A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Budget Narrative (Revised per USDOL 9/25/2012) Roane State Community College (RSCC) is the lead applicant for the 13 community colleges and 27 technology centers in Tennessee (TN). Each of the 13 community colleges (including RSCC) and 4 of the technology centers have budgets that have been developed to ensure successful grant implementation and achievement of performance outcomes. Total Grant Budget: Total Personnel Program Director $60k 10/1/12 - 9/30/16 252,600 Assistant Program Director $45k 1/1/13 - 9/30/16 Accountant/Compliance Officer $45k 11/1/12 9/30/16 174,452 Data Manager/Technology $40k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 155,067 Data Tech/Admin Assistant$30k 1/1/13 - 9/30/16 118,800 185,702 Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 - 6/30/16 Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 9/30/16 1,570,068 Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 - 9/30/15 1,463,000 Curriculum Specialist $45k 2/1/13 - 5/31/15 (5.5) Student RX Services Adjunct/Tutors 890,416 598,539 34,560 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Subtotal Salaries 569,070 6,012,274 Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits 2,778,589 RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% 136,893 Subtotal Fringe 2,915,482 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 8,927,756 Out of State - Benchmarking Trips (2), DC Events (2) 24,700 In-State Travel for Monitoring 20,000 Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person 137,475 Subtotal Travel 182,175 Equipment Short Term Equipment 110,000 1 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Surg Tech Equipment Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 113,432 Medical Informatics Equipment - LPN - RN Equipment 138,535 Subtotal Equipment 361,967 Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person Printer 60,000 4,000 Start-Up Office Supplies @ $300 per person 15,000 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 46,950 Office Furniture @ $4000 per person 200,000 Short Term Start Up Supplies 66,975 Student RX Services Supplies 205,647 Surg Tech Supplies 152,856 Medical Informatics Supplies 119,480 LPN - RN Supplies 110,351 OTA Supplies 6,000 Grant Implementation Supplies 8,000 Subtotal Supplies 995,259 Contractual Grant Evaluation 500,000 Career Readiness/College Prep Software 165,000 Subject Matter Expert - Curriculum Development - Completion Coach Training 75,000 Performance Tracking Database Development 51,676 Subtotal Contractual 791,676 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Office Lease Space 182,000 26,000 132,334 Lease Space Utilities @ $1500/mo 52,500 Promotional/Printing Evaluation RFP Advertising 63,500 2 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 5,380 Subtotal Other Total Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Request 461,714 11,720,547 849,868 12,570,415 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS Grant budget general assumptions/explanations impacting RSCC and co-grantee budgets: These assumptions will be virtually the same in each co-grantee budget so are summarized below instead of repeating them in the budget narrative for each co-grantee. Salaries: Salaries have been estimated based on going market rates. Each college has a salary review committee that will review salary offers prior to them being made to ensure they are appropriate for the experience and education of the individual and fit within the respective colleges overall salary equity plan. RSCC and each co-grantee community college will have appropriate staff to support meeting/exceeding the grant goals and successful implementation. The level of participation of each of the 13 community colleges and 4 technology centers that are offering training varies based on the number of students participating in their healthcare training programs and the number of the 27 technology centers in the community colleges’ service areas to which they will reach out to for recruitment and student support prescription services. These include: Program Coordinator (.5 up to 1.0 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 up to 1.0 FTE) Completion Coach (1 up to 2 FTE) Student Support Prescription Services Faculty Stipends: Faculty stipends have been funded at each of the 13 community colleges for “prior learning assessment” at $2,900/year for 3 years for each of the 13 community colleges for a total of $113,100. TAA and other participants will be assessed to determine if they have military and/or other work experience, non-credit training that could be applied toward college credit, thereby reducing the time to degree completion. Faculty stipends have been funded at each of the 13 community colleges for “boot camps” in the amount of $1,300/year for 3 years ($3,900) for a total of $50,700. These “boot camps” will be designed to prepare students for the academically rigorous healthcare programs to which they have been admitted. Workshops to include “refresher” subjects such as math for health sciences, medical terminology and other identified 3 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions academic needs as well as training in the use of learning strategies to sharpen study skills. These workshops will be designed to improve students’ ability to persist to completion, both through advanced preparation and increased awareness of academic support systems on their campuses. These camps will also include a digital literacy training component. Staff/Faculty stipends have been funded at each of the 13 community colleges for “healthcare career workshops” at $1000/year for a total of 3 years ($3,000) for a total of $39,000. These special workshops for participants expressing interest in careers in Nursing and /or Allied Health field will provide exposure to the real-world work environment associated with these fields as well as the academic rigor required for acceptance into these programs. Participation in this workshop will help to affirm students’ true interest in pursuit of these fields and provide a preemptive wake-up call if alternative career options would be more appropriate. These workshops will also be available as needed in response to TAA-eligible and other layoffs. Staff/Faculty stipends have been funded at each of the 13 community colleges to broaden the work to be accomplished by the Completion Coaches with specifically trained faculty and staff advisors to ensure high-touch advisement. This is funded at $13,895 per year in years 2 and 3 (total $27,790) per co-grantee community college for a total of $361,270. Completion Coaches will lead the student support teams of faculty and staff advisors at each participating institution to ensure that participants have a personalized academic plan for completion and are utilizing the academic, career-planning, and counseling services that will support their persistence. Coaching services will be provided in multiple modes -- from one-on-one counseling, to group advisement, to online access to coaches through synchronous and asynchronous technologies. The Completion Coaches will lead this effort with support from faculty and staff advisors. Training and participation by faculty and staff advisors will help to cement this work well beyond the life of the grant. Benefits: TN community colleges and technology centers offer a comprehensive benefit package to its employees provided through the State of Tennessee. The state does not have a blended standard benefit rate as many organizations do, but rather they charge the respective budgets for each individual employee and the benefits they choose. The biggest variables in this charge are due to the retirement plan and the healthcare insurance plan the individual employee selects. The overall benefit package includes (1) retirement which ranges from 10 – 16 % of salary, (2) FICA at 6.2% of salary, (3) FICA-Medicare at 1.45% of salary, (4) a flat $600/employee annual 401K match which ranges from approximately .8 to 3% depending on the individual’s salary and averaging about 2.3% for most employees, (5) a healthcare insurance premium which varies dependent upon salary and the type of coverage (i.e. family versus single) an employee selects from approximately 20% to 41% of salary for most employees. Consequently, the benefit percent for most employees ranges from 45% to 65%. Based on the above information and detailed analysis, a 53% of salary benefit rate has been included in the budget. However, since Roane State has a larger pool of employees that will likely lower the average rate, 48% has been calculated for Roane State only. 4 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions The benefit rate calculation for faculty stipends is 22.68% which includes 1) Retirement at 15.03% of salary, 2) FICA at 6.2% of salary, (3) FICA-Medicare at 1.45% of salary. Travel: The RSCC and co-grantee budgets include travel at a rate of $75/staff person for each month employed. This is an average for the basic travel required for staff to travel around the large service areas for the community colleges including to the technology centers for the delivery of services, to RX TN meetings, etc. Supplies: Standard supplies have been budgeted to support program staff in accomplishing their work as follows: One computer/attached printer at $1,200 per staff member. The actual cost will be based on state contract pricing. Start-up supplies for each staff person of $300. This will include a standard desk set up of in/out boxes, stapler, paper, pens/pencils, etc. Ongoing supplies based on an average of each staff person of $25/month for the replenishment of paper, pencils, special needs for presentation materials, notebooks, etc. Office furniture per staff person at $4,000. This cost is based on RSCC average rates for furniture to adequately furnish an office or build a workstation. Student RX Services Supplies: Supplies for the “boot camps” have been funded at $3,000 for each of three years (total $9,000) for a total of $117,000 at all community colleges. These would include student workbooks/notebooks for refresher instructional modules in math for health sciences, basic medical terminology, safety in healthcare settings, digital literacy, etc. Supplies for “healthcare career workshops have been funded at $2,273 for each of the three years (total $6,819) for a total of $88,647 at all 13 community colleges. These would include videos on healthcare careers, workbooks/notebooks for students to record and retain learning styles, career interest and aptitude assessments, information regarding healthcare careers, and requirements for academic programs in Nursing and Allied Health fields Other: Internet-Based Virtual Technology: Each budget for the 13 community colleges and 4 technology centers offering healthcare training developed in this grant has $3,500/year for 3 years (Total $10,500) for the purchase of Internet-Based Virtual Technology. This technology will be used for the cost effective delivery of online/hybrid training, advising/counseling, hosting RX TN related meetings and staff training, and more. The RX TN team is already reviewing options for this technology and will secure the purchase through appropriate state and federal 5 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions purchasing procedures. The $3,500/year estimate is based on a low-average of the options that have been investigated to-date. Professional Development: RSCC and each co-grantee community college has been provided $1000 in each of years two and three for professional development opportunities. These opportunities would be ones with a clear and direct benefit to grant implementation and success. Promotional/Printing: Each co-grantee offering training has been provided a budget of $500/year