GROUP ENCOUNTERS AGONISM, IN WILD GIBBONS AND THE AFFILIATION, INFANTICIDE (HYLOBATES LAR): CONCEPT OF by ULRICH REICHARD1) and VOLKER SOMMER 2,3,4) (1Center for Conservation Biology, Mahidol University, Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand; 2Department of Anthropology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, England, UK) (Acc. 30-VI-1997) Summary 1. Gibbons are the least studied apes and traditionally thought to live in nuclear families of 2-6 individuals including a pair of breeding adults who maintain lifelong, sexually monogamous relationships and vigorously defend territories against neighbours. The present paper challenges this view. 2. During a long-term study on white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) in Thailand's Khao Yai rainforest, 162 encounters were recorded between 3 habituated and 8 non-habituated groups. Encounters characterized 9% of the activity day (mean 8.31 h). Those between habituated groups were nine times more frequent (0.7/day) and lasted significantly longer (median 70 min) than encounters with non-habituated neighbours (median 38 min). It was also found that gibbon group home ranges (mean 24 ha) overlap extensively (64%) with neighbours', all of whom were met. However, most previous studies centered on single groups surrounded by unhabituated neighbours. This produced underreporting of the importance of inter-group interactions, particularly the affiliative aspects observed presently. 3. Encounters included many elements which seem to have a 'defensive' function. Chases occurred during 61%, contact aggression during 8-9%; each adult and subadult male chased 3) Corresponding author, address: Department of Anthropology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK. 4) We thank Warren Y. Brockelman, Center for Conservation Biology, Mahidol University, Bangkok, for support and encouragement. The National Park Division of the Royal Forestry Department and the National Research Council of Thailand, Bangkok, kindly granted research permissions. Fieldwork and data analysis was sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (UR) and a Heisenberg-Fellowship of the German Research Council (VS; So 218-3/1). We thank Guy Cowlishaw and the anonymous reviewer Carel van Schaik for valuable comments. 1136 all others and was chased by all others. Moreover, encounters occurred often in or near food trees and rates peaked during the early morning when ripe fruit were most abundant. However, a seasonal correlation between the rate of encounters and (crude) measures of resource availability could not be detected. 4. The study indicates that gibbon groups are structured by female resource-defense and male mate-defense because adult females led 76% of all travels into and out of fruit trees, whereas males moved to the front as soon as neighbours were encountered. Male-male interactions constituted 90% of all inter-group chases. This pattern is compatible with the idea that conflicts over food sources (which can be shared) will rarely provoke contact aggression. Control of mate access, on the other hand, has a much higher relative value for males. These explanations are more parsimonious than the traditional concepts of 'pairbonding' and 'territoriality'. 5. Contrary to earlier assumptions, encounters were nevertheless not always dominated by aggression. Groups fed, traveled or rested together for prolonged times (35% of encounters). Inter-group play between immatures was likewise common (21% of encounters; 55% dyadic, 45% triadic and quartetic play). Same-aged play partners are not present in a gibbon's natal group. However, gibbon youngsters clearly preferred age-mates during inter-group play which may indicate that play is ontogenetically important. 6. The adult female of one group copulated not only with her pair-mate, but also with two neighbouring males. The overall proportion of extra-pair-copulations (EPC) was 12% and they occurred during a period when the female conceived. Encounters thus provide opportunities for alternative mating strategies. However, philandering males are faced with the dilemma to lower their mate guard which creates a risk of cuckoldry for themselves. This could explain why subadults are often tolerated in natal groups beyond sexual maturity, because they assisted the resident adult male during agonistic encounters. Moreover, females gave solo great calls during a quarter of all encounters. These calls increase the costs of philandering for the paired male (who cannot answer without giving away that his female is unguarded) and may at the same time attract neighbouring males. 7. For the first time, close spatial proximity and body contact between intruding adult males and infants of neighbouring groups are reported, including play (during 6% of all inter-group play sessions). Immatures were at times relaxed but at other times frightened in the presence of neighbouring males. A near-zero mortality of infants at Khao Yai shows that infanticide is absent or at least not a regular occurrence. EPCs and a long period of pre-conception copulations could be strategies of females to confuse paternity and forestall infanticide. In any case, the non-monogamous mating pattern makes it likely that kin-relationships extend well into neighbouring groups. A reduced level of inter-group competition and aggression is therefore not surprising. Keywords: gibbon, territoriality, monogamy, infanticide. Introduction Aggression between groups is seen as a major selective factor in human evolution (Aiello & Dunbar, 1993). Nevertheless, studies of behavioural 1137 on social interactions within groups. Thus, primates focus overwhelmingly the causes for friendly or agonistic group interactions are poorly understood (review in Cheney, 1987). A taxon traditionally seen as a model for aggressive territorial group encounters are the gibbons, the least studied Hominoidea. Our data illustrate that the concept of territorial defense as encounters is too narrow. We also dis- the driving force behind group cuss evidence for the theory that protection from infanticide fostered the evolution of monogamy in gibbons (van Schaik & Dunbar, 1990) and perhaps permanent male-female associations amongst primates in general (van Schaik & Kappeler, 1993). Gibbons are arboreal apes confined to South-East Asia, (Hylobatidae) Northwest-India and Bangladesh (overviews on ecology and behaviour in Preuschoft et al., 1984; Tuttle, 1986; Leighton, 1987). They live in groups of usually 2-6 individuals which mostly contain a single adult female, a Gibbon females give birth about every single adult male and immatures. third year. Once an infant becomes independent with about 2 years, females may cycle several months before a new conception. Until recently, were thought to form permanent pairs (e.g. Mc Cann, 1933; CarTenaza & Hamilton, 1940; 1971; Ellefson, 1974; Tilson, 1979; penter, Brockelman & Srikosamatara, 1984). However, this view of mandatory nuclear families with a socially and sexually monogamous pair has been of extra-pair copulations and partner changes challenged by observations gibbons 1994a, b; Reichard, 1995). Gibbon groups occupy rela(e.g. Palombit, tively stable home ranges including an exclusively used core area which many researchers consider to be a territory. Suitable habitats are usually saturated with groups (e.g. Mitani, 1990), creating a tight mosaic pattern of closely interlocking home ranges. Edges overlap and meetings between neighbours are common. Traditionally, group relations in gibbons are thought to deal only with territorial defense. However, actual knowledge about group encounters is scarce, for several reasons. (a) Groups often flee silently from observers which is facilitated by their small group size and