811 Wilshire Boulevard Building
3rd Floor Hearing Room
811 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90017
Friday, November 16, 2012
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Committee: Daniel Campos, Chair; Michael Chong­Castillo, WLAC; Ali El Krim, LASC; Michael Griggs, LAMC; Jwyanza Hobson, LACC; Bobbi Kimble, ESC; Gustavo Sandoval, LAPC; Joseph Tucker, LATTC Student Trustee Campos called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m. A quorum was present. The following colleges were present: LACC, LAMC, LAPC, LASC, LATTC, and WLAC Absent: ELAC, LAHC, and LAVC PUBLIC AGENDA SPEAKERS Dr. Octavio Pescador addressed the SAC regarding his candidacy for the Los Angeles City Council, District 13. He distributed a document with articles from various newspapers regarding his qualifications and accomplishments. * * * There being no objection, Student Trustee Campos took out of order the presentation regarding Student Loans and AB 131 (Cedillo) Student Financial Aid. PRESENTATION – STUDENT LOANS AND AB 131 (CEDILLO) STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Mr. Dennis Schroeder, Director, Financial Aid, LAMC, gave a presentation regarding the various types of student loans that are available for LACCD students. A question and answer session was conducted regarding student loans and the application process. Mr. Schroeder indicated that AB 131 provides opportunities for undocumented AB 540 students to receive state aid. He indicated that commencing on January 1, 2013, AB 131 qualified students will be able to obtain the California Community Colleges Board of Governors fee waiver. He indicated that undocumented students can apply for the Cal Grant through a separate California DREAM Act online application. A question and answer session was conducted regarding AB 131. * * * There being no objection, Student Trustee Campos suspended the order of business in order to allow Trustee Nancy Pearlman to address the SAC. Trustee Pearlman addressed the SAC regarding the upcoming City of Los Angeles election on March 5, 2013 in which she is running for reelection to the Board of Trustees of the LACCD. She discussed the importance of providing free speech areas on the campuses in locations where students tend to gather.
Student Affairs Committee ­ 1 ­ November 16, 2012
ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY PRESIDENTS’ REPORTS The following individuals reported on issues, activities, and events at their respective campuses: Mr. Michael Chong­Castillo, WLAC; Mr. Ali El Krim, LASC; and Mr. Jwyanza Hobson, LACC. * * * There being no objection, Student Trustee Campos suspended the order of business in order to conduct the presentation regarding the student email system. PRESENTATION – STUDENT EMAIL SYSTEM Student Trustee Campos introduced Mr. Jorge Mata, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology. A document regarding the new student email system was distributed. Mr. Mata gave a PowerPoint presentation and discussed the document with respect to the features, benefits, and capabilities of the new system. A question and answer session was conducted regarding the new student email system. (Mr. Griggs left at 11:07 a.m.) Student Trustee Campos requested that the Presidents present the information regarding the student email system to their Executive Boards and email him with any feedback they obtain. * * * Student Trustee Campos introduced The Honorable Michael Eng, State Assembly Member, 49 th District. Assemblyman Eng indicated that he will be “terming out” of the Assembly after six years of service. He announced that he is running for the LACCD Board of Trustees in 2013. * * * ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY PRESIDENTS’ REPORTS (continued) The following individuals reported on issues, activities, and events at their respective campuses: Mr. Gustavo Sandoval, LAPC, and Mr. Joseph Tucker, LATTC. * * * There being no objection, the District Office Report was taken out of order. LIAISON REPORTS District Office Report Ms. Kimble indicated that the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges has put out a requirement that by the end of 2013, 80 percent of the colleges’ eligible degrees will be Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) degrees. She stated that students who obtain a TMC degree are guaranteed admission to a California State University (CSU) institution. * * *