for 3 years for EACH of the Training Prescription programs (Occupational Therapy, Surgery Technician, Medical Informatics & LPN-to-RN Mobility) in which they are participating. However, due to the synergistic nature of the Phlebotomy, ECG Technician and other short term training programs, these have been counted as “1” for the distribution of these funds. Indirect Cost Rate: The federally approved indirect cost rates of co-grantee institutions range from 24.93% to 54%. These are detailed in the Leveraged Funds Narrative portion of this document. RSCC’s rate is 39.5%. In a few cases, co-grantees do not have approved federal indirect rates. The indirect methodology varies by institution. For purposes of this grant, an indirect rate of 10% will be used for budgets for all institutions with an approved indirect rate. Indirect rate award letters and documentation will be provided upon grant award. Below is further explanation of RSCC’s indirect rate: Roane State Community College’s approved predetermined indirect cost rate is 39.5% for on-campus facilities and 16% for off-campus facilities based on financial data through the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010. These rates are documented in a letter and College and University Rate Agreement dated January 25, 2011 from Darryl W. Mayes, DirectorDivision of Cost Allocation at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The agreement is in effect through June 30, 2015 and the rates therein may be used as provisional rates after June 30, 2015 until amended. The College’s financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America applicable to governmental colleges and universities as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Additionally, RSCC prepared its Indirect Cost Rate Proposal in accordance with guidelines of the OMB Circular A-21 as revised in May 2004. The computations of direct and indirect costs were made in accordance with Section H of OMB Circular A-21 that describes the procedures to be followed in using the simplified modified total direct cost method. The allocations are made in accordance with paragraph H3b(4) of OMB Circular No. A-21 as revised May 2004, under the Simplified Method for Small Institutions. 6 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Grant Budget General Assumptions for RSCC and Co-grantee institutions offering training programs are detailed below. In some cases, co-grantees had unique needs in the delivery of training. This documentation is detailed further below with the specific co-grantee budgets. Surgery Technology: The cost of surgery technology labs for Roane State and Walters State is detailed below at a total of $147,937 for each of the two schools. This is based on initial design requirements that may vary upon implementation. Since students learn how to transport patients a stretcher is essential. Once the patient gets to the operating room, they are transferred onto the operating room bed. The other essential item is a mannequin. This will allow students to practice positioning, prepping, and draping as well as a variety of other tasks. The mannequin should also be interchangeable between male and female. Some other essential equipment that should be in the laboratory includes: suction machine, electro surgical unit, autoclave, Steris machine, and endoscopic video tower. None of these pieces of equipment needs to work. With more surgeries being performed minimally invasively, endoscopic equipment is becoming an important part of all operating rooms. It is imperative that this basic equipment be initially in place for an effective teaching environment in the lab. Cleveland State students participating in the Surgery Tech program will access labs at Roane and/or Walter State Community Colleges. Essential Equipment (>$5,000/each)=$63,018 (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) 1 Operating Room space with: o 1 functional overhead light - Single Ceiling Mount $5,702/each o 3 manikins for mock surgery (at least one must be anatomically capable of being draped for lithotomy and orthopedic procedures) – Nursing Kelly $5,244/each o 1 Laparoscopic instrumentation with scopes, cameras, light cords, etc. – $13,500/each o 4 complete laparotomy sets – basic set-$5,731/each o 1 Autoclave – automatic sterilizer $5,160/each Supplies--$74,920 (no single item costs >$5000) (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) o 8 Mayo stands – 4 Single post-$144/each, 4 double post-$170/each. Total= $1,256 o 6 Kick buckets – w/frame $293/each. Total= $1,758 o 10 Ring stands – set/$25. Total= $250 o 4 Linen hampers – $246/each. Total= $984 o 3 sets of operating room bed sheets, lifters and pillow cases – $996/each. Total= $2,988. o 4 rolling chairs – $535.00/each. Total= $2,140 7 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions o 4 IV poles – $60.00/each. Total= $240 o 6 OB/GYN instrument sets (with instruments for abdominal hysterectomy, vaginal hysterectomy, and D & C, C-section) including Abdominal sets, Vaginal Sets, D&C sets and C-section Sets-$560.00/each. These vary in cost at a total of $4,159. These instrument packs are all used in various OB/GYN surgical procedures. o 2 Basic orthopedic instrument sets – soft tissue-$3,502/each. Total= $7,004 o 4 Basic GU instrument sets that includes TURP instruments – $5,200.00/each. Total= $20,800 o 3 Various GI instrument sets - $2,475/each. Total= $7,425 o 3 Various general surgery instrumentation sets for procedures such as thyroidectomy, trach, etc. $1,718/each. Total= $5,154 These provide the foundation instruments to be used in specific surgical procedures. All items are re-usable. The packs are designed to provide the required instrumentation for the most common procedures. o 26 appendectomy models per student for clinical readiness exams – quantities of 26 @$60.00/simulator. Total= $1,560 o 1 fully functional OR table with routine attachments , arm boards, ob-gyn lithotomy attachments, kidney position attachments, shoulder braces , foot board, and safety strap - Manual Hydraulic $4,350 o 1 Transportation gurney – $1,672 o 1 anesthesia machine (need not be functional) – $4,500 o 1 electrocautery machine (need not be functional) – $2,900 o 4 manikins for mock surgery (at least one must be anatomically capable of being draped for lithotomy and orthopedic procedures) – Surgical Sally $800.00/each. Total= $3,200 o 3 Back instrument tables – $860/each. Total= $2,580 Supplies/Consumables--$10,000 (one-time set-up in lab/to be replenished with program revenue) (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) These items are essential for student use and training in a wide variety of surgical procedures. Consumables make up a significant expense of the annual operational budget of this program. o Sponges o Dressings o Tape o Grounding pads o Prep trays o Foley catheter trays 8 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application o o o o o o o o o o o o o Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Syringes of different sizes and types Needles of different sizes and types Knife blades Wide assortment of suture (mock procedures are performed as realistically as possible) Gowns Masks and hair covers Gloves (sterile and non-sterile) Sharps containers Biohazardous waste boxes and liners (samples) Sterilization wrappers Peel Packs Tape Occupational Therapy Assistant: Students at Cleveland State and Chattanooga State taking classes via distance learning and then driving to Roane State to access their labs will need a limited number of tools in their Cleveland and Chattanooga State classrooms for quality class participation. These are budgeted at a cost of $3,000 per school (total $6,000) and include goniometers, gait belts, anatomical models, instructional DVDs, and standardized tests such as the Motor-Free Visual Perceptual Test-Revised. Short Term Training: Patient Care Technician: RSCC and Co-Grantees (Columbia State, Dyersburg State, Jackson State, Walters State, Volunteer State, and TN Technology Center – Nashville) need initial supplies to set up the laboratory in the amount of $4K per school for items such as a wheelchair, walker, mannequin, hospital bed, etc. These include initial consumables that will be replaced for future classes with tuition revenue such as tubing, oxygen tank refills, bandaging supplies and infection control supplies. Phlebotomy: RSCC and Co-Grantees (Columbia State, Dyersburg State, Jackson State, Northeast State, Volunteer State, TN Technology Center –McMinnville, TN Technology Center – Memphis, and TN Technology Center – Murfreesboro) are budgeted at $3,725 per school to include consumables that will be replaced for future classes with revenue ($1,500), 3 IV arms ($1,575), a Centrifuge ($500) and Blood Pressure Cuffs/Stethoscope ($150). ECG Technician: RSCC and Co-Grantees (Columbia State, Dyersburg State, Jackson State, Northeast State, Volunteer State, Walters State, TN Technology Center – McMinnville, TN Technology Center Memphis, TN Technology Center Nashville and TN Technology Center – Murfreesboro) are budgeted at $10,400 per school including an equipment budget of $10,000 for an ECG Machine that is critical to the delivery of this training, and a supply budget for Blood Pressure Cuffs/Stethoscope ($150) and basic supplies ($250). 9 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Roane State Community College’s Budget: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total Personnel Program Director $60k 10/1/12 9/30/16 Assistant Program Director $45k 2/1/13 - 9/30/16 Accountant/Compliance Officer $45k 11/1/12 - 9/30/16 Data Manager/Technology $40k 2/1/13 - 9/30/16 Data Tech/Admin Assistant$30k 1/1/13 - 9/30/16 Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 (2 FTE) Curriculum Specialist $45k 2/1/13 5/31/15 (4.5 FTE) 40,600 83,000 85,400 209,000 136,519 210,094 143,100 489,713 Student RX Services Adjunct/Tutors 17,280 17,280 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends 7,500 21,695 19,195 Subtotal Salaries 414,305 607,008 530,584 290,839 1,842,736 186,972 272,656 245,467 139,603 844,698 5,620 8,840 4,353 - 18,813 Subtotal Fringe 192,592 281,496 249,820 139,603 863,511 Subtotal Salary & Fringe Travel Out of State - Benchmarking Trips (2), DC Events (2) 606,897 888,504 780,404 430,442 2,706,247 16,350 8,350 In-State Travel for Monitoring 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person 7,125 10,350 9,000 4,500 30,975 28,475 23,700 14,000 9,500 75,675 60,450 62,250 64,050 65,850 252,600 30,338 46,688 48,038 49,388 174,452 41,588 46,688 48,038 49,388 185,702 26,967 41,500 42,700 43,900 155,067 22,725 31,125 32,025 32,925 118,800 30,338 46,688 48,038 49,388 174,452 - 34,560 48,390 Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 48% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Subtotal Travel 24,700 Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 10,000 Surg Tech Equipment 56,716 56,716 Subtotal Equipment Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 66,716 Printer Start-Up Office Supplies @ $300 per person - - - 66,716 15,600 15,600 4,000 4,000 3,900 3,900 10 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person Grant Implementation Supplies (i.e. server, etc.) 2,600 8,000 8,000 Short-Term Start-Up Supplies 8,275 8,275 52,000 52,000 Office Furniture @ $4000 per person Student RX Services Supplies Surg Tech Supplies Medical Informatics Supplies LPN - RN Supplies Subtotal Supplies 5,273 3,750 5,273 3,300 1,800 5,273 11,450 15,819 76,428 76,428 2,000 2,000 35,708 35,708 213,784 9,023 8,573 1,800 233,180 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 500,000 65,000 50,000 50,000 - - Contractual Grant Evaluation Career Readiness/College Prep Software Subject Matter Expert - Curriculum Development Completion Coach Training Performance Tracking Database