm,␣ always zero. Thus Fkln, ␦ = 0 when N jimⴱ ⬍ 1 or Nkmlⴱ ⬍ 1. When Nkjnⴱ ⬍ 1 or Nnilⴱ ⬍ 1, wave function on the right-hand side of Eq. 共11兲 is always zero. So we can choose ijm,␣ Fkln, ␦ = 0 when Nkjnⴱ ⬍ 1 or Nnilⴱ ⬍ 1. The F-move 关Eq. 共11兲兴 maps the wave functions on two different graphs through a local unitary transformation. Since we can locally transform one graph to another graph through different paths, the F-move 关Eq. 共11兲兴 must satisfy certain self-consistent condition. For example, the graph i α m j β n k l χ p can be transformed to j k γ i or 共19兲 i We can also express Nkjnⴱ ⬍ 1 or ⎞ Equations 共11兲 and 共13兲 relate the same pair of graphs, and thus as ⎛ using the relabeled Eq. 共11兲. So we have where ␦m␣,m⬘␣⬘⬘ = 1 when m = m⬘, ␣ = ␣⬘,  = ⬘, and ␦m␣,m⬘␣⬘⬘ = 0 otherwise. We can deform i N k φ s δ q l p through two different paths; one contains two steps of local transformations and the other contains three steps of local transformations as described by Eq. 共11兲. The two paths lead to the following relations between the wave functions: 155138-10 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… ⎛ ⎜ Φfix ⎜ ⎝ i α m j k β l χ n ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ mkn,βχ ⎜ ⎟ Flpq,δ Φfix ⎜ ⎠ ⎝ ⎜ Φfix ⎜ ⎝ i α m j k β n j α k m ε q,δ, p ⎛ i l χ ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ ijm,αβ ⎜ ⎟ Fknt,ηϕ Φfix ⎜ ⎠ ⎝ t,η,ϕ t,η,κ;ϕ;s,κ,γ;q,δ,φ i j k η ϕt n χ p ⎛ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ p ⎞ p δ q l l q,δ,;s,φ,γ ⎜ mkn,βχ ijm,α Flpq,δ Fqps,φγ Φfix ⎜ ⎝ ⎞ i α m j β n k t,η,ϕ;s,κ,γ ⎜ ijm,αβ itn,ϕχ Fknt,ηϕ Flps,κγ Φfix ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎜ ijm,αβ itn,ϕχ jkt,ηκ Fknt,ηϕ Flps,κγ Flsq,δφ Φfix ⎜ ⎝ i j ⎟ ⎠ ⎛ α ⎜ ψ(α, β, χ, m, n) = Φfix ⎝ m ⎞ β n χ ⎟. ⎠ δ φ q γ s p l i j ⎞ s δ q ⎞ ⎟ ⎟, ⎠ 共20兲 k η κ t γ s p l ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟. ⎠ ⎛ 共21兲 i j ⎜ Φfix ⎝ p k δ φ γ q s p l ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ Nkjtⴱ Ntinⴱ Nltsⴱ 兺t 兺=1 兺=1 兺=1 As we vary indices on other part of graph, we obtain different wave functions 共␣ ,  , , m , n兲 which form a dimension Dijklpⴱ space. In other words, Dijklpⴱ is the support dimension of the state ⌽fix on the region ␣ ,  , , m , n with boundary state i , j , k , l , p fixed 共see the discussion in Sec. VIII B兲. Since the number of choices of ␣ ,  , , m , n is Nijklpⴱ = 兺m,nN jimⴱNkmnⴱNlnpⴱ, we have Dijklpⴱ ⱕ Nijklpⴱ. Here we require a similar saturation condition as in Eq. 共8兲, Nijklpⴱ = Dijklpⴱ . φ l on the region bounded by i , j , k , l , p. So the two relations 关Eqs. 共20兲 and 共21兲兴 can be viewed as two relations between a pair of vectors in the two Dijklpⴱ-dimensional vector spaces. As we vary indices on other part of graph 共still keeping i , j , k , l , p fixed兲, each vector in the pair can span the full Dijklpⴱ-dimensional vector space. So the validity of the two relations 关Eqs. 共20兲 and 共21兲兴 implies that p as a function of ␣ ,  , , m , n: k l χ γ ⎛ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ k j p The consistence of the above two relations leads a condition on the F tensor. To obtain such a condition, let us fix i , j , k , l , p, and view ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ Φfix ⎝ i 共22兲 Nqmpⴱ ijm,␣ itn, jkt, Fknt, Flps,␥Flsq,␦ =e iF 兺 ⑀=1 mkn, ijm,␣⑀ Flpq, ␦⑀ Fqps,␥ , 共23兲 which is a generalization of the famous pentagon identity 共due to the extra constant phase factor eiF兲. We will call such a relation projective pentagon identity. The projective pentagon identity is a set of nonlinear equations satisfied by the ijm,␣ rank-10 tensor Fkln, ␦ and F. The above consistency relation is equivalent to the requirement that the local unitary transformations described by Eq. 共11兲 on different paths all commute with each other up to a total phase factor. D. Second type of wave function renormalization Similarly, the number of choices of ␦ , , ␥ , q , s in ⎛ ⎞ i ⎜ Φfix ⎝ k j γ φ s δ q The second type of wave function renormalization does change the degrees of freedom and corresponds to a generalized local unitary transformation. One way to implement the second type renormalization is to reduce l ⎟ ⎠ p j is also Nijklpⴱ. Here we again assume D̃ijklpⴱ = Nijklpⴱ, where D̃ijklpⴱ is the support dimension of i α c b γ β a i to k j λ k 共the part of the graph that is not drawn is unchanged兲: 155138-11 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN k k j i i ⎛ k j i’ i ⎜ j i’ Φfix ⎝ FIG. 10. A “triangle” graph can be transformed into a “tadpole” via two steps of the first type of wave function renormalization 共i.e., two steps of local unitary transformations兲. ⎛ ⎜ Φfix ⎝ j i α c b γ β a ⎞ ⎛ Nijk ⎟ abc,αβγ ⎜ Fijk,λ Φfix ⎝ ⎠ λ=1 k λ k j This implies that ⎛ ⎟ ⎠. ⎜ Φfix ⎝ 共24兲 k j j β ⎞ ⎟ ⎜ ⎠ δii Φfix ⎝ k i’ α i ⎛ β i k i α 兺 兺 兺 k,j ␣=1 =1 ␣ Pkj, = 0, i k i’ α 共26兲 共27兲 ␣ kj,␣ ⴱ Pkj, 共Pi 兲 = 1 i 共28兲 if Nkiiⴱ ⬍ 1 or N jⴱ jkⴱ ⬍ 1. 共29兲 The condition 关Eq. 共28兲兴 ensures that the two wave functions on the two sides of Eq. 共27兲 have the same normalization. We note that the number of choices for the four indices ␣ must be equal or greater than 1, 共j , k , ␣ , 兲 in Pkj, i to Di = 兺 NiiⴱkN jkⴱ jⴱ ⱖ 1. Notice that ⎞ ⎛ β i j k i α jj ∗ k,βα ⎟ Fi∗ i∗ m∗ ,λγ Φfix ⎠ m,λ,γ i j γ m λ i ⎛ m,λ,γ,l,ν,µ ⎛ ⎜ Φfix ⎜ ⎝ l ν ⎜ ∗ k,βα i∗ mj,λγ ⎜ Fijj ∗ i∗ m∗ ,λγ Fm∗ i∗ l,νµ Φfix ⎝ ⎞ µ i l ν i m ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 共31兲 ⎞ µ i 共30兲 j,k so that we still have a trivalence graph. This requires that the support dimension Dii⬘ⴱ of the fixed-point wave function Using Eq. 共27兲 and its variation ⎟ ⎠. and j ⎜ Φfix ⎝ j k i α Nkiiⴱ N jⴱ jkⴱ via the first type of renormalization steps 共see Fig. 10兲, which are local unitary transformations. In the simplified second type renormalization, we want to reduce i 共25兲 We will call such a wave function renormalization step a ␣ satisfies P-move.64 Here Pkj, i k i’ α β ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ i i i The simplified second type renormalization can now be written as 共since Diiⴱ = 1兲 ⎛ ⎞ β j ⎟ ⎜ kj,αβ i Φfix ⎝ Φfix . ⎠ Pi can be reduced to β j k i’ α Dii⬘ⴱ = ␦ii⬘ . But we can define a simpler second type renormalization, by noting that i α c b γ β a β is given by ⎞ i j ⎞ i m ⎟ ⎟ P lm,µν Φfix i∗ ⎠ we can rewrite Eq. 共31兲 as 155138-12 i . 共32兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… ␣ eiP1 Pkj, = i ⴱ ⴱ jj k,␣ i mj,␥ lm, , Fi i m ,␥Fm i l, Pi 兺 m,,␥,l,, ⴱⴱ ⴱⴱ ⴱ ⴱ ␣ . which is a condition on Pkj, i ijm,␣ ␣ can be obtained by More conditions on Fkln,␦ and Pkj, i noticing that ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ p p η ⎜i j Φfix ⎜ ⎝ αm β k N ⎟ ⎜i ijm,αβ ⎟ ⎜ F Φ fix kln,χδ ⎠ ⎝ n=0 χ,δ l which implies that ⎛ Pijp,αη δim Φfix ⎝ i β k η k ⎟ j χ ⎟, ⎠ n δ l 共34兲 共38兲 The condition 兺iAi共Ai兲ⴱ = 1 is simply the normalization conⴱ dition of the wave function. The condition Ai = Ai come from the fact that the graph i can be deformed into the graph i ⎞ ⎠ l ⎛ ijm,αβ jp,χη Fkln,χδ Pk∗ δkn Φfix ⎝ n,χ,δ i δ l k ⎞ ⎠. 共35兲 We find on a sphere. To find the conditions that determine Ai, let us first consider the fixed-point wave function where the index on a link is i: Γ i , Φfix (i, Γ) = Φfix where ⌫ are indices on other part of graph. We note that the graph Nkjkⴱ eiP2 Pijp,␣␦im␦␦ = 兺i Ai共Ai兲ⴱ = 1. ⴱ Ai = Ai , 共33兲 ijm,␣ jp, 兺 Fklk, ␦ P k ⴱ =1 Γ for all k,i,l satisfying Nkilⴱ ⬎ 0. 共36兲 i can be deformed into the graph i Γ E. Fixed-point wave functions from the fixed-point gLU transformations on a sphere. Thus In the last section, we discussed the conditions that a ijm,␣ kj,␣ 兲 must satisfy. fixed-point gLU transformation 共Fkln, ␥ , P i After finding a fixed-point gLU transformation ijm,␣ kj,␣ 兲, in this section, we are going to discuss how 共Fkln, ␥ , P i to calculate the corresponding fixed-point wave function ⌽fix from the solved fixed-point gLU transformation ijm,␣ kj,␣ 兲. 共Fkln, ␥ , P i First we note that, using the two types of wave function renormalization introduced above, we can reduce any graph to i So, once we know , i Here A satisfy i = Ai = Ai ∗ i = Φfix i to i Γ Φfix Γ i i = Φfix Γ i Γ . : f (i, Γ)Φfix i 共39兲 Φfix we can reconstruct the full fixed-point wave function ⌽fix on any connected graph. Let us assume that Φfix Γ Using the F-moves and the P-moves, we can reduce i We see that . Φfix Φfix i = Ai = 0 共40兲 for all i. Otherwise, any wave function with i link will be zero. To find more conditions on Ai, we note that ⎛ ⎞ j λ ⎜ ⎟ mj,γλ m ⎟ Φfix ⎜ Φfix = Pimj,γλ Ai . i ⎝ γ ⎠ Pi i 共37兲 By rotating 155138-13 共41兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN i i , j , k , ␣ that satisfy Nkji ⬎ 0 and for any nonzero vector v␣, i j α β α vα Φfix j λ m γ k ⴱⴱ ␥ i by 180°, we can show that Pmj, A ⯝ Pmjⴱ i i ,␥ j A or mⴱiⴱ,␥ j ␥ i Pmj, A = eiA1 P jⴱ i 共42兲 A. We also note that ⎛ j Φfix ⎝ α ⎛ ⎞ k β⎠ i m,λ,γ ⎜ ∗ ,αβ ⎜ Fjijk ∗ im,λγ Φfix ⎝ i λ m γ j ⎞ is nonzero for some . This means that the matrix M kji is invertible, where M kji is a matrix whose elements are given by i ⎟ ⎟. ⎠ Let us define i⬘ ⌽ikj, ␣ = e ␥ i F j im,␥ Pmj, A, 兺 i m,,␥ ⴱ where ⎛ . k 共44兲 Φfix i α j β = det(Mkji ), k ⎞ j k Φfix ⎝ α Φθikj,αβ , ≡ β 共43兲 This allows us to show ijkⴱ,␣ α j (Mkji )αβ = Φfix β⎠ we find that i Φθikj,αβ = e i θA2 Φθkji,αβ , Φθikj,αβ = 0, if Nikj = 0. ⎛ det Φfix ⎝α j β⎠ k 共45兲 The condition ⌽ikj, ␣ ⯝ ⌽kji,␣ comes from the fact that the graph ⎞ i = det[Φθkji,αβ ] = 0. 