~ '3EJ Los ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CITY• EAST • HARBOR • MISSION • PIERCE• SOUTHWEST• TRADE-TECHNICAL• VALLEY •WEST MEMO Date: February 16, 2016 To: Facilities Master Planning apd Oversight Committee: Ernie Mo~Lchair; Scott Svonkin and Sydney Kamlager From: Tom Hall~{~ting chief facilities executive RE: February 24, 2016 Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee Please find attached background materials for .t he Facilities Master Planning and Oversight meeting to be held on February 24, 2016. The agenda will include a review of the second addendum to the West L.A. College (WLAC) 2005 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and 2010 Supplemental EIR, and . update ,to the facilities master plan and a project design review for the WLAC Watson Center project. The agenda also includes presentations on the Department of State Architect annual closeout report, college EIRs and facilities master plans status, and a construction update summary. I will be joined by staff at the meeting to discuss the item on the agenda. Please feel free to call me at (213) 891-2119 if you have any questions. C: Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, chancellor Dr. Adriana Barrera, deputy chancellor Robert Sprague, interim president, West L.A. College Thomas Donovan, director; LACCD bond Program Management Office Diana Johnson, college project director, West L.A. College TLH/drm 770 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017-3896 * (213) 891-2000 West Los Angeles College 2016 DRAFT Facilities Master Plan Update February 24, 2016 Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 1 PURPOSE OF THE MASTER PLAN UPDATE To accommodate and illustrate minor modifications to the approved master plan. 1. Plant Facilities Center (PFC) New location due to city of Los Angeles sewer easement requirements 2. West Energy Efficiency Project: Central Plant - North Campus New location provides easier and less costly connection to TLC 3. Omni Acoustical Space New Location (Deferred project) utilizes existing space 4. Fine Arts Performance Space – New Scope In PE Dance Project Minor modifications to existing stage 5. R7 Bungalow Relocation Relocation project eliminated, bungalow to be demolished 6. Dance Studio, New Construction (Pec-s) – Scope Eliminated 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 2 Approved 2013 Long-Range Master Plan Update 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 3 2016 Proposed Long-Range Master Plan 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 4 Changes to 2013 Master Plan Update 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 5 Changes to 2013 Master Plan Update 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 6 Changes to 2013 Master Plan Update 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 7 Changes to 2013 Master Plan Update 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 8 Changes to 2013 Master Plan Update 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 9 Changes to 2013 Master Plan Update 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 10 Changes to 2013 Master Plan Update 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 11 Changes to 2013 Master Plan Update Changes for Master Plan Update 2013 Size 2013 Budget 2016 Size 2016 Total Project EAC 1 PLANT FACILITIES CENTER (PFC) 7,500 GSF $2.35M 7,500 GSF $ 3,424,735 2 WEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT: CENTRAL PLANT - NORTH CAMPUS TBD $2.12M TBD $ 4,715,583 3 OMNI ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE LAB 2,165 SF $0.34M Deferred 4 FINE ARTS PERFORMANCE SPACE New scope since 2013 MP 5 R7 BUNGALOW RELOCATION aka FMO-Office 1,907 GSF Expansion 6 DANCE STUDIO NEW CONSTRUCTION $0.25M 4,400 GSF Part of PE Dance Renovation R7 to be demolished Eliminated 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 12 2016 Proposed Long-Range Master Plan 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 13 CEQA Review WLAC 2013 Master Plan Update • CEQA Section 15164(a) addresses circumstances when an Addendum is to be prepared – minor changes where none of the conditions of CEQA Section 15162 have occurred. • CEQA Section 15162 indicates a new EIR must be prepared when: Substantial changes to project requiring major revisions to previous EIR (such as a new or worsened significant adverse impact). Substantial changes to project circumstances requiring major revisions to previous EIR. New information of substantial importance not known at time of previous EIR, showing: One or more new significant impacts not discussed in previous EIR. Significant effects previously examined will be substantially worse. Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found infeasible would be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects. Mitigation measures or alternatives considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects, but proponent declines to adopt. 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 14 CEQA Review Update to WLAC 2013 Master Plan • All changes in Update to 2013 Master Plan are very minor. None of the conditions indicated in CEQA Section 15162 occur. • In accordance with CEQA Section 15164(a) Addendum to 2010 Master Plan EIR is the appropriate CEQA document. • Addendum circulated to City of Culver City (who sent to HOAs). • Minor comments requesting clarifications to analysis and status of noise wall repair. 2016 Facilities Master Plan Update Building for tomorrow’s leaders DES_014 15 LO S AN G EL E S CO M M UN IT Y CO LL EG E D I S T RICT DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PROGRAM FACILITIES MASTER PLANNING & OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (FMP&OC) MEETING LEED PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY College Name: LACCD Project Name: LACCD Project Number: College Project Director: Design Consultant: West Los Angeles College Watson Center 39W.5982.02 Diana Johnson TSK Architects Project Description: The Watson Center 2 project houses the Motion Picture & Television Production (MPTP) Department: Sound Stage, Shop, Prop House, Costume Lab, Faculty Offices, Restrooms, and Exterior Instructional Spaces. The project components consist of, but is not limited to: Motion Picture & Television Production (MPTP): Sound Stage, Shop, Prop House, Costume Lab, Faculty Offices, Restrooms, and Exterior Instructional Spaces. The building consists of two wings surrounding a work yard. The sound stage and supporting spaces are located at the north with the Wood/Prop/Costume Shops located at the south and interconnected by offices and workroom. The work yard has a canpy for weather protection of the north wall of the shop wing. The work yard, functionally also serves as the firetruck turnaround. The Motion Picture & Television Production Building is divided into 3 instructional programmatic areas: Sound Stage, Workshop Instructional Spaces, and Administrative Spaces. These spaces are supported by exterior instructional spaces and service spaces. The building is constructed of ICF and CMU walls in the sound stage will use signifcant sound deadening material to help control noise reflectance and inflitration into the space. Relevant Statistics: The Watson Center 2 project is a new single story, 15,580 square foot building located at the south end of existing Parking Lot 2. The design-build / design-bid-build project has a construction cost of $6,472,089.00 and is funded by Measure J. The building is being provided to house the Motion Picture & Television Production program. The building will also provide Path of travel components for the ATA elevator project to be built in project #13. Those components include the restrooms and drinking fountains that are code required. Form DES-0015-A Page 1 of 2 Rev.06.29.15 LO S AN G EL E S CO M M UN IT Y CO LL EG E D I S T RICT DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PROGRAM Schedule: Expected Design Phase Completion: Expected Construction Phase Completion: Expected Close-Out Phase Completion: July 2016 with DSA approval March 2017 February 2018 July 2018 (DSA Certification) Reason why Project does not meet District LEED™ Project Criteria: Description of why project does not meet LEED or Sustainable Features: The project is expected to achieve (40-49) LEED™ points for a LEED™ Certified rating. Some of the sustainable features include: • • • • • • • • • • • Insulated concrete form (ICF) and concrete masonry unit (CMU) thermal envelope Cool white roofing membrane to reduce energy consumption Energy efficient mechanical systems Energy efficient lighting fixtures Energy management system controls Lighting control systems Low flow plumbing fixtures Minimal, drought-tolerant planting Water-efficient irrigation, compliant with dsa’s calgreen outdoor waster use regulations pr15-03 Low toxic/low voc materials Recycled content Form DES-0015-A Page 2 of 2 Rev.06.29.15 Hazim Rabadi 2/16/2016 LEED v4 for BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovation Project Checklist Y ? 1 4 Integrative Process 0 Location and Transportation 16 4 Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location 16 Y 0 Credit Sensitive Land Protection 1 Y 0 Credit High Priority Site 2 1 Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses 5 1 Credit Access to Quality Transit 1 Credit Bicycle Facilities 1 Credit Credit 1 4 2 12-Feb-16 Design Development 1 0 2 WLAC Watson Center N Credit 3 Project Name: Date: 5 0 Materials and Resources 13 Prereq Storage and Collection of Recyclables Required Required Prereq Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning 1 Credit 1 1 Credit 5 1 1 Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product Declarations Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials 1 1 1 Credit Reduced Parking Footprint 1 1 1 Credit Green Vehicles 1 4 5 0 Sustainable Sites 10 Y Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients Construction and Demolition Waste Management 0 Indoor Environmental Quality Prereq 5 2 2 2 2 16 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Required Y Prereq Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Required Y Prereq Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control Required 1 Credit Site Assessment 1 1 1 Credit Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies 2 Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat 2 1 1 Credit Low-Emitting Materials 3 Credit Open Space 1 1 Credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1 1 1 Credit Rainwater Management 3 1 Credit Indoor Air Quality Assessment 2 1 1 Credit Heat Island Reduction 2 1 Credit Thermal Comfort 1 Credit Light Pollution Reduction 1 Credit Interior Lighting 2 Credit Daylight 3 Credit Quality Views 1 Credit Acoustic Performance 1 1 3 2 0 Water Efficiency 11 Y Prereq Outdoor Water Use Reduction Required Y Prereq Indoor Water Use Reduction Required Y Prereq Building-Level Water Metering Required 2 Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction 2 Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction 6 Credit Cooling Tower Water Use 2 Credit Water Metering 1 1 1 1 2 6 0 Energy and Atmosphere 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 Innovation 6 Credit Innovation 5 Credit LEED Accredited Professional 1 0 Regional Priority 4 1 Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1 1 Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1 Y Prereq Fundamental Commissioning and Verification Required Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1 Y Prereq Minimum Energy Performance Required Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1 Y Prereq Building-Level Energy Metering Required Required Prereq Fundamental Refrigerant Management 1 Credit Enhanced Commissioning 6 1 Credit Optimize Energy Performance 18 Credit Advanced Energy Metering 1 1 Credit Demand Response 2 1 Credit Renewable Energy Production 3 1 Credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management 1 1 Credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets 2 Y 2 25 24 0 TOTALS Possible Points: Certified: 40 to 49 points, Silver: 50 to 59 points, Gold: 60 to 79 points, Platinum: 80 to 110 110 Los Angeles Community