ise vs A Los Angete Community College Ksfnct B8 s 770 WEIsN 8h/d,LoBAncietes,CA90017 (213) 891-2090 ORDER OF BUSINESS - REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, March 10, 2010 First Public Session 11:30 ajn Closed Session 12:3Q^jn Second Public Session 3:30 p.m Educations! Services Board Room - First Floor 770 WHshEre Blvd. tos Angeles, CA 90017 Roll Call (11:30a.m. * Recess to Committee of the Whole 1. Roil Ca 2. Report of the Bond Program Organizational Audit 3. New Business 4. Public Speakers 5. Adjournment III. Reconvene Regular Meeting IV. Roll Call (12:30 p.m) V. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Closed Session Agenda Matters VL Receiis-t.°ctosedsession in a^ordan_ce with The Ralph M. Brown Act, Government codesections 5495°et seq-and the Education codeto discuss'the'mattere'onthe R?s!!ed.sessic!n. ??en5fs Pursu3nt to Government Codesection 54954.5 (Refer to Attachment "A" for Closed Session agenda). VII. Reconvene Regular Meeting (3:30 p.m.) Vfli. Roll Call IX. Flag Salute X. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting and Closed Session - January 13, 2010 Xl. Reports from Representatives of Employee Organizations at the Resource Table Xlt. Public Agenda Requests (Category A) A. Oral Presentations B. Proposed Actions Xili. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Multiple Agenda Matters B A ORDER OF BUSINESS March 10. 2010 Page 2 1K XIV. Reports and Recommendations from the Board ® Report on Actions Taken in Closed Session - March 10,2010 ® Reports of Standing and Special Committees BT1. BT2. BT3. BT4. BT5. BT6. BT7. BT8. BT9. BT10. Resolution ~ Child Abuse Prevention Month Resolution " Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Denim Day Resolution- Labor History Week Resolution - National Administrative Professionals Week Resolution ~ National Library Week Resolution - California Community College Month Absence-Hardship Authorization Resolution ~ Establish the OfRce of Inspector Genera Resolution - Receipt and Investigation ofWhistleblower Complaints Approve Accreditation Reports and Governance Handbook XV. Reports from the Chancellor and College Presidents XVI. Consent Calendar Matters Requiring a Majority Vote 8F1. BF2. BSD1. BSD2. FPD1. FPD2. FPD4 » HRD1. HRD2. ISD1. PC1. B Budget and Finance Routine Report Receipt of Annual Audit Business Services Routine Report Ratifications for Business Services Facilities Planning and Development Routine Report Authorize Master Procurement Agreements and Authorize Procurements from Established Master Procurement Agreements Certify and Approve Los Angeles Trade-Technicat College Environmental Impact Report Addendum and Thirty Year Master Pian Personne! Services Routine Actions Employment Actions Regarding Academic Employees Approval of Educational Programs and Courses Personnel Commission Actions Correspondence Matters Requiring a Super Majority Vote FPD3. Adopt Resolution of Intent to Convey Easement to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power xvn. XV Recommendations from the Chancellor - None Notice Reports and Informatives CH/A. ISD/B. HRD/A. [Notice] Adopt Whistlebiower Policy [Notice] Amend Board Rules [Informative] Employment Notice Regarding an Academic Administrator ISD/A. [Informative] Notification of Student Trave XIX. Public Agenda Requests (Category B) A. Oral Presentations B. Proposed Actions XX. Announcements and indications of Future Proposed Actions ORDER OF BUSINESS March 10, 2010 Page 3 **************** * * * * * * * ****** * * Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday, March 24, 2010 (Public Session scheduled for 3:30 p.m.) Los Angeles Trade-Technical College 400 W. Washington Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90015 ****************************** * n compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b), documents made available to the Board after the posting of the agenda that relate to an upcoming public session item will be made available by posting on the District's official bulletin board located in the lobby of the Educational Services Center located at 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017. Members of the public wishing to view the material wil! need to make their own parking arrangements at another tecation. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shali include information regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request, please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at 213/891-2044 no later than 12p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. 9i ? t w A vs B» wB '*» g A LOS ANGEUES COMMUNnYCOLLEGE DISTRICT 770 WHshire Boulevard, t.osAngetes,CA90017 213/891-2000 ATTACHMENT A CLOSED SESSION Wednesday, March 10, 2010 12:30 p.m. Educational Services Center 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 Public Employment (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) If A. f Position: Chancellor Conference with Labor Negotiator (pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6) A. District Negotiators: Adrians D. Barrera Jeanette Gordon Employee Units: All Units Ail Un re presented Employees Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Charges/Complaints (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) IV. Conference with Legal Counsel" Existing Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (a)) A. V. Ganiron v. LACCD Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (b)) A. Potential Litigation ~ 1 matter VI. Discussion with Real Property Negotiator as may be announced prior to closed session (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8) VII. Other litigation matters as may be announced prior to the closed session (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9) ® A w Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BT1 Division Board of Trustees Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: RESOLUTION - CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH The following resolution is presented by Trustees Mercer and Santiago: WHEREAS, April has been designated "Child Abuse Prevention Month." !t serves as a reminder that we should never relax our vigilance in the fight against child abuse-one of the most tragic criminai justice and social issues of our time; and WHEREAS, For the past several years, the blue ribbon has been widely recognized as the national symbol of child abuse awareness. The movement began in 1989, when a concerned grandmother took a stand against child abuse after the death of her grandson; and WHEREAS, Child abuse remains a serious and growing problem. More than three miliion suspected cases of child abuse and neglect are reported each year, and many, many more go unreported. ^ It is extremely important for the public to know that everyone can do something to help prevent child abuse. We should all know the warning signs and how to report a suspected case; and WHEREAS, Child abuse is a tragedy that comes in a variety of forms-physical and emotional pain, sexual abuse, and negiect and is found in aii culturaf, ethnic, occupationaf, and socio-economic groups; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That, the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District hereby encourages every person to increase their awareness of child abuse and work to put a stop to these horrendous crimes by sending the message that abuse of children wiif not be tolerated, by learning something about child abuse, and by sharing with others what you have learned; and be Ft further RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angefes Community College District encourages the spirit of the blue ribbon by wearing one and to support child abuse prevention activities in our colleges and communities. Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By Page of Pages Corn.No. BT1 Div. Board of Trustees Candaeie Peariman Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 3/10/10 ;» t A '. Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BT2 Board of Trustees Division Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: RESOLUTION - SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS IViONTH AND DENIM DAY The fotiowing resoiution is presented by Trustees Mercer, Field, Scott-Hayes, Santiago, and Pearlman: WHEREAS, The United States Government has declared April as "Sexual Assault Awareness Montlf and the Peace Over Violence has declared April WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, 21,2010 as "Denim Daf in Los Angeles County; and Both events are intended to_ draw attention to the fact that rape and sexual assault remains a serious issue in our society; and Harmful attitudes about rape and sexuai assault allow these crimes to persist and allow victims/survjvors to be re-victimized; and "Sexual Assault Awareness Montfi' and HDenim Da/ are also intended as a means of calling attention to misconceptions and misinformation about rape and sexuat assault and the reality that WHEREAS, many in today's society remain disturbingly uninformed with respect to issues of assault and forcible rape;and The importance of this issue _ is underiined by United States Department of Justice statistics indicating that approximately 35 of every 1,000 women who attend colieges or universities experience an attempted or completed rape during each schooi year1; and WHEREAS, With proper education on the matter, there is compelling evidence that we can be successful in reducing incidents of this" alarming and psychologically damaging crime; and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Los Angeies Community Coflege District strongly supports the efforts of the Peace Over Violence to educate the community about the significant impact of rape and sexual assault in Southern California; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community Coiiege District does hereby proclaim the month of April 2010 as "Sexuai Assault Awareness Month," hereby designates April 21, 2010 as -Denim Day,' and encourages everyone to wear jeans on April 21, 2010 to help communicate the message that there is "no excuse and never an invitation to rape:' 1. Fisher, Bonnie S., 2000. The Sexual Victimization of College Women, Washington, DC Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Planning, United States Department of Justice Chanceitor and Candaele Pearlman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Cam. No. BT2 Div, Board of Trustees Date 3/10/10 @ A w B s Los Angeles Community College District g Corn.No. BT3 Division Date: March 10, 2010 Board of Trustees RESOLUTiON " LABOR HISTORY WEEK Subject: The foifowing resoiution is presented by Trustees Fieid, Scott-Hayes, Mercer, and Santiago: WHEREAS, Community colleges are historicaliy the open door to educational opportunities for working people; and WHEREAS, Employees of the Los Angeles Community Co!iege District are organized into coliective bargaining units through labor unions; and WHEREAS, AB 1900 (2002) designates the first week in April as "Labor History Week;" and WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community Colfege District wishes to acknowledge the importance of working people both as employees and students; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District hereby commemorates Labor History Week and encourages afl employees and students to use this occasion to remember "the sacrifices and struggles of working people throughout the worid. Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date: By Page of Pages Corn.No. BT3 Div. Board of Trustees Candaete Pearlman Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park, Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 3/10/10 'I A Los Angeles Community College District g Corn.No. BT4 Subject: Board of Trustees Division Date: March 10, 2010 RESOLUTION - NATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS WEEK The following resolution is presented by Trustees Scott-Hayes, Field, and Santiago: WHEREAS The week of April 18-24, 2010 is Administrative Professionals Week; and WHEREAS, Professional Secretaries Week was started in 1952 in an effort to recognize secretaries for their contributions to the workplace; and WHEREAS, District _ supervisors are encouraged to observe Administrative Professionals Week by making a commitment to promote lifelong learning, certification, and other professional development activities; and WHEREAS, WHEREAS, The administrative support and clerical employees of the Los Angeles Community College District demonstrate the importance of their'roles in their daily duties and serve the District exceptionally we!i; and !?j!.r-e???nize^?att.l?e.?.cf?r1in.istrat!VS.SUPPOrt an(? c*ericai empioyees serve the District with dedication, efficiency, and commitment; how therefore, be it RESOLVED, Ihcit,txheBoal[iiofT.ruste,es °l^e.. Los An9eles Community College District Joins the nation to officially recognize and express sincere appreciation to the many administrative support staff for their rrepiaceabte skills and professionaiism. Chancetlor and Candaele Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No BT4 Div. Board of Trustees Date 3/10/10 a ® A E s Los Angetes Community College District Corn. No. BT5 Subject: Division Board of Trustees Date: March 10, 2010 RESOLUTION-NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK The fotlowing resolution is presented by Trustees Scott-Hayes, Santiago, and Pearlman: WHEREAS, The week of April 11-17, 2010 is Nationa! Library Week; and WHEREAS, Many school libraries also celebrate the month of April as School Library Media Month; and WHEREAS, Libraries^serve as a repository of our histories and of our recorded dreams, hopes, and plans for tomorrow; and WHEREAS, WHEREAS, Libraries require only that one have the desire to explore and learn in order to gain knowledge; and Libraries hold ttie key to literacy by providing programs and services avaitabie to ali age groups; and WHEREAS, The state of California, through AB 1725, requires that the community colleges provide certain levels of service, resources, and staffing; and WHEREAS, ^^n/^^^l^^l^/^^^^^^^r/^^/^^^^^j^^^^^^i t^^j^n^^^^^i?^^^^^t. ^^i'^.^^^^1 ^^^_ -?^^^^^^^ accreditation and reflects an institution's academic excellence; and WHEREAS, The nine coiieges of the Los Angeles Community College District afford^ students with the opportunity to pursue their educational goals by providing needed resources and services; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community Colleae District, in an effort to carry out the state's mandate, reaffirms Its intentions to fulfil! its obligations to its students1 educationai needs by providing them^with facilities conducive to iearning, up-to-date print and non-print resources, automated and computerized catalogs, and networked computer technology; and be it further RESOLVED, Thanhe Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District hereby joins the nation in declaring and celebrating National Library Week and encourages all colleges to highlight iibrary-related programs and activities. Chancellor and Candaeie Pearlman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. BT5 Div. Board of Trustees Date 3/10/10 » 8 A L<t 8 n Los Angeles Community Coilege District Cam. No. BT6 Board of Trustees Division Date: March 10, 2010 Subject RESOLUTION " CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE MONTH The following resolution is presented by Trustees Mercer, Scott-Hayes, Santiago, and Pearlman: WHEREAS, The California Community Colleges are an essential resource to the State of Cafifornia, its people, and its economy; and WHEREAS, Caiifornia's 116 cqmmunity colleges provide an excellent general education foundation for. more than 100,000 students per year who transfer into the California State University system, the University of California system, and independent coiieges and universities; and WHEREAS, Jhe_c?Jifornia_,pwnmunitycoil??es t[ai!L?_udents , competitive in today's demanding workforce ensuring those students a productive higher-wage future and providing, the state's. fastest-growing industries the skilled labor upon which their success depends; and WHEREAS, Ih^ca!'_fo''!1ta,comm,ur;tty colieQes bm9 hi9her education within the reach of every Catifornian because of their open admissions, tow enrollment fees, financial assistance for low-income students, academic and career guidance, excellent teaching by dedicated faculty, and specialized support services for students who need extra help with the transition to coliege or mastering cofiege-ievel coursework; and WHEREAS, During the Spring 2009 semester, approximateiy 1.8 million Caiifornians enrolled in a community college course or program to upgrade their job skills, train for a first or a new career, tegjn work towards abachetor-s-degree, improve language or math skills, or pursue a thirst for knowledge; and WHEREAS, Community colleges provide a welcome into higher education for California's popuiation in a!! of its diversity of race, ethnicity, and national origin; and WHEREAS, Apri! is celebrated as Community College Month across the nation; now, therefore, be RESOLVED, ThattheBoardofTrusteesofthelLOS Angeles Community Coflege District hereby recognizes April 2010 as California Community College Month; and be it further RESOLVED, ThatJhe^B^r^o|.^ustees_of,.the_^s An9e!es comrnunlty Co!!ege District hereby com-Tencis^n?tion'? connmunity colieges on more than 100 years of opportunity and excellence in higher education and workforce preparation; and be it further RESOLVED, JJ1auhejk^rd^f Tr,tist^?L?e.J~o!A?5!!S! ^?rTLm^ity -coll.^e.Dis.trict er;coura9es the residents of Los Angeles to participate in pubiic events held on their local community college campuses during Catifomia Community College Month. Chancellor and Candaele Pearjman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT6 Div. Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 3/10/10 ® A w Los Angeles Community College District I Corn. No. BT7 Division Board of Trustees Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: ABSENCE-HARDSHIP AUTHOmZATION I^U^-,Pj)^d.^LJ^SI?-es^_f..th_e LOS,An9e!es Comir^unity College District gSnD^=Sg£,SlS,"'"n» Background: The Special Board meeting of March 12-13, 2010 is Closed SessJononfy. Chancellor and Candaele Pearfman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT7 Div. Board of Trustees Date 3/10/10 ^ ® A Los Angeles Community College District g Corn.No. BT8 Board of Trustees Division Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: RESOLUTION " ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL The fo!!owing resolution is presented by Trustees Field, Mercer, and Santiago: WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) has passed three bond measures (Proposition A, Proposition AA, and Measure J) for the construction of new facilities and the modernization of existing buildings throughout the LACCD; and WHEREAS, These three bond measures total more than $6.5 billion; and WHEREAS, Since the passage of Proposition A in 2001, the LACCD has engaged the services of a program manager to oversee the bond-funded construction. remodei, furnishing,'and equipping of buildings; and WHEREAS, The bond-funded construction program management has undergone annual and financial audits, which provided an historic review rather than suggesting proactive measures; and WHEREAS, There is a need to separate auditing from consulting in keeping with current business standards, and audits are not designed to make advance'assessments and "course corrections"; and WHEREAS, The District Citizens' Oversight Committee should receive quarterly reports on construction and financial expenditures from bond proceeds for each'college; and WHEREAS, The dollar value and complexity of managing this construction program has escalated; and WHEREAS, TheBoard of Tru??es of the Los An9eles Community College District hereby recognizes a need for ongoing monitoring of the management of bond-funded projects and the appropriateness of related expenditures Districtwide; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District hereby directs the Chancellor to establish the Office of the fnspectoT General, funded through these three bond measures, reporting directly to the Board of Trustees with day-to-day oversight provided by the Chancellor; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Inspector General w\[ be responsible for the objective ongoing review of performance, financial integrity, and iega! compiiance of the bond construction program. Chancellor and Candaele Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. BT8 Div. Board of Trustees Date 3/10/10 s ® A r; .V Los Angeies Community College District g Corn, No. BT9 Board of Trustees Division Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: RESOLUTION - RECEIPT AND INVESTIGATION OF WHISTLE8LOWER COMPLAINTS The foitowing resolution is presented by Trustees Fieid, Mercer, and Santiago: WHEREAS, Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) has passed three bond measures (Proposition A; Proposition AA, and Measure J) for the construction of new facilities and the modernization of existing buildings throughout the LACCD; and WHEREAS, These three bond measures authorize the expenditures of more than $6.5 billion in taxpayer money; and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the LACCD approves contracts and expenditures related to the bond-funded program; and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the LACCD established a District Citizens' Oversight Committee to receive and review performance and financial reports on bondfunded projects; and WHEREAS, The District Citizens' Oversight Committee is responsible for reporting to the public the performance and related financial expenditures of' bond-funded projects; and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the LACCD is committed to the establishment of the Office of the Inspector General to provide ongoing monitoring of bond-funded projects and their expenditures; and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the LACCD wishes to maintain an open channel of communications to the public for the reporting of the potentiai misuse of funds; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeies Community College District hereby directs the Chanceilor to engage the services of an external ffrm for the receipt of information regarding potentia! iilega! activity, fraud, waste or corruption ("Whistfeblower Compialnts") within the bond program; and be it further RESOLVED, That such firm will serve as a recipient of Whistleblower Compiaints and will be responsible for working with the newiy established Office'of the Inspector General to investigate these comptaints; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Office of the inspector General will be responsible to report the results of investigations of Whisttebiower Compiaints and recommendations for corrective action to the Board of Trustees of jhe Los Angeies Community College District and the District Citizens' Oversight Committee. Chancellor and Candaeie Peartman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT9 Div. Board of Trustees Date 3/10/10 ^ ag 8 s A w 1< Los Angeles Community College District s Com.No.BT10 Division: Board of Trustees Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: APPROVE ACCREDITATION REPORTS AND GOVERNANCE HANDBOOK The following is presented by Trustee Scott-Hayes: I. APPROVE ACCREDITATION FOLLOW-UP REPORTS Approve accreditation Follow-up Reports for East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Trade-Technicai College, Los Angeles Harbor College, Los Angeles Southwest College, and West Los Angeles CoHege. Background: The Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Cofteges requires the Board of Trustees to approve colleges' Follow-up Reports prior to their transmission to the accrediting commission. On March 10, 2010, the Board's Planning and Student Success Committee wil! review the Follow-up Reports for East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, Los Angeles Harbor College, Los Angeles Southwest Co!!ege, and West Los Angeles College. Pending the committee's recommendation, the six accreditation Follow-up Reports will be forwarded to the Board for approval. APPROVE THE DISTRICT/COLLEGE ROLES & FUNCTIONS ASSESSMENT R Approve the District/Coflege Roles & Functions Assessment Report related to the accreditation Foilow-up Reports for East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, and Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. Background: As part of the District's response to accreditor recommendations included in the 2009 Self Study Evaluation Reports for East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, and Los Angeles Trade-Technica! College, the District Planning Committee conducted a district-wide survey to evaluate the accuracy of the delineation of District/college rates and functions as described in the 2008 District/College Functional Map. Contained in the District/College Roles & Functions Assessment Report, the results of this survey and additiona! action plans based on survey outcomes, have informed responses to the District-related recommendations In the coiieges' Follow-up Reports to the Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges. The District Planning Committee reviewed and approved the Disthct/Coilege Roies & Functions Assessment Report on February 26, 2010. On March 10, 2010, the Board's Planning and Student Success Committee wiii review the Disthct/Cofiege Roies & Functions Assessment Report. Pending the committee's recommendation, the Report will be forwarded to the Board for approval. Chancellor and Candaele Field Mercer Park Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of 2 Corn. No. BT10 D!V. Board of Trustees Pearlman Santiago Scott-Hayes Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 3-10-10 '» Los Angeles Community College District Ill * Date: March 10, 2010 Board of Trustees Com.No.BT10 Division: APPROVE THE 2010 DISTRICT GOVERNANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT Approve the 2010 District Governance Assessment Report related to the accreditation Follow-up Reports for East Los Angeles College, Los Angeies City College, and Los Angeles Trade-Technicat College. Background: As part of the District's response to accreditor recommendations included in the 2009 Self Study Evaluation Reports for East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, and Los Angetes Trade-Technical College, the District Planning Committee conducted a district-wide survey to evaluate the effectiveness of district-ievel governance and dedsion-making processes. Contained in the 2010 District Governance Assessment Report, the results of this survey and additional action plans based on survey outcomes, have informed responses to the District-related recommendations in the colleges' Fotlow-up Reports to the Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges. The District Planning Committee reviewed and approved the 2010 District Governance Assessment Report on February 26, 2010. On March 10, 2010, the Board's Planning and Student Success Committee will review the 2010 District Governance Assessment Report. Pending the committee's recommendation, the Report wil! be forwarded to the Board for approval. V. APPROVE THE DISTRICT GOVERNANCE AND FUNCTIONS HANDBOOK Approve the District Governance and Functions Handbook related to the accreditation Foilow-up Reports for East Los Angeles College, Los Angetes City Cofiege, and Los Angeles Trade-Technica! College. Background: As part of the District's response to accreditor recommendations included in the 2009 Self Study Evaluation Reports for East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, and Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, the District Planning Committee updated and revised the 2008 Disthct/CoHege Functional Map, a document required of muili-college districts by the Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges. The new Functional Map, now titled the District Governance and Functions Handbook, has been designed by the District Planning Committee to provide faculty, staff, students, and the community at large with a guide to the decision-making processes and administrative structures of the District. In compliance with accreditation requirements, it has a!so been designed to detail the functional roles and responsibilities of the District and the colleges. The District Planning Committee reviewed and approved the District Governance and Functions Handbook on February 26, 2010. On March 10, 2010, the Board's Planning and Student Success Committee wi!l review the Handbook. Pending the committee's recommendation, the District Governance and Functions Handbook will be forwarded to the Board for approval. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT10 Div, Board of Trustees Date 3-10-2010 * e A ;.; Los Angeles Community Coilege District Corn.No. BF1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: March 10,2010 Subject: BUDGET AND RNANCE ROUTINE REPORT ACCEPTANCE OF INCOME BY COLLJEGE fl A. LQS_ANGELES_CiTY COLLEGE Authorize the acceptance of $690 in income colfected from Journalism Advertising fees at Los Angeles City College. These funds will be appropriated to account 500000. (BTA: C-93) Backflround: These funds will be used to augment the Journalism Fund's Memberships and Other Expense accounts. B. EASTLOS ANGELES COLLEGE Ratify acceptance of $17 200 from the Community College Foundation for the Youth Development Services (YDS) Prograrn at East" Los Angeles College for the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. (BTA: E- 65) n accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the District budget is increased w[thin the Genera! Fund from Local ($17,200) to the following accounts: 200000 ($10,322); 300000 ($345); 400000 ($2,533); 500000 ($4,000). Background: Youth Development Services is a program that provides training on life-skills for eligible youth in the system who are emancipated or will emancipate. The college is to conduct two Youth Developmen^Services (YDS) trainings, of 30 hours each fqr25eHgible youth. Each training will follow the YDS Life SkEJIs Training (LST) Curnculum. The YDS training wiii consist of the following topics: Career Guidance, Job Hunting, Sexual Education, Budgeting and Money Management, Education -"Financial Aid, EOPS, High School/College Information:Housing, Nutrition, Foster Youth Rights, Parenting and One Stop Career Centers. Recommended by: L^ & S)jJ^AA^^X^^^AS- Approved b^^flUJuA^A ^lana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor .^ . Tyfee Wieder, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Candle Pearlman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of II Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 f- Los Angeles Community College District Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn. No. BF1 Date: March 10,2010 The college witl provide all training materials, manuals and necessary supplies for the LST modules. When participants successfully complete all thirty hours of the LST module, Certificates of YDS Comptetion are issued onty to those who successfully complete all sessions of the module. RSCAL IgyiPUCATIONS: No District matching is required. C. LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE Ratify acceptance of $200,000 from the South Bay Workforce Investment Board for the Subsidized Transitional Employment Program (STEP) at Los Angeles Mission College for the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. (BTA: M-98) In accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the District budget is increased within the General Fund from State ($200,000) to the following accounts: 100000 ($16,000); 200000 ($1 U,250); 300000 ($16,800); 400000 ($3,650); 500000 ($U,300); 600000 ($35,000). Background: The purpose of the program is to enable CatWORKs particTpants-to secure unsubsidized employment after completing one or more subsidized training activities, in particular jthose who are near the end of their CatWORKs'sixty-month time limit. The enroffment goal for this period is 300 participants. The program will engage in one or more of the following activities: subsidized employment in the form of Paid Work Experience (PWEX) either linked to in-demand occupations or pre-exit entry into subsidized employment (Direct Placement). The Work Source Center wil! be responsible for: ® Reviewing of assessment from the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS). . Providing supplemental assessment if necessary. » Referring participants to contracted Work Experience sites . Providing on going case management . Identifying additional services 9 Providing'job placement at the end of work experience activity. Participants will be placed in PWEX in Los Angeles County departments and contracted public and non-profit agencies for a maximum of 12 months. Job placement services will be provided at the end of PWEX. Participants placed in unsubsidized jobs shall be tracked for a period of 90 days. Providers are to achieve a placement rate of 70% with a retention rate of 50% (after 90 days). FISCAL IMPUCATgONS: No District matching is required. Page 2 of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 ,-f. Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BF1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: March 10, 2010 D. LOS ANGELES VALLEY COLLEGE 1. Ratify acceptance of $1,781 from the Cajifornia Department of Education for the Instructiona! Materials for Child Development Program_at Los Angeles Valley_Coi!ege for the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. (BTA: V~-118) In accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the District budget is increased within the Genera! Fund from State ($1,781) to account 100000. Background: The Chifd Development Center will receive a onetime funding for the purchase of Instructional Materials and Supplies (IMS). These funds are available on a one-time basis for ??F?r.?i.tuJes ?m cltJraP^e or consumai:)ie cfevetopmentaliy appropriate and curricuium-reiated instructional materials. Children who are currently enrolled in the Child Development Center and have parents who are current Los Angeles Valley College students are eligible to participate. An estimated 86 preschool children are currently enrolled in the program. The program assists student parents and also serves as a training site for Child Development Jstudents, Practicum Teachers, Nursing Students, CalWORKs Students and the Community. Through this grant the children will receive materials to meet the state mandated requirements for suppiying the children with developmentaUy appropriate curriculum materials. . FSSCAL SMPUCATONS: No District matching is required. 2* 5?ti!Y a.cce.Pta1ce ?f ^79s5^9 fro!T1 th?, Hom®cana Workers Training Center for the Contracted Education-Homecare Workers Training Program at Los Angeles Valley College for the period November 30, 2009 to November 30. 2010, inclusive. (BTA: V-122) In accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the District budget is increased within the Genera! Fund from Local ($79,500) to the Joilqwing accounts: 100000 ($8,228); 200000 ($49,900); 300000 ($6,550); 750000 ($14,822). Background: The Homecare Workers Training Center will provide training to thirty students who are incumbent hbmecare workers who need to upgrade their skills to become Certified Nursing Assistant (C.N.A.) and Home Health Aide (H.H.A.) workers. Page 3 of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 r Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BF1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: March 10,2010 This contract education agreement wiil provide participants with training, counse!ing, case managements, ancillary services, ctinica work experience, assistance with obtaining certificated and licensures, as weil as opportunities to move to higher career paths. FISCAL iMPUCATIONS: No District matching is required. E. WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE Ratify acceptance of $15.000 from the Community Colleges Foundation for the Permanence and Safety-Model Approach to Partnerships Parenting (PS-MAPP) Program at West Los Angeies College for the period February 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010, inclusive. (BTA: W-118) In accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the District budget is increased within the General Fund ^om Local ($15,000) to the following accounts: 100000 ($1,890); 200000 ($7,880); 300000 ($1,505); 500000 ($3,725). Background: The PS-MAPP program at West is in its ninth year in providing training to the members of the community who wish to be foster parents "The college contracts with the Community College Foundation which is funded by "the Dept of Chiid and Family Services to provide training for potential foster parents. The college has been funded this year with an extension to provide six 33-hour training modules to the community. Each class provides training for 25 parents who are given instruction in fostering and navigating the foster care system. After training, the parents are certified and eligible for child placement in their home. The benefits include an awareness of the college as a partner in their and their children's education. The program performance _is evaluated by the Foundation and the Department of Children & Family Service through direct classroom contact and participation (one instructor being a Socia! Worker provided by DCFS). FISCAL Sft/iPUCATEONS: No District matching is required. Page 4 of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 .f Los Angeles Community College District Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn. No. BF1 IE Date: March 10,2010 ACCEPTANCE OF INCOME FOR JViULTS COLLEGI GRANTS . ?^i^??%l^^i^^^^'ti^i^8.[ro.rp-t^9?!il?r??ia^;ommun!ty Colleges Chancellor^Office (CCCCO)_for the Basic Skills Program; to revise the award .from $3,22^12 to $3,228,350 for the period July 1:2009 to June 30,2010, inclusive. (BTA: D-631) Ln.^?^^ce.wJt,h,Titt?.5 ?,f thS ca!ifo.r[lia p9de OLRe9uiat[ons'the D'strict budgetjs increased within the General Fundfrom,Stateby $524 in account 500000, anddecreased by $86 in account 400000. The program income account 800000 is increased by $438. ^^^^^^^S/5r.?.:^ei?J5J:)I?Yii?TJ^e?J1iP!-^4pport' assessn?ent' ?nd coomon ofdistrict-wide basic skWs initiatives, and toorganize and conduct D^nct,^fess;onaldSYetoPmentMtiwties dressing student succes^and basicjskills, including the Faculty Teaching and Learrang Academy; A minimum of 400 faculty and staff are involved in this initiative across the cotteges to LTSS?y?^£??^t<ilM.stuclent ?,u9cess outcomes and to increase degFee and certificate completion rates. Mid-yearand year-end reportsare tiled wFth'the State. Awards have been revised for each college as follows: Oriainai Ailocation Revised Allocation increase{decrease) $763,891 City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade-Tech Valley West 909,373 126,572 210,393 217,560 292,383 288,389 295,025 124,326 TOTAL $3,227,912 $764,073 $182 909,282 126,647 210,479 217,657 292,345 288,432 295,058 124,377 (91) $3,228,350 75 86 97 (38) 43 33 51 $438 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: No District matching is required. Page 5 of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 v Los Angeles Community Coilege District Date: March 10, 2010 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn. No. BF1 IE. AUTHORIZE THE FOLLOWING BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS n accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 58307, the following budget adjustments are submitted for Board approval. A. LOS ANGELES CITY COLLEGE 1. n Fund 17205, Adult Education, Section 231, a specially funded program, transfer $45 from account 300000 to account 200000. (BTA: C-90) Background: Funds from the Employee Benefits-SFP account are being transferred to the Unclassified Salaries account. 2. in Fund 17204, English Literacy & Civics, a specially funded program, transfer $163 from account 200000 to account 300000. (BTA: C-92) Background: Funds from the Unclassified Salaries account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. 3. n Fund 18012, Career Technical Education (CTE) Community Coilaborative-Midtown Region-Core, a specially funded program^ transfer $400 from account 100000 to account 300000. (BTA: C94) Background: Funds from the Certificated Salaries account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. 4. n Fund 17210, Egyptian Student Program, a specialty funded program, transfer $500 from account 500000 to account 300000. (BTA: C-95) Background: Funds from the Other Expense account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. 5. In Fund 18014, Career Technical Education (CTE) Community Cotlaborative-Workforce Innovation Partnership (WtP) Midtown Region, a specially funded program transfer $1,000 from account 400000 to account 300000. (BTA: C-96) Background: Funds from the Supplies for Maintenance & Repair account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. Page 6 of 11 Pages Corn. No. 8F1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BF1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: March 10,2010 B. EAST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE In Fund 18332, Career Advancement Academy Planning Grant, a specially funded program, transfer $41 from account 400000 to account 500000. (BTA: E-75) Background: Funds from the Books account are being transferred to the Administrative Support-S.F.P. account. C. LOS ANGELES HARBOR COLLEGE In Fund 10431 Credit Matriculation a specially funded program, transfer $240 from account 400000 to account'790000.' (BTA: H- 1. 66X) Background: Funds from the Office Supplies account are being transferred to the Contra Expense-Profit/Loss Allocation Offset account. 2. In Fund 18339, Associate Degree Nursing Program-Retention, a specially funded program, transfer $1,953 from'account 100000, $5,500 from account-400000, $3,000 from account 500000, and $4,000 from account 790000 to account 300000. (BTA: H-88) Background: Funds from the Certificated Salaries, Office Supplies, Administrative Support-S.F.F^, and| UnaNocated accounts are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. D. LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE In Fund 10420, Disabled Students Pj'ograms & Services (DSPS), a specially fundedpjogram, transfer $93:105 from account'100000, $31,152 from account 200000, $17,227 from account 300000, $2,000 from account 400000, $2,899 from account 500000, and $200 from account 600000 to account 790000. (BTA: M-97) Background: ^Funds from the Certificated Salaries, Classified Salaries, ^?i?SJ?ifi?.d,.s?l^ries.> _Er71p!?yee 8enefits-SFP Library Media Materials, Office Sjjpplies, Contracts-Persona! Sen/ices, Travel,'and Low Value Assets Equipment accounts are being transferred to the Contra ExpenseProfit/Loss Allocation Offset account. E. PIERCE COLLEGE in Fund 18320, Associate Degree Nursing Program, a specially funded program, transfer $1,182 from account 100000'to account 300000. (BTA: P-67) Background: Funds from the Certificate^ Salaries account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. Page 7 of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 .V- Los Angeles Community College District Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn.No. BF1 F fl Date: March 10, 2010 LOS ANGELES SOUTHWEST COLLEGE In Fund 18330, Associate Degree Nursing Program-Retention, a specially funded program, transfer $15:497 from account 200000, $305 from account 400000, $518 from account 500000, and $679 from account 600000 to accounts 100000 and 300000 in the following amounts respectively: $12,858; $4,141. (BTA: S-56) Background: Funds from the Unclassified Salaries, Office Supplies, Printing, Contracts-Personai Services, Travel. Software Equipment Expense, and Low Value Assets Equipment_accpunts are being transferred to the Certificated Salaries and Employee Benefits-SFP accounts. G. LOS ANGELES TRADE-TECHNiCAL COLLEGE 1. In Fund 1041 1, Basic Skills, a specially funded program, transfer $10,264 from account 100000, $24,224 from account 300000, $1,820 from account 400000, $1,747 from account 500000, and $488 from account 600000 to account 200000. (BTA: T-68) Background: Funds from the Certificated Salaries, Employee Benefits-SFP, Office Supplies, Travel, Other Expense, and Low Value Assets Equipment accounts are being transferred to the Unclassified Salaries account. 2. n Fund 18330, Associate Degree Nursin^Program-Retention, a specially funded prograrrUranster $24,546 from account 600000 to account 300000. (BTA: T-69) Background: Funds from the Low Value Assets Equipment account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. H. LOS ANGELES VALLEY COLLEGE 1. In Fund 17066, Student Support Services, a specially funded program, transfer $201 from account 300000 to accounts 200000 and'500000 in the following amounts respectively: $76: $125. (BTA: V-121) Background: Funds from the Employee Benefits-SFP account are being transferred to the Unclassified Salaries and Other Expense accounts. 2. In Fund 17082. HE-Science, Technobgy, Engineering & Math, a specialty funded program, transfer $25:000 from account 300000 to account 600000. (BTA: V-125) Page 8 of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 -^ Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BF1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: March 10, 2010 Backqround: Funds from the Employee Benefits-SFP account are being transferred to the Low Value Assets Equipment account; 3. In Fund 10100, Basic, transfer $960,137 from account 790000 to account 100000. (BTA: V-128) Background: Funds from the Unatlocated account are being transferred to the Certificated Salaries account. I. WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEG E 1. n Fund 17099, Rying into the Future, a specially funded program, transfer $10,590 from account 600000 to account 300000. (BTA: W-111) Background: Funds from the Equipment Expense account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. 2. In Fund 10410, Basic Skills, a specially funded program, transfer $84,500 jrom account 500000 to account lOOOOO; 200000,^300000, 5?<? ^99°9?J1-!!1-e f9li9.vyinR?rno-tJnts r®spective!y: $32,842; $34,088; $17,570. (BTA: W-112) Background: Funds from the Certificated Salaries, Classified SaianesTUncfassified Salaries, and Employee Benefits-SFP account are being transferred to the Unallo'cated Other Expense account. 3. In Fund 17114, Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), a specially funded prpgram, transfer $3,243 from account 500000 to account 300000. (BTA: W-113) Background: Funds from the Administrative Support-S.F.P. account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits-SFP account. 4. In Fund 10099, Winter Intercession, transfer $11 ,542 from account 100000 to account 300000. (BTA: W-115) Background: Funds from the Certificated Salaries account are being transferred to the Employee Benefits account. Page 9 of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 .^ Los Angetes Community College District Corn.No. BF1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: March 10,2010 J. DISTRICT OFFICE 1. In Fund 10111, American Relief and Recovery Act (ARRA) State Stabilization Fund, transfer $4,386,031 from account 790000 to accounts 100000,200000,300000, 400000, 500000, and 600000 in the following amounts respectively: $1,244,195; $2,227,951; $603,969; $23,588; $284,271; $2.057. (BTA's: D-470A-470E, D470G-470N, D-470PX, D-470Q, D470U, D-470V, D-470Y, D-639A, D-639G, D-639H) Background: Funds are being appropriated to each colleges* accounts to support Student Services and Categorical program services. The income has already been received by the district. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, enacted in February 2009, provided funding to the State of California which was to be used in part for spending on education. The State of California has provided $35,000,000 inARRA State Stabilization funds to the California Community Colleges, of which the Los Angeles Community College District received $4,386,031 . To comply with the State, the ARRA funds have been received as general purpose funding and each college has identified the programs and services expenses that were paid from the ARRA Fund dollars. 2. In Fund 19514, Lawrence Berkely National Lab Energy, a specially funded program, transfer $360 from account 300000 ~tb account 100000. (BTA: D-636) Background: Funds from the Employee Benefits-SFP account are be(ng~transferred to the Certificated Salaries account. 