LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Educational Services Center Board Room – 1st Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90017 Friday, February 24, 2006 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Committee: Robyn Mims, Chair; Michael Adams, LACC; Ethan Burrall, LATTC; Eloisa Chavez, Pierce College; Joel Francis, WLAC; Luis Gomez, LAHC; M. Sonia Lopez, LATTC; Nelli Martirosyan, LAVC; Nancy Pearlman, Board Representative; Laura Sanchez, ELAC Participants: Carl Friedlander, AFT; Dzifa Gamor, LATTC; Nehasi Lee; WLAC; Camille Leon, e7 Interns Program; Clifford Numark, American Red Cross; Ben Smith, CALPIRG New Voters Project; Sam Voorhees, CALPIRG New Voters Project Student Trustee Mims opened the unofficial meeting at 9:46 a.m. A quorum was not present. At roll call the following colleges were present: LACC, Pierce College, LATTC, and WLAC. Absent: ELAC, LAHC, LAMC, LASC, and LAVC. * * * There being no objection, the following presentations were taken out of order. Earth Walk L.A. – April 22, 2006 Ms. Camille Leon distributed fliers regarding Earth Walk L.A. being held on Saturday, April 22, 2006 at Pierce College and indicated that she would provide this information at the ASO Senate meetings in order to get more students involved. She also distributed fliers regarding the Annual Farm Walk being held on Sunday, April 23, 2006 at Pierce College. She indicated that there is no registration fee for students to participate in Earth Walk L.A. and the fee is $20 for non­students. CALPIRG Resolution Mr. Ben Smith distributed materials regarding the CALPIRG New Voters Project. He introduced Mr. Sam Voorhees. Copies of the resolution entitled “LACCD Student Voter Participation Week” that was adopted by the Board of Trustees were also distributed. Mr. Smith gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the New Voters Project. He indicated that the mission of the project is to increase student voter participation and show politicians that young voters are deserving of their attention. (Ms. Nelli Martirosyan, LAVC, arrived at 10:02 a.m.) A quorum is now present. There was discussion regarding actions that the Associated Student Organizations can take to encourage students to become involved in legislative activities and to vote. (Mr. Luis Gomez, LAHC, arrived at 10:22 a.m.) Student Affairs Committee ­ 1 ­ February 24, 2006 Student Trustee Mims called the official meeting to order at 10:28 a.m. At roll call the following colleges were present: LACC, LAHC, Pierce, LATTC, LAVC, and WLAC. Absent: ELAC, LAMC, and LASC. * * * Student Trustee Mims introduced Trustee Nancy Pearlman and expressed her appreciation for her participating in today’s meeting. Trustee Pearlman emphasized the importance of the students to work together and expressed her appreciation to the Associated Student Presidents for their participation at today’s meeting. PUBLIC AGENDA SPEAKERS (Ms. Laura Sanchez, ELAC, arrived at 10:31 a.m.) On behalf of the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, Mr. Carl Friedlander invited the ASO officers, ASO Advisors, and Vice Presidents of Students Services from the nine colleges to attend the Faculty Guild membership meeting and reception on Friday, March 17, 2006 at 3:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Universal Hotel. The sole agenda item for the meeting is to formally announce the launching of the campaign to qualify and then pass the Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization, and Student Fee Reduction Act. He indicated that petitions will be ready at the beginning of April 2006 and requested the support of the students to obtain signatures on the petitions in order to get this measure on the ballot in November 2006. There was discussion regarding the colleges’ voter registration efforts. * * * Copies of the following resolution that was adopted by the Board on February 22, 2006 were distributed: RESOLUTION – IN SUPPORT OF AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES The following resolution is presented by Trustee Waxman: WHEREAS, Southern California has a history of severe blood shortages with only two to three percent of Southern Californians donating blood; and WHEREAS, The American Red Cross, Southern California Region, must import 35­40 percent of the blood distributed to patients from other parts of the country; and WHEREAS, Even with blood from across the country, there is generally less than a two­day supply of most blood types; and WHEREAS, There is no substitute for blood for accident victims, children with leukemia, sickle cell anemia patients, and other hospital patients who need blood in order to survive; and WHEREAS, Southern California’s low blood supply, combined with its high reliance on blood imports, puts the region in a precarious position if a major natural or terrorist disaster causes thousands of traumas involving residents who desperately need blood; and WHEREAS, Blood type varies by ethnicity and