Development 165,000 - 75,000 75,000 25,838 25,838 290,838 200,838 175,000 125,000 791,676 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 14,000 1,000 1,000 18,667 28,000 28,000 7,000 81,667 12,000 18,000 18,000 4,500 52,500 Promotional/Printing 3,000 8,000 3,000 Evaluation RFP Advertising 5,380 Subtotal Contractual 51,676 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Office Lease Space 2/1/13 - 12/31/15 Lease Space Utilities @ $1500/mo 2/1/13 - 12/31/15 Subtotal Other Total Direct Costs Indirect Cost Total Request 2,000 14,000 5,380 42,547 58,500 53,500 15,000 169,547 1,249,257 1,180,565 1,031,477 581,742 4,043,041 102,387 91,085 82,848 44,974 321,294 1,351,644 1,271,650 1,114,325 626,716 4,364,335 11 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted for Roane State as follows: Program Coordinator (1 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (1 FTE) Completion Coaches (2 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Additionally, RSCC has 4.5 Curriculum Specialists to ensure the implementation of the development/enhancement of the training programs for which RSCC is the lead. These are: Allied Health/Surgery Technician (1 FTE) Occupational Therapy (1 FTE) LPN-to-RN Mobility (1 FTE) Short Term Training including Phlebotomy, ECG Technician, Patient Care Technician, Emergency Medical Dispatcher (1.5 FTE) In addition to the faculty stipends detailed for all co-grantee community colleges in general assumptions, RSCC has agreed to provide the development of online study guides at a cost of $5K plus benefits. The instructional resources will be developed as online modules to serve as portable, replicable, and sustainable learning resources for students at all co-grantee institutions and across the nation. A grant web portal will house these online resources. Staff design to provide overall grant implementation, management and reporting has been developed based on input from Round 1 TAACCCT grantees as follows: Program Director (1 FTE) Accountant/Compliance Officer (1 FTE) Data/Technology Manager (1 FTE) Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions at 48% Travel: Besides the travel allocation for each staff person detailed above in general assumptions, travel has been included in the RSCC budget for benchmarking trips to Round 1 TAACCCT Grantees and for the two required USDOL trips. Additionally, travel for the accountant/compliance office to conduct regular monitoring and related technical assistance/training has been budgeted at $5,000/year for a total of $20,000. Equipment: RSCC is participating in the Surgery Technician and the ECG Technician programs (short term training) requiring equipment as detailed above in general assumptions. Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, supplies have been included for: 12 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions $8K has been budgeted to support overall grant implementation for supplies to support grant training, manual development, possible computer/server support, etc. Supplies for Phlebotomy, ECG Technician, Patient Care Technician and Medical Dispatcher training as detailed above. (short term training) Supplies for Surgery Technician training implementation as detailed above. Medical Informatics training supplies in the amount of $2,000 for classroom reference books/materials. LPN-to-RN Mobility Supplies as detailed directly below in the amount of $39,675 (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) : o Virtual programs/Teaching Maternal-Child and Medical-Surgical DVD”s. o In Sight products listed below. In Sight DVD - DVD training materials will be used in lab setting to enhance skill lab training on various clinical areas such as pediatrics, general medical surgical and high risk skills such as tracheostomy care and management of other artificial airway systems such as endotracheal tubes. These DVD’s will be used to train LPN students in caring for higher risk clients. Real Nursing Skills 2.0 Pediatric Nursing - #XAZ14960 - 2 @ $150 each = 300.00 Beginning Pediatric Nursing - #XAZ12969 - 2 @ $458 each = 916.00 Basics of Oxygenation - CMS + DVD /3yr license/#XAZ12999 2@ 638.00 = 1,276.00 Faculty course work/online training 6-7 courses @ $300.00 each = 2,000.00. These costs would be for training related to the development of Hybrid/online courses. Many companies offer abbreviated short-term training programs to update skills for less than $300 each. o Hospital ER Stretcher (2) @ $2000 each (Refurbished) = 4, 000.00 . Hospital stretchers will be used to educate students on the importance of safety in transferring patients’ from the hospital bed to stretcher and return. Also, accessibility to stretchers will give students real-time practice prior to clinicals. o Baxter IV pumps (8) with tubing - refurbished @$800 ea = 6, 400.00. These IV pumps will be used to train LPN-RN students on pump operation, patient safety involved with patients connected to the pumps. Safety issues will include transportation and electrical safety issues for the patient. o Standard IV poles (8) @ $100 each = 800.00 IV poles will be used in conjunction with patient education associated with patient transfer via stretcher or bed. Management of patient equipment when transferring patients is critical. Students also learn how to attach IV pumps, and feeding 13 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions pumps to the IV poles and learn to control the extension cords that are attached to the pumps. o Geri/Keri Manikin IV Arms (6) @ $515 each = 3,090.00 Each IV arm features replaceable skins and latex veins that can be palpated by the LPN to RN student. This gives the students extra preparation for patient care in the clinical areas. During the first Medical-Surgical course LPN Mobility students will receive education on the placement and care of peripheral IV’s as well as long line placement. The manikins are critical to the development of student skills in intravenous therapy. o Faculty miscellaneous resource education books –Elsevier 1,200.00 These nursing education resources will be used in the nursing skills lab for reference for students and faculty. These references typically will be inclusive of specialty information not always found in the students’ own nursing texts they have purchased. This might include advanced assessment skills, learning tools, case studies and other learning tools. o Childbirth and Graphics Products: These are products/supplies that will be utilized to enhance clinicals for the students, and will be utilized in simulation classroom activities. Up to 25% of clinical experiences will be positioned in the nursing labs. Items 6-13 are obstetrical products to enhance learning for students that will work with pregnant, delivering and post-partum clinical patients Uterus/Fetus Model Set # AT27007 (2) @ $352.80 each = 705.60 This model provides general education regarding fetus development. Carrying Case for Uterus/Fetus Model Set # AT96518 (2) @ $40.25 each = 80.50 Conception to Birth - AT79020 Folding Display (2) @$104.40 ea. = 204.80 Display model is portable and can be easily used in the nursing lab or even taken to the clinical setting for post-conference Conception to Birth: AT70593 Carrying Case (2) @ 42.75 each = 85.50 Leopold Abdominal Palpation Model: AT79820 (2) @ $535.60 each =1,071.20 The Leopold Model set helps obstetric students learn to perform Leopold’s maneuvers and to demonstrate palpation of the abdomen to determine fetal lie, presentation, and position. Model includes a fetus with a weighted body, movable arms and leg, buttocks and a head with palpable anterior and posterior fontanels. The model helps students learn the importance of helping pregnant women 14 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions position themselves appropriately whether lying in bed, or reclining on a couch or chair. Goal is to instruct the student in learn safety measures that protect the infant from decreased oxygenation saturation resulting in distress. Leopold AT79862 Replacement Gel Pad (2) @ $42.95 each = 85.90 Leopold AT85499 Carrying Bag (2) @ $41.35 each = 82.70 Cervical Dilation Easel Display AT79738 (2) @ $109.30 each = 218.60 This product will be used to facilitate students learning to determine the client’s level of dilation prior to delivery – visual tool. o Printers (2) @ $700 each = 1, 400.00 Printers will be used to print information from the course management system and to print needed information for students. o Disposable/sterile/unsterile nursing supplies = 6,758.00 A varied amount of sterile and unsterile supplies are needed for skills lab training for the LPN-RN students. Supplies are needed that coordinate with the higher level of skills being learned in the RN program. Examples of some supplies used are sterile and unsterile pads, catheter insertion kits, Tracheotomy supplies, suction kits, tape, practice medications, sterile and unsterile gloves, gowns, central line care kits, normal saline for injection, and various intravenous catheters, injection needles and syringes etc. These supplies will be utilized in the nursing skills lab for the LPN-RN students and are necessary so students work with products similar or the same as those provided to patients in the clinical settings. The dressing supplies will also be used in conjunction with the IV Arm training tools when students begin intravenous therapy in the RN program. On average costs per year will average $2600 based upon previous usage costs. o Electronic Medical Record Software to use in Skills Labs - Neehr Perfect or Elsevier system 9, 000.00 Networked Educational Electronic Health Record. Neehr Perfect is an electronic health record system for training health care providers including nursing students. The Neehr Perfect system provides opportunities for interest, critical thinking, self-directed and self-paced learning, and provides students an opportunity to practice documentation skills in a safe environment. Costs for the program would include licensing fees. Contractual: Evaluation has been budgeted at $500K as detailed in the separate budget narrative and implementation plan. 15 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Career Readiness/College Prep Software: The purchase of the software to support preparing students to be prepared for the college entrance test is planned at for 3 years at a total of $165K. This is based on the lower of average estimates from a variety of vendors. This software will be purchased by RSCC for use by all co-grantees. Completion Coach Training: Training to support the development of Completion Coaches and their teams (faculty and staff paid through grant stipends as well as other co-grantee staff). Training will be focused on working with students to develop academic plans and address issues/barriers that result in college retention and completion as well as obtaining/retaining employment. This estimate is based on a review of a couple of current vendors with available services using a low average of $75K for year 1 only. Performance Tracking Database Development: Based on previous experience with USDOL grants, RSCC is planning on needing services to develop/alter our current tracking databases to ensure appropriate tracking of grant associated performance measures. Estimated cost is $15K/year for years 1 and 2 or a total of $30K. Additional funding is included in this line item for other tracking/database/contractual services that will be needed to support statewide grant implementation. Other: Roane State campuses do not have space to accommodate the addition of 13 new staff members. While the grant accountant/compliance officer and possibly the Completion Coaches and some of the Curriculum Specialists may be able to be located on RSCC campuses, the rest of the staff will not. As a result, Roane