arboreality. (b) Recording complex events taking place high up in the canopy is difficult. (c) Most earlier observers habituated at best a single group. (d) Life-histories and thus kin-relations of individuals in adjacent groups are unknown. We solved these problems at least partly because our data derive from the longest 1138 field study on hylobatids, spanning about 17 years and involving several well-habituated groups (cf. Brockelman et al., in press). neighbouring Material and methods The study site was located at 730-870 m elevation inside the primary rain forest of the Khao Yai National Park, Thailand (2,168 km2; 101°22' E, 14°26' N; 130 aerial km NE of Bangkok). A population of white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) immediately west of park headquarters in the Mo Singto area has been studied by various observers since 1979 (e.g. Raemaekers & Raemaekers, 1984a, b; Treesucon, 1984; Brockelman, 1985; Whitington, 1990; Reichard, 1996). About half a dozen trees in the study area were illegally exploited for an incense raw-product over the last decade, but otherwise the gibbons were not threatened by poaching or forest destruction. The authors collected data during the following periods; UR: Oct89-Jan90 (55 days, 150 h), Jan92-May93 (259 days, - 1600 h), Oct93 (N 15 days), Oct94 (N 15 days), days); VS: Sep94-Ju196 (110 days, ?550 h). Observations focused on May-Jun96 three adjacent gibbon groups (A, B, C) whereas neighbours were studied opportunistically during encounters with the main study groups and surveys (Fig. 1). All these gibbons were individually identifiable. Qualitative information presented in this paper may originate from any of these observation periods. However, quantitative analysis is restricted to Jan92May93 when UR observed groups A, B and C during 250 days for a total of 1537 h. The core data set stems from a one-year period of focal-animal sampling (Altmann, 1974) on groups A, B, C (May92-Apr93, 175 days, 1209 h; see below, Table 1 ). Datawere collected using a battery-powered, hand-held-size computer (Psion Organiser LZ 64) connected to a bar-code reader pen. Codes were displayed on a score-board which was carried by the observer in front of the belly (cf. Reichard, 1996). Fast sequences were at times tape recorded. Most observation days started at dawn and ended around 16:30 after the apes had settled in their sleeping trees. Data on group encounters were recorded ad libitum. An encounter was defined to start when a group approached another within 50 m and it ended when groups had again distanced themselves further away than 50 m. Fig. 1. Home ranges of main study groups (A, B, C) and neighbours, Khao Yai National Park, Thailand (1992-93). 1139 1140 1141 Table 2 lists the composition of the main study groups which were well habituated to gibbon researchers (group A since about 1981, groups B and C since May92). Gibbons are arboreal apes. Nevertheless, they do on rare occasions descend to the ground (e.g. VS observed about half a dozen ground contacts of usually less then I min). However, they sometimes traveled in heights of less then 5 m right above observers. Visibility into the canopy was variable but often very good, particularely during the dry winter. A marked and measured trail system, often along elephant paths, transversed the study area. Day ranges of gibbon groups were reconstructed on maps with grid cells of 50 x 50 m. Gibbons are peculiar amongst Hominoidea because of their vocalizations (review in Haimoff, 1984; Raemaekers et al., 1984; Cowlishaw, 1992) which can be heard from 1-2 km away. Males and females sing loud duets, mostly from 07:00-11:00. Duets consist of a warm-up phase by both individuals, followed by a high-pitched female 'great call' and a male 'reply/coda'; the sequence may or may not be repeated many times. Male gibbons also sing 'solos', mostly around dawn. A typical call during encounters is the 'male encounter vocalization', a series of low-key hoots. Other observers termed the calls 'conflict vocalization' (Brockelman & Srikosamatara, 1984) or 'conflict hoo(t)s' (Ellefson, 1974; Gittins, 1980). A more neutral term is preferred in this paper to avoid implications about the calls' function. Results Home range The following use and group cohesion section describes general features of group life to provide the which the role of encounters has to be viewed. necessary backdrop against Home ranges of groups A, B and C as measured from Aug-Dec92 (Neuareas bedenberger, 1993) comprised on average 24 ha. Non-overlapping tween the 3 groups constituted 71 % (group A, 64.3% of 24.5 ha; group B, 74.4% of 21.5 ha; group C, 73.6% of 26.5 ha). However, all groups had and overlap existed with all of them. The length of borders amongst groups A, B and C and the proportion of overlap was used to calculate the expected overlap with other neighbours, yielding a mean of 63.7%. 5-6 neighbours only about one third of a group's range was exclusively used (cf. use of overlap areas occurred, Fig. 1). Both successive and simultaneous the latter of which being the basis for encounters. Adult females tended Thus, to enter and leave food sources as the first group member whereas adult males tended to travel behind them (Table 3; binomial test, zenter = -6.83, = 39, p < 0.001). This progression x = 15, p < 0.001, zleave = -3.67, x order clearly contrasts the pattern during group encounters (male in front, female in the background; see below). The decision to treat 'groups' as 1142 'units' that encounter each other is justifiable because members maintained close spatial proximity throughout the day. (An exception was SMC2 who sometimes left for days to unknown places. He was then considered as not being with the group.) The median distance to the nearest neighbour arms' reach and 10 m (Fig. 2). Distances between the female and infant in group B, which was carried for most of the time were excluded from the sample. Only during 0.8% of the time was any group was between (nearly always a subadult or adult male) found to be further away than 50 m from others. But such periods of peripherization were usually short (< 45 min). In almost all cases did groups reunite if neighbours were member encountered. Fig. 2. Intra-group spatial distributions. Based on distances to the nearest neighbour of focal animals sampled in 15-min intervals, with equal distribution over daytime and individuals. TABLE 3. Progression orders of adults while entering trees and leaving fruit 1143 Frequency and duration of group encounters of group encounters, 86% were observed Out of 21 possible combinations (Fig. 3). The habituated main study groups A, B, C met all their neighbours. It is thus very likely that every group encountered all neighbours and that the few non-recorded combinations were a mere consequence of too limited observation time. Encounters between the habituated groups accounted for 77% of all 162 recorded meetings. Habituated groups met significantly more frequently with each other (every 11.l hours) than with nonhabituated neighbours U-test; U = 0.01; (every 100.0 h; Mann-Whitney NI,2 = 8 ; p < 0.001). Meetings of group A with habituated groups lasted significantly longer than those with non-habituated groups (Mann-Whitney U-test; U = 251.5, Nj = 71, N2 = 14, p < 0.01; Table 4). The overall median of complete encounters was 70 min (Fig. 4). Encounter durations did not differ between the study groups (Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance, H = 4.161; Ni = 36, N2 = 35, N3 = 14; p > 0.05). Clearly, detailed information on inter-group relations can only be deduced from meetings between individuals further analysis is restricted. tolerant to observers, to which most of the Encounters usually followed if two groups were aware of each other distances of 100-150 m. In only 10% of all cases when groups had come within 50 m did they not approach further below 20 m. En- within counters occurred every 1.7 days during 98 full-day follows of the main Fig. 3. Encounters between 11gibbon groups at Khao Yai (N = 162; Jan92-May93). 