Voices & Images Work & Life Programs For more information visit:

DHLI Report
Voices & Images
Work & Life Programs
For more information visit: http://dhli.wordpress.com/voices-images/
For more informatin visit: http://dhli.wordpress.com/internships/
SEIU-UHW Summer 2007 Internship
5 LACCD Students Placed
21 applications
93 interested student inquiries
Tot. Events
Est. Outreach
Sp 2007
Fall 2007
City, Mission, Pierce, Valley, District-wide event at City
City, East, Harbor, Pierce, Southwest, Valley,
Southern California Library, Cal State Pomona,
Korean Resource Center
East, Harbor, Southwest, Valley, UA Local 250
Sp 2008
Fall 2008
Sp 2009
Fall 2009
Sp 2010
Fall 2010
East, Harbor, Mission, Valley
Harbor, Southwest, Trade, Valley
Harbor, Southwest, Trade, District-wide at Valley,
East, Los Angeles City Hall
80+ estimated
Harbor, Valley
*Note: 2010-2011 year stilll in planning. Numbers are for confirmed events.
Student Leadership Academy Summer 2009
9 LACCD Students Placed
86 applications
Harbor, Pierce, Valley, UTLA,UCLA Labor Center
CSU Dominguez Hills, Antioch University-Los Angeles
4 confirmed
Student Leadership Academy Summer 2008
About 5 students placed (exact numbers unavailable)
Total application numbers unavailable
Sample Speakers
Kent Wong, Maria Elena Durazo, Karen Brodkin, Dolores Huerta,Patrick Finn, Emilia Casteneda
Mike Davis, Nelson Lichtenstein, Mark Ridley Thomas, Kathleen Webb, David Bacon, Manuel Sandoval
Jackie Goldberg, Angela Reddock, Dave Arian, Lynn Goldfarb, Ruth Milkman, Cathy Deppe
Woodrow Clark II, Bill Fletcher Jr., Connie Leyva, Don Tanaka, Jane Templin
Sample Organizations Represented
UCLA Labor Center, UCLA, SUNY-Buffalo, UFCW 1428, MALDEF, UCSB, UCSD, California Federation
of Labor, Governor's Office-CA Dept. of Insurance, UFW Foundation, 9to5, SEIU 721, CSUDH, GWC,
It's OUR Healthcare Coalition, APALA, Harry Bridges Institute, UTLA, ILWU Local 63, LACCD, KRC
KIWA, CAN, SEIU-UHW, SEIU-1000, SWLSA, Dolores Huerta Foundation, LA County Federation of
Labor, Southern California Library, IBEW Local 11, Southern California Pipetrades District Council 16
Due to cuts in funding, DHLI does not currently offer paid
DHLI Report
For more information visit: http://dhli.wordpress.com/courses/
New Courses
Am Inst
English 275:
UC: CSU 3 Units
California Labor Literature
Bruce Anders
Wendell Eckforrd, Michael Colling,
Mario Valadez
History 82:
UC: CSU 3 Units
City, East, Harbor, Valley Wendell Eckforrd, Michael Colling,
A History of Working People in the United States 2
Mario Valadez, Rick Murray
History 81:
UC:CSU 3 Units
City, East, Harbor
A History of Working People in the United States 1
Sociology 35:
UC: CSU 3 Units
The Labor Movement
Pierce, Valley
Pat Allen, Chuck O'Connell
Sociology 84
CC 1 Unit
Simulated Society
Pat Allen
Known Courses with Labor Units or Contextualized
Chicano Studies 8: UC: CSU 3 Units
The Mexican-American in the History of the US II
Pete Lopez
English 101:
UC: CSU 3 Units
College Reading and Composition
Southwest, Valley, West
Darren Cifarelli, Scott Weigand, Bruce Anders
English 102:
UC: CSU 3 Units
College Reading and Composition II
Southwest, Valley
Darren Cifarelli, Scott Weigand
English 103:
UC: CSU 3 Units
Composition and Critical Thinking
Darren Cifarelli
History 52:
UC: CSU 3 Units
Role of Women in the History of the US
Ellen Joiner
Labor Studies 4:
Labor in America
John Delloro, Goetz Wolff, Lou Siegel
Political Science 1: UC: CSU 3 Units
Government of the United States
Bill Loiterman
Political Science 30:UC: CSU 3 Units
The Political Process
Bill Loiterman
Sociology 22:
UC: CSU 3 Units
Sociology of Women
Pat Allen
CSU: 3 Units
Total New Courses: 11
Total Courses: 12
DHLI Report
For more information visit: http://dhli.wordpress.com/resources/
Conferences and Other Resources
DHLI.org Statistics
DHLI.org Online Resources
Luisa Moreno Labor Studies Collection
Stats from dreamhost.com: Jul 2010
Labor Scholars Retreats
Tot. Requests for dhli.org from 2008-10:
The Harbor Area’s Labor Legacy: The Past, Present, Future of Working on the Docks
Robert Maynez discusses "Eye Of The Storm" Documentary
Labor History Day and Mexican Repatration: A personal story
The Environment, Jobs and Change
Who Rides the Metro Movie
Why International Solidarity Matters at UTLA Part 1
Why International Solidarity Matters at UTLA Part 2
Former Garment Worker Center Director Kimi Lee Speaks at East LA College
Bill Fletcher, Jr. Discusses Challenges Facing the African American Community
Labor Scholars Retreat Wiki
Resource Section Page Requests
Education and Labor Collaborative
Labor Studies Primer
Workshops and speakers by request
*Healthcare for All
*Women in Leadership
*Exercising Self-Efficacy in Personal
Student Resources:
Listings of job, internship and other
November 2008: 73
December 2008: 151
January 2009: 207
February 2009: 376
March 2009: 1184
April 2009: 874
May 2009: 1588
June 2009: 1261
July 2009: 1449
August 2009: 1448
September 2009: 1642
October 2009: 2239
November 2009: 1603
December 2009: 1850
January 2010: 2192
February 2010: 1991
March 2010: 2105
April 2010: 1858
May 2010: 2333
June 2010: 2017
July 2010: 1496
Primers or other Resources Delivered to:
Faculty Resources
Nelson Lichtenstein’s Lecture “The Return of Workers’ Education.”
