THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND STANDARD SPECIFICATION NAVFAC NFSS-T40 (June 1989) SPECIFICATION STANDARD DAMAGE CONTROL TRAINER NOTES ON THE USE OF THIS SPECIFICATION 1. The Standard Specification Sections listed below become part of the project specification together with the addition of other required sections prepared from NAVFAC Guide Specifications listed in NAVFAC P-34. The Standard Specification Sections are included herein and shall not be edited, changed or modified unless specific authorization is obtained from NAVFAC Code 04. STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTIONS FOR STANDARD DAMAGE CONTROL TRAINER Section No. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 05150 07534 07950 13250 15450 15470 16450 16550 Title ÄÄÄÄÄ Steel Fabrications, Structural and Pressure Reinforced CSPE Non-Vulcanized Polymeric Sheet Roofing System Calking, Sealants, and Fire Stopping Damage Control Simulator Specialties Water Supply and Drain Systems Compressed Air System Electrical and Signal Wiring Systems Lighting, Control Trainer Prepared by: Stanley L. Peters and Associates, Inc. Reviewed by: __________________________Date:_____________ Approved: EFD: Date: NAVFAC: Date: Branch Head:__________________ _______ ________ ________ Division Director:____________ _______ ________ ________ Approved for NAVFAC:___________________________________ ________ 1 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) 2. The following NAVFAC Guide Specifications are applicable to Damage Control Trainer construction and shall be included in the project specification. The appropriate Guide Specifications listed in NAVFAC P-34 shall be edited to suit the project requirements and included in the project specification as necessary. Information specified in the Technical Notes of this Standard Specification shall be incorporated into the current edition of the Guide Specifications indicated, and the sections prepared from these Guide Specifications shall be included in the project specification. GUIDE SPECIFICATION SECTIONS REQUIRED Section No. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 01011 01012 01401 01560 02050 02221 02225 02250 02660 02722 03302 04230 05210 05311 06100 07110 07220 07600 08110 Title ÄÄÄÄÄ General Paragraphs Additional General Paragraphs Quality Control Environmental Protection Demolition and Removal Earthwork for Structures and Pavements Excavating, Backfilling, and Compacting for Utilities Soil Treatment for Termite Control Exterior Water Distribution System Exterior Sanitary Sewer System Cast-In-Place Concrete Reinforced Masonry Steel Joists Steel Roof Decking Rough Carpentry Membrane Waterproofing Roof Insulation Flashing and Sheet Metal Steel Doors and Frames 2 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989) 08710 09900 15011 15250 15850 15895 16011 16852 Finish Hardware Painting Mechanical General Requirements Insulation of Mechanical Systems Air Handling and Distribution Equipment Ductwork and Accessories Electrical General Requirements Electric Space Heating Equipment 3. The below listed drawings forming a part of this specification are STANDARD DRAWINGS and shall not be changed in any respect. This list shall be edited to suit a specific project and incorporated in Section NFGS-01011, "Additional General Paragraphs". All modifications necessary to suit a specific project shall be shown on new drawings prepared for that purpose. Use either the "Free Standing" or "Retrofit" listing as appropriate. NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DRAWINGS FOR STANDARD DAMAGE CONTROL TRAINER FREE STANDING Drawing No. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Title ÄÄÄÄÄ 1404729 1404730 1404731 1404732 1404733 1404734 1404735 1404736 1404737 TITLE SHEET,INDEX,ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS FOUNDATION FLOOR PLAN FLOOR PLAN CEILING/FRAMING PLAN ROOF PLAN & DETAILS EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS/BLDG. SECTIONS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS/BLDG. SECTIONS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS/BLDG. SECTIONS 3 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989) 1404738 1404739 1404740 1404741 1404742 1404743 1404744 1404745 1404746 1404747 1404748 1404749 1404750 1404751 1404752 1404753 1404754 1404755 1404756 1404757 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS/BLDG. SECTIONS SLAB DETAILS FRAMING DETAILS DOOR SCHEDULE & DETAILS MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS TYPICAL HATCH DETAILS SEAM RUPTURE SIMULATOR TORPEDO HIT SIMULATOR PIPE BURST SIMULATOR BULKHEAD COLLAPSE SIMULATOR VOID SIMULATOR & FIRE STATION COMPARTMENT SIGNAGE PLUMBING PLAN & DETAILS MECHANICAL PLAN & DETAILS ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN ELECTRICAL DETAILS ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SUMP PUMP SYSTEM NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND DRAWINGS FOR STANDARD DAMAGE CONTROL TRAINER RETROFIT Drawing No. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Title ÄÄÄÄÄ 1404758 1404759 TITLE SHEET, INDEX, ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS FOUNDATION FLOOR PLAN 4 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989) 1404760 1404761 1404762 1404763 1404764 1404765 1404766 1404767 1404768 1404769 1404770 1404771 1404772 1404773 1404774 1404775 1404776 1404777 1404778 1404779 1404780 1404781 1404782 1404783 1404784 1404785 FLOOR PLAN CEILING/FRAMING PLAN ROOF PLAN & DETAILS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS/BLDG. SECTIONS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS/BLDG. SECTIONS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS/BLDG. SECTIONS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS/BLDG. SECTIONS SLAB DETAILS FRAMING DETAILS DOOR SCHEDULE & DETAILS MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS TYPICAL HATCH DETAILS SEAM RUPTURE SIMULATOR TORPEDO HIT SIMULATOR PIPE BURST SIMULATOR BULKHEAD COLLAPSE SIMULATOR VOID SIMULATOR & FIRE STATION COMPARTMENT SIGNAGE PLUMBING PLAN & DETAILS MECHANICAL PLAN & DETAILS ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN ELECTRICAL DETAILS ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SUMP PUMP SYSTEM 4. The listed designations for publications referenced in this standard specification are those that were in effect when this standard specification was prepared, and the current edition shall be listed in the project specification under the appropriate section. Designations that are known to be out of date when project specifications are prepared shall be changed to those current at that time, and the nomenclature, types, grades, and classes referenced in this standard specification shall be checked for conformance to the latest revision or amendment. The current issues of NAVFAC P-34 "ENGINEERING AND DESIGN CRITERIA FOR NAVY FACILITIES", the "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INDEX OF SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS", and other applicable publication indices should be consulted before listing other specifications and standards in the project specification. 5 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989) TECHNICAL NOTES A. The following items, materials, equipment, and requirements, are unique for this construction and are not currently included in the NAVFAC Guide Specifications. The information shall be added without editing, except as specified herein, to the Guide Specifications indicated. The Guide Specifications shall be edited to reflect the project requirements and the sections prepared from these Guide Specifications shall be included in the project specification. Use the Guide Specifications current at the time the project specification is being prepared. 1. Guide Specification NFGS 02050, "Demolition and Removal": a. 2. Include this section when Damage Control Trainer is retro-fit in existing building. Edit and include the following: 1) Walls at portlight and exhaust fans. 2) Slabs at wall footings, void simulator, and buried utilities; pavements if required for water and drain system. 3) Roofs if required for coaming, vent, and fan penetrations. Guide Specification NFGS-02221, "Earthwork For Structures And Pavements": a. Edit and add the following as subparagraph to "MATERIALS" 1) b. "BURIED WARNING AND IDENTIFICATION TAPE FOR DAMAGE CONTROL TRAINER: Polyethylene plastic warning tape manufactured specifically for warning and identification of buried utility lines, 3-inch-minimum width, color coded as stated below for the intended utility with warning and identification imprinted in bold black letters continuously over the entire tape length. Warning and identification to read, "CAUTION, BURIED (intended service) LINE BELOW" or similar wording. Color and printing is to be permanent, unaffected by moisture or soil. Add as subparagraphs to "SOIL MATERIALS": 6 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989) c. 1) "Backfill for Damage Control Trainer: Provide materials classified as GW, GP, SW or SP, by ASTM D 2487. The liquid limit of such material shall not exceed 35 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM D 4318. The plasticity index shall not be greater than 12 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM D 4318, and not more than 35 percent by weight shall be finer than No. 200 sieve when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1140." 2) "Pipe and Utility Bedding: Clean gravel or crushed stone conforming to ASTM C 33 coarse aggregate grading Size 67." Add as subparagraph to "FILLING AND BACKFILLING": 1) d. Add to table of "COMPACTION": 1) 3. "Pipe and Utility Bedding: Place bedding in 4-inch compacted lifts. Provide uniform and continuous support for each section except at bell holes or depressions necessary for making proper joints." "Pipe and Conduit Bedding: Compact to 95 percent of ASTM D 1557 maximum density." Guide Specification NFGS-03302, "Cast-In-Place Concrete": a. Add the following to "APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS": 1) Under Subparagraph "American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications:" "A 307-83A Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners A 354-84B Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasteners" 7 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) b. Add the following as subparagraphs to "SUBMITTALS": 1) c. "Catalog Data: Water Stops" Edit and add following as subparagraph to "CONCRETE": 1) "Concrete Mix Design for Damage Control Trainer: ACI 301, except as modified herein. Concrete shall have a 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. Slump shall be between 2 and 4 inches in accordance with ASTM C 143. The slump may he increased to 5 inches for concrete utilizing either fly ash, pozzolan, or ground slag for 10 percent (minimum) of the total cementitious material. Provide ASTM C 33 aggregate Size No. 67 <and 4 to 6 percent air entrainment for concrete exposed to freeze-thaw conditions. Accomplish air-entrainment using an air-entraining admixture>." <Use optional wording where exterior slab(s) are required.> d. Edit and add the following subparagraphs to "MATERIALS": 1) "<Admixtures for Damage Control Trainer: air-entrained concrete.>" ASTM C260 for <Use where exterior slab(s) are required.> 2) "Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615 Grade 60." 3) "Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185, 6 by 6, W2.9 by W2.9, unless otherwise indicated." 4) "Liquid Chemical Sealer - Hardener Compound: A suitable sealer - hardener designed for coating and hardening in addition to curing of the concrete." 5) "Vapor Barrier for Damage Control Trainer Slab: ASTM C 171 polyethylene sheeting, minimum 6-mil thickness for slab on grade <membrane waterproofing as specified in Section 07110, "Membrane Waterproofing" for slabs placed on existing concrete>." <Use optional wording where new floor slab is placed on an existing slab.> 8 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) e. 6) "Polyvinyl Chloride Waterstops: COE CRD-C-572." 7) "Anchor Bolts for Damage Control Trainer: A354." ASTM A 307 or Edit and add the following as subparagraphs to "PLACING REINFORCEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS": 1) "Setting Miscellaneous Material: Place and secure anchors and bolts, pipe sleeves, drains, valve box, simulated void, and other such items in position before concrete placement. Plumb anchor bolts and check location and elevation. Temporarily fill voids in sleeves with readily removable material to prevent the entry of concrete." 2) "Vapor Barrier: Provide beneath concrete floor slab. <Use the greatest widths and lengths practicable to eliminate joints wherever possible. Lap 12-inches minimum. Remove torn, punctured, or damaged vapor barrier material and provide new material prior to placing concrete.> <Provide membrane waterproofing as specified in Section 07110,"MEMBRANE WATER PROOFING".> Place concrete to prevent damage to the vapor barrier material." <Use optional wording where new floor slab is placed on an existing slab.> 3) "Expansion Joints and Contraction Joints for Damage Control Trainer: ACI 301. Provide as indicated. Make expansion joints 0.5-inches wide, fill to within 0.5-inch of surface, and seal joints with joint sealant. Do not extend reinforcement or other embedded metal items bonded to the concrete through any expansion joint, unless an expansion sleeve is used. Provide formed contraction joints. Protect joints from intrusion of foreign matter." f. Add the following as subparagraphs to "SURFACE FINISHES": 1) "Damage Control Trainer Floor: Slope the floors uniformly to drains. Slabs shall be sloped as indicated and shall not vary more than 1/8-inch in 10 feet from the required plane or slope. First, provide a floated 9 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989) finish. When slab has attained a proper set, trowel to a smooth, hard, dense finish. Hand-finish portions of the slab not accessible to power finishing equipment to match the remainder of slab. Power trowel three times and finally hand trowel." g. 2) "Damage Control Trainer Curbs: Provide smooth rubbed finish on newly hardened concrete within 24 hours following form removal. Wet surfaces and rub with an abrasive tool to provide uniform color and texture. Use only the cement paste drawn from the concrete rubbing process." 3) "Damage Control Trainer Pads and Miscellaneous Slabs: Provide a floated finish, then finish with a flexible bristle broom. Permit surface to harden sufficiently to retain the scoring or ridges. Broom at right angles to the slope of the slab." 4) Types of nonslip paints may be used: a. Premixed Paints: Paint shall have the abrasive pigment already mixed in or pigment shall be shipped separately and mixed just before use. Application to be by brush or roller in a similar manner to general floor paints. Ensure that the abrasive pigment is thoroughly mixed and evenly distributed. b. Broadcast Type: Abrasive is packaged separately but is not added to the paint before use. The paint is applied in the normal manner and then the abrasive is broadcast over the wet paint film. While painting, cover the floor area as to allow the grit broadcaster to reach all areas as the work progresses. The actual broadcasting should be done only by experienced personnel. Be sure that the abrasive is distributed evenly and at the proper rate in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Edit and add the following as subparagraph to "MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION": 1) "<Water Tank Hold Downs: Cast-in-place or precast reinforced concrete as indicated, sized to resist uplift 10 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (JUNE 1989) <Use optional wording where water supply tank is required.> on empty tank as specified in Section 15450, Water Supply and Drain Systems". Provide lifting eyes and inserts in precast and embedded anchors in cast-inplace concrete for tie strap attachment.>" h. Add the following as subparagraph to "CURING AND PROTECTION": 1) 4. "Liquid Chemical Sealer Hardener Curing for Damage Control Trainer: Provide for slab, curb, and other concrete surfaces. The coverage and number of applications shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the compound." Guide Specification NFGS-05230, "Reinforced Masonry": a. Add the following as subparagraph to "MORTAR MIXES": 1) b. "Mortar Proportions for Damage Control Trainer: Type S in accordance with the proportion specifications of ASTM C 270. The mortar shall have a flow, after suction., of 70 percent or more when tested for water retention in accordance with ASTM C 91 except mortar shall be mixed to an initial flow of 125 to 135 percent." Edit and add as subparagraph to "GROUT MIXTURES": 1) "Grout proportions for Damage Control Trainer: Mix in laboratory established proportions to attain a compressive strength at 28 days of not less than 1875 pounds per square inch when tested in accordance with ASTM C 91 for fine aggregate and ASTM C 39 for grout containing coarse aggregate. Grout shall be classified as fine, low lift, and high lift types." 11 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) c. Add as subparagraph to "KINDS AND SHAPES" of Masonry Units: 1) d. Add as subparagraph to "DEFORMED REINFORCING BARS": 1) e. "Reinforced Hollow Unit Masonry for Damage Control Trainer: Hollow concrete masonry units reinforced vertically with steel bars located within cells in the units and with all cells filled solidly with grout." "Bond Pattern for Damage Control Trainer: units in running bond pattern." Lay masonry Add as subparagraph to "JOINTING": 1) i. "Steel Wire for Damage Control Trainer: ASTM A 82; standard duty, 9 gage longitudinal and cross wires. Fabricate joint reinforcement from wire zinc coated in accordance with ASTM A 116, Class 3." Add as subparagraph to "LAYING MASONRY UNITS": 1) h. ASTM A Add as subparagraph to "DEFINITIONS": 1) g. "Reinforcing Bars for Damage Control Trainer: 615, Grade 60." Add the following as subparagraph to "HORIZONTAL JOINT REINFORCEMENT": 1) f. "Masonry units for Damage Control Trainer: Hollow concrete masonry units, ASTM C 90, Grade N, Type I, lightweight." "Jointing for Damage Control Trainer: Flush cut joints in concealed masonry surfaces and joints above electrical outlet boxes. Tool joints in exposed masonry surfaces slightly concave. Rake control joints and joints between door frames and abutting masonry walls to a depth of 3/4-inch ready for calking. Joint width shall be 1/2-inch." Add as subparagraph to "CONTROL JOINTS": 12 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) 1) "Joints for Damage Control Trainer: Provide in masonry walls and partitions at 30-feet on centers. Construct control joints using special control joint units, metal sash jamb units and control joint keys, or open end stretcher units. For dummy control joints in continuous bond beams at control joint locations, rake control joints as specified in paragraph entitled, "Jointing for Damage Control Trainer". Calk control joints in exposed exterior and interior masonry surfaces. Calking is specified in Section 07950, "Calking, Sealants, and Firestopping". 5. Guide Specification NFGS - 07110, "Membrane Waterproofing": (Use where Damage Control Trainer floor slab installed over existing concrete slab.) a. Add as subparagraphs to "MATERIALS". 1) "Bitumen: D41. Asphalt, ASTM D449, Type II; primer, ASTM 2) Bituminous Plastic Cement: 3) "Felts: The following requirements shall apply: Felt Material ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Glass (Felt) Mat b. ASTM D2822, Type I. Saturant or Impregnant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Asphalt Specification ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ASTM D 2178, Type III" Add as subparagraphs to "APPLICATION": 1) "Membrane Waterproofing for Damage Control Trainer: Provide membrane waterproofing consisting of 2 plies of felt and 3 moppings of bitumen on horizontal and vertical surfaces applied over priming coat. Install membrane using the shingle method so that the specified number of plies are installed in a single operation by providing the width of edge laps specified. Achieve two-ply waterproofing by lapping each ply approximately one-half over the preceding ply. Use appropriate width starting strips of felt or fabric at the starting line to provide the specified number of plies at the edge. Lay each ply in separate sheets or unroll closely behind the mopping of bitumen and brush into place so that voids or air pockets do not develop. Extend membrane to 13 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) intersection with and secure to water stops. After all plies and reinforcing membranes have been installed, cover the entire surface uniformly with hot bitumen applied at the rate specified. 1.1) "Flashing Flanges: Prime flashing flanges of the sleeves of pipes penetrating the waterproofing membrane. Allow primer to dry. Strip flanges in with 2 fabric membrane collars cemented in place and to each other with bituminous plastic cement. Extend collars 4 and 6 inches respectively beyond the edge of the flanges, cover the flanges and fit tight against the sleeve. At floor drains extend membrane into clamping device set in heavy coating of bituminous plastic cement and clamp securely." 6. Guide Specification 07600, "Flashing and Sheet Metal": Use this section where Damage Control Trainer is retro-fit in existing building and roof is used as part of the training exercise. a. 7. Edit and include in section as required for base and counterflashing at coaming penetration, pipe vent, and roof ventilator. Strip flash deck flanges with flashing felt or uncured neoprene or elastomeric sheet, as required for compatibility with existing roofing membrane, set in asphalt roof cement. Guide Specification NFGS-08110, "Steel Doors and Frames". a. Add as subparagraph to "STANDARD STEEL DOORS". 