1144 TABLE 4. Duration of encounters of group A Fig. 4. Durations of 84 encounters observed from onset to end in main study groups A, B, C. 71 encounters were between A, B, and C and 14 encounters involved non-habituated groups which, however, did not detect the observer by all likelihood. during 41.8% of these days, during 35.7% (every 2.8 days), two during 17.3% (every 5.8 days), three during 3.1 % (every 32.7 days), four and the maximum of five during 1.0% each (every 102.0 days). It was often (but not always) study groups. one encounter No encounter was recorded 1145 the same group that was met repeatedly during the same day. Overall, main study groups met neighbours every 1.4 days (A = 1.3 days, B = days, C = 2.0 days; Table 1). Monthly rates did not differ between U-test, A&B: U = 26; Nl = 9; N2 = 6; p > groups (Mann-Whitney the 1.3 the 0.9; U = 49; Nl = 9; N2 = 11; p > 0.9; B&C: U = 32.5; Nl = 6; N2 = 11; p > 0.9). Thus, group size (A, N = 4; B, N = 5; C, N = 6) The average acseemed to have no influence on encounter frequencies. A&C: tivity day of gibbons of groups A, B and C lasted for 8 h 31 min from for N = 163 records of focal individ06:16-14:47 (range 05:27-07:36 uals except infants leaving night-trees; range 13:15-16:17 for N = 270 Encounters occurred at all but the last of entering night-trees). hour of activity (Fig. 5) but were unevenly distributed throughout the day test; K-S = 1.897, Nl = 20, N2 = 20, p = 0.001). (Kolmogoroff-Smimov Rates peaked between 06:30 and 07:59 and again shortly after 09:00. Half records began during the first third of the day and only about 12% during the last third. Groups spent 9% of their daytime activity in encounters with no differences between groups (A, 8 h 53 min, Nl [leave 1.3 encounters/day, sleeping tree] = 67; Ne [enter sleeping tree] = 119, = 10.1 %; B, 8 h 40 min, NI = 32; Ne = 43, 1.3 encounaverage 70 min ters/day, average 67 min = 9.9%; C, 7 h 58 min Ni = 72; Ne = 109, 2.0 of all encounters encounters/day, average 64 min = 6.7%). Fig. 5. Diurnal distribution of encounters in main study groups A, B, C (N = 82). Based on 98 follows from night tree to night tree. Encounters were scored only once at the beginning; those with unknown onset (N = 4) were scored to the nearest hour. 1146 Fig. 6. Behaviour recorded during 80 encounters observed from onset to end between main study groups A, B, C. The occurrence of each category was scored only once. For definitions see text. and affiliation Aggression during encounters were grouped in nine categories rated as either 'neutral', 'agThe section describes these beor 'affiliative' 6). following (Fig. Behaviours onistic' haviours and quantifies them with regard to age-sex classes. Vocalization were accompanied by calls. Male solos were heard tenth encounter, paired adult males and females duetted during during every every third, and females gave solo great calls during every fifth, which, at times, elicited responses from neighbouring females. During encoun= 82 encounters, N = 115 duets; ters, 20% of duets were heard (N Almost all encounters more than double as many than expected from the proporMay92-Apr93), The low-key hoot-sequences of male tion of time devoted to encounters. encounter vocalizations were completely restricted to this context and often The calls were usually uttered by adult males and throughout. of all meetings. 90% However, the two subadult males during of group C also produced them and even juveniles joined in on rare occasions. Often, a single male called, whereas at other times, two or more The calls generally seemed to signal called simultaneously or alternating. persisted occurred or tension. However, they did not necessarily culmiarousal, excitement nate in physical aggression but could lead to more affiliative interactions (see below). 1147 Sit opposite of all encounters members of different groups sat in three-quarters adjacent trees and looked or stared at each other, typically accompanied by male encounter vocalizations. The gibbons would brachiate back and forth During without effectively static affair which reducing distance. Sitting opposite was a relatively in extreme cases lasted for hours, at most interrupted by brief chases or play (see below). Adult males sat opposite in 98% of all episodes (N = 207), whereas male-female opposition accounted for only 2%. Subadults of either sex and even juveniles were involved in a few episodes, mostly in combination with other individuals. Opposition between adult females was not observed. It is important to stress that adult males were almost always at the front of encounters whereas adult females remained almost always in the background - a pattern very different from non-encounter contexts (cf. Table 3). Co-move/co-feed tolerated each other in the same or directly adjacent trees during third encounter. every They cautiously entered a food source (almost always a tree with a large canopy) and fed at opposite sides of the crown Groups while constantly monitoring the neighbours' movements. Co-feeding lasted between 5 and 60 min. The gibbons would move in and out of the trees to rest, play or groom calmly. Groups did not mingle except for immatures during play (see below). Inter-group grooming was not observed. At times, groups traveled parallel for 100-400 m. The latter pattern deviated clearly from the common interaction radius of approximately 40 m for encounters. Chase and contact aggression behaviours (vocalization, sitting opposite, co-feeding) often Gibbons chased each other during 61 % of agonistic interactions. Rather neutral preceded all encounters but in only 8% did this lead to contact aggression. Male-male interactions constituted 90% of all chases (N = 126) and 73% of all contact aggression (N = 15). It thus seemed as if females had more difficulties in escaping contact aggression because male-female victimization constituted Females clearly only 6% of all chases but 27% of all contact aggression. received more frequent aggression by males than vice versa. The rare occurrence of female-male chases (4%) did not reflect dyadic interactions but cases in which a male together with a female chased a neighbour. 1148 Moreover, in a few cases, the subadult female of group B was seen to chase other individuals alone, but these instances shortly before her - could not be The exact nature of from the quantified. emigration group aggressive physical contact was not clearly observable but included more or less heavy grappling. Loud screams could be heard during about every tenth encounter, both from males (2 encounters) and females (5 encounters). It is likely (but not certain) that the few observed blood-drawing injuries were inflicted during encounters. Agonistic exchanges were not the only possible outcome of neutral initial behaviour. Instead, fourth encounter. every affiliative interactions were observed during about Play developed during every fifth encounter. chases and wrestling) were indisPlay categories (mostly rough-and-tumble tinguishable from within-group play and play-partners rarely showed signs are available for 80 completely and of fear. Data on partner combinations Inter-group play between immatures 16 partially recorded encounters between groups A, B, C, N and E during which 52 play sessions were noted. 