LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES – MEETING OF THE INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS & STUDENT SUCCESS COMMITTEE East Los Angeles College Administration Building, G1-301 A/B 1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez Monterey Park, CA 91754 Wednesday, November 04, 2015 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Committee: Mike Fong, Chair; Andra Hoffman, Vice Chair; Nancy Pearlman, Member Trustee Mike Fong called the meeting to order at 2:16 p.m. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF KEY FACULTY AND STAFF Trustee Fong welcomed the Trustees and District staff and introduced Mr. Marvin Martinez, President of East Los Angeles College (ELAC). Mr. Martinez introduced the Accreditation staff: Dr. Barbara Dunsheath, Accreditation Faculty Chair/History Professor, Dr. Carol Kozeracki, Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)/ Dean of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Laura M. Ramirez, Vice President of Academic Affairs. Trustee Fong requested that the Accreditation Committee introduce themselves and state the standard they are responsible for: Dr. Vi Ly, Dean of Academic Affairs (Standard 3A); Ms. Danelle Fallert, Dean of EOPS (Standard 2C); Ms. Michelle PayanHernandez, Counselor (Standard 2C); Mr. Chris Garcia, Counselor (Standard 2C); Ms. Cathy Jin, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement (OIEA), Assistant Research Analyst); Mr. Bryan Ventura, OIEA, Research Analyst (Standard 1B, 2A); Mr. Ruben Arenas, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, (Standard 1B); Ms. Evelyn Escatiola, Dean of Academic Affairs (Standard 3A); Dr. Armando Rivera-Figueroa, Chemistry Professor (Standard 2A); Ms. Maria Elena Yepes , Director of the Learning Assistance Center (Standard 2B); Dr. Ann Tomlinson, Vice President of Administrative Services, (Standard 3D); Mr. William J. Gasper, Associate Vice President of Administrative Services (Standard 3A); Ms. Pauletta Daw, Coordinator of Distance Education (Standard 3C); Mr. Christopher Whiteside, Dean of Career Technical Education (Standard 2A); Mr. Julio Ortiz, Information Technician, South Gate, (Standard 2B); Ms. Angelica Toledo, Dean of Academic Affairs (Standard 2B); Mr. Juan Chacon, Distance Education Specialist, (Any Standard with Distance Education); Ms. Sonia Lopez, Dean of Student Services (Standard 2C); Mr. Jeffrey Hernandez, Vice President of Academic Senate, (Standard 3D), and Alfred Gallegos, Institutional Effectiveness, Research Analyst (Various Standards). PURPOSE OF THE MEETING Trustee Fong stated that the purpose of meeting is to review the Self Evaluation Report (draft). PUBLIC COMMENT None. Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success Committee 1 November 4, 2015 REVIEW OF INSITUTIONAL SELF EVALUATION REPORT Dr. Dunsheath and Dr. Kozeracki distributed handouts for the 2016 Self Evaluation Report, including a summary of the standards responses and the list of committee members working on each standard. These documents can be accessed online on the ELAC website. The accreditation presentation included the following key points: the College Mission, Institutional Effectiveness, Program Review, Instructional Programs, Library and Academic Support Services, Student Services, College Resources, and the Action Plans and Quality Focus Essay. Two charts showing the performance of ELAC compared to the Institution-set Standards demonstrated that actual performance in 2014 on all six measures - course success, retention, persistence, number of degrees, certificates, and transfers - exceeded the established standards. The discussion of the 2013 Program Review process indicated there was 100% participation, training for department chairs, improvement in integrated planning, and a comprehensive review of the submitted reports from multiple committees. The inclusion of annual updates and cluster reviews were some of the other continuous improvements. Special thanks were given to Ms. Amanda Ryan-Romo, the Learning Outcomes Coordinator, for her efforts to increase faculty participation in the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) assessment process in Spring 2015. The outstanding efforts made by Student Services to increase the number of students participating in Assessment, Orientation, and Counseling were noted. Recent increases of seven percent over two years in student enrollment and corresponding increases in faculty/staff hiring were noted, as were the opening of the Student Success, Retention Center and the establishment of almost 200 smart classrooms in the Resources standards. In the discussion of college leadership, Dr. Dunsheath mentioned President Martinez’ establishment of the Transfer and South Gate task forces, which have resulted in important recommendations for these two critical issues. He also brought campus focus, energy to the Accreditation process, and the college has benefited from his participation on numerous visits to other campuses. An overview of the Action Plans and Quality Focus Essay in the Self Evaluation Report were presented. The Action Plans include SLO Sustainability, Professional Development, and Communication. The Quality Focus Essay projects will be Strengthening the Transfer Culture, Streamlining the Basic Skills Math Pathway, and Creating a “Welcome” Campaign. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Trustee Pearlman asked the following questions on the accreditation presentation: • What was the easiest accreditation issue and what was the most challenging? • Is there a team that looks at problems that occur with other campuses to make sure ELAC does not follow in that direction? • To what extent were part-time faculty engaged in the self-evaluation process? Dr. Kozeracki responded that the most challenging areas were ensuring faculty buy-in and participation in the Course Learning Outcomes, Program Learning Outcomes, Student Service Outcomes, and Institutional Learning Outcomes process. She stated that President Martinez and the Academic Senate played a large role in emphasizing the importance of completing the assessment processes. Dr. Dunsheath responded that the easiest part was having an amazing Library staff, which completed their learning outcomes on time and did a terrific job in responding to Standard IIIB. She also stated that the involvement of newly hired faculty and President Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success Committee 2 November 4, 2015 Martinez’ memo to faculty in Spring 2015 related to SLO participation were helpful in moving the college forward in this area. She also added that adjuncts were welcomed and encouraged to participate, but none of them were formal members of the writing teams. Trustee Hoffman questioned how the SLOs were tracked and how ELAC handled Program Review updates each year. Dr. Dunsheath stated the college uses the program TracDat for SLO tracking, but we are transitioning to Elumen. Dr. Kozeracki stated that Program Reviews and Annual Updates go to the Department Chair and the Dean. After the Dean’s review, they are sent to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement. For the 2013 Program Review, a number of campus committees reviewed the components of the Program Review that were linked to their respective purpose and developed commendations, comments, and suggestions. These were sent to the Program Review and Viability Committee, where the recommendations were sent to the departments and programs, with the expectation that an update and response would be provided in the subsequent Annual Updates. Trustee Fong inquired what middle schools are involved with “GO East LA”? He also wanted to know if the Jaime Escalante program is part of the Basic Skills Math Pathways. Ms. Julie Benavides, Vice President of Student Services, responded that the middle schools in the program are the feeder schools for Garfield High School, specifically, Stevenson Middle School Gifted/High Achiever Magnet, Griffith Middle School Cal Tech Math/Science Magnet, Belvedere Bilingual/Multicultural Magnet, and Brooklyn Elementary, along with 16 other elementary schools. The college is in the process of getting data completed and looking at areas such as transfer. 400 students have already transferred and the equity plan is being planned together. Dr. Kozeracki added that the Jaime Escalante program is part of the noncredit department and, therefore, not formally part of the Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) Math Pathway. The Escalante program primarily targets elementary and middle school students. There being no objections the Student Equity Plan was accepted by the Committee. Interim Vice Chancellor Bobbi Kimble commended the ELAC team for its impressive report. COLLEGE STATEMENT ON INSTITUTIONAL SELF EVALUATION None. SUMMARY STATEMENT ON MEETING None. NEW BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 3:26 p.m. Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success Committee 3 November 4, 2015