t » awuaa INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Los ANGELES COMMUNITT COLLEGES OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR TO: Members of the Board of Trustees FROM: Francisco C. Rodriguez, Chancellor DATE: November 12,2014 SUBJECT: BOARD LETTER FOR NOVEMBER 19,2014 MEETING Board Meeting Location Next week's Board meeting will be held at the Educationaf Services Center. The meeting times and locations are as follows: Meetings Time Location Legislative & Public Affairs 10:30 a.m,-11:15 a.m. Board Room Committee Break 11:15a.m.-11:30 a.m. Ad Hoc Committee on Outreach 11:30a.m.-12:15 p.m. Board Room and Recruitment Break 12:15 p.m.-12:30 p.m. Institutional Effectiveness & 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Board Room Student Success Committee Break 2:00 p.m.-2:15 p.m. Facilities Master Planning & Oversight Committee 2:15p.m,-3:15p.m. Break 3:15 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Convene Public Session 3:30 p.m. Board Room Recess to Reception Honoring Board Member Miguel Santiago Immediately Following Adoption ofBT1. Resolution Foyer Reconvene Public Session Immediately Following Reception Board Room Immediately Following 6th Floor Large Conference Room Recess to Closed Session Public Session Reconvene Public Session Immediately Following Closed Session Board Room 6th Floor Large Conference Room Board Letter- November 19, 2014 Page 2 of 2 Legislative & Public Affairs Committee (Ena Chair. Mona Field Member, Santiago Member) The committee will meet from 10:30 a.m. to 11:15a.m. in the Board Room. For the committee's agenda refer to Attachment A. The agenda may be viewed by clicking on the following link. http://laccd.edu/Board/StandinQCommittees/Documents/2014-2015StandinQCommitteeAaendas/20141119-LeaislativePublic-Affairs-Aaenda.pdf Ad Hoc Committee on Outreach and Recruitment fMoreno Chair, Ena Member) The committee will meet from 11:30a.m.to 12:15 p.m. in the Board Room. For the committee's agenda refer to Attachment B. The agenda may be viewed by clicking on the following link. httD://laccd.edu/Board/StandinQCommittees/Documents/2014-2015StandinaCommitteeAaendas/20141119-Ad-HocCommittee-Outreach-and-Recruitment-Aaenda-Revised.pdf Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success (Ena Chair, Field Vice Chair, Moreno Memberl The committee will meet from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room, For the committee's agenda, refer to Attachment C. The agenda and supporting documents may be viewed by clicking on the following links. httD://laccd.edu/Board/StandinQCommittees/Documents/2014- 2015StandinqCommitteeAqendas/20141119-]nstitutional-Effectiveness-Student-Success-Aaenda^df httD://laccd.edu/Board/StandinQCommittees/Documents/2014-2015StandinqCommitteeAaendas/20141119-IESSSupportinchDocuments.pdf httD://laccd,edu/Board/StandinaCommittees/Documents/2014-2015StandinQCommitteeAqendas/20141119-MissionCollege-Summary-Revised.Ddf Facilities Master Planning & Oversight Committee (Veres Chair, Svonkin Vice Chair, Moreno Member) The committee will meet from 2:15 p,m. to 3:15 p.m. in the Board Room. For the committee's agenda, refer to Attachment D. The agenda and supporting document may be viewed by clicking on the following links, httD://laccd.edu/Board/StandinQCommittees/Documents/2014-2015StandinqCommitteeAaendas/20141119Facilities-Master-Planninq-Oversiciht-Agenda.Ddf httD://laccd.edu/Board/StandinQCommittees/Documents/2014-2015StandinQCommjtteeAaendas/20141119-FMPOSuDDortina-Document.pdf Confidential Matters The attached correspondence is confidential and should not be shared with other persons. . Office of