Green Jobs and Sustainability PowerPoint
Lesson Plan: The Environment, Jobs and Change (The Green Economy)
Lesson Plan: The Health Care Crisis in the U.S.
Remember Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Discussion Sheet
Open Educational Resources Kit
Approaches for Teaching Labor Studies: Methods for Modern U.S. Labor History
Approaches for Teaching Labor Studies: Methods for English 101
DHLI Primer on Teaching Labor Studies in the Los Angeles Community College District
Access to Public Education Guide
Historic March from Hollywood to the Docks Teaching Guide
"Making Literacy Danger Again" by Patrick Finn
The Meaning of May 1st Teaching Guide
PowerPoint Presentations on Employment Discrimination Law
134 Total Faculty
City: 16: Mattie Moon, Wendell Eckford, Joe Meyer, Glen Britton, Anthony Clark, Andrew Walzer, Chris Cofer, Bruce Reinauer, Annie Cole, Salvador Sanchez, Tammy Robinson,
Kenneth Sherwood, Barbara Vasquez, Kelly Burke, Bernadette Tchen, Sharon Hendricks
East: 22: Michael Colling, Jeffrey Hernandez, Armida Ornelas, Toi Carter, Barbara Dunsheath, Ria Kahla, Ralph Deiter, Kenny James, Susan Sprangler, Alex Immerblum,
Evelyn Escatiola, Richard Moyer, Alan Khuu, Bonnie Sherman, Ron Gust, Ng Antonio, Gabriella Lopez, Dorothy Roane, Consuelo Castro, Vanessa Valverde, Daniel Judge, Larry Powell
Harbor:20: Bradley Young, Ellen Joiner, Bill Loiterman, Jim Stanberry, Nina Malone, Carmen Carillo, Krystyna Oakes, Rod Oakes, King Carter, Paul Rodriquez, Mona Reddick,
Andrew Avillar, Luis Rosas, Bobby McNeal, Don Weems, Maria Glover, Len Glover, Marc Avillar, Nikki Thompson, Carolyn Clark
Mission: 10: Myriam Mekelburg, Lilimani De Silva, Maria Fenyes, Parthenia Grant, Dolores Taylor, Gary Prostak, Angela Echeverri, Mehri Hagar, Alma Johnson-Hawkins, Donna Ayers
Pierce:17: Norm Levy, William DeRubertis, Kathy Holland, Sharon Levick, Tom Rosdahl, Chuck O'Connell, Ana Bruzzese, Susan Aminoff, Larry Horn, Brian Walsh, Eugene Larson,
Don Sparks, Nabil Abu-Ghazaleh, R.D. Skidmore, D.S. McHargue, Donna Accardo, Monika Del Bosque
Southwest: 6: Sandra Lee, Darren Cifarelli, Sharon Maselli, Carmen Villiesid, Leige Doffoney, Daniel Ortega
Trade: 12:Alicia Rodriguez, Rodrigo Palacios, Janice Gangel-Vasquez, Kindra Kinyon, Carole Anderson, Lou Siegel, Dorien Grunbaum, Kindra Kinyon, Lawrence Bradford,
Kathleen Yasuda, Lourdes Brent, Huong Hoang
Valley: 18: Sally Raskoff, Pat Allen, Tiffany Lanoix, Scott Weigand, Rose Drummond, LaVerne Rosow, Tracy Bachman, Don Gauthier, Rebecca Stein, Pete Lopez, Tara Lake,
Abe Hoffman, Zack Knorr, Dale Fulkerson, Sandy Mayo, Lynn Polasek, Larry Nakamura, Ian Lewis
West: 13: Bruce Anders, Olga Shewfelt, Grace Chee, Rod Patterson, Betty Jacobs, Bob Sprague, Jack Rubensaal, May DuBois, Faz Elahi, Eric Chon, Richard Block,
Bonnie Blustein, Linda Alexander