CEMP-EA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000 31 JULY 1996 INDEXES OF DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR MILITARY CONSTRUCTION (IDDMC) 1. Purpose. This provides indexes of design drawings available from U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (CEHNC), and the CD-ROM Construction Criteria Base (CCB) System for the planning and design of Army military construction projects. 2. Availability of Designs from CEHNC. a. Army Elements. Army elements having responsibility for the planning, design, or review of construction projects may obtain reproductions of design drawings at no cost in accordance with the procurement procedures given in paragraph 7. b. Other Federal Agencies. Any Federal agency may obtain reproductions of design drawings at no cost on a limited basis in accordance with the procurement procedures given in paragraph 7. c. State, Local Agencies and Private Concerns. The procurement procedures are given in paragraph 7 at cost as calculated in accordance with paragraph 9. Entities performing contractual services for the USACE Activities should request reproductions of design drawings through their contracting offices. d. Some of design drawings are available in the CCB System through Intergraph, AutoCADD, and DXF. Such design drawings are identified in the remarks column of indexes. 3. Organization of Indexes. a. Mandatory Designs. Index A provides an index of Department of Army Standard Designs by category code. These designs have been developed and approved under the Department of the Army Facilities Standardization Program for mandatory use. b. Current Designs. In addition to the mandatory designs of Index A, USACE approved design drawings are listed as current designs in Index B. Current design drawings are listed by category code. c. Limited Reference Designs. Index C provides an index of limited reference design drawings by category code. Designs listed in this index are previously used designs that have some reference value. This index is available upon request from CEHNC. (See paragraph 7, below.) IDDMC 31 JULY 1996 d. Indexes D, E, and F. These indexes provide mobilization design drawings (M-drawings) by alphabetical order, category code, and configuration data. Architectural and Engineering Instructions, Design Criteria, dated 3 July 1994, Appendix M contains criteria for mobilization designs. Indexes D, E, and F are available at CEHNC. (See paragraph 7, below.) 4. Category Codes. The Category Codes given in AR 415-28 are provided below as an aid in using Indexes A, B, C, and E: Operational and Training Facilities Maintenance and Production Facilities Research and Production Test Facilities Supply Facilities Hospital and Medical Facilities Administrative Facilities Housing and Community Facilities (Unaccompanied Personal Housing 720) (Morale, Welfare and Recreational 740) Utilities and Ground Improvements 5. Letter Prefix. as follows: 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Prefixes used in the indexes indicate the types of design a. "STD" indicates standard design drawings that are sufficient in detail to serve as construction drawings after site modifications. These standard design drawings generally provide for site adaptation in widely separated geographical areas, including design data for different climatic and seismic conditions. Often alternate wall sections, details and building elevations are included to illustrate the variations for different conditions. b. "DEF" indicates definitive design drawings that show functional layouts, space allocations, and special requirements. Definitive design drawings usually recommend basic building systems, materials and construction details, structural-mechanical-electrical systems, and architectural treatments. Definitive design drawings typically include floor plans, elevations, a section, gross and net area tabulations, and mechanical and electrical load data. c. "DG" indicates design guides that contains a combination of written and graphic material for a facility type. The material explains the facility functions and shows space allocations, special requirements, and may be accompanied by several example designs. d. "SK" indicates sketch design drawings. These drawings are usually single-line drawings describing the functional layout, space allocations, and basic features of a facility. Sketch design drawings typically include plans, elevations, sections and area tabulations. 2 IDDMC 31 JULY 1996 e. "AW" and "AD" indicate Air Force design drawings that are suitable for Army use. 6. Design Proponents. Proponents of designs are listed as "CEMP-" in the indexes. Questions concerning a design should be addressed to the proponent. 7. Procurement for Design Drawings. Reproductions of design drawings may be obtained from U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, ATTN: CEHNC-ED-ES-1, P.O. Box 1600, Huntsville, AL 35807-4301 (Mr. R. W. Taylor-Telephone: 205-895-1402). Each request should include the following information: a. Description of Design. design/facility number. Indicate the facility description and the b. Type of Reproduction. Indicate the type of reproduction (see paragraph 9) and the number of copies required for each design. c. Mailing Address. Provide the address and telephone number of the requesting element and the address where the reproductions are to be sent. d. Justification. drawings. State briefly the intended use of the design e. Costs for Non-Federal Entities. Multiply the reproduction cost of each sheet times the number of copies. Total cost will be the sum of all design reproduction costs plus a service fee of $18.00. Money orders or certified checks should be made payable to the Finance & Accounting Officer, CEHNC Huntsville. 8. Obtaining Copies of Design Guides. Design Guides are available by written request at HQUSACE Publication Depot, 2803 52nd Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20781-1102. 9. Types of Reproduction and Costs. The designs listed in the appendixes are maintained on 105mm negatives; in addition, a limited number of current design drawings are maintained on 35mm negatives. a. Reproduction from 105mm negatives will be at the following rates (subject to change without notice): 105mm duplicate diazo negative in envelope 105mm duplicate negative in envelope 105mm negative from 762mmx1067mm mylar 105mm negative from 216mmx279mm negative 216mmx279mm negative from mylar 3 $1.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 IDDMC 31 JULY 1996 Half-size wash-off mylar (381mmx533mm) 1-10 11-50 51-100 100-up sheets sheets sheets sheets 18.60 13.00 9.00 TBD Full-size wash-off mylar (762mmx1067mm) 1-10 11-50 50-100 100-up sheets sheets sheets sheets 65.00 40.00 31.00 TBD Half-size sepia from half-size mylar Half-size blueline from half-size mylar 1.45 1.20 Full-size sepia from full-size mylar Full-size blueline from full-size mylar 2.65 1.42 Electrostatic/vellum (457mmx610mm) from 105mm negative 3.00 b. Reproduction of 35mm aperture card duplicate 35mm aperture card from original mylar 0.50 0.50 c. Xerox copy of 216mmx279mm print per sheet 0.045 10. Processing Time. Normal processing time for reproduction requests listed above is about three weeks from receipt of the request in CEHNC-ED-ES-1 to the receipt of the reproduction by the requestor. 6 Indexes Index A Index B Index C Index D Index E Index F - Mandatory Designs - Listing by Category Code Current Designs - Listing by Category Code Limited Reference Designs - Listing by Category Code Mobilization Facilities - Alphabetical Listing Mobilization Facilities - Listing by Category Code Configuration Data - Army Mobilization Designs 4