State has budgeted for renting outside space for grant staff. The budget was developed assuming 9 offices at 150 square feet each, a conference room of 250 square feet, and common areas (restrooms, hallways, etc.) of 400 square feet for a total of 2000 square feet. The average rate in the Oak Ridge, TN area for space this size is $14/square foot. Thus, the cost is estimated to be $28K per year. Utilities, insurance, etc. were estimated for the same time period at $1500/month. Advertising and related expenses for the evaluation plan are also included in this category and detailed in the Evaluation Plan Budget Narrative. See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 16 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Cleveland State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 (.5 FTE) Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 15,169 23,344 24,019 24,694 87,226 7,613 15,563 16,013 16,463 55,652 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 48,082 99,602 101,927 41,157 290,768 22,833 42,616 43,848 21,813 131,110 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 23,967 46,969 48,201 21,813 140,950 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 72,049 146,571 150,128 62,970 431,718 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Subtotal Travel 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person Start-Up Office Supplies @ $300 per person 3,600 3,600 900 900 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Subtotal Salaries Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Supplies Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person Office Furniture @ $4000 per person 500 900 600 12,000 Student RX Services Supplies 5,273 OTA Supplies 3,000 Subtotal Supplies 900 2,900 12,000 5,273 5,273 15,819 3,000 25,273 6,173 6,173 600 38,219 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 7,500 6,000 7,000 7,000 - 20,000 104,822 162,444 166,001 65,370 498,637 4,808 9,960 10,193 4,116 29,077 109,630 172,404 176,194 69,486 527,714 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Total Direct Costs Indirect Cost Total Request 17 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, supplies to support the Occupational Therapy Assistant program have been budgeted as detailed above. Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 18 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Chattanooga State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 (.5 FTE) Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 15,169 23,344 24,019 24,694 87,226 7,613 15,563 16,013 16,463 55,652 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 Subtotal Salaries 48,082 99,602 101,927 41,157 290,768 22,833 42,616 43,848 21,813 131,110 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 23,967 46,969 48,201 21,813 140,950 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 72,049 146,571 150,128 62,970 431,718 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Subtotal Travel Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 3,600 3,600 Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 900 900 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 500 Office Furniture @ $4000 per person 900 600 12,000 Student RX Services Supplies 5,273 OTA Supplies 3,000 Subtotal Supplies 900 25,273 12,000 5,273 5,273 15,819 3,000 6,173 6,173 600 Other 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 4,500 5,500 5,500 - 15,500 103,322 160,944 164,501 65,370 494,137 4,808 9,960 10,193 4,116 29,077 108,130 170,904 174,694 69,486 523,214 Professional Development Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Indirect Cost Total Request 38,219 - Internet Based Virtual Technology Total Direct Costs 2,900 19 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, supplies to support the Occupational Therapy Assistant program have been budgeted as detailed above. Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 20 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Columbia State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 30,338 46,688 48,038 49,388 174,452 15,225 31,125 32,025 32,925 111,300 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 70,863 138,508 141,958 82,313 433,642 34,907 63,236 65,064 43,626 206,833 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 36,041 67,589 69,417 43,626 216,673 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 106,904 206,097 211,375 125,939 650,315 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Subtotal Salaries Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Subtotal Travel Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 10,000 LPN - RN Equipment 27,045 27,045 Subtotal Equipment Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 37,045 - - - 37,045 3,600 3,600 Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 900 900 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 500 Short Term Start Up Supplies Office Furniture @ $4000 per person Student RX Services Supplies Medical Informatics Supplies LPN - RN Supplies Subtotal Supplies 900 900 600 2,900 8,125 8,125 12,000 12,000 5,273 5,273 5,273 15,819 44,280 44,280 2,875 2,050 1,025 5,950 77,553 8,223 7,198 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 600 93,574 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development 21 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Total Direct Costs Indirect Cost Total Request Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 5,500 6,500 6,500 - 18,500 228,502 223,520 227,773 128,339 808,134 7,086 13,851 14,196 8,231 43,364 235,588 237,371 241,969 136,570 851,498 Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (1 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (1 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Equipment: Columbia State is participating in the ECG Technician programs requiring equipment as detailed above. LPN-to-RN Mobility Equipment is detailed below. Demo Dose® Med Dispense® Medication Dispensing System for training accurate medication administration Cogent Training Headwall for practice in delivery of oxygen and realistic suctioning $23,050 $7,000 Note: a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts. Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, supplies to support the Occupational Therapy Assistant program have been budgeted at $3k as detailed above. 22 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Columbia State is participating in Phlebotomy, ECG Technician, and Patient Care Technician training requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Columbia State is participating in the Medical Informatics needing unique supplies as detailed below: 30 Dell OptiPlex 990 Desktop computers @ $ 1,640 for a total of $49,200 (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) This equipment is needed to provide a dedicated lab to support the implementation of the Medical Informatics program. Columbia State is participating in the LPN-to-RN program needing unique supplies as detailed below: Software Neehr Perfect EHR at $105 per subscription to meet technology standards for health records 10 students x $105 each $1050/academic year x 2 year = $2100 Supplies Foley kits, IV supplies, etc. 10 students x $50 each $500/semester x 2 years = $2000 Simulator Maternal birthing simulator for Maternal/Childcare clinical experiences 1 $1,850 Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 23 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Dyersburg State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 - 6/30/16 (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 (.5 FTE) Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 15,169 23,344 24,019 24,694 87,226 7,613 15,563 16,013 16,463 55,652 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 48,082 99,602 101,927 41,157 290,768 22,833 42,616 43,848 21,813 131,110 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 23,967 46,969 48,201 21,813 140,950 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 72,049 146,571 150,128 62,970 431,718 In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Subtotal Travel 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Subtotal Salaries Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 10,000 LPN - RN Equipment 12,240 12,240 Subtotal Equipment Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person Office Furniture @ $4000 per person 22,240 - - - 22,240 3,600 3,600 900 900 500 900 900 600 2,900 12,000 12,000 Short Term Start-Up Supplies 8,275 8,275 Student RX Services Supplies 5,273 5,273 5,273 15,819 Medical Informatics Supplies 73,200 73,200 LPN - RN Supplies 23,760 23,760 Subtotal Supplies Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development 127,508 6,173 6,173 600 140,454 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 24 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Total Direct Costs Indirect Cost Total Request Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 1,500 1,500 1,500 4,500 5,000 6,000 6,000 - 17,000 228,297 161,444 165,001 65,370 620,112 4,808 9,960 10,193 4,116 29,077 233,105 171,404 175,194 69,486 649,189 Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Equipment: Dyersburg State is participating in the ECG Technician program requiring equipment as detailed above. (short term training) Additionally, Dyersburg has unique requirements to support the LPN-to-RN Mobility program as follows: Pyxis MedStation 4000 Non-Profile Console w/printer, monitor, UPS. The Pyxis Medication Station mirrors the community industry standard for medication administration through automated inventory control Students become familiar with the process and the utilization of systems that require password access. $13,600 (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, supplies to support the Occupational Therapy Assistant program have been budgeted at $3k as detailed above. 25 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Dyersburg State is participating in Phlebotomy, ECG Technician, Patient Care Technician and Emergency Medical Dispatcher training requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Dyersburg State is participating in the LPN-to-RN Mobility program needing unique supplies as detailed below: iPad Nursing Software-access to ebooks, apps, literature (articles) etc. to enhance critical thinking skills and electronic technology being used in todays healthcare environments. $3,000 Lab Supplies such as Foley kits, Trach supplies, sterile/unsterile gloves, central line kits, supplies for pyxis, gowns, paper, testing supplies, ebooks, NCLEX review manuals. to set up the initial lab. These will be replenished with program revenue. $9,000. iPads to utilized across the hospitals for charting, information retrieval, accessing APPs to access ebooks, pharmacy data, diagnosis, and myriads of information. Students can take them to clinical/lab and use them in the classroom as well. $10,800 Printers (2) $700 each utilized in the classroom with Ipads for printing material as needed $ 1,400 Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 26 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Jackson State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 (.5 FTE) Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 15,169 23,344 24,019 24,694 87,226 7,613 15,563 16,013 16,463 55,652 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 48,082 99,602 101,927 41,157 290,768 22,833 42,616 43,848 21,813 131,110 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 23,967 46,969 48,201 21,813 140,950 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 72,049 146,571 150,128 62,970 431,718 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Subtotal Salaries Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Subtotal Travel Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 Subtotal