54.5% included dyadic play, 33.3% play, 9.1 % dyadic and triadic play, and 3.0% triadic and quartetic All immatures of at least the main study groups played. Inter-group play. play involved 2 infant, 6 juvenile, 2 subadult and 2 adult partners in the foltriadic IMA/JFB 1 x, IMA/IFB/JFB 1 x, IMA/JMA/JFB lowing 18 combinations: or JFB 1 x , IMA/JMA/IFB/JFB 1 x , JMA/JFB 11 x, 6 x, IMA/JMA/IFB JMA/IFB/JFB 13 x, 5 x, JMA/JMC 1 x , IMA/JMC 2 x, IMA/JMA/JMC JMA/JMC/SMC 1 x , JFB/JME 1 x , 1 1 x , JMA/JFN 1 x , IMA/JMA/JMH 1x. SFB/JME JFB/AMB/JME JFB/JME/AME 1 x , SFB/AME 1 x , 1x, Groups A, B and C each contained an infant and a juvenile. However, the immatures clearly preferred partners of the same age: dyadic play between members of different age-classes constituted only 8% of all observed comas opposed to 54% for partners of the same age-class. Moreover, subadults and adults participated rarely in inter-group play whereas they often played within their own groups (subadults adult males adult females). binations The negative correlation between age and play frequency obviously is more rigorous in inter-group than intra-group play. This is illustrated by the development of JMA, JFB and JMC. When they had become subadults during the 1994-96 study period, they still played regularly in their natal groups 1149 but not as much any more during or tolerance displayed indifference Adults mostly inter-group encounters. towards immatures from neighbouring groups which 'came over' for play. Only once was group A's adult female observed to intervene and threaten group B's juvenile female who played with group A's juvenile male, perhaps because the B-individual had apfast. The her too immatures shifted their proached simply activity a few meters. Approach Adults and subadults each other during every fourth encounter as close as 5 m without any party retreating. Males initiated most proximity (N = 37). They never approached each other but targeted only females (91 %) with whom they even came a few times into body contact. In rare cases, females approached approached males (9%). copulation (EPC) were recorded on 45 days during a 12-month window (May92Matings and included 72 in-pair copulations (IPC) in groups A and C and 8 Apr93) extra-pair copulations of the adult female of group A observed during three Extra-pair days (7 times with the adult male of group C, once with the adult male of group B; for details see Reichard, 1995). Two encounters with EPCs of and 134 min on AFA and AMC lasted 58 min on 27Jan93 ( copulation) over a 20 min period). The resident male AMA 1 lMar93 (6 copulations retreated in both cases from his pair-mate and became males of group C. AMC used these occassions involved with the to approach AFA. for m and She hesitated only 5-10 copulated soon. Her Her infant son (IMA) sometimes clang to her belly while she copulated. son sometimes but also interest in the showed juvenile squealed mating subadult at first but retreated within a few meters. Encounter vocalizations of couple and approached AMA were heard from about 100 m away. AMC passed AMA when the males retreated to their groups but little aggression was observed. The third with an EPC (this time between AFA and AMB) occurred on and lasted for 70 min. The resident male AMA probably detected 25Apr93 the EPC and vigorously chased the neighbouring male AMB over some encounter 30 m away from the female. However, no aggression against his pair-mate was observed. Undisturbed IPCs observed by UR (Oct89-Apr93) lasted on = 61 s 51 7-203 N Undisturbed EPCs s, (median s, 17). average range 1150 during the same period had a shorter average of 46 s (median 23 s, range 3-179 s, N = 7). We believe that fear of detection by the pair-mate or hightened sexual excitement of partners shortened copulations, although the difference is statistically not significant (Mann-Whitney U-test; U = 37, N¡ = 17, Nz = 7, p < 0.1). Close contacts Adult males immatures between adult males and neighbouring immatures at times established close spatial contact with neighbouring The immatures, particularly infants, appeared and at other times frightened. Such incidences have not and vice versa. at times relaxed previously been described and three episodes shall therefore be documented in some detail. They mostly involved two sons of AFA (Aran, born in Sep90, and Akira, born in Oct93). Case a (observer: UR) 240ct92 A relaxed encounter between groups A and C since 09:48 includes inter-group play of immatures. At 10:38, AMA briefly chases AMC who retaliates, aided by SMC2. AMA then disappears out of sight. Soon after, AFA, JMA and IMA (Aran) are seen only about 3 m above ground. AMC and JMC approach slowly. Suddenly, an unidentified member of group A is briefly chased to the ground. A few more chases follow until 11:10 when AMC approaches AFA suddenly within arm's reach. AFA moves slowly about 4 m down and IMA establishes body contact with his mother. JMA places himself between AFA and AMC, only about 3 m away from the male. AMC passes JMA at II: II and dangles on one arm right in front of AFA, nervously swinging the other. AFA and IMA retreat 2 m. The infant then approaches AMC. Both individuals hang on their arms. For several seconds, AMC gently engulfes IMA with both legs. IMA emits soft vocalizations, similar to those heard during play. AFA does not intercept the contact. JMC also approaches closer. IMA has already moved back towards AFA when the female suddenly screams loudly. JMC and AMC quickly retreat. AFA screams once more, although less intense, when AMC approaches again. This time, she and JMC withdraw immediately for 15 m. Approaches and withdrawals continue. In the meantime, AMA has approached AFC to within 10 m. The rather relaxed atmosphere changes when AMA chases SMC2. AFC then goes after the neighbouring male, aided by AMC who returns to his group. The encounter ends at 11 :26. Case b (observer: VS) 05Sep95 Group A meets group C at 12:04. AFA and IMA (Akira) remain in the background; the two-year old infant has been weaned over the last weeks. AMA, SMA and JMA confront AMC and SMC. Encounter vocalizations are heard while the males sit opposite to each other, interrupted by short jumping displays. At 12:16, SMA flees quickly while loud screams are heard, probably from JMA. The juvenile was probably attacked (and bitten?) by a male from group C. AFA nervously rushes towards JMA, leaving her infant 20 m behind. The males from group A retreat further at 12:23, slowly pursued by AMC. At 1151 12:28, AMA has disappeared from the scene; he probably moved again forward towards the center of group C. AMC, on the other hand, sits only 5 m away from SMA. At 12:33, SMA has positioned himself between AFA and IMA, 5 m away from each. AFA and IMA are thus 10 m apart. AMC, however, sits besides IMA, almost in body contact (0.5 m). The adult male appears self-confident although not aggressive. Both immatures seem to be frightened, crouch and press themselves against the substrate. At 12:41, AFA lunges at AMC who flees immediately. After some warm-up notes, AFA emits a single great call at 12:45. AMA, about 50 m away near group C, does not respond. SMA joins the confrontation again at 12:58, uttering encounter vocalizations. However, he remains well behind AMA who marks the front towards AMC, SMC and JMC. The parties retreat at 13:24. Case c (observer: VS) 07Sep95 Group A meets group C at about 13:45. AMA leads, uttering encounter vocalizations. SMA is 20 m behind, AFA, JMA and IMA (Akira) about 30 m. The adult male of group C appears all of sudden at 13:50 and positions himself about 1 m away from AFA; JMA sits I m behind the female, IMA about 3-4 m sideways. AMC, AFA and JMA seem to search for arthropods on branches. AMC slaps mildly at AFA 13:58, a gesture resembling an invitation for play. One minute later the infant screams loudly, falls 12 m and hits hard on a trail. AMC is in the spot the infant occupied before. This suggests that the adult male jumped towards the infant