共46兲 The above also implies that j α k β i 共47兲 Nkji = Niⴱ jⴱkⴱ . and the graph i α j β k can be deformed into each other on a sphere. Also, for any given i , j , k , ␣ that satisfy Nkji ⬎ 0, the wave function i Φfix α j must be nonzero for some ⌫, where ⌫ represents indices on other part of the graph. Then after some F-moves and P-moves, we can reduce α j Φfix to α j k = Φfix α j β k ijm,␣ kj,␣ leads to some equations for Fkln, , and Ai. More ␥ , P i ijm,␣ kj,␣ i equations for Fkln,␥ , Pi , and A , can be obtained by using the relations ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ n χ l ⎜ Φfix ⎝ β. α j δ l i j αm β k So, for any given i , j , k , ␣ that satisfy Nkji ⬎ 0, i Φfix β i i Γ α k Γ k i The conditions 关Eqs. 共38兲, 共42兲, 共44兲, and 共45兲兴 allow us to determine Ai 共and ⌽ikj, ␣兲. From Eq. 共45兲, we see that relation j i k ⎟ ⎜ ⎠ = Φfix ⎝ ⎛ ⎜ = Φfix ⎝ β k is nonzero for some . Since such a statement is true for any choices of basis on the vertex ␣, we find that for any given β k α m i αj χ n j i n m δl k χ from the tetrahedron rotation symmetry63,65 and 155138-14 δ β ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟ ⎠, 共48兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… ⎛ ⎜ Φfix ⎝ δ l n i j αm χ k ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ β ⎜ ijm ,αβ Fkln,γλ Φfix ⎝ l λ γλ n δ ∗ i χ k⎟ ⎠ j n ⎞ γ ⎛ ⎜ ijm∗ ,αβ ln∗ i∗ ,δλ Fkln,γλ Fnlp∗ ,σ Φfix ⎝ l γλ,pσ ε p σ χ γ n ∗ ∗ ∗ ijm ,αβ ln i ,δλ pl Fkln,γλ Fnlp∗ ,σ Pn ∗ ,σ ∗ ∗ ∗ ijm ,αβ ln i ,δλ pl Fkln,γλ Fnlp∗ ,σ Pn ∗ ,σ Φfix ⎝ ⎞ k⎟ ⎠ j ⎛ γλ,pσ = n χ j n ⎞ k⎠ γ Φθkjn∗ ,γχ . γλ,pσ It is not clear if Eqs. 共48兲 and 共49兲 will lead to new independent equations or not. In the following discussions, we will not include Eqs. 共48兲 and 共49兲. We find that, at least for simple cases, the equations without Eqs. 共48兲 and 共49兲 are enough to completely determine the solutions. To summarize, the conditions 关Eqs. 共9兲, 共12兲, 共18兲, 共23兲, 共30兲, 共33兲, 共36兲, 共38兲, 共40兲, 共42兲, and 共44兲–共47兲兴 form a set of ijm,␣ kj,␣ , nonlinear equations whose variables are Nijk, Fkln, ␥ , P i ␣ ␣ ijm, kj, Ai, and 共F , P1 , P2兲. Finding Nijk, Fkln,␥ , Pi , and Ai that satisfy such a set of nonlinear equations corresponds to finding a fixed-point gLU transformation that has a nontrivial fixed-point wave function. So the solutions ijm,␣ kj,␣ i , P , A 兲 give us a characterization of topo共Nijk , Fkln, ␥ i logical orders. This may lead to a classification of topological order from the local unitary transformation point of view. IX. SIMPLE SOLUTIONS OF THE FIXED-POINT CONDITIONS In this section, let us find some simple fixed-point conditions 关Eqs. 共9兲, 共12兲, 共18兲, 共36兲, 共38兲, 共40兲, 共42兲, and 共44兲–共47兲兴 for the ijm,␣ kj,␣ 兲 and transformations 共Nijk , Fkln, ␥ , P i i wave function A . solutions of the 共23兲, 共30兲, 共33兲, fixed-point gLU the fixed-point A. Unimportant phase factors in the solutions Formally, the solutions of the fixed-point conditions are not isolated. They are parametrized by several continuous phase factors. In this section, we will discuss the origin of those phase factors. We will see that those different phase factors do not correspond to different states of matter 共i.e., different equivalence classes of gLU transformations兲. So after removing those unimportant phase factors, the solutions of the fixed-point conditions are isolated 共at least for the simple examples studied here兲. We notice that, apart from two normalization conditions, ␣ and Ai. all of the fixed-point conditions are linear in Pkj, i ijm,␣ kj,␣ i , A 兲 is a solution, then Thus if 共Fkln,␥ , Pi ijm,␣ i1 kj,␣ i2 i , e A 兲 is also a solution. However, the 共Fkln, ␥ , e P i two phase factors ei1,2 do not lead to different fixed-point 共49兲 wave functions since they only affect the total phase of the wave function and are unphysical. Thus the total phases of i Pkj i and A can be adjusted. We can use this degree of freeⱖ 0 and A0 ⬎ 0. dom to set, say, P00,11 0 ijm,␣ Similarly the total phase of Fkln, ␥ is also unphysical and can be adjusted. We have used this degree of freedom to reduce Eq. 共17兲 to Eq. 共18兲. But this does not totally fix the ijm,␣ ijm,␣ ijm,␣ total phase of Fkln, ␥ . The transformation Fkln,␥ → −Fkln,␥ does not affect Eq. 共18兲. We can use such a transformation to ijm,␣ set the real part of a nonzero component of Fkln, ␥ to be positive. The above three phase factors are unphysical. However, the fixed-point solutions may also contain phase factors that do correspond to different fixed-point wave functions. For ˆ example, the local unitary transformation eil0M l0 does not affect the fusion rule Nijk, where M̂ l0 is the number of links with 兩l0典 state and 兩lⴱ0典 state. Such a local unitary transformaijm,␣ kj,␣ , Ai兲 and generates a continuous tion changes 共Fkln, ␥ , P i family of the fixed-point wave functions parametrized by l0. Those wave functions are related by local unitary transformations that continuously connect to identity. Thus, those fixed-point wave functions all belong to the same phase. Similarly, we can consider the following local unitary 共i0 j0k0兲 兩典 that acts on each vertex transformation 兩␣典 → 兺U␣ with states 兩i0典 , 兩j0典 , 兩k0典 on the three edges connecting to the vertex. Such a local unitary transformation also does not affect the fusion rule Nijk. The new local unitary transformaijm,␣ kj,␣ , Ai兲 and generates a continuous tion changes 共Fkln, ␥ , P i family of the fixed-point wave functions parametrized by the 共i0 j0k0兲 unitary matrix U␣ . Again, those fixed-point wave functions all belong to the same phase. In the following, we will study some simple solutions of the fixed-point conditions. We find that, for those examples, the solutions have no addition continuous parameter apart from the phase factors discussed above. This suggests that the solutions of the fixed-point conditions correspond to isolated zero-temperature phases. B. N = 1 loop state Let us first consider a system where there are only two states 兩0典 and 兩1典 on each link of the graph. We choose iⴱ 155138-15 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN = i and the simplest fusion rule that satisfies Eqs. 共9兲, 共30兲, and 共47兲 is p 1A 0 = p 2A 1, p 3A 1 = p 1A 0, 兩A0兩2 + 兩A1兩2 = 1, 共53兲 where = ⫾ 1. The above simplified equations can be solved exactly. We find two solutions parametrized by = ⫾ 1, N000 = N110 = N101 = N011 = 1, other 共50兲 Nijk = 0. f 0 = f 1 = f 2 = 1, Since Nijk ⱕ 1, there is no states on the vertices. So the indices ␣ ,  , . . . labeling the states on a vertex can be suppressed. The above fusion rule corresponds to the fusion rule for the N = 1 loop state discussed in Ref. 63. So we will call the corresponding graphic state N = 1 loop state. Due to the relation 关Eq. 共18兲兴, the different components of ijm are not independent. There are only four inthe tensor Fkln dependent potentially nonzero components which are denoted as f 0 , . . . , f 3: 000 F000 = f0 000 F111 011 = (F100 101 )∗ = (F010 110 = F001 = f1 011 F011 101 = (F101 ) ∗ = f2 110 F110 = f3 P01 0 = p 1, )∗ 共51兲 P00 1 = p 2, P01 1 = p3 . 共52兲 We can adjust the total phases of pi and Ai to make p0 ⱖ 0 and A0 ⱖ 0. We can also use the local unitary transforˆ mation eil0M l0 with l0 = 1 to make f 1 ⱖ 0 since the F’s described by f 1 in Eq. 共51兲 are the only F’s that change the number of 兩1典 links. The fixed-point conditions 关Eqs. 共9兲, 共12兲, 共18兲, 共23兲, 共30兲, 共33兲, 共36兲, 共38兲, 共40兲, 共42兲, and 共44兲–共47兲兴 form a set of nonlinear equations on the ten variables f i, pi, and Ai. Many of the nonlinear equations are dependent or even equivalent. Using a computer algebraic system, we simplify the set of nonlinear equations. The simplified equations are 共after making the phase choice described above兲 f 0 = f 1 = f 2 = 1, f3 = , p 1 = p 3 = p 0, p2 = p0 , p20 + 兩p1兩2 = 1, 冑2 , A0 = 冑2 , 1 p1 = p3 = A1 = 冑2 , 冑2 . 共54兲 We also find ijm in Eq. 共11兲 relates wave functions on two We note that Fkln graphs. In the above we have drawn the two related graphs after the F tensor, where the first graph following F corresponds to the graph on the left-hand side of Eq. 共11兲 and the second graph corresponds to the graph on the right-hand side of Eq. 共11兲. The doted line corresponds to the 兩0典 state on the link and the solid line corresponds to the 兩1典 state on the link. There are four potentially nonzero components in Pkj i , which are denoted by p0 , . . . , p3, P00 0 = p 0, 1 p0 = p2 = f3 = , 兩p2兩2 + 兩p3兩2 = 1, eiF = eiP1 = eiP2 = eiA1 = eiA2 = 1. 