Equipment Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 10,000 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 10,000 - - - 10,000 3,600 3,600 900 900 500 900 900 600 2,900 Short Term Start-Up Supplies Office Furniture @ $4000 per person 8,125 8,125 12,000 12,000 Student RX Services Supplies 5,273 5,273 5,273 30,398 6,173 6,173 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 500 500 500 1,500 4,000 5,000 5,000 Subtotal Supplies 15,819 600 43,344 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other - 14,000 27 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Total Direct Costs Indirect Cost Total Request Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 117,947 160,444 164,001 65,370 507,762 4,808 9,960 10,193 4,116 29,077 122,755 170,404 174,194 69,486 536,839 Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Equipment: Jackson State is participating in the ECG Technician program requiring equipment as detailed above. (short term training) Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, Jackson State is participating in Phlebotomy, ECG Technician and Patient Care Technician requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 28 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Motlow State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 (.5 FTE) Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 15,169 23,344 24,019 24,694 87,226 7,613 15,563 16,013 16,463 55,652 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 48,082 99,602 101,927 41,157 290,768 22,833 42,616 43,848 21,813 131,110 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 23,967 46,969 48,201 21,813 140,950 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 72,049 146,571 150,128 62,970 431,718 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Subtotal Salaries Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Subtotal Travel Equipment LPN - RN Equipment 18,000 18,000 Subtotal Equipment 18,000 - - - 18,000 Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 3,600 3,600 Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 900 900 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 500 Supplies Office Furniture @ $4000 per person Student RX Services Supplies LPN - RN Supplies 900 900 600 12,000 5,273 12,000 5,273 5,273 15,819 17,045 Subtotal Supplies 2,900 17,045 39,318 6,173 6,173 600 52,264 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 500 500 500 1,500 4,000 5,000 5,000 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other - 14,000 29 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Total Direct Costs Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 134,867 160,444 164,001 65,370 524,682 Indirect Cost 11,687 16,044 16,400 6,537 50,668 Total Request 146,554 176,488 180,401 71,907 575,350 Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Equipment: Motlow State is participating in the LPN-to-RN Mobility program requiring unique equipment as detailed below. (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) Pyxis Medication dispensing device For clinical simulations in nursing skills lab; to more accurately recreate a clinical environment for students. It will help prepare the nursing students for clinical practice as well as provide an opportunity for clinical simulation. $20,000 Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, Motlow State is participating in the LPN-to-RN Mobility training requiring unique supplies as detailed below. (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) 30 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Item Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Use Student software/instructional From student feedback, direct observation, videos and focus group information, we have learned that our students benefit from, and enjoy, learning certain skills and information through a video and/or online format. These listed below will be made available for student use. *Fluid & Electroytes Electronic Learning Program *Maternal Newborn & Women's Health Nursing Video Skills *Pediatric physical examination video Docucare Electronic Medical Charting System Charting system that is partnering with the provider of our current mannequins (Laerdal). Will enhance simulation lab experience for students and may also be used in clinical documentation. iPads and associated equipment, educational apps For faculty use in classrooms, lab, and clinicals; to enhance student educational experience with increased interaction and creative instructional techniques; will increase faculty efficiency and recordkeeping Medication Labeling Device and "medications" Dynamap vital sign monitor To provide accurate medication supplies for lab simulations For student use in lab in clinical simulation and evaluations Informatics/online instruction Instruction for faculty members regarding training for faculty online teaching and evaluation; conference and webinars Total Est. Cost $149 $50 $500 $2,000 $10,000 $1,040 $4,000 $1,200 Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 31 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Nashville State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 30,338 46,688 48,038 49,388 174,452 15,225 31,125 32,025 32,925 111,300 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 70,863 138,508 141,958 82,313 433,642 34,907 63,236 65,064 43,626 206,833 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 36,041 67,589 69,417 43,626 216,673 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 106,904 206,097 211,375 125,939 650,315 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Subtotal Travel 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 3,600 3,600 Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 900 900 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 500 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Subtotal Salaries Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Supplies Office Furniture @ $4000 per person Student RX Services Supplies 900 900 600 12,000 2,900 12,000 5,273 5,273 5,273 22,273 6,173 6,173 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 500 500 500 1,500 4,000 5,000 5,000 - 14,000 Total Direct Costs Indirect Cost 134,677 219,970 225,248 128,339 708,234 Total Request 134,677 219,970 225,248 128,339 708,234 Subtotal Supplies 15,819 600 35,219 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other 32 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (1 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (1 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 33 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Northeast State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 (.5 FTE) Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 15,169 23,344 24,019 24,694 87,226 7,613 15,563 16,013 16,463 55,652 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 48,082 99,602 101,927 41,157 290,768 22,833 42,616 43,848 21,813 131,110 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 23,967 46,969 48,201 21,813 140,950 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 72,049 146,571 150,128 62,970 431,718 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Subtotal Salaries Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Subtotal Travel Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 10,000 LPN - RN Equipment 32,328 32,328 Subtotal Equipment 42,328 - - - 42,328 Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 3,600 3,600 Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 900 900 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 500 Supplies Office Furniture @ $4000 per person 900 900 600 2,900 12,000 12,000 Short Term Start Up Supplies 3,275 3,275 Student RX Services Supplies 5,273 LPN - RN Supplies 3,570 Subtotal Supplies 5,273 5,273 15,819 3,570 29,118 6,173 6,173 600 42,064 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development 34 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Promotional/Printing Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 1,000 1,000 1,000 4,500 5,500 5,500 - 15,500 149,495 160,944 164,501 65,370 540,310 Indirect Cost 10,717 16,094 16,450 6,537 49,798 Total Request 160,212 177,038 180,951 71,907 590,108 Subtotal Other Total Direct Costs 3,000 Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Equipment: Northeast State is participating in the ECG Technician programs requiring equipment as detailed above. (short term training) Additionally, Northeast State has unique needs for implementing the LPN-to-RN Mobility program as follows: (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) Item name GAUMARD Pedi Hal 5 yr. old Description of Item Medium Fidelity Pediatric Simulator 5 Yr Old Pediatric HAL (LIGHT SKIN TONE) which 21,995.00 21,995.00 How it Contributes to student learning Real-life Scenarios for Lab & Clinical Teaching Cost of Item Unit Price: $25,295 includes: 35 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions - Active eyes allow selection of pupillary response to light and blink rate - Bilateral IV and IM - Bowel sounds four quadrants - Breathing with multiple airways sounds - Circulation multiple heart sounds/pulse sites - Cyanosis responds to physiologic condition/interventions - Convulsions and tremors - ECGs generated in real time - Defibrillate, cardiovert, and pace using real devices - Share images such as xrays, CT scans, lab results - Tablet PC - Use our preprogrammed scenarios, modify them, or create new one Extended Warranty for S3005 (Covers Years 2 & 36 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Demo Dose® SecureRX Mobile Medication System - 2 Tier Pocket Nurse Item Number: 0693-MD20 3) Demo Dose® Mobile SecureRx™ - 2 tier Introducing a completely mobile medication system for your Simulation Lab! " User Driven, ergonomic design " Fully integrated technology with barcode reader " Integrated locking system " Demo Dose® sample pack included " Fully assembled Base Cart: " 2tier 14.05" x6.08" x14.19" with bins installed " Work surface 21.5" x 18' " Height adjustable 34"-47" " 4 swivel casters: 2 locking " Concealed cable management Technology " "All in One" integrated computer " 19" LCD swivel/tilt monitor Approx. 150 lbs. Allow 6 weeks for delivery Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Prepares students for medication administration in healthcare systems Unit Price: $10,625.00 Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Northeast State is participating in Phlebotomy, ECG Technician, and Emergency Medical Dispatcher training requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Additionally, Northeast State as unique requirements to implement the LPN-to-RN program requiring the purchase of the following item. (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) Baxter Sigma IV Pump Configurable dose error reduction software Prepares students for $3,967 37 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application (DERS), Single step titration limit, Flow check at start of infusion, Secondary container infusion check. Bidirectional wireless communication. Comprehensive log analysis software to create CQI reports. Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions medication administration in healthcare systems Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 38 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Pellissippi State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 (.5 FTE) Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 15,169 23,344 24,019 24,694 87,226 7,613 15,563 16,013 16,463 55,652 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 48,082 99,602 101,927 41,157 290,768 22,833 42,616 43,848 21,813 131,110 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 23,967 46,969 48,201 21,813 140,950 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 72,049 146,571 150,128 62,970 431,718 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Subtotal Salaries Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Subtotal Travel Equipment LPN - RN Equipment 12,980 Subtotal Equipment Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 12,980 12,980 - - - 12,980 3,600 3,600 Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 900 900 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 500 Office Furniture @ $4000 per person Student RX Services Supplies LPN - RN Supplies 900 900 600 12,000 5,273 12,000 5,273 5,273 15,819 24,318 Subtotal Supplies 2,900 24,318 46,591 6,173 6,173 600 59,537 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 500 500 500 1,500 4,000 5,000 5,000 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other - 14,000 39 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Total Direct Costs Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 137,120 160,444 164,001 65,370 526,935 Indirect Cost 12,414 16,044 16,400 6,537 51,395 Total Request 149,534 176,488 180,401 71,907 578,330 Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Equipment: Pellissippi State has unique needs for implementing the LPN-to-RN Mobility program as follows: Nursing Kelly simulator is educationally effective for training hospital skills of hospital care providers. It has preprogrammed scenarios to provide standardized training, while customizable scenarios and real-time instructor control allow training to be adapted to meet individual student needs. This economical and educationally efficient skills and scenario-based trainer develops critical thinking by allowing students to perform assessments and interventions. Cost with warranty Nursing Kelly, Simulation Accessories/Replacement parts, trauma and moulage kits, fluids, scenarios: Total Nursing Kelly $6,180 SimPad system: The SimPad System provides a comprehensive library of physiological patient parameters, including vital signs, ECG recordings, organ andpatient sounds. The log function allows instructors to keep track of simulation outcomes, a useful tool for debriefing and assessment. SimPad’s total portability allows users to train for any situation, in any environment, bringing instructors closer to students for a more efficient and effective learning experience. The cost includes SimPad software, operating system for SimPad , SimPad Monitor, wireless, touch-screen simulated patient monitors provides concise clinical feedback for physiological parameters. Total SimPad $6,800 40 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, Pellissippi State has unique requirements to implement the LPN-to-RN program requiring the purchase of the following items. (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) Wound care Accessories 1,700.00 Various hospital wounds can be added to the Nursing Kelly manikin simulator for realism in wound assessment and patient care scenarios. Cath and Enema Trainer 500.00 The Interchangeable Catheterization & Enema Simulator is a life-size female pelvis with interchangeable genitalia designed for practicing urologic and rectal access gastrointestinal care procedures. Fundus Skills Model 450.00 The Fundus Skills and Assessment Trainer features the normal anatomy of the status-post or postpartum female abdomen designed for training fundus assessment and massage skills. Mama Natalie Complete 800.00 MamaNatalie is a birthing simulator that makes it easy to simulate very compelling simulations of normal to more complex birthing scenarios. It also facilitates effective learning of standard newborn resuscitation measures. Stump Bandaging Simulators 600.00 Can be used to practice and demonstrate standard bandaging procedures as well as demonstrate the attachment of prosthetic devices. Pressure Ulcer Model 450.00 Used to identify and stage pressure ulcers as well as demonstrate routine cleansing and dressing changes. SimPad Arrhythemda Trainer 800.00 Extensive ECG rhythm collection based on the SimMan 3G ECG library. Variations for 3-4 lead rhythm recognition using a standard clinical monitor. Must be used with the SimPad System Hill-Rom Bed Package 3,900.00 41 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Hospital bed w/mattress, bedside table, overbed table to use in conjunction with Nursing Kelly. Refurbished I.V. Pump 1,500.00 Used for instructional purposes of I.V. therapy preparation and administration. Digital BP Unity 700.00 Used for instructional purposes to practice and demonstrate blood pressure monitoring. Chester chest 760.00 Lifelike model of human torso with detachable right arm designed for the care, and removal of common long-term vascular access routes. I.V. Arm 760.00 Lifelike reproduction with multi-vein system designed for peripheral intravenous therapy. B/P Cuffs and Stethoscopes 250.00 Integrated Diag. System 1,800.00 Simulated hospital headwall system for practice and demonstration of O2, Medical air and suctioning. ECG Pkg. 2,900.00 Used for instructional purposes of lead placement and ECG interpretation. Stnd. Scale Baby Scale Wheel Chair Walkers Crutches Wall Mounted Sharps Containers 250.00 225.00 300.00 100.00 75.00 200.00 Disposables 4,000.00 (to be replenished with program revenue) Gloves, masks, needles, syringes, bandages, orthopedic devices etc. New I.V. Pump 4,000.00 Used for instructional purposes of I.V. therapy preparation and administration. 42 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 43 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Southwest Tennessee Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 30,338 46,688 48,038 49,388 174,452 15,225 31,125 32,025 32,925 111,300 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 Subtotal Salaries 70,863 138,508 141,958 82,313 433,642 34,907 63,236 65,064 43,626 206,833 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 36,041 67,589 69,417 43,626 216,673 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 106,904 206,097 211,375 125,939 650,315 In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Subtotal Travel Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel 3,600 3,600 Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 900 900 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person 500 Office Furniture @ $4000 per person Student RX Services Supplies 900 900 600 12,000 2,900 12,000 5,273 5,273 5,273 22,273 6,173 6,173 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 4,500 5,500 5,500 - 15,500 135,177 220,470 225,748 128,339 709,734 Indirect Cost 10,690 20,610 21,138 12,594 65,032 Total Request 145,867 241,080 246,886 140,933 774,766 Subtotal Supplies 15,819 600 35,219 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Total Direct Costs 44 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (1 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (1 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 45 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Volunteer State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Curriculum Specialist $45k 2/1/13 5/31/15 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 30,338 46,688 48,038 49,388 174,452 15,225 31,125 32,025 32,925 111,300 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 30,338 46,688 31,800 108,826 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 Subtotal Salaries 101,201 185,196 173,758 82,313 542,468 50,987 87,981 81,918 43,626 264,512 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 52,121 92,334 86,271 43,626 274,352 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 153,322 277,530 260,029 125,939 816,820 2,100 3,600 3,300 1,800 10,800 2,100 3,600 3,300 1,800 10,800 Fringe Benefits Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Subtotal Travel Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 Subtotal Equipment Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person 10,000 4,800 4,800 Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person 1,200 1,200 Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person Office Furniture @ $4000 per person 700 10,000 - 1,200 - 1,100 - 600 10,000 3,600 16,000 16,000 Short Term Start Up Supplies 8,275 8,275 Student RX Services Supplies 5,273 5,273 5,273 36,248 6,473 6,373 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 4,500 10,667 16,000 16,000 Subtotal Supplies 15,819 600 49,694 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Professional Development Promotional/Printing Office Lease Space 2/1/13 - 3/31/16 8,000 50,667 46 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Subtotal Other Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 15,667 22,000 22,000 8,000 67,667 217,337 309,603 291,702 136,339 954,981 Indirect Cost 20,734 30,960 29,170 13,634 94,498 Total Request 238,071 340,563 320,872 149,973 1,049,479 Total Direct Costs Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (1 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (1 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Additionally, Volunteer State has a Curriculum Specialist to ensure the implementation of the development/enhancement of the Medical Informatics program for which they are the lead institution. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Equipment: Volunteer State is participating in the ECG Technician program requiring equipment as detailed above. (short term training) Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Additionally, Volunteer State is participating in Phlebotomy, ECG Technician, Patient Care Technician and Emergency Medical Dispatcher requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Other: Volunteer State campuses do not have space to accommodate the addition of 4 new staff members. As a result, Volunteer State has budgeted for renting outside space for grant staff. This budget is based on an assumption of 1000 square feet at $16/square foot. The square footage rate includes utilities and other maintenance fees. See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 47 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Walters State Community College: Year 1 Personnel Program Coordinator $45k 2/1/13 6/30/16 (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Admin Assistant $30k 4/1/13 - 9/30/16 (.5 FTE) Completion Coach $40k 4/1/13 9/30/15 Student RX Services Faculty Stipends Subtotal Salaries Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 15,169 23,344 24,019 24,694 87,226 7,613 15,563 16,013 16,463 55,652 20,300 41,500 42,700 104,500 5,000 19,195 19,195 43,390 48,082 99,602 101,927 41,157 Fringe Benefits 290,768 - Full-Time Benefits @ 53% RX Student Services Benefits @ 22.68% 22,833 42,616 43,848 21,813 131,110 1,134 4,353 4,353 - 9,840 Subtotal Fringe 23,967 46,969 48,201 21,813 140,950 Subtotal Salary & Fringe 72,049 146,571 150,128 62,970 431,718 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 1,500 2,700 2,700 1,800 8,700 Travel In-State Travel @ $75/mo/person Subtotal Travel Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 10,000 Surg Tech Equipment 56,716 56,716 LPN - RN Equipment 35,942 35,942 Subtotal Equipment Supplies Computers/Printers @ $1200 per person Start-Up Supplies @ $300 per person Ongoing Supplies @ $25 per person Office Furniture @ $4000 per person 102,658 - - - 102,658 3,600 3,600 900 900 500 900 900 600 2,900 12,000 12,000 Short Term Start Up Supplies 4,550 4,550 Student RX Services Supplies 5,273 Surg Tech Supplies 5,273 5,273 15,819 76,428 Subtotal Supplies 76,428 103,251 6,173 6,173 3,500 3,500 3,500 600 116,197 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology 10,500 48 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Professional Development Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 5,500 6,500 6,500 - 18,500 284,958 161,944 165,501 65,370 677,773 Indirect Cost 18,230 16,194 16,550 6,537 57,511 Total Request 303,188 178,138 182,051 71,907 735,284 Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Total Direct Costs Salaries: Program Staff detailed for all co-grantee community colleges above in general assumptions are budgeted as follows: Program Coordinator (.5 FTE) Data Technician/Administrative Assistant (.5 FTE) Completion Coaches (1 FTE) See grant general assumptions for descriptions of faculty stipends included in the co-grantee community college budgets. Benefits: Detailed above in general assumptions Travel: Detailed above in general assumptions Equipment: Walters State is participating in the Surgery Technician and the ECG Technician programs requiring equipment as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Additionally, Walters State has unique needs for implementing the LPN-to-RN Mobility program as follows: (a 10% reduction to these costs has been applied assuming taking advantage of large purchases and state discounts.) 