which was either knocked out of the tree or dropped himself. AFA screams, lunges at AMC and drives him away. The infant on the ground remains motionless for seconds, then appears dizzy but ultimately climbs up again, using small trees and vines. JMA descends a short distance while monitoring his younger brother's ascent. The infant is diarrhetic but suffered no visible injury. AFA shows no intent to retrieve or comfort her infant; instead, she feeds on leaves. AMA remained out of sight since AMC appeared but his continuous vocalizations indicate a close encounter with group C 30-50 m away. At 14:20, AMC moves again into arms' reach of AFA, IMA and JMA who sit close together, while SMA is about 10 m in the back. The immatures appear frightened, crouch and press themselves against branches. AMC brachiates to and fro, addressing gestures at JMA which resemble invitations for play. JMA does not react and AFA does not intervene. From about 14:28 onwards, AMC brachiates 1-5 m beside and above AFA, JMA, IMA and SMA. AFA seems calm and does not retrieve her infant. AMC has no erection (indicating a lack of immediate sexual interest). He utters encounter vocalizations and mild solo elements. AMA does the same 30-50 m away. The situation appears tense at 14:35 when AFA takes her infant at her breast. AMC retreats at 14:58 whereupon the four members of group A relax and start to forage. AMA's encounter vocalization can still be distantly heard. He joins his slowly traveling group at 15:25. 'Winners' of encounters? The question whether agonistic encounters have an 'outcome' can be tackled by analysing chasing-interactions among males (Fig. 7). All adult and subadult males participated in all encounters (except for SMC2 who at times disappeared for days). All males chased and were chased by all other 1152 Fig. 7. Chase-interactions between neighbouring adult and subadult males of main study groups A, B, C during 95 encounters. non-group males. Relative rates varied greatly but the males of group C clearly chased more often (combined ratios: chasing/being chased 2.1) than 0.8), yielding a they were chased (combined ratios: being chased/chasing 'win/lose-ratio' of 2.6. The adult male of group A (ratios: 0.9 and 2.4) 1153 won only with a probability of 0.4, the adult male of group B (ratios: 0.8 and 1.3) with 0.6. Still, AMB appeared to be weakest because he achieved no positive score against any other male whereas AMA's scores were superior to AMB and SMC1. The subadults probably added strength to group C and may have facilitated AMC's numerous extra-pair copulations with AFA by keeping AMA busy (see above). Nevertheless, dominance relationships amongst males were not stable because wins, losses and draws could vary from day to day. No male was always dominant or submissive. For example, even AMB evicted whole group C single-handedly out of a fruit This tree. male with the lowest 'win-ratio' also disputed copulated with AFA despite AMA's superior chasing scores (not withstanding that AMC, who outcompeted Seasonal AMA, faired still better). pattern Encounter rates were not equally distributed throughout the year (Kolmogotest; K-S = 0.86, N = 11, p < 0.05) but goodness-of-fit were highest from Mar-Jun (Fig. 8a). We tried to relate this to climatic roff-Smimov and social factors. Food abundance If encounters relate to the resource defense, they should be less frequent Food availability is probably positively corwhich, in turn, is roughly a function of rainfall when food is more abundant. related with plant biomass the two preceding months. In fact, encounters were highest at the during end of the dry season of 1992 which lasted unusually long (Fig. 8a). The first heavy rains were during May92. Food abundance was probably higher throughout the monsoon and for some months thereafter when more fruits had ripened. The abundance might have again dropped during Mar-Apr93 leading to a renewed increase in territorial defense. However, a statistically sound correlation - let alone a significant one - between rain during the previous month and encounter rates could not be detected (r = -0.013). Sexual activity If encounters reflect efforts for extra-pair copulations they should correlate positively with high female sexual activity. However, this was not the case The first peak in encounter rates in May-Jun92 coincided (r = -0.250). 1154 Fig. 8. Monthly distribution of climatic and behavioural parameters (May92-Apr93). (a) Rates of encounters (N = 123) of groups A, B, C with any other group and rainfall (as measured during observation days of the preceding month by UR and prorated for full months). (b) Rates of copulations (N = 82). Based on 1843 h of non-overlapping observations of groups A, B, C by three researchers (Ulrich Reichard, 1209 h; Bjarne Klausen, 300 h; Jorg Neudenberger, 334 h. For details, see Reichard, 1995, Table 2. The adult female of group B did not copulate). (c) Proportions of agonistic, neutral and affiliative behaviours recorded during 59 encounters observed from onset to end between main study groups A, B, C. One-zero sample. For categories of neutral, agonistic and affiliative behaviour see Fig. 6. 1155 with a lull in sexual (when AFA conceived copulation rates. activity (Fig. 8b) and only the second around Mar93 her next infant, bom 160ct93) coincided with high profiles during encounters agonisitc encounters could reflect defense Behavioural Rather of food or sexually acshould inter-group interactions more affiliative Alternatively with low encounter rates. However, agonistic and affiliative components of encounters did not vary dramatically in their relative proportions throughout the year (Fig. 8c). tive mates. coincide Discussion The following section will discuss the implications of the present findings on the traditional models that gibbons (a) form nuclear families with a pair of adults who maintain a lifelong, monogamous relationship and (b) that We will also reflect aggressive defense of territories. group encounters review the assumption that infanticide risks may have been a major force in shaping the social system of gibbons. Habituation and observation biases in gibbons (Table 5) are marred by methodand biases particularly because observations usually The surrounded unhabituated by neighbours. groups Previous data on encounters ological centered difficulties on single study showed that this can lead to shorter encounter lengths. The at Khao Yai yielded the longest recorded duration of any gibbon encounter (231 min) and an average length (70 min) matched of unhabituated groups bias also by hardly any other study. Observations present excellent habituation behaviours such as approaches and against subtle and less attention-drawing a Moreover, play, 'low-priority behaviour' is terminated at the copulations. Absent records are thus almost certainly artifacts of slightest disturbance. is minimized durobservations. We are confident that such underreporting ing the present study. 