1) b. "Doors for Damage Control Trainer: ANSI/SDI 100, Grade III (extra heavy duty), Model 1, 3, or 5, of sizes and designs indicated, with top edge closed flush. Doors shall be 1-3/4-inches thick. Fill doors with mineral fiber insulation. Doors and frames shall have 2-hour fire rating conforming to NFPA 80 and so labeled". Add as subparagraph to "SHELVES, LOUVERS, AND MOLDINGS": 1) "Louvers for Damage Control Trainer Doors: Inverted Y type. Weld or tenon louver blades to frame and fasten the entire louver assembly to the door with moldings. Moldings on the room/compartment or nonsecurity side of the door shall be detachable; moldings on the security side of the door shall be an integral part of the 14 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) louver. Form louvers of 16-gage steel with insect screens rigidly secured to louvers to permit ready removal. Provide aluminum wire cloth, 18 by 18 or 18 by 16 mesh. Louvers, before screening, shall have a minimum of 30-percent net-free opening." c. Add as subparagraph to "STANDARD STEEL FRAMES": 1) d. Add as subparagraph to "STANDARD STEEL FRAMES": 1) "Gaskets for Damage Control Trainer: Integral gasket, extruded neoprene foam gasket made to fit into a continuous groove formed in the frame. Insert gasket in groove after frame is finish painted." e. Edit paragraph "FINISHES" to provide hot-dip zinc-coated and factory primed finish for Damage Control Trainer doors and frames. f. Add as subparagraph to "FABRICATION AND WORKMANSHIP": 1) g. "Frames for Damage Control Trainer: Fill with grout or foam-in-place insulation conforming to Section 07950, if "Calking, Sealants, and Firestopping". Add as subparagraph to "INSTALLATION": 1) 8. "Frames for Damage Control Trainer: ANSI/SDI 100. Form frames to sizes and shapes indicated, with welded corners. Provide 16-gage minimum metal thickness steel frames with 10-gauge hinge plates, and suitable wall and floor anchors". "Doors and Frames for Damage Control Trainer: Install doors and frames, including hardware, in accordance with NFPA 80 and ANSI/SDI 100. Caulk both sides of frame as specified in Section 07950, "Calking, Sealants, and Firestopping"." Guide Specification 08710, "Finish Hardware". a. Add the following as subparagraphs to "HARDWARE ITEMS": 1) "Hinges: ANSI/BHMA A156.4 and ANSI/BHMA A156.7 (template), 4-1/2 by 4-1/2, nonremovable pin, ball bearing hinges. 15 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) 2) "Locks and Latches: ANSI/BHMA 156.13, Series 1000, operational Grade 1, Security Grade 1. 3) "Door Closing Devices: ANSI/BHMA A156.4, Series C02000, Grade 1, with operational feature (o.f.) PT 4C. b. 9. 4) "Kick Plates: ANSI/BHMA A156.6. 5) "Door Stops: ANSI/BHMA A156.16. 6) "Thresholds: ANSI/BHMA A156.3, Type 26, with vinyl or silicone rubber insert in face of stop." Add as subparagraph to "HARDWARE SETS": 1 1 ea lockset, mortise 1/2 pairs, hinges 1 1 1 1 ea ea ea ea door closer kick plate threshold stop Series 1000, Grade 2 A5112 (Temp), 4 1/2" x 4 1/2", BHMA 630 C 02012 w/o.f. PT-4(C) J102 26 L02161 Guide Specification NFGS-09900, "Painting": a. Edit and add the following as subparagraph to "LOCATION AND SURFACE TYPE TO BE PAINTED": 1) "Damage Control Trainer Painting: Includes new surfaces of the Damage Control Trainer and appurtenances of the types listed <; including items on or a part of the roof>. Where a space or surface is indicated to be painted, include the painting of exposed piping, ductwork, conduit, supports, hangers, grilles, registers, miscellaneous metalwork, insulation coverings, and all other contiguous surfaces in the work <and existing surfaces damaged during performance of the work> unless indicated otherwise." <Use optional wording in retrofit projects.> b. Edit and add as required to "APPLICATION" for painting of Damage Control Trainer: 16 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) TABLE - I EXTERIOR METAL SURFACES SURFACE PRIMER DFT INTERMEDIATE DFT TOPCOAT DFT AREA COAT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ****** FERROUS SURFACES ****** A. New Steel MIL-P-28577 2.5 MIL-P-28578 2.0 MIL-P-28578 2.0 That Has Been Blastcleaned (up to SSPC-SP 7) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ <B. Existing Spot Prime 1.5 N.A. TT-E-490 or 1.5> Steel MIL-P-28577 TT-P-19 or That Has on bare surMIL-P-28578 Been Spot- face previously blasted coated with (Up to) alkyd or SSPC-SP 7) latex ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 17 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NFSS-T40 (June 1989) TABLE - II INTERIOR METAL SURFACES SURFACE PRIMER DFT INTERMEDIATE COAT DFT TOPCOAT DFT AREA ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A. Metal MIL-P-24351, 2.0 TT-E-545 1.5 <TT-E-509> 1 coat on shop-primed surfaces and 2 coats on non-shop-primed surfaces 18 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989). TABLE - III BUILDING SYSTEMS SURFACES: INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR 1. Mechanical, Electrical, and Miscellaneous Metal Items, Except Hot Metal Surfaces and New Prefinished Equipment: Prefinishing of new mechanical and electrical equipment is specified in the section covering the particular item. <Paint copper pipe exposed in interior spaces.> SURFACE PRIMER DFT INTERMEDIATE DFT TOPCOAT DFT AREA COAT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A. Surfaces Not MIL-P-24351 2.0 1.5 1.5 Adjacent to Painted Surfaces 2 coats of same coating as used for coating metal in same space ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ B. Surfaces Coating systems as specified. Adjacent to Color of topcoat to match adjacent surfaces. Painted 1.5 mils dry film thickness for each coat. Surfaces 2. Insulation and Surfaces of insulation Coverings: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A. Cloth and Paper Glue size N.A. Coating to Covering on and primer match Insulation recommended adjacent by material surfaces manufacturer, 1 coat each ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 19 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989). TABLE - IV INTERIOR/EXTERIOR CONCRETE AND CONCRETE MASONRY SURFACES SURFACE PRIMER DFT INTERMEDIATE DFT TOPCOAT DFT AREA COAT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A. New <CID-A-A-1500 TT-P-19 1.5 TT-P-19 1.5 <and Existing> on existing Concrete, concrete> Excluding Tops of Slabs and Including Soffits ** OR ** As recommended by TT-C-555 Manufacturer TT-C-555, Type II (See Note) TT-C-555, Type II, (See Note) Note: Sufficient coats to provide not less than 20 mils of finished coating system. Texture: "Sand> <Coarse> ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ B. New <and Exist- <CID A-A-1500, TT-P-19 1.5 TT-P-19 1.5 Ing> Concrete on existing Masonry concrete masonry> C. New <and Exist- <CID A-A-1500, ing> Concrete on existing Masonry concrete masonry> 20 10.0 DOD-C-24667 Coating System Nonskid, for Roll or Spray Application THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989). TABLE - V INTERIOR CONCRETE, CONCRETE MASONRY, <AND> <WALLBOARD> SURFACES SURFACE PRIMER DFT INTERMEDIATE DFT TOPCOAT DFT AREA COAT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A. Concrete TT-P-19 1.5 TT-E-545 1.5 TT-E-509 1.5> Except Floors B. Concrete, Masonry CID A-A-1500 and TT-P-19 1.5 N.A. <TT-E-509> 1.5 <TT-E-505> C. Wallboard TT-P-19 1.5 N.A. <TT-E-509> 1.5 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ <Use optional wording in retrofit projects.> 10. Guide Specification NFGS-15011, "Mechanical General Requirements"; a. 11. Edit the section to include operation and maintenance manuals and instruction to Government personnel as required by Section 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". Guide Specification 15250 "Insulation of Mechanical Systems": a. Edit and add the following as subparagraph to "DEFINITIONS": 1) "Outside of Damage Control Trainer: Open to view beyond the exterior side of walls, above the roof, <and spaces between overhead deck and existing ceiling or roof construction when the deck is not used as part of training exercise,> <and 8-feet minimum above overhead deck when deck is used as part of training exercise>." <Use optional wording as required for retrofit projects.> b. Edit "PRODUCTS AND REQUIREMENTS" to include: Insulation with all-purpose jacket for Damage Control Trainer piping, fittings, flanges, and valves. Buried piping shall not be insulated. Materials and thickness as specified in Table 1. 21 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989). c. Edit "PIPE INSULATION" to include installation of piping insulation for Damage Control Trainer, add the following as subparagraph: 1) d. "Sleeves: Pack the space between jacket and sleeve to 1/2-inch or 1/2 the width of the joint, whichever is less, and apply sealant to exposed joints as specified in Section 07950, "Calking, Sealants, and Firestopping"." Edit and add the following to "TABLE I": "INSULATION MATERIAL FOR PIPING" SERVICE MATERIAL SPEC. TYPE CLASS VAPOR BARRIER INSULATION REQUIRED THICKNESS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Water Cellular ASTM C 552 II 2 No As indicated Piping Glass NOTE: Insulation located outside Damage Control Trainer shall be one inch thicker than that shown in the table above, <except where passing through conditioned air spaces>." <Use optional wording as required in retrofit projects.> 12. Guide Specification NFGS 15895, "Ductwork and Accessories": a. Add to paragraph "American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications": "A36-84A b. Structural Steel" Add the following as subparagraphs to "PART 2 - PRODUCTS": 1) "Low Pressure Ducts for Damage Control Trainer: Construction, metal gage, and reinforcements shall conform with SMACNA, LPDCS and NFPA 90A. Ductwork shall be airtight and shall not vibrate or pulsate when system is in operation. Except as modified herein, air leakage shall be less than 5 percent of system capacity. Construct and shall not vibrate or pulsate when system is in operation. Except as modified herein, air leakage shall be less than 5 percent of system capacity. Construct ductwork of galvanized steel sheets conforming to ASTM A 527." 22 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989). 2) "Duct sleeves and prepared openings for Damage Control Trainer: Fabricate from 20-gage galvanized steel in masonry walls. Fabricate closure collars for ducts penetrating steel plate ceilings and walls of 2-inch by 2-inch ASTM A-36 galvanized steel angles same thickness as wall or ceiling plate thickness." 3) "Louvers for Damage Control Trainer: SMACNA LPDCS, Manual Type, with bird (insect) screen, frames and screen shall be 16-gage galvanized steel." 4) "Duct Heater: Packaged unit with frames for inserting in and connecting air duct with electric type heating elements directly in the air stream. UL 1096 and TJL listed. Open coil or finned tubular type with capacities indicated. Construct casings of steel. Provide means where necessary to uniformly distribute airflow across the heater face. Conform with electrical characteristics as indicated. The interior surfaces and heating elements shall be resistant to corrosion and sagging. Wattage rating shall be within 5 percent of the specified rating. Equip each unit with two high-limit controls for protection against air stoppage: (1) one or two automatic reset primary limit controllers wired to power contact coils (2) secondary manual reset thermal cut-off device wired to deenergize main power supply, and (3) air flow switch to power contactor control that will cut all power to the coil. Provide settings, mounting equipment and accessories, including but not limited to supports, vibration isolators, stands, guides, anchors, clamps, and brackets. Suspension for equipment shall conform to the recommendations of the manufacturer, unless otherwise indicated on drawings. Locate equipment as indicated on the drawings. Provide electrical isolation between dissimilar metals for the purpose of minimizing galvanic corrosion. Clean the interior of cabinets or casings before completion of installation. Prime all uncoated ferrous-metal work and apply a finish coat of paint as specified in Section 09900, "Painting of Buildings (Field Painting)". Provide control system for on-off operation. Thermostatic control for duct heater shall be waterproof type, wall mounted." 23 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989). c. Edit paragraph "DIFFUSERS, REGISTERS, AND GRILLES" to include aluminum diffusers, registers, and grilles, clear anodized finish; sound pressure level 35-40 decibel noise criterion; throw not to exceed 1.5 times the mounting height at 100-feet -per-minute air velocity. d. Edit paragraph "INSTALLATION" to include installation of Damage Control Trainer ductwork and accessories in accordance with NFPA 90A and SMACNA LPDCS. Add the following as subparagraphs: 1) "Duct Sleeves and Prepared Openings for Damage Control Trainer: Install for duct mains, duct branches, and ducts passing through roofs and ceilings. Allow one-inch clearance between duct and sleeve or prepared openings except at grilles, registers, and diffusers. Provide closure collars of not less than 2 inches wide on each side of walls or ceilings where sleeves or prepared openings are installed. Fit collars snugly around ducts and pack to within 1/2-inch of top of opening with Fed. Spec. HH-I-1030 mineral fiber in spaces between sleeve or opening and duct and calk smoke-tight as specified in 07950, "Calking, Sealants, and Firestopping"." 2) Edit paragraph "Duct Supports" to include minimum of two one-inch by 1/16-inch galvanized strap-iron hangers, spaced one on each side; and hangers and accessories used for overhead ductwork within the damage control training area shall have no sharp edges or projections. 13. Guide Specification NFGS 15850, "Air Handling and Distribution Equipment": a. Edit "FANS" as required for Damage Control Trainer exhaust fans and air handier with aluminum housings and fan wheels and non-sparking construction. Add the following as subparagraphs: 1) "Centrifugal Fans: AMCA 210 with AMCA seal, forward-curved single width type, v-belt drive for air handler and v-belt or direct drive for roof/wall ventilators, and inlet vanes. Inlet and outlet duct connections shall be flanged." 24 THIS SHEET SHALL NOT FORM A PART OF THE BIDDING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REMOVE THIS SHEET BEFORE ISSUING TO BIDDERS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS. NSFF-T40 (June 1989). 2) "Power Roof and Wall Ventilators: UL 705 with UL label and AMCA 210 with AMCA seal, centrifugal fans in housings of corrosion-resistant metal or high-impact plastic with glass fibre reinforcement. Equip motors with unfused safety disconnect switches. <Provide factory-fabricated roof curbs.>" <Use optional wording in retrofit projects where roof mounted ventilators are required.> b. 15. Edit "CENTRAL-STATION AIR HANDLERS" to provide single-zone type air handler with supply blower and filter sections. Add the following as subparagraphs: 1) "Supply Blower (Fan) Section: Centrifugal fan of forward-curved blade design with v-belt drive motor. Bearings shall be grease-lubricated ball bearing type, with a minimum average life of 200,000 hours at design operating conditions." 2) "Filter Box: Design filter box to hold replaceable (throw-away) filters." c. Edit "MOTORS AND MOTOR STARTERS" to include totally enclosed motors; manual type starters for up to 1/3 motor HP, magnetic-across-the-line type elsewhere; with watertight explosion-proof enclosure." d. Edit "PART 3 - EXECUTION" to include installation and testing of fans and air handling unit for Damage Control Trainer in accordance with Section 15840, "Ductwork and Accessories" and 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". Guide Specification 16011, "Electrical General Requirements": a. Edit the section to include operation and maintenance manuals and instruction to Government personnel as required by Section 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". 25 SECTION 05150 STEEL FABRICATIONS, STRUCTURAL AND PRESSURE PART I - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 Federal Specifications (Fed. Spec.): FF-W-84A(3) Washers, Lock (Spring) TT-C-49OC(1) Cleaning Methods for Ferrous Surfaces and Pretreatment of Organic Coatings TT-P-645A Primer, Paint, Zinc Chromate, Alkyd Type 1.1.2 Military Specifications (Mil. Spec.): DOD-P-15328D & Am 1 Primer (Wash), Pretreatment, (Formula No.117 for Metals) (Metric) DOD-P-21035A Paint, High Zinc Dust Content, Galvanizing Repair 1.1.3 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Publications: M011-80 1.1.4 Manual of Steel Construction, 8th Edition Includes "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings", "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges", and "Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or ASTM A 490 Bolts" American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Publications: B18.22.1-65 (R 1981) Plain Washers NFSS-T40 05150-1 1.1.5 Publications: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A36/A36M-88 Structural Steel A53-88 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless A 120-84 Pipe, Steel, Black And Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless, for Ordinary Uses A 123-84 Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products A 153-82 Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware A 283/A283M-88 Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars A 307-88 Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength A 501-84 Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing A 525-87 Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process A 563-88 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts A 570/A57OM-88 Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled, Structural Quality A 611-85 Steel, Sheet, Carbon, Cold-Rolled, Structural Quality A 780-80 Repair of Damaged Hot-Dip Galvanized Coating C 827-87 Early Volume Change of Cementitious Mixtures NFSS-T40 05150-2 1.1.6 American Welding Society (AWS) Publication: B3.0-77 Welding Procedures and Performance Qualifications D1.1-88 Structural Welding Code, Steel 1.1.7 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Publication: CRD-C621-83 1.1.8 Handbook for Concrete and Cement, Nonshrink Grout, Volume II (1949 Ed.) Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) Publications: SSPC SP3-82 Surface Preparation Specification No. 3, Power Tool Cleaning SSPC SP6-85 Surface Preparation Specification No. 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning PS 9.01-82 Cold-Applied Asphalt Mastic Painting System (Extra-Thick Film) 1.1.9 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Publication: Boiler and Pressure-Vessel code, Section VIII, Division 1 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes fabrication, shop painting, erection and assembly of structural steel for wall (bulkhead) and ceiling (overhead) construction; pressure vessel (seam rupture simulator, torpedo hit simulator, void simulator) construction; and miscellaneous metal fabrication as indicated and as specified in Section 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". 1.3 SUBMITTALS: 1.3.1 Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for approval by the Contracting Officer prior to fabrication, erection and installation of component parts, including the location type, and size of rivets, bolts, welds, member sizes, and connection details. Use AWS standard welding symbols. a. b. Wall and ceiling construction Special fabrications 1.3.2 Certificates of Compliance: for the following: Submit certificates of compliance NFSS-T40 05150-3 a. b. c. d. e. f. Bolts, Nuts, and Washers Welding Electrodes and Rods Shop Painting Materials Non-Shrink Grout Steel Plates, Pipes and Shapes Galvanizing 1.3.3 Welder, Welding Operation, and Tacker Qualification: Prior to welding, submit certification for each stating the type of welding and positions qualified for, the code and procedure qualified under, date qualified, and the firm and individual certifying the qualification tests. 1.3.4 Erection Plan: Submit for record purposes. indicate the sequence of erection, temporary shoring and bracing, and a detailed sequence of welding, including each welding procedure required. 1.4 DELIVERY AND STORAGE: Handle, ship, and store material in a manner that will prevent distortion or other damage. Store material in a clean, properly drained location out of contact with the ground. Replace all damaged material with new material or repair the damaged material in an approved manner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 STEEL: Materials shall conform to the respective specifications specified herein. Materials not otherwise specified herein shall conform to the ALSC "Manual of Steel Construction". 2.1.1 Carbon Grade Steel: ASTM 4 36. 2.1.2 Structural Tubing: ASTM A 501. 2.1.3 Mild Steel Plates and Shapes: 2.1.4 Steel Sheets: ASTM A 283, structural quality. ASTM A 570 or ASTM 4 611, structural quality. 2.1.5 Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Type E or S, Grade B; or ASTM A 120. Fittings shall be standard malleable iron. 2.2 BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS: 2.2.1 Common Bolts and Nuts: ASTM k 307, Grade A-bolts; ASTM A 563, Grade A-hex style nuts. 2.2.2 Circular Washers for Common Bolts: 2.2.3 Lock Washers: Fed. Spec. ANSI B18.22.1, Type B. FF-W-84, Class B. NFSS-T40 05150-4 2.2.4 Beveled Washers for American Standard Beams and Channels: ALSC "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or ASTM A 490 Bolts". 2.3 ACCESSORIES: 2.3.1 Welding Electrodes and Rods: AWS Code D1.1. 2.3.2 Non-Shrink Grout: Corps of Engineers CRD-C-621. Grout shall show no shrinkage when tested in the plastic state in accordance with ASTM C 827 and shall not break up under expansion due to moisture or gaseous releases except that no grout containing ferrous or other staining metallic aggregate shall be used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FABRICATION: Fabricate structural framing in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings as set forth in Part 5 of the AISC "Manual of Steel Construction". Fabricate Pressure Vessels (Seam Rupture Simulator, Void Simulator, Torpedo Hit Simulator) in accordance with the applicable provisions of NSME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 8, Division I except that ASTM inspection and certification will not be required. Fabrication and assembly shall be done in the shop to the greatest extent possible. 3.1.1 Welding: AWS D1.1; ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 8, Division 1; by certified welders, AWS B3.0. Grind exposed Welds smooth as indicated, weld in a manner to prevent permanent distortion to the connected parts. 