3. In Fund 18080, Center of Excetlence-Career Technical Education (CTE) Hub, a specially funded program, transfer $2,705 from account 200000 to accounts 100000 an_d_300000 in the following amounts respectively: $565; $2.140. (BTA: D-637) f, Background: Funds from the Classified Salaries account are being transferred to the Certificated Salaries and Employee Benefits-SFP accounts. 4. In Fund 10059, Centralized Accounts, transfer $10,000 from account 400000 to account 500000. (BTA: D-646) Background: Funds from the Printing account are being transferred to the Confracts-Personal Services account. Page 10 Of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 Los Angeles Community College District Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn. No. BF1 IV Date: March 10,2010 BNTERFUND TRANSFER a In Fund 10100, Basic, transfer $40,000 from account 790000 to Fund 60006, Cafeteria, account 400000. (BTA: H-89) Background: Funds from Fund 101 OO^Basic^ Unatiocated _account, are being transferred to Fund 60006, Cafeteria, Office Supplies and Food-Cafeteria & Child Care Only accounts, through an Interfund transfer, to increase support to the college cafeteria. REDUCTION OF INCOME v lnJ!.u-rLd-l???-8LC?.r?^-r.^dv?n_c?_r? piannin9 Grant, a specially !^^ pfl^^^ ^JS^^ {^^?^?fb^^s^^^lr^?}}? ^^e/^e^sy funding from the Caiifomia Cpmmumty'CoilegesChanceiior's Office (CCCCO) by $287,355 from $1,666,666 to $1,379,311 (BTA's: H-84, M-92, P-59, S-37, T-61, V-120, D-493, D-640, D-641) In accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the District budget is decreased within the General Fund from the State in accounts 100000 ($27,337), 200000 ($57,654), 300000 ($345), 400000 ($16,027), 500000 ($48,821), 600000 ($8,069); and 790000 ($129.102). the program income account 800000 is also reduced by $287,355. Background: _Dueto the State budget cuts, the State Chancellor's Office has revised the 2009-2010 funding for Career Adyancemjtnt Academy Planning Grant, to reduce the program funding by $287,355. The statewide grant allocation for the Career Advancement Academy Planning Grant was reduced from $5 million to $4.13 rniHion. This budget reduction decreases the District grant allocation from $1.67 million to $1.379 million. Page 11 of 11 Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 ® A Q n Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BF2 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: RECEIPT OF ANNUAL AUDIT Accept the annual independent audit of the District's financial records and accounts, including ail student financiai aid programs, for the 2008-2009 fiscal year completed by thefirmofKPMGLLP. .E^<??3fo-l?51: -ArLarl^uaL1[?ancial audit of.t!1e Pi?tric?.is conducted every fiscal year by independent contract auditors as required by Education Code Sec. 84040 and reported to the Board of Trustees. The audit report received an "unqualified" opinion, which means that the general purpose financial statements referred to in the audit present fairly, in all materia respects, the financial position of the District as of June 30, 2009, and the results of Its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principies. t Ten copies of the District's report will be provided to each campus and a copy forwarded to the exclusive representative of each organization'and the Academic Senate. & Recommended by: \ /K^AAM^ ^ Approved by . Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy^ h a ncelior ^m<1 ^m, TyreejK^ieder, Interim C'hancelor Chancellor and Candaele. Pearlman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BF2 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 3-10-2010 <( w B Los Ange!es Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: BUSINESS SERVICES ROUTSNE REPORT AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT Authorize an amendment to a^aster Lease Agreement (No. 4500079590) ^.^^^i!^?-UJ^ yviE.?J^8 J!9si Li-°' Mobility t? provide for the !OJI^VyLr'?^t^?rc-T.901ie9e: ^1LUI:??«n.^xRiration of existin9 short term agreement to expire on June 30, 2014, this new amendment to the Master Le-i?s?^gr?s?1snl??/tllfc??^in_a.s of July..1' ?014 throu9h June 30' 2029, inclusive; AT&T will continue to maintain the existing antenna array location as established under the above referenced short term agreement. Annual income for years one to five $27,600, increasing by 1 5% for each of the following five-year periods. Background: This amendment to the Master Lease Agreement is being ^^Eu.l?^?r1?.!°,?^mal bJd> .5.t:)ictp?c.kages were'sent out with only 1 responsive package being returned. Total income over the life of the agreement is $930,448. I! RATIFY SERVICE AGREEMENTS . A. Ratify an^9[e®iT^nt with the Pasadena Area Community College District (PACCD), on behalf o[ Pasadena City College, to assisfthe Los Angeles Community College District in providing statewide coordination of the Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) regional networks, and direct support to colleges that are participating in the 2010 ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development Grant program, during the period March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010, inclusive, at a total cost hot to exceed $109,529. g^ha^Dd:As^uthor^zed by the Board of Trustees on January 13, 2010 (Corn. No. BF1), the District's Office of Institutional Effectiveness is in receipt of $1,334,000 of American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) funds that were aliocated to the District on November 24, 2009, ?r?^e^^l!La/^?fl-t<?rJh^??19-E?Ly?^ic.-sk!NSF!rofess.ion^!DeYeloPment (PD) Grant program to improve curricula, develop instructional strategies and student services, and integrate program practices that effectively meet the needs of basic skills and ESL'students, as well as to provide professional activities for instructors and administrators in O^L~>Jb^^ l^Approved b Recommended by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor d'MM'. ^ %^il Tyr^e W]eder,v1nterim CTiancellor Chancellor and Canda Field Merce Park Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Page Date of 3 Pages Corn. No. 8SD1 Div. Business Services Pearlman Santiago Scott-Hayes Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vcrte Date 3.10.10 Los Angeles Community CoHege District Date: March 10,2010 Business Services Division: Corn. No. BSD1 keeping with the statewide ESL/Basic Skills initiative. This agreement with the PACCD provides for the^services of Lynn M. Wright, Associate Professor of the Pasadena City College Faculty, to coordinate the day-to- day activities of the 2010 BSI PD grant, including documentation and synthesis; oversight of the regional network coordinators, technical assistance and consultation to support and increase each regional network's capacity for ongoing professional development; development of recommendations for revision of the regional network protocols, infrastructure and objectives for year three of the grant, and inclusion in the plan for 2011 ; and coordination and participation at BSI steering committee meetings and various Regional Hub/Network coordinating council meetings, along with the implementation of other BSI Phase tV objectives that "build on^the efforts initiated through the 2007,2008, and 2009 ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development grants. B. Ratify an agreement with Aon Consulting to provide employee health benefits consulting services in support of the District's health and welfare benefits programs at a firm fixed service fee of $140,000, plus fees for optional work not to exceed $50,000, for an initial term of January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010, inclusive, and options for the District to renew the contract for up to five additional six-month terms at a cost not to exceed $950,000 for all renewable option terms. The total not-to- exceed cost for three years is $1,140,000, of which $840,000 is in fixed service fees. Background: This proposed award is the result of the District's renegotiation of its current agreement with Aon Consulting & insurance Services, necessitated by the Board's authorization on July 15, 2009 (Corn,. No. BSD1) that replaced .District-sponsored medica[pians (Kaiser, Blue shield HMO and Blue Shield PPO) with CalPERS medical plans, effective January 1,20W. The District's current agreement was the result of a competitive RFP that led to the selection by the Joint Labor/Management Benefits Committee of Aon Consulting as the broker/consuitant process effective January 1, 2008, ^vith annual options for the District to renew the contract through December 31, 2012, at an annual fixed fee of $310,000 and total annual cost not to exceed $457,000. Because of the District's adoption of the CalPERS medical plans, Aon's services are no longer needed as the broker, including open enrollment support, for these plans, and its contract with the District was terminated effective December 31, 2009, representing a total savings to the District ranging from $930,00 in fixed fees, to $1,371,000 in total not-to-exceed costs. Under its new agreement with the District, Aon wili continue to represent the District in negotiations for ife, dental, and vision insurance coverage and administration renewals. Funding is through Districtwide funds. Ill . RATIFY AMENDMENT TO SERVICE AGREEMENT Ratify an amendment to renew agreement 4500113024 with Dowden Associates, Inc., to provide continued technical writing assistance with the STEM- Green Page 2 of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: March 10,2010 Science Technology and Curriculum and STEM- Engineering Transfer Pathway programs from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010, inclusive, increasing the total contract amount from $45,000 to $90,000 for the second year of the agreement, at a total additional cost of $45,000. Background: This agreement was approved by_the Board of Trustees on May 15, 2009 (Corn. No. BSD2). Funding is through STEM grant accounts. IV 11 AUTHOR zE PAYMENT Authorize payment for the following expenditure: $328.49 to. Robert Garber, former president of Pierce College, in reimbursement of travel and lodging expenses required for his appearance afa hearing invoiving a District employee, on February 5, 2010. Background: Mr. Garber was subpoenaed to appear at a hearing held in the Los Angeles area, requiring an overnight stay, and is requesting reimbursement of hotel and mileage expenditures. Funding is through Districtwlde legal exempt cost accounts. Page 3 of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 3-KMO 4 I', Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: March 10,2010 Subject: RATBRCATIONS FOR BUSINESS SERVICES In accordance_with the Caiifornia Education Code and Los Angeles Community Colleae Dist^ct Board^Rules, the foflowlng ratification items are presented for approval as parfof the Business Services routine report for March 10, 2010. A. PURCHASE ORDERS 382 issued from February 8, 2010 to February 19, 2010 which totaled $659,309. B. AGREEMENT FOR MUSICIAN SERVICES 1 issued which totaled $1,300. C. LEASE OF FACIUTfES FORDJSTRJCT USE 4500141174 District Office. Agreement with the Marriott Los Angeles £?^;!?^^?L^t^L?lP^n?L^e^?^J?^fLtl-e-s-f?!'-conduc?.in9 interviews of candidates in the District's Chancellor search process, by the'Human Resources Division during the period February 22, 2010 to February 24, 2010, inclusive. Total cost: $5.937. D, LEASES, USE PERMITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERMITS OF DISTRICT FACILITIES 4500140979 Southwest. Short Term Lease agreement with PVJ Productions, Inc. for the use of the Lakin Gym,'stadium and field house for !ilmin9^ .t?levisi5n^ic?A? k??wn.a? JprPls Yersus Joe's during the period of March 7, 2010 to March 14, 2010, inclusive. Total income: $89.539. 4500141019 Southwest. Permit for Use with Lennox School District for its use of the baseball and softbail fields for practices and scheduied games on designated dates during the period of February 8, 2010 to May 14, 2010, inclusive. Total Income: $5.200. E. SERVICE AGREEMENTS Various .DJ?tri-c?-?^ice^ Am,? renew ^he following agreements ^tihr?:?II!T>Lln!^-<?l!^e/^^?r2^?? ^s?i?.the Di.sJT!c^ ?s part of the District's 2010 ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development * Recommended by: r KK M^-A^ ^\K^ ?sA.,Approved Ach-iaTTaDJBarrera^ Deputy Chancellor Chancellor and Page Date of 8 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 y; e Candael Field Mercer Park Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: d '^^ f f- Div. Business Services sder,fntenm Chancellor Pearlman Santiago Scott-Hayes Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 3-10-10 -,'f tos AngeSes Community College District Date: March 10, 2010 Business Services Division: Corn. No. BSD2 grant of $1,334,000 of American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) funds that were allocated to the District on November 24, 2009, in providing coordination for the regional networks of the statewide Basic Skills Initiative (BSi), and direct support to the colleges participating in each BSI region, from January 13, 2010 to January 12, 2011; inclusive, increasing the total contract costs from $172,500 to $372,500, for the second year of the agreements. Total additional cost: $200.000. 1. 4500132195 with the San Mateo County Community College District, on behalf of Canada College, for the services of Anniqua Rana as BSI coordinator of the Bay Area_ Regional Network, increasing the total contract cost from $62,500 to $125,000, at an additional cost of $62,500. 2. 4500132692 with the Sierra Joint Community College District, on behalf of Sierra College, for the services of Nancy Cook as BSI coordinator of the Sacramento/Central Valiey Regional Network, increasing the total contract cost from '$70,000 to $145,000, at an additional cost of $75,000. 3. 4500132693 with the San Diego Community College District, on behalf of San Diego Miramar College, for the services of Lisa Brewster as BSi regional coordinator of the San Diego/lmperiai Vafiey Regional Network, increasing the total contract cost from $40,000 to $102.500, at an additional cost of $62,500. 4500141026 District Office. Agreement with Experian information Solutions, Inc. for credit information exchange and reporting subscription services on delinquent and defaulted student loans^for the Central Financial Aid Unit from January 1, 2010 to December 31 . 2014, inclusive. Totaf cost not to exceed: $5,000. 4500141173 District Office. Agreement with the RP Group (the Research & Planning Group for the California Community Colleges) for the assessment of basic skills benchmark data collected in 2009, and development of published guides and web-based video and podcast reference tools for evaluating the quality of evidence- based decision-making, student learning, student success, and basic skills integration in California community coiieges, as part of the District's ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development grant program through the Office of institutional Effectiyeness,^Iuring the period January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. Total cost: $35.000. 4500119183 East. Amendment to renew agreement with XAP Corporation to provide online admission application in Spanish, increasing the total contract amount from '$3,000 to $15,000 from July 1 ,2009 to Page 2 of 8 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 DJv. Business Services Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Division: Corn. No. 8SD2 Business Services Date: March 10,2010 June 30, 2012, inclusive, for the second through fourth years of the agreement. Total additional cost: $12.000. 4500131703 East., Amendment to extend agreement with Virginia IkkandaSuddith to provide assessment of fundraising for the Resource Development Department from December 1 ,'2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. No additional cost. 4500141053 Mission. Agreement with Andersen Medical Career College to provide Certified Nurse Assistant and Home Health Aid training for a participant of the WorkSource Program during the period January 31, 2010 to June 5, 2010, inclusive. Totarcost $3.480. 4500115658 Fierce. Amendment to agreement with JJLA Associates to provide_design, camera ready artwork and other related services for the 2010 Summer and Fail schedule of classes, to increase the total_contract amount from $60,565 to $71 ,072 from March 1, 2010 to June 30. 2010, inclusive. Total additionat cost: $10.506. 4500136078 Trade-TechnicaL Amendment to extend agreement with ThyssenKruppElevator Company to provide elevator maintenance services, increasing the total contract amount from $12,850 to_$28,270, from February 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010, inclusive. Total additional cost: $15.420. 4500108239 West. Am6ncJfTie^ to renew agreement with AT&T Mobility to provide 10 cell phones for the College, increasing the total contract amount from $18,000 to $28,000 from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $10.000, 4500141108 West. Agreement with innovative Corporate Solutions, Inc., to provide Dale Carnegie classes for Westside Extension students during the period November 1 , 2008 to June 30, 2011, inclusive. Tota! cost: $50.000. F. MAiNT_ENANCE_A_GREEMENTS 4500131912 City. Amendment to agreement with Data2lnfo to provide maintenance of ActionPian IT student education planning software for the EOPS Program, increasing the total contract amount from $19,000 to $38,000 from Ju!y 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inciusive, forttie second year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $19,000. 4500140676 Pierce. Amendment to renew agreement with Canon Business Solutions, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IR7095 copier in the Bookstore, increasing the total contract amount from $26,500 to $34,344 from March 1, 2010 to February 28, 2011, inclusive. Total additional cost: $7,844. Page 3 of 8 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 DtV. Business Services Date 3-10-10 .n Los Angeles Community Coliege District Date: March 10, 2010 Business Services Division: Corn. No. BSD2 4500108374 Pierce. Amendment to renew agreement with Canon Business Solutions, Inc. of a Canon Prograf 8000S wide format printer in the College Development and Enterprise Office from December 31, 2010 to January 13,2011, inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement. No additional cost. 4500125576 Pierce. Amendment to renew agreement with Canon Business Solutions, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IR8500 copier in the Copy Tech Department, increasing the total contract amount from $12,632 to $29,027 from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010, incfusive, for the second year of the agreement. Total additiona cost: $16,395. 4500097261 West. Amendment to agreement with Canon Business Soiutions to include maintenance bverages for two !RC copiers located in the Bookstore, increasing the total contract amount from $13,000 to $15,000 from July 1 , 2009 to June 30, 2010, indusive. Total additional: $2.000. 4500102616 West. Amendment to renew agreement with Canon Business Solutions to provide for maintenance of the IR3045 copier located in the Bookstore, increasing the total contract amount from $1 ,600 to $2,200 from October 1 , 2009 to September 30, 2010, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $600. G. STUDENT INTERN AGREEMENTS 4500140914 City. No-cost agreement with Otdtimers Fqyndation fo^clinical training of students enrolled in the Dietetic TechnicianProgram during'the period October 12, 2009 to September 30, 2014, inclusive. 4500140923 City. No-cost agreement with Good Samaritan Hospital for clinlca! training of students enrolled in the Nursing Program during the period November 2, 2009 to November 1,2014, inclusive. 4500140936 Cjty. No-cost agreement with Shriner's Hospital for Children for ciinicaf training of students enrolled in the_Nursing Program during the period January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2015, inclusive. 4500141104 Pierce. No-cost agreement with California State University Northridge to provFde a clinical site for their Nutrition, Health and Health A'dministration Programs in the Student Health Center during the period February 16, 2010 to February 15, 2015, inclusive. 4500141105 Pierce. No-cost agreement with California State University Dominguez Hills to provide^ clinical rotation site for their Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachetors Science in Nursing (BSN) Page 4 of 8 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 3-10-10 ^ Los Angeles Community CoSlege District Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: March 10, 2010 students as required by the BSN Program in the Student Health Center during the period February 16'; 2010 to February 15,2015, inclusive. 4500124293 West. No-cost agreement with MEND - Meeting Each Need with Dignity forcilnlcal training of students enrolled in the Dental Program during the period October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2011, inclusive. H. WORK STUDY AGREEMENTS 4500136272 East.. .No^ost agreement with County of Los Angeles DPSS to provide off campus Federal Work Study opportunities for students during the period September 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. 4500102230 Tradp.'TecllnicaL ^°~cost. amendment to^enew agreement with Academia Avanceto^provide off campus Federa! Work Study opportunities for students from July 1,2009 to June 30, 2011 inclusive, for the second and third years of the agreement. 4500133063 West. No cost agreement with Lula Washington Contemporary Panc? F?^nd?tfor! t9 Provideoff campus Federal Work Study opportunities for students during the period September 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. I. SPECIALLY FUNDED AGREEMENTS 4500140842 C|tv. Agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for that agency to fund the^Speaalty^Nursing Program during the period June 25, 2009 to March 31, 2010, inclusive. Total expense: $67.114. 4500140858 City. Agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for that agency to fund the Career Technical Education Nursing Education Program during the period March 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. "Total expense: '$275,239. 4500140862 City. Agreement with the Foundation for California Community Colleges for that agency to fund the Child Development Careers (CDC) program during the period July 1, 2009 to June 30,2010, inclusive. Total expense: $50,731. 4500140934 City. Agreement with the Korean American Children and Parents Service Center for that agency to fund the Korean Bilingual Child Development program during "the period January 1,2010 to December 30, 2010, inciusive. Total expense: '$33.000. 4500129688 East. Amendment to renew agreement with Chabot Las Positas for that agency to fund the Faculty Inquiry Network Program, increasing the total contract amount from $18,500 to $37,000 Page 5 of 8 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 3-10-10 .V. Los Angeles Community College District Cam. No. BSD2 Division: Date: lUlarch10»20lo Business Services from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010, inclusive, for the second year of the agreement. Total additional expense: $18.500. 4500126294 Mission. Amendment to extend agreement with State of California Employment Department for that agency to fund training for Dislocated Worker Program particjpants, increasing the total contract amount from $35,552 to $44,732 from December 19, 2010 to June 30, 2011, inclusive. Total additional expense: $9,180. 4500101079 Trade-Technical. Amendment to renew agreement with City of Los Angeles for that agency to fund the Street Maintenance Program, increasing the total contract amount from $18,000 to $28:000 from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional expense: $10,000. 4500122716 Trade-Technical. Amendmentto renew agreement with California Community Colleges Chanceffors Office for that agency to fund the Tech Prep Consortium, increasing the total contract amount from $70,000 to $140,000 from July 1, 2009 to June 30,2010, inclusive, for the second year of the agreement. Total additional expense: $70,000. 