Page 1 of 16 Page 2 of 16 Page 3 of 16 Page 4 of 16 Page 5 of 16 Concepts and Definitions for the Growth/Restoration Funding Proposal Adult Population: Population ages 18 to 54. The source of population data is the 2000 Decennial Census or the American Community Survey (ACS). American Community Survey (ACS): A continuous survey that, since 2010, has replaced the long form of the decennial census and is the source of annual updates on educational attainment and population for use in the LACCD growth allocation budget model. Since the ACS is based on an annual sample that is smaller than the decennial census sample, the ACS data for the 5-year estimates are collected over a 60month period (2007-2011) and are combined to produce reliable numbers for small geographical areas, such as zip codes. 2013 was the first year that the 5-year estimates were available at the zip code level from the ACS. Collecting the data over 5 years smoothes out any spikes in the change in population. Also, since there is substantial overlap in the data used for consecutive 5-year estimates (i.e., 4 years of overlapping coverage), differences when comparing the data from consecutive 5-year ACS surveys are driven by non-overlapping years. Base Revenue: Within the LACCD budget model, revenue, with the exception of annual increments derived from growth funding, that make up each college’s budget allocation. Blended rate: Within the application of the State Growth Allocation Model (a.k.a., State Model), a growth rate that is the average rate of adult population growth and the growth of high school graduates, when these rates are weighted, respectively, by the proportion of each district’s FTES generated by its students who are over age 21 and who are age 21 and younger. College Service Area: A group of (mostly) mutually exclusive zip codes assigned to each college. Assignment was principally based on college share of average 2000-2004 fall enrollment in a zip code (the college with the largest share of community college enrollment within a zip code was assigned that zip code). These zip codes were identified as those belonging to each college’s Central Study Area, a grouping developed to accompany the External Scan developed by the Madrid Consulting Group in 2006-07. Educational Attainment: For persons 25 years old and over, educational attainment is the highest level of education that an individual has completed. These data are collected and reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. Growth Cap: An annual growth rate, determined by the budget of the State of California and which, when applied to each district’s FTES and reimbursement rates, is an annual increment to its apportionment funding. Growth Revenue: An incremental amount of revenue available to California Community College districts for operational funding, as determined by the California State Budget, provided that districts achieve an increase in enrollments (FTES) at least equal to the annual growth cap. Currently, for each college in the LACCD, growth revenue is determined by application of the growth cap to each college’s FTES. High School Graduates: The number of high school graduates in a given year (by high school) obtained from the California Department of Education (DataQuest) website. When assembled for each college, high school graduates were those from the top ten high schools assigned to each college based on each college’s average fall enrollment in 2009‐2011. Low Educational Attainment: Persons with low educational attainment are defined as those persons age 25 years and