LACCD Student Success Initiative Steering Committee, Achieving the Dream, & L.A. Southwest College Present: Summit #1 Placement for Success: Implementing Multiple Measures Los Angeles Southwest College October 30, 2015 9:00am-3:00pm KEYNOTE: JOHN HETTS, SENIOR DIRECTOR OF DATA SCIENCE AT EDUCATIONAL RESULTS PARTNERSHIP CAMPUS DISCUSSION: L.A. VALLEY COLLEGE & L.A. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE Welcome! Mission Develop leaders in California community colleges who have the capacity to facilitate networks of faculty, staff, and students for curricular and institutional redesigns in support of increased student access, success, equity, and completion. Theory of Change If we provide training on networking and we use action research methodologies, community college professionals will transform their environments and identities to create communities of practice that will produce powerful learning and working across campuses. This will lead to greater student success. Building Networks that Work •Identifying a Shared Problem •Creating a Shared Vision of the Possible for Addressing It •Building a Sustained Community of Practitioners Focusing on This Problem California Community Colleges’ Success Network Ice Breaker Activity (handout) 1. What brings you here today to the Placement for Success summit? 2. What do you hope to learn about these programs? 3. What do you want people on your campus to learn or understand about multiple measures? 4. In what ways are you connected to professional learning on your campus? • Briefly describe your campus’s current Assessment and Placement program(s) goals for this academic year? • What role does professional leaning play in your goals for this year? Pair & Share! •Meet someone new and share your responses, including your goals for this year •Introduce your colleagues & share out one “take away” you heard from someone else Goals for the Day • Gain an understanding of the recent research on the effects of assessment and placement practices on community college students • Learn about the experiences of those campuses that are piloting multiple measures and what that means • Develop a plan to take back to your campus to either start or further the discussion of using multiple measures • What else? Read Together Activity “Community colleges sending too many into remedial math” San Francisco Chronicle By Eloy Ortiz Oakley and Pamela Burdman, May 29, 2015 Think, Pair, Share •Read: Read the op-ed piece •Pair: With one other person •Share: Share your thoughts on the reading and discuss the reading questions –a) Initial thoughts about the “under placement” of community college students into remedial level courses? –b) What are the concerns you or others may have about considering students’ high school grades/transcripts? BREAK-10 min Spotlight Presentation: John Hetts, Ph.D. Senior Director of Data Science at Educational Results Partnership Take a moment to get some LUNCH!! Panel Discussion: Irvine Valley College L.A. Southwest College L.A. Valley College Saddleback College Panel Discussion: •What initial steps did you take in implementing the MMAP design (is the campus pilot for math and/or English) •Who was part of this implementation, i.e. committees, departments, etc.? •What challenges have you encountered so far? •What benefits have you seen so far? Synthesis Activity: Survey Results There were 22 participants in the survey Majority were faculty members: 65% Results from questions regarding changes on campus, participant’s perceptions around multiple measures in assessment/placement, and the role of professional development will be displayed. Thank you to those who completed survey! Survey Results: Campus changes Survey Results: Types of Campus Changes • Refresher Courses • Writing sample • Retaking assessment • Lowered cut scores • Accuplacer • Self-Reporting • Self-placing (pilot phase) • Embedded noncognitive factors Survey Results: Discussions on Assessment/Placement Academic Senate: 25% Student Services Department: 50% SSSP committee: 65% Equity committee: 40% Basic Skills committee: 65% Special committee: 10% English Department meetings: 65% Math Department meetings: 70% I am not sure: 15% Survey Results: Perceptions • “(Students) feel it is inaccurate because it is only one criteria assessed one time.” • “I think that there should be multiple measures but no more than 3 so that students have a chance to better represent their skills.” • “Multiple measures would look at high school GPA and grade in senior English class.” Synthesis Activity Worksheet 1. Use your worksheet to reflect on the results of the participant survey & presentations 2. Find a new partner and share your thoughts 3. Large group discussion -Please turn in the activity sheet Team Time: Dreaming and Planning Get together with your campus colleagues Take 10 minutes to discuss: How can we change our practice? Where would we start? Campuses fill out the “who/what mapping” Looking ahead Take-away(s) from the group Next Steps: How can we keep the dialogue going? What are possible events/trainings and professional learning events would you like to see? November 20th –Summit#2 Welcoming Students to your campus: Innovations in SSSP & Equity Wrap-up, Feedback, and Evaluations •Any feedback to share? Or questions? •Upcoming Los Angeles area 3CSN events •Don’t forget your Evaluations!! THANK YOU For more information please contact us at 3CSN.ORG