General Counsel o Enclosed for your review is the District-related Litigation Report. (Refer to Attachment E) o Enclosed for your review is the Bond-related Litigation Report. (Refer to Attachment F) Other Matters . Enclosed for your information are two reports provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Community College Bureau. (Refer to Attachment G) . Enclosed for your information is a Response to a Board Member Inquiry from Board Member Eng, (Refer to Attachment H) . Enclosed for your information is a Response to a Board Member Inquiry from Board Member Svonkin. (Refer to Attachment I) . Enclosed for your information is a Response to a Board Member Inquiry from Board Member Svonkin. (Refer to Attachment J) :*: . :-< 'A 3 4* ^ << m K . Board of Trustees AGENDA LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213/891-2000 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES LEGISLATIVE & PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Educational Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 Wednesday; November 19, 2014 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Committee Members MikeEng/Chair Mona Fielcf, Member Miguel Santiago, Member Steve Veres," Alternate Felicito-Chito" Cajayon, Staff Liaison Laurence B. Frank, College President Liaison Agenda (Items may be taken out of order) I. ROLL CALL II. PUBLIC SPEAKERS* ATTACHMENT "A// HI. OLD BUSINESS A. Growth Formula Update B. Adult Education Update IV. NEW BUSINESS A. 2015 Legislative Priorities (Draft) B. Calendar of Meetings (Draft) V. DISCUSSION........................................................................... committee VI. SUMMARY- NEXT MEETING.............................................................. Mjke Eng VII. ADJOURNMENT ^Members of the public are allotted_five minutes time to address the agenda issues. If requested/ the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons ^!l>h(a. ti^t^ol^tyl'2T3^^i^^tl?Jr^?^i^d20^g^Ltth^n^^G^edw^t^m^il^a^i^i:i?i^:tt^rto?.0^^ agenda shall include information regarding how/ for whom, and when a request for disabilityrelated modification or accommodation/ including auxiliary aids or services may be made by'a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request/ please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at 213/891-2044 no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. '.: 1 Bl itela'JB&te AGENDA 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA-90dl7 -213/891-26o0 i LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES AD HOC COMMITTEE ON OUTREACH AND RECRUITMENT Educational Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Committee Members Ernest H.Moreno, Chair M[ke Eng/ Member Adriana D. Barrera, Staff Liaison Agenda (Items may be taken out of order) I, ROLL CALL ATTACHMENT// "B II. PUBLIC SPEAKERS* III. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTION A. Report^on International and Out-qf-State Student Enrollments . Report on College Budgets for Recruitment of International Students B. Report on Off-Campus Instructional Locations IV. FUTURE DISCUSSION/AGENDA ITEMS V. NEW BUSINESS VI. SUMMARY- NEXT MEETING.................................................... Mjke Eng VII. ADJOURNMENT ^Members of the public are allotted five minutes time to address the agenda issues. If requested/ the agenda shall be made available * 1 in appropriate alternate formats to per?/ons.with~a/dis?.bN!ty/ asLrequired ,by section 202 o^the'America'nwith'Disabiliy'es'Art 'of 1990 (42 ^.s-c- se5tion^l^l.32^^ndt,he_mlesand regulations adopted in implementation ^re^ ^h^i:^?i^^a jln-^II -iin5I^S= in^ornr1ation re9ardin9 how, for whom/ and when ^5.u^?