* » w vs vs Bv t A I A Los Angeles Community College District v g 770 WHshirc Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 891-2000 ORDER OF BUSINESS - REGULAR MEETING Wednesday/ June 24, 2015 First Public Session 3:00 p.m. Recess to Reception 3:30 p.m. Second Public Session 4:00 p.m. Closed Sess i o n flmmediatelv Followina Second Public Session) Educational Services Center Board Room " First Floor 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles/ CA 900X7 I. Rolf Call (3:00 p.m.) II. Flag Salute m. Recommendations from the Board » Proposed Actions BT1. BT2. Resolution - In Recognition of Board Member Mona Field Resolution - In Recognition of Board Member Steve Veres IV. Recess to Reception (3:30 p.m.) V. Reconvene Regular Board Meeting (4:00 p.m.) VI. Roll Call VII. Reports from Representatives of Employee Organizations at the Resource Table VIII. Announcements from College Presidents and Chancellor IX. Public Agenda Requests A. Oral Presentations B. Proposed Actions X. Reports and Recommendations from the Board . Reports of Standing and Special Committees ® Proposed Actions BT3. Amend Board Rule Chapter XVII Article III - Bond Program Monitor ORDER OF BUSINESS June 24, 2015 Page 2 BT4. Amend Board Rule Chapter II Article V ~ Communications to the Board BT5. XI. Authorize Conference Attendance Consent Calendar Matters Requiring a Matoritv Vote BF1. Adopt the 2015-2016 Tentative Budget BF2. BSD1. BSD2. Adopt a Resolution to Authorize Debt Service Estimate Ratify Business Services Actions Approve Business Services Actions FPD1. Approve Facilities Planning and Development Routine Report FPD2. Adopt Resolution Authorizing Implementation of DesignBuild System of Project Delivery for the Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy Project at Los Angeles Harbor Coifege; Ratifying Request for Quaiiftcations and Proposa Process; and Authorizing the Award of a Design-Build Agreement FPD3. Adopt Resolution Ratifying Staffs Issuance of a Request for Qualifications and Proposals Under Education Code Section 81335 for the Valley Academic and Cultura Center Project at Los Angeles Valley College; and Authorizing the Award of the Site Lease/ Facilities Lease and Related Pre-Construction and Construction Services Agreement XII. HRD1. Authorize Presidential Selection Process for West Los HRD2. Angeles College Declaration of Compensation as Indefinite Recommendations from the Chancellor CH1. Authorize Public Auction of Surplus Property XIII. Notice Reports and Informatives ISD/A. [Notice]_Amend Board Rule Chapter VI Article II Graduation Requirements XIV. Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions XV. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Closed Session Agenda Matters Location: Board Room XVI. Recess to Closed Session in accordance with The Ralph M. Brown Act/ Government Code sections 54950 et seq./ and the Education Code to discuss the matters on the posted Closed Session agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954.5. Location: Hearing Room ORDER OF BUSINESS June 24, 2015 Page 3 XVII. Reconvene Regular Meeting (Immediately Following Closed Session) Location: Hearing Room XVIII. Roll Call XIX. Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session - June 24, 2015 XX. Adjournment * * * * * * * * * * * * * <^s .*^^ <^11' i<^^ ^T^ ^T^ '^^ '<^' *^^ ^Tt '^f* * * ^ * * * * Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday, July 8, 2015 (Public Session Scheduled for 3:30 p.m.) Los Angeles City CoUege 855 North Vermont Los Angeles/ CA 90029 ^ * * * * * ^^i- ^^" ^^" ^^.^ ^7^r '^T^ ^f^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b), documents made available to the Board after the posting of the agenda that relate to an upcoming public session item will be made available by posting on the District's offlcia buiietin board located in the lobby of the Educational Services Center located at 770 Wilshire Boulevard/ Los Angeles/ California 90017. Members of the public wishing to view the material will need to make their own parking arrangements at another location. If requested/ the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132)/ and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how/ for whom/ and when a request for disability-reiated modification or accommodation/ induding auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request, please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at (213) 891-2044 no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. s . 5< y i- ^ t . s .B BB . s a AGENDA .>' LOS ANGELES COMMUNITYCOLLEGE DISTRICT 770 Wilshirc Boulevard, LosAngeles,CA90017 213/891-2000 ATTACHMENT A CLOSED SESSION Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Educational Services Center Hearing Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 I. Public Employment (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) A. Position: Interim President, West Los Angeies College Conference with Labor Negotiator (pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6) A. District Negotiators: Albert Roman Adriana D. Barrera Employee Unit: Cierical/Technical - Loca! 1521A Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Charges/Complaints (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) IV. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1) A. Armine Stepanyan v. LACCD B. Robert Rettberg v. LACCD C. G&G Door Products, Inc. v. KPRS Construction Services, Inc., LACCD, etal. V. Conference with Lega! Counsel - Potential Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956,9(d)(2) and (e)(1) A. Potential litigation - 1 matter s + . A * Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No, BT1 Division Board of Trustees Date: June 24, 2015 Subject RESOLUTION - IN RECOGNITION OF BOARD MEMBER MONA FIELD WHEREAS, Board member Mona FEe!d was first elected to the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community Coiiege District in 1999;and WHEREAS, Board member Fieid has been re-e!ected three times, serving for a tota! of 16 years on the Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, Board member Field's peers elected her president of the Board of Trustees twice, first in 2004, and again In 2009;and WHEREAS, The longest serving member, she voted for the Board of Trustees to put before the electorate the three bond measures, Proposition A, Proposition AA, and Measure J, that have funded the massive building program that has transformed the look and efficiency of all nine LACCD campuses; and WHEREAS Board member Field has chosen to serve on Board committees in which she believed her background and expertise could be of service such as the Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success and the Legisiative & Public Affairs committees; and WHEREAS, She has maintained an interest and involvement in projects and activities that touch on environmental and sustainability issues; and WHEREAS, Board member Fieldte been a proponent of participatory governance working^ to ensure the voices of faculty, staff and students are'heard'are heard in decision making; and WHEREAS, Through her words and actions, she has demonstrated a belief in the establishment and maintenance of positive tabpr-management relations and has been a supporter of the Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee; and WHEREAS, Board member Field has shown consistent diligence and thoughtful preparation for meetings; and WHEREAS, Board member Field has consistent!y shown genuine interest and respect for constituencies and their concerns; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees hereby recognizes Board member FieSd's dedication and loyalty to the District; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District names Mona Field Board Member Emeritus. Chancellor and Eng Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn.No. BT1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 6/24/15 * ® i .: * Los Angeles Community Coilege District Corn.No, BT2 Board of Trustees Division Date: June 24, 2015 Subject: RESOLUTION - IN RECOGNITION OF BOARD MEMBER STEVE VERES WHEREAS, Steve Vereswas elected to the Los Angeles Community Co!!ege District Board of Trustees in 2011; and WHEREAS. Board member Veres was elected president of the Board by his peers the following year; and WHEREAS, As a Board member, he has chaired several Board committees, including the Budget & Finance and the Facilities Master Planning & Oversight committees; and WHEREAS, Board member Veres has buiit a reputation as a fair and thoughtful proponent of buiidlng faciiities that meet the needs of students, are multi-purposed and multifunctional, and reflect efficient use of space; and WHEREAS, Board member Veres has emphasized the need to serve students who have traditionally been underserved by urging that ciass scheduies be created to accommodate working and older adult students; and WHEREAS, He has focused on addressing the student success outcomes of students with basic skills and developmenta! educatEon needs; and WHEREAS, Board member Veres has been: creative in his outreach on behalf of the District; and WHEREAS, Board member Veres has promoted the interests of the members of the Board of Trustees on a regular basis; and WHEREAS, Ejected to the Board of Trustees as an agent for change and reform, Board member Veres_has led the way to improvements in the management and oversight of the bond-funded facilities program; and ^ WHEREAS, Board member Veres has been instrumental in ensuring strong labor-management relationships, deveioping a policy requiring 10 percent of the budget as a minimum level for the general reserve fund, and closing each fisca! year with a healthy ending balance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Board member Steve Veres be recognized by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District for his exemplary leadership and: service and for his many contributions to the students and residents of the Los Angeles region; and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees congratuiates and thanks B'oard member Steve Veres and wishes him wel! as he continues on with the next phase of his professional career. Chancellor and Eng Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. BT2 Div. Board of Trustees Date 6/24/15 s ® A .' ri. Noticed: June 13, 2015 Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BT3 Division Board of Trustees June 24, 2015 Subject: AMEND BOARD RULE CHAPTER XVil ARTICLE III - BOND PROGRAM MONITOR Amend Board Rule 17300 as fo!!ows: Retention of the Bond Program Monitor 17300 The Los Ange!es Community College District Board of Trustees and Chanceilor authorizes the retention of a consultant the Internai Audit Unit to ensure jhat Its capita! program funded by Proposition A, Proposition AA, and Measure J ("Bond Program") is performing with^the utmost integrity and in furtherance of that objective authorize the Bond Program Monitor to investigate and report on circumstances involving action or inaction by an employee, contractor, consuKant, or Trustee that the Bond Program Monitor reasonably suspects may_invo!ve or aid and abet in the occurrence of misconduct constituting fraLfd, corruption, a violation of a non-discretionary law, rule or/egulation, an abuse ofdiscFetion in the exercise of a right or authority granted under a discretionary !aw, rule, or regulation, gross mismanagement or other actions or inactions occurring in'the context of an" evident deliberate or reckless disregard of an actual or probabie waste or abuse of District funds, 17300.1 ReportinQ A, General ReportinQ The Director of Internal Audit shall serve as the Bond Program Monitor, shall report directiy to the Board of Trustees, but be'directed and supervised on a day to-day basis by the Chancelior or desiqnee To the extent that reports reflect matters under investigation for which a fina! determination has not been made, such reports shal! be treated as confidentla! pursuant to the "deliberative process exception of the Caiifornia Public Records Act. B. Executive Briefings As determined by the District, the Bond Program Monitor shal! provide periodic briefings and reports to keep executive management for the District apprised of important undertakings by the Bond Program Monitor, their outcomes, and other matters that warrant attention, including timely advice to the Chancellor if any employee, officia! contractor, consultant or'Trustee attempts to impede or obstruct any investigation or other activity of the Bond Program Monitor, Chancellor and Eng, Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT3 Div. Board of Trustees Date 6/24/15 Noticed: 6/13/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BT3 Board of Trustees Division Date: June 13, 2015 C. Semiannua! Reports The Bond Program Monitor shai! make semiannua! reports on its activities, which shall be available to the public and, not later than three days after issuance of an^^?o^.t.h?.is^u?iiic^aYalia.b1^post that re,port 9n the Bond.Program Monitor website Such webslte shall include a service that allows an individua! to request automatic r^ceJPtofinformation re^itingt?,an^PublicreP9rt'or,P,?rtion th,el^e?f' bY, means of electronic transmittal of thetnformafion, or notice of the availability of the information, without further request. 17300.2 Generally Authorized Activities The Bond Program Monitor is authorized to interview witnesses, take testimony, and demand the production of any information, documents, reports, answers; records, accounts, papers, and other data and documentary evidence the Bond Program Monitor deems materiai, relevant, and reasonably reEated to" any investigation of misconduct related to the Bond Program. 