over whose educational attainment is completion of a high school education (or equivalency) or below. Participation Rate: Enrollment divided by college age population, calculated for a particular area or region. SB 361: The current method used to allocate growth revenue to colleges within the LACCD which Page 1 of 2 Page 6 of 16 Concepts and Definitions for the Growth/Restoration Funding Proposal involves applying the growth cap (to each college’s base FTES) and multiplying this by reimbursement rates for each type of FTES (credit, non-credit, and enhanced non-credit). Share of Population: The population share is defined as the number of persons aged 18-54 in a particular area or region divided by the total number of persons aged 18 to 54 (considering all areas or regions). Share of Underserved: The share of underserved is defined as the number of persons with low educational attainment (in an area or region) divided by the total number of persons having low educational attainment (considering all areas or regions). State Model: The method used by the State of California to determine a district-specific growth rate (growth cap). The model (also called the Growth Allotment Formula) is principally based on each district’s change in adult population and change in high school graduates. It also includes augmentation factors for underserved population and new facilities. Underserved: A population or area that is not receiving adequate educational services as measured by educational attainment or total adult population. Page 2 of 2 Change in Adult Population (Ages 18-54) from 2000 Census to 2007-2011 5-Year ACS 2000 Census 2007-2011 5- Percent Adult Year ACS Adult Change in Population Population Adult Ages 18-54 (in Ages 18-54 (in Population Central Zip Central Zip Ages 18-54 Codes for Each Codes for Each (from 2000 to College) College) 2007-2011) College Service Area City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West Average 497,272 615,411 260,949 202,758 365,231 296,088 281,865 473,979 395,617 376,574 481,245 616,596 260,851 212,250 374,236 306,700 286,125 481,588 396,153 379,527 -3.22% 0.19% -0.04% 4.68% 2.47% 3.58% 1.51% 1.61% 0.14% 1.21% Change in High School Graduates Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Graduates Graduates Graduates Graduates 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 College City 4,611 4,358 4,381 4,121 East 5,882 6,014 6,005 6,245 Harbor 5,204 5,252 5,428 5,388 Mission 5,981 5,673 5,423 5,625 Pierce 5,638 5,839 5,832 5,730 Southwest 3,535 3,821 3,914 3,712 Trade 4,085 3,985 4,401 4,048 Valley 6,090 5,876 5,525 5,696 West 4,240 4,498 4,482 4,383 Average 5,030 5,035 5,043 4,994 Fall 2011 FTES College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West Average Page 7 of 16 Fall 2011 FTES Fall 2011 FTES Fall 2011 Total Over the Age Age 21 and FTES of 21 Younger 4,952 1,628 6,580 6,431 4,191 10,622 2,012 1,616 3,628 1,849 1,316 3,165 3,608 3,245 6,853 1,420 586 2,006 4,514 1,351 5,865 3,594 2,307 5,901 2,300 1,166 3,466 3,409 1,934 5,343 % Change in HS Graduates 2007-2008 to 2008-2009 -5.49% 2.24% 0.92% -5.15% 3.57% 8.09% -2.45% -3.51% 6.08% 0.48% % Change in HS Graduates 2008-2009 to 2009-2010 0.53% -0.15% 3.35% -4.41% -0.12% 2.43% 10.44% -5.97% -0.36% 0.64% % Change in HS 3-Year Average Graduates % Change in HS 2009-2010 to Graduates 2010-2011 -5.93% -3.63% 4.00% 2.03% -0.74% 1.18% 3.72% -1.94% -1.75% 0.57% -5.16% 1.79% -8.02% -0.01% 3.10% -2.13% -2.21% 1.17% -1.44% -0.11% Educational Attainment Rates from 2007-2011 5-Year ACS for Adult Population Age 25 Years and Over Less