2 - Haptics Device, Virtual IV 2 @ $13,842/each Total $27,684 The Haptics Device is a simulated IV insertion device. The device allows the students to practice insertion of intravenous lines in a safe manner. The students have the opportunity to practice on multiple patients with no risk of blood exposure or discomfort/pain for the patients. Students can use the device for training as well as remediation if skills are determined to be deficient in the clinical area. Materials listed below including the desktop and laptop computers are required to facilitate the simulation. Each Haptics Device requires a designated computer. One desktop computer will be used in Morristown and the laptop computer with the second Haptics device can be moved from one off-campus location to the other as needed. The Virtual IV In-Hospital Module and Virtual IV Anatomical Viewer provide the case scenarios and content for student learning. 49 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions SimPad System (US) includes SimPad hand held Remote Control, Link Box, Wrist Strap, Patient Simulator Strap, SimPad Sleeveportable patient monitor, Virtual IV in-Hospital Module (2) and Virtual IV Anatomical Viewer. $12,251 The SimPad System and SimPad Tablet allow the instructor to simulate case scenarios in the campus laboratory. These 2 devices are less expensive than the purchase of a simulation manikin. The SimPad System provides a comprehensive library of physiological patient parameters, including vital signs, ECG recordings, organ and patient sounds. The log function allows instructors to keep track of simulation outcomes Supplies: Supplies have been included as detailed above in general assumptions for staff startup, monthly needs, computer/printer, furniture and the provision of student support prescriptions. Supplies for Surgery Technician training implementation as detailed above. Walters State is participating in the Emergency Medical Dispatcher, Patient Care Technician and the ECG Technician programs requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Other: See general assumptions for details on Internet-based Virtual Technology, Professional Development and Promotional/Printing. 50 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Tennessee Technology Center (TTC) – McMinnville: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 Subtotal Equipment 10,000 10,000 - - - 10,000 Supplies Short Term Start Up Supplies 4,125 Subtotal Supplies 4,125 4,125 - - - 4,125 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 500 500 500 1,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 12,000 Total Direct Costs 18,125 4,000 4,000 - 26,125 Total Request 18,125 4,000 4,000 - 26,125 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Since student support services are delivered by the staff located at the community colleges, salaries and related costs are not included in the technology center budgets. Equipment: TTC-McMinnville is participating in the ECG Technician program requiring equipment as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Supplies: TTC-McMinnville is participating in the ECG Technician and Phlebotomy programs requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Other: See detail based on general assumptions 51 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Tennessee Technology Center (TTC) – Memphis: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 Subtotal Equipment 10,000 10,000 - - - 10,000 Supplies Short Term Start Up Supplies 4,275 Subtotal Supplies 4,275 4,275 - - - 4,275 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 500 500 500 1,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 12,000 Total Direct Costs 18,275 4,000 4,000 - 26,275 Total Request 18,275 4,000 4,000 - 26,275 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Since student support services are delivered by the staff located at the community colleges, salaries and related costs are not included in the technology center budgets. Equipment: TTC-Memphis is participating in the ECG Technician program requiring equipment as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Supplies: TTC- Memphis is participating in the ECG Technician, Phlebotomy and Emergency Medical Dispatcher programs requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Other: See detail based on general assumptions 52 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Tennessee Technology Center (TTC) – Murfreesboro: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 Subtotal Equipment 10,000 10,000 - - - 10,000 Supplies Short Term Start Up Supplies Subtotal Supplies 4,125 4,125 4,125 - - - 4,125 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 500 500 500 1,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 12,000 Total Direct Costs 18,125 4,000 4,000 - 26,125 Total Request 18,125 4,000 4,000 - 26,125 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Since student support services are delivered by the staff located at the community colleges, salaries and related costs are not included in the technology center budgets. Equipment: TTC-Murfreesboro is participating in the ECG Technician program requiring equipment as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Supplies: TTC- Murfreesboro is participating in the ECG Technician and Phlebotomy programs requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Other: See detail based on general assumptions 53 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Tennessee Technology Center (TTC) – Nashville: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total Equipment Short Term Equipment 10,000 Subtotal Equipment 10,000 10,000 - - - 10,000 Supplies Short Term Start Up Supplies 5,550 Subtotal Supplies 5,550 5,550 - - - 5,550 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500 500 500 500 1,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 12,000 Total Direct Costs 19,550 4,000 4,000 - 27,550 Total Request 19,550 4,000 4,000 - 27,550 Other Internet Based Virtual Technology Promotional/Printing Subtotal Other Since student support services are delivered by the staff located at the community colleges, salaries and related costs are not included in the technology center budgets. Equipment: TTC-Nashville is participating in the ECG Technician program requiring equipment as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Supplies: TTC- Nashville is participating in the ECG Technician, Patient Care Technician and Emergency Medical Dispatcher programs requiring supplies as detailed above in general assumptions. (short term training) Other: See detail based on general assumptions 54 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Administrative Costs: Roane State Community College fully understands the importance and methodology for capturing Administrative versus Program costs in USDOL grants and in ensuring Administrative Costs remain below 10%. We have developed forms and a process for capturing this data. This high level of expertise/understanding has been developed in many ways including the following: Participation in USDOL training (most recently the Atlanta regional training in April 2011where RSCC staff participated in Ed Donahue’s sessions on fiscal grant management and specifically administrative versus program costs), Participation in Southeast Employment and Training Association (SETA) training on the topic (most recently February 2012), Administering three current grants that require tracking of Program versus Administrative costs (CBJTG, Jobs Accelerator grant, and co-grantee in a Round 1 TAACCCT grant), Participation in training by former TN Local Workforce Investment Area 4 employees on the topic (2011 with another one being planned for later in 2012), Knowledge gained as a WIA and JTPA grantee, and Extensive research of the applicable regulations. Furthermore, Roane State continues to stay abreast of this and other topics related to managing USDOL grants. Towards that effort, Roane State is hosting a training session in June 2012 for all Tennessee community colleges on grant financial management. Included on the agenda is the topic of Administrative versus Program expense. Mr. Ed Donahue is the primary trainer at his session. Mr. Donahue is the former Chief of the DOL/ETA Division of Policy, Review and Resolution in the Office of Grants and Contracts Management. In that capacity, he was responsible for regulations and policy guidance for all fiscal and administrative matters associated with ETA grant programs. As discussed in the project narrative, Roane State has an internal grant monitoring process for both the programmatic and fiscal portions of grants. Included in that quarterly review is the review of expenditure levels and a forecast for expenses to ensure Administrative costs remain below 10%. This same process would be expanded and applied to all co-grantees in the implementation of RX TN. Based on Roane State’s experience, it will be important to provide budgets to each co-grantee detailed by Administrative and Program expense. RX TN co-grantees are also familiar with the application of administrative versus program expense since a number of them have/had USDOL grants with these requirements and three of them are currently the administrative/fiscal entity for the delivery of WIA services in their respective LWIAs. As a part of grant implementation, Roane State will provide training and technical assistance on fiscal grant management including how to appropriately account for administrative versus program expense, forecast expenses by these categories and monitor spending to ensure the 10% administrative limit is not exceeded. 55 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Leveraged Funds Narrative: Total Leveraged Funds Commitment: $ 2,926,761 The leveraged funds committed to RX TN will be a key in driving a strong successful project. Key will be the participation of employers, Advisory Committees, industry associations and others in driving quality curriculum development, classroom components, clinical experiences and more. Leveraged funds and contributions are detailed in the attached letters of commitment and summarized by organization as follows: Classroom, Mock Interviews, etc. (2 yrs) Advisory Committees (3 yrs) Subject Matter Experts (3 yrs) Total Employer Leverage Lewis Health Center Blount Memorial Covenant $1,400.00 $4,500.00 $700.00 Sky Ridge Summit Total $1,400.00 $8,000.00 $1,080.00 $1,440.00 $1,080.00 $900.00 $1,080.00 $5,580.00 $1,200.00 $1,350.00 $1,200.00 $4,950.00 $1,200.00 $18,530.00 Besides the specific dollar valued contributions above, employers from across the state of Tennessee and associations have made more commitments that will be appropriately captured and reported with a specific dollar amount during grant implementation. These include: Covenant Health Care: Covenant expects to hire over 4,000 employees in the next four years. This includes approximately 1500 RNs, 25 Occupational Therapy Assistants, 100 Surgery Technicians, 40 Medical Informatics workers and 150 Patient Care Technicians. RX TN graduates will be key candidates for these jobs as they have the opportunity to engage with Covenant during their participation in classroom activities, mock interviews and job readiness components; engagement with Covenant in clinical sites (over 100 annually) and interview with Covenant. Additionally, Covenant will further support the program through Advisory Committee participation, 3rd party subject-matter expertise and donations of equipment and supplies. Summit Medical Group, PLLC: Summit expects to hire over 700 employees over the next four years. RX TN graduates will be key candidates for these jobs as they have the opportunity to engage with Summit during their participation in classroom activities, mock interviews and job readiness components. Additionally, Summit will further support RX TN by providing interviews to graduates for possible employment, Advisory Committee participation, and 3rd party subject-matter expertise. 