/. flr-.,dis^il^Y^la^ed -m?^i?!tio^,or_ accommodatipn, induding auxiliary aids or ^^'^/.T?^«bf« ^^4-^^:f>^r-s^n^^Lth .-a.^'sabilit.y who r'equir S a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. z?^l^e ^c.h.a. re.sijes^ pt_e?s.e cont^ct the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at 213/891-2044 no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to "the "Board umeet:mg.1 a ATTACH MENT"C" .. .; n ? '* B Board of Trustees a< v i AGENDA LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213/891-2000 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS & STUDENT SUCCESS COMMITTE Educational Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 Wednesday; November 19, 2014 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Committee Members Mike Eng, Chajr Mona Field/Vice Chair Ernest H. Moreno, Member Steve Veres/ Alternate Bobbi Kimble, Staff Liaison Felicito Cajayon, Staff Liaison Erika A. Endrijonas, College President Liaison Agenda (Items may be taken out of order) I. ROLL CALL II. PUBLIC SPEAKERS* III. REPORTS A. Student Equity Plans: City, East, Harbor, Mission, Pierce, Southwest, Trade-Tech, Valley, West B. Accreditation Update C. Adult Education IV. FUTURE__INSTn-UTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS AND STUDENT SU COMMITTEE MEETING DATES V. NEW BUSINESS VI. SUMMARY- NEXT MEETING........................................................ Mike Eng VII, ADJOURNMENT ^Members of the public are allotted five minutes time to address the agenda issues. I-f-.r?5^st^ ^h^-^i?.da PJ1aJl-.b^_n2a,de 5va.ilable.^Il apPropriate alternate formats to persons^with a^disabiHty/ as required^ by^ Section 202 of'ther'American"with DJ'sa'bNrties ActioL1.99CL(42JJ;£LC- s^£tlon-123;32)L,and-the._rules. a~nd'.'''egurati6ns"adoptel^lTn .'^ISITler^ti?^^elLe0^^. Jt1<e ^?e^?-a,Ji^a!1 ^r?5l^e ^nf9,!Jn'ation=''Tegardi'ng"h5w'^ for L^1^^9^a^iJii^lX^S^?'rL/s/e^iS?^r???/X. ^ ^a^e.-by-.i.Rer^on' 'vyi^'h a*'dIsa'bi'lTty"'who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. ^^/^ivY^x? JHcre^ru^xJ?Ld^^ilLtY~^LaJ:^d^^?difl^i?n..?r3ac^lmp1?dati9nl/ Ionrlake ^SJC!^^q.ue^PI?<a^Lcor!^acttJ1? Executive Secretary to the Board of Illu^?^-aJL^^?-?J-~2044 no laterthan 12 p>m- (noon) on the/Friday~pnor:'tothe Committee meeting. '» :. ^ y .I ^ s s Board of Trustees .»' AGENDA LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213/891-2000 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES FACILITIES MASTER PLANNING & OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Educational Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles/ CA 90017 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Committee Members Steve Veres, Chair Scott J. Svonkin, Vice Chair Ernest H. Moreno, Member Nancy Pearlman/ Alternate James D, O'Reilly, Staff Liaison Kathleen F. Burke/ College President Liaison Agenda (Items may be taken out of order) I. ROLL CALL II. PUBLIC SPEAKERS* ATTACHMENTS // III. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTIONS A, Presentation/Initiative Review(s) . . Bond Program Performance Audit Report Bond Program Financial Audit Report IV. NEW BUSINESS V. SUMMARY - NEXT MEETING ...................................................... Steve Veres VI. ADJOURNMENT ^Members of the public are allotted five minutes time to address the agenda issues. If requested/ the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability/ as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.5.C. Section 12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how, for whom/ and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request/ please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at 213/891-2044 no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. K- LOS ANOC'LES C ^'WSUFWY COLLEGE DISTRICT "V, 1 'T T' CITY . EAST . HARBCi-. " MiSSiON e F ^. ^SOUTHWEST . TRADE-TECHNICAL . VALLEY 'WEST MEMO Date: November 10, 2014 To: Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee: Steve Veres, chair; Ernie Moreno, vice chair; Scott Svonkin, member From: James O'ReiIIy, chief facilities executive ^LS^^^-^ D^^i RE: November 19, 2014 Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee ^-aS!?da-f^1?ei??vemberl.9? 2014 Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee ^Im^hide a report on the bond program financial audit report^^ bond program performance audit report. Both audit reports cover PropSsitionsAand AA and Measure J for Fiscal Year 2013-14. I will be joined by staff at the meeting to discuss the items on the agenda. Please feel free to call me at (213) 891-2048 if you have any questions. C: Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, chancellor Dr. Adriana Barrera, deputy chancellor Dr. Kathleen Burke, president. Pierce College Thomas Hall, director, Facilities Planning and Development Terri Mestas, director, LACCD bond Program Management Office JDO/drm .I ATTACHMENT "G// TO: Members of the Board of Trustees Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor FROM: Adriana Barrera, Deputy Chancellor SUBJECT: Crime Statistics DATE: November 13, 2014 Enclosed for your information are a year to date report as well as a two-year comparison for the time period January to September of crimes reported on the nine college campuses. The reports have been compiled by the Community College Bureau of the Los Angefes County Sheriff's Department. ; LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT n. ^^ .r .<ih T3-< *.' ^ \ COMMUNITY COLLEGE BUREAU 2014 JANUARY-OCTOBER CRIME STATS ,-t ^ ^1^ I t f. &-:;./ / .*"-^* ^ ^^^^^ </ % / '<f LA. City College East LA. Harbor Mission Pierce College College College College Homicide 0 0 1; Rape Robbery D Aggravated Assault Burglary Locker Burglary 0 PART t CRIMES 0 G 0 k College College >. 0 {} 0 u n 0 u 0 5 3 Southwest Trade Tech 0 2 11 lrl t! Valley College West LA. 1 0 3 4 3 5 2 7 98 34 0 6 0 2 / Vehicle Burglary 0 6 2 u 2 Grand Theft 4 9 2 2 23 51 35 4 18 2 2 0 0 0 (1 p c 0 26 123 57 9 u u Petty Theft Grand Theft Auto TOTAL College ^ 31 8 tSt. Arson (. PartTTotais 29 79 16 u u 0 11 61 w r 22 41 2'79 1.5 0 413 PART II CRIMES T't^r^W Forgery Fraud and NSF Checks Sex Offenses, Felonies Sex Offenses, Misdemeanors 2 0 u 0 4 ^ Non-Aggravafed Assaults Weapon Laws Offenses Against Families 0 4 r 0 0 2 0 0 0 n 0 \j 3 2 11 2 0 0 p u 6 0 4 40 *^r f; <lj ^ 2 0 \- Narcotics 2 Liquor Laws D Drunk - Alcohol/Drugs 0 ^ Disorderly Conduct t. t u u 0 d Vagrancy Gambling 0 0 u p 11 n n 0 1 n u y ff 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I! 0 0 0 5 32 20 0 (1 0 Drunk Driving Vehicle/Boat 0 \- Vehicle/Boat Laws Vandalism Warrant 3 2 f; 2 5 10 9 4 0 0 9 p u 0 0 0 0 ^1 0 0 0 'Receiving Stolen Property Federal Offenses w/o Money Federal Offenses with Money Felonies, Miscellaneous 6 otals ^' 0 0 ,'1 ^i 0 u u c 0 0 a 3 28 11 15 Misdemeanor, Miscellaneous Part 0 ^' 0 15 Juvenile, Noncriminal Commitments Miscellaneous, Noncriminal Suicide and Attempt Suicide v u 3 0 2 0 11 43 16 u 68 fl 0 30 15 NON.CRIMINAL Federal Offenses w/o Money 42 79 4 237 ¥ ^-' 0 \f 0 0 0 0 n k/ 55 49 0 0 L 0 4 I D p Mentally 111 ^ 0 2 Accidents, TrafficA/ehicie/Boat Accidents, Miscellaneous 3 8 2 2 0 8 [) 0 Persons Dead Non-Criminal Totals 0 0 58 65 12 GRAND TOTAL 115 155 43 u w 0 n L 14 16 0 0 42 8 14 269. * 0 0 0 