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Kathleen Bimber, Vice President, EPAC Chair (Los Angeles City College), John Clerx, Vice
Chancellor Educational Services, David Beaulieu, District Academic Senate President.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Los Angeles City College-AD 202- Administration building
Members Present : Sonia Soto Bair (Mission), David Beaulieu (DAS President),Kathleen Bimber Chair, Eloise Crippens
(West), David Esparza (Trade), Eddie Flores (ELAC), Richard Holdredge (Valley), Alfred Reed (Southwest), Curt
Riesberg (Pierce), Ken Sherwood (City), Pam Watkins (Harbor).
Kathleen Bimber, Chair, welcomed EPAC members to the first meeting of the year. The agenda was approved
The May 29, 2007 minutes were moved, seconded and passed as presented.
Fall 2007 meeting schedule was discussed and agreed upon. The committee will continue to meet the second Monday of each month at LACC.
Equivalency and Eminence Petitions:
A. Foreign Language-JAPANESE- EQUIVALENCY resubmission – discipline approval-EPAC agrees with the discipline committee decision.
B. Foreign Language-JAPANESE- EQUIVALENCY – discipline approval-EPAC agrees with the discipline committee decision.
C. Alternate Criteria for Foreign Language-discipline approval-Kathleen passed out copies of the
Equivalency guidelines for alternate titles for instructors in Foreign Languages/less commonly offered Languages. The Foreign Language discipline committee met and approved these guidelines for specific languages where a degree is not commonly offered. This should help streamline the evaluation of those degrees for Foreign Languages. Once the minutes are approved by that committee the Alternate Title document will be filed in Human Resources for their use in evaluating applicants.
Chair’s report:
Provisional Equivalency issues: Kathleen and David updated the committee on the problem with
Provisional Equivalencies. Instructors granted Provisional Equivalency status are required to complete an Equivalency application at the same time, but often do not. Provisional
Equivalency is granted under the assumption that the applicant will likely be approved through the equivalency process. The applicant has one semester to complete the process and is not to
be assigned a second semester until approved. However, that does not appear to be the case.
Human Resources have documented many incidents of instructors continuing to teach beyond their one semester approval. This violation jeopardizes our college’s accreditation and violates the State Minimum qualifications. David met with Carlos Covarrubias to discuss whether it is possible to prevent provisional equivalency faculty from getting an extended assignment without clearance from Human Resources. David said Carlos is working with the IT folks to find a way to do this within the SAP system
Review and edit PG B342 –Kathleen distributed the current Personnel Guide for Provisional
Equivalencies and asked the committee to review it prior to the next meeting to edit for clarity.
A clear document will better guide faculty, administrators and senate presidents in this process.
Disciplines List – The current discipline list for each campus was distributed to each campus.
EPAC members were asked to please assist in updating this list to facilitate contact with District
Discipline committees for equivalency reviews. Kathleen also mentioned that she and David are planning to organize a Discipline Day on December 7 th
similar to the IMPAC project. The intent is to encourage all disciplines, especially those that do not regularily meet, to come together to discuss common issues.
There was no new business.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Bimber, Chair
Educational Policies Advisory Committee
District Academic Senate