4500128296 Valley. Amendment to extend the contract period with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for that agency to fund the Statewide Strategic Hubs from February 1, 2010 to March 31, 2010, inclusive. No additional expense. 4500111463 West. Amendment to agreement with The Community College Foundation for that agency to fund the PS-MAPPprogra_m_, increasing the total contract amount from $80,700 to $95,700 from February 1, 2010to January 31, 2011, inclusive, dunngthe fourth year of'the agreement. Total additionat expense: $15,000. J. SHQRTTERM AGREEMENTS PREPARED AT SITE LOCATIONS FOR SERVICES. LEASE & LEASE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENTANPTEASE OF FACILfflES $5.000 OR UESSTPER YEAR 4500140865 City. Agreement with the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks to provide use of tennis courts at Griffith Park for Community Services classes during the period February 25, 2010 to June 19, 2010, inclusive. Total cost: $700. 4500134835 East. Amendment to agreement with Grandma Giliie's Greetings to increase costs of Community Service classes from $40 to $48 per student from October 5, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. Total additional cost: $320. Page 6 of 8 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 3-10-10 s Los Angeles Community College District Cam. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: March 10, 2010 4500138480 East. Agreement with^Canon Business Solutions to provide Hl?m.te-nal2S^forJh?.iR.? 317° c?BJer iocated jn ill^pom.munitY Services Office during the period September 1, 2009 to August 31,2010, inclusive. Totaicost: $2.100. 4500140022 East. Agreement with^Canpn Business Solutions to provide maintenance for the IR2880E copier located in the Athletics Department during the period February 28,2010 to February 27, 2011Jndusive. Total cost: $500. 4500140024 East Agreement with Howard Foftz to provide workshops for the Faculty Inquiry Network Project on reading instruction during the period February 22, 2010 to February 26,'2010, inclusive, fotat cost: $2.000. 4500140468 East. A3reernentwith.selwyn Lt?yd to provide workshops for the Fjre Academy on fire department operations during the period March 27, 2010 to May 22, 2010, inclusive. Total cost: '$3.360. 4500140485 East Agreement with^Canon Business Solutions to provide maintenance for the IR550 copier located in the Academic Affairs Department during the period December 12, 2010 to December 11,2011, inclusive. Total cost: $2.200. 4500140506 East. Agreement with_Canon Business Solutions to provide maintenance for the IR1023 copier located in the Social Science Department during the period February 6, 2010 to February 5, 2011, inclusive. Totatcost: $500. 4500140674 Mission. Agreement with Refreshment Services for rental and maintenance of one hot and cold water unit in the Campus Services during the period February 1, 2010 to January 31, 2011 inclusive. Total cost: $599. 4500140904 Mission._Agreement with Contractors Career Center, Inc. to provide Contractor's Law and Trade Education Program and Solar workshop training for participant of WprkSource Program during the period February 4, 2010 to March 13. 2010, incrusive. Total cost; $4.400. 4500140908 Mission. Agreement with Dootson Enterprises, LLC to provide Truck Driving Class B training for participant of WorkSo'urce Program during the period January 18, 2010 to March 31 ,2010, inclusive. Total cost: $2,635. 4500140946 Mission. Agreement with Avancee Corporation to provide an 8- week Project Management/Organizatiohal Management training for participant on/vof^§ource Program during the period February 4, 2010 to April 9, 2010, inclusive.' Total cost: $3.495. Page 7 of 8 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 3-1 &.10 LL Los Angeles Community College District Date: March 10,2010 Business Services Division: Corn. No. BSD2 4500140827 Pierce. Agreement with Philip Bell for a show performance of "That Intimate Phil" as part of the Black History Month celebration on February 25. 2010.Totaf cost: $500. 4500139196 Trade-Technical. Agreement with Remote Learner.Net to provide web hosting for the Moodle system used by studentsjturing the period January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. Total cost: $3,850. 4500140857 VaHey. Agreement with Christyne Imhoff to conduct two Environmental Education workshops with emphasis on age- appropriate concepts for the development of Environmental Education Curriculum of Child Development students during the period November 7, 2009 to April 17, 2010, inclusive. Total cost: $1.850. 4500133051 West. Agreement with Creation Station Franchise to provide children's dance classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, inclusive. Total cost: ^4.500. 4500140504 West. Agreement with South Hills Academy to provide student recruitment services for the International Students Program during the period February 1, 2010 to January 31 , 2011, inclusive. Tota cost: $2.000. K. SUMMARY RATIFICATION Pursuant to Board Rule 7313, ratify the following settlement agreement: LASC Case No. 08C03383 in the amount of $590.09. Page 8 of 8 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 3-10-10 f /< A ^ IS s vs Los Angeles Community College District g Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn. No. FPD1 Date March 10, 2010 Subject: FACtUTJES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROUTINE REPORT v AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVSCE AGREEMENTS A. Authorize an agreement with HH Fremer Architects to provide architectural and programming services on a Task-Order basis campuswide at Los Angeles Mission College from March 11 , 2010 through March 10, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $250,000 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Background: HH Fremer has been selected from the list of pre-qualified consultants to provide the above services. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. The current need is for the new Student Services Center. This agreement represents the third (3) awarded to this entity through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $450,000. Other projects include the Temporary Facilities project at Los Angeles City College and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Path of Travel project at Los Angeles Southwest College. The fee is within the Design and Specialty Consultant Fee Guidelines. Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Projects to be determined on an as-needect basis. Design Phase. B. Authorize an agreement with Arcadis to provide whole building commissioning services for the Media and Performing Arts Center project at Los Angeles Valley College from March 11, 2010 through December 31, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $344,000 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. ^ Recommended by: ^^OL^J^)^)<\SlM^pproved by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor LL i ^ f^er,h^^n 1^r e ancellor Chancellor and Canda Field Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Date Peariman Mercer Santiago Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page J_of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3"ld-1~6 ', Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD1 FACILITIES PLANNING AND OEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 Background: Arcadis has been selected from the list of pre-qualified consultants to provide the above services. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. This agreement represents the tenth (10) awarded to this entity through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $18,989,148. Other projects include the provision of College Project Management services at Los Angeles Harbor College and the Commissioning Services for the Child Development Center Project at Los Angeies Southwest Cotfege. The fee is within the Design and Specialty Consultant Fee Guidelines. Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Media and Performing Arts Center 38V.5801.02. Design Phase. C. Authorize an agreement with Wiildan Energy Services to provide specialized grant administration services required by the California Energy Commission (CEC) as part of the Terms and Conditions of the recently awarded and accepted Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Renewable Energy Secure Community ("RESCO") Grant to be implemented at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College from March 1, 2010 through March 1, 2013 at a cost not to exceed $80,000 inclusive of eiigibie reimbursable expenses. Background: Wiiidan Energy Services has been selected from among qualified consultants to provide grant administration sen/ices required by the CEC as part of the Terms and Conditions for the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Renewable Energy Secure Community ("RESCO") Grant project to be implemented at Los Angeles TradeTechnica! College. Willdan will be responsible for creating and submitting all reports required by the CEC and will work directly with the project team to complete monthly project reports, Critical Project Review reports, and the final report. Wilidan will ensure compietion of additional documents throughout the grant period including an energy assessment database as well as the development of instructional materials, presentations, and case studies. The $2,000,000 PIER/RESCO grant was accepted by a Board of Trustees resotution on June 24, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD3). The grant's purpose is to cover expenditures related to developing a demonstration energy storage project located at Building F of Los Angeles Trade-Technica! College, which will store electric energy generated from renewable thermal and other sources in a large-scale battery system. This will help offset Building Fs energy consumption and demand in line with the goals of the District's Sustainable Building Program. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. Funding is through Pubiic Page 2 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 i, Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 interest Energy Research (PIER) Grant Award Number PIR-08-031, No District funds shall be expended on this agreement. AUTHORIZE AMENDIVIENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMEN II. A. Authorize Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 31159 with Mo!!enhauer Group to provide additional Land Surveying Services on a Task Order basis Campus-wide at East Los Angeles College from March 11, 2010 through March 10, 2011 at a cost not to exceed $50,000 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on May 10, 2006 (Corn. No. FPD1). Moilenhauer Group was retained originally to provide Land Surveying Services for the Men's Baseball Field and the Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - Utility infrastructure and Traffic Improvements projects and has been selected from among qualified consultants to provide additional land surveying services. The current need is for the Modular Village as part of the Math/Science Swing Space project. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. Inclusive of this amendment, the total amount of this agreement is $125,000. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds and non-Bonct proceeds. Projects to be determined on an as-needed basis. B. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 32641 with WWCOT to provide additional design services for the Student Services E1, Baum Center G1, & Entry Plaza projects at East Los Angeles College within the existing contract period which expires December 31, 2011 at a cost not to exceed $336,195 inclusive of eligible reimbursabte expenses. Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 23, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). WWCOT was retained originally to provide design services for the above projects and has been selected from the list of pre-qualified consultants to provide additional services due to a change in scope initiated by the college which includes new roofs for the Student sen/ices E1 and Baum Center G1, infrastructure for a new emergency notification system, new emergency command center in Building G1, and upgraded dry fire suppression systems and Information Technology upgrades. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. Inclusive of this amendment, the total amount of this agreement is $716,240. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Student Services E1 02E.6217.03, Page 3 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNtNGAND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 r Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 Baum Center G1 12E.7214.03.02, Entry Plaza 02E.6274.05.03. Construction Phase. C. Authorize Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 31890 with FSY Architects, inc. to provide additional design services for the South of Mail projects at Pierce College within the existing contract period which expires December 31, 2010 at a cost not to exceed $128,363 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 20, 2008 (Corn. No. FPD1). FSY Architects, Inc. was retained originally to provide design services for the above projects and has been selected from the list of pre-quaiified consultants to provide additional services due to a change in scope initiated by the college for enhanced HVAC and AA/ systems, and the design of a technology integrated Smart Classroom. Inclusive of this amendment, the total amount of this agreement is $1,093,088. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Faculty Offices 05P.6515.03 ($15,500), Business Education 05P.6513.03.01 ($60,963), Fine Arts & Music 05P.6516.03 ($51,900). Construction Phase. D. Authorize Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 31678 with Berliner and Associates to provide additional design services for the North of Mail projects at Pierce College from March 11, 2010, through December 31, 2010 at a cost not to exceed $164,310 inclusive of eligible reimbursabfe expenses. Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on April 9, 2008 (Corn. No. FPD1). Berliner and Associates was retained originally to provide design services for the above projects and has been selected from the list of pre-qualified consultants to provide additional design services due to scope change initiated by the college for revisions to the HVAC system design, implementation of site work value engineering, and additional design work for Smart Classroom design. Inclusive of this amendment, the total amount of this agreement is $3,091,697. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. SLE - North of Mali - ADA/Landscaping/Technologies/Fire 35P.5535.03.02. Design Phase. E. Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 70215 with Berliner and Associates to provide design services for the Roadway, Walkway Page 4 of 20 Pages Corn.No. FPD1 t Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - Genera! (Rapid Transit Station Extension) project at Los Angeles Valley College from March 11, 2010 through March 31, 2011 at a cost not to exceed $16,100 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on May 10, 2006 (Corn. No. FPD1). Berliner and Associates was retained originally to provide design services for the above project and has been selected from the list of pre-qualified consultants to provide additional design services for Parking Lot A, directory signs, and sidewalk areas consistent with campus accessibility standards. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. Inclusive of this amendment, the total amount of this agreement is $373,993. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - General (Rapid Transit Station Extension) 18V.7873.05.01. Design Phase. F. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 32477 with Cannon Design to provide design services for the Athletic Training Facilities project at Los Angeies Valley College from March 11. 2010 through December 31, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $189,541 inclusive of eligibte reimbursabie expenses. Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on t May 27, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). Cannon Design was retained originally to provide design services for the above project and has been selected from the list of pre-qualified consultants to provide additional services required for the relocation of the baseball field, archery field, archery shed and javelin runway. These services are also required for the removal of dirt, the reconfiguration of the Parking Lot G and the existing irrigation system west of the baseball field. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. Inclusive of this amendment, the total amount of this agreement is $1,656,741. Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Athletic Training Facilities 38V.5837.02. Design Phase. G, Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 32575 with Steinberg Architects to provide additional design services for the Student Services Center project at Los Angeles Valley College from March 11, 2010 through December 31, 2011 at a cost not to exceed $276,772 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Page 5 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIESPLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 -A Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on July 29, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). Steinberg Architects was retained originally to provide design services for the above project and has been selected from the iist of pre-quaiified consultants to provide additiona design services in association with a restored scope of work which had been previously reduced. This agreement has been considered through the shared governance process. Inclusive of this amendment, the tota amount of this agreement is $376,772. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Student Services Center 08V.6809.02. Construction Phase. H. Authorize Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. 2052 with Koury Testing Laboratories to provide additional Laboratory of Record (LOR) services Distrtet-wide within the existing time period which expires December 19, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $1,000,000 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on December 19, 2007 (Corn. No. FPD1). Koury Consultants was retained originally to provide the above services and has been selected from the ist of pre-qualified consultants to ensure continuity of existing assigned LOR services for completion of the General Classroom Building, Student Services Building, Science Building, Mathematics Building, Second Access Road Projects at West Los Angeles College, The Center for the Sciences Building Project at Los Angeles Pierce College, the East Campus-Phase I Project at Los Angeles Mission CoHege and the nfrastructure Project at East l-os Angeles College. Fees shall be within established District guidelines. Inclusive of this amendment, the total amount of this agreement is $9,000,000. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds as well as various non-Bond funding sources. Specific assignments to be determined on an as-needed basis. < Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 31083 with Ove Arup & Partners California LTD to provide additional services including energy efficiency consulting, technical assistance, and research and validation services in support of the sustainabie building goals of the Los Angeles Community College District from March 11, 2010 to March 11, 2011 at a cost not to exceed $375,000 inclusive of eligible reimbursabie expenses. Background: This agreement was ratified by the Board of Trustees on January 11, 2006 (Corn. No. FPD1). Ove Arup & Partners California LTD was retained originally to provide technical review of concepts and calculations in relation to the District's 501(c)(3) central plant initiative and Page 6 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACfLITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 i- Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 to assist with the development of energy demand management strategies. They have been selected from the list of pre-qualified consultants to provide the above additional services in support of the District's sustainable building goals. This agreement has been considered by the Bond Steering Committee. Inclusive of this amendment, the total amount of this agreement is $1,462,500. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Specialty Consulting 40J.J95.05. Design Phase. AUTHORIZE TERiyilNATION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11 . AGREEMENT Authorize termination for convenience of Agreement No. 32423 with SKA Design to provide graphic design services for the Stadium Marquee project at East Los Angeies College. Background: This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on Apri! 29, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). The College and College Project Manager have requested, and the Program Manager and the District have concurred, that due to the expanded scope and technical complexities in the design, this contract should be terminated by the District for convenience. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Stadium Marquee 32E.5235.02. Design Phase. IV AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT® * A. Authorize a contract with Rafael 26 Construction, Inc. to provide general construction ~ removal services for the Interim Child Development Center project at Los Angeles Harbor College at a cost of $8,752. Background: Rafael 26 Construction, Inc. provided the low quote from among four (4) written quotes ranging from $8,752 to $24,780 for the removal of electrical subpanets and removal of the concrete transformer pad. This contract represents the third (3) awarded to this entity through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $65,253. Previous awards have been given to this entity for the Canopy installation project at Los Angeles Valley College and the construction site safety services for the Student Services E1, Baum Center G1, Campus Improvements - Entry Plaza at East Los Angeles College. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Interim Child Development Center 13H.7340.02.02 Construction Phase. Page 7 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACfUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 r f- Los Angetes Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 B. Authorize a contract with Ornelas Electrical Construction to provide general construction - electrical installation services for the Campus Modernization Phase 2 project at Los Angeles Mission College at a cost of $21,765. Background: Ornefas Electrica! provided the low quote from among three (3) wrinen quotes ranging from $21,765 to $23,171 to provide lighting and necessary wiring outlets throughout the new college travel path due to construction on the eastside of the campus. This contract represents the eighth (8) awarded to this entity through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $160,829. Previous awards have been given to this entity for the Temporary Facilities project at Los Angeles City College and the Men's P.E Building Renovation at West Los Angeles College. Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Campus Modernization Phase 2 34M.5420.03. Construction Phase. C. Authorize a contract with Ken Forness Construction to provide general construction - roof repair services for the Art Building (Roofing) project at Los Angeles Valtey College at a cost of $16,281. Background: Ken Forness Construction provided the low quote from among three (3) written quotes ranging from $16,281 to $23,379 to repair the roof, roof drains and gutters. This contract represents the first (1) awarded to this entity through the Bond Program. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Art Building (Roofing) 18V.7820.03.02. Construction Phase. D. Authorize a contract with Precision Plumbing Mechanical to provide general construction services for the Diese! Fire Pump Repair/Replacement project at West Los Angeles CoUege at a cost of $195.800. Consistent with Board Rule 7100.10 authorize the Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Development to authorize change orders of up to ten percent (10%), the maximum allowed by law without re-bidding, subject to subsequent Board ratification. Background: This contract is the result of formal competitive bidding. Seven (7) contractors requested bid packets. Three (3) responsive bids were received ranging from $195,800 to $274,868. Funding is through the State 2008-2009 Scheduled Maintenance Project Funding along with Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Construction Phase. Page 8 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILtTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 f 4 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILmES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 RATIFY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT v Ratify a contract with Blue Fields Electric to provide genera! construction - interior repair services for^the Fine Arts Building project at Los Angeles Harbor College at a cost of $7,500. Background: Blue Fields Electric provided the low quote from among three (3) written quotes ranging from $7,500 to $9,760 for repairs to the interior of the Fine Arts building as a result of rainwater roof damage. This contract represents the twentieth (20) awarded to this entity through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $633,710. Previous awards have been given to this entity for the Humanities Building at Los Angeles Valiey College and the Interim Classroom Village project at Los Angeles Harbor Coiiege. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. "Fine ArtsBuilding03H.6308.03, 13H.7308.03. Construction Phase. VI. RATIFY CHANGE ORDER AND AUTHORBZE ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT A. Authorize the following actions to Contract No. 31855 with CJ. Tech Construction for the Temporary Parking Lot-Baseball Field project at East Los Angefes College: 1. Ratify Change Order No. 01 for the deletion of project scope at a credit cost of $-37,500. 2. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract with a substantia completion date of February 20, 2009. Background: This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on July 23, 2008 (Corn. No. FPD1). This final change order was due to the deletion of scope at the request of the contractor. This change order represents ^8.8% of the original contract value of $424,000. 'Change orders to date represent 8.8%. This contract totals $386,500 with this change order. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Temporary Parking Lot-Basebalf Field 02E.6277.04.11. Construction Phase. Page 9 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACiUTIESPLANNfNGANDDEyELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10,2010 B. Authorize the following actions to Contract No. 70447 with OSA Group for the interim Child Development Center Site Work project at Los Angeles Harbor College: 1. Ratify Change Order No. 1 for additional construction services at a cost of $19,466. 2. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract with a substantial completion date of October 15, 2008. Background: This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on March 12, 2008 (Corn. No. FPD1). This fina! change order was due to a college based request for modifications to the electrical panels of modular buildings as well as unforeseen conditions when an abandoned water line was discovered requiring utility placement for the Interim facility at a different !ocation. This change order represents 8.67% of the original contract value of $224,500. Change orders to date represent 8.67%. This contract totals $243,966 with this change order. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Interim Child Development Center Site Work13H.7340.02.02. Construction Phase. C. Authorize the foiiowing actions to Contract No. 32394 with Landmark Fence Company for the Site Improvements - Campus-Wide Perimeter Fence project at Los Angeles Southwest College: 1. Ratify Change Order No. 1 for additional construction services at a cost of $54,153. 2. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract with a substantial completion date of October 29, 2009. Background: This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on April 15, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1), This final change order was due to changes requested by the college that required the relocation of jamb posts so as not to impede vehicuiar traffic and replacement of the existing gate track at the Stadium. This change order represents 6.32% of the original contract value of $856,866. Change Orders to date represent 6.32%. This contract totals $91 1,019 with this change order. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Site Improvements - Campus-Wide Perimeter Fence 36S.5679.03.06 . Construction Phase, Page 10 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 ^ Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACIU-nES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 D. Authorize the following actions to Contract No. 32171 with Catwide Construction for the Life Science project at Los Angeles Valley College: 1. Ratify Change Order No. 1 for additional construction services at a cost of $78,203. 2. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract with a substantial completion date of July 14, 2009. Background: This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on December 17, 2008 (Corn. No. FPD1). This final change order was due to the removal of unforeseen site conditions requiring the removal of hazardous material and college based requests for installation of map racks; floor mounted HVAC condensate drains and plumbing; the removal of vents and ductwork; and the repair of ceiling joists. This change order represents 9.9% of the original contract value of $790,000. Change orders to date represent 9.9%. This contract totals $868,203 with this change order. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Life Science 18V.7810.03. Construction Phase. v ff AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF COIVIPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 32786 with The Plant Connection to remove a dead tree for the Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - General project at Los Angeles Valley Coiiege with a substantial completion date of January 15,2010. Background: This contract was ratified by the Board of Trustees on January 27, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1). This project totaling $1.745 is funded through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - General 08V.6873.05.01. Construction Phase. VIII. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT Authorize a lease agreement with Mobile Modular for the term of twelve (12) months from March 11, 2010 to February 11, 2011 to provide two (2) 24' x 40' modular bungalows and one (1) 48> x 40' modular bungalow for the Campus Modernization Phase 2 project at Los Angeles Mission College at a cost of $54,181. Page 11 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date3-10-10 .n Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10,2010 Background: Mobile Modular provided the only responsive quote from among three (3) written quotes requested. This lease is necessary to provide classroom and office swing space during construction of the Campus Modernization Phase 2 project. Delivery, set up, and haul away at lease termination are included. Site preparation work is not included. If applicable, a!! sales tax shall be paid. Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Campus Modernization Phase 2 34M.5420.03. Construction Phase. IX. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORDERS A. Authorize a purchase order with Dick Biick Art Material to provide twenty- four (24) taborets and sixteen (16) stools for the Fine Arts Building project at Los Angeles Harbor College at a cost of $6,131. Background: Dick Blick Art Material provided the low quote from among three (3) written quotes ranging from $6,131 to $11,319. Delivery and setup are included. If applicable, all sales tax shall be paid. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Fine Arts Building 03H.6308.03. Construction Phase. B. Pursuant to Public Contract Code 20653, a) find it is in the best interest of the District to procure under the authority of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS)/Allsteet c/o Corporate Business Interiors Contract No. 4-09-71-0087A, and b) authorize the purchase of eighty-seven (87) tables and associated accessories for the Student Services Center project at Los Angeles Valtey College at a cost of $71,986. Background: LACCD is authorized to utilize the above contract through CMAS, a California State supported program under the Department of General Services that was created to provide an equipment purchasing vehicle for publicly funded agencies. Deiivery and set up are included. If applicable, all sales tax shall be paid. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Student Services Center 18V.7809.02. Construction Phase. C. Pursuant to Public Contract Code 20653, a) find it is in the best interest of the District to procure under the authority of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS)/McMurray Stem, inc. Contract No. 4-07-71-0021C, and b) authorize the purchase of a spacesaver high density mobile storage system for the Student Services Center project at Los Angeles Valley College at a cost of $24,047. Page 12 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACIUTiES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10,2010 Background: LACCD is authorized to utilize the above contract through CMAS, a California State supported program under the Department of General Services that was created to provide an equipment purchasing vehicle for publicly funded agencies. Delivery and set up are included. If applicable, ail sales tax shall be paid. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Student Services Center 18V.7809.02. Construction Phase. D. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code 20653, a) find it is in the best interest of the District to procure under the authority of the County of Los Angeies Internal Services Department Master Agreement, Canon Contract No. 42661, and b) authorize the purchase of eight (8) Canon photocopier machines for the Student Services Center project at Los Angeles Valley College at a cost of $118,623. Background: LACCD is authorized to utilize the County of Los Angeles nterna! Services Department Master Agreement, Canon Contract No. 42661. Delivery and warranty are included. If applicable, ati sales tax shall be paid. Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Student Services Center 18V.7809.02. Construction Phase. x AUTHORIZE WAIVERS ON RESTRSCTIVE SPECBRCATIONS * A. BEST Kaba Peaks door key and key cylinders; Van Duprin Exit Devices: and LCN Surface Closers for Door Hardware at East Los Anaeies College Authorize a restrictive bidding specification limiting specification of door key and key cylinders to BEST Kaba Peaks door key and key cylinders, Von Duprin Exit Devices, and LCN Surface Closers at East Los Angeles College based upon a Board Finding applying the "Matching Products" exception to the Prohibition on Restrictive Specifications [Public Contract Code 3400(c)(2)]. Background: Currently instatied at East Los Angeles College are door hardware products commonly described as BEST Kaba Peaks system door key and cylinders; Van Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Closers. New door hardware products wi!l be needed for several planned Bond projects, such as the new buildings inctuding the E1/G1 modernization buildings, Performing & Fine Arts Complex and the E3/E5 Replacement buildings. Page 13 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 For the following reasons, it is most important to, and in the best interests of, the District and East Los Angeles College that all door hardware products specified and installed on the new projects at the College be restricted to BEST Kaba Peaks system door key and cylinders; Von Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Closers: (1) Compatibility issues using the same types of door hardware in ati buildings will optimize the use of interchangeable parts; (2) Security - having ati the keys cut on similar patented key, which are not available at the local "key shops", minimizes the risk of counterfeit keys; (3) Maintenance Issues - use of compatible products will avoid having to re-train College staff, who are already trained in the operation and maintenance of BEST Kaba Peaks system door key and cylinders; Von Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Closers; (4) Cost Effectiveness - the College has existing stock of door hardware of the types mentioned that can be utilized if the door hardware installed is of the same type as that which is already in use at the College. If other types are used it may result in this existing stock being under-utilized and will require setting aside additional storage area for additional stock of other manufacturers. Based on the foregoing, it has been determined that it is necessary and appropriate to restrict the specifications in the bidding and contracting documents for the campus to BEST Kaba Peaks door key and key cylinders; Von Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Closers. B. HID iCLASS access cards and readers and Honevwell Access System WfN-PAK card access control panels and server software at East Los Angeles College. Authorize restrictive bidding specifications for campus wide HID iCLASS access cards and reader and Honeyweii Access system WIN-PAK card access controf panels and server software used at East Los Angeles College based on a Board Finding applying "Matching Products" Exception to Prohibition on Restrictive Specifications [Public Contract Code 3400(c)(2)]. Background: There is currently installed at East Los Angeles College a system of ID/Access cards and readers that use HID iCLASS 13.56 MHz read/write contactless smart card technology and the Honeyweil Access Systems WIN-PAK card access control panels and server software and Honeywe!) Access System WIN-PAK card access control panels and server software. East Los Angeles Colfege owns a block of one million card numbers for exclusive use by East Los Angeles College and currently has 2000 cards and 300 readers in use at East Los Angeles Page 14 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Dtv. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 ^ f Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 College. Additionally Honeywell Access Systems allow one data base file to govern alt card access programming, authorization and history. Honeywefl card access control panels are currently installed in 90% of the existing buildings. New access cards control panels and server software will be needed for several planned Bond projects, such as the E1/G1 modernization buildings, Performing & Fine AHs Complex and the E3E5 Replacements buildings. For the following reasons, it is in the best interests of the District and East Los Angeles College that all access cards control panels and server software specified and installed on the new projects at the College be restricted to HID iCLASS contactless smart card and readers and Honeyweli Access System card access control panels and server software: (1) Efficiency of Use- in order for the card reading system to operate efficiently it is important that one card be coded and usabie for all buildings (so that a teacher, for example, does not have to carry multiple cards) and in order to do so, there needs to be a single system by a single common manufacturer used to code a single card; (2) Common Language - it is important that the language for all cards be the same language so the changes and additions can be made easily; and (3) Security Issues having a single, integrated multi-iayered encryption system by one manufacturer, rather than multiple encryptions systems by different manufacturers, creates a more secure system. Based on the foregoing, it has been determined that it is necessary and appropriate to restrict the specification in the bidding and contracting documents for the Access Cards and Card Readers read/write contactless smart card technology and control panels and central computer server software at East Los Angeles College to only HID (CLASS and Honeywell Access System WIN-PAK, C. Fire Alarm, Mass Notification and Emergency Communications (MNEC) system compatible with Edwards EST at East Los Anaeles Colleae Authorize restrictive bidding specifications and contracting documents for campus wide Fire Alarm, Mass Notification and Emergency Communications (MNEC) system compatible with Edwards EST at East Los Angeles College, and make Board Finding Applying "Matching Products" Exception to Prohibition on Restrictive Specifications [Public Contract Code 3400(c)(2)] Page 15 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 .f Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10,2010 Background: There is currently instaHed at ELAC fire alarm signal systems that consists of a main "brain" manufactured by Edwards EST and separate panels in each building commonly described as a Multiplexed Fire Alarm System manufactured by the Edwards EST line of GE Security. The overall system provides for iife safety fire alarm detection and signaling systems in most campus buildings and is capable of central location programming, monitoring, mass notification and emergency communications. It is UL listed (UL 864 for life safety and UL 2572 for mass notification) and California Fire Marshal listed [7165-1657:186 for Fire Alarm Control Unit (Commercial) with MNCS]. The main "brain" by Edwards EST was installed 3 years ago. There is a need to add new "panels" in new buildings. For the following reasons, it is most important and in the best interests of the District and College that all of the panels specified and installed on the new projects at the College be restricted to Multiplexed Fire Alarm System manufactured by the Edwards EST line of GE Security: (1) Compatibility t is important that the "panels" and "brain" talk the same language. Panels by a different manufacturer would not be able therefore to communicate with the existing "brain" by Edwards EST. Extensive modifications would be needed to make different manufacturer panels communicate with the existing Edwards EST "brain"; (2) Maintenance Issues - the local campus staff area already trained in the operation and maintenance of the EST fire alarm system and it would be unduly expense and burdensome to have to train local campus staff in the operation and maintenance of a different system; (3) Monitoring - each system is visually monitored by the sheriffs department. If there is one integrated system, then the sheriff need only monitor one screen. If different panels are installed, then multiple screens would be necessary, making monitoring cumbersome. Based on the foregoing, it has been determined that it is necessary and appropriate to restrict the specification in the bidding and contracting documents for campus wide Fire Alarm, Mass Notification and Emergency Communications to onty Edwards EST products. D. A|ertQrL_BACnet Buiidina Controllers for the Building Management System (BMS) at East Los Angeles College Authorize a restrictive bidding specifications and contracting documents to Aterton BACnet building controlfers, for the Building Management System (BMS) at East Los Angeles College, and make a Board Finding Applying Page 16 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 f Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 "Matching Products" Exception to Prohibition on Restrictive Specifications (Pubic Contract code Section 3400 (c), (2). Background: There is currently installed at East Los Angeles College a campus-wide Building Management System (BMS) (sometimes referred to as a HVAC mechanical controller) manufactured by Aierton and commonly known as a BACnet building controHer that centrally connects ali heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment in campus buildings to a central location. The system monitors climate conditions and allows appropriate adjustments to be made as needed in an efficient and effective manner. The college's new Central Plant as well as eleven (11) other campus buildings has the Alerton BACnet Building Controller installed. The operating station for this system is being installed at the Colleges' Plant Facilities Department and is being used to centrally monitor all existing facilities connected to the Central Plant and the new Performing & Fine Arts complex, E1/G1 and E3/E5 Replacement buildings. New HVAC mechanical controllers will be needed for several planned Bond projects, such as the Student Success & Retention Building, the Campus Center/Bookstore, and the Math & Science Complex as well as the Health Careers satellite location. For the following reasons, it is important and in the best interests of the District and the College that all HVAC mechanical controllers specified and installed on the new projects at the College be restricted to Alerton BACnet controllers: (1) Compatibility " the controllers allow the HVAC system to be operated from one central location or website. If there were different controllers by different manufacturers, then monitoring would have be broken into multiple monitoring locations or expensive components would need to be added so that the various parts would speak the same language and report to a single monitoring location; (2) Maintenance Issues - Local campus staff are currently trained in the operation and maintenance of the existing buiidJng management system and would have to be re-trained if new controfters were installed by from other manufacturers. Based on the foregoing, it has been determined that it is necessary and appropriate to restrict the specification in the bidding and contracting documents for the additional building controls at the College to only products that are manufactured by Alerton BACnet building controllers in order to ensure that the proposed installations will match to the maximum extent possible, compatibility with existing installation. Page 17 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACIUTiES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 LOS ANGELES HARBOR COLLEGE A. Primex Wireiess.Clocks and System Components at Los Anae!es Harbor College Authorize a restrictive bidding specifications and contracting documents to Primex wireless clocks and system components at Los Angeles Harbor College, and make a Board Finding applying the "Matching Products" exception to the Prohibition on Restrictive Specifications [Public Contract Code 3400(c)(2)]. Background: Los Angeles Harbor College began installing GPS synchronized Primex wireless clocks and system components in 2009. New systems will be needed in upcoming new construction and renovation projects, including the Library Learning Resource Center, Science Complex, Student Union, Job Placement and Data Center modernization, Genera! Classroom building modernization, Child Development Center, and the new P.E and Wetlness Center. For the following reasons, it is in the best interests of the District and College that all wireless clocks and system components specified and installed on the new projects at the College be restricted to Primex wireless clocks and system components: (1) Compatibility Issues - use of only Primex wireless clocks and system components will minimize problems of incompatibility that could arise if components of a different manufacturer are used; (2) Maintenance Issues - facilities staff are trained in the proper operation and adjustment of the Primex wireless clock and system components and additional training would be required to train the staff in the systems and components of another manufacturer; and (3) Cost Effectiveness - buying in quantity from one manufacturer helps reduce purchase costs. Based on the foregoing, it has been determined that it is necessary and appropriate to restrict the specifications in the bidding and contracting documents to onty