LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES FACILITIES MASTER PLANNING & OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Educational Services Center Board Room – First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 Monday, April 25, 2016 6:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Committee Members Ernest H. Moreno, Chair Scott J. Svonkin, Vice Chair Sydney K. Kamlager, Member Mike Eng, Alternate James D. O’Reilly, Staff Liaison Linda D. Rose, College President Liaison Laurence B. Frank, College President Liaison (Alternate) Agenda (Items may be taken out of order) I. ROLL CALL II. PUBLIC SPEAKERS* III. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTIONS A. Non-LEED™ and Infrastructure Project(s) • Los Angeles Valley College – Energy Infrastructure Improvements Project Review (Design-Build, $9.8 million) • Los Angeles Valley College – Transportation and Accessibility Project Review (Design-Build, $11.8 million) • Los Angeles Trade-Technical College – Grand Avenue Enhancement and Blue Line Extension Project Review (Design-Build, $6.3 million) B. Presentation/Initiative Review(s) • Solar Photovoltaic Buyout Analysis • Invoice and Payment Review for Build—LACCD by Deloitte • Program Management Office Annual Report • Construction Update Summary IV. NEW BUSINESS V. SUMMARY – NEXT MEETING ............................................... Ernest H. Moreno VI. ADJOURNMENT *Members of the public are allotted three minutes time to address the agenda issues. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request, please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at 213/891-2044 no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Committee meeting. Los ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CITY • EAST• HARBOR • MISSION • PIERCE• SOUTHWEST• TRADE-TECHNICAL • VALLEY • WEST MEMO Date: April 18, 2016 To: Facilities Master Planning arid Oversight Committee: Ernie Moreno, chair; Scott Svonkin and Sydney Kamlager From: James O'Reilly, chief facilities execuf e RE: April 25, 2016 Facilities Master Planni g and Oversight Committee Please find attached background materials for the Facilities Master Planning and Oversight meeting to be held on April 25, 2016. The agenda will include project design reviews, an analysis of upcoming solar photovoltaic buyout options, a follow-up to the BuildLACCD invoice and payment process review and the Program Management Office annual report. Background materials are inCiuded for your reference. \ I will be joined by staff at the;meeting to discuss the item on the agenda. Please feel free to call me at (213) 891-2048 if you have.a ny questions. C: Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, chancellor Dr. Adriana Barrera, deputy chancellor Dr. Linda D. Rose, president, Southwest College Thomas Hall, director, facilities planning and development Thomas Donovan, director, LACCD bond Program Management Office JDO/drm 770 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017-3896 * (213) 891-2000 Building for Tomorrow’s Leaders LACCD Program Management 515 S. Flower Street, Suite 900 Los Angeles, California 90071 www.build-laccd.org 213.593 8000 866.817.1051 tel fax FACILITIES MASTER PLANNING AND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE April 25, 2016 Background materials Page # Valley College – Energy Infrastructure Improvements project review .......................................... 3 Valley College – Transportation and Accessibility project review ................................................ 10 Trade-Tech College – Grand Avenue Enhancement and Blue Line Extension project review ..... 16 Solar Photovoltaic buyout analysis ............................................................................................... 26 Invoice and payment review for BuildLACCD by Deloitte ............................................................ 37 Program Management Office annual report ................................................................................ 53 Construction update summary ..................................................................................................... 77 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 2 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 3 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 4 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 5 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 6 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 7 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 8 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 9 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 10 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 11 of 78 1SPKFDU%FTDSJQUJPO 4DPQFPG8PSL"SFBT 12 3$5.,1* 12 3$5.,1* ϭϭ ϰϴ ϲϳ 021$5&+6 /$9$//(< ϱϯ ϯ ϱϮ ϴ ϳ )+ ϲ ϱϬ ϰϵ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of 78 )+ FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 13 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 14 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 15 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 16 of 78 LOS ANGEL ES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTR IC T DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PROGRAM FACILITIES MASTER PLANNING & OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (FMP&OC) MEETING NON-LEED PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY College Name: LACCD Project Name: LACCD Project Number: College Project Director: Design Build Team: Los Angeles Trade Technical College Grand Avenue Enhancement Phase 1 - Blue Line Extension 07T.773.05 / 07T.773.06 Rory Lorenzo Belfour Beatty / DLR Group Project Description: New plaza, monument signs, enhanced Accessibility, crosswalk and traffic light realignment, sidewalk widening, and bioswales. Relevant Statistics: The College requires clearly identified and accessible entrances from its adjoining streets and the Metro Line. The design-build / design-bid-build project has a construction cost of $3,618,217 and is funded by MTA, FTA, Proposition A & AA, and Measure J. Schedule: Expected Design Phase Completion: Expected Construction Phase Completion: Expected Close-Out Phase Completion: 12/2016 02/2018 03/2018 Reason why Project does not meet District LEED™ Project Criteria: The project scope only involves hardscape, landscape, and signage improvements Sustainable Features: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Drought