Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF III.B.4. Long-range capital plans support institutional improvement goals and reflect projections of the total cost of ownership of new facilities and equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 10/19/11 1/4/12 1/4/12 3/20/13 4/1/13 3/26/14 DistMastBldgPln_10_19_11pii IndRevPanelFinRpt_1_4_12p7 IndRevPanelFinRpt_1_4_12p38 LACCDTotalCostOwn_3_20_2013 LACCD_ACCJCSpecRpt_4_1_2013 FMPOC_Min_3_26_2014 LACCD Master Building Program Budget Plan, p.ii- vii Independent Review Panel Final Report, p. 7 Independent Review Panel Final Report, p.38 LACCD Comprehensive Plan for Total Cost of Ownership Special Accreditation rpt on bond and budget recommendations FMPOC Minutes: approved BOT resolution on Total Cost of Ownership & Harbor student union 7 8 3/26/14 4/17/13 TCOPPT_3_26_2014 TechImpPlan_4_17_2013 PPT Presentation on Total Cost of Ownership Technology Implementation Strategy Plan - Total cost of ownership 9 10 6/14/14 5/28/14 ConnectLACCDFeasRpt_6_16_2014 Fac_Life_Cyc_Custdl_5_28_14 Feasibility Report on Connect LACCD PPT AECOM Facilities Lifecycle Review and Custodial & Building Maintenance AECOM & Analysis; total cost of ownership Hinkling SS-R1, 11/2014 11 7/23/14 CustdlSvcsEnhPgm_7_23_2014 LACCD Custodial Services Enhancement Program (CSEP) PPT; total cost AECOM & utilization Hinkling SS-R1, 11/2014 12 10/22/14 Meas_DmdPPT_10_22_2014 LACCD Prgm Mngt Svcs, Distwide Measurement & Demand Reponse PPT uploaded 2/25 13 14 15 4/30/14 7/9/14 4/15/15 BOT_Min_4_30_2014_p3 BOT_Agd_FPD4_7_9_2014 BOT_Agd_FPD4_4_15_2015 BOT Minutes approved TCO resolution Board Agenda adoption of FMPOC recs for Connect LACCD Adopt FMPOC recommendations regarding Connect LACCD project uploaded 4/16 uploaded 4/24 uploaded 4/23 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION uploaded 5/12 uploaded 5/12 uploaded 5/12 uploaded 4/23 uploaded 4/23 uploaded 10/14 Jim O'Reilly uploaded 2/25 uploaded 3/26 uploaded 4/23 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 1 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF III.D.5. To assure the financial integrity of the institution and responsible use of its financial resources, the internal control structure has appropriate control mechanisms and widely disseminates dependable and timely information for sound financial decision making. The institution regularly evaluates its financial management practices and uses the results to improve internal control systems. 1 2 3 4 1/16/13 8/19/15 5/13/13 5/20/92 BR7608_1_16_2013 BOT_Ag_FinRpt_5_13_8_19_15 BFC_Ag_FinRpt_3_11_5_13_15 BR7900_5_20_1992 BR 7608 on interim financial reports BOT Agendas and Handouts BOT Agendas and Handouts BR 7900 on internal audit, financial statements and reports, internal accounting controls uploaded 5/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 5 5/20/92 BR7900.10_7900.12_5_20_1992 BR 7900 on internal audit, financial statements and reports, internal accounting controls uploaded 7/29 6 7 12/3/14 7/28/15 BOT_AgBF2_Audit_12_3_2014 LACCDFinRptFreq_2015 BOT Agenda BF2 LACCD Financial Reporting Information and Frequency, July 2015 3D8 8 9 6/25/15 6/30/14 BudgCaldr_2015-16_6_25_15 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p82_87 LACCD Budget Development Calendar LACCD Financial Audit, June 30, 2014 and 2013, p. 82 & 87 3D10 uploaded 7/29 3D5, 3D14 uploaded 7/29 10 11 6/30/09 6/30/10 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2009 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2010 LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit 3D14 uploaded 7/29 3D8, 3D14 uploaded 7/29 12 13 14 15 6/30/11 6/30/12 6/30/13 6/30/14 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2011 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2012 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2013 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2014 LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit 3D14 4D14 3D14 3D5, 3D9, 3D10, 3D11, 3D12, 3D14 16 6/30/14 LACCDAudt_6_30_14p83_91_118 LACCD Financial Audit, June 30, 2014 and 2013, p. 83 & 91-118 3D5, 3D14 uploaded 7/29 17 18 19 9/1/08 9/1/09 9/1/10 IntAuditPlan_2008_09 IntAuditPlan_2009_10 IntAuditPlan_2010_11 Internal Audit schedule Internal Audit schedule Internal Audit schedule LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 Page 2 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME 20 21 22 23 24 25 9/1/11 9/1/12 9/11/13 9/17/14 4/15/15 8/27/14 IntAuditPlan_2011_12 IntAuditPlan_2012_13 IntAuditPlan13_14_9_11_13 IntAuditPlan14_15_9_17_14 IntAuditPlan15_16_4_15_15 RiskAssmt_8_27_2014 AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF CONTINUED III.D.5. To assure the financial integrity of the institution and responsible use of its financial resources, the internal control structure has appropriate control mechanisms and widely disseminates dependable and timely information for sound financial decision making. The institution regularly evaluates its financial management practices and uses the results to improve internal control systems. LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION Internal Audit schedule Internal Audit schedule Internal Audit schedule Internal Audit schedule Internal Audit schedule Internal Audit Risk Assessment meeting agenda and overview 3D10 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 Page 3 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF III.D.8. The institution’s financial and internal control systems are evaluated and assessed for validity and effectiveness, and the results of this assessment are used for improvement. 1 2 3 4 12/3/14 12/3/14 6/30/09 6/30/10 BoT_Agenda_12_3_2014_audit BFC_Min_12_3_2014_audit LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_09 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_10 BOT agenda on audit BFC minutes on audit LACCD Bond Financial Audit LACCD Bond Financial Audit 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6/30/11 6/30/12 6/30/13 6/30/14 11/19/14 1/30/15 3/13/15 6/24/15 6/10/15 6/25/15 6/29/15 6/29/15 6/29/15 6/29/15 6/29/15 2/21/12 7/3/13 2/7/14 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_11 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_12 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_13 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_14 FMPOC_Agenda_11_19_2014 DCOC_Agenda_1_30_2015 DCOC_Agenda_3_13_2015 BoT_Agenda_6_24_2015 DBC_ProcAudit_6_10_2015 ProcmtTrng_eval6_25_15 SAPBWRpts_Finance SAPBWRpts_HR SAPBWRpts_Instrctl SAPBWRpts_Procmt SAPBWRpts_Time Bus_AcctgPP_2_21_12 ACCJCActionLtr_DO_7_3_2013 ACCJCltr_Dorecs_2_7_2014 LACCD Bond Financial Audit LACCD Bond Financial Audit LACCD Bond Financial Audit LACCD Bond Financial Audit FMPOC agenda DCOC agenda DCOC agenda BOT agenda DBC agenda, Procurement Audit summary & CAP Procurement training SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-finance SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-HR SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-instructional SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-procurement SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-time Business office & accounting policies & procedure manual ACCJC letter to District ACCJC letter LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION 3D5 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 3D5, 3D14 uploaded 7/31 3D14 4C5 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 Page 4 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/3/14 6/30/14 12/1/14 Sep-09 Aug-10 Sep-11 Sep-12 Aug-13 Sep-14 9/2/15 6/30/14 8/5/11 8/6/12 5/23/12 8/21/13 9/3/14 9/2/15 9/2/15 5/25/12 4/11/12 7/10/13 7/9/14 6/26/15 6/30/14 10/1/08 9/24/15 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF III.D.9. The institution has sufficient cash flow and reserves to maintain stability, support strategies for appropriate risk management, and, when necessary, implement contingency plans to meet financial emergencies and unforeseen occurrences. BOT_AgBF1_FinBudPPT_9_2_15 FinBudg2015_16_cvrltr_pi FinBudg2014_15_cvrltr_pi LACCDFinAuditRpt_2014_p6 BondRating_PR_12_1_2014 FinBudg_2009_10_pi_1 FinBudg_2010_11_cvrltr_pi_1 FinBudg_2011_12cvrLtr_pi_1 FinBudg_2012_13_cvrltr_pi_1 FinBudg_2013_14_cvrltr_pi_1 FinBudg2014_15_pi_1 FinBudg2015_16_pi_p1_9 LACCDFinAuditRpt_2014p46 FinBudg2011_12_AppF_p3 FinBudg2012_13_AppF_p4 BoT_Ag_BF2_5_23_2012 FinBudg2013_14_AppF_p4 FinBudg2014_15_AppF_p4 FinBudg2015_16_AppF_resrv FinBudg2015_16_p8_9_2_15 Title5_Sec58307 BOT_Ag_BF2_4_11_2012 BOT_Ag_BF2_7_10_2013 BoTAg_BF2_7_9_2014 LACCDCert_Liab_6_26_2015 LACCDFinAuditRpt_2014p45 BR7313_10_1_2008 BoTLetter_6_24_2015 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION Final Budget Final Budget 2015-2016 Final Budget 2014-2015 LACCD Financial Audit S&P's AA+ bond rating; KPMG's audit positive Final Budget 2009-2010 Final Budget 2010-2011 Final Budget 2011-2012 Final Budget 2012-2013 Final Budget 2013-2014 Final Budget 2014-2015 Final Budget 2015-2016 LACCD Financial Audit Final Budget 2011-2012 Final Budget 2012-2013 Board Agenda BT2 Final Budget 2013-2014 Final Budget 2014-2015 Final Budget 2015-2016 Final Budget 2015-2016 Title 5 Section 58307 BOT Agenda BOT Agenda BOT Agenda Certificate of Liability LACCD Financial Audit Board Rule 7313 Board Letter 3D5 3D11 3D5 3D11 3D5 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 5 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Varies 6/10/15 8/19/08 6/30/14 4/3/09 9/23/81 Jan 2015 6/25/15 2015 9/23/15 2/26/13 Jun 2015 6/30/14 3/24/15 4/17/15 6/5/15 2/28/09 3/12/15 5/11/15 4/23/14 9/17/14 Varies 6/30/10 9/17/14 4/15/15 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF III.D.10. The institution practices effective oversight of finances, including management of financial aid, grants, externally funded programs, contractual relationships, auxiliary organizations or foundations, and institutional investments and assets. BR7100 BoT_Ag_6_10_2015_contract BusOpPolicy_Procmt_04_00_09 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p25_26 LACCD_Asset_PolProc_4_3_2009 BR_7600 BudgOpPlanInst_2015_16 BudgCaldr_2015_16_6_25_15 Dist_Coll_FinLiaison_15_16 FinAidPolProManl2015_16drft SFPjobdescptns SFPAcctList_6_2015 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p73_90 SrDirFndtn_jobdesc_3_24_15 LACCDFndtnSummit_4_17_2015 