College District PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Division of State Architect Annual Closeout Report Facilities Master Planning & Oversight Committee February 24, 2016 Building for tomorrow’s leaders 1 DSA The Division of the State Architect provides design and construction oversight for K–12 schools, community colleges and various other state-owned and leased facilities. The DSA performs services in support of its obligations and to assure construction of safe, accessible and sustainable public buildings. Building for tomorrow’s leaders 2 DSA Closeout Since Program Inception All LACCD DSA Projects 3% 8% 89% Closed w/o Cert Active Closed/Certified Building for tomorrow’s leaders 3 DSA Closeout History (April 30, 2013 through December 31, 2015) Year Closed / Certified Construction Value 2013 29 $ 160.0 M 2014 65 $ 684.0 M 2015 56 $ 559.0 M TOTAL 150 $ 1,403 M Building for tomorrow’s leaders 4 2015 DSA Closeout Report City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Tech Valley West VDK (managed by district) Total Closed / Cert 5 11 8 1 5 9 3 10 4 0 56 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Closed w/o Cert 7 7 0 1 5 0 5 3 1 2 31 5 DSA Closeout History 300 238 250 251 Bond program closeout specialist hired full-time 200 (Dec 2006) Projected 150 100 56 50 20 13 6 11 5 3 37 31 36 46 9 65 94 56 60 70 0 Building for tomorrow’s leaders 6 LACCD Program Management 515 S. Flower Street, Suite 900 Los Angeles, California 90071 www.build-laccd.org Building for Tomorrow’s Leaders 213.593 8000 866.817.1051 tel fax Disposition of College Environmental Impact Reports and Long-Range Facilities Master Plans College Original EIR/long‐range facilities master plan board approval date EIR/long‐range facilities master plan disposition City 6/19/2002 East 2/20/2002 Addendum to the 2002 EIR Long‐range facilities master plan Second Addendum to the 2009 Final Supplemental EIR 2012‐2018 Facilities Master Plan Update Subsequent EIR for 2013 Firestone Education Center Master Plan 2013 FEC Master Plan Facilities Master Plan Final EIR Addendum First Amendment to the 2010 Facilities Master Plan Update Addendum to the 2009 Subsequent EIR for Facilities Master Plan Update to the Facilities Master Plan East – Firestone Education Center 12/16/2009 Harbor 7/9/2003 Mission 1/24/2007 Most recent EIR/long‐range facilities master plan Board approval date 4/14/2010 (EIR & MP) 3/25/2015 (EIR & MP) 5/14/2014 (EIR & MP) 8/11/2010 (EIR) 10/9/13 (MP) 7/8/2015 Building for Tomorrow’s Leaders College Original EIR/long‐range facilities master plan board approval date EIR/long‐range facilities master plan disposition Pierce 1/22/2003 Southwest 11/19/2003 Trade 9/3/2003 Valley 9/3/2003 Van de Kamp West 5/23/2001 1/12/2005 Addendum to the 2002 Final EIR 2014 Facilities Master Plan Update Supplemental EIR for the Facilities Master Plan Update 2010 Facilities Master Plan Update EIR Addendum for 2009 Thirty Year Master Plan 2009 Thirty‐Year Master Plan Addendum to the 2003 EIR for Facilities Master Plan 2010 Facilities Master Plan Update Subsequent EIR Addendum to 2005 Facilities Master Plan Final EIR and 2010 Supplemental EIR 2013‐36 Facilities Master Plan College EIRs & Facilities MPs Page 2 Most recent EIR/long‐range facilities master plan Board approval date 7/9/2014 6/16/10 3/10/10 10/7/2015 (EIR) 3/23/2011 (MP) 1/29/2014 1/15/14 LACCD Program Management 515 S. Flower Street, Suite 900 Los Angeles, California 90071 www.build-laccd.org Building for Tomorrow’s Leaders 213.593 8000 866.817.1051 tel fax ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY (All data and dates are current as of December 2015) Does not include projects in programming, in procurement, in design, at DSA, in closeout, or completed. College City City City City City Project ID 01C‐146 01C‐152 01C‐110 01C‐134 01C‐173.03 East Harbor Harbor 02E‐231 03H‐307 03H‐350.01 Harbor Mission Mission 03H‐350.03 04M‐419 04M‐405 Pierce 05P‐502 Pierce 05P‐505.02 Project Name Physical Plant (M&O Building) (Pankow) Tennis Courts (Pankow) Holmes Hall Modernization (Harper) Student Services Center (Harper) RWGPL ‐ Traffic Mitigation (Masters) Campus Student Center/ Book Store Complex (GC: Pinner) Theater Drama Speech Building (Pankow) S.A.I.L.S‐Student Union (Bernards) S.A.I.L.S‐Infrastr/Land & Hardscape/Security (GC: Bernards) Campus Modernization Phase 1 (Masters) Media Arts Center (Kemp/Hartford) Life Science, Chemistry, Physics Building (Balfour Beatty) Phase II Renovations ‐ Administration Building ‐ Interior and Exterior (Balfour Beatty) *-May not reflect pending, but not yet approved, change order proposals. Amount *Budget Expended $ 9,064,289 $ 7,765,817 $ 1,254,465 $ 672,491 $ 13,009,791 $ 8,085,811 $ 38,105,141 $ 22,952,925 $ 8,471,879 $ 3,327,518 *Contractual Substantial Completion 1/29/2016 1/29/2016 3/31/2016 5/1/2016 6/30/2016 $ 40,028,811 $ 17,200,876 $ 52,981,751 $ 32,941,596 $ 15,754,587 $ 14,637,528 1/6/2016 2/15/2016 9/28/2017 $ 22,128,594 $ 21,898,351 $ 46,378,970 $ 17,793,737 $ 19,936,645 $ 24,774,614 5/23/2018 2/29/2016 11/30/2016 $ 22,006,996 $ 12,478,092 5/12/2016 $ 11,390,485 $ 6,854,749 5/12/2016 Building for Tomorrow’s Leaders College Project ID Pierce 05P‐507 Pierce Pierce 05P‐510 05P‐530.01 Pierce Pierce Southwest Trade‐ Tech Trade‐ Tech Valley Valley 05P‐535.02 05P‐535.07 40J‐609.02 07T‐772.06 07T‐720.01 08V‐842 08V‐836 Project Name Phase II Renovations ‐ Computer Science and Computer Learning (Balfour Beatty) Phase II Renovations ‐ Behavioral Science, Social science, Mathematics, and English Buildings (Balfour Beatty) Campus Center (Existing) ‐ General (Balfour Beatty) SLE ‐ North of Mall ‐ Classroom Modernization/Technology/Low Voltage (Balfour Beatty) SLE Faculty Center/Campus Center (Balfour Beatty) Storm Water Pony Wall ‐ Southwest East Campus Substation and Electrical Distribution System (Bernards Brothers) East Parking Structure ‐ Increment 1 and B Permit (Bernards Brothers) Monarch Center (Student Union Annex) (McCarthy) Community Workforce Dev Ctr/New Admin (Pankow) *-May not reflect pending, but not yet approved, change order proposals. Active Construction Summary Page 2 *Contractual Substantial Completion *Budget Amount Expended $ 10,398,954 $ 3,417,948 5/12/2016 $ 17,147,992 $ 2,577,379 $ 4,000,215 $ 2,537,609 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 $ 9,268,054 $ 3,935,969 $ 500,000 $ 3,662,436 $ 1,577,897 $ 297,160 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 2/1/2016 $ 6,924,562 $ 1,696,588 8/2/2016 $ 40,915,733 $ 37,832,079 $ 43,318,309 $ 17,118,881 $ 32,789,152 $ 20,284,195 8/23/2016 3/8/2016 10/20/2016 Revisions to Addendum and Comments and Responses WLAC 2013 Master Plan Refinements and October 2015 Addendum December 17, 2015 Revisions to Addendum WLAC is removing from the Master Plan the PE Dance Studio (4,400 square feet), identified in the October 2015 Draft of the Addendum as located in Lot 2 (located in Lot 4 in the 2014 Draft Addendum). This revision to the Master Plan does not affect any of the impact analyses. Culver Crest Comments Culver Crest 1. The Master Plan Facilities Update is almost 130 pages long with many scientific terms not easily understood by the general public. Such a document needs an audio engineer to comment on it accuracy including the underlying facts on which the conclusions are based. One set of facts is that the sound against which measurements were made comes from data at Tara Hills, which is further away than the residences on Northgate in Culver Crest. The Noise Memorandum does not include data obtained from the five years during which the College maintained a sound monitoring device at a home on Northgate Street. Using the Tara Hills data does not approximate the same use or decibel levels as that on Northgate. Response: WLAC will add definitions to scientific terms to add clarity to the Master Plan as needed. There have been only minor changes since the 2013 Master Plan. The Addendum analyzes the changes from what was previously analyzed in the 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum. The only change that impacts noise is the New Central Plant/West Energy Efficiency Project (Energy Efficiency Project). The analysis utilized the Tara Hills monitoring location as it is the closest to the Energy Efficiency project and noise data from it and previous baseline data from it were used in the noise memo. The noise memo (prepared by Zack Dennis an acoustical specialist who has prepared all the noise analyses for WLAC Master Plan) documents that no noise impact would occur at the closest residential area, Raintree and Tara Hills, and therefore residential areas further away (for example to the south, along Northgate) would have even less impact. The Plant Facilities Center or Warehouse (PFC or PFW) was contemplated in the 2014 Addendum as a 7,500 sf pre-manufactured building. Page 24 of the 2014 Addendum states the following: "There is one area on campus that is now proposed to have minor construction activity where such activity was not identified in 2010. * Southwest corner of campus. Construction of a 7,500 sf pre-manufactured warehouse and relocation of a 1,900 sf bungalow would now occur in this area. Construction of these two buildings would be no more intrusive than construction of a single-family home. (The 2005 Master Plan included plant operations and storage facilities in this area.)" The PFC has been reduced in size slightly (now 7,200 sf) and would be re-oriented and moved about 50 feet further south in Lot 6 as compared to what was discussed in the 2014 Addendum. No additional impacts are anticipated because construction equipment would use the same area and have the same noise impacts. Culver Crest 2. The Noise Memo mentions a wall separating the adjacent residences. It is unclear whether this refers to walls around Raintree or Tara Hills, from which sound measurements were taken, or the sound walls around the College (which are only temporary), or 1 walls around the Plant Facilities Cooling Tower ("PCFT"), or walls that homeowners have erected in the back of their houses (which can only be only five feet high per local code). Response: The perimeter wall mentioned in the noise memo refers to the block wall along the property lines along the Raintree and Tara Hills developments on the west side of campus, west of the flood control channel. Culver Crest 3. The Noise Memo does not fully describe the installation to which it refers: for example, the number of interior baffles needed to reduce sound, any sort of cone or chimney to damp sound as the device functions, height of the facility, whether the proposed facility will rise above, be at or below the level of the "berm" on the north side of Freshman Drive which might or might not provide a sound barrier and does not describe any of the waste products which may or may not be generated during the (a) construction of the PCFT nor (b) during its operation. Response: No interior baffles, cone or chimney are needed to ensure noise levels remain below a level of significance. All pumps and fans would be interior to the building which would have no openings. Only the cooling tower would be open to the sky. The building would be approximately 11 feet tall with the cooling tower extending up to approximately 15 feet. The building would be at the same level as the football field along the east side of Freshman Drive. No unusual waste products would be generated during construction (typical construction debris including minor amounts of soil, and waste cardboard etc.) or operation (steam from the cooling tower). Culver Crest 4. The Noise Memo does not at all discuss the potential impact on the residences along the south side of the college that will exist when the temporary sound wall is removed. Response: As described above, residences to the south would not be impacted by the new Energy Efficiency Project because residences that are even closer (Raintree and Tara Hills) would not be impacted. Joy Lund Comments Joy Lund 1. I read that the existing sound wall is to remain as is until construction is over. I read that the target date has been moved to 2018. I believe that originally the anticipated date for