» ;<. '» ir »» . IT I . y 's A Los Angeles Community College District v B B 770 Witehirc Blvd., Los Angetes,CA 90017 (213) 891-2000 ORDER OF BUSINESS - REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, August 8,2012 Closed Session 1:00 p.m. Public Session 3:00 p.m. Educational Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Rol!Caii(1:OOp.m.) Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Closed Session Agenda Matters Hi. Recess to Closed Session in accordance with The Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq., and the Education Code to discuss the matters on the posted Closed Session agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954,5 (Refer to Attachment "A" for Closed Session agenda). IV. Reconvene Regular Meeting (3:00 p.m,) V. Roli Ca!! VI. Flag Salute VI!. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meetings and Closed Sessions, July 11, 2012 and July 25, 2012 VIII. Reports from Representatives of Empioyee Organizations at the Resource Tabie IX. Public Agenda Requests 1. Ora! Presentations 2. Proposed Actions X. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Multiple Agenda Matters XL Reports and Recommendations from the Board a Report on Actions Taken in Closed Session -August 8, 2012 . Reports of Standing and Special Committees BT1. Resoiution - District Classified Employees Retirement BT2. BT3. Resolution - !n Appreciation of Chancellor Jack Scott Amend 2012-2013 Board Meeting Caiendar XII. Reports from the Chancelior . Report from the Chanceiior regarding activities or pending issues in the District o Presentation on innovative Faculty Approaches on Employing Technology Xlil. Consent Calendar Matters Requiring a Majority Vote BF1. BF2. BSD1. BSD2. Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers Resolution Authorizing Debt Service Estimate Ratifications for Business Services Business Services Routine Report A ORDER OF BUSINESS August 8,2012 Page 2 FPD1. FPD2. HRD1A. HRD1B. ISD1. PC1. Facilities Planning and Development Routine Report Authorize Master Procurement Agreements Personnel Services Routine Action Personnel Services Routine Actions Ratify Courses Personnel Commission Actions Correspondence . Matters Requiring a Super Majority Vote - None XIV. Recommendations from the Chancellor cm. Approval of Pierce Coitege Substantive Change Report CH2. Appointments to the District Citizens' Oversight Committee for Propositions A/AA and Measure J Bond Programs XV. Notice Reports and Informatives BF/A. Notice] Adoption of 2012-2013 Final Budget XVI. Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions XVII. Adjournment * * * * * * * * * * * * * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday, August 22, 2012 (Public Session scheduled for 3:30 p.m.) Educational Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 **************** * * * * * * * * * * * * *** n compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b), documents made available to the Board after the posting of the agenda that relate to an upcoming public session item wili be made available by posting on the District's official bulletin board located in the lobby of the Educational Services Center located at 770 Wiishire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90017. Members of the public wishing to view the material will need to make their own parking arrangements at another location. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132) and the rules and regulations adopted in impiementatson thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disability-reiated modification or accommodation including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request, please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at (213) 891-2044 no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. :., ;. 5< '.-4 'f t AGiNDA nr B» Iff vs . LOS ANGELES COMMUNrPfCOLLEGE DISTRICT 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213/891-2000 . AFTACHMENTA CLOSED SESSION Wednesday, August 8, 2012 1:00 p.m. Education Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Witshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 I. Public Employment (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) A. II. Position: Faculty member Conference with Labor Negotiator (pursuant to Government Code section 54957,6) A. District Negotiators: Adrians D. Barrera Employee Units: All Units All Unrepresented Employees B. District Negotiators: Mary Gailagher Marvin Martinez Employee Unit: Clericat/Technica IH. Public Employee Discipline/DismissaI/Release/Charges/Complaints (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) IV. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (a) A. Rowell v. LACCD and related case V. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (b) A. Potential Litigation " 1 matter . A . .*' Los Angeles Community College District g BOARD OF TRUSTEES Division Corn.No. BT1 Date: August 8, 2012 RESOLUTION " DISTRICT CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SUBJECT: WHEREAS, The classified employees identified below have been employed with the Los Angeles Community College District for many years; and WHEREAS, The classified employees have contributed significantly toward providing the highest quality of services to our students and the public on behalf of the Los Angeles Community College District; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Personnel Commission and the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District do hereby commend the employees for their contributions and extend best wishes in their retirement. Steve Veres, President David Iwata, Chair Board of Trustees Personnel Commission Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By Candaele Field Park Santiago Peariman Campos Svonkin Veres .sly.dentTfustee Advisory Vote Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT1 Div. Board of Trustees Date; 8/8/2012 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District BOARD OF TRUSTEES Division Corn.No. BT1 Date: August 8, 2012 SUMMARY OF RETIRED CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES June 1, 2012 - June 30, 2012 YEARS LAST FIRST NAME NAME OF JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LOCATION Johnston Sharon Senior Office Assistant 38 Valley 2 Michelson Dennis Electronics Technician 34 East 3 Funchess LC Custodian 32 Trade-Tech 4 Van James Accountant 24 District 5 Ashton Judy 23 Vatiey 19 Pierce 12 Pierce 10 Valley 10 Valley 6 Brown Jeanine 7 Bernard Hail 8 Nelson Hisako 9 Hong Phan st; Costume Maker Instructional Assistant, Language Arts Gardener Senior Office Assistant Gardener Due to late processing, the following employees were not listed on previous report: Bernard Hall - Effective date of May 8, 2012 Dennis Michelson - Effective date ofjMay 31,2012 James Van - Effective date of May 31, 2012 Jeanine Brown - Effective date of May 31, 2012 Hisako Nelson - Effective date ofMay 31,2012 Hong Phan - Effective date of May 31,2012 Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn, No. BT1 Div. Board of Trustees Date: 8/8/2012 s < t A of Trustees ;. Los Angeles Community Co!lege District » Corn. No. BT2 Board of Trustees Division Date: August 8, 2012 Subject: RESOLUTION - IN APPRECIATION OF CHANCELLOR JACK SCOTT WHEREAS, Chancellor Jack Scott served, earlier In his career, as President of Cypress College and later Pasadena City College; and WHEREAS, Dr. Scott subsequently served for twelve years in the Caiifomia Legisiature, four in the Assembly and eight in the Senate; and WHEREAS, Dr. Scott authored 146 bills in the Assembly and the Senate that were signed into law; and WHEREAS, D[; Scott authored_severa! key bit:ls supportive of community co!!eges, inciuding SB 361, a landmark community college financing measure; and WHEREAS, Senator Scott chaired the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Senate Standing Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review; and WHEREAS, Chancellor Scott. retumecHo the Caiifomia Community Colleges (CCC) upon completion of his second Senate term, to become the fourteenth Chancellor of the CCC in 2009; and WHEREAS, Chancellor Scott pushed for reform through his work on the California Community Coiieges Student Success Task Force and his work with the Associate Degree' for Transfer program, both of which seek to facilitate time!y academic progress toward certificate, degree, or transfer; and WHEREAS, Chancellor Scotj has led the_nation)s largest system of higher education, composed of 112 colleges and 72 districts; and WHEREAS, That Chanceilor Scott has dedicated his life to the public good and to improving the iives of Califomians from every walk of iife; and WHEREAS, That Chancellor Scott is one of Caiifornia's most ardent supporters of affordable public higher education; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeies Community College District hereby extends its appreciation to Chancellor Scott for his exceptiona leadership, dedication, and advocacy exhibited over the course of his career. Chancellor and Candaele Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid Svonkin Park Veres By Page Pea rim an Date of Pages Corn. No, BT2 Div. Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 8/8/12 * w f- « A Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community Coilege District Corn.No. BT3 Board of Trustees Division Date: August 8, 2012 Subject; AMEND 2012-2013 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR A. Amend the 2012-2013 Board meeting calendar as follows: Wednesday, Soptombor5,2012 Wednesday, September 12,2012 Background: The Board meeting scheduled to be held on September 5th is being recommended to be rescheduled to September 12th. This change is being proposed to ensure the presence of all Board members for the first regular meeting of the Board in the month of September. B. The Board meeting location is being proposed to change as follows: Wednesday, September 19,2012 District Offico Van de Kamp Innovation Center Background: The Board meeting location change is being proposed in order that the Board can receive comments from members of the pubiic with regards to the use of the Van de Kamp Innovation Center. Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By Page of Pages Corn.No. BT3 Div. Candaele Santiago Field Svonkin Park Veres Pearl man Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 8/8/12 "fi '1 Hi^ Los Angeles Community College District I Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn No. BF1 ACTION of Trustees w ^ ^ 's Date: August 8, 2012 Subject: BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS Ratify acceptance of $3,488,824 in income as recommended by the Chief Financial pfficer/Treasurer. In accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 58307 authorize all the appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories (EXHIBIT I). ^^Kk^^_/\J ^J<^\SJ\ Recommended by: * Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor ^ Approved by //j»»/f ^K/^r Danie! J. La Vista, Chanceilor Chancellor and Candaele Field Park Pearlman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Santiago Svonkin Veres Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 8.08-2012 EXHIBIT t BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATIOM TRANSFERS ALL FUNDS, EXCLUDING BUILDING BOND FUND August 8,2012 NEW INCOME fAftachm&nt )i ACCOUNT Federal State Local 810000.849900 860000-869999 Interfund Transrer tn Other Financing Sources 891000-892999 Contribution to Restricted Program 898000-899999 AMOUNT 1,442,847 1,545,127 500,850 870000-869999 *+ 8S3000-897999 «* Total New Income EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries Ciassifiecf Salaries Employee Benefrts Books/Suppliss Contract Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Other Debt Services Tuition Transfers nterfunds Transfers Direct Support/Indirect Costs Loan/Grants Other Fjrmncing Sources {Except 7902) Reserve for Contingency* Total 3,488,824 Approved Budget ACCOUNT 100000-199999 200QOO-299899 300000-399998 400000-499999 500000-599999 600000^99999 700000-709999 710000-71999S 720000-729999 730000-73S999 386,864 139,023,635 506,380 173,254 36,760,362 106,661,615 67,680,955 91,713 90,893 5,850 * ft <* w 248,912,922 154,283,763 139,196,889 36,852,075 106.752,508 67.886,805 w u: <t 740000-749999 750000-759999 760DOO-799998 790200 248,526.058 153,777,38s Budget Appropriation Revisions Transfers Revised Budget 10,724 38.343,856 2,383 308.221,825 42,574,371 9,566,204 10,724 38,343,856 I* 210,375 2,023,495 1,151,349,371 3,488,824 2,383 308,432.200 44,597.866 9,566,204 1,154,83 B, 185 * Reserve for Contingency balance is $9.57 miilian, which is 1.9% of the Unrestricted General Fund revenue. All budget revisions and transfers herein are submitted for the Board of Trustees approval in accordance with Title 5 of California Reguiations, Sections S8307 and 58308. Appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories are within funds/grants that have been previously received and approved by the Board of Trustees. These transfers have been reviewed by the college administrators and approved by the college Vice Presidents of Administration and Coliege Presidents. Reviewed by: / ^.(^mett^ L Gordon Chief financial 0fficer/Treasurer A^/ BF1 August 8/2012 Page 1 of 8 Attachment I NEW INCOME AND GRANTS BTA NUMBER: EUND/GRANT NAME AMOUNT Federal H-0527 Health Sector Training Project $325,000 To provide funding for participation in a consortium, of which Los Angeles Harbor College is a member, that wif! provide training and educational support to individuals in the heal:thcare industry. This wi be offered to participants who are unemployed, especially long-term unemployed, and incumbent workers who will: be able to advance along one of three career pathways as a resuit of the training. The college wil! offer training for SteriEization Technician and Medical Billing jobs. The program wit! be provided to 90 non-incumbents and 200 incumbents. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (DOL). T-0624 Youthbuild 964 To accept additional funding to provide low-income youth and young adults with the opportunity to further their education, complete their high school diploma and/or GED, acquire job and leadership skiHs, and benefit the community. The program wil! serve two cohorts of 30 young people each. These additionai funds bring the total program funding to $62,259. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration (DOL). W-0819 Riding the Road Map to Transfer (RRMT) program To provide funding for twenty (20) scholarships per year for the duration of the five-year project. The RRMT program will promote student discovery and understanding of science, excellence in the student/faculty relationship, and will create opportunities forAfrican- American and Latino students to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers. The program wiil target academically-talented and financially-needyAfrican-American and Latino students in two groups, undergraduate science majors already at West Los Angeles College and at the college's feeder schools. Funding is from the Nationai Science Foundation, 600,000 BF1 August 8,2012 Page 2 of 8 D-0564 METRO University $292,000 To provide funding to establish a "Metro University" to develop the next generation of transportation professionals, ensuring that there is a labor-market poo! of candidates to fili vacant positions as they become available throughout the region. Funding is from the Federa Transportation Administration. E-0942 Community Development Department at Boyle Heights Youth Opportunity Program 19,545 To provide funding for a work readiness course in Emergency Department Assistant training. East Los Angeles College wili provide training for up to thirty (30) participants. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor. T-0622 Brownfields 20,000 To provide funding for training services to participants in the Los Angeles Conservation Corps ARRA Brownfieids job training program. The classes wil! be in Low Income Energy Efficiency & Basic Soiar Training and Renewable Energy - Introduction to Solar Training. Funding i:s from the Environmentai Protection Agency EPA. T-0623 Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship Program 31,050 To provide funding for eighty (80) instructional hours of training in an Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship Training program geared towards preparation to take the International Brotherhood of Electricai Workers Union Local I! Apprenticeship examination. Study (tutoring) sessions of forty (40) hours for up to thirty (30) participants is pianned. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor (DOL). M -0527 Workforce Investment Act National Emergency Grant 32,998 To accept additiona! funding to provide staff-assisted job preparation workshops, Job search and placement assistance, follow-up services, and other job training for aduits age 18 and up. These additional funds bring the totai program funding to $267,174. Funding is from the Workforce Investment Act (WfA) funds. D-0906 Perkins IV Title 1~C To accept additional funding for training and equipment in vocational areas. The funds are for an increased focus on the academic achievement of career and technica! education students, to strengthen the connections between secondary and post-secondary education, and to improve state and local accountability. These additional funds bring the tota! program funding to $4,582,803. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. 24,236 BF1 August 8,2012 Page 3 of 8 D-0921 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (CalWORKs TANF) Program 6,200 To accept additional funding for comprehensive support services designed to assist welfare recipient students in obtaining the educationa! ievel they need to transition off welfare and uitimately achieve iong-term self-sufficiency. On average, LACCD CalWorks programs project to serve approximateiy 6,386 student participants during fiscai year 2011-12. These additional funds bring the total program funding to $993,626. Funding is from the United States Department of Heaith and Human Services. P-0481 University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Bridges to Baccalaureate Program 59,854 To provide funding to increase the number of students from underrepresented minority (URM) groups who successfuEly transfer to UCLA, complete their baccalaureate degrees in the sciences, and pursue more advanced degrees in biomedicai sciences. A target student population wiEi be identified and provided with counseling, monitoring, and other academic support to help insure their success. Funding is from the Department of Health and Human Services. V-0704 Project GRAD LA 31,000 To provide additional funding for math and iiteracy tutoring to lowincome middie and high school students. This will increase the number of students who are better prepared to enter and succeed in post-secondary education. Los Angeles Valley CoElege will be responsible for recruiting and paying the tutors. These additiona! funds bring the total Federal funding to $64,554. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. TOTAL FEDERAL $1,442,847 State D-0651 ,D-0652 Employment Training Pane! (ETP) To provide funding to help employees offset the cost of job skills training necessary to maintain high-performance workplaces. ETP provides financial assistance to Caiifornia businesses to support customized worker training. Funding is from the State of California, Empioyment Training Panel. 1,129,288 BF1 August 8,2012 Page 4 of 8 M -0414 Youth Empowerment Strategies for Success (YESS) 12,500 To accept additional funding for five thirty hour classes to heip foster youth (16 to 21 years old) deveiop skills that will enable them to locate jobs, manage money, and survive as productive citizens outside the foster care system. YESS !ife skiiis classes include: banking and budgeting; finding an apartment; job-search ski:lte; leaving foster care; making good decisions; selecting a roommate; and self-esteem building. These additional funds bring the total program funding to $134,400. Funding is from the Foundation for California Community Colleges. S-0396, T-0580, Foster and Kinship Care Education 20,461 H-0565, M-0463, P-0397, W-0850 To accept additional funding for training to those in the community who wish to be Foster Parents or Relative Care Providers. By the end of the workshop, the Providers will be better prepared to provide care to the children in their care. These additional funds bring the tota! program funding to $1,226,977. Funding ss from the CaSifornia Community ColEeges Chancellor's Office. H-0561 Enrollment Growth & Retention Nursing Grant 135,034 To provide funding for additiona! clinical adjunct instructors and a simulation iab coordinator. These additional funds bring the tota! program funding at Los Angeles Harbor ColEege to $224,721. Funding is from the California Community Coiieges Chanceilor's Office. T-0604 Infrastructure Academy Transportation Program 148,097 To provide funding to attract potentiai candidates from colleges and high schools to transportation-related fields, and to provide instruction on transportation, engineering, and infrastructure. One hundred (100) students are expected to participate in the program. Funding is from the CaEifornia State University Los Angeles. D-0804 California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) 29,000 To accept additional funding for comprehensive support services designed to assist welfare recipient students in obtaining the educational level they need to transition off welfare and uttimately achieve long-term self-sufficiency. These additional funds bring the program total to $2,545,978. Funding is from the California Community Coilege Chancellor's Office. T-0617 Energy Efficiency Program To provide funding for energy efficiency program design and training for California Conservation Corps staff and corpsmembers. Funding is from the California Conservation Corps. 