PresCoun_LACCDFdtn_6_5_15 2ndQtr2008_09RptProj2 ELAC_2QRecapPkt_3_12_2015 LACCFdtnAgmt5_11_15 FdtnIntAudSum_4_23_14 IntAuditCAPFdtn_9_17_14 BR9200_9300 AdminRegs_S1_S7 IntAuditPlan14_15_9_17_14 BFC_4_15_15_ASOAudits LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION Board Rule 7100 Board Agenda Business Operations Policy and Procedures LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Asset Management Policies and Procedures Board Rule 7600 District Budget Operational Plan Instructions 2015-2016 Budget Calendar College Financial Liaison Draft of 2015-16 Policies and Procedures Manual SFP Classifications SFP Accountant List LACCD Financial Audit Senior Director of Foundation job description LACCD Foundation Summit Presidents Council Budget Expenditure Projections 2nd Qtr 2008-2009 ELAC2Q Recap Packet LACC Foundation Contract Foundation Internal Audit Summary Foundation Corrective Plan Board Rule 9200-9300 Administrative Regulations Internal Audit Plan BFC Audits 3D5 3D5 3D5 3D14 3D5 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/11 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 6 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF III.D.11. The level of financial resources provides a reasonable expectation of both short-term and long-term financial solvency. When making short-range financial plans, the institution considers its long-range financial priorities to assure financial stability. The institution clearly identifies, plans, and allocates resources for payment of liabilities and future obligations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6/30/14 6/30/14 9/2/15 3/11/15 4/22/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 6/10/15 LACCDFinAudt_6_30_14p34_35 LACCDFinAudt_6_30_14p17_18 FinBudg2015_16_pp1_10 BFC_LRForecast_3_11_2015 DBC_Min_4_22_2015 FinBudg2015_16PPT_9_2_15p15 FinBudg2015_16PPT_9_2_15p8 DefMaint_AttI_II_BFC_6_10_15 LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit Final Budget Long Range Forecast DBC Minutes Final Budget Final Budget Deferred Maintenance Unfunded Projects 3D5 3D5 3D9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6/30/14 6/30/14 7/1/13 2/11/15 6/30/14 4/23/08 6/30/15 6/27/01 6/19/74 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p38 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p39_44 PostRetBenActValRpt_7_1_13 BFC_FutureCosts_2_11_2015 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p33 BOT_Ag_Min_BF2_4_23_2008 CalPERS_CERTStmt_6_30_2015 BR101001.5_6_27_2001 BR101020_6_19_1974 LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit Postretirement Health Benefits Actuarial Valuation Future Cost, Analysis BFC Meeting LACCD Financial Audit Board Agenda and Minutes CalPERS Quarterly Financial Statement Board Rule 101001.5 Board Rule 101020 3D5 3D5 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 III.D.12. The institution plans for and allocates appropriate resources for the payment of liabilities and future obligations, including Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), compensated absences, and other employee related obligations. The actuarial plan to determine Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) is current and prepared as required by appropriate accounting standards. 3D5 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 III.D.13. On an annual basis, the institution assesses and allocates resources for the repayment of any locally incurred debt instruments that can affect the financial condition of the institution. None LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 Page 7 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6/30/14 6/30/13 6/30/12 6/30/11 6/30/10 6/30/09 Varies 6/3/10 2/21/12 6/30/14 6/30/13 6/30/12 6/30/11 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF III.D.14. All financial resources, including short- and long-term debt instruments (such as bonds and Certificates of Participation), auxiliary activities, fund-raising efforts, and grants, are used with integrity in a manner consistent with the intended purpose of the funding source. LACCDFinAud_6_30_2014p82_84 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2013p86_88 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2012p74_89 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2011p72_90 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2010p70_83 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2009p78_92 AdmRegAO9_AO19 AdminRegs_S1_S7 Bus_AcctgPP_2_21_12 LACCDBondAut_6_30_2014p8_10 LACCDBondAud_6_30_2013p8 LACCDBondAud_6_30_2012p8_10 LACCDBondAud_6_30_2011p8_13 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit Administrative Regulations Administrative Regulations Business Office & Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual LACCD Bond Audit LACCD Bond Audit LACCD Bond Audit LACCD Bond Audit 3D5 3D5 3D5 3D5 3D5, 3D8 3D5 D310 3D8 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 Page 8 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.C.1. The institution has a governing board that has authority over and responsibility for policies to assure the academic quality, integrity, and effectiveness of the student learning programs and services and the financial stability of the institution. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1/16/13 1/16/13 8/3/15 8/3/15 1/30/13 8/21/13 2/9/11 3/7/12 4/3/13 4/23/14 1/14/15 11/2/11 11/7/12 11/6/13 5/14/14 4/15/15 BR2100_1_16_2013 BR2300_2303_ 1_16_13 ChancellorDirective_8_3_15 AdminRegs_8_3_15 BR2305_2315_ 1_30_13 BR2604_2607.15_ 8_21_13 BOT_AgMin_2_9_2011 BOT_AgMin_3_7_2012 BOT_AgMin_4_3_2013 BOT_AgMin_4_23_2014 BOT_AgMin_1_14_2015 BOT_AgMin_11_2_2011 BOT_AgMin_11_7_2012 BOT_AgMin_11_6_2013 BOT_AgMin_5_14_2014 BOT AgMin_4_15_2015 Board Rule 2100 Board Rule 2300-2303 Chancellor Directives Administrative Regulations BR 2305-2315 BR 2604- 2607.15 Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes 1 1/30/13 BR2300.10_1_30_2013 BR 2300.10 BOT acts collectively 2 2012/2015 BOT_MinConsDisc_2012_2015 BOT Minutes Consent Items Discussions IV.C.2. The governing board acts as a collective entity. Once the board reaches a decision, all board members act in support of the decision. LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 4C5, 4C11, 4C12 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 2/26 uploaded 10/14 Page 9 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSPRESENTER REF IV.C.3. The governing board adheres to a clearly defined policy for selecting and evaluating the CEO of the college and/or the district/system. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7/10/12 HRGd_R110_p1_7_10_2012 HR R-110 5/1/13 5/9/13 May-13 May-13 5/1/13 2013/2014 3/13/14 12/5/07 12/5/07 12/5/07 2014/2015 BOT_Ag_BT6_ChancSch_5_1_13 ChancProfileDevtAnn_5_9_13 ChancJobDesc_5_2013 ChancSearchTimeline_5_2013 ChancSearchAnn_5_1_2013 ChanSel_BOTAg_2013_2014 LATimes_ChancRodAnn_3_13_14 ChancDirect_ 122_12_5_07 ChancEvalDataColl_12_5_2007 ChancEvalForm_12_5_2007 BOT_Ag_ChancEval_2014_15 Board of Trustees BT6 Chancellor Search Chancellor Profile Development Announcement Chancellor Job Description Chancellor Selection Timeline Chancellor Search Annoucement Chancellor selection closed Board session Agendas LA Times article Chancellor directive on evaluation of chancellor Data collection form for chancellor's evaluation Evaluation form for chancellor's evaluation Board of Trustees Agendas, Chancellor evaluation closed session 13 14 15 16 17 18 6/26/13 6/25/14 6/24/15 2010/2015 11/15/12 2010/2014 BR1038_CollPresSel_6_26_13 BOT_Ag_HRD1_Pres_6_24_15 BOT_Ag_HRD1_PresEmp_6_25_14 BOT_Ag_PresSel_2010_2015 PerfEvalCollPres_11_15_2012 BOT_Ag_PresEval_2010_2014 Selection of college presidents HRD1 Board Resolution HRD1 Board Resolution Board of Trustees closed agendas President selection Performance evaluation fo college presidents Board of Trustees closed agendas President evaluations LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION NOTES uploaded 3/20 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4C12 4C12 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 3/24 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 3/24 uploaded 10/14 Page 10 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.C.4. The governing board is an independent, policy-making body that reflects the public interest in the institution’s educational quality. It advocates for and defends the institution and protects it from undue influence or political pressure. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Jan-13/May 96 1/7/11 1/30/13 2/6/13 8/21/13 8/4/15 2013/2015 7/7/05 2015 10/14/15 1/16/13 2011/2015 11/19/14 BR_2101_2102 BR_21001.13 BR2300_BOT_1_30_2013 BR1200_1201_ 2_6_13 BR2605.11_8_21_2013 BOT_AdHocCmtes_8_4_15 BOT_Letters_2013_2015 BOT_Min_pubag_2015 BOT_Min_edqual_pubag_2015 Pub_Inqry_BOTEmailpage BR3002_3003.30 BOT_Min_VKC_Farm2011_2015 LegPAC_2015Priorts_11_19_14 Board Rule 2101-2102 Board Rule 21001.13 BR 2300 BOT Independent body Board Rule 1200-1201 BOT public interest Board of Trustees Ad Hoc Committees Board of Trustees Letters Board of Trustees Minutes, Public Agenda Speakers Board of Trustees Educational Quality Speakers Public Inquiry Email to Board President Board Rule 3002-3003.30 Board of Trustee Minutes, VKC and Farm Legislative and Public Affairs Committee Board Legislative Priorities 14 15 2015 8/19/15 BOT_Ag_LegAdv_2015 BOT_Min_2015FedLeg_8_19_15 Board of Trustees Agendas, Legislative Advocacy Board of Trustees Minutes Federal Legislative Priorities LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 2/26 4C5 4C5 uploaded 8/4 4C5, 4C8 uploaded 3/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 11 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 1/30/13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2/6/13 Varies 8/21/13 1/30/13 1/30/13 10/7/15 2015/2016 6/13/12 2014/2015 1/16/13 2014/2015 2014/2015 2015/2016 2014/2015 10/9/13 17 2015 18 19 20 2/7/14 2011/2015 11/14/01 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.C.5. The governing board establishes policies consistent with the district mission to ensure the quality, integrity, and improvement of student learning programs and services and the resources necessary to support them. The governing board has ultimate responsibility for educational quality, legal matters, and financial integrity and