District Academic Senate Executive Meeting Thursday, July 23, 2009, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Minutes Attending: David Beaulieu, Angela Echeverri, June Smith, Rod Patterson, Kindra Kinyon, Tom Rosdahl, Allison Moore, Alex Immerblum. 1. Call to Order and Approval of Agenda: Meeting was called to order by DAS President Beaulieu at 1:42 pm. 2. Approval of Minutes for June 11 Meeting: Minutes were approved (Immerblum/Kinyon M/S/U) 3. Public Speakers: None 4. Leadership Changes in District: President Beaulieu discussed several major changes in district leadership that have occurred this summer. Incumbent Trustee Angela Reddock lost her Board seat to challenger Tina Park. Trustee Reddock was very involved in the African American Outreach Initiative and a strong supporter of Project Match. Ms. Park is the first Korean-American to serve on the Board of Trustees; she was sworn in by Councilman Michael Antonovich. At the same meeting, Congresswoman Judy Chu came to swear in Trustees Miguel Santiago and Nancy Pearlman. Ms. Chu is the first Chinese-American woman elected to Congress. Chancellor Mark Drummond has resigned effective the end of July. He served almost two full years on his three-year contract. There has been no Board decision on the timeline for the selection of his successor. There will probably be an interim chancellor announced fairly soon, and it will take up to one year to complete the search for a permanent chancellor. Mona Field is the new Board president and Georgia Mercer is the new vice president. The Board needs to clarify whether an interim chancellor can apply for the permanent chancellor position. Last time there were two college presidents, two faculty leaders, and classified staff on the selection committee for chancellor. If Deputy Vice Chancellor Barrera is appointed as interim chancellor, they need to establish whether someone will be brought in to assist her. Pierce President Bob Garber has resigned from his position due to his son’s recent health problems. Smith inquired about the process and timeline for filling presidential vacancies at Pierce and Harbor. Beaulieu noted that it took almost one year to select a president when President Weider retired from Valley. 5. DBC Report: Beaulieu reported on the DBC meeting that took place yesterday. The LACCD is anticipating a budget reduction of $43.3 million for 2008-09 and 2009-2010. The initial proposal from the Emergency Response Task Force to the DBC called for the cancellation of the winter 2010 intersession, furloughs for classified staff, and a seven day “shut down”. That was followed by a second proposal to have a 50% reduction in winter (basic skills and critical path classes only) and no furloughs. It was this second proposal that was adopted by the DBC, with the amendment that the board be urged to look for other cuts in 09-10. The total savings package to be presented to the Board include Elimination of summer 2009 classes GASB allocation for 08-09, and 09-10 Health Benefits savings Winter intersession 2010 Reductions (w/o cancellation) Pro-rata allocation of cuts to campuses and DO $7,500,000 $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $3,750,000 $4,000,000 Total savings and adjustments $32,250,000 Some of the additional proposals that have been discussed to cover the shortfall include: Using the contingency reserve Estimated 2 day furlough Estimated 4.5 day furlough Campus reductions to categorical programs $11,077,712 $ 1,622,000 $ 3,649,500 $10,000,000 This is in addition to another $12 million in categorical cuts. Smith stated that winter sessions are financially rewarding because all faculty are compensated on a part-time (hourly) basis. Beaulieu replied that if you cut fall or spring sessions, you also cut hourly, so there is no difference. However, normally in winter the class size average is said to be around 45, while the district average for the main terms is 35. Beaulieu added that the Board needs to make a decision on additional cuts by the middle of September. Colleges need to know what to do about spring and summer sessions next year. The thinking is that because of unemployment, CSU cutbacks, and other conditions, it will be easier to fill classes than under normal circumstances. Beaulieu announced that John Delloro and Kenadi Li from the Dolores Huerta Labor Institute have now been hired permanently. There was a discussion of faculty hiring at the campuses. Patterson mentioned that West suspended all full-time hires. Rosdahl stated Pierce hired ten faculty in the