than 9th 9th to 12th High school Some college, Associate's Bachelor's grade grade, no graduate no degree degree degree diploma (includes equivalency) College Service Area City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Service Area Average Page 8 of 16 Graduate or professional degree Some college and above 14.6% 28.1% 9.3% 18.5% 8.2% 20.4% 28.7% 14.4% 9.6% 9.4% 16.0% 8.5% 13.3% 6.6% 14.7% 17.3% 9.8% 7.8% 17.9% 24.0% 20.6% 23.7% 19.7% 25.4% 22.2% 20.1% 17.0% 15.9% 14.8% 19.9% 18.5% 20.7% 20.9% 13.4% 19.9% 20.2% 5.6% 5.1% 7.9% 6.7% 7.7% 6.3% 3.9% 6.5% 6.1% 25.7% 8.7% 22.0% 13.8% 24.0% 8.8% 10.3% 20.3% 24.0% 10.9% 3.3% 11.8% 5.5% 13.2% 3.5% 4.1% 8.9% 15.2% 58.0% 32.0% 61.6% 44.5% 65.5% 39.4% 31.7% 55.7% 65.6% 16.9% 11.5% 21.2% 18.2% 6.2% 17.5% 8.5% 50.5% Ratio of Average "Underserved" Educational Augmentation Attainment Rate to College's Educational Attainment Rate 0.87 1.58 0.58% 0.82 1.13 0.13% 0.77 1.28 0.28% 1.59 0.59% 0.91 0.77 1.00 Educational Attainment from 2007-2011 5-Year ACS for Adult Population Age 25 Years and Over Less than 9th 9th to 12th High school Some college, Associate's Bachelor's Graduate or High School Some college and Total N grade grade, no graduate no degree degree degree professional Education or above diploma (includes degree Lower College Service Area equivalency) City 82,113 52,768 100,613 89,055 31,140 143,985 61,275 235,494 325,455 560,949 East 195,094 111,126 166,948 103,105 35,679 60,486 23,078 473,168 222,348 695,516 Harbor 31,833 28,962 70,170 67,824 27,068 75,085 40,262 130,965 210,239 341,204 Mission 45,934 32,915 58,812 46,025 16,673 34,220 13,606 137,661 110,524 248,185 Pierce 39,377 31,616 94,871 99,379 36,881 115,201 63,290 165,864 314,751 480,615 Southwest 69,260 49,965 86,285 70,809 21,214 29,853 11,849 205,510 133,725 339,235 Trade 86,122 51,947 66,620 40,133 11,632 30,913 12,393 204,689 95,071 299,760 Valley 81,684 55,843 113,921 113,147 37,103 115,514 50,655 251,448 316,419 567,867 West 47,716 38,639 84,192 100,227 30,402 119,130 75,615 170,547 325,374 495,921 TOTAL 679,133 453,781 842,432 729,704 247,792 724,387 352,023 1,975,346 2,053,906 4,029,252 Page 9 of 16 Application of the State Model College Service Area City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West Average (1) Percent Change in Adult Population Ages 18-54 (from 2000 Census to 2007-2011 5Year ACS) -3.22% 0.19% -0.04% 4.68% 2.47% 3.58% 1.51% 1.61% 0.14% 1.21% (2) % Change in High School Graduates 2009-2010 to 2010-2011 (3) 3-Year Average % Change in High School Graduates (4) Fall 2011 FTES Over the Age of 21 -5.93% 4.00% -0.74% 3.72% -1.75% -5.16% -8.02% 3.10% -2.21% -1.44% -3.63% 2.03% 1.18% -1.94% 0.57% 1.79% -0.01% -2.13% 1.17% -0.11% 4,952 6,431 2,012 1,849 3,608 1,420 4,514 3,594 2,300 3,409 (5) Fall 2011 (6) Fall FTES Age 21 2011 Total and FTES Younger 1,628 4,191 1,616 1,316 3,245 586 1,351 2,307 1,166 1,934 6,580 10,622 3,628 3,165 6,853 2,006 5,865 5,901 3,466 5,343 (7) Percent Change in Adult Population Ages 18-54 X Fall 2011 FTES Over 21 12.38 86.56 88.96 50.89 68.22 57.70 3.12 (8) Change in High School Graduates X Fall 2011 FTES Age 21 and Younger 167.50 19.05 49.02 18.35 10.48 71.40 13.68 (9) "BLENDED RATE" [(7)+(8)]/(6) 0.00% 1.69% 0.53% 4.28% 1.57% 3.06% 1.16% 2.19% 0.48% 1.66% (10) Higher Rate of Blended Rate or Percent Change in Adult Population 0.00% 1.69% 0.53% 4.68% 2.47% 3.58% 1.51% 2.19% 0.48% 1.90% (11) Educational Attainment Rate: Proportion of Adult Population Age 25+ with Some College and Above (20072011 5-Year ACS) 58.0% 32.0% 61.6% 44.5% 65.5% 39.4% 31.7% 55.7% 65.6% 50.5% (12) Ratio