'* ^ vs . . . a vs * Los Angeles Community College District ?»' i AGENDA 770 WHshire Bh/d, Los Angetes, CA 90017 (213) 891-2000 ORDER OF BUSINESS - REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, December 11,2013 First Public Session 9:00 a,m. First Closed Session 9:10 a.m. Educational Services Center Hearing Room 770 Wiishire Blvd, LosAngeies,CA90017 Second Public Session 2:00_p_jTi, Second Closed Session Ommediatety Foliowing Second Pubiic Session) Third Public Session (Immediately Fo!!owinq Second Cfosed^essjon} Los Angeles Trade-Technica! College Aspen Hall (TE) 101 400 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 1 t. Roll Cat) (9:00 a.m.) Requests to Address the Board of Trustees Regarding Closed Session Agenda Matters III. Recess to Closed Session in accordance with The Ralph M, Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq,, and the Education Code to discuss the matters on the posted Ciosed Session agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954,5 (Refer to Attachment "A" for Closed Session agenda). Location: Hearing Room, Educational Services Center V, Reconvene Regular Meeting (Second PubHc Session) 2:00 p.m. Location: LATTC, Aspen Mali (TE) 101 V. Roil Ca VI, Rag Salute v <. Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session - December 11, 2013 VIII, Weicoming Remarks by Laurence Frank, President, Los Angeies Trade-Technical College X. Approva! of Minutes: Regular Meetings and Ciosed Sessions; November 6, 2013 and November 20, 2013 X. Reports from Representatives of Employee Organizations at the Resource Tabie Xl. Announcements from the College Presidents Xli, Pubiic Agenda Requests A. Oral: Presentations B. Proposed Actions ORDER OF BUSINESS December 11, 2013 Page 2 Xlli. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees " Mu!tiple Agenda Matters X!V. Reports and Recommendations from the Board . Reports of Standing and Special Comnnittees . Proposed Actions BT1. BT2. BT3. BT4. Resolution - District Classified Employees Retirement Resoiution - Community College Pathway to Law School Resoiution ~ Endorsing Immigration Reform and Adoption of a Federal Dream Act nitiate Revised Pilot Hiring Process for College Presidents XV. Reports from the Chanceitor and College Presidents 9 Report from the Chance!lor regarding activities or pending issues in the District o Presentation on LATTC's Pathways to Academic, Career and: Transfer Success (PACTS) XVI. Consent CaSendar Matters ReauirinQ a Majority Vote BF1. BF2. BF3. BSD1. BSD2, FPD1, FPD2. FPD3. FPD4. Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers Accept Receipt of Annua! Audit Accept Receipt of Genera! Obligation Bond Financial Audit Ratifications for Business Services Business Services Routine Report Facilities Planning and Development Routine Report Authorize Master Procurement and Service Agreements Ratify Construction Contract Changes Arising Out of Differing Site Conditions for Construction Contract Greater Than $30,000 in Origina! Cost issued Under Design-Bid-Build Method of Project Delivery Accept Receipt of Program Performance Audit for Fiscal Year Ended June 30 2013 FPD5. Authorize Execution of Fully Negotiated Memorandum of Understanding with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority HRD1, HRD2. HRD3. HRD4. SD1:. SD2. ft Personnel Services Routine Actions Sa!ary Increases for Classified, Academic and Unclassified Employees Classifications in the Unclassified Service Approve Emptoyment Compensation and Ratification of Empioyment Contract Approval of Educationa! Programs and Courses Approve Community Services Offerings Correspondence Matters Requiring a Super Majority Vote BF4. Amend College Debt Repayment Poiicy and Authorize Budget Augmentation to Coiieges That Receive One-year Suspension of Debt Repayments XV Recommendations from the ChanceHor - None XVill. Notice Reports and tnfomnatives FPD/A. [Notice] Amend Board Rule 7103.17 - Opportunities forLocai, Small and Emerging Businesses. SD/A. Infomnativel Notification of Student Travel ORDER OF BUSINESS December 11, 2013 Page 3 XfX. Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions by Members of the Board of Trustees XX. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees Regarding Closed Session Agenda Matters XXI. Recess to Closed Session in accordance with The Ra!ph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq., and the Education Code to discuss the matters on the posted Closed Session agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954,5 (Refer to Attachment "A" for C!osed Session agenda). Location: IATTC, Aspen Hall (TE) 120 XXII. Reconvene Regular Meeting (Third Pubiic Session) Location: LATTC, Aspen Hall (TE) 120 Roll Ca XXIIi. XXiV. Report of Actions Taken In Second Closed Session - December 11,2013 XXV. Consent Calendar Matters ReQuirina a Majority Vote ISD3. Student Discipline - Expulsion XXV!. Adjournment ******************************* Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday,January 15,2014 (Public Session scheduled for 3:30 p.m.) Educational Services Center 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 ******************************* n compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b), documents made available to the Board after the posting of the agenda that relate to an upcoming pub!lc session item wiil be made available by posting on the District's official bulletin board iocated in the lobby of the Educational Services Center iocated at 770 Wiishire Bouievard, Los Angeies, CaEifornla 90017. Members of the public wishing to view the material wiii need to make their own parking arrangements at another location, If requested, the agenda shai! be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in impiementation thereof. The agenda sha!! inciude information regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disabiiity-reiated modification or accommodation, including auxiiiary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting, To make such a request, piease contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at (213) 891-2044 no ater than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on: the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. Board of Trustees LOS ANGELES COMMUNITYCOLLEGE DISTRICT AGENDA 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213/891-2000 ATTACHMENT A CLOSED SESSION Wednesday, December 11, 2013 Educational Services Center Hearing Room – First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 I. Public Employee Employment (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) A. Position: President, Los Angeles Valley College B. Position: President, Los Angeles Harbor College C. Position: President, Los Angeles Southwest College D. Position: Chief Business Officer E. Position: Chancellor II. Conference with Labor Negotiator (pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6) A. District Negotiators: Adriana D. Barrera Employee Units: All Units All Unrepresented Employees B. District Negotiators: Adriana D. Barrera Employee Unit: Clerical/Technical Closed Session December 11, 2013 Page 2 III. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Charges/Complaints (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) IV. Consideration of Student Discipline (pursuant to Government Code section 54962 and Education Code section 72122) V. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(a) A. In re Cengage B. Nikol Harvey v. LACCD C. Susan Veksler v. LACCD D. Rosa Espinoza v. LACCD E. Zoily Telles v. William Marmalejo, Renee Martinez F. Aaron Chan v. LACCD and related case G. Sinanian Development, Inc. v. LACCD (two matters) H. Versatile Coatings, Inc. v. Sinanian Development, Inc., LACCD, et al. VI. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b) A. Demand regarding Step placement by employee B. Potential litigation – 1 matter VII. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation A. Potential litigation – 1 matter (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b)(4)) s ACTION Los Angeies Community College District Com.No. BT1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Division SUBJECT: Date: December11,2013 RESOLUTION - DJSTRICT CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT WHEREAS, The classified employee identified below has been employed with the Los Angeles Community College District for many years; and WHEREAS, The classified employee has contributed significantly toward providing the highest quality of services to our students and the public on behalf of the Los Angeles Community College District; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Personnel Commission and the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District do hereby commend the employee for her contributions and extend best wishes in her retirement. Miguel Santiago, President David Iwata, Chair Board of Trustees Personnel ConnmJssion SUMMARY OF RETIRED CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES Last Name First Name Suckut Marian Years Of Job Classification Service Community Services Assistant 37 Location Retirement Date Pierce 10/18/2013 Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Date Eng Santiago Fieid Moreno Svonkin Peariman Griggs Veres Stu dent Trustee Adwsory yple Page _1of JPages Corn. No_BT1 Div. Board of Trustees Date: 12/11/2013 » ® A w Los Angeles Community College District I Corn.No,BT2 Board of Trustees Division Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: RESOLUTION - COMMUNITY COLLEGE PATHWAY TO LAW SCHOOL The following resolution is presented by Trustees Eng, Santiago, and Svonki:n: WHEREAS, The State ofCa!ifomia is a majority-minority state with approximately 60 percent of its population made up of persons from racial-ethnic minority groups, while the California State Bar is made up of approximately 20 percent raclal-ethnic minority lawyers; and WHEREAS, The Caiifornia community coiiege system, with 112 community colleges, has the largest and most diverse student^ppuiatlon of the three post-secohdary pubiic systems in California, with 60 to 70 percent of its population being students of coior; and WHEREAS, Studies showjhat diversity in the !egal and judicia! system is a priority for public trust and confidence and the appearance of fairness in the courts. Attorneys make up the majority of eiected officials and other key local, state, and nations leaders, and it is equally important that those leaders represent the rich diversity of California In an increasing globa! economy, attorneys representing key entities shouid embody and have sensitivity ^ clients from diverse backgrounds in order to respond to global business demands. Attorneys directly representing clients should aiso reflect the rich diversity of the state population to'the extent possible in order to maximize cultural sensitivity and public faith in the legal profession; and WHEREAS, The State Bar of CaEifornia through its Council on Access and Fairness estabiished the Community College Pathway to Law School Diversity Pipeline Initiative (aiso referred to as "2+2+3") to create a pathway for community coiiege students. The mode! requires the development of or an affirmation of existing articu!ation agreements between community cojleges and the four-year undergraduate institutions, and the development of ah admissions agreement between the community colleges and !aw schools. Twenty (20) community colleges will be seiected for this ten (10) year pilot program. Students regardtess.of.ethnicity/race from the selected community colleges would be guaranteed admission or priority enroiiment if they achieve specific criteria such as completing certain community college courses that are based on the Shultz- Zedeck Lawyering Competencies (Effectiveness _ Factors), achieving specified grade point averages, and obtaining predetermined Law Schoo! Admissions Test (LSAT) scores. Support for the students, induding mentoring, pre-!aw activities^ counse!ing, internships, and possibly scholarships, would be devebped as part of the initiative in order to provide students with the best possible chance for success on the LSAT, in law school, and in the legal profession; and Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Moreno Veres By Page Pearlman Date of 2 Pages Corn, No, BT2 Div. Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 12/11/13 Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn.No, BT2 Board of Trustees Date: December 11, 2013 WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) educates a diverse student population and has a strong record of student success, . The LACCD serves an ethnically diverse population, which is 13 percent Asian, 15 percent African American, 54- percent Hispanic, 17 percent White, and 2 percent Other. . 67 percent of LACCD students are low income and 51 percent have ncome at or below the poverty levei (based on Federal definitions and Spring 201:2 LACCD Student Survey). » LACCD colleges transferred over 4,600 students to Califorma pubiic universities and nearly 3,000 to other private in-state and out-of-state 4year institutions (based _on_ most recent complete data 2011-12 for Caiifomia pubiic and 2009-10 for in-state private and out-of-state), WHEREAS, The LACCD is committed to providing our students with educational opportunities beyond their time at our college, including pursuing a meaningfu career in the iegal profession. The LACCD a!so shares "the State'Bar's goaf of a diverse lega! profession to serve the needs of our diverse state and the diverse communities that the LACCD serves; now, therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the LACCD wili take the necessary actions required to be considered for seiection for the Community College Pathway to Law School Diversity Pipeline Initiative ("2+2+3"). Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT2 Div. Board of Trustees Date 12/11/13 J. ® A 3^ .£ Los Angeles Community College District s Division Corn.No.BT3 Board of Trustees Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: RESOLUTION - ENDORSING IMMiGRATtON REFORM AND ADOPTION OF A FEDERAL DREAM ACT The foilowing resolution is presented by Trustees Eng, Santiago, and Svonkin: WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) believes in equity, access, and social justice for all and recognizes that a strong and vibrant democracy requires that at) men and women-regardless of their ethnicity or where they were born-particlpate in the politica! "process with fu!! rights and equa! protections; and WHEREAS, The creation of a pathway to citizenship for immigrants !ivi:ng in the United States would improve wages and !abor standards "by empowering immigrant workers; and WHEREAS, The United States Congress has been debating the DREAM Act (Deveiopment, Reiief, and Education forAilen Minors) since 2001 and the LACCD believes that this bill shou!d be passed and signed into Saw at the federal level so that a students can continue their education regardless of immigration status; and WHEREAS, The LACCD supports the Deferred Action for Chiidhood Arrivais program implemented in 2012 that a!!ows certain immigrants who arrived here as children to avoid deportation and urges Congress not to overturn that program; and WHEREAS, The LACCD remains committed to working with facuity, staff, students, and community partners to pass immigration reform that encompasses these principles and strengthens our democracy; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, The LACCD hereby urges the 11 ^Congress to swiftiy enact immigration reform mat Includes a humane, fair, affordable, and practicai path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are currently residing in the United States; that allows for family reunification; and that Includes a DREAM Act provision; and be it further RESOLVED, That the LACCD wiii continue to work with its students, faculty, staff, and the community to promote comprehensive immigration reform based on the principles outlined in this resoiution and wiii communicate this position to California's congressional delegation. Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid Svonkin Moreno Veres Pearlmari Griggs By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT3 Div, Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 12/11/13 s ® A w .4. Los Angeles Community College District . Corn,No.BT4 Division Board of Trustees Date: December 11;, 2013 Subject: INITIATE REVISED PILOT HIRING PROCESS FOR COLLEGE PRESIDENTS The following item is presented by Trustees Veres, Field, and Moreno; Authorize the initiation of a hiring process for a regular president for Los Angeies Harbor Coiiege, Los Angeies Southwest Coilege, and Los Ange!es Va!!ey College, with the foJEowing as a modified, piiot process for all three positions, as expressiy aiiowed by Board Ru!e 10308. Selection of College President. Background: Board Rule 10308 provides for the hiring process for a Coiiege President, starting with the initiating action by the Board of Trustees. The rule further ailows for the Board of Trustees to adopt a revised procedure for any given hiring process. The procedure beiow has been identified as a pi!ot procedure to add review of candidates^ a committee with direct management experience, but to ensure the continued feedback from the traditional, constituenf-based committee. A. Recruitment 1. In consuitation with the Board, the Chanceilor will develop an announcement that, at a minimum, describes the position and the criteria to be used in selecting a successfu candidate (inciuding minimum quaiifications as weli as desirable ski!!s, attributes and other personal and professiona! characteristics). 2. With the goal of creating a strong and diverse poo! of candidates, the Chancellor wi deveiop a recruitment and advertising plan, which wiil include the retention of a search consultant to assist with recruitment efforts and other appropriate aspects of the selection process, B. Credential Screenim Committee 1. f:n consultation with the Board, the Chancellor shall form a Credentia! Screening Committee made up of executives with personal experience as a College President or other executive-level positions, 2. The Credential Screening Committee wil! review the applicant pooi and identify first priority candidates as we!! as alternates. Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Moreno Veres Peartman Date By Page of 3 Pages Corn. No. BT4 Div. Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 12/11/13 Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No, BT4 Board of Trustees Date: December 11, 2013 C. interview Committee 1. The Chancellor will convene an Interview Committee composed of the following voting members: a. A Coiiege President recommended by the Chancellor and selected by the Board; b. Four faculty members from the applicable College, two of whom are selected by the College Academic Senate and two of whom are seiected by the AFT College Guild; c, Two classified employees from the College, one of whom is selected by the AFT Co!!ege Staff Gul!d and one of whom is seiected by an election process by the nonAFT classified empioyees at the Coliege; d. One student from the College selected by the Associated Student Body Organization President; e. One academic administrator from the College selected by the exdusive representative of the Academic Administrators' Unit, and one unrepresented administrator se!ected by the Chancellor; and f. Two community representatives recommended by the Chanceiior and: selected by the Board. 2, Unless the Board specifies otherwise, the College President appointed to the committee shai! serve as its chairperson, 3. The Chancellor wi!! provide appropriate staffing for the process, which shall include but not be !imited to an affirmative action representative as a non-voting member of the committee, 4. it is an essentla! responsibility of every member of the interview Committee to maintain strict confidentiality throughout the presidentia! selection process. D. interview Committee Process 1. At the tirst meeting of the Interview Committee (or as soon thereafter as feasible) the Board President and the Chancellor, or their designees, wiil meet with the Committee to give the Committee its charge and review their expectations about the search process and its goals. 2. The Interview Committee will interview the first priority candidates and provide written, narrative feedback regarding the candidates interviewed. The Chanceitor will determine whether and how many alternates should be interviewed in the event of withdrawal of any first priority candidates. Page 2 of 3 Pages Corn. No. BT4 Div. Board of Trustees Date 12/11/13 Los Angeies Community College District Division Corn. No. BT4 Board of Trustees Date: December 11, 2013 E. Semifina! Process 1, The ChanceNor shall review the applications of the interviewed candidates to determine which candidates to interview. 2. The ChanceEior may consider additiona! information from background and reference checks. 3. After conducting interviews and other reviews as the Chancellor deems necessary, the Chanceiior shall forward the name(s) of a finalist or finalists to the Board of Trustees for consideration. F, Fina! Process 1, The Chancellor sha!! provide information from background and reference checks to the Board of Trustees, as we!! as the narrative feedback from the Interview Committee. 2 f it is feasible, and if he/she determines that it would be worthwhile, the Chancellor may designate a small group composed of persons he/she deems to be appropriate, to visit the institutions at which the flnal:ist(s) currently work(s) for the purpose of'inquiring further into background and experience, 3. In conjunction with the Chancellor, the Board will interview the fina!ist(s) forwarded by the Chancellor. 4, The Board may conduct further background checks or interviews as it deems appropriate, including any applicant for the position. The Board may terminate the process at anytime, The Board may eiect not to hire any candidate, Page 3 of 3 Pages Corn. No. BT4 Oiv. Board of Trustees Date 12/11/13 ft » A ^ Ba BB BB BB <»' 9 Los Angeles Community College District Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Cam No. BF1 Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS Ratify acceptance of $8,357 193 in income as recommended by the Chief Financia Officermeasyrer. In accordance with Titie 5 of the California Code of Regulations Section 58307, authorize all the appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories (EXHIBIT I), Recommended and Approved by: ^^ < ^O^A^_ Adriana D. Barrera, interim Chancelior Chancellor and Eng. Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page Field IVioreno Pearlman of Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Santiago Svonkin Veres Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 12-11-2013 EXHIBt.TJ BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRtATlON TRANSFERS Ati FUNDS, EXCLUDING BUILDING BOND FUND DeceFnber11,2013 NEW INCOME {Attachment I) ACCOUNT Fed era! 8100QO-849900 State Local 860000-869999 Interfund Transfer in 870000-889999 891000-692993 Other Financing Sources Contribution lo Restricted Program 893000-897999 898000-899999 Certificated Salaries Class ified Salaries EmpSoyee Benefits BDoks/Supplies Contract Services Capital Outlay 0 er Outgo ACCOUNT Budget Appropriation Revisions Transfers Revised Budget 225,901,471 143,536,726 889,218 151,687,526 2,479,949 34,666,778 500000-599999 600000-699999 100,112,339 576.280 23,817,256 227,566,168 146,197,021 154,620,532 107,445 1,086,417 1,771,077 453,057 251,735 419,886 69,255 636,143 24,722,654 35,025,958 (203,064) 100,329,161 700000-709999 Direct Support/tndirect Costs 74000Q-749999 750000-759999 760000-799998 790200 Total Approved Budget 100000-199999 710000-719999 Other Financing Sources (Except 7902} Reserve for Contingency* 2.107,052 200000-299999 300000-339999 400000-499999 Ottier Debt Services Tuition Transfers Interfunds Transfers Loan/Grants 5,300,896 847.872 101,373 8,357,193 Total New income EXPENDITURES I MQU 720000-72999S 730000-739999 10,725 10.725 14.258,572 12,151.520 2,107,052 230 358,038,209 47,408 48,480,707 1,660,700 230 (120) 358,085,496 45,944,16^ (4,197,245) 16,023,807 18,023,607 1,116,427,293 8,357,193 1,124,784,486 »f * Reserve for Contingency balance is $18.02 miliion, which ss 3.5 % of the Unrestricted General Fund revenue (excluding Genera Reserve) Ai! budget revisions and transfers herein are submitted for the Board of Trustees approval in accordance with Title 5 of Catiforma Reguistsons, Sections 58307 and 58308. Appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories are within funds/grsnts that have been previously received and approved by the Board of Trustees. These transfers have been reviewed by the college administrators and approved bythecoliegeVice Presidents of Administration and College Presjdents- Reviewed by: / / ^ /' :^_ i&.^ .~» z /J'&anettel, GoVdon ,'-J .</. / Chief Financial Dfficer/Treasurer / .i ? i/. .h ,T ^ J/ ;/ ./ f ^/' 4f^ BF1 December II/2013 Page 1 of 6 Attachment NEW INCOME AND GRANTS BTA NUMBER: FUND/GRANTNAME AMOUNT Federal C-0136 77?/0 Student Support Services $266,787 To establish funding to support students interested in obtaining an Associate's degree or Certificate and transferring to a four-year university. The program goa! is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and to facilitate the process of transition from one level of higher education to the next. The program will: assist one hundred sixty (1 60) eligible participants by offering a variety of services aimed at increasing the success rate of students. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. P-0073 California Alliance for the Long Term Strengthening of Transfer 99,550 Engineering Programs To establish funding for ten (10) engineering instructors from Northern California and ten (10) from Southern California to attend the Summer Engineering Teaching Institute (SET!) at Canada Coilege and Pierce College, respectively. in addition, Pierce Coilege will develop a Southern Caiifornia Joint Engineering Program (JEP), which will ailow engineering students from any of the participating institutions to take courses not avaiiable at their home campus online through CCC Confer. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. S-0115 Predominately Black Institutions 250,000 To establish funding to address !ow performance levels in core measures of institutionai effectiveness, !arge number of developmental students with !ow success rates, and limited knowiedge of available services among students. The project will target over two hundred twenty-five (225) first-time freshman students. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. W-0137 TRIO ~ Upward Bound 1 (Crenshaw/Dorsey) To establish funding to serve high school students from iow-income famiiies and from famiHes in which neither parent ho!ds a bachelor's degree. The goa! of the program is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. The program will serve seventy (70) students each year. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. 275,241 BF1 December 11, 2013 Page 2 of 6 W-0158 TRIO - Talent Search 217,971 To establish funding to serve middie and high schoo! program participants in preparing them for coliege. The program provides services to five hundred sixty-one (561) participants from Susan Miiter Dorsey High Schooi, Marina Del Rey Middle School and Webster Middle School. Services include academic tutoring, workshops with topics such as life skiiis, financia! aid, applying for college, CAHSEE preparation, cultural and college fieid trips, and a summer academic enrichment program. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. W-0184 TRIO - Upward Bound 2 (Los Angeles and Hamilton High Schools) 236.925 To establish funding to serve high schoo! students from iow-income families and from famiiies in which neither parent holds a bachelor's degree. The goal of the program is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. The program wi!i serve fifty (50) students each year. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. C-0117, H-0176 Caree/- Technical Education (CTE) Transition Fund 88,050 To estabiish funding to better serve the existing CTE student population and expiore CTE career options with students who have yet to decide on a career path. The funds will primari!y be used to strengthen secondary and postsecondary transitions and to assist students in their transition to the worid of work. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. C-0156 WIA Title H: Adult Basic Education 1,517,847 To establish funding to provide six program areas that focus on providing Adult Basic Education (ABE), English as a Second Language (ESL), ESL Citizenship, Vocational ESL (VSEL), Vocational AE (VABE), and Family Literacy. Each course of study describes the focus population, the functioning level of the learners served, the basic literacy taught, and how these skills wil:l be integrated into a standards-based adu!t education program. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor. C-0157 WIA Title II: Adult Secondary Education/General Education Development 40,803 To establish funding to provide Adult Secondary Education (ASE) that consists of courses in mathematics, English language arts, history, science, government, and other courses leading to a high school diploma. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor. C-0158 WIA Title II: English Literacy and Civics Education To estabiish funding to support the development of iiteracy skiiis. The program uses ESL methodologies and citizenship preparation materia! to prepare learners to take and pass the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services tests. The program aiso includes Outreach 5 services, skiils assessment, curriculum development and instruction, and naturaiization preparation and assistance. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor. 210,512 BF1 December II/ 2013 Page 3 of 6 V-0161 University of California, Los Angeles Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (9,842) To adjust funding to from $81,712 to $71,870 to align with the amount awarded by the granting agency. Funding is from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, D-0295 Medicare Part D Subsidy 2,107,052 To setup budget for the Medicare Part D Subsidy received on August 8,2013. Medicare Drug Subsidy Refunds are to be set aside for the Post-Retirement Health Benefits program for GASB 45 purposes. These funds are being transferred to the GASB 45 Trust Account. TOTAL FEDERAL $5,300,896 State C-0146, M-0098 Foster and Kinship Care ($598) To adjust funding to align with the 2013-2014 Foster and Kinship Care Education Aiiocation reieased by the State on September 10,2013. The reduction was due to a decrease in federal matching funds. Funding is from the Caiifornia Community Colleges Chance!lor's Office (CCCCO). E-0197 California Early Childhood Mentor Pragram-Chabot College 3,670 To establish funding for a program to link remuneration with better access to education and professional development opportunities for dassroom teachers and program administrators. The program selects ten (10) experienced dassroom teachers to mentor thirty (30) student teachers from community colleges. Student teachers receive course credit for the practicum requirements for their training institutions. Funding is from the California Department of Education. H-0200 Child Development Training Consortium 10,000 To establish funding to provide coursework in Child Deveiopment and general education courses that fulfilis the requirements for Caiifornia Chi!d Deveiopment and Supervision Permits. Sixty-nine (69) students are expected to benefit from this program. Funding is from the California Department of Education. S-0104 Nursing Enrollment Growth and Retention for Registered Nursing To establish funding to provide pre-enroliment assessment and preparation, a retention program and Nations! Council Ucensure Exam support and preparation services, thus promoting program completion and student success on the National Counci! Licensure Exam. The goai is to expand current enrollment capacity by ten additional qualified students each semester. Funding is from the Caiifomia Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). 221,000 BF1 December 11, 2013 Page 4 of 6 V-0127, V-0128 Information Communications Technology/Digital Media Deputy Sector 300,000 To establish funding to upgrade curriculum, improve articulation, and better align them with employer needs. The program wii! also increase student retention and successfu! transfer and retraining opportunities through stackabie credentia for incumbent workers. Over one thousand (1,000) students wiH benefit from this realignment of course needs. Funding is from the Caiifornia Community Coilege ChanceHor's Office. T-0134 After School Education & Safety (ASES) Program 313,800 To establish funding to provide students who attend low-perform ing or high poverty schools with academic enrichment opportunities and supportive additionai services necessary to help them meet state and locai standards in the core academic subjects such as Mathematics, English, Reading and Science. This after-schoo! program is designed to enhance students' knowledge and prepare them for future college or university coursework, A minimum of two hundred (200) students will be recruited to participate throughout the year from Berendo Middle School, Foshay Learning Center, Mid-City Magnet School and other surrounding schoois. Funding is from the Ca!ifornia Department of Education. TOTAL STATE $847,872 Local P-0083 Rental Income- College Site $47,000 To augment the Office Supplies, Printing, Credit Card Discount Fees, Equipment Expense, and Low Value Asset Equipment accounts in the Bookstore Fund at Pierce College from income generated from GoPrint saies In the Library. T-0102, T-0106, Technical & Career Education 50,882 T-0107,T-0124, T-0137, T-0145, To accept funding at Los Angeies Trade-Technica! College to conduct nonT-0157, T-0158, credit instruction and vocationai/extension training workshops and to purchase T-0159, T-0160, instructional equipment. Funding is from the Foundation for Caiifomia T-0161, T-0162, Community Colleges, Cosmeto!ogy Department Fees, OSHA cards and Welding T-0163, T-0178 Certificate Testing Fees, NCS Pearson, the Peratta Co!!eges Foundation, PSf trainings, and Southern California Regional Transit Training Consortium. C-0162 Journalism Program 3,491 To augment the Unclassified Non-fnstructional Salaries, Travel, and Other Expense accounts in the Journalism Fund at Los Angeles City College from income generated by the Journalism Program. TOTAL LOCAL $101,373 BF1 December 11,2013 Page 5 of 6 OTHERS: nterfunct D-0295, D-0296 Increase Support - Retirees Health insurance Fund from General Fund To setup interfund transfer for the Medicare Part D Subsidy received on August 8, 2013. Medicare Drug Subsidy Refunds are to be set aside for the Post Retirement Health Benefits program for GASB 45 purposes. These funds are being transferred to the GASB 45 Trust Account which is in the Debt Service Fund (fund 3). 2,107,052 Funds Redistribution H-0169 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (53.001) To redistribute funds from EOPS fund number 20487, to EOPS fund number 10487, at Los Angeies Harbor College. H-0170 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 53,001 To accept redistributed funds from EOPS fund number 20487, to EOPS fund number 10487, at Los Angeies Harbor College. H-0173 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services-Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (EOPS-CARE) (1:4,408) To redistribute funds from EOPS-CARE fund number 10869, to EOPS-CARE fund number 20869, at Los Angeies Harbor Coliege. H-0175 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services-Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (EOPS-CARE) 14,408 To accept redistributed funds from EOPS-CARE fund number 10869, to EOPSCARE fund number 20869, at Los Ange!es Harbor Coiiege. P-0084 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (41,251) To redistribute funds from EOPS fund number 20487, to EOPS fund number 10487, at Pierce Coliege. P-0085 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 41,251 To accept redistributed funds from EOPS fund number 20487, to EOPS fund number 10487, at Pierce College. V-0154 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services To redistribute funds from EOPS fund number 20487, to EOPS fund number 10487, at Los Angeles Valiey College. (58,235) BF1 December 11, 2013 Page 6 of 6 V-0155 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 58,235 To accept redistributed funds from EOPS fund number 20487, to EOPS fund number 10487, at Los Angeies Valley College. TOTAL OTHERS $8,357,193 TOTAL INCOME Organizational In accordance with Education Code 72670, the foiiowing organizations are Membership $2,107,052 submitted for Board approval: A. Amend the List of Organizationai Memberships to include Dental Profession courses and Paimeri Publishing Co. with annual dues of $189. This request is originated from Los Angeies City College. Background: Membership in this organization provides the faculty and students with 25-30% discounts for dental courses, workshops, books, and unlimited access to technical articles and videos. B, Amend the List of Organizationa! Memberships to include American Bar Association with annual dues of $1,250. This request is originated from Los Angeles City Coliege. Background: Membership in this organization provides benefits, programs and services which promote members' professionai growth and quality of !ife. C. Amend the List of Organizationa! Memberships to include the Western nterstate Commission for Higher Education (WfCHE). This membership was previousiy submitted to and approved by the Board for their Approval and is being re-instated to the Active List of Memberships. ACTION .' Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BF2 Division BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date; December 11, 2013 Subject: ACCEPT RECEIPT OF ANNUAL AUDIT Accept the annual independent audit of the Districts financial records and accounts for the2012^3>fisca^^teted.bythefirmofKPMGLLP.The-"depe"dentauc.t also included the audit of the District's schedule of expenditure offederai'awardsas well as, the District's compliance with Section 400 of the Chancellor's Office's California Community Coileges Contracted District Audit Manual for the 2012-2013 fiscal year completed by the firm of Vasquez & Company LLP. ^lla-T^.d; -An.an^uai^ancial audit of.t!1e Pi?trict.is conducted every fiscal year by independent contract auditors as required by Education Code Section 84040 and reported to the Board of Trustees. Jhetinancial statement audit report received an "unqualified" opinion, which means !fllTttJ^-b^icJinan_ci_^1 stat?men^/ef^rred to in tt!e audiJ Pr?sent fairly'in a!l materiaf respects, the tinanciaf position of the District as of June 30, 2013, and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Ien coi)ie^ °^,the Di^tl'ict!s report wiil be provided to each campus and a copy forwarded to the exclusive representative of each organizations and the Academic Senate. Recommended and Approved by:__S^bl^r^^ I ^Kw\^ Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chance!!or Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fie!d Svonkin Moreno Veres Pearlman Griggs Student Trustee Advisor Vote By: Page Date 0 Pages Corn. No. BF2 D!V. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 12/11/13 * ACTION w Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BF3 BUSINESS AND FINANCE Division Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: ACCEPT RECEIPT OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FINANCIAL AUDIT Accept the foilowing: 1. T]1^^rluai. Se,ne^!_%ILg/?t^r! ^9nd financial Aud^ completed by the firm of KPMG LLP for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Background: An annual General Obligation bond financial audit of the DJStr.ict'.s?roposit?)n ^' proPosltion AA^and Measure J bond program is conducted^every fiscal year by independent contract auditors as required by California Constitutional Article 13Aand Education Code 15278 and reported to the Board of Trustees. The audit report received an "unqualified" opinion which means that the general P-urP?^flrla^i-al.-s^t?rT1en^s ref9ITecU° !n. tt1e au?li? pre^ntJ:?irLy' in al! material respects^ the financial position of the District as of June 30, 2013,'and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Recommended and Approved by: ^^t^jA^S^V^ ^ » ^MJS^ Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Moreno Veres Peariman Griggs By: Date Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of Pages Corn. No. BF3 Div. BUSJNESS AND FINANCE Date 12/11/13 s * ^CilON w y, Los Angeles Community College District . Corn.No.BSD1 Business Services Date; December 11, 2013 Subject: RATIFICATIONS FOR BUSINESS SERVICES !?.?iccor^n.c?xvS?1.t^,F^or,l?ia pducation Code and Los Angeles Community College District Board Rules, the following routine transactions are reported for ratifications: A. PURCHASE ORDERS 881 issued from October 1, 2013 to October 31, 2013 which totaled $1,763,838. B. FACILITIES ORDER FORMS 65 issued from October 1, 2013 to October 31, 2013 which totaled $193,752. C. AGREEMENT FOR ART MODELING SERVICES 11 issued which totaled $3,119. D. AGREEMENT FOR ATHLETIC OFFtCIATING SERVICES 1 issued which totaled $3,000. E. CONTRACT EDUCATION AGREEMENT 4500193010 Southwest Agreement with University of Southern California for the College to provide various instructional courses to Upward Bound Summer Program participants during the period June 17, 2013 to July 19, 2013, inclusive. Tota income; $71,500. Total Income of Section E: $71,500 F. LEASE OF EQUIPMENT AGREEMENT 4500193402 Valley. Agreement with Hasier Financial Services, LLC for ease of an IM Series 100 mailing system upgrade, for a 60- month period beginning December 1, 2013 or the actual date of delivery, whichever is later. Total cost: $23,482. Totai Cost of Section F: $23,482 ^^AAAJ^^ Recommended and Approved by: XhSM^- Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chanceiior Chancellor and Er>g Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page Field Moreno Peariman of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 D iv. Business Services Santiago Svonkin Ve res Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BSD1 Business Services Date: Decemberll, 2013 G. LEASE OF FACILITIES FOR DISTRICT USE 4500193264 District Office. Agreement with Sheraton Gateway Hotel Los Angeles to provide the venue, including meals and parking, to perform interviews for Los Angeles Community College District Chancellor on December 10, 2013. "Total cost: $1,910. 4500193052 East. No-cost Facilities Use agreement with Hacienda La Puente Unified School District for use of classroom space at La Puente High School and Workman High School to allow the Jaime Escaiante Math Program to provide math courses free of cost to their students during the period of August 26, 2013 to December 19, 2013, inclusive. Total Cost of Section G: $1,910 H. LEASES, USE PERMITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERMITS OF DISTRiCT FACILITIES 4500193534 City. Correct dimensions of allotted land for agreement with Adcamp, Inc. for lease of six (6) four square feet of spaces on November 6, 2013 (Corn. No. BSD2)to six (6) 6.25 square feet of spaces at locations across Los Angejes Vatley College during the term of March 1, 2011 to February 28, 2014. Total Income: $27,000. 4500192902 City. Agreement with Alcoholics Anonymous for use of a designated dassrpornon Mondays from J2:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. during the period of September 16, 2013 through June 30, 2014, inclusive. Tota! income: $0. 4500192904 City. Agreement with County of Los Angeles Human Resources Division for use of the library lab facility on designated Saturdays from 7:30 ja.m. to 5:00 p.m^during the period ofOctober 12, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive, Tota! estimated income: $6,300. 4500193232 Harbor. Correct college for agreement with PVSC Exiles for use of football fields for practices and games on the campus of Los Angeles Pierce College on November 6, 2013 (Corn No. BSD2) to Los Angeles Harbor College during the period of January 6, 2014 to December 18, 2014, on designated times and days; Total income: $48,608. 4500193539 Va!!ev. Correct dimensions of allotted land for agreement with Adcamp, Inc. [or lease of four (4) four square feet of spaces on November 6, 2013 (Corn. No. BSD2)to four (4) 6.25 square feet of spaces at locations across Los AngeJesValley'College during the term of March 1, 2011 to February 28, 2014. Total income: $14.400. Total Income of Section H: $96,308 Page 2 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees oar Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No.BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 4500190368 East, No-cost agreement with Hewlett Packard Company to provide maintenance for 23 HP printers located in the Associated Students Union with all costs being paid by the ASU, during the period August 26, 2013 to August 25, 2016, inclusive. 4500129496 Harbor. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with !BE Digital to provide maintenance services on Konica Minolta Bizhub 7045, increasing the total contract amount from $2660 to $3,140 from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive^ for the fifth year of the agreement. Tota! additional cost: $480. 4500136291 Harbor. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with Schindler Elevator Corporation to provide elevator maintenance services, increasing the total contract amount from $68,570 to $90,654 from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive, for the fifth year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $22,084. 4500159850 Harbor. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Pitney Bowes to provide postage meter services and equipment maintenance, increasing the total contract amount from $10,086 to $12,263 from January 1, 2014topecembers 31 2014jnclusive, for the fifth year of the agreement. Totai additional cost: $2,177. 4500162905 Mission. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreement with Ricoh Americas Corporation for maintenance of 23 Ricoh copiers located in various departments from June 1 , 2013 to November 30,2013, inclusive. No additional cost. 4500136064 Valley. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with Canon Business Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of two Canon IR5075 copiers in the Reprographics Department, increasing the tota contract amount from $57,408 to $71,760 from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, inclusivejor the fifth year of the agreement, with a 30 day termination clause. Total additional cost: $14,352. 4500166199 Van De Kamp. Consent to assignment of rights and delegation of duties, effective November 1, 2013, from the assignor, Elevator Dynamics, Inc., to the assignee, KONE, Inc., for elevator maintenance services. This assignment is the result of the purchase of all Elevator Dynamics maintenance contracts by KONE, inc. Total Cost of Section I: $39,093 J. PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 4500168202 Valley. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Institute of Reading Deveiopment (IRD) to conduct series of non-credit reading enrichment programs for the Community Services; IRD will provide Page 3 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12.11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 registration services for all programs including collection of tuition fees of $299 per student for program levels 1^7, $239 per person for program level R, $219 for Distance Programs age four and entering kindergarten through entering third graders and~$234 for Distance Programs entering fourth through eleventh graders; and will remit to the college 10% of the^gross tuition income; increasing the tota contract amount from $12,220 to $18,330 from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, indusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total estimated income: $6,110. Tota! Income of Section J: $6,110 K. REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT 4500192437 City. Agreement with Versant Holdings, LLC to offer mutual agreed upon and approved educationa! courses for Registered Nurse Residency J=lrogram during the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. The College and Versant Holdings, LLC shall each receive equal share of the proceeds from the State^ after fees and College cost are deducted. Tota! cost: $258.800. Total Cost of Section K: $258,800 L STUDENT INTERN AGREEMENTS 4500164435 Districtwide. Amendment No. 2 to renew no^cost agreement with Dignity Health for clinical training at various Dignity Health facilities of students enrolled in the co!ieges( student intern programs from September 1, 2013 to August 30, 2014, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. 4500192099 East. No-cost agreement with Southern California Ambulance to provide dinical training for students enrolled in the Emergency Medical Technician Program during the period October 1~, 2013 to September 30, 2017, inclusive. 4500136033 Harbor. No-cost agreement with Providence Health and Services, Little Company of Mary Hospital to provide clinical training for nursing students during the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015, inclusive. Pierce. Fourno^cost agreements with the following contractors for clinical training of students enrolled in the Registered Veterinary Technician and/or Pre-Vetennary Science Program during the period Various February 4, 2013 to August 26, 2017, inclusive. Ojai Village Veterinary Hospital 4500193165 4500193166 4500193167 4500193168 Page 4 of 22 Pages Corn, No. BSD1 Animal Emergency Centre Veterinary Medical Center of Woodland Hills Granada Veterinary Clinic Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500172697 Valiey, Amendment No. 1 to extend no-cost agreement with Providence Health System Southern Califomia'dba Providence Heaith System for clinical training of students enroHed in the Nursing and Respiratory Therapy Programs during the period May 1, 2014 to Apri! 30, 2016, inclusive, for the third and fourth years of the agreement. 4500193129 Valley. No-cost agreement with Sherman Oaks Hospital & Health Center for clinical training of students enrolled in the Nursing Program during the period August 1, 2013 to Juiy31, 2018Jnclusive. Tota! Cost of Section L: $0 M. WORK STUDY AGREEMENT 4500193395 Southwest. No-cost agreement with Samuel Gompers Middle School to provide students who are eligible to participate in the Federal Work Study Program with community service work opportunities at the mjddie school during the period September 30, 2013 to June 30, 2018, inclusive. Total Cost of Section M: $0 N. SERVICE AGREEMENTS 4500154670 City. Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Ramona Munseil & Associates Consulting, Inc. to provide technical assistance and grant writing services for Title IV Student Support_Services Programs, increasing the total contract amount from $25,183 to $32,785 from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014^nciusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $7,602. 4500192886 City. Agreement with Education To Go to provide various on-fine computer classes for the Community Services Department during the period December 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost $8,000. 4500192931 City. Agreement with First Fire Systems to provide diagnosis, repairs and programming on the buildings' fire ajarm system throughout the college during the period September 1, 2013 to August 31;2016, inclusive. Total cost: $60,000. 4500193766 District Office. Agreement with Jerry Throener to conduct an assessment of all food service programs inciuding meeting with focus groups, visits to food venues, interviews with stakeholders and developing campus surveys at al! District Colleges during the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, inclusive. Tota cost; $49,800. Page 5 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Sen/ices Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn,No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500138874 District Office. Amendment No. 4 to agreement with Cities Digital, Inc. to provide annua! support and updates of a Laserfiche server for the Central Flnancia! Aid Unit, increasing the total contract amount from $27,090 to $30,830, for the fifth year of the agreement. Tote additional cost: $3,740. 4500182819 District Office, Amendment No_2 to extend agreement with Janice Connal to implement activities for a regional network serving participating colleges in Northern California, San Francisco Bay area as P^rtof and funded by _theCaijfomia Community College Chancellor's Office ESL/Basic Skills Prqfessiona! Grant, Increasing the total cost of the contract from $21 200 to $51,200 from July 1 , 2013 to June 30, 2014^ jndusive for the second year of the contract. Total additional cost: $30,000. 4500186936 District Office. Amendment to agreement with RP (Research & Planning) Group to provide for the 2013 Strengthening Student Success Conference including shaping the content and structure, provide electronic attendee listing, packets and four conference registrations including a!l materials associated for the District under the Bronze Sponsorship program adding 39 general conference registrations, 22 presenter conference registrations, and 65 postconference workshop registrations, increasing the total contract amount from $5,000 to $34,800 from June 15; 2013 to November 15, 2013, inclusive. Total additional cost: $29.800. 4500187599 Di^ricJ Office. Amendment No 1 to extend agreement with ButteG!en Community College District as Project Regiona! Network Coordinator as part of and funded by the California Community College Chancellor's Office's ESL/Basic Skills Professional Grant, increasing the total cost of the contract from $15,000 to $45,000 from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, indusive, for the second year of the contract. Total additional cost: $30,000. 4500192222 District Office. Amendment to agreement with Wittler-Young Co., Inc. to provide maintenance of the air conditioning equipment in the computer center on the second floor and on the roof of the building to add provisions allowing for emergency repairs to be conducted to ensure the continued and uninterrupted services in the data center, under the auspices of the Office of information Technology, increasing the tota! cost of the contract from $5,292 to $2~6,292 during the period October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014, inclusive. Total additional cost: $15,000. 4500150210 Districtwide. ^Amendment No. 3to renew agreement with Eureka Corporation for a license to use its Eureka software for career information and to provide software updates, handbooks, implementation materials, in-service training and unlimited customer support and assistance, increasing the total contract amount from $57,465 to $77,431, from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014, Page 6 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 inclusive, for the fourth year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $19,966. 4500192249 Districtwide. Correct period of services for agreement with the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to implement data collection and analysis procedures for compliance with the information disclosures and reporting requirements of the U.S. Department of Education under the Student-Right-to-Know Act, under the auspices of the Office of EducationaFPrograms and Institutional Effectiveness, as ratified by the Board of Trustees on November 6^ 20J 3, (Corn. No. BSD1), to the period from Juiy 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015, inclusive. 4500118206 East; Amendment No, 7 to agreement with Ebsco Subscription Services to add one additional periodical to the contract for the Library and South Gate Center, increasing the total contract amount from $80,000 to $80,300 from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014 inclusive, during the fifth year of the agreement. Total additiona! cost: $300. 4500167819 Harbor. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Ebsco Subscription Services to provide magazine, electronic and newspaper periodical subscriptions for the Library increasing the total contract amount from $3,250 to $7.325 from' October 1 6,2013 to October 15, 2014, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $4,075. 4500169769 Harbor. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Learning Express, LLC to provide an interactive site license program, standard platform, and e-cpursesforthe Nursing exams, increasing the tota contract amount from $2,100 to $3 185 from February 1,2014 to January 31.2015^ inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $1.085, 4500192688 Harbor. Na^ost agreement with Scantron Corporation to provide fourteen leaner test scoring machines that includes technical and maintenance support and free ink roljers in exchange for the Bookstore to purchase a minimum of $750 of test scoring forms per machine per year during the period March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2018, inclusive. 4500192811 Harbor. Agreement with Pjnnade Evaluation Services to provide an external evaluator for the Title I II Science, Technology, Engineering and Math grant during the period October 1, 2013 tcTSeptember 30, 2014Jnc!usive. Total cost: $6.000. 4500192897 Harbor. Agreement with Pinnacle Evaluation Services to provide an external evafuator for the Title V Strengthening Hispanic-Serving Institutions grant _during the period October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014, inclusive. Tofai cost: $6,000. Page 7 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500140324 Mission. Amendment No. 4 to extend agreement with G & K Services, Inc. for rental and maintenance of uniforms for the Maintenance and Operations staff, increasing the total contract amount form $36,488 to $39,488 from November 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013, inclusive. Total additional cost: $3,000. 4500191927 iVIjssion. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreement with Kennedy White, !nc. for mediation services to strengthencannpus collegiality during the period September 27, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive.' Total additiona! cost: $5,000. 4500193140 Mission. Agreement with Sonoma County Junior College District on behalf of Santa Rosa Junior College to participate in a statewide survey to assess the outcomes of the college's Career Technology Education (CTE) Programs. This study wiifgather student perspectives on issues such as whether students became employed within their field of study; if their community college coursework positively affected their earning potentia!; and how CTE programs can be improved during the period November 1, 2013 to'September 1.2014, inclusive. Total cost: $5,306. 4500163890 Pierce. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with SARS Software Products Inc for SARS (Scheduling and Recording Software)-GRID and SARS-CALL software license maintenance and support for the Counseling Department, increasing the total contract amount from $9,180 to $13,770 from July 1, 201"3 to June 30, 2014, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $4,590. 4500177132 Pierce. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreement with SMS Transportation Services to provide a fully compliant ADA access 22 passenger bus and services for the cpliiege using the competitively- bid Build LACCD Master Agreement No._50224,1ncreasing the total contract amount from $154,328 to $218,360 from December 14, 2013 to January 13, 2014, inclusive. Tota! additionai cost: $64,032. 4500188781 Pierce. Amendment No. 1 to agreement with Tumbleweed Educational Enterprises, inc. to provide bus transportation services for 2013 Fun Under the Sun Summer Camp field trips, to increase the total contract amount from $12 875 to $13,750 from July 1, 2013 to August 9, 2013, inclusive. Totai additional cost: $875. 4500192915 Pierce Agreement with Time Warner Cable Media Sales to provide Cable TV advertisement and production for the Career & Technology Education Program during the period November 1, 2013 to February 28,2014, inclusive. Total cost: $17.000. 4500193151 jPierce. Agreement with Sweetwater Veterinary to provide various veterinary services to the farm animals during the period September 15, 2013 to September 14, 2014, Inclusive. Total cost: $15^000. Page 8 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500193152 Pierce. Agreement with Humphrey Giacopuzzi Veterinary Group, Inc. to provide various vetennary services to the farm animals during the period September 15, 2013 to September 14, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $15.000. 4500178166 southw5st; Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Eludes, Inc. to provide hosting and rejated services, administrative support, project management for faculty and students, increasing the total contract amount from $26,800 to $57,572, from July 1, 2013 to June 30^20U, inclusive, for the second year of the agreement. Total cost: $30.772. 4500182431 Southwest. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Ann Zumwinkle dba Zumwinkle.com to provide website upgrading services in support of sccreditation requirements, increasing"the total contract_annoynt from $10,800 to $18,300, from December 11, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive, for the second year of the aareement. Total additional cost;, $7,500. 4500189022 Southwest Terminate agreement with Tamis Systems, !nc. to conclude^developing Enrollment Statistics Reporting system for the Student Services Department, effective November 6, 2013. Tota savings: $7.075. 4500192730 Southwest Agreement with Cumming^onstruction Management, Inc. for the Department of Labor H-1 B~ Technical Skills TraminQ Grant to provide work-based training for four unempioyed entry level engineers and four unemployed experienced engineers to be placed and retained in an industry job that prepares them for advancement along^a technica! career pathway for the Office of Economic and Workforce Development during the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015, inclusive. Tota! cost: $75,200. 4500192505 Trade-TechnicaJ. Agreement with Manuel Morales to provide on-line advertising content for thecojlege during the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Totaicost $30,000. 4500192612 Trade-Technicai. Agreement with Accuvant, Inc. to provide Pa!o Alto Networks technical support and software upgrades for internet security hardware firewalls that are at the perimeter between the College and the Internet, These firewalls protect student, financial and human resources information, building automation and energy ?-y?,!ems_at.th? C9t!e9.e and can provide a replacement firewal! image \n the event of a hardware failure, through the Office of Information lT?h^o!og^urlng.the.pe?od,August ?'-20,13.to AU9ust 2> 2014' inclusive. This agreement is being entered into under the authority of the competitiyely-bid State of California Department of General Services Caiifomia Multipie Award Schedule (CMAS) Contract No. 309-70-2428M. Total cost: $38,300. Page 9 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD 1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11,2013 4500192693 Trade-Technical. Agreement with AVRVan Rentals to provide vans to transport student athletes to events during the period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2014, indusive. Total cost: $2.500. 4500177893 Valley. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Rarrona Munse & Associates Consulting, Inc. to provide technical assistance and grant writing services for the 2012-2017 Upward Bound Grant Project, increasing the total contract arrtount from $13,125 to $25,563 from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014, inclusive, for the second year of the agreement." Total additional cost: $12,438. 4500192342 Valley. No-cost agreement with Haiku Learning Systems, Inc. to provide access to Haiku Learning Management software for the career.and Technical Education Program during the period August 15, 2013 to August 14, 2015, inclusive. 4500193097 Valley. Agreement with Sureway Transportation to provide bus transportation semces for Monarch Winter 2013 arid Summer 2014 camp field trips for the Community Services Department during the period December 20, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $12,525. 4500193099 Valley. Agreement with Mobile Film Ciassroom to provide project Planning and implementation pursuant to the goals and objectives of the Caiifornia Media Arts Statewide Career Technical Education Program during the period November 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014, nclusive. Tota! cost: $7,500. 4500152398 Van De Kamp Amendment No 1 to renew agreement with Consolidated Disposal Service for waste hautlhg and disposal services, increasing the total contract amount from $19,153 to $26,242, for the fourth year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $7,089. 4500153317 West. Amendment No. 5 to renew agreement with Thomson West to provide on-line Westlaw Campus Law Library System, increasing the total_ contract amount from $38,350 to $41,301 during the periocUuly 1, 2013toJune30, 2014, inclusive^ for the fourth year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $2,951. 4500154164 West. Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Ramona Munseil and Associates, Inc. for technical assistance, consultation, recommendations, and grant writing services for the 2010-2015 Title V Strengthening Hispanic Institutions Cooperative Project, increasing the tota! contract amount from $134 485 to $150,694 from October 1" 2013 to September 30 2014, indusive for the fourth year of the agreement. Total additiona! cost: $16,209. Page 10 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 s Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 2013 to September 30 2014, inclusive for the fourth year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $16,209. 4500171515 West, Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Ramona Munsei and Associates to provide grant consulting services for the Title V Strengthening Hspanic Institutions cooperative program with California State Dominguez Hiils, increasing the tota! contract amount from $36,281 to $54,834 during the period October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014, inclusive, for the third year of the agreement. Total additional cost: $18,553. 