0 < 29 13 31 20 47 25 11 40 18 t 276 m &4 238 112 35 m 3 0 .I ij n Date: '11/05/14 Data Source. LASD LARCIS 5a Reports (Data Run Dates - Numerous dates from mdividua) montfily reports). Note: Statistics presented on this report are based on cases^eported jn^the specified m_onth and reflect counts basecf on UCR reporting rules and deflniUons. Counts are preliminary until finalized and may vary from LASD, CCS YIR, previous CCS Monthly, official UCR, Oery Act, and other reports.' * * ,» LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT I-A **'fr s':f:'~!fi \ 7 ^3^ COMMUNFTY COLLEGE BUREAU /'.- *1A <f LA City College 2013 2014 no YTD 0 4 300% 0 0 <ape 0 0 Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary z 0 z 0 3 0 Locker Burglary 0 Vehicle Burglary ^ Grand Theft 0 0 ^ -19% -100% N/C. -34% 63 68 0 -100% 0 0 ^ 00% 0 0 0 N/C 0 0 0 -80% 2 left 26 Grand Theft Auto z 0 Arsoi 0 0 38 art ofal s East L.A. College 2013 2014 n %A YTD YTD N/C 0 0 N/C 0 0 -100 7o 0 -100% 0 0 -100% 3 N/C 0 0 -100% 6 fomicide Petty \ 2013-2014 YTD Comparison (JAN.SEP) f .1 v PART I CRIMES ' CRIME STATS t z 39 46 5 VoA 0. Harbor College 2013 2014 YTD no N/C 0 N/C 0 -100% N/C 0 -57% 6 N/C 0 -17% 3 800% 18% -44% -N/C 0 8% 25 0 0 0 3 / 2 2 6 15 ^ Mission College ,~" 2013 2014 %A no YTD 0 0 'N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 9 9 6 11 83% 7 75% -.:> 0 N/C -40% 0 80°, 7 57°/c 24 N/C 0 N/C 0 -43% ^'48 14 0°/c 5 * 0% / Pierce College 2013 2014 %A YTD YTD N/( / 0 0 N/C N/C 0 0 N/C -100% 0 0 N/C N/C 0 0 N/C -50% Q 0 N/C N/C 3 0 -100% V -33% 0 0 N/C fe. -71% 100% -14% 10 5 -50%b %A 4 0 ^ 30 25°/c N/C N/C 17°/( ? 0 56 PART H CRIMES Forgery aud and NSF Checks Sex Offenses, Felonies Sex Offenses, Misdemeanors Non-Aggravated Assaults Weapon Laws Offenses Against Families 0 0 N/C Narcotics ^ z 0% Liquor Laws Drunk - Alcohol/Drugs 0 0 0 Disorderly Conduct 0 vagrancy 0 0 Gambling 0 0 Drunk Driving VehJcle/Boat 0 0 Vehicle/Boat Laws Vandalism 2 8 Warrant 0 3 0 6 0 Receiving Stolen Property Federal Offenses w/o Money) _0 0 ederal Offenses with Money | Q z Felonies, Miscellaneous Misdemeanor, MJscellaneousl 0 0 Part II Totals OTAL CRIMES 0 0 0 25 27 63 52 9 N/C N/C N/C -50% 200% -100% -100% -100% N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C w b -50% N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C -69% 77 -1:6%'0 33% 3 00% 0 0 4 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 0 N/C N/C 0 6 250% 4 -25% N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 00% 0 N/C 0 8% 29 0 7% 92 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 8 15 33 30 N/C -100% 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 -50% -100% 0 N/C 0 N/C N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 0 400% N/C N/C 0 N/C -67% N/C N/C I ''88°, D m ro 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 19 -100% N/C N/C N/C 100°/c'0 N/C N/C 100% N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 267% 0 0°/c 0 N/C 9 3 50% 3 5 0 3 0 0 67% N/C N/C 0 200% 0 0 0 100°/< N/C 33% N/C N/C N/C 7 5 29°/c 4 9 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125% N/C N/C N/C 100°,to 3 4 31 12% | 7@ Date: 10/02/2014 Data Source: LASD LARCIS 5a Reports (Data Run Date - 10/02/2014), Note: Statistics presented on this report are based on cases reported in the specified month and reflect counts based on UCR reporting rules and definitions Counts are preliminary until finalized and may vary from LASD, CCS YIR, previous CCS Monthly official UCR, CleryAct, and other reports "0 Vo A" is the percent change. N/C 9 33°/c'6 75% 40 96-[1 29°/c ?