spring and will hire 18 in the fall. Immerblum stated that East hired ten faculty members. Smith added that Harbor lost six faculty and may hire three; the campus is down to 54 full-time faculty. Moore stated that Southwest hired six. 6. Bond Program Report/Summit Planning: President Beaulieu reported that the Los Angeles Times reporters Michael Finnegan and Gale Holland interviewed him for three hours on Monday about the LACCD bond program. They will be interviewing several district leaders, including Larry Eisenberg, Ernie Moreno, Mark Rocha. They inquired about the planned solar power purchase agreements with Edison and Department of Water and Power (DWP) and how they would be financed. They have requested a large number of documents from Build LACCD Public Relations representative Stu Silverstein. Beaulieu said they are also clearly interested in the question of contracts. Beaulieu’s concerns are more related to some of Mr. Eisenberg’s energy proposals (e.g., hydrogen fuel cells) and the compensation and/or qualifications of some of the energy team consultants. Procurement practices in the district need to be looked at because it’s being alleged that some people are doing procurement deals with the vendors after having worked with them. Smith announced that three new buildings at Harbor (Technology, North East Campus, and Student Services Administration) will require an additional $2 million dollars to correct several costly mistakes. She added that property acquisition plans for Harbor would have cost $50 million; the president has decided not to go forward. Immerblum stated that East lost $16 million because it failed to get timely DSA approval for one of its projects. He added that the Design Build Process can be very dangerous because the builder user groups have very little time to submit all pertinent information, and deadlines are not always announced in a timely manner. He argued that it would be helpful for the DAS to have a position about appropriate timelines. Beaulieu explained that the bond program has a performance and a financial auditor. Some consultant contracts are troubling, with one individual being paid up to $650,000 for 18 months. Moore added that the performance auditor would look at what he did, but the financial audit would probably not pick up on it because it is not a large portion of the total expenditures. The LACCD Bond Steering Committee has more than a dozen members, including: College Presidents Chip Delaine (Trade) Faculty David Beaulieu (DAS) District Mark Drummond BuildLACCD Cindy Reilly Jack Daniels (SW) Don Gauthier (DAS) Adriana Barrera Tom Hall Jamillah Moore (City) John McDowell (AFT) Camille Goulet James Sohn Jeanette Gordon Dan Minka Larry Eisenberg Two public relations Staff members Beaulieu stated that Cindy O’Reilly has been identified as both a Build LACCD auditor as well as Mr. Eisenberg’s appointment secretary, though he’s unclear about this. (Editor’s note: This is inaccurate. O’Reilly is not an auditor. Nor are BuildLACCD staff members of the committee.) Dan Minka is Mr. Eisenberg’s secretary. Tom Hall is the Facilities Director under Eisenberg. Beaulieu suggested examining the composition of the Bond Steering Committee and its meeting times, and Deputy Vice Chancellor Barrera has suggested also reexamining the charge of the committee. Beaulieu added there is also a Citizen Oversight Committee that meets. The 2009 Summit will take place on Friday, September 25th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and will be devoted entirely to bond issues. Beaulieu has met with Larry Eisenberg to put a preliminary agenda together. Immerblum suggested discussing the latest innovations in classroom design. Beaulieu asked DAS members to think about which faculty should participate. This year the summit can accommodate up to 18 attendees per campus: 8-10 faculty and 8-10 administrators, for a total of 180 participants. Smith inquired about the ethics probe of Trustee Kelly Candaele. Beaulieu explained that Mr. Candaele accepted a contribution for his reelection from an agency doing business with the city while he also sat on the city’s pension board. Mayor Villaraigosa asked him to resign from the board a couple of months ago, according to an article in the Los Angeles Times. There has also been concern involving his co-sponsorship of a Jack Weiss’s fundraiser. 