49,936 BF1 August 8,2012 Page 5 of 8 D-0883 Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) 6,111 To accept additional income to align the coiiege budgets with the apportionment released by the State of Caiifornia in the Second Principal Apportionment (P2). These additionai funds bring the program total to $3,702,200. Funding is from the California Community CoiEeges Chancellor's Office. V-0717 Youth Development Service Program (1,500) To reduce the program allocation to align the coiEege budget with the funds awarded. This reduction of funds brings the program total to $127,400. Funding Is from the Foundation for California Community Colleges. D-0920 California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Child Care 16,200 To accept additional funding to provide subsidized chiicf care services to enro!led students eligibie for CaSWORKs services. CalWORKs subsidized child care services are suppiementai to services offered by the local county, and assist welfare recipient students obtain the educational level they need to transition off welfare and ultimately achieve long-term self-sufficiency. These additional funds bring the program total to $787,547, Funding is from the Caiifomia Community Coileges Chancelior's Office. TOTAL STATE $1,545,127 Local T-0545 Contract Education (Street Maintenance Technology Program) 6,480 To accept funding to provide the necessary technical knowledge and skills to Bureau of Street Services employees who wish to advance to supervisor and superintendent levels. Approximately 25 participants wiil enroll for the summer semester in Street Services courses. Funding is from the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services. M -0465 Child Development Center To accept funding collected from parent fees for the child development center. 3,042 BF1 August 8,2012 Page 6 of 8 T-0587, T-0602, Technical & Career Education T-0621,T-0627, 17,033 T-0639, T-0654, To provide funding at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College to T-0656, T-0658, conduct non-credit instruction and vocafionai/extension training T-0679 workshops, and to purchase instructionai equipment. Funding is from Cosmetoiogy Fees, the Foundation for California Community Colleges, Peralta Colleges Foundation, PSI training, and ACT Center fees. T-0600 Child Development Training Consortium 5,775 To accept additionai funds to be used to address the critical shortage of qualified early childhood teachers in the State of Caiifornia. The funding will assist child deveiopment program students in meeting the educationai requirements for any of the Child Development Permits. An estimated 24 to 60 students wii! be enrolled in the program. These additional funds bring the program totai to $15,000 at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. Funding is from the Yosemite Community College District. S-0430 Biotechnology Workshops 4,000 To accept funding to provide four workshops to increase awareness ofbjomedical research careers among underrepresented students and to increase student understanding of cd) biology and cytogenetics. The workshops will involve approximately 20 participants. Funding is from the Pasadena Area Community CoEiege District. V-0662, V-0712 Contract Education (Valley Assessment Center) 15,970 To provide funding for assessment services at the Valiey Assessment Center for tests of ability, achievement, interests, vaiues, and study habits in order to assess the participant's work-reiated needs. Va!ley Assessment Center anticipates performing approximately 1,000 assessments in this third year of the contract. Funding is from the Los Angeles County Office of Education. V-0689 South Bay Workforce Investment Board 95,000 To provide funding for employment training services to participants in the South Bay Service Delivery area. The expected result of this customized training would be for participants to achieve gainful employment at the conclusion of their training. Funding is from the South Bay Workforce Investment Board. C-0692 Customized Training Program To accept funding generated by the Customized Training Program to cover expenditures. 27,365 8F1 August 8,2012 Page 7 of 8 E-0925 Project Vistas 112,000 To provide funding to increase access to higher education opportunities and increase educationa! advancement in the Child Development Career Pathway. Two hundred (200) famiiy chiid care providers will! be offered Child Development Career Pathway training and support services which includes assistance with course advisement, educational pianning, registration, textbook iending services, and professional growth pianning. Funding is from the East Los Angeles Cotiege Foundation. T-0643 Statewide Veteran's Grant 90,000 To provide funding for vocational training and job development assistance to twenty (20) trainees through the Statewide Veteran's Lineworker Training Grant, Each trainee will receive 660 clock-hours of industry certified instruction and review for the state exam. Funding is from Community Career Development. P-0462 Donation 25,000 st To accept a donation received from the 51 District Agricuitural Association to support the Pierce College farm. W-0978 Instructional Materials Rental Initiative 99,185 To accept funding generated from textbook rental to be used for program expenditures. The United States Department of Education provided the college with an initial grant of $999,309 to be used to reduce the cost of textbooks for students by offering them the option to rent instead of purchasing and to foster a school environment that includes faculty support for the program. This program was intended to be self-supporting and sustainable through the generation of income from textbook rentals. TOTAL LOCAL $500,850 OTHERS: Adjustment of Funds D-0799 California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) - Child Care Program To adjust funding for the CalWORKs Child Care program (Fund 10440) at the District Office and Los AngeEes Valley CoiEege by returning to the State Chancellor's Office unused funds that are to be reallocated to the CalWORKs program (fund 10449) at the District Office, Los Angeles Trade-Technica! Coiiege, and Los Angeles VaEley ColSege. ($41,659) BF1 August 8,2012 Page 8 of 8 D-0801 California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Program 41,659 To accept additional funding at the District Office, Los Angeles TradeTechnical College, and Los AngeEes Valley College from the State Chancellor's Office resulting from reallocated unused state CaiWORKs child care funding (fund 10440) from the District Office and Los Angeles Valley Coliege. TOTAL OTHERS TOTAL INCOME $0.00 $3,488,824 \ ACTION Board of Trustees Los^Angetes Community College District Corn, No. BF2 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: August 08,2012 Subject: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DEBT SERVICE ESTIMATE Adopt Resolution dated August 8/ 2012 (hereto attached and identified as Attachment 1) entitled "Resolution Authorizing Debt Service Estimate" to be provided to the County regarding a portion of the $1/875/000/000 remaining authorized Los Angeles Community College District 2008 EEecfcion General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $ 500/000,000 during the period ofAugust-December 2013. This resolution is necessary so that the Los Angeles County can calculate an estimated tax rate for fiscal year 2012-13. Background: The adoption of the resolution by fche Board of Trustees directs staff to provide data to the County regarding the possibiiity that the District will Issue more of its Measure J authorization during 2012-13. This Resolution does not authorize the actual sale or issuance of general obligation bonds at this time. I Recommended by: s^^ ^Ss^s^ Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancelior Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By of 1 Daniel LaVista, Chancellor Candaeie Chancellor and Page /1^// ^(/.^r pproved by Pages Corn. No. BF2 Div. ^ Santiago Field Svonksn Park Veres Pearlman Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vale BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 8-08-2012 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZESG DEBT SERVICE ESTHVIATE TO BE PROVIDED TO THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES RESPECTING AUTHORIZED BUT UNSOLD GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OP THE LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 WHEREAS, the Los Angeles Community College District (the "District") presently has authorized but umssued general obligation bonds (collectively, the "Bonds") authorized by an election held within the District on November 4, 2008 in the amount of $3,500,000,000 (the "2008 Authorization"); and WHEREAS, this Board of Trustees (the "Board") of the District has been requested by the Auditor-Controller of the County of Los Angeles (the "County Auditor") to provide certain information to the County Auditor regarding the intentions of the Board to issue additional Bonds within the Authorization during Fiscal Year 2012-13, m order that the Co-unty Auditor may determine whether to initiate a levy on real property within the District; and WHEREAS, the District anticipates the need for additional funds during Fiscal Year 2012-13 for its capital improvement program; and WHEREAS, the Board now wishes to authorize District staff to make certain communications with the County Auditor respecting the foregoing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE FT RESOLVED by the Board of Tmstees of the Los Angeles Community College District as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. Section 2. Intention to Issue Additional Bonds. The Board hereby expresses its current intention to issue not to exceed $500,000,000 aggregate principal or issue amount of its Bonds under the 2008 Authorization (the "2012-13 Bonds"). The Board hereby declares: (a) it anticipates that the 2012-13 Bonds will be issued during the period of August - December, 2013; (b) additional projects to be financed with the proceeds of the 2012-13 Bonds will cost at least $500,000,000; (c) the foregoing principal or issue amount of the 2012-13 Bonds is within the 2008 Authorization; and (d) the Chancellor of the District (the "Chancellor") or the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer is hereby authorized to provide, or cause to be provided, an estimate of debt service for $500,000,000 aggregate principal or issue amount of 2012-13 Bonds to the County Auditor at the earliest possible date following the adoption of this Resolution, a copy of which has been prepared by KNN Public Finance, Financial Advisor to the District, and is appended hereto as an exhibit. Section 3. Further Actions. In authorizing the delivery of estimates to the County Auditor, the Board has reserved the right to issue fewer 2012-13 Bonds than those described in the estimate and directs that staff retim any request for actial authorization and sale of the 2012-13 Bonds to the Board for appropriate action at a later time. Page 1 of 2 Section 4. Appointment of Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel. KNN Public Finance has been appointed Financial Advisor upon the terms and conditions set forth in its agreement with District in order to facilitate the issuance of the 2012-13 Bonds. The District shall appoint a Bond Counsel to assist in the issuance of the 2012-13 Bonds pursuant to its requests for proposals process. Section 5. Validity of Proceedings. It is hereby covenanted and warranted by the District that all representations and recitals contained in this Resolution are true and correct and that the Board, the District, and their appropriate officials, have duly taken all proceedings necessary to be taken by them, and will take any additional proceedings necessary to be taken by them in accordance with law and for carrying out the provisions of this Resolution. Section 6, Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective upon its adoption by the Board. PASSED AND ADOPTED tibis th_ day ofAugast, 2012, by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: This is to certify that this is a true and correct copy of the resolution as adopted and approved at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District. Secretary of the Board of Trustees Page 2 of 2 ^ f IIM Aneete Community Coll^e Dittrlct Projecteif Tmr Rates . Qamnt Debt Service Stmctwe AlKBcd Valitt 2012 iois 2QK ;01£ 2016 2017 wu MIS 1020 20;1 2W^ 2023 2024 2025 wze 2021 2028 IWl Z030 2031 10S1 2033 t03A 2035 20i6 1037 zoaa Z03S ! 040 2 Ml 2<s41 2043 2044 2MS 3046 20<7 2D48 200 2050 ZOS1 2051 1WS 20S4 20SS 205 fi 20S7 Sacurad * UtlBty UtittOlnd E55,9U,m400 S5S^12,19£,40C 5OT,030,442,3SB 578,371,051,235 Sa9^3B,*72,240 6B1,737,24VM 613.771 ftS6,S 1B 62<fl47.426^4S 638^68,374,773 651^38,742^69 W4,3SS,537,114 677,6S3,B67,B57 691,20e,MS,;14 705.03I.084.1IS 719,131,705,800 733,S 14,3 39,5 IS 748,184,636,715 763,14&,319,20 778/H] 1,285.634 T93,979,S1134? aOB,SS9,10L574 ?26,05E,ZB3,6CS SAW 77,408,277 ass,4za,9S7,4e3 S76,£l7,536,61.i 894,149,687,344 siz,n32,eas,09i S30.;'?3^4Z,?9i 948,879,013,649 967,aSG,S93,S22 Sa7,;13,72S,8CO 1,006,558,000,316 1,027.037.1 SB, 323 1,(M7.639.1E)3,52S l,OGB,S91.8SS,SOa 1,06% 963,7 23,312 1,111,762,697.778 1,133,538,; 57,733 l,156,t78,;2;,BBB 1,179,811,787,346 l,21;3,40a,OZ3.0S3 1,2 2 7,476,1 B3,S5S I^£2,02S,7C7,2;6 1.277,066^31,370 33G;,607,5'15,7?B 13iB,6SS,6S6,713 26,U2,41S,<B2 i6,m,41i5,432 16,634,663,711 27,167,357,015 27,710,704,156 u,iw,n^zm 2fi,S30,!I6,SD4 2S,WG,83n,S3B 23,9S4,9S7,3S4 30,SM,B5630(; 31,206,7Si,S32 31,830,8 BE, 7W 3;,467,5C6,478 33,U6,BS6,60S 33,779,193,740 W,4S4,777,61S 35,143,873,167 3S,t46.7SU,630 36.563,665,613 37^Sfl,9SS,356 38,040,858,50 3B,8M,67&,714 39,577,7G3^i;e 4Q,36S,2ES^13 41,l?6^4B,EEa 42,K>0,:IK1,65S 42,640,185,288 43,696,9 BB,SS3 44,570,92 B,?73 <!5.4G2,3'!7,31S 46,37 J,&94^S6 47,299,OZG,U2 4a,;M5,OD6,7i» 4S,;OS,SOB,B39 5 0.194,11M,B76 SUS?,9S7,076 suzi,9< ,fa7 53,;66,3E5,754 £4,331,713,40 SS,418,347,73B 5 5.S 26,714,693 57,6S7,Z4S,9S7 ss.Eto.saa.sw 59,366,601,606 61,186,333.863 61,41 B,0 0t5 60 Total 5S2^Hf>13,»32 5B2,024,613,B32 593,665,106,103 6 05,53 8,408,231 (l7.M9,l763&S 630,002,159,923 612,6(ra,2 03,11; 6SS,4S4,247,184 66a,5CS,33t,liS $ei^34.S3S,770 695,573,190,746 709/tS4,7S6,S61 723,674/451,692 738,147,MO,7K 7S ^910. S3 9.510 767,969,113,531 TaS,32e,03,8S2 798,S9S,(BS,B79 814,974,971,277 e31,274,'(7E),703 847,699.960,117 EM,B57,9S9,3l9 882,155.11B,S06 9,738, UO,S7S 9I7,794,ias,;93 W6,150,OCa,?99 954/873.070, nS S73.970,S31,7B6 S93/Ma,M;,ti; 1,013,318,941,271 1,033,585,3 2 0,OW 1,OS4^S 7,026,498 I,0?S,342,16 7,028 1,096,849,010,36S l,Ug,7ES,S9H57E 1,141,161,710,387 l,l63,flM,944,5gs l,lB7^6<,643,4a7 1,2U,0(»,936.3S7 l,tiS,230,l3S,OM :l,?.59,9 3 4,737,785 1,Z85,133,«3;,541 1,310,83 S,1(U,1S2 1^37,OS2.B23,Z16 1.3 63,79 3,a79,6BO 1,391,B69,7S7,;74 ft lltCTt-t OX ax ;» 2% 2% 2X 2% 2» 2K 2X 2% 2% w 2% w w 2% 2K w ZK 1% yn 2% 2% 2% 2K ;% m 2% 1% 2% 1% 2?t 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 2X 2K 2% if. r* 2K 2% Exlrtini DiibtSnwtw D tbt Stmhi Sth .dull SarfefMllOdit Senrice 83,028,91150 o.cae.su.iEi B3,03B.SUiU 83,028,512.50 M,02fl,B12^0 83,02S,9U.50 B3,0;a, 912.50 A3,OZS.9125E> aa,o;s,si2.£G 63,775,512.50 86.420,l£;.SD 8S,U9,4S7.SO 91iMl,gS730 S4,673,7B7,SO 36,016,637.50 100,478,484.50 103.SU,;1UK) 1M, ,4BS.CO 123,735,150.00 136,903,^5(100 m,372,8saoo 192,715,650,00 106,54S,ZSaOO IDS,543,746,QO 105^0,812,00 io&,mosa,cD 105,848,40000 10S/B45,000.00 106,S3 7,482.00 107^4e,72tX50 107,535,948.00 I07,< 13,703.13 107,7;E,033J4 307,610,335.00 307,SOO,4S3^; 107,994/439.38 10B,OB9,38S.61 108,192,1 ;4,3E 0.00 0.00 fl,00 0.00 aoo 0.00 0.00 o.oo aoo aoo a co 0.00 0.00 O.QO 0.00 0,00 aoo a&o 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 D. 00 o.oo 0.00 o.oo o.oa fl.OO aoo c.tto 0,1» o.oo 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 C, DO C.QQ o.og ti.co 0.00 o.oo o.oc O.GO 0.00 CM 0.00 c.ou 0,00 ojQd o.oo 0.00 o.w> o.oo Total 83,oa?,su a3,02S,9I3 0,02^913 aa,(Ka,9i3 aa,02S,gu a3,02B,SlS t3,DZB,Sl3 B 3,028.913 13,028,813 E3,m,gy S6,4;0,1B aa,ns,4B8 91,iK,88B 91,G73,7»5 96,018,fi3B IOC,W!/4S5 109,813,211 114,&73,40S l;3,735,l!i0 US,MKI,B50 112.372,850 mns,Esn U>S,S4USO U1S^43,7W 10S,S*3,S12 10£,S<13,0£0 IOS,S4S,400 ue,M5,m» 106,837,482 107,MS,7a l(ff>53E,B4a 107,613,703 107.726,034 lovio.us 107,9 00,4i3 107,994,435 los,oas,3S6 10B,m,424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FfojtiUd Tax Rate J3.52 M JO 13.S7 13.70 13.43 m? U31 1266 11.A1 USi IZ.« 1257 13.70 1S,83 12.7S 13.10 14.06 14.41 IS.2Z 153.7 M.39 22.6E 11.46 U. 74 U.4S 1130 urn 10.E6 10,75 10.60 10.40 10.20 10.01 B.B2 3,M S.4S S.2S 9.10 -0,43 6.02 o.oo o.m D.OO o.oo 0. BO o.oo Lo* Angttes Communtty CoHege Mstrtct frojetteiS Toy flutes . Wtth Sffriw 10U tStruttuwi/ with S2S Taic Rate TarfetSn 2013,30-year Term, W roinpj S.btStNiutAedu)* ABKitd Value MU 2013 2014 2015 ; 016 t017 IOU Z019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Z02< 202S 2026 2027 io;s Z02B 203 B 2031 M31 3033 2034 2035 M36 2037 ;03a SOJS 2040 SIM 1 1W zoo 2044 Z04S 2046 2M7 204 B 20.0 20SO 2051 ZC63 20S3 20S< TOSS Z05t ; 057 Securnd+uyRtv UMerttrtil Tow! % fntrttun 5,933, igs,4M) SS£,912,19B,400 567,030,442,368 S78,r?l,OS 1,215 5(9,33^172,240 601,737^41,6 B4 KWuaiysie £36,047,426. MS <3B,S6e,3H73'3 65X33 9,74%269 W<,366.S37,U4 t>77^S3,(67.SS7 69UOE,MS.2W 7CS.03i,nM,118 719,13UOS,BOO 733.514,33 9, St G 748,164,6;; 6,715 76^Hta,3t9,219 77B,4M,2ES,6M T93^79/5U,3" BOS^SS,101,57< 82S,OS6^83,WS &»,57;,nd9,m 8SS,4iB,SS7,463 E7E,6U,Ht,m 4,143,887,3'W mfi32.StS.Wl 930,I73,S42;?S3 94S^7S,013,S49 W7,ase^s3,9U 987^13,725, BOO l,006,S5a,OOI>,U6 l,tH 7,097,1W, 323 l,o47,633,HS3,5i9 J,06B,591,a85,<00 1,063,963,723,312 Wl,762,997,77fi i,i33,»sa,2S7,7a3 l,isww,sas 1.173^11,787,3<G i.2(a,408,n23,flS3 U27,47t,ia3.i5S US 2,025,707,22S 1,;77,BG6,;Z1,370 i.Wi.Wlfi'S.TSS 1.S7 a,SS9,SS6.713 i6,Ui.41S,4i; 26,112,415,432 M.»<t,6S3,741 27,t67,357,OlS n.fWM^ IB,Z64,giS^3S w.swie.sw 1S,406,S20,936 ^S,SS<,9S7,3S4 3D,S9<SSS,S03 S«,(U4,G13,S32 582,OZ4,613,B32 S93,66S.10fc;t09 60S,5»8,408,231 6 i7,M 9,176,395 630,002,159,923 6<t2,602,mi2t eSS,4S4,247.184 M8,56M3Z,1M 681,234,598,770 31,206,753,632 695,573,290.746 31,83 B,aSS,7t» 70S,4M.7S6,561 32.4G7,SO(,47B 7^3^74,<E1,6S2 738,147,9 W,7i6 33,U6,aS5,6(lB 33,77S,1A3,740 7S2,91(l,Bg?,54t» 7E7,S69,I17,S31 3<,454.7n,K15 3S ,143,873,167 fS-i^l 8,439, B62 35,M6,750,S30 798.M5,069,879 36,S63,6E5,S43 814,374,971,277 37.294,9S9,'iSS BSI.nt^ 70,703 &47,8S?,S60,117 3B,040,8SS,5<3 3S. 601,675,714 B64,e5 7,953,319 3 B,5 77,709,22» 882,155,11»,505 40,369,!63l,41? a99,7SS^iO,875 41,176,64B,SB1 917,7S4,1 ,1S3 93E,1SO,OBB,999 4;,000,181,655 9S4,S73/)70,379 <2,MO,lSS,m 973,970,631,766 43,696,9 BE, B93 44,570,928,773 a»,4<9,94Z,42; 45,462,347,343 1,0(L3,3 IS, 941,271 4 ,i7I,S94,296 J,Q33,SBS,a 20,096 47,Z99,OZ6ilg,i I,OS4,IS7,026,49B 4B^4S,Bt>6,70£ 1.075,342,167,028 43^09.?US,8i9 1,QS5.S49,010,3S8 50,19<,l(M,97S a,U8,7BS,9 90,576 l.l4U6l,710.387 51,197,9 S?,076 52,211,946, B17 H,t63,9M, 944,5 95 5 3,Z 66,385,754 :1,1B7,;M.M3,4S? S<,331,n3/f6S 1,;11,009,M(,3£7 55,418,347,738 1,;35,W,I3S,084 E6,S2<,714,633 1.253,934,737,725 UKS.133,432,541 S;,6S7,;4t,SB? S8,B10^S3,9EE 1,310,B36,101,192 59,986,601,846 1,33 7.052,B23,21G 61,186,33 3,M3 1,363,7S3,B7S,6BO eZ,410,060,S6B 1,3 31,BE 9,757,2 7t 0% 2K 2% 2% 2» 2X w 3% i% w ZK w, 2»t w 3t» 2% m w, 2X 3K Vh 2% 1% Wi 2K 1% Ht w, z% 2% 1% m w z% tv, 1% 1% ZK z% 2% 25S ZK 3% w z% Eitii.UnrirbtEitnrttt 83,Oit,SU^O S3.W8,BU,SO a3^E,K^,SU 23,018,312.50 S3,ozt,m.so es.ms.anw ssflis.mso 83,016,312.50 83,01B,BU.SO 63,776,512.50 <6,410,lf2JO S9,1;9^»7.SO 9i,aei,SB7.50 84,673,787.50 96,016,637.50 100.<78,m50 109,813, ;1X 00 114,973.