the end of construction was 2016. The condition of this sound wall is appalling. It continues to deteriorate and is an eyesore. This potentially affects the property value for all of the residents of Northgate Street. On upper Northgate, where I live, the wall should be taken down. There has been no construction there for years. If a sound barrier is necessary on the lower part of Northgate Street, west of Galvin Street, surely the existing one could be replaced with something more attractive. Response: WLAC has committed (through required mitigation measures) to keeping the noise walls in place until construction is complete. See also Raintree Response 1 below for additional information on sound wall maintenance. Joy Lund 2. Relocating the Plant Facilities Center closer to our homes is very concerning and the noise analysis contained in the proposal was very technical and difficult to decipher. I would wonder why such a facility could not be located farther away from the residential area. Response: See response to Culver Crest 1 above. The noise analysis is associated with the Energy Efficiency Project that is proposed to be constructed on the west side of campus. The Addendum summarizes the noise memo. In short noise from that facility would not significantly 2 impact the closest residences immediately west of campus; therefore residences even further away (on Northgate for example), impacts would be even less. Joy Lund 3. There was mention of the plans for an amphitheater in the “unfunded” section of the report. Again, the location is close to the residences on Northgate Street and I am concerned that noise would be an issue. Response: The amphitheater is a two-phase project. Phase I is funded and is an erosion control project only; it would be a graded hillside. The unfunded Phase 2 is the Community Performing Arts Center. The Community Performing Arts Center building (13,000 square feet) would provide for a portion of the stage that could serve both exterior amphitheater seating and the interior seating. The location hasn’t changed from the 2013 Master Plan (southwest corner of campus). The amphitheater seating would be behind the hill from homes to the south and the stage would be oriented away from the community towards the hillside thus noise would be substantially screened. Raintree Comments Raintree 1. On page 20 of the 2nd Addendum 2010 Final Supplemental EIR, is the statement: "The sound walls around the exterior of campus would remain as at present until the completion of construction." We request that the physical condition of the sound walls, especially adjacent to Raintree, be monitored and that damages to and gaps in the wall be repaired expeditiously. Response: WLAC is in the process of finalizing an agreement with Balfour Beatty to maintain the sound blankets and remove them once construction is complete. LACCD is working to finalize the terms of the contract with Balfour Beatty, and estimates it will take 30 days. The sound wall is mainly damaged along Freshman Drive at the transition between Sophomore and Freshman Drive. The County and others travel under the blanket to access the storm basin/ easement between Raintree and the County road. 3 WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE 2013 WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE MASTER PLAN UPDATE 2ND ADDENDUM 2010 FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT State Clearinghouse No. 2004051112 West Los Angeles College 9000 S. Overland Avenue Culver City, CA 90230 Diana Johnson 310-202-2022 Prepared by: Sirius Environmental December 2015 WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE 2013 FACILITIES MASTER PLAN UPDATE 2ND ADDENDUM TO THE 2010 FINAL SEIR TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Purpose of Addendum .................................................................................................................... 1 Regulatory Background .................................................................................................................. 3 Incorporation by Reference ............................................................................................................ 4 Summary of Effects ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Background/Location ..................................................................................................................... 5 West Los Angeles College Facilities Master Plan (2005, 2010, 2013, 2015) ................................ 5 Purpose of the Proposed Project ................................................................................................... 10 Student Enrollment and Campus Use ........................................................................................... 10 Discretionary Approvals ............................................................................................................... 12 Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 12 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES .............................................................................. 13 4.0 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 22 5.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 22 6.0 LIST OF PREPARERS ................................................................................................ 23 LIST OF TABLES Page 2-1 West Los Angeles College Campus Building Areas ...................................................................... 7 2-2 West Los Angeles College Lease Arrangements ......................................................................... 11 LIST OF FIGURES Page 2-1 2013 Master Plan Update ............................................................................................................... 9 ii EIR 2nd Addendum 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of the Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update The purpose of this Addendum is to evaluate and document the environmental effects associated with the 2013 West Los Angeles College (WLAC) Facilities Master Plan Update (2013 Master Plan Update). A Facilities Master Plan was approved in 2005 (2005 Master Plan) and subsequently amended in 2010 (2010 Master Plan). An EIR was prepared and certified in 2005 (2005 FEIR) and a Supplemental EIR was prepared and certified in 2010 (2010 SEIR). The 2005 FEIR was certified (and the 2005 Master Plan approved) by the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Board of Trustees in January 2005. In November 2008, voters approved Measure J, which included $3.5 billion in bonds to upgrade facilities at the nine Los Angeles Community College District campuses. These additional funds allowed a number of previously unfunded facilities/buildings in the College’s 2005 Master Plan to move forward. These bond funds also provided the College an opportunity to make additional minor revisions to the proposed physical improvements. The resultant changes to the 2005 Master Plan were approved in the 2010 Master Plan. The 2010 SEIR was prepared to address these changes. After preparation of the 2010 SEIR a number of conditions changed. State Budget constraints reduced the number of students enrolled at State Colleges, including WLAC. With fewer students, the demand for student classrooms at WLAC was reduced compared to what was analyzed in 2010. In addition the funding available for WLAC was reduced. Therefore, an Amendment to the 2010 WLAC Master Plan was proposed (2013 Master Plan) and an Addendum to the 2010 Supplemental EIR was prepared to address those changes (2014 Addendum). Generally, the 2013 Master Plan Amendments included reductions, and/or elimination of all of the major components included in the 2010 Master Plan. In addition to changes to the Master Plan, changes were proposed to the location of construction staging. The LACCD Board of Trustees approved the 2013 Master Plan Amendment (including proposed changes to staging areas) in January 2014. Since that time, organizational changes have resulted in delays that have extended the timeframe for implementing the 2013 Master Plan. At the time the 2013 Master Plan was approved (January 2014), it was anticipated that all Master Plan construction would be completed in 2016. It is now anticipated that the updated 2013 Master Plan Update will be completed in 2018 (essentially a two year delay in starting construction leading to a two-year delay in completion of construction activities). In addition to changing the timing of completion of construction activities, a few minor changes have been made in the updated 2013 Master Plan Update (see Section 2 Project Description below). The Master Plan is also being revised to delete the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property (with the exception of College Boulevard) from the Master Plan (see discussion below). While CEQA (Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.) and State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations Sections 15000 et seq., hereinafter referred to as “Guidelines”), would not require preparation of an Addendum, in order to document anticipated changes in schedule and the lack of effect to environmental impacts, this 2nd Addendum to the 2010 SEIR has been prepared. To address concerns from the City of Culver City, LACCD and the City of Culver City signed a Settlement Agreement (Amendment No. 1 was signed in 2010 in connection with the 2010 SEIR) that included a number of mitigation actions that LACCD agreed to undertake to reduce environmental impacts on Culver City residents. All the mitigation measures would continue to apply to the updated project/schedule. 1 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update The Settlement Agreement Amendment No. 1 includes the following provision: 17. Changed Conditions. For any new buildings or structures for which construction has not been commenced by December 31, 2013, the West Los Angeles College Facilities Master Plan (“Master Plan”) will be reviewed and updated, and in connection with such update, the District shall be required to reassess whether: a. The portions of the Master Plan not yet built will have one or more significant effects that were not identified in the FSEIR; b. Significant effects of the Master Plan previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the FSEIR; c. Mitigation measures or alternatives to the Master Plan previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project; d. Mitigation measures or alternatives to the Master Plan which are considerably different from those analyzed in the FSEIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment; or e. Substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the Master Plan was studied in the FSEIR having the potential to trigger a new significant environmental effect or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. The 2014 Addendum (1st Addendum) addressed the 2013 Master Plan that included a number of structures that would start construction after December 2013 -- which triggered the above provision of the Settlement Agreement. This 2nd Addendum (2015 Addendum) is being prepared to document minor changes identified in the 2013 Master Plan Update including removal of the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property from the Master Plan (excluding College Boulevard). The 2010 SEIR indicates that “[n]othing is specifically proposed for the 10100 Jefferson site at this time, and additional environmental review will be required once plans are identified.” LACCD passed a Resolution in Fall 2014 regarding reuse options for the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard site. LACCD subsequently released a Request for Proposal for a “Joint Occupancy Ground Lease for 10100 Jefferson Boulevard.” As indicated in the 2010 SEIR additional environmental review will be required once plans are identified. However, it is now clear that planning for the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property will take place independently from the main campus. Therefore, LACCD is removing the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property from the WLAC Facilities Master Plan (with the exception of College Boulevard, which remains an integral part of campus planning). Removing 10100 Jefferson Boulevard from the WLAC Facilities Master Plan will have no effect on the development options for that site. Removing 10100 Jefferson Boulevard from the Master Plan simplifies the planning process for 10100 Jefferson Boulevard. It will not be necessary to undertake a formal amendment to the Master Plan in order to process the eventual development for that site. The primary responsibility for approval of the anticipated non-College related uses is the City of Culver City. Separating 10100 Jefferson Boulevard from the campus for planning and decision-making purposes will simplify the documentation for both the campus and the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property. Regardless, as plans move forward on the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property, the relationship to the campus and other surrounding uses will be an important consideration that will be evaluated and discussed in the 10100 Jefferson environmental document. Similarly, any further changes to the Campus Master Plan will be required to consider plans for the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property as it is developed. The WLAC Master Plan and the development for the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property will become cumulative projects for each other rather than two parts of the same project. 