The War of Worlds: Self and Society in Social Movements

The War of Worlds: Self and Society
in Social Movements
Daryll Forde Seminar Room, Department of Anthropology, UCL
Thursday 4th June - OTHER PRESENTS
09.30 – 10.00
Registration and Coffee
10.00 – 10.15
Welcome and Introduction from Vita Peacock
The Activist Self as Social Project
Versatile Selves: the Art of Political Militancy in Ordoliberal Germany
Bob Kurik and Malte Stieber
The ‘Cultured’ Movement: How did Class and Colonial Distinction Shape Political
Selves in Moscow’s Anti-Putin Protests?
Anna Grigoryeva
11.05 – 11.15
Essence, Hexis and Praxis: an Ethics of Militancia
Sian Lazar
The Way of the Masks: Selfhood and Personhood in Anonymous
Vita Peacock
Discussion: introduced and led by Pnina Werbner
12.45 – 13.45
---------------------------------------Other Worlds in the Everyday
A Politics of World-Building
Jarrett Zigon
Categories of Value in the ‘Unseen City’: Creating the Radical Space of Selves and
Others in an Anarchist Social Milieu
Patrick Huff
14.35 – 14.45
Healing Nature, Recycling Self: Self-transformation and the Green Living
Movement in Hong Kong
Loretta Iengtak Lou
Ethical Violence as Becoming: On the Alternative Consumption Practices of Jewish
Israeli Anti-Zionist Activists
Fiona Wright
Discussion: introduced and led by Sian Lazar
16.30 – 17.30
Summing up discussion: introduced and led by Jarrett Zigon
19.00 – 21.00
Documentary Film-Screening by Maple Rasza in the Daryll
Forde Seminar Room.
Friday 5th June - OTHER FUTURES
09.45 – 10.10
Arrival and coffee
10.10 – 10.15
Introduction from Ellen Potts
The Futures of Becoming Otherwise
Intimate reflections, ephemeral collectives: Future political subjectivities
Alex Flynn
Naming and Raising a Child: Thoughts on the Relation Between Self and Society
Among Left Radical Activists in Northern Europe
Stine Krøijer
11.05 – 11.15
The Occupier: Activist Selves in the 99 Per Cent
Jamie Matthews
The Social Re-assembled: Alternative Selves and Societies Emerging from Taiwan’s
Sunflower Movement
Fang-long Shih
Discussion: Introduced and led by Maple Rasza
12.45 – 13.45
-------------------------------------------(Re)writing Cultural Narratives
Popular Culture and Activism: A Discussion of the Relationship Between Popular
Culture and Political and Social Activism in a Globalized World
Alena Brunner
The Story of Seething: How to Live in a Place That is Not a Place
David Jeevendrampillai
14.35 – 15.45
Future Allegories? Stories of and in the UK Climate Justice Movement
Ellen Potts
Moral Self as Fearless Speaker in Israeli Soldiers’ Testimonies
Tamar Katriel
Discussion: introduced and led by Angelique Haugerud
16:30 – 17:30
Summing up discussion introduced by Alex Flynn, followed
by conference roundtable with all discussants.
17.30 – 18.30
Drinks and snacks for all conference guests.
Conference dinner for presenters and discussants.