Educational Services Center
Board Room – 1st Floor
770 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90017
Friday, November 18, 2005
9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Committee: Robyn Mims, Chair; John Clerx, ESC; Sinnika Diego, LATTC; M. Sonia Lopez, LATTC; Nelli Martirosyan, LAVC; Participants: Robert Crossley, LAMC; Carl Friedlander, AFT; Diana Ho, Diana Ho Consulting; Nehasi Lee; David Sutton, Metro Student Trustee Mims called the meeting to order at 9:52 a.m. A quorum is not present. On roll call, the following colleges were present: LATTC and LAVC. Absent: ELAC, LACC, LAHC, LAMC, Pierce College, LASC, and WLAC. PUBLIC AGENDA SPEAKERS Mr. Nehasi Lee distributed copies of a document entitled “Region 8 Recorder,” which is the official newsletter of CalSACC Region VIII. He discussed the Student Body Government Presidential Summit that was held on October 7­8, 2005. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES None. DISCUSSION ITEMS I­Pass Program Survey Update (Diana Ho) There being no objection, this item was postponed pending the arrival of Ms. Diana Ho. ACTION ITEMS Student Appointments to Outside Committees District Budget Committee District Curriculum Committee Educational Policies Advisory Committee Endorse or oppose increase of English and Mathematics graduation requirements Due to the lack of a quorum, no action was taken and the action items will be placed on the agenda of the SAC meeting of January 27, 2006.
Student Affairs Committee ­ 1 ­ November 18, 2005
DISCUSSION/DISTRIBUTION ITEMS Student Affairs Committee priorities for 2005­06 Student Trustee Mims recommended that the priorities be narrowed down to three items that would benefit the students at all the colleges. There was discussion regarding the colleges’ recent fund­raising activities to assist with the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Ms. Nelli Martirosyan indicated that the LAVC ASU raised $2,400 and that the entire college raised approximately $11,000. Student Trustee Mims indicated that at the Board meeting of December 7, 2005, she would like to have the ASOs present to the Board the results of the colleges’ fund­raising efforts. Mr. Robert Crossley indicated that LAMC raised approximately $1,400. Mr. John Clerx indicated that a notice motion to revise Board Rule 8502 regarding student health will be on the agenda of the December 7, 2005 Board meeting and will be presented for action at the December 14, 2005 Board meeting. The revision will remove low­income students from being exempted from payment of the student health fee. Sustainability Conference – December 2, 2005 Student Trustee Mims indicated that the Sustainability Conference is scheduled for Friday, December 2, 2005 at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel. Admission is free to attend the conference. * * * Mr. Clerx indicated that the Proposition 98 briefing is related to the students’ role in the Community College Initiative and requested that these two items be taken up simultaneously. There being no objection, the two items were taken up simultaneously. Proposition 98 Briefing; Students’ Role in Community College Initiative Mr. Clerx indicated that Proposition 98 is an amendment to the State Constitution that guarantees that a certain percentage of the state’s budget will go to the K­14 schools. He stated that one goal of the Community College Initiative is to roll back the enrollment fee to $20 per unit and to tie the fee to the cost of living increase. More than 500,000 petition signatures are required to get this initiative on the ballot in November 2006. Mr. Carl Friedlander indicated that any increases to the enrollment fee would require a two­thirds vote of the State Legislature. There was discussion regarding conducting a volunteer mobilization effort by LACCD students, faculty, and staff in order to collect the necessary signatures to get the initiative on the ballot. Mr. Friedlander indicated that the signatures need to be collected by June 2006 in order to get the initiative on the ballot. He stated that the signature campaign cannot commence until the ballot language has been finalized. Student Trustee Mims requested that Mr. Friedlander provide her with the ballot language when it is finalized so that she can present it at the SAC meeting of January 27, 2006. Mr. Friedlander indicated that information can be obtained from any one of the following websites: ccleague.org; faccc.org; and aft1521.org
Student Affairs Committee ­ 2 ­ November 18, 2005 * * * DISCUSSION ITEMS I­Pass Program Survey Update Ms. Diana Ho presented an update regarding the I­Pass Program. She indicated that a presentation was made to the Vice Presidents of Student Services on a campus­by­campus basis. Student Trustee Mims expressed her concern that the Metro Green Line goes past LASC but does not have a stop at the campus. There was discussion regarding the I­Pass Program survey that was conducted to determine the number of students that would use the I­Pass, the amount of funding that would be required to cover the costs of providing the passes to students, possible funding sources, and methods for encouraging students to use Metro transportation. * * * DISCUSSION/DISTRIBUTION ITEMS (continued) High School/Middle School Recruitment There was discussion regarding the efforts by the District colleges to encourage high school and middle school students to enroll in college classes. Activity Hour Student Trustee Mims indicated that this item would be postponed until the SAC meeting of January 27, 2006. REPORTS Student Affairs Committee Chair’s Monthly Report Student Trustee Mims reiterated her concern that the Metro Green Line does not have a stop at LASC. She feels that more people from the community would attend LASC if they had this means of access to the campus. She expressed her appreciation to everyone who conducted fund­raising activities for the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. She announced that she sang the National Anthem at the LAVC President’s Gala that was held on November 5, 2005. She will be attending the Community College League of California Annual Legislative Conference on January 29­30, 2006 in Sacramento. Associated Student Body Presidents’ Reports The following individuals reported on issues, activities, and events at their respective campuses: Ms. Sinnika Diego, LATTC; Ms. Nelli Martirosyan, LAVC; and Mr. Robert Crossley (for Mr. Simon Rodriguez), LAMC. Outside Committees – Representative Reports District Academic Senate – Robyn Mims No report Student representatives not yet assigned to the following outside committees: District Budget Committee District Curriculum Committee Educational Policies Advisory Committee
Student Affairs Committee ­ 3 ­ November 18, 2005 AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS None. NEW BUSINESS None. SUMMARY – NEXT MEETING Student Trustee Mims indicated that the SAC meeting of December 2, 2005 has been cancelled and the next SAC meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 27, 2006. The deadline for the ASO Advisors to request a teleconference is January 9, 2006 at 12 p.m. and the deadline for the ASO Presidents to submit agenda items is January 13, 2006. ADJOURNMENT There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 11:46 a.m.
Student Affairs Committee ­ 4 ­ November 18, 2005 