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 Resource-defense by females and mate-defense by males considered to be territorial and sexually are traditionally Earlier studies suggested that range defense establishes both monogamous. et al., 1974; Tenaza, 1975; Chivers, 1977). characteristics (Brockelman it out that was pointed Later, territory integrity is likely established by se whereas is about intra-sexual brought by aggresmonogamy groups per Gibbon pairs & Srikosamatara, sion (Brockelman 1984). Playback experiments simulating range intrusion supported this notion (e.g. Mitani, 1984, 1985; Raemaekers & Raemaekers, 1985). A territory can be defined as 'an area within the home range occupied more or less exclusively by an animal al., 1982: 246). This is applicable, al(Lincoln et though only one-third of the groups' ranges did not overlap. Other studies have most likely yielded lower overlaps because they did not habituate or group of animals' areas of primate home-ranges the neighbours (cf. Table 5). Non-overlap observation time. Detailed analysis become also smaller with increasing of the range ecology in gibbons is beyond the scope of the present paper. we believe that it is not necessary to invoke the rather hyNevertheless, of gibbons but that more pothetical construct of an intrinsic 'territoriality' We are available. attempt them by specifying interpretations parsimonious influence travel patterns and inter-group relations in how sex-differences of female mammals is limited by food and that gibbons. The reproduction of males by breeding opportunities (Trivers, 1972; cf. review in Dunbar, of 1988). The spatial dispersion gibbon females is probably the main factor preventing regular polygyny. It is not well understood why females do not aggregate but food distribution is likely a crucial factor. Range sizes probably reflect minimum areas needed to maintain a single female and offspring, and males simply map themselves onto the spatial distribution of females. In fact, females at Khao Yai led most travels into and from fruit trees whereas males tended to follow (76.0% of all cases). Sexual in gibbons would then reflect that males are typically unmonomorphism several females although the reason for this remains able to monopolize obscure (van Schaik & Dunbar, 1990). Larger body size could increase but not without substantial costs such as (a) intra-sexual competitiveness the need to find more food and (b) somewhere else than in terminal branches exploited by females, as well as (c) increased difficulties to guard mates 1161 against lighter competitors and into smaller branches. who could follow females easier during travel Moreover, there are indications for a temporal clumping of fertile females. Births in Khao Yai tend to be more common between August and November. fertilize Such This hampers roaming strategies which aim to guard and a single female before moving to the next (cm Orians, 1969). constraints prevent overt polygyny without, strictly monogamous breeding system. Loopholes males to pursue alternative reproductive strategies vided by group encounters. encounters Nevertheless, however, imposing a for both males and feare for example proshould be understood to originally reflect conflicts over space on part of the females (resourcedefense) and disputes over access to reproductive partners on parts of the males (mate-defense). Gibbon songs are likely to serve the same function (Cowlishaw, 1992). The concept of resource defense range defense has traditionally been thought to be at the core of in gibbons. The following section highlights revisions group relationships and extensions for this notion. The idea that resource-defense by females Aggressive and mate-defense 1. Encounters by males structures ranging leads to several predictions. should be agonistic aggression (cf. Fig. 6), thus confirming earlier studies because (cf. Table 5). Absence of contact aggression is not contradictory animals may prefer to reduce the risk of injury or defeat and instead try Almost all included to deter opponents (cf. Maynard Smith & Price, 1973). Fighting abilities can be conveyed through encounter vocalizations, solos and locomotion Situations in which groups sit opposite to each other, co-feed displays. and co-travel seem to reflect stand-offs during which lines are drawn and monitored. moves of the opponents are carefully Sex-differences characterised the agonistic components of encounters van Schaik et al., 1992): Male gibbons were (similar to arboreal langurs; at the front and females almost always held back. Females never interacted directly of occasional whereas males chased each other often and up to the point A contact aggression. particular food item has a relatively small value because it can be shared and also be found elsewhere. Food 1162 In is thus rarely worth intense agonistic confrontation between females. both already posaddition, females may be in a 'clear enemy' scenario sess ranges and would not gain by aquiring another (Cowlishaw, 1992). between females is also not necessarily expected beDirect confrontation Males thus act in by males also tails food defense. certain ways as 'hired guns'. Access to a mate, on the other hand, has cannot be a much higher relative value for a male because conceptions cause mate defense are not abundant. Male-male competition should shared and opportunities resemble contests. Moreover, other males pose a potential risk to offspring (see below). Blood-drawing injuries were not observed but it male that at least seems likely amongst males. Interestingly, they occur, therefore gibbon previous penter, canines specimen showed more often signs of M/F of torn ears 25/3%, Car(ratio 37/28%, Schultz, 1944; severely damaged shot for museum collections than those of females injuries 1940; healed 42/20%, 2. Encounters fractures Frisch, 1963). should be more common in the early morning when ripe fruit are more abundant are highly selective feeders which prefer ripe fruit and re-visit rich sources on consecutive days (Gittins & Raemaekers, 1980; Raemaekers & is most valuable A fruit source Chivers, 1980). during the early momboth ing when it has not yet been depleted by diurnal food competitors, Gibbons The present study supports the prediction because intra- and inter-specific. encounter rates peaked between 06:30 and 07:59 and declined thereafter (cf. Fig. 5) - a pattern similar to previous studies. The idea that gibbon females lead their groups on the best possible foraging routes is also supoccurred in or near food trees, ported by the fact that many encounters 1977, 1978). However, early especially big figs (see also Raemaekers, morning encounters could also simply be elicited by groups realizing they This would not are close to one another when members start vocalizing. an related to food resources. require explanation should be more frequent and more aggressive when food is short (resource-defense) or when females are fertile (mate-defense) 3. Encounters were unevenly distributed throughout the year (cf. Fig. 8a). High rates correlated only partially with increased female receptivity. Food availability could not be measured directly. If rainfall is used as a proxy, a Encounters 1163 reduced availability of food was also found to be at the most partially responsible for high encounter rates (cf. Fig. 8b). Moreover, the proportions of agonistic and affiliative components during encounters were fairly constant throughout the year (cm Fig. 8c). This suggests that resource defense is as best not the only function 4. Groups of encounters. should develop clear dominance respected dominance relationships Mutually and submissive individuals relations are beneficial to both dominant because they regulate access to resources in acintrinsic resource holding potential, thus reducing the constant need to contest them aggressively (see e.g. Ellis, 1995). A corresponding avoidance mechanism (Mitani & Rodman, 1979) would cordance reduce with an individual's the amount of time and energy groups have to invest in disputes. that fed on of Sympatric groups siamang and lar gibbons in Karu/Malaysia the same food sources might have maintained such a relationship because they met only every fifth day during the 119-days study - a lack of encounters probably brought about by the clear dominance of the siamang 1978). Gibbon groups can easily avoid each other, esgroup (Raemaekers, calls could serve as spacing mechanism. Thus, pecially since long-distance it is not clear why lar gibbons at Khao Yai met so frequently (once every 1.4 days) and for so long (>1 h on