3.1.2 Shop Painting: Except as otherwise specified, shop paint all steelwork, except zinc-coated surfaces and steelwork to be embedded in concrete or mortar. Surfaces to be welded shall not be coated within 1/2-inch from the specified toe of the weld prior to welding. Insure that surfaces are thoroughly dry and clean when the paint is applied. Do not paint in freezing or wet weather except under cover. Do not apply paint when the temperature is below 40 degrees F, or expected to drop to 32 degrees F or below within 5 hours of completing the application, before the paint has completely dried. Do not apply paint to steel which is a temperature that will cause blistering or porosity or will otherwise be detrimental to the life of the paint. Apply paint in a workmanlike manner, and coat all joints and crevices thoroughly. Prior to assembly, paint all surfaces which will be concealed or inaccessible after assembly. Cleaning: Except as modified herein, blast clean surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP6. Surfaces that will be exposed in spaces above ceilings, attic spaces, crawl spaces, furred spaces, and chases may be cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP3 in lieu of being blast cleaned. Wash cleaned surfaces which become contaminated with rust, dirt, oil, grease, or NFSS-T40 05150-5 other contaminants with solvents until thoroughly clean. Insure that steel to be embedded in concrete is free of dirt and grease. Do not paint or galvanize bearing surfaces, including contact surfaces within frictiontype joints, but coat them with an approved rust preventative applied in the shop. Remove such coating just prior to field erection using a remover approved by the rust preventative manufacturer. Insure that the surfaces, when assembled, are free from rust, grease, dirt, and other foreign matter. Pretreatment: Immediately after cleaning, coat surfaces with a pretreatment coating conforming to Mil. Spec. DOD-P-15328 applied to a dry film thickness of 0.3 to 0.5 mil or with a crystalline phosphate base coating conforming to Fed. Spec. TT-C-490, Method I, except apply Phosphate base coating only to blast cleaned, bare metal surfaces. Priming: Prime treated surfaces as soon as practicable after the pretreatment coating has dried. Except as modified herein, prime with zinc chromate primer conforming to Fed. Spec. TT-P-645, applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 mil. repair damage to primed surfaces with primer. 3.1.3 Galvanizing: Hot-dip galvanize items specified to be zinccoated, after fabrication where practicable. Galvanizing: ASTM A 123, ASTM A 153 and NSTM A 525, as applicable. Galvanize: Anchor bolts, specialties, washers, and parts or devices necessary for proper installation, unless indicated otherwise. Repair of Zinc-Coated Surfaces: ASTM A 780. Repair surfaces damaged by welding or other means with galvanizing repair paint conforming to Mil. Spec. DOD-P-21035 or by the application of stick or thick paste material specifically designed for repair of galvanizing, as approved. Clean areas to be repaired and remove the slag from the welds. Surfaces to which stick or paste material is applied, shall be heated with a torch to a temperature sufficient to melt the metallics in stick or paste; spread the molten material uniformly over surfaces to be coated and wipe the excess material off. 3.2 ERECTION: Except as modified herein, erect steel in accordance with the AISC "Manual of Steel Construction". Where parts cannot be assembled or fitted properly as a result of errors in fabrication or of deformation due to handling or transportation, report such condition immediately to the Contracting Officer and obtain approval therefrom for the methods of correction before proceeding with making any corrections. Do not heat parts for straightening. Do not use impact torque wrenches to tighten anchor bolts set in concrete. 3.3 ANCHORAGE: Provide anchorage for fastening work securely in place. Set anchors in concrete as the work progresses and space not more NFSS-T40 05150-6 than 2 feet on centers unless indicated otherwise. Sizes, kinds, and spacings of anchors not indicated or specified shall be as necessary for the purpose, as approved. Anchorage not otherwise specified or indicated includes slotted inserts, expansion shields, and powder-driven fasteners, when approved for concrete; toggle bolts and through bolts for masonry; machine and carriage bolts for steel. Provide inserts of suitable and approved types where required for support or anchorage of equipment and finish construction inserts shall be gray or malleable iron castings or galvanized steel. Slotted inserts shall be of types required to engage with anchors. Anchors and anchor bolts shall be zinc-coated. 3.3.1 Threaded Connections: Make threaded connections up tight so that threads are entirely concealed. Make bolted work up tight and nick the threads or bush the stem to prevent loosening. Rivet, bolt, and screw heads shall be flat and countersunk in exposed work and elsewhere as required. Machine removable members and fit and secure by means of screws or bolts of proper size and approved spacing. 3.3.2 Anchors and Connecting Members: Provide in concrete or masonry as the work progresses, to avoid unnecessary cutting and drilling. Cut, fit, and drill as necessary so all materials are properly set in place and to permit engaging work to be properly installed. 3.3.3 Connections: Connections not detailed shall be designed in accordance with AISC MO11 using common steel bolts. Use lockwashers under nuts. Drill bolt holes. 3.3.4 Built-In Work: All metal work built-in with concrete or masonry shall be formed for anchorage, or be provided with suitable anchoring devices as shown or as required. Furnish metal work in ample time for securing in place as the work progresses. 3.3.5 Base Plates and Bearing Plates: Provide column base plates for columns. After final positioning of steel members, provide full bearing under sill and base plates using non-shrink grout. Dry pack the area under the plates solidly with a non-shrinking type of grout in accordance with the grouting mortar manufacturer's instructions. 3.4 TOLERANCES: In accordance with the "Code of Standard Practice" of the AISC "Manual of Steel Construction", or ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 8, Division 1, as-appropriate. Wall and ceiling panels, exposed in the finished work, shall be free from buckle, warping, and oil canning effects. Flatness of panels shall not deviate more than 1/8-inch when measured with a 10-foot straightedge. 3.5 PROTECTION OF CONCEALED SURFACES: Steel surfaces buried in concrete, including void simulator, shall receive one coat of asphalt mastic applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 63 mils in accordance with SSPC PS9.01. Steel surfaces abutting masonry or concrete walls shall receive one NFSS-T40 05150-7 coat of Type D (firm) rust preventative compound applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 30 mils. Apply protective coatings prior to concealment of surfaces. 3.6 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS: 3.6.1 Visual Inspection of Welding: AWS D1.1, Section 6. Visually inspect welding while the operators are making the welds and again after the work is completed. After the welding is completed, hand or power wire brush welds, and thoroughly clean them before the inspector makes the check inspection. Inspect welds with magnifiers under strong, adequate light for surface cracking, porosity, and slag inclusions; excessive roughness; unfilled craters; gas pockets; undercuts; overlaps; size; and insufficient throat and concavity. Inspect the preparation of groove welds for adequate throat opening and for snug positioning of back-up bars. 3.6.2 Correction of Defective Welds: Weld areas containing defects exceeding the standards of acceptance in AWS D1.1 or ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section 8, Division 1 shall be corrected in accordance with appropriate standard. *** END OF SECTION 05150 *** NFSS-T40 05150-8 SECTION 07534 REINFORCED CSPE NON-VULCANIZED POLYMERIC SHEET ROOFING SYSTEM PART I - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publication: D 413-82 Tests for Rubber Property - Adhesion to Flexible Substrate D 751-79 Testing Coated Fabrics D 1149-86 Test for Rubber Deterioration - Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber (Flat Specimens) D 1204-84 Test for Linear Dimensional Changes of NonRigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperatures D 2136-84 Testing Coated Fabrics - Low Temperature at Bend Test E 838-61 Practice for Performing Accelerated Outdoor Weathering Using Concentrated Natural Sunlight 1.1.2 Federal Test Method Standards: FTMS 101c Method 2031 Federal Test Method Standard Puncture Resistance 1.1.3 Factory Mutual Engineering and Research Corporation (FM) Publications: Approval Guide - Equipment, Materials, Services for Conservation of Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-28, Insulated Steel Desk Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, Adhered or Mechanically Attached Single Ply Membrane Roof Systems NFSS-T40 07534-1 Loss Prevention Data 1-48, Nailable Decks (both insulated and uninsulated) Approval Sheet 4470, Roof Cover Standard 1.1.4 Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Publications: Building Materials Directory UL 790 Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Covering Materials UL 1256 Roof Deck Constructions 1.2 SUBMITTALS: The preroofing conference will not be scheduled until the Contracting Officer has received and approved all submittals contained below: 1.2.1 Approval of Applicator: The CSPE sheet roofing system manufacturer's written approval of the applicator for this specific roofing job and the specified warranty. 1.2.2 Certificate of Conformance: The CSPE sheet manufacturer's certifications that materials are physically and chemically compatible with each other, that materials are in conformance with requirements of this specification and that each material is suitable for the intended purpose. 1.2.3 Manufacturer's Data: Include materials descriptions, detailed printed application instructions, and standard installation detail drawings altered as required by these specifications. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Reinforced non-vulcanized polymeric sheet Water-based latex adhesive Contact adhesive Lap cleaner and lap seam sealant (caulk) Lap seam solvent welding solution Lap seam adhesive Flashing and flashing accessories Water cutoff mastic Mechanical fasteners and plates Applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Welding/primer reactivating agent NFSS-T40 07534-2 1.2.4 Samples: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Reinforced non-vulcanized polymeric sheet - 4 square feet Water-based latex adhesive - 1 quart Contact adhesive - 1 quart Lap cleaner and lap seam sealant (caulk) - 1 quart each Lap seam solvent welding solution - 1 quart Lap seam adhesive - 1 quart Water cutoff mastic - 1 quart Mechanical fasteners and plates - 10 of each type 1.2.5 Shop Drawings: Submit complete shop drawings showing roof configuration, sheet layout, seam locations, fastener layout, details at perimeter, and special conditions. 1.3 QUALIFICATION OF APPLICATOR: The roofing system applicator shall be approved by the CSPE sheet roofing system manufacturer and shall have a minimum of three years' experience as an approved applicator with that manufacturer. The Contractor shall supply the names and location of five CSPE projects that he has constructed within the previous three years. 1.4 QUALIFICATION OF MANUFACTURER: The CSPE sheet manufacturer shall have manufactured the membrane specified herein for at least three years. 1.5 PREROOFING CONFERENCE: Prior to starting the application of the roofing system and insulation, there will be a preroofing conference with the Contracting Officer to ensure that: (1) a clear understanding of drawings and specifications; (2) onsite inspection and acceptance of the roofing substrate and pertinent structural details relating to the roofing system; and (3) coordination of the work of the various trades involved in providing the roofing system and other components secured to the roofing. The conference shall be attended by the Contractor personnel directly responsible for the installation of roofing and insulation, flashing and sheet metal work, and the roofing materials manufacturer. Conflicts shall be resolved and confirmed in writing. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING: 1.6.1 Delivery: Deliver materials in their original, unopened containers or wrappings with labels intact and legible. The CSPE membrane wrapping shall be intact, without tears. Any roll found with torn wrapping or which shows evidence of having been opened when delivered on site, will be rejected. Where materials are covered by a referenced specification number, the labels shall bear the specification number. type, class, compliance with UL requirements, and date of manufacture. In all cases, where applicable, the shelf life expiration date shall be listed on the label. Deliver materials in sufficient quantity to allow continuity of work. NFSS-T40 07534-3 1.6.2 Storage: Store and protect materials from damage and weather in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, except as specified herein. Keep materials clean and dry. Use pallets to support and canvas tarpaulins to completely cover stored material. Do not use polyethylene as a covering. Locate materials temporarily stored on the roof in approved areas. Distribute the load to stay within the live load limits of the roof construction. Do not double-stack CSPE pallets. Only those materials to be used during one day's work shall be placed on the roof, and unused material shall be removed at the end of each day's work. 1.6.3 Handling: When hazardous materials are involved, adhere to the special precautions of the manufacturer and the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Adhesives containing petroleum distillates are extremely flammable; do not use near sparks or open flame. They are also potentially hazardous when inhaled; personnel should be cautioned about breathing vapors. Do not use materials contaminated by exposure to moisture. Remove contaminated materials from the site. 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: Do not install CSPE sheet roofing during high winds, inclement weather (rain, snow, sleet, fog, etc.), when such weather is threatening, or when there is ice, frost., moisture, or visible dampness on the substrate surface. Unless recommended otherwise by the CSPE sheet manufacturer in writing, do not install CSPE sheet when air temperature is below 40 degrees F (4-5 degrees C) or within 5 degrees F (3 degrees C) of the dew point. 1.8 WARRANTY: Furnish the CSPE sheet manufacturer's premier warranty to include the following for the roofing system. The warranty shall be issued directly to the Government. In no event shall the warranty period be less than ten years from the date of the Government's acceptance of the work. The warranty shall provide that if within the warranty period the CSPE sheet roofing system becomes non watertight, splits or tears, alligators, separates at the seams, or shows any other symptoms of failure because of defective materials and/or workmanship, the repair and/or replacement of defective materials and correction of defective workmanship shall be the responsibility of the CSPE sheet manufacturer. If the manufacturer or his approved applicator fail to perform repairs within 72 hours of notification, emergency repairs performed by others will not void the warranty, and shall be billed to the manufacturer issuing the warranty. NFSS-T40 07534-4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: 2.1.1 Reinforced Non-Vulcanized Polymeric Sheet: Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) 45 mil nominal thickness with high strength, minimum 10 x 10, polyester scrim. The width and length of the sheet shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. The CSPE polymer shall represent 90 percent by weight minimum of the total polymer portion of the rubber compound. Physical properties shall be as follows: SCRIM REINFORCED SHEET PROPERTY VALUE TEST METHOD Thickness, min., in. 0.041 ASTM D 751 Tensile Strength, min., lbf 200 ASTM D 751 Elongation, min., % 20 ASTM D 751 Tear Strength, min., lbf (Tongue tear 8" x 8" sample) 75 ASTM D 751 Low Temperature Flexibility at -40 degrees C Pass ASTM D 2136 Linear Dimensional Change, max. % (1 Hr. at 100 degrees C) 1.0 ASTM D 1204 Ply Adhesion, min., lfb/in. 10.0 ASTM D 413 Type A Specimen Hydrostatic Resistance, min., psi 200 ASTM D 751, Method A Puncture Resistance, min., lbs 225 FTMS 101c Method 2031 Ozone Resistance, 7 x Magnification 28 days/40 degrees C/100 pphm no cracks ASTM D 1149 Method B Weather Resistance, 3 Million Langleys no checking, cracking or crazing ASTM E 838 NFSS-T40 07534-5 2.1.2 Adhesive: As recommended by the CSPE sheet man by the elastomeric sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. 2.1.3 Water Cutoff Mastic, Lap Cleaner, Reactivating Agent, and Sealant: As recommended by the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. 2.1.4 Flashing and Flashing Accessories: Flashing including perimeter flashing and flashing around roof penetrations, shall be the same material as the field sheet, either reinforced or nonreinforced, or as recommended by the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. Nonreinforced 45 mil, noncured membrane shall be provided for field-fabricated vent stacks, pipes and corners, per CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed application instructions. 2.1.5 Fasteners and Plates: Noncorrosive as recommended by the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed instructions and meeting the requirements of FM Approval Sheet 4470. 2.1.6 Rubber Walkboards: psf weight. Rubber Walkboards: One-half inch minimum thickness, 1-1/2 2.1.7 Roof Insulation Below CSPE Sheet: As specified in Section 07220. The insulation shall be compatible with the membrane as recommended in the membrane manufacturer's printed instructions. 2.1.8 Fire Safety: The complete roof covering assembly being installed shall have (G) UL 790 Class A classification, be listed as fire-classified in the UL Building Materials Directory and bear the UL label, or listed as Class I roof deck construction in the FM Approval Guide. 2.1.9 Windstorm Resistance: The complete roof covering assembly shall be capable of withstanding an uplift pressure of 90 pounds per square foot (psf) when tested in accordance with the Factory Mutual uplift pressure test described in the FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets 1-28 and 1-29. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION: Coordinate work with that of other trades to ensure that components which are to be incorporated into the roofing system are available to prevent delays or interruptions as the work progresses. Examine substrates to which the roofing materials are to be applied to ensure that their condition is satisfactory for its application. Do not permit voids greater than 1/8-inch (3 mm) wide in the substrate. Concrete substrates shall be cured and free of laitance and curing compounds. Install wood blocking at perimeters, curbs, and penetrations for use in mechanically attaching the membrane. Substrates for roofing materials shall be dry and free of oil, dirt, grease, sharp edges, and debris. Inspect substrates, and correct defects before application of CSPE sheets. NFSS-T40 07534-6 3.2 SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: a. Do not dilute caulking materials or adhesives unless specifically recommended by the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed application instructions. Do not thin liquid materials with cleaners used for cleaning CSPE sheet. b. Keep all liquids in airtight containers, and keep containers closed except when removing materials. c. Use liquid components, including adhesives, at least 60 days before the end of their shelf life period. Store adhesives at 60 degrees F to 80 degrees F (15 to 26 degrees C) for at least 24 hours prior to use. Avoid excessive adhesive application and adhesive spills. Follow adhesive manufacturer's printed application instructions. d. Do not allow contact between various materials through mixing of remains, dual use of mixing, transporting, or application equipment. Do not use equipment containing the remains of previous materials. e. Require workmen and others who walk on the membrane to wear clean, soft-soled shoes to avoid damage to roofing materials. f. Do not use equipment with sharp edges which could puncture the CSPE sheet. g. Install sheet material the same day the CSPE membrane roll is removed from its protective wrapping. Any unused portions shall be protected from direct exposure to sunlight until installed. 3.3 WORK SEQUENCE: Arrange work to prevent use of newly constructed roofing for storage, walking surface, or equipment movement. If access is necessary, provide temporary walkways, platforms, or runways to protect new roofing surfaces and flashings from mechanical damage. 3.4 APPLICATION: Apply CSPE sheet roofing in accordance with the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed application instructions and the following requirements. 3.4.1 CSPE Sheet Roofing: The sheet shall be watertight and visually free of pinholes, particles of foreign matter, undispersed raw material, or other manufacturing defects that might affect serviceability. Edges of the sheet shall be straight and flat so that they may be seamed to one another without fishmouthing. All surfaces to be seamed shall be cleaned of all of NFSS-T40 07534-7 all cured CSPE material (activated) prior to hot air seaming. Every seam made per day shall be 100% probed by the Contractor by the end of the day's work. Each defect shall be permanently marked and promptly repaired in accordance with manufacturer's repair recommendations. Scrim exposed edges shall be caulked using approved methods and materials provided by the manufacturer. Mechanically Fastened Reinforced CSPE Sheets (Scrim Reinforced): CSPE sheets are attached using the manufacturers recommended plates and screws meeting the requirements herein, and FM required fastening pattern. Adjoining rolls of sheet membrane shall overlap fastened edge of the installed membrane by a minimum of 4-1/2 inches. Perimeter Fastening: Mechanically secure the CSPE sheet to nailers at roof perimeter and penetrations with specified fasteners as required by the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. Space fasteners a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) o.c., except as recommended otherwise by the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. Strip slash over the fasteners with a fully adhered layer of flashing material. The type of flashing materials and procedures for strip flashing shall be that recommended in the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. Temporary Work: Install temporary cutoffs around incomplete edges of roofing assembly at the end of each day's work and when work must be postponed due to inclement weather. Straighten the insulation line using pieces of insulation loosely laid, and seal the CSPE sheet membrane to the deck. Seal metal deck ribs as part of the cutoff. Remove the temporary seals completely when work resumes. Provide temporary ballast on the roofing as necessary to prevent wind damage to the CSPE sheet. 