共55兲 The = 1 fixed-point state corresponds to the Z2 loop condensed state whose low-energy effective-field theory is the Z2 gauge theory.63,66 We call such a state, simply, the Z2 state. The = −1 fixed-point state corresponds to the doublesemion state whose low-energy effective-field theory is the U共1兲 ⫻ U共1兲 Chern-Simons gauge theory63,66 L= 1 共2a1a1⑀ − 2a2a2⑀兲. 4 共56兲 C. N = 1 string-net state To obtain another class of simple solutions, we modify the fusion rule to N000 = N110 = N101 = N011 = N111 = 1, other Nijk = 0 共57兲 while keeping everything the same. The above Nijk also satisfies Eqs. 共9兲, 共30兲, and 共47兲. The new fusion rule corresponds to the fusion rule for the N = 1 string-net state discussed in Ref. 63. So we will call the corresponding graphic state N = 1 string-net state. Again, due to the relation 关Eq. 共18兲兴, the different compoijm are not independent. Now there are nents of the tensor Fkln seven independent potentially nonzero components which are denoted as f 0 , . . . , f 6, 155138-16 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… 000 F000 = f0 000 F111 011 = (F100 101 )∗ = (F010 110 = F001 = f1 011 F011 101 = (F101 ) ∗ = f2 011 F111 101 = (F111 111 )∗ = F011 111 = (F101 ) ∗ = f3 110 F110 = f4 110 F111 111 = (F110 F 111 = f6 )∗ The fixed-point state corresponds to the N = 1 string-net condensed state63 whose low-energy effective-field theory is the doubled SO共3兲 Chern-Simons gauge theory.66 D. An N = 2 string-net state—The Z3 state The above simple examples correspond to nonorientable string-net states. Here we will give an example of orientable string-net state. We choose N = 2, 0ⴱ = 0, 1ⴱ = 2, 2ⴱ = 1, and N000 = N012 = N120 = N201 = N021 = N102 = N210 = N111 = N222 ) ∗ = f5 共58兲 The above Nijk satisfies Eqs. 共9兲, 共30兲, and 共47兲. Due to the relation 关Eq. 共18兲兴, the different components of ijm are not independent. There are eight indepenthe tensor Fkln dent potentially nonzero components which are denoted as f 0 , . . . , f 7: Note that F’s described by f 1 and f 5 are the only F’s that change the number of 兩1典 links and the number of 兩1典兩1典兩1典 vertices. So we can use the local unitary transformation ˆ ˆ ei共M 1+M 111兲 to make f 1 and f 5 to be positive real numbers. 共Here M̂ 1 is the total number of 兩1典 links and M̂ 111 is the total number of 兩1典兩1典兩1典 vertices.兲 We also use the freedom of ijm to make Re共f 0兲 ⱖ 0. adjusting the total sign of Fkln There are five potentially nonzero components in Pkj i , which are denoted by p0 , . . . , p4, P00 0 = p 0, P01 0 = p 1, P01 1 = p 3, p21 f 24 + p21 = 1, p 0 = f 4 p 1, P00 1 = p2 , A 0 = f 4A 1, p 3 = p 1, p0 = p2 = ␥ , ␥2 + 1 f 4 = − f 6 = ␥, A0 = p1 = p3 = ␥ , ␥ +1 2 A1 = 011 = (F200 120 )∗ = F002 202 = (F020 ) ∗ = f1 022 = (F100 101 )∗ = (F010 210 = F001 = f2 022 = F022 101 = (F202 202 = (F101 ) ∗ = f3 101 = (F121 112 )∗ = F021 112 = (F102 ) ∗ = f4 202 = (F212 221 )∗ = F012 221 = (F201 ) ∗ = f5 120 = (F221 210 )∗ = (F112 221 = F120 = f6 210 = (F220 ) ∗ = f7 011 F122 022 F211 112 F210 p4 = 0, f 24 + f 4 − 1 = 0. Let ␥ be the positive solution of ␥2 + ␥ = 1: ␥ = that f 5 = 冑␥. The above can be written as f 0 = f 1 = f 2 = f 3 = 1, 000 F111 共59兲 f 4 = f 25 = − f 6 ⬎ 0, 共A0兲2 + 共A1兲2 = 1, = f0 011 F011 P11 1 = p4 . p 2 = p 0, 000 F000 000 F222 We use the freedom of adjusting the total phase of Pkj i to make p0 to be a positive number. We can also use the freedom of adjusting the total phase of Ai to make A0 to be a positive number. The fixed-point conditions 关Eqs. 共12兲, 共18兲, 共23兲, 共33兲, 共36兲, 共38兲, 共40兲, 共42兲, and 共44兲–共46兲兴 form a set of nonlinear equation on the variables f i, pi, and Ai, which can be simplified. The simplified equations have the following form: f 0 = f 1 = f 2 = f 3 = 1, 共63兲 = 1. 1 , ␥2 + 1 冑5−1 2 120 F110 共60兲 . We see 1 . ␥ +1 2 P00 0 = p 0, We also find eiF = eiP1 = eiP2 = eiA1 = eiA2 = 1. P01 0 = p 1, P02 1 = p 5, 共61兲 共62兲 )∗ )∗ 共64兲 There are nine potentially nonzero components in are denoted by p0 , . . . , p8, f 5 = 冑␥ , p4 = 0, )∗ P02 0 = p 2, P00 2 = p 6, P00 1 = p 3, P01 2 = p 7, Pkj i , which P01 1 = p4 , P02 2 = p8 . 共65兲 Using the transformations discussed in Sec. IX B, we can fix the phases of f 1, f 2, f 6, and p0 to make them positive. The fixed-point conditions 关Eqs. 共12兲, 共18兲, 共23兲, 共33兲, 共36兲, 共38兲, 共40兲, 共42兲, and 共44兲–共46兲兴 form a set of nonlinear equation on the variables f i, pi, and Ai, which can be solved exactly. After fixing the phases using the transformations discussed in Sec. IX B, we find only one solution 155138-17 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN f i = 1, pi = 1 冑3 , i = 0,1, . . . ,7, i = 0,1, . . . ,8, A0 = A1 = A2 = 1 冑3 . 共66兲 We also find eiF = eiP1 = eiP2 = eiA1 = eiA2 = 1. 共67兲 The fixed-point state corresponds to the Z3 string-net condensed state63 whose low-energy effective-field theory is the U共1兲 ⫻ U共1兲 Chern-Simons gauge theory55,63 L= 1 共3a1a2⑀ + 3a2a1⑀兲, 4 共68兲 which is the Z3 gauge theory. We note that all the above simple solutions also satisfy the standard pentagon identity, although we solved the weaker projective pentagon identity. It is not clear if we can find nontrivial solutions that do not satisfy the standard pentagon identity. X. A CLASSIFICATION OF TIME-REVERSAL INVARIANT TOPOLOGICAL ORDERS There are several ways to define time-reversal operation for the graphic states. The simplest one is given by T̂:⌽共⌫兲 → ⌽ⴱ共⌫兲, 共69兲 where ⌫ represents the labels on the vertices and links which are not changed under T̂. 共This corresponds to the situation where the different states on the links and the vertices are realized by different occupations of scalar bosons.兲 For such a time reversal transformation, T̂2 = 1 and the real solutions of the fixed-point conditions 关Eqs. 共9兲, 共12兲, 共18兲, 共23兲, 共30兲, 共33兲, 共36兲, 共38兲, 共40兲, 共42兲, and 共44兲–共46兲兴 give us a classification of time reversal invariant topological orders in local spin systems. Note that the time-reversal invariant topological orders are equivalent class of local orthogonal transformations that connect to the identity transformation continuously. ijm,␣ kj,␣ , Ai兲 of the Different real solutions 共Nijk , Fkln, ␥ , P i fixed-point conditions do not always correspond to different time-reversal invariant topological orders. The solutions differ by some unimportant phase factors 共which are ⫾1 signs兲 correspond to the same topological order. To understand the above result, we notice that, from the ijm,␣ kj,␣ , A i兲 structure of the fixed-point conditions, if 共Fkln, ␥ , P i ijm,␣ kj,␣ i , AA 兲 is also a soluis a solution, then 共FFkln,␥ , P Pi tion, where F = ⫾ 1, P = ⫾ 1, and A = ⫾ 1. However, the three phase factors F, P, and A do not lead to different fixed-point wave functions since they only affect the total phase of the wave function and are unphysical. On the other hand, the fixed-point solutions may also contain phase factors that do correspond to different fixed-point wave functions. For example, the local orthogonal transforˆ mation eiM l0 does not affect the fusion rule Nijk, where M̂ l0 is the number of links with 兩l0典 state and 兩lⴱ0典 state. Such a ijm,␣ kj,␣ , A i兲 local orthogonal transformation changes 共Fkln, ␥ , P i and generates a discrete family of the fixed-point wave functions. Similarly, we can consider the following local orthogonal 共i0 j0k0兲 transformation 兩␣典 → 兺O␣ 兩典 that acts on each vertex with states 兩i0典 , 兩j0典 , 兩k0典 on the three edges connecting to the vertex. Such a local orthogonal transformation also does not affect the fusion rule Nijk. The new local orthogonal transforijm,␣ kj,␣ , Ai兲 and generates a family of mation changes 共Fkln, ␥ , P i the fixed-point wave functions parametrized by the orthogo共i0 j0k0兲 nal matrix O␣ . Now the question is that do those solutions related by local orthogonal transformations have the same time-reversal invariant topological order or not. We know that two gapped wave functions have the same time-reversal invariant topological order if and only if they can be connected by local orthogonal transformation that connects to identity continuously. It is well known that an orthogonal matrix whose determinant is −1 does not connect to identity. Thus it appears that local orthogonal transformations some times can generate different time reversal invariant topological orders. However, when we use the equivalent classes of local orthogonal transformations to define time-reversal invariant topological orders, we not only assume the local orthogonal transformations to connect to identity continuously, we also assume that we can expand the local Hilbert spaces 共say by increasing the range of the indices i and ␣ that label the states on the edges and the vertices兲. The local orthogonal transformations can act on those enlarged Hilbert spaces and can connect to identity in those enlarged Hilbert spaces. Even when a local orthogonal transformation cannot be deformed into identity in the original Hilbert space, it can always be deformed into identity continuously in an enlarged Hilbert space. Thus two real wave functions related by a local orthogonal transformation always have the same timereversal invariant topological order. 