1:7301 PQwers and Duties The Bond Program Monitor shall have the fo!!owin:g powers and duties: A. to plan, direct, and monitor day-to-day operations of the Bond Program insofar as may involve the detection prevention, occurrence, or report of misconduct, or the threat of mjsconduct, related to the Bond Program; B. toreceive and with integrity, objectivity, independence, and confjdentiality. investigate complaints concerning incidents of possible misconduct, related to the Bond Program; and C, to evaluate the policies and procedures governing the Bond Program, as we!! as whe. appropriate, the performance of-wo^ related to ^ Bond Program, in order to develop recommendations on revisions that wou!d facilitate prevention and detection of possible misconduct reiated to the Bond Program; 17302 Whistlebiower Hotline The Bond Program Monitor is directed to maintain a toll-free "Whistiebiower Hotline" and a post office box for anonymous reporting, for the purpose of receiving citizen and empioyee reports of misconduct'reiated to' the Bond p.ro.g^.rn; unliess the, ca!ief, ? °^sents to disciosure the identity of any [ndividual providing such reports shall to the maximum extent allowed by applicable iaw be kept confidentiai and any persons involved in the reporting should not be alerted until an investigation is complete and a corrective action is recommended by the Bond Program Monitor and approved by the District. Aii reports received shall be prioritized and investigated according to the nature and urgency of the allegation and the credlbiiity of the report. The'hotlEne and post office box will be publicized in a manner reasonably resigned to_ reach al! employees, contractors, and: consultants, including, without iimitation, by posting informative notices' at Page 2 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT3 Div. Board of Trustees Date Noticed: 6/24/1:5 6/13/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BT3 Board of Trustees Division Date: June 24, 2015 Loc?_t[°^ ^ere,,em?!oyee? ,con9re9ate and Provid:in9 !inks on the websites maintained by the District (inciuding, without Hmita&n, the Bond Prooram ^ibssteLan(L!?1?.-?°.n,d pro9i?m M,onit?r^ The Bond Program Monitor shall follow the_Whistleblower~ComDlaint Process in Board Rule 7902. with I?!rS^!.h.t^!^rJ^?!ylevv--c?U1rn't?ee^Jscrete from the mernb®rchip-for the Review Committee for operational matters^ 17303 fnvestiaation Reports and Other Documentary Materia A, Pubiic Summary Upon conciusion of an investigation into possibie misconduct, and in the interest of accountability, the Bond Program Monitor shall prepare a written report on the nyestigation as appropriate and such report shaii be released to the pubilc, ?<ui:)J?CLto.an^.c!.ons neec^ ,t? Protect witnesses. The Bond Program Monitor's Jnvestigation reports should be provided to the Chance!!or and the Board of Trustees and may also be provided to parties affected by or involved in the investigation, if appropriate. B. investigatory Materials njght of the purpose of the Bond Program Monitor as stated: in Board Ruie 17300 the records of the Bond: Program Monitor are presumptively deemed investigatory records exempt from disclosure under the California Pubii'c Records Act. However, materials provided to the Board of Trustees for a matter that will be discussed in pubiic session must be made avaiiable contemporaneous!y to the pub!ic as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act. Materiais that reiate to potential or existing litigation, emptoyee privacy or other matters exempt from disclosure or subject to a lawful closed session discussion shaii not be subject to pubilc disciosure except as required by law. 17304 Duty ofVigiEance and Cooperation t shall: be the duty of every empioyee, contractor, consultant, and Trustee to ?.x!!?1l^LC20^[ati?n-a.nd-ai!:.reasonable..ass;?tance J°{^Bond PJOgram Monitor and his/her designees in connection with any Bond Program Monitor investigate, and alt Trustees; employees, contractors/consultants-are expected to be vigiiant in preventing and reporting fraud, abuse, and corruption. 17305 RetaMion Prohibited No emptoyee, contractor, consuitant, student or Trustee shal! retaliate against, punish, or penalize any person for cpmpiaining to cooperating with, or assisting the Bond Program Monitor in the performance of his or her duties. Any employee, con!ractoir)_iF?nsll!t,ant',?tLi^ent, ^rust?e w!1° violates the provisions of this section shall: be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with the due process provisions associated with his or her position. Page 3 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT3 Div. Board of Trustees Date 6/24/15 Noticed: 6/13/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.BT3 Board of Trustees Division Date: June 24, 2015 17306 Referrais of investigations Upon making a preiiminary determination that alleged misconduct may invoive possible criminai conduct/ the Bond Program Monitor, in consultation^with the Chancellor, may refer compiaints regarding such misconduct to the appropriate av^enforcement authority. In.theevenUhat the Chancellor is th. alleged wrongdoer, the Bond Program Monitor shall consult with the Board President. 17307 Cpnfiicts of interest The Bond Program Monitor, and its staff members, must be free both in fact and !iPBe^rlnce-.^o^.>perso,n).exteJJ1al). ?nc! or9a^i^'9^ai impairments to its objectivity and independence. Consistent with the foregoing all ai!egations against the Bond Program Monitor orjts staff for vio!ationi ofthe provjsibns of these rules and any matters that the Bond Program Monitor determines cannot be objectively and mdependentiyjnvestigated by'the Bond Program Monitor shall be submitted directly to the Chancellor and if appropriate, to proper law enforcement authorities. The Bond Program Monitor and i:ts staff shail submit to periodic background checks oncl-shati submit such conflict of interest disclosures and certifications as may be requested by the District in order to confirm compliance with this requirement. 17308 LeaaiCounsel T.h!_?.onid.pro9ram^?nitor.?haJ1 have avallable leaal counsel, through an appropriate competitive selection process, retain, at the expense of the District, its own legal counsel, who shall not be a lega! counsel contemporaneousiy retained by the District on any other bond matters. to advise the Bond Program Monitor on legal matters related 1o-performance of its 5Jn?i!i?r^iundeLth,ese,r^l.e^.?n.d,'?/ .sha,ll: be,free of,an.y conf!icts of interest. ?.uc-h iS?8! co^?e! i?_ n,9t r?aln?lto provi^?advice ?0 th.e Bond Program Monitor ?Ln- n^ersx reiatin9.to ti?e Bo^d pro9ranr1.Monitor>s tega! o^contracrual duties to the District_or on questions that may arise betweerfthe District and the Bond Program Monitor relating ^ to the adequacy of the Bond Program Monitor's performance. Such legal counsel shall be deemed to be in a direct and confidential client-attorney reiationship with the District, and not with the Bond Program Monitor individually, and the District shall be deemed the holder of all related legai privileges. 17309 Interna! Principles. Policies, and Procedures I^^O£ci-^i?^?rn[1-?fonitP-r,.an^!!s,s.taf?_sh.ali. act wi:th inte9rify3nc! exercise objectivity and professiona! skepticism and avoid circumstances that would cause ?/S?s?^b:ieanA!nfo[Tedrthird.p.arty to,bel:i?ve that,the Bond Program Monitor !he.l30nd p^ogr^m IY!o^itor's wor,k,has been compromised. Consistent with'the or its^ staff ^ not capable of exercising objectivity and impartial judgment or that foregoing, the- Bond Program Monitor shall (1) develop internal rules and procedures for conduct of investigations and'for external quality assurance reviews of investigations and other activities of the Bond Program Monitor, Page 4 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT3 Div. Board of Trustees Date 6/24/15 Noticed: 6/13/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No.3T3 Board of Trustees Division Date: June 24, 2015 (2) identify and assess threats to its independence of objectivity from both !?ler^l^dir?,temalsources'.^ evaluate the significance of threats identifjed and prioritize them in a manner consistent with-the Bond Program Monitor's obligations under these rules or as other directed by the Chancellor or Trustees, (4) apply safeguards as necessary to eliminate the threats or reduce them to an aScePtable tev^^ E?°,t use conjic*ential information for persona! gain or in any other manner that is detrimental to the iegitimate interests of the DTstrict, and (6) establish criteria for the conduct of investigations before commencing nvestigations, and (7) prepare an Investigative Manua!" that described the PILn.%!ls.?^CJ^L??c[P^c^d^rest.o>i?P.teme.l?t..a,nd 9°yemthe Bond Program Monitor's performance of its duties and responsibilities under these ru!es. 17310 Auditing and Management Functions It is not the function of the Bond Program Monitor to perform management functions, to give recommendations on management decisions, to evaluate budgets to set policy, to design interna! management controls affecting routine iTlaJc!-ac?e=rT1entfuncti?ns' to5e!'fo!'m.functi9,ns/assi9n^d to the District)s"auditors P^^rS.li?^C^L^ip^?^?^^u?lts^tinJemal>or exte^na1)' or to, issue interpretations of or ^9a! ^terminations on existing policies, ru!es;or reguiattons Sl?L9Syf^ni th<!J^^d:.p?^fIL^?t^iihsJaSdincllth.e fp^90in9' however the Bond Program Monitor in performing the duties "and obligations provided for under these ruies shall review, assess, and recommend enhancements to the iu^t!^--an.d..c!Hties.of,the.Di:?trict'^a,udi.t?P .?nd {0. the District's program management poiicies and procedures that will facilitate the prevention, detection, and reporting of misconduct related to the Bond Program. 17311 -Trainino Proarams The Bond Program Monitor shall develop and documont cpcciat awarcncGo and training initiatives designed to aiert the District to systomic weaknesses in its programs or procedures that make them vulnorablo to misconduct related to the Bond Program. Background. In March 201:0, the Board of Trustees directed that the establishment of an Office of inspector Gr?neral f?f,the,buildjn^ipr?9?m'.. !? sprin9 .2.01 ?' th/?r,???,? r?,vis?d t)le po!icy re9arding ^he scope of the office and cjianged ite tltte to Bond Program Monitor ("BPM") The function was temporarily assigned to the nternal Audit Unit, During 2013 and 2014, the District issued two Requests for Proposal which yieided only one or two firms, and the projected cost of the program was high. Therefore, the Chanceiior recommends that the BPM function be permanently assigned to the Internal Audit Unit. Page 5 of 5 Pages Corn. No. BT3 D!V. Board of Trustees Date 6/24/15 Noticed: 6/13/15 » ® A w ;!»' Noticed: June 13, 2015 Los Angeles Community College District . Corn. No. BT4 Division Board of Trustees June 24, 2015 Subject: AMEND BOARD RULE CHAPTER II ARTICLE V - COMMUNfCATfONS TO THE BOARD Amend Board Rule 2501.10 as foitows: 2501.10 Genera! Procedures Persons who wish to address the Board on District-sponsored agenda items or public agenda items may do so pursuant to the following rules; a. The person shai! present a request to the Chancellor as Secretary of the Board or designee giving his/her name, address, and telephone number by 10:00 a.m on the day of the Board meeting. The request shai! inctude the name of the organization or group represented, if any, and a statement related to the agenda item to be addressed. b. During any single meeting, such persons may address the Board once on one or more District-sponsored agenda items and/or onceon one or more agenda items sponsored by a member of the public pursuant to Board Rule 2407 12, He or she may speak for up to fwe three minutes maximum on aii agenda items, whether District-spohsored and/or sponsored by a member of the pubiic, pius any additiona! time to address coiiective bargaining matters as discussed in Board Rule 2501.11(e). At the discretion of the Board members, time may be extended, if there is not a majority to extend the time, the five three minute rule as specified above wil! apply. c. !ndividua!s and/or groups wishing to lodge charges or compiaints against officers and/or employees of the District shall sign such complaints under penalty of perjury and sha submit same En writing to the Board of Trustees through the Chancellor as'the Secretary of the Board. Such charges or complaints may be considered by the Board of Trustees in closed sessions, d. A public speaker may be cautioned that applicable due process rights apply to public employees, and that speakers are encouraged to focus on matters within the Board's jurisdiction, rather than private or unrelated matters, he/she may bo personally tiabjo for defamation, invasion of "privacy or other matters for statements made while addressing the Board during opori-sessteft. e. No member of the audience may speak without the recognition of the President of the Board. Profanity, obscenity, and other offensive language ^ are not condoned and steati ma may be ruled out of order by the President of the Board or presiding officer. Physical violent directed towards any persons or property are is not condoned and shall be submitted to the eCity Attomey^or dDistrict^ aAttorney's office (whichever has jurisdiction) for nvestigation and possib!e prosecution, Chancellor and Eng Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT4 Div, Board of Trustees Date Noticed: 6/24/15 6/13/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT4 Division Board of Trustees Date: June 13, 2015 g. Nonscheduied substitutes may not speak in place of scheduled speakers uniess alternates have been submitted on the original request or a majority of the Board authorizes the substitute speaker. h. Twenty minutes shali^be the maximum _ time aiiotment for any one agenda item regardiess of the number of speakers. At the discretion of a majority of the Board Members, the time may be extended. Ef there is not a majority vote to extend the time, the twenty minutes maximum rule wil! appiy, Fwe Three minutes plus any additional time to_address coilective bargaining matters as discussed In Board: Rule 2501,11(e) shall be the maximum time ailotmenffor any one public speaker regardiess of the number or types of items addressed. At the discretion of a majority of the Board members, the time may be extended. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT4 Div. Board of Trustees Date 6/24/15 Noticed: 6/13/15 A ® w »n Los Angeles Community College District . Corn, No. BT5 Board of Trustees Division Date: June 24, 2015 Subject; AUTHORIZE CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Authorize payment of necessary expenses for Mike Eng, Mike Fong, and Scott J. Svonkin, members of this Board of Trustees, to meet with members of congress and federal departments on July 12-15, 2015 in Washington, DC. Background: Board Members' expenses will be reimbursed from their travel allocation of $2500 each. Chanceilor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Fong_ Veres Moreno Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No, BT5 Div. Board of Trustees Pearlman Date 6/24/15 '*. 'K». ;.< 'ft ;<» '* vs vs vs vs HirMiN * ^*' Corn No. BF1 NOTICED: June 10, 2015 Los Angeles Community College District e Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: June 24, 2015 Subject: 2015-2016 TENTATIVE BUDGET ADOPTION Adopt the 2015-2016 Tentative Budget and authorize staff to file the same with the California Community College Chancellor's Office. Background; The Governing Board of the Los Angeles Community College District must adopt the 2015-2016 Tentative Budget no ^ter than JulyJI, 2015> for the year ending June 30, 2016, as required under Section 58305(a) of'Title 5, California Code of Reguiations^ Adoption of the Tentative Budget will allow the District to begin its operations for the 2015-2016 fiscai year. ^ ^ l==? Recommended by: 2*A A^iana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancelior /L Approved by; Francisco pdnguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Fong Date By: Page Moreno eartman Svonkin Veres Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote of Pages Corn. No. 8F1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 6-24.2015 Noticed: 6-10-2015 s ;.< 'ft <e A mfiw BB BB BB vs 'fn, Los Angeles Community College District I Corn No. 8F2 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: June 24, 2015 Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE DEBT SERVICE^ESTjMATE Adop^Resojl^ution dated J^une 24 2015 (here attached and ^ 1) entitled "Resolution Authorizing Debt Service Estimate" to be provided to the County ^?^lnR.a.Boft!?^Sfrtl?e_?1'2l5'ooo',OS9.relTfainiSg a^thorized Los Angeies Community CpHeg_e District 2008 Election Genera! Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $325,000,000 during the period August 201'5-December 2016. This resolution is necessary so that the Los Angeles County can calculate an estimated tax rate for fiscal year 2015-2016. Background: The adoption of the resolution by the Board of Trustees directs staff to provide data to the County regarding the possibility that the District will issue more of its Measure J authorization during 2015-2016. This resolution does not authorize the actua sale or issuance of general obligation bonds at this time. \ ,-» J Recommended by: ^ \ Sl ^ Q. m ^ Approved by: » Acfri^na D. Barrera, Deputy"Chanceilor Fr^H£[^o (^ , Rodriguez, Chancelior Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Eng Pearl man Field Svonkin Fong By: Date Moreno Veres Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of Pages Corn. No. BF2 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 6-24-2015 Attachment RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION REQUESTING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO ESTABLISH TAX RATE FOR BONDS OF LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT EXPECTED TO BE SOLD DURING FISCAL YEAR 2015-16, AND AUTHORIZING NECESSARY ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, this Board of Trustees (the "Board") of the Los Angeles Community College District (the "District"), located in Los Angeles County (the "County"), California, is authorized to, and intends to, issue a series of its bonds for purposes authorized by the voters of the District on November 4, 2008 ("Measure J"); WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County is required to take action approving a tax rate for payment of indebtedness of the District during Fiscal Year 2015-16, and it is the responsibility of the Auditor-Controller of the County to calculate the several tax rates for the Board of Supervisors' action thereon; WHEREAS, this Board has determined that it is not possible or advisable to sell the District's bonds in lime to permit ihe Auditor-ControlIer, or other appropriate County official, of the County to calculate the tax rates necessary to pay debt service on such bonds in order that such tax rates may be reflected on 2015-2016 property tax bills of taxpayers in the District; WHEREAS, the Education Code of the State of California provides that the Board of Supervisors of each county shall annually, at the lime of making the levy of taxes for county purposes, estimate the amount of money required to meet the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds authoriz.ed by the electors of the District and not sold, and which the Board of Trustees of the District informs the Board of Supervisors in their beiief will be sold before the next tax levy, and further provides that said Board of Supervisors shall levy a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest so estimated; and WHEREAS, this Board deems it necessary and desirable to issue a series of the District's bonds during Fiscal Year 2015-16, as authorized by the Government Code, and that the County levy a tax for payment on debt service estimated to come due on such bonds during Fiscal Year 2015-16, and believes that said bonds will be sold during said Fiscal Year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT: Section 1. Recitals. All of the above recitals are correct. Section 2. Estimate of Tax Levy. The Chancellor or the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer of the District or such other officer of the District as either authorized officer may designate (each, an "Authorized District Representative"), are hereby authorized and directed to prepare, or cause KNN Public Finance, a financial advisor to the District, to prepare, an estimate of all payments of principal and interest which shall become due on a series of bonds of the District DOCSSF/1 !0660v2/022000-000 Attachment I expected to be sold prior to the making of the tax levy for Fiscal Year 2015-16, and to cause the debt service schedule so prepared to be provided to the Board of Supervisors and the AuditorController of the County and to any other officers of the County responsible for preparing the tax levy for bonds of the District and for levying said tax. The District estimates that the sale of its next series of bonds shall be in an estimated amount of $325 million, an amount within the District's authorized but unissued bond allowance, and are expected to be issued during Fiscal Year 2015-16. Section 3. Reciuest to County to Levy Tax. The Board of Supervisors of the County is hereby requested, in accordance with Education Code Section 15252-15254, to adopt a tax rate for bonds of the District expected to be sold during Fiscal Year 2015-2016, based upon the estimated debt service schedule prepared by officers of the District, and to levy a tax in Fiscal Year 2015-16 on all taxable property in the District sufficient to pay said estimated debt service. The proceeds of such tax shall be deposited into the debt service fund of the District established pursuant to the Education Code for bonds of the District. Section 4: Appticatioo of Tax Proceeds. In the event Eha£ the bonds of the District are not sold during Fiscal Year 2015-16, or sold in such amount and on such terms that the proceeds of the tax requested in Section 3 hereof, or any portion thereof, are not required for payment of debt service due on the bonds, this Board hereby requests that the Auditor-ConEroller, or other appropriate official of the County cause the remaining proceeds of the tax to be held in the debt service fund and applied to debt service on outstanding bonds of the District coming due in Fiscal Year 2015-16, Section 5. Filing of Resolution. The Secretary of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to file forthwith a certified copy of this Resolution with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County, and to cause copies of this Resolution to be delivered to the AuditorController and the Treasurer-Tax Collector of the County. Section 6, Further Authorization. The President of this Board, the Secretary of this Board, or any Authorized District RepresentaEive, shall be and they are hereby authorized and directed to take such additional actions consistent with the intent of this Resolution in connection with the sale of the bonds of the District, which any of them deem necessary and desirable to accomplish the purpose hereof. DOCSSF/j 10660v2/022UOO-0001 Attachment I Section 7, Effective Dale. This resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: President of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angdes Community College District Attest: Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College Districl DOCSSF/1 10660v2/022UOO-000 s \ ?t BCTKiN '«' '"t. Los Angeles Community College District g Corn. No.BSD1 Business Services Date: June 24, 2015 Subject: RATIFY BUSINESS SERVICES ACTIONS In accordance with the^aiifornia Education Code and Los Angeies Community College District Board Rules, the following routine transactions are reported for ratifications: A. SERVICE AGREEMENTS 4500214298 ^duc?,tl%SL?^!??.S^T!11e.r- ^ir??ment with Los Angeles County Office of Education to provide courier pickup and delivery of financial statements, reports, administrative notices and correspondence for the Offices of the Chancellor and The Chief Financia! Officer during the period, July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2.800. 4500214391 Educational Services Center and Valley. Agreement with College Braintrust Consulting to review the administrative and tinancia! management of Los Angeles Valley College and provide policy recommendations; technical assistance, and information to the executive management at the College and to the Chancellor, on financial and select business management issues needing attention, evaluation, resolution, and decisions, during the period April 13, 2015 to July 31, 2015, indusive. Total cost: $21,200. 4500214396 Educationa! Services Center. Agreement with John Antunez Leyba to assist and support the Board of Trustees in the 2015 annual evaluation of the Chancellor during the period May 1 1, 2015toJuly30,2015jnc!usive. Total cost: $18,500. Total Cost of Section A: $42,500 rt Recommended by: ^ ^k M. (^ Approved by: <* Adrians D~ Barrera, DepuTy Chanceljor Fran.Sjsco C.lRodrfauez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Date: By: Page Field of 2 Pages Corn. No. 8SD1 Moreno Div. Business Services Pea^lman Svonkin Ve res Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 6-24-15 r s Los Angeles Community Coliege District Corn. No. 8SD1 Business Services Date: June 24, 2015 B. SPECIAL GRANT FUNDED AGREEMENT 4500214417 Districtwide. Agreement with the County of Los Angeles, Department of PjJblic Sociaj Services, for that agency to fund the Community College CalWORKs Program, with services to an expected 6,000 coliege-enroiled CalWORKs Program participants, providing college progress reports of academic activities, and completion of certificates and degrees; monthly management reports indicating new program enroiiees as well as students completjng^r exiting the program; under the auspices of the CalWORKs Program of the Educationa Programs and institutional Effectiveness Division during the period Ju!y 1,2015 to June 30, 2018, inclusive, at a maximum annual income of $1,379,696. Total income: $4,139,088. Total income of Section B: $4,139,088 Page 2 of 2 Pages Cam. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 6-24-15 ft: ^caroN . v Los Angeles Community Coiiege Distnct g Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: June 24, 2015 Subject: APPROVE BUSINESS SERVICES ACTIONS AUTHORiZE INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL AUDIT SERVICES . AGREEMEN1 Authorize agreement with KPMG LLP to perform the annual financial audits of the District for Proposition A, Proposition AA and Measure J Bond P-roi)l^rn^or Fisca!..yeal^20.14-20^.201.6-2017' 2017-2018 with the option to extend the agreement for two additional one-year terms. Annual cost not to exceed $145'>000 for the 3-year agreement. Backqround: The audit of Proposition A, Proposition AA and measure J Bond Programsjs required by the California Constitution Article 13A and EducatFon Code 15278 and will reported to theBoardofTrustees.These agreements are being awarded pursuant to the result of a Request For Proposal'(RFP) process. The Notice Inviting Proposals was published for two weeks and posted on the District's website. Four responsive proposals were received. A committee comprised of representatives from both the Educational Sen/ices Center and the colleges was constituted for the^seiection of a vendor to'provide t.h?ieJi Lryic-!!. Using the methodology in the RFPwherem the proposals were.eyaiuated.a9ainsLvarious factors,with relatlve sights, the proposal ^TLtte?l I?,y_KP-IY!<;iLLLP r?celYe(^the h!^hest. aggregate finai rating.1 Funding is through Proposition A, Proposition AA~and Measure J'Bond Accounts. Recommended by: ^ ^ ^ ^MlA^ XKQ^ Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor f ^ Approved by:_ Fran^sco Q f|iodriguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees By: Page Field Fong Date: 01 Pages Corn. No. \ BSD2 Moreno Div. Business Services Pearlman Svonkin Ve res Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 6.24.15 w Se k .B 18 ff ACilQN .* "»' .B Los Angeles Community College District i Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn.No. FPD1 Date June 24, 2015 Subject: APPROVE FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPIVIENT ROUTINE REPORT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A, Action Authorize a contract with Angeles Contractor inc. to provide general construction services for the Communicatsons Building Fiooring Replacement project at Los Ange!es City College at a cost of $590,000, Consistent with Board Rule 7100,1:0, authorize the Chief Facilities Executive to authorize change orders, each change order not to exceed ten percent (W%) of the original contract price, without re-bidding, subject to subsequent Board ratification. Background This contract is the result of formal competitive bidding. Two (2) contractors requested bid packets. Two (2) responsive bids were received ranging from $590,000 to $597,450. This construction contract is for the replacement of flooring in the Communications Buiidjng at Los Angeles City College. Fundin Funding is through 2014/15 Scheduled Maintenance and Deferred Maintenance Funds, Non-Bond project. B. Action Authorize a contract with Ciimatec LLC to provide genera! construction services for the Replace Tech Building HVAC Controls project at Los Angeles Harbor College at a cost of $238,200. Consistent with Board Rule 7100.10, authorize the Chief Faciiities Executive to authorize change orders, each change order not to exceed to ten percent (10%) of the original contract price, without re-bidding, subject to subsequent Board ratification. Backoround This contract is the result of formal competitive bidding. Six (6) contractors requested bid packets. One (1) responsive bid was received for $238,200, This construction contract is for repiacement of energy management controls. This is an Energy Savings Project. \ \ T- V^b^j \\SJ^ ^^ .^AKs A^Approved by: Francssc^JfcdriQfe. Chancellor Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chanceilor Recommended by: f h"' Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Eng Peartman Fietcf Svonkin Fong Veres ft/foreno vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTDate 6-24-2015 s Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: July 10, 2013 Fundin Funding is through 2014-2015 Scheduied Maintenance Funds. Non-Bond project. C. Action Authorize a contract with Compactor Rental Service to provide general construction sen/ices for the Replace Trash Compactors project at Los Angeles Harbor Coliege at a cost of $93,937. Consistent with Board Rule 7100.10, authorize the Chief Facilities Executive to authorize change orders, each change order not to exceed to ten percent (10%) of the original contract price, without re-bidding, subject to subsequent Board ratification. Background This contract is the result of formai competitive bidding. Four (4) contractors requested bid packets. Two (2) responsive bids were received ranging from $93,937 to $93,955. This construction contract is for the placement, Instaliation, and startup of a trash compactor needed for items that are being discarded. Fundin Funding is through 2014-2015 Scheduled Maintenance Funds. Non-Bond project. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Div. FACILITiES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date6-24.2015 *1 w 5< ^ ^CTTON h n» BB vs » ft, Los Angeles Community College Disbict g Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn. No. FPD2 SUBJECT: Date June 24, 2015 ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING tMPLEMENTATION__QJF DESIGN-BUtLD SYSTEM OF PROJECT DELIVERY FOR THE HARBOR TEACHER_.PRE PA RATION ACADEMY PROJECT AT LOS ANGELES HARBOR -COLLEGE: RATIPfjNG REQUEST FOR QUALIFtCATIONS AND PROPOSAL PROCESS: AND AUTHORJZJNG THE AWARD OF A DESIGN-BUILD AGREEMENT Action Adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) for the Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy (HTPA) project at Los Angeles Harbor College that: 1. Ratifies impiementation of the Design-Build system of project delivery; 2. Ratifies the Request for Qualifications and Proposals process (Procurement Number CS-014" 15-H-RFP) conducted by staff; 3. Authorizes the award of the Design-Build Agreement to the single Design-Buiid Entity ("DBE" Harper Construction Company, Inc.; 4. Authorizes District Staff, specificaliy the Chancellor and/or the Chief Facilities Executive, to enter into said Design-Buiid Agreement for an amount for this Project not to exceed $22,996,969; and 5. If the aggregate cost for this Project does exceed the foregoing authorized amount, Staff shal! bring the item, and/or the affected part thereof, back to the Board for review, consideration, and/or further action. Background I. Project Description The foilowing is descriptive oniy, not all inciusive, of the work and services to be performed. The LAUSD has operated the existing Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy ("HTPA" temporary facilities on the Harbor College campus for more than ten (10) years. The in temporary faciiities occupy nine temporary classrooms (also known as the LAUSD Bungalows, which are located south of the Technoiogy building, east of the parking iot, north of the Football Field and west of the existing Physicai Education buifding and the proposed PE/Weliness buiidlng. The schooi is one of the highest performing in the LAUSD. Pursuant to a Development Agreement between the LAUSD and the LACCD that was approved by the Board of Trustees on March 12, 2014 (Corn. No, FPD4), a new permanent tocation of the HTPA will be deveioped on the campus of LAHC near the current location of the Bungalows. \ Recommended by: M^^ f S^^fa. Approved by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy ^CTianceNor Francisc&^^odrig^ez, Chanceilor ChanceElor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Eng Peartman Field Svonkin Fong_ Veres Moreno vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vole ^ Page of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILiTiES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 6-24-2015 s Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: June 24, 2015 The permanent HTPA faciiity to be developed under this proposed DesJgn-Build Agreement wi[l be a new 38,540 square foot facility that wil! inciude spaces for the performing arts, physical education and athletics, general classrooms, and chemistry labs along with atibrary and media center, and a multipurpose room with a half basketbailcourt. This construction project will be deveioped and administered by the Program Management Office at BuildLACCD utilizing Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) standards/specifications as wei! as exterior aesthetic guidelines established by the Faciiities Master Pian for LAHC. in addition to the construction of the new HTPA facility, the scope of work for this proposed Design-Build agreement wili inciude, without iimitation, the foilowing: demolition of certain existing structures; remova! of the existing Coiiege Project Team (CPT) trailers for LAHC; removal of existing non-ieased HTPA traiiers; and the cutting/capping of associated utilities, The new HTPA facility wi!! utilize electricity, gas, and water utilities that are provided to the co!lege campus but wi!i be separately sub-metered. Movable furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) such as chairs, tables desks copy machines, printers and computers wi be supplied by LAUSD_i^s noted that the DBE Contractor shall be required to coordinate the design with LAUSD FF&E specifications and requirements. The existing modular HTPA campus is located at the north portion of the project site and Wl be in operation during construction of the new HTPA facility. Funding is entirely through the Los Angeles Unified School District. No LACCD funds shall be used in the design or construction of the project. II. Design-Build Detivery Method -Staff Recommendations: A. District's Prior Adoption and Recognition of the Design-Build Delivery Method. The Design-Builddeiivery method was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a delivery option District-wide. Education Code sections 81700 et seq. specificaUy authorize community coilege districts to utilize the Design-Bui!d delivery method as a safe and cost efficient aitemative to competitive bidding because the Legislature has determined that it can produce accelerated compietion of projects, provide for cost containment, reduce construction complexity and reduce exposure to risk for community college districts. The Legislature has also determined that the cost-effective benefits to community coliege disfr-icts are achieved by shifting the !iabl:lity and risk for cost containment and'project compietion to the design-build entity. The foregoing Code sections aiso: A) recognize and permit that the full scope of design, construction, and equipment awarded to a design-build entity under the applicable Code sections can be authorized in a single funding phase and that a community college district can award design-build contracts on a "best vaiue" (quatitative selection) basis; and B) require that the governing board of a community college district makes'written findings that use of the design-buiid process will accompijsh one of the foliowing objectives, (i) reduce comparable project costs, (ii) expedite the project's compietion, or Ill provide features not achievable through the traditiona! design-bid-build method. Page 2 oi 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILiTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date6-24-2015 Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No. FPD2 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: June 24, 2015 8. District's Evaluation and Written Fmdmgs regarding the Statutory Requirements to Use the Design-Build Delivery IVIethod for the Subject Project. Staff has reviewed these objectives and concluded that the design-build delivery method shouid be used for this procurement because it will: A) expedite the project's compietion; and provide features not achievable through the traditional design-bid-bulld method including cost containment, B) reduce construction compiexity, and C) reduce exposure to risk for the District for the reasons expressed in Lead Construction Counsel's Memorandum which accompanies this Report. C. Pre-Qualification Process for Design-Buiid Entities and Award of the Design-Buitd Agreement Staff has conducted a pre-qualifscation process, using the District's established PreQuaiification Process, as permitted by the appiicable code sections, and then solicited pricing proposals from those Pre-Quaiified design-build entitles for this procurement seeking the "best value" proposa! for the procurement. Utiiizing the foregoing processes, Staff has identified a proposed awardee for this procurement as listed herein below, which in Staffs opinion wil! provide the best value to the District for the reasons stated above and beiow. The app!icab!e code sections aiso require the District's governing Board to issue a written decision supporting its award and stating in detail the basis of the award as set forth in the proposed Resolution (Attachment 1), By way of adoption of the proposed Resolution the Board will announce its award by-_^j^erttify!n9 e,su?c.essfu! Desi9n" Buiid Entity stating _the winning DBE-s price proposa! amount, and stating its overall combined rating on the request for proposai evaluation factors. The Resolution sha!i also include the Board's ranking in relation to all other responsive proposers and their respective price proposals and a summary of the District's rationale for the award. The successful DBE is: Harper Construction Company, Inc. The DBE'sLump Sum Price proposal amount _is $22,996,969as compared to the pricing from the other two proposers which was: $19,650,000; and $27,324,464. The DBE's overall combined rating on the request for proposal evaluation factors out of a possibie score of 850 maximum points is: 744, versus the other two proposers with scores of 702 and 647, respectively. The written findings summarized above and as set forth in and in Lead Construction Counsel's Memorandum which accompanies this Report form the basis for Staff's recommendations found herein be!ow. Further particuiars are set forth in the proposed Resoiution (Attachment 1) and should be considered by the Board to be recommendations of Staff as if set forth at length hereat. Page 3 of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date6.24-2015 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 ill. Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: June 24, 2015 Award - Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends that the Board adopt a resoiution (Attachment 1) for use of the DesignBuild delivery method for this pro]ect_at Harbor CoUege; ratify Staff's conduct regarding the procurement process; award the Design-Build Contracts described herein above; and take such further action as is set forth in the proposed Resoiution (Attachment 1). Page 4 0 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date6-24-2015 Attachment 1 to FPD2 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN-8UILD SYSTEM OF PROJE DELIVERY FOR THE HARBOR TEACHER PREPARATION ACADEMY PROJECT ~A ANGELES HARBOR COLLEGE: RATIFYING REQUEST FOR QUAUFfCATIONS PROPOSAL PROCESS: AND AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A DESIGN-BUILD AGREEMENT WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District, under Education Code Section 81700, et seq., may utilize a design-buifd project delivery method on capita! projects; and WHEREAS, The Design-Build deiivery method was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a delivery option District-wide; and WHEREAS, The District intends to buiSd a Project at Los Angeies Harbor CoHege commoniy referred to as the Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy ("HTPA"), using the DesignBuild delivery method (hereinafter the "Project"); and WHEREAS, The Project has a projected budget of $23,495,810 which is in excess of the minimum amount required by applicable law for use of the Design-Build delivery method under Education Code Section 81700,et seq.; and WHEREAS, Staff has reviewed the requisite statutory objectives and determined that use of the Design-Build process wiii: (A)^expeditethe projects completion because using the design-bid-buiid delivery method (i.e., lowest competitive bid) the project would take approximately 48 months to complete versus using e Design-Build method which wilS take oniy approximately 36 months, a savings of 12 months. It is critical, for the reasons stated in Staff's Report, that the project be completed as soon as possible because the compietion needs to meet the Project compietion requirement of 46 months set forth in the LACCD/LAUSD Development Agreement from project inception to completion, including programming; and (B) use of the Dessgn-Buiid method here wi:ll result in cost containment; reduced construction complexity; and/or reduced exposure to risk for the reasons stated i in Staff's Report and the Memorandum from Lead Construction Counsel; and WHEREAS, Staff has conducted a pre-qualification process, using the District's established PreQuaiification Process, as permitted by the appiicabie code sections, and then soiicited pricing proposais from those Pre-Quaiified design-buiid entities for this procurement seeking the "best value" proposal for the procurement; and WHEREAS, In utilizing the foregoing processes, Staff has identified a proposed awardee for this procurement as iisted beiow, which in its opinion will provide the best value to the District for the reasons stated above;and WHEREAS, Education Code Section 81700, et seq. requires the Board to issue a decision supporting its award and stating in detail the basis of the award which; (i) identifies the successful Design-Build Entity; (ii) the winning DBE's price proposal; overall combined rating on the request for proposal evaiuation factors; (iv) the Board's ranking in relation to a!i other responsive proposers and their respective price proposais; and (v) a summary of the District's rationaie for the award; and iii) its WHEREAS, The Request for Qualifications and Proposa! Process required the Pre-Quaiified Desagn-Build Entities to submit: a !ump sum amount for design and construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, Staf^ha^made the foiiowing determinations: (i) the successful Design-Build Entity (DBE) being proposed is Harper Construction Company, Inc.; (ii) the winning DBE's price proposal Is ^22,996 969; (iii) the successful DBE's overal! combined rating on the Request for Proposai evaluation factors is 744 points out of a possible 850 points; (iv) the ranking in relation to ati other responsive proposers and their respective price proposals is first out of three with the other proposers ranking on points being 702 points out of 850 points and 647 points out of 850 points, respectively, with the other proposers' pricing being $19,650,000 and $27,324,464, respectiveEy; and (v) the District's rationaie for the award to the successful DBE is that Harper Construction Company, inc. wiU provide the best value to the District; and WHEREAS, The results achieved are consistent with, or exceed the experience of the industry with regard to cost and schedule savings, and shifting of the risk of loss regarding the Project's design, achieved by using Design-Buifd methodoiogy versus design'-bidbuiid methodology; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community Coliege District hereby finds that it is m the best interests of the District to utilize Design-Build project delivery for the for the HTPA Project at Los Angeles Harbor Coilege and; be it further RESOLVED, That thejtoard adopts as the Board's own findings, Staff's findings regarding why the Design-Build delivery method shouid be used for this Project, and hereby finds that the use of the design-buiid process wil! (i) expedite the project's completion, and (ii) provide features not achievable through the traditional design-bid-buiid method, to wit (a) ensure cost containment; (b) reduce construction complexity; and/or (c) reduce exposure of risk to the District, all for the reasons stated in Staff's Report'and the Memorandum from Lead Construction Counsel which are incorporated herein as if set forth at length hereat; and; be it further RESOLVED, The Board ratifies Staffs use of the Request for Qualifications and Proposal: process for this procurement which has identified a Design-Build Entity using a "best value" seiection method for the reasons stated above which the Board hereby adopts as its findings; and; be it further RESOLVED, The Board hereby authorizes District Staff, specifically the Chanceifor and/or the Chief Facilities Executive, to enter into a Design-Buiid Contract with Harper Construction Company, )nc. for the HTPA Project at Los Angeles Harbor College based on^the terms, conditions and provisions set forth in the Request for Qualifications and Proposal process for this procurement. RESOLVED The Board hereby authorizes District Staff, specifically the Chanceilor and/or the Chief Faciiities Executive, to enter into said Design-Build Agreement for an amount for this Project not to exceed $22,996,969; and be it further RESOLVED That i:f the aggregate cost of this Project does exceed the foregoing authorized amount, Staff shal! bring the item, and/or the affected part thereof, back to the Board for review, consideration, and/or further action. IN WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we, the members of said Board of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set our hands this 24th day of June 2015. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member. Board of Trustees President, Board of Trustees tt A A u B. vB * BK y. Los Angeles Community College District i Corn. No. FPD3 Diyislpn FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date June 24, 2015 Subject: ADOPT RESOLUTION RATIFYING STAFF'S ISSUANCE OF_ A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSALS UNDER EDUCATION CQpFSECTION 81335 FO THE VALLEY ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL CENTER PROJECT _AT LOS ANGELE VALLEY COLLEGE: AND AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF THE SITE LEASE FACILITIES LEASE AND RELATED PRE-CONSTRUCTtON--AND_CONSTRUCTIO SERVICES AGREEMENT Action Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) that: a) Ratifies Staff's issuance of a Request for Quaiifications and Proposais (RFQ/P), using the Lease Lease-Back project delivery method under Education Code Section 81335, and other applicable laws. seeking proposals from general contractors, licensed and in good standing with the state of California, b) Authorizes the award of a Site Lease, FaciEities Lease, and related Pre-Construction/Construction Services Agreement to perform pre-cpnstructipn and construction services for the project commonly known as the Valley Academic Md Cuiturai Center Project situated on the campus of Los Angeles Vaitey College, located at 5800 Fulton Street, Valley Gten, California 91401; c) Authorizes District Staff, specifically the Chanceiior and/or the Chief Faciiities Executive, to enter into said Agreements with Pinner Construction Company for the foliowing amounts; (1) a Lump Sum Amount for Pre-Construction Services of $67,000; (2) a Lump Sum Amount for General Conditions during Construction of $4,693,331; (3) a Contractors Fee in the amount of $3,146,000 based upon the proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price accepted by the District once submitted after the proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price is established through the open-book bidding process of the Subcontractor trade packages; and (4) an aggregate Guaranteed Maximum Price for construction services not to exceed _tbe projected construction budget of $67,000,000. The projected construction budget of $67,000,000 includes the following Allowances: (i) Groundbreaking Event $2,000; (ii) Ribbon Cutting Ceremony $4,000; (iii) Dedication Piaque $2,500; and (iv) Partnering Sessions $20,000. The projected construction budget also contains a reasonable Owner Controlled Contractor Contingency to be negotiated at the time the Guaranteed Maximum Price is submitted for acceptance by the District. Any funds remaining in the Affowances and/or Contingency at completion will be returned 100%^he District If the aggregate cost for the construction services portion of the Project does exceed $67,000,000, Staff shatl bring the item, and/or the affected part thereof, back to the Board for review, consideration, and/or further action; ^^ Recommended by: ^ 'H ^ ^X\yx^ ^ Approved by: ^ Adrians D. Barrera, DepuT^Chanceilor FrancisdLC.^drigjEez. Chancellor Chanceilor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page o1 Eng Pearlrrfan Field Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote 5__ Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Dfv. FACIDTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 5^e 6-24-2015 s Los Angefes Community College District Corn. No. FPD3 Division FACIUTiES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: June 24, 2015 The period of performance begins on July 24, 2015 for the Pre-Construction Services period which Wi take place overmnety (90) days from the issuance of the Pre-Construction Notice to Proceed, including Division of the State Architect approval. Foilowing the issuance of a Construction Notice to Proceed, the Ponstf.uction.pe?od.?f.perfo.rrna,ncT ^!lt ^e seven hundred twenty (720) Days. The Project pertains to improvements of real property which the District's governing Board has determined are necessary for the proper operation and function of the campus, Background Based on input from the Program Management Office (PMO) and Lead Construction Counsel, it has been determined that it is in the best interests of the District to award a contract for construction of the Project using the Lease Lease-Back defivery Method (LLB) as authorized by Education Code section 81335, and other^pplicable laws, ancUhat^ use of this method_has resulted in a wei (-qualified contractor being identified at a competitive price, thereby providing the District with the best vatue. Staff has also determined, with the input of the PMO and Lead Construction Counsel, that: (1) the District has avaiiable funds on hand that have been designated from local bond funds to construct the Project and make the lease payments described in the Facilities Lease for such improvements; (2) the award of contracts for construction of the Project is authorized by Education Code section 81335 and other appiicabie law; (3) that using the authority provided for in Education Code section 81335 will result in the most qualified contractor being hired for the Project at a competitive prrce because of the flexibility in seiecting a contractor provided for under Education Code section 81335; and (4) proceeding in this manner has been in the best interests of the District, the citizens residing within the'District, and will not increase the tax rate of such citizens by proceeding in this manner. Project Description -Valley Academic and Cultural Center - Project Numbers: 8V.5801.02; 08V.6801.02; 38V5801.02; and 38V.5838.02 The scope of work for the Project includes, without iimitation: The construction of a new concrete and steel: Theater and Classroom Building approximately one hundred eighteen thousand (118,000) gross square feet with two (2) stories and a partial basement. The busiding wilt house a four