stability. BR2300_2303.16_2305 Board Rule 2300-2303.6-2305 4C2, 4C4, uploaded 10/14 4C11, 4C12 BR_1200 BRVI_ArtI_VIII BR2605.11_8_21_2013 BR2314_StudEquity_1_30_2013 BR_2306_7600_7606 BOT_Ag_15_16BudgCal_10_7_15 FinBudget_2015_2016_9_2015 BudgAllocMechAmend_6_13_12 LPA_Min_2014_2015 BR_7608 BFC_Min_QtrlyRpts_2014_15 BFC_Ag_2014_2015 FinBudg2015_16_AppF_resrv BOT_Ag_ContRes_2014_2015 BOT_AgBF2_FinAccMea_10_9_13 Board Rule 1200 BR Ch. VI, Articles I-VIII, Instruction Board Rule 2605.11 BOT requires and reviews Student Equity Plans Board Rule 2306 and 7600-7606 LACCD Budget Development Calendar 2015-2016 Final Budget District Budget Allocation Mechanism Amendment LPA Minutes Board Rule 7608 BFC Minutes, Quarterly reports BFC Agendas 2015-2016 Final Budget, Apendix F, Reserve Policy, P.3 Board of Trustees Agendas approval of contingency reserves Board of Trustees Agenda 4C4 BFC_Min_BOT_Ag_collfin_2015 BFC Minutes and BOT Agenda regarding College Financial requests ACCJCltr_DOrecs_2_7_2014 BOT_Ag_ClLegal_2011_2015 BR4001 11_14_2001 ACCJC Letter Board of Trustees closed session agenda on legal issues Board Rule 4001 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4C4, 4C8 uploaded 3/4 uploaded 3/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4D3 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4D2, 4D3, uploaded 10/14 4D4 uploaded 10/14 3D8 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 12 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.C.6. The institution or the governing board publishes the board bylaws and policies specifying the board’s size, duties, responsibilities, structure, and operating procedures. 1 2 3 2/26/15 Varies Varies BoardRulesOnline_2_26_2015 BR_2100_2902 BR_21000_21010 Screen shot of Board Rules online BR 2100-2902 BR21000-21010 uploaded 2/26 uploaded 8/24 uploaded 8/24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Varies 1/16/13 6/13/15 6/18/15 10/26/95 2/16/83 2/7/07 6/30/15 6/30/15 Dec-13 6/12/14 4/22/15 5/5/15 BR_2400_2400.13 BR_2402_2404 BOT_Ag_SpecMtg_6_13_2015 BOT_Ag_SpecMtg_6_18_2015 Chanc_Dir_70_10_26_1995 BR_2418_2_16_1983 Admin_Reg_C_12 BRReviewSched_2015 AdminRegRevSched_2015 AdminReg_RevwForm_12_2013 E_97_Rev_Commt_Memo_6_12_14 E110_SignedReview_4_22_15 BR6700_conslt_BOTAg_5_5_15 Board Rule 2400-2400.13 Board Rule 2402-2404 Board of Trustees Agenda Board of Trustees Agenda Chancellor's Directive #70 Internal consultation process Board Rule 2418 Admin Reg C-12 Board Rule Review Schedule Administrative Regulations Review Schedule Administrative Regulation Rev Form Template E-97 review and comment E-110 Confirmed Review Board Rule 6700 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 1 8/21/13 BR_2605.11 Board Rule 2605.11 2 3 4 5 6/24/15 12/17/14 11/19/14 9/17/14 IESS_Min_HO_6_24_2015 IESS_Min_12_17_2014 IESS_Min_11_19_2014 IESS_Min_9_17_2014 IESS Minutes IESS Minutes IESS Minutes LAMC & LASC presentations of their Strategic Plans and data; AB 86 LARAEC Comprehensive Plan presentation 6 1/29/14 IESS_Min_1_29_2014 IESS cmte min: Approval of LAPC strategic plan; rpt on LACCD certificates 2010-13; Preview of 2013 Student Success Scorecard IV.C.7. The governing board acts in a manner consistent with its policies and bylaws. The board regularly assesses its policies and bylaws for their effectiveness in fulfilling the college/district/system mission and revises them as necessary. 4D6 IV.C.8. To ensure the institution is accomplishing its goals for student success, the governing board regularly reviews key indicators of student learning and achievement and institutional plans for improving academic quality. LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 4C4, 4C5 uploaded 10/14 4D5 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4C13 uploaded 10/14 Page 13 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF CONTINUED IV.C.8. To ensure the institution is accomplishing its goals for student success, the governing board regularly reviews key indicators of student learning and achievement and institutional plans for improving academic quality. 7 12/4/13 IESS_Min_12_4_2013 IESS cmte min: review and approval of LACC, ELAC, LASC and LATTC Institutional Effectiveness rpts 8 11/20/13 IESS_Min_11_20_2013 IESS cmte Min: approval of LAPC & LAMC Institutional effectiveness rpts; rejected LACC institutional effectiveness rpt 4C13 uploaded 10/14 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9/2/15 8/19/15 5/13/15 4/15/15 3/11/15 1/28/15 8/20/14 2/26/14 6/11/14 BOT_Ag_SSscorecd_9_2_2015 BOTAg_DASBOTnotes_8_19_2015 BOT_Ag_DevEdPPT_5_13_2015 BOT_Ag_CH1_4_15_2015 BOT_Ag_CH1_2_3_11_15 BOT_Ag_1_28_2015 BOT_Min_8_20_2014 BOT_AgCH1_2_26_2014 IESSMin_UnprStudPPT_6_11_14 Report on Student Success Scorecard Board of Trustees Agenda and DAS Board meeting notes Board of Trustees Agenda and PPT Board of Trustees Agenda Board of Trustees Agenda Board of Trustees Agenda Board of Trustees Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda, CH1 IESS minutes & PPT on unprepared students from 2013 Student Success Scorecard 4D5 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 18 3/26/14 IESS_Min_3_26_14 IESS cmte minutes: review of datea on certificates awarded in LACCD & 3/7/14 ACCJC training debriefing 4C13 uploaded 10/14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3/26/14 4/29/14 FALL 2014 5/27/15 6/10/15 3/28/13 9/25/13 LACCDCertRptExecSum_3_26_14 PairedCertRpt_4_29_2014 StudSurvy_Fall2014_quest25 IESS_Min_PPT_5_27_2015 BOT_AgIEPI_6_10_2015 BOT_Min_3_28_2013 IESS_Min_9_25_2013 District certificate report and degree reports Certificates attached to degrees, Summary by report 2014 Student Survey Question 25 and results IESS Minutes and Student Survey results PPT Board of Trustees Agenda and PPT Board of Trustees Minutes IESS cmte min: approval of LACCD Follow-up Report to ACCJC and approval of District Financial Accountability Measures LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 14 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1/16/13 Varies 6/4/15 6/18/15 1/20/10 Dec-10 Aug-11 4/19/12 9/24/12 11/13/12 3/19/13 10/22/13 8/23/14 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.C.9. The governing board has an ongoing training program for board development, including new member orientation. It has a mechanism for providing for continuity of board membership and staggered terms of office. 12/10/14 Varies 2014/2015 2012 1/16/13 4/11/07 3/11/15 5/15/96 1/31/96 FILE NAME BR_2105 StudtTrusteeOrientn BOT_AgHO_Ortn_6_4_15 BOT_AgHO_Ortn_6_18_15 BOT_AgMinHO_Goal_1_20_2010 BOT_AgMin_12_10_11_2010 BOT_AgMinHO_8_25_26_2011 BOT_AgMinHO_4_19_2012 BOT_AgMinTrng_9_24_2012 BOT_AgMinAccTrg_11_13_2012 BOT_MinActnImpPln_3_19_13 BOT_MinAccTrgGoals_10_22_13 BOT_AgMinAccHO_8_23_2014 BOT_AgAccHO_12_10_2014 BR2300.10_11 BOT_AgMin_11_2014_5_2015 BOT_ACCJCAccTrngCert_2012 BR_2103 BOT_Min_ReddockAppt_4_11_07 BOT_Ag_ApptFong_3_11_2015 BR2102_amend_5_15_1996 BR21000_21010 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION Board Rule 2105 Student Trustee Orientation Procedures BOT Orientation Agenda and Packet BOT Orientation Agenda and Packet BOT Agenda, Minutes & Handouts BOT Agenda & Minutes BOT Agenda, Minutes & Handouts BOT Agenda, Minutes & Handouts BOT Agenda & Minutes BOT Agenda & Minutes BOT Minutes and Action Improvement Plan BOT Minutes & Handouts BOT Agenda, Minutes & Handouts BOT Agenda & Handouts Board Rule 2300.10-2300.11 BOT Agenda & Minutes BOT ACCJC Training Certificates Board Rule 2103 BOT Minutes BOT Agenda Board Rule 2102 Board Rule 21000 4C10 4C10 4C13 4C13 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 15 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10/17/07 10/14/15 5/13/15 5/13/15 2015 6/13/15 3/13/14 2/6/13 2012/2013 3/19/13 2/21/12 1/20/10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.C.10. Board policies and/or bylaws clearly establish a process for board evaluation. The evaluation assesses the board’s effectiveness in promoting and sustaining academic quality and institutional effectiveness. The governing board regularly evaluates its practices and performance, including full participation in board training, and makes public the results. The results are used to improve board performance, academic quality, and institutional effectiveness. BR2301.10BOTeval_10_17_07 JoseLeyba_bio BOT_AgMin_5_13_2015 BOT_SelfEval_ActionPlan_5_13_2015 BOT_SelfAssmtTool_2015 BOT_Ag_Min_EvalHO_6_13_15 BOT_Min_HO_3_13_2014 BOT_Min_2_6_13_3_19_13 BOT_EvalComp_12_13_2_2013 BOT_ActionImpPlan_3_19_2013 BOT_AgMin_SelfEval_2_21_2012 BOT_AgMinHOSelfEval_1_20_10 BR 2301.10 on BOT self evaluation Jose Leyba bio Board of Trustees Agenda and Minutes Board of Trustees 2015 Plan of Action Board of Trustees Assessment Tool BOT Agenda and Minutes, Handouts BOT Minutes and Handouts BOT Minutes BOT Evaluation Comparison Summary Report BOT Actionable Improvement Plan BOT Agenda and Minutes BOT Agenda, Minutes and Handouts 8/21/02 1/30/13 BR14000_ConfltInt_8_21_2002 BR2300.10_2300.11_1_30_2013 BOT Conflict of Interest Policy BR 2300.10 and 2300.11 Ethics rules and sanctions 2013 2015 2015 12/3/14 AllTrustEthicsCerts_2013 BOT_EthicsCerts_2015 BOT_Form700_2015 BOT_Min_12_3_2014 Trustee Ethics Certificates, 2013 Trustee Ethics Certificates, 2015 Trustees Form 700 Board of Trustees Minutes 4C9 4C9 uploaded 2/26 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 IV.C.11. The governing board upholds a code of ethics and conflict of interest policy, and individual board members adhere to the code. The board has a clearly defined policy for dealing with behavior that violates its code and implements it when necessary. A majority of the board members have no employment, family ownership, or other personal financial interest in the institution. Board member interests are disclosed and do not interfere with the impartiality of governing body members or outweigh the greater duty to secure and ensure the academic and fiscal integrity of the institution. LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 uploaded 3/4 4C2, 4C5, uploaded 2/26 4C12 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 11/18 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 16 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3/6/02 1/30/13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Oct-15 Oct-15 2014/2015 5/27/15 May-13 12/5/07 2014/2015 2013/2014 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.C.12. The governing board delegates full responsibility and authority to the CEO to implement and administer board policies without board interference and holds the CEO accountable for the operation of the district/system or college, respectively. BR2902_ChancAuth_3_6_2002 BR2300.10 Chancellor authority Board Rule 2300.10 FuncAreaMap_BOT_10_2015 FuncAreaMap_Chanc_10_2015 BOT_InfoRqstTrkg_2014_2015 BOTLtr_5_27_2015_Inqy_resp ChancJobDesc_5_2013 ChancDirect122_eval_12_5_07 BOT_Ag_ChancEval_2014_15 ACCJCRpt_DO_Corr_2013_2014 Board Functional Area map 2015 Chancellor Functional Area map, 2015 BOT Info Request Tracking Document Board Letter Chancellor's Job Description, May 2013 Chancellor's Directive 122 BOT closed Agendas Chancellor Evaluation Spring 2013 Evaluation Team Report and June 2013 ACCJC letter LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 uploaded 3/4 4C2, 4C5, uploaded 10/14 4C11 4C3 4C3 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 17 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.C.13. The governing board is informed about the Eligibility Requirements, the Accreditation Standards, Commission policies, accreditation processes, and the college’s accredited status, and supports through policy the college’s efforts to improve and excel. The board participates in evaluation of governing board roles and functions in the accreditation process. 