average) when newcomers should in fact either evict a feeding group quickly or leave the overlap area. Instead, encounters account for a tenth of the activity day - a pattern which seem to be gibbon-typical (cf. Table 5). Moreover, a clear-cut dominance hiersubadult and adult males, won archy lacked because the main 'fighters', and lost in every possible combination of chasing interactions (cf. Fig. 7). There because is some indication group C two subadult males. that relative strength was linked who had the best 'winning-probability' to group size, - contained Several factors might be responsible that the last prediction is not fulfilled. First, the fighting abilities of gibbon males might be so similar that clear-cut dominance hierarchies can simply not develop. Second, most This might just not be groups contain only a single breeding female. male whereas worth enough to risk an all-out fight with a neighbouring male-male competition is much more fierce in species where females live together and thus enable males to establish polygynous groups (e.g. Som- 1164 mer, 1987). Third, there may be short-term variations in the group-specific values of a contested resource. For example, the importance of certain in fruits an overlapping area is reduced if they are abundant in the core area of the own range. Fourth, gibbons might in various ways benefit from group encounters per se so that agonistic resource defense is at least supThe next section will deal with plemented with various social functions. this aspect, Affiliative which has received social functions virtually no attention till date. of encounters The literature on gibbons emphasizes agonistic and neglects affiliative asOne reason is certainly that records of non-habituated pects of encounters. will be biased towards attention-drawing behaviours such as engroups and chases. vocalizations Moreover, affiliative interactions take time to develop and gibbons will often quickly flee from an observer. It is also likely that the concept of gibbons as a territorial, rigidly monogamous or to downplay species led observers to overlook affiliative interactions counter In any case, about two thirds of ranges at Khao Yai overlapped and affiliative interactions between members of different groups occurred during about a quarter of all encounters. them. Inter-group play between youngsters was regularly seen. The functions of play are still not well understood (cf. Martin & Caro, 1985) but it is and that a mixture of immediate delayed benefits is at stake such likely as the training of locomotory and social skills. Gibbons space births over 2-4 years (Brockelman & Srikosamatara, 1984; Leighton, 1987; Palombit, 1992) so that immatures have no like-aged play mates in their natal group. This does not necessarily lead to a lack of play because immatures of different age (infant, juvenile, subadult) may be present in the group; adults will also join immatures for play, at times for extended periods of 90 min (unpubl. data). Still, inter-group play is the only opportunity to find playpartners of the same age and sex. Such individuals are often preferred if access is not limited (e.g. chimpanzees, Mendoza-Granados & Sommer, 1995). Play with like-aged partners was also the preferred combination of inter-group play in the gibbons perhaps because this allows to test and further develop own abilities most adequately. However, inter-group play was not limited to same-sex, like-aged partners. The existence of other combinations might have to do with another 1165 beneficial to monitor reproductive opaspect of close group interactions: the formation of a new Firstly, pair amongst grown-up former play A model for this is a former male of group partners can be facilitated. tions. A who dispersed in the summer of 1990. He was rediscovered in Mar93 when he had formed a new group (R) with group B's subadult female who had dispersed in Aug92 (cf. Table 2). Secondly, encounters also enable mature individuals to closely monitor the physical fitness of reproductively same-sex competitors as well as potential mates. Pair formation in a new have reached range is probably a rare option where gibbon populations capacity. In this case, the challenge of a breeding adult and sub1984; sequent takeover of a range and mate (Treesucon & Raemaekers, more et in should be the comBrockelman Palombit, 1994b; al., press.) mon strategy, especially for dispersing subadults (Brockelman et al., 1973, carrying 1974; Mac Kinnon & Mac Kinnon, 1977). To monitor reproduction options from the safety of a known range is in any case less risky than random search for mates in unfamiliar areas (cf. Mitani, 1990). Encounters terminate to compare their current mate's quality with In fact, gibbons have been observed to neighbours. and re-pair (Chivers & Raemaekers, 1980; partnerships allow adult and subadult current adults A less dramatic deviation from life-long monogamy Palombit, 1994b). are extra-pair (EPC). Outside Khao Yai, they have been doccopulations umented at only one other Hylobatidae study site, i.e. amongst siamangs 1994a), but this is almost certainly an artifact of insufficient data Half of the paired adults on which the present study focused engaged in EPCs; they occurred on 9% of all days with sexual behaviour and 12% of all copulations of the female of group A. The female constituted (Palombit, collection. gave birth in the third week of Oct93. Because gestation in white-handed 1981; gibbons lasts 27-32 weeks (Ardito, 1976; Kollias & Kawakami, Geissmann, 1991), conception occurred most likely between the first week of Mar93 and mid Apr93. Thus, the female was probably fertile during at least the second EPC-encounter. During the 1994-1996 study period, EPCs other individuals were observed from feof (unpubl. data). DNA-analyses ces to determine the degree of extra-pair paternity in the study population & Sommer, in prep.). males to leave more offspring. However, a male has to lower his mate-guard in order to philander towards a neighbouring are under way (Reichard EPCs can help gibbon 1166 female. Therefore, he has to balance the pursue of EPC opportunities with the necessity to insure paternity of his own mate's offspring. Khao Yai data clearly show that male gibbons follow females much more often than vice versa, and that mates actively maintain spatial proximity. During encounters, on the other hand, they position themselves usually between their mate and the neighbouring male(s), obviously to guard their mates. Subadults can probably provide crucial assistance in this respect (e.g. H. syndactylus, 1974; H. lar, Ellefson, 1974; H. agilis, Gittins, 1980; H. klossii, Tilson, 1981; Fig. 7) which could explain why they are often tolerated in gibbon groups beyond sexual maturity (cf. Table 2). Subadults could benefit from such assistance by gaining experience in same-sex competition, Chivers, by evaluating the chance to replace a neighbouring cause they increase the likelihood that full-siblings resident male, and beare bom into their natal group. Male interest in neighbouring females is reflected by the 'friendly' approaches observed during more than one quarter of all encounters. Females await the outcome of male mate-guarding gambles rather passively because 91 % of all approaches vice versa. were directed from males to females and only the active Nevertheless, strategic moves of females are indicated by the occurrence of female great calls during almost one quarter of all encounters. Great calls are traditionally thought to be an integral part of pair-duets, designed out the neighbourhood to broadcast remainder the existence of a 'pair bond' throughin Cowlishaw, (review 1992). Most of these solo female calls occur just when their pair-mate is not close by. A philandering male replying