<05.0D l;S,73S,15G.OO 126.900,850.00 122,372,eSt).00 t92,n5,ESfl!.OD 1US,5«,; 0.00 105.543.748.00 IG5,543,BI2.00 1CS. 849,05 0,00 ns,sw,wo.ws tOS,S4S .000.00 1(K,BH,4S2.DO I07,*48,7M.50 !D7,Sa5,S4B,00 167,613,703-1; 1B7,7Z6,033.74 ltn,sio,igs.oo im,90a,4B3.1Z 107, N4,439.3 8 ioe;oas,3ss.s2 10S,U2,t24,3S a.oo o.oo O.OC O.Ot) O.DO 0.00 0,00 o.ao Sarht-iCUDdit Suvfcn 0.00 S9,399.7SiJ3 WSJ.1MSO Zft057,SSB.W 20i9»7,3S4.50 ll,MS,9i650 ;U,774,S37.50 wn,ea»so 24,681,100.00 25,440,12&.00 2S,66K,4B6.SB 25,B9I^6150 M, 125,94650 wes,m£o i7,<S7,3SS.50 M,SSO,6C6.50 25,340^67^0 ;4,677,(aO.DO 23,474,149.00 23,7fl4^3S.SO W.WftWSO I V21,254.50 33,7Al^S4AO 35,OM,;6;AO 36,357,02S.EO 37,K14,2»9.W 3i,SB7,S74.5& 40,390^iC5Q 41,S2B,S<6,00 4;,60;,B9Z,00 44,26^,792.00 O..BO 0,00 o.oo o.on 0.00 0,00 O.OD Q.CO 0,00 O.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo Tdt*! B3,DSB,gi3 142^8,666 U>U16,017 103.086,911 103S 76,267 104,877,833 105,8(13,750 10B,74S.S4; 1W,7H],113 10a.219.W2 m,086.t19 115,020^49 US,tl07,B34 121,041,930 123,075,997 M7,3Z3.090 135,OS3,t7S i3B,aso,4is 147,209,299 I50l6<5.686 MS,6Gl,ii54 ;OM36,S(K 339.2a7,5E«5 340,578,011 141,500,838 143,463^40 144,836,275 M6,i3S/<31 U 8,366,038 isn,2si,Ki3 151.758,740 I07,C13,7&3 I07,7Z6,(]34 107,B10,1S5 1D7,SOO,W 10?,SS4,43S 108,089,3 86 108,192,424 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 FrojnttdTaxFlatt 13.S2 24.99 16,85 17.C3 16 Sl 16.64 16.46 16.IS 16.10 16,01 16 J2 16.Z2 1SJ1 16.40 w.w 16.59 1} 27 17.51 1B.OS 18.12 17.51 23,93 IS .41 1S.E3 is.^s 15.32 15.16 15.01 U.93 M.B2 U.M 10.BO 10.02 a.s; S.M 9.46 9-» g.M -0.0 0.0; 0.00 0.00 0,00 o.sc o.oo 0-00 LOE Anjtlflt Community Coltegt Wrtrirt Projected Tax Rates . With S-rfws WX {ScrUdHifvd with 30-year ievel Debt Sen/ltt) [>«bt Swvfct SdiHiule Attttttd Vittut Semf nd + Utility 3012 M13 ZOK 2015 1016 2017 201B 2013 zozo 2013. 2022 2023 IOS4 1025 zoze 2027 t02t 2029 2030 1031 203; Z033 2034 Z03S 10W 2037 Z03B 2039 ao<o IW1 200 »43 2044 Z04S W 20<7 ZB48 2049 20SO 20SI 2 OK 20E3 7054 ;C5S 2BS6 20S7 5SS,91US8,<00 sss,si2,isa^oo 567,tl3(;,44Z,3BB S7 8,371,051,2 IS 589,338,472,240 ?(a,737,24I,684 613,T71,9SS,5UB 62 6,047.4^6,249 S3 8,5 6S^ 74,773 SS 1,339,742,263 (64,366,537,114 677,653,867,857 69l.}0£,94S,ZM 70S, 031,081,118 719,131,705,600 733,S14,33S,S1G 748,184,626.735 763,348,319,243 778.411,285,634 793,97 S^l 1,347 809,&59.HU,S74 Si6,0£6,!83,eOS a42,snAa3,iry a59,US,SS7,<63 S7S,EI7^36,612 B34,M9^S7,344 512,032,885,091 330,373^42,793 9<8,87S/113,64S S67,S56>'S93,S22 SB 7.213,7 S.SOO l,On6,95B,OOC,316 l,027,0fi7,l<0,323 I,CW7,63g,lC3,S29 i,06s,s9i^as,(OB 1,UB 9,963,723,313 1,111,762,997,778 1^33,998,257,733 l,15S^78,;,i2,Sffl 1,179,SU,7S7,3W l^(i3,40B,tl;3,09S 1,2Z7,476,1B3.SSS 1,2S.Z,025.707.;26 1,377,066,221,370 1^U;,607^<S,?9B 1,328,659,696,713 VnKtwrcd Told ^totrenn 26,112,415,432 EBI, 024,613,032 26,115/115,432 5i;,024,613,m 533,665,1.06,103 36,634,66i,74I 27,167,357.015 6CS,S3fi,4W^l 27,710,704,156 en,64g,i7i6,3ss 630,OI%1SS,9H 2B,Z61,91B,Z3S M2,60^ 03,122 28,B30,21B,6M 655,464,247,184 29,<06,a20,936 66 £,£63,331,128 39,S 94,S57,3S4 681,934,598,770 30,594, BS£,S 03 S9S^73^SO,746 31,i06,'?53,63Z 7BB,4i4,7SS,S61 31,E30.BES,704 713,674/451,69,! 32,4S7,506,47B 33,UG,8SE,EBS 73fl,U7,S40,72? 752,910,899,540 33,J79SS3,7i6 34,<54,7!7,C15 767,S69,117,S31 35,143^73,167 783,i3S,49S,BU 3S,<46,7EO,630 79B,S9S,06S,B79 w^nA.an.vn 3&^63,6a5,6<3 37,294,359,356 831,171,470,703 3S,BflO,aSB,S43 S47,S93^60,117 SM.SSI, 959,319 3B,a01,e7S,7M 39S77.709.1W ttU55;ll8,5ES 899,798,220,675 40,369,263,413 4i,i76,e4e.(ai S».794,yS,:i93 42,000,181,655 S36^5G,OEB,99S SSfl,t73,070,373 vitSw,itS,i 43,696,988,953 973,97^531,786 44,570^8,773 S 93,443,942,422 1,OI3,31B, 94U71 .liS, 462,347,343 46^71,5S4,;96 1^)33^85,320, N6 47,239^6,1 B3 1,054,; 57, OZ6,t9S 4B,1'15,006,705 1,075,341,1^7,028 l,Dg6,B49,010,KS 43,109ft 06,835 SO,lS4,]i04,S7S 1,11B, ?t5,990,5 76 51,197,987,076 1.141,161,710,387 1,U3,9 8^944,5 56 sz,;zi,s<e,ei7 S3,266,3aS,7tO 1.187,261,60.487 54,331,713,469 3.ZU,ong,936,3S7 55,<1S347,73B I,23S, 230,135,084 56,526,714,693 1,;U9,S34,W,7S5 l.ZKS, 13 3,432,541 57,1557,2 48,9 N SB,B10,3 93.966 I.M 0.836,101,192 59,SS6,601,S4S 1,337,OS2,SZ3,I1S Cl,lBe^i3,6E3 l,363,7S3,S79,SBO 6Zi< 10,060,560 1,3S1,C 69,757.3 74 cm z% w 1% ; St 2% ;% 2% Vjh ;% 2% 1% w 2% 1% 1% 3K 1% 2% 2K 1% 1% 1% 2% IV, 1% 2% 3% 2» 1% 7% 2K m 2X 23t 3V i% 2% If, IV. 25i w w 2X zv. Eic(itlntD«bts«fv(f {a.ow.w.isc 83,028,9U50 E3,m,M2.EEI V3JC1 S, 5H5S E3,G2 6,912 .SO a-i.aie.9i2So BWS.'US.EO ss,me,m£o Si,02B,S12.EO fl3,778,&12.SO e6.UO,K2,SO »?,129y<S7^0 si,a ai, so so S<.,E73,7e7.50 96,C1£,S3'?.SO 1WA-/S.WM 109,813,211.00 1K,S73.40S.OO m,73Si 150.00 iM.SKt.aso.oo lZ2,371,BSaOO 1SZ,71S;6SO.OO 1DS^46,MO.TO 105,543,7<ELOO 105,543,81.;-00 105,849,05000 1BS,848,400.(10 lflS.g4S,000.00 106^37,482.00 107,448,7<!0.5C WS35,M6,W 107,613,703.12 I07,7,;s,03a-;< iti'i;,eio,us.oo 107,SOO,4t3.12 10'7,S9<,439.3B ioe,!>as^aE.62 10B,15Z,424.3E 0,00 (UIO aoo om o.oo Oioo 0,00 0.00 SwwilOUOebt Scwict 0,00 i3,454,7i0.00 2B,W, ASO 2B,144,(40.(»0 H,143,3CaSQ 16,148,073.50 2a.ws,<ss.so ys.w.i&aso i6.ina.mjw ;8.i47,SiS.OO 2S,143,3SB,00 26,146,718.00 28,147^2650 2B,146,iUAO 2B,U7,Z25.00 ,;BJ44,S;0,OB 2B.146,3t6.00 ZB,I47,Z61.00 28,146,83 SSO SS,143,213.W 28,144,177^X1 38,148.183.00 .18,146/863,00 ;B,145,100.00 3^145,431.00 2S,147,1M.OO 2fl,147,109.<K> 28,115.333.00 2B, 147,23 DJ 28,145.743-50 W^VA.W.W o.oo O.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 c.oo 0,00 OAO o.oo 0,00 o.oo 0,00 0.00 c.oo &oo Total B3,OZ 8,913 106.4a3.633 lli,175,9»7 111,173,553 lu.m.iu U.U76,9'86 www 111,172,201 111,17 Z,3tW 111,326,441 lUfWll iUrUe.iw 1; 0,029^14 1ZW 0,002 114,165,863 m,623,005 U7,95 9,537 143,120,666 ui,aei,SB9 U5,OM,07S 150,S17,3Z7 2-20,863 ,B 33 133,693.113 m,6as,ES7 133,689,243 li3.996^1< U3>SSS^OB I33,9?0,333 134,984,713 13iS,S&4,470 135,679,960 1G7,613,703 l(n,72G,034 107^10,195 107,900,483 I07.9M/43S 108,0 BS,3M 108,192,424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Projttttd Tim Rati 13.52 1SS1 1B.74 18,34 173S 17.63 17 3a 16.35 I6A1 16M 16,47 16S3 issa 16.64 i6M 16.76 17.6S 17.93 IS .67 1U5 17.71 25 Jl 14.65 U.E7 1455 UJO 14.02 1».74 13JSB 13 37 13.12 IA07 10.02 9.Wt S,64 9.46 3.1S 9.10 -0.43 0.02 o.oo 0.00 n, o.m B.OO 0.00 ACTION Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No.BSD1 Business Services Date: August 8, 2012 Subject: RATIFICATIONS FOR BUSINESS SERVICES n accordance with the^California Education Code and Los Angeles Community Coljege District Board Rules, the following routine transactions are'reported fo? ratifications: A. .PURCHASE ORDERS 415 issued from June 15, 2012 to June 29, 2012 which totaled $i;TT9,5K B. FACILJTIES O^RDER^FORMS 47 issued from June 1, 2012 to June 30,2012 which totaled $120,683. C. AGREEMENTS FOR ART MODELING SjERVjCES 6 issued which totaled $880. D. CONTRACT EDUCATION AGREEMENT Agreement No.: 4500140934(extend) (Total Expense: $74,400) E. LEASE OF EQUIPMENT AGREEMENTS Agreement Nos.: 4500176218; 4500130478(amend) (Total Cost: $68,141) F. LEASE OF FACILITIES FOR DISTRICT USE Agreement Nos.; 4500176324; 4500176326 (Total Cost: $0) G- L:EASES,_USE PERMITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERMITS OF DISTRICT FACILITIES Agreement Nos.: 4500167096(ex_tend), 4500176353; 4500175981; 45001Z6072; 4500176074;4500171483(extend); 4500176020; 4500175?73;4500175977; 4500176330; 4500176333; 4500176334;4500176338; 4500176339; *. \ Recommended by: ^M^Approved by: /^*^/-^5$r" Adrians D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor Daniel J. LaVista, Chancellor Chance! for and Candaete Field Park Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Page Date of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Santiago Svonkin Ve res Cam pcs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 8-8-12 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BSD1 Business Services Date: August 8, 2012 4500176340; 4500176342;4500175976;4500176344; 4500176347;4500176348; 4500176202 (Totallncome: $154,112)) (Total Reduction of income: $13,200) (Total Due Consideration Value: $8,550) H. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS Agreement Nos.: 4500131912(renew); 4500148501 (renew); 4500131941 (renew); 4500176004; 4500176158 (Total Cost: $60,569) RENTAL AGREEMENT K Agreement No.: 4500164953( renew) (Total Cost: $240) J. STUDENT INTERN AGREEMENTS Agreement Nos.: 4500175588; 4500176045; 4500176071;4500175595; 4500176613 (Total Cost: $0) K. WORK STUDY AGREEMENT Agreement No.: 4500175596 (Total Cost: $0) L SERVICE AGREEMENTS f Agreement Nos.: 4500168703(termfnate); 4500169118(amend); 45001755821 450012?5??(renew); 45001347'50(renew); 4500176194; 4500176220;4500130738(renew); 4500162805(renew); 4500162807(renew); 4500162808(renew); 4500175811;4500176069; 4500141287(renew); 4500175590; 4500175592; 45001755?4^ 45001Z55?^ 4500162784( renew); 4500175687;4500175991;4500175909; 4500145053(renew); 4500176093; 4500132612(renew); 450013307'[(renew); 4500147966(renew); 4500162866(renew)^ 4500166845( renew); 4500175848; 4500175849;4500176169 (Total Cost: $458,283) Page 2 of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 8-8-12 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services M. Date: August 8, 2012 SPECIAL GRANT FUNDED AGREEMENTS Agreement Nos.: 4500157257(amend); 4500175589; 4500114962(renew); 4500114563( renew); 4500137467(renew); 4500147679(renew)L4500161432(renew); 450017671 0; 4500175591;4500175593; 4500175598; 4500147645(renew)L4500150809(renew);4500176204; 4500176205;4500176206;4500176207;4500176208; 4500176209; 4500160263(extend); 4500166145(amend); 4500167253(amend); 4500169138(renew); 4500176210; 4500159068(extend) (Total Expense: $2,812,071) (Tota! Reduction of Expense": $6,368) N. SHORT TERM AGREEMENTS PREPARED AT SITE LOCATIONS FOR SERVICES, RENTAL & MAJNTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT.AND LICENSE MAINTENANCE OF SOFTWAR^$5.000 OR LESS PERYJAR Agreement Nos.: 4500175330;4500175541;4500175625;4500176040; 4500176041;4500176044;4500175432; 4500175551; 4500171810(extend); 4500175162; 4500175386; 4500173975;4500175395;4500175787; 4500176026; 4500169144;4500169145;4500169147;4500169148; 4500169150; 4500169151;4500169152;4500169153; 4500175692;4500175693;4500175694; 4500175695; 4500175696;4500175697;4500175698;4500175699 4500175704;4500175706;4500175708;4500175314; 4500175474;4500175475;4500175803;4500175923; 4500176054;4500176055;4500175934;4500175936 4500175938;4500175939;4500175940; 4500175942; 4500175943;4500175944;4500175945; 4500175946; 4500175949;4500175950;4500176025;4500176050 (Totai Cost: $84,884) 0. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM LC093773 Claim No.: (Total Cost: $12,500) P. COMPROMJSE OF CLAIMS Claim Nos.: 12-211; 12-212 (Total Cost: $3,210) Page 3 of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 8-8-12 <( ACTION Board of Trustees Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: August 8, 2012 Subject: BUSINESS SERVICES ROUTINE REPORT I. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT Pursuant to Public Contract Code 20652, (a) find that it is in the best interest of the District to procure under the authority of the County of Los Angeles Contract No MA-IS-1140174-4, and (b)i authorize an agreement with Xerox corP_oraJtior?,forJease of a,xer0^ P120MFFC mainframe electronic printing system for the Reprographics Department at East Los Angeles College for a 60-month period beginning August 9, 2012 orth^actuai date of delivery, whichever is later, at a tota! annual cost of $51 ,873, plus applicable taxes. Backqround: This mainframe system is being obtained from Xerox Corporation utiiizing the competitiveiy-bid contract established by the County of Los Angeles contract. Funding is through the College General fund. II. RATIFY REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT Ratify Amendment No. 2 to increase Agreement No. 4500154159 with the ^LVJ^t^f-9^iI^a^t.L.0?. An^eles/(uc.l-A)' sch00!, °.f Dentistry Department of Continuing Education, for offering in collaboration with Los Angeles City College, the UCLA-LACC EstheticDental Design Certificate Program for dental technician students, at UCLA'S Center foT Esthetic Dentistry, in an FTES revenue-generating and apportionment-sharing partnership increasing the total contract amount from $190,000 to $214,000 from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, inclusive, during the second year of the agreement at a total additional cost of $24,000. Backaround: Los Angeles City CoHege wiii continue to provide credit courses in coordination with the UCLA School of Dentistry, in the Esthetic Denta! Design Certificate Program originally begun under Agreement No. 4500019139 in the 2002-03 academic year. Funding for this program is through student enrollment fees and State apportionment. III. RATIFY SERViCE AGREEMENTS A. Ratify Amendment No. 3 to renew Agreement No. 4500132618 with Eludes, Inc. to provide East Los Angeles Cotfege with Service Level 6 for the college's online hybrid and web-enhanced courses, hosting and ^^b^Aj<JS^) ^?^\M^\&Approved by: ^1^»// ^f^S^T" Recommended by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor Daniei J. LaVista, Chancellor Chancellor and Candaele Field Secretary of the Board of Trustees Park By: Date Pearlman Santiago Svonkin Veres Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 8-8-12 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: August 8, 2012 related services, system administrative support and account site management, increasing the total contract amount from $226,000 to $315,300 from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement, at a total additional cost of $89,300. Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees onAugust_19,2009 (Corn. No. BSD2) with a commencement date of July 1, 2009. Funding is through the College Academic Affairs funds. B. Authorize Agreement with Nebraska Book Company to provide specialized consulting services Districtwide to assist the colleges with possible direction pralternatives to improve the College Store"at each college as needed. This award is being made pursuant to an RFP (Request for Proposal # 1 2-19). Two responses were received, reviewed and scored with Nebraska Book Company ranking as number one. Total cost not to exceed: $60,000. Backqround: As requested by the colleges, an RFP was issued to locate a consulting firm to provide individual college bookstore visits to provide a report that provides an overall and individualized comprehensive action plan and strategy for success. Two responses were received, both groups were interviewed and Nebraska Book Company was ranked number one. Funding is through College Stores' Enterprise Fund under the direction of the D'AC. C. Ratify agreement with KPMG, LLP to perform the annual financial audit of the District for Proposition A, Proposition AA and Measure J Bond programs for fiscal year 2011-2012, at a total cost of $180,100. Background: The audit of Proposition A, Proposition AA and Measure J Bond programs is required by the California Constitution Article 13A and Education Code 15278 and wil! be reported to the Board of Trustees. Funding is through Proposition A, Proposition AA and Measure J Bond Accounts. D. Ratify an agreement with Commuter Check Services Corporation to furnish "Commuter Check" regional transit vouchers for distribution to District Office empioyees who use public transportation to commute to and from work, under the auspices of the Business Services Division during the period Jufy 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive, at a total cost not to exceed $150,000. Backciround: As part qfj.he District's compliance with Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Rule 2202 for commute trip reductions, District Office employees are provided Commuter Checks, which are regional transit vouchers issued by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority, and administere'cf by Commuter Check Services Corporation, to encourage commutes to and from work via public transportation, a program in which the District Office has been Page 2 of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 8-8-12 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Division: Corn. No. BSD2 Business Services Date: August 8, 2012 participating since 2002. Funding is through District Office EmployerEmployee Relations Exempt Costs. E Authorize Amendment to extend agreement with Burke/Rix Communications to provide consulting and coordination services involving the^operatlqn and fundraislng activities of the Los Angeles Community College District Foundation, increasing the total contract amount from $855,228 to $1 ,005.228 for the period of September 1, 2012 to August 30, 2013, inclusive, at a total cost not to exceed $150,000. Background: This Agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on October 22, 2008 (Corn. No. BSD1). This amendment will be issued at a reduced annua! rate and is to provide for the continued momentum and support for the District and its colleges as provided over the last eight years. The services to be rendered will primarily focus on fundraising efforts for student scholarships, support and visibility among the District's business and community constituents, as weil as the continued efforts of a strong and influential Foundation Board of Directors. Funding is through the District and College Foundation fund. F. Authorize an Agreement with PPL (Professional Personne! Leasing), to conduct a search for a new President of Los Angeles Trade-Techntcal College during the period of August 10^2012 to August 9, 2013, inclusive, at a total cost not to exceed: $33,000. Background: This agreement to be awarded pursuant to Board Rule 10308. President Chapdeiaine announced his intended retirement to take place on June 30, 2013. Target date for completion of search for President of Los Angeles Trade-Technical CoUege is May 30, 2013. Funding is through Districtwide Human Resources funds^ IV. RATIFY ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION Ratify the following donation and express appreciation to the donor for its contribution to the District's educational program. Los Ancjeles Pierce Colleoe Cash donation of $25,000 from 51st District Agricultural Association to be used to support the needs of the college's farm. Page 3 of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 D iv. Business Services Date 8-8-12 '1 'ft s of Trustees 'f ACTION SB Los Angeles Community College District Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn. No. FPD1 Date August 8,2012 Subject: FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROUTINE REPORT The foiiowing items are recommended for approval by Facilities Planning and Development as part of the Consent Calendar for the Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda for the date shown. The Consent Calendar may be approved with a single vote. Any member of the Board of Trustees has the authority to remove any item listed and have if included on the Action Calendar for a separate vote. information regarding each item on the Consent Calendar can be found in FPD1 - Resource Document. ^ AUTHORIZE NAME CHANGE Authorize the use of a name change to Agreement No. 33459 with New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Southern CaEiforma, LLC, II. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS A. Authorize an agreement with Tetra Design, inc. to provide continued design services for the Bailey Library Modernization project at East Los Angeles College. B. Authorize an agreement with KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP (d/b/a Climatec Building Technoiogies Group) to provide building management systems integration at Los AngeEes City Coiiege. C. Authorize an agreement with Southern Caiifornia Trane US, Inc. to provide buiiding management systems integration at Los Angeies City College. D. Authorize an agreement with Steven Fader Architects to provide continued design services for the Learning Assistance Center project at Los Angeles Mission College. E. Authorize actions for an agreement with Miyamoto internationa!, inc. to provide structural engineering peer review services for the Media Arts Performing Arts Center project at Los Angeies Valley College. F. Authorize an agreement with Gonzalez Goodafe Architects to provide continued design services for the Motion Picture Buiiding-TV Broadcasting Studio Expansion project; Theatre Arts Building project; Music Buiiding project; and Art Building project at Los Angeies Valiey College. G. Authorize an agreement with Gale/Jordan Associates, inc. to provide environmental consuiting services on a Task Order basis campus-wide at West Los Angeles College. '^^jJ^Qj^aSk5^ Recommended by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor oved by: 4-</<tor Danle! J. La Vista, Chanceilor Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of 4 Candaele Field Park Pearlman Santiago Svonkfn Veres Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPIVJENT Date 8-8-12 of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACIUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: August 8, 2012 HI. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS A. Authorize Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 32379 with Jacobs Consultancy, Inc. to provide additional commissioning services for Media Arts Center at Los Angeles Mission College. B. Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 32772 with Richard Beriiner Architects, Inc., d/b/a Berliner and Associates Architecture, Inc. to provide additional design services for the Roadway, Waikway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) Landscape and Specific Master Plan project at Pierce College. C. Authorize Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 50150 with PlanNet Consulting LLC to provide additional technology consuiting services on a Task Order basis campus-wide at Los Angeles Trade TechnicaE College. D. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 33379 with Carde Ten Architects to provide additional design services for the Child Development Center and Family Resource Center projects at Los Angeles VaHey College. E. Authorize Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 30512-1 with Pfeiffer Partners, Inc. to provide additional design services for the Library and Academic Resource project at Los Angeles Valley CoEiege. F. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4500176403 with URS Corporation to provide an extension of time for continued program management services. IV. AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A. Authorize a contract with RAMCO Generai Engineering & Building Contractor to provide general construction ~ seismic bracing of cabinets for the Chemistry Building project and the Life Science Modemization project at Los Angeles City College. B. Authorize a contract with R.T. Contractor Corp. to provide general construction instaiiation services for the Utility Infrastructure and Traffic improvements project at East Los Angeles College. C. Authorize a contract with Western Group, Inc. to provide general: construction services for the Roadway, Waikway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) Genera! - Tree Planting project at Los Angeles Valley College V. RATIFY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Ratify a construction contract with PumpMan Inc. to repair the sewer iift station adjacent to the Facility Maintenance & Operations buiiding at Los Angeles Harbor College. VI. RATIFY CHANGE ORDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS GREATER THAN $30,000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUILD ); METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Ratify the foliowing: Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 33467 with Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland; Change Order No. 3 to Contract No. 33287 with KOAM Construction; Change Order Nos. 7, 8, and 9 to Contract No. 33103 with FTR International, Inc.; Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 33405 with H. A. Nichols Co.; Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 4 to Contract No. 32762 with Universal Concrete Cutting d/b/a Universal Engineering; and Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 33167 with U. S. Dash Construction, Inc. Page 2 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 8-8-12 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: Augusts, 2012 VII. RATIFY CHANGE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT LESS THAN $30.000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUILD" METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Ratify Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 33485 with Ranbay Construction. VNI.AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 31013 with Bomel Construction Company to provide general construction services for the Parking Structure project at Los Angeies City CoiEege with a substantia! comp!efion date of May 16, 2011. B. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33467 with Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryiand to provide genera! construction services for the Science Career & Mathematics Building Temporary Swing Space project at East Los Angeles College with a substantial completion date of March 22, 2012. C. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33167 with U.S. Dash Construction (nc. to provide general construction services for the Gym Building Pool Storage project at Los Angeles Va!!ey Coiiege with a substantial compietion date of February 24, 2012. D. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33419 with image Systems Signs & Graphics, Inc. to provide general construction - interior and exterior signage installation services for the Science Career & Mathematics Building / Swing Space project at East Los Angeles College with a substantial compietion date of June 19, 2012. E. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33440 with Signature Flooring, nc to provide general construction services for the Science and Math Building project at West Los Angetes College with a substantial completion date of February 10,2012. F. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33391 with Western Group, inc. to provide general construction services for the Second Access Road (SCE Mitigation) project at West Los Angeies College with a substantial completion date of March 9, 2012. IX. AUTHORIZE TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRA Authorize termination for convenience of Contract No. 33073 with Cannon Constructors, nc. to provide general construction services for the Campus Infrastructure - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Upgrades project at Los Angeles Vaiiey College. X. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO DESIGN-BUILD AGREEMENT Authorize Amendment No. 7 to Design-Build Agreement No. 33064 with Bernards Bros., nc for additional Design-Build services for the SAILS project at Los Angeies Harbor College at a cost not to exceed $42,742 inclusive of eligibie reimbursable expenses. Xl. AUTHORIZE RECISSION OF PURCHASE ORDER Authorize the rescission of the purchase order with UniVolP, Inc. Page 3 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 D!v- _FACIUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTDate 8-8-12 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: August 8, 2012 XII. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORDERS A. Authorize a purchase order with Unisource Solutions to provide a conference room whiteboard and office coat hooks for the Library Learning Resource Center project at Los Angeles Harbor College at a cost of $1,837. B. Authorize a purchase order with Animavi, LLC to provide outdoor tabies and benches for the Library Learning Crossroads Building project at Pierce College. C. Authorize a purchase order with 8x8, Inc. to provide a Voice over Internet Protoco (VolP) telephone system for the College Project Manager - Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) project at Los Angeies Southwest College. XIII. RATIFY PAYMENT FROM BOND PROCEEDS Ratify payment from Bond proceeds to AT&T for additional sen/ices needed to re-route underground telecommunication cabling at the Schooi of Arts & Humanities project at Los AngeEes Southwest College. XIV. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF TAKEOVER AGREEMENT WITH SURETY Authorize the execution of a takeover agreement with Safeco Insurance Company of America for the Library Learning Resource Center at Los Angeies Harbor College. XV. RATIFICATION OF SETTLEMENTS A. Ratify settlement of Claim No.2012-M01. B. Ratify settiement of C!aim No.2012-P03. Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn.No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT--Date8-JM2 ;* on ii^im * »K I . . . Los Angeles Community College District Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn.No. FPD2 Date Augusts, 2012 Subject: AUTHORIZE MASTER PROCUREMENT AGREEMENTS CLEAN FUEL CHARGING STATIONS AND SOFTWARE Authorize a Master Procurement Agreement for the entire catalog with Clean Fuel Connection, Inc., for dean fuel charging stations and software. The agreement is for use District-wide and by other pubiic entities for a period of five (5) years beginning August 9, 2012, or as soon thereafter as possible, in consideration of the guaranteed individual unit pricing as stated. AGREEMENT WITH: Clean Fuel Connection, Inc., Item No Bid item Description Unit Price Bollard Mounted Charging Unit, Dual Levei I &.il Power Boliard Mounted Charging Unit, Dual Level IE Power, Retracting Cable $7,639.59 2 Management $12,358.28 3 Boilard Mounted Charging Unit, Level H Power $6,939.33 4 Pole Mounted Charging Unit, Dual Level I & II PoweT $7,639.59 5 Pole Mounted Charging Unit, Level 11 Power $6,939.33 6 WaSS Mounted Charging Unit, Dual: Level I & II Power $7,639.59 7 WalE Mounted Charging Unit, Level _11 Power $6,939.33 8 ntegral CDMA ChargePoint Modem $0.00 9 Integral GPRS ChargePoint Modem $0.00 10 USAGPRSSIM $0.00 ^& Recommended by: ^ s KyJ^i^aJ; * ^\>^\^>roved by: AdnanaD-Barrera, Deputy iC^ancellor /1^//^/ssr Daniel J. LaVlsta, ChanceHor Chancelior and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. Candaele Field Park Pearlman Santiago Svonkin Veres Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote FACiUTSES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 8-8-12 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 Item No FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Bid Item Description Date: August 8, 2012 Unit Price 11 Locking Holster $250.00 12 Contactless Credit Card Reader $0.00 13 Corporate Service P!an, Five (5) Year $517.66 14 Commerciai Service Pfan, Five (5) Year $694.14 15 Sen/ice Provider Service, Five (5) Year $1,797.69 Contract Minimum: $ 59,354.53 Contract Maximum: $3,000,000.00 Background: Recommendation for award subject to mutually agreed terms and conditions. This proposed agreement is identified for award at the amount of $59,354.53 to one (1) vendor because it is a Catalogue Agreement. Catalogue Agreements are the result of formal competitive bidding and are priced at the lowest responsive bid received using the price for benchmark items, freight costs, discount from the bidders' catalogue and warranty coverage. Participants in the bidding process are advised in advance of this selection process and they must agree to abide by it in order to participate. Catalogue Agreements may be awarded to more than one bidder. There was one (1) bidder and the awardee is: . Clean Fuel Connection, Inc. The minimum agreement value is determined by the sum of the benchmark items from the lowest responsive bidder(s). The amount awarded is for $59,354.53 for fifteen (15) items. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Funds as applicable. This procurement is initiafly for Los Angeles Southwest College and is available for use district-wide. District-wide Clean Fuel Charging Stations, and Software, 40J.5J55.05. (Bid# 127). Al Phases. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 8-8-12 ACTION * Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. HRD1A Division Human Resources Date: August 8, 2012 SUBJECT: PERSONNEL SERVICES ROUTINE ACTION ROUTINE REPORT . 1. Academic Service: Total Total (This Report) (07-01-11 to Date) 344 5373 38 1465 1132 18052 1514 24,890 (Faculty, Academic Administration, Academic Supervisors) 2. Classified Service: (Clerical, technical, supervisors, maintenance & operations, trades, classified managers, confidential) 3. Unclassified Service: (Student workers, professional experts, community services staff, community recreation) Total: DATE RANGE: June 19, 2012 - June 30, 2012 All personnel actions reported herein are in accordance with the Board of Trustees Rules and are within the approved budget. Personnel actions include retirements, employment, leaves, separations/resignations and assignment changes. The classified assignments noted above have not been certified by the Personnel Commission and are subject to further audit by the Personnel Commission due to SAP transition issues and may be subject to change. ^ / / T Michael Shanahan Sr. Associate Vic^ ChanceElor Human Resour s ^/^. .^-- Karen Mas^in Personnel Director Personnel Commission , /l^/M^r ^ Recommended by: SlA^Approved by Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy ChanceHor Dame! J, LaVista, Chancellor Chancellor and Candaele Secretary of the Board ofTmstees Field Svonkin Park Veres Pearlman Campos Date By Santiago Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote Page of Pages Corn, No. HRD1A Div. Human Resources Date: 8-8-12 » n ACTION * Los Angeles Community College District I Com.No.HRDIBDivision Human Resources Date: August 8, 2012 SUBJECT: PERSONNEL SERViCES ROUTiNE ACTIONS Total Total (This Report) (07-01-12 to Date) 1. Academic Service: (Faculty, Academic Administration, Academic Supervisors) 187 187 40 40 1070 1070 1,297 1297 2. Classified Service: (Clerical, technical, supervisors, maintenance & operations, trades, classified managers, confidential) 3. Unclassified Service: (Student workers, professional experts, community services staff, community recreation) Total: DATE RANGE: July 1,2012 - July 16, 2012; SR: 651 All personnel actions reported herein are in accordance with the Board of Trustees Rules and are within the approved budget. Personnel actions include retirements, employment, leaves, separations/resignations and assignment changes. The classified assignments noted above have not been certified by the Personnel Commission and are subject to further audit by the Personnel Commission due to SAP transition issues and may be subject to / / / change. / ^J / OA ^- Michaei Shanahan Sr. Associate Vice Chanceilor Human Reso ^^ Karen'Martin Personnel Director Personnel Commission T Recommended by: ^s » ^XStA^., Approved by: /^</ ^/^T AdrianaD. Barrera, Deputy Chancelipjr Daniel J. LaVista, Chanceilor Chancellor and Candaele Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Park Veres Peariman Campos Date By Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD1B Div. Human Resources Date: 8-8-12 : Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. HRD1B Division IB M Human Resources Date: August 8, 2012 DISMISSAL OF CLASSIFIED PERMANENT EMPLOYEE The dismissal of employee (EN1 002236) assigned to the Los Angeles Community College District office as a permanent Accountant is based on the following causes: t Insubordination . Inefficiency * Inattention to or Dereliction of Duty . Willful Misconducj or any Other Willful Failure of Good Conduct Tending to Injure the Public Service Backpround: The above recommendation is in accordance with procedures listed in Education Code Section 88123 and Personnel Commission Rule 735. Evidence is on file in the Employer-Empioyee Relations Unit of the Human Resources Division to support the above recommendation. Due process rights guaranteed by Skefty v. State Personnel Board, !5 Cal. 3d 194 (1975) have been afforded the above listed permanent employee. Page 2 of 2 Pages Com.No. HRD1B Div. Human Resources Date: 8-8-12 s 'A . -< vs am »s .. ;< IN ^TTON * a»' s Corn. No. ISD1 Los Angeles Community College District Division Educational Support Services Date August 8,2012 Subject: RATIFY COURSES I, Ratify Additions to Existing Credit Courses The foilowing are college additions of individual courses which have been previousfy adopted by the Board of Trustees. Transferabilitv HUMAN 008 MATH 272 Methods of Discrete Mathematics (5 Units) CSU Great Women, Great Eras (3 Units) EAST CSU EAST PALEGAL 014 Law Office Management (3 Units) TRADE NT fe^ Recommended by: Ai^Aw^w^ A /?/Chancefl^f bongicf Gauthier, President, DAS ^ smin Delahou e h Recommended by: ^\9S" Approved by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chanceiior 4-^ter Daniel J. LaVista, Chanceiior Chancellor and Candaele Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page 1 Field Park Pearlman of Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Oiv. Santiago Svonkin Veres Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote EDUCATiONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 8-8-12 s «s» ?t ® A w ''*. Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. PC1 Division Subject: I. PERSONNEL COMMISSION Date: August 8, 2012 PERSONNEL COMMISSION ACTIONS Claims for Temporary Work Out of Classification Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to approve payment for temporary work out of classification for EN 779920 for the period of March I, 2007 to November 30, 2010. BACKGROUND: EN 779920, a Supervising Accounting Technician in the Business Office at Los Angeles Mission College, temporarily assumed accounting duties outside the scope of her current job classification. This occurred during a time period in which College leadership was considering alternative approaches to staffing and organization in the Finance and Business Office units and the position of College Financial Administrator was left vacant. The fact that the employee believed that she had assumed this role did not come to light until the fall of 2010 when she initiated a request to reclassify her position from Supervising Accounting Teclmician to College Financial Administrator. This request was not approved by the Personnel Commission who instead requested that work samples for the period in question be evaluated and the employee be paid only for actual work-out-of-class performed. The recommended salary differential for the employee's work out of class is based on salaries for entry-level accountant positions and rules of promotion and represents 50% of the employee's work time for the period covered. The estimated cost of this action is $7,352.41. II. Establishment of a New Classification; Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to establish the new classification of Instructional Assistant, Architecture, and allocate the new class to salary schedule 3535.14, effective July 31,2012. Salary Schedule $3535.14 $3535.14 $42421.68 $3729.58 $44754.96 $3934.70 $47216.4 $4151.11 $4379.42 monthly $49813.32 $52553.04 amiually BACKGROUND: The class was requested by the President of East Los Angeles College, to provide instructional assistance in the Department of Architecture laboratories. ^% i^'Gj/-'/ Recommended by: / + 7^^ Karen J y^lartin, Personne! Director Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Date Candaele Santiago Field Svonkin Veres Park Pearlman Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of Pages Corn. No. PC1 Div. PERSONNEL COMMISSIONDate 8/8/2012 s * t A Board of Trustees y. Los Angeles Community College District CHANCELLOR Com.No.CH1 Division Date: August 8, 2012 Subject: APPROVAL OF PIERCE COLLEGE SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE REPORT Approve Substantive Change Report submitted by Pierce College. On July 25, 2012, the Institutional Effectiveness Committee voted to approve the Pierce CoiEege Substantive Change Report and recommended that the Chancelior forward the request to the Board for its approval. Background: The Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) requires colieges to submit a Substantive Change Report whenever a coliege institutes a change that results in 50 percent or more of any degree program offered through a mode of distance education. Approved by: /^//-ter" Daniel J, LaVista, Chancellor Chancellor and Candaele Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid Svonkin Park Veres Pearl man Campos Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. CH1 Div. Student Trustee Advisory Vote CHANCELLOR Date 8/8/12 s I t A Trustees '.I Los Angeles Community College District g Corn. No. CH2 CHANCELLOR Division Date: August 8, 2012 Subject: APPOINTMENTS TO THE DISTRICT CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE FOR PROPOSITIONS A/AA AND MEASURE J BOND PROGRAMS A. Reappoint the following individual for membership on the District Citizens' Oversight Committee (DCOC) to serve as the Pierce CoJSege Representative: Donna Smith Background: Dr. Kathieen Burke-Keily, President of Pierce CoiEege, has recommended to the Chancellor that Ms. Donna Smith be reappointed as the Pierce College representative to the DCOC retroactive to May 12, 2012. Ms. Smith currently serves as a member of the Pierce Co!!ege Citizens' Oversight Committee. Ms, Smith spent 38 years with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) as a teacher and admmistrator; thirteen of those years were spent as principal of Chatsworth High School. She is now retired. She spent four years with the LAUSD Board of Education as a deputy for Board Member Jon Lauritzen representing the West Valley with responsibilities that induded facilities under the Bond monies, She is in her fourth year as treasurer for the West Hii!s Senior Center Association, is a community member for the El Camino Complex !nstructiona in Woodland Hills, and is the secretary for the Community Police Advisory Board for the Devonshire Division. In accordance with Administrative Regulation C-7, the Board shail appoint the DCOC members. Ms. Smith will serve a second term of two years. As a reappointed member, Ms, Smith will serve her second term until May 12,2014. B, Reappoint the following individual for membership on the District Citizens' Oversight Committee (DCOC) to serve as the Business Representative starting on October 21, 2012; David Rattray Background: David Rattray serves as the Senior Vice President of Education & Workforce Deveiopment for the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, He is also the President and Executive Director of UNITE-LA, the second largest School-to-Career Partnership in the nation. In accordance with Administrative Regulation C-7, the Board shall appoint the DCOC members. Mr. Rattray will serve a second term of two years, As a reappointed member, Mr. Rattray wi serve his second term untii October 21, 2014, Approved by: /f^//M^T Daniel J. LaVista, Chanceitor Chancellor and Candaeie Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid Svonkin Park Veres Pearlman Cam pas Date By Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. CH2 Div. Santiago Student Trustee Advisory Vote CHANCELLOR Date 8/8/12 of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No, CH2 CHANCELLOR Division Date: August 8, 2012 C. Reappoint the following individuai for membership on the District Citizens' Oversight Committee (DCOC) to serve as the Taxpayer Representative retroactive to Ju!y 15, 2012: Daniel Swartz Background; Daniel Swartz serves as the Deveiopment Principal of QuadrangSe Development (West) Company, inc. Mr. Swartz has had an extensive career in rea! estate and finance. He has worked on both domestic and internationa! commercial construction projects. Much of his work has included the restoration and reuse of historic properties. l:n accordance with Administrative Regulation C"7, the Board shall appoint the DCOC members. Mr. Swartz will serve a second term of two years. As a reappointed member, Mr. Swartz wiii serve his second term until July 15, 2014. \.- Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. CH2 D!V. CHANCELLOR Date 8/8/12 1 NOTICE Board of Trustees "*; Notice: August 8, 2012 Los Angeles Community College District I Corn. No. BF/A Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: August 22, 2012 Subject: ADOPTION OF 2012-2013 FINAL BUDGET Adopt the 2012-2013 Final Budget and authorize staff to file same with the California Community College Chancellor's Office and the County Office of Education no later than September 30, 2012. Background; The governing board of the Los Angeles Community College District must adopt the budget no later than September 15, 2012 as required by Section 58305(c) of Title 5, California Code of Regulations. On August 22, 2012 a public hearing will be conducted at the Board of Trustees' meeting prior to the adoption of the 2012-2013 Fina! Budget. ^^ a §^ t<AJ^5s, L. Recommended by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Ctianceilor ^T? '>*.? $LA3-=- Approved by /1^/^/ssr Danje! LaVista, Chanceiior Chancellor and Candaeie Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Park Veres Pearlman Campos Date By Page of 1 Pages Corn. No. BF/A Div. Student Trustee Advisory Vote BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 8-22-2012 Notice: 08-08-12 BSD1 RESOURCE DOCUMENT A. Purchase Orders issued as indicated. These are orders issued on campus for purchase not to exceed $81,000 each. B. Facilities Order Forms. C. Agreements for Art Modeling Services. D. CONTRACT EDUCATION AGREEMENT 4500140934 gjty. Amendment No. 3 to extend agreement with the Korean American Children and Parents Service Center for that agency to_fund the Korean Bilingual Child Development Program, increasing the total contract amount from $129,000 to $203,400 from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement. Tota! additiona! income: $74.400. E. LEASE OF EQUIPMENT AGREEMENTS 4500176218 ^^A9reeme,nt_wiith _R!_C?!? Ame.rjcas corP- for tease, including maintenance, of five seif-serve copiers fora 60- month period beginning August 9, 2015 or the actual date of delivery, whichever is !ater. Total cost: $45.291. 4500130478 East. Amendment No. 1 to agreement with Xerox Corporation for lease of two Xerox copier systems for the Reprographics Department, to change the lease period from 60 months to 93 months, increasing the total contract amount from $142,080 to $164,930. Total additional cost: $22,850. F. LEASE OF FACILITIES FOR DISTRICT USE 4500176324 East Np-cost Facilities Use Agreement with Montebdlo Unified School District for use of four classrooms at Eastmont intermediate Schooi to allow the Jaime EscalanteMath Program to teach math courses to Eastmont Intermediate students during the period of June 29, 2012 to August 3, 2012. 4500176326 East. _No-cost Facilities Use Agreement with Whittier Union High School District for use of classroom space at Pioneer High Schoof to allow the Jaime Esca!ante Math Program to teach math courses to Pioneer High School student! during the period of June 18, 2012 to July 26, 2012. Page 1 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 G. LEASES, USE PERMITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERMITS OF DISTRICT FACILITIES 4500167096 City. Amendment to extend Permit for Use with Ukrainian Culture Center for use of parking spaces located in the lot ?-n ^e!ro^e ^venue 1:or use as overflow parking as needed for permittee's events extending the contract from July 1, 2012 to June 30 201 3 on designated dates and times^ increasing the total contract amount from $2,024 to $4,520. Total additional income: $2.496. 4500176353 City & Pierce ^e!lmit,f?^use w?h,pacific oaks College and Children s School for use of classroom space at each college to provide the Los_Angeies City College AA 2 BA Degree Program in_Child Development and the Pierce Pathways in Early Childhood Education classes which are courses not currently available at these colleges, during the period of September 1, 2012 to August 31,2014 for a total of 540 hours of use at each location. Total income per college: $12.000. 4500175981 Harbor. Permit for Use with Kingston Group for use of the gymnasium for basketball practices and games during the period of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 on designated dates and times. Total income: $1,1,752. 4500176072 Harbor. Permit for Use with World Class Soccer League for use of the football field for soccer practices and flames during the period of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 201 3 on designated dates and times. Total income; $40,965. 4500176074 Harbor. Permit for Use with Palos Verdes Exiles Soccer Club (PVSC) for use of the football field for soccer practices and Qames C^HHQ the period of February 12, 2012 tcTDecember 20, 2012 on designated dates and times. Total income: $38,000. 4500171483 Mission. Amendment to extend Permit for Use with the Los Angeles Mission College Foundation for their use of the multi-Ievel parking structure located at the college, extending the period from November 30,2012 to December 31^ 2012, and to reduce the weekly rental amount from $400_per weekend usage to $100 per weekend usage. Total reduction of income: $13^200. 4500176020 Mission_ Permit for Use with Harris Sports for use of the Health Fitness Athletic Complex for basketball practices and games during the period of June 20, 2012 to September 5, 2012 on designated dates and times. Total income: $2,994. 4500175973 Pierce. Permit for Use with Pierce College Foundation for their fund-raising use of the north and south gymnasiums to provide for volleyball practices during the period of Page 2 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 January 1 f 2p12.to January26'-2012 on designated dates and times. Total income: $4.824. 4500175977 Pierce Permit for Use with Crespi Carmelite High Schoo for use of the swimming pool for swim team pradicesand meets during the period of January 9, 2012 to May 14; 201,2on designated dates and times; Total income: $6,235. 4500176330 Pierce. Permit for Use with Pacific Coast Baseball League for_use^of the baseball fieldsjorjryouts and practices during the period of April 1, 2012 to NovembeM8:2bl2 on designated dates and'times. Total income: S4.156~ 4500176333 ^ej^. _ Permit for Use with Pierce College Foundation for their fund-raising use of the north and south gymnasiums; the swimming pool and tennis courts during the period of March 16, 2012 to August 18, 2012 on designated-dates and times for each venue. Total income: $659. 4500176334 Pierce Permit for Use with E! Camino Real High School for their use of the swimming ppo^for_water poFo^practices only during the period of June 5, 2012 to August 3o72oT2 on designated dates and times. Total income:-SS1:Sfi7 4500176338 Pierce Permit for Use with San Fernando Valley Silent Ryere foruse°"he upperfootball practice field to-p^de for^he fligMofradip controlled sail pjanes during the period ofjyfay 1,_ 2012Jo Apni 30, 2013 on Sundays onT/from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm; Total income: $576; 4500176339 Pierce. Permit for Use with Los Angeles Water Polo Club foruse^pfthe swimming pool for practices and meets during the period of March 1, 2012 to July 25,2012 on designated dates and times. Total income: $5;771. 4500176340 Pjerce Permit for Use with Louisville High School for use of the swimmingjsopj for practices and_meets during the period of June 19,_2012 to August 2, 2012 on desianated dates and times. Total income: $1,426. 4500176342 Pierce. Permit for Use with Taft High School for use of the T/vi-mr^ir!9J?/??J. for yvater p010 p[a.cjfces during the period of August 3,2012 to August 31, 2012 on designated dates and times. Total income: $1,21J.. 4500175976 Valley. Permit for Use with the Institute of Reading Development for their use of classroom space to conduct ^on-credHdevelopmental reading classes for Community Services during the period of January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 on designated dates and times. Total income: $6,110. Page 3 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500176344 Valley Permit for Use with Get Some Bootcamp, LLC for use of college outdoor facilities to provide for outdoor fitness training dinics during the period of March 5, 2012 to December 31, 2012 on designated dates and times. Tota income: $1.350. 4500176347 Vaiiey Permit for Use with Los Angeles Baseball League (LABL) for use of the baseball field for practices and games during the period of July 1, 2012 to January 31, 2013 on designated dates and times. In lieu of rental payment LABLwill purchase uniforms, supplies and equipment for the Los Angeles Va!!ey_Cofiege Baseba team. Due consideration value: $3.750. 4500176348 Valley. Permit for Use with Easton Elite Softball Organization (EESO) for use of the softball field for practices^and games during the period of July 1,2012 to January 31, 2013on designated dates and times. !n lieu of rental payment EESO wiiFprovide field maintenance to'the benefit of the college. Due consideration value: $4.800: 4500176202 Valley No-cost Facilities Use agreement with Beth Elliott, dba the Kadlma Conservatory of Music, for the use of * various ciassroomsjn the Music Department and bungalows to provide the College and its music department ^!t!1..!°?i.s' r.esouf?es ar?d support that the college is unable to provide, toward meeting the four goals of theDistrictwide Educational Master Plan Jn increasing student retention ancLpersistence; increasin9 student success; enhancing academic Programs and services, and enhancing institutional effectiveness during the period September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013, inclusive. H. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 4500131912 pty. ^Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Data2!nfo to provide maintenance ofActionPlan !T student education planning software for the EOPS ProQram, mcreasjing the total contract amount from $57,000 to $76,000 from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 201'2, inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $19.000. 4500148501 District Office. Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Cities Digital for the purchase and maintenance of four Fujitsu scanners (two for the Human resources Division, 2.n?^??i?J?[ t-hceu _ef!reme.nt. ur!!t and payroil Department), maintenance of the Laserfiche licenses and Wor'kflow software module, and the purchase of 14 additional license incfuding the Silver Support package, increasing the total contract amount from $68,053 to $77,668 from November 20, 2012 to November 19, 2013, inclusive, for Uie third year of the agreement. Totaf additionaf cost: $9,615. Page 4 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500131941 yarbfir._Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Canon Business Solutions to provide maintenance services for a Canon Copier located in the Financial Aid Department, increasing the total contract amount from $2,995 to $4,253 from'July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $1,258. 4500176004 Pierce. Agreement with Securitech to provide maintenance for access contra!, burglar alarm and CCTV alarm systems including monitoring services in the College Services Building during the period February 1,2012 to January 31, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $6:000. 4500176158 Valley. Agreement with Canon Business Sotuttons, Inc. for maintenance of Canon !R7105 and 1R7086 in the Reprographics Department during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $24,696' RENTAL AGREEMENT 4500164953 District Office. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Pitney Bowes, inc. for rental of a postage meter for the Central Financial Aid Unit, increasing the total contract amount from $300 to $540, from Ju!y 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Totaf cost: $240. J. STUDENnNTERN AGREEMENTS 4500175588 CJtv::J^O--.c?st-?Qt?enlent ^/ith,.ve^uao Hi!is Hospital to provide clinical education for the Nursing ProQram during the period February 1> 2012 to December 31,"2015, inclusive. 4500176045 East No-cost agreement with Santa Monica Cofiege to provide clinical training for students enroiled in the Respiratory Therapy Program from July 1, 2012 to June 30,2017, inclusive. 4500176071 gast. No-cost agreement with Priority One Medical Transport, Inc. to provide clinical training for students enrofled in the Emergency Medical Technician training program during the period September 1, 2012 to Aucjust 30,2016, inclusive. 4500175595 Harbor- ^°;co?t agreement with Del Amo Hospital, Inc. to provide student intern services for the nursing proflram during the period January 1, 2013 to December 31'. 2018, inclusive. Page 5 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500176613 ^^_^-^gstja9reementwi^ South Bay Family Health Center to .provide clinical training for students enrolled in theDental nepro9r^ dunng the period ApriH-: 2012 to March 30/2017, inclusive. K. WORK STUDY AGREEMENT 4500175596 Harbor. No-cost agreement with Hawaiian Avenue ^"g^^sgfs-s^ audy'"'e from L SERVICE AGREEMENTS 4500168703 gjty. Terminate agreement with Western Exterminator Company to provide .integrated, pest management services effective July 21, 2012. Total Savings: $22'88R. 4500169118 gjty. Amendment No. 1 to agreement with Nebraska Book Company to provide software that allows ebooks'saTes throughlhereglster without the need for existing inventory, tomcrease the total contract amount from $21,270 to $21,770 from Januaryj, 2012 to June 30, 2012;indusive. Total additional cost:'$500. 4500175582 City Agreement with Terminix International to provide integrated pest management services including pigeon !^^T^nl^e^i5^s.?nld.c?tJ1eJ^elated ^co^'eepmg services for the campus during the period June 1~,~2012 to June 30, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $29.365: 4500129599 5fstrict^office- Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with ^f-llt^?iut_i?n_^ lnc-to Provide monthly ^:!^!,rl/rT^nic^tions service forthe phones used by the DistrictCTfice floor wardens and Emergency Response Team (ERT); and to convert the ERT "Go-Kif phones to regular telephones, increasing the total contract amount ft^ $23^66 tom066 W May 14, 2012 to May-13: 2013,incjusive, forthefourth yearof the agreement. .TOa! additional cost: SU^QOO. 4500134750 P^f^ffJce- Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with NEOGOy;(dba GoyernmentJobs.com, Inc:) for license and ^chnica^upportofitsSigma software system for Personnel Commission, increasing the total contract amount $41,820 to $55760, from-July 1:2012 to June 30 2013jnclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement:-T^ additional cost: $13,940. 4500176194 District Office, Agreement with the Merrill Corporation to provide legal document photocopying services to the Distr^?n^as^eded ^.-^dbythe-Genera Rounslorherdesi9nee. d"""9.the penod Apnl1,-2bl2to March 31, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: £30;onn: Page 6 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500176220 |:)istri^offlce- _Agreem^nt with JVionster Worldwide, Inc. for job posting services for the Office of Personnel Commission during.the period August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $3.000. 4500130738 East. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with Notary £^ti:^s-e^naritop.rovide notary classes for Community Services Department, increasing-the total contract amount from $12,000 to $15,000 from July 1, 2012 to June'30; 2013, inclusive, for the fifth year of the contract. Tota additional cost: $3.000. 4500162805 East. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Kellie Nichoison dba Grandma Gillie's Greetings to provide bartending and small business classes for Community Services^Department, increasing the total contract amount from $4,000 to $7,900 from July 1, 2012 to June30:'26T3; inclusive, for the jhird year of the agreement Total additional cost: $3.900. 4500162807 East ^T'endment No 1 to renew agreement with Expert Food Service to provide safe food handling certification dasses for Community Services Department, increasina the^ total contract amount from $6,300 to $12,600 from July l:-291?AO.JUn.e 30'2P13jnclusive, for the second year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $6.300. 4500162808 East. Amendment No, 1 to renew agreement with Kevin ^?^!Lt?J?r?vide golf cf?sses for Community Services Department, increasing the total contract amount from $3,150 to $6,300 from'July 1, 2012 to June 30: 2013, inclusive Jor thej>ecqnd year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $3.150. 4500175811 East. Agreement with ^oston Reed College to provide a pharmacyJechnicianTraininP courseforthe Community Services Department during the period July 1,2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $35.550. 4500176069 East Agreement with Kapian K12 Learning Services to ?r^yl<?T-S^Lt?.?-P-reP?ra. ,,classes f?^ t!?e F9f]r1H]unit^ Services Department during the period July 1, 2012 to June30,2012Jnclusive. Total cost: $11.300. 4500141287 Harbor. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Ramona Munselj and Associates Consulting, Inc. to P^^^e^^c^l^?ls^?^?i-rLd.?j?l?ti^rit .9 ?eryic?.s for the 2009-2014 Title V Strengthening Hispanic institutions grant project and wiii provide further intensive technical support, consuitatipn, advisory and informational services, increasing the total contract amount from $55,621 to $82,932 from October 1, 2011 to September-30:2012, inclusive Jor thejhird year of the agreement. lota additional cost $27.311. Page 7 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500175590 Harbor. Agreement with CPP, Inc. to provide license usage and assessment tests units duringthe period August 24, 2011 to August 23, 2012, inclusive. Total'cost: $500. 4500175592 Harbor. Agreement with Ramona Munsell and Associates Consulting; Inc. to Provide technical assistance ancfgrant writing services for the 2011-2016 Title V Science Technology Engineering and Math Grant Project during the period OctobeM,_2011to September 30, 2016, inclush/e. Total cost: $52.176. 4500175594 Harbor Agreement with On Course Workshops to provide a 3-day professional development workshop for up to 50 participants on effective strategies for empowering students to achieve greater success in college and in life during the period June 1 2012 to August 31" 2012, inclusive. Total cost: $8.700. 4500175597 Harbor. Agreement with Pinnacle Evaluation Services to provide an external evaluatorforthe Title III Science Technoiogy^Engineering and Math Grant during the period October ^ 2011 to September 30, 2012, inclusive. Total cost: $6,500. 4500162784 Pierce. Amendment No 2 to renew agreement with UniJab Corporation dba Quest Diagnostics to"provide various aboratory services at prices contracted by Council of Community Clinics and made available to'the Student Health Center through membership In the Counci!, increasing the total contract amount from $20,320'to $38,320 from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total additional cost: $18,000. 4500175687 PierQe. Np-cost agreement with American institute for Foreign Studies to provide transportation and program support services for the International Education Plrogram, Biology 123^" Introduction to Marine Biology 2012 Summer Program in Bahia De Los Angeles, Baja Cafifomia Mexico during the period July 21 , 2012 to August 3, 2012, nclusive. 