2016 COHORT APPLICATION Eligibility: All senior-level administrators reporting to a college president, senior district officer, or chancellor, and with at least (3) years of administrative responsibility. Academy Commitments: All accepted applicants must commit to attend and participate in every program session. Selection Process: April 1, 2016 By April 29, 2016 Application due date Academy notification and acceptance Dates and Location: June 23-25, 2016 Sept. 2016 to June 2017 Summer Intensive (UCLA) Monthly seminars (LACCD District Office) Fee: Program fee is $3,500. Please note that tuition fees for LACCD employees are covered by the Chancellor’s Office. Instructions: 1. Interested candidates should complete this application in its entirety to be considered for the Academy. 2. All applications require your college president’s signature. 3. Please provide resume (no more than 3 pages) with completed application. 4. Please attach with the completed application, an additional page to answer the following three questions: (maximum of 500 words for each question) • • • How does attending the Presidents Academy fit into your future goals? Are there any professional development activities you have participated in, or plan to participate in, for aspiring CEOs? Excellent community colleges prepare all students for success. Please describe any student success initiatives you have led in the past and what more you plan to do in this area? Email your completed application to: presacademy@laccd.edu For further information, contact Avis Boyd at presacademy@laccd.edu or (213) 891-2362 PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Office Email: Personal Email: Position Title: College/District: Preferred Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Immediate Supervisor: Office Phone: ( ) Cell phone: ( ) PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION (Attach additional page if necessary) Title(s) of those supervised: Professional affiliations: Community affiliations: APPROVAL (President, Chancellor, or Chief Executive Officer) Title: Signature: FOR PLANNING USE ONLY Date Received: Committee Decision: Date: