t, :u BE w vs <s 'ft, Los Angeles Community College District AGENDA TTOV hire81vd., Los Angetes.CA 90017 (213) 891-2000 ORDER OF BUSINESS - REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Public Session 2:00 p.m. Closed Session (Immediately Foliowina Adjournment of Capital Construction Committee) Educational Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Roll Call (2:00 p.m.) II. Rag Salute HI. Reports from Representatives of Employee Organizations at the Resource Tabfe IV. Announcements from College Presidents V. Public Agenda Requests A, Oral Presentations B. Proposed Actions VI. Reports and Recommendations from the Board . Reports of Standing and Special Committees BT1. v * Resolution in Support of Marriage Equality Reports from the Chancellor « Reports from the Chancellor regarding District activities or pending issues o Presentation on Measure J Technology Projects VI * Consent Calendar Matters Requiring a Majority Vote BSD1. FPD1. HRD1. Authorize_Professional Services Agreement ^?!i!ie-s»?iainnir?9.an?,Peve,!opmeJ?t Routine Report Approve Reduction of Presidents' Transportation Allowance and Adjustment of Salary Schedufe ISD1. Amend Board Rule 18110 - Guidelines for Implementation Matters Requiring a Super Majority Vote - None X. Recommendations from the Chancellor - None X. Recess to Capital Construction Committee A. Roll Call B. Public Speakers C. Presentation/lnitiative Reviews 1_ Overview of Bond Program Management Transition D. New Business E. Adjourn Capital Construction Committee ORDER OF BUSINESS April 17,2013 Page 2 Xt. Reconvene Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees x * Roll Call Xl H. Notice Reports and Informatives BT/A. [Notice] Amend Chapter XVII, Article ill of the Board Rules HRD/A. [Collective Bargaining Informative] Initial Proposal of the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, AFT Local 1521 to the Los Angeles Community College District Regarding Negotiations as Agreed in Article 1 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement to Discuss Compensation Matters for 2013-2014 Coilecfive Bargaining Notice] Reopen the 2011-2014 Collective HRD/B. Bargaining Agreement with the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, AFT Local 1521 Regarding Compensation issues for'2013 2014 XIV. Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions XV. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Closed Session Agenda Matters Location: Board Room XVI. Recess to Closed Session in accordance with The Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq., and the Education Code to discuss the matters on the posted Closed Session agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954.5. Location: Hearing Room XVN. Reconvene Regular Meeting Location: Board Room XVI Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session - April 17, 2013 XIX. Adjournment A****************************** Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday, May 1, 2013 (Public Session scheduled for 2:00 p.m.) Los Angeles Mission College 13356 Eldridge Avenue Sylmar,CA91342. ******************************* In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b), documents made availabie to the Board after the posting of the agenda that relate to an upcoming public session item will be made available by posting on the District's official bulletin board located in the lobby of the Educational Services Center located at 770Wi[shire Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cafifornia 90017. Members of the public wishing to view the materiai wi!i need to make their own parking arrangements at another location. If requested, the agenda sha!l be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disabiiity-reiated modification or accommodation, including auxiiiary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation In order to participate in the pubiic meeting. To make such a request, piease contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at (213) 891 -2044 no later than 12 p.nz (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. N4' s w ^ 's4 ia '* AGENDA ms I w .» . . i "' LOS ANGELES COMMUNnTYCOLLEGE DISTRICT 770WilshireBouIevard,LosAngetes,CA90017 213/891-2000 ATTACHMENT A CLOSED SESSION Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Educational Services Center Board Room ~ First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 Public Employee Appointment (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) A. Position: Chancellor B. Position: College Presidents C. Position: Interim Chancellor II. Public Employee Evaluation (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) A. Position: CFO/Treasurer B. Position: Deputy Chancellor Hi. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Reiease/Charges/Complaints (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) fV. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(a) A. Specialized Builder's Hardware, Inc. dba CFO Door Hardware & Security, Inc. v. LACCD, Morilio Construction, Inc., David Niemerow B. Pugfsese v. LACCD Closed Session April 17,2013 Page 2 V. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b) A. Potential litigation - 1 matter J: . A Los Angeies Community College District Corn,No.BT1 Division Board of Trustees Date: Apnl17,2013 Subject: RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF MARRIAGE EQUALITY The following resoiution is presented by Trustees Svonkin, Veres, and Santiago: WHEREAS, Same-sex marriage is arguably the most contentious civil rights issue of the twentyfirst century; and WHEREAS, ltjs_our re^nslb!lity,{° Protect and defend the rights of students, faculty, and staff on: issues that impact their lives on our campuses and in our communities; and WHEREAS Lesbian gay, bisexua!, and transgender (LGBT) students, facility, and staff should have all the rights and privileges that the government allows; and WHEREAS, PFOposition 8 a state Constitutional amendment passed by voters in November 2008, provides that "oniy marriage between a man and a woman is vaiid or recognized in Ca!ifornia"; and WHEREAS, This Constitutional provision and similar lawsin most other states prevent same-sex couples from being married and, thus, deny them the same rights'that opposite sex couples have to marry; and WHEREAS, Such discriminatory laws on the basis of sexua! orientation are counter to the fundamental principie of equal protection that exists in the U.S. Constitution and that is later defined in federal statutes and case law in relation to other imrriLftabfe characteristics such as race, color, gender, age (40 years and older) and disabiiity; and WHEREAS, CaiJfornia, unlike most states, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in an educational setting and in theworkpiace pursuant to the Unruh Civil Rights Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act, respectively; and WHEREAS, ^aJi^or,nl?'SJe9i^ativ^an^,Nic1^ Seadership h the area of civil rights shouid be extended unequivocally and conclusively to marriage equality for same-sex couples; and WHEREAS, The United States Supreme Coiirt will soon decide two cases pertaining to marriage equality, involving California's Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA); and WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community Coi!ege District (LACCD) Board of Trustees strongiy supports marriage equality and the rights of same-sex couples to be treated equaiiy under state and federal law; and Chancellor and Candaele Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees FieSd Svonkin Park Veres Page Pea rim an Date By of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT1 Div. Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT1 Division Board of Trustees Date: April 17, 2013 WHEREAS, The LACCD promotes an environment, on the colleges campuses and in the District Office, that celebrates cultural difference and fosters mutual respect and tolerance for ai!; and WHEREAS, The LACCD has been a leader in providing domestic partnership benefits, offering such benefits to same-sex couples since 1999; and WHEREAS, Employer benefits afforded to domestic partners and anti-discrimination provisions understate law must not be the so!e basis of ensuring equality to LGBT individuais; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the LACCD hereby urges the United States Supreme Court to conclude that marriage equaiity for same-sex couples should be permitted and protected in every state in the nation; and be it further RESOLVED, That the LACCD's community-both LGBT and heterosexual-will benefit from the cpnfirmed invaijdatJon of Proposition 8 and from the invaEidation of DOMA, by studying, being trained and working in a truly just and fair state and nation; and be it further RESOLVED, That students, faculty, staff, and members of the surrounding community are encouraged to exercise their First Amendment rights and express their support for marriage equality by holding a rainbow flag or other rainbow symbol' in the designated free speech area at an LACCD coiiege. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 ACTION Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BSD1 Division: SUBJECT: Business Services Date: April 17, 2013 AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Agreement with Gonzalez, Quintana & Hunter, LLC., to provide legislative advocacy services. The firm will assist and support existing advocacy efforts on behalf of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) focusing on immediate legislation impacting the District. Background: Gonzalez, Quintana & Hunter, LLC., has extensive expertise in working with the State of Caiifornia Assembly and Senate which will serve the LACCD in these efforts during the period of April 18, 2013 to October 30, 2013, inclusive, at $9,000 per month. Total cost not to exceed: $63,000. <^^^) ^^KX$^(^ Recommended by: ^n/ ><X^ K^. Approved by: . a Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor ^L/"^^ baniei'J. LaVista, Chancelior Chancellor and Candaele Field Park Pearlman Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Date Santiago Svonkin Veres Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 4-17-13 s '* » s vs BB un B8 HiHTON * 'fi, Los Angeles Community College District g Corn.No. FPD1 Division FACIUTiES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date April 17, 2013 SUBJECT: FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROUTINE REPORT Action Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 4500176403 with URS Corporation to provide an extension of time for continued program management services from May 1, 2013 to May 31, 301 3 at no additiona cost. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the total amount of this agreement for the full contract term is not to exceed $21 ,664,801. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on March 21, 2012 (Corn. No. FPD1) with the allowance that it be extended as needed during the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for a new iong term program management agreement On April 3, 2013 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized a new long term program management agreement with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. This proposed amendment provides additional time to complete the transition to AECOM. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Program Management 40J.5J90.05. All Phases. Si^^)^Ji>^<Nfl^^ Y^ Recommended by: ?J, ^M^Approvedby: Adrians D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor z 4 u^w^ ^n^-La^/ista/Chancellor Chancellor and Candaele Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Page Date of Field Park Pearfman Santiago Svonkin Veres Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote 1_Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 4-17-2013 '*. :* ^ 'ft ^ y ACTION BS r I » w i"*l Los Angeles Community College District i Corn No. HRD1 Division: HUMAN RESOURCES Date: April 17, 2013 SUBJECT: REDUCTION OF PRESIDENTS TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE AND OF SALARY SCHEDULE In consideration of the acceptance of a reduced local transportation allowance of $500 monthly, authorize the establishment of a corrected Salary Schedule for College Presidents effective July 1, 2013, with placement of the applicable executive incumbent on the same step except as may be subsequently authorized pursuant to evaluation processes. This shaf! also apply to other executives placed on the same salary schedule. Additionally, authorize a comparabie reduction of transportation allowance and adjustment of salary for the Deputy Chancellor. Proposed Adjusted SalarvJSchedule Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Monthly Salary Annual $14,638 $14/883 $15,132 $15/386 $15/644 $15/907 $16475 $16,448 $16/725 $17/008 $175/652 $178/591 $181/584 $184,630 $187,730 $190/887 $194/101 $197,372 $200/702 $204,092 Salary ^/ .uw.\ Recommended ""^n-^ Michael Shanahan,^r Associate Vice Chancdlor Human Resources ^^bj^-t^X) Recommended by: (^^SL^- Approved by, > Adrians D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor A^ ^ ^. ^iellJ.^aVista, Chancellor ^ Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Candaefe Field Park Pearlman HUMAN RESOURCES Santiago Svonkin Veres Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 4-17.2013 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn No. HRD1 Division: HUMAN RESOURCES Date: April 17, 2013 Background: This action WJH not result in any net increase or decrease to compensation. College Presidents and other executives who are employed by contract pursuant to Education Code section 72411. The established provisions of the contracts for regular College Presidents, Vice Chancellors, the Deputy Chancellor, and the General Counsel include a provision that salary may not be reduced during the term of the contract, and include a local transportation allowance of $1,530 monthly. Comparison with compensation for other, like districts in California show that the presidents' salary rate is substantially below average, but the ioca! transportation allowance is above average. This action will appropriately allocate these two forms of compensation. Adjustment of Deputy Chanceilor's current allowance and salary is included because there is no salary range for the position of Deputy Chancellor but a similar reduction in the transportation allowance is desired. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. HUMAN RESOURCES Date 4-17-13 .t @ A w s Noticed: April 3, 2013 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. !SD1 Division Educationa! Support Services Date: April 17, 2013 Subject; AMEND BOARD RULE 18110 - GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION Amend Board Rule 18110 as foilows: 18110. GUJDEUNES ^OR^IMfL^E-NHD?^. ,fo.r_PurPoses °| J,nterPretal°^^ thJLCAaP!eJ:;..t^ Board adopts the attached Gi^defes for Implementation of Sections 53200 to 53207~of Title 5 of the Administrative Code of California These guidelines were agreed upon by "the Community College_Leagueof_Califojnia^nd the statew^ Academic Senate for Califs Colleges. In the evenUhe Community College League of California and the Academic ^ateJor^fomac-tVCO"ec'es revise the G"^""es, the BoaSa^ the most recently revised Guidelines. GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEIViENTATON OF SECTION 53200..53204 OF TITLE 5 OF THE AD1VHNISTRATIVE CODE OF CALIFORNIA The Rolo ofAcadomic Sonatos in the Cslifornia Community Collog es QUESTIONLWhat noods to bo dMO to imPlomonttho ncw rogulationc to ctrongthcn local academic senates? ^j!!^ar^?-^^dto!a^^t^iit^l^9^et^£d"o^^?t^^ta^t^^ a^^^m^;S iu=53E in_tormG of how tho dictrict carrios out tho regulations. Difforont boards anddiGfrictsmayincfudo different amounts of procodural dotail in diotrict policioB. (However, sco rocommondationoin~tho third and fourth anowQrc.) ?L..?^i^Ti[?^:.-ln-?doptinA,nov!f,pol.i.?i(?? on aca^omic and profossional matters, doos the governing board have to moot directly with the-&ewrte? * Recommended by: ^Umc/^ J ,f ^. .f ^.^ .'? < / / fi c: ,ff' .c. ^ asmin Deiahoussaye, Vice Chance!!o \ .f, £? Donald Gauthieir President, DAS ^ Recommended by: A9^ Adriana D. Ban-era, Deputy Chancelior i lc^/^L^^ Approved by: Dani(7!/d, LaVista, Chancellor Chancellor and Candaeie Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Park Veres By Page 1 of 19 Pages Date Corn. No. .? -.c:^ )^LJ^£^<^ I:SD1 Div. Pearlman Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: April 17, 2013 ^j^ro ^04",m^tbhoear^?t""^lthdec^^^"1y°of3^1dc1^g"oa^°a^^^^ S^on^!ankcdbacic.^ ma P0^^0^^^ the rocponsibility-of-the d.Mig.ncooto.communicato with.tho'r rooPoctivo constitucncioo on an ongom'gbacfc co'ao to best represent them in the devclopmont of poficios. ^.^c^^a^d-^ltr^ttti^^c^tH^Jad^?^f9"^^t-'^^^"^^0^^^^ different approach used for the different mattoro? Either one of the procodures can bo used to address each of ttio ton arooG defined oc academic ton "academic and professional mtteFs. 4^,S^f?I19J^i^hvo^?.ii'?^whJ?!!i>!!.h^5=?l^o.co?ses in thor®g"^ions ("rely primarily" 01 mutual agrocmont") should bo used on a given issue? I!!?tI^?I-g-c!v^^i!??-l?^'=IJ^OVCr.'..^l?_roc?m!rendcid th1at4he~te"caf®9orios of acadomic and SSKi^ZKr;;K;;."^££ESKS; dealt with according to which prococo. Thoao may then bo included in adoptod policy. 5^S?i^"LI?JlLif:lh?10Y?r^ln9^^.ch?osos,tho.?.ptiot? to"rcfy primarily" on the advice of the academic senate in any of the ton dofinod aroac of "acadomic an board required to accept tho recommendation of the oonato? professional matters," is the No. Title 5 regulationo cloarly ctato thot En most cases under the "reiy primarily" option the rocommondation of the academic conato will bo adopted. Howovcf,-thew^e-conditionG'undc» which the tecal board may nood to make a dccicion difforont from th'o sonato'o ro'commondatiefl. (See next Question and Answer) ^^^JSJ,f.?l!lI^^^i?L?o-^Tlni,^?Ld..-wh^il,.choo£io.° tho f(roly Primarily" procodurc is ^^^y=!^£^^S^^ cornpolling reasons." What do those moan? I?S ^la*tL<^ld..cLn?LdF-fil?!Lt?S !?rI^B.lfcx?OPti,°?aJ, CJ-rcum5?anGOG" and "compolling roaconG/ and those terms arc not intended to_havo a logal dofmitioH-Fbese tormsmoant'hat'bMrdcmuot ^??s??a;1,a^;i^ii:;;;;;,;..',;as=£S£ explanation for the docicion in an accurate, appropriate, and rolovant-wntext, Boards-t®mptod to .rcjoct,arocommendatlon mi9ht; instcadi asf< ^o sonato to roconsidor the recommendation in light of the issues that have not been rocoivod trihe-teewd'^att&feettm; Page 2 of 19 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: Aprii17,2013 I:^9-UJ^Ti°?lL^ ??^l°? ??_vor.nJnclb??r^whiGh ?hoosos th,o"mutual agreement" procodurc io supposed to roach writton agrcomont with tho Gonato in any of the ton dofincdaroaG of "acadomic andprofossK)nal" mattoro. When may the board act if it io not able to rcach'mutual agroomoni with the academic senate? ag^^CTtJrt^^t^^oimypc^hg^Jti^Mta?rt5?gS?^io^^ ?sr?MK£;£'s;!;e=azaSs3S boart decision must bo baocd on a clear and oubGtafttiwattenale which putGthocxplan^^^^ the decision in an accurate, appropriate and rofovant context. 8. QUESTION: When there is an existing policy, is the board pormittod to act without mutual agreement? ?,(LJLth£r?.J!..!!? ?^tJn^^°^yLth3! p.c!licy^impiy ?.tayG ir!.offcct until mutual agroomont io K^;sz,S3£<a;s;n '^assasiE&s y^^ysy^^v^ described in question 7 above) without waiting any longer for agroomont ?L-.?«ll^I19?liL.Th.oi-!!?^y?!-?-?=T?n10^t"^ro.God?jrca,pp?^s tocontam dc ^cto ability to block changos in policy when an pxioting policy'io in placo by failing to agroo to noododact'fon: What would happen if this occurs? L^?.ul^f?ia-^fa^h^i^^h?^o-g.uJationG.in<or<??rto.block.ch?nSO.S '"pof'cywhenan oxistEng p°"cy.ism.plac°by!i"l'"g-t.°_a.groot°"°cd.(!d,acti0"- A °.onatc f;lcod with a board which'rofuGcS ?Lf?i!!!? .p.a.rti?i.pa-t.o_o.r,-^?s."Tt.cono^,ctiv?ly.ln tho a?omP! '? roach mutual agroomontmay s^:;:»%;;^mK M";i>°sattass= £^Gi;lt.^strucuvc!y;.!tJ!.^ikolythatoithm:thc,chanccH0'- °r -°"rt woSld-obJoct^ board which takes action without mutual agreement under those circumctancoG. il^pr^fJlf^ult^ai"nt^itt^realthbaMh^h^fo sy^i?^loscct?v^^ar^cai^ legal, scope of bargaining? Can the local board-accopt rocommo'ndationoyrom the acadcmie sonatc^or roach agrccmontG with the academic conato which cortFa4tet^&of!octivo'bargainmg agroomont? li?^ ?i"^rerc^ii ?tc^ q)l?ef^l!i1)^nv?hiJlhlb^l^mLn?h^o^l^cfl^^^^^9^ t107^l50d;i5n^ change ^"vt-J.wgaming law (i o EERA Govornmont Code Soction 3510 ot'Goc:) no7'thc"icgai Ea^=aS^^'"aa ss^ssssS; coliective bargaining and district governing boards." Page 3 of 19 Pages Corn. No. SD1 Div. Board of Trustees Board of betweei Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. !SD1 Division Educational Support Sen/ices Date: April 17,2013 lli:?u!?J^:,..cfLrm-b??rd_a?d "T?n th[ou9h a colloctivo bargaining agroomont change o poljcy^provioucly adpptod by a board based upon rocommondation of thc'a'cadomic wnate'o, mutually agreed to with the academic senate?' Y^^??,?^O^Jll??.r?JLrialol^it!1J!1.^h^s^^0 ?^??li?ctive bargat?ins lraybo no90tiatod bctwoot ;^vo banning roprocontativoc and Strict govcrni,,g boSrdc-rogo^^-of-p.viouo policies. ^^JJ^Jf2rlL?/!a^,th(L(lolicct,lvc bargainin9 agent delegate matters within the scope of a'M'ss^aa^ssyss;^ Yes, to the oxtonf permitted by coHoctivo bargaining laws. The regulations stato that the intent is to "rospoct agroomonto botwocn acadomic conatcG.'and coHoctivo"bargaining roproGontativco:::"' 13. QUESTION: IWust the district consult collogiaHy on the administratEve organizatEon chart of tho college? tNi^ s^c t(?foth3dS^tir^lt3sti?cn£p8o^i?bli!^°t<^ mcaoyn^ltaclSl^tg°ral^r' ?ifht:hrc^c£lsOTno3rtn:ance but is <>utskte 1iL<?^J5-II<^: :-^.o?-o^,o^^..t_h^.t??. a.roaJS_.of <,<acad°T'(?; alld Pr9foss'o"al mattorc" Ec proGossosformstitutional planning and budget dovclopmontG." Dooo^thiG'rogukition'rclato to the institutional plans and budgoto thcmoclvos, or only to the procoss by'which'plano'and budgets arc dovofopod for prosontation to the board? ILe/^f-3t.i?rt.roJ^to?-.on,iy.t.0 th.<? Pro.ccss" Ti?9 acaclcmic sonato's role is in helping to shape tho SMCWW ucodfordcvotoPin9,thcP!ano ""d-b.^t^be^er, upon bythcgo^ming-board: The board is not roquirod to oithcr-roly primarily" on the oonate-s rocommondatienwwaei agreement with the senate on the plans and budgets thomsefves. 15/-?.^?!L^-:iLaJ???J^?ard-vlolatos_%? regulation.s' wilithG stQto Chancellor's OfficQ intervene and/or investigate the case for possible noncomplmnco? .p.^?bly^<??:-Yv^t^? <?.hon<?)IJC!r'.s.officF ^il! probabfynot bocpmc invoivod in a single JGGUO ^^^d!owa^awboarddnc^,^n °f violating tharcg^t?cno:ibe Chancellor's Office has tho authority to enforce compliance. 16. QUESTION: Do these regulations have the force of law? yjLS;iJI:?-d-i^cl!?Siir?^!~«n^mQJ(?a good faith offort and does not ultimatciy abide by thoco regulations it would be in violation of law, !^?JJJE?JJOhl:-.vvha1Lpovvors.do t,he Boarctof Governors have to onforce Titfo 5 roguiationc such as the ones on strengthening local senates? Page 4 of 19 Pages Corn. No. iSD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed; 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community Cotiege District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educationa! Support Services Date: Apri!17,2013 Education Code Soction 70901 mandates that the Board of Governors octablJGl t mmimun conclitlonLontit'in?dictr'GtG torocoivo ctato aida Currently thoro^rc GomoJS minimum conditionc that districto must moot in order to rocoivo otato funds: The Board of Govornoro coi withhold S^ro^^?Lst^t^=d-^n^^t.osJabnGh?d.-m^ minimum conditions [s adoption of procoduros consistent with sections 53200-53204 of the Admmistmtivc Code ThuG ono of the minimurrt conditionG that dictrictc muct GubGtantiaHy moct in order to receive state aid is to strengthen local academic sonatos oo per the now rogytatioft&: 18. QUESTION: ff a Jocai sonato fools that it has oxhoustod all cincoro intornal efforts to work cooporativoty with the local govcrmng board and bolicvco the now rogulationc contmucto'bo ignored, what remedies can bo sought? ?i1s.tl ^ SJ???I?d?-^c?d-<i.n1^-s.cna?eJh,ould-be,con.t.a^ed !?r usof!J! ?dvJ^ and diroct SUPPort. /MSO, the Sonato can moko oomo initial contact with the Chanccllor'G Offico to cook mfomai resolution if pocsiblo. Tho Acadomic Scnato hac octabliohcd a Standardc andI Practicoc CommjttooHiat will bocomo incroaoingty active in documenting, publishing and acting in the resolution of senate rolo issues. SO-c?-n?l.yiiLth.? Lo^alao.3.do?J,c,o,onat? !)?Jiovo£lhat th,9f° i^.ciloar and conGiGtont noncomplianco, the local senate may contact the Legal Affairs Office of the Chancollor's Offlco. l!t,^E^II^L^?^t^lo/JILltr^£r^^.K ^o^»t!!?,Jl^LC!^n^ud^mo?.of th^ Z£S;K=?S£S;SS"i '""M "m ."""'"" ?!?:-. J^ee^'JJ1?.roiar<^oth?r rf?slu!a?ions and !aws which addrcss thc participation of the public, students, staff and unions in district govewawe. 20. QUESTION: Should the advice and judgment of the acadomic oonate bo accorded groator v^5^^ntf?^r^v^oo"and"JU*d9m^nt academic and profossionaf mattoro? groups 3nd constituoncics in connoctio! wrth Lci!:,^bi^S.lu^tJ?n^lo:,J1L?.n5f t2Lthc-.int5nt??ft!?a reg^atioPG'?to onsuro thQt» whiiQ all ^;K=.^SM;;%y,^-!sss?ss collegially" with the senates, as described in those guNetifte&r GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEiVIENTAT!ON OF SECTION 53200-53204 OF TITLE 5 OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF CAUFORNIA Source Document: Participating Effectively in District and College Governance The Academic Senate for California_CommumW Colleges and The Community^Heae League of California Fall 1998 Page 5 of 19 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: ApriM7,2013 INTRODUCTION foh^o^o^'£?e^^^ ^? ^a^|efco^'5at^i^^c^l?t|^wr^t^ d^e^De^irfa^ Officers. o[ the CaJlfornia Community Colleges (CEOCCC) and the Academic "Senate rf~ the Caljfonm Community Colleaes. They have been endorsed bv the boards of directors'o'ftheCCCT and CEOCCC and by resolution of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleaes: The guidelines augment ones developed in 1992 by a similar joint task force The guidelines are grouped by issue area and are in the form of questions and answers. The questions and, answers are nonntende-d to, cover all situationswhidLm^be^ouB^^ address questionTmost frequently raised. In the answers_diveiofied^e2]^^^^ refers to a good Dractfce.^ut one that is not required. The word "must" indicates "the action outlined is required by law or state reQulatiorL The purpose of the guidelines is to Drovide assistance to trustees. CEOs. academic senate leaders, adminisfrators .classified staff and students which wilenabjejhem.to fulfill the intenfof effective DarticiDation in local decision making as delineated in state law and Boardof Governors regulations. PART I. THE LOCAL BOARD POLICY ON COLLEGIAL CONSULTATION 1. QUESTION: What is meant by the term "shared governance"? ^!?!lr?? f[?v£T-a.t!icTl' is-n.ot.a,t®_r7.that apDear?ln taw or reaulation. Education Code §70902(b)f7) riaht to oarticiDateeffectiveivln district and colleae governance" and, further. to ensure'"the right calls on the Board of Govemors^oenact regulations to "ensure-facultv. staff; an32a3he of academic senates to assume primary responsibility formakina recomm.ndation^n the'areas of curriculum and academic standards." The intent of the Legislature En enacting this section of AB 1725 was "to authorize more resPonsibnitV.forfacultY,members in duti^.^at are incidentaljp their-prH.ary-profes^ duties" and to assure that "increased^ faculty involvement Tii institutional'aovemance" and declsio".ma,k.ina".does.nofconfl.ictwithfac"ltv riahtsin collective bargaining (S'ection~4n): fh'is shared^ involvement m^he decision making process does not necessarily implv'total agreement nor does it abrogate the ultimate decision making resDonsibilitToTth^locahSovemma board T"le 5^51023-7 and.52023.5 state requirements for the "effective participation" of students and staff. resDectivelv. in the devefoDment of recommendatEons to the aovernina board. fitfeSSSsids requires the governing board1o-"consult coHeaiatlv" with the acaciemic senate'onacademic'and professional matters (defined En §53200). Consequently, ^the more precise Jerms cait for _the qovernEng board to assure effective particiDation of students and staff and to consult colleaiailT^IiTicademicZsenates "Later auestions will give auEdance on these two processes. The term "shared aovernance" can'taklon many meanings and it is suggested that its use be curtailed inlavoFofthemore Dreciseterms Page 6 of 19 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educationai Support Services Date: Aprii17,2013 2;-..<?H^S-T19N:.what l?.eeds ??b? don.e bY locai boar'ds and acaciemic senates to implement the ^J!lo.n-s.l?,l"!^e--ria-hl°,f,aca^ic.sePate;to.as^me.?rim-aroresDO"sibit^^ recommendations En the areas of academic and professional matters? The-?en=a,t®.?n_d.t!1e ioca1 bo?rd oritsdeslQnee (usually the chancellor. superintendent/president or President and senior administration) need to "consult colleaialfv" on the developmenLor modificationi of the dFstrict policv for board action to impiemenf the reaulafions. This Dolicv^an b^cKa! ^astater nt that the district^lofie.te^ordingjo the provisions of Title 5 §§53200.53204) or more specific in terms of how the district carries out the reauimS boards and district^ may include different amounts pf_ Drocedural detail in "district'Dolicy 'However, see recommendations in Questions 4 and 5 on selecting relv B"^rN^m^l agreement options. 3. QUESTION: In adopting or modifvinci policy on academic and professional matters, does the aovemma board have to meet directly with thesenate? No. The goyernina board and the senate may each designate appropriate representatives as their voices jn^the mutual development or modification of policy on academic andDrofessional matter. !^ is tiie responsibility of the desianees to communEcate with their respective constituencies on an ohaoina basis so as to best represent them; 4. QUESTION. The regulations list eleven areas defined as academic and professiona! matters ^<^rcL=»ro^res nw OWI^M^^n^^ areas. Those procedures Include either to "rely. primarily upon the advice and judqm^ofthe ^a?S?Jl!?-rt?tfu' ?j]?7<Lea?tml;tuaL?a^emen.t" M,usta lo(:al board se'ect only one procedure for addressing all of the.identifiedacademic and professional matters or canlhereje a different approach used for the different matters? Either one of the procedures can be used to address each of the eleven areas defined as academic and DrofessEonaTmatters: the procedure need not be the same for aii-eleven;1t'is ^commended, although no^eauired. that the specific procedure selected be jdentified En Dolcy for each of the academic and professional matters. 5mu?^I!r(^L^°\clei,c-?,Ti l??i?.L^f ^e^.^T^!?.!s^t^ ^aLlla-t[?.ns.rrefv, Drin;arily" or. mutua^aqreement") shouid be used on a given issue relatecTto academic and proie^onal matters? The local aovernina board. However. it is recommended that the eleven categories of academic and professional matters listed in the regulations be the subject of local discu^on^soiha^U concerned will know in advance which issues will be dealt with according to which"Drocess hese may then be jnduded in adopted pqHcy, ^-:^f,SJJ9?f.:x.vYt1yJ!L!Lre??.n1m?nd?d t.t1at.tl?e aovermna board poli<;y specify either the rely primariiv or mutual agreement mode of cofleaiai consultation for each of the eleven academic and professionai matters? Page 7 of 19 Pages Corn. No. SD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. !SD1 Division Educationai Support Services Date; April 17, 2013 i-n^D^??rincIJecomme.l?d.?-tion? to.t!1e c'ovemlnci board, it is necessary that ail parties know in advance their resDonsibilities for determining recommendations. It is im'Dortantfo'r'th'eaovemina board to communicate its ex sectations for the process of develoDEna recommendattqnsJPnor agreement on process has the advantage of allowing the board to focus on'the'contentof recommendations rather than on DroceduraMetajis; PART II. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL IVIATTERS L_9^?TION: The/eau.iati,o,t?s list e.lev^n are.as d?fined as "academic and professional matters." What is the scope of each of the academic and professional mattersS I?Le-i!^er}L(?f-t!1eJist.of.acader?1lc a!1d Drofessipnaf matters is to state more specifically the breadth of the legal requirement for the academic senate to assume primarv resDonsibiiit'v for "a,.^mmenclations..on :^^ ^. academic standards" .fEducationS S70?01(b)(7)1. These-auidelines do not attempt to further definejhejstof:academic'and professional matters. Often it is the context of the issue which dejerminesiUt is an'academic and professional matter: ^ assist in this, determination,,the comDanion docum.£^e^os S±q ,^iwJaw^JLD^i^-d.5S^gTce^S«^2 Mrticular issues ancT^ good Dractjce for their resolution throuah coHeaial cons'ultation ^^^,t! ^^,'tem^om^ac!d^-Mte^^^er^Wl-^i .aareeo.n-addinaother is.s"e,s.asbeina subiect to co"ec"al consu.ltation. Academic'senates.'along wth_aovernmaboards-and their desianees. are encouraged to establish Drocesses through which the status of any Issue as an academic and professional matter is determmed 8. QUESTION: Is it helpful to have a process by which issues are determined to be an academic and professional matter'? y?s' s??^ei?-ca^rnic and ?rofessEona.1 matters, are ,br?.a?En scope, it is important that colleges and districts have an aareed-UDon mechanism for clarifying when an item is an'academic'and Drcfessjonal.matter-and.thus7eauinna COIfeaial consultation. Good Dractice for develoDJna N5 mechanism uwolves agreement between the academic senate or its reDresentativeteTand 'the board or its desianee. 9. ^QUESTION: One of the eleven areas of academic and professionai matters is district and colles e-?oyemance.sAryctures- as.related tofacultv roies-lv!ust the district cons"lt coHeaialivon the ac h ministrative organization charfbfthe district and/or collea^? ?l?.^H?vf-tt? Ladn1JnJ?tr^ion is oraal?iz®d r?ay.be a matter for wide participation by the affected Darties but..'s.outside^the,SCOGeof the dlstrict^ resDonsibjlitv to'consuif'colleaiaiivwith'the senate.However, orqamzational changes which affect academic and professional maSSSucgas curriculum or faculty roieinaovernance would require consultation with the'academi^niii lo*,QUEST19N:.AI?.?t(ler °.ne. of.the efeven areas of academic and professional matters is Drocessesfonnstifutional planning and budget devefopment." Does this reauTation reiate'to'jhe SS^S^SffiSS °r«"u -b" TO- ." "hlch '.'"" "nd ^ Page 8 of 19 Pages Corn, No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date s 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn, No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: Apri!17,2013 The regulation relates only to the process. The academic senate is to be consulted coileaiallv in ;sah=% £to.ds=sr i?^ s?'£,^,-a- r^s: recommendations or reach mutual agreement with the senate on the plans anT^ themselves. PART IH. MUTUAL AGREEMENT AND RELY PRIMARILY 11. QUESTION: If the aovemina board chooses the option to "rely primariiv" on the advice of the academic senate in any of the eleven areas of academic and professional matterajsjhe board required to accept the recommendation of the senate^ N-o-'-I-it-!e-5Lr?.aulatio?s cleal;iv state that ^..n?ost cases under the "rely primarily" option the recommendation of the academicsenate will be adopted. However. thereareMnditions'unde? which the focal board mav-need to make a decision different from the senate's recommendation he circumstances covering such a decision are addressed in the next Questiory 12-.QUESTION: A ,district clover"i"q board^ which chooses the/'relv primarilY" procedure is normally supposed to accept recommendations .of the senate in any of the eJeSnS3 academic and professional matters unless there are "exceptional circumsSa "compelling reasons." What do these mean? 1!^ ^I?ti^I1^d^rrlol^efJI3^1tL^eliT£L^C^Dti?.n^1 ^S?fIat!C.^L?t\l ^con1?eillna/?,as°PS-" and these terms are not intended to have a legal definition outside thecpntextofthis'iaw (However, these reaulations do have the force of law. See Question 35.) These terms mean that boards must usuaifv accept senate recommendations, and that in instances.where "a recommendation is not accepted the reasons for the board's decision must be in writinalind based on a clear and substantive rationale which puts the explanation for the decision m"an accurate, apDropriate, and relevant context Boards tempted to reject a_ recommendation might, instead, ask the senate to reconsider the recommendation in light of the issues that have not been resolved to the board'ssatisfaction onn cases in which the clarity. accuracy or completeness of the recommendation needs imorovement ^3:.9UJES.TJON:_A.distlyt Qoveminci board which chooses the "mutual agreement" procedure is supposed to reach written aqreemenfwith the senate in any of the eleven areasjrfacademicand Drofessional matters. When may the board act if it is not abte to reach mutual aqreement'withThe academic senate^ Ltr^ftit?f ?fot^t'^ o^vnJi^nrl^LltE?i!lL?a^. t^^^^T?y^^ilho^l.rc?c^f.n?. ?-ut^?1 agreement if there are "compeilmq legal, fiscal or organizational reasons" why it ^£^S ^SlEle^!^??lD!'!l^^l?ef;ned ^ the rations and is not intended to have afeg3 definition outside the context of this law. (Again, the regulations have the_for^pfJaw.'See Question 35.) It means thafinTnstances where mutual agreement with the senatejs;not reached^ board decision must be based on a clear and substantive rational that puts the exDlanationforthe decision in an accurate, appropriate and relevant context 14. QUESTION: When there is an existing policy, is the board permitted to act without mutual agreement? Page 9 of 19 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educationai Support Sen/ices Date: Apri!17,2013 GeneralIY1.no- lf ther® '? an existina Dolicv- that Dolicv sEmplv stays in effect until mutual ssws ^sss^^^fs may act without reaching mutual agreement provided that it has made a good fait^effortto^ch agreement and has "comDeHma legal, fiscal or organizational reasons" to act fas the term "compellina" is described in the previous question) without waiting any longer foTagreemenj l?"-.Q.U-ESJfoN.:Jhe,"mytual aareement" Procedure appears to contain de facto ability to block changes in Dolicy when an existing policv is in place by failing to agree to needed action. What would happen if this occurs? !-t-^?.ulf[ ^ ??^!a^hl^,?4seAhe.reclu!attons,in.ord.erto.E>lo?k ch?naes in Doficywhen an existing DQlicv^in Place by failing to agree to needed action. If a board refuses or fails to'Darticipaieo; consult constructively in theattempno-reach mutual aqreemenLAsenatemay^ooseJoimtiate the technical assistance process delineated in the Academic Senate/CCLC document "Assistance to Assure Effective Participation in Strict and College Governance." (See Appen^HoShe other _h_and,Jf^the^enate attempts to use the reaulations process to block^ board action 'by refusing or failing to participat^or consult constructivetY, the board and chief executiye;officer may seek help through the technical assistance process as well. PART IV. IMPLEMENTING THE COLLEGIALCONSULTATiON PROCESS .16'.QUESTION>: ,once bo?.rd Doli,cles op colleflial consuitation and effective Darticipation have ^sass=tsdures'structuresand committees be deve'0^ ^^?-.OLtJ1e^?o.vern.En.?.boaIdDolicv °ncolJeQial consultation is only the first step in comDlyinawith the reauiations. Procedures, structures, and committees mustje reviewed'and revised to implementthe policy. The academic senate and the aovemina board ctesignee should examine existing structures that deal with academic;and professional matters. Those committeeswhteh are already academic and professional matters, such as curriculum and-staff developm.nt.ihoyid^ reviewed to, assure Hiat theJ^tructures and charges are.afifiroEnateJSee^uestjoiULon committee structure.) Where committees may not exist to deal scecificallv with an academic and professional matter, ajiew^ommittee may be needed or, perhaps, the charge .c?^r?Ltt^T-^J5?^05!f^ed;J:or.e^am^ef ^e "riat"culation advisory committee might be chafed with developing propbsals for student preparation and success. Throuahout this document, the work products of committees pertaining to academic and Professional Doiiciesand^ procedures will be referred to as "oroDosals."These DroDosals:are avai'ablsfor .wiew bv co"ecie ?rou^ ^ P?rt of the process to assure effective-particip^rf those affected by such proposals. As part of their reporting processes, commjtteesforward these w^±^ e^±Si^sCT^J:T!derationM!?§?!Sent^ter^^^ t!l:prop^l2e=i:=me!?datiOT: £! e.academ^enat^e^.t!^te<° develop sucjiDroDosals. committees also may be involved in implementation of existing policies and, _ procedures. JSee Question 19 .for a distinction among policv. prociuSd LmDLe.mentatio"J)-,FOLexamDle; c"rric,"lum c°mmittees imptement curriculum'poiicies "by reviewing proposals for new and revised courses, Page 10 of 19 Pages Corn. No. SD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. !SD1 Educational Support Sen/ices Date: April 17, 2013 In all procedures, structures, and committees. students and staff should be assured of effective Darticipation in matters which affect them. (See Questions 31 and 32 for more'on effective participation of staff and students. 17. QUESTION: What essential elements need to be defined in order to ensurethat the committee structure, used in coHeaTal consultation and to provide effective Darticipation. is functional'? ftliFec?,rnmended tha,t ^e ch?rae to a college committee be clearly defined. This permits matters withh^jhe^scoD^of^the charge to be handled by the committee; without overiapDina responsibilities with other groups^ clear charge also lessens the tendency to:crea£3 committee for every new issue. fFor use of a college council to do issue manaaementjor committee referrals, see the next question; ?^TTJt!!!LSJ1-(^!?Lha^Ld=ef^lt? ?!r?^!rsAfp'JV!e'?.bers.shouid &e chos.en for their exoertEse and areaofresponsibiljty; noHustto.represent a constituent qroup-For each place on the^mmjttee tte following should be specified: appointing body, term lenqth,_and voting status (ifv^s^to be taken). ?.e eJ?i?^£!^eDSrt?-?r^h®rvrork Dr?du,cts sh9yld be delineated. including to whom the reports are. submitted. ^Committee^proposais for policies and procedures on_a!!_a<;ademic;and Professional mattersshould be submitted to the academic senate as well as beina'avaiiable'fol review by other affected groups. (See the previous question regarding how a committee oroDosaJ becomes an academic senate recommendation. Operation of the colieae committee structure takes a commitment of the time and effort of the ???rcl!?.an.t^as.w.el.l-as,a.?o.mmitr?ent?!.reso^ces ^ th? instlt"tio"- All parties should:w^h carefu ly the deyelopmenFal needs, of the coHeae_[oJhe_extenLDOssible,'there shouEbe consideration of,and accommodationHfor the time required-for student:' faculty.and^taff DarticEDation which may be above and bevond their regular duties. Examples of accommodation include convenient times andTocations of meetings, reassigned 7me. and granting oVfleri work schedules. Consideration's also needed for technical and clerical suoport for committees with specjal needs. Operational requirements should not be EanoredTwnttemnmytes shouTdie kept of all committee meetings. Meeting times should be jirranaecLssJthatjLBSe ?lala«bie>.^e^d!!Ah-?-ul??eZdls.t^ut^.^^J.deauat? ^e far^^ for_members to DreDarefwmeetinas. Orientation and training of members should'beorovided regularly. ^L?^fZf:?J?i: ^^eJ^SJltlt!?llLhJ!e.^?Iff?e-i<ir--d=^rJCA^?o-rlinat!n? ?.ounci1?, consisting of re 3resentatives of the academic senate, unions, classified staff, administrative staff and students wlat is the role of such a council within the dictates of the law and regulations? Neither the law nor regulation^ call for any specifEc committees or structures, nor is a coordinating council-prohibited. Many colteqes have found coordinatmg^ouncCus^ES some cautions are warranted. ^.!<?^IITI-for-corlf?rmlnication or! comfrlo,n is^u,®s and forreDortina group activities are important functions coordinating councils can play. Often a particular matter may havemDlications'fof other groups that are not evident without discussion. Page 11 of 19 Pages Corn. No. SD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. !SD1 Educationai Support Services Date: April! 7, 2013 Issue management can be another useful activity for such councils. Broaching topics when they initiaHv arise can aiye aHDarties the ODDortunitv to DartEciDate in devising a common strateayJEor addressinfl that topic: It.can be within this forumjhat the academic senate may JdentElssuS which are academic: and professional in nature. These discussions can assure that topics are oroDerfv referred to the committee charged with handling that matter. Coordinating councNs'aiso Drovide a venue to resoiv^confiicts that may arise as issues work their wav'throuah.the governance process. However, a coordinating council is not the apDropriate body to make recommendations to the aovemina board or desianee on academic and professional matters. Thesejssues'are a e SDroDriately within the purview of the academic senate. Furthermore, care should betakenm acma decisfon-makina authority in the hands of coordinating councils: The strenflth_of ?.a?^i?-t^-ig-overnaricejie? i?.re^?^enciatlons ^®ina macle ^v t^ose W11° have the necessary expertise and are mosfaffected by the ctecjsjorL ^ol|:ueK^I'^lic^hSetaewopa^ntrTnyiti^51mTnVt|)en"tear^s''Rli^ the distinctions arnbnfl policy, procedures and Emplementation? Si^l^^J cahn^).!!? ^CH^ ?^?^<?u^s,, ^1^ EJ??llTe^LonTL.a^e--n^t ^x.act\ .and..?D?cific delineations should be made locally on a case-bv-case basis. That said, some flenerahzations may be useful. Policies give the colleqe general direction to accomplish its mission. They create the context for action as we!) as foster a positive climate in which change_can_occyn_PoU_cies delineateThe conditions which procedures must meet and state the_exfiectations_for_whan^to "be accomplished. They are of a sufficient scope and significance that they^arejidopted by public x!^^qwe^^^wedwe^^tt ^^e^to^^^^ specify those resDonsibleToTcarrvina out each step and mavEndud&Ttimelin'ebv which'tasks are to be completed. ImpTementation means carrying out the steps called for in^ the procedure 20^ QUESTION: jor those matters which the^overnmq board delegates to the chief executive office does colteqialconsutotion still apply? Is the governing board still responsible the effective participation of affected aroues? y?s^-b_oth.-Qu.e?,ti^s'_E-ducation code ^7^2^ Qives the ?ov.e.rninQ board authority to delegate certain resDonsibilities to groupsor individuafs emploved within the districf. Those to'wh'om those resDonsibilities are delegated must themselves consult colleaiallv with the'academic senate, on academic and professionai matters. Before aqreemaJoJejegatLon, boards'should carefully consider whether decisions are of a naturejhat they should be made in the Dublic'forum ofJhe.board.meetma7Note that the.Brown Act- Government Code §54950-54962:" specificaiiy requires open meetings of arouDs to whom boards have delegated authority, suchi:asjhe academic senate. ??.n-51Lr!1??.^rs-?^e?at?.d t°Joti?er.s' thefl°veminfl board stilt maintains the responsibility to assure effective DartTcipation of students. faculty, and staff. The'academic senate stiil retains its ri.?J^loDI?SeJs.sue.?onJh?board a.a.enda an<?f? DresePt its vi.^ws t-°.the board fTitle 5~^53^3i with the understanding that reasonable, accepted procedures wifi be followed Page 12 of 19 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. iSD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: April 17, 2013 21. QUESTION: What features characterize an effective colleaial consultation process? Colleqiai consultatjon requires mutual understanding among the faculty, administration, and the ?oveminQ ^oa!fd> Suchundeiitandina requires an awareness of interdeDendence, a commitment to communication, and the exchange of ideas as well as a commitment to joint action in the interests of solving educational problems or setting educational policy; I^I?-is-nf!.i?.n-e-^t-n???°.d^[<?.r .f.?-?j?met?.tin?..coileai^! consul^o"" Each collede tends to develop a culture of its own within which colleqial consutatio^akesj,!aceJieyertheEsZ2S features seem to be common among those colleges with effective Drocesses One such feature is a clearly defined governance structure that includes an organizational chart charges of the^ councils or committees, and defined memberships and Drocesses.Treauia program should be established for old and new members of the aovemina board;administration and faculty, to acquaint them with the principles and practices of the coHeaiaTconS^n r structure. When everyone understands how the process works. and the structure T'used consistently, it allows for success Communication is also a hallmark of a good coHegial consuftation process. Venues are created for.keYJeaclereto dJSCUSS matters,in form^ ^^ such. as.a coordinating-councii.^e Question 19 on the role of counciis^lnformal meetings canbeTetd between key l.ad^between formal meetings to furtheFunderstandina. but official conclusions should be a partof't'he'formai process. All partEcipants musTmake a conscientious effort to keep one anothennformed The need for trust will often be raised in the context of shared decision-making. Trust is fostered when wen established princtpteslnd-practices of colleqiatitY^ adhered to bv aMn.addJtKm tl:ust.ca".b.e.b."llt.by-crealtinaTDOOrtunities for i"divid"als to establish professional relatio'nshw in a variety of venues. CoHeaial consultation works best in well-run districts where expertise and defeaation of authority is-resDecte.d.and.wherereDrese,"ta.tives are ODen and honest a"d are committed to "working tociether for the benefit of the students. 22. QUESTION: Can a CEO make faculty appointments to committees, task forces, or other groups dealing with academic and professional matters?; NO'Jltle 5 ?53203tf) reQuires that apDointments of faculty to arouDs dealing with academic and professionaf matters be madcTbv the academic senate after consultation with the'C'EO" or desjaroe.Furthermore,^consuitation is required in establishing committees ifthe'ourDoseofthe commjtteejsjp deveiop Doficvor Drocedures related to an academicandDFofessionaTmatteLCLr as_oart^of th^ebasicciovernance structures set_forth__in_the board's Dolicv'on "coiieaiai consultation. (See Chancellor's Office Legal Opinion M 97-20. October 23J997 ?^5^?TJ?^LWAaAdo th,e law andreauiations say about particfpation in colleaial consultation ofcollefle and district senates in mulfi-campus districte? Deil.ea.atio-n-?!-au?/1?r,ity and resDonsfbilltv by a aovermna board under Title 5 S53203fa) can be to its MUea^senate, district sCTate. or both. In districts with a distn^ 5.s53202'-aOTeT!"a boards mav est.ab!ish Do"cies delineating colleaial consultation wFth'cofiae senates oniy, district senates only, or to both, Page 13 of 19 Pages Corn, No. SD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 s Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: April17,2013 When colfeaial consultation involves both college and district senates, distinction should be made between recommendations that involve college matters only and thosVwhi.£h^32rg scope. This is a locafmatter to be worked out among the senates and thej?oa'rd~o'r"its desianeels). It is recommended that on district matters the board soecifv the chanceJior as its designee and on college matters the desianee be the coileae president ^ln?.!fl.^ISFlL^^.^JEt!!*tilI!?,!!2.^0J -c?ille?iai.<??r?-UJ!??Lojn .bT_ !'?s?ected while addressinq opportunities and reauirementstb which a colieae must respond auJckly? P.e^!??Tf?^!,ef!e5.tiY®po!lci.esand.l:)ro.c,®,dur^s t?.(i:.es.time-lssues reauirina the development or revision of.polioes and procedures should be identified as earlvis possible and the^nsuEJon DrocessJnit!ated riaht awav. DeveioDment of proDosais En isotation which are then brouahtTito consultation is not a productive methodoloav. Prolonged" debate without' conslructive reSomm^S.nMd^,extends.^sok!tK}n^the.resue-All Parties shouki-a^e-'io reasonable timelTnes at the beginning of the consultation process ???!?^!^lres^fliLisJhe. l?e,ed to m?ke.a cf?cision in a short timeframe imposed by external considerations. Districts which seem to handle these situations best are thosewhich'havea comPrehensive,Plannlnc'ProcessJf the instit""°" has .fo^^hLand agreed-upon'qoateSd SX^&.S'SSS.^SX'SSSST^SS'.S^ tems^wjth short deadlmes often necessitate the academic senate president and'coiieae'Dreside'nt cpllaboratina without ooDortunitv to obtain full input from the various constituents.Evenmsuch circumstances it is expected that the actions of both Dresiden1swilfnofbe1ncpnsisteniwith~the established positions of their respective groups: PART V. ROLES OF THE ACADEMIC SENATE AND EXCLUSIVE BARGAINING AGENT 2-51..cluE?TLONLCa.n theJocalb(?a,rd choos? the acacfemic senate to be the organization that rePresents.facul.tV i" mattersjhat.have previously been collectively baraain.d or are^^^ legal scope ofTaraainina? Can the local board accept recommendationsfromihe academic ^^^reach aqreefflents w the academic senate aflreemenf; i!?.e ??-sv?.r-^i?.(?th aue;stiol?s is no,-T,he. c'ovemin(? board may not leaailv delegate to the senate any responsibilities or functions-which-belonq to the e^s^^es^^-wmM^ chanae_collective bargaining law (i.e., the Educational Emplovment Relations Acl Government Code_S3540^t_s6C.^ nor jhe legal scope of bargaining. The regulations soecificaliv'Dointout'that nothlTOinthe-BoardoLGOTemors'reaulation?mav,b.econstr.uedto"de'ract'^ agreements between collective bargaining and district governing bqards^ ^'iES/U^IS^i5^^2a^ !ni?