2 EIR 2nd Addendum 1.2 West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update Regulatory Background An Addendum to an EIR is the appropriate tool to evaluate the environmental effects associated with minor modifications to previously approved projects. It is only appropriate, however, if these modifications would not result in new or increased significant adverse impacts. According to Section 15164(a) of the CEQA Guidelines, “the lead agency or a responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred.” Similarly, an addendum may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary. A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR must also be provided in the addendum, findings or the public record. Section 15162 of the Guidelines lists the conditions, which would require the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration rather than an addendum. These include the following: 1. Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; 2. Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or 3. New information of substantial importance which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the negative declaration was adopted, shows any of the following: A. The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or negative declaration; B. Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; C. Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measures or alternative; or D. Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. Unlike a subsequent EIR, per Section 15162, a supplement to an EIR may be prepared per Section 15163: (a) The Lead or Responsible Agency may choose to prepare a supplement to an EIR rather than a subsequent EIR if: (1) Any of the conditions described in Section 15162 would require the preparation of a subsequent EIR, and (2) Only minor additions or changes would be necessary to make the previous EIR adequately apply to the project in the changed situation. Discussion contained within the CEQA Guidelines, relevant to Section 15163, more clearly distinguishes the difference between a subsequent and a supplemental EIR: 3 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update A supplement to an EIR may be distinguished from a subsequent EIR by the following: a supplement augments a previously certified EIR to the extent necessary to address the conditions described in section 15162 and to examine mitigation and project alternatives accordingly. It is intended to revise the previous EIR through supplementation. A subsequent EIR, in contrast, is a complete EIR which focuses on the conditions described in section 15162. Section 3.0 below, discusses issue by issue how the impacts anticipated for the currently proposed 2013 Master Plan Update would be similar or less than those previously anticipated for the 2010 Master Plan. The mitigation measures included in the 2010 SEIR (and Settlement Agreement with Culver City) all remain in effect (except as needed to be changed to reflect changed conditions – see discussion at the beginning of Section 3.0 regarding necessary changes to mitigation measures). The proposed changes in the 2013 Master Plan Update have been reviewed by LACCD in light of Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. LACCD has assessed each of the issues addressed in the 2010 Final SEIR and 2014 Addendum with respect to how impacts would change. As the CEQA Lead Agency, LACCD has determined that none of the conditions apply that would trigger a Supplemental or Subsequent EIR (see discussion above) and this 2nd Addendum to the certified 2010 Final SEIR has been prepared to document currently proposed changes included in the 2013 Master Plan Update. 1.3 Incorporation by Reference The following documents were used in the preparation of this Addendum, and are incorporated herein by reference, consistent with Section 15150 of the Guidelines: • West Los Angeles College, 2005 Final Environmental Impact Report for the West Los Angeles College Facilities Master Plan, January 2005. • West Los Angeles College, West Los Angeles College 2009 Master Plan, Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, including Errata, August 11, 2010. • West Los Angeles College, Addendum to Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, 2013 Modifications, West Los Angeles College Master Plan, January 15, 2014. These documents are available for review during regular business hours at WLAC. 1.4 Summary of Effects In Section 3.0 of this Addendum, an analysis has been conducted of the potential effects associated with the proposed 2013 Master Plan Update and implementation schedule. Upon review of the potential environmental impacts associated with the 2013 Master Plan Update, it was determined that the 2013 Master Plan Update and associated implementation schedule would not result in new significant adverse impacts that were not previously disclosed in the 2010 Final SEIR. Therefore the proposed 2013 Master Plan Update would not trigger any of the conditions that require the preparation of a Supplemental EIR or Subsequent EIR as outlined in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. 4 EIR 2nd Addendum 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Background / Location West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update West Los Angeles College (College or WLAC) is one of the nine campuses of the Los Angeles Community College District (District or LACCD). The College is located within unincorporated Los Angeles County, approximately 11 miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles. The campus is bordered by Culver City to the west, northwest, and south, and the Baldwin Hills oil fields within unincorporated Los Angeles County to the northeast. The City of Los Angeles is located approximately one mile north of the campus. The area east of the project site is also located within unincorporated Los Angeles County. Figure 2-1 shows the location of the campus. The 2010 and 2013 Master Plans both included the 9-acre site at 10100 Jefferson Boulevard in the City of Culver City. The 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property is now being removed from the Master Plan in order to simplify the planning process for that property and LACCD (see discussion in Section 1.1 above). The College campus occupies approximately 72 acres, and is bounded by the following Los Angeles County roads: Freshman Drive to the west; Sophomore Drive to the north and east; and Stocker Street to the south. The street address of the College is 9000 Overland Avenue in the City of Culver City. Sophomore Drive is immediately adjacent to the Baldwin Hills and the Baldwin Hills oil fields located generally to the east of campus. Currently College-owned streets within the perimeter roads include Albert Vera Drive and B, C, D, E, and F Streets. The College campus reflects previous master planning efforts dating back to the College opening in 1969. The site is currently developed with educational and administrative buildings, general landscaped areas, parking lots, athletic fields and sports facilities. The College campus buildings range in height from 1 to 5 stories. Two major freeways are located in the project vicinity and provide regional access to the College. The San Diego Freeway, I-405, is approximately 1.25 miles west of the College and the Santa Monica Freeway (I-10) is approximately 1.6 miles north of the College. Local access to the College campus is provided by Overland Avenue to the south and College Boulevard from Jefferson Boulevard to the north. The land immediately adjacent to the College includes vacant land, oil drilling, and residential uses. The area surrounding the site is developed to the west, south and north and undeveloped to the east. In the City of Culver City, multi-family residential uses are located immediately west and northwest of the College, while single-family residential uses are located to the south of the College. The Baldwin Oil Fields border the College on the east; the area is undeveloped and contains several dirt roads. Further east are the City of Los Angeles residential communities of Ladera Heights and Baldwin Hills. 2.2 West Los Angeles College Facilities Master Plan (2005, 2010, 2013, 2015) At the time the 2013 Master Plan was approved (January 2014), it was anticipated that all Master Plan construction would be completed in 2016. It is now anticipated that the 2013 Master Plan Update will be completed in 2018 (essentially a two year delay in starting construction leading to a two-year delay in completion of construction activities). A number of minor changes are included in the 2013 Master Plan Update. In general the changes result in minor changes in location of some proposed buildings, potentially reduced renovation and removal of the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property. 5 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update The changes included in the 2013 Master Plan Update are as follows: • The new Central Plant North (West Energy Efficiency Project) would be located immediately east of Freshman Drive in the southwest corner of the PE Lot (in the 2013 Master Plan it was proposed for the southeast corner of the football field (west of B Street); it is divided in to two phases: phase 1 would include installation of one chiller, and phase 2, would be the addition of a second chiller. • The Plant Facilities Warehouse would have a slight reduction in size (now 7,200 square feet compared to 7,500 square feet), would be re-oriented and would move about 50 feet south in Lot 6, so that it would be along the southern edge of the lot rather than the western/middle of the lot. • The relocation of Bungalow 7 (1,907 square feet) previously proposed to be relocated from Lot 5 to the southwest corner of Lot 6 would not occur; it would now be demolished. • The PE Dance Studio (4,400 square feet), identified as located in Lot 4 in the 2013 Master Plan, is removed from the Master Plan. • A number of renovation projects are currently unfunded: Science and Math Building (7,575 square feet), Science Center (3,500 square feet), Demolition of Building B1 (4,279 square feet), Library (HLRC) Building -- Renovation of Acoustic Performance Space (2,165 square feet -once funded it would be in the HLRC Building rather than the FA-B building), HLRC Renovation (11,950 square feet of renovation plus 4,850 square feet of new construction), Career Education Building (25,500 square feet of renovation plus 2,350 square feet of new construction). • The outdoor amphitheater continues to be proposed in the same location and is redefined as a slope stabilization project with a sloped lawn area (no benches). • A number of infrastructure projects continue to be refined/defined including signage, upgrades to fire alarm system, security upgrades, paving repair/repaving and accessibility improvements (e.g. Lot 5 elevator and ramp on Albert Vera). • The removal of the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property from the Master Plan (with the exception of College Boulevard). Table 2-1 compares building areas existing in 2003 (before the current master planning process began), the 2005 Master Plan, the 2010 Master Plan the 2013 Master Plan and changes proposed in the 2013 Master Plan Update; Table 2-1 also identifies the currently proposed changes included in the 2013 Master Plan Update and schedule for the remaining construction activities. Figure 2-1 shows the 2013 Master Plan Update. 