tolerant landscaping Low water use irrigation New Bioswales Easy to maintain surfaces Shade trees and canopy structure Low power consumption lighting Form DES-0015-A FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Page 1 of 1 Rev.06.29.15 17 of 78 Oak Hall- F G B J A C A LRCLearning Resource Center Cypress Hall D H K M EMPTY LOT FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 18 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 19 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 20 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 21 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 22 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 23 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 24 of 78 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 25 of 78 Los Angeles Community College District PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Synopsis of Solar Photovoltaic System Buyouts Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee April 25, 2016 Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 1 26 of 78 Summary of District Photovoltaic Systems • There are 10 free-standing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at five colleges and one property. • Three categories based on the year that they were installed and the financing mechanism used: 2007 Project (1) 2009 Projects (6) 2010 Projects (3) Power Purchase Agreement Solar Leases/Master Equipment Leases with Production Guarantees Solar Leases/Master Equipment Leases with Production Guarantees Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 2 27 of 78 PPA & Solar Lease Comparison Power Purchase Agreement Solar Lease Provider paid for & installed PV Provider paid for & installed PV Provider maintains facility for life of agreement Provider maintains facility for life of lease Colleges pay from general fund to provider based on electricity produced Lease payment amounts fixed & paid from respective colleges’ 40J energy funds System buyout option end of year 6 / beginning of year 7 System buyout option end of year 6 / beginning of year 7 Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 3 28 of 78 ELAC Northwest Parking Solar Photovoltaic Array Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 4 29 of 78 ELAC Northwest Parking Solar Photovoltaic Array Year Buyout Value (in millions) Termination Value 1 2 3 4 Annual Production Charges + $130k annual capacity charge $333,430.50 No buyout / termination option $342,000.01 No buyout / termination option $350,930.51 • Buyout/term value in year 6 refers to buyout/term at end of year 6 / beginning of year 7 $360,237.21 5 $369,935.95 6 $3.17 $380,043.25 7 $3.07 $390,576.32 8 $2.97 $401,553.10 9 $2.87 $412,992.28 10 $2.77 $424,913.33 11 $2.67 $437,336.55 12 $2.57 $450,283.10 Buyout value + removal fee 13 $2.47 14 $2.37 $477,835.30 15 $2.27 $492,487.86 16 $2.17 $507,757.66 17 $2.07 $523,670.71 18 $1.97 $540,254.08 19 $1.87 $557,536.04 20 $1.77 $575,545.99 • Buyout value: lump sum payment from purchaser to power provider before end of agreement term, to take ownership of generating facility and terminate agreement • Term value: Lump sum payment from purchaser to power provider upon term of agreement $463,775.03 TOTAL $8,793,094.79 Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 • No buyout/term in first 6 years • Term value = buyout value + removal fee • Removal fee = all costs associated with removal of generating facility, if purchaser elects to have the power provider remove the generating facility upon early term of agreement 5 30 of 78 ELAC NW Parking Lot Solar PV System Post Buyout Service and Maintenance Alternatives • Alternative I: – Do nothing and leave it the way it is. Right now, it is being serviced and maintained by an outside company. • Alternative II: - Hire the services of an outside company to do the service and maintenance of the existing solar asset. • Alternative III: Continue the service and maintenance contract for at least 1 year so that during that year (learning curve), ELAC Facility Personnel could learn and be trained to do their own service and maintenance work. Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 6 31 of 78 Decision and Financial Analysis of ELAC Feasible Solar PV System Buyout Alternatives • Alternative I: • 40J Energy Budget Funds are earmarked for acquisition of solar assets. – Execute Buyout ASAP in order to maximize cost savings benefit. Please see table below. 6 Year Buyout Cost Savings Benefit $3,483,767.36 7 Year Buyout Cost Savings Benefit 8 Year Buyout Cost Savings Benefit 9 Year Buyout Cost Savings Benefit $3,193,191.03 $2,891,637.93 $2,578,645.65 It does make financial sense to proceed with the buyout, even if the worst case scenario is considered where we include the cost of the service and maintenance contract for the remaining 12 years contract + feasible and/or unforeseen replacement costs of (2) 500 kW Satcon Inverters ($615,509.00). Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 7 32 of 78 Decision and Financial Analysis of Feasible Solar PV System Buyout Alternatives Alternative II – Status Quo – If Solar PV System Buyout is not considered by the BOT, then ELAC will continue to make annual payments for the remaining years of the contract (12 years). – ELAC has already made $2,928,707 in payments until May 1st, 2016. – Total payments made by ELAC during the life of the contract (20 Year) will amount to $8,793,095. – Even if buyout doesn’t ever occur until the end of the contract, there is still a mandatory buyout amount per contract which needs to be paid off in addition to a removal fee and/or cost for the solar system. – It is important to know that every time we delay the buyout process for whatever reason(s), there is a financial loss on average of $302K per year in spite of your decrease in buyout value of $100K per year. Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 8 33 of 78 ELAC Northwest Parking Solar Photovoltaic Array PV Array Buyout Facts • 1,190 kW DC (5,952 panels) • Buyout option began on May 1, 2015 • Funds allocated in the 40J Energy budget to proceed with system acquisition for $3,072,750 (if executed by 5/1/2016) • According to the system provider, Chevron Energy Solutions, system has performed as expected based on monitoring analysis reports. • ELAC will stop paying for energy production out of general funds. Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 9 34 of 78 ELAC Northwest Parking Solar Photovoltaic Array Operations and Maintenance Options Post Buyout 1. District hires the services of an outside company to service and maintain the existing PV system. 2. Additional College facilities staff operate and maintain the systems after appropriate training. 3. O&M services cost per year (based on formal quotation): $20,458 Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 10 35 of 78 Schedule of System Buyouts Year Type College Project Name 1 2007 PPA East NW Parking PV Farm / Carport Structure 2 2009 SL Harbor 3 2009 SL 4 2009 5 Early Buyout Net EBO Price Total Net EBO Price 5/1/16 $ 2,972,750 2,972,750 Phase 1 – Parking lots 6 & 8 6/30/16 2,050,501 Harbor Phase 2 – Parking lots 6 & 7 6/30/16 2,126,845 SL Pierce Parking lot 6 6/30/16 896,160 2009 SL East A1 CC, C1 MG, E9 WG, G3 Aud, H9 PF, P1 AS 6/30/16 217,542 6 2009 SL SW Parking Lot 3 6/30/16 463,194 7 2009 SL East NW Parking PV System Expansion 6/30/16 239,255 8 2010 SL Pierce Parking lots 1 & 8 12/30/17 1,377,619 9 2010 SL Valley M&O, C & D Parking Lots 12/30/17 1,140,045 10 2010 SL VDK South Parking Lot 12/30/17 387,471 TOTAL 5,993,497 2,905,136 11,871,383 PPA = Power Purchase Agreement with production guarantees SL = Solar Leases/Master Equipment Leases with production guarantees Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 11 36 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review for BuildLACCD Briefing No. 2 April 25, 2016 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 37 of 78 Status Update On February 26, 2016, LACCD’s Board and AECOM requested Deloitte to assess the invoice and payment process at BuildLACCD Tasks Completed 1. Assembled team and developed work plan 2. Interviews with CPTs at 9 colleges and PMO 3. Interviews with MATOC Prime‐Vendors (Staff‐Augmentation) 4. Data analytics ‐ MATOC and GC 5. Contractual Lifecycle Analysis ‐ MATOC Contracts and GC 6. Actual Lifecycle Analysis – MATOC Staff‐Augmentation 7. Variance Analysis ‐ MATOC Staff‐Augmentation 8. Preliminary Observations and Opportunities for Improvement Tasks Underway 1. Data Analytics ‐ MATOC Professional Services and GC 2. Overview analysis of FF&E and Professional Services Contracts 3. Period‐of‐Performance (POP) Analysis Tasks Not Started 1. Potential interviews with MATOC Sub‐Vendors 2. Representative Invoice and Payment Testing FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 38 of 78 BuildLACCD Organization Chart (for invoice and payment process) Board of Trustees District PMO PMO Partners Deloitte Central Services* PMO Partners Pacifica Services, Inc. Gafcon, Inc. CPT City CPT East CPT Harbor CPT Mission CPT Pierce CPT Southwest CPT Trade‐Tech CPT Valley CPT West Primes Primes Primes Primes Primes Primes Primes Primes Primes Subs Subs Subs Subs Subs Subs Subs Subs Subs *Central Services include: College Project Central Services (e.g., legal and insurance), Satellites (Southgate and VDK), and District Wide Initiatives (e.g.: IT, Energy, Transportation & Accessibility). FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 39 of 78 Four Types of BuildLACCD Contracts and Invoices 1. Multi‐Award Task Order Contracts (MATOC), which include: staff augmentation and professional services 2. General Contractor (GC) contracts Invoices for MATOC and GC contracts require the most effort to process by the BuildLACCD team. For this reason, our analysis and observations to‐date focused on these types of contracts. 3. Furniture, Fixture and Equipment (FF&E) contracts, which include: furniture procurement and Move Managers 4. Professional Services, which includes master agreements for: Architect/Engineer, Inspector of Record and Laboratory of Record Invoices for FF&E and Professional Services contracts appear to require lower level of effort to process by the BuildLACCD team. For this reason, our analysis to‐date did not focus on these types of contracts. We will perform this analysis at the Board’s request. FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 40 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review ‐ Contractual Lifecycle (MATOC Vendors) PMO District PMO D E F Invoice Receipt and Process by PMO District Review, Drawdown and Wire Funds Cut Check/ Mail C Invoice Receipt and process by CPT CPT B2 B1 Prime Vendors (If applicable) Element Contractual Duration A Beyond PMO’s Contractual Purview B1 or B2 15th of each Month after POP Prime Receives Payment G Prime Vendors C D A Sub‐vendors E 30 Calendar Days H F G Beyond PMO’s Functional Purview H Paid when Prime paid (Varies from 7 to 15 Calendar Days) (If applicable) Sub‐vendors Element within PMO’s contractual purview Element outside of PMO’s functional purview Element outside of PMO’s contractual purview FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 41 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review ‐ Actual Lifecycle (Apr 2014 to Mar 2015) MATOC Staff Augmentation Prime‐Vendors Process Description Avg. Durations (Calendar Days) Period of Performance (POP) A and B End to Receipt by CPT/PMO Arcadis US, Inc. Cumming Hill Jacobs Cordoba Construction International, Engineering Corporation Management Inc. Group Jacobs Project Management Vanir Yang Construction Management, Management Inc. STV/AVA 35 22 28 NA 32 NA 47 37 13 CPT to Prime C - - 5 NA - NA - - - PMO Analysis D 16 15 14 NA 16 NA 20 14 12 District Review / Drawdown E 6 7 6 NA 7 NA 5 6 6 Cut check / Mail F 3 3 2 NA 2 NA 2 1 2 Integrated Cycle 60 46 52 NA 54 NA 77 60 33 Median 54 34 45 NA 54 NA 72 58 30 Mode 41 34 60 NA 34 NA 72 41 27 Invoice Count 98 15 109 NA 67 NA 12 77 40 $1.9 M $313 K $2.1 M NA $1.3 M NA $139 K $1.5 M $641 K 24% 4% 27% NA 16% NA 2% 19% 8% Total Invoice Amounts % of Total Invoice Amounts Notes: 1. Based on the available data within PMO’s information systems, each element is calculated from a distinct number of invoices. 2. Data was not available for Elements G and H, since they were not within the PMO’s Functional or Contractual purview. 3. Hill International Inc. and Jacobs Project Management did not have invoices within this period. 