«^Lioi!Lt!!LO^La.5flllcJ?YL??;?amJn^ .aclree.ment chanae policy previously adppfed bv a board based upon recommendationi of the'academic senateor mutually agreed to with the academic senateS Page 14 of 19 Pages Corn. No. SD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 a Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: April17,2013 YesLMatters.aPProPriatelV within the scope of collective bargaining may be negotiated between collective jMroaimnajepresentatives and distmt aovernina boards 'reaardless''of previous POHCJes;citinc' ti1e Edu"t'°"^ Employment Relations Act (EERA) in-GovernmerCo£ 53543.20). ^The scope of representation shall be limited to matters relating to'waaes.'houreo'f employment, and.other terms and conditions of employment7rTheTe terms andjonditions'are thenMumerated in^the Act. Furthermore, exclusive baraainina agents have the right to""cons~ul] on the definition ofeducational objectives, the determination of the cQntentofcourses and ^Slt^e!^ tex^oks^<WT^EERAdoes Code the fu 3roYisions and-..as,stated '" GovemrT'ent Code S3540. "shall not restrict, limit, or prohibit S otJttlfun^.of.anV-ademc.!enatewfacu^c°-" esfabHshed^ school district in a community college to represent thefacultd!Lmakmajecomm^Emo1hI administration and aovernina board of the school district with respect to district'Doiicies on academic and professional matters, so long as the exercise of the functions does^ot'conflict with lawful coiiectEve agreements. » ^!L-?^?JI?rl!L^a-v-.the.c.olf_ect.ive b?,raainin<:! a.a?nt deleaate matters within the scope of bamainina to the local senate and may the senate delegate matters within the scope of the'eteven defined areas of academic and professional matters to the collective baraaininctagent? Yes, to the extent permitted by collective barsaininq laws. The reaufations state that the intent is to "respect agreements between academic senates and coHective bargaining reDresentatives » PART Vi. STUDENTS AND STAFF 28. QUESTION Does the phrase "rely primarilY upon the advice and judgment of the academic sena^mear^tha«he aovemma board should not receive and consider the advice and judgment of others on issues of academic and professional matters? ^o:j!lcl!e?iA13e/^a.r!=othe.rr?^iat!ons and laws which address the participation of the public students, staff and unions in district governance, Ii?!^j!510-2^Z^eilu!^SAhe_a?vem!na Soa.rd ^° "ad.?Pt. policies a"d procedures that provide students the opportumtyto participate effectively in district and college qovemanc^;^de^ are.to,ParticiPate,,in "formulat'on and. development" of polides and procedures tha£B significant effect" on them. The regulation lists ten areas pLsychjdflmfJcamSaa ( which are quite similar to the senate's academic and professional matters. Boards are'not to act unless_studentshave,had:tHe opportunity to participate, with the exception of .Wor-^^ emergency situations" and sha!l_give positions of the students i<reasonab!econsideration."'fhe regulation states the intent that boards are to respect the agreements with senates and'unions while working withstudents. I^le.=?.§?^23-'?..1ea-uirTSJh^aovem^a b.oar?i to "aciootDOIi?Jes and procedures that provide dist"c.t.a"d,,co"ea.e.st_aff.the.oDDOrt."nitv.to osrticiPate effectively In' district' and rcoU'eae flovemance," However, areas that affect staff are not defined in the regulation but^mam^ thatjhe aoyemina board reasonably determines, in consultation with staff, haveorwiil'have'a sicfnificant effect on staff." Page 15 of 19 Pages Corn. No. SD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: Aprii17,2013 The role of the exclusive bargaining agents is explEcitlv protected in Title 5 and is cited in_the ^ca-ti?11aLEmlolovrn?nt ?elati.ol1.s Act. fs.ee Government Code S3543.2yTheDubIic~is granted accessto^^rnmaboardthrouclh ^ ^ ^""q Provisions^ the Brown Actlg Government Code §54950-54962; 29: Q.UESTIO^What are c'ood Practices'to assure effective participation of students and staff in the process of formulating recommendations which affectthem? Student participation can be strengthened in several ways. Student leaders can work with the c^teae leadership tojdentifv committees whose charges incorDorate the'tenareas'of'sianificani effect on students.^Student membershio can be soecified on those committees~The'names"of those^o.wn")articiPateon,committe^"" ^ identified early intheyear:Tis ^o^M lommlttees.meeLat.reauiarlvscheduledtimes conven'e"t to students interested"in"beiiKE members'J3t"dent members can benefit from °"8."tati°." and trainina'and;from"havina"an assiamd mentor to assist jn getting to know the work of the committee: An effective strategy to strengthen leadership skills is to have a student government course'as part of'the'cumculum ^m^^J)etw^the^ud^^~nt^eacadem'c-n;i^ - ofl-Srou^carLbe improved by having liaisons attend one another's board meetmcjJ; ^!r!L^ra-tive..sta.fLhav?.a r?!? bevondthat of the chief executive officer functioning as the boar(fsdesia"ee;J<Lisadvisedthatcommittees dealing with specific toDicshav^the'Darticioation of_m level administrators in whose areas of responsibilitv those toDJcs'faii: That particiDation may^as a resource, asamember, eras chair^endinaonth^oca! colleqe decisionSng process, ?ia^^s^[f;^^l^:S!?i^L^?J^t?fL!?r!Il?^.?nd-dev,?l?PTe,nt of Dolicies and Procedures on matters which sianificanHv-affect staff. Committees and task forces on campus whic'h'deal with those issues shoufcmave classified staff as members. As with all committee'members ^s^s^^ben^irom orientation and traininc'and fro- mentoaelat.Qshlnwit^ seasoned committee member. .30;=^E.?Ti°!l:.s!1?lf[d the..a?v!c® an.d f,ud?.ment of the academic senate be accorded greater weight than the advice-and^udament of other groups and constituencies'in'connection'wit'h academic and professional matters? Yes. Subject to Questions 25. 26. and 27. the intent of the regulations is to ensure that, while all relevant constituencies.should have the opportunity to partJciD^-boardrmug^ffiIe are,ater.,,weiahJ.to -a<:ademic. senates J" academic and orofessional matters'bv 'consulting colleaiaflvwith thesenates. as described in these guidelines, ?l'-.Q^.E?J!?-N:-.what?rethere?Don?iblf'ties.ofthe academic senate to obtain input from staff and students on academic and professional matters that have a significant .fBS groups? Page 16 of 19 Pages Corn. No, SD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: April 17, 2013 !?,,l^^re^lo^?L^LS^?Iyi!!s:L-^OJ^d^r^i-?n^5^?.?iu-e^.s..fo^co consultation [see Question 16) provisions must be included for the effective participation of sfud.ngSEsS^ matters, which affect them. Proposals which come from committees ^rGc^emic~"and professional mattere are available for review bv all college constituencies and are'consideredm open deliberations at academic senate meetings. When such DroDosals are' heard-'bv"the academic senate, every effort should be made to engage affected parties in th. denoSjHn this manner the academic senate will have considered the input of studenteand^tafN>efQre making recommendations to the qoverninq board, (or its desianeet on ^t.BEn§ students and stafFOf course, all parties may directly address the^ boardas ^deliberates ontte ultimate decision. ?^<?u^?iTL9!fLVV-hal<?^ be.done,toe^uc.ate alf m^n1bers ?fthe coilecie community Darticipatina ;n_the_coHeaiaJDrocesses concerning the law. regulations, best Dractic'es'ofdecis'io'n'makm'aand the issues .ynderdTscussion? 9-o-o.<?-il?f?ctice.smlcih?,inclu?<e th^ ^ollowincl- All participantsjn the governance process shoufd be oroyided coDjes of the relevant laws. regulations, and district Dolicies and'"Drocedures~Tt j recommended that each standing governance committee have a handbookofsuch information as we!!-as.rep°rtslnd rmnutes.aenerated in Drevious,vears-,The first annual oraanizationaLmeeting rf^,^^ttee^id^de^.tow ntatio^tram^°"^""-i«-^^ arocedures.The leadershiDoTconstituencv arouos might get together in a retreat formatat "the 3ealnmnaof eachacademlc vear to.review the Qovernance process, consider Dnontiesforiie coming year, and build personal relatEonshifis^ PART VII. KEEPING PARTICIPATORY GOVERNANCE STRONG 33. QUESTON: Are effectfve Darticfpation andcollec'ialcons^atjonpo)icies and practices subject to regular evalyation and revision as necessary by the aovermna board? ^.h!i.e.t^r^-'?_no,.re?l?i[en1ent-th?t such Policies be feaufarlv reviewed, it is a good idea. The review.Droces>s.should<be Tt"a"v,aw,eed upon, and. further. the board Dolicy should specify that recommendations for change should be by colleqial consultation with the^cademjc'senate (onjhe_board Dplicv^fectina the academic senate) and by effective DarticiDation-of"s'taff"and students (on DolicEes affecting them). !l?.h^uJd.J3.eJ?^SE!)J? !°.C.a.llY.ofJh? Da^ies to.initiate the process for review of these policies. It may be the case, forwample. that a change in leadership might bring new Dersoectwes'to'the decision making process that might engender a desire for certain. imDrovements::However districts should take care that the colleaial consultation process is not built'Q'njndividuai strengths that may be idiosyncratic to particular leaders, ?^.?^^Tlo^:.,Howcan theacademic senate and other constituent groups and the local ciovernina board ehaaQe in mutually productive dialogue? lt]???i-n.?-.m JPU.tu?!lv Dro?uctive dialogue is based on respect, trust and willingness to seek ["formation._ Mutually"productive dialogue may take place at regular business'meet'inas'of'the K^T" aand communitV for"- and^rd^^ssion^nd.t^Sby sharing wnften information. Page 17 of 19 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Services Date: April 17, 2013 ^n?-eL.t^DrovJS,lon_s ?[t^?. Brov;ri ^ctl apvernina board meetings are open to everyone. Ail constituen,tmembers have the riclht to Address the board on items on its agenda a^^eg under the board's eymew. Beyond legal requirements, boards should recognize the special role that academic senatesjmd student^and staff oraanfzations play in deyelopina recommendations for board action.'FoHowJna are^ome.,su?ae,sti?r?s.to,str®nflthen that/ole7 Organizationalrepresentatives may be seated Prominently to facil;tate;discourse with the board. Reports from each oraanization'mav'be regularly aqendizedTltems on the board agenda which were developed through sianificSnt^aS student, ^orstaff^ involvement can be jointly presented bv the aDDroDriate'oraanizationai representatives. Commentary onboard agenda items can be solicited fromthejienate: studint ?^s^?(;TiT^iiy?s wlthout restrictions such as ti»i"a out soeaker cards and" bema'subject to short time Ifmjtatioris. In addition to reaufar business meetings of the board, other opportunities can be structured for mutually ^roductive^ialoaue and education. Study sessions, workshops. and'coHeae'and commumtyJorums_oftenJ3rovlde,a moreoDen environment for board members'; ke/commumty arouDs^ancl.co"ec'e,lea<:lers to e""?c'e.i" discussion about external trends and'broad policy direction and for the boardtoshare its vision and to hear about activities mthedistricfrelatedto achiwina_thevjsio^and mission. Sessions such as these enable constituent groups 'to' identify and address areas of agreement and concern early in policy discussions PART VIII. COMPLIANCE 35. QUESTION: Do these regulations have the force of law? y-e?.'