6 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update TABLE 2-1: WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE CAMPUS BUILDING AREAS (gsf) No. Building Abbrev. Function Pre-Master Plan Buildings 1 A1 ASO Lounge 2 A2 Storage 3 A3 Storage 4 A4 Offices 5 A5 ASO Offices 6 A6 Food Pavilion 7 A8 Bookstore Existing 2003a 2005 FEIR 2013 Proposed 2010 FSEIR 2013 Schedule 1,888 360 1,055 2,132 1,848 2,921 7,230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,407 7,280 11,189 587 2,990 10,285 26,732 25,420 2,830 0 0 0 587 2,990 10,285 26,732 25,420 2,830 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,732 25,420 2,830 8,558 1,072 1,956 8,558 0 0 4,279 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A9/A10 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 ATA ATB ATC 17 18 19 B1 B2 B3 ASO/Offices Offices Offices Storage Facilities Facilities Shop Classroom Classroom Airplane Engine Test Offices / Mailroom & Reprographics Toilets Math Classroom 20 B4 Offices / Classroom 8,558 8,558 8,558 0 21 B5 Offices / Classroom 8,558 8,558 8,558 0 22 B6 Offices 1,800 0 0 0 23 24 25 26 27 B7 B8 B9 B10 C1 Restrooms Classroom Classroom Classroom Avengers Lockers 800 4,143 4,147 5,826 10,722 0 0 0 0 10,722 0 0 0 0 10,722 0 0 0 0 10,722 28 29 C2 CDC Storage Child Development 2,045 14,073 2,045 14,073 2,045 14,073 30 31 32 CE CP FA-A Offices / Classroom Central Plant Phase II Theater & Exhibition 31,865 5,066 9,154 31,865 5,066 9,154 31,865 5,066 9,154 0 14,073 +1,226 = 33,091 5,066 9,154 42,215 33 FA-B Instruction 42,215 42,215 42,215 34 35 36 HLRC PEC - N PEC Library PE Men's Physical Education 66,190 19,073 23,203 66,190 19,073 23,203 66,190 0 0 +4,827 (71,017) 19,073 23,203 37 38 39 40 41 PEC - S PE-BB PE-RR PH SC PE Women's Baseball Storage Baseball Restrooms Pump House Science Center 15,900 250 214 1,114 8,231 15,900 250 214 1,114 8,231 0 0 0 1,114 8,231 15,900 250 214 1,114 8,231 7 0 0 587 2,990 10,285 26,732 25,420 2,830 0 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 To be demolished 10/16 --12/16 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 Demo. 12/12 – 2/13 ADA only ADA only ADA only ADA only ADA only ADA only To be demolished 12/15 – 2/16 Demolished Demolished To be demolished. Unfunded. To be demolished. Unfunded. To be demolished. Unfunded. To be demolished. Unfunded. Demolished Demolished Demolished ADA and HVAC To be demolished, 8/15 – 10/15 No proposed work. 27,850 sf reno. Unfunded 10/16 No proposed work. 2,165 sf renovation 1/16 – 8/16 16,800 sf reno. 8/15 – 8/16 ADA and HVAC ADA and HVAC 2,500 sf reno. 12/14 – 9/15 ADA only ADA only No proposed work. 6/15 – 12/15 Part 2: TBD 2013 Master Plan Update Changes Not in current plan. Unfunded. Not in current plan. Unfunded. Not in current plan. Unfunded. Not in current plan. Unfunded. 11/15 – 2/16 Minor reno. Not in current plan. Unfunded. Not in current plan. Unfunded. 3,350 sf reno. 8/15 – 9/15 Not in current plan. Unfunded. EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update TABLE 2-1: WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE CAMPUS BUILDING AREAS (gsf) Building Function No. Abbrev. 42 WSE West Side Ext (Bung R7) Subtotal 2010 Master Plan Buildings 1 SPS 2 GS 3 4 5 6 SMB SSB GC NPS 7 8 9 10 PFC TLC WC SU 11 AHW 12 South Parking Structure Grandstand Restrooms Science & Math Student Services General Classroom North Parking Structure Offices Facility Workshops Teaching Learning Ctr. Watson Ctr. (Media Arts) Student Union Allied Health &Wellness Baseball Softball Restrooms Community Center 2005 FEIR 1,907 287,100 2010 FSEIR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,000 sp 1,500 sts 4,000 85,200 84,400 46,000 1,950 sp. 14,000 0 40,000 63,900c 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 349,500 1,132 sp 1,378 seats 1,700 86,000 50,000 46,000 1,458 sp. 9,700 23,900 87,500 60,000c 12,000 141,000 7,500 1,400 400 0 527,100 0 20,000d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41,280 16,000 4,000 7,500 43,000 3/15 – 12/16 9/15 – 12/16 8/15 – 11/16 12/14 – 10/15 TBD – unfunded 0 0 0 24,000 TBD – unfunded TBD – unfunded 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 153,180 409,794 636,600 794,152 671,691 CC Sub-totalb Building Analyzed in the 2005 EIR but not built 1 PE X Phys. Ed Expansion 2013 Master Plan Buildings 1 TLC2 TLC 2 2 WC2 Watson Center 2 4 CPN Central Plant North 5 PFW Plant Fac. Warehouse 6 7 8 FOB SSA CPAC Subtotal Grand Total Faculty Office Building Student Service Annex Com. Perf. Arts Center + outdoor Amphitheater 2013 Proposed Existing 2003a 1,907 409,794 0 267,052 2013 Schedule 1,907 324,074 7/15--10/15 993 sp, 301,700 sf 1,378 seats 1,713 86,316 56,110 50,298 0 0 0 0 0 0 Const. 9/07 – 1/09 0 n/a 0 194,437 n/a 0 n/a 2013 Master Plan Update Changes Demolished; 2/17 Const. 5/09 – 5/11 Const. 2/08 – 2/10 Const. 3/08 – 2/12 Const. 3/08 – 2/12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10/16 – 3/18 9/16 – 9/17 6/16 – 12/16 10/15—12/16 Removed from Master Plan. Notes: a Existing building GSF has been amended to match the Space Inventory survey completed as part of the 2012-13 WLAC Needs Assessment. If a building was demolished prior to the Space Inventory survey, the GSF total has not been altered. b Subtotal does not include GSF for ‘South Parking Structure’, ‘Grandstand’, and ‘North Parking Structure’. c Approximately 330 seats in 2005, 345 seats in 2009 d Drawn as 20,000 square feet on Master Plan map but area not identified in 2005 FEIR and therefore not included in total SOURCE: Turner Construction, 2009, 2010; West Edge Architects and Cumming/gkk works 2013, and LACCD and WLAC 2015 8 9 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update Construction As discussed in the 1st Addendum to the 2010 SEIR (2014 Addendum), as part of the 2013 Master Plan, a number of construction projects anticipated in the 2010 Master Plan were cancelled or substantially reduced in size and some of the areas previously anticipated to be construction sites are now proposed to be used for construction staging for the remaining construction projects. The 2013 Master Plan Update includes a number of revisions to building locations (see above), and a number of renovation projects are no longer funded and therefore may not proceed in the foreseeable future. Parking As identified in the 2010 Final SEIR and 2014 Addendum, College-related parking demand is 1 space per 7 students; this rate also takes in to account faculty and staff parking demand. With increased availability and use of transit including expansion of the Exposition Line and other transit enhancements as well as improvements to bicycle lanes in the Los Angeles area anticipated to occur over time, this parking rate could drop. Construction worker parking would vary over the construction period. In addition a number of leases result in additional parking demand. Construction worker parking continues to be anticipated to occur in identified remote parking areas (such as the top floor of the South Parking Structure), where it would not interfere with College parking. Fall 2014 on-campus enrollment was 8,364 generating a demand for 1,195 spaces from students, faculty and staff. On-campus leased uses during weekdays generate a demand for an estimated 120 spaces plus the 396 spaces in Lot 7 currently used by Culver City (Miller) Toyota. Construction worker parking would generate a demand for up to 100 spaces on the campus. There are currently 2,283 parking spaces available on campus. As construction progresses, surface parking lots would be needed for construction staging resulting in the temporary removal of up to 320 spaces leaving a minimum of approximately 1,963 spaces. 1,963 spaces would be sufficient for 13,041 on-campus students and 100 construction workers. Not anticipated, but if needed, lease uses would be terminated as needed to ensure sufficient parking for College users and construction workers. 2.3 Purpose of the Proposed Project The primary purpose of the proposed WLAC Master Plan continues to be to guide the physical development of the College in support of the College Education Master Plan while taking revised student enrollment and projected employees numbers into consideration. As indicated in the 2014 Addendum it is anticipated that full build-out of the College (with an on-campus enrollment of 15,300 students), may not occur until 2036. 2.4 Student Enrollment and Campus Use On-Campus Enrollment Student contact hours, enrollment and projected employees for 2022 have changed substantially compared to what was projected and analyzed in the 2005 FEIR. The 2010 Draft EIR indicated that the total number of enrolled students for 2022 was anticipated to be 22,360 (total of on-campus and students on-line learning at a distance), compared to the 18,904 students (all on-campus) anticipated in the 2005 FEIR. Of the 22,360 enrolled students anticipated for 2022, 7,060 of these students (or 31.6%) were anticipated to be using on-line resources and not physically attending on-campus classes. This resulted in a decrease in anticipated on-campus student attendance to 15,300 students in 2022. Similarly, the 2022 on-campus employment projections dropped to 664, as compared to 1,248 employees identified in the 2005 Master Plan. 10 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update The 2010 Final SEIR indicated that total enrollment in 2022 would be 16,929 with an anticipated 10,998 students on-campus in the year 2022. As part of the 2013 Master Plan (continuing into the 2013 Master Plan Update), student enrollment forecasts were undertaken using anticipated budget changes and trends in on-line education with a 3.2% anticipated average annual increase in student contact hours through 2036 based on reasonably anticipated growth at West Los Angeles College based on historic trends in demand and on-line learning. The State budget controls the number of classes and therefore number of students that can be on-campus. State budget allotments to community colleges decreased during the recession and have only recently started to increase. Historically increases in funds have averaged less than 3% per year. Proposition 30 (passed in November 2012) assumes 4% annual growth for California’s community colleges. The result of the detailed planning effort, taking in to account anticipated funding (and assuming an average 3.2% growth rate in student contact hours), identified the year 2036 as the anticipated date when the campus would reach its anticipated capacity of 15,300 students.1 Fall 2014 on-campus enrollment was 8,364 (down slightly from the Fall 2013 enrollment of 8,403). Lease Arrangements WLAC has entered in to a number of lease arrangements to allow portions of the campus to be used by outside parties on a temporary basis (see Table 2-2 below). The College may terminate these leases at any time with 60 days notice to the lessee. TABLE 2-2: WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE LEASE ARRANGEMENTS Lessee Brandman University Lease Brandman University Permit Culver City (Miller) Toyota Café West (Lovebird’s Café) Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Description Approximately 250 sf of office space in Building B1 (workstations for three staff during regular business hours). Up to three parking spaces would be required. Use of two classrooms (CE 220 and CE222; up to 30 students per class for a total of up to 60 students; 120 to 240 students per year) Monday to Thursday 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Students and faculty drive to campus and purchase up to 62 parking permits. Parking demand for up to 62 spaces is assumed. 69,592 sq. ft. (existing fenced construction site) in Lot 7. Storage for excess dealer inventory. 15 vehicles in and out each day during regular business hours. Currently this leased use occupies most of Lot 7 (396 spaces). 7,012 square feet in the west end of the first floor in the Student Services Building to operate a food court. Parking demand is 5 spaces for staff. Spring Track and Field Practice. Concurrent use of Track and Field facilities between 2:00 pm and 5:30 pm three or four days per week (Monday to Friday). Participants arrive in crew vans, school busses, and private cars that park on campus (Lot 5) during practice, approximately 120 users daily (up to approximately 60 vehicles assuming an average of 2 people per vehicle). Weekend Field Use. Adult recreational Soccer. Various users Saturday and Sunday approximately 30-40 weekends per year, two to three games per day (up to 40 vehicles per game, 120 vehicles per day park in Lot 5). Source: West Los Angeles College, 2015 1 15,300 on-campus students is equivalent to approximately 2,731,280 student contact hours (SCH). 11 Start Date End Date 4/1/13 6/30/15 4/1/13 6/30/15 10/29/14 8/6/16 2/1/12 2/1/17 February May Year round EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update These lease arrangements add to campus activity including traffic on and in the vicinity of the campus. However most of the activity occurs during off-peak hours and therefore does not add to peak hour traffic. Currently the campus is not operating at anywhere close to build-out capacity and these uses occur within the capacity that will eventually be used by campus uses. As indicated above, because of State budget constraints it is now anticipated that the campus will not reach its build out capacity until 2036. WLAC must consider leased uses in its mitigation monitoring and reporting obligations related to traffic and parking (number of peak hour trips generated and use of parking spaces) when evaluating mitigation compliance. 2.5 Discretionary Approvals LACCD Board of Directors to approve the 2013 Master Plan Update. 2.6 Schedule The campus construction is now anticipated to extend through the end of 2018. Approximate timeframes for individual components are shown in Table 2-1. 12 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS As indicated in the certified Final 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum, significant (or potentially significant) impacts were anticipated as a result of the 2010 and 2013 Master Plans in the following issue areas: biological impacts as a result of construction of the secondary access road (substantially completed in 2010); construction air quality and construction noise; and traffic at full occupancy of the campus (which is now anticipated to occur in 2036 due to State budget constraints). The remaining impacts were found to be less than significant with mitigation incorporated or simply less than significant -- no mitigation required. No new significant or potentially significant impacts to the physical environment are anticipated to occur as a result of the 2013 Master Plan Update. The following analysis briefly discusses each issue area relative to 2013 Master Plan Update. The 2013 Master Plan Update would not substantially alter the assumptions used to assess impacts of the environmental issues addressed in the 2010 Final SEIR and 2014 Addendum, except that the years when impacts would occur would now occur later than anticipated in the 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum. The 2010 SEIR anticipated construction extending through 2013; the 2014 Addendum addressed construction extending through the end of 2016; construction is now anticipated to extend through 2018. The adopted mitigation measures and standard operating procedures identified in the 2010 Final SEIR would apply equally to the changes to the 2013 Master Plan under the new schedule, except as previously revised (in the 2014 Addendum) to reflect modified planning in the 2013 Master Plan that continues in the 2013 Master Plan Update: • Measure V-3: Sports Field Lighting Plan is no longer needed since sports field lighting is not now proposed. • Mitigation Measure N-1, the figure identifying the staging areas and sound walls (Figure 3-15 in the 2010 SEIR) was revised to refer to Figure 2-8 of the 2014 Addendum. • Mitigation Measure 7B, the following sentence was added: A new traffic study will be required for any elements of the 2013 West Los Angeles College Master Plan for which construction will not be completed by 2022. As discussed in the Project Description section above, as a result of delays, construction would be extended through the end of 2018. Daily activities (and associated air emissions and construction noise) would not differ from what was presented in the 2010 Final SEIR and 2014 Addendum; the duration of activities at individual construction sites (and therefore the duration of impacts) would be shorter than discussed in the 2010 SEIR (and similar to what was discussed in the 2014 Addendum). From 2010 through the present campus construction activities have been maintained at a relatively low level, and have been confined to minor infrastructure work and the completion of buildings already underway. Construction activities have been of decreased intensity (fewer truck trips, fewer pieces of equipment in operation at any one time), from 2010 through the present and on average are anticipated to be less than would have occurred under the 2010 Master Plan (similar to, or less than, anticipated in the 2014 Addendum) because of the reduced scope of construction compared to that presented in the 2010 SEIR. As a result of delays in the planning process, construction activities are now anticipated to extend beyond what was discussed in the 2014 Addendum by another two years from the end of 2016 to the end of 2018. Although actual duration of construction activities would be similar to what was discussed in the 2014 Addendum, just delayed by one to two years. 13 EIR 2nd Addendum A. West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update AESTHETICS Compared to what was analyzed in the 2014 Addendum, aesthetic impacts would be minimally changed. The changes to building construction schedules would not affect aesthetic impacts; the change in location of buildings including the removal of the 4,400 square foot PE Dance Studio from Lot 4, relocation of the one-story Central Plant North to a location on Freshman Drive within the PE Lot and relocation of the Plant Facilities Warehouse in Lot 6 would not substantially change the character or views of the campus. None of the buildings would be relocated to a prominent location that would substantially alter views or change the character of the campus. Building massing would not change substantially from what was previously analyzed (the TLC Building would be reduced in height from four stories to three stories). B. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST RESOURCES There are no agricultural or forest resources on the project site, therefore changes included in the 2013 Master Plan Update would have no impact on agricultural or forest resources. C. AIR QUALITY Construction Air Quality Impacts Timing of construction activities has been revised and the amount of demolition and building area to be renovated/constructed has been reduced slightly compared to what was anticipated in the 2014 Addendum. Construction activity would continue to be substantially less than was considered in the 2010 SEIR. Construction of the Master Plan is now anticipated to extend through the end of 2018. The 2010 SEIR contained an air quality analysis assuming worst case overlap of building construction with construction of the Allied Health and Wellness, TLC building, Watson Center and the North Parking Structure all being under construction at the same time. Under the 2010 Master Plan, emissions of NOx would have exceeded SCAQMD thresholds. In addition, since most of the PM10 and PM2.5 emissions would be on-site the 2010 Master Plan was also anticipated to exceed SCAQMD localized significance thresholds for PM10 and PM2.5 (5 lbs and 4 lbs per day respectively with sensitive receptors located within 25 meters). The 2013 Master Plan resulted in substantially reduced new construction compared to the 2010 Master Plan, resulting in substantially reduced emissions as the result of less simultaneous construction activity. The 2013 Master Plan Update could further reduce construction activity. Nonetheless it can be reasonably anticipated that NOx emissions could continue to exceed SACAQMD thresholds but not to the same extent as would have occurred under the 2010 Master Plan and could be similar to or less than what would have occurred under the 2013 Master Plan. Operational Air Quality Impacts The 2013 Master Plan Update would not substantially change operational characteristics as compared to what was previously discussed in the 2010 SEIR. As discussed in Section 2, Project Description, student enrollment is not anticipated to reach campus build-out until about 2036. Therefore mobile operational impacts would not reach the levels previously anticipated for 2022 until 2036. By that time emission controls are anticipated to be substantially improved compared to today and even compared to anticipated emissions in 2022. Therefore at build-out mobile emissions would be less than anticipated in the 2010 SEIR. In addition, the building area would be less than anticipated in the 2010 Master Plan (similar to or less the 2013 Master Plan – although fewer buildings would be demolished), and because the buildings include numerous energy saving features, operational emissions would be less than those that would have 14 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update occurred under the 2010 Master Plan and would be similar or less than those anticipated for the 2005 Master Plan and 2013 Master Plan. D. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Construction Biological impacts anticipated to occur on the campus under the 2013 Master Plan Update would be similar to or less than those identified in the 2014 Addendum, 2010 SEIR and 2005 FEIR. Removal of existing vegetation and trees to construct proposed campus facilities would not be a significant biological impact as there are no special-status plant species known to be present on the campus and the campus is already substantially disturbed in the area of the construction sites (most construction activities would occur in parking lot areas). The only foreseeable impact to biological resources with regards to wildlife due to the construction of the proposed on-campus facilities and improvements is the potential to remove or destroy potential bird nesting or roosting sites as a consequence of tree removal or other construction activities. Required mitigation measures would address this impact and reduce it to a less than significant level. Operation Operation of the proposed on-campus facilities and improvements would not have a significant impact on vegetation or special-status plant species. Similar to the 2010 and 2013 Master Plans, the only foreseeable impact to wildlife due to the operation of the proposed on-campus facilities and improvements is the possibility that increased nighttime lighting associated with new facilities, and the improvements could “harass” bird species (particularly raptors) resulting in nest abandonment. If new lighting results in substantial spillover impacts on the adjacent Baldwin Hills, adversely affecting habitat use or resulting in nest abandonment by special-status bird species, the impact would be significant. Implementation of Mitigation Measure BR-9 (preparation of a lighting plan in consultation with the City of Culver City and adjacent Homeowner associations [HOAs]) would reduce the impact to a less than significant level. The Lighting Plan was completed in 2010. As indicated in the 2010 SEIR, no federal wetlands or state streambeds occur within the Campus. The man-made concrete-lined drainage channel west of Freshman Drive (owned by the County of Los Angeles) could be considered waters of the U.S. under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. However, no substantial changes or significant impacts are anticipated to this drainage channel. Operational impacts of the 2013 Master Plan Update on biological resources would be similar to the impacts described in the 2014 Addendum, 2010 SEIR and 2005 FEIR. As discussed in the 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum, nighttime lighting from campus buildings could disturb nesting birds species on-campus and adjacent properties. In addition traffic on College Boulevard could significantly impact adjacent species. College Boulevard was completed in 2010 and any impacts to biological resources would not change as a result of the 2013 Master Plan Update. E. CULTURAL RESOURCES The 2013 Master Plan Update would reduce the amount of demolition and renovation as compared to that analyzed in the 2014 Addendum and 2010 SEIR. As under the 2005, 2010 and 2013 Master Plans, demolition and construction would occur at a number of locations on the Campus. 