because only about one percent of Southern California Asian Americans, African Americans, and Latinos donate blood, there is a mismatch between the blood that is collected in Southern California and the blood that is needed for California’s large and diverse population; and Student Affairs Committee ­ 2 ­ February 24, 2006 WHEREAS, Of the more than 110,000 Los Angeles Community College District students, faculty, and staff, fewer than 1,000 individuals donate blood at American Red Cross blood drives each year; and WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District as a proactive force could benefit the entire community, especially people of color, by organizing blood drives at college campuses; and WHEREAS, Students could benefit in organizing blood drives by developing leadership, planning, and marketing skills; learning the value of community service; and gaining experience that can assist in job placement and student transfer applications; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District encourages each college to organize blood drives each semester and designate a staff member “Ambassador” to work with the American Red Cross on logistics, promoting the blood drive on campus, and finding student groups to recruit blood donors. Mr. Cliff Numark distributed materials regarding American Red Cross blood drives. He expressed his concern regarding the inadequate blood supply in Southern California and the need to have blood shipped from outside the Southern California area in order to keep patients alive. Trustee Pearlman inquired as to whether any types of medications will result in an individual being deferred from donating blood. Mr. Numark responded that most medications do not disqualify people from donating blood. He discussed the plans to hold blood drives on all of the campuses every semester and incentives that can be offered to encourage students and employees to donate blood. There was discussion regarding the last “Resolved” paragraph in the resolution as it relates to designating “a staff member Ambassador with an option to include a student to work with the American Red Cross . . .” on promoting blood drives at the campuses. Following the discussion, the members of the Committee expressed concern regarding limiting the Ambassador to be a staff person only. Motion by Mr. Joel Francis, seconded by Mr. Luis Gomez, that the resolution be amended as follows: . . . RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District encourages each college to organize blood drives each semester and designate a staff member an “Ambassador” to work with the American Red Cross on logistics, promoting the blood drive on campus, and finding student groups to recruit blood donors. Student Trustee Mims indicated that the resolution has already been adopted by the Board. There was discussion regarding the language in the “Resolved” paragraph as it relates to having student groups recruit blood donors. Trustee Pearlman requested that Ms. Camille Goulet, General Counsel, be asked to come down to this meeting and offer legal advice regarding the language and the procedure for resubmitting the resolution to the Board with the amended language. Ms. Goulet introduced Mr. Eric Kim, Assistant General Counsel. She indicated that the process would be to submit the resolution with the proposed revision at the next Board meeting. She stated that even though the resolution states that a staff member will be designated to serve as “Ambassador,” students are not precluded from serving as “Ambassador.” She recommended that it be conveyed to the College Presidents that they consider designating a student “Ambassador” to work with the staff “Ambassador.” Student Affairs Committee ­ 3 ­ February 24, 2006 Motion by Ms. Nelli Martirosyan, seconded by Mr. Francis, “to recommend to the Board of Trustees” to delete the words “staff member” and add the word “an” instead. There was discussion regarding the wording of the proposed amendment to the Board’s resolution. Motion by Mr. Francis, seconded by Ms. Martirosyan, to close debate on the motion to amend the original motion as follows: Motion by Ms. Nelli Martirosyan, seconded by Mr. Francis, to recommend to the Board of Trustees to delete the words “staff member” and add the word “an” instead. APPROVED: 7 Ayes Motion to amend the original motion FAILED: 3 Ayes (Mr. Gomez, LAHC; Ms. Chavez, Pierce College; Mr. Francis, WLAC) 4 Noes (Mr. Adams, LACC; Ms. Sanchez, ELAC; Mr. Burrall, LATTC; Ms. Martirosyan, LAVC) There was further discussion regarding the amendment to the Board’s resolution. Trustee Pearlman requested that her name be added to the amended resolution as a presenter. Motion by Ms. Martirosyan, seconded by Mr. Gomez, to call the question for the original motion. FAILED: 3 Ayes (Ms. Chavez, Pierce College; Ms. Martirosyan, LAVC; Mr. Francis, WLAC) 4 Noes (Mr. Adams, LACC; Ms. Sanchez, ELAC; Mr. Gomez, LAHC Mr. Burrall, LATTC) Motion to amend the resolution The original motion that was made by Mr. Francis and seconded by Mr. Gomez to amend the Board’s resolution was not voted on. Motion by Mr. Ethan Burrall, seconded by Mr. Francis, to amend the resolution as follows: . . . RESOLVED, APPROVED: That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District encourages each college to organize blood drives each semester and designate a staff member an “Ambassador” to work with the American Red Cross on logistics, promoting the blood drive on campus, and finding student groups to recruit blood donors. 