.ili?-?is?.rict-b.°?.rd ?oe?..n<?.t ma^a aood faith effort and does not ultimately abide by these regulations it would be in violation of law] 36. QUESTION: What powers do the Board of Governors have to enforce Title 5 Regulations such as.,th.e-o"es_o"-ensu,"na,theriahtofa<:ademic senates to assume primary resDonsibilitvTor making recommendations in the areas of academic and professional matters! Education Code §70901 mandates that the Board of Governors establish minimum conditions e"tit!ma.distric.tsto.receiye.stat,e.,aid; The. Board of.G.ovemors can withhold fundina'from'any district that does not meet established minimum conditions. One of these minimum conditions'is adoption of procedures _consTstent with sections SS53200 . 53204 of the Caiifomia"Code' of Regulations^ Thus one of the-minimum_ conditions that districts must substantiallv meet in orde_r to^recejyejitate aid is to assure the effective Dartjcipation oflocaTacademic senates as pe'tjhe regulations. 37. QUESTION: What are the responsibilities of the governing board and chief executive officer to implement the, regulations to ensu^he-effective participation-of faculty, staff and studentejn district and college qovemanceTWhaTobliqations.does a TinflJx>arcLhaveloS32 l=xsr^academic and professional Page 18 of 19 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/13 Noticed: 4/3/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division Educational Support Sen/ices Date: ApriM7,2013 The board ^"s^ohold the^eauirements of EducatEon Code §70902fb)f7) and Title 5 §53200" 204 (academic senates), §52023.7 (students) and ^51023.5 (staff). As the design.. oISe^dS ^lT^l^:!s2ike^^^toM[rv^^rec^ions:when-u^ on an academic and Drofessional matter, the local aovernina board must first ascertain that "the coHeaialconsultation-Drocess has been followed. If not. action on the item would then be delayed until such consultation has been obtained. 38, QUESTION: If the regulafions are violated, will the state Chancellors Office intervene and/or investigate the case for possible noncomotiance? yiolations of Title 5 Regulations may be reDorted in wntina by filinQ a written complaint with the Legal Affairs Diyision of the Chancellor's Office. The General Counsel will inv^tiS^ie complaints and determine needed corrective action to assure compliance with the reauiations 39. QUESTION: If^a local senate or CEO and qoverninp board feels that it has exhausted ali =s^srcooperativelv and believes the requlations continue fn bfi i^nored The foliowing steps are recommended. First, the representative arouD--the statewide Academic Senate or_ the Community College Leaaue-should be contacted for useful advi^and direct ?.UJ?!??;i ?T??^?iv-\t!^JOC.aLa e ?t?,.a,nd,a^ board mav mytyallv regy^t technical_assistance through the process estaUished jointly by the Academic Senate and-the ^q^a^^^-^^^liCTWM^ ar^^^^ file a complaint with the Leaai Affairs Division of the Chancellor's Office. Finaliv: the local sen'aie may pursue remedies with the state Attorney General orm_coyrt Page 19 of 19 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 4/17/1:3 Noticed: 4/3/13 B * NOTICE 'ft, April 17, 2013 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT/A Division Board of Trustees Date: May 1,2013 Subject: AMEND CHAPTER XVII. ARTICLE III OF THE BOARD RULES The foiiowing motion is presented by Trustees Veres, Santiago, and Park: Amend Chapter XV!!, Article l!i of the Board Ruies as follows: OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOf^GENERAL BOND PROGRAM MONITOR 17300 Estebtishmeflt Retention of the Offico of Inspoctor Go.wal.Bond Program Monitor The Los Angeles_Cpmmunity College District board of Trustees and Chancellor authorize the creation ^Arf OOT'ro^^o^c^ala^^^en!ure a'te:^^mfundedby ^ ^Sl'c^^s^^ize^wn^n4^^1wp-^^ K^itio.nAP/°i?!?ion,AA; ^ Measure J ("Bond Program") is performing with'the utmosi ^ Bond.proc'ram Monitorto '"vestiqateand report on circumstances involving action or inaction tiy an-empioYee:.contractor' consultant: or.Trustee that the Bo"d Program IVionitor reasonabiv suspects may involve, or aid and abet in the occurrence^Lmisconduct^onstitutm^frai somcono affiliated with the exercise of a right or authority granted under a discretionarv1aw"rufe or regulation, oross mismanagement or other actions or inactions occurring in the context of an evident_deliberate or reckless-disreqard of an actual or probable waste orjbyseof'District fun^ and its Bond Program. 17300.1 Reporting A. General Reporting The Inspector Gonoral Bond Proqram Monitor shall report directLy to the Board of Trustees, but be fcted an^[wed- aS:c sbythechance"or. to the extent that reports reflect matters^under investigation for which a final determinatjon has not been made, such^ortsshJ be, treated as confidential pursuant to the "deliberative process" exception oLthe^aHfomja Public Records Act. 8, Executive Briefings As^6mmel by^^DistrictL.the.Bsndf:roq^m.!*/tonito^".provideperiodic.briefinc!s vri rePortS..tokeeP.executive manaciement for theDistrict^pprjsed of important undertakjngs^the Bo.n,dproy.amMonito^their outcomes.and other matters ^ warrant attention, includinfl^y advicetothe.chancetlor ifanyempiovee; official.cont^ctor, consultant or Trustee impede or obstruct any investiqationor other activity of the Bond Program Monitor Chancellor and Candaeie Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Park Veres Pearlman Campos Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT/A Div. Board of Trustees Date 5/1/13 Notice: 4/17/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT/A Board of Trustees Division Date: May 1,2013 C. Semiannual Reports The Bond Program Monitor shall make semiannual reports on its activities, which shall be available to the 3ublic and, not later thar^three days after issuance of any report that is publidy available, post that report on the BonTProaram Monitor websife. Such websife shalUndyde a ?^^e^aJ^I;^^i^fvJ?.^[-LIle5^?^a^^a^J'?^LD^O^i^?rFI?tion report, or Dortion thereof, by means of electronic transmittal of thejnformat[on, or notice of the availability of the information, without further request 17300.2 Generally Authorized ActivitLes The Inspector Gonoral Bond Program Monitor is authorized to interview witnesses, take testimony, and demand the production ofiU any information, documents, reports, answers, records, accounts, papers, and other data and documentary evidence the Bond Program Monitor deemed deems materiaj, relevant and reasonably related to any au^T-inquiry, or investigation of misconduct related to the Bond Program undertaken by the Inspector General. 17301 Powers and Duties The Inspector Gonorai Bond Program IVIonitor shall have the following powers and duties: i^iitJ£ Ji^.,^';rfc.L-4ar.? con^u^t mvost^?.t1?^:?^. a^cli^..c*e®19n0^ ,t? ,Pror?10t(i ?.ca^unt?l^Y.to,tho_^i).lic.anctto,insurc {^?. oconomy'offEcioncy; offcctivenoss, and intbgrity of the Bond Pfegfam monitor day-to-day operations of the Bond Program insofar as may involve the detection, prevention, occurrence, or report of misconduct, or the threat of misconductj-efated to the Bond Program; B Tto receive and with integrity, obiectfvity, independence, and confidentiafitv frlv?s!ic!ate _(?im^aln^ concernin9i:ncidentsof P2.ssible misconduct misfeasancc, malfeasanco:SF violations of laws, rulco or rcgulationc by any officor, cmployoo or appemtee^ny dopartmcnt 01 contractor firm directly responsible related to the Bond Program; and =..9'..% imfclstiP?toJheJ?orf?IT1anco of.LACCD ernployo9s and contract staff, appointoos performing work related to the Boncj Program, in order to dotoct and prcvont misconduct within tho programs and operations evaluate the poiicies and procedures aoverninQ the Bond Program as well as where appropriate, the performancTbf work related to the Bond Program, in order to develop recommendations on revisions that would facilitate prevention andj.etection of possible misconduct related to the Bond Program; D. To promote intogrity m the administration of the programo and oporations, identify any potential for misconduct therein, and make rocommondations'to the Board of Trustees and Chancellor for policies and methods for the prevention of mEseottcluetj E. To report to the Chancellor and Board of Trustoos concoming rosulto of investigations undertaken by the Office oftespeeter General. Page 2 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT/A Div. Board of Trustees Date 5/1/13 Notice: 4/17/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT/A Board of Trustees Division Date: May 1,2013 1:7302 Creation of Whistleblower Hotiine i^j^t ?^?f^t^^a/SOL;!P.??!?t?l<Ln!L^tt^ III?I!iof^r^^°J?i'tJtl?e il,n^c(i,tor .?cnorQJ ^nd Program Monitor is directed to feate^ maintain a toli-free "Whistiebiower Hotline" and a Dost office box for anonymous reporting, for the purpose of receiving citizen and employee TeportT^ISStie corruption and misconduct rclatedjo ofthe Bond Program. Unless tW caller consents to ^?JS?J!^.%e,JSEJty^f,!?^ Ji^^^L(?!icln,3JLCfiiiL?Lsui^?LI'Lg- -;l.,oo,nflpl?inTto,tho .h?tli,n^ Sr^ir??^ILr?.D^S.?I^ELt?=theIT1_aximum e.xtel?t al!owedbv aPDticable law be kept confidentja ?-urj!1l,a^d.aAO-r ?.0 i?v55!lgati??-of ^y. complaint made by tho caHcr unlcGG the cailor conGcntG ^?J^lo?^i?IJi^J^^!^iLl^i?l^J^T^r!q-^rS!^i.s^=?s^r^of,^ ?e^on^.[ny?Jy-ed^n.!he.-reDort',na, ?h<?ijticLnot l3salerted .u.nti!.an tnvestiaation is comDfete and a corrective action is recommended by the Bond Program IVIonitorand aDproved by the D)stnct_AH reports received shall be prioritized and investigated according to the nature and urgency of the allegation and the credibility of the report. The hotline and post offjc^boLwUf be publicized in a .m^^f .^?5^ably-.de-SJ?^.ed ^.reac,h a11 efnDlov^e.s' contractors- a"d consultants, incfudins ^jl^?jil^TE^i^!iy«?^lni?^ln^r^?}I«-j??!^^t:j?-stl?^ providing links on the websites maintained by the District (including, without iimitation, th^Bond Program website) and the Bond Program IVionitor, 17303 linvestiQation Reports and Other Documentary Materia A. Pubiic Summary Uponcondusionof arilnvesti9ation i^to^osst^1?, TJ,^^tlct:.a_^_T t^e. mlerest..0^ aocou^ab!jity' ^e !n.s.p.cc.t5r.GcnoI°l B<?nd.pro?ra.m.?