from far would give away the degree to which his female is momentarily Solo unguarded and increase the risk of being cuckolded. female great calls could thus serve a two-fold function: They increase the costs of philandering for the paired male and at the same time attract neighbouring males. That two adult gibbons are found together does therefore not necessarily reflect an emotional 'bond' but "following a more parsimonious explanation, could also result from site attachment combined with 1992, p. 206). aggression in both sexes" (Anzenberger, An adaptation to increase the chance of reproduction with a mate of superior genetic quality (Fisher, 1930) might entice females to engage in EPCs. Such options are necessarily restricted to fertile periods between intrasexual births. Their extent is unknown but females may copulate over at least 1167 one year before they conceive (Reichard, 1995). High-quality mate selection is somewhat questionable because the respective female (AFA) mated not only with the probably 'strongest' neighbour (AMC) but also with the 'weaker' one (AMB). On the other hand, any male that outsmarts a paired male and copulates with a neighbour female might be de facto a 'high-quality' male. Moreover, AMB was older and had thus already 'demonstrated' fitness. The potential risk of infanticide More likely is a link between EPCs and the risk of infanticide which exists in a variety of species and for a variety of reasons (Hausfater & Hrdy, 1984; Parmigiani & vom Saal, 1994). It has recently been interpreted as the major selective force behind the evolution of monogamy in gibbons insofar as pair-males are thought to provide protection to offspring sired female (van Schaik & Dunbar, 1990). Infanticide could occur with 'their' as a result of (a) temporary invasion by a neighbour male or (b) a pair-male Gibbons are equipped with sharp and long canines and are replacement. certainly capable of killing conspecifics as evidenced by (a) a reported case of lethal aggression (Palombit, 1993), (b) an anecdote about a captive gibbon male who killed a newborn capped langur (Presbytis [Semnopithecus] pileatus) kept with his mother in the same enclosure (Anderson, 1893, cit. in Zuckerman, 1981) and (c) an anecdote according to which gibbons presumably killed a large bird (chicken; Newkirk, 1973). Infant killing might be advantageous for several reasons. Killing an unrelated offspring will benefit a male if it increases of siring the victimized mother's next infant. The death of an unweaned infant will typically shorten The death of a weaned the temporary sterility associated with nursing. of could benefit future the killer offspring progeny by curtailing maternal investment into another his likelihood male's offspring which may continue far beyond nursing, e.g. through bridging gaps in the canopy with the own body, or grooming. Killing older unrelated offspring also reduces the competition a future own offspring would face for resources such as food, safe sleeping trees or mates. Finally, the killer of an infant or juvenile might more easily replace the current adult male resident if the female withdraws her support from a mate who failed to protect her progeny (Hood, 1994). 1168 has not been observed in any gibbon species but to do so - would be difficult anyway. Lethal aggression is a especially in the wild brief event which reduces the chance to witness it, even in a largely groundInfanticide dwelling species such as Indian grey langurs (Sommer, 1987). Infanticide under certain social condiis thus often inferred from infant disappearance rare at Khao Yai. tions. However, such indirect evidence is conspicuously At least 9 gibbons were bom since 1979 into the main focal groups A, B and C, and all survived till date except for one which disappeared as a from neighal., in press). Infant disappearances juvenile (Brockelman et bouring groups which are less well monitored are rare, too. Infanticide could at best be responsible for this remainder of a near-zero mortality but other natural causes of death are, of course, as likely. In species such as gorillas, group encounters are associated with a high risk of infanticide (Watts, 1989). In the Khao Yai gibbons, contact aggression occurred during 7.5% of all encounters, and 27% of them were directed by males against females. However, it was impossible to decide if targeted only the females or if aggressive male-female interactions developed because females tried to intervene on behalf of their offspring which were usually close by. Given that encounters occur every 1.4 days, attacks can thus expect a male attack every 71 days. This would translate to roughly 10 attacks during a two-year nursing period. Still, there is no direct evidence that gibbon male attacks on females are linked to a female Firstly, the attacks could represent efforts to drive neighbours from food sources or they could reflect attempts to coerce unwillaway ing females into sexual activity. Secondly and more important: Our study physical contact between inreports for the first time that non-aggressive infanticide. fants and neighbour males can occur, including about 6% of all inter-group play sessions. This is surprising given that adult males can certainly harm immatures. Neighbour males could have also easily killed the infant in at least two of the close-encounter cases narrated above. Such non-aggressive In fact, AMC had engaged suggest that paternity is confused. in EPCs during the period when the neighbouring infant (Akira) was conceived. Female EPCs and the long period of pre-conception copulations could thus reflect counter-strategies to forestall infanticide. For example, interactions amongst grey langurs, infanticide is common in populations with one-male 1169 breeding structures but much rarer in multi-male groups where paternity certainty is low (e.g. Sommer, 1987). We can speculate further that such conditions favour even a slightly of A male can degree mate-guarding. accept a certain proportion of EPCs if his own risk of not siring an offspring with his female is lower than the combined benefit from his own efforts to achieve EPCs and lowered the additional protection from infanticide his (likely) offspring gains as a result of EPCs of his pair-mate. This trade-off might explain the somewhat puzzling observation described above that males do sometimes not return even if they hear or see that a neighbour male is close to their female. Nevertheless, neighbour males are not always perceived as friendly by immatures or their mothers, because immatures can show extreme fear while mothers tend to 'defend' them. Thus, some ambiguity towards neighthe issue of confused paternity. It can also not despite that case (c) described above represented a genuine effort of bour males remains be excluded the neighbour male to harm the infant. In any case, the infant fell far to the ground. Falls can cause at least fractures in gibbons (Schultz, 1944). Thus, it remains unclear if gibbon males pose a threat to infants but it seems premature to exclude the possibility. Similarly, the absence of observations on predation does not necessarily indicate that there is no risk of predation but may well reflect effective predator-avoidance mechanisms (Dunbar, 1988). In sum, encounters between gibbon groups appear likely to have roots in disputes over resources and mates but they also provide opportunities to pursue a variety of reproductive options, particularly sexual contacts with more then one partner. These mating pattern are likely to create groups where young are not always full-siblings but were kin-ship relations extend et al., well into neighbour groups. Short dispersal distances (Brockelman in press) reinforce this effect. 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