3.4.2 Flashing: Install flashing as roofing sheets are installed as indicated. Extend base flashing not less than 8 inches (203 rmn) above roofing surface. Completely adhere flashing sheets in place. Use prefabricated pipe seals at pipe penetrations where possible, otherwise field fabricate pipe seals as specified in paragraph entitled "Flashing and Flashing Accessories". NFSS-T40 07534-8 3.4.3 Insulation: Insulation or protection board must be approved by the manufacturer for use on mechanically attached fully adhered applications. Use the insulation manufacturer's approved fasteners and plates. There shall be maximum 1/8-inch variation between adjacent boards of insulation. 3.4.4 Roof Walkways: Install rubber walkways, where indicated, and for access to mechanical equipment, in accordance with the CSPE sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. Provide an additional CSPE sheet under rubber walkways to protect the roofing. 3.5 FIELD TESTING 3.5.1 Test Cuts: Each day, in the presence of, and at a location selected by the Contracting Officer, a minimum of one 6-inch square cut sample across a field seam shall be taken by the Contractor and inspected for proper lap, seaming, and cleanliness. Any deficiencies must be corrected before work will be allowed to proceed. Cutting of the samples, correction of deficiencies, and patching of the cut areas in accordance with the CSPE manufacturer's printed instructions are the Contractor's responsibility and will be performed at no additional cost to the Government. 3.6 INFORMATION CARD: Provide a typewritten card, laminated in plastic for interior display; and framed for exterior display a photoengraved 0.032 inch (0.8-mm) thick aluminum card for each roof. The card shall be a minimum size of 8-1/2- x 11-inches (216 mm x 279 mm) and contain the information listed in the attached Form 1. Install the card near the access to the roof or where directed. In addition to the framed card, furnish a duplicate card to the Contracting Officer. Send a photocopy of the card to __________________________________________________________. 3.7 INSTRUCTIONS TO GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL: Provide written and verbal instructions on proper maintenance procedures to Government personnel designated by the Contracting Officer. Instructions shall be provided by a competent representative of the CSPE sheet manufacturer and shall include a minimum of two hours on maintenance and repair of the membrane. Include a demonstration of membrane repair, and give sources of required special tools. Provide information on safety requirements during maintenance and repair instructions and supply additional copies of Material Safety Data Sheets on all maintenance/repair materials. NFSS-T40 07534-9 FORM I REINFORCED CSPE NON-VULCANIZED POLYMERIC SHEET ROOFING SYSTEM 1. Contract Number 2. Building Number & Location: 3. NAVFAC Specification Number: 4. Deck Type: 5. Slope of Deck: 6. Insulation Type & Thickness: 7. Insulation Manufacturer: 8. Vapor Retarder 9. Vapor Retarder Type: ( ) Yes ( ) No 10. Sheet Polymeric Roofing Description: Manufacturer (Name, address, & phone no.): Type: Method of attachment: 11. Statement of Compliance or Exception:______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 12. Date Roof Completed: 13. Warranty Period: 14. Roofing Contractor (Name & Address): 15. Prime Contractor (Name & Address): Contractor's Signature____________________________ Date: Inspector's Signature_____________________________ Date: *** END OF SECTION *** NFSS-T40 07534-10 SECTION 07950 CALKING, SEALANTS, AND FIRESTOPPING PART I - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 Federal Specification (Fed. Spec.): TT-S-001543A 1.1.2 1.2 Sealing Compound, Silicone Rubber Base, for Calking, Sealing, and Glazing in Buildings and Structures American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications: C 920-87 Elastomeric Joint Sealants E 84-88 Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, Standard Test Method for E 136-82 Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 Degrees C, Standard Test Method for E 814-83 Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops, Standard Method of SUBMITTALS: 1.2.1 Certificates of Compliance: Submit certificates from the manufacturers attesting that materials meet the specified requirements. 1.2.2 Manufacturers' Descriptive Data: Submit complete descriptive data for each type of material indicated below. Data for sealant and calking shall include application instructions, shelf life, mixing instructions for multi-component sealants, and recommended cleaning solvents. a. b. c. d. e. Calking and Sealing Compounds Joint Primer Backing Material Bond Breaker Firestopping; composition and performance characteristics NFSS-T40 07950-1 1.3 DELIVERY AND STORAGE: Deliver materials to the job site in the manufacturers' external shipping containers, unopened, with brand names, date of manufacture, color, and materials designation clearly marked thereon. Containers of elastomeric sealant shall be labeled as to type, class, grade, and use. Carefully handle and store all materials to prevent inclusion of foreign materials or subjection to sustained temperatures exceeding 90 degrees F. or less than 40 degrees F. Calking compounds, sealants and components more than six months old shall not be used. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ELASTOMERIC SEALANTS: For joints in vertical surfaces, provide ASTM C 920, Type S or N, Grade NS, Class 25. For joints in horizontal surfaces, provide ASTM C 920, Type S or M, Grade P, Class 25. Use as appropriate for surfaces sealed. 2.2 SILICONE RUBBER BASE SEALANT: Silicone rubber base sealant shall be class A single component cold-applied sealing compound conforming to Fed. Spec. TT-S-001543. 2.3 COLOR: Color of sealing compound shall match the color of adjacent surfaces or be paintable to match adjacent surfaces. 2.4 PRIMER FOR SEALANT: Non-staining, quick-drying type as recommended by the sealant manufacturer for the particular application, that will seal the surfaces in joint grooves and prevent absorption of the vehicle essential to the retention of elasticity by the sealing compound. 2.5 BACKING AND FIRESTOPPING MATERIAL: Glass mat, closed-cell neoprene, butyl, polyurethane, expanded polyethylene, polyvinylchloride, or a compatible rubber gasket or tape recommended by the manufacturer of the compound. Materials shall be free from oil or other staining elements. Oakum and other types of absorptive materials shall not be used. Firestopping shall be asbestos free and capable of maintaining an effective barrier against flame and gasses; flame spread 25 or less, smoke development 50 or less when tested according to ASTM F-84 and non-combustible according to ASTM E 136. 2.6 BOND BREAKER: Bond breaking materials shall be pressure-sensitive adhesive polyethylene tape, aluminum foil or wax paper. Bond breaking materials are not required where backing material with bond breaking characteristics is provided. 2.7 SOLVENTS AND CLEANERS: Solvents, cleaning agents and other accessory materials used in connection with sealing compounds shall be of type recommended by the compound manufacturer. NFSS-T40 07950-2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: All joints about the perimeter of portlite and door frames, louvers, wall and ceiling plating, sleeves, masonry expansion joints, other openings, and elsewhere indicated and specified, shall be filled and calked with compound in a manner to provide watertight and smoke-tight sealing. Except as specified otherwise herein, preparation of surfaces, application and cleaning shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions and details. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION: Surfaces shall be clean, dry to the touch, and free from frost, moisture, grease, oil, wax, lacquer, paint, and other foreign matter that would tend to destroy or impair adhesion. Depth of joints shall be approximately 1/2 their width, and shall never exceed the joint width. Where adequate grooves have not been provided, clean out grooves to a depth of 1/2 inch and grind to a minimum width of 1/4 inch without damage to the adjoining work. No grinding shall be required on metal surfaces. 3.3 APPLICATION: 3.3.1 Backing Material: Where joint cavities are constructed deeper than 1/2 their width, tightly pack the back or bottom with backstop material to provide a joint of the proper depth. Openings greater than 1/2 inch in depth shall be first filled to within 1/2 inch of the surface with backing material packed firmly in place. Install backstops dry and free of tears and holes. 3.3.2 Firestopping: Provide firestopping in duct, conduit, and piping penetrations through walls and ceilings. Firestopping at penetrations of insulated piping shall be applied prior to insulation unless the insulation meets the requirements for firestopping. Fill void spaces to within 1/2-inch of the surface with firestopping materials installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.3.3 Primer: Treat joints in concrete masonry units, wood, and other porous surfaces with primer in accordance with the sealant manufacturer's instructions. Apply primer to the joint surfaces to be sealed. Surfaces adjacent to joints shall not receive primer. 3.3.4 Bond Breaking Materials: Bond breaking materials shall be provided on the back or bottom of joint cavities to prevent the sealant from adhering to these surfaces. The materials shall be carefully applied to avoid contamination of adjoining surfaces or breaking bond with surfaces other than those covered by bond breaking materials. 3.3.5 Sealing Compounds: Apply sealing compounds with an approved type of calking gun, with nozzles of the sizes required to fit the several widths of joints. The compound shall be forced into the joint grooves with sufficient pressure to force out all air and to fill the grooves solidly. NFSS-T40 07950-3 Calking around all openings shall include the entire perimeter of the openings except at concrete sills and metal thresholds of doors. Upon completion of the calking, all unfilled joints shall be roughened and filled as specified and tooled smooth. All excess material shall be neatly removed. 3.4 PROTECTION AND CLEANING: 3.4.1 Protection: Protect areas adjacent to joints from compound smears. Masking tape may be used for this purpose if removed 5 to 10 minutes after the joint is filled. 3.4.2 Cleaning: Upon completion of compound application, remove all remaining smears and stains resulting therefrom and leave the work in a clean and neat condition. On non-porous building surfaces, excess uncured sealant shall be removed with a solvent moistened cloth. On porous surfaces, allow excess sealant to cure for 24 hours then remove by wire-brushing or sanding. *** END OF SECTION *** NFSS-T40 07950-4 SECTION 13250 DAMAGE CONTROL SIMULATOR SPECIALTIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 Federal Specifications (Fed. Spec.): L-P-387A & Int Am 2 Plastic Sheet, Laminated, Thermosetting (for Design Plates) FF-S-92B & Am 1 Screw, Machine, Slotted, Cross-Recessed, or Hexagon Head TT-C-490C(1) Cleaning Method for Ferrous Surfaces and Pretreatment for Organic Coatings TT-P-645-k Primer, Paint, Zinc-chromate, Alkyd Type TT-V-51F Varnish, Asphalt ZZ-H-451G Hose, Fire,Woven Jacketed Rubber-Or Latex or Rubber Coated Fabric Lined, With Couplings 1.1.2 Military Specification (Mil Spec.): DOD-P-15328D Primer (Wash), Pretreatment, (Formula No. 117B for Metal) (Metric) DOD-P-21035A Paint, High Zinc Dust Content, Galvanizing Repair (Metric) MIL-F-16377/11A (SHIP) Fixtures, Fluorescent, General Lighting, 40 Watts, 115 Volts, 60 Hertz, Watertight, Symbols 77.4, 77.5, 344.2 and 344.3 MIL-F-16377/53 (SHIPS) Fixtures, Incandescent, Detail Lighting, Lantern Hand, Portable and Relay Watertight, Symbols 100.2, 101.2, 102.2 and 08 NFSS-T40 13250-1 MIL-J-24649(i) Jackbox, Jack and Plug for Telephone, Sound Powered MIL-T-24381/1 (SHIPS) Terminal, Casualty Power, Bulkhead, 200-Ampere, 500 Volt, Three-Phase, Alternating Current, Symbol Number 1025 MIL-T-24381/2 (SHIPS) Terminal Casualty Power, Riser, 200-Ampere, 500 Volt, Three-Phase, Alternating Current, Symbol Numbers 1032, 1033, and 1034 1.1.3 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications: A307-88 Carbon Steel, Externally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners B26-86 Aluminum Alloy Sand Castings B108-87 Aluminum Alloy Permanent Hold Castings B136-84 Measurement of Strain Resistance of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum B137-45 (R 1979) Measurement of Weight of Coating on Anodically Coated Aluminum B209-88 Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate B221-88/B221M-88 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods Wire, Shapes and Tubes B244-79 Measurement of Thickness of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum and of Other Non conductive Coatings on Nonmagnetic Base Metals with Eddy Current Instruments C1048-87 Heat-Treated Flat Glass - Kind HS, Kind FT Coated and Uncoated Glass 1.1.4 National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM) Publications: Metal Finishes Manual (January 1976) NFSS-T40 13250-2 1.1.5 American Welding Society (AWS) Publication: B2.1-84 Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification D1.1-88 Structural Welding Code 1.1.6 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Publication: Manual of Steel Construction (8th edition) Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, November 1, 1978 1.1.7 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Publication: Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 1.1.8 Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) Publications: SP3-82 Surface Preparation Specification No. 3, Power Tool Cleaning SP6-85 Surface Preparation Specification No. 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning 1.2 WORK INCLUDED: Provide fabricated or manufactured components of Damage Control Simulator. Structural steel and fabrication of steel items is specified in Section 05150, "Steel Fabrications, Structural and Pressure". Mechanical and electrical requirements are specified in Divisions 15 and 16, respectively. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: 1.3.1 Samples: Prior to fabrication or delivery to site of any work or material, submit completely identified representative samples of shop or factory fabricated stock items. Include fastening devices and specified materials, finish, texture and, where required, furnish color chips for approval. 1.3.2 Shop Drawings: Following approval of materials, but before fabrication, submit shop drawings for all fabricated items. Show the construction of the various members, kinds and gages of metal, notes as to finishes and proposed methods of anchoring and securing all items. 1.3.3 Certificates of Compliance: Before delivery of equipment or materials, except for material specified to bear markings or statements, certificates from the manufacturer shall be submitted attesting that materials meet the requirements specified herein. NFSS-T40 13250-3 1.3.4 Manufacturer's Data: Manufacturer's data shall be submitted for all factory fabricated items. Data which describe more than one type shall be clearly marked to indicate which type the Contractor intends to provide. Data shall be sufficient to show conformance to specified requirements. 1.3.5 Operation and Maintenance Manuals: As specified in section 15011, "Mechanical General Requirements" and Section 16011, "Electrical General Paragraphs". a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Watertight doors Hatch Port lights Clothes lockers Fire stations Duct heater Shipboard light fixtures h. i. j. k. l. m. Battle lanterns Power terminals Direct current power supply Bulkhead collapse simulator Torpedo hit simulator Fans 1.4 QUALIFICATION OF WELDERS: Field and shop welding shall be performed by certified welders qualified in accordance with AWS B3.0. Submit certificates of qualification for welders. 1.5 INSTRUCTIONS TO GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL (TRAINING): Provide the services of competent instructors) who will give full instruction to designated personnel in the operation and maintenance of the Damage Control Simulator. The Government personnel designated to attend training will have a high school education or equivalent. A training day is defined as 8-hours of instruction, including two 15-minute breaks and excluding lunch time, Monday through Friday. Conduct training at the site for 2 consecutive days at a time mutually agreeable between the Contractor and the Government. Submit written notice to the Contracting Officer 2-weeks prior to scheduling training. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION: Deliver materials to the site in an undamaged condition. Carefully store materials off the ground to provide proper ventilation, drainage, and protection against dampness. Items shall be free from nicks, scratches and blemishes. NFSS-T40 13250-4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: The provisions of this paragraph apply to special equipment and items of miscellaneous metalwork. Gages shown on the drawings or specified herein are U. S. Standard for ferrous metals, and Brown and Sharp for non-ferrous metals. Gages and thicknesses of material shown or specified are minimum. Materials shall conform to the requirements specified for the particular item; and where these requirements are not specified in detail, the materials shall be suitable for the intended usage of the item. 2.1.1 Aluminum Alloy Products: Aluminum alloy products shall conform to ASTM Standards B209 for sheet and plate, B221 for extrusions and B26 or or B108 for castings, as applicable. Aluminum extrusions shall be at least 1/8-inch thick and aluminum plate or sheet shall be at least 16 gauge, 0.0508-inch thick. Aluminum alloys shall be 6063-T5 for extrusions, 1100-H14 for sheets and plates and 214 for castings. Metal Surfaces: Exposed aluminum sheets, plates, and extrusions shall, before finishes are applied, be free of roll marks, scratches, rolled-in scratches, kinks, stains, pits, orange peel, die marks, structural streaks, and any other defects which will affect the uniform appearance of finished surfaces. Anodizing: Hard oxide coating formed by electrolytic treatment, and shall be applied to all aluminum work exposed to view. Aluminum shall receive a minimum coating thickness of 0.7 mil and a minimum coating weight of 27 milligrams per square inch. Test for anodizing shall conform to ASTM B 137 for coating weight, ASTM B244 for coating thickness and KSTM B136 for sealing. Finishes: Except where indicated otherwise, finish shall generally be caustic etch finish, medium matte, equal to National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers Finish C22. Unexposed sheet, plate and extrusions may be mill finish as fabricated. Castings shall have sand blast finish, medium, equal to National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers Finish M43. 2.1.2 Ferrous Metals: Ferrous metals shall conform to Section 05150, "Steel Fabrications, Structural and Pressure". 2.1.3 Fasteners: Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A307. Machine Screws: Fed. Spec. FF-S-92. NFSS-T40 13250-5 2.1.4 Anchors: Expansion shields, plugs, bolts, and other anchorage devices in masonry and concrete shall be approved type. Expansion shields shall be hot-dipped galvanized. 2.1.5 Welding: Welding shall conform to the applicable requirements of AWS D1.1 for arc and gas welding. 2.1.6 Fastening Devices: Provide screws, bolts and other fastening devices for attachment and joints. All fastenings shall be concealed where practicable. Where exposed in finished surfaces screw heads shall be Phillips, oval type, unless otherwise shown, specified or approved. Oval head screws shall be No. 6 with a No. 8 head. Standard bolts and screws shall be used for attachment of work to structure. Where hollow concrete masonry units make the use of expansion bolts unsuitable, provide toggle bolts or other suitable fastening devices as approved. Wood plugs shall not be used in any material. Use non-ferrous attachments for non-ferrous metal. 2.2 FABRICATION: All metalwork shall be fabricated in a first-class manner by experienced mechanics skilled in the trade and in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Miscellaneous metalwork shall be well formed to shape and size, with sharp lines and angles and true curves. All work shall be fabricated to allow for expansion and contraction of materials. Welding and bracing shall be of adequate strength and durability, with tight, flush joints, dressed smooth and clean. 2.2.1 Built-In-Work: Metal work built-in with concrete or masonry shall be formed for anchorage, or be provided with suitable anchors, expansion shields, or other anchoring devices shown on drawings or as required. Such metal work shall be furnished in ample time for setting and securing in place in the concrete and masonry work as the work progresses. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK ITEMS: Miscellaneous steel brackets, supports and shapes shall meet the requirements specified herein above, shall be suitable for the intended use and shall be provided as indicated. 2.3.1 Steel Framing: The overhead and bulkheads of the Crew's Berthing, Observation, Machinery and Engineering Stores Compartments shall be fabricated as indicated. The overhead shall be tack welded to the supporting beams with 2-inch beads every 2 feet along all joints and all joints and other openings caulked with silicone sealant as per specification Section 07950 "Calking, Sealants, and Firestopping". Special care shall be taken to caulk gaps at the ends of the supporting beams and channels so that the entire enclosure is rendered smoke-tight. NFSS-T40 13250-6 2.4 DAMAGE CONTROL SIMULATOR SPECIALTIES: Possible sources of commercially available specialty products are listed in Appendix A. 2.4.1 Watertight Doors: Provide watertight interior doors, sized as indicated, high or low hinge, dogged as indicated, 15 psi (maximum pressure), hasp as indicated. Provide with fabricated steel plate frame and sub-frame for installation as indicated. Provide pressure test spigots in each door as indicated. Shop primer shall be Fed. Spec. TT-P-645 zinc chromate primer. Reference - Bureau of Ships (BUSHIPS) drawings 805-1626357, 805-1400072, 805-1400073, 805-1400074. Hardware and Accessories: Provide 3/4-inch pipe dogging levers and mounting clips. Install where indicated. Reference - BUSHIPS drawing S 1602-917821. 