hundred thirty (430) seat main stage theater, a one hundred forty three (143) seat horseshoe theater, a two hundred twenty one (221) seat screening theater, a iab theater, and teaching faciiities available to a variety of college departments. The exterior improvements inciude an outdoor amphstheater, hardscape and landscape. The buiSding design wiii be reinforced concrete construction, meta! stud framed partitions, structural steel, metai deck/concrete fiil, wet standpipe fire protection, theater production lighting and rigging, campus heaVcool system will feed buiidings fan coi and variable air volume boxes. Pre-Construction Services: Contractor in collaboration with Coliege Project Team (CPT), Architect of Record (AOR) and other District Representatives wil! engage in these activities during the PreConstruction Phase, aiong with key sub-contractors (as determined by the Contractor) to: Review, comment and provide recommendations regarding plans, technical specifications, Storm Water Pollution Prevention P!an, Govemmentai submissions; and other documents as requested by the District; Page 2 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date6-24-2015 r s Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD3 (ii) Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: June 24, 2015 Develop value engineering and/or constructability review opportunities during the Pre- Construction Services portion of the Project as requested by the District. The District, in its sole judgment and determination, will determine whether to incorporate such value engineering and/or constructabiiify review concepts, recommendations, and/or proposed solutions; evaiuations and reviews shall not involve ADA, Fire Life Safety, or Structural, aspects of the original design unless it is suspected that the originai design is non-code-compiiant and District authorizes same; il ) Attend meetings with the District and others as the District may require for performing and compieting the Pre-Construction Services portion of the Project, including Project meetings and meetings with govemmentai, quasi-governmental, and other authorities with Jurisdiction over the Project. Project meetings wii! be scheduled by District and are expected to be semi-monthiy or more frequently during the Pre-Construction Sen/Jces portion of the Project, services wili a!so .nclude meetings^ with District's Design Consultant, College Program Team (CPT) Representatives District technical staff, Coilege representatives, and other District related par- ties, on construction scope, technical, programmatic, schedute, and any other issues; Participate in working sessions with design team and CPT to review and discuss work product v and comments from at) sides; Upon DSA approval, prepare a preliminary Guaranteed Maximum Price ("GMP") estimate and proposed Project Construction Schedule within the stated Project Budget and Project duration for (V) construction; Upon District approval of the preiiminary GMP estimate and proposed Project Construction Schedule, prepare Sub-Trade Bid/Proposal Packages for the Project that will best suit the Project needs, indudlng the need to establish a proposed GMP that is within the District's Project Budget; Vi (vii) When Contractor has finished compiiing such Sub-Trade Bid Packages, Contractor will meet with District, CPT Representatives, and other Districts Representatives to present such Sub-Trade Bid Packages to them and obtain their approval thereon, if it is mutuaiiy agreed that said SubTrade Bid Packages should be changed or altered, Contractor will do so. Contractor shall also indicate which Sub-Trade scopes of Work, if any, Contractor wii! propose to self-perform; (viii) Contractor shall identify and evaluate potential bidders for each Sub-Trade Bid Package induding providing interpretations and clarifications of the Drawings and Specifications' in appropriate written form. Contractor shaii conduct pre-bid conferences, and fours with potential bidders/proposers; IX Contractor shall prepare the foiiowing documents, subject to District approval (Invitation to Bid/Propose; instructions to Bidders/Proposers; Proposal/Bid Format; Subcontract Agreements; and other documents deemed necessary by the Contractor and/or the District); Coordinate these "front end" documents with the approved Construction Documents, specifications, information developed during the performance of the Pre-Construction Services, and bid alternates, into complete Sub-Trade Bid Packages so that a compiete turn-key Project can be constructed x Page Prepare any required Addenda to the Sub-Trade Bid Packages; A of a Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Div. FACSLiTIES PLANNiNG AND_DEVELOPMENT Date6-24-2015 Los Angeles Community College District Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVEi.OPMENT Corn. No. FPD3 Date: June 24, 2015 (xi) Conduct with District's Representatives the pre-bid/proposai conference and waik-through, if required, including giving a technical narrative of the Project scope; Prepare written answers to questions, addenda, interpretations, and clarifications in a tlmeiy manner; (xii Upon receipt of the bids/proposals on the Sub-Trade Packages, provide the District with a written analysis and recommendation of the bids/proposais and any aiternatives, exclusions, included in each bid/proposal; Resolve any and all bid/proposa! exclusions; (xiii) (xiv) Conduct negotiations with bidders/proposers, if needed; Investigate, review, vet, advise and recommend for acceptance or rejection any substitution of materials and products where requested or required by the terms of the specifications during the bid-ding/proposal process; ff required by the District, after competitive bids/proposals based on the Construction Documents XV have been received, and In the event the proposed GMP exceeds the District's Project Budget, Contractor will assist the AOR to revise the Construction Documents in a manner that will permit the securing of new bids/proposa!s that do not exceed the cost iimitations of the Project Budget. Al! such revisions are subject to District approval; (xvi) The taking of bids/proposals for the Sub-Trade Bid Packages will be performed on an "Open Book" basis and the Contractor sha!) provide to the District's Representatives copies of all SubTrade bids/proposais together with al! backup to review, evaiuate and vet same to District's own satisfaction, A minimum of three bids/proposals for each Sub-Trade Bid Package is required, as wet! as three bids/proposals for each scope of work that the Contractor would iike to seif-perform. District reserves the right to reject any proposed subcontractor and/or subcontractor bid/proposat at any time and/or to require the Contractor to use another subcontractor acceptable to the District; (xvif) Contractor shall prepare, in a Schedule of Values format, consistent with the Sub-Trade Packages for which bids/proposais were received, a breakdown showing the cost for each SubTrade Package and the proposed subcontractor therefore, the cost for each scope of work the Contractor would iike to self- perform, the Contractor's Genera! Conditions cost, markup for overhead and profit ("Fee"), a reasonable contingency, aiiowances, costs of insurance, bonds, etc., a!! of which shal! total up to a proposed GMP within the Project Budget so that District can determine, evaluate, vet and understand precisely how the proposed GMP was arrived at XV! [I Contractor shaii submit with the proposed GMP a list of Designated Subcontractors per the Pubiic Contract Code's Subcontractor Listing Law; XIX Contractor shall submit with the GMP a proposed as-ptanned Construction Schedule based upon construction means, methods, and sequencing devetoped by the Contractor; (xx) Shouid the GMP not be within the Project Budget, or the Contractor and District cannot agree on how to achieve that, or the District does not have additiona! funds to increase the Project Budget to an amount sufficient to equa! the proposed GMP, then District and Contractor agree that the Agreement and Leases may, in the District's discretion, be terminated at that time. Contractor Page 4 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Oiv. FACiLJTiES PLANNiNGAND DEVELOPMENT Date6-24-2015 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD3 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: June 24, 2015 shall be paid for the services provided up through that time as stated be!ow, and the parties agree to waive any and all compensatory and/or consequential damages against one another that may stem from such termination. Should the proposed GMP be within the Project Budget, or if not and the Contractor and District agree on how to achieve that, or if the District finds additional funds to increase the Project Budget to an amount sufficient to equal the proposed GMP, then District shall have the option of accepting the proposed GMP. If the District does not accept the proposed GMP, the Agreement and the Leases shall be terminated at that time. Contractor shall be paid for the services provided up through that time as stated below, and the parties agree to waive any and all compensatory and/or consequentia! damages against one another that may stem from such termination. !f the Agreement is terminated for any of the above reasons during the performance of Pre-Construction Services or at the end of the performance of Pre- Construction services and before a NTP to begin Construction is issued, Contractor shall be paid any funds then outstanding, due and owing, less any withholds permitted by the Agreement and/or Applicabie Law, pius a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the total net amount thereof. The Parties agree that the payment of this additional five percent (5%) is sufficient and good consideration to compensate Contractor for any and all damage, loss, cost and expense, of any and al! kind whatsoever, and the parties also agree to waive any and alt compensatory and/or consequential damages against one another that may stem from such termination. If however the District accepts the proposed GMP, and if the Contractor provides all other Contract Documents required before the start of construction as set forth in the Contract Documents District will then issue a Notice to Proceed with Construction. Selection Process: The seiected contractor is proposed as the resuit of a competitive Request for Qualifications/Proposals process. Eight (8) responses to the RFQ were received. Eight (8) applicant RFQ submissions were identified as responsive and four (4) were deemed quaiifJed Finalists and received the RFP. There were three (3) proposals submitted by the Finaiists which were scored by the Project Evaiuation Committee comprised of the District Speciai Projects Consuitant, the Regional Program Liaison, the Coiiege Project Director and the Coilege Vice President of Administration. A best-value process was used and involved the evaluation of price, construction management plan, Community Economic Development pian, safety record, presentation, past project experience and key personnel, The ResolutionJAtfachment 1) contains further details which should be considered as part of Corn. No. FPD3 - Staff's Report and Recommendation to the Board - and which is incorporated herein as if set forth at length hereat. Award History This agreement represents the fifth awarded to this company through the Bond program and a cumulative original award totai of $117,849,779. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J funds. Va!ley Academic and Cultural Center 8V.5801.02, 08V.6801.02, 38V5801.02, and 38V.5838.02. Page 5 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date6.24-2015 Attachment 1 to Corn. No. FPD3 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION RATIFYING STAFF'S ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSALS UNDER EDUCATION CODE SECTION 81335 FOR THE VALLEY ACADEMIC AND CULTRUAL CENT.ER_PROJECT AT L ANGELES VALLEY COLLEGE: AND AUTHORIZtNG THE AWARD OF SITE LEAS FACILITIES LEASE AND RELATED PRE-CONSTRUCttON AND CONSTRUCTIO SERVICES AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Board of^ustees^of the Los Angetes^Community College District ("District") currently owns, previously acquired, and/or has held for some time in a manner required by law, a fee simple interest the real property and improvements thereon commonly referred to as Los Angeles Valley College at 5800 Fuiton Street, Valley Gien, Caiifornia 91401. WHEREAS, the District has determined that it is necessary to perform pre-construction and construction services for the project commonly known as the Vailey Academic and Cultural Center project ("VACC Project"), which includes the new construction of the Vaiiey Academic and Cultural Center and related improvements; WHEREAS the necessary Pre-Construction Services and Construction Services for the VACC Project are set forth in Corn. No. FPD3 Staff's Report and Recommendation on this matter, and are further described in the Pre- Construction and Construction Services Agreement incorporated herewith by reference; WHEREAS, if the Board report and resolution are approved and a Site Lease, Facilities Lease and pre- Construction and Construction Services Agreement are awarded for the project, p reconstruction services will commence; WHEREAS, the District has and/or will secure a!t necessary governmenta! approvals for the construction of the Project; WHEREAS, the District has determined, with the input of District Staff, consultants, and Lead Construction Counsel that: (1) the District has available funds on hand that have been designated from locai bond funds to construct the Project and make the iease payments described in the FacTiities Lease incorporated herewith by reference for such improvements; (2) awarding a contract for construction of the Project is authorized by Education Code section 81335, and other applicable iaw; (3) that using the authority provided for in Education Code section 81335, and other appiicabie iaw has resulted in a"well- qualified contractor being hired for the Project in question at a competitive price because of the flexibility in selecting a contractor provided for under Education Code section 81335; (4) proceeding as Staff has done is in the bestjnterests of the District and the citizens residing within the District; (5) the construction services to be performed are necessary for the proper operation and function of the Sites and that when compieted wiii constitute permanent jmprpvements on and to the Sites; and (6) the entering into the Site Lease, Faciiities Lease and related Pre-Construction and Construction Services Agreement will not affect an increase in the applicable maximum tax rate of the District; WHEREAS, the District has identified a weii-qualified contractor, Pinner Construction Company, to enter into the Site Lease Facilities Lease and related Pre-Construction and Construction Services Agreement with the District for the Project, and that Pinner Construction Company, is a general contractor Jicensed and in good standing with the state of Caiifornia, who has agreed to perform the services and make the improvements needed on and to the Site and, if applicable the facilities currently located thereon, pursuant to the District's authority under Education Code section 81335, and other applicabie law, with the result being that full and ciear fee simple title to the Site and alt improvements thereon shall vest immediately in the District without any further action at the expiration of the terms of the Leases, or sooner as may be provided in the Lease Agreements; Attachment 1 to Corn. No. FPD3 WHEREAS, under the Site Lease, the District has teased a portion of the site to the generai contractor, for a minimum rentai amount not !ess than One Dollar ($1) per year and for a period of time not to exceed seven hundred twenty (720) days; WHEREAS, under the Faciifties Lease and Pre-Construction and Construction Services Agreement, the District wil! pay to the genera! contractor the following amounts: (1) a Lump Sum Amount for Pre 90rlstfu5?on services of $67.000; (2)a Lump Sum Amount for Genera! Conditions during Construction of $4,643,331, (3) a Contractors Fee in the Lump Sum Amount $3,146,000 based upon the proposed Guaranteed Maximum Pnce accepted by the District once submitted after the proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price is estabiished through the open-book bidding process of the Subcontractor trade packages; and (4) an aggregate Guaranteed Maximum Price for construction services not to exceed the projected construction budget of $67,000,000. The projected construction budget of $67,000,000 includes tr??-S^nSi^t.ow^c^.(iL^U,n^br?aking Event.$ 2'???>Jji^ Ribbon Cutting Ceremony $4,000; (iii Dedication Plaque $2,500, and (iv) Partnering Sessions $20,000, to perform ail of the terms, conditions and provisions contained therein. The projected construction budget also contains a reasonable Owner ControSled Contractor Contingency to be negotiated at the time the Guaranteed Maximum Price is submitted for acceptance by the District Any funds remaining in the Allowances and/or Contingency at compietion wi!i be returned 100% to the District. !f the aggregate cost for the construction services portion. ?,t^_^,foJT?t.d?^8 exceed $67.000.000' staff sha!l bring the item, and/or the affected part thereof, back to the Board for review, consideration, and/or further action; WHEREAS notwithstanding all of the foregoing, the District aiso recognizes the need of the District, District employees, and/or students, to use certain portions of the Site and facilities being leased, and/or the existing facilities thereon, and as such the Leases shail and do provide for such access and uses during the terms of the Leases; and WHEREAS, the District has determined that District Staff, specifically the Chief Facilities Executive, is in the best position to determine what other terms and conditions are m the best interest of the District regarding said Leases and other agreements; THEREFORE, BE IT NOW RESOLVED, that the District, after due, ful! and carefui consideration of ail of the information provided to it by Staff and !ega! counsel has, for all of the reasons expressed above, and based on the authority provided to the District under Education Code section 81335, and any and all other applicable authority, hereby: 1. Ratifies and approves the actions taken by the Chief Facihties Executive and Staff in issuing a Request for Quaiifications and Proposais (RFQ/P) seeking proposals from general contractors, iicensedandingood standing with the state of Caiifornia, to enter into, execute, and deiaver, pursuant to Education Code Section 81335, and other applicabte authority, the Site Lease, Faciiities Lease, and related Pre-Construction and Construction Services Agreement for the Project as set forth hereinabove; and 2. Approves the Site Lease, Faciiities Lease, and related Pre-Construction and Construction Services Agreement with Firmer Construction Company for the Projects based upon the terms, conditions, and provisions stated: in the aforesaid documents. Attachment 1 to Corn, No. FPD3 IN WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by Saw, we, the members of said Board of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set our hands this 24th day of June 2015. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees President, Board of Trustees s ® A 'Oi. 'It Los Angeles Community College District g Corn. No. HRD1 Division Human Resources Date; June 24, 2015 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE PRESIDENTIAL SELECTION PROCESS FOR WEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE Authorize the Chancellor to initiate a search for a new President at West Los Angeles College, with a target date for completion of September, 2015. The search will be conducted pursuant to Board Rule 10308. Background: President Abu-Ghazaleh has resigned to accept another position outside of our district. ^ Recommended/by; ^ Albert jTRoman' Vice Chancellor, Human Resources ^^\J\^^^^<^/^^ Recommended by: \ '< Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancelior f- Approved by: Francisco CJ Ro|lriguez, Chanceilor Chancellor and Eng Pea rim an Secretary of the Board ofTmstees Field Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno (Vacant) Date By Student Trustee Advisory Vote Page of Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Human Resources Date: 6-24-15 A A ® Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. KRD2 Human Resources Division Date: June 24, 2015 SUBJECT: DECLARATION OF COIVIPENSATION AS INDEFJNITE Declare that all management, confidentiai, and other unrepresented academic, classified and unclassified employees' salaries, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment are declared indefinite for the 2015-2016 fiscal year as a result of financial uncertainties, negotiations, legislation, and other factors. Backflround: The California Constitution allows for retroactive pay when salaries are uncertain because of collective bargaining, reclassifications or other matters. This action will allow the Board of Trustees to adjust compensation for unrepresented employees as may be warranted based on the outcome of changes arising from collective bargaining, including but not limited to the cost of employee benefits, which will not be completed by the beginning of the fiscal year. \ Recommended by: ArberfJW^m / ^^S^^^^.CS^A* Uldl WI^B w 7 Vice Chancellor, Human Resources \ \ s ^^) iib^ Recommended by: X>^\tj^pproved by: h^j'^&ESAdriana D. Barrera, Deputy C^anceitor f Francisco C^R^driguez, Chancelior ^^ Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board ofTmstees Field Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno (Vacant), By Date .^ Pearlman Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote Page of Pages Corn. No, HRD2 Div. Human Resources Date: 6-24-15 ® A .: Los Angeles Community College District I Corn. No. CH1 Division CHANCELLOR Date; June 24, 2015 Subject: AUTHORIZE PUBLIC AUCTBON OF SURPLUS PROPERTf A. Authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services of Los Angeles Pierce College or his designee to conduct a public auction for disposition of persona! property abandoned by Asylum Productions, with appropriate publication as !le.(ll!!^r.^?J?^.^u^ti?n.90d^:. ?uch! ?ale sh?.ilbe conditioned upon the successful bidder(s) paying for the item(s) immediately after the close of the auction and removal by 5:00 p.m. on the same day. B' Lf=!,^s^p^/-^^t ?i°^ x^t_auction'.orisl?ot rel^oved timely by the successful blcld^s^'d^terlTtin? th?,t the p,r'opertyisof ins^ffic;i^ntvaiue to defray the cost of further sales, and authorize the donation to the LACCD Foundation, deemed to be a suitable charitable organization, for donation to a charitable organization or, if necessary, disposal. Background: Asylum Productions stipulated to a non-extendable date to vacate !e-as-Tj-,pr^mi^sJaLth^_coi!eige by.,A^ril 15> 2015 When the premises were not vacated,_the District obtained a writ of possession from the Los Angeles Superior Court. The tenant was served with multiple notices of the need to vacate and reF?£ve .?IL. i:)r°Perty'. tl?.e. ^rit 0^ Possession was served in early June with an additjonal five days' notice to remove their property The College'has determined thatjhe property^ not suitable for College use. 'Under Education Code section ^145^'_?1e .^oa,rc* °^ ^rustees rnay authorize a public auction of surplus property after notice has been posted and advertised over a two-week period. REQUIRES UNANIMOUS APPROVAL OF BOARD MEMBERS PRE r Recommended and approved by: Franc^co Q. R^driguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng_ Pearlman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno Vacant Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 1 Pages Corn. No. Cht' Div. CHANCELLOR Date 6/24/15 1 ® w. I* Corn, No. (SD/A Los Angeles Community College District Notice: June 24, 2015 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 Subject: AMEND BOARD RULE CHAPTER VB ARTICLE il - GRADUATION REQUIREM Amend Article if of the Board Rules as shown below. ARTICLE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 6200. AUTHORIZATION. The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges has authorized the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees to confer the degrees of Associate in Arts and Associate in Science and Certificates of Achievement. 6201. ASSOCIATE DEGREE The awarding of an Associate Degree symbolizes a successful attempt on the part of the college to lead ^u?-^ts_t*1f(?^.§51_ patte.r?s 0^.*? ntrl^,expef!ences dooi9nod to develop certain capabiliticc and incightG and "the achiovomont of studontc in attaining these goalc. Among these are the ability to think and to communicate clearly and effectively both orally and in writing; to use ^LT!tic!: lcLU,n?lr!t!^lh^ ?^de,!,o[Ln?^ry-of !hen?.ajor. di_s.cipiirl?sito.^eaware ofothercuJtures an,citl.mes^to achieve insights gained through experience in thinking about ethica! problems; and to develop the capacity for self-understanding. In addition to thoDo accomplishmontG, the student shouid possess cufficient depth in Gomo field of knowledge to contribute to iifotlmo intcrcGt. »». W^e ^ t Recommended by: fBtt^=3 obbi Kimbie, Interim ViceChancelior Recommended by: ^3^J %^&J Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancel!or * < /-" Approved by: Fran^sco odriguez, Chancellor Chanceiior and Eng Peariman Secretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin Fong Veres Moreno VACANT Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn, No, ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 Unit Requirement. A minimum of 60-^4 semester units of 6201.10 course credit in a selected curriculum with at least 18 semester units of study in a major or area of em^hasjs and at least 18 semester units of study in general education._Assoclate degrees for transfer, as defined in California Education Code §66746, must be aligned with transfer model curricula as aDDroved by the S_tate Chancellor and must reQuTre-60 semester units_for completion, with at least 18 units of study in a major/area of emphasis and completion of Interseamentat Generaj Education Transfer Curnculum (IGETC) or Caiifomia State University General Education Breadth Requirements/ Upon rocommondation from the coileoe Academic Senate, the Chanceilor can waive thc^-^4wrt limit for specific high unit programc. One credit hour of community coltego work IG approximately throe hourc of redtation, study, or laboratory work per week throughout a term of 16 wooko. 6201.11 Scholarship Requirement. A "C" (2.0) grade average or better in all work attempted in the cumcuium upon which the degree is based. Effective for all students admitted for the Fall 2009 term oranTTerm thereafter, each_course counted toward the major requirements must be completed with a grade of "C" orbetter or a "PJfthe course is taken on a "pass-no pass" basis. 