Primex wireless clocks and system components. B. Schlaae Kev Systems _& Locksets: Von Duprin Exit Devices: and LCN Surface Closers for Door Hardware at Los Angeles Harbor College Authorize a restrictive bidding specification limiting locks and related hardware to Schfage Key Systems and Locksets; Van Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Ciosers at Los Angeles Harbor Coitege, and Page 18 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PtANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 .T: Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 make a Board Finding applying the "Matching Products" exception to the Prohibition on Restrictive Specifications [Public Contract Code 3400(c)(2)]. Background: There are currently installed at Los Angeles Harbor College door hardware products commonly described as Schlage Key Systems & Locksets; Von Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Closers. These door hardware products were first instatied at the College in 2006 in the Facilities Management and Operations Building, Central Plant, and the Child Development Center. New door hardware products will need to be purchased for upcoming new construction and renovation projects, including the Library Learning Resource Center, Science Complex, Student Union, Job Placement and Data Center modernization, General Classroom building modernization and the new P.E and Wetfness Center all require the same door hardware to be installed. For the folfowing reasons, it is most important to, and in the best interests of, the District and College that door hardware specified and installed on the new projects at the College be restricted to BEST Kaba Peaks system door key and cylinders; Von Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Ctosers: (1) Compatibility Issues - using the same types of door hardware in all buildings wil! optimize the use of interchangeable parts; (2) Security - having all the keys cut on similar patented key, which are not available at the local "key shops", minimizes the risk of counterfeit keys; (3) Maintenance Issues - use of compatible products will avoid having to retrain College staff, who are already trained in the operation and maintenance of BEST Kaba Peaks system door key and cylinders; Van Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Ciosers; (4) Cost Effectiveness the College has existing stock of door hardware of the types mentioned that can be utilized if the door hardware installed is of the same type as that which is already in use at the College. If other types are used it may result in this existing stock being under-utilized and will require setting aside additional storage area for additional stock of other manufacturers. Based on the foregoing, it has been determined that it is necessary and appropriate to restrict the specifications in the bidding and contracting documents for the campus approved door hardware at the College to only those products manufactured by Schlage Key Systems & Locksets; Von Duprin Exit Devices; and LCN Surface Closers. Page .JJL of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Dfv- .FACtUTlES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT" Date -3-10-10 1 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 x ff Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 RATIFICATION OF SETrLEMENT n accordance with Board Rule 7313, ratify the following settlement of claim: Claim No.: 683-243657 Amount: $26,088.52. Page 20 of 20 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNfNG AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 *, -i A :u> B BB is s Be Los Angdes Community College District [cCorn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date March 10, 2010 Subject: AUTHORIZE MASTER PROCUREMENT AGREEMENTS AUTHORIZE PROCUREMENTS FROM ESTABLESHED_ MAS PROCUREMENT AGREEMENTS A. LITTER CONTAINERS Authorize a Master Procurement Agreement with each of the following two (2) companies SandStone Technologies Group and The Fibrex Group for recycling receptacies initialfy for West Los Angeles College as listed below from March 11, 2010 through March 10, 2013 in consideration of the guaranteed individual unit pricing as stated: AGREEMENT WITH: SandStone Technologies Group Category One:, Litter Container Item No lUiinimum Maximum Bid Item Description Unit Price Quantity Quantity 45 Gatton Litter Container $280.00 20 300 Totals: Contract Minimum Contract Maximum $5,600.00 $84,000.00 $5,600.00 $84,000.00 AGREEMENT WITH: SandStone Technologies Group Category Two: Perforated Steel Receptacle Item No Minimum Maximum Bid Item Description Unit Price Quantity Quantity $518.00 10 300 Contract Minimum Contract Maximum $5,180.00 $155,400.00 $5,180.00 $155,400.00 20-Galion Perforated 2 Steel Receptacie Totals: hX^ Approved ^MIUW^ \ Recommended by: j^^^ Adr)6nlH). Barrera, Deputy Chanceltor TyfeeWieder, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Date Can Ie Fiel Merger Park Pearlman Santiago Scott-Hayes Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page J_ of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ""Date 3-UMO Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 AGREEMENT WITH:SandStone Technologies Group ^ate90ry 1[11r8fi: Fteceptacle with Powder Coated Panets Item No Minimum Maximum Bid Item Description Unit Price Quantity QyantijY $5118.00 10 300 Contract Minimum Contract Maximum 40-Gallon Receptacle with Powder Coated Panels 3 Totals: $.5.180,00 $155,4QQ,QQ $5.J.80,00 $1_55,4'OQ^O AGREEMENT WITH: The Fibrex Group Category Four: Three Compartment Container Minimum Maximum Item No Bid Item Description Unit Price Quantity Quantity $89B.OO 20 300 Three Compartment Container 4 Totals: Contract Minimum Contract Maximum $17,96.0,00 $269,400.00 $17,960,00 $269,400.00 AGREEMENT WITH: The Pibrex Group Categor / Five: Indoor Recycling/WasteJReceptacles Item Unit Price NO Bid Item Description Indoor Recycling/Waste Receptacles 5 $945,00 Totals: Minimum Maximum Quantity Quantity 20 300 Contract Minimum Contract Maximum $JA.9QO.OQ $283,500,00 $18,900.00 $283,5pg,QQ Background: These proposed Agreements are the result of formal competitive bidding. There were two (2) bidders for the five (5) categories. Category One consisted of one (1) item. The basis of award is determined by totaling the sum of the lowest Unit Prices for the guaranteed minimum quantity for the one (1) item which equals $5,600.00. Category Two consisted of one (1) item. The basis of award is determined by totaling the sum of the lowest Unit Prices for the guaranteed minimum quantity for the one (1) item which equals $5,180.00. Category Three consisted of one (1) item. The basis of award is determined by totaling the sum of the lowest Unit Prices for the Page 2 of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 .1 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 guaranteed minimum quantity for the one (1) item which equals $5,180.00. Category Four consisted of one (1) item. The basis of award is determined by totaling the sum of the lowest Unit Prices for the guaranteed minimum quantity for the one (1) item which equals $17,960,00. Category Five consisted of one (1) item. The basis of award is determined by totaling the sum of the lowest Unit Prices for the guaranteed minimum quantity for the one (1) item which equals $18,900.00. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Funds as applicable. This procurement is initially for West Los Angeles College and is available for use Districtwide, District-wide Litter Containers (Bid # 19) 40J.J55.05. Ati Phases. B. WEATHER STATION EQUIPMENT Authorize a Master Procurement Agreement with Ambient, LLC for weather station equipment as fisted below from March 11, 2010 through March 10, 2013 in consideration of the guaranteed individual unit pricing as stated: Item Minimum Maximum Bid Item Description No Unit Price Quantity Quantity Contract iVUnimum Contract Maximum Wireless Weather Station $1^343.00 15 $1,343.00 $20,145,00 2 Complete System Sheiter $238.95 15 $238.95 $3,584.25 3 Solar Power Kit $175.95 15 $175.95 $2,639.25 4 Wireless Weather Envoy $175.50 15 $175.50 $2,632.50 5 USB WeatherLink $148.00 15 $148.00 $2,220.00 6 Mounting Pole Kit $29.95 15 $29.95 $449.25 7 Sensor Mounting Arm $59.95 15 $59.95 $899.25 8 Extension Cable $36.00 15 $36.00 $540.00 9 Extra User License Kit $22.50 15 $22.50 $337.50 $2,229.80 $33,447,00 Totals: Page 3 of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date3-10-10 Los Angeles Community Coilege District Division Corn. No. FPD2 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 Background: This proposed Agreement is the result of formal competitive bidding. There were two (2) bidders for nine (9) items. The basis of award is determined by totaling the sum of the lowest Unit Prices for the guaranteed minimum quantity for the one (1) item which equals $2,229.80. The Unit Price excludes sales tax and includes delivery. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Funds as applicable. This procurement is availabfe for use District-wide. District-wide Weather Station Equipment (Bid# 5) 40JJ55.05. All Phases. c. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE FURNITURE Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20652, find it is in the best interest of the District to authorize procurements under the authority of the following San Mateo Community College District (SMCCD) Master Procurement Agreements with each of the following companies up to the foiiowing not-to-exceed amounts: Name of Company SMCCD Effective Dates Not-toExceed Amounts Agreement Krueger International Inc No. CB09-100 March 11, 2010 through August 23, 2014 $30,000,000 Haworth Inc CB09-101 March 11, 2010 through October 1, 2014 $30,000,000 Community Products LLC CB09-102 March 11, 2010 through August 30, 2014 $ 5,000.000 SIS USA Inc. CB09-103 March 11,2010 through August 30 2014 $ 5,000,000 Arcadia Chair Company CB09-104 March 11, 2010through August 18, 2014 $ 5,000,000 Dba, Community PlaYthings Detailed information about the specific products and product lines available through each of these established SMCCD Master Procurement Agreements with each identified company follows: Page 4 of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 ^ Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 Krueger International Contract No. CB09-100 Furniture Type Product Lines Awarded User Adjustable Desks Genesis Tables Fixed Height Desks Genesis Tabies, WorkZone Tables Metai Bookcases 700 Series Wail Mounted Overhead Cabinets, Metal Balance, Universal Storage Components, Meta! (Series) Fask Seating, Short Term 700 Series, E Series Guest Seating, Poiy and Uphoistered Fixed Height Desks Torsion, impress, Strive, Giimmer, Kismet, Allude, Piiot, Engage, Impress Ultra, Cinturon Torsion, Strive, Rapture, Glimmer, Perry, Piretti, Versa, Dorsal, Matrix, Silhouette, Daylight Darwin, Deisanti, DaVinci, True Desking, 700 Series, Aristotle Wood Bookcases Darwin, Deisanti, DaVinci Wall Mounted Overhead Cabinets Darwin, Deisanti, DaVinci Storage Components, Wood Darwin, Detsanti, DaVinci Guest Seating, Wood Frame Bantam, Aston, Canaan, Pomfret, Quatro, Aerdyn, Xyion Panei System, Frame & Efement/8 Wire Elect Wireworks, Studioworks Public Area Ciub Chairs w/ Tablet Option ^ p ubiic Area Settee and Sofa ody, Teacup, Relax, Jessa Lido, Cody, Teacup, Lota, Cinturon, Jessa, Ivey, Mesa, Soltice, Grand Saion, Neena, Pomfret, Arissa, Three Series Bench w/Uphoistered Seat Hancock, Neena, Kurv, Three Series Seating/ 4 Leg Torsion, Rapture, Giimmer, M16, Pirettj, Versa, Dorsal, Xyton Seating/ 5 Star Base Torsion, Engage, Impress, Impress Ultra, Strive, ^\ limmer, Kismet, Aitude, CJnturon La Modular Tabies, ModuEar w/Power & Data Option Athens, Datalink, Aii Terrain, Datalink Vlultipurpose, Hurry Up, Trek, Synthesis, Portico, Barron, Inquire, En! Ete, Venue 3ffice Monitor Arms Accessories <eyboard Trays with Non-Handed Mouse Pad Accessories Page 5 of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACiLITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Los Angeies Community Cottege District FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Division Corn. No. FPD2 Date: March 10,2010 Haworth Inc,: ContractJMo.CB09.iqi Furniture Type Product Lines Awarded User Adjustable Desks Planes Series Tables Fixed Height Desks Planes Series Tables Metal Bookcases X-Series Storage, V-Series Storage Wa!l Mounted Overhead Cabinets, Meta Haworth Adaptable Components Upper Storage Cabinet Storage Components, Meta! (Series) X-Series Storage, V-Series Storage Task Seating Look, improve, Improve-SE Guest Seating, Poly and Uphoistered Very Side Seating, Very Chair-Seminar Fixed Height Desks w/Storage Oriando Wood Casegoods, Master Series Wood Casegoods Wood Bookcases Orlando Wood Casegoods, Master Series Wood Casegoods Wall Mounted Overhead Cabinets Oriando Wood Casegoods, Master Series Wood Casegoods Storage Components, Wood Guest Seating, Wood Frame Orlando Wood Casegoods, Master Series Wood Casegoods Candor Seating Panel System, Frame & Element/8 Wire Elect Haworth Premise Public Area Club Chairs w/ Tablet Option Haworth ToDo Lounge Seating Famiiy, Hello Seating Public Area Settee and Sofa Haworth ToDo Lounge Seating Family, Helto Seating Bench w/Upholstered Seat Q-bic Bench Seating/ 4 Leg Seating/ 5 Star Base Very Chair, X99 Seminar Chair Very Chair X99 Seminar Chair Moduiar Tables Planes Collaborative Tables Office Monitor Arms Jump Stuff SpaceArm Keyboard Trays with Non-Handed Mouse Pad Tackboards: Color Permeated/Alum Frame Boogie Board, Non-Handed Mouse Tray Compose Fabric Tackboard, Frameiess Whiteboards: Porceiain EnameS/Aium Frame Ptanes Information Board Activity Tables: Wood Frame/Laminate Top, Kenetics, Scamps Series Toddler and Preschool Seating: Wood Frame and Seat, Toddler and Kenetlcs, Scamps Series reschool p X-Series Bookcase, Master Series Wood Bookcase Bookshelves; Wood Page 6 of 10 Pages Corn. NO. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 Community Playthings Contract No. CB09-102 Furniture Type Product Lines Awarded Activity Tables: Wood Frame/Laminate Top, Classroom Tabies, Multi Tabies, Woodcrest Tables Toddler and Preschool Seating: Wood Frame and Seat, Toddler and Chilcfshape Chairs, Mealtime Chairs, Me-Do-lt Chairs, Preschool Woodcrest Chairs, Child's Armchairs, Child's Sofas, High Rocking Chair: Wood Frame and Seat, Child's rocking Chair J800 Chair, Teacher LowChaJi Preschoo Rocking Chairs (GiiderType): Wood Community Gilder CA J910 & J911, Bench Glider CA J930 & J931 and Glider Covers Cots: Stacking Community Cot M16 Cubbies: Wood Welcome Centers 1-7, Welcome Cubbies, Four-Space Locker, Two-Space Locker, Corner Locker, Boot Locker, Waii-Moynted Locker Product Lines Awarded Furniture Type: Bookshelves: Wood Fixed Sheives, Translucent Back sheives, Adjustable Shelves, Open Back Shelves, Tote Shefves, Sweep Shelves Corner Shelves, Multi-Storage Shelves, Library Shelves, Display It Ail Shelves Preschool Storage Island, Toddler Storage Island, Island 16, Bookshelves: Island Style, Wood Island 24, Island 32 lay Lofts: Wood, Toddler p Nursery Gym 1-7, Nursery Gym Stairs, Loft Model 1 Starter, Comer and Ciassic Play Lofts: Wood, Preschoot L310 Loft Model 2 Starter, L320 Loft Model 2 Classic, L330 oft Modei 2 Corner SIS-USA Contract No. CB09-103 Furniture Type User Adjustable Desks Basix tables Fixed Height Desks Basix tables Metat Bookcases Options Wail Mounted Overhead Cabinets, Metat Options Anticipated Application: Product Lines Awarded: Office Monitor Arms Genesis V CPU Dolly Generation iV Product Lines Awarded Arcadia Chair Company Contract No. CB09-104 Furniture Type Public Area Club Chairs w/ Tablet Product Lines Awarded Huddle Public Area Settee Huddle Public Area Sofa Huddle Bench w/Upho!stered Seat Aria Page 7 of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 This authorization allows the use of these Master Procurement Agreements District-wide on construction and renovation projects at the total noMo-exceed amounts identified. Background: This authorization allows the District to procure products under the authority of Master Procurement Agreements established by the San Mateo Community College District with each of the companies identified above up the not-to-exceed amounts shown. Delivery, set up and extended five (5) year warranty are included in the total cost. If appticabfe, a!l sales tax shall be paid. Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Funds as applicable. District-wide FCCC Administrative Office Furniture Contracts 40JJ55.05. All Phases. D B CLASSROOM FURNBTURE Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20652, find it is in the best interest of the District to authorize procurements under the authority of the following San Mateo Community College District (SMCCD) Master Procurement Agreements with each of the following companies up to the following noMo-exceed amounts: Name of Company SMCCD Effective Dates Not-to-Exceed Amounts Agreement No. Krueger International Inc CB08-100 March 11,2010 through October 26, 2013 $30.000,000 VS America CB08-102 March 11,2010 through October 26,2013; $10,000,000 Detailed information about the specific products and product lines available through each of these established SMCCD Master Procurement Agreements with each identified company follows: Page 8 of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 DiV. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 ^ Los Angetes Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 Krueger International - Contract No. C808-100 Furniture Type Product Lines Awarded Cafeteria, Dining and Break Rqpjn Seating Perry® J3iimmer, Rapture, Strive Cafeteria Tables Uniframe®Jab!es_vv!thputSeating Dining or Break Room Tables Trek®Tables, Barrpn Lab Instructor's Stoois Tprsipn Stools, Glimmer Stool, Strive Stool Library and Study Room Reading Tabies Cross roads® Study Tabjes Library and Study Room^eatin^ Crossroads® Seating Student ADA Tables Genisis® Worksurfaces, WprkZpne Student Area Benches, Armless Hancock Benches, Neena Bench, Three Bench Student Area_Lpunging Seating CodyT Lounge, Lido Lounge, Jessa Lounge Student Classroom Desks 360°® Ciassroom Furniture, Dorsal Student Desk Student Tablet Arm Chairs Piretti, dorsai 10&0, Strive Student Lab Stools Torsion Stools, Glimmer Stppi, Strive Stop!, WS-_15, Student orFacultyJ^hatrs Torsipn®, Giimmer, Dorsai, Strive Student or Facuity Classroom Tables DataLin!^Muitipyrpose,^Ynthes[s, Inquire, Barren, Hurry^^U Study Library q^Lab^Study_Carrds CrossRoads® Study Carrels Student Computer Lab Seating 5 Star Base Tor!slPn_Task Chairs, GiimmerTask Chair AV Lectems S600 Computerj.;abjrab[es Network + Spaces CPU Holders CPU - Mobile Styden^Computer Lab Seating, 5 Star Base Panton Page 9 of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACIUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10, 2010 VS America - Contract No. CB08-102 Furniture Type Product Lines Awarded Cafeteria, Dining and Break Ropm Seating LuPoGfide Dining or Break Room Tab[es Flip Top RD Lab instructor's Stools Panton Lectems (Non AV) Sit and Stand Library and Study Rppm Reading Tables Quadra Library and^Stydy Room Seating Spessart Student ADA Tables (User Adjustable) Ergo Student Area Lounge Seating Lounge Student Tablet Arm Chairs, Oversized Compass Lupp-tablet arm chair Student Lab Stools W7 Back Panton Student or Faculty Chairs, 4 Leg, Armiess Compass Student or Faculty Classrgpm Tables Network Study LibraiYpr Lab Study Carrels PC-Traininq 1480/1481 and 1484 AV Lecterns S600 Computer Lab Tables Network + Spaces CPU Holders CPU - Mobile Student Computer Lab Seating, 5 Star Base Panton This authorization allows the use of these Master Procurement Agreements District-wide on construction and renovation projects at the totai not-to-exceed amounts identified. Background: This authorization allows the District to procure products under the authority of Master Procurement Agreements established by the San Mateo Community College District with each of the companies identified above up the not-to-exceed amounts shown. Delivery, set up and extended five (5) year warranty are included in the total cost. If applicable, all sales tax shall be paid. Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds or through Genera! Funds as applicable. District-wide FCCC Administrative Office Furniture Contracts 40J.J55.05. All Phases. Page jt0_ of 10 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 A: 0, '* A w SB SB an Ba ^ Los Angeles Community Cdtege District Corn. No. FPD4 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date March 10, 2010 Subject: CERTIFY AND APPROVE LOS ANGELES TRADE-TECHNBCAL COLLEGE ENVJRONB/IENTAL IMPACT REPORT ^ADDENDUM THIRTY YEAR MASTER PLAN The following actions are required in association with the proposed Los Angeles Trade-Technicai College Thirty Year Master Plan: » Adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) certifying the Environmental Impact Report Addendum for the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Thirty Year Master Plan; and » Adopt a resolution (Attachment 2) approving the Los Angeles TradeTechnical College Thirty Year Master Plan Background: The Board of Trustees approved the 2002 Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Campus Plan to address expansion, renovation and modernization of the campus* physical environment. Substantive discrete objectives were identified, such as modernization of various existing facilities, creation of new facilities, expansion of the campus, and resolution of parking issues. The Board of Trustees certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Campus Plan 2002 in September 2003, and it was found to be prepared in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the State CEQA Guidelines, as amended. Several subsequent actions were taken by the Board, including the certification of: (1) a 2004 Addendum to the Campus Plan 2002 and (2) an Environmental Impact Report for the LATTC Thirty Year Master Pian, which proposed substantial expansion of the campus beyond that proposed in the updated Campus Plan 2002. ^ ^ ^ \ .u. imlL, 'M^ ///J^ S^SLkSk-Approved by J^QJS^ 7 Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy'Chancelior Tyr^b Wieder, fhterim Chanceiior Recommended by: A Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page Cand Pearlman Field Mere Park Santiago Scott-Hayes Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD4 Div. FACIUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 ?. Los Angeles Community Coiiege District Date: March 10,2010 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn. No. FPD4 Currently, the District proposes the adoption of the 2009 Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Thirty Year Master Plan. The changes/additions to the Thirty Year Master Plan analyzed in the Addendum consist of: (1) the future acquisition of five parcels located within one block of the Main Campus and (2) the demolition of existing structures and construction of an approximate 1,000 space (up to seven-story) parking garage on a portion of one of the parcels and is more particularly described as: 1. The Parcel 1 acquisition site is located south of the Main Campus and includes an approximate 1.8-acre site generally encompassing 111 the lots on the south side of W. 23"' Street between Grand Avenue th and Hill Street; two of the lots fronts W. 24"' Street (See Figure 2 in Addendum). The site is currently configured and developed with four separate land uses including: a one story (plus mezzanine) warehouse/offlce building, an auto salvage surface parking lot, a 59-unit 3-story hotel building, and a two story commercial retail building. For purposes of the analysis in the Addendum, Parcel 1 is separated into 2 sub-parcels: Parcel 1a includes the one story (plus mezzanine) warehouse/office building and auto salvage surface parking lot, and Parcel Ib includes the hotel and commercial building. 2. The Parcel 2 acquisition site is located north of the Main Campus on the east side of Flower thStreet midblock between Washington Boulevard and W. 18tn Street (See Figure 3 in Addendum). This site encompasses an approximate 0.5-acre site that is currently developed with a two-story light manufacturing commercial building. 