2.4.2 Hatch With Scuttle: Watertight, 36-inch by 42-inch clear opening, double braced, short side hinged, 30 psi, individually dogged hatch. Scuttle in hatch cover shall be 18-inches in diameter, watertight, quick acting wheel operated from either side. Height of coaming shall be as indicated. Provide wrench for dog nuts and wrench storage slips. Mount at top of hatch. Shop primer shall be TT-P-645 zinc chromate primer. Reference - BUSHIPS Drawing 805-1624088D. 2.4.3 Port Lights: Provide three 16-inch diameter fixed aluminum port lights fabricated in accordance with BUSHIPS drawing 805-1749038. Glaze with 3/4-inch thick heat treated glass conforming to ASTM C1048, Kind FT, condition A, Type I Class 1 (clear), quality q3. Provide hinged dead light covers on Observation Compartment side of bulkhead plate. Position with hinge pin at bottom and retainer toggle pin at top. 2.4.4 Crew's Berth and Clothes Lockers: Crew's Berths: Provide two berth assemblies, each with three berths and "without locker under" fabricated in accordance with NAVSHIPS Drawing 80064-1409485, Sheets 1, 2, and 3 and as indicated. Stanchion pipes of crew's berths shall be mounted with floor flanges and overhead brackets and shall be removable. Berths shall be fastened to the stanchion with removable 1/2-inch toggle pins and "C" section. Three 3/4-inch diameter drain holes to be made in each berth as indicated. Clothes Lockers: Provide two clothes lockers, steel Type B-1, three compartments high, fabricated in accordance with Bureau of Ships drawing 80064-804459767. Provide with right hand door. Modify standard base to 8-inches high as indicated. Secure lockers to the bulkhead or frame by means of brackets and removable 1/2-inch toggle pins, located at the side. NFSS-T40 13250-7 2.4.5 Fire Stations: Provide two false bulkhead plate mounted fire stations. Stations shall include strainer, hose, nozzle, applicator, spanner wrenches, hose camel, hinged hose rack, applicator, brackets, nozzle bracket and wrench bracket. Items not commercially manufactured shall be fabricated as indicated. Manufactured commercially available items shall be as follows: a. Strainer: 1-1/2 inch marine strainer - Bureau of Ships Drawing 810-1385901, 1-1/2 inch NPSH bronze body, perforated nickel copper screen, barrel type self cleaning, NSN 4210-00-025-3364. b. Hose: Fifty feet, 1-1/2 inch fire hose, Federal Specification ZZ-H-451, rubber lined, Type III, Class B, 600 psi test pressure, female to male threaded copper alloy fittings, 1-1/2 inch NPSH. c. Hose Nozzle: 1-1/2 inch all purpose nozzle, Bureau of Ships Drawing 810-1385834, NSN 4210-00-392-2943, three position type, bronze threaded female hose connection 1-1/2 inch NPSH. d. Applicator: 1-1/2 inch nozzle applicator, Bureau of Ships Drawing 810-1385834, NSN 4210-00-372-0864, 4 feet long, head end bent 60 degrees, used with 3 position nozzle. e. Wrenches: Provide 2 adjustable spanner wrenches, Federal Specification GGG-W-665, Type 1, sized to fit 1-1/2 hose couplings. 2.4.6 Space Heating: Provide as indicated and specified herein. Electric Duct Heater: An electric resistance duct-type heater shall be installed in the ductwork in the mechanical equipment compartment as indicated and specified in Section 15840, "Ductwork and Accessories". The unit will be controlled by a waterproof thermostat located in the Observation Compartment. NFSS-T40 13250-8 2.4.7 Deck Drains: Type A: Provide deck drains, with trap, valve and integral cast steel ring on bronze body as indicated. Reference - Bureau of Ships Drawing 810-1385789. Provide deck drain control wrenches for bulkhead mounting where indicated. Install drains as specified in Section 15450, "Water Supply and Drain Systems". 2.4.8 Overflow Drains: Provide 4-inch overflow drains, with trap, cast iron body and 4-inch nickel brass stand pipe with dome cover as indicated and as specified in Section 15450, "Water Supply and Drain Systems". 2.4.9 Shipboard Lighting Fixtures Type M: Provide 40 watt, 115 volt 60 hertz watertight, fluorescent fixtures conforming to Mil. Spec. MIL-F-16377/11 (Ships), Symbol 77.4 or 344.2. Install in accordance with Section 16550, "Lighting, Control Trainer". 2.4.10 Battle Lanterns: Provide lantern body assemblies, shipboard, watertight, 5.6 inch x 6.5 inch, Mil. Spec. MIL-F-16377/53 (Ships), Symbols 101.2, 102.2 or 108. NSN 623-00-783-6510. Modify as follows: Batteries shall not be provided, modify terminal to receive direct wiring from remote 6 volt D.C. source. Omit relay and test switch and provide suitable plug for test switch hole. Provide as specified in Section 16450, "Electric and Signal Wiring Systems" and 16550, "Lighting, Control Trainer". 2.4.11 Casualty Power Bulkhead Terminal: Provide Casualty Power Bulkhead Terminal (Biscuit), 200 ampere 500 volt three phase, alternating current, Mil. Spec. MIL-T-24381/1 (Ships), Symbol 1025 as indicated. Mount biscuit 48 inches above floor. Provide two Casualty Power Terminal Wrenches and double wall mounted holder for each biscuit. Mount tool holders as indicated, adjacent to each biscuit at 60 inches above floor. Provide as specified in Section 16550, "Lighting, Control Trainer". 2.4.12 Casualty Power Riser Terminal: Provide Casualty Power Riser Terminals (Biscuits) 200 ampere 500 volt, three phase, alternating current, Military Specification MIL-T-24381/2, Symbol 1032 where indicated. Mount biscuit 48 inches above floor. Provide two Casualty Power Terminal wrenches and double wall mounted holder for each biscuit. Mount tool holder as indicated, adjacent to each biscuit at 60 inches above floor. Provide as specified in Section 16550, "Lighting, Control Trainer". NFSS-T40 13250-9 2.4.13 Junction Boxes: Shipboard type, waterproof with brass coverplates conforming to NAVSHIPS drawing 900-S6202-F-74106, Symbol 2843, alternate 6 Type 4 TD8-2 and as specified in Section 16450, "Electric and Signal Wiring Systems". 2.4.14 Direct Current Power Supply: Provide unit converting 120 volt single phase AC input to 6 volt, 6.3 AMP, 250 WATT DC output, wired and switched into system, as indicated and as specified in Section 16550, "Lighting, Control Trainer". 2.4.15 Telephone Jack Boxes: Brass, submersible, sound powered telephone jack boxes, with spaces for 4 jacks conforming to Mil. Spec. MIL-J-24649, Type G-15C; and Section 16450, "Electric and Signal Wiring Systems". 2.5 FABRICATIONS, ASSEMBLIES: 2.5.1 Water System: Piping and valves shall be in accordance with Section 1545U "Water Supply and Drain System". The water shall be supplied by a 2-inch line from the domestic water line through a gate valve and a 0-100 psi pressure gauge. The line shall pass through a back-flow preventer to a pressure regulating Valve 0-100 psi set at 55 psi, the regulating valve to be by-passed completely with a globe valve and two gate valves. a. The 2-inch line shall branch through gate valves to the fire lines and to the Seam Rupture and Torpedo Hit Simulators. The lines shall be fitted with water hammer arresters and circuit the Damage Control Trainer as indicated, wrapped to 6-inches diameter to simulate full size fore lines, and feed two Fire Stations, three gate valves being provided to isolate each Fire Station. The descending pipe to the Fire Station shall be wrapped to simulate 2-1/2-inch piping. b. The other main shall pass through a gate valve and another pressure regulator set at 20 psi, past a 0-100 psi, 2-inch diameter pressure gauge and through two isolating gate valves to the Torpedo Hit and Seam Rupture simulators. 2.5.2 Bulkhead Collapse Simulator: General: The Bulkhead Collapse Simulator shall be a pneumatically operated moving bulkhead. Movement shall be limited to 3 inches and accomplished by four, double-acting, universal clevis mounted, 3 1/4-inch diameter air cylinders, one at each corner. The weight of the bulkhead shall be supported by casters. Fabricate as indicated and specified. Framing and Fabrication: Opening shall be framed as indicated. Weld channel cylinder mounting brackets to rear face at each NFSS-T40 13250-10 corner of the channel frame. Movable front of bulkhead shall be 1/4-inch steel plate with four vertical 4-inch framing members attached on Berthing Room side and three horizontal 3-1/2 inch x 3-1/2 inch x 1/4 inch angles on Observation Room side. Provide two 1/4 inch steel plate gusset brackets welded to the bulkhead plate. Provide two rigid casters with 6-inch diameter semi-steel wheels and sealed roller bearings. Weld top plate of casters to gusset brackets. Pneumatic System: Provide air compressor unit as specified in Section 15470, "Compressed Air System". The pressure in the pneumatic system shall be governed by an air pressure regulator control range 40-100 psi, located as shown. Unit shall incorporate an air pressure gauge indicating pressure from 0 to 100 psi which shall be 2 inch dial indicator type with rear connector fitting. Regulator shall also incorporate a filter with automatic drain removing both airborne solids and water. Normal operating pressure shall be 75 psig. Bulkhead Control and Operation System: Provide the following components for the movable bulkhead collapse control and operation system: 10 8 4 8 4 1 8 4 4 - Push button valve operators - panel mounted Flow control valves Air operated valves Blow down valves Cylinders (3-1/4-inch bore) Regulator with filter and gauge Cast pivot mounting brackets Cast clevises and pins Steel rod clevises and pins Assembly pins, retainers and jamb nuts, 1/8-inch and 3/8-inch copper and plastic tubing and fittings. Identifying labels are to be mounted on the panels adjacent to the push button controls, indicating the function of each button. The labels to be of 1/4 inch high lettering on 1/2 inch wide, colored plastic bands as specified in paragraph "Nameplates". Hand Protectors: Install flexible neoprene sheet goods hand protectors on the Crew's Berthing Compartment side of the movable bulkhead as shown in the plans. Bulkhead Shoring Stanchions: The steel columns supporting the overhead in the Crew's Berthing Compartment are to be used in the Bulkhead Collapse shoring exercise. Fabricate and connect as indicated and specified. 2.5.3 Simulated Pipe Breaks: Provide six 5 foot long simulated pipe break sections fabricated of 1-1/2 inch, 3-inches, 4-inches, and 6-inches grooved end, galvanized schedule 40 pipe, standard bolted pressure couplings, reducers and quick disconnect snap joint couplings. NFSS-T40 13250-11 Reducers and couplings shall be galvanized. Provide compound, severed, split, simple and ruptured flange simulated breaks as indicated. Several breaks shall be connected together by 1/2-inch diameter rods, interior welded to each pipe section. Where the severed break is too narrow to allow welding of rod to pipe, the rods shall be extended and welded at the end. Brackets: Fabricate brackets to hold pipe break sections in line with the water line pipe connections, the brackets to be held securely to the wall as indicated. Galvanize after fabrication. Rack: Provide storage rack for pipe break sections where indicated in the Damage Control Locker space. Galvanize after fabrication. 2.5.4 Torpedo Hit Simulator: Provide Torpedo Hit simulator and ten torpedo hit plates with storage rack. Fabricate simulator as indicated. Provide spray head and piping as indicated. Spray head shall be 120 degrees conical wide angle flow pattern 8 gpm at 20 psi auto-spray nozzle, with adjustable face, finished in rough nickel plate 1/2-inch pipe line with globe valve to be provided to permit draining of simulator tank. Plates: Provide ten 19-inch x 19-inch x 1/4-inch steel Torpedo Hit plates with cuts (damage simulation) as indicated. Plates shall be provided with 12 bolt holes for 1/2-inch diameter bolts for mounting to bulkhead mounted studs. Provide 12 galvanized steel wing nuts (or dogs) and a 1/4-inch thick neoprene gasket for mounting of plates to the bulkhead. Galvanize plates after fabrication. Rack: Provide storage rack for Torpedo Hit plates. Rack shall be fabricated with a welded pipe frame with handles. Plate spacers shall be 1/2-inch steel rod welded at 1-1/2 inch on center. Rack shall accommodate 10 plates. Galvanize rack after fabrication. Water Supply: Water supplied to the Torpedo Hit simulator to be reduced in pressure by a regulating valve to 20 psi as specified in Section 15450, "Water Supply and Drain Systems". 2.5.5 Seam Rupture Simulator: Provide Seam Rupture Simulator as indicated. Water supplied to the Seam Rupture Simulator to be reduced in pressure by a regulating valve to 20 psi as specified in Section 15450, "Water Supply and Drain Systems". 2.5.6 Simulated Void: Provide steel tank, cover and angle coaming (frame) as indicated. Fabricate tank of 1/8 inch steel with welded inlet and outlet couplings. Depth shall be as indicated. Anchor tank to angle coaming. Tank to be fitted with fill line, drain connection and sounding tube with gate valve, threaded cap, and union below valve as indicated and specified in Section 15450, "Water Supply and Drain Systems". Galvanize after fabrication. NFSS-T40 13250-12 2.5.7 Ships Ladder: Provide fabricated aluminum inclined ladder assembly. Reference: Bureau of Ships Drawing 805-1749113 REV.C. Ladder shall be Type 2, 24 inches wide with Type Y (pipe and chain) and Type X hand rail. Stringers shall be 5 inches x 2-1/2 inches aluminum channels. Treads shall be 6 inches wide, Type F, extruded aluminum. Reference: Bureau of ships drawing 804-860041. Ladder and hand rail assemblies shall be separately removable. Anchorage shall be with stainless steel toggle pins with attached flexible keeper steel cable. 2.5.8 Fans: Provide exhaust and circulating fans as indicated and specified in Section 15820, "Air Handling and Distribution Equipment". Controls: In the Observation Gallery, provide system control switches as indicated. Control system shall be as specified in Section 16450, "Electrical and Signal Wiring Systems". 2.6 GRAPHICS: Where signs are indicated to identify the compartment provide 2 inch high stencil letter, color black and provide a rectangular painted background, color "sun yellow". Apply coatings as specified in Section 09910, "Painting of Buildings". 2.6.1 Messages: a. The compartments shall be designated as follows: CREW'S BERTHING COMPARTMENT ENGINEERING STORES COMPARTMENT MACHINERY COMPARTMENT (Indicate Room Number if Appropriate) b. Provide 2 inch high black stencil letters to designate the frame members. c. Provide 1 inch high black stencil letter and black arrow on the fire loop insulation. 2.6.2 Nameplates: Provide laminated plastic nameplates for equipment, gages, valves, control panels and other labeling. Laminated plastic shall be 0.125-inch thick melamine plastic conforming to Fed. Spec. L-P-387, black with white center core. Surface shall be a matte finish. Corners shall be square. Accurately align lettering and engrave into the white core. Minimum size of nameplates shall be 1.0 inch by 2.5 inches. Lettering shall be minimum of 0.25-inch high normal block lettering. Equipment nameplates shall show the following information: NFSS-T40 13250-13 a. b. c. Manufacturer, type, and model number Contract number and accepted date Capacity or size 2.7 SHOP PAINTING: Except as otherwise specified, shop paint all miscellaneous steelwork, except zinc-coated surfaces and steelwork to be embedded in concrete or mortar. Surface to be welded shall not be coated within three inches of the weld prior to welding. Insure that surfaces are thoroughly dry and clean when the paint is applied. Do not paint in freezing or wet weather except under cover. Do not apply paint when the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or expected to drop to 32 degrees Fahrenheit or below before the paint has completely dried. Do not apply paint to steel which is at a temperature that will cause blistering or porosity, or will otherwise be detrimental to the life of the paint. Apply paint in a workmanlike manner, and coat all joints and crevices thoroughly. Prior to assembly, paint all surfaces which will be concealed or inaccessible after assembly. 2.7.1 Cleaning: Except as modified herein, blast clean surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP6. Surfaces that will be exposed in spaces above ceilings, attic spaces, crawl spaces, furred spaces, and chases may be cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP3 in lieu of being blast cleaned. Wash cleaned surfaces which become contaminated with rust, dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants with solvents until thoroughly clean. Insure that steel to be embedded in concrete is free of dirt and grease. Do not paint or galvanize bearing surfaces, including contact surfaces within friction-type joints, but coat them with an approved rust preventative, applied in the shop. Remove such coating just prior to field erection using a remover approved by the rust preventative manufacturer. Insure that the surfaces, when assembled, are free from rust, grease, dirt and other foreign matter. 2.7.2 Pretreatment: Except as modified herein, immediately after cleaning and before any rust has formed, coat surfaces with a pretreatment coating conforming to Mil. Spec. DOD-P-15328 applied to dry film thickness of 0.3 to 0.5 mil or with a crystalline phosphate base coating conforming to Fed. Spec. TT-C-490, Method I, except apply phosphate base coating only to blast cleaned, bare metal surfaces. 2.7.3 Priming: Prime treated surfaces as soon as practicable, after the pretreatment coating has dried. Except as modified herein, prime with zinc chromate primer conforming to Fed. Spec. TT-P-645, applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 mil. Surfaces that will be concealed after construction and will require no overpainting for appearance may be primed with a coat of asphalt varnish conforming to Fed. Spec. TT-V-51 applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 mil in lieu of zinc chromate primer. Repair damage to primed surface with primer. NFSS-T40 13250-14 2.8 REPAIR OF ZINC COATING: Repair zinc coating that has been damaged in handling or transporting or in welding, riveting, or bolting by the application of galvanizing repair paint conforming to Mil Spec. DOD-P-21035. Clean all areas to be repaired and remove slag from the welds. Do not heat surfaces to which the repair paint is applied. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION: Verify measurements and take necessary field measurements before fabrication. Materials and parts necessary to complete each item shall be included, even though such work is not definitely shown or specified. Miscellaneous bolts and anchors, supports, braces, and connections necessary for completion of the Damage Control Simulator shall be provided. 3.2 INSTALLATION: All metal work shall be installed in a first class manner by experienced mechanics skilled in the trade and in accordance with the manufacturer's directions and shall be plumb and true to the exact lines and levels, in the correct locations and in proper relation to adjoining work. Build anchors and other connecting members which occur in concrete or masonry into the concrete or masonry as the work progresses, so as to avoid unnecessary cutting and drilling. Cut, fit and drill as may be necessary so that all materials are properly set in place and so as to permit engaging work to be properly installed. 3.2.1 Connections: Connections shall be at least equal to the Minimum Standard Connections as shown in AISC "Manual of Steel Construction". Joints shall be continuous along entire line of contact, except where spot welding is indicated or permitted. Where exposed, welds shall be ground smooth; where bolted or riveted connections are indicated, such connections may be welded at the Contractor's option, but welds shall be ground perfectly smooth. Threaded connections shall be made up tight so that threads are concealed. Bolted work shall be made up tight and the threads nicked or the stem bushed to prevent loosening. Rivet, bolt and screw heads shall be flat and countersunk in exposed work. Removable members shall be carefully machined. 3.2.2 Welding: AWS D1.1 by certified welders. Welding of Pressure Vessels; ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel Code, Section 8, Division 1. 3.2.3 Buckle and Warping: Build-in reinforcement, wholly concealed within the finished assembly, as shown or as required. All panels and extrusions, exposed in the finished work shall be free from buckle, ,warping and oil canning effects. The flatness of the panels shall not deviate more than 1/8-inch plus or minus from the true plane when tested between any two points or a panel casing. Long members built-up of extruded or drawn members shall be held together at end Joints by concealed sleeves of similar shape, welded or braced in place for a hairline joint. NFSS-T40 13250-15 3.3 CORROSION PREVENTION: Insulate aluminum work in contact with other metals, concrete, or masonry with building paper, zinc chromate or bituminous paint. 3.4 FINISH PAINTING: Section 09910, "Painting" Surfaces shall be finished as specified in 3.5 FIELD TESTING: The Contracting Officer will conduct field inspections and witness all field tests and trial operations specified. The Contractor shall perform all trial operations and field tests and provide all labor, equipment, and incidentals required for testing. All work shall be constructed properly in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Deficiencies found shall be corrected and affected work shall be retested. 3.5.1 Demonstration: Show that everything works as specified. Provide 2 man-days instruction to Government personnel on operation and maintenance of Damage Control Trainer in accordance with Section 15011, "Mechanical General Requirements, and Section 16011, "General Requirements, Electrical". NFSS-T40 13250-16 APPENDIX A Possible Sources for Damage Control Trainer Specialties Salient Characteristics ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Commercially available products and fabrications meeting specified requirements. Other products by other manufacturers will be acceptable provided the products meet specified requirements. (1) (2) WATERTIGHT DOORS AND HATCH WITH SCUTTLE SOURCES: Railway Specialties Corp. P.O. Box 29 Bristol, PA 19007 Overbeke - Kain 20905 Aurora Road Cleveland, OH 44146 Tele: (216) 662-4242 Kerrfotl Division of Singer 550 South Fulton Avenue Nt. Vernon, NY 10550 Tele: 914-664-6033 Lossett's Inc. P.O. Box 173 Picayune, NS 39466 Tele: 601-798-6022 PORTLIGHT SOURCES: The Rostand Manufacturing Co 33 Railroad Avenue Milford, CT 06460 Tele: 203-874-2547 (3) Cornell-Carr 620 Main Street R 125 Monroe, CT 06468 Tele: 203-261-2529 CREWS BERTHS AND CLOTHES LOCKER SOURCES: Cole Division (Crews Berth Only) Litton Systems, Inc. 640 Whiteford Road York, PA 17405 Tele: 717-854-1545 NFSS-T40 13250-17 Jamestown Metal 104 Blackstone Avenue Jamestown, NY 14701 Tele: 716-665-5410 (4) (5) (6) FIRE STATION EQUIPMENT SOURCES: Boston Coupling Company, Inc. Extinguishers, Inc. 16 Bridge Street P.O. Box 320 Watertown, MA 02172 Tele: 617-926-3233 Dixie Fire P.O. box 686 Austen, GA 30001 Walter Kidde and Company, Inc. P.O. Box 1147 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Tele: 919-556-6811 DESCO DeSanno Foundry & Machinery Co. 1933 Peralta Street Oakland, CA 94607 Tele: 415-832-0776 DRAIN SOURCES (DECK AND OVERFLOW): DESCO DeSanno Foundry & Machinery Co. 1933 Peralta Street Oakland, CA 94607 Tele: 415-832-0776 Tate Temco 1941 Landsdowne Bldg. Baltimore MD 21227 Tele: 301-247-8700 Liberty Equipment & supply 2744 16th Ave., S.W. Seattle, WA 98134 Tele: 206-682-8700 J.M. Loeffler Company U.S. Hwy.