4. “% of Total Invoice Amounts” represents the ratio of each vendor’s total invoiced amount versus the aggregate invoiced amounts by all vendors for this period. FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 42 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review ‐ Actual Lifecycle (Apr 2015 to Nov 2015) MATOC Staff Augmentation Prime‐Vendors Jacobs Project Management Vanir Yang Construction Management, Management Inc. Avg. Durations (Calendar Days) Period of Performance (POP) End to Receipt by CPT/PMO A and B 20 29 22 41 16 15 29 21 12 CPT to Prime C 11 - 7 - - - 3 - - PMO Analysis D 15 11 17 12 26 16 16 11 12 District Review / Drawdown E 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Cut check / Mail F 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 Integrated Cycle 45 50 47 71 51 40 53 42 32 Median 41 37 42 50 43 37 42 41 30 Mode 37 37 41 41 43 31 35 41 24 380 73 370 28 8 230 143 214 85 $6.2 M $1.3 M $6.2 M $376 K $142 K $4.1 M $1.9 M $3.7 M $1.3 M 25% 5% 25% 2% 1% 17% 8% 15% 5% Invoice Count Total Invoice Amounts % of Total Invoice Amounts Arcadis US, Inc. Cumming Hill Jacobs Cordoba Construction International, Engineering Corporation Management Inc. Group Process Description STV/AVA Notes: 1. Based on the available data within PMO’s information systems, each element is calculated from a distinct number of invoices. 2. Data was not available for Elements G and H, since they were not within the PMO’s Functional or Contractual purview. 2. In mid‐April 2015, Jacobs Engineering Group was substituted by Jacobs Project Management to provide Staff Augmentation Services for BuildLACCD. We observed invoices from both entities for a short period in April 2015. 3. “% of Total Invoice Amounts” represents the ratio of each vendor’s total invoiced amount versus the aggregate invoiced amounts by all vendors for this period. FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 43 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review ‐ Actual Lifecycle (Dec 2015 to Feb 2016) MATOC Staff Augmentation Prime‐Vendors Process Description Ave. Durations (Calendar Days) Cordoba Contractual Requirement Arcadis US, (Days) Inc. Corporation Sub to Prime A Prime to CPT/PMO B NA 15th of each month after POP CPT to Prime C D PMO Analysis District Review / Drawdown Cut check / Mail E Integrated Cycle Median Mode Shortest Longest Invoice Count Total Invoice Amounts % of Total Invoice Amounts Hill Jacobs International, Project Inc. Management STV/AVA Vanir Yang Construction Management, Management Inc. 6 12 Not Provided NA 6 Pending Pending 5 17 24 Not Provided 17 15 Pending Pending 5 6 17 4 25 5 14 6 23 5 16 Pending Pending Pending Pending 5 7 8 8 8 9 7 Pending Pending 8 2 4 2 4 1 2 5 2 4 Pending Pending Not Provided Pending Pending 2 2 2 8 Not Provided NA 7 Pending Pending 2 71 NA NA NA NA 3 Not Provided 49 49 57 38 66 73 Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending 39 57 59 NA 44 71 7 Pending - 54 54 57 35 88 82 Pending Pending 30 28 26 26 39 11 - $1.4 M $26 K $616 K $107 K $1.3 M Pending Pending $158 K - 38% 1% 17% 3% 37% Pending Pending 4% 30 F Prime Receives Payment G Prime Sends Payment to H Sub Cumming Construction Management NA Paid when Prime Paid (varies from 7 to 15 days) - Not Provided Not Provided Not Provided Not Provided Notes: 1. Based on the available data within PMO’s information systems, each element is calculated from a distinct number of invoices. 2. Cumming did not provide dates for invoice process and payment tracking. Thus, Elements C to F were populated with data from the PMO’s information systems. 3. STV/AVA and Vanir have not provided complete data sets for invoice process and payment tracking. This data remains outstanding. 4. All Primes except Cordoba furnished Sub‐Consultant agreement templates for our review with respect to their subs. 5. Due to our cut‐off date of March 5, 2016, some data (i.e., drawdown dates, cut check dates) were not available for all invoices submitted in Feb 2016. 6. This table represents only those invoices that have been paid per PMO Information systems, and does not include any open invoices. 7. “% of Total Invoice Amounts” represents the ratio of each vendor’s total invoiced amount versus the aggregate invoiced amounts by all vendors for this period. FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 44 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review Actual Lifecycle for MATOC Staff Augmentation Prime‐Vendors: Elements A to F (Apr 2014 to Feb 2016) DAYS 40 35 Arcadis, Cordoba, Hill, Jacobs and Yang All MATOC Staff‐Augmentation Vendors A and B 30 A and B 25 A and B 20 D D D 15 10 5 C C E E E C F F F G H 0 April 2014 to March 2015 POP End to Receipt by CPT/PMO April 2015 to November 2015 CPT to PMO PMO Analysis District Review, DD December 2015 to February 2015 Cut Check/Mail Prime Receives Payment Prime Sends Payment to Sub Notes: 1. Data was not available for Elements G and H between April 2014 and November 2015, since they were not within the PMO’s functional or contractual purview. 2. Cumming, STV/AVA and Vanir did not provide data for the period between Dec 2015 to Feb 2016. 3. MATOC Prime‐Vendors are required to submit their invoices within 15 days after the end of Period of Performance. FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 45 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review ‐ Actual Lifecycle for MATOC Staff Augmentation: ‘AIM Consulting’ as Jacobs’ Sub‐Vendor (Dec 2015 to Feb 2016) DAYS 50 C‐F 45 40 9% 35 30 25 20 $ 279,000 A‐B 100% H 15 91% 10 5 0 POP End to Receipt by CPT/PMO CPT/PMO Receipt to Mail Check E G 64% 36% 9% 91% District Review/Drawdown Prime Receives Payment 6% 28% 67% Prime Paid to Send Payment to Sub Notes: 1. These percentages are based on data provided by Jacobs to BuildLACCD (as well as within BuildLACCD’s information systems): 17 invoices at Elements A‐B; 11 invoices at Elements C‐G; and 18 invoices for Element H. 2. According to its Sub‐Consultant Agreement, Jacobs was required to pay AIM Consulting within 7 calendar days of Jacobs’ receipt of payment from BuildLACCD. 3. MATOC Prime‐Vendors are required to submit their invoices within 15 days after the end of Period of Performance. 4. Element E (District Review/Drawdown) is demonstrated via a stand‐alone bar graph (and is already accounted for in Elements C‐F). FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 46 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review ‐ Actual Lifecycle for MATOC Staff Augmentation: ‘Global Design Build’ as Jacobs’ Sub‐Vendor (Dec 2015 to Feb 2016) DAYS 45 C‐F 40 11% 35 30 $ 62,000 A‐B 25 20 75% H 89% 15 10 25% E 11% 56% 33% 56% 11% 33% District Review/Drawdown Prime Receives Payment 5 0 POP End to Receipt by CPT/PMO CPT/PMO Receipt to Mail Check G 22% 11% 67% Prime Paid to Send Payment to Sub Notes: 1. These percentages are based on data provided by Jacobs to BuildLACCD (as well as within BuildLACCD’s information systems): 4 invoices at Elements A‐B; and 9 invoices for all other elements. 