~^ : '22% * LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT A 1*,^' |T- > -r. t. <;. COMMUNITY COLLEGE BUREAU ,/ 1 ^ w -^ia:*. ^'/ 1 ^- Southwest College 2013 2014 YTD rro (omicide 0 0 0 <ape <obbery Aggravated Assault 0 Burglary 0 Locker Burglary 0 0 3 4 0 0 Vehicle Burglary z Grand Theft Petty Theft 3 Grand Theft Auto ^ 0 Arsor art I Total 0 25 a Trade Tech College Valley College 2013 2014 0. 0, %A %A YTD no N/C 0 0 N/C N/C 0 0 N/C N/C 2 3 50°^'0 N/C 0 4 N/C N/C 9 2 -78% N/C 8 5 -38% N/C 0% 33% -22% 14% 82 -26% 100% 0% N/C 0 0 N/C 127% 14 105 -26% 2013 2014 YTD rro 0 ^ 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 6 8 0 2 2 0 6 52 4 30 0 0 68 49 West LA College %A 2013 no N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 200% 3 "100% 0% 0 N/C -42% 2 -100% 0 N/C 0 -28% 0 ^ w 2013-2014 YTD Comparison (JAN-SEP) y PART I CRIMES ' CRIME STATS v ALL CAMPUSES 2014 2013 %A YTD rro 0 N/C 0 0 N/C 0 0 N/C 6 0 N/C 0 -100% 36 to 0 -100% 25 0 N/C 18 2 100% 30 6 200% 278 0 N/C 18 0 0 N/C 9 29°,'0 415 2014 %A YTD N/C 0 N/C 5 17°/c 9 26 125°/c 28<% 72°/i 20 11°, 39 30% 241 12 0 360 13°/c N/C; 13°/c 6 200% fl 33°/c PART 11 CRIMES Forgery aud and NSF Checks Sex Offenses, Felonies 0 0 0 0 0 Sex Offenses, Misdemeanors 0% Non-Aggravated Assaults 0 Weapon Laws 0 4 Offenses Against Families 0 0 Narcotics 0 0 Liquor Laws Drunk - Alcohol/Drugs 0 0 0 0 Disorderly Conduct 0 0 Vagrancy 0 0 Gambling 0 0 Drunk Driving Vehicle/Boat 0 Vehicle/Boat Laws Vandalism Warrant 6 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Receiving Stolen Property Federal Offenses w/o Money ederal Offenses with Money Felonies, Miscellaneous Misdemeanor, Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 Part II Totals 4 14 15 39 &TAL CRIMES N/C N/C N/C 0 0 0 0 0 0 -i 2 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 200% 0 4 0 0 1:60% 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 3 0% 0 0 69% 18 26 N/C -100% N/C -100% N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C ,N/C 50% 0% N/C N/C N/C -N/C N/C N/C 44% 86 * 75 -1:3% J 9 50% 17 0 N/C N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 La N/C 2 N/C 250% 35 N/C N/C N/C -33% 75% N/C N/C 50% N/C -100% N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 53% N/C N/C N/C if. N/C -100% 26 0 0 0 2 0 59 0 0 <- m -7% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 12 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/C Wo b 0 13 214 22 47% 576, 574 0% 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 15 Date: 10/02/2014 Data Source: LASD LARCIS 5a Reports (Data Run Date - 10/02/2014). Note: Statistics presented on this report are based on cases reported in the specified month and reflect counts based on UCR reporting rules and definitions. Counts are preliminary until finalized and may vary from LASD, CCS YIR, previous CCS Monthlv. official UCR, Clery Act, and other reports. '% A" is the percent change. 29°/c N/C N/C N/C 25% b 14% 0 50% 33°/c 0 0 5 N/C 0 N/C 14 N/C 14 N/C 3 N/C N/C 14 N/C N/C N/C 3 N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C 0 75% 38 100°,b 45 N/C 0 N/C 0 N/C N/C 4 N/C 100% 63% 161 0 0 0 2 7 N/C 9 36°, 0 164% 133°/c 100% 21% 100% 3 50% 37 7 0 17 0 0 5 38 71 0 0 3 8 3 ^ 0% N/C N/C N/C 0°,b 58°/c LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CITY / EAST / HARBOR / MISSION / PIERCE / SOUTHWEST /TRADE-TECHNICAL / VALLEY / WEST ATTACHMENT H CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE RESPONSE TO BOARD MEMBER INQUIRY Received From: Board Member Eng Date: May 28, 2014 Item No. Aj-14-01 Subject: Student Matriculation ^th^!T^ofth,e.?doPtior'-offhe Board Rule on student Matriculation on May 28, 1014, Board Member Eng requested information on the number of students that will be denied