PHC 6601 Seminar in Contemporary Public Health Issues Date Room/Time Speaker

PHC 6601 Seminar in Contemporary Public Health Issues
Spring, 2013
Mondays, 11:45-1:40, Room G101 (Unless otherwise noted)
Nancy Schaefer, MA
Associate University Librarian
University of Florida Health Science Center Libraries
Academic Integrity
Randy Graff, PhD
Assistant Director of Education and Training for the
UF Health Science Center
Presenting Research Data
January 7
January 14
First day of Classes – No Seminar
12:40-1:40 pm
January 21
January 22
January 28
Jill Skufe, M.Ed.
Career Development Coordinator
Career Resource Center
Developing your Professional Image: Resumes and
Dressing for Success
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – No Seminar
1:00- 4:00 pm
12:40-1:40 pm
January 28
4:00-5:00 pm
February 4
Interprofessional Learning in Healthcare (IPLH)
Session (Held in the Reitz Union)
Phillip Barkley, MD
Director, Student Health Care Center
Associate Professor of Community Health and
Family Medicine
College of Medicine, University of Florida
Norman Sartorius, MD, DPM, PhD, FRCPsych
Former Director, World Health Organization
Division of Mental Health
Former President, World Psychiatric Association
Tiffany Pineda
Education Coordinator
UF Institutional Review Boards
Professional Ethics and Roles
Influenza; Implications for Public Health
Public Health Efforts to Fight the Stigma of Mental
Institutional Review Board: What You MUST Know3
1 All campus-based MPH students who are not in collaborative programs and started in Spring 2013 must attend this session. Students in collaborative
programs should consult with MPH staff regarding when to attend required sessions.
2 All first year MPH students are required to attend this session.
3 All MPH students who plan to register for PHC 6946 Public Health Internship in Summer and Fall 2013 must attend this session.
February 11
February 15
February 18
11:45-1:40 pm
12:00-1:30 pm
12:40-1:40 pm
February 25
February 26
March 4
March 11
March 18
1:00- 4:00 pm
Slande Celeste, MPH, MCHES
Internship Coordinator
Selecting an internship site and a special project3
Mary Peoples-Sheps, DrPH
Senior Associate Dean for Public Health
Director, MPH Program
Morrill Act Celebration
Gail Bellamy, PhD
Professor and Director, Center for Rural Health
Research and Policy
Florida State University College of Medicine
Public Health Competencies: Integration and
Monitoring in the MPH program1
Pamela Blackmon, RN, BSN, MPH
Health Officer/Administrator, Suwannee and
Lafayette County Health Departments
John A. Lednicky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Environmental and Global Health
College of Public Health and Health Professions
No seminar
Interprofessional Learning in Healthcare (IPLH)
Session (Held in the Reitz Union)
Rural Health and Land Grant Colleges: The
Continuing Legacy of the Morrill and Smith-Lever
The 3 ‘Rs’ of Rural Public Health
Recent studies regarding the aerobiology of
influenza and other respiratory viruses
Health Systems and Inequalities
Spring Break – No Seminar
11:45-1:40 pm
11:45-1:40 pm
No Seminar
No Seminar
Sarah McKune, MPH, PhD
Double Exposure in Niger: Understanding pastoral
Postdoctoral Associate in the Climate Change,
vulnerability to climate change and globalization
Agriculture, and Food Security Program of the
March 25
12:40-1:40 pm
Consultative Group on International Agricultural
University of Florida International Center
Mary Peoples-Sheps, DrPH
Preparation for special project paper and
Senior Associate Dean for Public Health
Slande Celeste, MPH
April 1
12:40-1:40 pm
MPH Internship Coordinator
Telisha Martin, MA, MSHE
Associate Director, MPH Program
1 All campus-based MPH students who are not in collaborative programs and started in Spring 2013 must attend this session. Students in collaborative
programs should consult with MPH staff regarding when to attend required sessions.
2 All first year MPH students are required to attend this session.
3 All MPH students who plan to register for PHC 6946 Public Health Internship in Summer 2013 must attend this session.
April 8
April 15
April 22
12:40-1:40 pm
12:40-1:40 pm
Adam Barry, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Health Education & Behavior
College of Health and Human Performance
Caroline Smith DeWaal, JD
Food Safety Director
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Washington, DC
The Counterintuitive Alcohol-Activity Association:
Why are Drinkers More Active than Non-Drinkers?
From Mincemeat to Microbiology: The Evolution of
Modern Food Laws
Last Week of Classes – No Seminar
1 All campus-based MPH students who are not in collaborative programs and started in Spring 2013 must attend this session. Students in collaborative
programs should consult with MPH staff regarding when to attend required sessions.
2 All first year MPH students are required to attend this session.
3 All MPH students who plan to register for PHC 6946 Public Health Internship in Summer 2013 must attend this session.