Chancellor Dr. Adriana Barrera Executive Committee of the DBC November 5, 2013 2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m. District Office, 6th Floor Large Conference Room Membership Jeanette Gordon, Chair Academic Senate/Faculty David E. Beaulieu Dr. Allison Moore John McDowell, DBC Co-chair Joanne Waddell AGENDA 1. DBC Self-evaluation FY 2012-13 (Continued) Union/Association Velma Butler 2. Growth Funding Proposal and Under-prepared College Students Study (Maury Pearl) College Presidents Dr. Kathleen F. Burke, DBC Co-chair Renee Martinez 3. DBC Solicit Items for ECDBC 4. Evaluation of District Budget Allocation Model 5. Vice Presidents Dr. Ann Tomlinson Anna Davies Future DBC Agenda 6. District Office – Vacant Positions/Funding Request Deputy Chancellor Vacant 7. Other Business Future Meetings: January 7, January 28, March 4, April 1, May 6, and June 3 .