7. Accreditation Update: The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) sanctioned all three city-side colleges at its June 2009 meeting. The three colleges completed their self-studies last fall and had their accreditation visits in the spring. Trade and City were placed on probation; East is on warning. The Los Angeles Times published an inaccurate editorial about the district’s accreditation problems this week. They falsely claimed that City and Trade had no program review going on. That’s not at all true. Beaulieu reported that a short version of Vice Chancellor Gary Colombo’s response will be printed in tomorrow’s newspaper. There is a lot of concern about Trade’s problems, because they seem to be the most pervasive. Senate President Kinyon stated that Trade was making progress in the area of program review and SLOs and that the senate is in charge of program review now. Program viability was formerly run by the administration; now a faculty member (Chini Johnson-Taylor) will be in charge. Kinyon stated that they need to make more progress on SLOs; three individuals will be working as a team. There was no Accreditation Steering Committee at Trade. One faculty member was getting 1.6 reassigned time for coordinating all accreditation matters. Because of Trade’s shared governance problems, the chancellor arranged for former San Bernardino Chancellor Don Averill and former ASCCC President Kate Clark from Irvine Valley College to visit the campus to provide assistance. They prepared a report and met with Deputy Vice Chancellor Barrera, Vice Chancellor Colombo, and Beaulieu on Wednesday. One of the recommendations of the ACCJC and the report by Clark and Averill, was that boundaries need to be established between the senate and union. Trade must identify in what areas their responsibilities overlap and what constitutes encroachment. Smith suggested examining memorandums of understanding (MOUs) between senates and unions. Rod Patterson stated he would e-mail DAS members the MOUs between the senate and union at West. He added that while the Distance Education and Technology Committees are under the senate, they have AFT seats. Beaulieu reported that there is an ad hoc committee headed by Rebecca Tilberg from West who is reporting to the District Planning Committee (DPC) and is examining program review instruments. Finally, the best news on the accreditation front is that the ACCJC took Southwest College off probation. 8. Report on Sustainability/CTE Meetings for Stimulus Grants: Vice Chancellor Marvin Martinez and Chito Cajayon are helping coordinate the LACCD’s application for $18 million in federal stimulus money with Kathleen Bimber and Beaulieu. 9. Union Issues: There was a concern about classified sitting on faculty hiring panels. A dean at Trade believed that the new classified contract required classified voting representatives on faculty hiring and also tried to place a voting student member on the committee. That is not the case, though the language was unclear. Acting Chancellor Barrera was helpful in getting things clarified. Classified representation can take place on administrator hiring panels. They have to request participation, and the college president can accept or deny the request. 10. SSISC Report: None. 11. DAS Reorganization Proposals Workload for DAS President and Vice President: David Beaulieu stated that his workload is such that he’s not able to use a large number of his unpaid days. He reported that Eloise Crippens has been doing equivalencies at .4 on D basis. He has thought of stepping down from co-chairing DBC. He discussed the feasibility of publishing the DAS Newsletter Academically Speaking twice a year instead of four times. $1,200 per issue is budgeted for editing, which Deborah Kaye has done for several years. Two Vice President Suggestion (not discussed) EPAC Title Change Proposal (not discussed) Other Reforms (not discussed) 12. Proposed Future Actions and Announcements: The Board of Trustees is meeting next week. We should have some news about the interim chancellor position and the president at Pierce. Moore inquired whether faculty typically sign in and sign out for FLEX day to ensure participation. Beaulieu suggested having a raffle at the end of the day. If faculty don’t attend, they must turn in an illness card. Patterson mentioned that Jack Kaiser will be the keynote speaker at West’s Flex Day. The next Exec meeting will be Thursday, August 20th at 10:00 am. Otherwise, we will continue to meet on the fourth Thursdays of each month and keep the second Thursdays open for full DAS meetings. 13. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 4:07 pm. Minutes submitted respectfully by DAS Secretary Angela Echeverri