of Average Educational Attainment Rate to College's Educational Attainment Rate 0.87 1.58 0.82 1.13 0.77 1.28 1.59 0.91 0.77 1.00 (13) "Underserved" Augmentation 0.58% 0.13% 0.28% 0.59% (14) FINAL GROWTH RATE [(10)+(13)] 0.00% 2.27% 0.53% 4.81% 2.47% 3.86% 2.10% 2.19% 0.48% 2.08% Page 10 of 16 Data Used in Allocation Model Simulations Updated Data from 2007-2011 5-Year ACS College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Adult Final Growth Rate (based on Population from 2007‐2011 5‐ 2007-2011 5Year ACS Year ACS) 0.00% 481,245 2.27% 616,596 0.53% 260,851 4.81% 212,250 2.47% 374,236 3.86% 306,700 2.10% 286,125 2.19% 481,588 0.48% 396,153 3,415,744 % Population (P) 14.1% 18.1% 7.6% 6.2% 11.0% 9.0% 8.4% 14.1% 11.6% 100.0% *Number of individuals over age 25 having a high school education or lower Underserved Population* from 2007-2011 % District 5-Year ACS Underserved (U) 235,494 11.9% 473,168 24.0% 130,965 6.6% 137,661 7.0% 165,864 8.4% 205,510 10.4% 204,689 10.4% 251,448 12.7% 170,547 8.6% 1,975,346 100.0% Page 11 of 16 Funding Simulations Using Population or Underserved, SB361, and State Model Based on Updated Data from 2007-2011 5-year ACS and 4% Cap Scenario I: 80% SB 361; 20% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Population or Underserved 0.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 20.0% $0 $1,974,548 $0 $3,050,455 $0 $950,606 $0 $854,200 $0 $2,040,196 $0 $712,337 $0 $1,697,973 $0 $1,812,232 $0 $987,752 $0 $14,080,299 $0 $892,328 $64,274 $529,545 $647,720 $354,424 $459,626 $510,514 $61,644 $3,520,075 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $1,974,548 $3,942,783 $1,014,880 $1,383,745 $2,687,916 $1,066,761 $2,157,599 $2,322,746 $1,049,397 $17,600,374 $2,468,185 $3,813,069 $1,188,258 $1,067,750 $2,550,245 $890,421 $2,122,466 $2,265,290 $1,234,691 $17,600,374 3.20% 4.14% 3.42% 5.18% 4.22% 4.79% 4.07% 4.10% 3.40% 4.00% Scenario II: 80% SB 361; 10% Adult Population Share; 10% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 10.0% $247,972 $1,974,548 $317,715 $3,050,455 $134,409 $950,606 $109,366 $854,200 $192,833 $2,040,196 $158,034 $712,337 $147,432 $1,697,973 $248,149 $1,812,232 $204,127 $987,752 $1,760,037 $14,080,299 $0 $446,164 $32,137 $264,772 $323,860 $177,212 $229,813 $255,257 $30,822 $1,760,037 Population 10.0% Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $2,222,520 $3,814,334 $1,117,152 $1,228,339 $2,556,890 $1,047,583 $2,075,218 $2,315,638 $1,222,701 $17,600,374 $2,468,185 $3,813,069 $1,188,258 $1,067,750 $2,550,245 $890,421 $2,122,466 $2,265,290 $1,234,691 $17,600,374 3.60% 4.00% 3.76% 4.60% 4.01% 4.71% 3.91% 4.09% 3.96% 4.00% Scenario III: 80% SB 361; 10% Underserved Population Share; 10% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 10.0% $209,826 $1,974,548 $421,594 $3,050,455 $116,690 $950,606 $122,656 $854,200 $147,785 $2,040,196 $183,110 $712,337 $182,378 $1,697,973 $224,041 $1,812,232 $151,958 $987,752 $1,760,037 $14,080,299 $0 $446,164 $32,137 $264,772 $323,860 $177,212 $229,813 $255,257 $30,822 $1,760,037 Underserved 10.0% Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $2,184,374 $3,918,213 $1,099,433 $1,241,628 $2,511,841 $1,072,659 $2,110,164 $2,291,530 $1,170,532 $17,600,374 $2,468,185 $3,813,069 $1,188,258 $1,067,750 $2,550,245 $890,421 $2,122,466 $2,265,290 $1,234,691 $17,600,374 3.54% 4.11% 3.70% 4.65% 3.94% 4.82% 3.98% 4.05% 3.79% 4.00% Page 12 of 16 Funding Simulations Using Population or Underserved, SB361, and State Model Based on Updated Data from 2007-2011 5-year ACS and 4% Cap Scenario IV: 80% SB 361; 20% Underserved Population