2. According to its Sub‐Consultant Agreement, Jacobs was required to pay its subs within 7 calendar days of Jacobs’ receipt of payment from BuildLACCD. 3. MATOC Prime‐Vendors are required to submit their invoices within 15 days after the end of Period of Performance. 4. Element E (District Review/Drawdown) is demonstrated via a stand‐alone bar graph (and is already accounted for in Elements C‐F). FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 47 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review: Observations/Inputs from CPT Interviews 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Invoices from GCs require wet signatures from Architect/Engineer and IOR/LOR. CPTs spend a lot of time to obtain these signatures if these individuals/entities are not on site. Invoices for Retention Release from GCs also require wet signatures from Architect/Engineer and IOR/LOR. CPTs report that these signatures had been previously obtained from prior invoices, are therefore redundant, and need not be required. Certain MATOC Prime Vendors do not submit invoices in a timely way. On occasion, these Primes hold onto invoices from prior months and submit them in a ‘bundle’ at a later date. There was not a clear way to determine how long it takes for Prime Vendors to receive Cut Checks once mailed by the PMO. On occasion, Prime Vendors submit invoice packages that are incomplete or inaccurate. This lengthens the time for processing by the CPT, since they must question the Primes for requisite clarifications and missing information. If vendors do not respond promptly, the CPT will reject the entire invoice (including any Sub‐Vendors) and return it to the Prime. On occasion, green‐bag courier service was delayed or did not deliver invoices to the PMO. FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 48 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review: Observations/Inputs from MATOC Prime Interviews 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Agreements between Primes and Subs specified varying payment terms (between 7 and 15 calendar days). Agreements between Primes and Subs often did not specify a timeline for invoice submission. On occasion, Prime’s staff (or their Subs) have had difficulty in acquiring wet signatures from supervisors for labor logs. After a shift in submission procedure was instituted by the PMO in December 2015, some Primes reported a lack of clear communication and a lack of transparent point of contact among PMO/CPTs. Around this time and on occasion, they experienced delays in invoice payments and difficulties in getting responses to inquiries from the PMO. Some Primes indicated recent, improved communication from the PMO in regard to responding to questions and processing some of their back‐logged invoices. Some Primes elected to submit only after it had received all invoices from all Subs for a given period of performance. If one Sub did not submit in a timely way, then all Subs became delayed. FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 49 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review: Opportunities for Process Improvement – MATOC Contracts Element Suggested Improvement Savings in Days A 1) Electronic signatures on ‘labor logs’ eliminates time to obtain on‐site approvals and allows faster processing time between Subs and Primes 2) Automated monthly reminders between Primes to Subs will prompt invoices to be generated in a timely way 1 to 5 days B 1) Automated monthly reminders between CPT/PMO to Primes will prompt invoices to be generated in a timely way 2) Electronic submission of invoices will reduce transit time of invoices among Primes, CPTs, and the PMO 3) Possible implementation of ‘PMIS’ Invoice Loading feature by Primes to expedite processing and to enhance transparency and communication 4) Assign a Point of Contact at the CPTs/PMO for each prime as a “go‐to” resource to facilitate communication between PMO and Primes 1 to 3 days C 1) Electronic signatures will reduce processing time by CPTs 2) Electronic submission of invoices between CPT and PMO will reduce transit time 1 to 3 days D 1) Staffing and process review at PMO may alleviate backlog and processing time FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Under Analysis 50 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review: Opportunities for Process Improvement – MATOC Contracts (Cont.) Element Suggested Improvement E 1) Designate certain days for submission of Invoice and Drawdown Requests to District (i.e., Tuesday and Thursday of every week by 2:00 PM) 2) Designate back‐up individual(s) at District for review and approval of Invoice and Drawdown Requests 3) Allocate Reserve Funds to the PMO to allow checks to be cut prior to District’s final approval 4) Streamline communication between District and LA County to release funds in a more accelerated manner Savings in Days 1 to 4 Days Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs) in lieu of paper checks that are wet‐signed and mailed could lead to many efficiencies: F & G 1) Automated authorizations eliminates the need for manual signatures and mailing of individual checks 2) Less reliance on third‐party delivery systems 3) Higher assurance that funds are received, and are received in a faster and more timely way 4) Automated proof of payment FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 (See next slide) 51 of 78 Invoice Process and Payment Review: Opportunities for Process Improvement – MATOC Contracts (Cont.) Element F & G (Cont.) H Suggested Improvement 5) Less administrative follow‐up burden for PMO and District associated with lost checks 6) Automated notifications to Vendors when funds are wired 1) EFTs between Primes and Subs will hasten the payment time Cumulative Time Savings FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Savings in Days 1 to 5 Days Under Analysis 5 to 20 Days 52 of 78 Los Angeles Community College District PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES PMO Annual Update Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee April 25, 2016 Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 1 53 of 78 BuildLACCD