56 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions SkyRidge Medical Center: SkyRidge expects to hire 58-65 workers annually over the next four years. If similar to past years, this will include a large number of RNs, phlebotomists and medical technologists. SkyRidge will also support the program through serving as a clinical site facility and by serving on Advisory Committees. Blount Memorial Hospital: Blount Memorial expects to hire 300-350 healthcare professionals per year over the next four years. These include RNs, Surgery Technicians, Emergency Medical Dispatchers, Phlebotomists, EKG Technicians, Patient Care Technicians, Medical Informatics Technicians and more. RX TN graduates will be key candidates for these jobs as they have the opportunity to engage with Blount Memorial during their participation in classroom activities, mock interviews and job readiness components; engagement with Blount Memorial in clinical sites (over 250 annually) and interview with Blount Memorial. Additionally, they will further support the program through Advisory Committee participation, 3rd party subject-matter expertise and donations of equipment and supplies. Maury Regional Medical Center (MRMC): MRMC expects to hire over 340 RNs, over 50 medical dispatchers, 60 Phlebotomists, 70 Patient Care Technicians, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Surgery Technicians, Medical Informatics workers, ECG Technicians and various other workers with Allied Health AAS degrees over the next 4 years. They have committed to participation with classroom and job readiness activities, serving on Advisory Committees, serving as a clinical site (250 – 300 students per year) and providing opportunities for graduates to interview for job opportunities. Lewis Health Center (LHC): LHC expects to have a growing need to hire RNs, Phlebotomists and other healthcare positions over the next 4-5 years. RX TN graduates will be key candidates for these jobs as the have the opportunity to engage with LHC during their participation in classroom activities, mock interviews and job readiness components; engagement with LHC in clinical sites and interview with LHC. LHC will further support the program through Advisory Committee participation and 3rd party subject-matter expertise. Tennessee Health Information Management Association (THIMA): THIMA will support RX TN through classroom activities, mock interviews, job readiness activities, Advisory Committee participation, 3rd party subject-matter expertise, opportunities for interviews and opportunities for students to attend educational programs conducted by THIMA. Wayne Medical Center (WMC): WMC is committed to supporting RX TN by serving as a clinical site for students and in providing job interviews for graduates as job openings occur. Life Care Centers of America (LCCA): LCCA is a national healthcare provider serving patients in 28 states with 26 centers in Tennessee. They are committed to supporting RX TN through the provision of clinical sites for RNs and Occupational Therapy Assistants. 57 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Erlanger Health System: Erlanger is a non-profit academic teaching center affiliated with the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. They serve a four state region in the southeast U.S. They expect to hire RNs, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Surgery Technicians, Medical Informatics workers, patient care technicians and a variety of healthcare workers with AAS degrees in Allied Health. They are committed to providing interviews for job opportunities for RX TN graduates. Baptist Memorial Hospital: Baptist expects to hire RNs, Phlebotomists, ECG Technicians, Health Informatics Technicians and others well into the future. They will support the grant through classroom activities, mock interviews, guest lecturers, Advisory Committee participation, clinical sites (70-80 each semester), internship provision, interviews for graduates for job openings, contributions to nursing simulation labs and more. Dyersburg Regional Medical Center (DRMC): DRMC expects to hire RNs, Phlebotomists, ECG Technicians, Health Informatics Technicians and more. They are willing to support RX TN through a number of ways including classroom activities, mock interviews, guest lecturers, Advisory Committee participation, provision of clinical sites, internship opportunities, interviews for job openings for graduates and financial contributions. Sweetwater Hospital Association (SHA): SHA expects to hire a number of healthcare professionals over the next four years including RNs, Occupational Therapy Assistants and Patient Care Technicians. SHA is committed to serving as a clinical site for students and serving on Advisory Committees. Stellar Therapy Services: Stellar is a large independent therapy organization. They expect to hire 16 Occupational Therapy Assistants and other healthcare workers over the next 4 years. They are committed to serving RX TN through the provision of clinical sites and offering job interviews to graduates. Besides leveraged commitments from employers, RX TN co-grantees have also made significant leveraged fund commitments. While they are not all documented at this point, they will be captured for grant reporting and include the time and effort of Vice Presidents of Academic Services in all 13 community colleges, health care deans and program leaders and other staff at community colleges and technology centers such as placement office support for employment and public relations support for marketing and outreach. The value of this commitment is documented below for Roane State only. It is expected the other 12 community colleges will have a similar level of support. 58 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Hours Public Relations Placement 90 100 Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Rate 30.18105 24.80769 Benefits 0.384058 0.539736 Total $3,759.51 $3,819.73 While the cost of faculty is an eligible expense in TAACCCT grants, the RX TN consortium has agreed to pay for this significant cost. This is VERY conservatively estimated as follows for both the COLS 1010 Class that is designed to help students build the learning and study skills needed to be successful and the classes that are a part of the Training Prescription portion of RX TN: Students # of Classes Adjunct Rate/Class Benefits Total COLS 1010 Classes (Success Strategies Class) 180 7.2 $11,880.00 $908.82 $12,788.82 Assumptions: Half of proposed 360 students which will be served by grant will be taking COLS1010. If maximum class size is 25 students, then total number of classes which would have to be offered for these students is 8 (rounded up). Assuming benefits of 7.65%. # of Classes Hours/Class Rate/Hour Wages Benefits Non-Credit Classes 90 40 $20.00 $72,000.00 $5,508.00 Assumptions: This assumption is as a total for all schools across the grant projecting 97 classes according to estimates; using 90 classes for leverage proposal. Benefit Rate: 7.65%. Total Non-Credit Classes $77,508.00 Credit Rate/Credit Hour/Class Hour Wages Benefits Credit Classes 300 3 $495.00 $445,500.00 $34,080.75 Assumptions: Assumed 3 credit hours per class, even though there will probably be some 4 credit hour classes. Assumed adjunct faculty would be hired with a master's degree which has an approved rate of $495/credit hour. Assumed benefits of 7.65%. This assumption is as a total for all schools across the grant. Projecting 375 classes according to estimates; using 300 for leverage proposal. Total Credit Classes $479,580.75 Total Leverage for Classes used in support of the grant $569,877.57 59 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions Lastly, the RX TN co-grantees have agreed to claim a conservative indirect rate of 10%. While the infrastructure costs to each college that are normally covered in the indirect rate are much higher, the co-grantees have agreed to contribute this as leveraged contribution in the amount of detailed below. However, since the grant was reduced by approximately $2M when awarded, the indirect rate leveraged funds will be accordingly reduced from what is reflected below by approximately $ 300,000. Total Roane Cleveland 39.5% Indirect Costs Which Could be Charged at Full Rate Indirect Costs for Leverage (Full Rate less 10% Rate) 45% 50% Columbia Dyersburg 48% 44% of direct costs excluding equipment, contracts >$25k, construction of salaries & wages excluding fringe benefits of salaries & wages excluding fringe benefits of salaries & wages excluding fringe benefits of salaries & wages excluding fringe benefits 3,540,960 1,510,433 139,829 155,365 220,430 136,721 2,630,774 1,125,346 108,756 124,292 174,508 105,648 Jackson Motlow Nashville 49.5% Indirect Costs Which Could be Charged at Full Rate Indirect Costs for Leverage (Full Rate less 10% Rate) Chattanooga NA NA Northeast Pellissippi Southwest 35% 54% of salaries & wages excluding fringe benefits 24.93% of direct costs excluding equipment, renovations, construction, subawards, flowthrough funds of direct costs excluding equipment, contracts >$25k, construction of direct salaries & wages including all fringe benefits 153,811 140,250 202,663 371,055 122,738 83,993 144,759 302,341 60 A Prescription for Healthcare Training in Tennessee U.S. Dept. of Labor TAACCCT Grant Application Indirect Costs Which Could be Charged at Full Rate Indirect Costs for Leverage (Full Rate less 10% Rate) Volunteer 27.1% Walters 33.9% of direct costs excluding equipment, sub-awards, construction of direct costs excluding equipment, contracts >$25k, construction 289,780 220,623 182,850 155,543 Roane State Community College (RSCC) and TN Consortium Institutions TTC McMinn NA TTC Memphis NA TTC Murfreesboro NA TTC Nashville NA Although not detailed and assigned a dollar value at this point, leveraged resources in connecting/benchmarking with Round 1 TAACCCT resources will be captured and reported as a part of grant implementation. Also not detailed and assigned a dollar value are Subject Matter Experts. 3rd party subject matter experts have been planned for each of the curriculum development areas that RSCC is responsible as detailed below. Many of these are detailed in the attached letters of commitment. These include for Occupational Therapy Assistant, Allied Health, Surgery Technician, LPN-toRN Mobility, Phlebotomy, ECG Technician, Patient Care Technician, and Emergency Medical Dispatcher. Roane State has considerable experience in identifying and capturing leveraged funds. Processes are already in place at the college. These processes will be expanded to co-grantee institutions and appropriate training/technical assistance will be included in grant implementation to ensure the appropriate reporting of leveraged funds. 61