4500193352 West. Agreement with KTA Services for a field trip to the Traveling Space Museum exhibit for Upward Bound and Science, Technoloav, Engineering^and Math (STEM) students on December 21, 2013. Total cost: $6.000. Total Cost of Section N: $668,708 Total Savings of Section N: $7,075 0. SPECIAL GRANT FUNDED AGREEMENTS 4500154648 City. Amendment No. 3 to agreement with the U.S. Department of Education for that agency to fund the Anytime Anywhere Pathways to Success Program providing development of online instructionai programs and student services, increasing the total contract amount from $2,285,460 to $3,060,382 from September 1, 2013 to August 31 2014 inciusive, foi_the Joyrth year of the agreement. Total additional expense: $774,922. 4500182954 City. Amendment to agreement with Gateway to College National ^tv^S'?J(?.est.?bI!sh.?_t1i_gh.s^oo! to,co!le9,e dual cred't program to provide a supplementa! award to implement additional services that will benefit the Los Angeles City College Gateway to College program by funding the position of a drop-out prevention liaison vvh!,c!1.fulfi.ilthlene^d forcoordination of activities between the college and two charter school districts, Green Dot and LA Alliance, ensure the implementation intervention and recovery efforts between the cpflege and school districts and address the issue of achieving stud_ent_enrollment targets, increasing the total contract amount from $325,000 to $431,000~from June 1, 2013 to December 1, 2014, indusive. Totai additional expense: $106,000. 4500136411 Districtwide. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with the California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division, for that agencyto provide funding for heaithy meals to ail children enrolied at the colleges' Child'Deyeiopment Centers, increasing awareness in healthy choices for the enrolled children and their families.and decreasing the effects of childhood obesity, through the State's Child and Adult Care Food Program, increasing the total contract amount from $3,338,124 to $4,251,603 from October 1, Page 11 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11,2013 4500179723 DJstrictwide. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with the California Department of Education for that agency to fund the Workforce Investment Act, Title \\ Adult Education & Family Literacy Act and English Literacy &civicGrantPL09ram_. This grant program suppiements Adult Basic Education ($1,517,847), Aduft Secondary Education ($40,803), and English Literacy & Civi-cs Education ^-1?'.512lP_ro9r? s w.hi(?h Prov!c!e adult learners (over 15 years old) with basic life skills, including reading, writing, and mathematics, to ncrease their literacy; to prepare them for th'e labor market or vocational training; to he!p them participate effectively as citizens, workers, and consumers of goods and services; and to help them understand^navigate governmental, educational, and workplace systems. City Coiiege wi!) serve as lead agency to the other five colleges participating in this program: East, Mission, Southwest, Trade-Technical, and Valiey Colleges, during the period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusiyejor the second year of the agreement.. Total expense: $1,769,162. 4500142074 East. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with University of California for that agency to fund the Puente Project for up to 100 students, increasing the total contract amount from $3,000 to $5,500 from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inciusiye, for the fifth year of the agreement. Total additionai expense: $2,500. 4500192357 East. Agreement with Yosemite Community College District for that agency to fund the Child Development Training Cdhsortium Program for up to 30 students during the period September 1, 2013 to June 30,2014, inclusive. Tota! expense: $10,000. 4500173118 Harbor. Amendment No. 2 to extend agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for that agency to fund the Responsive Training Program to create and institutionalize a Sterile Processing Technician Program for approximately 64 participants from July 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, indusive. for the second year of the agreement. No additional expense. 4500181084 Harbor. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with San Francisco Community College District for that agency to fund the Early Chi!dhood_ Mentor Program, increasing the total contract amount from $150 to $300 from August 1, 2013 to July 31, 2014, inclusive, for the second year of the agreement. Totai additional expense: $150. 4500152193 Mission. Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with Yosemite Community College District for that agency to fund the Child Development Consortium, Child Development Training Program, to conduct classes for approximately 1 50 students who are working towards their California Chi!d Deveiopment permit and who are currently working in state and federally funded child development centers, private child development center^or family child care homes, increasing the total contract amount from $52,500'to $70,000, from Page 12 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 oard Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 July 1,2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive Jqr the fourth year of the agreement. Totai additiona! expense: $17.500. 4500193145 Mission. Agreement with Chabot ~- Las Positas Communitv Co!ieae District to fundjhe Director Mentor Programs for the Child Development Department during the period August 1, 2013 to July 31,2014, inctusive. Total expense: $1,000. 4500168438 Pierce & Valfev. Amendment No. 2 to agreement with the Reaents of the University of California, Office of Contract and Grant Administration, for that agency's funding of the Bridges-to-theBaccalaureate Program that increases the number of underrepresented student minority transfers from Pierce and Valley CoNeges to UCLA who pursue baccalaureate and advanced degrees in the biologicai and biomedical sciences under the collaborative direction^ the Colleges' Biology_Department program directors, to reduce Year 3 funding from $81,712 to $71,870. total expense reduction: $9.842. 4500169898 Southwest. Amendment to No. 1 to extend agreement with the Los Angeles Unified School District - Beyond the Be!l Branch to provide cpllege-leve! computer education classes in support of their annual CyberPatriot Program, increasing the total contract amount from $19,875 to_$26,875 from OctobeT 12, 2012 to December 31, 2012, inclusive. Total additional expense: $7,000. 4500169902 Southwest Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with the U.S. Department of Education for that agency to fund the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholars Program, increasing thetotaj contract amount from $213,180 to $4i5,21'1 from s?£tembe/A>.20,13JO,A.ug^.31' ?014' }nc!usiY^J^r-the second year of the agreement. Tota! a~dditiona! expense: $202.031. 4500192812 ^uth_w^st, _i^2Leen]enLwlth the ca,lifo/n!^ cornmunity Colleges Shtans.e!!or'£Loffice for th,at ?&epcy to fund thie Foster'and Kinship Care Education to provide 400 hours in parenting and specialized workshops for caregivers taking care of chiidren placed in out of home care during the period Juiy 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, inclusive. Total expense: $144,481. 4500193333 Southwest Acreement with t^he California Community Colleges Chancdior^s Office for that agency to fund the Foster'and Kinship Care Education to provide 454 hours in parenting and specialized workshops for caregivers taking care of children placed in out of home care during the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total expense: $128.114. Total Expense of Section 0: $4,086,181 Page 13 of 22 Pages Corn, No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 P. SHORT TERM AGREEMENTS PREPARED AT SITE LOCATIONS FOR SERVIC RENTAL & MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT, AND TTCENSE & MAINTENANC SOFTWARE $5,000 OR LESS PER YEAR 4500192796 City. Agreement with Calvin Witcherto facilitate the Permanence and Safety - Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting Program training, a 33-hour training requn'ed by the County of Los'Angetes and Department of Family and Children Services'for individuals plaj'ining to become foster parentsjjuring the period October 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $1.500. 4500192964 City. Agreement with Jeremy Wltcher to facilitate the Permanence and Safety - Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting Program training , a 33-hour training required by the County of Los~ Angeles and Department of Family'and Children Services for individuals planning to become foster parents during the period October 26, 2013 to December 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $1,500. 4500193308 City. Agreement with Michael Colmairedba The Chicken Lady to provide catering services for the EOPS/Care workshop on November 21,2013. Total cost: $785. 4500191748 District Office. Agreement with Continental Business Machines to repair the margin on IBM Typewriter located in the Board of Trustees Office during the period of September 16, 2013 to September 30, 2013, inclusive. Tota! cost: $125. 4500192806 District Office Agreement with Golden Star Technology to provide software and hardware support for two Deil Precision T'500 computers duringjhe period November 9, 2013 to November 8, 2014Jnciusive. Total cost: $644. 4500192940 Plstrict (^!ce- Agreement with^Christopher Cameron {o provide hearing officer services for the Personnel Commission Office on September 26, 2013. Total cost: $2.000. 4500184821 East. Amendment No.1 to agreement with Harvest Financial to add one additional Retirement Planning seminar to the spring semester, to increase the total contract amount from $1,000 to'$1 ,950 from June 15, 2013 to June 14, 2014, inclusive. Total additiona! cost: 950. 4500192220 East. Agreement with Raquel Gutierrez to provide an interactive workshop with the artist Shizu Saldamando for the Vincent Price Museum held on November 9, 2013. Total cost: £250. 4500192296 East. Agreement with D & B Power Associates, Inc. to provide maintenance for one Symmetra power supply located in the nformatipn Technology Department during the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $1,484. Page 14 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500192299 East Agreement with Pyramid Techno!ogy Services to provide maintenance for Hewlett Packard Servers located in the'Information Technoiogy Department during the period February 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $3.100. 4500192302 East, Agree me nt_with Golden Star Technology to provide maintenance for Proteus Management Applia~rice located in the Information Technoiogy Department during the period December 31, 2013 to December 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $3.400. 4500192305 East. ^Agreement with Cristina E. Fish to provide Forensic Science Boot Camp workshops on crime scene investigation for Administratipn of Justice students during the period October 12,2013 to April 12, 2014, inclusive. Tota! cost; ~$1,200. 4500192307 East. Agreement with M Tony Nguyen to provide Forensic Science Boot Camp workshops on the use of photography for Administration of Justice students during the period October 12,'2013 to April 12, 2014Jnc!usJve. Total cost: $600. 4500192308 East. Agreement with Adriana Tenorio to provide Forensic Science Boot Camp workshops on crime scene reconstruction for Administratipn of Justice students during the period October 12, 2013 to April 12, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $1,800. 4500192310 East. Agreement with Ryan Hays to provide Forensic Science Boot Camp workshops on crime scene investigation for Administration of Justice students during the period October 12, 2013 to April 12, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $600. 4500192311 East. Agreement with Cristina Pino to provide Forensic Science Boot Camp workshops on fingerprinting for Administration of Justice students during the period October 12, 2013 to April 12, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $600. 4500192616 East. Agreement withShizuSa!amando to provide a workshop on her art for th^e Vincent Price Museum held on November 9, 2013. Totaicost: $250. 4500192992 East. Agreement with Kern Corporation to provide translation for three documents to Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese used by students during the period December 12, 2013 to December 31 , 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $2,370. 4500192994 East. Agreement with Phoenix Group to provide maintenance for six Samsung Galaxy Tablets located in the Sheriff's Office during the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $2,370. Page 15 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Board Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500193030 East. Agreement with Jaime Zacarias to provide a workshop on his art for the Vincent Price Museum he!d on December 3, 2013. Total cost: $350. 4500193032 jEast. Agreement with Isabel Avila to provide professiona photography covering two exhibitions for the Vincent Price Museum during the period November 20, 2013 to December 1, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $300. 4500187615 Harbor A9rQement with Wayne Williams to conduct "Make Money in The Auto Wholesale Business "class through Community Services Department during the^period July 1, 2013 to December 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $3,500. 4500187618 Harbor. Agreement with Notary Public Seminars to provide state exam renewal exam and visitation rripnitor classes through the Community Services Department during the period July 12,2013 to December 31, 2013, indusive. Total cost: $5.000. 4500191489 Harbor. Agreement with Southern California Marine institute to provide four-hour cruise to allow Oceanography 10 students hands-on fab experience on oceanographic data collection on October 22, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $1.080. 4500192339 Harbor. Agreement with Dan Halverson to design the brochure schedule cover through the Academic Affairs department during the period,0ctober26, 2013 to December 30, 2013/inclusive. Total cost: $398. 4500192379 Harbor. Agreement with Steve Carrillo to provide new virtual server, upgrade software and mitigate ail departments data to the new server for the Financial Aid department during the period October 22, 2013 to November 15, 2013, inclusive. Totafcost:' $1,000. 4500192525 Harbor. Agreement with V!P Tours of California, Inc. to provide bus transportation for EOPS Care students and staff to University of California, Irvine for a campus tour and Admissions presentation on November 15, 2013. Total cost: $495. 4500191921 Mission. Agreements with Saul Plasencia to participate in the college's Career Technical Education Community Collaborative Project Externship Program to deye!op and improve professional skills in Finance and Business Industry_Sector'during the period September 4, 2013 to November 13, 2013, inclusive: Total cost: 700. 4500192043 Mission. Agreement with Chaiyant Chanchang to conduct a workshop to prepare Criminal Justice students for taking an ora interview with the Criminal Justice agency on October 12, 2013. Totaicost: $300. Page 16 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12.11-13 Board Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500192044 Mission. Agreement with Chaiyant Chanchang to conduct a workshop to prepare Criminal Justice students for taking an ora interview with the Criminal Justice agency on Novembers, 2013. Total cost: $300. 4500192304 Mssjon. Agreement with Orkin Pest control to provide integrated pest management services for various departments during the period October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $3,600. 4500192428 Mission A9reernentwi^h Th^BUS to provide bus transportation services for Student Support Services Program participants field trips during the period October 1 , 2013 to August 31,2014: inclusive. Total cost: $600, 4500192765 MissJon._ Agreement with Jll! D'Agnenica to conduct a lecture on her artwork for the Humanitjes 1 class during the period October 31, 2013 to December 16, 2013 Jndusive. Total cost: $100. 4500192876 Mission. Agreement with Cesar Trelies to conduct workshops on the topics of working with the system, the needs of foster children, schoo ^s^i5^^?iPJi^s,fof. I?1anence ar?d safety 7 Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting Program participants during the period October 25, 2013 to December 31, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: 240. 4500192909 Mission. Agreement with DeWayne Johnson to conduct workshops on the topics of working with the system, the needs of foster children, schoo! issues and discipline for Permanence and Safety - Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting Program participants during the period October 15, 2013 to December 31, 2013, inclusive. Tota cost: $1.260. 4500192913 Mission Agreement with Gerardo Avelar to conduct workshops on the topics of working with the system, the needs of foster children, school issues_and discipline for Permanence and Safety- Mode Approach to Partnershjps^n Parenting Program participants during tjne period October 5, 2013to January 1, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: 240. 4500192914 Mission. Agreement with Margareth Gomez to conduct workshops on the topics of helping relatives to care for children in the system ^dv^?fkinSwiththesy,sterT1 forthe.Fosterand Kinship Care Education Program participants during the period October 9, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: ~$450l Page 17 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500191473 pierce Agreement with Joseph A. Hackett to conduct a workshop on trhS toPJC ofmandated reporting for the Foster and Kinship Care Education Program participants on October 5, 2013. Total cost: 150. 4500191498 Pierce. Agreement with Robert Gates to conduct "Saisa Red Hot" and "Beginning Baiiroom" classes for the Community Services Department during the period October 18, 2013 to November 22, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $300. 4500191499 Pierce, Agreement with Be The Change Energy Center to conduct "Self Defense for Kids", "Zumba GplcT'and "Country Western Line Dancing" classes for the Community Services Department during the period^September 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013; indusive. Total cost: $525. Various ^^^^?^^g.lle-erF^!ltiYV!^t^.e-fol!?VVSg contractors to participate, coordinate and "teach in the Engineering Teaching Institute funded by !h^^lif<?r-niar.Alliancefor ,th.e,L.ong~Term strengthening of Transfer ^rl^n^rin/?_progra.71s/^ ^oint En9ineerin9 Program to"strengthen Pa'^m_ia.20n?. ty ^°^?e Engineering programs by improving teaching effectiveness and increasing their capability to offer engineering courses using Tablet PCs and CCC Confer during the period October 1, 2013 to" September 15, 2014, inclusive. Tofal cost: $12,000. 4500191531 4500191537 4500191539 4500191541 Arineh Ar^oumanian Mareike Claassen Michelie Teresa Miltea Dominic Dal Bella $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 4500191620 Pierce Agreement with Nilli Grutmandba Healthy Roots Nutrition to conduct "Nutrition Basics" classes for the Community Services Department during the period October 13, 2013 to October 27, 2013. inclusive. Total cost: $896. 4500191623 Pierce. Agreement with Helen Liatsos to conduct "Start Your Own Home-Based Business" class for the Community Services Department on November 16, 2013. Total cost:' $1,456. 4500191766 Pierce Agreement with Alexander Carriilo to conduct "Life Drawing" dasses for the Community Sen/ices Department during the period September 21, 2013 to November 9, 2013, inclusive. Total cost $1,010. 4500191945 Pierce. Agreement with Technical Associated Services to calibrate weicNng machines as required for City of Los Angeles Certification for the Engineering Technology DepartmenUJuring the period October 1, 2013 to December 31 , 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $603. Page 18 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 ©a rd Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn, No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500192113 Pierce. Agreement with inland Cutter Service, Inc. for repair of a three-hole paper puncher machine in the Reprographics Department during the period October 1, 2013 to December 31 ,'2013. inclusive. Tota! cost: $633. 4500192260 @erce^ ^9reement with BI?(^ks Transportation to provide bus transportation services to Ei Camino High School for the Career Technology Education Program on September 27, 2013. Total cost: 670. 4500192719 Pierce. Agreement with Srboohie Hakpbi Abajian to conduct a lecture making reference to her artwork in relation to curriculum taught within the Art and Architecture Departments on September 19, 2013. Total cost: $150. 4500189638 Southwest. Agreement with Compansol to provide two day on-site staff training on Blumen Software for the Upward Bound Fremont program during the period September 24, 2013 to September 25, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $4.745. 4500190620 Southwest. Agreement with American Transportation Systems to provide bus transportation for Upward Bound students and staff to University of California Santa Barbara for campus tour and Admissions presentation on October 25, 2013; Total cost: $517. 4500191827 Southwest. Agreement with Pepperdine University to provide conference room, meals, and parking for the annual Business Department Retreat as allowed by Perkins Title IV Title grant on October 4,2013. Total cost: $3,520. 4500191941 Southwest. Agreement with Silvia RashadI to receive professiona development stipend for assistance as a high school counselor Haison tojhe Future Leaders Program during the period October 9, 2013 to December 13, 2013, inclusive. Totarcost: $200. 4500192336 Southwest. Agreement with Compansqlto provide annua!support plan for the Educationa! Talent Search Program during the period October 21, 2013 to October 22, 2014, indusive. Total cost; $299. 4500192485 Southwest. Agreement with KJLH 102.3FM to provide nine on air advertising commerciais for the college's Health Forum event during the period October 25, 2013 to October 29, 2013, inclusive. Tofa cost: $600. 4500191643 Valley. Agreement with New School of American Music to conduct "Piano Workshop" for the Community Services Department during the period October 1,2013 to September 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $1,200. Page 19 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11,2013 4500191781 Valley. Agreement with Subway Sandwich to provide approximately ^?^?^e?J^5i1?^f°^UPW?rd ?our?d.^ath &':s,ci?l??e (UB"MS) Program_participants Saturday Academies and field trip's as allowed by the UB-MS grant during the period October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014, inclusive. TotaFcost: $2.500. 4500192092 Valley. Agreement with Sonbros Records to provide musical performance during the^Latino Heritage Celebration on October 30, 2013. Total cost: $2.000. 4500192093 Valley Aqfeement with Main Street Tours to provide bus transportation services to various trips to universities for the Career Transfer Center during the period September 27, 2013 to November 8, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $2.255. 4500192762 ^|^^gr^e^en^wJth^pa^ic^^uj^^e^^s'^c-.tS_ProY,ide bus transportation services for Athletics' Department's intercoltegjate games during the period August 8, 2013 to September 30,2013^ indusive. Total cost: $1,073. 4500192801 Valley. Agreement with Commercial Meat Company to provide approximateiy 210 light refreshments for Upward Bound Math & Science (UB-MS) Program participants after school tutoring as allowed by the UB-MS grant during the period October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost: $1.200. 4500192878 Valley. Agreement with Tamis Systems, Inc. for license to use its Work & Services Orders software package inciuding support for the Maintenance and Operations Department during the period January 1,2014 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Tota! cost" $1.020. 4500192844 Valley. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IR20251 copier in the Child Development Department during the period September21, 2013 to September 20, 2014, inclusive, with a 30 day termination clause. Total cost: $631. 4500192846 YaueY- ^9r6^mSntwith l^al^in Container, Inc. for storage moving services for the Community Services Department on October 22, 2013. Totaicost: $200. 4500192885 Vaitev A?_re^m^t with Urban Tree Care, Inc. Jo trim one Bunya pine treje for the Maintenance and Operations Department during the period October 31, 2013 to November 30, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $1.200. 4500188577 West A9reen'^rU with Eiaine Moran to provide mystery shopping job training workshops for the Westside Extension during the per'JocTjuly 1, 2013to June 30, 2014 Jndusive. Total cost: $2,i00. Page 20 of 22 Pages Corn, No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No.BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 4500191601 West. Agreement with Bnt-West Soccer to provide Tiny Pros soccer classes for the Westside Extension during the period October 1 , 2013 to June 3, 2014, inclusive. Tota! cost: $2.500. 4500191844 West. Agreement with Penni Seller to provide workshops for the Foster and Kinship Care Program during the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost $400. 4500191850 West. Agreement with Theresa Reed to provide workshops for the Foster and Kinship Care Program during the period September 9, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost:' $800. 4500191893 West. Agreement with Alexis Estwickto provide workshops for the Foster and Kinship Care Program during the period September 9, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost:' $1,200. 4500192006 West A9reement withAYar?t Garde Fencers Ctub to provide fencing classes for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, Inclusive. Total cost: $1.800. 4500192007 West. Agreement with David Broida to provide harmonica classes for the Westside Extension during the period October 15, 201 3 to June30,2014Jnclusive. Total cost: $1,000. 4500192008 West Agreement with CEO Services Group to provide business workshops fortheWestside Extension during the period October 15, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total cost $1.200. 4500192010 West. Agreement with Samuel F. Rad to provide Financial workshops for the Westside Extension during the period September 18, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Totai cost; $1.000. 4500192191 West. Agreement with Cynosure New Media, inc. to provide maintenance for the West Los Angeles Coliege On-!ihe Orientation program during^the period July 8, 2013 to July 28, 2013, inclusive. Total cost: $1/100. 4500192421 West. Agreement with Wilson Sandoval to provide a performance for d the 3ro Annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration held on October 15, 2013. Total cost: $100. 4500192429 West Agreement with Mariachi Divas to provide a performance for d the 3fu Annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration held on October 15, 2013. Total cost: $300. 4500192435 West. Agreement with Maryam Dalili to provide workshops for the Foster and Kinship Care Program during the period September 9, 2013 to June 30, 2014, inclusive. Total "cost:'$2.400. Page 21 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 oard Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: December 11,2013 4500192853 West. Agreement with The RP Group to provide the services of DaFJa Cooper as a keynote speaker for the 12 Annual Leadership Retreat held on November 15, 2013. Total cost: $1,300. Total Cost of Section P: $104,194 Q. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM BC503842 City. Settlement of claim in the amount of $4,857.60. District Office. Settlement of claim for salary placement modification 13-175 and payment of $3,500. BC495797 Trade-Technicai. Settlement of lawsuit for a waiver of costs. 5534 Van de Kamp: Settlement of claim in the amount of $12,504.65. Tota! Cost of Section Q: $20,862.25 Page 22 of 22 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 s * ^ITON 1 ^' Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: December 11,2013 Subject: BUSINESS SERVICES ROUTINE REPORT AUTHORIZE JVtQDIFICATiON OF RULES GOVERNING FLEXIBLE » SPENDING ACCOUNTS Authorize ajnodification of the rules forempioyee Flexible Spending Accounts ("FSAs") to allow for up to $500 ("FSA Carryover")to be carried into the next year. The annual maximum election is $2,500 ("Annual Election"), but an employee will be allowed to add to the Annua! Election with his or her FSA Carryover, for a total annual maximum of up to $3,000. Background: Employees may annually elect during Open Enrollment to have voluntary pre-tax deductions taken for uncovered medical expenses, known as an FSA. In prior years, the FSA had to be fully expended or the balance would revert to the District. !n Late October, the Internal Revenue Services announced a change allowing for an FSA carryover. In November, the Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee voted to recommend this change to the Board of Trustees. If approved, notice will be sent to all employees. There is no cost to the District for making this change. II. AUTHORIZE SERVICE AGREEMENTS A. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4500181132 with SAP Public Services [nc. for maintenance of mySAP, Payroll Tax, Employee Self Service (ESS), Mercury QC software, NetWeayer, Public Budget Formulation, Adobe enabled interactive Forms, SAP (Manufacturing ntegration and intelligence (Mil), Multi-Resource Scheduling (MRS) and dashboard reporting features modules of the SAP Enterprise System software, from January 1 , 2014 to December 31 ,2014, inclusive, for the second year of the agreement, increasing the total contract amount from $689,813 to $1,397,252, at a total additional cost of $707.439. Background: This agreement was approved by the Board of Trustees on January 16, 2013 (Corn. No. BSD2). Funding is through the District's t:nformation Technology funds. Recommended and Approved by: SL^ .^ .w^, Adriana D. Barrera, interim Chancellor ^ -c; .» Chancellor and E"g Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Moreno Pearlman Date By: Santiago Svonkin Ve res Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of 5 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: December 11,2013 B. Authorize Amendment No. 6 to extend Agreement No. 4500148684 with TekYogi, LLC to continue to provide general testing and Mercury software maintenance for_the Office of information Technology, from January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014, inclusive, increasing the total contract amount from $573,120 to $664,320, at a totaFadditiona! cost of $91,200. Background: This agreement was approved by the Board of Trustees on July 28, 2010 (Corn. No. QSD^} and will provide technical support of ongoing and new SAP projects. This extension will allow time for the LACCD to compiete its efforts to recruit and establish a list of qualified personnel from which to hire full-time regular employees. Funding is through District Office Information Technology funds. II. RATIFY SERVICE AGREEMENTS A. Ratify Amendment No 1 to extend Agreement No. 4500185532 with Gonzalez Qulntana & Hunter, LLC to provide iegisiative advocacy services from November 1, 2013 to P^cember 31 2014, increasing the total cost of the contract from $63,000 to $192 000, for the seconcTyear of the contract, at a total additional cost of $129,000. Background: This_agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on April 17, 2013 (Corn. No. BSD2) because of the firm's extensive expertise in working with the State of California Assembly and Senate. The firm wll! assist and support existing advocacy efforts'on behalf of the Los Angeles Community Colieg^District (LACCD) focusing on immediate legislation impacting the District and has served in these efforts during the period of April 18, 2013 to October 30, 2013, jndysive, at $9,000 per month. This contract has compiemented the McCallum Group contract which will also expire on December 31, 2014. Extension of this contract wil! allow the District to issue a Request for Proposals for the scope of service provided under both contracts. B. Ratify the following actions related to agreements to provide funding for contract education services to approximate!y 59 participants throughout the Los Angeles region. As one of 8 workforce Investment Act (WlA) funding authorities within the Los Angeles Region and the administrator of a state recognized Eligible Training Provider List, the South Bay Workforce investment Board (SB-WIB) will enable WIA funds to be used in covering the costs of these employer driven training activities by partnering with SB-WIB to act as the intermediary contractor with the County of Los Ange!es Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) to provide direct and intermediary services for the provision of the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CaiWORKs) Greater Avenues for independence (GAIN) Program Vocational Education at all nine of the Districts colleges participating under the auspices of the District's Educational Support Services Division. Page 2 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 0 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No.BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 1. Terminate Agreement No. 4500174213 with SB-WIB of the City of Hawthorne, effective May 1, 2013. 2. Ratify agreement with SB-WIB of the City of Ingiewood during the period of May 1, 2013 to March 31, 2015, inclusive, at an estimated cost of $477,900. Background: Agreement No. 4500174213 was ratified by the Board of Trustees on June 13, 2012 (Corn. No. BSD2). This action is necessary because the South Bay Workforce Investment Board of the City of Hawthorne no longer exists as a legal entity and has been replaced with the new entity South Bay Workforce Investment Board of the City of Inglewood. No other provisions of this agreement have been changed. IV. ADOPT FINDING OF BIDDING IMPRACTICABIUTY AND RATIFY AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO LEASE EQUIPMENT Ratify the following actions to extend agreement with Cataiina Imaging, Inc. for the lease of a Mobile Computer Tomography (CT) scanner trailer to provide training to radiation technology students by simulating a hospital setting with five (5) hands on workstations for the Responsive Training Grant offered at Los Angeles City College, increasing the total contract amount from $63,900 to $91,060 from November 1, 2013 to December 13, 2013, inclusive, at an additional cost of $27,160. 1. Authorize an exception to the public bidding requirements under Public Contract Code section 20651 _by adopting a finding of bidding impracticability as established by case law authority in Gravdon vs. Pasadena Redevelopment Agency which exempts a public agency from formal bidding if the process poses a significant disadvantage to the public entity and makes it impossible to obtain what is required in the procurement. 2. Ratify a contract to extend the lease for CT scanner trailer to provide training to radiation technology students under the Responsive Training Grant. Background: Agreement No. 4500187065 was previously authorized by the Board of Trustees on June 12, 2013 (Corn. No. BSD1 ) and, at the time of the initial lease, was beiowthe formal bid threshold for the period of June 1, 2013 to October 31, 2013. Los Angeles City Coiiege would like to extend the lease of the specialized trailer. If the Board approves, the District would extend the lease agreement for an additional term. The cost factors to the District, City College and Radiologic Technology students in the program make bidding for a short extension impractical for the District. Since the extension is for such a limited time, the costs of removing the current customized trailer, preparing an RFP to bring in an appropriate new customized trailer, setting up and configuring the new trailer would be extremely expensive in comparison to the additional funding requested. The Responsive Training Grant funding this lease to provide training to Page 3 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 12.11-13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 Radiologic Technology students will end on December 31, 2013. If we incur a training stoppage, the delay of re-starting the program may impact the grant funding and could result in loss of remaining funding. V. AUTHORIZE CONTRACT FOR EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM Authorize a contract for executive search services with to conduct the recruitment forthe_presidentiai search processes for Los Angeles Harbor, Southwest and Valley Colleges in an amount not to exceed $ .* Background: The Board Ad Hoc Committee on Presidential Selection solicited proposals from the five firms which currently comprise the panel for presidential selections. A!! five firms submitted proposals; the Ad Hoc Committee interviewed three firms on Monday; December 9th, 2013. The Board has selected executive search firm based upon the firm's ability to advise the Board of Trustees regarding potentia! approaches to the process, as well as the firms'possession of the resources necessary for recruitment of an appropriately broad pool of applicants for consideration. VI. RATIFY ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION Ratify the following donation and express appreciation to the donor for its contribution to the District's educational program. East Los Angeles College Donation of a non-operable 56 passenger school bus from Los Angeles Schoo! Police Department for training use by East Los Angeles College Fire Technology Program. The bus will be housed at the Los Angeles Fire Department Training Center located at 1700 Stadium Way, Los Angeles, CA 90012. VI. AUTHORIZE PAYMENTS Authorize payments of the following expenditures: A. $478.67 to Barbara Pena, Community Services Instructor Trainer for the California Corporate College -Affordable Care Act program at West Los Angeles College, as reimbursement of expenses incurred from June 26, 2013 to June 28, 2013, inclusive. Background: Ms. Pena paid to attend a ththree day^oo'fh Train the Trainer program in Fresno between June 26 and the 28 as required by the California Corporate College's Affordable Care Act statewide heaithcare education program. This would normaUy be handled by submitting a Conference Attendance Form during the appropriate Fiscal Year. Because of !ate submission this now needs to be processed as an Authorize Payment. Funding is through College General fund. Page 4 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div, Business Services Date 12-11-13 Los Angeles Community College District Division: Corn. No. BSD2 Business Services Date: December 11, 2013 B. $1,125.26 to Chris Hickey, Community Services instructor-Trainer for the California Corporate College -Affordable Care Act program at West Los Angeles College, as reimbursement of expenses incurred from June 26, 2013 to June 28, 2013, indusive. Backaround: Mr. Hickey paid to attend aththree day Train the Trainer >ofrf/ program in Fresno between June 26In and the 28In as required by the California Corporate College's Affordable Care Act statewide heaithcare education program. This would normally be handled by submitting a Conference Attendance Form during the appropriate Fisca! Year. Because of late submission this now needs to be processed as an Authorize Payment. Funding is through College General fund. Page 5 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 12-11-13 s w ^ 'A 'af. * ^diKiN vs . . .ff . . » "i, Los Angeles Community College Districfc I Corn.No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date December 11, 2013 Subject: FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROUTINE REPORT The fo!!owing items are recommended for approva! by Facilities Planning and Development as part of the Consent Calendar for the Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda for the date shown. The Consent Calendar may be approved with a singie vote. Any member of the Board of Trustees has the authority to remove any item listed and have it inciuded on the Action Calendar for a separate vote. Information regarding each item on the Consent Calendar can be found in FPD1 ~ Resource Document. » AUTHORIZENAME CHANGE Authorize use of a change of name to Agreement No. 40202 with Steinway Piano Gallery to now use the formal and legal business name Steinway Musical instruments, inc. d/b/a Stelnway, Inc and Steinway and Sons. II. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS A. Authorize an agreement with TTG Engineers to provide continued design and construction administration services for the M & 0 Faciiity project at Los Angeles City College. B. Authorize an agreement with Gruen Associates to provide architecturai, engineering and construction administration services for the Grand Avenue Enhancement - Phase 1 project and Blue Line Station Extension project at Los Angeies Trade-Technica Coliege. C. Authorize an agreement with Johnson Favaro to provide continued architecturai, engineering, planning and construction administration services on a Task Order basis campus-wide to be issued incrementally at the direction of the College Project Manager at Los Angeles Trade-Technical Coilege, D. Authorize an agreement with Peter M. Mitsakos & Associates Architects, inc. d/b/a West Edge Architects, inc. to provide design services for the Campus Facilities Master Plan project at West Los Angeles College. III. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS A. Authorize the following actions for Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 50221 with P2S Engineering, Inc. to provide additional civii, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, telec^mrhunication and enpi[ieering services on a Task Order basis campus- * Recommended and approved by: . <XT^JY&^&J Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chance!!or Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of 4 Field Moreno Pearlman Santiago Svonktn Veres Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date12-11-2013 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 wide to be issued incrementaily at the direction of the College Project Manager at East Los Angeles College. B. Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 33065 with Tetra Design, Inc. to provide continued design services for the Bailey Library Modernization project at East Los Angeles Coiiege. C. Authorize Amendment No. 8 to Agreement No. 32750 with Leo A Daiy to provide additional design services for the P.E. and Weliness Center - Phase II Site Work project at Los Angeies Harbor College. D. Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 33387 with M, Arthur Gensfer Jr. & Associates, inc. to provide additional design services for Student Services - Administrative Swing Space project at Los Angeles Mission College. E. Authorize Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 50154 with Cannon/Parkin, inc. d/b/a Cannon Design to provide additional design services on a Task Order basis campus wide to be issued incrementaHy at the direction of the College Project Manager at Los Angeies Mission Coilege. F. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 33633 with Arup North America Ltd. to provide continued commissioning services for the A - Building Restoration and Modernization project at Los Angeies Trade-Technica! College. G. Authorize Amendment No. 10 to Agreement No. 50131 with Southwest Inspection & Testing, Inc. for continued Laboratory of Record (LOR) services on a Task Order basis DistrictwJde. IV. RATIFY AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Ratify Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. 31083-1 with Arup North America Ltd. to provide continued energy efficiency consulting, technical assistance, and research and validation services on a Task Order basis District-wide. V. AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A. Authorize a new contract with Palmer & Polcyn Paving, inc. to provide genera construction - additionai accessibility improvement services for the Parking Structure project at Los Angeies City College. B. Authorize a contract with Rafaei 26 Construction to provide general: construction site preparation services for the Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - Red Line Pedestrian Corridor project at Los Angeles City College. C. Authorize a contract with RAMCO General Engineering Contractor to provide genera! construction - guardrai! installation services for the Parking Structure 3 project at North Walkway project at East Los Angeles Coiiege. D. Authorize a contract with GMZ Engineering, Inc. to provide generai construction control switch instaliation services for the FTA Bus Rapid Transit Extension project at Pierce College. VI. AUTHORIZE RECISSION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AWARD OF REPLACEMENT CONTRACT A, Authorize the rescission of Contract No. 33757 with Vaile Grande Construction to provide genera! construction ~- weed abatement services for the North of Mali project at Pierce College. B. Authorize a contract with GMZ Engineering, fnc. to provide genera! construction site stabiiization services for the North of Mali project at Pierce Coilege. Page 2 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNSNGAND DEVELOPMENf~~~Date12-11-13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date; December 11, 2013 VII. RATIFY CHANGE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT GREATER THAN $30,000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-Blb-BUILD" METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 33725 with IPi Construction, VIM.RATIFY CHANGE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT LESS THAN $30,000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUILD" METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 33731 with Pa!mer & Pofcyn Paving, Inc. IX. AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRAC A. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33731 with Palmer & Poicyn, Inc. to provide genera! construction services for the Parking Lot 1 Pavement improvements project at Los Angeies City College. B. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of the Northeast Quadrant Parking Structure component of Design-Build Agreement No. 33063 with Hensel Phelps Construction Co. at Los Angeies Southwest Coliege, C, Authorize Acceptance of Completion to Design-Build Agreement No. MCHS 60100 with Bernards Bros., tnc. for the Middle Co!!ege High Schoo! project at Los Angeles Southwest Coliege. D. Authorize Acceptance of CompSetion of Contract No. 33468 with P&J Engineering to provide generai construction services for the Storm Water impiementation Southwest / Caijfornia Department of Transportation (CalTrans) Wa!l project at Los Angeles Southwest CoEiege. E. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 31588 with Ameresco, Inc. to provide general construction services for the Campus Improvements ~ Utilities nfrastructure (Centrai Plant) project at West Los Angeles College. X. AUTHORIZE AIV1ENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 33112 with Reliant Asset Management, LLC for the Science Career & Mathematics Building-Swing Space project at East Los Angeies Co!lege. XI. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Sublease Agreement No. 33707 with Caprico, LLC to extend the term an additional 24 months for 182 off-site parking spaces for Los Angeles Trade Technical Coiiege. XII. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO DESIGN-BUItD AGREEMENTS A. Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 32975 with Pinner Construction Company for additional Design-Build services for the Student Success and Retention Center project at East Los Angeles College. Page 3 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date" 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 B. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 33116 with Edge Construction LLC for additional Design-Build services for the Campus Student Center & Bookstore project at East Los Angeles College. C. Authorize Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. 33074 with Pankow Special Projects L.P. for additiona! Design-Build services for the Theater Drama Speech project at Los Angeles Harbor College. D. Authorize Amendment No. 9 to Agreement No. 32144 with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. for additional Design-Build services for the Demolition of Temporary and Obsolete Faciiities project at West Los Angeles College. XHI.RAT1FY AMENDMENT TO DESIGN-BUILD AGREEMENTS A. Ratify Amendment No. 8 to Agreement No. 32882 with Taisei Construction Corporation for additionai Design-Buiid services for the Performing Arts Buiiding improvements project at Pierce College. B. Authorize Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 32746 with Bernards Bros., Inc. for additionai Design-Build services for the Library Learning Crossroads Buiiding project at Pierce College. C. Ratify Amendment No. 12 to Agreement No. 32881 with Harper Construction Company, Inc. for additional Design-Build services for the Schoo! of Career & Technical Education project at Los Angeies Southwest College. D. Ratify Amendment No. 18 to Agreement No. 33063 with Hensel Phelps Construction Co. for additional Design-Buiid services for the Cox Building - Little Theater Upgrade, Cox Building Upgrade, and Fitness and Wellness Center projects at Los Angeies Southwest Co!lege. XIV. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORDERS A. Authorize a purchase order with Rolling Greens Nursery, inc to provide live plants for use in the Biology classes at the Science Complex project at Los Angeies Harbor CoUege. B. Authorize a purchase order with Secure Cabinet Company to provide Music Recital Hali equipment cabinetry for the Theater Drama Speech project at Los Angeles Harbor College. C. Authorize a purchase order with RSPE Audio Solutions, inc. to provide recording systems for the Performing Arts Building Improvements project at Pierce College. XV. AUTHORIZE USE OF MEASURE J BOND FUNDS FOOR CONTRACTS ORIGINAL AUTHORIZED AS PROPOSITION A/AA BOND FUNDED Authorize the inciusion of Measure J funds as available for certain previously authorized contracts to the extent the projects were encompassed in the Measure J project !ist adopted by the Board of Trustees. Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACIUTES PLANNINGAND DEVELOPMENT Date 12-11-13 '%. '* ^ &< 'f '* ^BTION SB IF * II »( . . Los Angeles Community College District I Corn.No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date December 11,2013 Subject: AUTHORIZE MASTER PROCUREMENT AND SERVICE AGREEMENTS 1. MASTER PROCUREMENT AGREEMENTS A. FURNITURE AND FIXTURES Pursuant to Pubiic Contract Code Section 20652, a) find it is in the best interest of the District to procure under the authority of Master Procurement Agreements established by the Foundation for Ca!ifornia Community Colleges (FCCC) and, b) authorize the purchase of furniture and fixtures from the foiiowing established FCCC agreement as stipulated below. If applicable, alf sales tax shal! be paid. ABC School Equipment d/b/a Platinum Visual Systems Contract No. CB 13-016 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 ,000,000 Product Category White & Chalk Boards, Anodized Frame, Low-Gioss Porceiain Steel Surface, with Range of Sizes and Accessories Avaiiable White Boards. Siiding, Horizonta! and Vertical, Low-Gloss Porcelain Steel §Mil?.?.?.L--?.PA.?-?..r1-9.?._9L§-.i?.es an<^ Accessories Avaiiable Discountl 28% 28% Tack Boards, 1.5" Anodized Frame, Coior Permeated Cork 28% Surface, with Range of Sizes and^Accesspries AvaiSabie Rolled Tack Surface, Frameiess, Commerciai Grade Vinyl Wrapped Wa!i Mounted Presentation Board, Radius Comer, Wood Doors, 28% 28% Whiteboard Surface with Tackable Surface on Inside of Doors Wal! Mounted Conference Board, Wood Frame, LCS Whiteboard 28% Surface Agati, inc. Contract No. CB 13-017 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 ,000,000 \ productcategory Study tab!es, fixed and adjustable height, iaminate/steel, wood/steel and Discount! 40% wood/wood Study seating, pedestal base and four"!eg in wood, upholstered and po!y 40% versions Recommended and approved by: » kS^kK^ ^ Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Eng Santiago Fiefd Moreno Pearlman Svonkin Veres Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 12-11-2013 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Lounge seating: club chairs w/tablet arm; benches w/backs; sofas; occasional tables 40% Modular lounge units for open and waiting rooms 40% Library furniture: study carrels and study tabies avaiiable in wood, linoieum or 40% laminate Library desking products available in wood/metal, marmoleum and iaminate 40% American Seating Company Contract No. CB 13-018 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 ,000,000 Product Category Student tablet armchair, four-leg, poiy sheli and available in standard or oversized Discoun 50% tablet Student desk, four-leg or cantilevered base. Separate table and chair avai!ab!e In 50% !-?.?liF-?t^L9r poSycarbonate top Student chair, four-leg, cantilevered or pedestal base. Avaiiabie in poly and 50% yp.^L^^T^L^PlV.PP Breakroom seating, metal frame sled or four-!eg base, poly seat and back 50% Breakroom stool, metai frame five-star base, po!y she 50% Stacking chair, poiy-seaf and back 50% Faculty dining area stacking chair, metal frame avaiiable in poly or upholstered 50% seat and back. Auditorium folding chair, steei frame, uphoistered with ganging option 40% Pubilc meeting audience seating, stackable, po!y seat and back 50% Public meeting audience seating, stackable, upholstered seat and back 50% Meeting room seating, metal frame, four-leg uphoSstered seat and back. Poly 50% Meeting room seating, wood or metai frame, four-leg wood seat and back 50% Lecture hal! fixed seating beam mounted, tablet arm, poiy she 50% Theatre seating, flip seat, floor mounted, po!y she!l with uphoistered back 45% Combined table and swing out seating, fioor mounted, tabie-top power and data 45% shell option option, meta! frame, laminate top Page 2 of Tabie, floor mounted, contiguous or non-contiguous, table-top power and data, 45% r?.^[l.f.C-?-Crl?.}fl/-it.^ laminate top Single Pedestal floor mounted seat, fabiet arm, poiy or upholstered seat 50% Swive! seat, jury base seating, floor mounted poly she!! with upholstered option 50% 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACIUTIES PLANNING AND~DEVELOPMENT Date12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 tndoor and outdoor spectator seating Poly seat and back 45% Aurora Storage Products Contract No. CB 13-020 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 ,000,000 Product Category Cantilever or Four-Post Shelving Units, Steel Frame, Variety of Configurations Available, Variety of Components Available Discountl Wire or Rack-Style Shelving, Minimum of 600 Lbs. Capacity , Modu!a with Wide Range of Sizes, Heights and Depths with Adjustable Shelves 32% ndividuat or Progressive Unite, Floor Standing Rotating Condensed Filing Storage, Variety of Configurations Availabie 41% Rail Mounted System, Steel Frame with Range of Configurations 46% 32% Available, Variety of Options for Finishing, Manua! or Electrical Movement Options Art Rack Storage Unit, for Multiple Options of Media 32% Sherriff Equipment Storage Unit, Secure, Variety of Configurations Available 50% Community Playthings Contract No. CB 13-021 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 ,000,000 Page 3 of Product Category Discount! Cubbies, Wood, Various Sizes and Finishes 3% Children's Seating, Wood, Armless, Toddler and Pre-Schoo! Sheives 3% Children's Activity Tables, Square and Round Shapes, Wood Frame w/Laminate Top 3% Shelving Unit, Wood w/Bul!etin BackMovement Options 3% Rocking Chair, Giider, Wood Frame 3% Play Lofts and Nursery Gyms, Toddier & Pre-Schooi Ages 3% Crib, Wood Frame, w/Matiress 3% Cots, Stacking, Toddier and Pre-School 3% Step Stools, Pre-Schooi Two Step, Wood 3% Sleeping Mats, Toddler and Pre-school 3% High Chair 3% Changing Tables 3% Wooden Blocks Set, Hollow 3% Wooden Blocks Set, Solid 3% Scooter, Metai Frame 3% 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNJNG AND DEVELOPMENT Date" 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Car-Car 3% Haworth Contract No. CB 13-018 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount $ 1 0 ,000,000 Product Category Discoun Student tablet armchair, four-leg, poly shell and availabie in standard or 49% oversized tablet Student desk, four-leg or cantiievered base. Separate table and'chair available in laminate or polycarbonate top 52% Student chair, four-ieg, cantiievered or pedestal base. Avaiiable En poly and 49°/<'0 Student seating, four-leg, poly shell 50% Student seating, pedestai base, poly back, poly or upholstered seat option 49% Stacking chair, poly-seat and back 49% Student tables, fixed top, steel frame, hard plastic and/or iaminate top, range of 52% Student tables, adjustable height top (ada compliant), steel frame, hard plastic 52% Facuity teaching desk, laminate/steei w/single center drawer 57% Faculty Storage Unit, Steel, w/Doors and Shelves, Locking 57% Facility stool, w/back, arm and armiess versions, casters, poly back, pofy or 49% uphotstered option options and/or iaminate top uphoistered seat option, height adj'usta b i e Faculty seating, four-leg, poly she! 49% Faculty seating, pedestal base, arm and armless versions, poiy or upholstered 49% seat and back options, height adjustable Facuity muiti-media podium, fixed and height adjustabie 52% Computer lab table, lammate/stee!, fixed and folding leg options, power/data accessories, accessibje cableway modesty panel Computer !ab table, laminate/steel, adjustable height (ADA), power/data options 52% Computer fab table, laminate/steel, continuous top and shared iegs, fixed height, 52% Study tables, fixed and adjustabie height. Available in iaminate/steel, wood/wood 52% 52% aptop storage and power/data options, accessible cablewaY.modesty Pane and wooct/stee Page 4 of Study seating, pedesta! base, upholstered seat & back, height adjustable 50% Study seating, four-leg, all wood 47% Study seating, four'leg, meta! frame, upholstered, wood or po!y seat and back 49% 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND" DEVELOPMENT Date12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 ndividuai Ciub Chair Units, w/TabletArm Options Individua! lounge units, available as chair, loveseat and ottoman, fully upholstered, mobile 47% 47% or glide foot, cup holder and tablet arm options Individual iounge units, available in single, settee, and sofa configurations, options, w/field 47% replaceable uphoistery, tablet arms and caster options. ndividual bench with back, available in single, double or triple lengths, wood frame, and wood or uphoistered options 35% Bench with back, available in single, double or triple lengths, steel frame, upholstered seat 35% Occasional table, available in square, round, and rectangular shapes, four-ieg, wood frame 35% and top Occasiona! table, availabie in square, round, and rectangular shapes, four-leg, metal 35% frame and wood or laminate top,and wood Modular lounge units, upho!stered, available in single, settee and bench sizes; curved and straight configurations, wood or meta! feet options, attached tabie o ptio ns 35% Moduiar lounge units, avaiiable in sofa, bench and ottoman configurations, with ganging, 35% .flP.9L!^.Llr^lr!9->._i?^..9.r.J??_c-y<ess options, tabie options Modular iounge units, waiting area seating, leg-basecf, ganging, poly seat & back, arms or 35% armless versions Modular lounge units, waiting area ganging seating, beam mounted, with tabie options, upholstered seat & back, arms or armless Short term task seating, arm or armiess versions, height adjustable, pedestal base, yP_129l?.^?_d.J^t-LUP.t19.1?t-?r??L 9nd/or poiy seat options, casters Short tenn task seating, arm or armiess versions, height adjustable, pedesta! base, upholstered seat and back, casters Long term task seating, arm or armless versions, height adjustable, pedestal base, uphoistered seat and back, casters Guest seating, four-ieg, stee! frame, arm and armless versions, upholstered seat and back, poly shell option Guest seating, four-leg, wood frame, arm and armiess versions, upholstered seat and back, wood back option Laterat fiies, storage units and wardrobe cabinets, steel, !ocking 35% 47% 57% 49% 49% 47% 57% Bookcases, 2 to 7 high, w/adjustabie shelves, steel 57% Vertical files, 2 to 5 high, steei, !ocking 57% Pedestals, mobiie w/ top or fixed, range of depths, drawer pu!l options and configurations, 57% stee ocking Paper management system, rai! or desk supported, range of configurations, steel or plastic 57% Meeting or break room tables, square, rectanguiar or round shapes, range of sizes fixed 52% and folding base options, laminate/steel Meeting room fabies, square, rectanguiar or round shapes, range of sizes, wood edge, 52% meta! base, power/dafa options, iaminate or wood top Wood frame desk series, fixed height, with desk, credenza, hutch, and pedestal storage 46% options Metal frame desk series, fixed height, with desk, credenza, hutch, and pedestal storage 46% options/ Saminate top with wood edge Stackable panel system, with range of heights, elements, surface and component 61% options, 8-wire electrical system Page 5 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Oiv. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date "12.11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Monolithic pane! system, with range of heights, surface and component options, 61% 8-wire electrica! system Benching desk system, with range of divider heights, surface and component 46% options. 8-wire electricai system Desking system, with range of divider heights, adjustabie worksurface, surface 46% and component options, 8-wire electrical system AdjustabEe keyboard tray w/non-handed mouse tray 38% Adjustable monitor arm, single or dual, VESA compliant 38% CPU holder, adjustable, hanging, single or dual capacity 38% Wood desking system, w/various table/desk options, overhead storage and pedestal 47% options Wood desk series, single and doubie pedestai options 47% Wood credenza series, kneespace and ful! options 47% High back, arm options, five-star base, available in leather and/or mesh 57% Guest chair, wood frame, uphoistered seat and back 47% Conference room table, wood and steel base options, wood top 52% Mid-back chair w/five-star base, arm options, upholstered seat and back 49% Breakroom seating, arm and amnless versions, metal frame, sled orfour-ieg base, poly 49% Breakroom stool, arm and armless versions, meta! frame, five-star base, po!y shell 49% High density stacking chair, wire frame, poly seat & back 49% Faculty dining area stacking chair, metai frame, poiy and uphoistered seat & back options 49% Auditorium folding chair, steei frame, amniess, w/thick upholstered seat pads, upholstered 54% seat & back back, ganging option Public meeting audience seating, stackabie, arm and armless versions, poiy seat & back 49% Pubiic meeting audience seating, stackab!e, arm and armiess versions, uphofstered seat & 49% back Meeting room seating, metal frame, four-ieg, arm and armtess versions, stackabSe, uphoistered seat & back poly shel! option Meeting room seating, wood or metal frame, four-leg, arm and armfess versions, wood seat^ 54% 54% & back Movabie, demountable waiE, metal frame, no gypsum, soiid, glass, doors, power and data 55% options, wood veneer and powdercoat frame options Storefront wa!! system, unitized meta! frame, glass, doors, power and data options 55% powdercoat frame Adjustable height cab!e access flooring, range of heights from 4" to 36", heavy load bearing (min of 1250 fbs), moduiarwith finish options, sound-dampening surfaces, non- 60% combustibie, seismic options, heavy load bfiarina Page 6 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNiNGAND DEVELOPMENTDate12-11.13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Irwin Seating Company Contract No. CB 13-019 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 ,000,000 Product Category Beam Mounted Seating, Floor Mounted, Tablet Arm Option, Straight and Cun/ed Beam Option, Poiy She Discount Theatre Seating with Arm, Flip Seat, Roor Mounted, Tabiet Arm Option, Po!y Shell with 35% 35% Uphoistered Seat and Back, Straight or Curved Application Combined Table and Swing Out Seating, Floor Mounted, Straight or Curved Application, Tabie-top Power/Data Option, Meta! Frame, Laminate Top with PVC Edge Tabie, Floor Mounted, Straight or Curved Application, Contiguous or Non-Contiguous Version, Table-top Power/Data Option, Modesty Panel Option, Metai Frame, Lamingte Top 35% Singie Pedestal Mount Seat, Fioor Mounted, Tabiet Ann Option, Arm and Amiless Versions, Poly or Upholstered Seat Option 35% Jury Base Seating, Floor Mounted, Swivel, Arm and Armless Versions, Poly Shell with Uph 3% Option Spectator Seating, Arm!ess Version, Straight or Curved Application, Floor or Side^ Mounted, Indoor and Outdoor Applicatiqn,Poly Seat and Back 35% 35% Krueger InternafEonaf (Kl) Contract No. CB 13-01:3 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 0 ,000,000 Product Category Student tabiet armchair standard and over-sized tablet, four-leg, poly shell 45.2% Singie student desk, four-ieg, metal frame, laminate or polycarbonate top 45.2% Double student desk, cantiiever !eg, metal frame, iaminate or polycarbonate top 45.2% Non-handed student desk, doubie entry, sled base, auto-return seat, laminate top, poiy shel 47.3% Non-handed student desk, double entry, sled base, swiveling seat, iaminate 47.3% tqp,j)o!Y she! Dynamic student desks caster base unit w/swive!ing non-handed tabiet, range of 45.2% options Student Seating, four-!eg, poiy she 44.2% Student seating, pedestal base, polyback, poiy or upholstered seat option 44.2% Student tabies, fixed top, steel frame, hard plastic and/or laminate top, range of 44.2% options Student tables, adjustable height top ADA, steel frame, hard plastic and/or aminate top Student iab stools, backiess, w/casters, poiy and/or upholstered seat Page 7 Discount 47% 44.2% Student lab stools, backiess, four-ieg, height adjustable poiy seat 45.2% Student lab stools w/back, sit/stand height range, poiy shet! 45.2% of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date "12-H.13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Faculty teaching desk, laminate/steel w/single center drawer 45.2% Faculty storage unit, stee!, w/doors and shelves, iocking 48.6% Faculty stoo!, backtess, arm and armiess versions, poly seat, height adjustabie 44.2% Facuity stool, w/back, arm and armiess versions, casters, poly back, poly or upholstered seat option, height adjustable Faculty Seating, four-leg, poiy shel 45.2% Faculty seating, pedesta! base, arm and armiess versions, poly or upholstered sea and back options, height adjustable Faculty muiti-medsa podium, height adjustable 45.2% Facuity multi-medsa podium, fixed height 45.2% Computer lab table, iaminate/steei, fixed and foiding leg options, power/data 46.1% 45.2% 45.3% accessories, accessibie cabieway modesty Computer !ab table, laminate/steei, adjustable height ADA, power/data options 48% Computer !ab table, iaminate/steel, continuous top and shared legs, fixed height, 48% aptop storage and power/data options, accessibie cabieway modesty pane Study tables, fixed and adjustabie height, laminate/stee! 48% Study Tables, Fixed Height, Wood/Wood 47.3% Study Tables, Adjustable Height, Wood/Steel 48% Study seating, pedestal base, arm and arrrsless versions, upholstered seat & back, height adjustable 48% Study seating, four-leg, ali wood, ann!ess and arm versions 47.3% Study seating, four-leg, metal frame, arm and armless versions, upho!stered, wood or poly seat and back 48% Individual dub chair units, w/tablet arm options 42.3% Individuai Eounge units, available as chair, loveseat and Ottoman, fully uphoistered, mobile or glide foot, cup holder and tablet arm options 45.2% individua! lounge units, available in single, settee, and sofa configurations, arm or armiess options, w/field replaceabie upholstery, tablet arms and caster options. 45.2% Individual bench w/back, available in single, double or tripie lengths, wood frame, 45.2% and wood or upholstered options Bench w/back, available in single, double or triple lengths, stee! frame, upholsterecf seat 42.3% Occasional table, avail:abie in square, round, and rectangular shapes, four-ieg, wood frame and top 45.2% Occasional table, available in square, round, and rectangular shapes, four-ieg, 45.2% metal frame and wood or iaminate top, and wood Page 8 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNINGAND DEVELOPMENT Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Modular lounge units, uphoistered, availabie in singie, settee and bench sizes; curved and straight configurations, wood or metal feet options, attached tabie options 45.2% Moduiar iounge units, avaiiabie in sofa, benchc w/back and ottoman configurations, with ganging, floor mounting, back or backiess options, table options 45.2% Modular lounge units, waiting area seating, leg-based, ganging, poly seat & back, arms or 46.7% armless versions Modular lounge units, waiting area ganging seating, beam mounted, with table options, uphoistered seat & back, arms or armiess 46.7% Modular study carrel units, with wood and/or laminate surface options, divider options, power & data options, wood base 47.3% Modular study tables, with wood and/or lamsnate surface options, fixed height, power & data 45.2% options, wood and/or metal base options Modular computer study tables, with wood and/or laminate surface options, fixed height, 45.2% divider options, power & data options, wood and/or metai base options Wood reading table seating, all wood or upholstered seat options 45.2% Reading tabie seating, metal frame, upholstered, wood or poly seat and back options, four 48% leg base ndividua! lounge units, upholstered, available in range of sizes and configurations, wood or metal feet options, attached table options Short term task seating, height adjustable, pedesta! base, upholstered seat, upholstered and/or poly seat options, casters Short term task seating, height adjustable, pedestal base, upholstered seat and back, 45.2% 45.2% 45.2% caste rs Long term task seating, height adjustable, pedestal base, uphoistered seat and back, 45.2% caste rs Page 9 of Guest seating, four-Seg, steei frame, upholstered seat and back, poiy shell option 45.2% Guest seating, four-Seg, wood frame, uphoistered seat and back, wood back option 45.2% Lateral Fiies, Storage Units and Wardrobe Cabinets, Steel, Locking 46.1% Bookcases, 2 to 7 high, w/adjustabie shelves, stee! 48.6% Vertical tiles, 2 to 5 high, steel, iocking 46.1% Pedestals, mobile w/ top or fixed, range of depths, drawer pul! options and configurations, 51% stee!, locking Paper management system, rail or desk supported, range of configurations, steel: or plastic 48.6% Meeting or break room tabies, square, rectanguiar or round shapes, range of sizes, fixed and folding base options, iaminate/steel 48% Meeting room tables, square, rectanguiar or round shapes, range of sizes, wood edge, 45.2% metal base, power/data options, laminate or wood top Wood frame desk series, fixed height, with desk, credenza, hutch, and pedesta! storage options 45.2% 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Metal frame desk series, fixed height, with desk, credenza, hutch, and pedestal storage 48.6% options/ iaminate top with wood Stackab!e panel system, with range of heights, eiements, surface and component options, 8 46.1% wire electrical system Monoiithic pane! system, with range of heights, surface and component options, 8-wire eieclrical system 46.1% Benching desk system, with range ofdivider heights, surface and component options, 8-wire 46.1% eiectrical system Desking system, with range ofdivider heights, adjustable worksurface, surface and ^?.FQ£.^?^Qt._o-?^."??-?-'..^.Y*/i.r^-.el^ctrical system Adjustabie keyboard tray w/non-handed mouse tray 46.1% Adjustable monitor arm, singie or dual, VESA compliant 46.1% CPU hoider, adjustable, hanging, single ordua! capacity 46.1% Wood desking system, w/various table/desk options, overhead storage and pedesta 45.2% Wood desk series, single and double pedestal 45.2% Wood credenza series, kneespace and fu 45.2% High back, arm options, five-star base, avai!ab!e in leather and/or mesh 45.2% Conference room table, wood and steel base options, wood top 45.2% Mid-back chair w/five-star base, arm options, upholstered seat and back 45.2% Breakroom seating, metal frame, sied or four-ieg base, poly seat & back 45.2% Breakroom stooi, metal frame, five-star base, poly she 48% High density stacking chair, wire frame, poly seat & back 43.6% Facuity dining area stacking chair, metal frame, poiy and uphoistered seat & back options 48% Auditorium folding chair, steel frame, w/thick uphoistered seat pads, upholstered back, 45.2% 46-1% ganging option Public meeting audience seating, stackabie, arm and armfess versions, poty seat & back 48% Public meeting audience seating, stackable, arm and armless versions, upho!stered seat & 45.2% back Meeting room seating, metal frame, four-leg, arm and armiess versions, stackabie upholstered seat & back, poly sheil option Meeting room seating, wood or metal frame, four"!eg, arm and armless versions, wood seat 45.2% 45.2% & back Beam mounted seating, floor mounted, tablet arm option, straight and curved beam option, poJv she) 38% Theatre seating with arm, flip seat, fioor mounted, tablet arm option, poly sheli with 38% upholstered seat and back, straight or curved application Combined table and swing out seating, floor mounted, straight or curved 38% application, table-top power/data optjon, meta! frame. Jaminatetop Page 10 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div, FACILIHES PLANNINGAND DEVELOPMENTDate12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Table, floor mounted, straight or curved application, contiguous or non-contiguous 38% version, table-top power/data option, modesty panel option, metai frame, iaminate ton Single pedestal mount seat, fioor mounted, tablet arm option, arm and armless versions, polv or uphoistered seat option 38% Jury base seating, fioor mounted, swivel, arm and armiess versions, poiy shell 38% with uphoistered option Spectator seating, armless version, straight or curved appiication, floor or side 38% mounted, indoor and outdoor application. polv seat and back Movable, demountabie waii, metal frame, no gypsum, solid, glass, doors, power 28.7% and data options, wood veneer and powdercoat frame options Storefront wali system, unitized metal frame, glass, doors, power and data options, 28.7% Dowdercoat frame Tables with attached seating, round or square configurations, steel frame, variety 54% of accessories availabie Benches with backs, arm or armless versions, steel frame, steei or wood seat and back. post. four-lea or sled base 54% Benches without back, aluminum frame, metal or wood seat and back, post, four- 54% leg or sied base Shade units for item 16.1, metal frame, variety of designs and sizes available, table 54% or stand supported Trash and recycling receptacles, steei frame, removable liners, side access doors 49% Tables with attached seating, round or square configurations, in-ground mounting 54% or surface attachment, steel frame Benches with backs, arm or armless versions, aluminum frame, meta! or wood seat and back, in-around or surface attachment 54% Benches without back, wood or steel frame, wood or steel seat, in-ground or 54% surface attachment Shade units for item 16.6, metai frame, variety of designs and sizes available, table 54% or stand supported Landscape Forms Contract No. CB 13-023 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 ,000,000 Product Category Discount Tables with attached seating, round or square configurations, steel frame, variety of 5% accessories available Benches with backs, stee! frame, steei or wood seat and back, post, four- Eeg or sled base 5% Benches without back, aluminum frame, metal or wood seat and back, post, four-!eg or sled 5% base Page 11 of Shade units for item 16.1, metal frame, variety of designs and sizes avai!able, tabie or stand supported Trash and recycling receptacles, steei frame, removable iiners, side access doors 5% Jury base seating, floor mounted, swivel, arm and ann!ess versions, poty shei! with 5% uphoistered option Spectator seating, armless version, straight or curved appiication, floor or side mounted, indoor and outdoor app!icatiqn,poiy seat and.back 5% 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 5% Div. FACILITIES PLANNiNGAND DEVELOPMENT Date 12-1-M3 Trustees Los Angefes Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Tables with attached seating, round or square configurations, in-ground mounting 5% or surface attachment, steel frame Benches with backs, arm or armless versions, aluminum frame, metal or wood seat 5% and back, in-around or surface attachment Benches without back, wood or steel frame, wood or steel seat, in-ground or 5% surface.a.ttachm.ent Shade units for item 16.6, metal frame, variety of designs and sizes availabie, table 5% or stand supported Steel case Contract No. CB 13-015 Effective Dales: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 0 ,000,000 Product Category Student tablet armchair standard and over-sized tabiet, four-ieg, poly shell 45% Singie student desk, four-teg, metal frame, Jaminate or polycarbonate top 59% Double student desk, cantilever leg, metal frame, laminate or polycarbonate top 59% Student chair, four-teg, armless, poiy she 44% Student chair, cantifever base, armless, poly shel 48.5% Student seating, pedestal base, poiy back, poiy or uphoistered seat option 44% Dynamic student desk easier base unit w/swivefing non-handed tablet, range of 44% Discount options Student seating, four-leg, poly she 44% Student seating, pedestal base, poly back, poiy or uphoistered seat option 44% Student tables, fixed top, steel frame, hard piastic and/or iamsnate top, range of 44% options Student tables, adjustabie height top ADA steei frame, hard plastic and/or laminate 43.5% top Student !ab stools, backiess, w/casters, poiy and/or upholstered seat 38% Student lab stools, backiess, four-!eg, height adjustable, poly seat 38% Student lab stools w/back, sit/stand height range, poly she 44% Faculty teaching desk, iaminate/steei w/sing!e center drawer 44% Faculty storage unit, steei, w/doors and sheives, locking 56% Faculty stool, backless, arm and armless versions, po!y seat, height adjustabie 44% Faculty stool, w/back, arm and armless versions, casters, po!y back, po!y or 44% upholstered seat option, height adjustable Faculty seating, four-leg, poiy shell Page 12 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 44% Div. FACiUTIES PLANNINGAND DEVELOPMENT Date 12-11-13 Trustees oar Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Faculty seating, pedestai base, poly or upho!stered seat and back options, height 45% adjustable Faculty Mu!ti-Media Podium, Height Adjustabie 43.5% Faculty Multi-Media Podium, Fixed Height 37.5% Computer !ab table, laminate/steei, fixed and folding leg options, power/data accessories, accessible cabieway modesty pane 45% Computer !ab table, laminate/steel, adjustabie height (ada compliant), power/data options 43.5% Computer lab table, laminate/steei, continuous top and shared legs, fixed height, iaptop 44% storage and power/data options, accessibte cableway modesty panel Study tabies, fixed and adjustable height, laminate/stee 59% Study tables, fixed height, wood/wood 45% Study tables, adjustable height, wood/steel 59% Study seating, pedestal base, arm and armless versions, uphoistered seat & back, height 47.3% adjustabie Study seating, four-leg, a!l wood, armless and arm versions 44% Study seating, four-leg, metal frame, arm and annless versions, upholstered, wood or poiy 45% seat and back ndividuai club chair units, w/tablet arm options Individual lounge units, avaiiable as chair, loveseat and Ottoman, fu!ly upholstered, 45% 45% mobile or glide foot, cup hoider and tabiet arm options Individual lounge units, availabie in single, settee, and sofa configurations, arm or armless options, w/fieid repl:aceab!e upholstery, tabiet arms and caster options. Individual bench w/back, avaiiable in sing!e, double or triple lengths, wood frame, 45% 45% and wood or uphoistered options Bench w/back, avai!ab!e in single, double or triple !engths, steel frame, uphoisterect 45% seat Occasional table, avaiiabte in square, round, and rectangular shapes, four-!eg, 45% wood frame and top, Occasional tabie, avaiiabie in square, round, and rectangular shapes, four-leg, 45% metal frame and wood or iaminate top, and wood Moduiar lounge units, uphoistered, available in sing!e, settee and bench sizes; curbed and straight configurations, wood or metal: feet options, attached tabie options 45% Modular lounge units, available in sofa, bench and ottoman configurations, with ganging, 45% fioor mounting, back or backless options, table options Modular iounge units, waiting area seating, !eg-basect, ganging, poiy seat & back, arms or 44% armless versions Modular lounge units, waiting area ganging seating, beam mounted, with tab!e options, 38% upholstered seat & back, arms or armtess Short term task seating, height adjustable, pedestal base, uphoistered seat, upho!stered 44% and/or poly seat options, casters Page 13 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FAC!LIT!ES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT'Date12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Short term task seating, height adjustable, pedestal: base, upholstered seat and back, 44% casters Long term task seating, arm orarmless versions, height adjustable, pedestal base, 46% upholstered seat and back, casters Guest seating, four-ieg, steel frame, arm and armless versions, upholstered seat and back, polyshei[oRt!qn Guest seating, four-!eg, wood frame, arm and armless versions, uphofstered seat and back 44% 45% wood back option Latera! files, storage units and wardrobe cabinets, stee!, locking 56% Bookcases, 2 to 7 high, w/adjustabie she!ves, stee 56% Vertical files, 2 to 5 high, steel, locking 56% Pedestais, mobile w/ top or fixed, range of depths, drawer puli options and configurations, 56% steei-locking Paper management system, rai! or desk supported, range of configurations, steei orplastsc 43% Meeting or Break Room Tables, Square, Rectanguiar or Round Shapes, Range of Sizes, 45% Fixed and Folding Base Options, Lamanafe/Stee Meeting Room Tables, Square, Rectangular or Round Shapes, Range of Sizes, Wood ^.^.'--.-M.?t.?L^.?.?.'..EI?.vy.?r/P-?-ta °P^ons, Laminate or Wood Top 48.5% Wood Frame Desk Series, Fixed Height, with Desk, Credenza, Hutch, and Pedestal Storage 48.5% Metai Frame Desk Series, Fixed Height, with Desk, Credenza, Hutch, and Pedestai Storage 59% Options options/.Laminate.TOPwtfh wood or pvc Ed9e Stackabte panel system, with range of heights, elements, surface and component options, 8-| 59% wire electrical system Monolithic panel system, with range of heights, surface and component options, 8-wire 59% eiectricai system Benching desk system, with range of divider heights, surface and component options, 8-wlre electrical system Desking system, with range of divider heights, adjustable worksurface, surface and component options, 8-wire eiectricai system Adjustable keyboard tray w/non-handed mouse tray 44% 44% 43% Adjustable monitor arm, single or dual, VESA compiiant 43% CPU Holder, adjustable, hanging, singie or duai capacity 43% Wood desking system, w/various tabie/desk options, overhead storage and pedestai options 48.5% Wood desk series, sing!e and double pedestal options 44% Wood Credenza Series, Kneespace and Ful! Options 44% High back, arm options, five- star base, available in leather and/or mesh 46% Guest chair, wood frame, upholstered seat and back 45% Conference room table, wood and stee! base options, wood top 45% Mid-back chair w/five-star base, arm options, upholstered seat and back 45% Page 14 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT "Date12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date; December 11, 2013 Breakroom seating, metai frame, sied or four-leg base, po!y seat & back 45% Breakroom stool, metal: frame, five-star base,poly she! 45% High density stacking chair, wire frame, poly seat & back 48.5% Faculty dining area stacking chair, metal frame, poly and upholstered seat & back options 44% Public meeting audience seating, stackable, poly seat & back 44% Public meeting audience seating, stackable, uphoistered seat & back 44% Meeting room seating, metal frame, four-teg, stackab!e, uphoistered seat & back, po!y shel! 44% Meeting room seating, wood or metal frame, four-leg, wood seat & back 45% MovabSe, demountgble wail, metal frame, no gypsum, so!id, glass, doors, power and data P-P.tlo^^..^99d_.y.?..r1-?er£lr!cjPOW(:lercoatframe options 47.5% Storefront wail system, unitized metal frame, giass, doors, power and data options, 47.5% powdercoat frame Warden Contract N:o. CB 13-022 Effective Dates: December 12, 2013-December 11, 2018 Not to Exceed Amount: $ 1 ,000,000 Product Category Discount Study carre! units, with wood, iinoleum and/or laminate surface options, power & 37% data options, wood base Modular study tabies, with wood, iinoleum and/or laminate surface options, fixed or adjustable height options, power & data options, wood and/or meta! base options Moduiar computer study tabies, with wood, iinoieum and/or !aminate surface options, fixed height, divider options, power & data ootions, wood and/or meta Service desk, modular, wood/metal base, marmoieum and laminate surface options, power 37% 37% 37% & data options, standing counter options Office desking, singie or doub!e pedesta! options, mamnoleum and laminate surface options, 37% power & data options, wood/metai base Wood reading table seating, arm and amniess versions, a!t wood or uphoistered seat options 33% Individual !ounge units, upholstered, available in range of sizes; curved and straight 33% configurations, wood or metal feet options, attached table options Bench units w/backs, avaiiable in singie, doubie or triple configurations, with wood frame, wood or upholstered seat options 33% This authorization allows the procurement of the above products through the above agreement estabiished by the FCCC as stipuiated above. For use District-wide on construction and renovation projects at a!l college campuses at a totai not to exceed identified above. Background: LACCD is authorized to utilize the above Master Procurement Agreements established by the Foundation for California Community Colleges for the above items in the above categories and as stipulated above. Delivery is included in the total cost. If applicable, Page 15 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date" 12-11-13 Trustees oar Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 a FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 sales fax shall be paid. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Funds as applicable. These Master Procurement Agreements are avaiiable for use District-wide. District-wJcie FCCC Furniture and Fixtures 40J.5J55.05. Al Phases. B. Clinic Equipment Authorize a Master Service Agreement for the entire catalog, with Dave Smith Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Associates, for clinic equipment for use District-wide for a period of five (5) years, from start date of November 7, 2013 or as soon thereafter as possible in consideration of the guaranteed individual unit pricing as stated. AGREEMENT WITH: Dave Smith Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Associates Item No Bid Item Description Power Examination Table - Barriatric $9,395.68 2 Power Examination Table - Standard $8,062.72 3 Manual Examination TabSeJ-jea^yJ3uty $2,744.00 4 Manual Examination Tabie $2,532.29 5 Treatment Table $1,412.92 6 Mobiie Exam Room Wprkstation 30# Capacity $1,660.67 7 Mobite Exam Room^WoTkstationJp#^Cag_acitY $1^09.91 8 Autoclave - Large Capacity $6,701.98 9 Autociave - Smali Capacity $5,759.78 10 Treatment Cab in et" Static n a ry $1,403.91 11 Treatment Cabinet - Mobile $1,589.34 12 Treatment Cabinet - Mobite Speaal procedure $1,384.39 13 Stool " Backless $1,04175 14 Stool - w/Arm Rest $1,194.45 15 Procedure Liflht-Stationan/ $1,797.30 16 Procedure Light-MobJje $1201.21 Contract Minimum: $5,000 Page Unit Price 16 of 18 Pages Corn.No. FPD2 Contract Maximum: $500,000 Div. FACILITIES PLANNiNGAND DEVELOPMENT Date -12-11.13 Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 Backoround This proposed Agreement is identified for award at the amount of $5,000 to one (1) vendor because it is a Catalogue Agreement. Catalogue Agreements are the result of formal competitive bidding and are priced at the responsive bids received using the price for benchmark items, freight costs, discount from the bidders' cataiogue and warranty coverage. Participants in the bidding process are advised in advance of this seiection process and they must agree to abide by it in order to participate. Cataiogue Agreements may be awarded to more than one bidder. There were two (2) bidders and the awardee is: Dave Smith Enterprises, inc. d/b/a Hospital Associates » The minimum agreement value is determined by the minimum requirement for the sponsoring college. The amount awarded is for $5,000 for sixteen (16) items. Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Funds as applicable. This procurement is initialiyfor Los Angeles Valley Coilege and is available for use district-wide. District-wide Clinic Equipment, 40J.J55.05. Bid# 149, A!! Phases. 2. MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENTS A. MOVING AND STORAGE SERVICES Action Authorize Master Service Agreements with each of the fo!!owing service providers to provide moving and storage services on a Task Order basis District-wide from December 12, 2013 through December 11, 2018 at a cost not to exceed the amounts shown, If applicable, a!l sales tax shall be paid. Unit Pricing per Service Provider 1. HourofSer/ice $226.00 $1,500,000 $237.00 $239.00 $255.60 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 CaSifgmja, Inc. $264.00 King Van & Storage, Inc. $281,00 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $282.50 $1,500,000 Relocations 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Not to Exceed Amount Chipman Corporation d/b/a Chipman Beitmann Group Incorporated, d/b/a Beitmann RelpcatJon Group Bekins Moving Solutions, inc. American RelpcatJpn & Logistics, Inc. Suddath Relocation Systems of Rondeux Re!ocation Services, d/b/a Penn Corporate Reiocation Seryjces Background During the course of the Bond Program, the construction of new buiidings and the renovation of existing buildings require moving and storage of equipment, furniture, and Page 17 of 18 Pages Corn.No, FPD2 Div. FACILiTiES PLANNINGAND DEVELOP(VIENf--Date12-11.13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 suppiles. This ongoing requirement is proposed to be met through the award of Services Master Agreements that are the resuit of forma!, competitve, sealed bidding to each firm shown in the above table. There were a total often (10) responsive bidders with bids that ranged from $226 to $425 per hour of service. The awards are proposed to be made to the seven (7) iowest, responsive bidders based on "Unit Pricing per Hour of Service." Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through the Genera! Funds as applicable. District-wide Moving and Storage Services Bid #153. 40J.5J89.05. All Phases. Page 18 of 18 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITiES PLANN1NGAND DEVELOPMENT Date 12-11.13 ^ in 5< y 'st s ^TION .B vs I . w »' Los Angeles Community College District » Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn. No. FPD3 SUBJECT: Date December 11, 2013 RATIFY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CHANGES ARISING 0_UT_.QF_DJ_FFER SITE CONDITIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT GREATER THAN $3.QJ)QO ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDER DESIGN-BID-BUILD METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) finding that the fo!lowing changes arise out of differing site conditions and are exempt from the Statutory limitation on change orders under Public Contract Code Section 20651 : Exhibit A CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME & NAME LOCATION ORIGINAL and CONTRACT and COST CONTRACT PROJECT NUMBERNUMBER Campus Wide Improvements - IT Department Phase 2 lan Thomas CHANGE ORDER NO., NEGOTIATED REDUCTION COST, and FROM UNFORESEEN COND)T!ONS CONTRACTOR CUMULATIVE DEMAND PERCENT CHANGES $2,792 $358,700 CO No. 2 Funding is through Proposition A Unforeseen Condition CO's Bond Absolute Value Total: proceeds. $18,000 Percentage: 5.02% Group No.33445 Los Angeles Valley Coiiege 08V.6879.03.05 * Replace existing metal stud framing discovered to be damaged. Total GO'S Aggregate Absolute Value Tota!: $40,742 Percentage: 11.36% ^^b^^s&Si?;:) Recommended and approved by: 1» ^\3\^^ Adriana D. Barrera, tnterim ChanceHor Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of 1 Pages Corn. No. Eng Santiago Field Moreno Pearlman Svonkin Veres Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote FPD3 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 12-11-2013 Attachment 1 to Corn. No. FPD3 Subject: RATIFY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CHANGES ARISING OUT OF DIFFERING CONDmoN_s_IF_OR.A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT GREATER tHAN~S30-000 IN ORIGINAL C ISSUED UNDER DESfGN-BiD-BUfLD METHOD OF PROJECT DEUVERY. WHEREAS, Caiifomia Pub!ic Contract Code Section 20659 limits the changes or alterations that the Board of Trustees may, without the formality of securing bids from other contractors, authorize to a contract for construction of a public project as defined in California Pubiic Contract Code Section 20651 to the greater of the amount specified in Section 20651 or 10% of the original contract price; and, WHEREAS, in the course of performance of the work of the referenced project, unforeseen conditions were encountered at the site that differ materiaily from those indicated by bidding documents or that due to their unforeseeab!e nature otherwise constitute "Differing Site Conditions" as that term is defined in the District's construction contract, WHEREAS, such unforeseen conditions were not known to or otherwise discoverabie by the contractor in the exercise of its duties of review assumed under the bidding and contract documents; and, WHEREAS, as a result of the foregoing circumstances, changes in the work of the referenced project contract have been identified by the contractor that, if they constituted changes subject to the aforesaid imitation of Section 20659, wouid cause the monetary Hmitation of Section 20659 to be exceeded thereby requiring the securing of bids from other contractors before proceeding with the change; WHEREAS, it has been judiciaily determined in the case of Voskanian v. Athambra Unified School th District (2012) 204 Cal.App.4 981 that unknown conditions at a construction site that render a portion of the bidding documents unsuitable for construction do not constitute changes that require authorization in order to be enforceable; WHEREAS, the District has conduded that the changes identified by the contractor, since they arise from Differing Site Conditions, constitute changes that according to the aforementioned judicial decision do not require authorization by the District and because they do not require authorization are therefore not within the purview of the monetary limitation in Section 20659; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: The Board of Trustees ftnds that the changes or adjustments summarized in Exhibit A of FPD5 constitute changes or adjustments that are not governed by the monetary limitation set forth j California Public Contract Code Section 20659 and as such may be performed by the contractor and without the formality of securing bids from other contractors; and be it further RESOLVED, that: the Board of Trustees hereby ratifies execution of the change orders as indicated in the attached action. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees President, Board of Trustees in s ;<*> s4 st ft * ^ SB ». .B a. ^iTION .» V, b3s Angeles Community College Disbict I Corn.No. FPD4 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date December 11, 2013 Subject: RECEIPT OF PROGRAM PERFORMANCE AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 2013 Action Accept the following: Performance Audit of Los Angeles Community Coilege District Proposition A, Proposition AA, and Measure J Programs. Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2013 By KPMG LLP. Background An annuai Performance Audit of the District's Proposition A, Proposition AA, and Measure J Bond Programs is conducted every fiscal year by independent contract auditors as required by the California Constitutiona! Artsde 13A and Education Code 15278 and reported to the Board of Trustees. The Performance Audit was conducted in accordance with Genera! Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) an as a requirement for construction bond programs under California Proposition 39. information cotiected for the report is for the fiscalyear that ended on June 30, 2013. The Performance Audit was presented to the Budget and Finance Committee on December 4, 2013. ^A^^ .^)^5\&j\s^ Recommended and approved by: f Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chance!!or Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Page Date of ^ Field M arena Pearlman Santiago Svonkin Veres Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Pages Corn. No. FPD4 Div. FAC)L!T(ES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMJN^ -Date-12.11-2013 s u :.< n '* ACTION w Bff »» I . »' Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. FPD5 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date December 11, 2013 Subject: AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF FULLY NEGOTIATED MEMORANDUIV UNDERSTANDING WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLIT mANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Action Authorize the execution of the fu!!y negotiated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Los Angeies County Metropoiitan Transportation Authority ("LACMTA") which establishes the framework through which the Parties may work cooperativdy in the overall impiementation of fiber optic projects to support both LACCD and LACMTA initiatives; referred to in the MOU as the Combined Project. A copy of the MOU is found as Attachment 1 to this report. Background On June 12, 2013 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized an MOU with LACMTA to work cooperativeSy to develop future agreements) to add fiber optic cabie to connect LACCD colleges and the Educationai Services Center using existing Metro pathways for shared use by both public entities. Subsequentfy, the attached fuily negotiated MOU was developed cooperatively by LACCD and LACMTA. This MOU and the LACCD Project will allow LACCD to connect fiber optic cable betweerUhe LACCD colleges and the Educational Services Center by utilizing MTA right-of-way, white aiso providing MTA a cost-effective method to replace aging fiber optic cable infrastructure along various LACMTA right-of-ways. The LACMTA and LACCD believe it is_mutua!!y beneficia! to cooperate to impiement the proposed improvements, to exchange faciiities, and to enter into a long-term agreement detaiiing their mutual ongoing commitments for mufua! benefit of the Parties. On October 17, 2013, the Metro System and Operations Committee met and authorized the CEO of Metro to execute the fully negotiated MOU on behalf of the Metro Board. On November 6, 2013, the resuiting fuiiy executed MOU was circulated to the Board of Trustees as part of the Agenda Packet. Included was a cover memo from the District's tnterin^ Chancellor which noted the MOU's effective date to be upon execution by both LACMTA and LACCD and terminating on the earliest to occur of, the date which: (a) Either Party determines that the Combined Project would cause an unmitigated environmental effect for which no statement of overriding consideration will be made and has provide written notice of such determination to the other Party; Recommended and approved by: ^ ^)^^ 'V Adnanal^'Barrera, interim Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Page Date of 2 Field Moreno Pearl man Santiago Svonkin Veres Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Pages Corn. No. FPD5 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date-12-11.2013 Trustees r Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD5 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: December 11, 2013 (b) Either Party's governing Board determines not to authorize such Party to anticipate in the Combined Project and such Party has provided written notice of such determination to the other Party; c) The MOU is replaced with a superseding agreement for the Combined Project executed by both Parties; (d) The Combined Project is completed; e) Either Party terminates the MOU on thirty days prior written notice; or (f) The Parties both agree in writing to terminate the MOU. ft is recommended that the Board of Trustees of the LACCD authorize the execution of the fully negotiated MOU with LACMTA. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. FPD5 Div. .FACILmES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT" Date 12-11-13 » \ . A ^ r* Los Angeles Community Cofiege District s Corn. No. HRD1 Division Human Resources Date: December 11, 2013 SUBJECT: PERSONNEL SERVICES ROUTINE ACTIONS Total Total (This Report) (07-01-13 to Date) 1. Academic Service: (Faculty, Academic Administration, Academic Supervisors) 218 2012 2. Classified Service: 109 628 727 7121 1054 9761 (Clerical, technical, supervisors, maintenance & operations, trades, classified managers, confidential) 3. Unclassified Service: (Student workers, professional experts, community services staff, community recreation) Total: DATE RANGE: October 15, 2013 ~ November 18, 2013 Al! personnel actions reported herein are in accordance with the Board of Trustees Rules and are within the approved budget. Personnel actions include retirements, employment, leaves, separations/resignations and assignment changes. The classified assignments noted above have not been certified by the Personnel Commission and are subject to further audit by the Personnel Commission due to SAP transition issues and may be subject to change. / / ? I" ~y 7r f. \-'y ".y" 0^4S^- ^ .;-. ft- ^ / /; ^^/ .-/^ » L^ Karen Mart] Personnel Director Personnel Commission Asereri j' om'an Vice Chancellor Human Resources Recommended and Approved by: ^IK)A^SS rt ^M\Sk^ Adrians D. Barrera, Interim, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Moreno Veres Date By Peariman Griggs Student Trustee Advisor/ Vpte Page of Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Human Resources Date: 12-11-13 COLILECTIVE BARGAININ (3 '. ACTION .: 'ft. Los Angeles Community College District I Corn. No. HRD2 Division Human Resources Date: December 11, 2013 SALARY INCREASES FJ3R CLASSIFIED, ACADEMIC^^A^ SUBJECT: EMPLOYEES Authorize a 1.57% cost of living adjustment as reflected in the Governor's 2013 budget approved by the state legislature and signed by the Governor, and a 1.43% general increase to salary schedules, increments, and differentials for the classified management, Local 99, Local 721, and the Los Angefes/Orange Counties BuHding and Construction Trades Council job classes, effective July 1, 2013. (See Exhibit A) f Backcjround: This report addresses job classes whose final bargaining unit designation status had not yet been determined or coded when the Board of Trustees' approved the proposed cost of living and general salary increase for represented employees (except members represented by the AFT Coiiege Staff Guild, 1521A) on October 9, 2013, and for unrepresented management employees on November 6, 2013. Authorize a 1.57% cost of living adjustment as reflected in the Governor's 2013 budget approved by the state legislature and signed by the Governor, and a 1.43% general increase to the stipends, salary schedules, and differentials for the Senior SiS Lead Administrator classification, effective July 1,2013. (See Exhibit B) I. Background: The Senior SiS Lead Administrator classification was not specifically identified previously, and this item now aiigns Senior SIS Lead Administrator salary with other similar classifications. C2 Recommended J^y; ^ ^" AibertJ. Roman ^ ©<<^-*--0<-i Vice Chance!!or, Human Resources ^ Recommended and Approved by: < t'^kl^ ^ ^ft^M^ Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Moreno Veres Date By Peariman Grlggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD2 Div, Human Resources Date: 12-11-13 Exhibit A Los Angeles Community College District Classified Service Proposed Monthly Salary Schedules Effective July 1,2013 Miscellaneous Job Classes .'..,V<:WiWt.-,-,V,WS-^MVV,-^W,,IT,K iS uuaatu ^SM^hV.WK.W.WWK-,-,-^-; au.u Utility Systems and Controls Specialist College Event and Venue Coordinator Ijs m dji uu,.VUVV.V.L'.-.WV,-; .VWlK=U^ ifflUtia ^L ..Uuil ^iWWE .Uffli .nw.w-.^WK ^ .wAwy, ^'a^ij^ ^^sn^i^ssssfss^'L f, JiKffiii uy mii^itUiHimsia^mm^s^ $5/854.66 $7,252.88 $6,030.30 $7,470.48 $4/285.40 $5/308.86 $4,413.96 $5/468.12 $3,641.20 $4,510.80 $4/370.92 $5/414.80 $9.75 FRT $1/696.50 ..JW.W.-';! !?! V.VSSSKWSi f&^&.'iS^ Buiiding Trades None Local 721 1 Coordinator Local 721 None Sr. Agriculturai Technician Local 99 Farm Market Aide Local 99 None $3,535.14 $4,379.42 $4/243.62 $5,257.10 $9.49 FRT $1/651.26 Technician Loca!99 None $3,459.24 $4/285.40 $3/563.02 $4/413.96 Paratransit Shuttle Driver Local: 99 2 $2/511.48 $3,111.28 $2,586.82 $3,204.62 Management 1 $7/577.49 $9/387.18 $7/804.81 $9/668.80 Management 1 $5,384.23 $6/670.12 $5,545.76 $6,870,22 Management None $5/292.64 $6,556.65 $5/451.42 $6/753.36 Catering Event 1 Coiiege Event and Venue SAP Basis Administrator nsurance Claims Specialist Technical Writer Tota!: 6 Exhibit B 1.57% Cola Plus 1.43% General Increase Senior Lead SIS Administrator Salary Schedule IVIonthly Rates Effective July 1,2013 Senior Lead SIS Administrator Safary Schedule Proposed 3% Current Rates; Increase Rates 11,384.42 11,725.95 11,589.34 11,937.02 11,797.95 12,151.89 12,010.31 12,370.62 12,226,50 12,593.29 6 12,446.57 12,819.97 7 12,670.61 13,050.73 8 12,898.68 13,285.64 9 13,130,86 13,524.78 10 1:3,367.22 13,768.23 323,00 332.69 Step 2 3 -; 4 5 Doctorate Dlfferentia Exhibit C 1.57% Cota Plus 1.43% General Increase Walk-On Assistant Coach Stipends Monthly Rates Effective July 1,2013 Walk-On Assistant Coach Stipends Sport Current Rates Proposed 3% Increase FootbaH 7,667.00 7,897.00 M /W Cross <; ou h try 6790.00 6,994.00 (Vi/WWaterPblo 6,790.00 6,994.00 7,010.00 7,220.00 M/WVolleybail 8,433.00 8,686,00 M/W Basketball 10,295.00 10,604.00 Baseball 8,981.00 9,250.00 softfc^n 8,433.00 8,686.00 )VI/W;$wim/Dive 8,433.00 8,686.00 M/WTrack/Fieid 8,433,00 8,686.00 M/WTenrtis 8,433,00 8,686.00 Wrestling 8,433.00 8,686.00 Bad m in ton 8,981.00 9,250.00 Golf 7,667.00 7,897.00 M/W$6cC6r Rates s * . A .1 ^ Los Angeles Community College District t Corn. No. HRD3 Division Date: December 11,2013 Human Resources CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE SUBJECT: Approve the establishment of the following new job classifications, effective I. December 11, 2013. Community Services Teacher, Variable Session Rate Trainer/Presenter, Variable Session Rate Trainer/Presenter, Variable Hourly Rate Approve the following variable rate salaries, effective December 11 ,2013: I. Job Class: Salary: Trainer/Presenter, Variabie Hourly Rate Up to $65 per hour Community Services Teacher, Variable Hourly Rate Up to $65 per hour Backciround: A comprehensive study of all positions in the community services teacher series was conducted and revealed several issues with the use of the positions and compensation rates. The new classification structure provides for a clear distinction among the classifications in the series and will afford community services as well as workforce education/contract education and related programs the opportunity to utilize community services teachers or trainers/presenters respectively for short-term, not-for-credit classes in their programs. Variable session rate jobs are typically used for speakers who present a topic in a one or two-day session. *^ f .^ Recommended b 7 Albert J. Roman ice Chancellor, Human Resources * Recommended and Approved by: -/ < 5\^K^ Adrians D. Barrera, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Moreno Veres Pearlman Griggs Date By Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD3 Div. Human Resources Date: 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community Coflege District Corn. No. HRD3 Date: December 11, 2013 Human Resources Division The recommended variable hourly compensation rate matches the top rate of the salary range established for the District's non-credit adjunct instructors and falls within the salary data range gathered from other community college districts. Furthermore, applying a variable rate concept affords hiring managers flexibility in the selection of the appropriate rate based on the type of classes being taught and the professional background of the selected teacher/presenter. Variable session rates wifi be determined by the hiring authority subject to review. .\ Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. KRD3 Div. Human Resources Date: 12-11-13 s * A . :.. m A s 'fi Los Angeles Community College District g Human Resources Corn. No. HRD4 Division Date: December 11, 2013 APPROVE EMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION AND RATIFICATEON OF EftflPLOYMENT SUBJECT: CONTRACT I. Approve One-Time Compensatson For Employees Servma in an Actinfl Capacity in Higher Level Academic Administrative Positions Authorize a three percent increase for the following employees serving in an acting capacity in higher level academic administrative positions for the period of time listed below. Duration of Acting Name and Title Acting Title Service Amount Karen Daar Vice President of Academic Affairs President 08/19/13-09/16/13 $353.45 Maury Pear Vice Chancellor. 08/19/13-10/13/13 $661.33 Associate Vice ChanceSior, Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness Educational: Services and nstitutional Effectiveness Sr. Associate Vice 10/07/1 3-11,29/13 Chancelior, Pemn Re id Executive Assistant to the Chanceiior $723.32 Human Resources Background: This action will compensate for additional duties and responsibilities assumed by employees unfit the positions were filled by interim or permanent administrators. II. Ratify EmpEovment Contract for Vice Chancellor of Human Resources Ratify employment contract for the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources from December 2, 2013 to June 30, 2016. The Board had previously approved the employment for Albert Roman, Vice Chancefbr of Human Resources but an end date for this contract was not specified. This action will align Dr. Roman's employment with that of other executives. .^ \ A Recommended and Approved by: > ). Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chancelior Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board ofTmstees Fseid Svonkin Moreno Veres Date By Page of 1 -Pages Corn. No. HRD4 Div. Pea rim an Human Resources Griggs Stud e nt Trustee Ad viso ry Vote Date: 12-11-13 t ® A Los Angetes Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD1 Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: APPROVAL OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND COURSES N APPROVE NEW COURSES Transferabiiity BIOLOGY 208 Pharmacotogy ( 3 Units) WEST csu COSCI 416 Beginning Computer Architecture and Organization (3 Units) MISSION csu HIP HOP DANCE4L (1 Unit) VALLEY csu Racfiology I - Introduction to Radiology (2 Units) csu Dental Materials and Expanded Functions Lab (3 Units) WEST csu Introduction to the History of Science (3 Units) csu DNCESPC 172 DEN HY 212 WEST DEN HY 215 HISTORY 097 EAST KIN 350-2 Weight Training!! (1 Unit) EAST, HARBOR csu KIN 371-1 Tennis I (1 Unit) VALLEY csu KIN 371-2 Tennis II (1 Unit) VALLEY csu Recommended by: ^^^^ h^, /2^£j6^ Donald Gauthier, President, DAS ^ Bobbi Kimbie, Interim Vice Chancellor t Approved by; )Xa VSf Adrian a D. Barrera, InterirrTChancellor ^ Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Moreno Veres By Page Date of 4 . Pages Corn, No ISD1 Div. Pearlman >*»^ Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 12-11.13 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES 'Corn. No. ISD1 Date: December 11, 2013 Transferability KIN 387-1 Basketball I (1 Unit) VALLEY csu KIN 387-2 Basketball II (1 Unit) VALLEY csu LOGTIC 106 Leadership in Logistics (3 Units) EAST REGNRSG 119 Introduction to Nursing (1 Unit) TRADE csu NT . RATIFY ADDITIONS TO EXISTING CREDIT COURSES The following are college additions of individua! courses which have been previously adopted by the Board of Trustees Transferability 165 Sustainable Design and Building Information ARC NT Modeling (2 Units) HARBOR DANCETQ 468 Jazz Dance Combination (1 Unit) PIERCE csu ENV SCI 019 The Human Environment: Biological Processes Lab csu (1 Unit) PIERCE Page 2 JOURNAL 217-1 Publication Laboratory 1 (2 Units) CITY csu KIN 285 Directed Study - Kinesiotegy (2 Units) CITY csu KIN 371-1 Tennis i (1 Unit) EAST csu KIN MAJ 117 Introduction to Personal Training (3 Units) PIERCE NT MATH 122 intermediate Algebra for Statistics (5 Units) VALLEY NT PHYSICS 066 Physics for Life Science Majors I (5 Units) VALLEY csu of 4 Pages Corn. No. !SD1 Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 12-11-13 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD1 Date: December 11, 2013 111. APPROVAL OF NEW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Los Angeles Southwest College Associate of Arts in Anthropoloav for Transfer"- AA"T (GQ Units) Associate of Arts in Education for Transfer - AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in History for Transfer - AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in Politica! Science - AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in Sociotoav - AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in Theater for Transfer - AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in Math for Transfer-AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Science in Math for Transfer - AS-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in Business for Transfer ~ AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in English for Transfer ~ AA~T_L60.._U_njts) Associate of Arts in Psychology for Transfer - AA-T (60 Units) West Los Angeles College Associate of Arts in Anthropoloav for Transfer -AA"T,.[6Q Units) Associate of Arts in Art History for Transfer ~ AA"T_(6Q. Units) Associate of Science in Business Administration for Transfer -AS-T {60 Units) Associate of Science in Computer Science for Transfer - AS-T (60 Units) Associate of Science in Early Childhood Education for Transfer - AS-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in English for Transfer - AA-T (60 Units) Page 3 of 4 Pages Corn. No. !SD1 Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICESDate 12-11-13 Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. ISD1 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: December 11, 2013 Associate of Arts in Physics for Transfer - AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer - AA-T f60 Units} Los Angeles Valley College Associate of Arts in English for Transfer - AA-T (60 Units) Associate of Arts in Phiiosophy for Transfer - AA-T(60 Units) IV: RESCIND APPROVAL OF NEW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Los Angeles City Coilege A. Associate of Arts in Spanish for Transfer AA"T (60 United This degree was incorrectly placed on the November 6, 2013 Board agenda for approval. Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn. No. 1SD1 Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 12-11.13 A Los Angeies Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD2 Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: APPROVE COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFERINGS Background: The community services classes listed in Attachment 1 were placed on the November 20, 2013 agenda of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. Due to time constraints, they were carried over to the December 4, 2013 Institutiona Effectiveness Committee meeting. Action: Approve the offerings as listed in Attachment 1. f f * Recommended b/^S^^l^cl/ Bobbi Kimble, interim Vice Chancellor 4 Approved by: &^XS^AO- 3\3\^A^ Adriana D. Barrera, interim Chanceltor Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. sD2 Div Eng Santiago Fie!d Svonkin Moreno Veres Peariman Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote EDUCATtONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 12-11-13 l.A. CFTY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 118 LOS ANGELES CITY COLLEGE CIVIC COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Bicycle Safety and Rules-of- Excellent for kids and those who don't drive an automobile. Learn to safely the-Road and legally navigate the streets of Los Angeles and how to avoid accidents. Public Speaking for Young The dass focuses on speaking clearly, stage presence, organizing ideas, People minimize speaking anxiety, and confidence building through the creation of memorable speeches. Starting a Non-Profit Learn how to legally form a new non-profit, create and present a dear mission and objectives, and research funding opportunities. VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION A Career in Voice Overs Tips on studio etiquette/iingo, demo reel/ seeking an agent/ and marketing yourself. Accent Reduction Improve English language darity/ accent reduction techniques, and proper speech sounds. Accent Reduction for Actors Obtain a "standard American accent/' through accent reduction techniques/ and analysis of speaking sounds and habits. Acting Technique - Beginning Develop live and studio-acting skills, explore your inner self, fearn script reading. Apartment Management The following areas will be covered: Rental lease and contracts, apartment and building manager salary/benefits; rental marketing techniques; Section 8 and Rent Control and unlawful detainer/eviction aws and procedures. Bartendingfor Professionals Topics include cocktail preparation/ giassware/ tools/ recipes, pouring a shot/ bar terms, wine and champagne service, martinis/ sates, laws, responsible beverage service, employment, resumes, where to look for jobs and how to nail the interview. L.A. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 2 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Basic Beaded Jewelry Class will cover a variety of intricate stringing and wiring beading techniques. Basic Screen Printing Hands-on training in producing one color print of your own design(s). Become a Mystery Shopper Learn the technique of "Mystery Shopping" where businesses hire you to ensure consistent top-quality service, including proper survey writing, evaluations, customer service principles and professiona development. Become a Notary Public Learn to become a Notary Public/ including legal implications and best practices, business models and certification process. Beginning This class will cover basic finger positioning and technique, job applications, business formats, and keyboard functions. Typing/Keyboarding Blow Glass Globes Make beautiful ornaments and sun catchers that reflect the light. Blow your own glass too. Bookkeeping/Accounting Analysis and Concepts and navigation. Fundamentals in tracking/paying taxes/ reconciliation of bank accounts Build Your Own Business Techniques/ software and business strategy involved in building and Website maintaining your own website. CBEST Preparation (Basic Education Skills Test) Prepare for the California Basic Educationa! Skills Test examination by reviewing reading, writing and math. Clinical Medical Assistant Prepare to assist a physician/ provide care to patients in a doctor's office or clinic, and to sit for a national medical assistant certification exam. The program combines 134 hours of instruction with 160 hours in a medical office externship. Computed Tomography Provide training in Computed Tomography (CT) for incumbent Nuclear Medicine and Radiologic Technologists through a course series including CT Fundamentals/ cross-sectionai anatomy, Imaging and more. Computerized Medical Insurance Billing Learn skills needed for computerized coding dassification systems for medical billing services to insurance companies, maintaining patient accounts, and claim reimbursement procedures. L.A. C\J\ COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVfCES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 3 of 118 DESCRIPTION COURSE NAME CPR Certification: Cardio *N Pulmonary Resusdtation for Hands-on skills training and certification for responding to breathing and cardiac emergencies. the Professionai Rescuer Create Your Own This course will teach the fundamentals of import/export, while Import/Export Business: Full- examining motivations and procedures for the import and exporting of Time Or Home Based goods and services in the international business strategy. Dialect Training for Actors Learn several of the following: French/ British, German, Southern, New York, Russian/ Irish, Scottish, Japanese/ Arabic. Instruction drills/ and improvisations will help you develop a seemingly magical array of dialects. Electronic Health Record Learn the essential components of the electronic health record and System Technologist health information exchange essentials; system selection and implementation; project management and fundamentais of change and human factors. Fashion Pattern Making This hands-on beginner's class will introduce you to the challenging world of fashion pattern making. Learn how to make your own 2 garments by using step by step pattern making techniques in class. Glass Fusion learn how to work with glass, assemble and decorate it using different colors of glass on top of each other, and melted in a kiln to create magnificent artwork. Grant Proposal Writing and Identification Green Technology Program Learn to identify community needs and budgeting costs to meet those needs, and other strategies/techmques for grant writing. Training unemployed and displaced workers for entry into Energy Management Outreach and Assessment Jobs and Apprenticeships in trades related to Energy Efficiency. Home recording class Learn the basics of home recording, and mixing in a Digital Audio Workstation. Also/ learn how to market your song online. How to Become A Bodyguard This course is designed to teach students the basics of executive security protection detail. This includes information of site survey, advance procedures; security posts, motorcade operations. This is not a physical-contact/ self-defense or combat course. LA. aJV COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 4 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION ICD-9/CPT Coding for Medical Learn to use the ICD-9 and CPT-4 coding systems required by insurance Insurance companies including HMOs, commercial indemnity insurance, Medicare and Medi-Cal. Get knowledge of assigning diagnostic codes to patients' conditions and procedural codes to physicians' services. Improv Acting for Beginners This class will teach both actor and non-actor, alike, the basics of improvisational acting. LA County Food Service/Food Certification for managers/operators and/or other responsible parties Handlers Certification of all restaurants/ markets/ mobile food preparation units, Program commissaries and food processing establishments. learn to Silkscreen Design and print your own t-shirts/ posters and stickers. Lifeguard Certification Obtain the newest updated all-in-one lifeguard certificate (which includes first aid and C.P.R.) This certificate will enable you to work as a lifeguard with parks and recreation, private pool programs or at the beach. Make Your Own Music Video Learn how to plan, film, edit and market your band's music video with equipment you already own. Makeup Artistry-101 This 6-day workshop is designed for the makeup artist who needs to know the essential principles of makeup artistry. We will discuss some of the ins and outs of the business. Makeup Artistry Beginner's Weekend Course Make-Up Artistry: Advanced This in-depth 2"day makeup workshop will teach you how to create a professional personaiized makeup application. Designed for the makeup artist who needs to know the essentia principles of makeup artistry. We will discuss some of the ins and outs of the business. Make-Up Artistry: Beginning Designed for the makeup artist who needs to know the essential principles of makeup artistry. We will discuss some of the ins and outs of the business. Massage Therapist Over 500 hours of instruction to meet CA guidelines for Massage Therapist iicensure/ including extern lab hours and preparation for the icensing exam. LA. CfTY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVfCES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 5 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Medical Insurance Billing Students will get a thorough know-how of billing all 3rd party payers for physicians'charges. Claim requirements for Workman's Comp/Champus HMO's/ Medicare/Medi-Cal will be covered and daim forms will be completed for each. Medical Terminology Students will study combining forms/ prefixes, suffixes/ Greek/ Latin verbs and adjectives used to construct medical terms. Also study the skefetal system. This workshop is designed for those interested in health-sdence related occupations. Medical Terminology II Systems to be covered include: muscular endocrinology, gastrointestinal, drculatoryand respiratory. Medical Terminology III Systems to be covered include genito-urinary/ nervous system/ integumentary systems/ eye, ear, and nose, mouth (the senses). Pharmacy Technician Prepare to work in a retail pharmacy and pass a national certification exam through 182 hours of classroom instruction with a 120-hour pharmacy externship. Pottery Making Students will learn the basics of throwing on a potter's wheel. Simple forms such as cylinders, cups, and bowls will be emphasized. Screenwriting Warriors Learn to write a script quickly and well at a professional level ready to be marketed as quickly as possible. Security Guard Certification Start a career in Public Security by through the training regime required by the Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Security and Investigative Services. Selling Your Ideas and Inventions Make your invention intellectuafly safe and profitable; Protect your ideas with patents, trademarks/ and copyrights; Evaluate your ideas for marketabHity; Find potential buyers for your invention and offer it for sale in the safest method possible. The Business of Bartending" Prepare to be a great salesperson; a customer service expert and an Learn to Become a honest/vaiuable employee with skills that will help you succeed in the Professional Bartender real world of bartending. LA. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 6 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Veterinary Assistant Prepare to assist the Veterinarian or Veterinarian Technician in their daily tasks such as feeding/ watering/ and examining pets for signs of illness, disease or injury. This program combines 35 hours of classroom instruction with a 24 hour volunteer experience. Wedding Flora! Design Design and prepare wedding bouquet, corsage and table arraignments. Write for Magazines and The Learn the art of commercial print and online short-form writing. Web Your World Premiere at the Learn Joke writing, creating characters, improvising skills, and more, Comedy Store Stand-Up Workshop then perform your stand-up at the Comedy Store. You've Written a Song, Now Effective strategies to establish a career in professional songwriting. What? LITERACY COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Cursive Handwriting As fewer and fewer schools teach kids how to write in cursive/ it is becoming a lost art. Have your child iearn to create beautiful penmanship, more efficient and persona! writing style. Fun with ABC's Reading will be promoted through an introduction of phonics thru arts and crafts. Age appropriate literature will also be introduced. Reading and Literacy For Kids This ciass will cover various levels of reading phonics, vocabulary, and composition skills. Reading and Writing Tutoring Bring in your homework/ questions and assignments and get help in lab Reading, Writing and Literature subjects. Reading Readiness Reading exercises and activities designed to prepare pre-lst grade children for school. Weekly Writing Lab Weekly writing !ab with tutors LA. CIT^ COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 7 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Writing Improvement For Kids Strategies and techniques to help kids improve their writing skills. HEALTH COURSE NAME Abs/Legs/Hips Workout DESCRIPTION Exercise drills will include feg/hip movements, breathing exercise and pace running. Ballet for Kids This lass focuses on the physical mechanics of ballet including basic position/ steps and discipline. Ballet Siim and Trim Combine ballet skills/ and exercise workout routines. Build Your Vocabulary and Reading Skills Dramatic improvements can be made in vocabulary size, reading comprehension, and scores on verbal exams. Cardio Barre Workout Effective cardiovascular workout while reinforcing proper verbal cuing and teaching sound dance techniques. Children's Dance and Yoga This is a dance and yoga class that wiff provide children with tools to create, collaborate/ reduce stress, and self regulate. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the three elements of dance and yoga poses for specific purposes. Gymnastics for Kids Designed to teach basic gymnastic skills to children with little or no experience. Emphasis is on floor exercises and tumbling skills. High School Yoga Class This yoga class will provide high school students tools for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Students will develop a deeper understanding of the mind and body connection and will iearn specific yoga poses and breathing techniques. Hip-Hop Dancing for Young People Learn one of the most popular and requested dance styles in recent years. The instructor will teach students some of the fatest dance steps and dance moves. LA. CFTY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 8 of 118 COURSE NAME Horseback Riding DESCRIPTION Learn grooming/ tacking, mounting, dismounting, horse psychology, saddling, bridling/ riding etiquette, equipment and basic balance at the various gates. Judo Japanese martial art and sport for beginners and intermediate students alike. Basic judo skills include throwing/ groundwork (grappling), escapes and arm locks. Judo For Children Increase cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, muscular strength, flexibility and agility through the Japanese martial art of Judo. KungFu for Kids Included will be gymnastics/warms-ups and maximizing your limits and potentials through the ancient Chinese martial art of Kung-Fu. Lap Swimming This section is for those who already know how to swim and want to continue improving their skills. Learn Chi Kung relaxation Chi Kung breathing exercises help you to relax. Learn short sequence to enhance your health. Mommy and Me Dance and Parents, guardians, and their children will be able to explore and deepen their connection to one another in a creative and meaningful way by coiiaboratively building yoga poses and dance movements. Yoga Pilates Mat Class Mat-based exercised that strengthen your stomach, your back and streamlines your body. Private Swimming lessons individual swimming instruction for adults or kids - one student per instructor. Learn quickly and safely avoid the crowds; overcome your fear of water. Private/Semi-Private Swimming Lessons Swimming instruction for up to 3 adults or kids - one student per instructor. Learn quickly and safefy avoid the crowds; overcome your fear of water. Quick and Dirty Self Defense Learn how to defend yourself against an attacker on an airplane, in the streets. Soccer Clinic for Kids A soccer program for boys and girls who want to learn proper game techniques, including bal! control, dribbling, passing and shooting. LA. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 9 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Tai Cht Chuan The ancient Chinese discipline for health, relaxation, meditation and setfdefense. Tennis for Children and Teens Learn the basics of tennis, including fore and back-hand techniques/ volleys, ground-strokes/ scoring and more. Tennis Program Learn the proper grips, forehand, backhand, serving, game rules and court etiquette. Track and Field Fitness Learn and practice proper form, drilis and exercises for running, sprinting and other track disciplines. Wellness Class for Caregivers Provides full-time kinship caregivers simple and pain free exercises to boost the immune system and reduce stress. This class utilizes a unique combination of yoga/ tai chi/ qigong, and dance as a tool kit for selfhealing and self-expression. Wellness Class for Seniors This wellness class provides seniors simple and pain free exercises to boost the immune system, reduce stress, and increase stability in the body. This class utilizes a unique combination of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and dance for se!f-hea!ing. Yoga Basics Learn basic posturing/ breathing techniques consistent with Hatha yoga practice. Yoga for a Healthy Back Yoga techniques designed for people with back problems. Yoga/Stretch Increase your flexibility, decrease your stress and watch your body respond as it slims and trims down. Zumba® Zumba® is an energetic Latin-based workout that combines Latin and World rhythms to create an intense/ yet fun dance-fitness workout LA. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNFTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 10 of 118 HOMEMAKING COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Aprenda a Coser/Sewing Made Easy Sewing basics, including proper sewing machine operation, fabric selection, personal body measurements/ and introduction to patterns and garments construction with basic sewing machine techniques. Authentic Tamale Making Demonstration will be on ingredients, spices, tamale wrap, steaming and f tasting. Balloon Decorating and Build beautiful balloon bouquets, arches, columns and sculptures. Center Pieces Candle Making Crochet Make candles from paraffin and beeswax, techniques and safety. Learn more combinations and other intermediate crochet stitches, projects vary with skill level Cupcake Bakery Decorating Topics: measuring and stenciling your ideas and designs before actua hands-on decorating. Learn the proper and cleanest way to work with cupcakes on wax paper, color contrast and color combining on your designs. Custom Gift Baskets Personalize an outlandish basket and adorn it with customized bow. Select from a variety of themes products Decoracion de Pasteles- Basico/Cake Decorating Beginning A basic step by step instruction to fundamental cake decorating. This class will show you skills in color mixing, borders, tool description, basic rose, simple flora! arrangement and figure piping. Decoration de Pasteles- An intermediate step by step instruction to fundamental cake decorating. Intermedio/Cake Decorating - This class will show you skilis in color mixing/ borders, tool description/ intermediate basic rose/ simple floral arrangement and figure piping. Desenos Florales/Floral Work with fresh flowers on various projects including wedding, holiday, Design and special occasion arrangements. Design Your Own Clothes This hands-on beginner's class will introduce you to the challenging world of fashion pattern making. Learn how to make your own 2 garments by using step by step pattern making techniques in class. L.A. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 11 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Dipped and Molded Chocolates Discuss where to purchase supplies and tips on packaging and transporting chocolate confectionary treats. Emhroidery/Cross Stitching This seminar will introduce and show you different types of coforfu embroidery craft styles. Floral Design Learn how to make sophisticated arrange beautiful fresh flower arrangements for those speciai occasions. Fruit and Vegetable Carving Learn decorative carving techniques; create dazzling centerpieces and elegant garnishes for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Birthdays and * special occasions. Gelatinas Florales/Edible Create beautifui floral design gelatins. Prepare individual Jellies in just Gelatin Flowers one class. Gtycerin Soap-making Create many kinds of soaps white learning how to layer colors, use molds and add fragrances/ herbs and toys. Knitting Instruction will be given on how to cast on. Knit, purl stitch and cast off or finish off. la Cucina Italiana Learn how to prepare step by step popular Italian dishes that you can make at home. Mediterranean Authentic Learn how to make healthy, simple and flavorful authentic Appetizers and Garnishes Mediterranean appetizers - Babaganoush (barbecued eggplant dip); hommus (garbanzo bean dip), working as tasty appetizers. Mosaic Tile Make anything from candleholders to patio tables using interesting shapes and colors. Natural Bath and Beauty Products Partner Yoga for Couples Use all natural ingredients to make bath saits, fizzles, body scrub, body butter and massage oils. Adult students will explore and deepen their connection to one another in a creative, healthy/ and meaningful way through a partner yoga class. Students will work together with their partner to create and hold yoga poses safely. LA. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNiTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 12 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Potted Gardening Learn how to grow beautifui flowers and nutritious fruits/ vegetables and herbs on your balcony, in your window or just about anywhere. Sewing Lab Sewing techniques, help with projects, and instruction offered in an ongoing basis. Sewing Made Easy - Beginning Sewing basics, including proper sewing machine operation/ fabric selection, personal body measurements, and introduction to patterns and garments construction with basic sewing machine techniques. The complete organic garden Learn how to grow your own organic edible garden. The how to course to achieve the most productive garden and to eat the food you grow. TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Adobe Illustrator For Create vector-based graphics easily rescaled without toss of quality/ plus Windows ine images and text. Adobe Illustrator on the Mac Learn to draw/integrate text with your designs/ illustrations, line art and mages. Adobe indesign for Windows Students will be exposed to operating and manipulating Adobe indesign tools and features. Adobe Indesign for Windows Students will be exposed to operating and manipulating Adobe Indesign tools and features. Adobe Photoshop on the Mac Learn graphic design, photo manipulation, coftage/photo layout and restoration. Computer Programming From Bethecreatorofyourown digital stories, animations, games, music and Scratch art using Scratch visual programming. Computer Repair- Building/ Learn to install and maintain computer hardware and software, diagnose and repair typical computer problems. Configuration and Troubleshooting LA. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 13 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Computers for Beginners A class for students with little or no prior experience with computers, covering terminology/ hardware, basic uses of computers, email and the * internet. Digital Photography Shoot better pictures, use email to send your photos, create stunning greeting cards, calendars and personalized posters using images from your digital camera. Digital Video Editing Lean just how many formats of video, audio, or graphics you can throw at it. Edit and arrange these elements easily in Premier's sequencer Timeline. You can add cinema-quality effects, filters to video and audio/ and titles and credits to your video. E-Commerce/Online Store Website Design Course Learn how to create your own online store using a variety of online services, many being free or at little cost to you. E-Publishing And Self- Learn how to get a book or writing published, using copyright and Publishing trademark law, e-publishing and electronic commerce. Final Cut Pro on the Mac This class introduces students to the basics of film editing including organizing the workspace, architecture, workfiow, settings, capturing, importing, editing, rendering/ and exporting video projects viewable to multiple platforms/ including web streaming using Final Cut Pro. Introduction to Dreamweaver Learn to work with links-rollovers-animated layers and much more. -Mac Step-by step instructions will guide you through the creation of your own web site in class. Introduction to Dreamweaver Learn to work with links-rollovers-animated layers and much more. for Windows Step-by step instructions will guide you through the creation of your own web site in class. Introduction to Studio Introduce students to music and recording technology and to provide a Recording broad based overview of the music industry. Introduction to the Mac Basic instruction in using the Apple Macintosh computer and operating systems. Includes comparisons with PC platforms. Computer look Who's Under the Hood- In this "hands-on" class students wiil learn how to check fluids/ tires, understand vehicle brakes and other common car repairs. A Women's Car Care Class LA. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 14 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Microsoft Access for Windows Topics include: Creating/ modifying and sorting data tables; creating forms and reports; finding information with queries; and a sample mailing list application. Microsoft Excel for Windows Topics include: Basic worksheet navigation, entry techniques/ cell references, using the command groups and settings/ formulas and functions, charts and graphs and simple database operations. Microsoft Powerpoint Make eye catching color presentations to show from a computer or 35mm slides/ produce speaker notes/ handouts and outlines; your documents will look professional! IVIicrosoft Word for Windows This course will cover all the basics including: page layout and templates, editing and formatting/ working with styles and themes. Learn about the commands, gaiferies, wizards and keyboard shortcuts to easily create that perfect document. Moneymaking Using Your Computer QuickBooks Fundamentals level I This course includes training on how to expertly set up and operate a egaily complete home based business and surveys over 120 highdemand businesses that can be run from your home computer. Learn the fundamentals of QuickBooks induding/ navigating the software/ and setting up a company file, working with Lists/ Bank Accounts/ entering/paying biffs/ tracking/paying sales tax and recondiing bank accounts. QuickBooks Fundamentals This is a hands-on a course using some of the more advanced features of Level II QuickBooks including: Purchase Orders, Estimates, Customizing Forms and Reports/ Fixed Asset Recording with Depreciation, Long Term Note amortization. Inventory tracking and adjusting, Petty Cash Accounting, job Costing and Payroli set-up. Social Media for Beginners Learn the basics of setting up, updating and maintaining privacy on popular soda! media like Facebook and Twitter. Video Game Design for Kids Use Microsoft Kodu Game Lab software to learn the basics of video game creation for ages 9-15. Web Design Workshop Design and create your very own webpage from the ground up. Beginners welcome. L.A. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 15 of 118 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME Ballroom Dancing DESCRIPTiON Learn the latest styles of Ballroom and Latin dancing, plus meet new friends and have lots of fun. Belly Dance Learn this exotic and popular middle eastern dance and the various techniques. Chinese/Mandarin Introduction to Chinese language and culture/ pronunciation and character Conversation and recognition. Pronunciation Comics: The art of storytelling To help new artists find their inner-storyteller through the medium of Comic-Books and Graphic-Novels. Integrating themes of technology/science/math/engineering/the arts. For the Final project students will walk away with a finished book. Oisenos Florales Para Work with fresh flowers on various projects with an emphasis on weddings. Bodas/Wedding Floral Design Draw Comic Book and Learn how to draw your famous action Heroes and Villains like Spiderman/ Cartoon Characters Like the Spawn, Wonder Woman, Incredible Hulk, tronman or even the Simpson's/ Pro's or you can even invent your own cartoon characters. Drawing for Everyone This class will get children started in basic painting acrylic/oils and watercolors brush stroke techniques with emphasis on understanding/experiencing color composition, value and design impact. Drawing for Young People This class will get you started in basic painting acrylic/oils and watercolors brush stroke techniques with emphasis on understanding/experiencing color composition, value and design impact. Drums for Adults and Teens Learn to play Rock, Pop, Funk, and Blues, accomplish these beats even by the first class! Gain effective practice techniques. Ed2Go Online Classes A fufi library of online ctasses, both teacher-ted and self-paced that will help you acquire skills/ develop your career or succeed in your other academic endeavors. LA. aJ\ COLLEGE - COMMUNITC SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 16 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION ESL Intensive I This dass is designed to teach English communication competence through basic English language skills, such as reading/ listening and speaking. ESL Intensive ill More intensive review of E.S.L. language fundamentals with emphasis on pronunciation, conversation skills, accent reduction/ vocabulary development and grammar review. ESL Intensive II Intensive review of E.S.L language fundamentals with emphasis on pronunciation, conversation skills/ accent reduction, vocabulary development and grammar review. Flamenco Dance Express your inner Gypsy with this ancient/exdting beautiful dance from Spain including rhythms/hand claps and body percussion/ footwork, beautiful arm turns and more? French Conversation and Learn the fine details of French pronunciation and culture for beginning/ Pronunciation intermediate and advanced conversations. French for Kids A comprehensive survey of pronunciation/ writing, alphabet and culture. G.E.D. en Espanof This class is designed to prepare students for the five test areas incorporated in the Genera! Education Development (G.E.D.) examination. Each of the five subject areas (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies and Writing) will be reviewed and presented. G.E.D. Preparation Workshop This class is designed to prepare students for the five test areas incorporated in the General Education Development (G.E.D.) examination. Each of the five subject areas (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies and Writing) will be reviewed and presented. Grammar Improvement This class will assist and help students improve on their writing, Workshop comprehension, grammar and vocabulary skilts. This class will also concentrate on specific problem area's students are having with classroom assignments and homework. Guitar for Young People Proper finger coordination, how to tune your guitar and how to understand basic sheet music. Guitar Made Easy Learn about the guitar Itself/ tuning and minor maintenance and how to play single-note melodies and chords. LA. CrP^ COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 17 of 118 COURSE NAME Hand Drumming DESCRIPTION Learn different instruments/ techniques and styles of hand-based percussfon. Hawaiian Dance Students will be introduced to the various dances and culture of the Pacific is!es with emphasis on the basics in Hawaiian hula (dance). Hip-Hop Dance Prepare to do high intensity warm-ups followed by club dance techniques and choreography. How to Legally Start a Business in LA Everything you need to know about city and county tax forms, business icenses and reporting systems, payroll and income taxes/ and federal and California requirements. How to Start a Home-Based Learn Marketing Strategies, how to get paid for your services; patient Medical Insurance Billing information sheet/charge tickets; how to obtain hardware and software; Service Introduction to insurance verification; how to obtain a license and write a business plan. Ikebana " Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement n this workshop you will fearn the manipulation and the observation of materials, as they are best used to gain the objectives expressed in the Japanese view of flower arranging foilowing the curricufum of the OHARA Japanese Art of Flower Arranging. Income Tax Preparation Students will concentrate on the mechanics of the interview format an easy step to produce Federal and State income tax returns. In addition general theory of taxation for individuais and smali business will be covered. Intro to Music With the Recorder Learn the basics of sheet music, scales, intonation, rhythm and more Learn to read music using the cheap and wideiy-availabte recorder instrument. Italian Conversation and Master the fundamentals of Italian as you team usefu! phrases and idioms, Pronunciation correct pronunciation and practical vocabulary. Learning to Read Music This workshop is designed to help you read the universal language of printed music and translate musical notations to the instrument of your choice. Listening to the Movies Class will cover basic trends in film music over the course of its history. There wi!! be special emphasis on influences from the Romantic Period and the use of Classical music in film. Films of Kubrick, Spielberg, and Hitchcock will be covered. LA. Cin COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 18 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Math and Science Tutoring Bring in your homework, questions and assignments and get help in Math lab and Science subjects. Math Success For Kids This dass will help children improve test skills, increase scores and advance in school. Multiple subjects available. Musical Keyboarding/Piano Children will learn the correct fundamentals in playing the piano: Topics covered: Development in finger coordination/ critical sense of listening; notations in pitch and rhythm; discipline in good practice habits with an for Young People appreciation of music. Oral Presentation Practice This is a short but powerful interactive course that gives you a set of new skills and gets you tasting the way an expert does. Painting and Watercolors This class will get you started in basic painting acryfic/oils and watercolors brush stroke techniques with emphasis on understanding/experiendng color composition, value and design impact. Painting and Watercolors for Young People This class will get children started in basic painting acrylic/oils and watercolors brush stroke techniques with emphasis on understanding/experiendng color composition, value and design impact. Piano/Keyboarding for Adults Students will learn the correct fundamentals in playing the piano: Topics covered: Development in finger coordination, critical sense of listening; notations in pitch and rhythm; discipline in good practice habits with an appreciation of music. Pitching Your Film and T.V. ff you want to develop a bulletproof presentation, come learn the right way Project to pitch your project, get people interested in you, and make a deal instead of a mess. Professional Speaking for Learn to speak about what you know, how to become a trainer with the Clueless seminar companies/ book paid engagements, work with bureaus and agents, create profitable support products like books and audio products. Read All Day and Get Paid Learn how to become a freelance reader and techniques for effective for It! reading and summarizing of fitm and television scripts for local studios. Rock Band School Learn popular songs - from Beetles to Zeppelin - and play your part: choose from guitar, bass, vocals or keyboard. LA. CITY COLLEGE - COMMUNiTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 19 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRJPTtON S.A.T and A.C.T. Preparation With careful preparation/ students will walk through SAT/ACT reasoning and inference practice analogies: grammar/ science reasoning critical thinking, and higher mathematic applications. Students will also cover/study the new essay-writing portion of the GED test through practice preparation. Salsa Dance Learn the basics of Saisa dancing that will make you a "Safsero or Salsera" while having fun and getting fit. Singer's Workshop This workshop will help develop singing skills including working on vocal technique/ breathing, performance skills and developing audience rapport. Singing for Children Learn proper vocal and breathing techniques to strengthen and bring out a child's full singing potential and develop confidence. Songwriting Workshop Student will be taught the structure, craft, and art of successful songwnting. Student will learn how to know when they have a good hook and how to write a good bridge. Spanish Conversation and Open to everyone wanting to learn the basic fundamentals of speaking Pronunciation Spanish. Stained Glass for Beginners Learn basic cutting, grinding and assembling, creating a beautiful stained glass window. STREAM Youth Performance A series of workshops/ classes and events for elementary and middle school Academy students demonstrating the interconnectedness between "Science, Technology, Engineering and Math" (STEM) subjects/ the visual and performing arts/ and literacy, aimed at increasing competency and academic enthusiasm. TOEFL Test Preparation Prepare for the TOEFL test used to demonstrate English proficiency before international students enroll in many U.S. colleges and universities. Typing for Young People Learn the basics of proper keyboarding for homework, reports and letters. Ukulele" The Easy Way Art Nagata will teach you everything there is to know about the ukuiele- from tuning and piaying chords to buying the right ukulele for you. LA. CHTY COLLEGE - COMMUNIPi^ SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 20 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Weekly Musicianship Lab Musicianship practice for students. EAST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 21 of 118 EAST LOS_AIMGELES COLLEGE VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Arreglos Florales n this course students learn to design flower arrangements using fresh flowers. These arrangements can be used as decoration, as a gift for (Flower Arrangements) special occasions, or to start a business. Auto Wholesale Business From Students in this course are given step-by-step guidance on how to get Home an Auto-Dealer License and operate a profitable used car business from home. Balloon Decorating Business n this course students iearn how to start a home-based business with balloons. Through instructor demonstrations students learn to design arches, table centerpieces and other balloon sculptures. Topics include permits, licenses/ marketing strategies/ equipment/ and supply information. Become a Notary This intensive one-day seminar is designed to equip students with everything needed to become an effective Notary. Students find out about new legislation as well as how to pass the official Notary Exam, identify document signers/ keep a Journal/ fill out certificates and avoid awsuits. This seminar has been reviewed and approved by the Secretary of State as required by California Government Code section 8201.2. Cake Decoration This course is a basic step-by-step instruction to fundamental cake decorating and has been designed for the first time decorator. It covers the basic skills of color mixing, different types of icing, borders/ tool description, basic rose, simple floral arrangements and figure .t t- piping. ed2go Online Courses A selection of instructor-facilltated online courses/ covering topics from Accounting to Web Design. Each course comes equipped with an instructor, lively discussions with fellow students, and plenty of practical information that students can put to immediate use. Electric Guitar This course is a complete introduction to the electric guitar selection and use. Students learn to successfully play amplified guitar in a group setting. They receive basic instruction on note reading, finger positioning and harmonies. Electronic Keyboard In this course students learn about buttons, knobs and levers that teach them to play and read both left and right hand. Group Piano Courses (Levels 1-IV) Guitar n these courses students learn to play the piano. Courses are offered from beginning to advanced ievets. in this course students iearn to successfully play classical guitar in a group setting. EAST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 22 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Humor Writing for All This class is designed for TV or screen writers, writers of essays and stories, business executives, or those who want to investigate the art Mediums of comedy and Just have fun. Illustrating Books In this course students learn how to take a manuscript and turn it into a book by developing drawing techniques to convey their story idea. Import Export Now Students learn what it takes to be self-employed in the import/export business with this step-by-step nine week seminar. Students team how to develop their product or service, find the best suppliers, best customers, work with banks, currency issues, insurance companies, government agencies and other trade entities. Japanese Bunka Embroidery In this class students learn and practice different stitching techniques to create detailed pictures resembling delicately shaded paintings. Makeup Artistry This workshop is designed for the makeup artist who needs to know the essential principles of makeup artistry. The ins and outsofthe business are discussed. This intensive program gives the students a solid foundation from which to start or enhance an exciting career in makeup artistry. Beginning and advanced levels are available. Personal Makeup Participants learn to create a professional personalized makeup application as they apply makeup quickly/ effectively/ and in the correct color scheme. Renewing Notaries As of January 2009, Renewing Notaries may take a three hour Approved Notary Refresher course. This course reviews all laws and regulations required to continue as a Notary. ServSafe Food Protection This is a comprehensive food safety training and certification program that blends the latest FDA Food Code, food safety research and years Manager Certification of food sanitation training experience. Stand-Up Comedy This course is designed to guide students through joke writing, finding their comic personae and the best choices for connecting with the audience. The Business of Bartending This course prepares students to work as a bartender in all types of establishments/ while also teaching them the business side of the beverage industry. No alcohol is used in ciass. Violin Courses (levels I -IV) n these courses students explore the fascinating sounds of the violin. Courses are offered from beginning to advanced levels. EAST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 23 of 118 LITERACY COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION ABCsAND123's n this course students learn to recognize shapes/ colors, numbers and how to spell their own name. They also learn to share their ideas with mom and dad. ABCsAND123'sin n this class students will learn to recognize shapes, colors, numbers, and Spanish spell their own name in Spanish. Accent Reduction This is an intensive seminar designed to assist the foreign born resident to improve English language clarity through easy accent reduction techniques. Building Vocabulary This course introduces students to an array of vocabulary words/ allowing them to proactively integrate new vocabulary into their writing and speech. In this course students develop advanced reading comprehension and Advanced Literary Analysis writing skills. Creative Writing for Beginners This course introduces students to the process and techniques of creative writing in four genres of writing: fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama. Essay Writing In this course students learn to compose introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs appropriately. Getting Ready for Kindergarten In this course the students experience the Joy of learning by developing skills required for kindergarten. Phonics for Kids In this course students who have difficulty reading profit from phonics. Reading/Phonics/ Spelling This course provides interesting lessons in basic reading skills. Reading Comprehension Students fearn to improve their reading comprehension skills while reading Writing and Science n this course students develop their creativity as they examine other worlds and creatures throughout space and time. Fiction fun stories. HEALTH COURSE NAME American Red Cross DESCRIPTION Participants are taught how to recognize and respond appropriately to Adult and Pediatric First cardiac, breathing and first aid emergencies. Aid / CPR EAST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERViCES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 24 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Aqua Aerobics Water In this course students splash away those inches as they tone, trim/ reduce Exercise stress, and improve overall health. Auto-Hipnosis Para Superacion Personal (Prosper with Self- Students will learn how to direct their subconscious minds for self- improvement and free themselves from negative seif-talk and unsuccessful attitudes. Hypnosis) Ballet Courses n these courses, students develop poise and grace through the classical art of ballet. Courses are offered from beginning to advanced levels (Pre-Baifet, Bailet, and Ballet Technique). Basketball for Kids In this course students practice the fundamentals of basketball and improve their game. Bollywood Dance This class introduces students to the fundamental steps, techniques and styles of Boiiywood Dance. Boost Concentration, Students in this course learn powerful techniques and information for Memory and Recall maximum concentration, memory and recall. Golf In this course students learn the fundamentals of putting, chipping, pitching, and full swing. Hip Hop and Funk Dance n this course students dance to the hottest and most popular beats of today's Hip-Hop,Techno, and Pop music. HipnosisPara Superacion Personal This course helps students increase their motivation, concentration/ Hipnosis Terapeutica para Adultos This course helps improve concentration and memory while also teaching students to deal with procrastination, fear of failure and test anxiety. memory and level of energy with hypnosis so that they can prosper in their (Prosper with Hypnosis) career and personal fife. (Therapeutic Hypnosis for Adults) Hypnosis for Teenage Students will learn to improve their concentration and memory and reduce Students anxiety through hypnosis and guided imagery. Jazz / Funk Dance In this course students enrich their dance skills with a flare of Jazz / Funk techniques. Ken po Karate Students !earn the techniques of a fighting / self-defense system based on punching, kicking, throwing, reverse holds and ground combat. Kenpo Karate Level II This course is designed for students with a yellow belt or students with previous experience in three or more sessions with the instructor. Kindergym Games, songs/ and motor skill activities help the students develop coordination, confidence, and physical fitness. EAST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 25 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION lap Swimming Lap swimming is available in the 13' deep pool when swimming classes are in session on Saturdays and Sundays. Master Self Hypnosis Students learn self hypnosis to improve their lives, increase energy levels, overcome nervousness, bad habits/ procrastination, and reduce insomnia. MeditadonySus n this course students learn why, how, when/ and where to meditate. Secretos Revelados (Meditation Secrets Revealed) Middle Eastern Belly In this course the students team to move with grace and rhythm as they Dance enrich their life, learning the feminine art of beffy dancing. Prosper with Hypnosis This course helps students increase their motivation, concentration/ memory and level of energy with hypnosis so that they can prosper in their career and personal life. Salsa n this rhythmic and fascinating course students move like they have never moved before. This exotic and fluid saisa is easy to learn. Self-Hypnosis for Self" Students learn how to direct their subconscious mind to improve or correct Improvement unwanted behavior and free themselves from unsuccessful attitudes. Swimming Classes for Classes are designed so that students who enter the beginning levels Adults successfully progress into the intermediate level then into the advanced levels. Swimming Classes for Classes are designed so that students who enter the beginning levels Kids successfully progress into the intermediate ievef then into the advanced eveis. Tae-Kwon-Do This course buiids confidence and fosters self-esteem. Tae-kwon-do students learn discipline, respect, self-control/ and other techniques. Therapeutic Hypnosis This course aids in improving concentration, memory/ in dealing with for Adults procrastination, fear of failure, test or performance anxiety, insomnia/ depression, shyness, in gaining more self-confidence, raising seff-esteem/ and in becoming more rejection proof. Therapeutic Hypnosis Group therapeutic hypnosis is used to help improve concentration/ for Kids memory, eliminate fears/ reduce shyness, and to higher self-esteem and confidence so they can feel and function better emotionally, physically and intellectually. Therapeutic Hypnosis This hypnosis class helps teenagers excel and succeed in school/ feel more for Teenagers secure and stronger emotionally. Weight Training This course introduces participants to the basics of weight training and helps them develop a routine based on their personal goals and available * equipment. EAST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNHTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 26 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Yoga This course helps students reduce stress, increase flexibility, gain menta clarity and build a strong nervous system. Zumba Basic Steps This is a Latin-inspired, dance-fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance movements/ creating a dynamic/ exciting/ exhilarating and effective fitness system. HOMEMAKING COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Beginning Landscape Design This class covers the construction of patios/ terracing, drainage and sprinklers; the essentiais for starting a landscape project. Students need to bring a simple hand drawn site plan of their house. Candle Making Basics In this course students learn all the basics for making beautiful molded and container candles in one afternoon. Dipped and Molded In this course students learn to create delicious and beautiful chocolate Chocolates candies for every occasion. Drought Tolerant Plantings Homeowners in this course learn to replace their thirsty lawns with water wise plants, including ground covers/ shrubs and trees. Glycerin Soapmaking In this course students create many kinds of soaps while learning how to layer colors, use molds/ and add fragrances, herbs, and toys. Natural Bath and Beauty products In this course students learn to make skin care and cleansing products that are good for them and good for the environment. Retirement Planning n straightforward language, this class explains time-tested strategies that help participants make informed financial decisions. This course is educational and non-commerdai. No specific financial products are discussed or sold. TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION 2013 BAR Update Training: This course covers 8 hours of OBDii gasoline and 8 hours of Diesel OBDII Gas and OBDII Diesel OBDil. Students receive over 500 pages of reference material and 16 hours of BAR certified training. This training is designed to help them understand the complicated laws behind automotive emissions to better serve their customers while increasing shop profitability. EAST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 27 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Coding ICD-10 CM/PCS Participants learn new coding skills, guidelines and regulations, and Training documentation to prepare for the 2014 transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 clinical diagnostic system. Coding: ICD-9 CM/CPT-4 n this course students learn the rules in coding diseases to meet the requirements for medica! records by effectively learning !CD-9CM and CPT coding systems. Commercial Food This course provides entry-level technician candidates with the Equipment Repair fundamental knowledge needed to be employed by a commercial food Technician Online Training equipment service company. Computer for Kids and Adults n this course students look inside a computer and learn the basic why's and what's of computer, keyboard operation, and software application. Computerized Medica Billing Insurance Service field. This isa hands-on course for billing service and practice for Jobs in this Digital Photography Editing, Students learn fun graphic arts using adobe Photoshop and Hiustrator, Imaging, and Creativity with and much more. Photoshop Introduction to Computer Through dear, step-by-step introduction/ students quickly become Software familiar with and confident in the use of Microsoft's Office software. Keyboarding/Typing for This dass helps students develop their ability to use a keyboard and mouse through a thorough immersion into proper keyboarding skills. Kids and Teens Medical Collection of n this course students learn how to follow up on unpaid claims from Unsecured Assets private insurance/ Medicare, Medical and HMP/PPO's. Medical Insurance Billing Principles n this course students (earn the procedures of billing/ how to recognize forms used by third-party carriers/ how to complete each claim form for reimbursement/ and the insurance terminology used for different types of coverage. Medical Legal Issues and Risk Management n this course students fearn the importance of confidentiality of medical records in California, including subpoenas and court orders, workers7 compensation records, and special requirements for psychiatric, AIDS / HIV, and substance abuse records. Pharmacy Technician Training This course combines 182-hours of classroom instruction with a 120- hour pharmacy externship. Upon successful completion, graduates are eligible to apply for registration as a Pharmacy Technician in California and are prepared to take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) or National Health Careers Association (NHA) examinations. EAST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATrACHMENTl Page 28 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Powerpoint for Kids and This course launches the students into an understanding of Powerpoint presentations using animation, music/ color schemes, timing, and many Adults other tools. Web Design / HTML for n this course students learn the basics of web page design using Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Word/ and Microsoft Front Page. Kids and Adults GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME Addition and Subtraction DESCRIPTION n this course students improve their math using drills, fun games/ and activities that teach and reinforce skills. Art and Nature Adventure In this course children explore the outdoor world of nature awareness by making crafts with their parents. Basic Geometry n this class students learn about points, lines, planes, segments/ angles, and parallel and perpendicular lines. Charcoal Art Students learn skills such as contour drawing, sketching, and shading, as well as positive and negative techniques. Chinese/ Mandarin For Everyone Students learn everyday Chinese / Mandarin through the Pinyin System - a quicker and clearer approach to grasp the Chinese language in a short period of time. Chinese for Kids This course gives children a head start in learning Chinese from Pinyin (alphabet), pronunciation and characters to practical conversations. Chinese for KidsIntermediate In this course children who have learned the Pinyln alphabet or speak some Mandarin learn Chinese through dialogue, character recognition/ and active listening. Critical Thinking Skills Students learn critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in school while having fun. Drawing and Sketching Made Easy Drawing and sketching inspire creativity. For this course, students don't have to be artists, just willing to learn. Elementary Fractions This course is for students that have never seen fractions, or just need a refresher. Topics include addition/ subtraction, muttiplication and division of fractions. Fun with Science Young scientists will have lots of fun working on hands-on experiments that are a great way to learn more about science. History of Cinema n this course students learn to critically analyze cinema in all aspects, including story elements, technology, and historical and social impact. EAST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 29 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION How to Buy a House or a This course presents detailed '/howtow information plus ail of the forms and instructions necessary to buy a new or existing house or condo. Con do How to Invest in Real Estate This course provides the information necessary for participants to fearn how to invest in real estate using little or no money of their with little or No Money Down own. Kaplan SAT On-Demand This course provides adaptive instruction based on individual learning needs to help students successfully prepare for the SAT. Math improvement i This course reinforces addition and subtraction skills and introduces students to multipfication and division. Math Improvement II This course reinforces student skills in addition, subtraction, muftiplication, division, decimals and an introduction to fractions. Medical Terminology Students learn Greek and Latin word roots covering basic anatomy and physioiogy along with rules governing how medical terms are formed and used. Mixed Media Art Students have fun exploring mixed media paintings/ coflages/ drawings with ink and other fun techniques. Multiplication and Division In this course students reinforce math skills using games, activities and drills. Painting Explorations Students learn different painting techniques in easy steps as they expiore color mixing and blending. Pre-Algebra and Algebra This course teaches students basic algebraic concepts/ such as working with positive and negative numbers, order of operations, and solving Basics equations. Pre-Algebra and Algebra This course continues teaching students basic algebraic concepts Basics- Level II learned in Level I. SAT Preparation n this course students walk through the SAT questions, practice essays/ grammar, critica! thinking, and higher mathematic appiications. Spanish for Kids n this course students learn the Spanish alphabet/ vocabulary, pronunciation and basic sentences. L.A. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 30 of 118 LOS ANGELES HARBOR COLLEGE CIVIC COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION After School Care/Before Supervised activities for students of ati ages. School Care GENERAL EDUCATION Course Name Description 10 Ways to Establish Business !n this seminar learn to work through a process of assessing your current situation, determine what funding you need, finding out where you can get it, and prepare for the important meeting. Credit Acting Bolster your confidence, improve your communication abilities and enhance your social skills by learning and applying the techniques that actors use. Acting for Kids Enrich your child's life by promoting their confidence and self-esteem through the art of acting. Action Movie Workshop "Hollywood Style" n this exciting workshop. Movies By Kids will help students write, direct, and produce their own action sequence for the camera, featuring martial arts experts who will assist with afl stunt-fight training and film choreography. Active Goa) Setting Goal setting can accelerate your success. Learn the two different types of goal setting and which one will actually get you where you want to be. Home Learn the basic information needed to either start a business or improve an existing one. Anatomy of Annuities... for This course provides an important fundamental working knowledge of Your Financial Health all aspects of annuities. Annual Financial Forecast Seminar detailing a dynamic and informative financial Forecast for the Seminar coming year. Bartending So much more is expected of bartenders these days and this is the class that witl teach students what customers and managers want. Basic Writing Skills Tutoring Writing is an essential part of your chiicTs middle school and high school experience. This class can help them fix the little things that might stop Add Another Income From *. them from becoming a confident writer. Become a Professional Organizer Students will learn to launch a career as a professional organizer. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNin SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 31 of 118 Course Name Description Become a Skilled Songwriter n a nurturing workshop environment, students of afi levels will sharpen their songwriting skills by writing one song per week for seven weeks. Book 2.0: How to Publish This course summarizes the 12 steps required to set up a publishing Books for the Kindle, iPad & company to create New Media and traditional books other smart devices Braiding and Weaving Students iearn basics braiding and weaving techniques, including knowledge of tools and products needed. Business Process Mapping Learn how define and deveiop process workfiow; start Business Process Management (BPM) initiatives and dramatically improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. Buy a Profitable Business Using None of Your Money Candle Making learn to find good businesses for sale apply negotiating skills to determine right price and deal structuring, perform due diligence/ then put the financing in place and dose the deal. Participants will leave this hands-on class with several high-quality candies and the skills to continue on their own. Cartooning Children will express their creativity while exploring traditional and innovative drawing techniques/ while reinforcing academic skills through storytelling and the use of geometric shapes. Cash In with a Successful Turn your talents and hobbies into profits at home by learning how to Home-Based Business start a home based business. Cashing in on Your Ideas and This class will teach you how to take your ideas off the paper and onto Inventions the shelves. Ceramics for Everyone This course will teach you using the age-oid traditional techniques of p ceramics. Clutterology You CAN change your environment to work for you with simple/ easy and practical ideas on how to remove clutter from your life and get organized. Community Outreach Theatre This course is for students wishing to participate in the Community Outreach Theatre Program. Conversational French Learn the vocabulary and grammar of one of the world's most romantic languages. Skills are acquired for everyday usage, with a conversational emphasis. Conversational Spanish With emphasis on conversation and special vocabulary needs, this practical workshop will increase your ability to speak comfortably. Crafty Beading Children wifl love this imaginative art class as they create a variety of craft projects using colored beads/ including wind chimes/ instruments and more. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE ~ COMMUNiTif SERVfCES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 32 of 118 Course Name Description Create a Low Cost Business You don't have to be a programmer to build professional looking and cost effective websites; all you have to know is what to put on your Website website and how to promote and design it. Credit File Recovery Credit Repair Learn how to stop collection harassment and recover you credit worthiness and employability using our step by step instructions. Learn how credit scores work, how to fix a poor credit score and managing your debt. Cupcake Decorating with Learn simple steps to take your cupcakes from ordinary to Finesse extraordinary. Dazzling Floral Design learn how to select, prepare, and arrange fresh flowers. Do-Your-Own Professiona Uncover the secrets of hair color success and stop paying those high salon prices. Discover where to purchase supplies at the best prices and quality, and learn about color paiettes, bleaching and basic application. Hair Color Drawing & Impressionistic Watercolor Create paintings that capture the essence of this softly colored art form. Mix and blend colors, observe and capture objects on paper, use brush strokes for different effects, and create three-dimensional images with a single stroke. Dream Books: Book Ideas Into Learn how to grow your business into a global enterprise. A Business Drought Tolerant Landscaping Come learn how to replace thirsty lawns with drought tolerant ground covers that are more interesting than grass. Effective Email Learn the important E-mai! skills needed to get you noticed as a true Communication professional in your place of employment. Estate Planning join us for this informative, interactive class to learn how to preserve and manage your assets while you still can, and then transfer it to your loved ones after you pass away. Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Buying Your Take the mystery out of buying your first home: learn about the entire buying process, loan-qualifying criteria/ popular creative financing tools First Home and the differences between variable and fixed rate loans. Extreme Couponing How to save like the pros! Not sure where to begin when it comes to keeping and using ati these coupons? Want to save money on your shopping? You will be provided with resources for saving money while shopping, dining and more. Festive Wreaths for Any Learn to create a festive wreath that will give your home or event that creative touch. Discover techniques and ideas that will enable you to decorate your doors and walls year round. Occasion L.A. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 33 of 118 Course Name Description Financial and Strategic If you own, operate/ or thinking of starting your own business, you must Planning for Small Businesses team how to successfully create and implement a business pian. Learn tactics to increase business visibility and formulate a strategy to take their business to the next level and increase profits. Financial Security Learn the four cornerstones of finanda! literacy including budgeting/ banking, credit, and saving. Finding Love Online - Secrets You will iearn everything from how to create a captivating profile to navigating communications to meeting and entering a dating You've Never Heard relationship. Floral Design for Beginners Learn the basics of floral design including design styles elements, color, flower identification/ care, and handling. Getting Started in Voice Acting This class will teach you the basics of entering a successful career as a voice-over artist while learning the ins and cuts of this huge and lucrative industry. Grab Your Guitar This course is designed to give beginners basic guitar playing techniques, including how to read music, pfay chords and melodies by ear, and tune and maintain your instrument. Grow Organic Vegetables in Your Own Backyard your own backyard. Guaranteed Fast Track Learn techniques used the world over to improve your memory. Learn essential skills and proven techniques to grow organic food in Memory Skills Guitar Playing guitar can be a reality with our introductory class, where students start from the basics and learn chords, notes/ patterns/ and reading music. Holiday Bath Products Create beautiful bath products and learn all about where to get quality ingredients. Holiday Crafts with a Victorian !n this fun class/ students will make a different holiday project each Touch week. Holiday Decorating Students will be introduced to techniques, tips and creative ideas for Thanksgiving and Christmas decor. Home Decorating Discover how to make a space beautiful and functional/ while achieving a designer look for !ess. How to Build a Website for Students will learn to design professional looking and cost effective Less than $5 a Month websites. How To Go Back To College - This class is for students of any age who have thought about returning At Any Age - And Succeed! to college. L.A. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 34 of 118 Course Name Description How to Manage Rental Planning to purchase rental property? Thinking about property management as a new career? This course will help students achieve Property these goals. How To Parent Using Common Common Sense Parenting is a skill- based parenting program that Sense teaches parents practical and effective ways to increase their children's positive behavior. How To Profit from Foreclosures & Short Sales This class will teach students how to take advantage of the rising number of mortgage delinquencies by buying and selling foreclosed homes and short-sales. How to Properly Manage Rental Property This course will help students achieve their goals of purchasing or How to Sell Your Ideas and Learn how to sell/ protect and promote your innovative ideas. managing rental property. Inventions Intro To YouTube Learn how to create/ upload, and broadcast videos on the world's largest video sharing website. introduction to Grant Writing Students will learn how funding is announced, how applications are judged/ and how to construct each element of a winning proposal. Introduction to Horsemanship Learn the basics of horse care and horseback riding while developing for Adults skills with fun and safety in mind. Invest in Your Debt-How to Get Completely Debt Free This course will share the common threads found among those investors who made fortunes/ and those who experienced pitfails. Investing For Women Find out how to select an investment advisor, and how to construct your financial plan/ reduce your taxes, and plan for your child or grandchild's college education. This course will share the common threads found among those Building Your Financial Future investors who made fortunes, and those who experienced pitfalls. Investing in Real Estate: with Rental Property Jewelry Beading Basics Learning basic stringing techniques/ students will create their own bracelet and necklace in class. Jewelry Making Students in this class will learn basic stringing with wire and elastic, and much more. Landscape Design n this workshop, students wilt learn the basic principles of hardscape design gaining the ability to beautify a yard while spending money wisely. Learn The 12 Great laws Of Success This workshop is based on 12 powerful principles that wit) allow you to be, do, and have what you want including wealth, health, happiness and success. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 35 of 118 Course Name Description Looking Terrific: Beauty Makeover on a Budget Learn techniques to assist with personal facial anti-aging skin care and contour your makeup to your best advantage. Make Mine Digita Our technical expert will teach you how to convert your old media into computer files you can put on CDs, DVDs or download into an JPod or MP3 player. Making Your Paycheck Last Learn to avoid "Pay Day Trauma" by controlling your income and sti planning for your dreams. Master Your Money This hands-on workshop is intended for both beginning and experienced investors to learn to evaluate investment choices. Monster Mash: A HaHoween The focus of this workshop is to teach the proper use and application of Makeup Workshop facial prosthetics and other makeup essentials to create interesting and creative masks. Mystery Shopper This class wifl provide you with all the information needed to become a myster/ shopper. Topics include how to get into the Shoppers Network/ how to avoid scams and more! Natural Hair Care Create fashion forward hairstyles while maintaining the integrity of the hair. Nature and Travel Photography Students will learn powerful techniques for photographing people/ andmarks/ landscapes and wildlife. Notary Education: California This intensive one-day seminar is designed to equip you with everything Notary Public Class with State you need to know to become an effective Notary. Exam Oil Painting For Beginners Working from still life/ beginning painters will practice different ways of creating an image in oil. One Stroke Decorative painting This popular painting technique is quick and easy-to-learn. Even if you've never picked up a brush/ you can create beautiful designs with just a few easy strokes. Organic Liquid Soap Making Students will learn how to make their own organic liquid soap. Peninsula Symphonic Winds Peninsula Symphonic Winds is a rehearsal class for student performers. Personal Income Tax Boot Learn tax strategies for yourself or your small business. Camp Personnel and Human Resource Development Plan Your Italian Vacation Topics include recruiting and selection, compensation systems, training, orientation and motivating employees. Learn ways to plan your Italian vacation that will not only save you money but allow you to take in a!! the culture Italy has to offer. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE-COMMUNE SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 36 of 118 Course Name Description Pottery Students will create various pottery projects using simple tools. Public Speaking learn how to outline and prepare for public speaking opportunities/ whether impromptu, informational or persuasive. Students completing this course and receive a certificate in public speaking. Renewing Notaries This course is designed for renewing Notaries and reviews all laws and regulations required to know to continue as a Notary. Retirement Planning n straightforward language, this class explains time-tested strategies that help you to make informed financial decisions. Safes & Marketing Topics include establishing a unique market; five ways to sell anything to anybody; preempting competition and developing a personal presentation. Salsa Dancing Learn the basics: cross-body lead, basic right and left turns/ and much more! No partner necessary. Selling Your Stuff Online Amazon, e-Bay/ and Craigslist are three popular websites available for the public to buy and sell almost anything. Through step-by-step demonstrations, students will learn where to post what, how to create exciting ads/ and other useful tips. Seven Simple Secrets To This class is not taught by a financial guru using technical language you can't possibly understand/ it is taught by a single mom, turned home Financial Freedom business entrepreneur, turned homeowner, turned real estate investor. Sewing Students are guided through several fun and practical sewing projects including a wallet/ a mini-pillow, a doll, and more. Singing With Style Students will fearn to sing better than they ever thought they could in only a few short lessons. Smart Money Fundamentals Students will iearn techniques to optimize their Social Security benefits. Social Ballroom Dancing f you want to have at! the smooth moves, then this class is for you! Students will learn the Fox Trot, Tango, Waltz, and more. Sociaf Security Secrets: How to Using straightforward language, students will learn time-tested Maximize Your Benefits strategies to help make informed investment decisions. Speak Italian Designed for beginning students, this course will introduce the rich talian language Swing and Latin Dance Learn the East Coast Swing, Cha Cha, and Rumba. These easy to learn retro dances are popular with the young and old alike. Thai Fruit Carving The art of Thai fruit and vegetable carving adds beauty and value to every occasion in which it is used. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 37 of 118 Course Name Description The Frugal Shopper By following a few simple strategies, students can learn to cut their grocery bill by anywhere from 30% to 85%. Tickle the Ivories: Piano 1 This hands-on workshop is designed for students who have no previous formal piano instruction. Turn Crafts into Cash Gain a fresh new successful perspective and starting putting your hobby to work for you. Effects If you want to learn to develop and edit a digital movie then this class is for you. Web Crawling: Internet & Email Made Easy! This helpful class wiil show you how to successfully navigate the Internet and Worid Wide Web, and set up your own e-mail account and Video Editing and Special start to utilize it. Western line Dancing Kick up your heels and step into the latest dance craze! Learn dance moves that are easy to master and routines that will impress even wildest of westerners. What Were You Born to Do? You were born to make a unique contribution to humanity! Students will learn to apply their natural talents to achieve their heart's desires. Zombie Make-up Workshop This workshop teaches the correct application of facial prosthetics, atex, and other make-up essentials necessary to create zombie facia creations. Health Course Name Description Alternative Healing This workshop is designed to explore mind-body medicine with a focus on the different states of consciousness as well as how various expressions of spirituality can influence health and vitality. Athletic Training This fitness experience is designed for any athlete to take their game to the next level by becoming physically superior in their sport. Workouts are designed to enhance the skills that are needed to excel in sports. Ballet Fitness The emphasis of this class is on fitness, ratherthan ballet. Classes can help to improve flexibility/ posture/ strength and core stability, and to engthen muscles. Bailet/Pilates Fitness at Alvas This class focuses on advancing the student from beginning positions and steps into technical growth/ musicafityand artistry will be taught through combination. L.A. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 38 of 118 Course Name Description Ballroom & Salsa Dancing Students will learn various Latin and ballroom dance forms such as salsa, cha cha/ bachata, waitz, and the tango. Basic Tap Dance This class explores rhythm and movement. !t allows children to develop their imagination in a structured environment while working on motor development. Basketball This fun course is designed to introduce, enhance and improve basic skills in the game of basketball. Beginning Contemporary Ballet (Teen/Adult) This class is based in ballet and takes movement beyond the conventional structures of ballet. The movement is free/ flowing and > organic. Beginning Gymnastics Students will learn basic ideas of balance/ flexibility and strength along with even specific skills on Vault/ Bars, Beam, and Floor Exercise. Beginning/ Intermediate Ballet This class focuses on advancing the student from beginning positions (Teen/Adult) and moves on to musicality and artistry through ballet combinations. Belly Dancing Tone your torso, foster self-confidence, or entice your partner with this ancient art form. Commercial Hip Hop Learn moves from your favorite hip-hop videos and dance crews through choreography you've seen in music videos and television. Cupcakes & Cardio This group exercise course will get your body moving while exposing you to tifestyle strategies that will influence the way you live and eat. Fit Play - Fit Dance- Fit Sports - Stay fit whiie playing! This class strives to increase the overall health of Fun-time Fitness children in a fun/ safe, positive and motivating environment. Fitness Boot Camp This Outdoor Boot Camp is designed to help individuals focus on functional strength and conditioning using only their body. No equipment is used or needed. From Hiding to Shining: Understanding and Healing Students will learn about five key shame messages and how to re-frame them into messages of acceptance, resilience, and worthiness. Shame Gentle Yoga for Active Seniors Learn the four cornerstones of financial literacy including budgeting/ banking/ credit, and saving. Get Fit Boxing Build your body and confidence by learning basic boxing techniques. Hip Hop Dance Learn the fundamentals and foundation of various hip hop street styles from popping to whacking as you develop your own unique style. It's Just Food Empower yourself by learning nutrition strategies, healthy recipes and ways to stay motivated to help lose weight and keep it off. Have fun while getting into shape with Jazz Fitness. This class will focus on building core strength and flexibiiity. Jazz Fitness LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERViCES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 39 of 118 Course Name Description Kickboxing Get in shape while learning basic kick boxing techniques. Mat Pilates Build your core and flexibility with mat Pifates IVIe & My Tot Exercise (Tots 3- Bond with your child in an active environment through simple games 5} and routines designed to get you fit. Parent - Child Gymnastics This class will focus on basic motor development while having fun (Child 2 %-3 %) earning gymnastics, rhythm, and dance skills. Remake and Reshape Your Body with Nutrition energy instead of stored fat. Semi Private Body Conditioning and Strength Training Learn powerful body re-shaping tools focused on turning food into Workout with a personal trainer and your very own support group. This class wit! help build your body into a fat burning machine through exercise. Step Aerobics/Muscle Using steps designed in conjunction with Reebok/ you will get a great Conditioning, Stretching & Relaxing cardiovascular workout, pius the added benefits of muscle conditioning, deep stretching/ and relaxation. Tabata Fitness Tabata training alternates periods of high intensity exercise with periods of rest to produce gains in both aerobic and anaerobic systems. Tai Chi Learn the "Dance of Life" that combines coordination, balance, and flexibility into harmonious motion and gentle exercise. Tai Chi & Stretching for Tai Chi for arthritis is easy to learn/ effective and safe. It increases Arthritis flexibility, muscle strength, and increases heart/fung activity, aligns posture, improves balance, and integrates the mind and body. Xtreme Fitness Challenge yourself in this military style workout and sweat/ sweat/ sweat your way to a healthy/ strong fit body and an entirely new you. Yoga for Kids Students will learn basic yoga stretches and poses, white meditating and improving musde tone, reduces stress and may even improve concentration. Yoga for Meditation Improve your flexibility, muscle tone/ and general well-being white earning Hatha Yoga. Zumba Zumba uses moves throughout the class that require high control of the core muscles of the body (abs and back). HOMEMAKiNG Course Name Description L.A. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNfTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 40 of 118 Course Name Description Cooking for Kids Students will create a variety of quick, easy and tasty recipes geared for their age group. Nutrition information will also be discussed. Culinary Kids Junior chefs will learn to cook age-appropriate recipes and tasty treats LITERACY Course Name Description Adventures in Math Conquer basic math through games/ puzzles/ and enrichment activities. Algebra This course will familiarize the student with basic concepts and terminology of algebraic logic. AH Star Academics By teaching problem solving, study and test-taking skills/ your child can have the tools to be an All-Star. Art & Color Art and Science Voyages Students will dive into rainbows as they learn about and apply exciting color combinations. Young artists wit! create projects designed to Students will apply both sides of their brain studying the innovations of art and the wonders of science. Basic Math Skills Tutoring All areas of basic math wilt be covered in this tutoring class. Beginning Ballet This class allows children to develop their imagination in a structured environment while working on motor development. California High School Exit This course is designed to help high school students pass the California Exam (CAHSEE) Prep High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Mathematics sub-section. Computer Tutoring Students will learn basic computer terminology, functions/ and handson applications. Creative Writing Students will create a variety of quick, easy and tasty recipes geared for their age group. Critical Thinking Developing minds will find new ways to solve various problems and enhance thought processes by learning to decipher abstract concepts and work in teams to complete challenging tasks. Exploring literature Students will learn to enrich crucial reading foundations by examining literary works, developing comprehension skills and improving critical thinking skills. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 41 of 118 Course Name Description Geometry Practice geometry fundamentals, such as point, fine/ ray, segments, triangles and polygons. Perfect Paper Writing This innovative class guides student through the writing process by introducing proper writing styles, research strategies, organization techniques/ and the use of Microsoft Word. Pre-Algebra This course will famiiiarize the student with basic concepts and terminology of algebraic logic/ including problem solving, both positive and negative numbers/ polynomiats, and common forms of factoring. Pre-College Scholars Topics will include modules designed to develop spelling, reading and math skills along with art projects, social and outdoor activities. Reading Comprehension Tutoring This tutorial program will utilize a variety of methods to sharpen basic skills in comprehension and vocabulary development, the cornerstones to success in reading. Sign Language for Kids Sign onto a new future of communicating with your hands and fada » expressions. Spelling & Phonics Tutoring Improve spelling skills and build phonetic skills to improve writing, learn techniques and tips to help master vocabulary words. Spelling All-stars Improve spelling skiiis and build phonetic skills to improve writing. Learn techniques and tips to help master vocabulary words, and get on the road to spelling success. Study & Test Taking Boot Gain the tools to puli key points from textbooks, determine your best Camp time and place to study, take better notes, and create your own study aids. TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Adobe Photoshop Learn to harness your imagination and create your own dream worlds with Adobe Photoshop. Art of Painting Students will explore their own creativity through basic painting assignments. Projects will include paintings of animals, structures and even self portraits. Cloud Computing Learn how the Cloud can free up valuable space on your home computers and safely backup all important data by providing secure digital storage for photos/ artwork, writings, video recordings/ music, manuscripts and so much more. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 42 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION College Readiness: Academic Students will distinguish among reliable sources, develop proper citations, and compile information for different types of reports and Research and Reports presentations. College Readiness: Advanced Students explore mathematical fundamentals of algebra I and II/ Mathematical Concepts geometry and trigonometry. College Readiness: Essay Writing and Composition Students will compose an effective essay with supporting details, enhanced vocabulary, and improved grammar. College Readiness: Microsoft Participants will appiy advanced word processing techniques, team to Word, Powerpoint, & create stunning presentations, and design eye-catching desktop Publisher publishing prints. Computer & Internet Fundamentals for Seniors This introductor/ computer course is especially designed for seniors who want to keep up with the technology innovations of today. Computer Basics This course is designed for the absolute beginner. It explains key hardware components and introduces students to Microsoft Windows and common PC functions. Computer Keyboarding Students will have fun while they learn proper finger positioning on computer keyboards as well as important posture tips. Computers for Young Adults Designed for young adults/this course introduces the fundamentals of computer technology and essential software including Microsoft Word CyberKids This course explores how computers and networks work, covers important programs including Microsoft Word, and teaches students about the Internet and safety. Demystifying Digital Cameras This helpful workshop will make participants more comfortable with their digital cameras and explain common terminology. Students will also receive an introduction to simple photo editing. Digital Art Lab Students will learn to create and manipulate images with this introductory course in digital design. Digital Photography Learn powerful techniques for photographing people, landmarks, landscapes and wildlife. Classroom instruction will alternate with walking trips around campus and Harbor Park for hands-on practice. Ebay Made Easy Ebaycan really be put to work for you! Find out how easy it is to list items and sell your possessions. Buying and selling will be covered as well as working with PayPaf. Engineering FUNdamentals w/ Have your child become a Pfay-Weli engineer this summer! With over LEGO 100,000 pieces of LEGO®, take on rea! life engineering challenges that explore concepts in physics, mechanical/structural engineering, and architecture. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNiTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 43 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Essential Skills in Computers & This course is designed for the absolute beginner in personal Microsoft Windows computers, teaching the basics of components/ software/ and hardware. Getting Started with iPhoto Use IPhoto to get the most out of your digital pictures. Learn basic tips and tricks for exceptional images, ready to share using your MobileMe account or your own free Google Web Albums account. How To Become A Part-Time This class is for those who plan to substitute teach at the middle or high Substitute Teacher and Make school level. If you are thinking about becoming a substitute teacher or FuU-Time Pay if you have just started substitute teaching-you need to take this course! How to Setup and Start Using This "hands-on" workshop is designed for participants who own an iPoct and have never set it up. Please charge your iPoct the night before the Your i Pod workshop. Introduction to Photoshop Learn to harness your imagination and create your own dream worlds with Adobe Photoshop by turning ordinary photographs into works of art. Introduction to Web Production (Teen Adult) Design and build a web site of your own by learning to sketch a preliminary concept and translate the concept into a working site. IOS 5 App Building Basics You can team to build Apps for your iTouch/ iPhoneand iPad.This course will give you the foundation to create your own Apps. iPad, iPhone I Know! Learn to make the most out of your Apple devices including all about applications (apps), usage and connectivity. Jr. Ninjaneering w LEGO magine and build unique and fun projects with the guidance of an experienced Play-Well instructor while exploring the fantasy world of Ninjago. lego Animation Movies by Kids will provide all the LEGO'S needed to build sets and operate all the equipment needed to bring a masterpiece to the big screen. Macs Made Easy Learn the fundamentals of using a Macintosh, including the unique Mac interface/ launching programs, file saving and manipulation, web surfing and more! Master Your Android Smart This course explores features and functionalities common to al! android Phone tablets. Master Your Android Tablets This course explores features and functionalities common to all android tablets. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATfACHMENTl Page 44 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Microsoft Access This beginning course is for anyone that wants to design and create new databases, tables, and relationships. Discover how to create, maintain and query records and produce database reports. Microsoft Excel 2007 Learn the essentials of the widely used Excel spreadsheet program. Topics include creating/ editing/ and formatting worksheets/ using formulas and functions, and printing reports and charts. Microsoft Excel 2010 Learn the essentials of the widely used Excel spreadsheet program. Topics include creating, editing, and formatting worksheets, using formulas and functions, and printing reports and charts. Learn to manage workbooks and perform data analysis. Microsoft Powerpoint This course covers the basics of how to add text/ backgrounds, and graphics, as well as how to enhance your presentation with animations and sounds. Microsoft Windows This course is designed for the absolute beginner in personal computers, teaching the basics of components/ software/ and hardware. Each session includes a beginner-paced lesson and review of key concepts. Microsoft Word Learn the basic operations for creating, editing, formatting/ and printing documents, as well as setting margins, adding headers and footers/ and working with simple graphics. Natural "A"s Learn how to use the brain's natural patterns to enhance grades, seffconfidence, and chances for scholarships and college admissions. This makes note-taking, reading, studying, memorizing and test-taking amazingly efficient. Ninjaneering w LEGO Enter the world of Ninjago and become an apprentice Ninjaneer! magine and build unique and fun projects with the guidance of an experienced Play-Wel! instructor while exploring the fantasy world of Ninjago. One on One Computer Training Customized one-on-one computer (PC or Apple) sessions are a minimum of two hours in length and scheduled at students convenience. Pre-Engineering with Lego From motorized machines to castles and catapults, this is a hands-on and minds-on camp is suitable for LEGO® building system novices as well as experienced users. Video Game Design Students will use simple programs to create basic/ but fun, video games, focused around their specific age group. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNE SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 45 of 118 VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION ACE Personal Trainer The ACE Personal Trainer Certification is designed to help prepare Certification Prep students for the exam to obtain the ACE Certification. Advanced Medical Billing This course will build on the information received in the beginning medical billing course. It will include the billing cycle/ explanation of benefit forms and colfections. Advanced Terminology Students are guided through more in-depth instruction and practice exercises to further develop the terminology used by billers and coders. Anatomy Students wit! study the structures of the human body and improve knowledge of bodily systems. Basic CPR Participants will fearn to recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac and breathing emergencies. Beginner's Guide to Getting This comprehensive workshop will guide you how to become a published freelance writer/ bypassing the editor's desk. Published California Serv-Safe Food Handler Certification Course State Law requires that all restaurant employees hold a valid California Food Handier Card/ which is obtained through this 4-hour course. California Serv-Safe Food Handler Certification Course This is a Spanish-language version of the course, above. (Spanish) Communication and Motivation Success as a supervisor depends largely on the ability to be an effective communicator and motivator. This class will give you those skills. Computerized Medical Billing Learn hands-on instruction in computer applications including daily transaction entries and monthly/annual management reporting. Continuing Education for Tax This course is speciaily designed for CTEC registered tax return preparers to meet their 20 hours of continuing education each year. Pre pa re rs CPT Coding This course is designed to instruct the student in CPT 95 coding and HCPCS coding, and is valuable for both beginning and current bitiers. Dealing with Difficult People & Find out how to deal with employee complaints and difficult employee interactions. Conflict Resolution Developing Effective Teams More than anything else, being a supervisor means learning to work as a team player. This class teaching the fundamentals of leading an effective team. Ethics in Leadership Explore the top factors causing leaders to connpromise their ethics and identify important ways to become a more ethical leader. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 46 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Evaluating & improving Understanding performance management and the process of delegation will enable both supervisor and employees to increase Employee Performance their job results. Facilitation Skills Supervisors will expand their skills by learning to serve as a coach and facilitator, enabling employees to do their best work. Hospital Billing This one-day seminar provides students with an introduction to the hospital medical billing field. Document Signing Agent Learn how you can easily turn being a Notary into a "flexible" part time or full-time career as a Loan Document Signing Agent. Human Resource Issues Students will leave with a working knowledge of the issues that could How to Become a Notary Loan lead to legal liability for their organization. ICD-10 Coding Students will learn about this new system that allows health care providers to code more accurately/ contributing to healthcare quality improvement initiatives. ICD-9 Coding Students wifi fearn the basic procedures and diagnosis coding relating to physician reimbursement Introduction To Voiceovers This fun, informative, and empowering class will teach you the basics of entering a successful career as a voice-over artist. Ufeguard Certification Training Earn an American Red Cross Certification in Lifeguarding, first aid and CPR/AED. All three certifications are valid for two years. Make Extra Money in the Auto Come learn to make some extra money buying and selling wholesale cars as a home-based business/ or simply buy cars for your friends, family and co-workers at great wholesales prices. Wholesale Business Makeup Artist Training Certification Medical Billing Medical Coding Exam Preparation This series of six, one-day workshops will teach you what you need to know to work in the exciting and creative field of makeup artistry. Beginning students wiil learn medical billing techniques, and how to follow up and collect on bii!ed claims. Students wilf review their ICD9/ CPT/ HCPCS Coding and Medical Terminology knowledge in preparation for the Certified Professional Coder examination. Potential students will receive assistance in tailoring the Program to Medical Insurance Billing & Coding Orientation meet their individual goais. Medical Terminology Use outlines, exercises, and pronunciation guides to develop the basis for a strong medical vocabulary. Organize, Prioritize and Manage Getting organized and managing your time are skills that may benefit Your Time anyone at work or at home. LA. HARBOR COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 47 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Photovoftaic Design & This introductory course prepares entry-tevet installers to take the Installation Entry-Levei Certification of Knowledge of PV Systems exam as well as the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioner (NABCEP) exam. Physiology This dass provides and introduction to principles of human physiology from chemical processes and cellular levels to bodiiy system functions. Problem Solving Successful supervisors know that good decisions are based on good data and, in order to get good data, you need to be a good problem sofver. Strengthening People Skills in the Workplace Find out how to prevent conflict before it happens/ calmly, and professionally-no matter what your job or industry. Supervisory Overview and Leadership Styles This module is appropriate for a newly appointed supervisor or a The Art of Business Etiquette This session will teach participants the art of professional etiquette and how, by being aware of their actions, they can set an example for seasoned veteran. others. Worker's Compensation Learn how to process worker claims, iiens and provide appropriate and complete paperwork to ensure maximum reimbursement. L.A. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 48 of 118 LOS ANGELES PIERCE COLLEGE VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Medical Billing Students are trained in Medial Coding, Medical Billing Lab and Computerized Medicai Billing. Introduction to Medical Students with little or no previous experience in medical billing will gain Billing basic knowledge about the field. This overview class is the idea! starter class for students thinking about a career in medical billing. Medical Coding Students study Medical Coding in a hands-on environment utilizing real world situations and examples. Medical Insurance Billing lab Students experience extensive hands-on practice with medical billing procedures using real world situations and examples. Students gain a complete picture of the world of billing and reimbursement. Computerized Medical Billing Students learn about different computerized billing programs used in the medica) office, and have the opportunity to practice using these programs. Personal Fitness Instructor Certification Students study the foundation for the development of a safe and effective fitness program, with focus on basic human anatomy and exercise physiology. This class is geared toward students working or seeking work in smaller gyms and fitness programs. W.I.T.S." Personal Trainer Free Orientation In this orientation, students gain information about the comprehensive Personal Trainer class prior to their enrollment in the hands-on program. W.I.T.S Personal Fitness Students are trained in the development of a safe and effective fitness Trainer Certification program, with focus on biomechanics, exercise physiology, fitness testing, equipment usage and health assessment. Students participate in lecture discussions, hands-on practical training, an internship, and an opportunity to take the National Exam. This class is geared toward students seeking work in larger gyms and fitness centers. The Business of Bartending - In this class, students learn how to work as a bartender, in addition, the Professional Bartending business side of the beverage industry is explored. Course An Introduction to Voiceovers Students learn the basics of entering a career as a voiceover artist. - Getting Started in Voice Topics covered include the entertainment industry, marketing, the Acting importance of a voiceover demo/ reading scripts and other aspects of a voiceover career. How to Become a Mystery Shopper Students examine the role of a mystery shopper/ what types of businesses use them/ and the requirements of this field. Become a Notary in One Day In this class, students prepare to take the State Notary Exam. and Renewing Notaries L.A. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 49 of 118 Certified Loan Signing Agent In this class, students iearn about becoming a certified loan-signing agent, once they have passed the notary exam. Monitor Part 1 Students learn the requirements to become a Chiid Visitation Monitor and the basic principles and practices of a supervised visitation. Become a Child Visitation This dass is a continuation of "Become a Child Visitation Monitor Part I." Monitor Part 2 Students learn about required government forms, writing reports/ as Become a Child Visitation well as how to set up a monitoring agency. Nursing Client Care III Students participate in this hands-on nursing skills class to gain practica experience. This dass is limited to Pierce College nursing students. Consulting In this class/ students are introduced to the business of consulting and training. Students discuss how to market their special skills or knowledge. !n this workshop, students get tips on starting a home-based business. Start a Home-Based Business Topics covered include legally forming a business/ strategies for marketing, bookkeeping and keeping tax records. Stop Being Unemployed I Become a Professional Organizer n this workshop, students learn to create a business using their organizational skills to organize others. Become a Coach/ Consultant In this workshop, students learn to use their unique skills and experience to start a career as a consultant. Students study low-cost marketing or Trainer strategies as well as preventing legal and tax issues. Cashing In on Your ideas and In this workshop/ students get tips on selling their inventions. Topics Inventions covered are licensing, patents and copyrights/ contracts/ royalties and standard industry practices. Build Your Own Web Site for Students examine the importance of having a website for a sma $5 a Month business, how it reaches out to potential customers, and tips on how to design and promote a low cost website. Screen Writing - Writing, Pitching and Selling in Hollywood In this class, students receive tips on pitching and selling scripts, as well as navigating the industry and self-marketing. Make-UpArtistry Each week, students are trained in a specific area of makeup artistry to prepare them to enter the field, or to enhance their personal makeup abilities. Red Cross Ufeguard Training Students learn the latest updates of the American Red Cross lifeguarding course. This course includes CPR and Standard First Aid for the (15 Yrs. and Up) professional rescuer, rescue techniques, recognition of different drowning types and spinal injury. American Red Cross Certified !n this Kids on Campus class, older children and teens learn about the Babysitter Training responsibilities and expectations of babysitting. Basic First Aid, how to identify common safety hazards and preventing injury are covered in this training. LA. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATrACHMENTl Page 50 of 118 HEALTH COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Popular Ballroom Dancing Students learn a blend of American and Latin ballroom dances. Cha Cha and Tango - Ballroom Students learn Latin ballroom dances, focusing on Cha Cha and Tango. Dancing Beginning/ Beginning In this beginning Ballroom dance class, students learn both American and Ballroom Latin ballroom dances. 'Salsa' - Red Hot In this class, students focus on Latin Ballroom dances, including Rumba, Mambo, Cha Cha, and Merengue. Ballet for Adults - n this ballet class, students focus on barre technique. Intermediate Middle Eastern Dance - n this class, students iearn beginning belly dancing. Beginning Middle Eastern Dance intermediate/advanced-levei students continue their study of belly Intermediate/Advanced dancing. Ballet for Adults - Beginning n this class, students learn beginning ballet. Popular Ballroom DancingEast Coast Swing In this ballroom dance class, students focus on East Coast Swing. Salsa In this class/ students learn beginning Latin ballroom dance. CPR for Community Members in this CPR training, students learn infant/child CPR, adult CPR/ and twoMedical Providers person technique. Students also study mouth to mask CPR and Heimiich technique for choking. A completion card is issued at the end of the training. Medical providers may take the required written exam at the end of class. Nutrition Basics Students discuss the basic principles of nutrition to help encourage them to make healthier food choices and live a healthy lifestyfe. Reiki I (Shoden) Energy Healing Seminar Students learn the beginning steps of Reiki, a Japanese system of spiritual growth and relaxation/ as taught from a traditional perspective. Acupressure and Holistic Healing Students learn self-massage and Chinese acupressure techniques to relieve stress/ increase energy and improve mental clarity. Anger - Yours and Other Students focus on anger as an emotion and ways to deal with it in them People and in others. nconvenient Emotions Students examine interpersonal interaction and how to handle negative emotions. LA. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 51 of 118 Introto Reiki Students are introduced to the Japanese art of Reiki/ which is a form of holistic healing. Golf for Recreation and Students of ail levels are welcome to participate in this golf class. Beginners learn fundamentals, while more experienced players have specific problems identified and corrected. Fitness Tennis - Beginning Students receive basic instruction in groundstrokes/ serve, return-ofserve, volley and rules. They also fearn scoring and playing procedures. No previous tennis experience is necessary. Beginning Tennis II Students focus on refining the basic tennis strokes, and making corrections and improvements, where necessary. They also learn beginning singles and doubles tactics. Previous tennis experience or lessons are required to enrol! in this course. Students must know rules, scoring, and playing procedures. ntermediate Tennis Students receive instruction in groundstroke placement/ how to approach the net/ Jobs, overheads/ volley driiis and strategy tactics. The student must be able to raliy and know the basic serve, return-of-serve, and volley. Tennis - Advanced Students receive instruction in groundstroke, voHey, overhead, serve and return-of-serve drills. Students must have intermediate level tennis instruction or experience prior to enrolling in this class. Coed Indoor Volleyball" n this class, students cover basic skills such as: serving/ passing/ setting, Beginning/ Intermediate hitting, and using the proper mechanics of the game. Other topics discussed include offensive skills, defensive skills/ court positioning, and rules and regulations from three-person to six-person games. Coed Indoor Volleyball" Intermediate/ Advanced Kundulini Yoga ntermediate and advanced students will work on passing, setting, hitting/ serving, body positioning and court coverage. Offensive and defensive strategies wiii also be discussed. Skills such as blocking, diving and rolling will be covered. Prerequisite: Must have volleybail experience, know basic rules and able to pass the bait with accuracy. Students learn techniques of Kundulini Yoga to strengthen the body, achieve balance and ffexibility, increase energy reserves, and release tension. Hat ha Yoga Students learn techniques of Hatha Yoga to increase flexibility and energy/ tone the body, and increase mobility, as well as reduce stress and tension. Tai Chi Chuan Students learn techniques of the Chinese style of Tai Chi Chu'an/ which uses slow, sustained, yet energetic movements, to achieve balance, mental calm and clarity, and to support health and longevity. Walking for Health - Int/Adv. In this class, intermediate and advanced students use walking techniques to help burn fat and relieve tension. LA. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 52 of 118 Walking for Health - Beg/!nt In this class/ beginning students learn walking techniques to help burn fat and relieve tension. Cardio Kickboxing Students of all fitness levels fearn kickboxing techniques to attain cardio fitness. Cardio Conditioning and Core Students of all fitness levels learn conditioning techniques to strengthen Training their core and attain cardio fitness. Zumba Students learn Zumba fitness choreography for cardio wellness and to burn calories and fat. Zumba Gold Older aduft students learn Zumba Gold choreography for cardio weilness and to burn calories and fat. Horseback Riding - Beginning In this class, students with no prior riding experience learn the fundamentals of English and Western riding. Horseback Riding" Beginning In this class, students learn basic control of the horse's quarters, posting/ II (16 yrs. and up) trot and simple lateral movements. Prerequisite: Successful completion of a Beginning Horseback riding class at Pierce College within the last three years and approval of the instructor. Horseback Riding -Continuing Students use the skills learned in the preceding ciass during individual and (16 Yrs. and up) group riding activities. Prerequisite: Successful completion of a Beginning Horseback riding class at Pierce College within the last 3 years and approval of the instructor. Mounted Drill Team Students with intermediate or advanced riding experience learn to ride in drill formation. Students learn the skills necessary to perform a mounted drill. Mounted Drill Team Part II - Students in this class learn and perform a drill, first by walking the dri Intermediate/ without the horse, then by practicing with the horse. This class ends in performing the drili at the Pierce College Farm Walk. Prerequisite: Advanced Students must have completed the Mounted Drill Team class and have instructor approval. Continuing Riding Class n this class, students build on what was covered in the previous class. Students work on trotting, games and obstacles. Prerequisite: Rider must have completed beginning riding through either the Extension or Pierce College Program. Beginning Riding Class Students learn to catch, halter, lead, groom, tack and untack a horse, as well as mount, dismount, walk, steer, stop and back a horse. The fundamentals of trotting and negotiating obstacles may a!so be covered. SWAM (Southwest Aquatic Masters) n this competitive swim fitness program/ students work to increase efficiency of strokes, as wei! as improve strength and endurance. LA. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 53 of 118 Lap Fitness Swimming and Water Walking n this swimming fitness program/ students work on overall body conditioning through self-directed aerobic swimming and water walking. CCAT Youth Swim Program Students ages 6-17 work out in this year-round competitive youth swimming program. Students work on dry land exercises, stroke technique and conditioning in preparation for competition. Aqua Aerobics In this class/ students participate in a fun, fat-burning fitness workout using shallow water exercise for both swimmers and non-swimmers. Aquatic Exercise Students at the beginner level or those in need of rehabilitation work to improve flexibility, strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness without putting excess strain on Joints and muscles. Adult Non-Swimmer - Level 1 In this class, adult students with no swim experience learn to swim. Adult Swimming - level 2 Self Defense for Kids n this class, adult students with little swim experience continue to learn swim technique. n this Kids on Campus dass/ children learn basic self-defense techniques. Ocean Surfing (9 Yrs. - Adult) In this class, students learn to ocean surf. Girls Gymnastics In this Kids on Campus class/ giris are instructed in at-level gymnastics skills. Gymnastics Practice Workout In this Kids on Campus workout, children at intermediate and above levels (7-17 Yrs.) can practice what they have learned in class. Fundamentals in Gymnastics In this Kids on Campus class, boys are instructed in at-ievel gymnastics. for Boys (5-9 Yrs) Kidnastics (3-4 Yrs.) In this Kids on Campus class, younger children improve gross motor skills and balance through gymnastic activities. Tennis Camp (8-15 Yrs.) n this Summer camp/ children learn or improve their tennis skills. Lunch and swim time are included. Brahma Basketball Camp (8- In this Summer camp, children learn and improve their basketball skills. 12yrs) Volleybalt Camp (8-14 yrs.) Lunch and swim time are included. n this Summer camp/ children iearn and improve their voiteybaif skills. Swim time is included. Advanced Volleyball Camp (10-15 yrs.) In this Summer camp/ children with volleybail experience improve their volleybaif skills. Swim time is included. Extended Day Care - AM Children enrolled in Volfeyball/ Tennis or Basketball camp may enroll in this before-camp program. Extended Day Care - PM Children enrolled in Tennis or Basketball camp may enroll in this aftercamp program. LA. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 54 of 118 Fun Under the Sun Summer Day Camp n this environmentaUy based Summer day camp/ children will sing songs, play games, perform skits/ and enjoy other camp activities. Lunch, swim time, and a weekly field trip are included. Teen Travel Camp n this Summer travel camp, 6th - 9th graders go on fieidtrips Tuesday Thursday, and have age appropriate activities on Mondays and Friday. Lunch and Swim time are included on non-trip days. Private Swim lessons Students receive private (one-on-one) swim lessons. HOMEMAKING COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Social Security as an Income In this class, students explore Social Security. Topics discussed include what it is; what the benefits are; how to become eligible; and, how certain elements can affect it such as: COLA, divorce, and widowhood. Turn Medi-Cal Nightmares into Miracles Students explore Medi-Cal and how to use it to care for a loved one while avoiding financial devastation. Master Your Investments Students learn about constructing an investment portfolio to help achieve personal financial goals. Investment Bootcamp Students learn about investing/ money management principles and protecting their financial future. No Days Vacant No Lost Rent !n this class/ students receive tips on renting their real estate properties. Buy and Hold Forever - How In this class students receive tips on holding their investment properties. to Build Wealth for the 21st Century Dog Knowledge, Care and Obedience Training n this hands-on class, dog owners learn to obedience train their dogs. Students wifi fearn on-teash training techniques and basic obedience commands. The Famous Winged and Cat In this class, students learn to create the winged and cat tail eye look Tail Eye Made Easy using various makeup tools and techniques. What Were You Born to Do In this class students pinpoint their natural talents and abilities as well as explore ways to use those talents to enhance their lives. Students recognize the clutter in their lives, and receive tips on Clutter in Your Life and get organizing their lives in order to change their environment. Clutterology - Efiminate Organized Cool Cupcakes with Sir Cakes-A-Lot In this class/ students learn cupcake-decorating techniques. LA. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 55 of 118 HOMEMAKLNG COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Personalized Make Up Corrections and Sponge Techniques Students learn basic makeup application and techniques to correct flaws Unleash Your Eyes with Students are introduced to different faux eyelash looks and they learn Lashes how to apply them. and enhance best features. TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Self-Publishingforthe In this workshop/ students discuss different business opportunities surrounding e-publishing. Topics discussed are converting original works to the iPad or Kindle and PDF formats; how to create podcasts; and, how to upload a finished book to major chain sites or your own website as a Clueless pay-per-download product. Using Your Computer to Make Money In this workshop, students discuss types of high-demand computerbased businesses/ as weii as running a home-based business. Other topics include bookkeeping, saies tax, business licensure and structure. E-Publishing for iPad and In this workshop/ students discuss different business opportunities surrounding e-publishing. Topics discussed are converting originat works to the iPad or Kindle and PDF formats, how to create podcasts/ and how to upload a finished book to major chain sites or your own website as a Kindle pay-per-downfoad product. Introduction To Microsoft Excel 2010 Introduction To Microsoft Word 2010 Introduction To Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 In this MS Excel 2010 class, students explore the features that are different from the previous version. n this MS Word 2010 class/ students explore the features that are different from the previous version. n this MS Powerpoint 2010 class/ students explore the features that are different from the previous version. Microsoft Excel 2010, Level II tn this class, students continue working with MS Excel 2010 to learn more advanced functions and formulas. Introduction to QuickBooks In this class, students are introduced to the QuickBooks program. Freshimedia Video Game In this Kids on Campus class, children iearn the fundamentals of video Designs - Beginning (7-12 game design. Yrs.) LA. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 56 of 118 TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION In this Summer camp, children learn about designing video games and and Filmmaking Camp (8-14 fifmmaking through hands-on, interactive projects. Freshimedia Game Design Yrs) GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Conversational Spanish Beginning In this class, students (earn beginning-leve! conversational Spanish. Conversational Spanish Beginning II Students build on conversational Spanish learned in "Conversational French for Travelers - Beginning n this class/ students fearn beginning-level conversational French that will be useful in when traveling. Conversational Italian - In this class, students team beginning-level conversational Italian. Spanish - Beginning!" Beginning! Bentornati Cari Amici!! n this class, students build on what they learned in "Conversationa talian- Beginning)" American Sign Language In this class, students fearn beginning-level conversational American Sign Language. English for the Foreign Born In this dass, students focus on English conversation, pronunciation skills, grammar. This is an intermediate/advanced English communication class. Accent Reduction - improve Your Spoken English n this class, students focus on American English phonetics, rhythm, and idioms. This is an advanced English communication class. Intermediate/Advanced n this class students focus on English diction and pronunciation. This is an intermediate/advanced spoken English class. Chinese/Mandarin for In this class/ students team beginning-level Chinese. Accent Reduction - Everyone - Beginning Chinese/Mandarin for Everyone - Intermediate n this class/ students learn intermediate-level Chinese. n this class/ students receive help with their vocal performance. live Performance Workshop Topics covered include: stage presence, microphone technique/ and Artist Vocal Development - proper rehearsal technique. Beginning Blues Harmonica In this class/ students iearn to play the harmonica in the Blues style. L.A. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 57 of 118 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME Healthy Harmonica DESCRIPTION n this class, students fearn proper harmonica technique. Beginning Piano - Playing for In this class, students learn beginning-level piano skills while in groups. Fun Popular Piano Jazz Band n this class/ students learn the chord approach to piano. In this class, former music students iearnto improve their Jazz technique. Improvisational Acting in this class, students learn the art of improvisationaf acting. Acting/Commercials and In this class/ students receive tips on auditioning and acting for Audition Technique commercials. Acting for Film and Television in this class, students receive tips on acting and the entertainment Now 'On Camera' industry. The Writers Craft" Writing Students in this class discuss the basic elements of writing the short the Short Story story. Topics covered include: action, reflection, dialogue/ and description. Adventures in Watercolor - n this ciass designed for adults, students learn beginning-leve Beginning watercolor skills. Adventures in Watercolor II In this class, students who have taken "Adventures in Watercolor - Beginning" continue covering different watercoior techniques. Acrylic Painting" intermediate Students in this class !earn intermediate-fevel acrylic skills. The class topics focus on detail, proportion and composition. Life Drawing Workshop - In this advanced class, students access live models and receive tips and Advanced guidance from an instructor in using various 2-D media. Rough Sketch to Finished Drawing In this class, students team rough or rapid sketch techniques in order to develop a finished line drawing. CaUigraphy - Spenserian Script !n this class students study cailigraphy techniques of Spenserian Script. Cafligraphy - Copperplate Script Italic Script and Flourishing In this class, students study calligraphy techniques of Copperplate Script. n this class students study calligraphy techniques of Italic Script and Flourishing. Calligraphy - Edward In this class/ students study calligraphy techniques of Edward Johnston^s Compressed Italics Johnston's compressed Italic Script. Calligraphy-Uncial, n this class/ students study calligraphy techniques of Unciai, Carolingian and Foundational Carolingian and Foundational Script. LA. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 58 of 118 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Raku Handbuilding Ceramics In this class, students learn and practice Raku firing techniques. Workshop Artist Survival Skills n this dass/ students receive tips on getting their artwork shown. Topics covered include gallery contracts, magazines and publications, resume writing/ press releases, and meeting publication deadlines. How to Make Leaded Glass Windows Cafligraphy - Gothic Old English Textura Floral Art and Decor n this class, students are introduced to the basic steps and techniques in leaded glasswork while creating a personal design panel. Topics covered include cutting, color coordination, and assembly. n this class, students study calligraphy techniques of Gothic Old English Textura Script. n this class, students learn how to design floral arrangements for f various occasions. Ikebana In this class, students learn Ikebana/ the Japanese art of floral arranging. Mosaics - Beginning n this class, students learn the development and assembly of mosaic art using a variety of materials. Mosaics - Intermediate In this intermediate level class, students work on balancing the color, shape and movement of a mosaic piece. Mosaic shapes covered include curved shapes and circles. Fused Glass Jewelry In this class, students learn techniques of fused glass to create pendants and beads to create fused glass jewelry. Precious Metal Clay - In this beginning/intermediate class, students learn to create jewelry Begin ner/fntermediate using precious metal day. Precious Metal Clay - n this advanced class/ students learn to create jewelry combining Advanced precious metal clay and various other media. Knitting for Beginners In this class, students learn basic knitting skills. Digital Photography Basics In this class, students fearn the essentials of digital camera basics. Digital Photography Basics II - In this class, students learn the essentials of visual communication Visual Communication through the digital photography medium. Digital Photography Basics HI - in this class, students explore the visual effects of various focal lengths Focal Lengths to Filters and filters. Students also study how to use the various focal lengths and filters to create dramatic perspectives and enhance images. L.A. PIERCE COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVfCES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 59 of 118 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION History Of Contemporary n this class/ students are introduced to important photographers from the early 20th century. A visit to local museums and galleries to see Photography actual artworks is included. Los Angeles and Film Noir n this class, students are introduced to the celluloid of Film Noir in Los Angeles. Cold Winter Nights: Night Photography In this class, students are given an opportunity to shoot winter night photography. Cool Spring Nights: Night Photography photography. Picturing Forever: The Aesthetics of Portraiture In this class/ students are given an opportunity to shoot spring night n this class, students are given an opportunity to shoot outdoor daytime portraits. How to Write a Report or In this Kids on Campus class, children learn the steps to writing a Term Paper report or term paper. How to Write an Essay or In this Kids on Campus class/ children learn the steps to writing a Report report or essay. Natural A's n this Kids on Campus class, children (earn to identify the type of learner they are, and apply this knowledge to studying and test taking techniques. Reading Comprehension n this Kids on Campus class, children iearn to strengthen their (Entering Grades 3-4) comprehension and decoding skills. Introduction to French In this Kids on Campus class, children are introduced to the French anguage. Introduction to Spanish n this Kids on Campus class/ children are introduced to the Spanish language. American Sign language In this Kids on Campus class, children are introduced to American Sign Language. Commercial Kids On Camera (6-12yrs.) n this Kids on Campus dass/ children learn about the professional environment of the entertainment industry, and focus on commercial casting. Show KEdz (4-6yrs) n this Kids on Campus class, children learn the art of performance through singing, dancing and reciting children's stories, culminating in a last class performance for parents. Show Stoppers In this Kids on Campus class, children participate in individual and group vocal performance/ culminating in a fast class performance for parents. L.A. PIERCE COLLEGE-COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 60 of 118 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME Introduction to Drum Set DESCRIPTION In this Kids on Campus class, children and their parents learn to play the drums. Piano For Fun (5-8 Yrs.) in this Kids on Campus class, children are introduced to playing the piano in a group setting. Piano Class for Teens (11-17 In this Kids on Campus class/ teens {earn to play the piano in a group yrs) Beginning Violin setting using the chord approach. n this Kids on Campus class, children and their parents learn to play the violin. Popular Guitar In this Kids on Campus class, children and their parents learn to play the guitar. Introduction to Blues Guitar n this Kids on Campus class, children and their parents learn to play the guitar in the Blues style. Destination Science Camp n this Summer camp, children use critical thinking skills and science processing skills to learn science concepts through interactive projects. L.A. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 61 of 118 LOS ANGELES SOUTHWEST COLLEGE CIVIC COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Customer Service Fundamentals Become indispensable to any organization by understanding how to identify and meet customer needs. Turning School Failure into School Learn the newest and best ways to turn around negative, defiant, Success misbehaved, problem youth who seem unable to accept authority to function successfully in school. Learn how to stop problems as they occur or prevent the problems before they happen. Twelve Steps to a Successful Job A world-renowned author and career advisor shows you how to get Search the Job you want quickly and easily, in any economy. Listen to Your Heart, and Success Design a life that makes you happy by learning how you can use work to express yourself and share your interests and talents. Will Follow Loss/ Bereavement and Grief This class introduces techniques to "Resource Parents" to help children in out-of-home care grieve safely/ and deal with separation, death, and loss of family and friends. Maintaining Families Ties This dass focuses on Foster Care and Kinship Care, which has many facets: a loving family; aduits who care; permanence and predictability; roots to strengthen one's attachment to life; an opportunity for each child to have a fair chance at life; ties that bind; community that cares and protects; maintaining connections; and an individuaFs birthright. Kinship is creating ever-expanding circles ofconnectedness. Personal Rights of Foster Youth The rights for youth in Foster Care vary by state. Learn the rights of youth in Foster Care across the country. Strategies for Working with the This workshop wi!f teach foster parents and human services Sexually Abused Child workers know how to deal with foster children who are victims of sexual abuse. Substance Abuse This course is an Informational course on alcohol and drug abuse as it affects children and parents. Teen Pregnancy Prevention This workshop is designed to inform youth of the dangers of unprotected sex. Participants will learn of various birth control methods, induding abstinence. In addition, participants will learn of community resources that offer free and low cost contraceptives, STD, HiV/AIDS screening and pregnancy tests. The Right To Be Angry As a child grows up in the system, they are always tofd they do not have the right to be angry. This workshop wiit walk caregivers through the shoes of a child in pain. LA. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 62 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Through Their Eyes This workshop examines foster care experience through eyes of its survivors. Participants will tell, identify and empathize many of the emotions that are prevalent throughout the foster care experiences. Abandonment Issues This class will assist caregivers with tools on how to lessen the feelings of pain and disconnection that a child experiences when growing up in an unstable environment. Accessing Community Resources Foster/Kinship Caregivers will be given information about resources that are available to assist their youth in fife skills development. Caregivers will also be encouraged to access affordable and informative health care services throughout the community. Behavior Modification: Addressing, Reducing and Eliminating Negative Behavior Get Assertive! This Workshop will provide caregivers with the effective tools needed for modifying negative behavior and reinforcing positive behavior with love. Find out how you can stop others from intimidating you or treating you poorly. Goodbye to Shy Become more confident in social/ professional, and romantic situations. Using Discipline to Protect, This course teaches the age-appropriate, non-physica! methods of Nurture and Meet Developmental disciplining children/ in accordance with state policy/ and the Needs methods of teaching children appropriate behavior, while creating a supportive and accepting family environment. This course wi teach how to help a child identify and build upon personal growth. VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Real Estate Appraisal: A New Real estate sales may boom or bust, but appraisals are done every day. Here is an opportunity that can lead to a high- paying job or an Business/A New Career independent profession, how to enter the field and advance to the higher professionallevel. Marketing Your Nonprofit Further the ideals and goals of your nonprofit by learning to compete more effectlveiy for members/ media attention/ donors, clients, and volunteers. How to Become a Certified Notary Loan Signing Agent A Certified Loan Document Signing Agent is a Notary with expertise in signing and notarizing loan documents in the rea estate/mortgage industry, if you already are a Notary, you are halfway there! The course includes the Loan Signing manual, Sample Loan Documents and Expianation sheets. Job leads and Certification exam. L.A. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 63 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Beginning Braille Prepare for a rewarding career as a transcriber. Learn to write and read the language of the blind. Become A Substitute Teacher :K- Substitute teachers can earn up to $150 per day! Learn basics for 12 and Community College getting started as a substitute teacher and how to do this rewarding job effectively. Resume Writing Workshop Discover the secret to transforming your tired/ boring resume into a powerful tool that will get you interviews. Become A Veterinary Assistant Practicing veterinarian prepares you to work in a veterinary office or hospital. Screenwriting Warriors: Basic Training Pitching Your Film/TV Project Learn to write a script quickly and well at a professional level ready to be marketed as quickly as possible. If you have chance to tell someone about your idea or script/ there is only one way to do it well/ but many ways to not sell. If you want to develop a bulletproof presentation (as well as elephant hide), come learn the right way to pitch your project, get people interested in you, and make a deal instead of a mess. Marketing/Promotional/Finandal This very special workshop has been designed especially for Management professionals in the financial services sector. You wilt understand how marketing can be applied in the greatest of all markets, and then take that fundamental knowledge to build your career as well as professional reputation. CBEST Preparation Workshop If you are interested in teaching at the K-12 level, passing the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST) can get you in the door. This workshop will cover the same math, reading and writing skills that appear on the CBEST. A Practice Assessment, CBEST math and reading comprehension tests wiii be given. Computerized Medical Insurance Learn how to set up a medical practice using your own computer. Billing (A Home Study Course) This course must be completed within two weeks. PrerequisiteExperience as a Medical Billing or completion of previous classes. G.E.D. Preparation Workshop This 10-week workshop will prepare you for ati five G.E.D. subject areas. Two weeks will be devoted to each subject: Language Arts/ Writing Language Arts Reading, Soda! Studies/ Science and Mathematics. Practice exams will be given. Class enrollment is * ongoing. Get Paid to Travel Learn everything you need to start your new and exciting career as a professional tour director. Grant Writing Participants will be introduced to relevant information for a successful grant proposal. You will learn how funding is announced, how applications are judged/ and how to construct each element of * a winning proposal. LA. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 64 of 118 COURSE NAME ntroduction to Medical Insurance Billing Legal Nurse Consulting DESCRIPTION Learn medical billing techniques and how to follow up and collect on billed claims. Begin a new career by helping attorneys understand and resolve medical cases and claims. Medical Insurance Billing II This workshop is for those students who have completed the Introduction to Medical Insurance Billing course or students who are already Billers and want to further their knowledge in medical billing. Prerequisite: Experience as a Medical Biller or Certificate of Attendance from introduction to Medical Insurance Billing. Real Estate investing Build and protect your wealth by investing in rea! estate. Workers' Compensation and Personal injury Learn how to bit! California Workers' Compensation and Persona! Injury cases. Prerequisite: Experience as a Medical BiHer or Certificate of Completion from Introduction to Medical Insurance Billing and Medical Insurance Billing Writing for a Magazine t. Start your writing career quickly and easily with submissions to magazines. Learn whom to approach, what they are looking for, how to approach them and the scams to avoid. Part-time writing can lead to a full-time career, artistic satisfaction and the pride of seeing your name in print. Professional Sales Skills Discover how to begin a successful and rewarding career in sales. Writing Effective Grant Proposal Learn to prepare grant proposals that get solid results for your favorite organization or charity. Becoming a Grant Writing Increase your income while working from home by starting a grant Consultant writing consulting business. High Powered Communication Master the five critical factors of highly effective communication used by all skilled communicators. Individual Excellence: Secrets of Master twelve career-enhandng skills including goal setting/time management/ personal organization, and creativity. Career Success Leadership Gain the respect and admiration of others, exert more control over your destiny, and enjoy success in your professional and persona life. Preserving Your Family History Learn how to plan, implement, document and preserve your family's history with written, visual, audible and documentation tools. Please note this class is not a genealogy presentation. You wii learn how to make your family tree come alive for generations to come. LA. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES AFTACHMENT 1 Page 65 of 118 LITERACY COURSE NAME Grammar for ESL DESCRIPTION If English is your second language, this course will teach you the principles you will need to succeed. Speed Spanish Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words together into sentences, and you will be speaking Spanish in no time. Homework Club: Tutoring Could you use some extra help with your homework? Well/ Join our homework club. Tutoring is available four (4) hours each session, depending on students' need. Enrollment for this service is ongoing. Merrili Ream Speed Reading Acclaimed speed reading expert teaches you how to save yourself time by reading faster with better comprehension. HEALTH COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Exercise and Movement through This safe/ enjoyable and easy-to-do fitness program is designed Dance for Seniors specifically for seniors. You move at your own pace/ to beautiful music, as you participate in the "More Than Stretch" class. It is fitness for the whole body. First Aid Upon completion of this one-day workshop, you will be certified for three (3) years in standard first aid by the American Red Cross. First aid covers sudden illness, fractures, bleeding, shock, stroke/ and others. Ballroom Dance Bring romance into your life and learn to dance. Ballroom dancing for afi ages. Learn the latest styles and techniques of modern ballroom and Latin dancing of today, and meet new friends at the same time. You will have lots of fun learning such dances, as the fox trot, waftz, tango, swing/jive, cha-cha, and more. Belly Dancing The art of Belly Dance has been passed from mother to daughter and woman to woman for a thousand generations, and is the ultimate activity for developing fitness/ grace/ timing and self-esteem. Expand your creative freedom in a safe, supportive and Fun way. CPR Upon compietion of this one-day workshop, you will be Certified for one (1) year in community CPR by the American Red Cross, Community CPR covers adult/ child and infant in CPR rescue breathing, obstructed airway and more. Hip-Hop and Jazzercise This class is structured around hip-hop and jazz styled. Choreography with combination of club and pop style dancing. LA SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 66 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Holistic Health Seminar: The 10 Holistic Approaches to the following: AIDS/ Btood Pressure, Cancer, Common Health Questions Answered A - Z Introduction to Diving Diabetes, Fibroids, Gallstones/ Kidney Ailments/ Liver Ailments, Prostate Health, Weight Loss. Learning to dive can be straightforward and after just a few days of training/ you wlif be able to dive in the open water. Lap Swim Get into shape physically and aerobically through lap swimming. Must be able to swim 25-yards non-stop. Salsa and Cha Cha Let us take you to the rhythmic and tropical dances of South America, and introduce you to the styles and techniques of the salsa/ cha-cha/ mambo, etc. You will feel that you are part of the jovial spirit of the Latinos/ who savor the love of their music. You do not have to have a partner to attend the workshop. Senior Swim Day A beginner swimming program for the elderiy is designed to help them improve flexibility, cardiovascular efficiency, and psychological weilbeing and to minimize the effects of biological aging. Swimming for Fun Being able to swim is a highly valuable skill to have. in addition/ it is a fun and enjoyable sport, a great form of gentle exercise. Tai Chi Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese discipline for health, relaxation, meditation, and self-defense, its circular movements are based on a profound, practical philosophy useful in daily fife. it creates a sense of weif-being and reduces stress, while improving balance/ coordination and flexibility. Wear loose comfortable clothes and flat shoes. Yoga Release all of the tension in your body and mind. Increase your flexibility, decrease your stress and watch your body respond as it slims and trims down. Give yourself an hour vacation once a week. You deserve it, you certainly do! You will be refreshed/ rejuvenated and recharged. HOIVIEMAKIMG COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Candles Arrangements An easy-to-do project that will turn out so fabulous you will get rave reviews and all of your friends and family will want one! This project takes "Birthday Candles" to a who!e new meaning! Kids and adults wi love them! Fforal Art Decoration Learn how to make sophisticated beautiful, fresh flower arrangements for those special occasions. This hands-on workshop allows you to make your own masterpieces and express your own artistic abilities. Gift Basket Making Learn how to assemble the perfect gift basket every time. LA. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERViCES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 67 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Scrap Booking Whether you like traditional scrap booking with albums/ photos, papers, stickers and cutting tools; speedy albums with slip pockets and pre-cut, printed papers; digital photo books created with a computer and a mouse/ or custom framing your favorite works of art, we help you celebrate your memories. Holiday Wreath and Ornaments This class puts you in the holiday spirit. Learn to create gorgeous wreath brimming with pinecones, ribbons, and ornaments as gifts or as special gift tappers. TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Theme Park Engineering Get a behind-the-scenes look at your favorite parks from the person who engineers their top attractions. 101 Tips and Tricks for the iMac and Macintosh An experienced instructor shows you how to become a more productive Mac user. A to Z Grant Writing Learn how to research and develop relationships with potential funding sources, organize grant-writing campaigns, and prepare proposals. Accounting Fundamentals Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of doubie entry bookkeeping, financial reporting and more. Administrative Assistant Prepare to take advantage of the many new job opportunities in health care, legal services, and other industries. Fundamentals Advanced Grant Proposal Writing Gain a fuil understanding of the criteria funders use to determine whether your grant proposal gets funded or rejected. Advanced Microsoft Word learn how to create and use macros, shortcuts, form letters, mailing labels, queries/ and more. Digital Photography Develop skills and techniques for creating basic digital illustration for a variety of design applications. Fundamentals of Technica learn the skills you need to succeed in the wetl-paying field of technical writing. Writing Get Grants! Learn how to develop successfu!/ fundable grants from experts in the field. Intermediate Microsoft Access Learn to solve reai-world business problems with Access. Intermediate Microsoft Excel Work faster and more productively with Excei's most powerful tools. Intermediate Microsoft Word Take advantage of Word's publishing capabilities to create eyecatching documents. LA. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES AHACHMENT1 Page 68 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Introduction to Microsoft Access Store, locate/ print/ and automate access to all types of information Introduction to Microsoft Excel Discover the secrets to setting up fully formatted worksheets quickly and efficiently. Introduction to Microsoft Outlook Communicate and manage information better and faster. Introduction to Microsoft Create brochures, newsletters/ and Web sites with ease. Publisher Introduction to Microsoft Word Learn how to create and modify documents with the world's most popular word processor. Introduction to Nonprofit Management Develop the skills and strategies you need to become an integral part of one of the fastest growing service sectors. Introduction to Outlook Express Learn to create/ send/ receive/ and organize e-mail and newsgroup messages using the popular Outlook Express e-maii program. Introduction to Windows XP learn how Windows XP makes it easy to work with text, pictures/ audio/ video/ and more. introduction to PC Security What you do not know can really hurt you. learn what you can do to protect yourself. Introduction to Powerpoint Build impressive slide presentations filled with text/ images/ video, audio/ charts, and more. Introduction to the Game Leading game designer prepares you for a career in game Industry development, design, and production. Introduction to the internet Master the ins and cuts of the Internet with this informative behindthe-scenes look. Keyboarding Use the computer program Fast Type for Windows to learn the basic skills of touch-typing, Life Skills Development Participants will learn of programs that can assist them in preparing their youth in becoming healthy, productive citizens. By the end of this session, caregivers will have a better understanding of successful strategies to improve the quality of life for the youth in their care. Videography Refers to the process of capturing moving images on electronic media e.g., videotape, hard disk, or solid-state storage, streaming media). The term includes methods of electronic production and postproduction. It is the equivalent ofcinematography, but with images recorded on electronic media instead of film stock. The videography market has grown to include distribution as well as production. With this growth has come market segmentation/ based on the application: event video, corporate video, broadcast video, etc. LA. SOUTHWEST COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 69 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Notary Public Seminar Learn how to earn extra income and build a small business of your own by considering becoming a Loan Document Signing Agent/ or a Notary Public. Renew your Commission. The Training Seminar is designed to equip the participant with the knowledge to be a "proficient" Notary and "Pass the State Exam/'i Paralegal Certificate Program 1 Prepare for a career as a paralegal by learning terminology/ processes/ and other basics (course 1 of 6). Research Methods for Writers Learn the most efficient and effective methods to conduct research for any writing project. Teamwork Learn how to partner with birth parents, social workers, therapist, teachers, and others. To maximize your child's academic/ as well as social and persona! development. Working With Your Macintosh Your Macintosh comes out of the box with everything you could ever need in a computer. This course will show you how to use it all. GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME GRE Preparation - Part 1 DESCRIPTION Discover powerful strategies for success in the verbal and analytical sections of the GRE. GRE Preparation ~ Part 2 learn a variety of useful techniques for tackling the math section of theGRE. LSAT Preparation - Part 1 Learn about law school entrance procedures/ develop analytical reasoning skills, and improve your test-taking skills. LSAT Preparation - Part 2 mprove your iogicai reasoning and reading comprehension skills; discover proven approaches for selecting correct exam answers. SAT Preparation Tutorial classes are offered here at Southwest College. SAT preparation services wif! continue throughout the time that students are enrolled in the program. Beginning Conversational French Discover how easy it can be to fearn common words and phrases for both leisure and business. LA. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 70 of 118 LOS ANGELES VALLEY COLLEGE VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Business of Bartending This exceptional course will prepare you to work as a bartender in all types of establishments, while aiso teaching you the business side of the beverage industry. Additionally/ this course will teach you how to start your own bartending service and alternative ways to make money in the beverage industry. Become A California State This class will provide new or previously commissioned Notaries with Notary Public education and skills needed to pass the state proctored examination, detect fraud and become successful in a new career. Class ends with the State Notary Public Exam. A certificate of completion will be issued. EK6 Technician Certification Program This comprehensive 50 hour EKG Technician Certification Program prepares students to function as EKG Technicians and to take the American Society of Phiebotomy Technician (ASPT) Electrocardiograph (EKG) Technician exam in addition to other Nationai Certification Exams. How to Become a Mystery Shopper and Other Fun Ways To Make Dollars Mystery shopping is a splendid way to earn extra money and have fun at the same time! Shoppers receive assignments from companies that do business evaluations. This class wil! provide you with all the information you need to know so that you can become a mystery shopper including how to get into the Shoppers Network/ how to avoid scams and more! How To Promote Your Business Learn how to generate more business, keep your customers coming On The Internet back, and build a brand name for your small or home based business on the Internet. Learn the tricks and techniques to successfully promote your business on the Web in this exciting course. How To Start Your Own App Business In this class, you will team step-by-step how to take your app idea from concept to the store/marketplace and turn it into income! Medical Insurance Billing Learn the responsibilities of a medical insurance specialist/ the fife cycle of an insurance claim, and the various templates for billing commercial insurance. Prerequisite: Medical Terminology and ICD9CM/CPT-HCPCS Coding Medical Insurance Coding Students wiil learn the different rules in coding diseases in order to meet the requirements for hospital medical records coding by effectively learning to use the updated codes. Those same codes are used for billing insurance companies in order to get the best reimbursement. This course is a prerequisite for Medicai insurance Billing and Procedures. L.A. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNiT/ SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 71 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Physical Therapy Aide This Physical Therapy Aide course will teach the basic skills and knowledge needed to gain employment as Physical Therapy Aides. Upon completion of this program, students will be able to qualify to work as entry-tevel Physical Therapy Aides in a variety of rehabiiitative settings. Upon successful completion of this class/ students will receive a "certificate". HEALTH COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION CPR American Red Cross training and certification in CPR. Earthquake Preparedness In this class, we will discuss what to do during and after an earthquake; preparation of your evacuation and communication plans; and how to assemble an emergency supply kit. First Aid Emergency first aid training for the layperson to administer to adults, infants and children as recommended by the American Red Cross. Prepares individuals to help themselves and others in a health emergency. Course concludes with an exam. !f you pass the exam and wish to have a certificate (to be mailed later), the cost is $15.00 payable to the instructor at class. For ages 18 and above. Holistic Health and Acupressure This class will focus on self and couple acupressure massage and specific points to use for common problems such as: lack of energy and mental clarity, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, etc. (No partner necessary for class but we wili be practicing the neck release on each other in class) Please bring a small hand mirror and water soluble marker to class. GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION 2 Day Film School This intensive weekend fitmmaking crash course will give step-by-step instructions on directing and shooting a film, and marketing your finished project on a budget. Accent Reduction For Actors This class is designed to assist actors whose first language/accent is not American English in "pulling off" a standard American Accent. The class will help actors to master the clear, neutral speech that is required for most roies. This class is also helpful for American actors looking to reduce their regional accent LA. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES AHACHMENT1 Page 72 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Acting For Film and TV A detailed overview of acting and the industry. This exciting class has something for everyone. For fun, personal development/ career enhancement or to Jump-start an acting career. You'll be working every week on exercises/ improvisations and scripts. This class has been a launching pad for many successful careers. Adult Gymnastics (Beginners) Beginner gymnastics and tumbling with emphasis on Ftexibility, Balance/ Conditioning/ and Strength. Athletes will learn to tumble and more. Fun, fun, fun. Open to age 16 and up. Fees Due the 1st of the month. Adult Lap Swim Instruction(Beginner -Advanced instructed iap swim for beginner - advanced level adults. Tryout required. Advanced Gymnastics (Adults, Advanced gymnastics training. Skills covered include all Olympic Events. Tryout required. Calf Coach Johnson at 661-268-2666 to Teens) arrange for a tryout. AH Abs and Healthy Stretch Combo Class If you're looking for a combination of a true abdominals workout and some health stretching this is it! You wil! learn the safe way to utilize "passive" stretching techniques as a replacement for "assisted" stretching. Aqua Fit A combination of water aerobics, swimming, and more for a varied/ challenging/ and fun workout. If you want to get back into shape/keep yourself in shape, or are just looking for something different/ then this is the class for you. Aquatics Pre Team ntermediate to advanced swimmer looking to improve technique, endurance, and efficiency in the water. Participants will learn all skills necessary for competitive swimming. Ages 6 and older. Tryout Required. Ballet/Jazz We are offering a new exciting concept by combining our Ballet and jazz dance classes. Half of the session will be devoted to dasslcal ballet and the other half of the class wiii focus on Jazz dances. This course opens up a whole new world of graceful movements and selfexpression, which will enhance your self-image, and provide you with excellent low-impact exercise. Ballroom Dance (Beginner) Imagine being the image of confidence, grace and style on the dance floor! You will learn the latest styles and techniques of modern bailroom and Latin dancing/ including the foxtrot, waltz/ tango, swing, cha-cha, rumba and more. Beginning Guitar An introduction to the guitar for the complete beginner. Focus on the practical approach to modern guitar, hand positions and posture along with the guitar chord system, the basic chord progressions, and the first major scale pattern. LA. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNIH SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 73 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Blogging For Fun and Profit Learn what a Blog is, where to find them, and how to get one free. Find out how you can share your ideas, pictures, video with family, friends/ organizations/ and customers. Make money with your Blog by selling Google ads and other ways to profit if you have something to show or say to the world! Find out how to set up private Blogs for family and friends. For business owners, learn how to use B!ogs to get and keep customers? BoHywood Dance Inspired by the Indian cinema, Bollywood dance is a fusion of classica and fold Indian dance. This class will introduce you to the fundamental steps, techniques and styles of Bollywooct dance. Chinese Mandarin for Everyone Learn everyday Chinese/Mandarin through speaking, reading and writing with simple sentences. Class will focus on commonly used expressions needed in business, travel and everyday life. Guidance on developing reading and writing skills will be made available. This class is open to complete beginners. Students that enroll in and complete both beginning and intermediate levels of this class will receive a certificate of completion. Comedy Improv Jump into the lively world of Comedy fmprovisation! You will be joining an ongoing group of new and continuing actors for a four-week experience of improvisationaf games and tons of laughter. This is a no stress and relaxed way to build confidence and learn to think on your feet. Come give it a try! If you like it, you can "re"up" for an additional 4 weeks. Conditioning Thru Gymnastics This class for boys and girls ages 5-14 is geared towards increasing body strength/ stamina and self-confidence. Conversational Russian This dass focuses on speaking Russian. However, you wi!f also develop some basic reading and writing skills in this highly interactive class that wilt help you to speak, read, and write in completed sentences/ have face-to-face conversations, and conduct business in Russian. Conversational Spanish Emphasis is on the basic pronunciation, expressions and grammar needed for conversation abroad or in the U.S. Dialect Training For Actors Alt actors are looking to expand their range. Nothing does that better than learning a new accent! fn this course, students wifi iearn severa of the following accents: French, British, German/ American Southern/ New York, Russian, Irish/ Scottish, Japanese, and Arabic. Instruction drills and improvisations will help you develop a seemingly magical array of dialects. Drum Set and Percussion This course will cover all of the basics of drumming including grip and (Beginner) stroke, rhythm reading, beats/ fills, rudiments and more! After this class/ you will be able to play drums in a band or continue your studies to become a professional drummer. LA. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 74 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Effortless Freestyle for This is an off-season swimming program for tri athletes using the Total immersion teaching methods. This class wilt focus on freestyle Triathletes swimming techniques and long-distance swimming. Estate Planning for Everyone This class will show students how to preserve and manage their assets and then transfer to loved ones after they pass away. Topics will include how to properly receive an inheritance as well as how to properly give an inheritance, strategies to avoid expensive delays and more Excel 2010 This course covers the basic spreadsheet skills. Students wili learn how to start Excel/ create worksheets for a working business environment, get help, manipulate worksheet and fifes, and work with charts. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of keyboard and Windows. Fencing lessons Learn how to fence! All types of swords (epee, foil andsaber) are used in this class. Getting A Publisher To Say Yes tn this class, you will learn a!! you need to know about creating a solid book proposal (which includes writing a synopsis) and writing an effective query letter. Lots of handouts provide you with the tools to take home and keep for future reference. Golf Instruction in the following: 1. Basic rules of golf and etiquette 2. Grip, stance, set-up and posture 3. Techniques on short game, chipping, pitching and putting. Golf Intermediate All Three classes will meet at The Van Nuys Golf Center. Gothic Textura (Calligraphy) Gothic lettering (aiso known as /fbtackletter// or /f01de English") is one of the most beautiful styles of the medieval period. This class wi teach how to choose and use the correct caliigraphy tools, the structure and spacing of the alphabet, both upper" and lower-case letters. Group Tennis Lessons (Beginner Tennis lessons for adults. Four (4) levels: Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Advanced) INN Group Tennis Lessons Children Tennis lessons for kids ages 6-16. No previous experience in playing or essons. Gymnastics Clinics The Community Services Department at L.A. Valley College offers a variety of gymnastics programs for all ages and abiHties. Classes emphasize motor development and kinesthetic awareness. Gymnastics (Intermediate) Intermediate gymnastics/ ages 4 and up. Gymnastics Pre Team Knowledge of gymnastics basics in all four events (Floor, Vault, Balance Beam, and Uneven Bars) is required. Participants will be asked to audition for instructor prior to acceptance. This is a competitive program. Please call 818.406.7144 to arrange for an audition. LA. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 75 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTiON Hebrew Calligraphy This course will explore the beauty of the Hebrew Alef-bet and emphasize the calfigraphic aspects of Hebrew. Participants will learn the basic alphabet, and techniques to create a font that is uniquety their own. H.I.T. (High Intense Training) Knowledge of gymnastics basics is required. Will be asked to audition for coach prior to acceptance. This is a developmental program involving limited exhibitions. (Non-Competitive) Harmonica (Blues) This class wil! get you "jamming"' the bfues immediately! Emphasis will be on playing and having fun as you are introduced to many of the tricks and techniques that will enable you to make the harmonica cry, laugh, wail or scream. Hath a Yoga Learn to let go of stress through yoga. Healthy Harmonica Breathing is our foundation when playing the harmonica. We will take the simplest of pop, folk, and blues melodies and invigorate them with simple, but powerful techniques to make any song deeply expressive. Hot Shots Gymnastics Gymnastic classes for girls ages 5-10. By audition only. Piease call 818947-2513 to arrange an audition. Improving Your PC'S Performance This class teaches PC owners and users in easy to understand language for non-technical users how to: Clean out unneeded software. Keep your PC free of infection. Organize your PC so it finds data faster. Customize your PC to save you unnecessary and wasted steps. Determine if it's time to upgrade hardware Interior Design This course will introduce you to specialized field where you will learn real skills from a design professional. This six-week course provides an initial study and overview of the process of designing and decorating your home or office. i-Phones, i-Pads/ and I'm Lost! In this entertaining class, you will learn how to set up your iPhone and/or iPad® for email, texting, Wi-Fi networks/ and Bluetooth and how to best sync with your computer using iTunes®. You also will discover how to take terrific photos and send them to friends, install apps/ etc. Karate Achieve excellence in physical and menta! conditioning, improve se!fconfidence and self-discipline. Learn to defend yourself by mastering self-defense techniques. Men and women, age 17 and up welcome. Line Dance !f you want to team Country Western Line Dancing/ this is the class for you. Simple, slow to moderately paced line dances will be taught in a relaxed/ pleasant atmosphere. Come have fun with us. No partners required. Previous CW dance experience required for Level !1. look Who's Under The Hood You will learn how to change a tire, have a hands-on session under the hood and learn basic vocabulary in order to communicate clearly with your mechanic. ® LA. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 76 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Master Your Investments Learn how to invest inteifigentiy and profitably so that you may secure your financial future through this entertaining and informative workshop. Focus will be on investment strategies and products that can maximize your investment returns/ lower your taxes/ and minimize your risk. This workshop isa must if you invest, or are thinking of investing in an !RA/ insurance, stocks/ bonds, or mutual funds. Microsoft Office 2010 This workshop is designed to introduce you to Microsoft Word/ Excel, Access and Powerpoint. Prerequisite: Windows 98, 2000, ME, orXP and keyboard skills. Middle Eastern Dance No dance has ever exerted a more powerful fascination than Middle Eastern Belly Dancing. You will develop grace, poise, and confidence while learning the most exotic and eloquent of all dances. Basic technique and choreography/ rhythms/ veil, and finger cymbals are all part of this exciting class. Getting in shape was never so much fun! Mighty Boys All mighty Boys gymnastics classes consist of learning techniques on the rings, bars, floor, vault and tumbling track. Class will be taught with discipline and integrity to show the progress of each student Oil Painting Beginners and continuing -14 years old to adult, are welcome to this hands-on class. Especially helpful to those who have been discouraged in their artistic efforts and even those who feel that they have "no talent". Discover a new spirituality through drawing and color. Whether this is your first opportunity to explore the world of art, or you are already into it and want some guidance and new direction/ this class is for you. Photography In this class you wifi learn skills needed to master control of your 35mm single lens reflex (SLR) camera/ fifm or digital, and get predictable/ consistent results, with step-by-step instructions. Professional On Camera This class will teach you what you need to know to get a job as an on- Hosting camera host; how to audition, injecting your personality into the work and more. Parent and Me This isa class for parents to work with their children on water safety and the fundamentals of swimming. Parent must be in the water; child must be toilet trained and wear a swim diaper. Pitching Your Film and TV Projects If you have a chance to teil someone about your idea or script, there is only one way to do It well, but many ways to not sell. If you want to develop a bulletproof presentation (as well as elephant hide), come learn the right way to pitch your project, get people interested in you/ and make a deal instead of a mess. Polynesian Dance Learn the exotic and eloquent dances of the Pacific Islands. You will develop poise and confidence, while getting in shape for those summer luaus. L.A. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 77 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Private Swim Lessons These 25-minute, once a week lessons offer one-on-one instruction to the beginning adult swimmer. Retirement Planning Today n straightforward language, this class will explain time-tested strategies that help you make informed financial decisions. Whether your objective is to build a nest egg/ protect your assets or preserve your fifestyle throughout retirement this course helps you plan your future with confidence. Salsa, Merengue and Bachata" Mere's a chance to learn beginning levels and basic steps in the exciting Beginning Latin rhythms of meringue and safsa bringing you the tantalizing world of salsa dance. No age limit Partner not required. Screenwnting Warriors Learn to write a script quickly and weil at a professional feve! ready to be marketed as quickly as possible. Explore persona! strengths and values with shared storytelling Creativity: I Am a French Fold exercises and creative art techniques! You wili learn simple and fun art Book techniques, while discovering your core strengths and vaiues to create Self-Discovery with Art and a fantastic/ yet simple 3-dimensionat French fold book. Self-Discovery with Art and Creativity: Personal Values Explore personal values of meaning with seif-discovery exercises and creative art techniques! You will learn simple and fun art techniques, Mail Art while discovering your personal values to create colorful and meaningful mixed media mail art postcard. Shallow Water Aerobics This class is for anyone that wants to improve strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance with minimal impact and stress on Joints and bones. Beginner to intermediate levels. Small Group Swim Lessons These flexibty scheduled, 45-minute, twice a week, small group swim lessons/are for children ofai! swimming ability. Learn to swim or get better at swimming with friends. Children must be at ieast 5 years old and toilet trained. For ages 5 to 15. Soap Making Workshop Learn to create different kinds of soaps while learning how to layer colors, use molds, and add fragrances, herbs and toys. Express your creativity and join the fun! Speak Like a Pro In this class/ you will fearn to compose and deliver your speech/ and be able to do so without a script-and without having to memorize! This class wilt teach you techniques that will make you fee! relaxed and prepared. Excellent for anyone called upon to speak in public: writers, managers/ volunteers Splash Club A great class for children who know the fundamentals of swimming and want to learn all of the competitive strokes/ increase their endurance, and have fun. Children must be water safe and be able to swim one length of pool. Ages 6 -14. \ LA. VALLEY COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 78 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Tap Dance Tap your way into new dance style, and give your lower body a great workout. You will learn to perform a!f the basic steps including shuffles/ flaps and ball changes as you iearn the control of tap sounds/ and interpret simple combinations to music. Develop confidence/ coordination and poise. Tone and Stretch This is an intense class focusing on toning the upper and lower body. Resistant bands and your own body weight are used to sculpt the shoulders, arms/ chest/ hips and legs. This class is nonstop/ nonimpact, with special attention given to proper skefetal alignment/ increasing flexibility and strengthening body connective tissue. Total Body Workout and This is a no-nonsense class designed to correctly flatten and Stretch strengthen the abdominal area plus other problem areas. A combination of dance and Yoga stretches and Pilates mat work are included to streamline the entire body. New innovative movements for both men and women create an enjoyable exercise session. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNFTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 79 of 118 WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION A to Z Grant Writing Learn how to research and develop relationships with potential funding sources, organize grant-writing campaigns, and prepare proposals. ACE Personal Trainer Prepare for the ACE Personal Trainer Certification through lecture and Certification Prep hands-on training techniques. Acute Care Nurse (Extended Learn the skills and techniques for being an Acute Care CNA. CNA} Administrative Assistant Prepare to take advantage of the many new Job opportunities in health Fundamentals care, legal services, and other industries. Advanced Eye Shadow Techniques Makeup artists increase their repertoire by learning advanced eye shadow techniques like the cat eye, ombre, and edgy high fashion. Advanced Grant Proposal Writing Gain a full understanding of the criteria funders use to determine whether your grant proposal gets funded or rejected. Advanced Makeup Artistry learn additional techniques of makeup artistry. Advanced Pharmacy Technician Certificate Designed for registered Pharmacy Technicians, this advanced program covers inpatient pharmacy services and sterile products and prepares Program you to work in all pharmacy settings. Advanced Pharmacy Come to this free orientation and learn ati about our Advanced Technician Certificate Pharmacy Technician program. Program FREE Orientation An Introduction to Teaching Learn how to be an effective English language teacher from an expert in the field. ESL/EFl Auto Wholesaling Make money buying, selling or exporting wholesale cars-all from home! Basic Beauty Makeup Get the training you need to become a working makeup artist. Certificate Be Heard And Not Seen: Learn how a career as a voice over artist can be creative and lucrative. How To Do Voice Overs Be Your Own CFO Entrepreneurs learn about business finances and how run a business "by the numbers." Become A Notary Public Gain the knowledge and fearn the duties of becoming a Notary Public. Become a Physical Therapy Prepare for a rewardingcareerasavalued member of the physica Aide therapy team. Become a Veterinary Practicing veterinarian prepares you to work in a veterinary office or Assistant hospital. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNE SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 80 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Become a Veterinary Practicing veterinarian teaches you to manage the entire canine breeding cycle, from assessing the health of parents to puppy care. Assistant II: Canine Reproduction Become a Veterinary Learn the practical skills needed to be a valuable veterinary assistant or Assistant III: Practical Skills educated pet owner. Become A Wedding and Special Event Planner Learn event planning skills and techniques for working on weddings and other special events. Become an Optical Assistant Learn what it takes to become an optical assistant and discover why it is one of todays most popular and fascinating career opportunities. Becoming a Grant Writing Consultant ncrease your income while working from home by starting a grant writing consulting business. Knowing the terminology and the body systems is the foundation for Body Systems and Terminology for Coders and understanding how to do medical coding and billing. Billers Bookkeeping: Balance Sheet Learn how to use the balance sheet to determine the make-up of Preparation assets, liabilities and equities. Bookkeeping: General Ledger Posting learn the fundamentals of bookkeeping by recording and posting Bookkeeping: Income Statement Preparation Learn to prepare income statements for a business and do analysis. C-BEST Preparation Prepare for the C-BEST exam and learn the techniques to be successful. information to a general ledger. Ctinical Dental Hygiene for Graduates of West's Dental Hygiene program continue to get clinica WLAC DH Graduates experience. Computerized Medica Billing Learn how to complete medical billing information on the computer. CPR for Dental Hygiene Learn critical CPR skills necessary for at! healthcare workers. Students and Healthcare Providers CPT/HCPCS Coding Get an introduction to CPT (procedural) descriptive terms and identifying codes. Creating K-12 Learning Materials Creating the Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Success ncrease student performance and earn extra income by converting your ideas for instructional aides into reality. In this professional development course for teachers, you'll get the training you need to reach the diverse mix of students you face every day-tearning proven strategies that turn diversity into opportunity. Current Topics in Coding and We will cover two to three of the latest topics in coding and billing. Billing WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 81 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Customized Topics in Coding We wit! cover two to three of the coding and billing topics that are and Billing most relevant to the current cohort/ including guest speakers from industry. Dental Hygiene Local Anesthesia Workshop A workshop teaches about local anesthesia/ taught by West's Denta Hygiene faculty. Differentiated Instruction in Improve your ability to teach diverse learners with real-world examples the Classroom from elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Differentiating K-12 Learn effective strategies for differentiating your assessments and Assessments empowering every student in your class to succeed. Earn Great Money Teaching Find your niche in this profitable business and start working where you Over 50" Fitness" can earn great money, hefp others stay healthy, and have fun! Explore a Career in a Dental Discover the wide range of dental office careers open to you, master Office basic denta! anatomy and terminology, and fearn how dental professionals create healthy smiles. Explore a Career in Medical Learn how to transcribe the medical reports most often used in Transcription healthca re today. Final Exam for the Medical Discover how much you learned and appiythis knowledge with an Coding and Billing Certificate assessment that mimics common employment exams and allows those who pass to earn our program certificate. FREE Basic Beauty Makeup Find out what the Westside Extension Makeup Artistry program is ali Artistry Orientation about in this free orientation. FREE Medical Coding and Billing Orientation Come to this free orientation and learn all about the profession of medical coding and billing. Fundamentals of Project Learn the fundamentals of project management. Management Get Grants! Learn how to develop successful, fundable grants from experts in the field. Get Paid to Travel Learn everything you need to start your new and exciting career as a professional tour director. Growing Plants for Fun and An industry professional teaches you everything you need to prosper in Profit the backyard nursery business. Hair Braiding Learn some basic braids like the cornrow and fishtaif, and practice doing them on a full-sized mannequin head. Health Insurance and This course covers the basics of qualifying for the major public and private players in health insurance and managed care. Managed Care Homeowner Association Law and Management if you are a Board member or a professional who deals with condominiums, stock co-ops, or planned developments-or own property in an HOA-you need to understand the relevant laws and procedures to manage legally and effectively. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 82 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Hospital Billing Evaluate the CMS-1450 billing form and the collection process by understanding payer guidelines/ federal requirements, CMSand hospital revenue. How To Become A If you like to organize, discover how to turn that into a business. Professional Organizer How to Find a Publisher for Finding a publisher for your children's book is easier if you know the Your Children's Book best way to approach it. How to Make Money From You really can make money with your writing. Whether you want to Your Writing create your own business, add to your income, supplement your retirement/ or boost what you are earning as a writer/ you wilt find the how-to's here. I CD Coding Learn about diagnosis coding related to reimbursement. introduction to Unkedln learn how to use Linkedln, the free and popular job search and career deveiopment tool, to expand your professional network and find the Career Networking job of your dreams. Introduction to Fashion Design Learn the basics of fashion design, as well as how to enter and succeed in the industry. Introduction to Internet A professional writer shows you how to make money writing on the Writing Markets nternet. Learn to develop your craft and art while establishing relationships JBCN Casting Director Workshop with the industry's top casting directors and associates. Make Money As A Secret Shopper how to get started and more. Learn how mystery shopping works, what reporting forms are used/ (atso Mystery Shopper) Managing Customer Service Become indispensable to any organization by understanding how to identify and meet customer needs. Medical Billing 1 Learn the medical billing techniques, and follow up to collecting on billed claims. Medical Billing 2 This course covers billing forms in-depth, including entering charges/ modifiers/ posting payments, appealing denials, and minimizing receivables. Medical Billing 3 In this hands-on computer class, apply what you've learned to exercises in electronic medical claims and become familiar with computerized billing software. Medical Coding 2 Get acquainted with medical chart analysis and H!M chart abstracting. Medical Math Master the math skills you need to succeed in the medical field. Medical Terminology: A Prepare for a career in the health services industry by learning medica Word Association Approach terminoiogy in a memorable and enjoyabfe fashion. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 83 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Payroll Taxes Learn the fundamentals of payroll accounting, indudmg the reasons for preparation, recording and reporting transactions. PetSaver - First Aid, CPR and Learn pet-saving techniques/ pet first aid, CPR and other important Care Certificate skills. Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program This comprehensive program, prepares you to work as a Pharmacy Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program FREE Come to this free orientation and learn about how our program prepares you become a Pharmacy Technician. Technician in this high-demand field. Orientation Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program-Part 1 Part 1 of the Pharmacy Technician program. Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program-Part 2 Part 2 of the Pharmacy Technician program. Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program-Part 3 The final part of the Pharmacy Technician program. Pharmacy Technician Prepare to take the PTCB exam in this review class. Certification Board (PTCB) Exam Review Photographic HairstyHng Discover how to create hairstyles for modeling and the beauty industry. Practical Ideas for the Adult Learn ESL teaching strategies for fostering a more successful learning ESL/EFL Classroom environment for your adult ESL/EFL students, as well as how to create activities that builds a bridge from the classroom to the real world. Professional Certificate for There's much more to being a bartender than mixing drinks-learn the Sartending critical aspects you need to succeed in this field. Secrets of the Caterer Learn cooking and business secrets from a professional caterer. Security Guard Training Get the mandatory basic skills and knowledge to work as a security guard in California. Solving Classroom Discipline A step-by-step approach to effective, positive discipline/ taught by a Problems veteran teacher reveals the secrets to an orderly classroom. Solving Classroom Discipline In this professional development course, you*!) get the teacher training Problems II you need to deal effectively with serious discipline problems and help even the most challenging students you're teaching make more responsible choices. Spanish for Law Enforcement Master the fundamentals of the Spanish language by practicing basic conversational skills and learning essential Spanish terminology for !aw enforcement situations. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 84 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Spanish for Medical Learn medical Spanish quickly and easily, honing your basic Professionals conversational skills and mastering key healthcare words and phrases. Spanish in the Classroom learn the essential Spanish for teachers so you can communicate effectively with your Spanish-speaking students and parents. Start a Pet Sitting Business Discover how to translate your love of animals into a fun and profitable career. Start and Operate Your Own An experienced entrepreneur teaches you how to develop the Home-Based Business motivation, discipline, and creativity to quit your Job and be your own boss. Start Your Own Arts and Crafts Business Learn how to start your own arts and crafts business from a professional artist. Start Your Own Gift Basket Express your creativity in a fun and profitable way/ by starting a homeBusiness based business as a gift basket designer. Start Your Own Mobile App Learn to take your idea for an application for mobile Mac devices from Business concept to completion and get it into the iTunes store Start Your Own Small Stop dreaming and learn how to start your own successful small Business business. Starting a Consulting Find out how you can earn income by sharing your training or Practice knowledge with others. Starting a Nonprofit Industry veteran shows you how to take a nonprofit business from vision to reality. Strategically Planning A Successful Career Change You need to take a strategic approach when considering a career Teaching Adult Learners Learn powerful techniques for reaching and motivating adult learners change. in today's student-centered classroom. Teaching ESL/EFL Grammar Learn new methods for teaching English grammar that will both engage and chailenge ESL/EFL students. Teaching ESL/EFL Reading Discover practical techniques and methods for teaching reading in any ESL or EFL environment that will help you become a more confident and effective reading teacher. Teaching ESL/EFL Vocabulary Discover what makes a well-balanced vocabulary course when you're teaching ESL and how to plan one that truly meets your students' needs. Teaching Math: Grades 4-6 Reinvent math instruction for grades 4-6 by bringing hands-on learning, inexpensive manipulatives/ and real-world connections into your classroom. Teaching Preschool: A Year In this course on teaching preschoolers, you'll learn how to come up of Inspiring lessons with creative and balanced preschool lesson plans for every month of the school year. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNin SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 85 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Teaching Science: Grades 4- Increase your effectiveness as a science teacher for children in fourth 6 through sixth grades. Teaching Smarter With SMART Boards Master the use of SMART Board and SMART Notebook technology so you can create powerful interactive lessons that capture your student's attention. Teaching Students With ADHD Teaching Students With Autism: Strategies for Learn practical strategies for helping children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) succeed in school. Help your students with high-functioning autism and Asperger's Syndrome unlocks their potential in the classroom. Success Teaching Students With learning Disabilities Learn how to meet the diverse needs of students with learning disabilities in your classroom, successfully. Teaching Writing: Grades 4" in this teacher-training course/ you'll learn from an experienced 6 educator how to motivate and assist developing writers. Teaching Writing: Grades K- Learn how to nurture student writers in the early elementary 3 classroom. The Business Entrepreneurial Stewardship Training (BEST) Accelerated Entrepreneurial Stewardship Program helps current business owners improve their entrepreneurial Training (BEST) Accelerated skills and knowledge to improve their business operations. The Business Program The Business Entrepreneurial Stewardship Training (BEST) Genesis Entrepreneurial Stewardship Program prepares motivated, visionary people with the professional Training (BEST) Genesis skills and knowledge to start-up an enterprise and succeed in business. The Business Program The Classroom Computer Learn how to use the classroom computer to increase learning and motivate students. Threading A to Z learn how to thread to remove unwanted hair from faces, arms and the body. Twelve Steps to a Successful World-renowned author and career advisor shows you how to get the job you want quickly and easily and in any economy. Job Search Understanding the Human learn to handle basic human resource functions to ensure the best Resources Function possible resuits. Wedding Floral Design Learn the basics in designing bouquets, boutonnieres, and corsages in this crash course on the most intricate aspects of wedding floral design-creating personal flowers. Wedding Floral Design II A foflow-up course to Wedding Floral Design I/ this class will delve further into other aspects of wedding persona) flowers induding pomanders, hair wreaths, and wrist corsages. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNE SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 86 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Workers' Comp Guidelines Learn how to handle workers compensation claims in medical billing. for the Medical Profession Wow, What a Great Event! Learn proven techniques from a master event planner how to start a fun new career coordinating special events. Write a Grant in One Day Learn about grants and proposals and what it takes to develop applications that will get funded. Write Children's Picture You can write children's picture books for fun and make some money Books for Fun and Profit doing so. Writing Effective Grant Learn to prepare grant proposals that get solid results for your favorite Proposals organization or charity. Write Successful Grants Learn how to write and develop grants and proposals that will get funded. LITERACY COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION 10 Ways to Improve Your Discover 10 easy ways to improve your writing for work, school or Writing personal needs. Better Grammar in Three An intensive grammar workshop designed to help you avoid the most Hours Business English common mistakes. Discover how to improve your writing so that you communicate more effectively. Easy English 1 In this easy and fun course/ you'll learn the basic English skills you need for real-life activities including shopping, Job-hunting, and handling medica! emergencies. Easy English 2 n this easy and fun course, you'il review some basic English skills and build more intermediate-levef English skills for reaMife activities including using the bank, finding a job or a home/ dealing with sicknesses/ and making good shopping decisions. Easy English 3 Build on the language skills you mastered in Easy English 2, as you learn to talk about reaf-life situations including looking for a job, making a budget/ buying a home/ and taking care of your health. Enhancing Language Development in Enrich the lives of your children by learning fun and natural ways to help them become proficient speakers and thinkers. Childhood Grammar for ESl f English is your second language and you're headed to college, this course will teach you the principles of grammar and structure you'll need to succeed. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 87 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION MerriH Ream Speed Reading Acclaimed speed reading expert teaches you how to save yourself time by reading faster with better comprehension. More Better Grammar A follow-up intensive grammar workshop deals with more mistakes that are common. Prepare for the TOEFL Gain the skills, strategies/ and confidence you need to succeed on the TOEFLtest. Reading improve your reading skills and comprehension. Ready, Set/Read! A learning specialist shows you how to raise a successful reader and writer. Response to intervention: Learn response to intervention (RTI) strategies that ensure the struggling Reading Strategies That readers in your classroom get the help and education they need. Work Steps Of Writing A Report: The instructor will lead you through all the steps of writing a report Entering Grades 4-6 and through lecture and group work-from picking a topic, to doing research/ Entering Grades 7-12 to writing and presenting your report with dynamic visuats. The learning Foundations Reading and math skills can be improved greatly when parents participate Project - Reading and in their child's learning. Math West Language Academy Our 7-week intensive English program can help you speak and understand English more easily. Writing Essentials Master the essentials of writing so you can excel at business communications, express yourself clearly online, and take your creative literary talents to a new level. Grammar Refresher Gain confidence in your ability to produce clean, grammatically correct documents and speeches. HEALTH COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Assisting Aging Parents Be prepared to handle the challenges you and your parents will face in the coming years, while learning to cherish the transition. BLS Healthcare Provider Provides a wide variety of healthcare professionals the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies/ provide CPR,use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. Certificate in Enhance your professional marketabitity by gaining a broad understanding of alternative health care options. Complementary and Alternative Medicine WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 88 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Certificate in End of Life Care Earn a certificate proving you understand the needs of individuals iving with debilitating, chronic, or terminal illnesses. Certificate in Gerontoiogy Earn a certificate proving you have the skills required to meet the heaith care needs of a rapidly aging population. Certificate in Growth and Gain new insights in human development and be better prepared to Development Through the Lifespan care for patients of all ages. Certificate in Holistic and Explore the exciting/ growing field of holistic and integrative health in this comprehensive certificate program designed for medical providers Integrative Health and consumers. Certificate in Holistic and Integrative Health: Students will focus on foundational concepts in holistic and integrative health, including stress management, physical activity and movement, Foundations 1 nutrition, and healing environments. Certificate in Holistic and Students examine the heaiing systems of Ayurvedic and traditiona Integrative Heafth: Chinese medicine/ explore the connection between health and the human spirit, and learn about diverse practices of meditation. Foundations 2 Integrative Health: Students explore the concepts of four holistic therapeutic modalities focusing on the use of humor/ music and sound, energy healing, and Foundations 3 massage and bodywork in healing. Certificate in integrative This groundbreaking certificate program offers a holistic, integrative Mental Health approach to treating mental health problems. Certificate in Issues in A holistic approach to the care of patients with disorders of Oxyge nation oxygenation. Certificate in Meditation Students explore the meditation techniques that can be used to Certificate in Holistic and support the mind-body connection and promote healing, health, and weliness. Certificate in Pain Assessment and Management This certificate provides an overview of the mechanisms of pain, the muitidiscipiinary methods of assessment, management, and treatment of pain/ which include adults, children, and the elderly with cancer related and non-cancer related pain. Certificate in Perinataf Issues The Certificate in Perinatal Issues is a multidisdplinary educational experience designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of individuals who provide care and support for chiidbearing women, newborns, and families. Certificate in Spirituality, Health, and Healing Enhance your professional marketability by recognizing the impact spiritual values and beliefs have on health and healing. Fitness 4Life Fitness 4Life is designed to help you develop and maintain the five health-reiated components of fitness. Handling Medical Emergencies Every second counts during a medical emergency. Learn how to respond if someone needs your help. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 89 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION HIPAA Compliance learn how to comply with the duties/ rights, and responsibilities of HtPAA.ARRAandHITECH. Infant and Child CPR Be prepared to respond quickly when your child's life is in danger and learn how to prevent accidents. lose Weight and Keep It Off Discover how to establish a healthy approach to successful weight loss and weight maintenance for a lifetime. Luscious/ Low-Fat/ Lightning- Discover the ease of preparing meals that are both delicious and Quick Meals nutritious! Standard First Aid and Adult Covers injury and illness prevention, emergency recognition, adult CPR CPR techniques and the three emergency action steps. TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Achieving Top Search Engine Learn proven, step-by-step strategies to achieve the highest possible Positions position with the major search engines. Administrative Assistant Gain the skills and knowledge you'l! need to prepare for the Certified Administrative Professional exam and begin a rewarding career as an Applications administrative assistant. Advanced CompTIA A+ Certification Prep Finish your CompTIA A+ Certification Prep by learning how to select, install, and service video, sound, and portable computers, and how to network/ secure, and troubleshoot. Advanced Microsoft Excel Discover the advanced features and functions of Microsoft Excel and find out everything this powerful program can do for you. Advanced PC Security Use ethica! hacking techniques to locate and close security holes in your own network. Advanced Web Pages Take your Web development skills to the next level as you learn how to create advanced websites using CSS/ HTML5, media queries for mobile devices, interactive forms/ and embedded video. Basic CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep Beginning QuickBooks Start preparing for CompTIA® A+ certification as you learn PC basics and troubleshoot in a real world PC environment. learn how to use QuickBooks software to handle accounting and financial tasks for a business Bfogging and Podcasting for Learn how to create your very own blog and add a podcast too using Beginners the tools that you already have available on your computer. CompTIA® Network+ Prepare to take and pass the CompTiA® Network+ Exam and begin a Certification Prep career as a network tech. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 90 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION CompTIA® Security+ Master the terms and concepts you need to pass the CompTIA® Certification Prep 1 Security+ exam and earn your Security+ certificate. CompTiA® Security+ Continue to prepare for the CompTIA® Security-i- exam as you review the information you need to pass the test and earn this important Certification Prep 2 certification. Computer Skills for the Workplace Gain a working knowledge of the computer skills you'it need to Create Your Own Website Learn hands-on the basics of creating your own website. Creating a Classroom Web Learn how to create a classroom Web site and how having one can Site make you a more effective and dynamic teacher. succeed in today's job market. learn how to build mobile-friendly websites for devices such as Creating JQuery Mobile Websites With Dreamweaver smartphones and tablets using Dreamweaver and JQuery Mobile. Creating Mobile Apps with Learn to use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and Web APIs to create HTML5 cross-platform mobile apps and mashups. Creating Web Pages Learn the basics of HTML so you can design, create, and post your very own site on the Web. Creating WordPress Websites Creating WordPress Websites II learn how to use WordPress, a free and popular Web design tool/ to create attractive btogs and interactive websites. Discover how to create and maintain dynamic websites and blogs without technical coding using the self-hosted WordPress.org publishing platform. Designing Effective Websites learn powerful graphic design techniques and build Web sites that are both attractive and wickedly effective. Digital Photography Basics Discover how to take better photographs with your digital camera. Discover Digital Photography An informative introduction to the fascinating world of digital photography equipment. Distribution and Logistics Learn how to improve your company's distribution and logistics Management management activities, increase customer satisfaction, and improve operational throughput. Excel for Windows learn hands-on how to use Excel to create spreadsheets and discover countless shortcuts/ tricks/ and features for creating and formatting worksheets quickly and efficiently Facebook and Social Media Find out how to use Facebook and Social Media Marketing to promote Marketing your business. Get the Most Out of Your iOS Get the most out of your Apple products by learning to integrate their Hardware Devices functions. GoogleMeThis! Discover all the features that Google has to offer. Great Photos in a Snap Learn to take great photos in a snap. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 91 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION HowtoSelfoneBay Discover the secrets to successfully selling your products on eBay. How to Publish Your Learn the secrets to getting your children's book published. Children's Book Intermediate C# Learn to write Graphical User interface programs in the C# Programming Programming Language. Intermediate CompTIA A+ Certification Prep Take the second step toward becoming a CompTiA A+ certified technician by going inside the PC to install and configure drives and then diving into the Windows operating system. Intermediate CSS3 and Take your CSS3 and HTML5 skills to the next level and learn how to create professional-quaiity websites. HTML5 ntermediate Dreamweaver Take your web design skills to new heights as you master advanced Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 or CS6 techniques. CS5 or CS6 Intermediate Flash CS5 Master the use of more advanced Fiash techniques including Movie Clip symbols, ActJonScript/ animation/ application programming, and interactivity techniques. Intermediate InDesign CSSor Master the advanced features of Adobe InDesign CS5orCS6andget hands-on practice in creating professional-quality documents. CS6 Intermediate Java Programming Deepen your understanding of the Java programming language, and start writing programs that are more sophisticated and professional. Intermediate Microsoft Learn how to build more intuitive and powerful Microsoft Access Access databases. ntermecfiate Microsoft Excel Master advanced features of Microsoft Excel/ including charting and PivotTabfes/ and discover how this powerful MS Office program can boost your productivity. Intermediate Microsoft Word Intermediate Networking Learn more advanced features of Microsoft Word/ which enable you to create an index/ a list of figures, and a table of contents, do desktop publishing, perform a mail merge, and use timesaving macros. Gain practical experience in a hot new career field. EB Topics include VPNs, security, and Internet connectivity. Intermediate Oracle Learn how to write powerful and fiexibie PL/SQL programs. Intermediate Photoshop CS4/CS5 or CS6 Take your Adobe Photoshop CS skills to the next level by mastering layers, layer masks. Smart Objects, and other advanced features that let you re-edit images easily long after you create them. MySQL Learn how to create a dynamic/ interactive online store using advanced PHP techniques and a MySQL database server. Intermediate QuickBooks Learn intermediate features of the QuickBooks software program. ntennediate PHP and WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNIP^ SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 92 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Intermediate QuickBooks Master the advanced features of QuickBooks and learn to manage multiple company flies, create customer statements/ enter price levels for inventory/ and much more. ntermediate QuickBooks- Reports and Bank Learn how to generate reports and do bank reconciliations in QuickBooks. Reconciliations Intermediate SQL Expand your knowledge of Structured Query Language (SQL), the industry standard database programming language. ntermediate Visual Basic Gain in-demand VB skills writing sophisticated Windows programs that access and modify business databases. Intermediate Web Page Design Continue to learn hands-on about website design. Intermediate Word and Excel Learn more intermediate features hands-on about Microsoft Word for Windows and Excel. Introduction to Adobe Acrobat 9 Create PDF documents and more with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, and learn to use many of the software's time-and cost-saving features. Introduction to Adobe Learn how to use Adobe Acrobat X to create PDF files and take Acrobat X advantage of its many timesaving features, communication options/ and forms. Introduction to Adobe Edge Learn how to use Edge Animate, Adobe's tool for creating graphics, Animate animation, and interactive content for the Web and mobile devices. Introduction to Ajax Programming Learn Ajax programming and discover how to use the technologies that comprise Ajax (HTML, JavaScript, XML, PHP, and more) to create Web applications with desktop-like performance. Introduction to ASP.NET learn how to create powerfui/ interactive, community-based Web sites with ASP.NET. Introduction to Business Learn powerful techniques to improve your decision-making skills at Analysis work. introduction to C# Learn the fundamentals of computer programming with the new C# Programming programming language. Introduction to C++ Learn to program in C++, even if you have no prior programming Programming experience! Introduction to CorelDRAW Learn to draw with confidence, using CorelDRAW to design professional newsletters/ greeting cards, web graphics, logos/ and amazing works of art created from your own photos. X5 Introduction to Crysta Reports Learn how to use Crystal Reports to create attractive business documents that are easy to read and understand. [?! Introduction to Crystal Reports 10 Make the points you want to make by converting raw database or accounting information into impressive and meaningful reports. WEST LA COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 93 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Introduction to CSS3 and HTML5 learn to create state-of-the-art Web sites using modem CSS3 and Introduction to Database An experienced professional guides you through a structured Development approach to database design and development. Introduction to Digita Scrapbooking Learn how to make the most of your scrapbooking talents and artistic ideas when you combine digital and traditional scrapbooking HTML5 techniques. techniques. Dreamweaver CS5 or CS6 Learn to use Adobe Dreamweaver CS to design, create, and maintain user-friendly Web sites full of professional-quality Web pages. Introduction to Flash CS5 Learn how to use Adobe Flash CS5 to create engaging Web sites. Flash Introduction to movies, animation/ and interactive applications. Introduction to Final Cut Pro Learn how to make the leap from home video enthusiast to professional video editor using Apple's revolutionary Finat Cut Pro X x editing software. Introduction to Flash CS6 Learn the fundamentals of using Adobe Flash CS6 to create engaging Web pages, mobile apps. Flash movies, animation/ graphics/ and interactive applications. Introduction to Google Analytics Discover how to use Google's free/ state-of-the-art Web anaiytics tools/ Google Analytics, to track and improve traffic to your websites, create reports, and analyze data. Introduction to Illustrator CS4, CS 5 or CS6 Master the fundamentals of Adobe Illustrator CS and learn to create spectacular vector images. Introduction to InDesign CS4, Learn how to use Adobe InDesign software to design and produce professional quality letterhead, brochures, newsletters, business CS5 or CS6 cards, and more. Programming An experienced Java programmer introduces important Java topics with clear/ step-by-step instructions. Introduction to JavaScript Students will learn to use JavaScript to add interactive features such as Introduction to Java buttons and picture carousels to their Web pages. Introduction to Lightroom 4 Learn how to use the tools in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 to organize and edit your images and develop an efficient image processing workflow. Introduction to Linux Learn how to use the Linux desktop operating system along with the included productivity, multimedia, and Internet software. Introduction to Microsoft Access Learn to build/ edit/ and maintain a database in Access 2010, using tables, reports, forms, and queries to give you fast access to all your important information. Introduction to Microsoft Work with numbers? You need to know Excel. Learn the secrets of this Excel powerful application. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNiTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 94 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Introduction to Microsoft Get up to speed on the latest developments in Outlook, including how to manage email, the calendar, and contacts and how to get the most out of program tools such as Search Folders and Quick Steps. Outlook Introduction to Microsoft Powerpoint Introduction to Microsoft Project learn how to use Microsoft Powerpoint to create exciting slide presentations that include SmartArt/ multimedia, animation, sound, charts, clip art, and hyperlinks. Discover how to effectively plan/ implement, and control projects using Microsoft Project, the world's most popular project management software. Introduction to Microsoft Learn how to design professional publications, including newsletters, Publisher fliers/ and brochures/ with Microsoft Publisher. Introduction to Microsoft Learn how to create and modify documents using Microsoft Word, the Word world's most popular word processing program. Introduction to Microsoft learn to use the world's most popular word processor for creating Word for Mac documents and formatting text, now available on the Macintosh. Introduction to Networking Learn the fundamentals of networking and prepare for a career in a new and fast-growing fieid. Introduction to Oracle Learn how to use the Oracle database management system to plan/ organize, and manage your data. Introduction to PC Security Security expert teaches the fundamentals of PC and network security. Introduction to PC Learn to decipher and solve almost any problem with your PC. Troubleshooting Introduction to PCs for It's not too late to discover how computers can be useful. Absolute Beginners Introduction to Peachtree Learn how to perform everyday accounting tasks quickly and easily Accounting using Peachtree Accounting. Introduction to Per! Learn a programming skill that will make you a more valuable Web developer or system administrator. Programming CS4/ CS5 or CS6 Learn how to use Photoshop, the world's best graphics program for photographers, to edit photos and create original images. Introduction to PHP and Learn how to create dynamic, interactive Web sites using PHP and a MySQL MySCU. database server. introduction to Photoshop Introduction to Programming Take your first steps toward a career as a computer programmer as you master basic programming concepts and get hands-on practice in writing applications containing GU!s/ sound, and graphics. ntroduction to Python Programming Learn the fundamentals of computer programming in Python with topics that include basic decisions and !oops, advanced data structures, object-oriented programming/ and graphical user interfaces. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 95 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Introduction to QuickBooks Learn how to quickly and efficiently gain control of the financial aspects of your business with this powerful accounting software program. Introduction to Ruby Programming Introduction to SQL learn how to create a dynamic Web biog using the Ruby on Rails programming environment and the Ruby programming language. Gain a solid working knowledge of the most powerful and widely used database programming language. Introduction to Visual Basic learn how to write code for Windows applications using the Visual Basic programming language and development environment. ntroduction to Windows 7 Get up to speed quickly on Microsoft Windows 7 with this fun and easy hands-on course for beginners. Introduction to Windows 8 Learn how get the most from the Microsoft Windows 8 operating system. iPhones, iPads, and I'm Lost If you have an iphone or iPad and are not sure how to use it, this is the place for you. Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay Auction pros teach you how to work from home or earn extra income by buying and selling goods online. Mac, iPhone, and iPad Programming Objective-C and the Xcode compiler. Learn to create Mac/ iPhone, and iPad apps and programs using MacBook Workshop-Unleash Unleash the power and potential of your MacBook. the Power and Potential Manufacturing Applications Increase efficiencies and productivity by learning to apply the principles and concepts of manufacturing. Manufacturing Learn the basic skilis required to work in the manufacturing fiefd. Fundamentals Marketing Your Business on Develop an Internet marketing plan for your business that incorporates SEO, advertising, email/ social media, and more. the Internet Microsoft Excel En the Classroom Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Test Prep Microsoft Office Specialist Word Test Prep Learn the basics of Microsoft Excel in this professional development course for teachers, and get the training every teacher needs for using and teaching this powerful program effectively in the classroom. Enroilees prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam for Word. Enroltees prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam for Excel. Microsoft Powerpoint in the Learn how to motivate students and enrich your lessons by bringing Microsoft Powerpoint into your dassroom. Classroom Microsoft Word in the Classroom Harness the power of the most popular word processing program on the market and become a more productive and creative teacher. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 96 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Performing Payroll in Learn how to use QuickBooks to create paychecks/ pay tax liabilities, QuickBooks and produce forms and reports. Photographing Nature with Learn how to use your digital camera to take stunning nature photos, including landscapes, flowers/ animals/ and even macro shots. Your Digital Camera Photographing People With Learn to take beautiful pictures of adults/ children, and babies. Your Digital Camera Photoshop CS5 or CS6 for the Learn how to use the tools and techniques of Adobe's Photoshop CS to edit and enhance your photographic images. Digital Photographer Photoshop CS5 or CS6 for the if you already know the basics of Photoshop CS, take your photoDigital Photographer II editing skills to the next level by mastering its advanced features and techniques. Photoshop Elements for the Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements to successfully edit and fix your photos and images. Digital Photographer Photoshop Elements for the Master the advanced features of Adobe's Photoshop Elements, and Digital Photographer II learn to edit and enhance digital images, restore old photos, and merge images. PMP® Certification Prep 1 Begin a well-paying career as a project manager by preparing to take-and pass-the PMP certification exam. PMP® Certification Prep 2 Prepare to take-and pass-the Project Management institute's PMP certification exam. Powerpoint for Windows Learn hands-on to make computer slide show presentation using Powerpoint. Praxis I Preparation Develop the knowledge and skills you need to pass the Praxis I Exam as you review and prepare for everything the test includes. Project Management Applications Experienced project manager teaches you tricks of the project Project Management Gain the skills you'll need to succeed in the fast-growing field of Fundamentals project management. Purchasing Fundamentals management trade. improve your company's bottom line by mastering the fundamentals of purchasing. QuickBooks 2013 for Learn how to use the Premier Contractor Edition ofQuickBooks for Contractors your construction business to create contract estimates, perform time tracking and Job costing/ bill your clients, and much more. QuickBooks Payroll Use QuickBooks to do payroll for a company Secrets of Better Learn how to take better pictures by understanding your camera and Photography how to use it in a variety of situations. Six Sigma: Total Quality Learn to apply the elements and methods of Six Sigma to achieve the Applications highest possible quality. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 97 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Social Networking: An Find out what Facebook/ Twitter and other social media programs are Introduction to Facebook, a about. Twitter and Beyond Start a Blog or Podcast Get your voice heard online by starting a bfog or podcast. Supply Chain Management Master the fundamentals of supply chain management and prepare Fundamentals for internationally recognized certification examinations. Total Quality Fundamentals Learn the basics of total quality management. Travel Photography for the Learn the tricks and techniques digital photographers need to capture Digital Photographer scenes from around the world and bring them home. Using the Internet in the Discover how you can use the Internet to make teaching easier for you Classroom and more relevant to your students. Using Social Media in Learn how to use the five most popular social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, Pinterest, and Google+~to grow and Business 1*1111111 promote your business. What's New in Microsoft Office Get up to speed on MS Office and learn how to use the new features of Word/ Excei/ Powerpoint/ and Access. Wireless Networking ndustry expert shows you how wireless networking works, as well as how to plan, deploy, and connect to wireless networks. Word for Windows Learn basic word processing tools using Microsoft Word. Working with Photos the Digital Way digital photos. Discover how to use software programs to edit and improve your GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION A Writer's Guide to Develop your eye for detail and improve your writing with vivid Descriptive Settings descriptions, memorable settings/ and believable characters. Achieving Success with Difficult People Learn how to have relationships that are more successful with difficult Adult Swimming: level 1 This beginning class for adults will cover basic swimming techniques, ike breathing, kicking and arm strokes. Adult Swimming: level 2 Beginning swimmers wiif learn additional strokes, including the backstroke and sidestroke, and improve your coordination/ breathing bosses, co-workers/ students, neighbors, or relatives. and endurance. Adult Tennis 1 Beginning students will learn the five basic shots: forehand, backhand/ volley, overhead and serve. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 98 of 118 COURSE NAME Adult Tennis 2 DESCRIPTION Continue to refine your shotmaking skills and improve your tennis game. Adult Tennis 3 ntermediate and advanced tennis players wiil continue to refine their game and shot making skills. Advanced Soccer The focus wii! be on player skill development through tactical, smallsided games. Advanced Fiction Writing Explore advanced fiction writing techniques with a published novelist. Advanced Men's Basketball The focus wilf be on developing skills and technique, conditioning, and drills. Advanced Women's The focus will be on developing skills and technique/ conditioning, and Basketbaf drills. Adventures in Art (Ages 613) ways using different media as they develop their artistic skills. Kids will use their imagination and paint or draw images in creative Algebra 1 Tutoring: Entering Learner review variables in algebra, order of operations, equations 8th Grade and Above and inequations, graphing linear equations and linear inequalities. Algebra 2 Tutoring: Entering Learn or review linear systems, quadratic equations and factoring. 8th Grade and Above Graph linear systems and exponential and quadratic functions. American Sign Language Learn the language and customs of the deaf community in this dass designed for beginners but open to ali levels. Anger Management and Learn strategies and techniques needed to de-escalate conflict and Conflict Resolution improve effective communication. Animal Massage n this workshop, Jan will teach you how to massage your pet/ demonstrating sequences/ touch and hand positions. Aqua Aerobics Low-impact water exercises provide increased resistance and can improve cardiovascular health and muscle tone/ even help you lose weight Aqua Zumba Known as the Zumba "pool party/" Aqua Zumba gives new meaning to the idea of an invigorating workout. Argentine Tango Learn the dance steps for the exotic Argentine Tango. Arthritis Foundation This aquatics program, approved by the National Arthritis Foundation, is specificaliy designed to increase your range of motion, improve balance and strength, while reducing your pain. Aquatics Program Art-tastic Camp (Ages 6-13) Students will work hands-on with charcoal, watercofors, pastels, and more in this weekjong summer camp. Ballet and Barre Tone-up/ improve posture, develop musde strength and gain coordination through balleti WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITf SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 99 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Ballet/Tap at Creation Kids wil! develop strength, balance, coordination and flexibility-plus Station start learning proper body alignment, barre and center floor exercises. Barre Blast learn the latest trend in working out; the barre can be used to stretch, strengthen, tone, burn calories/ and improve posture. Basic Bead Knotting Knotting between beads on a necklace creates interesting designs and keeps you from losing them all if the strand breaks. Basic Beading Rather than spend a lot of money on someone etse's designs/ why not create your own beaded jewelry for a fraction of the cost? Basic Inking for Comics and This hands-on course demystifies the process, teaching the basic inking techniques most commonly used for cartoons and comic books. Cartoons Basketball Camp Boys and girls will work on ball handling, footwork, shooting, passing/ rebounding and defense in this sports camp. Basketball Scrimmage The focus will be on learning the finer points of basketball-offensive plays, defensive sets, game strategy. Basketball Workout Hone your basketball skills and participate in fun, but competitive games. Beach Babies on Ice (ice Toddlers accompanied by parents will learn to ice skate at the Toyota SkatingAge 3) Sports Center. Beaded Leather-Wrap Learn the techniques for making trendy beaded ieather-wrap Bracelets bracelets. Beauty And The Bath n this fun, hands-on class/ discover simple techniques for making oneof-a-kind bath products that will relax and deiight you. Beginner's Guide to Getting Published writer shows you how to give yourself the credibility you Published need to get your books and articles pubiished. Beginning Blues Harmonica The emphasis will be on playing and having fun as you are introduced to the tricks of making the harmonica cry, laugh/ wail and scream. Beginning Conversationa Discover how easy it can be to iearn common words and phrases for French both leisure and business. Beginning Digital Learn to make scrapbook pages, cards, announcements/ various craft projects/ and work projects like brochures easily and inexpensively. Scrap boo king with Photoshop Elements Beginning Guitar: Ages 10-16 Learn the basics of playing a guitar, including basic strumming and chords. Beginning Tennis for Kids: Ages 8-14 Beginning students wifi learn the five basic shots: forehand/ backhand, volley, overhead and serve. Beginning Writer's Workshop Get a taste of the writer's life and improve your writing skills in this introduction to writing creatively. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNFTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 100 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Belly Dancing Learn how to do body isolations, undulations/ all kinds of shimmies and more as you increase your movement vocabulary and coordination level with the most exotic dance form in the world. Blow Your Own Glass Globes Learn to bfow your own glass giobes, adding different colors of flit and stringers to create varying designs and shapes. Body Moves for Brain Power These research-based activities incorporate rhythmic patterns and sequences designed to stimulate brain cell activity/ boost focus/ enhance blood flow to the brain, and improve mental responses. Body Works With this energetic, fat-burning/ musde-toning workout, you will engage in a variety ofcardio exercises. Bollywood Dance Boflywood dance mixes classical Eastern dance traditions with modern Western ones like hip-hop, creating a form of dance that's totally unique, and familiar and exotic at the same time. Boxercise This aerobic workout combines basic boxing techniques and conditioning with aerobics. Breaking Into Sitcom Writing Learn from a veteran TV comedy writer how to write professiona sitcom scripts and how to break into show business. Bridge, Beginning Learn a fast and easy way to pfay bridge, including rules, bidding and basic strategy. Bridge, Intermediate Continue to develop strategies for bridge and refine your playing skills. Brit-West Soccer Camp Young soccer players will focus on speed and agifity/ scoring goals/finishing, confidence in possession, dribbling/how to go past opposing players/ passing and receiving/ and defense in this weeklong summer camp. Broadway Dance Come and dance !ike a Broadway star in this fabulous energetic class. Building Teams That Work Explore secret communication techniques and probiem-solving skills that will help you get your team in the workplace on track in no time. Business and Marketing Writing Write great marketing copy to improve your company's image and your chances of getting hired or promoted. Business Finance for Non This course will help you understand business environments, financial statements/ and strategy so you can make more profitable business Finance Personnel and personal financial decisions. Cake Decorating With Learn how to roll fondant into a sheet and cover round and square Fondant cakes with it, as well as how to make fondant flowers, leaves/ bows, garlands, !ace, ruffled borders, and more. Candle Making learn to make your own decorative, scented candies at a fraction of the price you pay in stores. Capoeira This Afro-Brazilian martial art dates back centuries and combines selfdefense/ acrobatics and dance. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 101 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Cardio and Core Body Sculpture Come improve your cardfo and muscle fitness, while reducing fat and achieving maximum muscle strength in this refreshing workout that wili give you energy for the weekend and work week ahead. Cartooning for Fun and Profit Introduceyourseif to every facet of the cartoon art process, from concept to finished product. Colored Pencil Drawing Learn the tools and techniques for creating art with colored pencils. Techniques Comics 101 Learn how to create and design characters, work on a story line/ do mock-ups and finish with an 11x17" comic book page. Container Gardening Learn the basics of designing with containers, including the best plants/ how to arrange them and what does and doesn't work. Contemporary Figure Painting The emphasis will be on personal vision and individual expression, as weff as use of values, shapes, edges and color temperature. Contemporary Floral Design Come explore your passion for flowers in this hands-on course covering the "must know" topics of contemporary floral design. Contemporary Floral Design Further, explore different centerpiece shapes that best complement Basics II: Seasonal Arrangements the beautiful array of in-season flowers. Conversational Japanese Whether you want to team conversationaf Japanese for travel or Just for fun, you'll find this course makes it easy and enjoyable for beginners to master the essentials of the Japanese language. Creating a Business Plan Learn how to develop a sound business plan, which is crucial for business success. Creating a Successful Learn what is required to develop and create a successful business. Business Creating a Business Budget Turn your business ideas into a solid plan for financing and long-term success. Creating Classroom Centers Learn how to create engaging/ easy-to-maintain classroom center activities that boost independent learning while increasing small-group instruction time. Creating Comics Books and Learn the basics of creating a comic book or graphic novel. Graphic Novels Dance Away Those Pounds You'll tone muscles and learn a variety of basic dance steps-all at the same time in this fow-impact exercise class. and Feel Like a Star Dance, Dance, Dance Camp n this one-week camp/ students will gain an appreciation of the art (Ages 6-13) form by learning a little hip-hop, a little salsa, a little bit of modem dance, and a little Jazz. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 102 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Dances With Hoops This new form of dance/ fitness, and creative expression can relieve stress, tone the entire body, expand cardiovascular capability, build core strength, promote spinal flexibility/ and burn 400-600 calories per hour ~ but mainly, its Just FUN and it feels good! Dealing with Difficult People Learn to handle people who make you feel guilty, crazy, weak or inadequate. Decorate Cookies with Style Beautiful/ delicious cookies are always in season because they can be customized for any occasion and when you make your own, you are limited only by your imagination. Disco Hustte and Freestyle Nightclub Dancing Schedule a night out and enjoy the nostalgia of both disco music and disco dance. Do-lt-Yourself Home Repair Learn the basics of simple household repairs for plumbing/ eiectrica! and structural (doors, windows/ walls/ etc.) problems through instruction and hands-on practice. Draw the Line Here! In this basic drawing class/ you'il be introduced to composing with line/ shape/tone, and color. Drawing and Painting A-Z Get a quick overview of both drawing and painting basics, touching on principles like form/ color harmony, layering, texture and color mixing. Drawing for the Absolute Gain a solid foundation in drawing and become the artist you've always dreamed you could be! Beginner Drought-Toterant Landscape Find out how to replace your thirsty lawn with interesting groundcovers that do not have to be mowed and can reduce your water bill. Effective Business Writing Improve your career prospects by learning how to develop powerful written documents that draw readers in and keep them motivated to continue to the end. Effective Selling Learn the secret to converting a potential customer into a long-term asset. [D Find out how to lay the groundwork for repeat business and your future success. Empowering Students With Explore common disabilities you'll encounter in the classroom and Disabilities master techniques for promoting academic, behavioral, and social skills in students with special needs. Estate Planning Learn how to preserve and manage your assets while you still can, and then transfer them to your loved ones after you pass away. Etiquette: Manners Matter ntroduce your child to the basics of answering phones, other greetings (including handshakes), table manners, posture, personal grooming and developing an appropriate fashion sense. Fast Macrame Jewelry and Learn one fast-macrame knot that you can use in a variety of ways to More create jewelry or household items. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 103 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Fatburner Fitness The primary training activity will be the aerobic super circuit-weight machines and cardio machines like treadmills, bikes and ellipticals ~ to help you achieve a higher level of fitness and overall health. Fencing Learn the fundamentals of the sport, including body position/ use of the saber, footwork, attack, defense and rules of the fencing strip. Fencing for Kids (Ages 8-12) Kids will learn the fundamentals of the sport/ including body position/ use of the saber, footwork/ attack, defense and rules of the fencing strip. Figure Drawing from Life Designed especially for students with little or no drawing experience/ you will iearn how to draw the human form. Flamenco Dance You'il be introduced to fiery footwork/ graceful arm and hand movements and the gypsy art of handdapping called "palmas." Floral Design for Special Through demonstration and hands-on practice, you wiif learn the Occasions techniques and design elements to create beautiful fforaf pieces to make your speciai occasion one to remember. Football Skifls and Development mprove your football skills and continue to develop your talents on the gridiron as you increase your quickness/ strength and endurance by training in the weight room and on the football field. Fractions Workshop This workshop will focus on adding, subtracting, multiplying/ and dividing fractions. Fractions/ Decimals and Designed for entering 5th and 6th graders who are struggling with Percents Review fractions/ decimals and percents. Students will add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions/ decimals, percents and negative numbers. French For Travelers Learn basic French vocabulary and useful phrases dealing with travel, time, shopping/ eating, emergencies and more. Fresh Floral Holiday Wreath Create a gorgeous rustic and elegant floral wreath and a floral arrangement using Fail flowers, ferns and ivy. Fundamentals of Supervision Learn the people skills required to motivate and delegate, and learn tools for solving problems and resolving conflicts. and Management Fundamentals of Supervision learn how to be an effective manager or supervisor. ^Master the and Management II basics of communicating effectively, and learn tools for developing your own interpersonal skills. Fundamentals of Technical Learn the skills you need to succeed in the weit-paying field of Writing technical writing. Genealogy Basics Learn where to look/ who to contact, and how to use research tools to begin an exciting and fascinating exploration of your roots. Geometry: Entering 9th A brief introduction to geometry, covering area, volume, triangles, Grade and Above circles, angles, parallel lines and regular polygons. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 104 of 118 COURSE NAME Get Assertive! DESCRIPTION Find out how you can stop others from intimidating you or treating you pooriy. Get Funny! Learn how to use humor to speak more effectively, write better/ and increase your popularity. Get Wired-Make Your Own Learn tips and tools of the trade of basic wire wrapping techniques, and learn how to incorporate wire wrapping into many kinds of Jewelry jewelry. Getting Over Your Fear of Selling Conquer your fears and become a better salesperson. Gift Baskets For All Occasions Dazzle friends, family and clients with a wonderful custom gift basket that you create in this hands-on class. This performing arts program is an innovative approach to enriching Dramatic Movement Camp the lives of young giris, fusing poetry presentation with creative Glow Girl Poetry and Ages 6 -12 movement. This performing arts program is an innovative approach to enriching Dramatic Movement: Ages 4- the lives of young girls, fusing poetry presentation with creative Glow Girl Poetry and 12 Glycerin Soap Making movement. n this fun and simple class, you will learn how to make several types of soap. GMAT Preparation Discover powerful test-taking techniques and methods for improving your score on the GMAT. GRE Preparation - Part 1 (Verbal and Analytical) GRE Preparation" Part 2 (Quantitative) Discover powerful strategies for success in the verbal reasoning and analytical writing sections of the GRE® revised Genera! Test (course 1 of 2). learn a variety of useful techniques for tackling the quantitative reasoning sections of the computerized GRE® revised General Test (Course 2 of 2). Guided Reading and Writing: Get the professional development training you need to improve Strategies for Maximum student literacy as an accomplished teacher shares the secrets of Student Achievement turning guided reading strategies into opportunities for teaching writing. Guided Reading: Strategies Learn creative ways to bring differentiated instruction and guided for the Differentiated reading to life in your classroom. Classroom Guitar 1 Learn how to read music, where the notes are on the guitar/ basic strumming and chords. Guitar 2 Learn more advanced bar chords and some basic scales, which will be applied toward playing simple songs you've heard on the radio. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 105 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Gymnastics (1st Grade and This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of Up) Girls Gymnastics is geared for girls in the 1st grade and up. Gymnastics (3rd-7th Grade) This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of Girls Gymnastics is geared for girls in the 3rd to 7th grades. Gymnastics (Age 3] Camels This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of Gymnastics is geared for young pre-scholars. Gymnastics (Ages 10 and This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of Up) Tween/Teen Gymnastics is geared for tweens and teens. Gymnastics (Ages 1-2) Foxes This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of and Pups Gymnastics is geared for parents and toddlers. Gymnastics (Ages 2-3) This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of Kangaroos and Joeys Gymnastics is geared for parents and toddlers. Gymnastics (Ages 3-4) This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of Zebras Gymnastics is geared for dose-aged siblings and friends/ age 3-4. Gymnastics This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of (Kindergarteners/ boys only) Gymnastics is geared for boys in kindergarten. Lions Gymnastics This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of (Kindergarteners, girls only) Gymnastics is geared for girls in kindergarten. Tigers Gymnastics (1st Grade and This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of Up)Boys Gymnastics is geared for boys in the 1st grade and up. Gymnastics (Ages 4-5) Elephants This 6-week gymnastics training at the Josephson Academy of Gymnastics is geared for older pre-schoolers. Half-Day Camp: Math Can be Learn to turn challenging problems into fun and interesting projects in Fun! (Entering Grades 3-9) Hand Painted Silk this weeklong summer camp. Learn to make beautiful sifk scarves and other items at a fraction of the cost. Hands-On Home Decorating See how a professional designer thinks without paying the high price ofone-on-one consultation. Handwriting Analysis Learn to analyze a few sentences of your own writing to learn what personality traits are revealed through the slant, spacing, shape, and formation of letters. Hawaiian Hula, Beginning Discover the beautiful, graceful moves of the Hawaiian hulaandthe hip-shaking allure oftheTahitian hula. Healthy Harmonica Learn simple pop/ folk and blues melodies, and make them deeply expressive using techniques that are simple, but powerful. High Impact Presentations Learn effective techniques to give high impact to your presentations. WEST LA COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 106 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION High Speed Project Learn to deal with the realities of managing projects at supersonic speeds despite truncated timeiines, inadequate staffing, and skimpy Management budgets. Hip Hop at Creation Station Hip Hop is an explosive, funky dance style that combines memory, coordination/ rhythm games, and loads of energetic fun? Hip-Hop Dance Hip-hop dancing is more popular than ever, and even if you've never danced before, you'll catch on quickly. Hip-Hop Dance for Ages 9-15 Kids will have a great time learning Hip-Hop dance steps to age appropriate music. Hockey I (Adult) Holiday Floral Design Adults can learn to play hockey at the Toyota Sports Center. t's time to get into the holiday spirit by making beautiful hotidaythemed floral designs. Homeschoot With Success Discover how to homeschoof your children in a way that ensures they get what they need both academically and socially. Hooray For Crochet With just a hook and a few dollars' worth of yarn/ you can embellish inexpensive t-shirts and jeans to make items that sell for big bucks in stores. Hot Hair Styling learn to create basic hairstyles that use heat to shape and texturize the hair. How to Buy Tax Lien and Tax Learn how to buy tax lien and tax deed properties for sale. Deed Properties for Sale How to Buy the Home of Learn how to buy the home of your dreams in this one-day seminar. Your Dreams How to Fix Being Broke Identify what kind of spender you are and what changes you can make now that can turn around your situation. How to Market Your Take advantage of all the Internet can offer when marketing your Business Using the Internet business. How To Play Blues And Boogie-Woogie Piano Learn the six-not scale unique to the bfues/ it's universal chord progression, blues form/ shuffle rhythms, bass lines and improvising techniques. How to Reduce Your Living Expenses by 10% or More Learn to manage your personal finances with confidence and how to eliminate unnecessary expenses by tracking your income and spending patterns. How To Use Your IRA To Build Wealth with Real Learn about a unique and under-utilized tool for creating tax-free real estate wealth via "self-directed" IRAs. Estate Human Anatomy and Physiology Gain a greater appreciation and understanding of the marvetous compiexityofthe human body. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNfTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 107 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Human Anatomy and Physiology II Learn the basic characteristics of the four main types of tissues, the genera! and special senses, cellular metabolism, body chemistry/ and significant events in the life span, from fertilizatlon through old age. Hypnosis For Weight Hypnosis has proven to be a safe and effective means for managing Management your weight. Learn how to direct your subconscious mind to correct and improve faulty behavior, and free yourself from unsuccessful attitudes. Ice Hockey for Tots (Ages 4- Children wiii learn to play ice hockey at the Toyota Sports Center. 5} ice Hockey for Youth (Ages Youngsters will learn to play ice hockey at the Toyota Sports Center. 6-X4) Ice Skating (Adult) Adults can iearn to ice skate at the Toyota Sports Center. Ice Skating for Tots (Ages 4" Children will learn to ice skate at the Toyota Sports Center. 5) Ice Skating for Youth (Ages Youngsters will learn to ice skate at the Toyota Sports Center. 6-14) Individual Excellence nstant Italian Master twelve career-enhancing skills including goal setting, time management, personal organization, and creativity. Learn Italian from the comfort of your home in this fun and enjoyable online course. Intermediate Ballet Build on the basics you already know-feet/arm positions, releve balance/ basic barre combinations and basic center work. Intermediate Pilates Learn many new exercises that challenge your core and peripheral strength, flexibility/ balance and coordination. Interpersonal Become aware of the conscious and unconscious codes of meaning we Communication send when communicating with others. Intro to Property Discover the benefits of a career in property management. Management Introduction to Algebra Understand how algebra isreievanttoalmostevery aspect of your daily life, and become skilled at solving a variety of aigebraic problems. Introduction to Biology Learn how cells and DNA determine the structure and function of the human body and get a foundation for a career in the heaithcare or medica! professions. ntroduction to Boot Camp f you ever wanted to take one of those extreme boot camp classes but resisted because you thought you wouldn't make it past the first day/ then this is the workout for you. Introduction to Chemistry Gain a solid foundation in the basics of chemistry and see how everything that goes on in your body depends on a chemical reaction. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 108 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Introduction to Fly Fishing Learn all about fly-fishing and develop the skills needed to successfully angle for trout. Introduction to Guitar Master basic guitar skills and become the musician you have always wanted to be. Introduction to Interior Explore a career in interior design as you learn how to transform any Design room into a beautiful and functional space. Introduction to Journaling Discover how Journaling can help you learn more about yourself, explore your dreams, values, and beliefs/ improve your health, survive unwanted change/ succeed in your career, and express your creativity. Introduction to Natural Learn how to promote welfness/ balance/ and health in all aspects of your daily life. Health and Healing Introduction to Nonprofit Develop the skills and strategies you need to become an integral part Management of one of America's fastest growing service sectors. Introduction to Learn everything you need to know to write a great script, from structure, character creation/ and dialogue to marketing and selling Screenwriting your screenplay. Introduction to Stock Learn how stock options can protect your portfolio and help you profit Options in any type of market. Introduction to Tai Chi Tai Chi Ch'uan is a gentle, moving meditation that conditions the body and mind, leading to a heightened sense of well-being. Ch'uan Investment Planning Part 1: Learn the purpose of investing, how to start a savings plan, planning Financial Planning for emergencies/ managing debt and why people fail to achieve financial independence. nvestment Planning Part 2: Learn what a stock is and how it works and discuss dividends, stock yields, the three rules of stock investing, price/earnings ratios, what Investing in Stocks diversification really means, and more. Investment Planning Part 3: Learn about mutual funds/ basic investment terminology/ load versus Mutual Fund Investing no-load funds, fund families/ indexed funds and more. Investment Planning Part 4: Learn how to analyze mutual funds to best fit your investment goals/ how to research your 401{k) and 403(b) investment options and Funds exchange traded funds (ETFs). How to Analyze Mutual investment Planning Part 5: Learn how to read Value Line and Standard and Poor's reports, and Stock Research why the Internet may or may not be your friend when it comes to doing stock research. Investment Planning Part 6: Learn about government/ tax-free municipal and corporate bonds, Bond Investing and Proper ratings, how to buy them and how to make the proper investment Asset Allocation allocation between stocks/ bonds and other assets to reduce portfolio risk. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNIP^ SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 109 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION investment Planning Part 7: learn how easy and wise it is to take advantage oftax-deferred Planning for Your Retirement savings accounts/ Traditional and Roth IRAs, !RA roffovers and 401k and 403b plans. Irish Dancing Come join the fun and learn the traditional Irish jig and reel. Italian For Travelers Learn basic itaiian vocabulary and useful phrases dealing with travel, time, shopping, eating, emergencies and more. It's Nice To Be Kneaded Learn simple techniques for massaging the back, neck, arms, legs and Massage feet. It's Swing Time! Learn Single-time Swing and Triple-time Swing and dance the night away! Jazz Dance Learn contemporary, funky, hip-hop and theatrical jazz dance techniques and develop performance skills. Jin Shin Jyutsu: Health and Jin Shin Jyutsu, an ancient Japanese art of self-healing/ uses simple and Beauty At Your Fingertips subtle finger pressure to tone muscles and modify the body's energy flow. Kettfebeli Fitness Kettlebell exercises are unique in providing strength, endurance and flexibility training a!l in each one-hour session. Keyboard Kamp (Grades 5 Become more familiar with proper touch-typing technique/ ultimately resulting in faster and more accurate typing. and Up) Keyboarding Knowing how to use a computer keyboard well is an absoiute necessity. This class helps develop accuracy, speed and comfort with the location of the keys. Keys to Effective Lost for words? Don't be! Learn to build rapport, trust, warmth,and Communication respect through conversation. Keys to Successful Money Certified financial planner shows you how most wealthy people build Management their fortunes. Kids Can Cook Learn how to make simple and delicious snacks that may require use of a microwave/ but not a stove or oven. Kids' Swimming level 1 This beginning class for kids age 5-14 will cover basic swimming (Ages 5-14) techniques/ like breathing, kicking and arm strokes. Kids' Swimming Level 2 (Ages 5-14) Beginning swimmers age 5-14 will learn additional strokes, including the backstroke and sidestroke, and improve your coordination, breathing and endurance. Knot It! Beyond Friendship Learn the time-honored craft of knotting-or macrame-by making Bracelets (Ages 11 and up)- friendship bracelets and more. Macrame Landscape Design Learn the basic principles of landscape design that you can use to beautify your yard and save lots money in the process. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENTl Page 110 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Leadership Gain the respect and admiration of others, exert more control over your destiny, and enjoy success in your professional and personal life. Learn To Play Piano By Ear Learn to play any song by ear, from simple folk tunes to difficult standards. Let's Dance Learn current dances like the Cha-Cha, East Coast Swing, Ntte Club 2step, the Waltz and Foxtrot. Listen to Your Heart, and Design a life that makes you happy by learning how you can use work Success Will Follow to express yourself and share your interests and talents. long Pose Life Painting Learn how to use shapes values/ edges, and color temperature to build volume and create color transitions in figure painting. LSAT Preparation - Part 1 Learn about the law school entrance procedures, developing analytical reasoning skills, and improving your test-taking skills (course 1 of 2). LSAT Preparation - Part 2 Make Your Own Sushi Improve your reading comprehension and logical reasoning skills/ and discover proven approaches for selecting correct exam answers (course 2 of 2). Learn to make sushi, have fun and do it for about one-fifth of what it costs to eat at a sushi bar. Managing Life as a Single Parent Get the insights/ resources, strategies, and support every single mom and dad needs for doing the toughest job on earth; parenting children on your own. Marketing Your Nonprofit Further the ideals and goals of your nonprofit by learning to compete more effectively for members, media attention/ donors/ clients, and volunteers. Mas Salsa-Salsa 2 f you've taken Salsa dance, then come for Mas Salsa and learn more styling and patterns to enhance your enjoyment of the dance. Mastering Public Speaking Learn the secrets of effective public speaking and small group communication. Mastery of Business Acquire practical experience in strategic planning/ management/ and Fundamentals finance without enrolling in an MBA program. Mat Pilates Mat Pilates is a harmonious mind-body workout that helps you activate the "powerhouse" muscles and strengthen, lengthen and tone the abdomen, pelvic cavity, lower back, glutes/ hips and thighs. Math Can Be Fun: Grades 3 Math doesn't have to be a struggle-it can be fun if you take the right and 4 approach. Math Facts: Entering 1st and Topics to be learned and reviewed are borrowing; carry over, money, 2nd Grade and time. Math Facts: Entering 3rd and Times tables are the foundation for success in division, advanced multiplication, fractions, decimals and other math functions. 4th Graders WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 111 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Math Facts: Entering 5th and Topics include carrying, borrowing and basic division with remainders. 6th Graders Math Improvement: Grades Fun examples and techniques will be used to teach students how to add, subtract, muttipiy and divide fractions/ decimals, percents and Sand 6 mixed and negative numbers. Math Refresher Gain confidence in your basic math skills and start using math to your advantage. Modeling for Ages 11-18 Modeling is a dream Job for many kids and young adults, but there's ots that you need to know to succeed. Music IVIade Easy Learn the fundamentals of music theory. Be able to read, write, and play simple music. Mystery Writing Using vivid examples from bestseHlng mystery novels/ this course will teach you the techniques you need to become a successful author. Natural A's / A's the Easy Way (Ages 10 and Up) Learn the secrets to getting A's by improving note-taking and memorization skills/ reducing test anxiety and being alert and focused. Natural Hair Care Find out how to create great hairstyles without heat/ this preserving the integrity of the hair. Learn how to navigate the legal, financial, emotional, and interpersonal waters of the divorce process and emerge grounded and healthy. Navigating Divorce No Days Vacant-Rent your Learn how to rent your vacation property every day of the year. House Out in One Day Nonprofit Fundraising Learn the basics of fundraising for nonprofit organizations, from Essentials annual and special fund drives to more advanced projects involving corporate and foundation relations/ major gifts, and planned giving. Learn the simple and beautiful 3-D one-stroke painting techniques, One-Stroke In 3-D just like you've seen on TV. One-Stroke Painting Learn the simple and beautiful one-stroke painting techniques, just like you've seen on TV. One-Stroke Painting: Fast Drying Oils ** Learn the simple and beautiful one-stroke painting techniques using fast-drying oils. Organizing for the learn your specific clutter pitfalls, costs of your clutter, and common Unorganized mistakes we all make. Painting A-Z Get a quick overview of both drawing and painting basics, touching on principles iike form, coior harmony, layering, texture and color mixing. Painting Flowers and Plants learn basic watercolor techniques from washes and glazes to more in Watercolor saturated pigmentation as you paint beautiful flowers and plants. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 112 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Parent and Me Pre Swim Basic swimming techniques/ like breathing/ kicking and arm strokes Water Basics Ages 3-5 (Toddler) will be covered in this toddler swim class. Parent and Me Pre Swim Here's a great opportunity to get your child comfortable in water, Water Fun (ages 6 mos. to 36 have fun and bond. mos.) Pastels and More Personal Finance Learn the tools and techniques of paste! artistry. Protect your assets and discover how best to achieve all your financial goals. Piano Your Teachers Never Taught You Find out how to play any popular song in any key and learn 72 chords, 156 hand positions, how to read music from a lead sheet and fake books. Picture This! Photography Kids will learn the basics of taking a good picture, then work with and Art (Ages 8-14) printing and painting techniques to enhance their photo. Pip Hop at Creation Station Pip Hop is hip-hop for the younger set-lots of rhythm, body awareness/ simple choreography and high energy, all set to cool funky music! Play Winning Poker Learn poker strategies from an expert, including basic rules, hand analysis and assessing your opponents. Pleasures of Poetry This course will help you create your best possible work, whether you're looking to be published or simply wish to craft beautiful poems for friends. Plein Air Painting with Explore painting trees, skies, and other landscape features as we meet Watercolors outdoors for location watercolor painting. Poker Lab Learn the importance of table and seat position, the best strategies for playing made hands and drawing hands, how to bluff successfuify, figuring the odds/ value betting, reasons for raising, and more. Portrait Painting Explore the fundamentals of composition, color mixing, and different approaches to painting portraits. Practical Mandarin Chinese Learn to conduct simple conversations in Mandarin and understand key Chinese cultural concepts and traditions. Practical Spanish Learn to understand and speak Spanish for almost any situation. Vocabulary, verbs and useful practical phrases are covered. Practical Spanish II (More Practical Spanish) Continue building Spanish vocabulary/ learn verb tenses/ commands, pronouns and useful practical phrases. Practical Spanish III (Even Continue expanding your Spanish vocabulary and begin conjugating verbs in past imperfect and several future tenses. More Practical Spanish) Practical Ta rot: Major Arcana Get a brief introduction to the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 113 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Practical Tarot: Minor Arcana Learn about the various ways to interpret the 56 cards of the Minor Area na. Pre Algebra Review: Entering Learn or review order of operations, variables, and linear equations. 7th and 8th Graders Prepare for the GED Obtain the skiils and knowledge to successfully prepare for the GED Language Arts, Writing Test Language Arts/ Writing test. Prepare for the GED Math Master the skills you'll need to successfully pass Test 5 in the GED test Test series. Prepare for the GED Test * Want to pass the GED test? This course will help you develop the skills you'll need to succeed. Presenting Without Anxiety You can present without anxiety in any situation if you learn these in Any Situation techniques. Princess Series Ballet with Kids will explore elements of creative movement, ballet, tap, and Jazz and learn to "tell a story with their body" in this delightful trip to Tap at Creation Station enchanted kingdoms. Princess Series Dance Come stretch your imagination, as well as your toes, in the storybook dance class based on dances from your favorite fairy tales and ballet stories. Professional Sales Skills Discover how to begin a successful and rewarding career in sales. Project Management For Absolute Beginners learn basic project management skills and approaches. Protect Your Money, Credit, Learn how to guard against scam artists, identity thieves/ predatory and identity lenders, and abusive debt collectors. Public Speaking for Kids Public speaking is a skill and an art form that needs to be nurtured/ so start now to strengthen your child's public speaking skills. (Ages 8 and Over) Publish and Sell Your E-Books Learn how to use free tools to publish an e-book, and then list and sell your e-books in the world's largest online bookstores. Real Estate Investing Build and protect your wealth by investing in real estate. Real Estate Investing II: Financing Your Property Discover the tools professional investors use to crunch numbers and analyze potential deals, and learn how to make better decisions with sophisticated, yet easy-to-use worksheets for doing your own financia analysis. Real Estate: To Buy or Not to Find out the sound approach as to whether or not to buy real estate as <. Buy-an Investor's Perspective an investment. Research Methods for Writers Learn the most efficient and effective methods to conduct research for any writing project. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 114 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Resolve Fears/ Phobias and Grief Thru Seff-Hypnosis Learn to overcome fears or phobias of public speaking, flying, success, sex and other iife-diminishing situations through hypnosis. Resume Writing Workshop Discover the secret to transforming your tired/ boring resume into a powerful tool that will get you interviews. Rowing 1 (introduction to Learn basic rowing techniques, theory and equipment handling. Sculling) Sailing 1 (Introduction) Learn everything you need to start sailing right away in this ciass geared for students with fittle or no sailing experience. Salsa Blast Workout Come have a blast exercising to the hot Latin rhythms of Salsa music. Safsa Dance Learn the basics of Salsa and easy patterns to get you out on the dance floor. Samba Come experience the history, culture and music of this dance that makes Carnival a must. SAT Prep Learn skills and test-taking techniques to succeed when taking the SAT. SAT/ACT Preparation - Part 1 Master the reading, writing, English, and science questions on the ACT and new SAT. SAT/ACT Preparation - Part 2 Master the math questions on the ACT and new SAT. Sea Kayaking 1 Discover for yourself the exhilaration of kayaking as you glide across the surface of the ocean, communing with birds/ dolphins and harbor seals. Self-Hypnosis For a Better Use self-hypnosisto alleviate stress, pain, fears and phobias. Life Shibori (Tie-Dyeing) Learn the Japanese art of Shibori Tie-Dyeing as you create three beautiful scarves. Sign Language For Kids: 7-14 introductory sign language skills will be taught in a fun, unique way. Silver Clay Jewelry Learn how to work with this revolutionary craft material using only your hands and simple toofs to create beautiful, handmade silver jewelry. Singapore Math Strategies: Master model drawing is a revolutionary technique for teaching Advanced Mode) Drawing for middle school math students how to triumph over word problems and Grades 6-9 learn to love math. Singapore Math Strategies: Teachers will receive training needed to starting using the powerful Model Drawing for Grades I- Singapore Math strategy, which gives word problems a visual context. 6 Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computational Strategies In this teacher-training course, you'll learn Singapore's innovative and practical strategies for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication/ and division problems. WEST L.A. COLLEGE-COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACHMENT 1 Page 115 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Skills for Making Great Learn how to make excellent everyday decisions from an experienced Decisions counselor and life coach. Small Business Marketing on Discover small business marketing strategies that can help you attract a Shoestring attention, woo your target audience, grow your customer base, and expand your profits ail for little or no money. Soccer Players will focus on strength and conditioning exercises, safety and injury prevention, and rules of the game. Social Security Explore ways to maximize your social security benefit. Not designed Secrets for those who have been collecting social security benefits for more than a year. Spanish for Kids Fun exercises expose kids to the Spanish alphabet/ basic words, phrases and sentences so they will be able to understand and speak Spanish. Speed Spanish Speed Spanish II Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words together into sentences/ and you'll be engaging in conversational Spanish in no time. Foltow-up to our popular Speed Spanish course. Several new recipes help you continue building fluency. Speed Spanish li! Master your ability to speak, understand, and read Spanish by taking the final installment in our unique three-part Speed Spanish (earning series. Sports and Fitness Camp In the 2 weeks allotted, campers will delve into the following sports: basketball/ baseball/ flag football, ultimate Frisbee, and soccer. Stand Up Comedy learn the fundamentals of stand-up comedy including technique and nuances/ joke construction, comedic theory, how to market your comedy and how to produce your own comedy show. Start Your Own Edible learn how to grow delicious/ nutritious fruit and vegetables in your Garden own backyard. Start Your Own Home-Based Discover the secrets of starting and running a successful home-based Business business. Stocks^ Bonds, and Investing: Learn how to make wise investment decisions so that you have Oh, My! enough money to live comfortably through your retirement. Stretch and Tone ncrease your flexibility and strengthen your abs; stretch and tone your body/ with an emphasis on flattening your core abdominal muscles. Study Skills and Report Review techniques to stop procrastinating, manage time more Writing: Grades 3-5 and 6-12 effectively/ improve listening and note-taking skills and discuss the steps of writing a report. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 116 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Study Skills: Entering Grades Children will learn how to pull out important information, start 4-6 thinking about concepts/ look up words in the dictionary, and even take notes. Study Skills: Entering Grades Review techniques to stop procrastinatmg/ manage time more 7-12 effectively, improve listening and note-taking skills, as wel! as concentration and memorization of material. Summer Sunsets and Work both indoors and outdoors, using your imagination to Twilight Painting personalize your painting of a summer sunset Sunset/Full Moon Paddle As the sun sets and the moon rises/ paddle away in a kayak from the hustle and bustle of the city. Surfing 1 (Introduction) Come hang 10 and ride those waves with style and confidence as you earn balance, timing, technique and ocean and wave mechanics. Survival Kit for New Teachers Veteran instructor shares the secrets for success in your first years of teaching. Swim Camp Come beat the summer heat and fill your afternoons with fun and fitness in this week-teng camp where you'll learn how to swim. Take IVIore Cake-Cake Enhance your basic cake decorating skills and learn more in-depth Decorating level 2 techniques. Take the Cake-Cake Discover how easy it is to create beautiful cakes for many occasions. Decorating Level 1 Tap Dancing Learn basic tap dance beats and rhythms/ riffs, focomotor steps, and center floor combinations. Teen Swimming (ages 10-14) This beginning class for kids age 10-14 wil! cover basic swimming techniques, like breathing/ kicking and arm strokes. Test Taking Secrets For Jobs Learn to reduce text anxiety, increase focus and concentration and and School improve your results, whether it be for work or school. Thai Fruit and Vegetable Carving The centuries-old Thai art of fruit and vegetable carving adds beauty and elegance to any table or dish and is creative and relaxing. The Analysis and Valuation Discover valuable techniques that show you step-by-step how to of Stocks research and value stocks. The Brain Class-A Blueprint Learn how to protect and enhance your brain to help aileviate for Brain Fitness forgetfufness and boost focus and concentration. The Craft of Magazine Writing If you're a determined new writer/ this class will provide you with the skills you need to get published. The Creative Classroom Enrich your teaching talents and encourage your students' creative thinking as you learn to turn your classroom into a creative classroom. WEST L.A. COLLEGE - COMMUNITY SERVICES COURSES ATrACHMENTl Page 117 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Learn how to combine two powerful educational approaches; Instruction and Response to Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention; so you can The Differentiated intervention Connection enable every student in your classroom to succeed. The Keys to Effective Editing if you aspire to be an editor/ this course wiil teach you the fundamentais of top-notch editing for both fiction and nonfiction. Tiny Pros Soccer Ages 2-7 Children develop basic soccer skills to learn confidence and Top 10 Remodeling Pitfalls Learn to avoid the top 10 remodeling pitfalls and obtain a better outcome with fewer surprises and headaches. and How to Avoid Them! Tots and Tutus at Creation Station coordination. Kids will begin to learn basic dance while using puppets, musical instruments, props, bubbles, body movement and gross motor ski development games. Travel Writing Profit from your experiences in exotic lands (or your own backyard) by earning how to write and sell travel articles and books. Triple Feature in Dynamic Discover how to communicate effectively in business and Communication interpersonally. This 6-week tumbling and trampoiine training at the Josephson Gymnastics (1st Grade and Academy of Gymnastics is geared for 1st grades and up. Up) Blue/Yellow Tumbling and TrampolEne Tune In, Sing Out! Anyone can fearn carry a tune with these almost fooi-proof techniques. Understanding Adolescents Uncover the secrets of the adolescent mind. Gain valuable information on how they feel, how their identities develop, and how you can, best meet their needs. Volleyball Skills and Conditioning: Ages 16-25 Improve your volleyball skills and increase your strength, fiexibility/ and endurance through comprehensive conditioning workouts on the track and on the volleyball court. Water Pilates Elongate your entire body with unique conditioning Pilates exercises in the water. Wearable Art: Micro Learn to make a unique knotted spiral bracelet of fine, lustrous Macrame Bracelets colored cord, studded with beautiful Czech glass leaf and tear drop or dagger beads. What Were You Born To Do? Discover your Natural Talent, the steps for getting started and some new career ideas. Find out what factors are likely to raise (or lower) your own credit Understanding and score so you can make financial decisions that contribute to a higher Improving Your Credit Score credit rating. What's Your Number: Where Does All My Money Go? Learn how to get control of your money once and for all. WEST LA. COLLEGE - COMMUNiTY SERVICES COURSES ATTACH MENT1 Page 118 of 118 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Women Engaged in Getting Get your siimming schedule started with a fun five weeks of being Healthy-W.E.I.G.H. To Go Women's VolleybaU Skills active, toning, and burning calories ... WEIGH To Go! Covers all the basics of indoor voileyball including: passing, setting, digging, and attacking. Worth Your Weight Learn proper body mechanics with several methods of resistance training (body weight/free weights, and circuit training) while toning and sculpting the body that's right for you. Write and Publish Your Nonfiction Book Become a professional author or advance your career by learning to write/ edit, and nonfiction books of all types. Write Fiction like a Pro A Hollywood writer and author teaches you how professional writers use story outlines to structure any type of story. Write Your Life Story Learn how to create and distribute an inspirational and professiona autobiography for family, friends, and others. Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers Banish writer's block forever with these tricks from the published writer's toolbox. Writing and Selling Self-Help Learn how to position your seif-heip book for success, write a Books persuasive proposal for agents and publishers/ and use storytelling techniques to make your message compelling. Writing for Children Writing for ESL Published children's author shows you how to touch the hearts of children by creating books for them. Learn how to write in English more effectively to succeed In college and at work. Writing Young Adult Fiction Develop your own young adult novel and learn how to break into one of today's hottest publishing markets. Yoga Learn various breathing techniques and yoga poses and you'fi leave feeling calm and refreshed. Yogi-Barre Combines the best of yoga stretching with unbeatabfe barre work for a relaxing and refreshing workout. Zumba Zumba is a Latin-inspired/ calorie-burning, dance-fitness experience that's geared toward health and happiness. Zumbatomic More than just a great way to stay active and healthy, Zumbatomic classes offer a welcoming and upbeat atmosphere for kids. A ® Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. !SD3 Educational Support Services Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: STUDENT DESCSPUNE " EXPULSION Expel Los Angeles Pierce College Student, SfD # XX-XXX-6620, from all I. Los Angeles Community Colleges, without reconsideration. The student has violated the following Standards of Student Conduct: Board Rule 9803.17 Interference with the Peace of the College Board Rule 9805.10 Assault or Abuse of an instructor Background: Education Code 72122 requires that the final action of the Board shall be taken in a public meeting. The above recommendations are made in accordance wi~th Board Rule 91101.6 and 91101.18(b). ^^0 Recommended * ^=3» Approved by: Bobbi Kimble, Interim Vice Chancellor SAJAK<s^ Adriana D. Barrera, Intenm Chancellor QJv^/\5^ Chancellor and Eng Santiago Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Moreno Veres Peariman Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. ISD3 Div. Educational Support Services Date 12/11/13 s A A w vs vs vs BK *» s Los Angeles Community College District I Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn No. 8F4 Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: AMEND COLLEGE DEBT REPAYMENT POLICY AND AUTHORIZE BUDGET AUGIVIENTATION TO COLLEGES THAT RECEIVE ONE-YEAR SUSPENSION OF DEBT REPAYMENTS A. Approve the District Budget Committee (DBC) recommendation to amend the College Debt Repayment Policy to include in the District's adopted Budget Allocation, as foilows; College detiats are cumuiatiye loans to be paid back beginning one year after jncumng the deficit. All accumulated debt ropoymonts ore scheduled tcTboginin 2013 1/1 with a* five-year instafiation plan. 1. Limit annual college debt repayment obliQation to 3% of the college's Final Budget allocation: 2. CofJeaes that have outstanding debt repayments that exceed 3% of their Final Budget aJlocation may receive relief from debt repayments under the foilowina conditions: ® Cofieae must balance its budget for at least three consecutive years while meetinci its FTES obligation; . College has submitted a reasonable, multi-year plan for maintaining a balanced budget and meeting its enrollment target for the duration of its repayment period; < Coiiege has paid its annua! debt according to its repayment plan; ® College has paid off 50% or more of its total debt; thereafter college may petition to the District Budget Committee to review and make a recommendation to the Chancellor to waive the remaining debt. ® One-vear suspension of the coiiege debt repayment will be given to interim or new college presidents to al!ow them time to plan and address the college fiscal issyesjt * Only one year suspension of the colleg.e debt repayment is sranted to the college REQUIRES FIVE (5) AFFIRMATIVE VOTES It Recommended and Approved by: ^ n t_ Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page Field Moreno Peariman of 2 Pages Corn. No. BF4 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Santiago Svonkin Veres Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 12.11-13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn No, BF4 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: December 11, 2013 B. Authorize the following budget adjustments to restore debt repayments taken from the following colleges, contingent upon Board approval of the College Debt Repayment Policy in Section A above: $463,220 Los Angeies City College $1,236,134 Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Southwest College $1,171,664 $558,037 Los Angeles Valiey College $3.429.055 Total Under the new College Debt Repayment Policy, these four (4) colieges, which had new or interim presidents in fiscal year 2013-14, are given a one-year suspension of the college debt repayment to allow them time to plan and address college fiscal issues. Background: Over the last two years, the District has conducted an extensive review of the budget allocation model through consultation with the Executive Committee of the District Budget Committee (ECDBC) and the District Budget Committee (DBC), On September 18, 2013, the District Budget Committee passed a motion to "limit annual college debt repayment obligation to 3% of the college's Final Budget allocation". The DBC a!so revised and approved the remaining ECDBC proposed coiiege debt repayment policy as delineated in Section A above. The revised debt repayment policy will provide a one-year suspension of college debt repayment to new presidents or interim presidents. The revised policy is necessary to ensure that college budgets are not reduced excessively in any given year beyond a funding level that would negatively impact college operations. It a!so provides incentives for colleges to maintain balanced budgets and achieve long-term financial stabiiity. On November 6, 2013, the Chancellor recommended the proposed College Debt Repayment Policy to the Board Budget and Finance Committee for review. The Committee reviewed and made additional revisions to the College Debt Repayment Policy. For your information, the Schedule of College Deficit Repayments is attached (ATTACHMENT A). FISCAL IMPLICATION: This action reduces the Contingency Reser/e by $3,429,055, leaving a balance in the Contingency Reserve of $14,594,752. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. BF4 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 12-11-13 ATTACHMENT A SCHEDULE OF COLLEGE DEBT REPAYMENT _' ORIGtNAL 5-YEAR DEBT REPAYMENT PLAN 2013-14 FINAL BUDGET ALLOCATION* City 56,629,001 East 98,237,371 Total Debt 2014-15 2013-14 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (2,316,097) (463,220) (463,220) (463,219) (463,219) (463,219) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harbor 29,374,216 (6,180,673) Mission 0 26,502,050 Pierce 0 64,487,168 Southwest 23,242,509 (5,858,312) Trade-Tech 0 49,799,778 Valley 50/105,912 (2,790,193) West 32,803,178 (596,118) iTV 0 1,565,466 TOTAL 432,746,649 (17,741,393) * 2013-14 Final Budget Allocation exduding debt repayments (1,236,134) (1,236,134) 1,236,135) (1,236,135) (1,236,135) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,171,662) 1,171,662} (1,171,664) (1,171,662) (1,171,662) 0 0 0 0 0 (558,037) (119,223) (558,039) (119,223) (558,039) (119,224) (558,039) (558,039) (119,224) 0 0 0 (3,548,278) (3,548,278) (3,548,279) (119,224) 0 0 (3,548,279) {3,548,279) CALCULATION OF COLLEGE DEBT REPAYMENT BASED ON NEW DEBT REPAYMENT POLICT -3% Limit of Final Budget Allocation City Total Debt Repayment (2,316,097) Trade-Tech (1,698,870) (2,947,121) (881,226) (795,062) (1,934,615) {697,275} (1,493,993) Valley (1,503,177) (2,790,193) {984,095} (46,964) (12,982,398) (596,118) East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest West** !TV OTAL 0 (6,180/673) 0 0 (5/858,312) 0 Debt To Debt To Debt To Debt To Debt To Debt To Debt To Debt To Debt To Debt To Repay in Repay in Repay in Repay in Repay in Repay in Repay in Repay in Repay in Repay in 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 suspended 0 suspended 0 0 suspended 0 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 (463,220) (463,220) (463,219) (463,219) (463,219) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (881,226) (881,226) (881,226) (881,226) (881,226) (881,226) (881,226) (12,091) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (697,275) (697,275) (697,275) (697,275) (697,275) (697,275) 0 (697,275) (697,275) (280,112) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (558,039) (238,448) (558,039) (558,039) (558,039) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (119,223) (558,037) (238,447) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (17,741,393) (119,223) (2,838,205) 2,838,208) suspended 2,599,759) 2,599,759) 2,599,759) (1,578,501 .West LA College's debt repayment is less than its limit of 3% of Final Budget Allocation. The total debt is scheduled to be paid off in three years with 1,5th in 2013-14 and the remainder in 2014-15 and 2015-16. (1,578,501 (709,366) 0 0 (280,112) * . ^ 5< a NOTIBE ms vs w Br * a» DECEMBER 11, 2013 Los Angeles Community College District i Corn. No. FPD/A Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date January 15, 2014 Subject: AMEND, BOARD__RULE _7103,1_7,^OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOCAL, SMALL AND EMERGiNG BUSINESSES. Amend Board Rule 7103.17 as follows: 7103.17 OPPORTUNtT!ES FOR LOCAL, SMALL AND EMERGING BUSINESSES. The Board of Trustees seeks to continue and further its mission to contribute to the economic development of the community. To that end, the Board adopts the following policy for the inclusion of iocal, small and emerging businesses. A » Definitions. 