1 0 兲 that acts on For example, an orthogonal matrix 共 0−1 states 兩0典 and 兩1典 does not connect to identity within the space of two by two orthogonal matrices. However, we can embed the above orthogonal matrix into a three by three orthogonal matrix that acts on 兩0典, 兩1典, and 兩2典: 冢 1 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 −1 冣 . Such a three by three orthogonal matrix does connect to identity within the space of three by three orthogonal matrices. This completes our argument that all local orthogonal transformations can connect to identity continuously at least in an enlarged Hilbert space. So, after factoring out the unimportant phase factors discussed above, the real solutions of the fixed-point conditions may uniquely correspond to time-reversal invariant topological orders. The four types of real solutions discussed in the 155138-18 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… last section are examples of four different time-reversal invariant topological orders. For the N = 1 loop states and the N = 1 string-net state, we only have two states on each link. In this case, we can treat the two states as the two states of an electron spin. The time-reversal transformation now becomes T̂:c0兩0典 + c1兩1典 → − cⴱ1兩0典 + cⴱ0兩1典 共70兲 on each link. For such a time-reversal transformation T̂2 = −1. The two N = 1 loop states and the N = 1 string-net state are not invariant under such a time-reversal transformation. XI. WAVE FUNCTION RENORMALIZATION FOR TENSOR PRODUCT STATES A. Motivation Once the fixed-point states have been identified and the labeling of topological orders has being found, we then face the next important issue: given a generic ground-state wave function of a system, how to identify the topological orders in the state? In other words, how to calculate the data ijm,␣ kj,␣ , Ai兲 that characterize the topological or共Nijk , Fkln, ␥ , P i ders from a generic wave function? One way to address the above issue is to have a general renormalization procedure which flows other states in the same phase to the simple fixed-point state so that we can identify topological order from the resulting fixed-point state. That is, we want to find a local unitary transformation which removes local entanglement and gets rid of unnecessary degrees of freedom from the state. How to find the appropriate unitary transformation for a specific state is then the central problem in this renormalization procedure. Such a procedure for one-dimensional tensor product states 共TPS兲 共also called matrix product states兲 has been given in Ref. 42. Here we will propose a method to renormalize twodimensional TPS, where nontrivial topological orders emerge. The basic idea is to use the gLU transformation discussed in Sec. VII. Note that, through the gLU transformation, we can reduce the number of labels in a region A to the minimal value without loosing any quantum information 共see Fig. 6兲. This is because the gLU transformation is a lossless projection into the support space of the state in the region A. By performing such gLU transformations on overlapping regions repeatedly 关see Fig. 2共a兲兴, we can reduce a generic wave function to the simple fixed-point form discussed above. It should be noted that any state reducible in this way can be represented as a MERA.43 In the following, we will present this renormalization procedure for two-dimensional TPS where we find a method to calculate the proper gLU transformations. The tensor product states are many-body entangled quantum states described with local tensors. By making use of the entanglement information contained in the local tensors, we are able to come up with an efficient algorithm to renormalize two-dimensional TPS. This algorithm can be very useful in the study of quantum phases. Due to the efficiency in representation, TPS has found wide application as variational ansatz states in the FIG. 11. 共Color online兲 Left: tensor T representing a 2D quantum state on hexagonal lattice. i is the physical index and ␣ ,  , ␥ are the inner indices. Right: a tensor product state where each vertex is associated with a tensor. The inner indices of the neighboring tensors connect according to the underlying hexagonal lattice. studies of quantum many-body systems.67–73 Suppose that in a variational study we have found a set of tensors which describe the ground state of a two-dimensional many-body Hamiltonian and want to determine the phase this state belongs to. We can apply our renormalization algorithm to this tensor product state, which removes local entanglement and flows the state to its fixed point. By identifying the kind of order present in the fixed-point state, we can obtain the phase information for the original state. In this section, we will give a detailed description of the algorithm and in the next section we will present its application to some simple 共but nontrivial兲 cases. The states we are concerned with have translational symmetry and can be described with a translational invariant tensor network. To be specific, we discuss states on a hexagonal lattice. Generalization to other regular lattices is straightforward. B. Tensor product states Consider a two-dimensional spin model on a hexagonal lattice with one spin 共or one qudit兲 living at each vertex. The Hilbert space of each spin is D dimensional. The state can be represented by assigning to every vertex a set of tensors i , where i 共see Fig. 11兲 labels the local physical dimenT␣␥ sion and takes value from 1 to D. ␣ ,  , ␥ are inner indices along the three directions in the hexagonal lattice, respectively. The dimension of the inner indices is d. Note that the figures in this note are all sideviews with inner indices in the horizontal plane and the physical indices pointing in the vertical direction, if not specified otherwise. The wave function is given in terms of these tensors by 兩典 = 兺 tTr共Ti1Ti2, . . . ,Tim, . . .兲兩i1i2, . . . ,im, . . .典, i1,i2,. . .,im,. . . 共71兲 where tTr denotes tensor contraction of all the connected inner indices on the links of the hexagonal lattice. A renormalization procedure of quantum states is composed of local unitary transformations and isometry maps such that the state flows along the path 兩共0兲典 , 兩共1兲典 , 兩共2兲典 , . . . and finally toward a fixed point 兩⬁典. With the tensor product representation, flow of states corresponds to a flow of tensors T共0兲 , T共1兲 , T共2兲 , . . . We will give the detailed procedure of how the tensors are mapped from one step to the next in the following section. 155138-19 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN FIG. 12. 共Color online兲 Double tensor T represented as two layers of tensor T with the physical indices contracted. The gray layer is the lower layer. C. Renormalization algorithm FIG. 13. 共Color online兲 F-move in the renormalization procedure: 共1兲 combining double tensors T1 and T2 on neighboring sites into a single double tensor T, 共2兲 splitting double tensor T into tensor T̃, and 共3兲 SVD decomposition of tensor T̃ into tensors Ta and Tb. In one round of renormalization, we start from tensor T共n兲, do some operation to it which corresponds to local unitary transformations on the state, and map T共n兲 to T共n+1兲. The whole procedure can be broken into two parts: the F-move and the P move, in accordance with the two steps introduced in the previous section. Note that with respect to the bipartition of indices ␣⬘⬘␦⬘⑀⬘ and ␣␦⑀, T is Hermitian 1. Step 1: F-move T␣⬘⬘␦⬘⑀⬘,␣␦⑀ = 共T␣␦⑀,␣⬘⬘␦⬘⑀⬘兲ⴱ T␣⬘⬘␦⬘⑀⬘,␣␦⑀ = 兺 T1,␣⬘⬘␥⬘,␣␥ ⫻ T2,␦⬘⑀⬘␥⬘,␦⑀␥ . 共73兲 ␥⬘,␥ 共74兲 and positive semidefinite. Therefore it has a spectral decomposition with positive eigenvalues 兵 j ⱖ 0其. The corresponding eigenvectors are 兵T̂ j其, In the F-move, we take a j T␣⬘⬘␦⬘⑀⬘,␣␦⑀ = 兺 j共T̂␣⬘⬘␦⬘⑀⬘兲ⴱ ⫻ T̂␣ ␦⑀ . j configuration in the tensor network and map it to a configuration by doing a local unitary operation. We will see that the tensor product representation of a state leads to a natural way of choosing an appropriate unitary operation for the renormalization of the state. In order to do so, first we define the double tensor T of tensor T as i . T␣⬘⬘␥⬘,␣␥ = 兺 共T␣⬘⬘␥⬘兲ⴱ ⫻ T␣␥ i 共75兲 j 共72兲 i Graphically the double tensor T is represented by two layers of tensor T with the physical indices connected 共see Fig. 12兲. The tensor T giving rise to the same double tensor T is not unique. Any tensor T⬘ which differs from T by an unitary transformation U on physical index i gives the same T as U and U† cancels out in the contraction of i. On the other hand, an unitary transformation on i is the only degree of freedom possible, i.e., any T⬘ which gives rise to the same T as T differs from T by a unitary on i. Therefore, in the process of turning a tensor T into a double tensor T and then split it again into a different tensor T⬘, we apply a nontrivial local unitary operation on the corresponding state. A well designed way of splitting the double tensor will give us the appropriate unitary transformation we need, as we show below. F-move has the following steps. First, construct double tensors for two neighboring sites on the lattice and combine them into a single double tensor with eight inner indices. This spectral decomposition lead to a special way of decomposing double tensor T into tensors. Define a rank 8 tensor T̃共as shown in Fig. 13 after step 2兲 as follows: lmnr 冑 j ⴱ j T̃␣ ␦⑀ = 兺 j共T̂lmnr兲 ⫻ T̂␣␦⑀ . 