Financial Summary A Funding June 2015 Colleges B Current Funding Dec 2015 $4.75 B C D E Contracted Expended Dec 2015 Dec 2015 $4.75 B $4.16 B EAC Dec 2015 $3.86 B $330.37 M $330.37 M $216.44 M $209.91 M $335.99 M Central Services $541.02 M $541.02 M $440.41 M $368.38 M $541.02 M $371.62 M $374.65 M $205.83 M $160.01 M $374.64 M Retire District Debt $117.16 M $117.16 M $109.64 M & Refinance $109.64 M $117.16 M District Bond Contingency Program Reserve1 TOTAL $14.64 M Variance Explanation(s) $4.76 B $(11.21 M) Satellites Districtwide Initiatives F=B‐E Variance Funding ‐ EAC $(5.62 M) EAC adjustment ($11.2M) not captured by Dashboard data run due to timing issue. Resolved in January 2016 Dashboard to show zero variance. Funding adjustment pending District resolution. $‐ N/A $0.01 M June to Dec Funding: Funding transfer from Pierce College to consolidate project IT funds into one financial ID. Current Funding to EAC: EAC adjustment not captured by the Dashboard data run due to timing issue. Resolved in January 2016 Dashboard to show zero variance. $‐ N/A $14.64 M $‐ $‐ $1.53 M $140.00 M $133.17 M $‐ $‐ $5.13 B $4.70 B $‐ $133.17 M College. $6.13 B $129.47 M $6.26 B $6.26 B $13.12 M N/A Funding transfer to Mission Source: December 2015 Dashboard Report 1 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Program Reserve EAC currently under evaluation to account for outstanding Program-wide exposure. 2 54 of 78 College-Level Financial Summary A B C D E F=B‐E Current Variance Funding Funding Contracted Expended EAC Funding ‐ June 2015 Dec 2015 Dec 2015 Dec 2015 Dec 2015 EAC Variance Explanation(s) City $568.44 M $568.44 M $482.14 M $452.76 M $568.44 M $‐ N/A East $664.82 M $664.82 M $622.67 M $573.94 M $664.82 M $‐ N/A EAC adjustment not captured by Dashboard data run due to timing issue. Resolved in January 2016 Dashboard to show zero variance. Funding variance (June to Dec): Funds transfer from Program Reserve. Funding variance (June to Dec): Funds transfer from Pierce to 40J IT to consolidate budget under one financial ID. Harbor $449.24 M $449.24 M $440.22 M $382.64 M $460.44 M $(11.21 M) Mission $438.68 M $445.51 M $420.83 M $399.88 M $445.51 M $‐ Pierce $627.76 M $625.06 M $499.49 M $440.33 M $625.06 M $‐ Southwest $405.39 M $405.39 M $375.46 M $370.27 M $405.39 M $‐ N/A Trade $582.29 M $582.29 M $467.22 M $433.74 M $582.29 M $‐ N/A Valley $612.49 M $612.49 M $490.64 M $449.08 M $612.49 M $‐ N/A West $400.91 M $400.91 M $360.24 M $354.30 M $400.91 M $‐ N/A $4.75 B $4.75 B $4.16 B TOTAL $3.86 B See Harbor Variance $4.76 B $(11.21 M) Explanation above. Source: December 2015 Dashboard Report Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 3 55 of 78 Risk Exposure Analysis As of December 31, 2015 • Risk cost workshops conducted at the Colleges & PMO (Oct-Dec 2015) • Monte Carlo analysis run in December 2015 for all active registers • Analysis determined risk exposure at the 80th percentile LACCD Aggregate Risk Exposure as a Function of College and District Contingencies & Reserves $300,000,000 $250,000,000 Program Reserve $133.17M $200,000,000 40J Risk Exposure $2.10M $150,000,000 $100,000,000 $50,000,000 Program Risk Exposure $60.78M District Bond Contingency $14.64M Aggregate College Reserve $27.39M Aggregate College Risk Exposure $61.34M Aggregate College Contingency $100.65M College COPs: $12.10M Potential Commitments $39.30M $‐ Building for tomorrow’s leaders Aggregate Risk Exposure & Outstanding COPs & Commitments FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Aggregate Contingencies & Reserves 4 56 of 78 College Projects Status Summary As of December 2015 City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West Satellites Pending Planning Design Construction Completed TOTAL 6 3 7 1 7 0 7 6 4 0 3 4 0 1 12 2 8 6 1 2 3 3 1 5 4 2 0 2 9 0 5 3 3 4 8 0 3 5 0 0 52 88 55 66 75 71 64 45 47 10 69 101 66 77 106 75 82 64 61 12 Chart does not include 40J college projects such as ADA, Stormwater, Technology, Energy, etc. Projects Remaining Breakdown 80 29 31 Projects Pending/In Planning Projects in Design/DSA Review 10% 1% 14% 9% 12% 8% 13% 8% 22% Projects in Construction 3% 41 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Projects forecasted to start Construction in 2016 City East Pierce SW Building for tomorrow’s leaders West Satellites Harbor Trade Mission Valley 5 57 of 78 Procurement Activity Summary Awards ($M) 18 20 21 20 24 10 0.7 2015 New Contract Awards $80 $60 Construction: $74.20M Design: $7.71M $40 Contract value only $20 $Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Design Oct-15 Construction Nov-15 Dec-15 Other Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 2.5 1.3 Jul-15 Dec-15 Nov-15 Oct-15 Sep-15 Aug-15 Jul-15 Dec-15 Nov-15 Oct-15 Sep-15 Aug-15 0 2.4 2.5 2.6 Dec-15 30 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $- Nov-15 31 Oct-15 25 26 36 Sep-15 40 39 40 Aug-15 51 No. of P.O.s 57 Jul-15 No. of T.O.s 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Value of TOs and POs Issued Millions Purchase Orders Issued Task Orders Issued 6 58 of 78 Remaining Work by College As of December 2015 $200,000,000 $180,000,000 $160,000,000 $140,000,000 $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 Total Remaining Funds Remaining Construction Funds Only * Southgate is included within the Satellite category per the Dashboard report. Remaining Work: Current Funding less Expended to‐date (data as of 12/31/15). Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 7 59 of 78 Design & Construction Projects Status Activity 50 45 40 No. of Projects 35 30 25 20 Planning 15 Design/DSA 10 Construction 5 0 Jul‐15 Aug‐15 Sep‐15 Oct‐15 Nov‐15 Dec‐15 Construction Activity 12 10 No. of Projects 10 8 6 4 2 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 0 Jul‐15 Aug‐15 Sep‐15 Construction NTP Issued Oct‐15 Dec‐15 Substantial Completion Achieved Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Nov‐15 8 60 of 78 DSA Certification 26 Projects Closed with Certification Construction Value: $389M 22% Drop in Total Projects Closed without Certification Projects CWC Projects CWOC Remaining CWOC * July - Dec 2015 July 2015 Dec 2015 City 2 6 7 East 6 9 7 Harbor 4 2 0 Mission 1 2 1 Pierce 3 6 5 Southwest 3 1 0 Trade 1 5 5 10 Valley 4 6 3 5 West 2 0 1 TOTAL 26 37 29 CWC: Closed with Certification CWOC: Closed without Certification 35 30 25 20 15 0 Jul-15 Dec-15 * Two additional projects closed without certification in September 2015 (City, Pierce) and have since been submitted to DSA for certification. Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 40 Number of Projects College Closed without Certification Trend 9 61 of 78 Safety Report Incidents by Month Man Hours by Month 90,000 80,000 79,615 5 84,313 80,705 69,816 64,717 4 62,889 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 Total Monthly Incidents Total Man Hours 70,000 20,000 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 10,000 0 0 0 Jul-15 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 July –December 2015 7 Recordables 2015 NAICS Avg. 3.2 TRIR Goal: 3.2 TRIR Actual: 3.1 NAICS: North American Industry Classification System TRIR: Totalfor Recordable Injury leaders Rate Building tomorrow’s FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 10 62 of 78 College Key Performance Indicators • New criteria established and implemented for Risk and Schedule KPIs • Change Order KPI criteria under development • 2 New KPIs under development: Commissioning & Closeout • KPI Comparison Report (June 30, 2015 vs. December 31, 2015): Budget to EAC Variance Monthly Invoice Timing Monthly Safety Monthly Jun-15 Dec-15 Jun-15 Dec-15 Jun-15 Dec-15 Construction Schedule Monthly Jun-15 Dec-15 Risk Quarterly Jun-15 Dec-15 Time to Execute Change Orders Monthly Jun-15 Dec-15 City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade Valley West Compliant Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Compliance Variance < = 0% New Criteria New Criteria All Individual Projects Green (SC Slippage 0 to 30 days) Weighted criteria score 100% - 85% Criteria Under Dev. > 90% C.O.s approved w ithin 90 days 20 to 30 days RIR w ithin 10% of 3.4 Total of All Projects is Yellow (SC Slippage 31 - 60 days), or One Project Yellow or Red (SC Slippage > 60 days) Weighted criteria score 84% - 50% 50% - 89% C.O.s approved w ithin 90 days 30 + days RIR > 3.4 Total of All Projects is Red (SC Slippage > 60 days) Weighted criteria score 49% - 0% < 50% C.O.s approved w ithin 90 days < 20 days RIR < 3.4 Variance 0 to 1% Variance > 1% Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 11 63 of 78 LSEDV Contract Award Breakdown LSEDV : Local, Small, Emerging, Disabled Veterans December 2015 LSEDV Non‐LSEDV Firms with Firms with LSEDV Task Task Firms Orders Orders Contract Category Total Firms Staff Augmentation 178 124 34 15 Architecture/Engineering 18 7 5 7 Environmental 12 6 6 4 Inspector of Record 18 13 7 4 Laboratory of Record 9 5 5 4 Whole Bldg. Commissioning 11 3 2 5 Professional Services 246 158 59 39 Construction Companies 51 20 N/A N/A 297 Total Companies 178 LSEDV Companies 60% Task Orders awarded to LSEDV Figures are not totaled under the “Total Companies” and “LSEDV Companies” to avoid double-counting. Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 12 64 of 78 Local Worker Hiring Performance 33.00% 32.00% 14,598 Workers performed work on 28 active projects 31.00% 4,733 or 32%, are local (through Dec 2015) 30.00% 29.00% 28.00% 07/15 08/15 09/15 10/15 11/15 Actual Local Hire Participation (By Month) 12/15 Contractor Local Worker Hiring Performance 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 34% 30% 27% 43% 39% 32% 20% 25% 34% 41% 27% 37% 33% Building for tomorrow’s leaders Total Craft Workers FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Local Workers 43% 27% 29% 36% 37% 34% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 13 65 of 78 College Internship Program Monthly Intern Participation (H1-B Grant Funded On-Campus/PMO Positions) 6 Intern Count by Company 5 4 3 2 1 0 07/2015 08/2015 09/2015 AECOM HARPER 10/2015 PACIFICA 11/2015 SGI Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 12/2015 14 66 of 78 Small Business Program-Small Contractor Boot Camp Small Contractor Boot Camp Participants Spring 2015 (51 Contractors) 38 40 SBE 21 30 LBE 20 9 2 10 DVBE EBE 0 SBE LBE DVBE EBE *Some firms qualify for more than one business category. 21 Small Business Enterprise (SBE) 51 Small Contractors attended Small Contractor Spring 2015 38 Local Business Enterprise (LBE) 9 Emerging Business Enterprise (EBE) 2 Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) *Some firms qualify for more than one business category. Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 15 67 of 78 Small Business Program-Prequalification Workshop 37 small contractors attended the workshop 31, or 84%, responded to the Request for Small Contractor Pre‐Qualification 11 of 31, or 35%, who attended the workshop are Prequalified. Five (5) of those contractors attended the Small Contractor Boot Camp Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 16 68 of 78 Energy: PV System Buyouts Summary Year Type College Project Name 1 2007 PPA East NW Parking PV Farm / Carport Structure 2 2009 SL Harbor 3 2009 SL 4 2009 5 Early Buyout Net EBO Price 5/1/16 $ 2,972,750 Phase 1 – Parking lots 6 & 8 6/30/16 2,050,501 Harbor Phase 2 – Parking lots 6 & 7 6/30/16 2,126,845 SL Pierce Parking lot 6 6/30/16 896,160 2009 SL East A1 CC, C1 MG, E9 WG, G3 Aud, H9 PF, P1 AS 6/30/16 217,542 6 2009 SL SW Parking Lot 3 6/30/16 463,194 7 2009 SL East NW Parking PV System Expansion 6/30/16 239,255 8 2010 SL Pierce Parking lots 1 & 8 12/30/17 1,377,619 9 2010 SL Valley M&O, C & D Parking Lots 12/30/17 1,140,045 10 2010 SL VDK South Parking Lot 12/30/17 387,471 TOTAL Total Net EBO Price $ 2,972,750 5,993,497 2,905,136 $ 11,871,383 PPA = Power Purchase Agreement with production guarantees SL = Solar Leases/Master Equipment Leases with production guarantees Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 17 69 of 78 ELAC Buyout Status • Tasks Underway – Fair market value assessment (Energy Consultant) – Buyout contract Good Faith review (Outside Counsel) • Next Steps (April 2016) – PMO recommendation to the Board regarding the buyout execution 1 Alternative I Execute buyout contract immediately, Alternative II Continue to make annual payments for the remaining 12 years of the contract. – PMO recommendation to the Board regarding the post buyout 2 maintenance & operation Alternative I No action; Service and maintenance of PV system performed by current owner under contract. Alternative II District to hire outside entity to service and maintain existing solar asset. Alternative III Continue a service and maintenance contract for 1 year (min) with outside entity to allow college staff to be trained on system service and maintenance. 