1 2 3 4 5 6 11/3/12 10/22/13 12/10/14 12/11/13 2014 12/9/14-2/2/15 BOT_Min_AccTrng_11_3_2012 BOT_Min_AccTrg_10_22_2013 BOT_Min_AccTrngHO_12_10_14 BOT_Min_AccAdHoc_12_11_13 AccAdHocCmte_Ag_2014 IESS_Min_AccredRpts_2014_15 BOT Accreditation Training Minutes 11/3/12 BOT minutes on accreditation training 10/22/13 BOT Accreditation Training Minutes 12/10/14 BOT Minutes Accreditation Ad Hoc Committee Agendas IESS Committee minutes -LASC, WLAC, LAHC, LAMC & LAVC accreditation report presentations and approvals 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2013-15 11/19/14 2/25/15 3/25/15 4/29/15 6/24/15 2014/2015 8/21/13 IESS_Ag_AccUpdt_2013_2015 IESS_AccUpdtPPT_11_19_2014 IESS_AccRecapPPT_2_25_15 IESS_AccUpdtPPT_3_25_2015 IESS _AccUpdatPPT_4_29_2015 IESS_AccUpdtPPT_6_24_2015 IESS_Min_2014_2015 IESS_Min_8_21_2013 IESS committee agendas for 2013-2015 IESS Accreditation Update PPT accreditation reporting recap 2012-2016 to IESS cmte PPT IESS Accreditation Update PPT IESS Accreditation Update PPT IESS Accreditation Update PPT IESS committee minutes from 2014-2015 IESS cmte min: approved budget augmentation for accred support at LAVC and LAMC; informed about DAS summit on accreditation 15 6/11/14 BOT_AgMin_accfunds_6_11_14 BOT agenda and minutes showing approval of funding for accreditation uploaded 10/14 16 17 18 19 4/29/15 8/22/12 1/28/15 3/12/14, 2/11/15, 3/11/15, 12/9/15 COW _AccPPT_4_29_2015 BOT_Min_COWacc_8_22_2012 BOT_AccUpdatePPT_1_28_2015 BOT_AgAccAppvl_2014_2015 Accreditation Update PPT BOT Minutes BOT Accreditation Update PPT BOTAgendas, approval of accreditation reports uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/4 20 9/17/15 FuncAreamap_BOT_9_17_2015 BOT Functional Area Map LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION 4C9 4C9 4C9 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 3/27 uploaded 3/13 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 3/24 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/3 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 18 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.D.1. Standard In multi-college districts or systems, the district/system CEO provides leadership in setting and communicating expectations of educational excellence and integrity throughout the district/system and assures support for the effective operation of the colleges. Working with the colleges, the district/system CEO establishes clearly defined roles, authority and responsibility between colleges and the district/system. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 2012/2015 2014 Aug-15 2015 LACCDnewsltrs_2014_15 Accred2016Newsltrs_2014_15 ChancCabAgendas2014_2015 PresCouncil_Ag_2012_2015 ChancCabRetreats2014 CollPres_JobDescptn_8_2015 DAS_Chanc_Consultn_Ag_2015 District Newsletters 2014-2015 District Accreditation 2014-2015 Newsletter Chancellors Cabinet Agendas Presidents Council agendas Chancellor Cabinet Retreat agendas WLAC College President Job Description Agendas from DAS Consultation Meetings with Chancellor 2014-2015 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2007/2015 Fall-2015 2014/2015 8/26/15 6/25/15 Jul-09 Oct-08 2010 2010 9/23/09 2013 8/26/15 11/20/15 2015 DAS_Summits_2007_2015 DAS_AcSpkgnewsltr_Fall2015 DBC_Min_7_15_2015_8_13_2014 ChancBudgRecs_8_26_2015 WLAC_IntPres_Ann_6_25_2015 ELACAccredEvalRpt_P6_7_2009 LACCDFunctnlMap_10_2008 LACCDGovFunctHndbk_2010 DistCmteDescTemplate_2010 CollGovHandbktemplt_9_23_09 LACCDGovFunctHndbk_2013 ESC_PgmRevw_2014_15 LACCDFuncMap_Fall15_Finalv2 Draft_2015_16_GovFuncHndbk Agendas from DAS Summits 2007-2015 DAS Academically Speaking Newsletter Fall 2015 DBC Minutes Chancellor Budget Recommendations WLAC Interim President Press Release ELAC Accreditation Evaluation Report District Functional Map, 2008 LACCD Governance Handbook Committee Description template College Governance and Functions Handbook template LACCD Governance Handbook ESC 2014 Program Reviews Functional Area maps 2015 Draft 2015-16 LACCD Governance and Functions Handbook screenshot of webpage 22 2012 SIS_ProcessMaps_2012 SIS maps LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION 4D6 4D6 4D2 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 10/14 Page 19 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5/4/98 11/30/15 7/24/15 2013 2008/2009 2011/2012 Fall-2014 Fall-2014 10/1/15 16 17 6/10/15 9/16/15 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.D.2. The district/system CEO clearly delineates, documents, and communicates the operational responsibilities and functions of the district/system from those of the colleges and consistently adheres to this delineation in practice. The district/system CEO ensures that the colleges receive effective and adequate district/system provided services to support the colleges in achieving their missions. Where a district/system has responsibility for resources, allocation of resources, and planning, it is evaluated against the Standards, and its performance is reflected in the accredited status of the institution. 2/20/15 2014/2015 2/20/15 10/1/15 6/3/12 10/9/13 FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION BOT_Ag_BT7_decntrl_5_4_1998 LACCDFuncMap_Fall15_Finalv2 FunctAreaRevRqst_7_24_2015 DistGovHndbk_p51_57_2013 DOSOevals_2008_2009 DOSOevals_2011_2012 Accred2016Newsltr_F2014 PgrmRevAg_F2014 ESC_PgmRevTempupdt_10_1_15 ESCsvcsurveytool_2014_15 ESCSvcSurvyAnlysis_2014_15 PrgmRevUpdate2_20_2015 ESCPrgmRevGd2014_15_10_1_15 BudgAllocMechAmend_6_13_12 DistFinAcctMeas_10_9_2013 BOT Agenda, BT7 Decentralization policy District Functional Area Maps Functional Area Map Review Request, Email 2013 LACCD Governance and Functions Handbook p.51-57 DOSO Evaluations 2008-2009 DOSO Evaluations 2011-2012 Fall 2014 Accreditation Newsletter Program Review Workshop Agendas Program Review Template 2014 ESC Services Surveys 2014 ESC Services Survey Analyses Program Review Update PPT Draft ESC Program Review Manual Budget Allocation Mechanism Amendment Financial Accountability Measures ECDBCrec_LAHCrqst_6_10_15 BFC_LAHCrqst_9_16_2015 ECDBC Recommendation on LAHC Deferral Request LAHC Debt Referral Request PPT to BFC LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 uploaded 8/20 4D1 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/20 uploaded 8/20 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/20 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/20 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4C5, 4D3, uploaded 10/14 4D4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 20 of 43 Note: File names <28 char Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist EV# DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.D.3 The district/system has a policy for allocation and reallocation of resources that are adequate to support the effective operations and sustainability of the colleges and district/system. The district/system CEO ensures effective control of expenditures. 1 2 3 4 5 Aug-15 2/7/07 5/18/11 Jan-12 10/9/13 DBCwebpage_8_2015 BOT_Ag_BF2_BudgAlloc_2_7_07 DBC_Mtg_Min_05_18_2011 ECDBC_BudAllocRecs_Jan2012 BOT_BF4_FinAccMeas_10_9_13 DBC webpage screenshot, 8/2015 BOT Agenda, BF2, 2/7/07 SB 361 Budget Allocation Model DBC minutes 5/18/11 ECDBC Budget Allocation Model Recommendation, Jan 2012 BOT BF4, Financial Accountability Measures, 10/9/13 6 7 8 9 10 9/23/14 6/13/12 10/8/14 6/13/12 12/3/14 BudgAllocModelEval_9_23_2014 FAC_Min_Reserve_6_13_2012 BFC_AgMinHO_10_8_2014 BOT_AgBF4_Bud_Alloc_6_13_12 2014_15Qtr1Proj_12_3_14 District Budget Allocation Evaluation, 9/23/14 BOT adoption of District Financial Accountabilty Measures BFC Agenda, Minutes and Handouts on Costs per FTES FAC minutes 2014-15 Quarter 1 Projection, 12/3/14 1 2 3 4 7/31/15 Varies 2011/2014 10/9/13 HRGd_R110_AcAdmSel_7_31_15 CollPresSelfEvalPkt BOT_Ag_PresEvals_2011_14 BOT_AgBF2_FinAccMea_10_9_13 HR Guide R-110 Academic Administrator Selection College President Self Evaluation packet BOT agendas w/President evaluations, 2011-2014 BOT Agenda BF2, 10/9/13 5 2015 Chanc_FA_map_2015 Chancellor Functional Area map, 2015 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 8/17 SSR4 uploaded 8/17 4C5, 4D2, uploaded 8/17 4D4 4C5 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 8/17 IV.D.4. The CEO of the district or system delegates full responsibility and authority to the CEOs of the colleges to implement and administer delegated district/system policies without interference and holds college CEO’s accountable for the operation of the colleges. LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 3/26 4C5, 4D2, uploaded 8/17 4D3 uploaded 8/17 Page 21 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2/6/13 10/1/15 2014 2012/2015 8/19/15 6/26/15 8/28/15 3/9/11 3/21/13 2014 2014 8/22/14 2013 2014/2015 5/20/15 9/16/15 2012 2015 9/2/15 5/27/15 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist FILE NAME AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.D.5. District/system