共76兲 j T̃ has four inner indices ␣ ,  , ␦ , ⑀ of dimension d and four physical indices l , m , n , r also of dimension d which are in the direction of ␣ ,  , ␦ , ⑀, respectively. As 兵T̂ j其 form an orthonormal set, it is easy to check that T̃ gives rise to double tensor T. Going from T1 and T2 to T̃, we have implemented a local unitary transformation on the physical degrees of freedom on the two sites so that in T̃ the physical indices and the inner indices represent the same configuration. In some sense, we are keeping only the physical degrees of freedom necessary for entanglement with the rest of the system while getting rid of those that are only entangled within this local region. Now we do a singular value decomposition of tensor T̃ in the direction orthogonal to the link between T1 and T2 and T̃ is decomposed into tensors Ta and Tb, ln mr lmnr T̃␣ ␦⑀ = 兺 Ta,␣␦ ⫻ Tb,⑀ . 共77兲 This step completes the F-move. Ideally, this step should be done exactly so we are only applying local unitary operations to the state. Numerically, we keep some large but finite cut- 155138-20 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… FIG. 16. 共Color online兲 The corner double line tensor which is a fixed point of the renormalization algorithm. The three groups of indices 兵␣ ,  , i1其, 兵␥ , ␦ , i2其, and 兵⑀ , , i3其 are entangled within each group but not between the groups. FIG. 14. Original hexagonal lattice 共gray line兲 and renormalized lattice 共black line兲 after F-move has been applied to the neighboring pairs of sites circled by dash line. off dimension for the singular value decomposition step, so this step is approximate. On a hexagonal lattice, we do F-move on the chosen neighboring pairs of sites 共dash circled in Fig. 14兲 so that the tensor network is changed into a configuration shown by thick dark lines in Fig. 14. Physical indices are omitted from this figure. Now by grouping together the three tensors that meet at a triangle, we can map the tensor network back into a hexagonal lattice, with 1/3 the number of sites in the original lattice. This is achieved by the P-move introduced in the next section. 2. Step 2: P-move Now we contract the three tensors that meet at a triangle together to form a new tensor in the renormalized lattice as shown in the first step in Fig. 15, pq I nr lm T␣␥ = 兺 Ta, ␣␦⑀ ⫻ Tb,␦ ⫻ Tc,␥⑀ , ␦⑀ 共78兲 where I is the physical index of the new tensor which includes all the physical indices of Ta , Tb , Tc: l , m , n , r , p , q. Note that in the contraction, only inner indices are contracted and the physical indices are simply group together. Constructing the double tensor T from T, we get the renormalized double tensor on the new hexagonal lattice which is in FIG. 15. 共Color online兲 P-move in the renormalization procedure: 共1兲 contracting three tensors that meet at a triangle Ta , Tb , Tc to form a new tensor T共1兲 on one site of the renormalized hexagonal lattice. 共2兲 Constructing the double tensor T共1兲 from T共1兲 so that we can start to do F-moves again. the same form as T1 , T2 and we can go back again and do the F-move. 3. Complications: Corner double line One problem with the above renormalization algorithm is that, instead of having one isolated fixed-point tensor for each phase, the algorithm has a continuous family of fixed points which all correspond to the same phase. Consider a tensor with structure shown in Fig. 16. The tensor is a tensor product of three parts which include indices 兵␣ ,  , i1其, 兵␥ , ␦ , i2其, and 兵⑀ , , i3其, respectively. It can be shown that this structure remains invariant under the renormalization flow. Therefore, any tensor of this structure is a fixed point of our renormalization flow. However, it is easy to see that the state it represents is a tensor product of loops around each plaquette, which can be disentangled locally into a trivial product state. Therefore, the states all have only short-range entanglement and correspond to the topologically trivial phase. The trivial phase has then a continuous family of fixed-point tensors. This situation is very similar to that discussed in Refs. 41 and 74. We will keep the terminology and call such a tensor a corner double line tensor. Not only does corner double line tensor complicate the situation in the trivial phase, it leads to a continuous family of fixed points in every phase. It can be checked that the tensor product of a corner double line with any other fixed-point tensor is still a fixed-point tensor. The states they correspond to differ only by small loops around each plaquette and represent the same topological order. Therefore any single fixed-point tensor gets complicated into a continuous class of fixed-point tensors. In practical application of the renormalization algorithm, in order to identify the topological order of the fixedpoint tensor, we need to get rid of such corner double line structures. Due to their simple structure, this can always be done, as discussed in the next section. XII. APPLICATIONS OF THE RENORMALIZATION FOR TENSOR PRODUCT STATES Now we present some examples where our algorithm is used to determine the phase of a tensor product state. The algorithm can be applied both to symmetry breaking phases and topological ordered phases. In the study of symmetry 155138-21 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN breaking/topological ordered phases, suppose that we have obtained some tensor product description of the ground state of the system Hamiltonian. We can then apply our algorithm to the tensors, flow them to the fixed point, and see whether they represent a state in the symmetry-breaking phase/ topological ordered phase or a trivial phase. For system with symmetry/topological order related to gauge symmetry, it is very important to keep the symmetry/ gauge symmetry in the variational approach to ground state and search within the set of tensors that have this symmetry/ gauge symmetry.75 The resulting tensor will be invariant under such symmetries/gauge symmetries but the state they correspond to may have different orders. In the symmetrybreaking case, the state could have this symmetry or could spontaneous break it. In the topological ordered phase, the state could have nontrivial topological order or be just trivial. Our algorithm can then be applied to decide which is the case. In order to correctly determine the phase for such symmetric tensors, it is crucial that we maintain the symmetry/ gauge symmetry of the tensor throughout our renormalization process. We will discuss in detail two cases: the Ising symmetry-breaking phase and the Z2 topological ordered phase. For simplicity of discussion and to demonstrate the generality of our renormalization scheme, we will first introduce the square lattice version of the algorithm. All subsequent applications are carried out on square lattice. 共Algorithm on a hexagonal lattice would give qualitatively similar result, though quantitatively they might differ, e.g., on the position of critical point.兲 FIG. 17. 