15 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update There are no identified historic structures on the WLAC campus. As with the 2005, 2010 and 2013 Master Plans, the 2013 Master Plan Update would not affect any historic structures. Impacts to archeological and/or paleontological resources would be similar to impacts identified for the 2005, 2010 and 2013 Master Plans. Significant impacts to these resources are not anticipated. However, if archaeological and/or paleontological resources were discovered during construction activities, required mitigation measures would continue to mitigate any potential impacts. F. ENERGY The 2013 Master Plan Update could result in some building areas not being renovated and small building areas not being demolished. The 2013 Master Plan Update would still in less building area on-campus than was contemplated in the 2010 Master Plan and associated 2010 SEIR and therefore energy consumption would continue to be less than would have occurred with implementation of the 2010 Master Plan. The Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees, at its March 6, 2002, meeting, adopted a sustainable building plan that requires new buildings built with Proposition A funds to include “green” design features to conserve resources and promote a cleaner environment. The “green” design elements are based on the national Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEEDTM) sustainable building standards. The College will continue to plant water efficient landscaping and install high efficiency fixtures. These strategies would further reduce the demand on the water supply/energy distribution systems. Full occupancy of the campus continues to not be anticipated until 2036, therefore mobile trip energy use would not occur as quickly as the assumptions in the 2010 Draft SEIR. In addition by 2036 the vehicle fleet is anticipated to be more energy efficient. Therefore, total energy use under the 2013 Master Plan Update would be less than would have occurred under the 2010 Master Plan and similar or less than was anticipated to occur under the 2013 Master Plan. G. GEOLOGY AND SOILS Construction The proposed 2013 Master Plan Update would not alter topography beyond that analyzed in the 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum. As indicated in the 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum native soils on-site, as well as fill slopes constructed with native soils, have a moderate to high susceptibility to erosion. Implementation of required storm water pollution prevention using erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs) would continue to reduce soil erosion impacts to a less-than-significant level. Operation No change in operational erosion or seismic impacts would result from the 2013 Master Plan Update as compared to the impacts analyzed in the 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum. The southwest corner of the College campus, as well as the area where the secondary access road (College Boulevard) intersects with Jefferson Boulevard, has a moderate to high potential for liquefaction. The remainder of the site has a low to moderate potential for liquefaction. Required mitigation measures and compliance with building codes would continue to reduce any potential impacts to a less than significant level. 16 EIR 2nd Addendum H. West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS The 2013 Master Plan Update would result in less building area and therefore demand for energy as compared to the 2010 Master Plan and therefore would result in fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to the 2013 Master Plan the proposed changes would reduce demolition of older buildings which could lead to incrementally greater energy use but still less than anticipated in the 2010 SEIR. The West Los Angeles College Master Plan represents a continuation of an existing use and is therefore accounted for and consistent with existing local and regional planning documents. Full occupancy of the campus is still not be anticipated until 2036, therefore mobile energy use will be similar to that anticipated in the 2014 Addendum, and would not occur as quickly as could have occurred following the assumptions in the 2010 Draft SEIR. By 2036 the vehicle fleet is anticipated to be more energy efficient. The College provides educational facilities in close proximity to communities with a demand for such facilities. With increased availability of transit in the area, including the Metro Expo line and new bicycle lanes and paths, the College anticipates that an increasing proportion of students and staff will use alternate modes of transportation to get to and from the campus, thus reducing the generation of GHGs. I. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Construction – Hazards and Hazardous Materials Impacts Impacts to hazardous materials under the 2013 Master Plan Update would be similar to those anticipated for the 2010 and 2013 Master Plans. The 2013 Master Plan Update involves construction in generally the same areas as previously analyzed in the 201 SEIR. It is not expected that the waste clarifiers, underground storage tanks (USTs) and buildings where hazardous materials are stored for routine use or maintenance would pose a significant hazard during construction on or near construction sites. Mitigation included in the 2010 SEIR would continue to apply. As most of the existing campus buildings were constructed between the early 1970s and the 1980s, the potential exists for asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and lead-based paints to be present within the buildings. Damaged ACMs could pose a potential threat to building occupants, as well as to construction workers during demolition or renovation work, if the material becomes airborne. Mitigation measures included in the 2010 SEIR would continue to reduce this potential impact to a less than significant level. The campus is located immediately south and west of the active Baldwin Hills oil fields. As indicated in the 2010 SEIR, there is a low to moderate possibility that oil field gas (commonly methane) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have migrated beneath the project area from the adjacent oil fields. If encountered or exposed during construction, oil field gases or VOCs could pose a hazard to construction workers or other persons in the vicinity of the construction site, a potentially significant impact. Additionally, heavy metals, biocides, and explosive gases (methane) may be present near wells and/or the associated production or reservoir sumps, which are commonly used as disposal sites for the drilling muds and other debris. If these hazardous materials are encountered during construction, any potential impact would be addressed by regulations that mandate how such contaminants are to be managed and disposed of. Operation – Hazards and Hazardous Materials Impacts The 2013 Master Plan Update moves the construction schedule out two more years, results in minor changes to the location of buildings and results in some renovation projects becoming not reasonably foreseeable at the present time. Therefore operational impacts would continue to be similar to those anticipated for the 2010 and 2013 Master Plans. Operation of the campus would continue to involve the use, disposal and transport of small quantities of hazardous materials and emissions from routine maintenance and operation of various types of equipment and facilities currently on-site. The 2013 17 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update Master Plan Update would not result in a significant increase in the use of hazardous materials on the site, and would not result in a significant hazard to the public or environment through the routine use and handling of hazardous materials provided that proper handling procedures are followed. While the College is not known to produce radiological hazards, any biological or chemical materials handled by the College in fulfillment of its educational mission are subject to stringent federal, state, and local regulations that are designed to protect public health. Such hazardous materials will continue to be handled in accordance with applicable regulations. While the campus is located adjacent to open space uses east of the campus, the open space uses do not carry an extensive load of fuel and substantial fire hazard to the campus is not anticipated. J. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Construction – Hydrology and Water Quality Impacts Surface Water Impacts to hydrology anticipated to occur on the campus under the proposed 2013 Master Plan Update would be similar to those identified for the 2010 and 2013 Master Plans. Application of approved BMPs included in the 2010 SEIR would ensure that construction water quality impacts on surface waters on the campus would be less than significant. Groundwater The 2013 Master Plan Update would not impact groundwater. As with the 2010 and 2013 Master Plans, any potential adverse impacts to groundwater quality would be reduced to a less than significant level with implementation of BMPs identified in required Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), which would be developed by each construction contractor to comply with National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) General Construction Permit requirements. Drainage Drainage impacts would not change substantially as compared to the 2013 Master Plan. During construction, changes to local drainage patterns due to earthmoving activities, stockpiling of soil, and/or removal and replacement of existing storm drains could occur. Such impacts would be minor and temporary. Implementation of BMPs would continue to ensure that potential impacts on the storm drain system during construction would be minimized and would be less than significant. Flood Hazards The campus is located outside the 100-year floodplain. No impacts related to the construction of the proposed facilities and improvements are anticipated. Operation – Hydrology and Water Quality Impacts Surface Waters The 2013 Master Plan Update would not increase the amount of impervious surfaces compared to the 2013 Master Plan (the 2013 Master Plan had less impervious areas than the 2010 Master Plan). To reduce potential water quality impacts to surface waters, the College requires contractors to implement BMPs in compliance with SWPPPs and as applicable the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) 18 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update requirements. As required by mitigation measure SW-3 a storm water detention facility was constructed on the soccer field. This facility will serve to retain water on-site during high-rainfall events, thereby reducing potential flooding on campus and downstream while ensuring the recharging of the groundwater table Groundwater The 2013 Master Plan Update would