planning and evaluation are integrated with college planning and evaluation to improve student learning and achievement and institutional effectiveness. LACCD_StratPlan_2_6_2013 Dist_IntegPlan_10_1_15 CollEffRptTemplate_2014 IESS_Ag_IERpts_2012_2015 BOT_Ag_PlngLdrshp_8_19_2015 DPAC_Ag_DSP_Chrtr_6_26_2015 DPAC_Ag_8_28_2015 LACCDTechStratPlan_3_9_2011 LACCDTech_ImptnPlan_3_21_13 SSSP_NewDEC_SvcCat2014 SSSP_CounslrDECTrgPPT2014 SSI_Min_8_22_2014 SIS_Fit_Gap_Ag_2013 FTES_MtgDocs_2014_15 DBC_EnrQtrlyRpt_5_20_15 BFC_QtrEnrUpdate_9_16_2015 BudAllocMech2007_Amend_2012 DPAC_Min_June_Aug_2015 BOT_Ag_Scorecard_9_2_2015 LACCD_15_16IEPIFrmwk5_27_15 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION District Strategic Plan: Vision 2017 LACCD Integrated Planning Manual College Effectiveness Report Template IESS Committee Agendas on IE Report Approval BOT Agenda, Annual Board Leadership & Planning Session DPAC Agenda DPAC Agenda LACCD Technology Strategic Plan - Vision 2020 District Technology Implementation Plan SSSP New DEC Service Categories Powerpoint SSSP Counselor Training Powerpoint SSI Steering Committee Minutes SIS Fit Gap Agendas Quarterly College FTES meetings Quarterly Enrollment Report to DBC Quarterly Enrollment Report Budget Allocation Model 2012 Amendment DPAC Minutes BOT Agenda IEPE 2015-16 Goals Framework 4C8 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 2/19/15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 22 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Varies Aug-15 10/26/95 Aug-15 Aug-15 Aug-15 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.D.6. Communication between colleges and districts/systems ensures effective operations of the colleges and should be timely, accurate, and complete in order for the colleges to make decisions effectively. 8/27/15 Aug-15 2/9/15 Nov. 2015 Aug-15 2014/2015 9/25/15 2014/2015 2012/2014 2013/2014 2012/2015 2014/2015 2013/2014 2015 2014/2015 10/13/11 9/25/15 FILE NAME DistCncls_Cmtes_10_2015 Dist_ExecAdmCoun_8_2015 ChancDirect70_10_26_1995 Dist_GovCmteupdate_8_2015 DistGovCmte_webpg_8_2015 Dist_CoordCmtes_8_2015 EmailRpt_Listserve_2015 Dist_AcadIntCmtes_8_2015 Dist_Listsrv_2_19_15 BOT_Letter_Email_11_2015 OGC_BR_AR_rev_Jul_Aug2015 LACCDnewsltrs_2014_15 ChancBulletin_9_25_2012 Accred2016Newsltrs_2014_15 Diversity_Newsltrs_2012_14 SIS_newsltrs_2013_2014 Well_Benfts_news_2012_15 Bond_newsltrs_2014_2015 SISforumPPTS_2013_14 Chanc_wklyBOTemail_2015 DAS_Communication_2014_15 DistWebRedsgnMtg_10_13_11 DistwideCommPPT_DAS_9_25_15 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION Screenshot of District Intranet of Councils and Committees Districtwide Executive Administrative Councils 2015 Draft Chancellors Directive 70 District-level Governance Committee 2015 update District-level Governance Committee Webpage Screenshot District Coordinating Committees 2015 update Email Report to List Serve 2015 District Academic Initiative Committees 2015 update District List Serve List Sample BOT Agenda Email OGC Board Rule and Admin Regs Revision Notices LACCD Newsletters Chancellor Bulletins Accreditation Newsletters Diversity Newsletters SIS Newsletters Benefits and Wellness Newsletters Bond Program Newsletters SIS Forum Powerpoint Chancellor weekly email updates DAS Communication Web redesign meeting Districtwide Communication PPT 4C7 4D1 4D1 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 23 of 43 Note: File names <28 char EV# DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2009 2/26/10 2012 2015 Varies 8/19/15 8/28/15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8/28/15 Varies 2012/ 2014 2012/ 2014 2011/ 2012 7/19/12 Sep-15 8/27/15 6/22/15 Worksheet #1 - Ev-BySTDlist FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION AUTHOR/ CROSSNOTES PRESENTER REF IV.D.7. The district/system CEO regularly evaluates district/system and college role delineations, governance and decision-making processes to assure their integrity and effectiveness in assisting the colleges in meeting educational goals for student achievement and learning. The district/system widely communicates the results of these evaluations and uses them as the basis for improvement. 2009DistGovSurveyTool 2010DistGovAssmtRpt_2_26_10 2012DisGovAssmtToolReslts 2015DistGovSurveyTool GovSurvyComp2010_14_8_19_15 DistGovDMAnl_14_15_8_19_15 DistGovAnlColl_1415_8_28_15 District-wide Governance Survey Results 2009 Disctrict Governance Assessment Report District-wide Governance Survey Results 2012 District-wide Governance Survey Results 2015 District level Governance and Decision making Analysis District Governance Assessment Report District-level Governance and Decision-making Assessment Report by College and Analysis by Role uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 10/14 DPAC_2015_16Wkpln_8_28_15 DistwideCmteSelfEvalForm DBCSelfEval_2012_2014 DPACSefEval_2012_2014 JLMBC_SelfEvals_2011_2012 TPCCSlfEv_2011_12_7_19_12 DistCncilCmteUpdt_9_2015 GovEvalTimeline_8_27_2015 DPACCharterUpdate_6_22_15 DPAC Workplan 2015-2016 Districe-wide Committee Self-Evaluation form DBC self-evaluation 2012-2014 DPAC self-evaluation 2012-2014 JLMBC self-evaluation TPCC self-evaluation 2011-2012 Updated District Council and Committee list Governance Evaluation Timeline Updated DPAC Charter uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 Page 24 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF 9 6 6 4 3D12 3D10 4C7 3D5 6/19/74 9/23/81 2/16/83 5/20/92 BR101020_6_19_1974 BR_7600 BR_2418_2_16_1983 BR7900_5_20_1992 Board Rule 101020 Board Rule 7600 Board Rule 2418 BR 7900 on internal audit, financial statements and reports, internal accounting controls 5 3D5 5/20/92 BR7900.10_7900.12_5_20_1992 BR 7900 on internal audit, financial statements and reports, internal accounting controls 5 4C7 Chanc_Dir_70_10_26_1995 Chanc_Dir_70_10_26_1995 BR21000_21010 BR2102_amend_5_15_1996 BOT_Ag_BT7_decntrl_5_4_1998 BR101001.5_6_27_2001 BR4001 11_14_2001 BR2902_ChancAuth_3_6-2002 BR14000_ConfltInt_8_21_2002 BOT_Min_pubag_2015 Admin_Reg_C_12 BOT_Ag_BF2_BudgAlloc_2_7_07 Chancellor's Directive #70 Internal consultation process 4D6 Chancellors Directive 70 4C7 BOT_Min_ReddockAppt_4_11_07 BR2301.10BOTeval_10_17_07 ChancDirect122_eval_12_5_07 ChancDirect122_eval_12_5_07 ChancEvalDataColl_12_5_2007 ChancEvalForm_12_5_2007 BOT_Ag_Min_BF2_4_23_2008 BusOpPolicy_Procmt_04_00_09 IntAuditPlan_2008_09 BOT Minutes BR 2301.10 on BOT self evaluation Chancellor's Directive 122 Chancellor directive on evaluation of chancellor Data collection form for chancellor's evaluation Evaluation form for chancellor's evaluation Board Agenda and Minutes Business Operations Policy and Procedures Internal Audit schedule 22 21 1 8 20 1 1 8 7 2 4C9 4C9 4D2 3D12 4C5 4C12 4C11 4C4 4C7 4D3 10/26/95 10/26/95 1/31/96 5/15/96 5/4/98 6/27/01 11/14/01 3/6/02 8/21/02 7/7/05 2/7/07 2/7/07 19 1 8 9 10 11 6 3 17 4C9 4C10 4C12 4C3 4C3 4C3 3D12 3D10 3D5 4/11/07 10/17/07 12/5/07 12/5/07 12/5/07 12/5/07 4/23/08 8/19/08 9/1/08 3 4D6 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 Board Rule 21000 Board Rule 2102 BOT Agenda, BT7 Decentralization policy Board Rule 101001.5 Board Rule 4001 Chancellor authority BOT Conflict of Interest Policy Board of Trustees Minutes, Public Agenda Speakers Admin Reg C-12 BOT Agenda, BF2, 2/7/07 SB 361 Budget Allocation Model NOTES uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/29 4C3 4C12 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/20 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 3/4 uploaded 3/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 2/26 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 Page 25 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION 27 14 1 3D9 4D1 4D7 10/1/08 Oct-08 2009 BR7313_10_1_2008 LACCDFunctnlMap_10_2008 2009DistGovSurveyTool Board Rule 7313 District Functional Map, 2008 District-wide Governance Survey Results 2009 17 5 6 10 3 13 18 6 17 3D10 3D10 3D14 3D5 3D8 4D1 3D5 3D9 4D1 2/28/09 4/3/09 6/30/09 6/30/09 6/30/09 Jul-09 9/1/09 Sep-09 9/23/09 2ndQtr2008_09RptProj2 LACCD_Asset_PolProc_4_3_2009 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2009p78_92 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2009 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_09 ELACAccredEvalRpt_P6_7_2009 IntAuditPlan_2009_10 FinBudg_2009_10_pi_1 CollGovHandbktemplt_9_23_09 Budget Expenditure Projections 2nd Qtr 2008-2009 LACCD Asset Management Policies and Procedures LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Bond Financial Audit ELAC Accreditation Evaluation Report Internal Audit schedule Final Budget 2009-2010 College Governance and Functions Handbook template 15 16 12 5 2 8 23 5 11 4 4D1 4D1 4C10 4C9 4D7 3D14 3D10 3D14 3D5 3D8 2010 2010 1/20/10 1/20/10 2/26/10 6/3/10 6/30/10 6/30/10 6/30/10 6/30/10 LACCDGovFunctHndbk_2010 DistCmteDescTemplate_2010 BOT_AgMinHOSelfEval_1_20_10 BOT_AgMinHO_Goal_1_20_2010 2010DistGovAssmtRpt_2_26_10 AdminRegs_S1_S7 AdminRegs_S1_S7 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2010p70_83 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2010 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_10 LACCD Governance Handbook Committee Description template BOT Agenda, Minutes and Handouts BOT Agenda, Minutes & Handouts Disctrict Governance Assessment Report Administrative Regulations Administrative Regulations LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Bond Financial Audit 7 19 6 2 8 8 3 3D9 3D5 4C9 4C4 4C1 4D5 4D3 Aug-10 9/1/10 Dec-10 1/7/11 2/9/11 3/9/11 5/18/11 FinBudg_2010_11_cvrltr_pi_1 IntAuditPlan_2010_11 BOT_AgMin_12_10_11_2010 BR_21001.13 BOT_AgMin_2_9_2011 LACCDTechStratPlan_3_9_2011 DBC_Mtg_Min_05_18_2011 Final Budget 2010-2011 Internal Audit schedule BOT Agenda & Minutes Board Rule 21001.13 Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes LACCD Technology Strategic Plan - Vision 2020 DBC minutes 5/18/11 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 CROSSREF 3D5 3D14 NOTES uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/19 4C9 uploaded 10/14 4C10 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 D310 uploaded 10/15 3D14 uploaded 10/14 3D5, 3D8 uploaded 10/15 3D8, 3D14 uploaded 7/29 3D5, 3D14 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 2/19/15 uploaded 8/17 Page 26 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION 1 13 17 22 17 3 4 3B4 4C1 4C9 4D1 4D5 4D7 4D3 6/30/11 6/30/11 6/30/11 6/30/11 Aug-11 8/5/11 9/1/11 Sep-11 10/13/11 10/19/11 11/2/11 2012 2012 2012 2012 Jan-12 2 3 9 3B4 3B4 3D14 1/4/12 1/4/12 2/21/12 IndRevPanelFinRpt_1_4_12p7 IndRevPanelFinRpt_1_4_12p38 Bus_AcctgPP_2_21_12 Independent Review Panel Final Report, p. 7 Independent Review Panel Final Report, p.38 Business Office & Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual 20 3D8 2/21/12 Bus_AcctgPP_2_21_12 Business office & accounting policies & procedure manual 11 9 22 8 16 21 4C10 4C1 3D9 4C9 3D9 3D9 2/21/12 3/7/12 4/11/12 4/19/12 5/23/12 5/25/12 BOT_AgMin_SelfEval_2_21_2012 BOT_AgMin_3_7_2012 BOT_Ag_BF2_4_11_2012 BOT_AgMinHO_4_19_2012 BoT_Ag_BF2_5_23_2012 Title5_Sec58307 BOT Agenda and Minutes Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes BOT Agenda BOT Agenda, Minutes & Handouts Board Agenda BT2 Title 5 Section 58307 4 13 12 5 7 14 20 8 3D14 3D14 3D5 3D8 4C9 3D9 3D5 3D9 22 4D6 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2011p72_90 LACCDBondAud_6_30_2011p8_13 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2011 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_11 BOT_AgMinHO_8_25_26_2011 FinBudg2011_12_AppF_p3 IntAuditPlan_2011_12 FinBudg_2011_12cvrLtr_pi_1 DistWebRedsgnMtg_10_13_11 DistMastBldgPln_10_19_11pii BOT_AgMin_11_2_2011 BOT_ACCJCAccTrngCert_2012 SIS_ProcessMaps_2012 BudAllocMech2007_Amend_2012 2012DisGovAssmtToolReslts ECDBC_BudAllocRecs_Jan2012 LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Bond Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Bond Financial Audit BOT Agenda, Minutes & Handouts Final Budget 2011-2012 Internal Audit schedule Final Budget 2011-2012 Web redesign meeting LACCD Master Building Program Budget Plan, p.ii- vii Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes BOT ACCJC Training Certificates SIS maps Budget Allocation Model 2012 Amendment District-wide Governance Survey Results 2012 ECDBC Budget Allocation Model Recommendation, Jan 2012 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 CROSSREF 3D5 NOTES SSR4 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 5/12 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/17 3D8 uploaded 5/12 uploaded 5/12 uploaded 10/15 3D14 uploaded 7/31 3D14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 27 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF NOTES 14 9 7 4D2 4C5 4D3 6/3/12 6/13/12 6/13/12 BudgAllocMechAmend_6_13_12 BudgAllocMechAmend_6_13_12 FAC_Min_Reserve_6_13_2012 Budget Allocation Mechanism Amendment District Budget Allocation Mechanism Amendment BOT adoption of District Financial Accountabilty Measures 9 3 12 13 6 1 13 15 17 21 9 9 1 14 10 17 3 18 4 4D3 3D14 3D14 3D5 3D8 4C3 4D7 3D9 4C13 3D5 3D9 4C9 4C13 4C1 4C9 4C3 4C11 4D1 4D2 6/13/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 7/10/12 7/19/12 8/6/12 8/22/12 9/1/12 Sep-12 9/24/12 11/3/12 11/7/12 11/13/12 11/15/12 2013 2013 2013 BOT_AgBF4_Bud_Alloc_6_13_12 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2012p74_89 LACCDBondAud_6_30_2012p8_10 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2012 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_12 HRGd_R110_p1_7_10_2012 TPCCSlfEv_2011_12_7_19_12 FinBudg2012_13_AppF_p4 BOT_Min_COWacc_8_22_2012 IntAuditPlan_2012_13 FinBudg_2012_13_cvrltr_pi_1 BOT_AgMinTrng_9_24_2012 BOT_Min_AccTrng_11_3_2012 BOT_AgMin_11_7_2012 BOT_AgMinAccTrg_11_13_2012 PerfEvalCollPres_11_15_2012 AllTrustEthicsCerts_2013 LACCDGovFunctHndbk_2013 DistGovHndbk_p51_57_2013 FAC minutes 4C5 LACCD Financial Audit 3D5 LACCD Bond Audit LACCD Financial Audit 4D14 LACCD Bond Financial Audit HR R-110 TPCC self-evaluation 2011-2012 Final Budget 2012-2013 BOT Minutes Internal Audit schedule Final Budget 2012-2013 BOT Agenda & Minutes BOT Accreditation Training Minutes 11/3/12 Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes BOT Agenda & Minutes Performance evaluation fo college presidents Trustee Ethics Certificates, 2013 LACCD Governance Handbook 2013 LACCD Governance and Functions Handbook p.51-57 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 3/20 uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 3/24 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/19 13 1 1 2 11 4D5 3D5 4C1 4C1 4C4 2013 1/16/13 1/16/13 1/16/13 1/16/13 SIS_Fit_Gap_Ag_2013 BR7608_1_16_2013 BR2100_1_16_2013 BR2300_2303_ 1_16_13 BR3002_3003.30 SIS Fit Gap Agendas BR 7608 on interim financial reports Board Rule 2100 Board Rule 2300-2303 Board Rule 3002-3003.30 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 5/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 4D3 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/17 Page 28 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME 11 2 1 18 5 2 4C5 4C7 4C9 4C9 4C1 4C11 1/16/13 1/16/13 1/16/13 1/16/13 1/30/13 1/30/13 BR_7608 BR_2402_2404 BR_2105 BR_2103 BR2305_2315_ 1_30_13 BR2300.10_2300.11_1_30_2013 Board Rule 7608 Board Rule 2402-2404 Board Rule 2105 Board Rule 2103 BR 2305-2315 BR 2300.10 and 2300.11 Ethics rules and sanctions 2 4C12 1/30/13 BR2300.10 Board Rule 2300.10 4C2, 4C5, 4C11 1 4C2 1/30/13 BR2300.10_1_30_2013 BR 2300.10 BOT acts collectively 4C5, 4C11, uploaded 2/26 4C12 3 1 4C4 4C5 1/30/13 1/30/13 BR2300BOTIndBody_1_30_2013 BR2300_2303.16_2305 BR 2300 BOT Independent body Board Rule 2300-2303.6-2305 4C5 uploaded 2/26 4C2, 4C4, uploaded 10/14 4C11, 4C12 5 6 8 4 2 1 11 10 11 4 4C5 4C5 4C10 4C4 4C5 4D5 3D10 4C10 4C9 3B4 1/30/13 1/30/13 2/6/13 2/6/13 2/6/13 2/6/13 2/26/13 3/19/13 3/19/13 3/20/13 BR2314_StudEquity_1_30_2013 BR_2306_7600_7606 BOT_Min_2_6_13_3_19_13 BR1200_1201_ 2_6_13 BR_1200 LACCD_StratPlan_2_6_2013 SFPjobdescptns BOT_ActionImpPlan_3_19_2013 BOT_MinActnImpPln_3_19_13 LACCDTotalCostOwn_3_20_2013 BOT requires and reviews Student Equity Plans Board Rule 2306 and 7600-7606 BOT Minutes Board Rule 1200-1201 Board Rule 1200 District Strategic Plan: Vision 2017 SFP Classifications BOT Actionable Improvement Plan BOT Minutes and Action Improvement Plan LACCD Comprehensive Plan for Total Cost of Ownership 9 24 4D5 4C8 3/21/13 3/28/13 LACCDTech_ImptnPlan_3_21_13 BOT_Min_3_28_2013 District Technology Implementation Plan Board of Trustees Minutes LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF 4C2, 4C5, 4C12 NOTES uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 2/26 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 3/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4C5 4C4 4C9 4C10 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 4/23 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 29 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE 5 3B4 4/1/13 LACCD_ACCJCSpecRpt_4_1_2013 Special Accreditation rpt on bond and budget recommendations 10 8 4C1 3B4 4/3/13 4/17/13 BOT_AgMin_4_3_2013 TechImpPlan_4_17_2013 Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Technology Implementation Strategy Plan - Total cost of ownership uploaded 8/4 uploaded 3/26 7 2 5 6 3 3 4 13 2 11 14 7 3 21 23 10 17 7 14 4C12 4C3 4C3 4C3 4C3 3D5 4C3 4C3 3D14 3D14 3D5 3D8 3D12 3D8 3D9 3D9 3D9 4C1 4C13 May-13 ChancJobDesc_5_2013 Chancellor's Job Description, May 2013 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 5 4 1 4C4 4C5 4C8 5/1/13 May-13 5/1/13 5/9/13 FILE NAME BOT_Ag_BT6_ChancSch_5_1_13 ChancSearchTimeline_5_2013 ChancSearchAnn_5_1_2013 ChancProfileDevtAnn_5_9_13 TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF Board of Trustees BT6 Chancellor Search Chancellor Selection Timeline Chancellor Search Annoucement Chancellor Profile Development Announcement NOTES uploaded 4/23 uploaded 10/14 5/13/13 May-13 6/26/13 6/30/13 6/30/13 6/30/13 6/30/13 7/1/13 7/3/13 7/10/13 Aug-13 8/21/13 8/21/13 8/21/13 BFC_Ag_FinRpt_3_11_5_13_15 ChancJobDesc_5_2013 BR1038_CollPresSel_6_26_13 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2013p86_88 LACCDBondAud_6_30_2013p8 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2013 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_13 PostRetBenActValRpt_7_1_13 ACCJCActionLtr_DO_7_3_2013 BOT_Ag_BF2_7_10_2013 FinBudg_2013_14_cvrltr_pi_1 FinBudg2013_14_AppF_p4 BR2604_2607.15_ 8_21_13 IESS_Min_8_21_2013 BOT Agendas and Handouts Chancellor Job Description Selection of college presidents LACCD Financial Audit 3D5 LACCD Bond Audit LACCD Financial Audit 3D14 LACCD Bond Financial Audit Postretirement Health Benefits Actuarial Valuation ACCJC letter to District BOT Agenda Final Budget 2013-2014 Final Budget 2013-2014 BR 2604- 2607.15 IESS cmte min: approved budget augmentation for accred support at LAVC and LAMC; informed about DAS summit on accreditation uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 3/24 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 8/21/13 8/21/13 BR2605.11_8_21_2013 BR2605.11_8_21_2013 BOT public interest Board Rule 2605.11 4C5, 4C8 4C4, 4C8 8/21/13 BR_2605.11 Board Rule 2605.11 4C4, 4C5 uploaded 3/4 uploaded 3/4 uploaded 10/14 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 Page 30 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF NOTES 22 25 3D5 4C8 9/11/13 9/25/13 IntAuditPlan13_14_9_11_13 IESS_Min_9_25_2013 Internal Audit schedule IESS cmte min: approval of LACCD Follow-up Report to ACCJC and approval of District Financial Accountability Measures 16 4C5 10/9/13 BOT_AgBF2_FinAccMea_10_9_13 Board of Trustees Agenda 4D2, 4D3, 4D4 uploaded 10/14 15 4D2 10/9/13 DistFinAcctMeas_10_9_2013 Financial Accountability Measures 4C5, 4D3, 4D4 uploaded 10/14 5 4D3 10/9/13 BOT_BF4_FinAccMeas_10_9_13 BOT BF4, Financial Accountability Measures, 10/9/13 4C5, 4D2, 4D4 uploaded 8/17 4 4D4 10/9/13 BOT_AgBF2_FinAccMea_10_9_13 BOT Agenda BF2, 10/9/13 4C5, 4D2, 4D3 uploaded 8/17 2 12 15 8 4C13 4C9 4C1 4C8 10/22/13 10/22/13 11/6/13 11/20/13 BOT_Min_AccTrg_10_22_2013 BOT_MinAccTrgGoals_10_22_13 BOT_AgMin_11_6_2013 IESS_Min_11_20_2013 BOT minutes on accreditation training 10/22/13 4C9 BOT Minutes & Handouts 4C13 Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes IESS cmte Min: approval of LAPC & LAMC Institutional 4C13 effectiveness rpts; rejected LACC institutional effectiveness rpt uploaded 3/27 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 10 7 4C7 4C8 Dec-13 12/4/13 AdminReg_RevwForm_12_2013 IESS_Min_12_4_2013 Administrative Regulation Rev Form Template IESS cmte min: review and approval of LACC, ELAC, LASC and LATTC Institutional Effectiveness rpts uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4 5 5 3 10 11 4C13 4C13 4D1 4D5 4D5 4D5 12/11/13 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 BOT_Min_AccAdHoc_12_11_13 AccAdHocCmte_Ag_2014 ChancCabRetreats2014 CollEffRptTemplate_2014 SSSP_NewDEC_SvcCat2014 SSSP_CounslrDECTrgPPT2014 BOT Minutes Accreditation Ad Hoc Committee Agendas Chancellor Cabinet Retreat agendas College Effectiveness Report Template SSSP New DEC Service Categories Powerpoint SSSP Counselor Training Powerpoint uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 10/14 Page 31 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF 6 4C8 1/29/14 IESS_Min_1_29_2014 IESS cmte min: Approval of LAPC strategic plan; rpt on LACCD certificates 2010-13; Preview of 2013 Student Success Scorecard 22 18 16 7 8 6 3D8 4C5 4C8 4C10 4C3 3B4 2/7/14 2/7/14 2/26/14 3/13/14 3/13/14 3/26/14 ACCJCltr_Dorecs_2_7_2014 ACCJCltr_DOrecs_2_7_2014 BOT_AgCH1_2_26_2014 BOT_Min_HO_3_13_2014 LATimes_ChancRodAnn_3_13_14 FMPOC_Min_3_26_2014 ACCJC letter 4C5 ACCJC Letter 3D8 Board of Trustees Agenda, CH1 BOT Minutes and Handouts LA Times article FMPOC Minutes: approved BOT resolution on Total Cost of Ownership & Harbor student union uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 7 18 3B4 4C8 3/26/14 3/26/14 TCOPPT_3_26_2014 IESS_Min_3_26_14 PPT Presentation on Total Cost of Ownership IESS cmte minutes: review of datea on certificates awarded 4C13 in LACCD & 3/7/14 ACCJC training debriefing uploaded 2/25 uploaded 10/14 19 20 11 20 13 16 10 4C8 3D10 4C1 4C8 3B4 4C1 3B4 3/26/14 4/23/14 4/23/14 4/29/14 4/30/14 5/14/14 5/28/14 LACCDCertRptExecSum_3_26_14 FdtnIntAudSum_4_23_14 BOT_AgMin_4_23_2014 PairedCertRpt_4_29_2014 BOT_Min_4_30_2014_p3 BOT_AgMin_5_14_2014 Fac_Life_Cyc_Custdl_5_28_14 District certificate report and degree reports Foundation Internal Audit Summary Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes Certificates attached to degrees, Summary by report BOT Minutes approved TCO resolution Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes AECOM Facilities Lifecycle Review and Custodial & Building SS-R1, Maintenance Analysis; total cost of ownership 11/2014 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 4/16 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 15 4C13 6/11/14 BOT_AgMin_accfunds_6_11_14 BOT agenda and minutes showing approval of funding for accreditation uploaded 10/14 17 4C8 6/11/14 IESSMin_UnprStudPPT_6_11_14 IESS minutes & PPT on unprepared students from 2013 Student Success Scorecard uploaded 10/14 11 4C7 6/12/14 E_97_Rev_Commt_Memo_6_12_14 E-97 review and comment uploaded 10/14 9 3B4 6/14/14 ConnectLACCDFeasRpt_6_16_2014 Feasibility Report on Connect LACCD PPT uploaded 4/23 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 4C13 NOTES uploaded 10/14 Page 32 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF NOTES 14 4 13 1 2 1 2 5 1 10 9 4C3 3D10 3D10 3D11 3D11 3D12 3D12 3D12 3D14 3D14 3D5 6/25/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 BOT_Ag_HRD1_Pres_6_24_15 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p25_26 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p73_90 LACCDFinAudt_6_30_14p34_35 LACCDFinAudt_6_30_14p17_18 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p38 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p39_44 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p33 LACCDFinAud_6_30_2014p82_84 LACCDBondAut_6_30_2014p8_10 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_14p82_87 HRD1 Board Resolution LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit LACCD Bond Audit LACCD Financial Audit, June 30, 2014 and 2013, p. 82 & 87 uploaded 10/14 3D5 uploaded 10/14 3D5 uploaded 10/14 3D5 uploaded 10/14 3D5 uploaded 10/14 3D5 uploaded 10/14 3D5 uploaded 10/14 3D5 uploaded 10/14 3D5 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/15 3D5, 3D14 uploaded 7/29 15 3D5 6/30/14 LACCDFinAudit_6_30_2014 LACCD Financial Audit 3D5, 3D9, uploaded 7/29 3D10, 3D11, 3D12, 3D14 16 3D5 6/30/14 LACCDAudt_6_30_14p83_91_118 LACCD Financial Audit, June 30, 2014 and 2013, p. 83 & 91- 3D5, 3D14 uploaded 7/29 118 8 4 13 26 14 3D8 3D9 3D9 3D9 3B4 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 7/9/14 LACCDBondFinAudit_6_30_14 LACCDFinAuditRpt_2014_p6 LACCDFinAuditRpt_2014p46 LACCDFinAuditRpt_2014p45 BOT_Agd_FPD4_7_9_2014 LACCD Bond Financial Audit LACCD Financial Audit 3D5 LACCD Financial Audit 3D5 LACCD Financial Audit 3D5 Board Agenda adoption of FMPOC recs for Connect LACCD uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 4/24 24 11 3D9 3B4 7/9/14 7/23/14 BoTAg_BF2_7_9_2014 CustdlSvcsEnhPgm_7_23_2014 BOT Agenda LACCD Custodial Services Enhancement Program (CSEP) SS-R1, PPT; total cost utilization 11/2014 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 15 4C8 8/20/14 BOT_Min_8_20_2014 Board of Trustees Minutes uploaded 10/14 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 Page 33 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF NOTES 12 13 21 7 8 25 4D5 4C9 4C8 4D2 4D2 3D5 8/22/14 8/23/14 Fall 2014 Fall 2014 Fall 2014 8/27/14 SSI_Min_8_22_2014 BOT_AgMinAccHO_8_23_2014 StudSurvy_Fall2014_quest25 Accred2016Newsltr_F2014 PgrmRevAg_F2014 RiskAssmt_8_27_2014 SSI Steering Committee Minutes BOT Agenda, Minutes & Handouts 2014 Student Survey Question 25 and results Fall 2014 Accreditation Newsletter Program Review Workshop Agendas Internal Audit Risk Assessment meeting agenda and overview 11 3 18 21 24 23 5 3D9 3D9 3D9 3D10 3D10 3D5 4C8 Sep-14 9/3/14 9/3/14 9/17/14 9/17/14 9/17/14 9/17/14 FinBudg2014_15_pi_1 FinBudg2014_15_cvrltr_pi FinBudg2014_15_AppF_p4 IntAuditCAPFdtn_9_17_14 IntAuditPlan14_15_9_17_14 IntAuditPlan14_15_9_17_14 IESS_Min_9_17_2014 Final Budget 2014-2015 Final Budget 2014-2015 Final Budget 2014-2015 Foundation Corrective Plan Internal Audit Plan Internal Audit schedule LAMC & LASC presentations of their Strategic Plans and data; AB 86 LARAEC Comprehensive Plan presentation 6 8 4D3 4D3 9/23/14 10/8/14 BudgAllocModelEval_9_23_2014 BFC_AgMinHO_10_8_2014 District Budget Allocation Evaluation, 9/23/14 BFC Agenda, Minutes and Handouts on Costs per FTES uploaded 8/17 uploaded 10/14 12 3B4 10/22/14 Meas_DmdPPT_10_22_2014 LACCD Prgm Mngt Svcs, Distwide Measurement & Demand Reponse PPT uploaded 2/25 9 8 13 3D8 4C13 4C4 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 FMPOC_Agenda_11_19_2014 IESS_AccUpdtPPT_11_19_2014 LegPAC_2015Priorts_11_19_14 FMPOC agenda IESS Accreditation Update PPT Legislative and Public Affairs Committee Board Legislative Priorities uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 4 5 6 1 4C8 3D9 3D5 3D8 11/19/14 12/1/14 12/3/14 12/3/14 IESS_Min_11_19_2014 BondRating_PR_12_1_2014 BOT_AgBF2_Audit_12_3_2014 BoT_Agenda_12_3_2014_audit IESS Minutes S&P's AA+ bond rating; KPMG's audit positive BOT Agenda BF2 BOT agenda on audit uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/31 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 3D5 3D10 4D5 3D8 3D5 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/19 uploaded 8/20 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 10/14 Page 34 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD 2 6 10 3 14 3 5 4 5 9 14 17 3D8 4C11 4D3 4C13 4C9 4C8 4C10 4C11 4C11 4C4 4C4 4C5 7 DATE 12/3/14 12/3/14 12/3/14 12/10/14 12/10/14 12/17/14 FILE NAME BFC_Min_12_3_2014_audit BOT_Min_12_3_2014 2014_15Qtr1Proj_12_3_14 BOT_Min_AccTrngHO_12_10_14 BOT_AgAccHO_12_10_2014 IESS_Min_12_17_2014 TITLE/DESCRIPTION BFC minutes on audit Board of Trustees Minutes 2014-15 Quarter 1 Projection, 12/3/14 BOT Accreditation Training Minutes 12/10/14 BOT Agenda & Handouts CROSSREF 4C9 4C13 IESS Minutes NOTES uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 3/13 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 11/18 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 BOT_SelfAssmtTool_2015 BOT_EthicsCerts_2015 BOT_Form700_2015 BOT_Min_edqual_pubag_2015 BOT_Ag_LegAdv_2015 BFC_Min_BOT_Ag_collfin_2015 Board of Trustees Assessment Tool Trustee Ethics Certificates, 2015 Trustees Form 700 Board of Trustees Educational Quality Speakers Board of Trustees Agendas, Legislative Advocacy BFC Minutes and BOT Agenda regarding College Financial requests 4D1 2015 DAS_Chanc_Consultn_Ag_2015 Agendas from DAS Consultation Meetings with Chancellor 2014-2015 uploaded 10/14 21 4D1 2015 Draft_2015_16_GovFuncHndbk Draft 2015-16 LACCD Governance and Functions Handbook screenshot of webpage uploaded 12/4 5 18 4D4 4D5 20 4D6 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Jan 2015 Chanc_FA_map_2015 DPAC_Min_June_Aug_2015 Chanc_wklyBOTemail_2015 2015DistGovSurveyTool Dist_Coll_FinLiaison_15_16 BudgOpPlanInst_2015_16 Chancellor Functional Area map, 2015 DPAC Minutes Chancellor weekly email updates District-wide Governance Survey Results 2015 College Financial Liaison District Budget Operational Plan Instructions 2015-2016 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 BOT_AgMin_1_14_2015 BOT_AccUpdatePPT_1_28_2015 BOT_Ag_1_28_2015 DCOC_Agenda_1_30_2015 Dist_Listsrv_2_19_15 Board of Trustees Agenda & Minutes BOT Accreditation Update PPT Board of Trustees Agenda DCOC agenda District List Serve List uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 4 9 7 4D7 3D10 3D10 12 18 14 10 4C1 4C13 4C8 3D8 9 4D6 1/14/15 1/28/15 1/28/15 1/30/15 2/9/15 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 4C9 Page 35 of 43 Worksheet #2 - 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Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION 11 15 6 22 20 12 3 16 2 8 13 23 16 4C8 4D5 4C12 4C8 4D5 3D10 4C9 3D10 3D10 3D11 3D8 4C8 4D2 5/13/15 5/20/15 5/27/15 5/27/15 5/27/15 Jun 2015 6/4/15 6/5/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 BOT_Ag_DevEdPPT_5_13_2015 DBC_EnrQtrlyRpt_5_20_15 BOTLtr_5_27_2015_Inqy_resp IESS_Min_PPT_5_27_2015 LACCD_15_16IEPIFrmwk5_27_15 SFPAcctList_6_2015 BOT_AgHO_Ortn_6_4_15 PresCoun_LACCDFdtn_6_5_15 BoT_Ag_6_10_2015_contract DefMaint_AttI_II_BFC_6_10_15 DBC_ProcAudit_6_10_2015 BOT_AgIEPI_6_10_2015 ECDBCrec_LAHCrqst_6_10_15 Board of Trustees Agenda and PPT Quarterly Enrollment Report to DBC Board Letter IESS Minutes and Student Survey results PPT IEPE 2015-16 Goals Framework SFP Accountant List BOT Orientation Agenda and Packet Presidents Council Board Agenda Deferred Maintenance Unfunded Projects DBC agenda, Procurement Audit summary & CAP Board of Trustees Agenda and