共Color online兲 Renormalization procedure on square lattice part 1: 共1兲 decomposing double tensor T into tensor T̃ and 共2兲 SVD decomposition of T̃ in two different directions, resulting in tensors Ta , Tb and Tc , Td, respectively. tion of tensor T̃. For vertices in sublattice A we decompose between the up-right and down-left directions as shown in step 2 of Fig. 17. For vertices in sublattice B we decompose between the up-left and down-right directions as shown in step 3 of Fig. 17, lr mn lmnr T̃␣␥ ␦ = 兺 Ta,␣␦ ⫻ Tb,␥ , lr mn lmnr T̃␣␥ ␦ = 兺 Tc,␣␦ ⫻ Tb,␥ . A. Renormalization on square lattice Tensor product states on a square lattice are represented i with one tensor T␣␥ ␦ on each vertex, where i is the physical index and ␣␥␦ are the four inner indices in the up, down, left, right directions, respectively. We will assume translational invariance and require the tensor to be the same on every vertex. The renormalization procedure is be a local unitary transformation on the state which flows the form of the tensor until it reaches the fixed point. It is implemented in the following steps. First, we form the double tensor T from tensor T, After the decomposition, the original lattice 共gray lines in Fig. 18兲 is transformed into the configuration shown by thick dark lines in Fig. 18. Physical indices are omitted from this figure. If we now shrink the small squares, we get a tensor product state on a renormalized square lattice. Figure 19 shows how this is done. In step 1, we contract the four tensors that meet at a small square i T␣⬘⬘␥⬘␦⬘,␣␥␦ = 兺 共T␣⬘⬘␥⬘␦⬘兲ⴱ ⫻ T␣␥ ␦. i i Then do the spectral decomposition of positive operator T into j T␣⬘⬘␥⬘␦⬘,␣␥␦ = 兺 j共T̂␣⬘⬘␥⬘␦⬘兲ⴱ ⫻ T̂␣␥ ␦ j j lmnr and form a new tensor T̃␣␥ ␦ lmnr 冑 j ⴱ j T̃␣␥ ␦ = 兺 j共T̂lmnr兲 ⫻ T̂␣␥␦ , j where l , m , n , r are physical indices in the up, down, left, and right directions, respectively. This is illustrated in step 1 of Fig. 17. This step is very similar to the second step in the F-move on hexagonal lattice. Next we do SVD decomposi- FIG. 18. Original square lattice 共gray line兲 and renormalized lattice 共black line兲 after the operations in Fig. 17 has been applied. Physical indices of the tensors are not drawn here. 155138-22 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… a simple form of tensor and demonstrate how the algorithm works. Suppose that the tensors obtained from the variational i study T␣␥ ␦, where i , ␣ ,  , ␥ , ␦ can be 0 or 1, takes the following form: 0 ␣++␥+␦ T␣␥ , ␦= 1 4−共␣++␥+␦兲 T␣␥ . ␦= 共79兲 is a parameter between 0 and 1. Under an X operation to the physical index, the tensor is changed to T̃, 0 4−共␣++␥+␦兲 , T̃␣␥ ␦= FIG. 19. 共Color online兲 Renormalization procedure on square lattice part 2: 共1兲 combining four tensors that meet at a square into a single tensor and 共2兲 constructing a double tensor from it. I T␣␥ ␦= m n m n m n m n Ta, 兺  ⫻ Tb,␣ ⫻ Tc,␦ ⫻ Td,␥ , 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4 where I stands for the combination of all physical indices mi , ni, i = 1 , . . . , 4. In step 2, we construct a double tensor T form tensor T and completes one round of renormalization. Now we can go back to step 1 in Fig. 17 and flow the tensor further. Now we are ready to discuss two particular examples, the Ising symmetry-breaking phase and the Z2 topological ordered phase, to demonstrate how our algorithm can be used to determine the phase of a tensor product state. B. Ising symmetry-breaking phase A typical example for symmetry-breaking phase transition is the transverse field Ising model. Consider a square lattice with one spin 1/2 on each site. The transverse field Ising model is HIsing = 兺 ZiZ j + ⑀ 兺 Xk , ij k where 兵ij其 are nearest-neighbor sites. The Hamiltonian is invariant under spin-flip transformation 兿kXk for any ⑀. When ⑀ = 0, the ground state spontaneously breaks this symmetry into either the all spin-up state 兩00¯ 0典 or the all spin-down state 兩11¯ 1典. In this case any global superposition ␣兩00¯ 0典 + 兩11¯ 1典 represents a degenerate ground state. When ⑀ = ⬁, the ground state has all spin polarized in the X direction 共兩++ ¯ +典兲 and does not break this symmetry. In the variational study of this system, we can require that the variational ground state always have this symmetry, regardless if the system is in the symmetry-breaking phase or not. Then we will find for ⑀ = 0 the ground state to be 兩00¯ 0典 + 兩11¯ 1典. Such a global superposition represents the spontaneous symmetry breaking. For ⑀ = ⬁, we will find the ground state to be 兩++ ¯ +典 and does not break the symmetry. For 0 ⬍ ⑀ ⬍ ⬁, we will need to decide which of the previous two cases it belongs to. We can first find a tensor product representation of an approximate ground state which is symmetric under the spin-flip transformation, then apply the renormalization algorithm to find the fixed point and decide which phase the state belongs to. Below we will assume 1 ␣++␥+␦ . T̃␣␥ ␦= T̃ can be mapped back to T by switching the 0,1 label for the four inner indices ␣␥␦. Such a change in basis for the inner indices does not change the contraction result of the tensor and hence the state that is represented. Therefore, the state is invariant under the spin-flip transformation 兿kXk and we will say that the tensor has this symmetry also. When = 0, the tensor represents state 兩00¯ 0典 + 兩11¯ 1典, which corresponds to the spontaneous symmetrybreaking phase. We note that the = 0 tensor is a direct sum of dimension-1 tensors. Such a direct-sum structure corresponds to spontaneous symmetry breaking, as discussed in detail in Ref. 41. When = 1, the tensor represents state 兩+ + ¯ +典 which corresponds to the symmetric phase. When 0 ⬍ ⬍ 1, there must be a phase transition between the two phases. However, as goes from 0 to 1, the tensor varies smoothly with well-defined symmetry. It is hard to identify the phase-transition point. Now we can apply our algorithm to the tensor. First, we notice that at = 0 or 1, the tensor is a fixed point for our algorithm. Next, we find that for ⬍ 0.358, the tensor flows to the form with = 0 while for ⬎ 0.359, it flows to the form with = 1. Therefore, we can clearly identify the phase a state belongs to using this algorithm and find the phase-transition point. Note that in our algorithm, we explicitly keep the spin-flip symmetry in the tensor. That is, after each renormalization step, we make sure that the renormalized tensor is invariant under spin-flip operations up to change in basis for the inner indices. If the symmetry is not carefully preserved, we will not be able to tell the two phases apart. We also need to mention that for arbitrary , the fixed point that the tensor flows to can be different from the tensor at = 0 or 1 by a corner double line structure. We need to get rid of the corner double line structure in the result to identify the real fixed point. This is possible by carefully examining the fixed-point structure. Another way to distinguish the different fixed points without worrying about corner double lines is to calculate some quantities from the fixed-point tensors that are invariant with the addition of corner double lines. We also want the quantity to be invariant under some trivial changes to the fixed point, such as a change in scale T → T or the change in basis for physical and inner indices. One such quantity is given by the ratio of X2 and X1 defined as X1 = 共兺␣⬘␥⬘,␣␥T␣⬘␣⬘␥⬘␥⬘,␣␣␥␥兲2 and X2 155138-23 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN T T T T FIG. 20. Quantity X2 / X1 obtained by taking the ratio of the contraction value of the double tensor in two different ways. X2 / X1 is invariant under change in scale, basis transformation and corner double line structures of the double tensor and can be used to distinguish different fixed-point tensors. For clarity, only one layer of the double tensor is shown. The other layer connects in exactly the same way. = 兺␣⬘⬘␥⬘␦⬘,␣␥␦T␣⬘␣⬘␥⬘␦⬘,␣␣␥␦ ⫻ T⬘⬘␦⬘␥⬘,␦␥. Figure 20 gives a graphical representation of these two quantities. In this figure, only one layer of the double tensor is shown. The other layer connects in the exactly the same way. It is easy to verify that X2 / X1 is invariant under the change in scale, basis transformation, and corner double lines. We calculate X2 / X1 along the renormalization flow. The result is shown in Fig. 21. At the = 0 fixed point, X2 / X1 = 0.5 while at = 1, X2 / X1 = 1. As we increase the number of renormalization steps, the transition between the two fixed points becomes sharper and finally approaches a step function with critical point at c = 0.358. Tensors with ⬍ c belongs to the symmetry-breaking phase while tensors with ⬎ c belongs to the symmetric phase. C. Z2 topological ordered phase The algorithm can also be used to study topological order of quantum states. In this section, we will demonstrate how the algorithm works with Z2 topological order. Consider again a square lattice but now with one spin 1/2 per each link. A simple Hamiltonian on this lattice with Z2 topological order can be defined as H Z2 = 兺 兿 Xi + 兺 j苸兿 Z j , p i苸p v v where p means plaquettes and i 苸 p is all the spin 1/2’s around the plaquette and v means vertices and j 苸 v is all the FIG. 21. 共Color online兲 X2 / X1 for tensors 关Eq. 