4500175991 Pierce. AQreementwith MC Catering Inc. to provide approximately 9,200 lunches for the 2012 Summer Fun y^T^IIIe^^r1.P,ay.9a.mp ParticiPan^for the Commynity Services Department during the period June 19:2012 to August 10, 2012, incfusive" Total cost: $58.000. 4500175909 pade^Technical. Agreement with Mitchel! Printing and Publishing Inc. to provide printing services for the spring and fall college schedules during the period Jufy 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: '$13.400. Page 8 of 18 Business Sen/ices August 8,2012 4500145053 yaljey. Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Condensed Curriculum International, Fnc. to provide EKG Tech classes for.the Community Se^ices Department. increasln9 the total contract amount from $55,560 to $74;p80 from July 1, 2012 to June 30,201T3';inciusive, for thejhird year of the agreement. Total additional costl $18.520. 4500176093 Yalley Agreement with Sunrise Kitchen, Inc. to provide lunches for 50 student participants of the Upward Bound's s^weeksummer^ses^ons as allowed by the grant during the period June 25, 2012 to August 3, 2012, inclusive: Total cost: $5.400. 4500132612 West; Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Los ^ngelesjce yentures to provide skating classes for The Westside Extension, increasing the total contract amount from $20,000 to $26,000 from July 1, 201'2toJune30; 2013, inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement lot^ additional cost; $6.000. 4500133071 West Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Third Street Dance to provide classes for the Westside Extension, increasing the total contract amounffrom $12,000 to $16,000 from July 1, 2012toJune36;2013, inclusive, for the fourth year -of the agreement. -lotal additiona! cost: $4.000.' 4500147966 West. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Regents of The University of California - Aquatic Center to provide boating classes for the Westside Exfension, increasing the total contract amount from $17,000 to $25^000 from July 1, 2012 to June_30, 2013, inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $8,000. 4500162866 ^gst. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Education To Go to provide various classes for the Westside Extension; increasing the total contract amount frorn$20.,oo() to$40:."0° from July 1, 2012 to June 30; 2013, inclusive for the second year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $20,000. 4500166845 West. ^ Amendment No, \ to renew agreement with J,osephso_nAcademyof Gymnastics to provide classes for the Westside Extension, increasing the'total contract amount from $15,000 to $30,000 from July 1, 2012-fo June 30> 2013 inclusive,for the second year of the agreement. Tota! additional cost: $15,000. 4500175848 West. Agreement with Life Signs, Inc. to provide sianina ?eryc>e? fo.f ?1^PJS.able?j stu^n^ pro9ram during the periodApril 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011, inclusive. Total cost: $12,175. Page 9 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500175849 V^t- _A9reement with,secluoia Retail Systems to provide cash register and credit card services for the Bookstore during the periodJanuary 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011, inclusive. Total cost: $5.110. 4500176169 West. ^ Agreement with Jennifer James, Inc. to provide keynote speaker services for the West tech Fair held on May 9, 2012. Total cost: $5,600. M. SPECIAL GRANT FUNDED AGREEMENTS 4500157257 City. Amendment No. 2 to agreement with the California Community Colleges Chanceilor'spffice for that agency to fund the Foster and Kinship Care Education Program, to mcrease_the total contract amount from $212,455 to $213,329 from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012; inclusive. Total additional expense: $874. 4500175589 City; Agreement with the Community College Foundation for that agency to fund the Partnering For Safety and ^'[!^[!?rl^z^c)dr?LAP_proa.chTo.i5artners!?i?'!n Parenting Training Program during the period August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2013, inclusive. Totai expense: "$37.000. 4500114962 East. Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with State of California, Department of Health Services for that agency to fund the Network for a Healthy California program, increasing the total contract amount from $947,067 to $1,894,134 from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, nclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional expense: $947,067. 4500114563 East Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with El Rancho Unified School District for that agency to fund the Network for Healthy California Program for various elementary and middle schools in the East Los Angeles area from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013; inclusive, for the fifth year of the agreement. No additional expense. 4500137467 East Amendment No 4 to renew agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for that agency to fund the Math, Engineering and Science Academ_y program, increasing the total contract amount from $179,780 to $230,280 from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement. Tota additional expense: $50,500. 4500147679 East Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with SEIUUHW-West & Joint Employer Education Fund for that agency to fund the Phase V Education Program increasing the total contract amount from $154,000 to"$183,280 from Page 10 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 July 1, 2012 to June 30 2013 inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional expense; $29.280. 4500161432 East Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with City of Los Angeles Youth Opportunity Movement- Boyle Heights for that agency to fund the Work Readiness Skills ProQram, ncreashg the total contract amount from $29,480 to $49,025 from July,1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive, for the second year of the agreement. Total additiona expense: $19.545. 4500176710 East. Agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for that agency to fund the Test of Essentia! Academic Skills program for nursing students during the periodI July 1, 2012~to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total expense: $335.000. 4500175591 Harbor. Agreement with Certiport, inc. as required bv the Workforce investment Act-Career Technical Education for ^?t^??n?Y t2..f^n.d th? Di9it^! Arts F3r9gram's Adobe Certification Training during the period May 1, 2012 to Apr! 30,2013, inclusive.'Total expense: $4.250. 4500175593 Harbor. Agreement with the California Endowment for that £!?-erlcLto ^ur^ the 9e(?eral ,SUPP0.^ of the colfege with the d^etion of the presidertduring the period February 15, 2012 to February 14, 2013, inclusive.' Total expense: $5,000. 4500175598 Harbor. Agreement with the City of Long Beach for that ?^?-r??^ £.f^^ the.lH.?alth, sect2r Training Project providing training for 290 participants as Sterile Processing Technicians and^Medical Billers at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center during the period November 7, 2011 to October 31, 2015 Jnciusive. Total expense: $325.000. 4500147645 Mission Amendment No 3 to renew agreement with Califprnia Department of Education for that agency to fund the Family Child Care Homes Network Program, increasing the total contract amount from $1,377,220 to $1,887,546 from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional expense: $510,326. 4500150809 Mission. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with The Community College Foundation for that agency to fund the Permanence and Safety - Mode! Approach to Partnerships Ln-?-£Lr^n?I1??- £rogram' .ofte^ potential. foster and adoptive parents training courses to follow their interest in becoming caregivers, increasing the total contract amount from $60,000 to $90,000 from August 1, 2012 to July 31, 201 3, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional expense: $30,000. Page 11 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500176204 Trade-Technicai. Agreement with Los Angeles Conservation Corps'for that agency to fund the Brownfieids Job Training program during the period October 1, 2011 to August 30, 2012; inclusive. "Total expense: $20.000. 4500176205 Trade-Technical. ^Agreement with Community Career Development for that agency to fund the Electrical Preapprenticeship TrajningProgram for_ 80 students during the period January 3, 2011~ to June 30, 2011, inclusive. Total expense: $31.050. 4500176206 Trade-Technical Agreement with Community Career DevelopmenTfor_that agency to fund the Statewide Veterans Grant Training Program for 20 students during the period June 13, 201'1 to August 13, 2011, inclusive; Total expense: $90.000. 4500176207 Trade-Technical. Agreement with CaHfornia Conservation £.o-r?..tor t!? . a9encytofund ^he conservatfpn Training Program during the'period June 6, 2012 to November"30, 2012, inclusive. Total expense: $19.936. 4500176208 Trade-Technicai. Agreement with California State University Los Angeles for that agency to fund the nfrastructure Academy Transportation Program for 60 students during the period March 1 2012 to April 30, 2013, inclusive. Total expense: $_148,097. 4500176209 Trade-Technical. Agreement with Coalition for Responsible Community Deveiopment for that agency to fund the Summer Youth Intercityjob training program during the period March 1, 2012 to April 30:2013, inclusive. Total expense: $LQOO. 4500160263 Vafley. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for that agency to fund the Job Development Incentive Fund to provide entry level training for Certified Nursing Assistants, Home Health Aide and Medical Coding for approximately 130 CalWORKs students from July 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012, inclusive. No additional'expense. 4500166145 Vailev. Amendment No. 1 to agreement with Project Grad Los Angeles for that agency to fund the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness-for Undergraduate Program Partnership grant, to prepare underrepresented students for college, inform families about college, hire and train students to be tutors and mentors and provide early academic outreach, to increase the total contract amount from $81,633 to $112,633 from June 15, 2012 to August 31, 2012Jnciusive. Total additional expense: $31.000. Page 12 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500167253 Valley. Amendment No. 1 to agreement with U. S. Department of Education for that agency to fund the Hispanic Serving Institutions ~ Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (HIS-STEM) and Articulation Programs, improving STEM success and access for Hispanic low-income students, to decrease the second year^funding from $869,588 to $863,220 from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, Inclusive. Total reduction of expense: $6,368. 4500169138 Vailev. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for that agency ^o furd the Job Deyelopment Incentive Training t^lh^are,F)roc?ra!TI {[}a\ iil?f!:s psrticipants to the nursing field by creating a careerjadder, increasing the tota contract amount from $130 354 to $300,000 from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 inclusive, for the second year'of the agreement. Total additional expense: $169.646.' 4500176210 ^/est._ Agreement with TheCommunity^College Foundation for that agency to fund the'Partnenng for Safety and Permanence Model Approach to Parenting program for 25 students during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Tota! expense: $7.500. 4500159068 West. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreement with Worker Education Resource Center for that agency to fund the Certified Nursing Assistant program changing the end date from September 30, 2012 to December 30, 2012, inclusive. No additional expense. N. SHORT TERM AGREEMENTS PREPARED AT SITE LOCATIONS FOR SERVICES, RENTAL & MAINTENANCEOF EQUIPMENT, AND LICENSE & MAINTENANCE OF SOFTWARE $5,000 OR LESS PER_YEAR 4500175330 East. Agreement with Pacific Parking Systems, Inc. to provide maintenance for two permit machines located in the Stadium parking lot during the period August 28, 2012 to August 27, 2013: inclusive: Total cost: $3.120. 4500175541 East. Agreement with Elisha M. Valentine to provide dasses on event planning for the Community Services Department during the period August 11, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $750. 4500175625 East. Agreement with Maria Aryizu to provide workshops on parenting for the Foster Youth^Program during the period June 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012jncfusive.v'TotaJ cost: $1.680. 4500176040 East. Agreement with California State University, Dominguez Hills to provide a student worker for'the EOPS Program during the period August 1 , 2010 to May 28, 2011, inclusive. Total cost: $2,589. Page 13 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500176041 East. Agreement with Canon Business Solutions, Inc. to provide maintenance for a Canon IR550 copier located in Academic Affairsduring the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inciusive. Total cost: $2.800. 4500176044 East. Agreement with Canon Business Solutions, inc. to provide maintenance for a Canon !R7095 copier located at the South^Gate Center during the period July 1 > 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $4.300. 4500175432 Mission. Agreement with Dean Evans and Associates, inc. to provide Event Management System software support for the information Technology Department during the'period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $1:953. 4500175551 Mission. Agreement with Harland Technology Services Division ofScantron to provide maintenance on a Scanmark ES2260 Scantron machine in the Assessment Center during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30. 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $846. 4500171810 Pierce. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreement with tl^PAfey. Gia(?3puzzi veterinary. Group inc. to provide additional veterinary services for'the Agricultural'and Natural Resources Department, increaiing the total contract amount from $255 to $4,295 from January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012, inclusive. Total additional cost; $4,040. 4500175162 Pierce. Agreement with Thomas N. Nomofto coordinate, teach and participate in the Summer Engineering Teaching nstjtute funded by the California Alliance for theLongTerm Strengthening of Transfer Engineering Programs Joint Engineering Program to strengthen California £?nr!!TIU- -t^% _ge ^n9ineerin9 programs by improving teaching effectiveness and increasing eir capability to offer engineering courses using Tablet PCs and CCC Confer during the period June ~17, 2012 to June 19, 2012, ndusive. Total cost: $1.200. 4500175386 Pierce Agreement with Joanne Tue!l to provide consultation and training on child abuse issues for the 2012 FunJJnder the Sun Summer Camp during the period June 15, 2012 to August 10, 2012, inclusive, fota! cost: 300. 4500173975 Pierce, Agreement with Christy Chambers to serve as speaker for the "Domestic Vandal" Exhibit for the Art Gallery Department on November 10, 2011. Tota! cost: 800. Page 14 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500175395 Pierce. Agreement with Dominica Barksdale dba tn His Hands to conduct First Aid CPR training class for the Commjjnity Services Department on June 10, 2012. Tota cost: $2.414. 4500175787 Pierce. Agreement with Stevie Bensusen to conduct "Artist Vocal Development" classes for the Community Services Department during the period May 5,2012 to June 9, 2012, inclusive. Total cost; $37. 4500176026 Pierce. Agreement with National Construction Rental for !l^taJI>!is!XJOC!tf^nce,tP b^ ^?e!j to Brote9t th^. property around the Agncuitural [an5["Yictory Growing Fields'" during the period_ June 1 . 2012 to May 31, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $4.298. Various Pierce. Eight agreements for the following contractors to serve as Fall 2011 high school liaison for the Academic Outreach Program during the period August 29, 2011 to December 10; 2011, inclusive: Total cost: S2.400. 4500169144 4500169145 4500169147 Various Suzette Rosso Laura L. Voets Sharon Dret 4500169148 4500169150 Seta Khajarian 4500169151 Sandra E. Hernandez 4500169152 4500169153 Sheri Leigh Allison Young David Klossner $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Pierce. Eleven agreements for the foiiowing contractors to serve as Spring 2012 high school liaison for the Academic Outreach Program during_the period February 6, 2012 to May 12, 2012; inciusive." Total cost: $3,300. 4500175692 4500175693 4500175694 4500175695 4500175696 4500175697 4500175698 Allison Young Anna Ortiz-Martinez David Klossner Dana Wortham Laura L. Voets Suzette Rosso Mindy Leunis 4500175699 4500175704 4500175706 Sharon Drell 4500175708 Sandra E. Hernandez Rochelie Kronstad Seta Khajarian $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 4500175314 Valley. Agreement with Nebraska Book Company for maintenance of WebPrism software domain registration and hosting fees fortheColJege Bookstore during the period November 22, 2011 to May 17, 2012, inclusive. Total cost: $3.429. Page 15 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500175474 Vailey. Agreement with Canon Business Solutions, !nc. for maintenance ofa Canon 1C C2100 copier in the Reprographics Department during the period June 18, 2012 to June 17, 2013, inclusive" Total cost: $1,071-. 4500175475 Valley. Agreement with CSM! Medica! Solutions for license to its SportsWare software for the Athletic Department during the period July 21, 2012 to July 20, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $250. 4500175803 VaHey. Agreement with Steris Corporation for maintenance of one Autoclave equipment 20" central yacuum electrical cabinet in the Bjo'iogy Department during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 201'3, inclusive. Total cost: $4.278. 4500175923 Vaflev. Agreement with Daktronics for maintenance of five Daktronics scoreboards in the Athletics Department during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive: Tota cost: $4.450. 4500176054 Valley. Agreement with Canon Business Solutions, Inc. for maintenance of^a Canon IR210 copier in the ^Community Services_Department during the period July 18,-2012'to July 17, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $919. 4500176055 y^iey_. Agreement with Don Grigwareto conduct "Spanish classes for the Community Services Department during the period September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $4,500. 4500175934 West. Agreement with Time Well Spent to provide workshops on sales for the Westside Extension during the period Ju!y 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Totafcost: 360. 4500175936 West A9J"eementwith T/C Press to provide poker classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost; $500. 4500175938 West. Agreement with Helene Liatsos dba Home Office Management Experts to provide workshops on starting a home based business for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive: Total cost: $1,500. 4500175939 West Agreement with Suzanne 0' Donneli to provide ^fi<.?l???s.?n.h0^to or9ar^i^e,arlyt!?Ln,gJor the Westside Extension during the period July 1", 2012 to June 30,'2013, inclusive. Total cost: $1,500. Page 16 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 4500175940 West. Agreement with Avant Garde Fencers C!ub to provide fencing classes for the Westside Extension during the period Ju!y 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $1.800. 4500175942 West. Agreement with Creation Station Franchise to provide web-site construction classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, nclusive. Total cost: $2,000. 4500175943 West. Agreement with Barbara Douglas Realty to provide notary classes for e Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. "Total cost: $2,000. 4500175944 West. Agreement with Brown & Assocjates to provide grant writing c!asses for the Westside Extensioh during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $2.000. 4500175945 West. Agreement with Curtis Adneyto provide scholarship success classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $2,000. 4500175946 West. Agreement with Elaine Moran to provide mystery shopping classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Totalcost $2,000. 4500175949 West. Agreement with Sameira Mikhael to provide eyebrow threading classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $3,000, 4500175950 West. Agreement with Merchant of Tennis, Inc. to provide tennis classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Totat cost: $3,000. 