PPT ECDBC Recommendation on LAHC Deferral Request 6 3 4 4 16 12 12 15 2 8 8 14 12 25 6 4C10 4C7 4C7 4C9 4D7 3D8 4C13 4C3 4C8 3D10 3D5 3D8 4D1 3D9 4D5 6/13/15 6/13/15 6/18/15 6/18/15 6/22/15 6/24/15 6/24/15 6/24/15 BOT_Ag_Min_EvalHO_6_13_15 BOT_Ag_SpecMtg_6_13_2015 BOT_Ag_SpecMtg_6_18_2015 BOT_AgHO_Ortn_6_18_15 DPACCharterUpdate_6_22_15 BoT_Agenda_6_24_2015 IESS_AccUpdtPPT_6_24_2015 BOT_Ag_HRD1_PresEmp_6_25_14 BOT Agenda and Minutes, Handouts Board of Trustees Agenda Board of Trustees Agenda BOT Orientation Agenda and Packet Updated DPAC Charter BOT agenda IESS Accreditation Update PPT HRD1 Board Resolution 6/24/15 IESS_Min_HO_6_24_2015 IESS Minutes 6/25/15 6/25/15 6/25/15 6/25/15 6/26/15 6/26/15 BudgCaldr_2015_16_6_25_15 BudgCaldr_2015-16_6_25_15 ProcmtTrng_eval6_25_15 WLAC_IntPres_Ann_6_25_2015 LACCDCert_Liab_6_26_2015 DPAC_Ag_DSP_Chrtr_6_26_2015 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 Budget Calendar LACCD Budget Development Calendar Procurement training WLAC Interim President Press Release Certificate of Liability DPAC Agenda CROSSREF 3D5 3D10 NOTES uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/29 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 37 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE 15 16 17 18 19 7 8 9 3 7 3D8 3D8 3D8 3D8 3D8 3D12 4C7 4C7 4D2 3D5 6/29/15 6/29/15 6/29/15 6/29/15 6/29/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 7/24/15 7/28/15 SAPBWRpts_Finance SAPBWRpts_HR SAPBWRpts_Instrctl SAPBWRpts_Procmt SAPBWRpts_Time CalPERS_CERTStmt_6_30_2015 BRReviewSched_2015 AdminRegRevSched_2015 FunctAreaRevRqst_7_24_2015 LACCDFinRptFreq_2015 SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-finance SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-HR SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-instructional SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-procurement SAP Business Warehouse screenshot-time CalPERS Quarterly Financial Statement Board Rule Review Schedule Administrative Regulations Review Schedule Functional Area Map Review Request, Email LACCD Financial Reporting Information and Frequency, July 2015 1 6 1 4D4 4D1 4D3 7/31/15 Aug-15 Aug-15 HRGd_R110_AcAdmSel_7_31_15 CollPres_JobDescptn_8_2015 DBCwebpage_8_2015 HR Guide R-110 Academic Administrator Selection WLAC College President Job Description DBC webpage screenshot, 8/2015 2 4D6 Aug-15 Dist_ExecAdmCoun_8_2015 4 4D6 Aug-15 Dist_GovCmteupdate_8_2015 Districtwide Executive Administrative Councils 2015 Draft District-level Governance Committee 2015 update 5 4D6 Aug-15 DistGovCmte_webpg_8_2015 6 8 11 4D6 4D6 4D6 Aug-15 Aug-15 Aug-15 Dist_CoordCmtes_8_2015 3 4 6 2 15 4C1 4C1 4C4 3D5 4C4 8/3/15 8/3/15 8/4/15 8/19/15 8/19/15 FILE NAME Dist_AcadIntCmtes_8_2015 OGC_BR_AR_rev_Jul_Aug2015 ChancellorDirective_8_3_15 AdminRegs_8_3_15 BOT_AdHocCmtes_8_4_15 BOT_Ag_FinRpt_5_13_8_19_15 BOT_Min_2015FedLeg_8_19_15 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 TITLE/DESCRIPTION District-level Governance Committee Webpage Screenshot District Coordinating Committees 2015 update District Academic Initiative Committees 2015 update OGC Board Rule and Admin Regs Revision Notices Chancellor Directives Administrative Regulations Board of Trustees Ad Hoc Committees BOT Agendas and Handouts Board of Trustees Minutes Federal Legislative Priorities CROSSREF NOTES uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 7/31 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 8/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 38 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF NOTES 10 4C8 8/19/15 BOTAg_DASBOTnotes_8_19_2015 Board of Trustees Agenda and DAS Board meeting notes 5 4D5 8/19/15 BOT_Ag_PlngLdrshp_8_19_2015 BOT Agenda, Annual Board Leadership & Planning Session uploaded 10/14 6 9 11 19 4D7 4D1 4D1 4D1 7 4D6 4D7 4D5 4D7 8/19/15 Fall 2015 8/26/15 8/26/15 8/27/15 8/27/15 8/28/15 8/28/15 DistGovDMAnl_14_15_8_19_15 DAS_AcSpkgnewsltr_Fall2015 ChancBudgRecs_8_26_2015 ESC_PgmRevw_2014_15 EmailRpt_Listserve_2015 GovEvalTimeline_8_27_2015 DPAC_Ag_8_28_2015 DistGovAnlColl_1415_8_28_15 District Governance Assessment Report DAS Academically Speaking Newsletter Fall 2015 Chancellor Budget Recommendations ESC 2014 Program Reviews Email Report to List Serve 2015 Governance Evaluation Timeline DPAC Agenda District-level Governance and Decision-making Assessment Report by College and Analysis by Role uploaded 8/20/15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 8 14 3 6 7 1 2 12 19 20 9 19 17 16 20 10 4D7 4D7 3D11 3D11 3D11 3D9 3D9 3D9 3D9 3D9 4C8 4D5 4D2 4D5 4C13 3D10 8/28/15 Sep-15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/2/15 9/16/15 9/16/15 9/17/15 9/23/15 DPAC_2015_16Wkpln_8_28_15 DistCncilCmteUpdt_9_2015 FinBudg2015_16_pp1_10 FinBudg2015_16PPT_9_2_15p15 FinBudg2015_16PPT_9_2_15p8 BOT_AgBF1_FinBudPPT_9_2_15 FinBudg2015_16_cvrltr_pi FinBudg2015_16_pi_p1_9 FinBudg2015_16_AppF_resrv FinBudg2015_16_p8_9_2_15 BOT_Ag_SSscorecd_9_2_2015 BOT_Ag_Scorecard_9_2_2015 BFC_LAHCrqst_9_16_2015 BFC_QtrEnrUpdate_9_16_2015 FuncAreamap_BOT_9_17_2015 FinAidPolProManl2015_16drft DPAC Workplan 2015-2016 Updated District Council and Committee list Final Budget Final Budget Final Budget Final Budget Final Budget 2015-2016 Final Budget 2015-2016 Final Budget 2015-2016 Final Budget 2015-2016 Report on Student Success Scorecard BOT Agenda LAHC Debt Referral Request PPT to BFC Quarterly Enrollment Report BOT Functional Area Map Draft of 2015-16 Policies and Procedures Manual uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/4 15 7 7 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 3D9 3D11 3D11 4D5 4C8 uploaded 10/14 Page 39 of 43 Worksheet #2 - 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Ev-ByDate EV# STD 9 4C10 15 4D6 2 4 4 17 4C2 4D1 4D5 4D6 10 4C12 7 4C3 16 19 4D6 4D6 DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION 2012/2013 2012/2014 2012/2015 2012/2015 2012/2015 2012/2015 2013/2014 BOT_EvalComp_12_13_2_2013 Diversity_Newsltrs_2012_14 BOT_MinConsDisc_2012_2015 PresCouncil_Ag_2012_2015 IESS_Ag_IERpts_2012_2015 Well_Benfts_news_2012_15 ACCJCRpt_DO_Corr_2013_2014 BOT Evaluation Comparison Summary Report Diversity Newsletters BOT Minutes Consent Items Discussions Presidents Council agendas IESS Committee Agendas on IE Report Approval Benefits and Wellness Newsletters Spring 2013 Evaluation Team Report and June 2013 ACCJC letter ChanSel_BOTAg_2013_2014 SIS_newsltrs_2013_2014 SISforumPPTS_2013_14 BOT_Letters_2013_2015 IESS_Ag_AccUpdt_2013_2015 BOT_InfoRqstTrkg_2014_2015 BOT_Ag_ChancEval_2014_15 IESS_Min_2014_2015 BOT_Ag_ChancEval_2014_15 Chancellor selection closed Board session Agendas SIS Newsletters SIS Forum Powerpoint Board of Trustees Letters IESS committee agendas for 2013-2015 BOT Info Request Tracking Document BOT closed Agendas Chancellor Evaluation IESS committee minutes from 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Agendas, Chancellor evaluation closed session CROSSREF NOTES uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/4 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 7 7 5 9 13 12 4C4 4C13 4C12 4C12 4C13 4C3 2013/2014 2013/2014 2013/2014 2013/2015 2013-15 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 10 12 13 15 4C5 4C5 4C5 4C5 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 LPA_Min_2014_2015 BFC_Min_QtrlyRpts_2014_15 BFC_Ag_2014_2015 BOT_Ag_ContRes_2014_2015 LPA Minutes BFC Minutes, Quarterly reports BFC Agendas Board of Trustees Agendas approval of contingency reserves uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 16 1 2 3 10 11 4C9 4D1 4D1 4D1 4D1 4D2 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 BOT_AgMin_11_2014_5_2015 LACCDnewsltrs_2014_15 Accred2016Newsltrs_2014_15 ChancCabAgendas2014_2015 DBC_Min_7_15_2015_8_13_2014 ESCSvcSurvyAnlysis_2014_15 BOT Agenda & Minutes District Newsletters 2014-2015 District Accreditation 2014-2015 Newsletter Chancellors Cabinet Agendas DBC Minutes 2014 ESC Services Survey Analyses uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 4C3 4C12 4D6 4D6 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 12/3 uploaded 10/14 Page 41 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION CROSSREF NOTES 6 4D6 4D6 4D6 4D6 4C13 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 12/9/14-2/2/15 FTES_MtgDocs_2014_15 LACCDnewsltrs_2014_15 Accred2016Newsltrs_2014_15 Bond_newsltrs_2014_2015 DAS_Communication_2014_15 IESS_Min_AccredRpts_2014_15 Quarterly College FTES meetings LACCD Newsletters Accreditation Newsletters Bond Program Newsletters DAS Communication IESS Committee minutes -LASC, WLAC, LAHC, LAMC & LAVC accreditation report presentations and approvals 8 14 4C5 4C5 2015/2016 2015/2016 FinBudget_2015_2016_9_2015 FinBudg2015_16_AppF_resrv 2015-2016 Final Budget 2015-2016 Final Budget, Apendix F, Reserve Policy, P.3 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 19 4C13 BOTAgendas, approval of accreditation reports uploaded 12/4 1 1 22 7 3 2 3 1 2 15 2 4C4 3D10 3D10 3D14 4C5 4C6 4C6 4C7 4C9 4C9 4D4 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies BR_2101_2102 BR7100 BR9200_9300 AdmRegAO9_AO19 BRVI_ArtI_VIII BR_2100_2902 BR_21000_21010 BR_2400_2400.13 StudtTrusteeOrientn BR2300.10_11 CollPresSelfEvalPkt Board Rule 2101-2102 Board Rule 7100 Board Rule 9200-9300 Administrative Regulations BR Ch. VI, Articles I-VIII, Instruction BR 2100-2902 BR21000-21010 Board Rule 2400-2400.13 Student Trustee Orientation Procedures Board Rule 2300.10-2300.11 College President Self Evaluation packet 1 4D6 Varies DistCncls_Cmtes_10_2015 Screenshot of District Intranet of Councils and Committees uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/15 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/24 uploaded 8/24 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/17 uploaded 10/14 14 4D5 12 14 18 21 3/12/14, BOT_AgAccAppvl_2014_2015 2/11/15, 3/11/15, 12/9/15 LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 4D1 4D1 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 uploaded 10/14 Page 42 of 43 Worksheet #2 - Ev-ByDate EV# STD DATE FILE NAME TITLE/DESCRIPTION 5 4D7 Varies GovSurvyComp2010_14_8_19_15 District level Governance and Decision making Analysis 9 4D7 Varies DistwideCmteSelfEvalForm Districe-wide Committee Self-Evaluation form LACCDSelfEvalEvidenceDatabase-12.11.15 CROSSREF NOTES uploaded 10/14 uploaded 8/20/15 Page 43 of 43