#1 & Robbins Ave. Penndel, PA 19047 Tele: 215-757-2404 LIGHTING FIXTURES, JUNCTION AND TELEPHONE JACK BOX SOURCES William & Watts, Inc. Nova Division 319 Manley St. West Bridgewater, MA 02379 Tele: 508-588-5434 Roflan Company P.O. Box Newburyport, MA 01950-5613 Tele: 508-462-1615 NFSS-T40 13250-18 L.C. Doane Co. 10 New City Street Essex, CT 06426 Tele: 203-767-8295 (7) BATTLE LANTERN SOURCES Roflan Company P.O. Box 913 Newburyport, MA 01950-5613 Tele: 508-462-1615 Dixie Fire Extinguishers,Inc. P.O. Box 686 Austen, GA 30001 Young Engineering Company P.O. Box 50327 New Orleans, LA 70150 Tele: 504-581-6292 (8) CASUALTY POWER TERMINAL SOURCES: Dorn Equipment Corporation 27 Upham Street Melrose, MA 02176 Tele: 617-622-9300 General Marine Products 1 Gulf Drive Auburn, N.Y. 13021 Tele: 315-252-4502 Young Engineering Company P.O. Box 50327 New Orleans, LA 70150 Tele: 504-581-6292 (9) PIPE BREAK REDUCER AND COUPLING SOURCES: Aero Quip Corp. Industrial Division 1225 W. Main St. Van Wert, OH 45891 Tele: 419-238-1190 Victualic Co. of American 4901 Kesserville Rd. P.O. box 31 Easton, PA 18042 *** END OF SECTION *** NFSS-T40 13250-19 SECTION 15450 WATER SUPPLY AND DRAIN SYSTEMS PART I - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 Federal Specifications (Fed.. Spec.): RR-F-621D Frames, Covers, Gratings, and Steps, Sump and Catch Basin, Manhole TT-P-645A Primer, Paint, Zinc Chromate, Alkyd Type WW-V-35C Valve, Ball 1.1.2 Military Specifications (Mil. Spec.): MIL-P-17552E Pump Units Centrifugal, Water, Horizontal; General Service MIL-T-52777A Tanks, Storage, Underground, Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic 1.1.3 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Publications: A112.21M-80 Floor Drains A112.26.1M-84 Water Hammer Arresters A112-36.2M-83 Metallic Cleanouts B16.3-85 Malleable-Iron Threaded Fittings B16.12-83 Cast-Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings B16.18-84 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings B16.22-80 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings NFSS-T40 15450-1 B16-39-86 Malleable-Iron Threaded Pipe Unions B40.1-85 Gages, Pressure, Indicating Dial Type, Elastic Element 1.1.4 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications: A 53-88 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless A 74-87 Cast-Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings A 120-84 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-dipped Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless for Ordinary Uses B 32-87 Solder Metal B 61-86 Steam or Valve Bronze Castings B 62-86 Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings B 88-88 Seamless Copper Water Tube C 270-86B Mortar for Unit Masonry C 478-88 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections C 564-88 Rubber Gaskets for Cast-Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings F 441-88 Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride)(CFVC) Plastic Pipe 1.1.5 American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE) Publications: 1003-81 Water Pressure Reducing Valves for Domestic Water Supply Systems 1010-82 Water Hamer Arresters 1.1.6 American Water Works Association (AWWA) Publications: C105/A21.5-88 Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Piping for Water and Other Liquids C506-78 Standard for Back-flow, Prevention Devices C651-86 Disinfecting Water Mains NFSS-T40 15450-2 1.1.7 Cast-Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI) Publications: 301-78 Cast-Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Hubless Cast-Iron Sanitary system 310-78 Patented Joint for use in Connection with Hubless Cast-Iron Sanitary system 1.1.8 Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS) Publications: SP-58-83 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture SP-69-83 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application SP-80-87 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves 1.1.9 Plumbing and Drainage Institute (PDI) Publications: WH201-77 1.1.10 Water Hammer Arrestors Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCC) 1988 w/Rev.90 Standard Plumbing Code 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Section 15011, "Mechanical General Requirements", applies to this section, with the additions and modifications specified herein. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes providing plumbing related work. The work also includes providing roughing-in and making final plumbing connections to equipment furnished under other sections of this specification. Provide each system complete and ready for operation. Plumbing systems including equipment, materials, installation, and workmanship shall be in accordance with the Standard Plumbing Code, as required by local regulations, except as modified herein. The advisory provisions shall be considered to be mandatory, as though the word "shall" had been substituted-for the word "should" wherever it appears; referenced to the "authority having jurisdiction", the Administrative Authority, the Plumbing Official, and the Design Engineer shall be interpreted to mean the Contracting Officer. Capacity of equipment shall be not less than that indicated. Plumbing systems shall include all water supply and drain piping buried and above ground. NFSS-T40 15450-3 1.4 SUBMITTALS: <Use optional wording where water tank and/or sump is required.> 1.4.1 Manufacturer's Data: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. <i. <j. <k. 1.4.2 Certificates of Compliance: a. b. c. 1.4.3 Pipe and fittings Valves Pipe Supports (hangers) Gages Strainers Drains Water hammer arresters Backflow preventers Tank> Pump, Water> Sump Pump> Pipe and fittings Valves Backflow preventers Certified Data: a. <b. Backflow preventers Pump test curves> <1.4.4 Operation and Maintenance Manuals:> <a. Pumps> <1.4.5 Posted Operating Instructions:> <a. Pumps> 1.5 INSULATION: Insulate equipment and piping under this section as specified in Section 15250, "Insulation for Mechanical systems". 1.6 ELECTRICAL MOTORS, CONTROLLERS, CONTRACTORS, AND DISCONNECTS: Furnish motors, controllers, contractors, and disconnects with their respective pieces of equipment. Motors, controllers, contractors, and disconnects shall conform to and shall have electrical connections provided under Section 16450, Electrical and Signal Wiring Systems". Controllers and contractors shall have a maximum of 120-volt control circuits, and auxiliary contacts for use with the controls furnished. When motors and equipment furnished are larger than sizes indicated, the cost of providing additional electrical service and related work shall be included under this section. NFSS-T40 15450-4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 DV (DRAIN AND VENT) PIPING: Fittings shall be long radius fittings, except fittings in vent piping may be short radius fittings. 2.1.1 Buried Piping: Buried piping includes piping up to but not more than 6 inches above top of sleeve in floor slab. Completely encase buried cast-iron piping with polyethylene tube or sheet in accordance with AWWA C105. Cast-Iron Huble as Pipe and Fittings: 310 coupling joints. CISPI 301 with CISPI Cast-Iron Hub and Spigot Pipe and Fittings: ASTM A 74 with ASTM C 564 rubber compression gasket joints, or calked and leaded joints. 2.1.2 Above ground Piping: Cast-iron Hubless Pipe and Fittings: 310 coupling joints. CISPI 301 with CISPI Cast-iron Hub and Spigot Pipe and Fittings: ASTM A 74 with ASTM C 564 rubber compression gasket joints, or calked and leaded joints. Copper Tubing: ASTM B 306, with ANSI B16.23, ANSI B16.29, or ANSI B16.32 solder joint fittings using ASTM B 32, 50-50 tin-lead solder. 2.1.3 Cleanouts: ANSI A112.36.2; provide threaded bronze or thermoplastic cleanout plug Floor Cleanouts: Provide cast-iron floor cleanout with anchor flange <suitable for waterproofing membrane>, polished bronze or nickel bronze rim and scoriated floorplate with "00" cast in the plate. Secure floor plate with countersunk screws for installation flush with finished floor. <Use optional wording where.membrane waterproofing is required.> 2.1.4 Drains: <Provide drains and clamping rings suitable for use with waterproofing membrane>. <Use optional wording where membrane waterproofing is required.> Drains, Type A: Deck drain with trap, valve and integral cast steel ring on bronze body as specified in Section 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". NFSS-T40 15450-5 Drains, Type D: ANSI A112.21.1M; Cast Iron Flush Strainer Floor Drains. Provide with double flange, perforated or slotted cast -bronze or nickel bronze strainer, adjustable collar and p-trap, and backflow preventer. Drains of sizes 2, 3, and 4 inches shall have strainers with minimum free drainage area of 5, 11, and 18 square inches, respectively. Overflow Drains: ANSI A112.21.1M and as specified in Section 13250, Damage Control Simulator Specialties", except without anti-backup valve. 2.1.5 Valve Box: Cast-iron, ductile-iron or plastic box of a suitable size. Provide cast-iron, ductile-iron, or plastic cover for the box with DRAIN cast on the cover. Plastic boxes shall be constructed of ABS plastic or inorganic fiber-reinforced black polyolefin plastic. Coat cast-iron and ductile-iron surfaces not in contact with concrete with bituminous paint. 2.2 WATER PIPING: 2.2.1 Buried Piping and Above ground Piping: Completely encase buried copper tubing and steel piping with polyethylene tube or sheet in accordance with AWWA C105. Copper Tubing: ASTM B 88, Type K, with ANSI B16.18 or ANSI B16.22 solder joint fittings using ASTM B 32, 95-5 tin-antimony solder; ASTM B 88, Type L, may be provided for above-ground piping. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53 or ASTM A 120, Schedule 40, hot-dip galvanized, threaded end connections; with ANSI B16.12 hot-dip galvanized threaded fittings. 2.2.2 Water Valves: Provide valves suitable for minimum of 125 psig. Valves shall have threaded end connections with a union on all but one side of the valve. Copper alloy and bronze valve body shall be ASTN B 61 or ASTM B 62 copper alloy. Gate Valves: Fed. Spec. MSS-SP-80, Class 125. Globe and Angle Valves: Check Valves: Water Pressure Reducing Valves: Fed. Spec. MSS-SP-80, Class 125. Fed. Spec. MSS-SP-80, Class 125, swing check. ANSI A112.26.2 Ball Valves: Fed. Spec. WW-V-35 fullport design, copper alloy. Valves shall have two-position lever handles. NFSS-T40 15450-6 2.2.3 Gages: ANSI B40.1, single style pressure gage for water with 4.5-inch dial, brass or aluminum case, bronze tube, gage cock, pressure snubber, and syphon. Provide scale range suitable for the intended service. 2.2.4 Dielectric Connections: Provide at connections between copper and ferrous metal piping materials. ASTM F 441, Schedule 80, CPVC threaded pipe nipples, 4-inch minimum length, may be provided for dielectric connections in pipe sizes 2 inches and smaller. 2.2.5 1010. Water Hammer Arresters: PDI WH201, ANSI A112.26.1, or ASSE 2.2.6 Backflow Preventers: Backflow preventers shall be of the reduced pressure principle type conforming to the applicable requirements of AWWA C506. A Certificate of Full Approval or a current Certificate of Approval shall be furnished for each design, size, and make of backflow preventer being provided for the project. The certificate shall be from the Foundation of Cross-Connection Control Research, University of Southern California, and shall attest that this design, size, and make of backflow preventer has satisfactorily passed the complete sequence of performance testing and evaluation for the respective level of approval. A Certificate of Provisional Approval will not be accepted in lieu of the above. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS PIPING MATERIALS: 2.3.1 piping. Unions: ANSI B16.39 hot-dip galvanized steel for use in steel 2.3.2 Escutcheon Plates: Provide one piece galvanized steel flanges for piping passing through walls and ceilings. Securely anchor flanges in place with through-bolts. 2.3.3 Pipe Sleeves: Provide where piping passes through walls and slabs. Secure sleeves in proper position and location during construction. Provide sleeves of sufficient length to pass through entire thickness of walls and partitions. Provide not less than 0.25-inch space between exterior of piping, pipe insulation or jacket and interior of sleeve. Firmly pack space with insulation and calk at both ends of the sleeve with plastic waterproof cement as specified in Section 07950, "Calking, Sealants, and Fire Stopping". Sleeves in Concrete: Provide ASTM A 53 or ASTM A 120, Schedule 40 or Standard Weight, hot-dip galvanized steel pipe sleeves. Provide sleeves 2-inches minimum above overflow drain inlet at floor sleeves in spaces with overflow drains and 2-inches above slab elsewhere. NFSS-T40 15450-7 2.3.4 Pipe Supports (Hangers): Provide MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-69, Type 1 or 6, of the adjustable type, except as indicated or specified herein. Provide type 40 insulation protection shields for insulated piping. Provide steel support rods. Provide nonmetallic, hair felt, or plastic piping isolators between copper tubing and the hangers. <2.3.5 Tank Vent Piping: Zinc-coated steel, ASTM A 53 or ASTM A 120 standard weight, with ANSI B16.3 zinc-coated malleable iron fittings.> <Use optional wording where water supply tank is required.> <2.4 WATER SUPPLY TANK: Provide prefabricated fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) watertank conforming to MIL-T-52777, Type I (150 degree F), Class A (vented). Size and configuration indicated, suitable for below grade installation. Provide an 18-inch by 18-inch aluminum plate laminated on inside bottom surface directly below manway, reinforced for 150 pounds per square foot. Provide manway and cover. Provide galvanized corrugated steel pipe collar conforming to Fed. Spec. WW-P-405, Class I or II, Shape 1, coating A, Type C. Cast iron frame and cover conforming to Fed. Spec. RR-F-621; <Traffic (Size 22A), frame-figure 1, cover-figure 8> <Non-traffic (size 22), frame-figure 4, cover-figure 12>. <2.4.1 Water Supply Controls: The water level in the tank shall be controlled by a float valve to shut off the water supply at a high level in the tank and a mercury switch at a low level in the tank to shut off the pump drawing water from the tank.> <2.5 PUMPS: Submit for approval the manufacturer's certified characteristic performance curve for the impeller size to be finished. Select the pump so that the operating point on the characteristic performance curve for the impeller size to be furnished will be to the left (shut-off side) of and not more than 5 percent below the point of maximum efficiency for the impeller to be furnished. Provide lifting attachments on pump.> <2.5.1 Water Pump: Base mounted pump, Mil. Spec. MIL-P-17552, general service, mechanical seals and drip-proof electric motor.> <2.5.2: Submersible Pump: A submersible pump of 125 g.p.m. capacity shall be supplied to pump the drainage water from the wet well to a suitable drainage system. Provide factory assembled and tested submersible type pump as indicated for operation under water. Pump shall be complete with cast-iron casing, bronze impeller, stainless steel shaft, sealed heavy-duty ball bearings, water-cooled hermetically sealed motor, built-in automatic reset thermal protection, two float switches, and waterproof three-conductor cables and grounding plugs. The float switches shall be mounted so that the upper switch will start the pump and the lower switch shut-off the pump as required to control the water level in the wet-well. Provide lifting attachments and stainless steel chain.> NFSS-T40 15450-8 <2.6 WET WELL: ASTM C 478 pre-cast concrete of approximately 500 gallons capacity. Set in full bed of ASTM C270 Type H mortar on cast-inpace or precast concrete base. Provide cast-iron <traffic> <non-traffic> frame and cover as specified for water tank.> <Use 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 as required where water supply tank and/or sump are used.> PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: Installation of plumbing systems including fixtures, equipment, materials, and workmanship shall be in accordance with the applicable Plumbing code, except as modified herein. 3.1.1 Threaded Connections: Jointing compound for pipe threads shall be polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) pipe thread tape, pipe cement and oil, or PTFE powder and oil; apply only on male threads. Provide exposed ferrous pipe threads with one coat of Fed. Spec. TT-P-645 primer applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 mil. 3.1.2 Pipe Supports (Hangers): Provide additional supports at the concentrated loads in piping between supports, such as for flanged valves. Piping to receive Insulation: Provide temporary wood spacers between the insulation protection shield and the pipe in order to properly slope the piping and to establish final elevations. Temporary wood spacers shall be of the same thickness as the insulation to be provided under Section 15250, "Insulation for Mechanical Systems". Maximum Spacing Between Supports: a. Vertical Piping: Support metal piping at each floor, but at not more than 10-foot intervals. b. Horizontal Piping: follows: Support steel piping and copper tubing as MAXIMUM SPACING (FEET) Nominal Pipe Size (inches) Steel Pipe c. One and under 7 1.25 1.5 2 8 9 10 Support copper tubing as indicated NFSS-T40 15450-9 3.1.3 Pipe Laying and Jointing: Before placing into position, clean pipe, fittings, valves, and accessories and maintain in a clean condition. Cut pipe accurately to measurements established at the site and work into place without springing or forcing. Lay pipe so that the full length of each section of pipe and each fitting will rest solidly on the pipe bedding. Provide anchors and supports where necessary for fastening work into place. Make provision for expansion and contraction of pipelines. Mon-pressure pipe shall be laid with the bell ends pointing upgrade beginning at the lower end of the pipeline. <3.1.4 Underground Water Tank: Tank shall rest on a minimum of 12-inches of pea-gravel between reinforced concrete deadman anchors and secured with overtank holddown straps attached to anchors. Tank shall have an earth cover of not less than 3-feet. Pipe connections shall be at top of tank. Backfill shall be pea-gravel placed evenly around tank in 12-inch tamped layers to 12-inches above top of tank. Nominal pea grave shall range in size of 100 percent passing a 3/8-inch sieve and 100 percent retained on No. 8 sieve. Before placing tank into excavation, all foreign matter shall be cleaned from tank. Excavation shall be free from all hard or sharp materials that may cause damage to the tank. Handle tanks, during transportation and while lifting into ground, in such a manner as to prevent damage to tank and accessories. After installation, ferrous metal not in contact with concrete shall be cleaned and given a cost of bituminous paint, prior to concealment.> <3.1.5 Wet Well: Precast concrete manhole sections shall be laid in full beds of portland cement mortar on precast or cast-in-place concrete base. Base shall have smooth invert sloped to sump.> <Use 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 as necessary where water tank and/or sump are required.> 3.1.6 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WATER SUPPLY AND DRAIN SYSTEMS: Notify the Contracting Officer in writing at least 15 days prior to the date the connections are required; receive approval before any service is interrupted. Furnish all materials required to make connections into the existing water supply and drain systems and perform all labor as required. Furnish the labor and the tapping or drilling machine for making the actual connections to the existing system. 3.2 DISINFECTION: Disinfect the new water piping and existing water piping affected by Contractor's operations in accordance with AWWA C601. Fill the piping systems with solution containing minimum of 50 parts per million of available chlorine and allow solution to stand for minimum of 24 hours. Flush the solution from the systems with clean water until maximum residual chlorine content is not greater than 0.2 parts per million. NFSS-T40 15450-10 3.3 FIELD TESTING: Before final acceptance of the work, test each system as in service to demonstrate compliance with the contract requirements. Perform the following tests in addition to the tests specified in the Standard Plumbing Code, except as modified herein. Correct all defects in the work provided by the Contractor, and repeat the tests until the work is in compliance with contract requirements. Furnish water, electricity, instruments, connecting devices, and personnel for the tests. 3.3.1 Water Piping: Before insulation is applied, hydrostatically test each piping system at not less than system working pressure with no leakage or reduction in gage pressure for 2 hours. 3.3.2 DV Piping: Before the installation of fixtures, cap the ends of each system, fill the piping with water to vent height, and allow to stand until a thorough inspection has been made. After the piping and simulated void have been set and filled with water, subject the entire drain system to a final air pressure test of not more than 1.0 inch of water column. Hold the pressure for 24 hours, repair leaks and retest. <3.3.3 Water Tank: Test the tank and hold down straps in accordance with Mil. Spec. MIL-T-52777.> <Use where water tank is required.