Student Affairs Committee ­ 2 ­ November 16, 2012 STUDENT TRUSTEE MONTHLY REPORT Student Trustee Campos expressed his appreciation to the LACCD students who participated in the effort to obtain the passage of Proposition 30. He discussed the importance of the students to be familiar with the candidates for the Board of Trustees and where they stand on student issues. He commended ELAC, LAPC, and LAVC for their excellent student newspapers. For the record, Student Trustee Campos extended his respects to the family of Ms. Asieh Kashkouli, LAPC student, who recently lost her life. Motion by Mr. El Krim, seconded by Mr. Sandoval, to allocate an additional two minutes for Student Trustee Campos’ report. Without objection, so ordered. Student Trustee Campos reiterated his request that the Presidents discuss the new student email system with their fellow students. He recommended creating a resolution regarding the possibility of having students be elected to shared governance positions. Student Trustee Campos extended “happy birthday” wishes to Ms. Veronica Martinez, his collaborator from LAMC. ASO/ASU/ASG Advisors Report No report. Chief Student Services Officers (CSSO) Report No report. District Academic Senate No report. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES None. DISCUSSION ITEMS Board Rule 8603 – Limitations on Enrollment Student Trustee Campos indicated that he wants to make sure that the priority enrollment order of succession begins with veterans, as approved by the SAC at a previous meeting. Roundtable Discussion No discussion. Student Trustee Campos entertained a motion to extend the meeting for 10 minutes. Motion by Mr. Tucker, seconded by Mr. Hobson, to extend the meeting for 10 minutes. APPROVED: 5 Ayes Absent: ELAC, LAHC, LAMC, LAVC
Student Affairs Committee ­ 3 ­ November 16, 2012 ACTION ITEMS ASO/ASU/ASG Sponsorship Event Postponed. Extend Library Hours as a Priority of the Budget Allocation Student Trustee Campos indicated that the purpose of this item is to ensure that the Libraries extend their hours so that the students can have access, especially during finals week. He entertained a motion to make it mandatory that the budget allocation will give priority to this need. Motion by Mr. El Krim, seconded by Mr. Tucker, to make it mandatory that the budget allocation will give priority to extending Library hours. ADOPTED: 5 Ayes Absent: ELAC, LAHC, LAMC, LAVC CONSULTATION ITEMS None. SAC OUTSIDE COMMITTEE REPORTS District Academic Senate (DAS) – December 13, 2012 and February 14, 2013 – Joseph Tucker, Student Representative; March 14, 2013 and May 9, 2013 – Michael Griggs, Student Representative No report. District Budget Committee (DBC) – Vahe Matevosyan, Student Representative; Leon Scott­Wells, Alternate No report. District Curriculum Committee – Ali El Krim, Student Representative No report. District Citizens’ Oversight Committee (DCOC) – Jaden K. Ledkins, Student Representative No report. LACCD Sheriff’s Oversight Committee – Michael Griggs, Student Representative No report. AD HOC COMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE REPORTS Priority Enrollment Task Force – Jennifer Estrada, Co­Chair; Gabriel Brown, Co­Chair; Theodore White, Leon Scott­Wells, Donald Cristobal, Jessica Robles No report. Triple Alliance Ad Hoc Committee – Daniel Campos, Chair No report.
Student Affairs Committee ­ 4 ­ November 16, 2012 RESOURCE TABLE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE – December 5, 2012 (LACC) and December 19, 2012 (ESC) Mr. Jwyanza Hobson, ASG President, LACC, will serve as the Student Representative at the Resource Table for the Board meetings of December 5, 2012 (LACC) and December 19, 2012 (ESC). NEW BUSINESS None. SUMMARY – NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting of the Student Affairs Committee is scheduled for Friday, December 7, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. The deadline for submitting agenda items is Monday, November 26, 2012. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. Hobson, seconded by Mr. Sandoval, to adjourn. APPROVED: 5 Ayes Absent: ELAC, LAHC, LAMC, LAVC The meeting adjourned at 12:11 p.m.
Student Affairs Committee ­ 5 ­ November 16, 2012 