California Department of Public Health

State of California-Health and Human Services Agency
California Department of Public Health
Director & State Heaffh Officer
June 13, 2014
Certificate Number: 2803
Larry Lem, Quality Assurance Manager
Eurofins Calscience, Inc .
. 7440 Lincoln Way
Garden Grove, CA 94804
Dear Larry Lem:
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated May 14, 2014, concerning the
corporate ownership and subsequent name change of you laboratory, Certificate
Number 2803, from Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc. to Eurofins Calscience,
Since this is a change of name and corporate ownership only, and not a change of the
laboratory's location, laboratory assets, or personnel , no further action is necessary on
you part. We do thank you for keeping the ELAP Branch informed of these changes.
We will update our records to reflect the current changes in your laboratory's status.
Please notify ELAP if there are any later resulting changes of laboratory personnel,
instrumentation, facilities or location.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 510 .620.3155.
] oseph L Ondo, for
David Mazzera, Ph.D., Acting Division Chief
Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management
Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, 1 Floor, MS 0511
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-3155 Fax (510) 620-3156
Internet Address : www. cd ph. ca. gov/certlic/labs/pages/elap. aspx
State of California-Health and Human Services Agency
California Department of Public Health
Director & State Health Officer
June 17, 2014
Steven L. Lane
Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc.
7440 Lincoln Way
Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427
Dear Steven L. Lane:
Certificate No. 2803
This is to advise you that the laboratory named above continues to be certified as an
environmental testing laboratory pursuant to the provisions of the Health and Safety Code
(HSC) , Division 101 , Part 1, Chapter 4, Section 100825, et seq . Certification for all currently
certified Fields of Testinq that the laboratory has applied for renewal shall remain in effect until
06/30/2016 unless it is revoked .
Please note that the renewal application for certification is subject to an on-site
process, and the continued use of this certificate is contingent upon:
* successful completion of the on-site process;
* acceptable performance in the required proficiency testing (PT) studies;
*timely payment of all fees, including an annual fee due before June 30, 2015;
*compliance with Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Branch (ELAPB);
statutes (HSC, Section 100825, et seq.) and Regulations (California Code of
Regulations (CCR),Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 19).
An updated certificate of the "Fields of Testing" will be issued to the laboratory upon
successful completion of the on-site process.
The application for the renewal of this certificate must be received before the expiration date
to remain in force according to the HSC1 00845(a) .
Please note that the laboratory is required to notify ELAPB of any major changes in the
laboratory such as the transfer of ownership, change of laboratory director, change in
location, or structural alterations which may affect adversely the quality of analyses (HSC,
Section 100845(b)(d)) . Please include the above certificate number in all your
correspondence with ELAPB.
If you have any questions, please contact ELAPB at (510) 620-3155.
David Mazzera, Ph.D., Assistant Division Chief
Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management
Environmental Laboratory Accred itation Program Branch
MS 0511 , Building P, 1st Floor, 850 Marina Bay Parkway, Richmond , CA 94804
(510) 620-3155, (510) 620-3165 Fax
www.cdph .ca. gov/certlic/labs/Pages/ELAP.aspx
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Tl7e ~ ;List of ApJJroved Fields of
Testit7g at7d AJ7alytes ·'', as s·tated ot7
tl7is certificate will be seJ7t to your
laboratory upon completioJ7 of the
entire certificatioJ7 .process, vvl1ich
ir7cludes an on-site ir1spection a17d
fJai1icipatioJ7 in the appropriate PT