共79兲兴 under the renormalization flow. As the number of RG steps increases, the transition in X2 / X1 becomes sharper and finally approaches a step function at fixed point. The critical point is at c = 0.358. spin 1/2’s connected to the vertex. The ground-state wave function of this Hamiltonian is a fixed-point wave function and corresponds to the N = 1 loop state with = 1 as discussed in the previous section. The ground-state wave function has a simple tensor product representation. For simplicity of discussion we split every spin 1/2 into two and associate every vertex with four ijkl spins. The tensor T␣␥ ␦,Z2 has four physical indices i , j , k , l = 0 , 1 and three inner indices ␣ ,  , ␥ , ␦ = 0 , 1. ijkl Tijkl,Z = 1, 2 =0 if mod共i + j + k + l,2兲 all other terms being 0. It can be checked that TZ2 is a fixed-point tensor of our algorithm. This tensor has a Z2 gauge symmetry. If we apply Z operation to all the inner indices, where Z maps 0 to 0 and 1 to −1, the tensor remains invariant as only even configurations of the inner indices are nonzero in the tensor. Consider then the following set of tensor parametrized by g i+j+k+l Tijkl , ijkl = g =0 if mod共i + j + k + l,2兲 all other terms being 0. 共80兲 At g = 1, this is exactly TZ2 and the corresponding state has topological order. At g = 0, the tensor represents a product state of all 0 and we denote the tensor as T0. At some critical point in g, the state must go through a phase transition. This set of tensors are all invariant under gauge transformation ZZZZ on their inner indices and the tensor seems to vary smoothly with g. One way to detect the phase transition is to apply our algorithm. We find that, at g ⬎ gc, the tensors flow to TZ2 while at g ⬍ gc, the tensors flow to T0. We determine gc to be between 0.804 and 0.805. As this model is mathematically equivalent to two-dimensional classical Ising model where the transition point is known to great accuracy, we compare our result to that result and find our result to be within 1% accuracy 共gc = 0.8022兲. Again in the renormalization algorithm, we need to carefully preserve the Z2 gauge symmetry of the tensor so that we can correctly determine the phase of the states. The fixed-point tensor structure might also be complicated by corner double line structures but it is always possible to identify and get rid of them. Similarly, we can calculate the invariance quantity X2 / X1 to distinguish the two fixed points. X2 / X1 = 1 for TZ2 while X2 / X1 = 0.5 for T0. The result is plotted in Fig. 22 and we can see that the transition in X2 / X1 approaches a step function after a large number of steps of RG, i.e., at the fixed point. The critical point is at gc = 0.804. For g ⬍ gc, the tensor belongs to the trivial phase while for g ⬎ gc, the tensor belongs to the Z2 topological ordered phase. Our algorithm can also be used to demonstrate the stability of topological order against local perturbation. As is shown in Ref. 75, local perturbations to the Z2 Hamiltonian correspond to variations in tensor that do not break the Z2 gauge symmetry. We picked tensors in the neighborhood of TZ2 which preserve this gauge symmetry randomly and applied our renormalization algorithm 共gauge symmetry is kept 155138-24 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… jkn,␦ ijm,␣ ⴱ 共Fkln, ␦ 兲 = Flⴱiⴱmⴱ,␣ , ijm⬘,␣⬘⬘ ijm,␣ ⴱ 共Fkln,␦ 兲 = ␦m␣,m⬘␣⬘⬘ , 兺 Fkln, ␦ n,,␦ Nkjtⴱ Ntinⴱ Nltsⴱ 兺t 兺=1 兺=1 兺=1 Nqmpⴱ ijm,␣ itn, jkt, Fknt, Flps,␥Flsq,␦ =e iF 兺 ⑀=1 mkn, ijm,␣⑀ Flpq, ␦⑀ Fqps,␥ , 共82兲 ␣ = eiP1 Pkj, i ⴱ ⴱ ␥ lm, , 兺 Fijji k,m␣,␥Fmi mj, i l, Pi m,,␥,l,, ⴱⴱ ⴱ ⴱⴱ ⴱ Nkjkⴱ FIG. 22. 共Color online兲 X2 / X1 for tensors 关Eq. 共80兲兴 under the renormalization flow. As the number of RG steps increases, the transition in X2 / X1 becomes sharper and finally approaches a step function at fixed point. The critical point is at gc = 0.804. throughout the renormalization process兲. We find that as long as the variation is small enough, the tensor flows back to TZ2, up to a corner double line structure. This result shows that the Z2 topological ordered phase is stable against local perturbations. e i P2 Pijp,␣␦im␦␦ = ijm,␣ jp, 兺 Fklk, ␦ P k for all k,i,l satisfying Nkilⴱ ⬎ 0 共83兲 关see Eqs. 共9兲, 共12兲, 共18兲, 共23兲, 共30兲, 共33兲, 共36兲, and 共47兲兴. ijm,␣ kj,␣ 兲 we can further find out From the data 共Nijk , Fkln, ␦ , P i the fixed-point wave function by solving the following equations for Ai , i = 0 , . . . , N: ⴱ Ai = eiAAi ⫽ 0, XIII. SUMMARY In this paper, we discuss a defining relation between local unitary transformation and quantum phases. We argue that two gapped states are related by a local unitary transformation if and only if the two states belong to the same quantum phase. We can use the equivalent classes of local unitary transformations to define “patterns of long range entanglement.” So the patterns of long-range entanglement correspond to universality classes of quantum phases, and are the essence of topological orders.32 As an application of this point of view of quantum phases and topological order, we use the generalized local unitary transformations to generate a wave function renormalization, where the wave functions flow within the same universality class of a quantum phase 共or the same equivalent class of the local unitary transformations兲. In other words, the renormalization flow of a wave function does not change its topological order. Such a wave function renormalization allows us to classify topological orders, by classifying the fixed-point wave functions and the associated fixed-point local unitary transformations. First, we find that the fixed-point local unitary transforijm,␣ kj,␣ 兲 that mations are described by the data 共Nijk , Fkln, ␦ , P i satisfy N 兺 Nii kN jk j Nijk = N jki = Nkⴱ jⴱiⴱ ⱖ 0, ⴱ ⴱ ⴱ ⱖ 1, j,k=0 N N 兺 N jim Nkml = n=0 兺 Nkjn Nl ni , ⴱ m=0 ⴱ ⴱ ⴱ 共81兲 ⴱ =1 兺i Ai共Ai兲ⴱ = 1, mⴱiⴱ,␥ j ␥ i A = eiA1 P jⴱ Pmj, i i⬘ ⌽ikj, ␣ = e A, ⴱ ␥ i A, 兺 Fijkj im,,␣␥Pmj, i m,,␥ ⴱ iA1 ⌽kji,␣ , ⌽ikj, ␣ = e ⌽ikj, ␣ = 0, if Nikj = 0, det共⌽ikj, ␣兲 ⫽ 0 共84兲 关see Eqs. 共38兲, 共40兲, 共42兲, and 共44兲–共46兲兴. ijm,␣ kj,␣ , Ai兲 that satisfy the The combined data 共Nijk , Fkln, ␦ , P i conditions 关Eqs. 共81兲–共84兲兴 classify a large class of topological orders. We see that the problem of classifying a large class of topological orders becomes the problem of solving a set of nonlinear algebraic equations 关Eqs. 共81兲–共84兲兴. ijm,␣ kj,␣ , Ai兲 that satisfy the The combined data 共Nijk , Fkln, ␦ , P i conditions 关Eqs. 共81兲–共84兲兴 also classify a large class of time-reversal invariant topological orders, if we restrict ourselves to real solutions. The solutions related by local orthogonal transformations all belong to the same phase since the local orthogonal transformations always connect to identity if we enlarge the Hilbert space. We like to point out that we cannot claim that the soluijm,␣ kj,␣ , Ai兲 classify all topological orders tions 共Nijk , Fkln, ␦ , P i since we have assumed that the fixed-point local unitary transformations are described by tensors of finite dimensions. It appears that chiral topological orders, such as quantum Hall states, are described by tensors of infinite dimensions. 155138-25 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN ijm,␣ kj,␣ We note that the data 共Nijk , Fkln, , Ai兲 just charac␦ , P i terize different fixed-point wave functions. It is not guaranteed that the different data will represent different topological orders. However, for the simple solutions discussed in this paper, they all coincide with string-net states, where the topological properties, such as the ground-state degeneracy, number of quasiparticle types, the quasiparticle statistics, etc., were calculated from the data. From those topological properties, we know that those different simple solutions repijm,␣ kj,␣ , A i兲 resent different topological orders. Also 共Fkln, ␦ , P i are real for the simple solutions discussed here. Thus they also represent topological orders with time-reversal symmetry. 共Certainly, at the same time, they represent stable topological orders even without time-reversal symmetry.兲 We also like to point out that our description of fixedpoint local unitary transformations is very similar to the description of string-net states. However, the conditions 关Eqs. 共81兲–共84兲兴 on the data appear to be weaker than 共or equivalent to兲 those63 on the string-net data. So the fixed-point wave functions discussed in this paper may include all the string-net states 共in 2D兲. Last, we present a wave function renormalization scheme, based on the gLU transformations for generic TPS. Such a wave function renormalization always flows within the same phase 共or within the same equivalence class of LU transformations兲. It allows us to determine which phase a generic TPS belongs to by studying the resulting fixed-point wave functions. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our method for both symmetry-breaking phases and topological ordered phases. We find that we can even use tensors that do not break symmetry to describe spontaneous symmetry-breaking states: if a state described by a symmetric tensor has a spontaneous symmetry breaking, the symmetric tensor will flow to a fixed-point tensor that has a form of direct sum. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank I. Chuang, M. Hastings, M. Levin, F. Verstraete, Z.-H. Wang, Y.