3. The Parcel 3 acquisition site is located north of the Main Campus th on the east side of Hope Street between W. 181" Street and Washington Boulevard, excluding the corner lot at the northeast corner of the intersection at Hope Street and Washington Boulevard (See Figure 4 in Addendum). This site encompasses approximately 0.66 acres and is currently developed with surface parking and an approximate 2,000 square foot temporary modular building. 4. The Parcel 4 acquisition site is located northeast of the Main Campus and includes the entire city block bounded by Washington th Boulevard to the south, Grand Avenue to the west, W. 18lr! Street to the north, and Olive Street to the east (See Figure 5 Addendum). This site encompasses approximatety 2.28 acres and Page 2 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD4 in Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 .* Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD4 Division FACILmES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: March 10,2010 is currently developed with a fast food restaurant, auto service body shops, and a mix of one and two-story retail/office buildings. Parcel 4 contains an approximate tota! of 79,226 st of existing operationa! uses. 5. The Parcel 5 acquisition site is located east of the Main Campus and includes an approximate 2.9- acre surface parking lot bounded by the L.A. Mart building to the north, Hit! Street to the west, S. Broadway to the east and W. 23rd Street to the south. (See Figure 6 in Addendum). 6. In addition to studying the impacts related to the acquisition of Parcel 1a, the Addendum also includes an analysis of the impacts of demolishing the existing structures on Parcel 1a and constructing an approximate 1,000 space (up to seven-story) parking garage in its place to accommodate existing vehicular traffic to the LATTC Campus. 7. The Addendum further assumes the Parcels, if acquired, would be acquired and operated "as is" in their current state and present land use or held as vacant properties unfit a detailed plan is developed. As such, the Addendum does not evaluate the demolition or future development on parcels ib, 2, 3, 4, or 5. A detailed survey and environmental analysis of each proposed future demolition would be required at the time a more definitive plan is developed. ^ 8. In addition, the Project certified in this Resolution shall include incorporation into the Project of any required mitigation measures, including specificaily the measures referred to on pages IV-2 and IV12 of the Addendum/ The update to the Master Plan and the Addendum acknowledge the constraints of the changes, respects the original goals and vision from the Original Master Plan, and provides new building locations that reflect the priorities of the campus and maintain a collegiate atmosphere. In addition to the currently proposed Master Plan, an Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report has been prepared and is proposed to be certified. CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 requires either the Lead Agency or a responsible agency to prepare an addendum to a previous EIR if "some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EiR have occurred." In addition, Section 15164(b) provides Page 3 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD4 DtV. FACiLjTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTDate3-10-10 ft Los Angeles Community College District Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn. No. FPD4 Date: March 10, 2010 that an addendum "may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary." The purpose of the Addendum is to ensure that no new significant Impacts would result from the potential environmental effects of the acquisition of the additional parcels and construction of the seven-story garage as described in the Master Plan Update, included Appendix A of the Addendum, and summarized in Section 2.0 of the Addendum. In order to do so, the same impact categories analyzed in the Final El R for the Original Master Pian are revisited in the Addendum. In most cases, the Master Plan Update is stiti consistent with the Final EIR's findings, and mitigation measures found in the Final EIR would mitigate any potentially new impacts. By and large, the changes to the Master Plan are related only to the future acquisition of parcels for buHd-out of the campus and construction of the new parking structure and would not result in new significant environmental impacts or affect the surrounding neighborhood. During the public comment meetings, all comments on the Addendum were received. As required by CEQA, the District has evaluated the comments. Based on the foregoing, before considering approval of the Los Angeles City College Thirty year Master Plan, the Board must certify the Addendum. Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD4 Oiv. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 3-10-10 Attachment 1 to FPD4 .\ RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM THE LOS ANGELES TRADE-TECHNICAL COLLEGE THIRTY YEAR MASTER PLA WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District (the "District"), as lead agency has caused to be prepared pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code, § 21000 et seq., "CEQA") and the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Title 14, Cal. Code of Regs., § 15000 et seq., the CEQA "Guidelines") an Environmental Impact Report Addenda (the "Addendum" SCH. No. 2004121007), for the Los Angeles Trade- Technical College Thirty Year Master Plan (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, The changes/additions to the Project analyzed in the Addendum consist of: (1) the future acquisition of five parcels located within one block of the Main Campus and (2) the demolition of existing structures and construction of an approximate 1,000 space (up to seven^story) parking garage on a portion of one of the parcels and is more particularly described as: 1. The Parcel 1 acquisition site is located south of the Main Campus and includes an approximate 1.8-acre site generally encompassing the lots on the south side «i of W. 23 Street between Grand Avenue and Hill Street; two of the lots fronts W. th 24 Street (See Figure 2 in Addendum). The site is currently configured and developed with four separate land uses including: a one story (plus mezzanine) warehouse/omce building, an auto salvage surface parking lot, a 59-uni£ 3-story hotel building, and a two story commercial retail building. For purposes of the analysis in the Addendum, Parcel 1 is separated into 2 sub-parceis: Parcel la includes the one story (plus mezzanine) warehouse/office building and auto salvage surface parking lot, and Parcel Ib includes the hotel and commercial building. 2. The Parcel 2 acquisition site is located north of the Main Campus on the east side of Flower Street midblock between Washington Boulevard and W. 18th Street (See Figure 3 in Addendum). This site encompasses an approximate 0.5-acre site that is currently developed with a two-story light manufacturing commercial building. 3. The Parcel 3 acquisition site is located north of the Main Campus on the east side of Hope Street between W. 18th Street and Washington Boulevard, excluding^ corner lot at the northeast corner of the intersection at Hope Street and Washington Boulevard (See Figure 4 in Addendum). This site encompasses approximately 0.66 acres and is currently developed wkh surface parking and an approximate 2,000 square foot temporary modular building. 4. The Parcel 4 acquisition site is located northeast of the Main Campus and includes the entire city block bounded by Washington Boulevard to the south, Grand Avenue to the west, W. 18th Street to the north, and Olive Street to the east (See Figure 5 in Addendum). This site encompasses approximately 2.28 acres and ^ currently developed with a fast food restaurant, auto service body shops, and a mix of one and two-story retail/office buildings. Parcel 4 contains an approximate total of 79,226 sf of existing operational uses. 5. The Parcel 5 acquisition site is located east of the Main Campus and includes an approximate 2.9- acre surface parking lot bounded by the L.A. Mart building to the .^ north. Hill Street to the west, S. Broadway to the east and W. 23rd Street to the south. (See Figure 6 in Addendum). 6. In addition to studying the impacts related to the acquisition of Parcel la, the Addendum also includes an analysis of the impacts of demolishing the existing structures on Parcel la and constructing an approximate 1,000 space (up to seven story) parking garage in its place to accommodate existing vehicular traffic to the LATTC Campus. 7. The Addendum further assumes the Parcels, if acquired, would be acquired and operated "as is" in their current state and present land use or held as vacant properties until a detailed plan is developed. As such, the Addendum does not evaluate the demolition or future development on parcels Ib, 2, 3, 4, or 5. A detailed survey and environmental analysis of each proposed future demolition would be required at the time a more definitive plan is developed. 8. In addition, the Project certified in this Resolution shall include incorporation into the Project of any required mitigation measures, including specifically the measures referred to on pages FV-2 and FV-12 of the Addendum; and WHEREAS, The Addendum concluded that no new potentially significant environmental impacts will result from implementation of the above referenced changes/additions to Project; and WHEREAS, The Addendum for the Project, which was completed after all required environmental analysis was conducted, was made available for agency and public review on December 14, 2009; and WHEREAS, Although not required by CEQA, the District held a public hearing on March 10, 2010, on the proposed certification of the Project; and WHEREAS, The Addendum for the Project was prepared pursuant to and in accordance with CEQA and the Guidelines; and WHEREAS, The District is required to make certain certifications with respect to the Addendum and related documents, as a prerequisite to the approval of the Project; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to CEQA Guideline section 15164, the District's governing board ("Board") has independently reviewed and analyzed the infonnation contained in the Addendum which contains the Technical Appendices, together with the Thirty Year Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report ("Final EIR," SCH No. 2004121007), and the conclusions of the Addendum reflect the independent judgment of the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District at the meeting held on March 10, 2010, the following: RESOLVED, That the above recitals are true and correct; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Addendum for the Project is an adequate and complete document completed in accordance with CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines; and be it further .< .ft RESOLVED, That the Board hereby certifies that on March 10, 2010, a full and fair public hearing has been held on the Addendum and that all comments received thereon and responses thereto have been considered by the Board; and be it further RESOLVED, ThaUhe Board hereby certifies that the District is the lead agency for the Project, and that the Board, as the governing board of the lead agency, has reviewed and considered the Addendum and the information contained therein prior to deciding whether to certify the Addendum and approve the proposed Project; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Board hereby certifies and finds that the Addendum complies with the mandates ofCEQA Guideline section 15164 relating to the preparation ofaddendums to previously certified environmental impact reports: and be it further RESOLVED, That the Board hereby certifies and finds that the Addendum reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Board and the District; and be it further RESOLVED, That these actions recited herein having been taken and findings having been made, the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District hereby approves, certifies, and adopts the Addendum for the Project; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Addendum is on file and available at the District Educational Services Center, 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017; and be it further RESOLVED, That the District's staff and consultants are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and process a Notice of Determination pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guideline, Section 15094, and to take such other post-certification actions as may be required by CEQA. IN WITNESS of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we the members of said Board of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set our hands this 10th day of March, 2010. Member, Board ofTmstees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board ofTmstees Member, Board of Trustees President, Board of Trustees ^ Attachment 2 to FPD4 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LOS ANGELES TRADE-TECHNICAL COLLEGE THIRTY YEAR MASTER PLAN WHEREAS^ The Los Angeles Community College District ("District") and the Los Angeles Trade" Technical College prepared an update to the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College ("Master Plan") which includes the following changes to the physical layout of the campus and acquisition of certain additional land to facilitate build-out of the Master P!an as more particularly described in the Addendum to £he Environmental Impact Report for the Thirty Year Master Plan ("Addendum"); WHEREAS, The Master Plan and the Addendum acknowledge the constraints of the changes/addkions, respects the original goals and vision from the original Campus Plan and Master Plan, and provides modifications on campus that reflect the priorities of the campus and maintain a collegiate atmosphere; and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees (the "Board") of the District, at a hearing on March 10, 2010, certified the Addendum for the Thirty Year Master Plan (studying the impacts of changes to the previously certified E£R for the Master Plan). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District at the meeting held on March 10, 2010, the following: RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby find that the approval of the Los Angeles Trade-Techmca! College Thirty Year Master Plan is in compliance with the requirements of CEQA Guidelines, section 15164 and all other applicable provisions thereof; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby find that the Los Angeles Trade-Technica! College Thirty Year Master Plan property acquisitions and improvements are necessary to meet the college's projected facility needs; and be it further RESOLVED, That the^ Board does hereby approve the Los Angeles Trade-Technical Thirty Year Master Plan. RESOLVED, That the District's staff and consultants are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and process a Notice of Determination pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guideline, Section 15094, and to take such other post-project approval actions as may be required by CEQA. IN WITNESS of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we the members of said Board of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set our hands this 10th day of March, 2010. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Tmstees President, Board of Trustees ^ A ,<*J ® !<»' Los Angeles Community Cdiege District s Corn. No. HRD1 Human Resources Division Date: March 10, 2010 SUBJECT: PERSONNEL SERVICES ROUTINE ACTIONS ROUTSNE REPORT I. Tota Tota (This Report) (07-01-09 to Date) 1. Academic Service: 13 1620 2. Classified Service: 91 597 213 8125 4. Reader Contracts: 0 0 5. Permits: 0 0 3. Unclassified Service: Total: 317 10342 DATE RANGE: February 17, 2010 " March!, 2010 Ati personnel actions reported herein are in accordance with the Board of Trustees Rules and are within the approved budget. The classified assignments noted above have not been certified by the Personne Commission and are subject to further audit by the Personnel Commission due to SAP transition issues and may be subject to change. ft Kar n » ^ M, A^ Personnel [£>irector Personnel Comrfcsion Recommended by: Debc/(<ah D. Hirsh, ^emoTAsspciate Vice Chancellor / / ll Approved by\ T ee <3cfer,Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Candaele Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Human Resources Date: 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. HRD1 Division IE. Date: March 10, 2010 Human Resources DISM6SSAL OF PERMANENT CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE The dismissal of employee (EN780620) assigned to Los Angeles City College as a permanent faculty is based on the following causes: u Unprofessional Conduct u Dishonesty e Persistent Violation of, or Refusal to Obey, the School Laws of the State or Reasonable Regulations Prescribed for the Government of the Community Colleges bythe'BoardofGoyemors or by the Governing Board of the Community Cotiege District Employing Him or Her, including without imitation, Violation or Refusal to Obey the Following: . LACCD Administrative Regulation B-27, !A, lli.A. IV.4, and IV.9" Use of District and College Computing Facilities . LACCD Administrative Regulation B-28-Network Management . District Board Rule 7709.10-Procedures for Destruction Background: The above recommendation is in accordance with procedures listed in Education Code Section 88123 and Personnel Commission Rule 735. Evidence is on file in the Employer-Empioyee Relations Unit of the Human Resources Division to support the above recommendation. Due process rights guaranteed by Ske!!y v. State Personnel Board, !5 CaL 3d !94 (1975) have been afforded the above listed permanent employee. age 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Human Resources Date; 3-10-10 r s * A ^ .; Los Angeles Community College District g Human Resources Com.No. HRD2 Division: Date: March 10, 2010 SUBJECT: EMPLOYMENT ACTIONS REGARDING ACADEMIC EIVIPLOYEES NOTICES OF POSSIBLE NONRENEWAL REGARDING ACADEMIC » ADMINISTRATORS Direct the Chancellor or her designee(s) to issue notices of nonrenewaf to two academic administrators EN 100975p__and EN 1024315 who are serving in temporary positions funded through SFP and/or categorical funding, infoTming the individuals that they may not be retained in their current admirustrative assignments beyond June 30, 2010 if funding is not available for their SFP and/or categorical positions. Background: To effect changes in the terms and conditions under which academic administrators are employed, an academic administrator in the District must receive timely notice that he or she may not be retained in his/her current administrative position beyond June 30. This action authorizes and directs the Chancellor to issue the appropriate notice to these individuals. NOTICES OF POSSIBLE NONRENEWAL OF FACULTY SERVING IN » EMPORARY POSITIONS Direct the Chancellor or her designee(s) to issue notices of nonrenewa! to certain temporary faculty who are serving in temporary positions funded lh-!?^^-5f:?-aLn?i/?^^t?g-oric?l_furlding' f}forl^ing the individuals that they may no\ tereteined 'n theircurrent temporaryfaculty assignments beyond June 30: 2010 if funding is not available for their SFP and/or categorical position's. Background. The above recommendation Is being made to provide as much advancenofceaspossiblefortemporary employees hired under provisions of Education Code Section 87470. / / ^ t Recommended by: L Approved by: Deborah D. Hirsh, SemorAssocJate Vice Chanceifor /A^A yre^ Wiener, interfm Chancelfor Chance!!or and Candae Pearfman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago -^ Mercer By age Date of ^ ages Corn. No. HRD2 Div. Park Scott-Hayes Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Human Resources Date 3-10-10 Los Angeles Community Co!!ege District Date: March 10, 2010 Human Resources Com.No. HRD2Division: Notices will be sent to the following employees: Employee Number 752325 758917 819037 819523 762845 820094 770209 1001020 770456 1006309 772008 772982 774401 779210 779696 780258 785257 788850 788963 789608 793953 1009707 794311 1020425 798772 801305 808217 808708 1021077 1012830 1013682 1014795 1016032 1016528 1017371 1017914 1019113 1019879 1020033 1022587 1022624 1024809 809852 810520 816901 Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD2 Div. Human Resources Date 3-10-10 w- < ® A n v ^ Los Angeles Community College District Corn, No. ISD1 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: March 10, 2010 Subject: APPROVAL OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND COURSES . RATIFY.EXPERIiyiENTAL/EMERGENCY CREDIT COURSES Transferability NT ENGSUP 099C Engineering Support-Chemistry Boot camp (2 Units) EAST This course serves as a supplemental and/or preparatory workshop for engineering and technology related topics with a focus on topics in chemistry. ENG SUP 099D Engineering Support - Physics Boot camp (2 Units) EAST This course serves as a supplemental and/or preparatory NT workshop for engineering and technology related topics with a focus on topics in physics. ENG SUP 099E Engineering Support - Math Boot camp (2 Units) EAST NT This course sen/es as a supplemental and/or preparatory workshop for engineering and technology related topics with a focus on topics in math. II. RATIFY ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COURSES The following are college addition of individual courses which have been previously adopted by the Board of Trustees. ART 307 DANCETQ 437 Oi! Painting I (3 Units) VALLEY Transferability csu Jazz Dance (1 Unit) VALLEY csu DANCETQ 469 Conditioning for Dance (1 Unit) VALLEY J Recommended b1: A csu 6^ /? p^vid^eaulieu, President, D^S %. .^G^CTancellor Recommended by: /\ / / 'u Approved b^; , Interim Chanceflor Chance!lQP^r>e^ Candaele Peariman Secreta($^efthe Board of Trustees Field Santiago Date By Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinspn Student Trustee Advisory .Vote Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICESDate 3.10.10 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD1 Page 2 Date: March 10, 2010 MATH 117 Elementary Algebra Part I (5 Units) PIERCE Transferability NT MATH 118 Elementary Algebra Part 2 (5 Units) PIERCE NT PSYCH 064 Introduction to Alcohol and Drug Abuse (3 Units) TRADE of 2 Pages Corn. No * ISD1 Div. Date EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES csu 3-10-10 * 8 A y. Los Angeles Community CoHege District Corn. No. PC 1 Division Date: March 10, 2010 PERSONNEL COMMISSION ACTIONS Subject; I. PERSONNEL COMMISSION Classification Studies: A. Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to reclassify EN 816767, from Senior Office Assistant to Student Services Assistant, effective November 13, 2009. Senior Office Assistant $ 2,975 $35,706 $ 3,139 $37,670 $ 3,311 $39,741 $ 3,493 $41,927 $ 3,686 Monthly $44,233 Annually $ 3,953 $47,443 $ 4,171 $50,052 $ 4,400 Monthly $52,805 Annually Student Services Assistant $ 3,552 $42,625 $ 3,747 $44,969 BACKGROUND: In accordance with the Provision of the AFT contract and Education Code, PersonneF Commission staff conducted an audit. The audit determined that the duties and responsibilities of the incumbent fall within the classification of Student Services Assist^it. The position is located in the International Students Center at West Los Angeles College. The 2009-2010 fiscal year cost of this action is approximately $ 2,002. B. Concur with she action of the Personnel Commission to reclassify EN 1000701, from Secretary to Senior Secretary, effective December 11, 2009. Secretary $ 2,777 $33,327 $ 2,930 $35,160 $ 3,091 $37,094 $ 3,261 $39,134 $ 3,440 Monthly $41,286 Annually $ 3,261 $39,134 $ 3,440 $41,286 $ 3,629 $43,557 $ 3,829 Monthly $45,953 Annually Senior Secretary $ 3,091 $37,094 BACKGROUND: In accordance with the Provision of the AFT contract and Education Code, Personnel Commission staff conducted an audit. The audit determined that the duties and responsibilities of the incumbent fall within the classification of Senior Secretary. The position is assigned to the Distance Learning program at West Los Angeles College. The 2009-2010 fiscal year cost of this action is approximately $ 1,105. / Recommended by: \^ '/' /', ^ .