4500176025 West. Agreement with Trust Auto Safes to provide whoiesafe auto sales classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $4,000. 4500176050 West. Agreement with Kelii Nicholson dba Grandma Giiiie's Greetings to provide bartending classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive. TotaFcost:' $3.500, Page 17 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 0. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM LC093773 Valley. Settlement of claim in the amount of $12,500. P. COMPROMISE OF CLAIMS 12-211 Southwest. Compromise of a claim in the amount of $2,260. 12-212 Southwest. Compromise of a daim in the amount of $950. Page 18 of 18 Business Services August 8,2012 FPD1 - Resource Document I. AUTHORIZE NAft/iE CHANGE Action Authorize the use of a name change to Agreement No. 33459 with New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Southern California, LLC to now use the format and legal business name KML Enterprises Career Development, LLC d/b/a New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Southern California, LLC. There are no other changes. Background Agreement No. 33459 was authorized by the Board of Trustees on January 11, 2012 (Corn. No. FPD1). Pursuant to notification from the company previously known as New Horizons Computer Learning Centers of Southern California, LLC. this item authorizes staff to revise the Eegal business name to KML Enterprises Career Development, LLC d/b/a New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Southern Caiifomia, LLC. There are no other changes made. II. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE.AGREEMENTS A. Action Authorize an agreement with Tetra Design, Inc. to provide continued design services for the Bailey Library Modernization project at East Los Angeles College from August 9, 2012 through December 30, 2013 at a cost not to exceed $216,330 inciusive of eligible reimbursabie expenses. Background Tetra Design, Inc. is the Architect of Record for this project and has previously provided services for this project under Agreement No. 70355 that will expire on August 12, 2012. This scope of work for this proposed agreement is the continuing close out of the project with the Division of the State Architect. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process, Award History This agreement represents the sixteenth awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative originai award tota! of $11,012,460. The fee is within the Design and Specialty Consultant Fee Guideiines. Funding and Devetopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Bailey Library Modernization 32E.5212.03. DesiQn Phase. B. Action Authorize an agreement with KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP (d/b/a Climatec Buiiding TechnoiogEes Group) to provide seamtess integration between the Building Management Systems for the MLK Library, the Science & Technology Center and the Central Piant by converting the existing LNS database for the MLK Library and the Science & Technology Center into a LONMaker database for the Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - Central Plant Phase il project at Los Angeles City Page 1 of 19 * Facilities Planning and Development . August 8, 2012 College from August 9, 2012 through August 9, 2013 at a cost not to exceed $48,300 inclusive of eligibie reimbursabie expenses. Background KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP (d/b/a Ciimatec Building Technologies Group) has been seiected from the iist of pre-quaiified consultants to provide the above services. ^This work is to integrate the individual databases of the Building Management Systems for each buiiding into a singie system operated from one location in the Centrai Plant as a campus wide operation. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Award History This agreement represents the first awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumuEatiye ongina[ award total of $48,300. The fee is within the Design'/and Specialty Consultant Fee Guidelines, Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond Proceeds. RWGPL - Central Plant Phase II. 31C.5173.05.06. Design Phase. C. Action Authorize an agreement with Trane U.S. Inc., d/b/a Southern California Trane to provide seamless integration between the Building Management Systems for the Child Development Center and the Central Plant by converting the existing BACnet/iP database for the Child Deveiopment Center into a LONMaker database for the Roadway, Waikwa'y, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - Central Plant Phase I! project at Los Anqetes Citv ??!iege.fr^m,^?ust,9', 2012 ,throu9h AU9ust 9> 2013 at a cost not to exceed $42,704 inclusive of eiigibie reimbursable expenses. Background Trane U.S. Inc. d/b/a Southern California Trane has been selected from the list of prequaiified consultants to provide the above services. This work is to integrate the individual databases of the Buiiding Management Systems for each buiiding into" a single system operated from one location in the Centra! Plant as a campus wide operation. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Award History Th!? a9reem?r!t represents the first awarde51.tothis company through the Bond Program and a cumulative onginaj^ award total of $42,704. The fee is within the Design^and Speciaity Consultant Fee Guidelines. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond Proceeds. RWGPL " Central Plant Phase 31C.5173.05.06. Design Phases. D. Action Authorize an agreement w th Steven Fader Architects to provide continued desi services for the Learning Assistance Center project at Los Angeles Mission College from Page 2 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Development » August 8, 2012 ign August 9, 2012 through August 8, 2013 at a cost not to exceed $293,000 inclusive of eligibie reimbursable expenses. Background On June 30, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1) the Board of Trustees authorized Agreement No. 33042 with Steven Fader Architects to provide design services as the Architect of Record for this project which expired on June 30, 2012. This new agreement is proposed to allow continuation of these services, including project close out documentation to the Division of the State Architect, with funding transferred from expired Agreement No. 33042. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Award History This agreement represents the fifth awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $1,453,028. Other projects include the Student Learning Environments (SLE) - South of Mat) - Classroom Modernization project at Pierce College and the Campus Administration Services Building project at Los Angeles Mission College. The fee is within the Design and SpeciaSty ConsuStant Fee Guideiines. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Learning Assistance Center 34M.5409.03. Design Phase. E. Action Authorize the following actions for an agreement with Miyamoto (nternational, Inc. to provide structural engineering peer review services for the Media Arts Performing Arts Center project at Los Angeles Valiey CoElege by the Division of State Architect (DSA) from June 20, 2012 through December 31, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $30,000 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses: 1. Ratify this agreement to provide these services from June 20, 2012 to August 8,2012 at a cost not to exceed $15,000; and 2. Authorize this agreement to provide these services from August 9, 2012 to December 31, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $15,000. Background Miyamofo International Inc. is an established DSA contracted reviewer and has been selected from the District's list of pre-qualified consultants to provide structura engineering peer review services for the subject project. This addifionai review is proposed to ensure the structural engineering comments issued by the DSA are satisfactory and comprehensive. The scope of work includes: the review of structura! calcuiations; design team response to DSA comments; and issuance of peer review comments to the project's design team that will be fotiowed through to the issuance of the DSA approval stamp. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Award History This agreement represents the third awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $235,495. Other projects Inciude the Land Acquisition project at Los Angeies City Coilege and structural engineering services for Page 3 of 19 . FaciSities Pianning and Development . August 8, 2012 ??u^letI?L.^T!cf ^ra?^=to?>ate^on the r?<?of the pafkin9 Structure at Los Angeles City College. The fee is within the Design and Specialty Consultant Fee GLiideEines. Funding and Development Phase ^,n,d^5JSLthr.?u9h Measure J Bond proceeds. Media Arts Performing Arts Center 38V.5801.02. Design Phase. F. Action ^ith^fe^!1 ?iLre!T^nt wr?.h.Gor1?1^, G02.da^ Architects to provide continued design semces for e,Motion picture BU"d'n9-TV Broadcasting Studio Expansion projeS; Thea?re ^ Buildin9 Pr°Ject; Music Buildjng project; and Art Building project at Los AngeEes^/alieyCoilege from August 9, 2012 through December 31, 2014 at acosfnoTto exceed $55,783 indusive of eligibie reimbursable expenses. Background G-o?zal.ez.Goodaie^rc!lit??ls ,is theArchitect of Record for the above identified projects under Agreement No. 30915-1 which expired on June 15, 2012. No services have'been provided since Agreement No. 30915-1 expired. A new agreement is proposed to allow the.firm to continue to serve asjhe Architect of Record and close out the project with the Vision of the State Architect. The unexpended funds from the expired agree^nt would be used to fund this proposed new agreement. This agreement has been cons idered through the participatory governance process. Award History It^s-??eeJTIent-.reJ:)r^ents the seventh awarded tothis company through the Bond Program and cumulative original award tot^ of $4,631,627. Other projects include the South Gym Renovation project at_Los Angeles City College and--the Fdties Maintenance & Operations project at Pierce Coiiege, The fee is'within'theDesign'and Specialty Consultant Fee Guidelines. Funding and Development Phase ^^ndln-?_^--thJS.LJ§h. ^ropos[tlon^A^P-°^ Proceeds- Motion Picture Building - TV Broadcastmg_StudJp_ Expansion 08V.6823.03; Theatre Arts Building 18^7834.03'Music Building 18V.7821.03; Art Building 18V.7820.03.03. DesiQn Phase. G. Action Authorize an agreement with GaEe/Jordan Associates, Inc. to provide hazardous materials survey consulting services on a Task Order basis campus-wide to be Issued n?f,eme1tally ?f the ?ir^tioJ1..0f the coile9e project Manager at West Los Angeles College from August 9, 2012 through August 8, 2013 at a cost not to "exceed $10,000 nclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Background .Gale/J.or?an,Associat,es),fnc' has been seiected from the list of pre-qualified consultants to Proyicje the jdentified services under individual Task Orders issued by the College Project Manager as needed. The current need is to provide professional services related !°^T^er!!ls s.!mE?9'. ?.tr. mon,itori^> industriai hysiene and hazardous materials disposal procedures ^ te Upper Fire Service Road-project. This agreement has'been considered through the participatory governance process. Page 4 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Development . August 8, 2012 Award History I?LS ?9Iee-m?^ r_ep?sent,s the tl?ircf awar-d^ t? !his comPany through the Bond Program and_a_cumulative original award total 0^810,000. Other projecte.clude-the'Sea.nd Access _Road_ project at West Los Angeies College and the StudenFsemces center/Admnswn?space pro;ec*at Mission ^^- The fee is within the De.gn and Specialty Consultant Fee Guidelines. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Projects to be determined on an needed basis. Construction Phase. as- III. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS A. Action ^uthSri2?Anr!end,ment No- 3 to A9reemen^ No 32379 with Jacobs Consultancy, Inc. to {.oyide continued oomm^ing services for Media Arts Center at Los Angeles Mission College from August 9, 2012 through March 11, 2014 at a cost nolto exceed'SS/TSSI inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Inclusive of ^this proposed amendment, the total amount of this agreement approved bv the Board of Trustees is $973,618. Background sis^gre,em^nl VI?S au.t,horized.by the Board of Trustees on toch 11, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1.)-Jacobs.cTUKancy' l.nc',was. retained ori9ina"y to-provide-commissioning services for the Media Arts Center / East Campus Connpiexand has been'selectecTfrom the listof^e-qualif.d consultants to provide additional commisstoning'sorvices'due'io LheJxtendecLs.chedule as a result/of the ^Placement of the origlna; contractor~~by a Surety Company for the Media Arts Center project. This agreement°has" been'conside'red through the participatory governance process. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Media Arts Center 34M.5405.02. Construction Phase. B. Action ^tho,r/??-^m^ndment, ^°' 4.to A9reement No 32772 with Richard Berisner Architects, nc.^b/aBerlinerandAssodates Archie, inc.to provide addi.ional design sen.ces for t^ Roadway Walkway, Grounds^ Parking Lot(RWGPL) - Landscape a^d Speaflc Master:p!an.proJec^t rce,co"e9efromAU9ust9.2012'h-g^anuary 12:2015-ata cost not to exceed $9,503 Indusive of eligible reimbursabie expenses. inclusive oMhis proposed amendment, the total amount of this agreement approved bv the Board of Trustees is $107,822. Page 5 of 19 . Faciiities Planning and Development . August 8, 2012 Background Richard Berliner Architects Inc., d/b/a Beriiner and Associates Architecture, inc. is the Architect of record for this project and has provided services under" two separate lg^mentsjo^two.separatescopes ^WP^-A9reement_NO- 31366 was authorlzed"by theBoard.oLTrusteesonMarch 21:2007Jcom-No:FPD1) to Provide basic design servtees. Subsequently, Agreement_No. 32772 was authorized-by the Board of Trustee on_January^3, 2010 (Corn, No. FPD1) to accommodate aMional scope, ir^ design of a new waikway and landscaping. Yy^n-^£f.rTem^nt No;3^366. expired on ^arch21'2012'there were unexpended funds remaining for this project in the amount of $55,850 but the Division of the State Architect ctos^out process continued and related tasks could not end. Because-AgreementNo: 32772;s active but ^ no fands remaining, it can accommodate theongWose out task^und"9^ded- .The currently proposed Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No: 32772 allows for additional time to complete the close out tasks and can be funded with retease of the unexpended funds from Agreement No. 31366. This agreement has-boen considered through the participatory governance process. Funding and Development Phase Fundingjs Trough Proposition A Bond proceeds. RWGPL - Landscape and Specific Master Pian 05P.6573.05.09. MPhases. C. Action ?u-th^rize^[nend,n?er? N?' 2 to A9reement No- 50150 with PIanNet Consulting LLC to pro^de additional technology consulting services on a Task Order basis campus-w^e to teresued.roremCT1ta"^atthe direotion_of_the College Project Manager at Los'Angeles Trade Technical Coiiege from August 9, 2012 through Apri! 30,-20U"at"a~cost"noilto exceed $200,000 inclusive of eligible reimbursabie expenses, [?^SJ^OLt^i.sf/-op-ose^????ment'the tota! amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees is $800,000. Backcjround ^'^^Qr^,em^n! ^as.al^hori,ze?by the Board of Trustees on April 29, 2009 (Corn. No. ^?;lLp^n^^901^s.u,!tin5.LLC.Was retained oriQ^a)ly to provide technology consuitjng ^S^ ?^.^^^eLba^s.ca.,?.pus:wideandhasbeen setected from the list of pre qualified consultants to provide additiona! services under JndividuaJTaskOrders'issued'bv the_Co[lege Project Manager as needed. The current need is for the finafphase'oTthe Campus-wide IT upgrades project as wei! as migration of the Data Center from"itscurrent temporaryjocation_(F136) to its permanent location in the basement of the Library BU 9.fortheLearnin9 Assistance Center/Library Renovation project: Th. agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Funding and Devetopment Phase ?u.ndm?.is, throu9h pr°Posi1tiors A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Projects to be determined on an as-needed basis. AliPhases. D. Action Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 33379 with Carde Ten Architects to provide additional design services for the Child Development Center" and "Family Page6of 19 . Facilities Planning and Development o August 8, 2012 ng Resource Center projects at Los Ange!es Valfey College from September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013 at a cost not to exceed $13,000 indusive of eligible reimbursabie expenses. l[1cllrf?^e,,°Lti,lis ^ropose^?T^dment' the totai amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees is $68,978. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 10, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Carde Ten Architects to serve as the Architect of Record for these projects AddJtio?ai desi9r? servlces are requested including: (a) Child Development Center - play yard^site security improvements ^with gate , hardware revisions. (b) Family Resource Center addit.na^ervices related to commissioning and diagnostic testing. The addition^ services for the Famiiy Resource Center project are required due to an extension of the project schedule resuiting from the general contractor not completing its work per the origmai ^schedule. The District has taken action to recover this cost" from the general contractor. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Funding and Development Phase FLindmg is through Proposition A Bond proceeds. Child Development Center 08V.6831.02, Family Resource Center 08V.6832.02. Construction Phase. E. Action Authorize Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 30512-1 with Pfeiffer Partners, Inc. to provide addifionai design services for the Library and Academic Resource Center project at Los Angeies Valley Cdjege from August 9, 2012 through December 31, 2014 at'acost not to exceed $11 ,425 indusive of eligible reimbursabie expenses. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the tota! amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees is $1,201,341. Backciround This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on February 9, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Pfeiffer Partners to serve as the Architect of Record and provide additional design and construction administration services. The additional scope of work is to address two issues^ accommodate _a differing adjacent site grade and "prepare documentation for LEEDT building certification submitta!. Deiays were caused to this project by the original construction contractor whose services were subsequently replaced by the surety - Safeco Insurance Company of America". 5^ln^rih.^=d.ela/ys^a^,mc!re,str!n^erlt.ve^ of LEEDT was implemented by the US Green Building Coundi which is allowing the project to be considered under the previous ver?ion °f LEEDTJ,f the Pr°Ject information is submitted in two separate parts - design and^construction. The cost for additional work by the AOR to do sowiil be reimbursed to the Bond program by the surety company. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Page 7 of 1:9 » Facilities Pianning and Development . August 8, 2012 Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A Bond proceeds. These costs shall be reimbursed to the Bond program by the surety Safeco Insurance Company of America. Library and Academic Resource Center 08V.6802.02. Design Phase. F. Action Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4500176403 with URS Corporation to provide an extension of time for continued program management services from August 9, 2012 to November 30, 2012. Authorize additional fees of~$5,505,970 inclusive of eligible reimbursabie expenses. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the tota! amount of this agreement for the ful contract term is not to exceed $13,686,110 . Background This a.9^6T^ was authorized by the Board of Trustees on March 21, 2012 through August 31, 2012 with the allowance that the agreement be extended as needed. On June 27, 2012, the Board of Trustees received a report from the Facilities Planning and Development Department that the open competitive Request for Proposals process to identify the potential awardees to be considered for a new long term program management agreement is underway with the finalist anticipated to be announced to the Board in mid-October 2012. This scope of work for this proposed amendment is to cor!tint^Jhe^cope,of services identified in the existing program management agreement and additionai services requested by the District. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Program Management 40J.5J90.05. AN Phases. IV. AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A. Action ^u!hori,ze.ac.on^a.ct with.RAMCO General Engineering &BusldJng Contractor to provide Sen?Lai Son-stnJ.C!lon,-..sf5is^ic bracin? of. cabinets for ^he Chemistry Buiiding project and the Life Science Modernization project at Los Angeles City College at a cost of $6,550. Backciround RAM03 General engineering^ Buying Contractor provided the low quote from among three written quotes ranging from $6,550 to $7 381 to provide seismic bracing for wall cabinets in both buildings that are mounted at heights greater than five feet. Award History This agreement represents the eieventh awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $294,394. Previous awards have been given to this company for the Roadway, Waikway, Grounds, Parking Lot project at Los Angeles Valley Coiiege and the Library Learning Resource Center - Furniture and Fixtures installation project at Los Angeles Harbor College. Page 8 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Development o August 8, 2012 Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Chemistry Modernization B1C.5150.03; Life Science Modernization B1C.5151.03. Construction Phase. B. Action Authorize a contract with R,T. Contractor Corp. to provide general construction installation services for the Utiiityjnfrastructure and Traffic Improvements project at East Los Angeles College at a cost of $23,950. Background R.T Contractor Corp. provided the oniy written quote received from among three written quotes requested to insfa!! a backfiow preventer. Award History This agreement represents the seventh awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumuSative original award total of $163,100. Previous awards have been given_to_fhis company for the Temporary Facilities project at Los Angeles City CoSiege and the Northeast Academic and Student Services Enhancement project at Los Angeles Harbor College. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A Bond proceeds. Utiiity fnfrastructure and Traffic improvements 02E.6273.05.02. Construction Phase. C. Action Authorize a contract with Western Group, Inc. to provide general construction services for th<? Roadway' waikway- Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL)" General - Tree Planting project at Los Angeies Vaiiey College at a cost of $78,000. Consistent with Board Rule"7100.10 authorize the Executive Director of FaciSities Planning and Development to authorize change orders of up to ten percent (10%), the maximum allowed by Saw without rebidding, subject to subsequent Board ratification. Background This contract is the result of informa! competitive bidding. Five contractors requested bid packets. Three responsive bids were received ranging from $78,000 to $126,400. This construction contract is for the renovation of the landscaped area aiong the north side of Burbank Bouievard subsequent to a previous Board action (Corn. No. FPD1 November 2, 2011) to remove decayed trees at this iocation. Award History This agreement represents the fifth awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $1,643,588. Previous awards have been given to this company for the Stadium marquee project at East Los Angeles CoEiege and the Second Access Road (SCE Mitigation) project at West Los Angeles College. Page 9 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Deveiopment . August 8, 2012 Funding and Development Phase F^rldlr2^js-lhlougi? proPosition_AA Bond proceeds. RWGPL - Genera! - Tree Planting 18V.7873.05.01. Construction Phase. RATIFY CONSTRUCTIOhLCONTRACT V. Action Ratify a construction contract with PumpMan Inc. to repair the sewer lift station adjacent to the Facility Maintenance & Operations building at Los Angeles Harbor College pursuant to the provision of Pubiic Contract Code Sections 22035 and 22050 which permit the issuing of a contract for the making of repairs, alterations, or improvements without using the bid process when such action is determined to be an emergency necessary to permit the continuance of existing classes and campus operations, or to avoid danger to life or property. The cost of this construction contract is $16, 929. Background n 2007, a sewer lift station was installed adjacent to the Facility Maintenance & Operations buiiding at Los Angeles Harbor College through the Bond Program. On April 30, 2012, this equipment failed and it was necessary to make immediate repairs to prevent a sewage spill:. This work is determined to be an emergency and necessary to prevent the interruption of existing scheduled ciasses and associated services provided by the college and to protect the safety and heaith of students, faculty and staff of Los Angeles Harbor College. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through^Measure J Bond proceeds. Student Union, Astronomy, Infrastructure & Landscaping & Security (SAILS) - Infrastructure/Landscape & Hardscape/Security 33H.5350.02.03. Construction Phase. RATIFY CHANGE ORDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS GREATE $30.000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUfLD" VI. METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Action Ratify the following Change Orders for additiona! construction services for the projects, colleges, and amounts shown: PROJEC NAMES LOCATION and PROJECT NUMBER CONTRACTORORIGINAL CHANGE ORDER NEGOTIATED PURPOSE NAME CONTRACT NO,, REDUCTION COST FROM and CONTRACTOR COST, and DEMAND CUMULATiVE CONTRACT PERCENT NUMBER CHANGES Page 10 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Devetopment . August 8, 2012 Student Success and Retention Center/Swing Space Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland No.33467 East Los $1.388,000 CO No.2 for N/A Unforeseen Condition: $100,216, Funding is through . 9.39% Measure J Bond Proceeds Angeles College . 32E.5234.02.01 Add conduits for voice/data cables due to unusable condition of the existing conduits. During equipment relocation walls were found damaged and needed painting in the existing bungalows. Additional Requirements: . Add/relocate Fire Sprinkler heads to reconfigured interior spaces in bungalows per the inspector of Record. Campus Restroom KOAM Construction $1,179,960 CO No. 3 for Building No.33287 Funding is through $7,395. Measure J Bond 2.77% Los Angeles Harbor Coliege N/A. Coiiege Request: * Relocate existing irrigation control wires and pipes. proceeds. B3H.5366.02.09 North of Mail FTR International, Inc. $23,338,000 No.33103 Funding is through $589,251 Measure J Bond 9.38% CO No.7, 8, & 9 for $166,664 Unforeseen Condition: Pierce College 35P.5502.03 35P.5505.03.02 35P.5507.03 35P.5510.03 . Replace deteriorated flashing at base of all exterior walis. . proceeds. Reframe existing door frames and top of wall modifications to meet current codes. . 35P.5535.03.02 Replace existing ductwork due to deteriorated and unusable condition. 35P.5535.03.07 Owner Requests: . Student Learning H.A. NicholsCo., Environments Inc. (SLE). Community Services / Agricultural Science Renovation No.33405 $1,981,725 CO No. 4 for Funding is through $7,397, Measure J Bond 4.8% $2,207 Additional Requirements; Provide for connection of existing * proceeds. Provide red brick aggregate on roofs of multipie buildings. wood trusses required by Architect of Record (AOR). . Replace specified anchor bolts at new shear walls vw'th alternate anchor Pierce College bolts that will provide required 35P,5535.03.05 embedment depth required by nspector of Record (IOR). . Provide additional rebar turndowns and excavation to comply with new tructura! detai! requested by AOR. a Page 11 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Development . August 8, 2012 Family Resource Universa! Concrete Center Cutting d/b/a Universal Los Angeles Vailey College Engineering 32762 $787,320. CO No.4 for Funding is through a private grant $4,150 $154,500. CO No. 1 for Funding is through Proposition $15,223. $4,608 Coiiege Request: . Relocate electrical, teiephone, and data outlets. 9.97% 08V.6832.02 U.S. Dash Gym-Pool Storage Buildings Construction, Inc. No.33167 Los Angeles Valley Coilege $4,187, 9.8% AA Bond Unforeseen Condition: * Demolish concrete substructures and sieeve fire water !ine under existing footings discovered during excavation, proceeds. 18V.7825.03 Background The Change Orders listed above have been executed per Board Rule 7100.10 and are presented here for ratification as required therein. Funding and Development Phase Funding for each item is shown in the tabie above. Construction Phase. VII. RATIFY CHANGE _pRDER^FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT LESS THAN $30.0 ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUILD" IVfETHOD_QF PROJECT DELIVERY Ratify the Change Order shown for additional construction services: PROJECT NAME& LOCATION CONTRACTOR ORIGINAL NAME CONTRACT COST and and PROJECT NUMBER CONTRACT NUMBER CHANGE ORDER NO., PURPOSE COST, and CUMULATIVE TOTAL COST OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS Page 12 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Deveiopment . August 8,2012 Student Learning Ranbay Environments Construction (SLE)" North of Mail - Classroom Modernization/ No.33485 $24,693 CO No. 1 for College Request: Funding is through $8,113. .Remove existing temporary fencing that was not Measure J Bond proceeds. $8,113. Technology/ Low Voitage (Temporary removed by previous contractor. -Repair existing temporary building protection to keep the buildings secured. Fence .Provide site cleaning of sidewaiks and ramps in order to perform an accessibility analysis for the re- Instailation) bid of the project. Pierce College 35P.5535.03.02 Background Pursuant to Public Contract Code 20659, construction contracts with an original cost of $30,000 or less may have subsequent change orders of ten percent (10%) or $30,000, whichever is greater. Funding and Development Phase Funding for each item is shown in the above tabie. Construction Phase. VIII. AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 31013 with Bomel Construction Companyjo provide general construction services for the Parking Structure project at Los Angeles City College with a substantial compietion date of May 16,2011, Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 7th, 2005 (Corn. No. FPD2). The total cost of this contract is $47,843,583. Funding and Development Phase Projects are funded through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds, Parking Structure Project 01C.6116.02, 11C.7116.02. Construction Phase. B. Action Authorize Acceptance of Compfetion of Contract No. 33467 with Fideiity & Deposit Company of Maryland to provide genera! construction services for the Student Success and Retention Center/Swing Space project at East Los Angeles College with a substantial completion date of March 22, 2012 Page 13 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Deveiopment . August 8, 2012 Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 7, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD1 The total cost of this contract is $1,518,393. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Student Success and Retention Center/Swing Space 32E.5234.02.01. Construction Phase. C. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33167 with U.S. Dash Construction !na toprovye9ene^,construction soloes for the Gym Building Pool Storage project at Los AngeSes Valley College with a substantia! compietion date of February 24,2012. Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on January 12, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD1). The total cost of this contract is $169,723. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition AA Bond proceeds. Gym Building Pool Storage 18V7825.03. Construction Phase. D. Action Authorize Acceptance of Compietion of Contract No. 33419 with image Systems Signs & Graphics, inc. to provide genera! construction - interior and exterior sjanageinstaiiation ?ervlces.!or ^e.,scienc,T career & Mathematics Buiiding / Swing Space project at East Los Angeles College with a substantiai completion date of June 19,2012 Backoround This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on November 2, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD1). The total cost of this contract is $2,880. Funding and Development Phase ^u?dmS..'s.thr?^)h^eLa^T/J Bond Proceeds- Science Career & Mathematics Building / Swing Space 32E.5222.02.01. Construction Phase. E. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33440 with Signature Flooring, Inc. t^^genora^onstruc.;on services for the Science and Math Building project a. West Los Angeles College with a substantial completion date of February 10, 2012, Page 14 of 19 . Facilities Planning and DeveEopment e August 8, 2012 Background This contract was ratified by the Board of Trustees on January 11,2012 (Corn. No. FPD5). The total cost of this contract is $20,995. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A Bond proceeds. Science & Math Building 09W.6901.02. Construction Phase. F. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33391 with Western Group, Inc. to provide Qeneral construction services for the Second Access Road (SCE Mitigation) project at West Los Angeles College with a substantial completion date of March 9, 2012. Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 7, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD1). The total cost of this contract is $152,776. Funding and Development Phase ^.n.?i^?J11r?^9ElMeasure JJ30nd Proceeds- Second Access Road (SCE Mitigation) 39W.5981.01.02. Construction Phase. IX. AUTHORIZE TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Action Authorize termination for convenience of Contract No. 33073 with Cannon Constructors, Inc. t_° provide 9eneral constmction services for the Campus Infrastructure - Americans with Disabi!ities Act (ADA) Upgrades project at Los Angeles Valley College. Background I!""8 contract was /?uthorized by ^he Board of Trustees on August 25, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1). The College and College Project Manager have requested, and the Program Manager and the District have concurred that this agreement should be terminated by the District for convenience. FundinQ and Development Phase Funding Is through Measure J Bond proceeds. ADA Compliance - Valley 40J.5802.03.01. Design and Construction Phases. Page 15 of 19 . Facilities Pianning and Deveiopment . August 8, 2012 X. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO DESIGN-BUfLD AGREEMENT Action Authorize Amendment No 7 to Design-Build Agreement No. 33064 with Bernards Bros, Inc. for additional Design-BuiEd services for the Student Union, Astronomy, fnfra structure, Landscaping^ & Security (SAILS) project at Los Angeies Harbor CoiEege at a cost not to exceed $42,742 inciusive ofeligibie reimbursabie expenses. tnciusive of this amendment, the totai cost of this Design-Build agreement is $65,698,347. Background The Design-Build system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees on May 1:2, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Design-Buiid agreement with Bernards Bros, Inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 11, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1). Additional Design-Buiid services are proposed: 1. Due to requests by the college: . Replace sanitary sewer line south of the Technology Building. 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: . Remove concrete planter cap at the Astronomy Building not shown on as-bui!t drawings. t Replace existing deteriorated storm drain lines. . Replace existing deteriorated eiectricai feeds to the Astronomy Building. Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. 33064 includes Change Orders Nos. 7 and 8 Funding and Development Phase !^ndlrl£Li!3- throu9h. Measure J Bond proceeds. SAiLS - Astronomy Modernization 33H.5350.02.03 and SAILS - Infrastructure Landscape Security 33H.5350.02.03. Construction Phase. XI. AUTHORIZE RECfSSION OF PURCHASE ORDER Action Authorize the rescission of the purchase order with UniVoIP, Inc. authorized by the Board of Trustees on July 11 2012 to provide a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoiP) teiephone system for the College Projed Manager - Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF'&E) project at Los Angeles Southwest College at a cost of $42,403. BackQround This purchase order is requested to be rescinded because UniVolP, inc. was incorrectly identified as the vendor for this purchase order in the Board action of July 11, 2012 (Corn. No. Page 16 of 19 » Facilities Pianning and Development . August 8,2012 FPD1). A replacement purchase order with the correct vendor shown for this item is included on this Board report. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond Proceeds. FF&E 40J.5655.05. Construction Phase. XII. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORDERS A. Action Authorize a purchase order with Unisource Solutions to provide a conference room whiteboard and office coat hooks for the Library Learning Resource Center project at Los Angeles Harbor College at a cost of $1,837. If applicable, al! sales tax shall be paid. Background Unisource Solutions provided the low quote from among three written quotes ranging from $1,837 to $3,297. Delivery and set up are included. Funding and Development Phase Funding^s through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Library Learning Resource Center 13H.7348.02. Construction Phase. B. Action Authorize a purchase order with Animavi, LLC to provide outdoor tables and benches for the Library Learning Crossroads Building project at Pierce CoHege at a cost of $74,043. ff applicable, aii saies tax shall be paid. Background AnimavjLLC provided the low quote from among three (3) written quotes ranging from $74,043 to $88,917. Delivery and set up are included. Funding and Development Phase ^d,ir29JSJhTugh. Measure J Bond proceeds. Library Learning Crossroads Building 35P.5541.02, Consiructipn Phase. C. Action Authorize a purchase order with 8x8, Inc. to provide a Voice over Internet Protocol (Vo!P) telephone system for the College Project Manager - Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) project at Los Angeies Southwest Coiiege at a cost of $26,272, If applicabie. a saies tax shall be paid. Background 5^?-IT-?'. v>^^, t!1e..iow c!uote from amonQ three (3) written quotes ranging from $26,272 to $26,995. Delivery and set-up are included. Page 17 of19 . Facilities Planning and Development . August 8, 2012 Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond Proceeds. FF&E 40J.5655.05. Construction Phase. XIII. RATIFY PAYMENT FROM BOND PROCEEDS Action Ratify payment from Bond proceeds to AT&T for additional services needed to re-route underground teiecommunication cabling at the School of Arts & Humanities project at Los Angeies Southwest College in the amount of $11,595. Background On Julyj3. 2011 (Corn. No. FPD1). the Board of Trustees authorized the payment of $37,817 to AT&T to re-route telecommunications cabiing under the School of Arts & Humanities deveiopment site. The scope of work presented at that time omitted identification of the cost to be an estimate oniy Work was completed by AT&T on schedule with an actual completion cost higher by $11 ,595 for a total of $49,411. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. School of Arts & Humanities 36S.5632.02. Construction Phase. XIV. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF TAKEOVER AGREEMENT WITH SUREPT Action Authorize the execution of a takeover agreement with Safeco Insurance Company of America (Safeco) for the Library Learning Resource Center at Los Angeles Harbor Cdleae at no additionai cost to the District. Background Safeco is the Payment and Performance Bond Surety for Edge Development, inc. ("Edge"). On Apri! 14, 2010, the Board of Trustees awarded Construction Contract No. 32852 for the Library Learning Resource Center project at Los Angeles Harbor Co!lege to Edge. The originai award amount was $14,349,007. On June 18, 2012, Edge notified the District that due to financial difficulties it was unable to pay for completion of the Library Learning Resource Center project and was voiuntarily defaulting under the Contract Edge invited the District to contact Safeco to arrange for completion of the Contract Pursuant to the obligation of Safeco under the Payment and Performance Bonds issued on behaif of Edge, the District has negotiated a takeover agreement through legal counse! with Safeco to ensure completion of the project originally contracted to Edge. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding isjhrough Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Library Learning Resource Center 33H.5348.02. Construction Phase. Page 18 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Development . August 8, 2012 XV. RATIFICATION OF SETTLEMENT A. In accordance with Board Rule 7313, ratify settlement of Ciaim No. 2012-M01 in the amount of $18,419.03. B. In accordance with Board Rule 7313, ratify settlement of Claim No. 2012-P03 in the amount of $19,138.80. Page 19 of 19 . Facilities Planning and Development . August 8,2012