> *** END OF SECTION *** NFSS-T40 15450-11 SECTION 15470 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 Federal Specifications (Fed. Spec.): L-P-39OC (2) Plastic, Milking and Extrusion Material, Polyethylene and Copolymers W-B-654A (1) Brazing, Alloys, Silver WW-H-171 E(1) Hangers and Supports, Pipe WW-P-521G Pipe Fittings, Flange Fittings, and Flanges; Steel and Malleable Iron (Threaded and Butt-Welding) Class 150 WW-T-696E Traps, Steam and Air 1.1.2 Military Specifications (Mil. Spec.): MIL-C-17596F Compressors, Reciprocating or Rotary, Power Driven (EMD), tir, Base Mounted, 10 HP to 300 HP MIL-S-16293G Strainers, Sediment, Pipeline, Water, Air, Gas, Oil, or Steam MIL-V-18634B Valve, Safety, Relief, and Safety-Relief MIL-T-27730A Tape, Antiseize, Polytetrafluoroethylene, with Dispenser NFSS-T40 15470-1 1.1.3 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Publications: B2.1-68 Pipe Threads (Except Dryseal) B16.18-84 Cast Bronze Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings B16.22-80 Wrought Copper and Bronze Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings B31.1-83 Power Piping (Including Addenda 1981 to 1982) B40.1-85 Gauges - Pressure Indicating Dial Type Elastic Element Z49.1-88 Safety in Welding and Cutting 1.1.4 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications: A 120-84 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless, For Ordinary Use B88-88 Seamless Copper Water Tube D1248-84 Polyethylene Plastics, Molding and Extrusion Materials 1.1.5 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Publications: 1986 1.1.6 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Interpretations (Including Addenda to date of design) Section II Material Specifications Section VIII Division 1, Pressure Vessels Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications American Welding Society (AWS) Publications: A2.4-86 Symbols for Welding and Nondestructive Testing, Including Brazing A3.0-85 Welding Terms and Definitions NFSS-T40 15470-2 1.1.7 Manufacturer's Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS) Publications: SP-58-88 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design, and Manufacture SP-69-83 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application SP-80-87 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves 1.1.8 Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Standard: 29 CFR 1910.219 Mechanical Power-Transmission Apparatus 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Design, fabrication, and installation of compressed air system shall conform to ANSI B31.1 and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, except as specified otherwise. In ANSI B31.1 and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the advisory provisions shall be considered mandatory, as though the word "shall" had been substituted for "should" wherever it appears; reference to the "authority having jurisdiction" and "owner" shall be interpreted to mean the Contracting Officer. Section 15011, "Mechanical General Requirements", applies to this section except as specified otherwise. 1.2.1 Submittals: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. a. Manufacturer's Data: Compressor Receiver Pipe and Tubing Fittings Valves Adapters Instrumentation and Controls Condensate traps Filters Strainers Flexible connections Air cylinders. Valves (blow down, flow control, push button) Operation and Maintenance Manual: Compressor NFSS-T40 15470-3 a. b. Posted Operating Instructions: Compressor Compressed air system Equipment Data: Submit the following data for all equipment listed for "Operation and Maintenance Manuals". a. b. c. Name and address of authorized branch or service department. Characteristic curves. Following applicable data completely filled in: Manufacturer and Model No. Operating Speed Capacity (CFM) Type of Bearings in Unit Type of Lubrication Type and Adjustment of Drive Capacity of Tank Electric Motor: Manufacturer, Frame and Type -Motor Speed RPM Current Characteristics and HP of Motor Thermal cut-Out Switch: Manufacturer, Type and Model 1.2.2 Safety Precautions: Temperature Restriction: Compressor or other equipment shall not discharge compressed air to the piping system above 100 degrees F. NFSS-T40 15470-4 Rotating Equipment: Fully guard couplings, motor shafts, and other exposed rotating or rapidly moving parts in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.219. Provide rigid and suitable secured guard parts readily removable without disassembling guarded unit. Welding: to ANSI Z49.1. 1.3 Safety in welding and cutting of pipe shall conform WELDING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1.3.1 Performance: The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of all joint preparation, welding, and examination. 411 materials used in the welding operations shall be clearly identified and recorded. The inspection and testing defined in this specification are minimum requirements. Additional inspection and testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor when he necessary to achieve the quality required. This shall be subject to the Contracting Officer's inspections and surveillance. 1.3.2 Definitions: Shall be in accordance with kWS k3.0. 1.3.3 Symbols: Shall be in accordance with AWS k2.4. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 AIR COMPRESSOR, UP TO 125 psig SYSTEM: Conform to Mil. Spec. MIL-C-17596, except as specified or indicated otherwise. Provide V-belt driven, one or two stage, single-acting, air-cooled compressor completely wired and piped with inlet filter, compressor, motor, starter, control, mounted on a sturdy steel base. Capacity and motor horsepower not less than 3/4 HP. Automatic controls shall function to maintain not less than 60 psig air pressure in receiver. See Section 13250, 2.1.1 Control: Regulate compressor by dual control. Dual system shall consist of automatic start-and-stop control by automatic and manual selector switch. Start-and-Stop Control: When set for start-and-stop control, motor shall stop automatically when discharge pressure reaches maximum pressure setting 100 psig, and start automatically when discharge pressure reaches minimum pressure setting 60 psig. Cylinders shall unload during periods of motor shutdown. Constant Speed Control: Compressor shall operate continuously at constant speed. Provide means to automatically load and unload compressor at preset minimum and maximum pressure settings respectively. Provide means for automatic release of pressure within cylinders when the unit is operating without load. Also provide means for manual or automatic NFSS-T40 15470-5 unloading of cylinders during starting of unit. Equip compressor with a timed control to stop compressor after a 10-minute unloaded period if air is not used. 2.1.2 Safety Controls: In addition to controls specified elsewhere in this specification, equip compressor with all of the safety controls listed in Table I. Control shall provide an alarm of the appropriate condition by sounding a horn and by flashing an amber light or shall cause a shutdown of compressor as indicated in the table. Panel-mount gauges and visual identification lights for control points or mount on a separate working-height console. TABLE I. SAFETY CONTROLS Shut Alarm Down ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ High discharge-air temperature x x High discharge-air pressure x x Excessively high motor temp. x Excessive vibration x 2.1.3 Filters - Silencers: Provide filters-silencers on the air intake to each compressor as recommended by compressor manufacturer. Provide dry type unit suitable for use with each compressor unit herein described. Unit shall include a filter section and silencer section. Construct filter section of a pleated filter paper with protective stainless steel cloth on both sides. Furnish one extra filter for compressor. 2.1.4 Receiver: Provide receiver to conform to Mil. Spec. MIL-C-17596. Construct receiver in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Pressure Vessels, for working pressures indicated and maximum temperature of 450 degrees F. Air receiver shall have supporting legs, drain valve, safety valve, pressure gage, and shut-off valve. Provide certification of factory test. NFSS-T40 15470-6 2.2 Low Pressure Compressed kir Piping and Accessories (125 psig): 2.2.1 Piping: One of the following materials; a. Pipe: Black, seamless or welded, standard weight steel pipe conforming to ASTM 120. Pipe fittings; screwed type for pipes of 2 inches and smaller. Screwed joints: Threaded in accordance with ANSI B2.1. Screwed type fittings: 150-pound malleable iron conforming to Fed. Spec. WW-P-521. b. Pipe and Fittings: Type "L" copper tubing, hard drawn, Class 1, conforming to KSTM B 88, with wrought copper or cast bronze fittings and silver brazed joints conforming to ANSI B16.18 and B16.22. Silver solder shall conform to Fed. Spec. QQ-B-654, Class III. c. Plastic Tubing: Low density polyethylene tubing conforming to ASTM D1248, Type 1, Class A Category 3 and Fed. Spec. L-P-390 Type 1, Class L, Grade 2, Category 3. 2.2.2 Air Cylinders: Shall be 3-1/4-inch bore x 3-inch stroke with spherical bearing mounts, heavy duty air cylinders with 1/4-inch NPT ports. 2.2.3 Air Filter/Pressure Regulator: Port size 1/2-inch NPT, pressure range 0/125 psi, polycarbonate bowl, 40 micron filter, automatic drain removing both airborne solids and water, air pressure gauge with rear connector to have 2-inch diameter dial type indicator and range of 0 to 125 psi. 2.2.4 ports. 2.2.5 Push Button Control Valves: 3 port, 2 position, 1/8-inch NPT Air-operated Control Valves: 4 port, 3 position, 1/4-inch NPT. 2.2.6 Compressed kir Piping Valves: 150-pound class bronze gate valves conforming to MSS SP-80 Type 11, class B, or globe valves conforming to MSS SP-80 check valves: Lift or swing type conforming to MSS SP-80. 2.2.7 Pressure Gages, Low Pressure: Fed. Spec. GG-G-76, Class 1, Style X, Type I, with steel or brass case, and nonshatterable safety glass, and a pressure blowout back to prevent glass from flying out in case of an explosion. Gages shall have a 3-1/2-inch minimum diameter dial and a dial range of approximately twice working pressure. 2.2.8 Pressure Reducing Valves: Spring loaded type, with nominal pressure rating of not less than inlet system pressure indicated. Provide pressure reducing valves capable of being adjusted to specified flow and pressure, and suitable for intended service. NFSS-T40 15470-7 2.2.9 Pipe Hangers and Supports: Fed. Spec. WW-H-171. Furnish zinc or cadmium plated pipe hangers and supports except for copper piping. Provide tubing supports of U-shaped steel bolts and nuts firmly secured to adequate support structure. Clips shall fit closely around piping but shall have sufficient clearance to permit longitudinal movement of piping during normal expansion and contraction. Provide supports at valves, fittings, branch lines, outlets, changes in direction, equipment, and accessories. 2.2.10 Relief Valves: Bronze conforming to Mil. Spec. MIL-V-18634, Class 4, Style A. (threaded connections). 2.2.11 Quick Disconnect Couplings: All brass and suitable for a working pressure of not less than indicated system pressure. Female side of coupling (fixed end) shall have male thread connection with automatic shutoff. Provide male side of coupling with hose stem and ball check to bled pressure from hose and prevent hose whipping. 2.2.12 Single Cartridge Type Filters: Designed for 125 psig operating pressure and filter housing of brass or bronze. Provide cellulose cartridge filters of graded density construction capable of removing liquids and solids of 5 microns and larger. Filter capacity shall be compatible with rated flow of equipment or pressure reducing valves provided. 2.2.13 Strainers for Compressed Air Service: Bronze body, conforming to Mil. Spec. MIL-S-16293, Class 125, Style Y, Type II, simplex type, with 20-mesh Monel or stainless steel screen. 2.2.14 Traps: Fed. Spec. WW-T-696 and to drain water and other liquids from system. Type of traps as indicated, and rated working pressure not less than system operating pressure. 2.2.15 Flexible reinforced corrugated connections, suitable manufacturer, but not Connections: Vibration isolation, wire braid metal hose type, line-sized, with bronze end for pressure indicated. Length as recommended by less than 18 inches. 2.2.16 Tetrafluoroethylene tape for screw-jointed pipe shall conform to Mil. Spec. MIL-T-27730. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: Install materials and equipment as indicated and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.1.1 Piping: Piping shall follow the general arrangement shown. Cut piping accurately to measurements established for the work. Work piping into place without springing or forcing. Piping and equipment shall be entirely out of the way of lighting fixtures and doors, windows, and other openings. Locate overhead piping in the most inconspicuous NFSS-T40 15470-8 positions. Do not bury or conceal piping until it has been inspected, tested, and approved. Where pipe passes through structure, pipe joints shall not be concealed, but shall be located where they may be readily inspected and building structure shall not be weakened. Avoid interference with other piping, conduit, or equipment. Except where specifically shown otherwise, vertical piping shall run plumb and straight and parallel to walls. Piping connected to equipment shall be installed to provide flexibility for vibration. Adequately support and anchor piping so that strain from weight of piping is not imposed on the equipment. Do not route supply piping through simulator bulkheads. Fittings: Use long radius ells where appropriate to reduce pressure drops. Pipe bends in lieu of fittings may be used for low pressure piping where space permits, however ASTM A 120 pipe shall not be used for bending. Pipe bends shall have a uniform radius of at least five times the pipe diameter and must be free from any appreciable flattening, wrinkling, or thinning of the pipe. Mitering of pipe to form elbows, notching straight runs to form full sized tees, or an similar construction shall not be used. Cleaning: Before jointing and erection of piping or tubing, thoroughly clean interiors of pipe sections, tube, and components. In steel pipe, loosen scale and other foreign matter by rapping sharply and expel by wire brush and swab. Blow out both steel pipe and copper tube and components with compressed air at 100 psig or more. Maintain cleanliness by closure of pipe/tube openings with caps or plugs. Before making final terminal connections, blow out complete system with compressed air at 100 psig or more. Changes in Pipe Size: Use reducing fittings for changes in pipe size. The use of bushings will not be permitted. Drainage and Flexibility: Compressed air piping shall be free of unnecessary pockets and pitched approximately 3 inches per 100 feet in the direction of flow to low points. Provide flexibility by use of fittings, loops, and offsets in piping. Install branches at top of a main to prevent carryover of condensate and foreign matter. 3.1.2 Threaded Joints: Where possible use pipe with factory cut threads, otherwise cut pipe ends square, remove all fins and burrs, and cut taper pipe threads per ANSI B2.1. Threads shall be smooth, clean, and full cut. apply thread tape to male threads only. Work piping into place without springing or forcing. Backing off to permit alignment of threaded joints will not be permitted. Engage threads so that not more than three threads remain exposed. 3.1.3 Flare Fittings for Low Pressure Systems: Use flare fittings only where necessary to connect copper tubing to equipment. Use short sections of annealed tubing soldered or brazed to hard drawn tubing using couplings on expanded ends on the annealed tubing made with NFSS-T40 15470-9 special tools designed for that purpose. Make flares with the appropriate flaring tools. Cut annealed tubing only with cutting wheel tool. Do not ream out inside burr or lip left by the cutting wheel but fold back lip with flare tool to form seal/gasket inside flare. When new, the flare should cover not more than 75 percent of the flare seating surface of either the male or female flare fittings. Put the flare nut on the tube before making the flare. 3.1.4 Valves for Low pressure Systems: Install valves at the locations indicated and elsewhere as required for the proper functioning of the system. Gate Valves: Gate valves shall be used unless otherwise directed. Valves shall be installed in positions accessible for operation and repair. Install valve with stem horizontal or above. Globe Valves: Globe valves shall be installed so that the pressure shall be below the disk. Globe valves shall be installed with the stems vertical. Pressure-Reducing Valves: The compressed air piping entering each pressure-reducing valve shall be provided with a strainer. Each pressure-reducing valve unit shall be provided with two block valves and with a globe or angle bypass valve and bypass pipe. A bypass around a reducing valve shall be of reduced size to restrict its capacity to approximately that of the reducing valve. Each pressure-reducing valve unit shall be provided with an indicating gage to show the reduced pressure, and a safety valve on the low pressure side. These requirements do not apply to small pressure regulating valves used to adjust pressure for pneumatic equipment. 3.1.5 Hangers and Supports: Selection, fabrication and installation of piping hangers and supports shall conform to MSS SP-58 and SP-69 except that spacing of the hangers and supports shall be as per Table 1. TABLE I. MAXIMUM SPAN FOR PIPE -------------------------------------------------------------------DIAMETER STD. WT. INCHES STEEL PIPE SCHEDULE 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------1/2 5'-0" -------------------------------------------------------------------3/4 5'-9" -------------------------------------------------------------------1 6'-6" -------------------------------------------------------------------- NFSS-T40 15470-10 3.1.6 Pressure Gages: Pressure gages shall have a shut-off valve or petcock installed between the gage and the line. 3.1.7 Strainers: Strainers with meshes suitable for the services shall be provided where indicated, or where dirt might interfere with the proper operation of valve parts, orifices, or moving parts of equipment. 3.1.8 Equipment Installation: Equipment installation shall be strictly in accordance with these specifications, and the installation instructions of the manufacturers. All piping shall be installed in such a manner as not to place a strain on any of the equipment. All piping shall be graded, anchored, guided and supported, without low pockets. 3.1.9 Cleaning of System: As installations of the various system components are completed, they shall be adequately cleaned before final closing. All foreign matter shall be removed from equipment and surrounding areas. Preliminary or final tests will not be permitted until the cleaning is approved by the Contracting Officer. 3.1.10 Sleeves: Provide pipe sleeves where pipes and tubing pass through masonry walls. Pack the space between pipe or tubing and the sleeve with safing insulation and seal on both sides of sleeve as specified in Section 07950, "Calking, Sealing and Firestopping". 3.2 TESTING: 3.2.1 General Requirements, Testing: Perform testing after cleaning and acceptance of cleanness. Contractor shall furnish everything necessary for tests. Tests shall be subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer. Pressurize each piping system individually and check to assure that there are no cross-connections between different systems prior to operational tests. 3.2.2 Factory Tests: Test air compressors and compressed air dryers at the factory to assure proper operation. Contractor shall certify satisfactory accomplishment of tests. 3.2.3 Hydrostatic and Leak Tightness Tests: a. Remove or isolate from the system the compressor, air dryer, filters, instruments, and equipment which would be damaged by water during hydrostatic tests and reinstall after successful completion of tests. b. Hydrostatically test piping systems for 30 minutes with water at one and one-half times design working pressure. NFSS-T40 15470-11 c. After satisfactory completion of hydrostatic pressure test, blow systems dry with clean, oil-free compressed air, and test with clean, dry air at design working pressure. Brush joints with soapy water solution to check for leaks. Install a calibrated test pressure gage in piping system to observe any loss in pressure. Calibrate the test pressure gage with a dead weight tester within 15 days before use and certify by initial and date on a sticker applied to dial face. Maintain required test pressure for sufficient length of time to enable an inspection of joints and connections. 3.2.4 Operational Tests: Test equipment as in service to determine compliance with contract requirements and warranty. During the tests, test equipment under every condition of operation. Test safety controls to demonstrate performance of their required function. Completely test system for compliance with specifications. 3.3 INSTRUCTION TO GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL: Provide 1 man-day of instruction to I Government employee in accordance with Section 15011 "Mechanical General Requirements" for compressor. *** END OF SECTION *** NFSS-T40 15470-12 SECTION 16450 ELECTRIC AND SIGNAL WIRING SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The documents listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The documents are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 Federal Specifications (Fed. Spec.): W-C-375B Notice 1 Circuit Breaker, Molded Case, Branch Circuit and Service W-S-896E(2) Switch, Toggle (Toggle and Lock), Flush Mounted 1.1.2 Military Specifications (Mil. Spec.): MIL-J-24649 1.1.3 Jack Box, Jack & Plug for Telephone, Sound Powered American National Standards Institute (ANSI): C80.1-1983 Specification for Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc-Coated C80.3-1983 Specification for Electrical Metallic Tubing, Zinc-Coated 1.1.4 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): B 1-85 Hard Drawn Copper Wire B 8-86 Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard Medium-Hard, or Soft 1.1.5 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): KS1-1983 (R 1985) Enclosed Switches WD1 -1983 General-Purpose Wiring Devices ST20-1986 Dry-Type Transformers for General Applications NFSS-T40 16450-1 1.1.6 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Documents: 70-1990 National Electrical Code (NEC) 1.1.7 Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Documents: (All UL documents shall be current editions published and available in print on the date of advertisement of this contract.) 1 50 67 360 467 486A 486C 510 514A & B 854 869 943 1053 1242 Flexible Metal Conduit Cabinets and Boxes Panelboards Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduit Grounding and Bonding Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use with Copper Conductors Splicing Wire Connectors Insulating Tape Outlet Boxes and Fittings Service-Entrance Cables Service Equipment Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters Ground-Fault Sensing and Relaying Equipment Intermediate Metal Conduit 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Section 16011, "Electrical General Requirements", applies to this section with additions and modifications specified herein. In each of the standards referred to herein, consider the advisory provisions to be mandated, as though the word "shall" had been substituted for "should" wherever it appears. Interpret reference in these standards to the "authority having jurisdiction", or words of similar meaning, to mean the Contracting Officer. NFSS-T40 16450-2 1.2.1 Service: Underground service conductors and associated conduit shall be continuous from the service entrance equipment to the outdoor power system connection. Overhead service conductors shall terminate at the service entrance fittings outside the Damage Control Trainer. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: 1.3.1 Manufacturers' Data: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. 1.3.2 Receptacles Circuit breakers Switches Conduit and fittings (each type) Device plates Insulated conductors Outlet and junction boxes Catalog cuts of fixtures Pilot lights Disconnect switches Control panels Sound powered terminal boxes Sound powered telephone jack boxes Shop Drawings: a. Panelboard PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, GENERAL: Materials, equipment, and devices shall meet the requirements of UL where UL standards are established for those items, and the requirements of NFPA 70. 2.2 CONDUIT AND FITTINGS: 2.2.1 fittings. Rigid Steel Conduit (Zinc-Coated): 2.2.2 Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC): with threaded fittings. NFSS-T40 16450-3 ANSI C80.1 with threaded UL 1242, Zinc-coated steel 2.2.3 Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): type fittings. 2.2.4 Flexible Metal Conduit: ANSI C80.3 with compression UL 1. Liquid-Tight Flexible Metal Conduit (Steel): UL 360. 2.2.5 Fittings: UL 514B. All ferrous fittings shall be cadmium-or zinc-coated in accordance with UL 514B. Split couplings are not acceptable. 2.3 OUTLET BOXES AND COVERS, ELECTRICAL: coated ferrous metal. UL 514A, cadmium-or zinc- 2.4 CABINETS, JUNCTION BOXES, AND PULL BOXES (WITH VOLUME GREATER THAN 100 CUBIC INCHES): UL 50, hot-dip zinc-coated sheet steel. 2.5 WIRES AND CABLES: Wires and cables shall meet the applicable requirements of NFPA 70 and UL for the type of insulation, jacket, and conductor specified or indicated. Wires and cables manufactured more than 12 months prior to date of delivery to the site shall not be used. 2.5.1 Conductors: Conductors No. 10 AWG and smaller shall be solid, and those No. 8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. Unless indicated otherwise, conductor sizes shown are based on copper. Minimum Conductor Sizes: Minimum size for branch circuits shall be No. 12 AWG, for Class 1 remote-control and signal circuits, No. 12 AWG. Color Coding: Provide for all service, feeder, branch, control, and signaling circuit conductors. Color shall be green for grounding conductors, and white for neutrals, except where neutrals of more than one system are installed in same raceway or box, the other neutral shall be white with a colored (not green) stripe. The color of the phase conductors shall be as follows: a. 120/208 volt, 3-phase; Phase A - Black Phase B - Red Phase C - Blue NFSS-T40 16450-4 2.5.2 Insulation: Unless specified or indicated otherwise, or required to be otherwise by NFPA 70, all power and lighting wires shall be 600-volt, Type THW, THWN, XHHW, or RHW, except that grounding wire may be Type TW; remote-control and signal circuits shall be Type IEW or TF. 2.5.3 Bonding Conductors: ASTM B 1, solid bare copper wire for sizes No. 8 AWG and smaller: ASTM B 8, Class B, stranded bare copper wire for sizes No. 6 AWG and larger. 2.5.4 Service-entrance (SE) and Underground Service-Entrance (USE) Cables: UL 854. 2.6 SPLICES AND TERMINATION COMPONENTS: UL 486A as applicable for wire connectors, and UL 510 for insulating tapes. Connectors for wires No. 10 AWG and smaller shall be insulated pressure-type in accordance with UL 486A or UL 486C (twist-on splicing connector). Provide solderless terminal lugs on stranded conductors. 2.7 DEVICE PLATES: Provide UL listed, one-piece device plates for outlets and fittings to suit the devices installed. Plates in Damage Control Trainer and on fittings shall be of cast metal having round or beveled edges. Plates shall be satin finish stainless steel minimum 0.03 inch thick. Screws shall be machine type with countersunk heads in a color to match the finish of the plate. The use of sectional type device plates will not be permitted. Plates shall be gasketed. 2.8 SWITCHES: 2.8.1 Toggle Switches: Fed. Spec. W-S-896, totally enclosed with bodies of thermosetting plastic and a mounting strap. Handles shall be brown. Wiring terminals shall be of the screw type, side wired. Switches shall be rated quiet-type ac only, 120/277 volts, with the current rating and number of poles indicated. 2.8.2 Pilot Lights: Provide yoke-mounted candelabra-base sockets rated 125 volts and fitted with glass or plastic jewels. Provide a clear 6-watt lamp in each pilot switch. Jewels for use with switches controlling motors shall be green and Jewels for other purposes shall be red. 2.8.3 Disconnect Switches: NEMA KS1. Switches serving as motordisconnect means shall be horsepower rated. Provide heavy duty, double throw switches. Fused switches shall utilize Class R fuseholders and fuses, unless indicated otherwise. 2.9 WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES: NEMA WD1, heavy-duty, grounding type. Ratings: Heavy duty, NEMA 5-15R 120 volt 15 amp grounding receptacle. Bodies shall be of brown thermosetting plastic supported on a metal NFSS-T40 16450-5 mounting strap. Wiring terminals shall be of the screw type, side wired. Connect grounding pole to the mounting strap. Provide in a cast metal box with a gasketed, weatherproof, cast-metal cover plate and a gasketed cap over each receptacle opening. The cap shall be provided with a spring-hinged flap. Receptacle shall be UL approved for use in "wet locations". 2.10 PANELBOARD: UL 67, UL 50 AND UL 869: Design shall be such that any individual breaker can be removed without disturbing adjacent units or without loosening or removing supplemental insulation supplied as a means of obtaining clearances as required by installation of a breaker sized as indicated. All panelboard locks shall be keyed alike. Directories shall be typed to indicate load served by each circuit and mounted in a holder behind transparent protective covering. 2.10.1 Panelboard Buses: Support bus bars on bases independent of the circuit breakers. Main buses and back pans shall be designed so that breakers may be changed without machining, drilling, or tapping. Provide an isolated neutral bus in each panel for connection of circuit neutral conductors. Provide a separate ground bus marked with a green stripe along its front and bonded to the steel cabinet for connecting grounding conductors. 2.10.2 Circuit Breakers: Fed. Spec. W-C-375 thermal magnetic type with interrupting capacity of 10,000 amperes symmetrical minimum. Breaker terminals shall be UL listed as suitable for the type of conductor provided. Plug-in circuit breakers are not acceptable. Multipole Breakers: Provide common-trip type with a single operating handle. Breaker design shall be such that an overload in one pole automatically causes all poles to open. Maintain phase sequence throughout each panel so that any three adjacent breaker poles are connected to Phases A, B, and C, respectively. Circuit Breaker with Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter: UL 1053 and NFPA 70. Provide with "push-to-test button, visible indication of tripped condition, and ability to detect a current imbalance of approximately 5 milliamperes. 2.10.3 Dummy Panels: As specified for panelboard, closed back, interior rustproofed, provide empty conduit risers as indicated. NFSS-T40 16450-6 2.11 SOUND POWERED TELEPHONE SYSTEM: Provide a system of conduits with pull wires, terminal boxes, outlet and junction boxes, and other accessories for complete system ready for installation of wire and equipment. 2.11.1 Jackboxes, Junction Boxes and Cover Plates: Brass, shipboard, as specified in Section 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". 2.12 GROUNDING AND BONDING EQUIPMENT: UL 467. Ground rods shall be the sectional type, copper-encased steel, with minimum diameter of 3/4 inch and total length of 10 feet. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: 3.1.1 General Requirements: Electrical installations shall conform to the requirements of NFPA 70, Section 16011, "General Requirements, Electrical", and to the requirements specified herein. 3.1.2 Wiring Methods: Wiring method shall be insulated conductors installed in conduit, except where specifically indicated or specified otherwise, or required by NFPA 70 to be installed otherwise. An insulated equipment grounding conductor shall be provided in all feeder and branch circuits, including lighting circuits according to NEC Table 250-95. Electrical Metallic Tubing: Do Not: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use in Feeder Circuits Install underground Encase in concrete Use in areas where subject to severe physical damage Use in hazardous areas Use in outdoor work Use in sizes larger than 2 inches. NFSS-T40 16450-7 Service Entrance Conduit, Overhead: Rigid steel or IMC from the service equipment to the service entrance fitting or weatherhead outside the building. Service Entrance Conduit, Underground: Rigid steel or steel IMC. The underground portion shall be encased in a minimum of 3 inches of concrete, and shall be installed at least 18 inches below slab, or grade. Underground Conduit (Other Than Service Entrance): Plasticcoated rigid steel; plastic-coated steel IMC. Where nonmetallic conduit is used, it shall be converted to plastic-coated rigid (or IMC) steel conduit before rising through floor slab; plastic coating shall extend at least 6 inches above floor. Conduit in Floor Slabs: Rigid steel; steel IMC; Type EPC-40. Conduit for Circuits Rated Above 600 Volts: conduit or IMC only. Use rigid metal 3.1.3 Conduit Installation: Install conduit parallel with or at right angles to ceilings, walls, and structural members. Where conduits rise through floor slabs, the curved portion of bends shall not be visible above the finish slab. Conduit Support: Support conduit by pipe straps, wall brackets, hangers, or ceiling trapeze. Fasten by toggle bolts on hollow masonry units; by concrete inserts or expansion bolts on concrete; by machine screws, welded threaded studs, or spring-tension clamps on steel work. Threaded C-clamps may be used on rigid steel conduit only. Do not weld conduits or pipe straps to steel structures. The load applied to fasteners shall not exceed one-fourth of the proof test load. Fill holes that are not used. In partitions of light steel construction, use sheet-metal screws. Changes in Direction: Use symmetrical bends or cast-metal fittings. Make field-made bends and offsets with a hickey or conduitbending machine. Do not install crushed or deformed conduits. Avoid trapped conduits. Prevent plaster, dirt, or trash from lodging in conduits, boxes, fittings, and equipment during construction. Free clogged conduits of all obstructions. Fastening: Fasten conduits to sheet metal boxes and cabinets with two locknuts where required by MFPA 70, where insulated bushings are used, and where bushings cannot be brought into firm contact with the box; otherwise, use at least a single locknut and bushing. Locknuts shall be the type with sharp edges for digging into the wall of metal enclosures. Install bushings on the ends of conduits and provide insulating type where required by NFPA 70. NFSS-T40 16450-8 Flexible Connections: Maximum of 6 feet. Provide for equipment subject to vibration, noise transmission, or movement; and for all motors. Liquid-tight flexible conduit shall be used in wet locations. A separate ground conductor shall be provided across flexible connections. 3.1.4 Boxes, Outlets, and Supports: Provide boxes in the wiring or raceway systems wherever required for pulling of wires, making connections, and mounting of devices or fixtures. Boxes for metallic raceways shall be of the cast-metal hub type when located in normally wet locations, when surface mounted on outside of exterior surfaces, when installed exposed up to 7 feet above interior floors and walkways. Boxes in other locations shall be sheet steel, except that aluminum boxes may be used with aluminum conduit. Each box shall have the volume required by NFPA 70 for the number of conductors enclosed in the box. Boxes for mounting lighting fixtures shall be not less than 4 inches square (or octagonal), except that smaller boxes may be installed as required by fixture configurations, as approved. Boxes for use in masonry walls shall be square-cornered tile-type, or standard boxes having square-cornered tile-type covers. Provide gaskets for cast-metal boxes. Fasten boxes and supports with wood screws on wood, with bolts and expansion shields on concrete, with toggle bolts on hollow masonry units, and with machine screws or welded studs on steel work. Threaded studs driven in by powder charge and provided with lockwashers and nuts may be used. In open overhead spaces, cast boxes threaded to raceways need not be separately supported except where used for fixture support; support sheet metal boxes directly from the building structure or by bar hangers. Where bar hangers are used, attach the bar to raceways on opposite sides of the box and support the raceway with an approved type fastener not more than 24 inches from the box. Boxes For Raceway Systems: Not less than 1-1/2 inches deep, except where shallower boxes required by structural conditions are approved. Boxes for other than lighting-fixture outlets shall be not less than 4 inches square, except that 4 inch by 2 inch boxes may be used where only one raceway enters the outlet. Pull Boxes: Construct of not less than the minimum size required by NFPA 70 of code-gage aluminum or galvanized sheet steel, except where cast-metal boxes are specified. Furnish boxes with screw-fastened covers. Where several feeders pass through a common pull box, tag the feeders to indicate clearly the electrical characteristics, circuit number, and panel designation. 3.1.5 Mounting Heights: Mount panelboards, circuit breakers, and disconnecting switches so the height of the operating handle at its highest position will not exceed 78 inches from the floor. Mount lighting switches 48 inches above finished floor, receptacles and other devices as indicated. Measure mounting heights of wiring devices and outlets to the center of device or outlet. NFSS-T40 16450-9 3.1.6 Conductor Identification: Provide conductor identification within each enclosure where a tap, splice, or termination is made. For conductors No. 6 and smaller, color coding shall be by factory-applied color-impregnated insulation. For conductors No. 4 and larger, color coding shall be by plastic-coated self-sticking markers, colored nylon cable ties and plates, or heat-shrink type sleeves. Identify control circuit terminations. 3.1.7 Splices: Make splices in accessible locations. Make splices in conductors No. 10 AWG and smaller with an insulated pressure type connector. Make splices in conductors No. 8 AWG and larger with a solderless connector and cover with an insulation material equivalent to the conductor insulation. 3.1.8 Covers and Device Plates: Install with all four edges in continuous contact with finished wall surfaces without the use of mats or similar devices. Plates shall be installed with an alignment tolerance of 1/16 inch. The use of sectional type device plates will not be permitted. Plates shall be gasketed. 3.1.9 Grounding and Bonding: NFPA 70. Ground non-current-carrying metallic parts of electrical equipment, metallic raceway systems, grounding conductor in nonmetallic raceways, and neutral conductor of wiring systems with connection to driven ground rods on the exterior of the building. Where ground fault protection is employed, take care that the connection of ground and neutral does not interfere with the correct operation of the fault protection. Grounding Conductor: Provide an insulated, green-colored equipment grounding conductor in all feeder and branch circuits in accordance to NEC 70 Tables 250-94 and 250-95. This conductor shall be separate from the electrical system neutral conductor. 3.2 FIELD TESTS: Submit written copies of test results. The contracting Officer shall be given 5 working days notice prior to testing. 3.2.1 Devices Subject to Manual Operation: Each device shall be operated at least five times, demonstrating satisfactory operation each time. 3.2.2 Test on 600-Volt Wiring: Verify that no short circuits or accidental grounds exist. Perform insulation resistance tests on wiring No. 6 AWG and larger using an instrument which applies a voltage of approximately 500 volts to provide a direct reading of resistance; minimum resistance shall be 250,000 ohms. NFSS-T40 16450-10 3.2.3 Grounding System Test: Test to assure continuity and that the resistance to ground is not excessive. Make resistance measurements in normally dry weather, not less than 48 hours after rainfall. *** END OF SECTION *** NFSS-T40 16450-11 SECTION 16550 LIGHTING, CONTROL TRAINER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The documents listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The documents are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 American National Standards Institute (ANSI): C82.1-1985 Specifications for Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts C82.2-1984 Methods of Measurement of Fluorescent Lamp Ballast 1.1.2 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 70-1990 National Electrical Code (NEC) 101-1988 Life Safety Code 1.1.3 Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., (UL): 1570-1988 Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures 35-1984 (R 1988) Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Section 16011, "Electrical General Requirements", applies with the following additions and modifications. The work includes the provision of shipboard type lighting fixtures, battle lanterns, direct current power supply for Casualty Lighting and Emergency Lighting Systems, bulkhead and riser biscuits, and systems for interior use, including lighting fixtures. Materials not normally furnished by manufacturers of these devices are specified in Section 16450, "Electrical and Signal Wiring Systems". 1.3 SUBMITTALS: Data, shop drawings, and reports shall employ the terminology, classifications, and methods prescribed by the IES Lighting Handbook, as applicable, for the lighting system specified. NFSS-T40 16550-1 1.3.1 Manufacturer's Data: a. b. c. d. 1.3.2 Lighting fixtures, including lamps and ballasts Bulkhead biscuit terminals Riser biscuit terminals Direct current power supply Shop Drawings: a. b. Lighting fixture assemblies Photometrics PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES: UL 1570. 2.1.1 Fluorescent Lamps: Lamps shall be the energy efficient type unless specifically indicated that standard lamps are required. The 48-inch lamps shall be rated 35 watts (maximum) and 2900 initial lumens (minimum). 2.1.2 Fluorescent Ballasts: UL 935, ANSI C82.1, and shall be labeled Certified Ballast Manufacturers (CBM) certified by Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL). Ballasts shall be high power factor type and shall be designed to operate on the voltage system to which they are connected. Ballasts shall be Class P and shall have sound rating "A" unless otherwise noted. Fixtures and ballasts shall be designed and constructed to limit the ballast case temperature to 90 degrees Celcius (C) when installed in an ambient temperature of 40 degrees C. All ballasts shall be the energy saving type. Energy Saving Ballasts: Provide energy saving fluorescent ballasts of the CBM certified full light output type. The ballasts shall have an input wattage, when tested in accordance with ANSI C82.2, of:79 or less when operating two 35 watt F40T12 lamps. 2.2 EMERGENCY LIGHTING EQUIPMENT: NFPA 101. 2.2.1 Central Emergency System: Provide DC power supply as specified in Section 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". Provide a Silicon Current Rectifier (SCR) regulator to provide plus or minus 0.1 percent regulation with a maximum efficiency of 75 percent. Provide series inductance and a capacitor filter circuit for low noise operation over all line and load conditions. Provide overload protection. System shall contain solid state devices. NFSS-T40 16550-2 Operation: When the single-pole double-throw switch is in the normal position the fluorescent lights shall be fed. When the switch is in the emergency position, the power supply shall be energized and shall feed all the emergency DC loads. 2.3 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT: 2.3.1 Casualty Power Terminals (Biscuits): 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". As specified in Section 2.3.2 Riser Biscuit (SYM 1032): Shall be connected via a junction box to the six volt source. "All terminal to be wired positive, "C" terminal to be wired negative, and "B" terminal not to be wired. RISER Biscuits in the Machinery Compartment and the Engineering Stores Compartment: Connect to the junction boxes directly above. From those junction boxes, wiring shall extend to the battle lanterns. BULKHEAD Biscuit (SYM 1025): Two terminals mounted on opposite sides of a bulkhead, with the corresponding terminals interconnected. There is no power source at a bulkhead biscuit. 2.3.3 BATTLE LANTERN: As specified in Section 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". Lantern shall be modified to operate directly from 6-volt casualty power source as indicated. 2.3.4 SHIPBOARD LIGHTING FIXTURES, SHIPBOARD JUNCTION BOXES: Fluorescent, watertight fixtures with lenses, and mounting bracket as specified in Section 13250, "Damage Control Simulator Specialties". PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION; Set lighting fixtures plumb, square, and level with ceiling and malls, in alignment with adjacent lighting fixtures, and secure in accordance with manufacturers' directions and approved shop drawings. The installation shall meet with the requirements of NFPA 70. Mounting heights specified or indicated shall be to bottom of fixture. Obtain approval of the exact mounting of lighting fixtures on the job before installation is commenced and, where applicable, after coordinating with the type, style, and pattern of the ceiling being installed. NFSS-T40 16550-3 3.2 GROUNDING: Ground noncurrent-carrying parts of equipment as specified in Section 16450, "Electric and Signal Wiring Systems". Where the copper grounding conductor is connected to a metal other than copper, provide specially treated or lined connectors suitable for this purpose. 3.3 FIELD TESTS: Perform the following field tests. 3.3.1 Operating Test: After the installation has been completed, conduct an operating test to show that the equipment operates in accordance with the requirements of this section. 3.3.2 Insulation Resistance Test: Perform as specified in Section 16450, "Electrical and Signal Wiring Systems", both before connection of fixtures and equipment and after fixtures and equipment are connected and ready for use. 3.3.3 Ground Resistance Tests: Perform as specified in Section 16450, "Electrical and Signal Wiring Systems". *** END OF SECTION *** NFSS-T40 16550-4