not affect groundwater. As discussed in the 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum, operation of the proposed on-campus facilities and improvements would not deplete local groundwater supplies because no groundwater wells would be installed or pumped as part of the proposed project. Adherence to all applicable permits in the operational phase and implementation of required BMPs to treat runoff to remove pollutants to the greatest extent possible would ensure that water quality impacts on local groundwater would be less than significant. Drainage The 2013 Master Plan Update would not affect drainage. Operation of the proposed facilities and improvements would not have a significant impact on storm water drainage system capacity. Required mitigation measures, BMPs and compliance with Low Impact Design Standards would mitigate impacts related to drainage. On-site storm water management techniques would allow for infiltration of water (in the new storm water detention basin on the soccer field) as well as treatment of water before it enters the drainage system. It is the intent of the campus to detain on-site the volume of water produced by a 0.75 inch storm event. In addition the College continues to propose to resurface many of the existing paved areas with environmentally sensitive pervious surfaces, further reducing runoff while improving ground water table recharge. K. LAND USE AND PLANNING The 2013 Master Plan Update would not substantially affect land use. The change in location of buildings including removal of the 4,400 square foot PE Dance Studio from Lot 4, relocation of the onestory Central Plant North to a location on Freshman Drive within the PE Lot and relocation of the Plant Facilities Warehouse in Lot 6 would not substantially change the character of the campus. Building massing would not change substantially from what was previously analyzed (the TLC Building would be reduced in height from four stories to three stories). Under state law, buildings and facilities at a WLAC are generally subject to zoning limitations imposed by Los Angeles County. However, the District may exempt classroom facilities from local zoning control. The College may also apply for a conditional use permits or variances for proposed facilities that do not comply with existing zoning regulations. Removal of the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property from the Master Plan would not change the planning process for that site (or for the campus), other than to simplify documentation for the Lead Agency (City of Culver City) and LACCD. Development of the 10100 Jefferson Boulevard property is expected to proceed completely independently of the WLAC Campus with primarily commercial uses consistent with zoning. Land use impacts of the 2013 Master Plan Update would continue to be similar to those described in the 2010 SEIR. 19 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update L. MINERAL RESOURCES Currently, the campus does not contain areas that are used or likely to be used for surface mining of any minerals. Required mitigation would continue to address impacts related to possible disruption of pipelines during construction activities. M. NOISE As for the 2013 Master Plan construction activity (and therefore construction noise) under the 2013 Master Plan Update would be substantially less than anticipated for the 2010 Master Plan in the 2010 SEIR. Compared to the 2013 Master Plan, the 2013 Master Plan Update would involve less renovation and demolition activity. Therefore construction noise impacts could be incrementally less than anticipated for the 2013 Master Plan.. The sound walls around the exterior of campus would remain as at present until the completion of construction. Truck traffic would continue to be within anticipated activity levels (and therefore within noise levels) identified in the 2010 SEIR and the Settlement Agreement with the City of Culver City. The 2010 SEIR found construction noise to be significant. The 2013 Master Plan Update would result in less construction activity than was anticipated in the 2010 SEIR (and incrementally less than anticipated in the 2014 Addendum). Construction activities have been delayed and would now extend through 2018. However, the duration of construction activities has not been extended rather it has been delayed, therefore the impact would be the same, but it would occur later than previously anticipated. Operational impacts would continue to be as identified in the 2005 FEIR, 2010 SEIR and 2014 Addendum with the exception of the proposed Central Plant North. The relocation of the Central Plant North to a location in the PE Lot along Freshman Drive, closer to residential uses was evaluated to determine if operational noise impacts could exceed the thresholds of significance identified in the 2010 SEIR. The 2005 Final EIR identified a change of 3 dBA CNEL as the threshold of significance. The 2005 FEIR indicated that a 2 dBA Ldn increase in traffic noise along Freshman Drive could occur as a result of increased traffic (Table 3-27 of the 2005 Final EIR). Noise measurements at the existing Central Plant were taken to conservatively estimate noise from the new Central Plant North (even though the new facility will be totally enclosed and therefore substantially better insulated and less noisy compared to the existing Central Plant). The new Central Plant North would not operate in the same way as the existing Central Plant. The existing Central Plant uses electricity at night (when it is cheapest). The new Central Plant North will efficiently generate cool air when it is needed during school hours; so it will generally only operate during daytime hours. On especially hot days, the proposed Central Plant North could operate until 10 pm. Even assuming the new Central Plant North has the same noise levels as the existing Central Plant and operates until 10 pm, if would have a negligible effect on ambient noise levels (less than 1 dBA CNEL).2 2 Memorandum, Noise Level Predictions for New Central Plant North (Energy Efficiency Project), Zack Dennis, May 20, 2015 20 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update N. POPULATION AND HOUSING The 2013 Master Plan Update would not affect population and housing. As with the 2010 and 2013 Master Plans the 2013 Master Plan Update would not generate substantial population growth or demand for housing. The 2013 Master Plan Update would not displace people or houses. In general the 2013 Master Plan Update would continue to meet an existing demand for educational facilities. There would be incrementally fewer construction jobs and/or shortening of jobs already on-site due to the reduced development on the campus. O. PUBLIC SERVICES The 2013 Master Plan Update would not affect public services. In general, the demand for public services is proportional to on-site population (enrollment) and/or building area. Full student enrollment is not anticipated until 2036 (although other uses also are present on-campus, see Section 2.0 Project Description, discussion of other on-campus uses). In addition the total developed area on-campus would be less than anticipated in the 2010 Master Plan. Therefore, demand for public services would be the same or less than anticipated in the 2010 SEIR and similar to what was anticipated in the 2014 Addendum. The mitigation measures from the 2010 SEIR would continue to apply. P. RECREATION The 2013 Master Plan Update would not affect recreation. The West Los Angeles College campus includes a number of recreational opportunities including existing sports fields. The West Los Angeles College continues to provide recreational opportunities to its students and makes available these facilities to the community when they are not in use by the College. College activities would not result in increased demand on facilities outside the College campus. Q. TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION The 2013 Master Plan Update would not affect transportation and circulation. As discussed above, occupancy of the WLAC campus is still not anticipated to occur until 2036. Therefore, traffic impacts are anticipated to occur over a longer time period rather than by the year 2022 (as contemplated in the 2010 Draft SEIR). The mitigation measures included in the 2010 SEIR will continue to be implemented as needed to reduce impacts from increased on-campus enrollment. R. UTILITIES Similar to the 2013 master Plan, the 2013 Master Plan Update would not affect utilities. As for public services, in general, the demand for utilities is proportional to on-site population (enrollment) and/or building area. Full student enrollment is still not anticipated until 2036 (although other uses also are present on-campus, see Section 2.0 Project Description, discussion of other on-campus uses). In addition the total developed area on-campus would continue to be less as compared to the 2010 Master Plan. The campus would continue to implement energy improvements that would reduce energy consumption (demand-side management). Therefore, demand for utilities would be the same or less than anticipated in the 2010 SEIR (and similar to what was anticipated in the 2014 Addendum). The mitigation measures from the 2010 SEIR would continue to apply. 21 EIR 2nd Addendum West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update Water Water demand is based on student population, and as discussed above, full occupancy of the campus is still not anticipated to occur until 2036, therefore, water impacts would be less than anticipated in the 2010 SEIR (same as the 2014 Addendum) for some period of time until full occupancy is achieved (2036). Wastewater Wastewater is based on student population, and since the full on-campus population is still not anticipated to occur until 2036, therefore, wastewater impacts would be less than anticipated in the 2010 SEIR (same as the 2014 Addendum) for some period of time until full occupancy is achieved (2036). Solid Waste Solid waste is based on student population, and since the full on-campus population is still not anticipated to occur until 2036, therefore, solid waste impacts would be less than anticipated in the 2010 SEIR (same as 2014 Addendum) for some period of time until full occupancy is achieved (2036). Storm Water As discussed above, a new on-site storm water detention facility was completed in the area of the sports fields along Freshman Drive. Required mitigation measures, BMPs and compliance with Low Impact Design Standards would continue to mitigate impacts related to drainage. On-site storm water management techniques would allow for infiltration of water (in the new storm water detention basin on the soccer field) as well as treatment of water before it enters the drainage system. It is the intent of the campus to detain on-site the volume of water produced by a 0.75 inch storm event. 4.0 CONCLUSION As discussed above, while the proposed 2013 Master Plan Update would delay construction activities resulting in construction being completed two years later than anticipated in the 2014 Addendum, overall construction impacts would be similar to what was addressed in the 2014 Addendum and less than analyzed in the 2010 SEIR. 5.0 REFERENCES West Los Angeles College. Final Environmental Impact Report for the West Los Angeles College Facilities Master Plan. January 2005. West Los Angeles College. Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the West Los Angeles College Facilities Master Plan, including Errata dated August 11, 2010. West Los Angeles College. Addendum to Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the West Los Angeles College Facilities Master Plan, January 15, 2014. 22 EIR 2nd Addendum 6.0 West Los Angeles College 2013 WLAC Facilities Master Plan Update LIST OF PREPARERS West Los Angeles College Diana Johnson, College Project Director Phillip Vogt, CPT, Project Manager Allan Hansen, Facilities Director WLAC Shared Governance Committee Consultant Sirius Environmental Wendy Lockwood, Principal CEQA Counsel Wasserman & Wasserman LLP Thomas F. Quilling, Lead CEQA Counsel Master Plan Architect West Edge Architects Peter M. Mitsakos 23