/t?mt0^ shati prepare a written report on the investigation as aoDroonate and,such,rePort shal! berejease<i^o^^ ^®y^summory of the report ("Public Summary'')^publi^ subject to any nedjctions^ JheSondJtoflrp Monitor's investigation reports should be provided PubtJc Summary shall be dciivorod to the Chanceiior and the Board of Trustees, ancTmav be forwarded also be provided to parties affected bv or involved in the investigation, if appropriate. B. Investigatory Materials n light of the purpose of the inspector General Bond Program Monitor as stated in Board Ruie 17300, lhe.re.co[ds..ofJ^eJ.n8Pe(itor.Gon0!'01 Bond p/°?ram ^on^tor are Presumptjyely deemed investigatory records exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records Act. However, materials provided to the Board of Trustees for a matter that wil! be discussed in pubiic session must be made available contemporaneously to the public as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act Materials that relate to potentiat oir.ex?t.tn?-li!i?a.tion),en1pioYe?.pri\acy c;rother m??er?. exempt from disclosure or subject to a lawful closed session discussion shall not be subject to public disclosure except as required by law. 17304 Duty of Vigilance and Cooperation in investigations I1S!1?J.E ^elh^-d_u!^ °f.everY-?mpi?Jee' ?on^r9c?. profcssional conti'>actor. consultant, and or Trustee Board Member to cooperate with extend full cooDeration and all reasonable assistance to the Ifispeeto^GeneFa^ Bond Program Monitor and his/her desicmees in connection with any Bond Program Monitor investigation, and afHrustees, empioyees, contractors, consultants are expected to be vigilant in preventing and reporting fraud, abuse, and.corryetjon wctertakefl^su.HK-te this Article. Page 3 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT/A Div. Board of Trustees Date 5/1/13 Notice: 4/17/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT/A Division Board of Trustees Date: May 1,2013 17305 Retaiiation Prohibited ^^?lo^ee^??^tra?Aor^io^?^?[1t.veft^..s^dent:.,O^Tmstee,.sha!! re{aliate sgainst, punish, or £ena"ze.a.".yPerson.¥.com.Pla.inin9^0'COOPerati^ with; or assisting the Inspector Goncrol Bond .p^y-a.m^M.oni!or;JiLihe.^erfo.rman^of.hisor her duti?s;Any ^ployee, contractor/consultii vmd^ student or ffrustee who violates (he provisions of thB action, in accordance with the due process provisions associated: with his or her position, 17306 Reports an4 Referrals of Investigations :>fLT;S9-? l?!lirI!ill?ry»lltTrll>i-n.alE?nJh^?il?xg-ed ^iscondu?_.m.ay inyp!v? p°isibl:e cnminai conduct, the_lnspoctor_Gonora^ Bond Program^ Monitor, in consultation with the Chancellor; may refer com^ints regarding such miscond-ucttothewopriate law enforcement authority. In the event that the Chancellor is the afieaed wronadoer, the Bond Program Monitor shall consult wjth the Boa7d President. 17307 Conflicts of Interest The Bond Program Monitor, and its staff members, must be free both in fact and appearance from pereon, external, and organizational impairments to its objectivity and independehce^onsjstent with the foregoing, all allegations against the Bond Program Monitor or its'staffforviolatipns'of the provisions of these rules and any matters that the BondProaram Monitor determines cannot be objectively and independentivmvestiqated by the Bond Program Monitor shall be submitted directly to the Chancellor and, if appropriate, to proper law enforcement authontles,._The Bond Program Monitor and its staffshal! submit to periodic backaroyndchecks^ndshall submit such conflict of interest disclosures and-certifications as may be requested bv th. District in order to confirm compliance with thlsjreciuirement. 17308 Legal Counsel The Bond Program Monitor shall retain, at the expense of the District, its own legal counsel, who shall not be^a legal counsel contemDorineouslv retained by the District on any other mattersjo advise the Bond Program MonitoFon legal matters related to DerformanceXJtsjynctjons. under these rules and who shall bejree^f any conflicts of interest. Such leaaf counsel is not retajnedio provide advice to the Bond Program Monitor on matters relating to the Bond Program Monitor's leflal or contractual duties to the District or on questions that may arise between the District and the Bond Program Monito-r7eiatina to the adequacy of the Bond Program Monitor's performance Such legal counsel shall be deemed_to be En a direct and confidential client - attorney reiationship with the District, and not with the Bond Program Monitor individually, and the D irt shall be deemed the holder of all related legal crivileaes. Page 4 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT/A Div. Board of Trustees Date 5/1/13 Notice: 4/17/13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT/A Board of Trustees Division Date: May 1,2013 17309 Internal Principles, Policies, and Procedures The,.BOPd.^roPra!rlMonlt0^ and'ts,staff sha11 act with intearitv and exercise objectivity and professional skepticism and avoid circumstances that would cause a reasonable and informed t^ifd,i?a?v t_°?elieve ^the.Bon<? proc!ram ^o"itpr or its staff is not capable of exercising obiectivity and_ impartial iudament or that the Bond Prociram Monitor's work ha^_been compromised. Consistent with the foreadma, the Bond Program Monitor shall (1) develop Intemaj rules and procedures for conduct of EnvestEaations and for'external quality assurance reviewsof jnvestiqations and other activities of the BondProqram Monitor, (2) identify and assess threats to its independence of obiectiyitvy-from both external and internal sources, (31 evaluatejhe significance of threats identified and prioritize them in a manner consistenTw|th_the Bond Prooram IVtonitor's obNaations under these rules or as other directed bv the ChancellorLor rustees, (4) apply safeguards _ as necessary to efiminate the threats or reduce _them to an acceptable level, (5) not use confident at information for personal gain or in any other manner that is detrimental to the legitimate interests of the District, and f6) establish criteria for_thecon_ducrof investigations before commencing investigations, and.(7) preEareanJlnvestigative Manual" that ?,esirLbldJhl^'ndDles;.?oti.cT.SITn^m^du^^^ implement and govern'the Bond Program Monitor's performance of its duties and responsibilities under these rufej, 17310 AuditinQ and Management Functions t is not the function of the Bond Program Monitor to^perform management functions, to give [^!!l?e^ti^JL<^1 ^?^rTlw}^;^isJ^iJCL!^f^J!u??-e^'-.!? ^et Dolicv'(? d^sian Entemaf management controls affecting routme management functions, to perform functions assigned to the Distrjcfs audiforsDerformina financiai or performance audits fintemal or external), or to issue interpretations of_or iegal determmations on existing policies. r^S^ reauiattons of or aoveming the Bond Program. NotwithstandEna the foreaoina. howeverjhe Bond Program Monitor in performing the duties and obligations provicted for under these rules shall review, assess, and recommendenhancements to the functions and duties of the Districts auditors and to the District's program management polEcies and procedures that will faciUiateihe prevention, detection, and reDortina oTmisconduct related to the Bond Program, 17311 Training Programs The Bond Program Monitor shall develop and document special awareness and training initiatives designed to alert the District to systemic weaknesses in its proflrams or procedures that make them vulnerable to misconduct relatedto the Bond Prociram. Background: The Office of inspector General ("OIG") was created by a Board initiative in March 2010 in response to allegations of misconduct in the Bond Program. Unlike such offices for other agencies, there was no iegis!ative direction regarding the framework of the OfG, The current contract was terminated for convenience in order to allow for a reexamination of the scope of the office. In consultation with a ?^allfi^ t!^r^l.!?p^rt^r?v)sions^er?. deve(lo,ped. f9r the Fhar9?,of the oiG to focus the operation-on fraud or misconduct in order to minimize unhtended overiap with management and the_performance auditor. These revisions were reviewed by an ad hoc committee appointed by the Board President and are now recommended to the fuii Board for adoption:. Page 5 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT/A Div, Board of Trustees Date 5/1/13 Notice: 4/17/1:3 * Col lective Bargami ng INFORMATIVE w Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. HRD/A Division SUBJECT: Human Resources Date: April17,2013 INITIAL PROPOSAL OF THE LOS ANGELES COLLEGE FACULTY GU AFT LOCAL 1521 TO THE LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTR REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS AS AGREED IN ARTICLE 17 OF THE COLLECT BARGAINING AGREEMENT TO DISCUSS COMPENSATION MATTERS FO 2014 Pursuant to Government Code section 3547 and the District's public notice procedure, the Los Angeies College Faculty GuikJ, AFT Local 1521, presents its initiai proposa! to the District regarding negotiations on compensation matters. The Los Angeles College Faculty GuikJ shal! reopen negotiations on compensation for 2013-2014. ^ckar?.und:...^ov^[nment co^e. section. ?5f7.?nd Boar(? Rule 101400 require the District to inform the public of the issues to be negotiated with an empEoyee organization by presenting initia proposals that relate to matters within the scope of representation under the Educationa Empioyment Relations Act at a public meeting of the Board. For that reason, this item is being presented as an informative so that the public can review it and be prepared to comment on it. Page of Pages Corn, No. HRD/A Div, Human Resources Date 4-17.13 I. Collective Bargaihtng NOTICE Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. HRD/B Division April 17, 2013 Human Resources Date: May 1,2013 SUBJECT: REOPEN, THE 2011-2014 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH TH ANGELE_S.Cqi-LEGEFACULTY GUILD, AFT LOCAL 1521, REGARDINGCQMPENSAflO ISSUES FOR 2013-2014 ^ri^anl.to^^v.errlF??e.nLcode.sec!!on 3547 an^. Board Rule 101400 the Los Angeles Community College District, proposes that representatives of the District and agents of'the'Los Angeles College "Faculty Guild, AFT Local'1521, re-open the Agreement between the Los » Community College District and the Los Angeles Faculty GuiM dated: July 1;-2011 through June 30,2014 for the purpose of renegotiating compensation issues for 2013^014. Background: Government Code Section 3547 and Board Rule 101400 require the District to Ln!?-rT-?LeJ?^HC-?J.t^ issue.s.to be ne90tiatecl wit^ an lrpP^oyee organization by presenting any P^osedreoPeni^ataPub"c meetin9 ?! the Boardjhe matter is being noted on April 'n, 20"an,exPectedAtOTdateofMayj. 20^,The Public will have an-opportunity to comment on May 1, 2013, before the parties begin forma! bargaining. \ J Recommended by: -.yfMT-' b Michael Shanahan, Sr. Associate Vice Chancellor Human Resources \. Recommended by: s^l \^ Approved by: Adrians D. Barrera, Deputy Chancelbr z ^ M DanjeKLLaVBta: Chancellor ^^6 ^!^ Chancellor and Candaete Santiago Secretary to the Board of Trustees Fieid Svonkin Park Veres Pearlman Campos Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. HRD/B Oiv. Board of Trustees Date 5-1-13 Notice: 4-17-13