Technology Policy and Planning Commmittee

Technology Policy and Planning Commmittee
Los Angeles Community College District
City • East • Harbor • Mission • Pierce • Southwest • Trade-Tech • Valley • West
Technology Policy and Planning Committee (TPPC)
Thursday, August 6, 2015
2:00 – 3:30 PM Educational Services Center Hearing Room
2:10 Convene regular
Members present:
Wendy Bass, LAPC; Rod Austria, LAMC; Adriana Barrera,
ESC-Deputy Chancellor; George Dekermenjian, LACC;
Victor Flores, ESC-IT; Don Gauthier, ESC-DAS; Camille
Nix, Build-LACCD; Yohan Ruparatne, Build-LACCD; Bill
Sewell, Build-LACCD
Call in:
Neil Andrews, Mathematica/Wolfram; Linda Delzeit,
LATTC; Pauletta Daw, ELAC; Danny Villanueva, LAMC
Measure J Update –
Bill Sewell
SIS Update
DTC Update
Bill Sewell indicated that he received a request from
Wendy Bass for the TPPC to prioritize the remaining
Measure J IT projects. The next step was to take this list
to the District Administrative Council (DAC) for their
signoff, which has been done. The DAC is now in the
process of vetting the list college by college. Everything
will be consolidated and will be presented to the
Facilities Master Planning & Oversight Committee
(FMPOC) on September 16, 2015.
Adriana Barrera indicated that the Board of Trustees is
scheduled to have four standing committee meetings
on September 16 and the logistics are to be determined
with respect to the times and locations.
Adriana Barrera indicated that two SIS milestones have
been met as of July 2015 and the Board of Trustees is
considering a renegotiation of the Ciber contract but
has not yet made a final decision.
Rod Austria indicated that the DTC (District Technology
Council) met on July 10. The main topic of discussion
was the prioritized bond-eligible IT projects. The
purpose was for the nine colleges to reach a consensus
on what the priorities should be. The DTC reviewed and
clarified the list with respect to whether or not the
items should be eligible such as operating systems,
software, and upgrades. He indicated that each college
is working on developing a more detailed list of the
specific projects including preliminary budget
Technology Policy and Planning Commmittee
Los Angeles Community College District
City • East • Harbor • Mission • Pierce • Southwest • Trade-Tech • Valley • West
requirements. The DTC also discussed the Blackboard
Connect and the emergency notification system, a
portal for students to provide updated email addresses
and other contact information. He indicated that the
process for phasing out older equipment from the
colleges is almost complete. He stated that the DTC will
be revisiting and updating the District equipment
standards lists, which will include items such as
standards for work stations and for servers.
George Dekermenjian presented a webinar regarding
the Mathematica Demo.
Math Presentation –
log into cccconfer
webinar to participate
Neil Andrews presented a video and discussed the
in presentation –
George Dekermenjian Wolfram/Alpha computational engine website with
respect to its ability to provide data and answer
questions in numerous categories.
There was discussion regarding the possibility of
entering into a one-year contract in order to conduct a
pilot program and to subsequently work on developing
a long-term contract.
next meeting Thursday, September 3, 2015