Share Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 0.0% $419,651 $1,974,548 $843,187 $3,050,455 $233,380 $950,606 $245,312 $854,200 $295,570 $2,040,196 $366,220 $712,337 $364,757 $1,697,973 $448,081 $1,812,232 $303,915 $987,752 $3,520,075 $14,080,299 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Underserved 20.0% Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $2,394,199 $3,893,642 $1,183,986 $1,099,512 $2,335,767 $1,078,557 $2,062,729 $2,260,313 $1,291,668 $17,600,374 $2,468,185 $3,813,069 $1,188,258 $1,067,750 $2,550,245 $890,421 $2,122,466 $2,265,290 $1,234,691 $17,600,374 3.88% 4.08% 3.99% 4.12% 3.66% 4.85% 3.89% 3.99% 4.18% 4.00% Page 13 of 16 Funding Simulations Using Population or Underserved, SB361, and State Model Based on Updated Data from 2007-2011 5-year ACS and 2% Cap Scenario I: 80% SB 361; 20% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Population or Underserved 0.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 20.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $987,274 $1,525,228 $475,303 $427,100 $1,020,098 $356,168 $848,986 $906,116 $493,876 $7,040,150 $0 $446,164 $32,137 $264,772 $323,860 $177,212 $229,813 $255,257 $30,822 $1,760,037 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $987,274 $1,971,391 $507,440 $691,872 $1,343,958 $533,380 $1,078,800 $1,161,373 $524,698 $8,800,187 $1,234,093 $1,906,534 $594,129 $533,875 $1,275,123 $445,211 $1,061,233 $1,132,645 $617,345 $8,800,187 1.60% 2.07% 1.71% 2.59% 2.11% 2.40% 2.03% 2.05% 1.70% 2.00% Scenario II: 80% SB 361; 10% Adult Population Share; 10% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Population 10.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 10.0% $123,986 $158,857 $67,205 $54,683 $96,417 $79,017 $73,716 $124,074 $102,063 $880,019 $987,274 $1,525,228 $475,303 $427,100 $1,020,098 $356,168 $848,986 $906,116 $493,876 $7,040,150 $0 $223,082 $16,068 $132,386 $161,930 $88,606 $114,907 $127,629 $15,411 $880,019 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $1,111,260 $1,907,167 $558,576 $614,169 $1,278,445 $523,791 $1,037,609 $1,157,819 $611,351 $8,800,187 $1,234,093 $1,906,534 $594,129 $533,875 $1,275,123 $445,211 $1,061,233 $1,132,645 $617,345 $8,800,187 1.80% 2.00% 1.88% 2.30% 2.01% 2.35% 1.96% 2.04% 1.98% 2.00% Scenario III: 80% SB 361; 10% Underserved Population Share; 10% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Underserved 10.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 10.0% $104,913 $210,797 $58,345 $61,328 $73,893 $91,555 $91,189 $112,020 $75,979 $880,019 $987,274 $1,525,228 $475,303 $427,100 $1,020,098 $356,168 $848,986 $906,116 $493,876 $7,040,150 $0 $223,082 $16,068 $132,386 $161,930 $88,606 $114,907 $127,629 $15,411 $880,019 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $1,092,187 $1,959,106 $549,716 $620,814 $1,255,921 $536,329 $1,055,082 $1,145,765 $585,266 $8,800,187 $1,234,093 $1,906,534 $594,129 $533,875 $1,275,123 $445,211 $1,061,233 $1,132,645 $617,345 $8,800,187 1.77% 2.06% 1.85% 2.33% 1.97% 2.41% 1.99% 2.02% 1.90% 2.00% Page 14 of 16 Funding Simulations Using Population or Underserved, SB361, and State Model Based on Updated Data from 2007-2011 5-year ACS and 2% Cap Scenario IV: 80% SB 361; 20% Underserved Population Share Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Underserved 20.