3 – Obtain Board approval of next steps and proceed Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 18 70 of 78 External Assessment – Completed FY 2015 KPMG Performance and Financial Audits: • • • Audit period covered: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Audits reported: at November 18, 2015 Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee meeting Audit results: No material or significant weaknesses or findings – Auditors repeatedly expressed recognition of major/significant improvements in several areas: • • • • • • • Budget Estimating Cost reporting Scheduling Communication and Expediency Standardization across Colleges Audit Transparency Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 19 71 of 78 Website Activity – Jul 1, 2015 – Dec 31, 2016 Visitor Acquisition Returning vs. New Visitors Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 Device Type 20 72 of 78 Program Awards October 2015 Green California Schools & Community Colleges Summit, 2015 Green Building Award for Community Colleges Leadership Award https://green-technology.smugmug.com/Events/GCSCS15Leadership-Awards/ November 2015 US Green Building Council Los Angeles Chapter, 5th Annual Sustainable Innovation Awards Energy & Atmosphere Merit: Pierce College Library Learning Crossroads http://usgbc-la.org/greengala/ Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 21 73 of 78 Revised Baseline & Forecast Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 74 of 78 Revised Baseline & Forecast Summary Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 23 75 of 78 Thank You Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 76 of 78 LACCD Program Management 515 S. Flower Street, Suite 900 Los Angeles, California 90071 www.build-laccd.org Building for Tomorrow’s Leaders 213.593 8000 866.817.1051 tel fax ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY (All data and dates are current through March 2016) Does not include projects in programming, in procurement, in design, at DSA, in closeout, or completed. NTP = Notice to Proceed. EAC = Estimate at completion. No. Project # Projects Under Construction NTP construction / design-build *Contract substantial completion Forecast substantial completion **Budget **Expended **EAC Los Angeles City College 1 01C-110 Holmes Hall Modernization 02/10/14 01/09/15 05/31/16 $ 13,009,791 $ 8,566,759 $ 13,009,791 2 01C-134 Student Service Center 02/10/14 08/09/15 06/30/16 $ 38,105,141 $ 25,074,218 $ 38,105,141 3 01C-146 Physical Plant (M&O Building) 06/09/14 03/27/15 03/15/16 $ 9,064,289 $ 7,963,344 $ 9,064,289 4 01C-173.03 RWGPL - Traffic Mitigation (Red Line) 12/15/14 01/14/16 09/30/16 $ 8,471,879 $ 3,926,760 $ 8,471,879 04/23/14 06/21/16 08/20/16 $ 57,801,981 $ 29,731,540 $ 57,449,900 04/23/14 06/21/16 08/20/16 $ 3,623,162 $ 1,330,784 $ 3,770,911 East Los Angeles College 5 02E-222.03 6 02E-222.04 Science Career & Math Bldg G5 (Classrooms/Labs) Science Career & Math Bldg G7 (Lecture Bldg.) Los Angeles Harbor College 7 03H-307 Theater Drama Speech Building 09/02/10 09/08/15 08/19/16 $ 17,200,876 $ 15,860,418 $ 16,773,250 8 03H-350.03 S.A.I.L.S-Infrastr/Land &Hardscape/Security 09/07/10 04/05/14 04/29/19 $ 22,128,594 $ 17,828,473 $ 20,915,604 9 03H-350.01 SAILS Student Union 09/07/10 04/05/14 07/31/18 $ 52,981,751 $ 15,599,159 $ 63,731,497 Los Angeles Mission College 10 04M-405 Media Arts Center 11/12/09 10/03/11 03/31/17 $ 46,378,970 $ 26,448,543 $ 46,378,969 11 04M-419 Campus Modernization Phase 1 08/07/09 02/29/16 05/31/16 $ 21,898,351 $ 20,334,270 $ 21,859,092 12 04M-420 Campus Modernization Phase 2 05/03/10 02/29/16 04/15/16 $ 8,631,584 $ 7,085,096 $ 8,430,605 08/14/15 05/12/16 09/16/16 $ 22,006,996 $ 13,577,222 $ 22,006,996 Los Angeles Pierce College 13 05P-502 Life Science, Chemistry, Physics Building *--Date does not reflect revised date approved via change order. **-Inclusive of FF&E, retention, close-out and all soft costs. FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 77 of 78 Building for Tomorrow’s Leaders No. Project # Projects Under Construction NTP construction / design-build 08/14/15 *Contract substantial completion 05/12/16 Forecast substantial completion 09/16/16 14 05P-505.02 15 05P-507 16 05P-510 17 05P-530.01 Phase II Renovations - Administration Building Interior and Exterior Phase II Renovations - Computer Science and Computer Learning Phase 2 component finishing at a later date Phase II Renovations - Behavioral Science, Social science, Mathematics, and English Buildings Phase 2 component finishing at a later date Campus Center (Existing) - General 18 05P-535.07 19 05P-535.02 20 05P-542.06 21 **Budget **Expended **EAC $ 11,390,485 $ 7,909,660 $ 11,390,485 08/14/15 08/17/16 09/16/16 $ 10,398,954 $ 3,772,838 $ 10,398,954 08/14/15 08/17/16 09/16/16 $ 17,147,992 $ 4,525,299 $ 17,147,993 08/14/15 05/12/16 09/16/16 $ 2,577,379 $ 2,540,689 $ 2,577,379 SLE Faculty Center/Campus Center 08/14/15 05/12/16 09/16/16 $ 3,935,969 $ 2,071,011 $ 3,935,969 SLE - North of Mall - Classroom Modernization/Technology/Low Voltage Phase 2 component finishing at a later date SLE - North of Mall - ADA/Landscaping Phase 2 component finishing at a later date Los Angeles Trade Tech College 08/14/15 08/17/16 09/16/16 $ 9,268,054 $ 4,262,728 $ 9,268,054 08/14/15 08/17/16 09/16/16 $ 7,673,426 $ 3,072,761 $ 7,673,426 07T-720.01 East Parking Structure 07/06/15 07/26/16 08/10/16 $ 40,803,429 $ 22,225,851 $ 40,782,310 22 07T-772.06 07/06/15 07/26/16 11/09/16 $ 7,036,866 $ 2,935,319 $ 7,015,598 23 07T-720.03 East Campus Substation and Electrical Distribution System East Campus Ground Improvements 07/06/15 07/26/16 08/10/16 $ 1,581,881 $ 11,803 $ 1,581,881 01/28/14 09/11/15 12/30/16 $ 43,318,309 $ 27,788,621 $ 46,678,335 10/02/14 11/27/15 04/15/16 $ 34,214,782 $ 31,234,084 $ 34,214,781 Los Angeles Valley College 24 08V-836 25 08V-837 Community Workforce Development Center/New Administration a.k.a. Valley Glen Gateway (VGG) Athletic Training Facility 26 08V-839 Multi-Purpose Community Services Center 04/15/13 08/20/16 09/26/16 $ 24,926,523 $ 21,870,441 $ 24,926,524 27 08V-842 Monarch Center (Student Union Annex) 01/28/14 04/18/14 05/02/16 $ 37,832,079 $ 35,023,862 $ 37,832,079 $ 573,409,493 $ 362,571,551 $ 585,391,690 TOTAL *--Date does not reflect revised date approved via change order. **-Inclusive of FF&E, retention, close-out and all soft costs. Active Construction Summary – March 2016 Page 2 FMP&OC - 4/25/2016 78 of 78