1. "Bid" shall mean all facilities bids and proposals that are projected to be funded by at least fifty percent (50%) by the funds from Proposition A, OFAA, and/or Measure J, and that are first advertised on or after January 14,2004; 2. "Emerging" shall mean a firm that has been in business in its substantially current form for up to five (5) years; 3. "Local" shall mean a business that has its principal headquarters located within Los Angeles County; 4. "Small" shali be defined in the same terms as defined by the federal Small Business Administration; ^^b^^^ Recommended and approved by: f ^\MJ\^ Adriana D. Barrera, Interim Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Page Date of 5 Field Moreno Pearlman Santiago Svonkin Veres Griggs Student Trustee Advisory Vote Pages Corn. No. FPD/A Div. FACiUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date1-15-2014 NOTICE 12-H-2013 Trustees Los Angeles Community Coilege District Corn. No. FPD/A Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: January 15, 2014 5. "Reimbursable Expenses" shall mean expenses such as photocopying, travel, telephone other services provided by another business, that are specified as permissible under the contract, and that are less than ten percent (10%) in the aggregate of the total contract. Reimbursabie Expenses shall not include performance of services or materials supplies that are subcontracted to another person or firm. Adopted 1/14/04 Chapter V!l - Article I - Page 22 Page 2 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD/A 7103.17 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 1-15-14 NOTICE 12-11.13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD/A Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: January 15, 2014 B. Goals. The Board establishes a goal of twenty oicjhtthirt percent participation of Local, Smal! and Emerging businesses in its contracts regarding facilities awarded each fiscal year. C, Bidding. As a condition to be considered responsive, a Bid must include the following: 1. Demonstrated participation of at least twenty eight thirty percent (2830%) of the tota! bid being performed by Local, Small or Emerging businesses; or, 2. A demonstrated good faith effort to include Loca!, Small or Emerging businesses, in accordance with regulations to be issued by the Chancellor; or, 3. The bidder certifies that it intends to perform ninetyfive percent (95%) of the work with its own employees, excluding Reimbursable Expenses. D. Advertising and Mentoring. In order to further the goals stated herein, the Board directs that the Chancellor or his designee undertake an appropriate advertising program directed to Local, Small and Emerging Businesses. That program should include such things as advertising in papers loca! to the applicable location where work will be performed, enhancement of the District's website to indude a list of self- designated Local, Small and Emerging Businesses, and accessible p!an rooms for afi businesses to be able to review plans and schedules for upcoming projects. The Board also directs that the Chanceitor or Adopted 1/14/04 Chapter Vtl - Article I - Page 23 Page 3 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD/A 7103.17 Div. FACILITIES PLANNiNGAND DEVELOPMENT Date 1-15-14 NOTICE 12-11-13 Trustees r Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD/A Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: January 15, 2014 his designee undertake an appropriate mentoring program directed to Local, Small and Emerging Businesses to improve their business skills and likelihood of success while participating in the District's facilities program. The mentoring program may be established as a function of the District through the Proposition A/AA program, or it may be operated jointly by the District and another public entity with similar goals, whichever is deemed a more effective and efficient approach by the Chancellor or his designee. E. Bonding Requirements. In order to further the goats stated herein, the Chancellor or his designee may undertake the development and operation of a Districf-sponsored bid, iabor and materials and performance bond program to facilitate the ability of Small, Local, and Emerging firms to meet District bond requirements under the Proposition A/AA program. All firms, regardless of qualification as Local, Smal or Emerging, shal! be eligible to participate, and all firms shall be required to demonstrate evidence of their ability to perform to the satisfaction of the bond providers). F. Mandatory Bid Conferences. Bid conferences, or bid walkthroughs, held to inform interested business about the specific requirements of District construction projects sha generally be mandatory for those considering submitting a bid or proposa! for the identified work. However, a Local, Sma!! and Emerging firm may be exempted from the mandatory requirement if it submits an affidavit with its bid submission, stating the firm was unable to send a representative to attend the bid conference/bid walk Adopted 1/14/04 Chapter Vil" Article ! - Page 24 Page 4 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD/A 7103.17 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPiViENT Date i-T5-U NOTICE 12-11-13 Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD/A FACIUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: January 15, 2014 through due to a specific, unavoidable conflict. The affidavit will further state that the bidder is fully knowledgeable about the requirements of the bid, the bidder is accountable for any information that could have been ascertained by attending the conference/bid walk, and that the bidder has the ability to perform the requested work in a professional and workmanlike manner. G. Reportinci. The Chancellor or his designee shall make a report to the Board at least semi-annually regarding the District's performance towards these goals. Adopted 1/14/04 Chapter VII - Article I - Page 25 Page 5 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD/A 7103.17 Div. FACiLiTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DateT-15-14 NOTICE 12-11-13 ^ INRORMCTVE Los Angeies Community Coilege District Corn. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: December 11, 2013 Subject: NOTIFICATION OF STUDENT TRAVEL A. Los Angeles City College 1. Eight (8) students and one faculty member attended the Associated Collegiate Press 92nd Annual National College Media Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana during the period of October 22, 2013 to October 27, 2013. Background: The sponsoring organization was the Associated Collegiate Press at Los Angeles City College. FISCAL IMPLICATION: No District funds were used. The total cost of the trip was $9,431.00. The Collegian Newspaper advertising revenue provided the funds for this trip. B. East Los Angeles College 1. Six students and two faculty members attended the Society of Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Conference in San Antonio, Texas during the period of October 2, 2013 to October 6, 2013. Background: The sponsoring organization was East Los Angeles College. FISCAL IMPLICATION: The tota! cost of the trip was $11,168. The funds for this trip came from the Academic and Student Support to Improve STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) Transfer (ASSIST) a speciaiiy funded program of the District. 2. One student attended the Society of Women Engineers 2013 Conference in Baltimore, Maryland during the period of October 23, 2013 to October 26, 2013. Background: The sponsoring organization was the Engineering Club, Sub Club -Women Engineers at East Los Angeles Coliege. FISCAL IMPLICATION: No District funds were used. The total cost of the trip was $697.00. The funds for this trip came from the College ASO fund. Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. !SD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 12-11-13 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: December 11, 2013 3. Six students and one faculty member attended the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National Conference 2013 in Indianapolis, Indiana during the period of October 31, 2013 to Novembers, 2013. Background: The sponsoring organization was the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. FISCAL IMPLICATION: The total cost of the trip was $4,528.00. The funds for this trip came from the Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Program, a specially funded program. C. Los Angeles Valley College 1. Five students and one faculty member attended the Fall 2013 National Student Leadership, Citizenship, and Advocacy Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana during the period of November 7, 2013 to November 10,2013. Background: The sponsoring organization was the American Student Association of Community Colleges. FISCAL IMPLICATION: No District funds were used. The total cost of the trip was $9,696. The funds for this trip came from the College ASO Fund. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 12-11-13 FPD1 - Resource Document It AUTHORIZE NAME CHANGE Authorize use of a change of name to Agreement No. 40202 with Steinway Piano GaHery to now use the forma! and legal business name Steinway Musical Instruments, Inc. cf/b/a Steinway, inc and Steinway and Sons. There are no other changes. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 10, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD2). pursuant to_ notification from the company previousiy known as Steinway Piano GaiEery this item authorizes staff to revise the iegal business name to Sfeinway Musica Instruments, Inc. d/b/a Steinway, Inc and Steinway and Sons. II. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT A. Action Authorize an agreement with TTG Engineers to provide continued design and construction administration services for the M & 0 Faciiity project at Los Angeles City College from January 14, 2014 through December 31. 2014 at a cost not to exceed $15,240 inclusive ofeligibie reimbursable expenses. Backoround On January^ 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized Agreement No. 32266 with TTG Engineers to provide Engineer of Record services for this project. The scope of work is to design space to accommodate the reiocated Operations Department within the Parking Structure. The space was previously designated to accommodate the Carpentry Shop. The agreement wi!! expire on January 13, 2014 at the end of a five-year term A new agreement with TTG Engineers is requested to al!ow for continuity of services through close out for this project. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Award History This agreement represents the 14th awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative origina! award total of $1,519,930. Other projects include the Science & Math Building - Energy Infrastructure Improvements (Fume Hood) project at West Los Angeies Coltege and the Storm Water Implementation project at Los Angeles Southwest CoSEege. The fee is within the Design and Specialty ConsuEtant Fee Guidelines. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Proposition AA Bond proceeds. M & 0 Facility 11C.7116.02.01. Design Phase. B. Action Authorize an agreement with Gruen Associates to provide architecturai, engineering and construction administration services for the Grand Avenue Enhancement - Phase 1 project and Blue Line Station Extension project at Los Angeles Trade-Technica! Col!ege from December 12, 2013 to December 11, 2016 at a cost not to exceed $213,478 inclusive ofeligibie reimbursabie expenses. Page 1 of 23 a Facilities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Background Gruen Associates was selected through a competitive Request for Proposal process that was advertised for two weeks. The .purpose of this A9reem^nt is to obtain architectural, engineering and construction administration services to design landscaped parkways and a pedestrian plaza on Grand Avenue and Washington Boulevard for the Grand Avenue Enhancement - Phase 1 project and Blue Line Station Extension project. Of the six proposais received, two were determined to be responsive and were then evaluated by the Grand Avenue Evaluation Committee. This Committee was composed of theL.L^TTC D!rector of Facilities, LATTC Facuity representative, CPM representative, and PMO representative. As a result of this comprehensive review and selection process, Gruen Associates is recommended for award of this Agreement. Award History This agreement represents the fourth awarded to this firm through the Bond Program and a cumu!atjveoriginaf_award total of $1.750,242. Other projects indude the Language Arts Buiidmg project at East Los Angeles Coilege and the New Education Building" project at Los Angeies City College Northeast Campus. The fee is within the Design and Specialty Consultant Fee Guidelines. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA Bond proceeds. Grand Avenue Enhancement Phase 1 17T.7773.05.05, Biue Line Station Extension 07T.6773.05.06. Al! Phases. C. Action Authorize an agreement with Johnson Favaro to provide continued architecturai, engineering, planning and construction administration services on a Task Order basis campus-widejo be issued incrementally at the direction of the College Project Manager at Los Angeles Trade-Technical: Coilege from January 15, 2014 through December 11,"2014 at a not-to-exceed amount of $50,000 indusive of eiigibie reimbursable expenses. Background On January 14 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized Agreement No. 50135 with MDA Johnson Favaro to provide campus-wide architectural, engineering, planning and design services on a Task Order basis at Los Angeles Trade-Technica College The Agreement shall expire on January U, 2014 at the end of the five year term. The proposed agreement is requested to allow the continued issuance of Task Orders for the same services. The_ current need is for the South Campus - Upgrade Security Doors project The scope of work is to provide design services in Aspen HaSi for the renovation of fifth floor faculty offices, new accessibiiity and security provisions, and for the provision of construction administration services for permits and bidding. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Page2of23 a Faciiities Pianningand Deveiopment . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Award History This agreement represents the Hth awarded to this firm through the Bond Program and a cumuiative original award total of $10,580,094. Other projects "include the South Campus -Genera} and Master Planning Update projects at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. The fee is within the Design and Specialty Consultant Fee Guidelines. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Specific assignments to be made as needed by Task Order. All Phases. D. Action Authorize an agreement with Peter M. Mitsakos & Associates Architects, Inc. d/b/a West Edge Architects, inc. to provide design services for the Campus Facilities Master Pian project at West Los Angeles College beginning on December 12, 2013 and ending on December 11, 2016 at a not to exceed cost of $135,000 inclusive of eligible resmbursable expenses. Background This purpose of this proposed agreement is for West Edge to provide design services for the Campus Faciiities Master P!an project at West Los Angeles College. The proposed agreement is the result of a sole source procurement identified to be consistent with the District's adopted _business practice (Business Operations Poiicy and Procedures 04-08, .Procurement of Special and Professional Services") which requires the most qualified firm that can provide the scope of work at the lowest cost be selected. The CoiEege Project Manager identifies that West Edge is the most qualified firm and shall therefore provide the scope of work at the lowest cost and has provided substantiation of this determination in the Justifjcation for Waiver from Procurement Policy form to the Chief Facilities Director. The form was approved on November 20,2013. The justification for West Edge being the most quaiified which has resuited in the lowest cost to provide the proposed scope of work identified in the action portion of this item includes the foiiowing experience: On Noyember 4 2010 (Corn No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized Agreement No 50220 with Peter M. Mitsakos & Associates d/b/a West Edge Architects ("West Edge Architects") to provide peer review services on a Task Order basis campus-wide to be issued incrementatly at the direction of the Coiiege Project Manager from November 4, 2010 through November 3, 2011. The identified need was to provide peer review of the reprogramming efforts, campus plan, and master plan to meet the estabiished budget. On April 13, 201 1 (Corn. No. FPD1) , the Board of Trustees authorized Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 50220 to provide additional peer review services on a Task Order basis campus wide to be issued mcrementally at the direction of the College Project Manager from April 14, 2011 through April 28 2012. The identified need was for the peer review of the revised program for the Watson Center !1 project. On January 11, 2012 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 50220 to provide additional peer review services on a Task Order basis campus wide to be issued incrementally at the direction of the College Project Page 3 of 23 o Faciiities Planning and Development » December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Manager from January 12, 2012 to Aprii 28, 2012. The identified need was for the preparation and development plan needed to reiocate staff occupying the temporary faciiities then located in Parking Lot 7. On May 9. 2012 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees ratified Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 50220 to provide additional peer review services on a Task Order basis campus wide to be issued incrementally by the College Project Manager from April 29, 2012 through April 29, 2013. The identified need was assisting with the college's response to the space utilizatfon analysis and related tasks associated with the District's Moratorium Directives. On September 12, 2012 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 50220 to provide additional design services on a Task Order basis campus wide to be issued incrementaiiy at the direction of the CoHege Project Manager from September 13, 2012 through Aprii 29, 2013. The identified need was to provide design services for campus facility reprogramming and the coordination of infrastructure deveiopmentwith the approved facilities master plan. On January 16, 2013 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 50220 to provide additional design services on a Task Order basis campus wide to be issued sncrementaiiy at the direction of the College Project Manager from January 17, 2013 through November 16, 2015. The identified need was to provide space p!anning services in support of the reprogramming of campus faciiities as a resuit of budget constraints. On June 12, 2013 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. 50220 to provide continued facilities program analysis services on a Task Order basis campus wide to be issued incrementaliy at the direction of the College Project Manager from June 13, 2013 through October 31, 2013. The identified need was to provide additional capacity to the agreement to allow issuance of additional Task Orders for facilities program analysis services. Pursuant to these approvais issued by the Board of Trustees, the coiiege directed West Edge Architects to be the firm responsibie for deveiopment of a comprehensive Facilities Program Analysis as we!! as collaboration with Sirius Environmental, the firm identified by the College and authorized by the Board of Trustees to prepare the Addendum to the Final Supp!emental Environmentai Impact Report (FSEIR) for the proposed Addendum to the West Los Angeles Coliege Facilities Master Plan. As a resuit of the work compieted by West Edge Architects through approvals issued by the Board of Trustees and Task Orders issued at the direction of the College Project Manager since 2010, West Edge has acquired a detai!ed and comprehensive knowiedge of the Educational: Master Pian associated with the devebpment of the campus and has established relationships with the College relative to faciiities programming and campus master planning. Consistent with the District's adopted business practice (Business Operations Policy and Procedures 04-08, "Procurement of Speciai and Professiona! Services"), it is requested that the procurement of a professional services agreement with West Edge Architects for the provision of faciiities architectural programming services on a Task Order basis campus-wide at West Los Angeles Coilege be exempted from the competitive selection process. West Edge Architects is uniquely qualified to provide these services and it would therefore be impractical and not in the best interests of the District to utiiize a competitive procurement process to obtain such services. Page4of 23 . Facilities Pianning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Award History This agreement represents the fifth awarded to this firm through the Bond Program and a cumuiative award totai of $1,402,971, Other projects include the Temporary Faciiities K6 (EOP&S) Reiocation project at East Los Angeles College and the Campus Student Center Swing Space ~ F9/B2 Bungaiow project at East Los Angeies Co!!ege. The fee is within the Design and Speciaity Consu!tant Fee Guidelines. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Specific assignments to be made as needed by Task Order. ProQramming Phase. III. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS A. Action Authorize the following actions for Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 50221 with P2S Engineering inc. to provide additional civi!, mechanica!, electrical, piumbing, telecommunication and data engineering services on a Task Order basis campus-wide to be issued incrementaliy at the direction of the College Project Manager at East Los Angeles College from December 2, 2013 through December 10, 2014 at a cost not to exceed $15,000 inclusive ofe!igib!e reimbursabie expenses. 1. Ratify this agreement to provide these services from December 2, 2013 to December 11, 2013 at no additional cost. 2. Authorize this agreement to provide these services from December 12, 2013 to December 10, 2014 at a cost not to exceed $15,000. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the total amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees is $271,800. Background This agreement was Authorized by the Board of Trustees on December 1, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1) with P2S Engineering, !nc to provide mechanical, eiectrical, plumbing, and telecommunication engineering services on a Task Order basis campus-wide. This proposed amendment provides additional time for the issuance of Task Orders for the specified services The current need is for the new Campus-wide Central Fire Pump project. Fees sha!l be within the District guidelines estabiished for these services. Fundincf and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds as appiicabie. Projects to be determined on an as-needed basis. Aii Phases. B. Action Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 33065 with Tetra Design, Inc. to provide continued design sen/ices for the Baiiey Library ModemEzation project at East Los Angeles Coliege from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 at no addifiona! cost. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the totai amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees remains at $111: ,534. Page 5 of 23 » Facilities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Backoround This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 11, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Tetra Design, Inc. to serve as the Architect of Record for this project. The proposed amendment provides additiona! time at no additional cost to complete the close out of the Bailey Library with the Division of the State Architect. Fees shai! be within the District guidelines established for these services. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Baiiey Library Modernization 32E.5212.03. A!! Phases. C. Action Authorize Amendment No. 8 to Agreement No. 32750 with Leo A Daiy to provide additionai design services for the P.E. and Weiiness Center - Phase It Site Work project at Los Angeles Harbor College from December 12, 2013 through December 16, 201 4 at a cost not to exceed $3,000 inclusive of eiigibie reimbursable expenses. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the total amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees is $229,680. Backcjround This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on December 16, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Leo A Daiy to serve as Architect of Record for this project. This proposed amendment expands the scope of work to include additionai structural design calculations to verify the adequacy of connections to the structure for the insta!iation of a sliding partition and LEED kiosk video monitor as required by the Division of the State Architect. Fees shall: be within the District guidelines established for these services. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. P.E. and Wellness Center - Phase I! Site Work13H.7325.02.01. Design Phase. D. Action Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 33387 with M. Arthur Gensler Jr. & Associates, Inc. ("Gensier") to provide addstionai design services for Student Services - Administrative Swing Space project at Los Angeles Mission Coiiege from January 1,2014 through December 31, 2014 at a cost not to exceed $39,750 inclusive of eligible reimbursabte expenses. inclusive of this proposed amendment, the totai amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees is $173,972. Backciround This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 7, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD1) with M. Arthur Gensier Jr. & Associates, Inc. to serve as the Architect of Record for this project. The Agreement was subsequently expanded to include design responsibiiity for street and right of way improvements - known as "B-Permit" work. This Page 6 of 23 e Facilities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document proposed amendment expands the B-Permit work by Gensier to meet additional requirements of the project made by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) during its review of project plans to include a utiiity pole relocation and additional topographica! and civil survey information. Fees shail be within the District guidelines established for these services. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Student Services " Administrative Swing Space 34M.5406.02.01. Design Phase. E. Action Authorize Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 50154 with Cannon/Parkin, Inc. d/b/a Cannon Design to provide additional design services on a Task Order basis campus-wide to be issued incrementally at the direction of the Coilege Project Manager at Los Angeies Mission College from January 1, 2014 through May 13, 2014 at no additional cost. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the tota! amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees remains at $383,749. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on May 13, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Cannon/Parkin, Inc. d/b/a Cannon Design to provide design services on a Task Order basis. The proposed amendment provides additional time at no additional cost to aliow issuance of additional Task Orders. The current need is to complete the close out for the Heaith & P.E. Fitness Center with the Division of the State Architect. The process has taken additional time due to a staffing change for the inspector of Record assigned to this project. Fees shall be within the District guidelines established for these services. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Projects to be determined on an asneeded basis. Design Phase. F. Action Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 33633 with Arup North America Ltd. to provide continued commissioning services for the A - Building Restoration and Modernization project at Los Angetes Trade-Technical Coliege from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 at no additional cost. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the total amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees remains at $17,553. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on December 5, 2012 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Arup North America Ltd. to provide continued commissioning services for this project. The scope of work compieted is review of final commissioning issues, the resolution log, and the final warranty job wa!k. Due to additional testing and deficiency corrections required by the Division of the State Architect, it is requested the agreement be amended at no additional cost to allow completion of post-construction commissioning. Page 7 of 23 » Facilities Planning and Deveiopment » December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. A - Building Restoration and Modernization 37T.5710.03.07. C.onstruction Phase. G. Action Authorize Amendment No. 11 to Agreement No. 50131 with Southwest Inspection & Testing, Inc. for continued Laboratory of Record (LOR) services on a Task Order basis Districtwide within the existing term of the Agreement expiring on February 10, 2014 at a not to exceed cost of $500,000. inclusive of this proposed amendment, the tota! amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees is $2,050,000. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on February 11, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). This proposed amendment expands the Agreement at additional cost to allow the issuance of Task Orders for projects currently underway. Examples of these projects indude the foltowing: Science Careers and Mathematics Building (32E.5222.02.03) at East Los Angeles CoiSege; Cox Buiiding Upgrade (36S.5607.03.10) and School of Math & Sciences (36S.5618.03.01) at Southwest College; Campus Restroom Building (33H.5366.02.09) at Los Angeles Harbor Coiiege, and Campus-wide Improvements (37T.5779.03.13) at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. Fees shall be within the District guide!snes established for these services. Fundjncj and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds atong with non-Bond funding sources. Specific assignments will be determined on an as-needed basis. Construction Phase. IV. RATIFY AMENDftflENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Action Ratify Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. 31083-1 with Arup North America Ltd. to provide continued energy efficiency consulting, technical assistance, and research and validation services on a Task Order basis District-wide for energy projects issued incrementaiiy at the direction of the Program Manager and District staff from January 28, 2013 through December 11, 2013 at a cost of $192,005 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. nclusive of this proposed amendment, the total amount of this agreement approved by the Board ofTrustees is$1,192,005. Background This agreement was ratified by the Board of Trustees on October 20, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1 with Amp North America Ltd. for the term of August 2, 2010 to October 31, 2013 to provide continued energy efficiency consuiting, technical assistance, and research and validation services District-wide on a Task Order basis. The Agreement was approved subsequent to the expiration of a previous five-year Agreement with Arup for the provision of the same scope of work. Continued services under this Agreement were directed by previous Program Page 8 of 23 . Faciiities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Management staff and District staff subsequent to the expiration of Amendment No. 6 to this Agreement to meet time-sensitive energy projects already underway which are now identified to be formally approved through the establishment of Amendment No. 7. The completed work indudes the following Task Orders: application support for Southern California Edison's Subscription-based Retro-Commissioning Rebate Program; research and planning efforts for the District's Measurement and Demand Response Program which is anticipated to be impiemented in 2014; and research related to eligibility determinations and compliance with Proposition 39 for funding of Energy projects for the building program. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Assignments were made on a Task Order basis. 40J.5J95.05. All Phases. V. AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT A. Action Authorize a new contract with Palmer & Pofcyn Paving, Inc. to provide general construction - additional accessibility improvement services for the Parking Structure project at Los Angeies City College at a cost of $5,255. Background Pat:mer & Polcyn Paving, Inc. provided the low quote from among three written quotes ranging from $5,255 to $13,300 to meet additionai requirements made by the Division of the State Architect induding the restriping of fifteen accessible parking staiis and provide boilard work. Award History This contract represents the second awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative originai award total of $21,755. Previous awards have been given to this company for the Parking Lot 1 Improvements project at Los Angeles City College. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A Bond proceeds. Parking Structure 010,6116.02. Construction Phase. B. Action Authorize a contract with Rafael 26 Construction to provide general construction - site preparation services for the Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) - Red Line Pedestrian Corridor project at Los Angeles City College at a cost of $22,000. Background Rafae! 26 Construction provided the low quote from among six written quotes requested and two received ranging from $22,000 to $35,300 to provide selective demolition and grading at the college's Metro Red Line Gateway Entrance Plaza aiong with removal of selected landscape at the project site. Page 9 of 23 .Facilities Planning and Deve!opment . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Award History th This contract represents the 14 awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative origina! award total of $339,263. Previous awards have been given to this company for the Jefferson Hail Modernization - ADA Concrete Flatwork project at Los Angeles City College and the Emergency Access project at Pierce Coiiege. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Proposition AA Bond proceeds. RWGPL - Red Line Pedestrian Corridor 11C.7173.05.03. Construction Phase. C. Action Authorize a contract with RAMCO General Engineering Contractor to provide general construction - guardrai! installation services for the Parking Structure 3 project at North Watkway project at East Los Angeles College at a cost of $29,900. Background RAMCO Genera! Engineering Contractor provided the tow quote from among three written quotes ranging from $29,900 to $55,200 to remove a handrail and instali a new guardrai! at the exterior accessibiiity ramp per direction from the Division of the State Architect. Award History This contract represents the twenty-first awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative original: award total of $558,661. Previous awards have been given to this company for the Temporary Faciiities Project at Los Angeies City Co!!ege and the Marquee Sign Modernization - Foundation Dowel project at Los Angeles Harbor College. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A Bond proceeds. Parking Structure 3 02E.6202.02. Construction Phase D. Action Authorize a contract with GMZ Engineering, Inc. to provide general construction - control switch insta!!ation services for the FTA Bus Rapid Transit Extension project at Pierce College at a cost of $4,850. Background GMZ Engineering, Inc. provided the tow quote from among three written quotes requested and two received ranging from $4,850 to $7,450 to install a supplementai disconnect switch for the marquee fan for use when servicing the equipment and in response to a safety requirement of the Division of the State Architect. Page 10 of 23 . Facilities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 " Resource Document Award History Th? _corltra?t represents the n!nth awardedto this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative orig,nal award total oW,685,010. Previous awards have been given to this company for the Student Learning Environments (SLE) - Faculty Office Repiasferina (^hasej^project at Pierce College ^and_the_ Temporary Faciiities - Art &-Physica; Education Swing Space project at Los Angeies City College. Funding and Development Phase Funding is_ through Prop _AA Bond proceeds. FTA Bus Rapid Transit Extension & Winnetka / Mason DeSoto Entrances 15P.7588.05.03. Construction Phase VI. AUTHORIZE RECISSION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AWARD OF REPLACEMENT CONTRACT A. Action - Authorize Rescission.of Contract Authorize the rescission of Contract No. 33757 with Valle Grande ConstructJon to provide Qenera! construction - weed abatement services for the North of Mail project at' Pierce College at a minimum cost of 9,500. Background This contract was onginaUy authorized by the Board of Trustees on November 6, 2013 (Corn. NO.TO1). The contractor does not have the required license for the approved scope of work. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. SLE - North of Mail - ADA Landscapina 35P.5542.05.06, Construction Phase. B. Action - Authorize Award of Replacement Contract Axulh?riz.e.a contract with GMZ Engineering inc. to provide general construction ~ site stabilization services for the North of Mail project at Pierce College at a cost not to exceed $28,800. Background GMZ Engineering, inc. provided the only responsive quote received from among three written quotes requested to: clear weeds, trash and debris from the project site; cover or barricade trenches; move and cover materiais stored outdoors to secure iocation, inventory, move andjecure materiais stored indoors to a single secure Socation and provide complete SWPPP services at the North of Mali project. Award History ThLsaQreen?e,nt represents the tenth aw?rdedto th!s company through the Bond Program ^ ?-^lllatJve.?n9rin?!.,avvard total of ^1 'I13>81 °- J3revious awards have been given to this^ompanyfor the Exhibifcn and Events Center - Phase 1B - Fence Reiocation'project a^ Pjerce College and the Temporary Facilities - Art & Physica! Education Department Swing Space project at Los Angeles City Co!lege. Page 11 of 23 ® Faciiities Planning and Deveiopment . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Student Learning Environments (SLE)NOM - ADA/Landscaping 35P.5542.05.06; SLE - NOM - Classroom Modernization/ Technoiogy/Low Voitage 35P.5535.03.02. Construction Phase. VII. RATIFY CHANGE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT GREATER THAN $30.000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUILD" METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Action Ratify Change Order for additional construction services for the projects identified beiow at the listed campus for the amounts indicated: PROJECT NAME & LOCATION CONTRACTOR NAME CHANGE ORDER NO., NEGOTIATED ORIGINAL REDUCTION COST, and CONTRACT FROM PURPOSE COST CONTRACTOR CUMULATIVE CONTRACT DEMAND PERCENT NUMBER CHANGES and and PROJECT NUMBER !PI Construction $121,168 CO No. 1 for No.33725 Funding is through $9,811, Improvement Measure J Bond 8.1% West Los Angeles Coilege proceeds. Science & Math N/A Additional Requirements: Building - Energy Infrastructure . Add additional water seal trap primers not shown to be missing on as-buiit drawings per AOR. 39W.5901.02.01 Background The Change Order !isted above has been executed per Board Rule 7100.10 and is presented here for ratification as required therein. Funding and Development Phase Funding for each item is shown in the table above. Construction Phase. Vill. RATIFY CHANGE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT LESS THAN $30.000 ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUILD" METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Action Ratify Change Order for additional construction services for the projects identified beiow at the listed campus for the amounts indicated: Page 12 of 23® Facilities Pianning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document PROJECT NAME &CONTRACTOR ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDER NO..PURPOSE LOCATION NAME AND CONTRACT COST COST, and and CONTRACT NUMBER CUMULATIVE TOTAL PROJECT NUMBER COST OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS Parking Lot 1 Palmer & Polcyn Paving, Inc. Los AngeSes City College No.33731 31C.5159.03 $16,500 CO No. 2 for Funding is through $7,299. Measure J Bond $29.999. Additional Requirements: . Remove and restripe existing ADA stalls and provide ADA Path of Travel striping at the parking proceeds. structure at the Athletic Field project to comply with ADA code requirements per District ADA Compliance Officer, . Provide loading zone striping to comply with City requirements per AOR, Background Pursuant to Pubiic Contract Code 20659, construction contracts with an original cost of $30,000 or iess may have subsequent change orders of ten percent (10%for~$30,000, whichever is greater. Funding and Development Phase Funding for each item is shown in the table above. Construction Phase. IX. AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT A. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33731 with Paimer & Potcyn, inc. to provide general construction services for the Parking Lot 1 Pavement Improvements project at Los Angeles City College with a substantial completion date of October 11, 2013. Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 7, 2013 (Corn. No. FPD1). The total cost of this contract is $46,499. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Parking Lot 1 improvements 31C.5159.03. Construction Phase. Page 13 of 23 . Facilities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document B. Action Authorize Acceptance of Compietion of the Northeast Quadrant Parking Structure component of Deslgn-Buiid Agreement No. 33063 with Hensel Phelps Construction Co. at Los Angeies Southwest College with the substantia! compietion date of August 24,2012. The tofa! cost of the Northeast Quadrant Parking Structure portion of this Design Build Agreement was $13,216,711. Background The Board of Trustees authorized Design-Buiid Agreement No. 33063 on August 11, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1). Within this Design-Build agreement are six sub-projects. The Northeast Quadrant Parking Structure consists of the design and construction of a 4-tier, 3-story open post tensioned parking structure. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Northeast Quadrant Parking Structure 36S.5668.02, B6S,5668.02. Design and Construction Phases. C, Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion to Design-Build Agreement No. MCHS 60100 with Bernards Bros., Inc. for the Middle College High School project at Los Angeles Southwest Coiiege with the substantia! completion date of August 13, 2012. The total cost of this Design Buiid Agreement was $20,405,874. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 9, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1) pursuant to a joint use and deveiopment agreement with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The project is 100% funded by LAUSD. The Midd!e Coiiege High School project consists of the design and construction of a new two story classroom building (approximately 61,105 SF floor area) and associated improvements such as waikways, utilities, landscape, and driveways/fire lane. The completed project is operated by LAUSD with space made available for use by the Los Angeles Community College District. Fundinci and Development Phase Funding is through LAUSD proceeds. LAUSD - Middle College High Schooi. Design and Construction Phases. D. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 33468 with P&J Engineering to provide general construction services for the Storm Water Implementation - Southwest / California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) Wall project at Los Angeles Southwest College with a substantial completion date of February 20, 2013. Page 14 of 23 » Facilities Planning and Development » December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Backoround This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on March 7, 2012 (Corn, No. FPD1 The total cost of this contract is $200,371. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Storm Water impiementation - Southwest / Caiifornia Department of Transportation (CaSTrans) Wall 40J.5609.05.02. Construction Phase. E. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 31588 with Ameresco, Inc. to provide general construction services for the Campus improvements - Utiiities Infrastructure (Centrai Plant) project at West Los Angeles Coliege with a substantial compietion date of September 1, 2013. Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on November 7, 2007 (Corn. No. FPD1). The tota! cost of this contract is $9,878,756. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Campus mprovement ~ Utilities Infrastructure 39W.5979.03.02. Construction Phase. X. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT Action Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement No. 33112 with Reliant Asset Management, LLC for the Science Career & Mathematics Building-Swing Space project at East Los Angeles CoElege to correct the start date of the 36-month term to be on September 16, 2010 or as soon thereafter as possible at no additionai cost. ndusive of this proposed amendment, the tota! amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees remains at $3,511,078. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 15, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1). On September 15, 2010, the Board of Trustees authorized a 36-month lease agreement with Williams Scotsman (iater to be assumed by Reliant Asset Management LLC) for 14 modular units to accommodate swing space for the Science Career & Mathematics project at a cost of $3,511,078. The requested 36 month term of the agreement was anticipated to coordinate with a construction contract for infrastructure work at the site where the modular units would be iocated. However, the actual start date of the 36-month term was delayed until June 30, 2011 because the site was not ready and because the modular units Page 15 of 23 . Facilities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 " Resource Document being leased are laboratories which required custom fabrication that did not begin unti! the Board authorization was issued. The currentiy proposed amendment revises the Board authorization of September 15, 2010 to include the abiiityforthe lease inception date to be as soon after the Board's authorization as possible - but does not change the 36-month term nor increase the cost. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Science Career & Mathematics BuildingSwing Space 32E.5222.02.01. Construction Phase. Xl. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Action Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Subiease Agreement No. 33707 with Caprico, LLC to extend the term an additional 24 months for 182 off-site parking spaces for Los Angeles Trade Technical College from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2015 at a cost of $546,000. Inclusive of this proposed amendment, the total amount of this agreement approved by the Board of Trustees is $750,750. Background Sublease Agreement No. 33707 was ratified by the Board of Trustees on June 1:2, 2013 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Caprico, LLC to provide temporary off-site parking for the College through December 31, 2013. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is the owner of the parking lot. This proposed amendment is requested to provide continued use of [eased off-site parking spaces unti! construction of the East Parking Structure project is anticipated to be compieted. This agreement has been considered through the participatory governance process. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. East Parking Structure 37T.5720.02.01. Construction Phase. Xfl. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO DESIGN-BUILD AGREEMENT A. Action Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 32975 with Pinner Construction Company for additional: Design-Build services for the Student Success and Retention Center project at East Los Angeles College at a cost not to exceed $1,437,929 inclusive of eiigibie reimbursable expenses. ndusive of this amendment the totai cost of this Design-Build agreement is $58,602,715. Background The Design-Build system of project deiivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees on June 24, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Design-Buiid agreement with Pinner Page 16 of 23 . Facilities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document Construction Company Inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on June 16, 201:0 (Corn. No. FPD1 Additional: Desian-Build services are oroposed: 1. Due to requests by the cof!ege: . . Add four main underground teiecom conduits at the north side of the entrance of the building per new information technology requirements. Provide and install: emergency evacuation gumeys at ali exit stairs on each level. 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: . Remove and compact unsuitable soil at building footings, siurry backfiil at vauit and ramp foundations, and elevator shafts discovered to be unusabie. Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 32975 includes Change Order No. 6. Fundincj and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Student Success and Retention Center 32E.5234.02. Construction Phase. B. Action Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 3311:6 with Edge Construction LLC for additional Design-Busld services for the Campus Student Center & Bookstore project at East_ Los^Angeies College at a cost not to exceed $301,577 inclusive of eiigible reimbursabie expenses. Inclusive of this amendment, the total cost of this Design-Buiid agreement is $28,595,383. Background The Design-Build_system of project deiivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option available District-wide. This project was_ approved for delivery by Design-BuNd system by the Board of Trustees on June 24, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1:). This Design-Buiid agreement with Edge Construction LLC was authorized by the Board of Trustees on October 6, 2010 (Corn.No.FPD1 Additional Desiqn-BuJld services are Droposed; 1. Due to requests by the coliege: » . Make designs to accomodate and install the access control and surveiiiance system specified for use by the District. Revise building hardware to meet the new campus standard implemented after the project began. . Upgrade cabling to meeUhe new campus standard requirements for fiber optic cabling impiementation after the project began, Page 17 of 23 o Facilities P!anni:ng and DeveSopment . December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: . . Remove and dispose of concrete-encased underground asbestos utility pipes not shown on as-buiit drawings. Demolish and remove twenty-two underground concrete caissons not shown on as-built drawings. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 33116 inctudes Change Order Nos. 1 and 2. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Campus Student Center & Bookstore 32E.5231.02. Construction Phase. C. Action Authorize Amendment No 6 to Agreement No. 33074 with Pankow Special Projects L.P. for additional Design-Build services for the Theater Drama Speech project at Los Ange!es Harbor College at a cost not to exceed $390,583 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Indusive of this amendment, the total cost of this Design-Build agreement is $8,660,158. Background The Design-Build system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees on August n, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1J. This Deslgn-Build agreement with Pankow Specia Fleets L.P was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 1, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1). Additionai Design-Build services are proposed: 1. Due to additional requirements: . Upgrade the HVAC system in the Theater Drama Speech building, including a new 10-ton air handier connected to the campus central chi!!er plant to serve the theater stage, and make modifications to an existing air handler. 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: . Replacement of the return air system serving the theater auditorium discovered to be inoperabie due to water damage. Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. 33074 inciudes Change Order No, 6. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds. Theater Drama Speech 13H.7307.03, 33H.5307.02, 33H.5307.03. Desian & Construction Phase, Page 18 of 23 e Facilities Planning and Deveiopment ® December 11, 2013 FPD1 " Resource Document D. Action Authorize Amendment No. 9 to Agreement No. 32144 with McCarthy Building Companies, nc for additionai Design-Build services for the Demoiition of Temporary and Obsoiete Faciiities project at West Los Angeles Coiiege at a cost not to exceed $107,486 indusive of eligibie reimbursable expenses. nclusive of this amendment, the total cost of this Design-Build agreement is $15,090,344. Background The Design-Build system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project deiivery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delivery using the Design-Buiid system by the Board of Trustees_on May 21, 2008 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Design-Build agreement with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on November 19,2008 (Com.No.FPD1). The proposed amendment expands the scope of work to meet final requirements by Culver City Transit for a larger bus access area including associated traffic controis, public safety improvements, signage and anciiiary improvements. Amendment No. 9 to Agreement No. 32144 indudes Change Order No. 9. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Demolition of Temporary and Obsolete Facilities 39W.5979.03.33, Desicjn and Construction Phase. Xfll. RATIFY AMENDMENT TO DESIGN-BUfLD AGREEMENTS A. Action Ratify Amendment No. 8 to Agreement No. 32882 with Taisei Construction Corporation for additional Design-Build services for the Performing Arts BuiidEng improvements project at Pierce Co!!ege at a cost not to exceed $131,176 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Inclusive of this amendment, the totai cost of this Design-Builct agreement is $9,963,131. Background The Design-Buiid system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project deiivery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees on August 19, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Design-BuEld agreement with Taisei Construction Corporation was authorized by the Board of Trustees on March 24, 2010 (Com.No.FPD1). The scope of work for this Design-Build agreement was expanded to include repair of the ighting dimmer rack and electrical panel discovered to be inoperative due to vandaiism. A ciaim to the District's property insurance carrier has been approved and payment in the amount of $108,676 has been made. These funds will be advanced to the Bond program. Page 19 of 23 » Facilities Planning and Development » December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document The Bond Program must pay Taisei a tota! of $131,176 which includes $22,500 towards the deductible. Amendment No. 8 to Agreement No. 32882 includes Change Order No. 8. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Performing Arts Buiiding improvements 35P.5518.03.04. Construction Phase. B. Action Ratify Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 32746 with Bernards Bros., Inc. for additional Design-Build services for the Library Learning Crossroads Building project at Pierce College at a cost not to exceed $576,764 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses. Inclusive of this amendment, the total cost of this Design-Build agreement is $39,231,849. Background The Design-Buiid system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Buiid system by the Board of Trustees on September 17, 2008 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Design-Build agreement with Bernards Bros inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on December 16, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1 Additional Design-Build services are proposed: Due to additional requirements: . Revise the pedestal paver system to a concrete deck with quarry tiie finish to meet requirements of the Division of the State Architect. Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 32746 includes Change Order No. 5. Funding and Devetopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Library Learning Crossroads 35P.5541.02. Design and Construction Phases. C. Action Ratify Amendment No 12 to Agreement No 32881 with Harper Construction Company, Inc. for additiona! Design-Buiid services for the Schooi of Career & Technical Education project at Los Angeles Southwest College at a cost not to exceed $66,053 inciusive of eliglbie reimbursabie expenses. Inclusive of this amendment, the tota! cost of this Design-Buiid agreement is $36,789,164. Background The Design-Build system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option avaifabie District-wide. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees Page 20 of 23 . Facilities Planning and Development o December 11, 2013 FPD1 - Resource Document on Decembers, 2008 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Design-Buiid agreement with Harper Construction^ Company, Inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on April 14, 2010 (Com.No.FPD1). Additional Desicin-Build services are proposed: Due to unforeseen conditions: . Upon excavation of the deep footings, it was discovered that the existing fill: was not suitable to support the building foundation as indicated in record documents. Soil remediation was required as recommended by the project's geotechnica! engineer of record. . Relocate a duct bank due to discovered existing electrical conduits that were not shown on record drawings. . Remove discovered transite piping. Amendment No. 12 to Agreement No. 32881 includes Change Order No. 15. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. School of Career & Technica! Education 36S.5631.02, Construction Phase. D. Action Ratify Amendment No. 18 to Agreement No. 33063 with Hense! Phelps Construction Co. for additiona! Desjgn-Buiid_services for the Cox Building - Littte Theater Upgrade project, Cox Buiiding Upgrade project, and Fitness and WeHness Center project at" Los Angeies Southwest College at a cost not to exceed of $306,466 inclusive of eligibte reimbursable expenses. Inclusive of this amendment, the total cost of this Design-Buiid agreement rs$96,307,874. Background The Design-Buifd system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Buald system by the Board of Trustees on August 19^2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Design-Bulld agreement with Hensel Phelps Construction Co. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 11, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1 Additionai Desian-Build services are proposed: Due to unforeseen conditions: » Removed and replaced existing light gauge steel stud framing in the shower and restroom facilities of the Fitness and Weilness Center discovered to be rusted and corroded. » Removed and replaced existing iron sump pit at the Cox Building - Little Theater discovered to be too damaged to be re-used. . Repaired water line within DB-1 site area not shown on as-built drawings damaged during excavation and completed associated improvements. Page 21 of 23 . Facilities Planning and Development . December 11,2013 FPD1 " Resource Document Amendment No. 18 to Agreement No. 33063 includes Change Order Nos. 33, 34, and 35. Funding and Devetopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Cox Building - Little Theater Upgrade 36S.5607.03.09, Cox Building Upgrade 36S.5607.03.10, Fitness and Weliness Center 36S.5667.03, Construction Phase. XIV. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORDERS A. Action Authorize a purchase order with Ro!!ing Greens Nursery, fnc to provide live plants for use in the Biology classes at the Science Complex project at Los Angeles Harbor Coiiege at a cost of $1,687. if applicable, a!l sales tax shall be paid. Background Roiling: Greens Nursery, inc. provided the only responsive quote from among the three (3) written quotes requested. Dehvery and set up are included. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Science Compiex 33H.5344.02. Construction Phase. B. Action Authorize a purchase order with Secure Cabinet Company to provide Music Recital Ha equipment cabinetry for the Theater Drama Speech project at Los Angeles Harbor College at a cost of $4,718. If applicable, all sales fax shal! be paid. Background Secure Cabinet Company provided the !ow quote from among three (3) written quotes ranging from $4,718 to $14,308. Delivery and set up are included. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Theater Drama Speech 33H.5307.02. Construction Phase. C. Action Authorize a purchase order with RSPE Audio Solutions, inc. to provide recording systems for the Performing Arts Building improvements project at Pierce College at a cost of $58,795. Background RSPE Audio Solutions, Inc. provided the only responsive quote of $58,795 from among three (3) written quotes requested. Delivery and set up are induded. If applicable, a!! saies tax shall be paid. Page 22 of 23 . Facilities Planning and Development a December 11, 2013 FPD1 ~ Resource Document Funding and Development Phase Funding is throu9hproPOS!tionA Bond proceeds Early Renovations ~ Theater Building Performing Arts 05P.6518.03.03. Construction Phase. XV. AUTHORIZE USE OF MEASURE J BOND FUNDS FOR CONTRACTSORIGINALLY AUTHORIZED AS PROPOSITION A/AA BOND FUNDED Action Authorize the inclusion of Measure J funds as avaiiabie for the following previously authorized contracts to the extent the associated projects were encompassed in the Measure J project list adopted by the Board of Trustees, Contract No. Vendor Name 30310 Convsrse Consultants (aka 50047 / 2006 /10003) J 074 Koury Engineering & Testing Arcadis 0 11Od J 18^ URS Corporation - EIR Seryces J zz0 4z/ 93 Psomas Mobile Modulai 50009 Converse Consultants - 2029 aka 50009 50016 50054 Kour/ Engineering & Testing - 2052 aka 50016 -?.IilrTL?J^13!neenn9' ^nc' 50056 0 70186 30310 ^ 182 0 1209 50009 50016 70231 tephen Payte DSA Inspection Senflces -2042aka50056 0 igma Engineering, Inc. Con\erse Consultants (aka 50047,2006 /10003} URS Corporation - EIR Ser^ces Arup North America, LTD. onwrse Consultants - 2029 aka 50009 ^ Koury Engineering &Testing - 2052 aka 50016 Cannon Design Contract Type Professionai Seruices Professional Semces Professional Servces Professional Services Professional Seryces Lease Agreement Professional Seruces Professional Senses Professional Services Professional Services Professional Ser^ces Professional Services Professional Seryces Professional Services Professional Ser^ces Professional Sern'ces Professionai Senices Approval Date Corn No BSD4 FPD1 FPD1 FPD1 FPD1 4/23/2008 FPD1 11/28/2007 FPD1 12/19/2007 FPD1 4/23/2008 FPD1 11/28/2007 FPD1 12/7/2006 FPD2 12/11/2002 BSD4 3/21/2007 f: PD1 8/9/2006 FPD1 11/28/2007 FPD1 12/19/2007 FPD1 8/9/2006 FPD2 12/11/200/^d, 1/25/2006 5/16/2007 3/21/2007 7/7/2006 Background On November 4, 2008, Los Angeles voters approved $3.5 Billion of general obiigafion bonds toward a list of projects to be undertaken by the Los Angeles Community Coi!ege District. The st of projects inciuded projects which may be expended over Proposition A/AA and Measure J. This action authorizes the inclusion of Measure J funds as avaifabie for previously authorized contracts to the extent the projects were encompassed in the Measure J project st adopted by the Board of Trustees. This action does not authorize any new additional expenditures, obligation or encumbrances not previous!y presented for consideration and approved by the Board of Trustees. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Proposition A, Proposition AA, and/or Measure J Bond proceeds as applicable as long as such expenditures are consistent with the applicable project Sists. AH Phases Page 23 of 23 . Facilities Planning and Development . December 11, 2013 Bond A A A A A A A A A A A AA AA AA AA M AA