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 0.0% $209,826 $421,594 $116,690 $122,656 $147,785 $183,110 $182,378 $224,041 $151,958 $1,760,037 $987,274 $1,525,228 $475,303 $427,100 $1,020,098 $356,168 $848,986 $906,116 $493,876 $7,040,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $1,197,100 $1,946,821 $591,993 $549,756 $1,167,883 $539,278 $1,031,365 $1,130,157 $645,834 $8,800,187 $1,234,093 $1,906,534 $594,129 $533,875 $1,275,123 $445,211 $1,061,233 $1,132,645 $617,345 $8,800,187 1.94% 2.04% 1.99% 2.06% 1.83% 2.42% 1.94% 2.00% 2.09% 2.00% Page 15 of 16 Funding Simulations Using Population or Underserved, SB361, and State Model Based on Updated Data from 2007-2011 5-year ACS and 1.63% Cap Scenario I: 80% SB 361; 20% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Population or Underserved 0.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 20.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $804,628 $1,243,060 $387,372 $348,086 $831,380 $290,277 $691,924 $738,484 $402,509 $5,737,722 $0 $363,623 $26,191 $215,789 $263,946 $144,428 $187,298 $208,035 $25,120 $1,434,430 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $804,628 $1,606,684 $413,563 $563,876 $1,095,326 $434,705 $879,222 $946,519 $427,629 $7,172,152 $1,005,785 $1,553,826 $484,215 $435,108 $1,039,225 $362,847 $864,905 $923,106 $503,136 $7,172,152 1.30% 1.69% 1.39% 2.11% 1.72% 1.95% 1.66% 1.67% 1.39% 1.63% Scenario II: 80% SB 361; 10% Adult Population Share; 10% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Population 10.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 10.0% $101,049 $129,469 $54,772 $44,567 $78,580 $64,399 $60,079 $101,121 $83,182 $717,215 $804,628 $1,243,060 $387,372 $348,086 $831,380 $290,277 $691,924 $738,484 $402,509 $5,737,722 $0 $181,812 $13,096 $107,895 $131,973 $72,214 $93,649 $104,017 $12,560 $717,215 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $905,677 $1,554,341 $455,239 $500,548 $1,041,933 $426,890 $845,651 $943,622 $498,251 $7,172,152 $1,005,785 $1,553,826 $484,215 $435,108 $1,039,225 $362,847 $864,905 $923,106 $503,136 $7,172,152 1.47% 1.63% 1.53% 1.88% 1.63% 1.92% 1.59% 1.67% 1.61% 1.63% Scenario III: 80% SB 361; 10% Underserved Population Share; 10% State Model Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Underserved 10.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 10.0% $85,504 $171,799 $47,551 $49,982 $60,222 $74,617 $74,319 $91,297 $61,923 $717,215 $804,628 $1,243,060 $387,372 $348,086 $831,380 $290,277 $691,924 $738,484 $402,509 $5,737,722 $0 $181,812 $13,096 $107,895 $131,973 $72,214 $93,649 $104,017 $12,560 $717,215 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $890,132 $1,596,672 $448,019 $505,964 $1,023,575 $437,108 $859,892 $933,798 $476,992 $7,172,152 $1,005,785 $1,553,826 $484,215 $435,108 $1,039,225 $362,847 $864,905 $923,106 $503,136 $7,172,152 1.44% 1.67% 1.51% 1.90% 1.61% 1.96% 1.62% 1.65% 1.55% 1.63% Page 16 of 16 Funding Simulations Using Population or Underserved, SB361, and State Model Based on Updated Data from 2007-2011 5-year ACS and 1.63% Cap Scenario IV: 80% SB 361; 20% Underserved Population Share Percent Weight==> College City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West College Total Underserved 20.0% SB 361 80.0% State Model with Educ Attainment 0.0% $171,008 $343,599 $95,102 $99,965 $120,445 $149,235 $148,638 $182,593 $123,846 $1,434,430 $804,628 $1,243,060 $387,372 $348,086 $831,380 $290,277 $691,924 $738,484 $402,509 $5,737,722 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Effective 100% Current Funding Total Method (SB361) Rate 100% $975,636 $1,586,659 $482,474 $448,051 $951,825 $439,512 $840,562 $921,078 $526,355 $7,172,152 $1,005,785 $1,553,826 $484,215 $435,108 $1,039,225 $362,847 $864,905 $923,106 $503,136 $7,172,152 1.58% 1.66% 1.62% 1.68% 1.49% 1.97% 1.58% 1.63% 1.71% 1.63%