5 Ayes (Mr. Adams, LACC; Mr. Gomez, LAHC; Ms. Chavez, Pierce College; Mr. Burrall, LATTC; Mr. Francis, WLAC) 2 Noes (Ms. Sanchez, ELAC; Ms. Martirosyan, LAVC) The aforementioned motions were the result of a discussion that arose from a public speaker on the topic of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District entitled “In Support of Red Cross Blood Drives.” This topic was not scheduled for discussion or action. * * * Student Trustee Mims entertained a motion to extend the meeting until 12:15 p.m. Motion by Mr. Francis, seconded by Ms. Martirosyan, to extend the meeting until 12:15 p.m. APPROVED: 6 Ayes (Ms. Sanchez, ELAC; Mr. Gomez, LAHC; Ms. Chavez, Pierce College; Mr. Burrall, LATTC; Ms. Martirosyan, LAVC; Mr. Francis, WLAC) 1 No (Mr. Adams, LACC) * * * Student Affairs Committee ­ 4 ­ February 24, 2006 DISCUSSION ITEMS Administrative Regulation S­1 – Associated Student Organization Administrative Regulation S­2 – ASO Funds Administrative Regulation S­3 – ASO Fund Management Administrative Regulation S­4 – Expenditures of Associated Student Body Funds Administrative Regulation S­5 – ASO Accounts Administrative Regulation S­6 – ASO Operations Student Trustee Mims indicated that discussion on these Administrative Regulations will be postponed until the SAC meeting of March 17, 2006. Ms. M. Sonia Lopez indicated that Mr. John Clerx is requesting that the ASO Presidents discuss these Administrative Regulations with their college’s ASO council before the next SAC meeting. Student Trustee Mims requested that the ASO Presidents present any revisions they want to make to these Administrative Regulations at the next SAC meeting. Expectations of ASO Advisors (Mr. Adams, LACC, left at 11:58 a.m.) Motion by Mr. Gomez, seconded by Ms. Chavez, to postpone this item until the next SAC meeting. APPROVED: 6 Ayes Presentation regarding Educate L.A. Motion by Ms. Martirosyan, seconded by Mr. Burrall, to postpone this item until the next SAC meeting. APPROVED: 6 Ayes ACTION ITEMS Student Affairs Committee priorities for 2005­06 Student Trustee Mims emphasized the importance of the ASO Presidents or their designees to participate as the Student Representative at the Resource Table during meetings of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Pearlman indicated that the Board meetings are an excellent opportunity for the Student Representative at the Resource Table to discuss any issues that impact the students. Student Trustee Mims entertained a motion to postpone action on this item until the next SAC meeting. Motion by Mr. Francis, seconded by Ms. Sanchez, to postpone action until the next SAC meeting. APPROVED: 6 Ayes Resolution: Activity Hour Motion by Mr. Francis, seconded by Mr. Burrall, to present a resolution regarding the Activity Hour to the Board of Trustees. Student Affairs Committee ­ 5 ­ February 24, 2006 There was discussion regarding logistics for the proposed Activity Hour with respect to a location at each campus and time that would be convenient for all students and would not conflict with their classes. Trustee Pearlman recommended that faculty members also be included in participating in the Activity Hour. Motion by Mr. Francis, seconded by Ms. Martirosyan, to create a task force to work on the logistics for the campus Activity Hour. APPROVED: 6 Ayes Student Appointments to Outside Committees Postponed until the next SAC meeting. REPORTS Student Affairs Committee Chair’s Monthly Report No report. Associated Student Body Presidents’ Reports No reports. Outside Committees – Representative Reports District Academic Senate – Robyn Mims No report To date, no students have committed to serve on the following outside committees: District Budget Committee District Curriculum Committee Educational Policies Advisory Committee AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS None. NEW BUSINESS None. SUMMARY – NEXT MEETING The next SAC meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 17, 2006. The deadline for the ASO Advisors to request a teleconference is February 27, 2006 at 12 p.m. and the deadline for the ASO Presidents to submit agenda items is March 3, 2006. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. Burrall, seconded by Mr. Gomez, to postpone the remainder of the agenda until the next SAC meeting and to adjourn this meeting. APPROVED: 6 Ayes The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. Student Affairs Committee ­ 6 ­ February 24, 2006