-S. Wu, and S. Bravyi for some very helpful discussions. X.G.W. is supported by NSF under Grant No. DMR-0706078. Z.C.G. is supported in part by the NSF under Grant No. NSFPHY05-51164. APPENDIX: EQUIVALENCE RELATION BETWEEN QUANTUM STATES IN THE SAME PHASE In Secs. III and IV, we argued about the equivalence relation between gapped quantum ground states in the same phase. We concluded that two states are in the same phase if and only if they can be connected by local unitary evolution or constant depth quantum circuit, 兩⌽共1兲典 ⬃ 兩⌽共0兲典 iff 兩⌽共1兲典 = T关e−i兰0dgH共g兲兴兩⌽共0兲典, 兩⌽共1兲典 ⬃ 兩⌽共0兲典 1 ˜ M iff 兩⌽共1兲典 = Ucirc 兩⌽共0兲典. Now we want to make these arguments more rigorous, by stating clearly what is proved and what is conjectured, and by giving precise definition of two states being the same, the locality of operators, etc. We will show the equivalence in the following steps: 共1兲 if two gapped ground states are in the same phase, then they are connected by local unitary evolution, 共2兲 a gapped ground state remains in the same phase under local unitary evolution, and 共3兲 a local unitary evolution can be simulated by a constant depth quantum circuit and vice versa. 共All these discussions can be generalized to the case where the system has certain symmetries. H̃共g兲 and Ucirc used in the equivalence relation will then have the same symmetry as the system Hamiltonian H.兲 First, according to the definition in Sec. III, two states 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are in the same phase if we can find a family of local Hamiltonians H共g兲, g 苸 关0 , 1兴 with 兩⌽共g兲典 being its ground state such that the ground-state average of any local operator O, 具⌽共g兲兩O兩⌽共g兲典 changes smoothly from g = 0 to g = 1. Here we allow a more general notion of locality for the Hamiltonian34 and require H共g兲 to be a sum of local operators HZ共g兲, H共g兲 = 兺 HZ共g兲, 共A1兲 Z苸Z where HZ共g兲 is a Hermitian operator defined on a compact region Z. 兺Z苸Z sums over a set Z of regions. The set Z contains regions that differ by translations. The set Z also contains regions with different sizes. However, HZ共g兲 approaches zero exponentially as the size of the region Z approaches infinity. Or more precisely, for all sites u in the lattice 兺 储HZ共g兲储兩Z兩exp关diam共Z兲兴 = O共1兲 共A2兲 Z苸Z,Z苹u for some positive constant . Here 兺Z苸Z,Z苹u sums over all regions in the set Z that cover the site u, 储 ¯ 储 denotes operator norm, 兩Z兩 is the cardinality of Z, and diam共Z兲 is the diameter of Z. Therefore, instead of being exactly zero outside of a finite region, the interaction terms can have an exponentially decaying tail. If 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are gapped ground states of H共0兲 and H共1兲, then we assume that for all 具⌽共g兲兩O兩⌽共g兲典 to be smooth, H共g兲 must remain gapped for all g. If H共g兲 closes gap for some gc, then there must exist a local operator O such that 具⌽共g兲兩O兩⌽共g兲典 has a singularity at gc. We call the gapped H共g兲 an adiabatic connection between two states in the same phase. The existence of an adiabatic connection gives rise to a local unitary evolution between 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典. A slight modification of Lemma 7.1 in Ref. 34 gives theorem 1 which is given below. Theorem 1. Let H共g兲 be a differentiable family of local Hamiltonians and 兩⌽共g兲典 be its ground state. If the excitation gap above 兩⌽共g兲典 is larger than some finite value ⌬ for all g , then we can define H̃共g兲 = i兰dtF共t兲exp关iH共g兲t兴关gH共g兲兴exp关 1 ˜ −iH共g兲t兴 , such that 兩⌽共1兲典 = T关e−i兰0dgH共g兲兴兩⌽共0兲典, where F共t兲 is a function which has the following properties: 共1兲 the fourier transform of F共t兲, F̃共兲 is equal to −1 / for 兩兩 ⬎ ⌬. 共2兲 F̃共兲 is infinitely differentiable. 共3兲 F共t兲 = −F共−t兲. Under this definition, H̃共g兲 is local 共almost兲 and satisfies 155138-26 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 LOCAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATION, LONG-RANGE… where h共l兲 decays faster than any negative power of l. Therefore, HZ共g兲 remains local up to a tail which decays faster than any negative power. H共g兲 then forms a local gapped adiabatic connection between 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典. To detect for phase transition, we must check whether the ground-state average value of any local operator O, 具⌽共g兲兩O兩⌽共g兲典, has a singularity or not. 具⌽共g兲兩O兩⌽共g兲典 = 具⌽共0兲兩U†gOUg兩⌽共0兲典. Using the Lieb-Robinson bound given in Ref. 34, we find U†gOUg remains local 关in the sense of Eq. 共87兲兴 and evolves smoothly with g. Therefore, 具⌽共g兲兩O兩⌽共g兲典 changes smoothly. In fact, because H共g兲 is differentiable, the derivative of 具⌽共g兲兩O兩⌽共g兲典 to any order always exists. Therefore, there is no singularity in the ground-state average value of any local operator O and 兩⌽共0兲典 and 兩⌽共1兲典 are in the same phase. We have hence shown that states connected with local unitary evolution are in the same phase. This completes the equivalence relation stated in 共1兲. The definition of locality is slightly different in different cases, so there is still some gap in the equivalence relation. However, we believe that the equivalence relation should be valid with a slight generalization of the definition of locality. Lastly, we want to show that the equivalence relation is still valid if we use constant depth quantum circuit instead of local unitary evolution. This is true because we can always simulate a local unitary evolution using a constant depth quantum circuit and vice versa. To simulate a local unitary evolution of the form 1 ˜ T关e−i兰0dgH共g兲兴, first divide the total time into small segments 共m+1兲␦t ˜ ␦t such that T关e−i兰m␦t dgH共g兲兴 ⯝ e−i␦tH共m␦t兲. H共m␦t兲 = 兺ZHZ共m␦t兲. The set of local operators 兵HZ共m␦t兲其 can always be divided into a finite number of subsets 兵HZi 共m␦t兲其, 1 兵HZi 共m␦t兲其¯ such that elements in the same subset com2 mute with each other. Then we can do Trotter expansion and approximate e−i␦tH共m␦t兲 as e−i␦tH共m␦t兲 ⯝ 共U共1兲U共2兲¯兲n, where U共1兲 = 兿ie−i␦tHZi1/n, U共2兲 = 兿ie−i␦tHZi2/n¯ Each term in U共1兲, U共2兲 commute, therefore they can be implement as a piecewise local unitary operator. Putting these piecewise local unitary operators together, we have a quantum circuit which simulates the local unitary evolution. The depth of circuit is proportional to n ⫻ 共1 / ␦t兲. It can be shown that to achieve a simulation with constant error, a constant depth circuit would suffice.76 On the other hand, to simulate a constant depth quantum 共2兲 共2兲 共k兲 共k兲 circuit Ucirc = U共1兲 pwlU pwl ¯ U pwl, where U pwl = 兿iUi with a local unitary evolution, we can define the time-dependent Hamiltonian as H共t兲 = 兺iH共k兲 i , such that for 共k − 1兲␦t ⬍ t ⬍ k␦t, 共k兲 M ␦t ˜ . It is easy to check that T关e−i兰0 dgH共g兲兴 = Ucirc. eiHi ␦t = U共k兲 i The simulation time needed is M ␦t. We can always choose a finite ␦t such that 储H共k兲 i 储 is finite and the evolution time is finite. We have shown that constant depth quantum circuit and local unitary evolution can simulate each other. The equivalence relation 关Eq. 共1兲兴 can therefore also be stated in terms of constant depth circuit as in Eq. 共4兲. D. Landau, Phys. Z. Sowjetunion 11, 26 共1937兲. L. Ginzburg and L. D. Landau, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 20, 1064 共1950兲. 3 J. G. Bednorz and K. A. Mueller, Z. Phys. B: Condens. Matter 64, 189 共1986兲. 4 P. W. Anderson, Science 235, 1196 共1987兲. 5 G. Baskaran, Z. Zou, and P. W. Anderson, Solid State Commun. 63, 973 共1987兲. Affleck and J. B. Marston, Phys. Rev. B 37, 3774 共1988兲. S. Rokhsar and S. A. Kivelson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2376 共1988兲. 8 I. Affleck, Z. Zou, T. Hsu, and P. W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. B 38, 745 共1988兲. 9 E. Dagotto, E. Fradkin, and A. Moreo, Phys. Rev. B 38, 2926 共1988兲. 10 V. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin, Phys. Rev. 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T关e−i兰0dgH共g兲兴兩⌽共0兲典 will not be exactly the same as 兩⌽共1兲典 but any local measurement on them will give approximately the same result. Next we want to show that the reverse is also true. Suppose that 兩⌽共0兲典 is the gapped ground state of a local Hamiltonian H共0兲, H共0兲 = 兺ZHZ共0兲 and each HZ共0兲 is supported on a finite region Z. Apply a local unitary evolution generated by H̃共s兲 to 兩⌽共0兲典 and take it to 兩⌽共g兲典, g = 0 ⬃ 1, 兩⌽共g兲典 g ˜ = Ug兩⌽共0兲典, where Ug = T关e−i兰0dsH共s兲兴. 兩⌽共g兲典 is then ground state of H共g兲 = UgH共0兲U†g = 兺ZUgHZ共0兲U†g = 兺ZHZ共g兲. Under unitary transformation Ug the spectrum of H共0兲 does not change, therefore H共g兲 remains gapped. To show that H共g兲 also remains local, we use the Lieb-Robinson bound derived in Ref. 34, which gives 储关HZ共g兲,OB兴储 = 储关UgHZ共0兲U†g,OB兴储 ⱕ h关dist共Z,B兲兴兩Z兩储HZ共0兲储储OB储, 1 L. 2 V. 6 I. 7 D. 155138-27 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155138 共2010兲 CHEN, GU, AND WEN 共1987兲. Wen, F. Wilczek, and A. Zee, Phys. Rev. B 39, 11413 共1989兲. 12 X.-G. Wen, Phys. Rev. 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