-? ^/ Karen J^/Martin, Personnel birector Chancellor and Candaeie Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Santiago Mercer Scott-Hayes Park Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn. No. PC1 Div. PERSONNEL COMMISSION Date 3/10/2010 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. PC1 PERSONNEL COMMISSION Division Date: March 10, 2010 C. Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to reclassify EN 802761, from Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant, effective January 6, 2010. Office Assistant $ 2,673 » $32,080 $ 2,820 $33,844 $ 2,975 $35,706 $ 3J39 $37,670 $3,311 Monthly $39,741 Annually $ 3,311 $39,741 $ 3,493 $41,927 $ 3,686 Monthly $44,233 Annually Senior Office Assistant $ 2,975 $35,706 $ 3,139 $37,670 BACKGROUND: In accordance with the Provision of the AFT contract and Education Code, Personnel Commission staff conducted an audit. The audit determined that the duties and responsibilities of the incumbent fall within the classification of Senior Office Assistant. The position is located in the Information Technology Department at Los Angeles Pierce College. The 2009-2010 fiscal year cost of this action is approximately $ 1,046. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. PC1 Div. Date PERSONNEL COMMISSION 3/10/10 11 * Y 0 A ve vs w- war Los Angeles Conmunity Cdlege Dislrict Corn. No. FPD3 Division FACILmES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date March 10,2010 ADOPT RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CONVEY EASEMENT TO THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER Adopt a Resolution of intent (AHachment 1) pursuant to Education Code Section 81311 to convey an existing easement to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power ("LADWP") for purposes of relocating, inspecting and maintaining water main and pipe ines located at Los Angeles Mission College along the western boundary of East Campus. Background: To facilitate the timely construction of the East Campus Complex at Los Angeles Mission College, an existing LADWP water line that serves areas other than the College must be relocated. The Cotiege has been working closely with LADWP to identify the appropriate site for relocation of the water line outside of the project's buildable area to ensure that it complies with all legal and construction requirements. REQUIRES FIVE (5) AFFIRMAT!VE VOTES ^ Kx0i/\\ ^. Recommended by: ^ Adh^n>t-0. Barrera, DeputyC^anceHor S^Ns^pproved b^ ^^ t Ty^e e3e1/, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Can Fiel By: Mer r Par Date Ie Pearlman Santiago Scott-Hayes Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote pa9e 1 of 1 Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date03-10-10 ^ Attachment 1 to FPD3 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CONVEY EASEMENT TO THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER WHEREAS, Education Code Section 81311 requires that before a governing board of a community college district orders the dedication or conveyance of any real property owned by the district for an easement to lay, construct, reconstruct or maintain and operate water, sewer, gas, storm drain pipes or ditches to a public corporation or private corporation engaged in public utility business; the governing board shall in a regular open meeting by two-thirds vote of all its members adopt a resolution declaring its intention to dedicate or convey the property; and WHEREAS, It is the intention of the Los Angeles Community CoUege District ("District") Board of Trustees to consider conveying an easement to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power ("LADWP") for purposes of relocating. inspecting and maintaining water main and pipe lines located at Los Angeies Mission College as identified in the "Legal Description" aUached herein; and WHEREAS, The District has selected a qualified contractor to install the new water main and pipeline at the new campus location; and WHEREAS, The District shall hold a public hearing on the adoption of the Resolution to Convey the easement during a regularly scheduled board meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 3:30 p.m. at Los Angeles Trade-Technica College, 400 W. Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90015 or subsequently thereafter the Board of Trustees may consider an action to adopt the Resolution to Convey the easement to the LADWP; and WHEREAS, The District will provide notices of the public hearing and the action to adopt the Resolution to Convey and the time and place of the board meeting by publishing this Resoiution in a newspaper of general circulation five (5) days before the public hearing and proposed action; as well as not less than ten (10) days before post copies of this Resolution in three public places in the district. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Los Angeles Community Coiiege District Board of Trustees declares its intent to convey an easement to the LADWP located at Los Angeles Mission College described as That portion of Block 21 of the Maciay Rancho Ex Mission of San Fernando in the City of Los Angetes, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 37, Pages 5 to 16 inclusive, of MisceHaneous Records, in the office of the County Recorder, of said County, lying within that Parcel of land described in Instrument No. 20072457141 recorded October 31, 2007, of Official .i- Records, of said County Recorder's office, lying southwesterty and westerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northeasterly prolongation of the southeasterly fine of Lot 68 of Tract No. 23544, of said City, as per map recorded in Book 647, Pages 27 to 29, of Maps, of said County Recorder's office, and the northeasterly line of that parcel of land having a bearing of South 41 ° 16' 55" East described in Quitclaim Deed recorded April 23, 1998 as Instrument No. 98-684279, of said Official Records; thence continuing along said northeasterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of Lot 68, North 48° 53' 09" East, 40 feet; thence North 41° 04f 08" West, 126.82 feet; thence North 03° 01' 03" West 465.55 feet; thence North 17° 28' 44" West, 242.07 feet; thence North 41° 05' 16" West, 87.45 feet, to the southeasterly !ine of Harcting Street, 60 feet in width, as shown on said Tract No. 23544; thence along said last-mentioned southeasteriy line South 48° 55' 09" West, 40.00 feet to the most northerfy corner of Lot 77 of said Tract 23544. The above-described strip of land contains an area of approximately 0.89 acres. IN WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we, the members of said Board of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set our hands this 10th day of March 2010. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees President, Board of Trustees B Attacbment 2 to FPD3 P S 0 MA s v LEGAL DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT 2 3 4 5 6 7 That portion of Block 21 of The Maclay Rancho Ex Mission of San Femando, in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 37, Pages 5 to 16 inclusive, of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, more particulariy described as follows: 8 9 10 11 Beginning at the most northeriy comer of Lot 77 of Tract 23544, in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 647, Pages 27 to 29 inclusive, of Maps, m the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence southeasterly and 12 southerly along the northeasteriy and easterly Lines of said Tract the following courses; South 13 41° 05' 16" East 100.00 feet; thence South 57°42'42" West 8.66 feet; thence South H°28'44 14 East 169.60 feet; thence South 73°02'26" West 4.19 feet; thence South 06W30" East 119.39 15 16 ] feet; thence South 03°02)27" East 116.11 feet; theace North 86°53'44" East 6.92 feet; thence South 03°0l T03" East 264.57 feet, to the southeasterly comer of Lot 70 of said Tract; thence 17 along the southeriy boundary of said Lot 70, South 87°04'52" West 7.72 feet to the northerly line 18 of that real property described in Quitclaim Deed recorded April 23, 1998 as Instrument No. 98- 19 684279 of Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, said line being 20 23 parallel with and distant 638.25 feet, measured along the centeriiae ofHarding Street, 60 feet wide, from the centerlme ofFenton Avenue, 60 feet wide, as shown on said Tract No. 23544; thence along said parallel line, South 41W08" East a distance of 153.17 feet, to the intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of Lot 68 of said Tract; thence North 24 48°53'09" East 40.00 feet to the intersection with a line parallel with and distant 40.00 feet 25 northeasterly of said last mentioned parallel line; thence along said line North 41°04'08" West 126.82 feet to a line parallel with and 40.00 feet easterly of the easteriy boundary of Lots 70 to 72 of said Tract No. 23544; thence along said last mentioned parallel line North 03°01 '03" West 21 22 26 27 1> 28 465.55 feet to a line parallel with and distant 40.00 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly 29 boundary of Lot 76 of said Tract; thence along said last mentioned parallel line North 17°28'44 30 West 242.07 feet to a line parallel with and distant 40.00 northeasterly of the northeasterly line 31 of said Lot 77; thence along said parallel line North 41°05' 16" West 87.45 feet, to the W:\LACCD\LAMCMLOS15072i\Survey\LEGALS\X-LG01-STRM.<ioc September 22, 2008 DRH:fjw .^ I? P S 0 MA s southeasterly right-of-way line of Harding Street, 60 feet wide, as shown on said Tract No. 2 23544; thence along said southeasterly right-of-way line South 48°55W West 40.00 feet to the point of beginning. 4 5 This legal description is delineated on accompanying "Legal Description Map 6 Easement" and is made a part hereof for reference purposes and is not intended to be used in the 7 conveyance of land m violation of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California. 8 Prepared jpder the direction of: 9 ^ 10 -.fig 11 12 13 14 15 ^ ^ ^ 9» '« is /. m8W * ^ ^3.3/-^6 & ± ^ t«h£ / Douglas R. Howard, PLS 6169 PSOMAS Date: 9/22/2oq& ^ ^ / / 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 W:\LACCD\LAMC\lLOS150721\Swvey\LEGALS\X-LG01-STRM.doc September 22, 2008 DRH:Qw +.^ SCALE 1" = 100' Uj ^ AS M NT ,Qr /^ IN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES ^ COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0 ^ 100' Q Or 0' -zr -?0 00 .V-'^ /s <s ffw ^ *.. ^ ^^^ >. .< ^ ^ w 'y> /. / w 77 ^ / /^1 f^.^ 76 <3 * r^N MACLAY KANCrJO t.y \\ ~1>, \ /^^::::::::::::^ MISSION OF SAN F^NANDO Oj^ ^ 93 z /" -^ Ud . <J\ Vs- ^ ^ ^ 0' ?0 I^ .o^ ^ <s'0 ^ BLOCK 2 ^ ^s"\v ^ / .J> * ^ fV'^' ^ ^f/ £> 7^ <j? ^ > ?- 200' 1" - 100' ^ » r>f ,'v'1 r°ftoMss-' JG 100' GRAPHIC SCALE ^ <y SHEET 1 OF 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION MAP ^ '^> % >:^ ^ ,\ 75) v ::::::::::^ MR 37 ' 5/18 ^ 0'^ / ^ ^ ^ / /- v ^ ^ <b ^ / vfi ,^ -~1 <£> ^ CT». /' ^ / /^ x % ^0.» ^G^ .^, V* ^ ^; '.I. ^ :> 'Q y. '&A '<y V 0 \ '.^ ^ t *. 5? CT «-^, 1 \/ ^ .a^ \ c;^' ^ ^ .« ty; 4. .< *' k t- 6^° t%» .SE- CD -fc rf ^A.f_ c2>. 'y . 7S TRACT NO. 23644 '2-0 D. JVJ.Q^ 64r/ - 27/2Q ^^^ <) .o 74 ^ .^" /^ ^ :® 72 \ /. /..' a .1s -^ % ^.5 // J" // / // ,/" f^ NE'ly Protongation of ^^^.:::-\s 7V//ne ofLof6s' ^<^\.Y//'\rf-ac'r^'^W4 '-A. ^ '^ 7-j / y ^ ^ OF> '^a ^- /^ IF ^ ^ / -^ ^ y / / / /- / /. N^:^ ^ ^ /.' < 70M w <3 A*. \/+ fl: AREA OF LEGAL .&5 ^ ^ ^ ^:::A^$.^ 09 E-^ ^ ^.00 S4j :^ /' f * OQ"i ?'^ '5J; ^ I \ '(y Line of Land Descr!kedin lust No. 98-684279. Off. DESCRIPTION LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE f 'OQ" 13e. ^ y> // 555 South Floirer Street Suite 4400 Los Angeles, CA 90071 (213)223-1400 (213)223-1444 (FAX) 1 / / w vs BB BT vs ijos Angdes Community CoSlege District g Corn. No. CH/A Notice: March 10. 2010 Division CHANCELLOR T SUBJEC Date: March 24. 2010 ADOPT WHESTLEBLOWER POLICY . Adopt Board Rule 7902. as follows: 7902. WHISTLEBLOWER COMPLAINT PROCESS General Principles A. 1. 5?!!^^or\,A'*yvhistl^blowercofnDlai?1tJs a good faith question of illeaalilv. fraud waSteor corruotion-iTdoos nrtinclude^rade grievances, matters arievable Dursuant to an emDlovGeflnGyance policy or allegations of unlawful.discnniination; 2. No unlawful retaliation - Employees, students, vendors, volunteers and others will be entitled to raise WhistleblowerComElaints without unlawful retaliation. 3. | Potential mitigation - The submission of a Whistleblower Complaint does not operate to absolve an individuaTfoLhisoj.hcr^eiEertwe reseonsibilitv and conduct, but may be considered_as.ajTmtiQatins factor for purposes of any actions to be taken. aQainsLJhe whistleblower. B. Complaint Process/Atternate Reporting 1. Hotline a. The Internal Audit Unit will maintain a whistleblower telephone hojlinethat can be reached 24 hours a day 7 days a week b. The telephone hotline will be accessible only to the Director of internal Audit (..DIA-). who will keep an a^propnate.andsecyrejoaof calls received and the disposition of those calls. c. Complainants who wish to remain anonymous will be able to teleghone the hotline during business|hours and be given a unique identifier number. d. To the extent possible. the DIA will establish an Internet- based portal for submission of anonymous comRlamts ^i ^Jto.uM. ....... Ty'^f._^cl.e_;^lnferim^na^cejjor _ Approved Chancellor and Candaele Field ! Secretary of the Board of Trustees .By:. Mercer Park Date * ^ Pearlman Santiago Scott-Hayes Robinson Student Trustee Advisory Vote * Pnge of 4 Pages Corn. No. CH/A Div. L.HANCEll.UR Date 3-24-10 Notice: 3-10-10 J Los Angeles Community College District Division CHANCELLOR Corn. No. CH/A 2. Date: March 10. 2010 Comptainant Identity - The DIA will have a responsibility to p.rotect the identity of any complainant in the role of whisttebfower as confidential and may not reveal that information to anyone except as may be compelled by Court order. To the extent thata complainant becomes identified as a witness or other interested party in the course of an investigation, the complainant's identity in that capacity may be confidential during the course of the investigation, but cannot be confidential in the event of actions taken which require the revelation of the witness' QLOther interested party's identity for purposes of due process. 3. Alternate Reporting a. In the event that the matter involves conduct by the applicable College President or Deputy Chancellor, the roport wjLLbej^ferred to the Chancellor. b. Complaints against the Internal Audit Unit may be made tojhe Chief Financial Officer, who will act in the role ofjheDIA under this policy. c. Complaints made reaardina the Board of Trustees acting as a whole will be referred to the State Chancellor's Office, tn the event that the report involves conduct by the Chancellor or an individual Trustee, the report will be delivered to the General CounseL who wilt have the responsibility to place it on the next available Board agenda for a report to the Board of Trustees as a whole. c. Disposilion 1. Initial Assessment - The DIA will make an initial assessment of any given report. The DIA will have discretion to determine that the allegations, if true. would not constitute inapDropriate conduclor inaDpropriate failure to act on behalf of the Distnct and dispose of the_m_a_tter without further action. The DfA wij I have discretion to 2. determine the relative priority of complaints, and the determine that additional resources are necessary. Investigation - The DIA or his or her desianee will investigate complaints which, if true. would constitute misconduct, wrongdoing. malfeasance or inapDroDriate nonfeasance by peoDle acting on behalf of the District. 3. Reporting - The DIA will report quarterly to the Chief Financial Officer regarding the complaints made utilizing only identifier numbers, and the disposition of those complaints. Page 2 of 4 Pages Corn. No. CH/A Div. CHANCELLOR Date 3-24-10 Notice: 3-10-10 5 r s Los Angeles Community College District i Corn. No. CH/A Division CHANCELLOR D. .I Date: March 10.2010 Review Committee 1. Submission to Review Committee - If the DIA determines that there is evidence of misconduct, wrongdoing. malfeasance or mapDroDriate nonfeasance by people acting on behalf of the District that warrants corrective action. the DIA willsubmit a_written report to a Review Committee. The RoviewCpmmittee will be made up of three people designated bv the ChancelloL with an exgectation that they serve for a two-year period. Neither the DIA nor the Review Comminee will determine or recommend the apDroDriate discipline or action to be Jaken, 2. | Legal Counsel - The Office of General Counsel will provide legal adyjcejo the Review Committee if necessary. If the allegations involve the Office of General Counsel, the DIA will be aijthorized to obtain legal advice from an outside firm designated in advance through an apDropriate selection process. 3. Referral - If the Review Committee concurs that corrective action is warranted, the report will be referred to the applicable CoHefle President, Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor that has management authority regarding the area ("Receiving Authority"). The Receiving Authority will have a duty to take apDropriatG and DrQm£t_correctjye action. In the event that student or emDlovee discipline islnvoTved the student or employee wilt be entitled to any and all cTue^rocess rights related to the imposition of any discipline, including the right to review the report, and including any applicable rights of appeal or challenge. 4. Act|on_byjhc Receiving Aulhoritv - The Receiving Authority will have a duty to address the matter promptly and report to theJ){A w[thin sixty (60) days. If no actions are taken or reDorted.JheDIA will have a duty to report the inaction to the next level of authQntv in the organization. E. Reportina to Complainant 1. Confirmation to Complainant - Th& DIA will provide a confirmation of receipt of the complaint to the complainant within two weeks_or as soon thereafter as is practical. Pngc 3 of 4 _ Pages Corn. No. CH^A___Div. _<_H5_NCEL^OR____ Date 3-24-10 Notice: 3-10-10 s Los Angeles Community College District Division CHANCELLOR Corn. No. CH/A 2. Date: March 10. 2010 Follow-up with Complainant - Within ninety (90) days from the receipt of a complaint, the DIA will have the responsibility to advise the complainant of the status or disposition of the complaint, !n the event that a complaint requires additional time to address, the DIA will provide status reports each thirty (30) days thGrcafter untjLthe matter is resolved. Since both students and employees have rights of privacy under applicable laws. the comptainant is entitled a summary of the factual findings. » Follow-uD by Complainant-Itthe complainant refuses to provide contact information, the DtA will have no duty to report to__the complainant. If the complainant has been given a unique identifier number to remain anonymous, the complainant may use that identifier number to contact the DIA regarding the status. Background: This proposed policy was developed over the last six months and consulted with the Vice Presidents. Cabinet. District Office Senior Staff, the Academic Senate, Student Affairs Committee and employee representatives. Although there are multiple means of submitting grievances or complaints, this additional mechanism will further enhance the District's ability to ensure aggressive and diligent review of potential wrongdoing. The Student Affairs Committee requested that a student be required to be a member of the Review Committee, however, staff does not recommend that requirement because discipline of students would be through a student disciplinary process, in which a student would serve as a member of any applicable hearing panel, and this policy is anticipated to address allegations of employee misconduct. Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn. No. CH/A Div. n"ANr=i.Lon 3-24-10 Date Notice: 3-10-10 I . * ® . ! Los Angeles Community College District . 1 Notice: March 10, 2010 _.- i .. ^ EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES I Corn No. ISD/3 : Division ^ i Date- March 24.2010 f Subject: AE END BOARD RULES CHANGE BOARD RULE 5201. We) AS FOLLOWS: 5201.10(e) The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses an,d dates of birth of students or former students may be released to the foundation for each college for college-related activities at the discretion of the College President. Students or former students not wishing such information to be released to the foundation may notify the college in writing. .Release of the information to the foundation shal! be_expressly conditioned upon ,the foundation's agreement that such information will be released in accordance with procedures adopted by the Chancellor and that information may only be released to third parties as needed to conduct foundation related activity. and will not be released to third parties for purposes of third-party private or commercial enterprise. Background: This change was recommended by the college foundation directors, consulted with the Student Affairs Committee and approved by the Chancellor's Cabinet. This change will assist foundations with their various efforts to elicit funds for the college foundations. ^ .^^ ^ Approved b^L Recommended by: ree'Wieder'. Intenm Chancel'or Jcja^Slerx. VicejiKl'iancelfor r .I 9^da6-e ---- I Chancellor e Board of Trustees Secretary, .. ^ of Puges C\i[n. No. 1SD/B n\\. Poarl'nan Santiago MC'CG- Scott-Hayes Par\ FioSisnsnn Sljacrt T;.;Mw!'Adv!sorj rtK? Date By V-^e .J ic-;!.< id 1 *h 3-24-10 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORTSERVICES_ Date: Notice: 3-10-10 I I ^ ®B i ?>' Los Angeles Community College District i Corn. No. HRD/A Division; Human Resources Date: March 10, 2010 SUBJECT: EMPLOYMENT NOTICE REGARDING AN ACADEIVUC ADMINISTRATO Pursuant to Education Code Section 24216, the Board of Trustees reports that the District hired Gregory Sandoval to serve as an Interim Vice President of Student Services for Los Angeles Southwest College, due to a previously unscheduled retirement at the end of fiscal year 2008-2009. 9 0 Pages Com^No. IRD/A Div. Human Resources Date 3-TP-10 !t. s ®. A .*' l.-Q^ngetes|^OiTirriur"fity^oll<e^e|0tstrict CorrL:No;;1SD/A Divisibn^DycATlONAt^SU^POftt^ERVICES Date:tiyiarch^0^20H» Subject^ NOTIFlCATlDNOF^TUDB»i%AVEE- l,.os;|Angel<ssjC;ity|^oSSe0e B!i|htjstudents^rorn|l^|^geJe^|Cjty^lioi!ege|Stnc(|on^^^ i|os|Angees]|$oi1eg^|wi1Jj|ravet|to|^w^oi^^|^New|f^r^ h/larch^^Q^Q^MarGl-tll^&II^Hclt.^iy^ Backciix)iH^i|iHht^tudent^^rc»hrij|^^na^i6^(^tv|C Advi^rs|JoumaHsrTri^n\re^on|n^|siew|^rR|^gT^ Goiieg !JMeGtja:^dvi5oi^|is^eisportSGroMj^^e\^rvt||Thi^^ouri^HST^^ afforde^|the|^tu^erits^|ie]Dp^|tunij^^|e3rma^ asipeetsNOurnalismg ^I^^AE|l^l||!C^ON:||utTds]Br||is|ri^|IJ||orrie|froi^^ |TlT^|estimat^jco^^;stud^nt|isj$475^0|and|ttie|estirnate^^ $3,soomo. Pnert;e|CoHege Si>(istUcIent^nci|oriie]f3Cu!ty|meniberjfTorn^ierce^© ^^3s ri§tor^^.|C^|yurfncj^h^|penod];of|Mai^|1i9^^roUgh|M^hr^ Backaix)U^d:tSi^tu(J6fttsMrii^terce^lleae^ll^ttend^he^rrl^n^^ ^sc>ciatianl^^iTimunify|Co(!eg^s'|NationalStucf6nt]Adv^ Conference)in|Vyastijnc|fon^D|^^|ntiet^eri<^n|Studen^s^)atic;iri^ C^lfe^e^^^l$p6nso^of|thisi|^c)rtferenc^i^^is^e^ op|x)rtunjtY|to|obbY(thiei^feyeral|retre|sent^tjw|s|a^out|fS$ue^ codecie^stuctents. |13^|llMPll(^I^Ntgan<Js^r|iis^np^H|corri6|fromjColi^ estfrftat^JGos^per|stLK:lertt|s|$3^|00|aMjt|e|esttr^ $2,2SQ. Page of 2 pa9es Corn. NO. ISD/ADiv; EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date ^3-10-10 |os|/^eJet^mirwitiJtyj^ojle||^t)i^tric;t Com^No^lSD/A Dtvision:^EDa6At)OMA^SUpP6Rt SERVICES E3ate^March^p;^10 L.osjAn^(|le!s|Sputhwnest;|CtiiIle^e J|!i^ejstJide|j|jaind|or^J^lty|n|fT|>e|friir|||ijj^|l^|Sojt^ Beii'viln9i!»nMJ9WI«l»i\iri|sniimii;hi2; 2C BSiii:8WiswniiWSiii^iiiiiiilio!Mfi"KiiiiSnerM ^M<i|||jAsSO(JatJQni|o|Cj||irny|i|y||olEeges||^ li%'tilveilvlJ!NIIKdlels|iiiit)MiioliiiliilMMIIIiiMi iGeivtadvoeacylirajnmg. |SGAl|IM!|.l(^lg^|rin(^r|h)s|trfpN||Gm^ri^ itiKllileitfclelillil333s®^Mlstilstiiiai<iiiiMril $4,000^ page 2 of 2 Pages Com^NO. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAl. SUPPORT SERVICES Date 03-W.10