registration priority because they are on probation or have reached the 100-unit cap. A recent report from the Office of Institutional Research indentified 1,746 students who are on their second semester of academic probation and 4,182 students who are on probation for the first time or have reached 75% of the 100-unit limit. These students receive notification of their status prior to the next term's registration. Submitted By: Bobbi Kimble, Vice Chancellor, Ed Prog. & LR. Date:_Nov. 13, 2014 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CITY / EAST / HARBOR / MISSION / PIERCE / SOUTHWEST /TRADE-TECHNICAL / VALLEY / WEST CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE ATTACHMENT RESPONSE TO BOARD MEMBER INQUIRY Received From: Board Member Scott Svonkin Date:_Feb.26,20U Item No. 11-14-02 Subject: Financial Market Place Obligations Board Member Svonkin requested information on whether the District's policies and procedures reflect the necessary rules and regulations pertaining to the issuance of bonds. The District's Debt Policy includes all of the policies and procedures that reflect the requirements for the issuance of bonds. There are three main sets of policy and legal requirements involving the sale of bonds: state and federal law and the District's debt policy. State law governs the kind of obligations the District can incur under what conditions. Bond counsel is the primary party responsible for ensuring such compliance by preparing the legal documents and resolutions and rendering an opinion. In doing so, Bond counsel relies on various certificates of the District including an opinion of the District's counsel on certain matters. Federal law governs two areas: tax-exemption of interest on the bonds and the disclosure requirements for a publicly offered security. Bond counsel also reviews the tax-law concerns and renders an opinion in that regard. The District is responsible for compliance with various tax-related covenants. Disclosure counsel leads the preparation of the official statement and takes actions to ensure that the District does not violate federal securities iaw. The Districts Debt Policy was adopted by the Board to ensure that certain policy objectives are met. Among these are the use of local and emerging businesses and the procedures for procuring various services. The CFO and the financial advisor are responsible for ensuring compliance to the policies. The District has met all of these policy and legal requirements on prior transactions and is proceeding to meet them on the upcoming transactions. Submitted By: Jeanette Gordon Date: Niov. 14,2014 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CITY/ EAST/ HARBOR / MISSION / PIERCE / SOUTHWEST/TRADE-TECHNICAL/VALLEY/WEST CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE ATTACHMENT J RESPONSE TO BOARD MEMBER INQUIRY Received From: Board Member Scott Svonkin Date: March 12,2014 Item No. 11-14-03 Subject: Smoking/NonSmoking Policy Board Member Svonkin inquired as to whether the District's health plans state that smoking cessation is a requirement under state law. A review of the health plans indicated that none include this statement. However, further review and consultation with CalPERS indicated there is no requirement under state law for a member to cease smoking in order to receive coverage. Nonetheless, the health plans offered by the District include a smoking cessation program for those members who have a desire to quit. This information can be found in the health plan summary guide which is available on-line for each plan. Submitted By: Adrians Barrera, Deputy Chancellor Date: Nov. 14,2014