8200.12 Units Attempted. "Units attempted" means ail units of credit in the LACCD. 6201.12 Competency Requirement. Students entering prior to Fall 2009 must demonstrate competence in reading, in written expression, and in mathematics. This requirement may be met by achieving a grade of "C" or better in appropriate courses, recommended by the District Academic Senate, and approved by the Chancellor or by achieving a passing score on an examination or examinations recommended by the District Academic Senate and approved by the Chancellor. Effective for all students entering on or after the Fall 2009 semester, competence in written expression shati be demonstrated by_obtaining a satisfactory grade in English 101, or another English course at the same ievel and'with the same rigor as recommended by the District Academic Senate and approved by the Chancellor. Competence in mathematics shall be demonstrated by obtaining a satisfactory grade in Mathematics 125 (Intermediate Algebra), or another mathematics course at the same Page 2 of 18 Pages Corn, No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community Coiiege District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. fSD/A Action Date: July 8, 2015 evel and rigor, or higher, and with elementary algebra or higher as a prerequisite, as recommended by the District Academic Senate and approved by the Chancellor. The competency requirements in written expression or mathematics may also be met by completing an assessment, conducted pursuant to Title 5, CCR, section 55500 and achieving a score determined to be comparab!e to satisfactory completion of English 101 or Mathematics 125 respectlveiy That is, students may either place into English or mathematics courses above eye) of English 101 or Mathematics 125, or they may ; achieve a Gotisfactory scoro on o.. competency o'xomor other Qpprqvod oxam as recommonde'd by the DiGtrict Academic Senate and approved by the Chancollor. The competency requirements may also be met by obtaining a satisfactory grade in courses with English and mathematics content (but taught in subjects other than English and mathematics), which require entrance skills at a level equivalent to those necessary for English 1 01 and Mathematics ^125, respectively, and are taught at the same level and with the same rigor. The District Academic Senate shall recommend such courses to the Chancellor for approval. 6201.13 Collogo Degree and Certificate Requirements, Degree Requirements: a. Students must complete no fewer than 12 units at the college conferring the degree. b. When a student has attended multiple colleges within the LACCD, the degree shaif bo conforrcd by the college whoro the student has tdkon the majority of units in the major. When the same major is offered at multiple colieaes in the LACCD. the degree shall be conferred by the college where the student has taken the majority (greater than 50%) of units in the major. c. Exceptions to residence requirements for the associate degree may be made by the governing board when it determines that an injustice or undue hardship would be placed on the student. Page 3 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. )SD/A Action Date: July 8, 2015 Certificate of Achievement Requirements: a. Certificates of Achievement shall be awarded by the college where the majority (greater than 50.0%) of the certificate units were taken. "The CSUGE Breadth Certificate of Achievement and JGETC Certificate of Achievement are exempt from this requirement. The cotleae that certifies compietion of either ofth^se plans may award the Certitote of Achievement to the student regardless of the number of units completed at the certifying college. Automatic Awarding of Certificates of Achievement: a. Students who have completed the degree requirements for which there is a paired Certificate of Achievement or other State approved and transcripted certificate(s), will be awarded the certificate(s) automaticaNv. Genera! Education Requirement. 6201.14 a. Control to an Associate Do H=ee? General Education is designed to introduce students to the variety of means through which people comprehend the modern world. It roftoctG the conviction of colleges that those who rocoivo thoir degroos must posoess in common certain basic principles, concepts and mothodologios both unique to and shared by the various'disciplinos. College educated porsonG should be able to UGO this knowledge when evaiuctting and approcioting the physical onviroftHwMhe culture, aft44be society in which they iivq. Moot importantiy, General Educotion should iQod to bottor G'oif undoretanding. It is desirable that, in a general education program, ways be sought to create coherence ond integration among the separate requiromcntG. It io Qloo^dooirablo that gonoml oducation programc involve students actively in examining valuoc inherent in proposed solutionc to mojorcocial problems. b. Developing and implementing a more specific philosophy of General Education is a responsibility of each college, since each must be sensitive to the unique educational needs and learning environment its of its students. Each college shall publish statement of philosophy in their catalog. 4^4s Page 4 of 18 Pages Corn. No. )SD/A DEv. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 rocommondod thQtcollogo otcitcmQnto of philoGophy reflect tho philosophy of gonorcii oducation articulated in subparagraph (1) of this subcoction. e. The units of General Education will be selected from courses in tho following areas, rocommendod~by4be coNogo academic senate and college procident and approved by the Chancellor, Bocird of Trustoe&-9f-4te ctosignoo. The curricula (called graduation plans) to be accepted toward the dogrco will b© recommended by the coliogc ocodemic senate ond cotlogo prosidont and approved by the Chctncollor, Board ofTruotooG or its dosignoo. 1) Natural SciQnces. Coursec in tho natural scioncos are those which examine the physical univorGO, it life forms and its natural phenomena. To satisfy the Genera! Education roquiremont in ncituro sciences, a course should help the student develop an appreciation and understanding of the scientific method, and encourogo an understanding of the relationships between science and other human activitioc. Thic CQtogory would Jndudo introductor/or intogrativo coursos in aetronomy, biology, chemistry, general physicol Gcience, go'o!ogy, meteorology, oceanography, physics and other scientific disciplines. 2) Social and Behavioral ScioncoG. CourooG in the social and behavioral scionccG arc those which focus on people as memboro of Gocioty. To-safefy the genera! education requirement in social and behavioral science, a couroo chould help the student dovoiop an awareness of the method of inquiry used by social and bchavioro! scioncoG. It should stimulate critical thinking about the wayc people act and have acted in rccponse to thoir societies and should promote cippreciation e^ew societies and social subgroupc oporato. Thic category would include introductory or integrotivo survey courses in onthropology, oconomicG, history, political science, psychology, sociology and rolatod disciplines; Page 5 of 18 Pages Corn, No. iSD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 07/8/15 Notice; 06/24/15 0 Los Angeles Community College District Gom. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 3) Humanities. Courses in the humanities are-those which study the cultural activitioc and artiGtic expressions of human beings. To oatisfy the genorat education requiromont in humanitioG, a course should help the student dcvotep-aft awaronosG of the ways in which poopic through the agoc and in different cutturos have responded to thomsolvoG and the world around them in artistic and cultural creation and help the student develop oosthotic understanding and ability to mokc value judgmonto. Such courGos should indude introductory or intogrativo coursoG in tho arts, foreign languages, literature, phifocophy ond religion. ,1) ^1) Language ond Rationality. CourGOS in longuogo and rationality arc those which dovolop for the student principles and appliccttiono offonguago toward logical thought, clear and prociGo expression, and critical evalucition of communication in whatever symbol system the tudcnt UGOG. a. <^ (a) English CompoGition. Courses fulfilling tho written composition roquiromont should includo both expooitory and argumontotivo writing. (b) Communication and Analytical Ttw^ti^ Courses fulfilling the communication and analytical thinking requiromont include oral communicotion, mathematics, logic, statisticc, computor fanguogo and programming, and related disciplinos. 4-. -While a course might satisfy more than one general education roquiromont, it may not be counted more than once for thcco purpoGOG. Whether it may bo counted again for a ctiffewrf dogrco requirement is a matter for odch coilogc to determine. Students may use the same courco to moot Q general education requirement for the AsGociato Dogroc and to partially satiofy a gonorot oducation requirement at the California State UnivoroitioG and Colleges. Page 6 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICESDate 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No, ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES e. ^ Action Date: July 8, 2015 Ethnic Studies will bo offcrod in at loast one of the required areas. Students who arc majoring in programs of study for which fewer than 36 unite arc required in tho major may complete groduotion Plan A. Students who ore majoring in programc of stud^ for which 36 or more unite are required-lfi-the major may complete graduation P!an B. Or students may compioto: Additional graduation plans recommended by the coilogo academic sonotc and college proGident and approved by the Board of Trustees or its dosignoe provided that ouch plans comply with all statutory and rogufotory rcquiromontG. Exceptions to major roquiromcsntG ohail bo made by the Chancellor, or his/her designoo. Graduation Plan A. Major Roquirements: At ioast 18 Gomestor unito of ctud^ taken in a "major or in an area of omphcioJG approved by the Stctto Chancellor's Office." Effective for all studontc admitted for the Foil 2009 term or any term thereafter, each couroo counted toward the major roquiromonts must be completed with a grcido of "C" or better or a "P" if the course io taken on a "pass no pass" basis. Gonorol Education Requiremonts: Successful complotion of at least 30 semester units of Gonoraf Educato=ha c. 0 noted below. ch Natural Scioncos 3 somoctor units as defined in Section c(1). feb Socidl and Behavioral Sdencos 9 semostef-fcH^ute in the following pattern: Page 7 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District JCOTT om. No. ISD/A Division; EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 1) At loast 3 units in Amorican Institutions to bo met in U.S. History or Poiiticcil Science, or U.S. Ethnic History or Political Selenee: 2) At least 3 units in other Social ScioncoG to bo met in Anthropology, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Hictory, Politica! Scienco, Psychology, Sociology, or other Social SeteR e courses as dotorminod by the Campu Of Curriculum Committoo.- 3) At !east 3 additional units from 1 or 2 above. e: Humonities -3 semostor units as dofifted-H=> Section c(3). 4 Language and Rationality 12 semoGtorwrts4ft the following pattern: 1) English Composition at feast 3 Gomestef units as defined in Section c(/1). 2) Communication and-AHafytical Thinking at east 6 semester units in Math, Logic and Critical Thinking, Speech or Computer Literacy, and/or Languages. 3) At ieast throe additieftal-ynits from 1) or 2) Health and Physical Education 1 c 0' emester unit This roquiromont may be mot by cuc-eessfo^ completion of at least 2 unite in Hoalth Education and at least 1 unit in a phyoical octivity courGo chosen from one of the following GubjoctG: Physico! Education. Dance TechniqucG, Danco Specialties, Physical FitnooG or Martial AfterOf-a combined course in Health Education and Physical Educatlon-^etMty. An activity courGO is o course with at least 2 standard hours of activity laboratory. The Chancelior will dovolop policioG for exemption. The Health Education roqiwemef^ may a!so be met by succQOGful comptction of oil the major requiromonts for-the Registered Nurcing Page 8 of 18 Pages Corn, No. ISD/A Program. Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 c: V; Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 Graduation Plan B. Major Roquiromonts: At ioast 36 comestor units of stud^ taken in a "major or in an area of emphasis approved by the State Chancellor's Office." Effoctivo for alt students admitted for the Fall 200^-temi or any form thereafter, each couroe counted toword the major rcquiremonts must bo complotod with a grade of "C" or better or a "P" if the courso IG taken on Q "pacs no pass" basiG. Goncro! Education RoquiromontG: SuccoGGful complotion of at least 18 semester units in general oducation as noted bolow: a. Natural Sciences 3 somoctor units ac dofrfted-w Section c(1). b. Social and Behavioral Scioncos "3 semester units Students muct Guccessfully complete an approprioto courco or courccs in Amorican InGtitutions and U.S. History. c. Humanities"" 3 semostor unite ao dofinod in Soction c(^)d. Language and Rationality 6 Gomootcr unito in the following pattern: 1) Throe somoGtor units in Engtich Composition. 2) Throe semester units in Communicotlon and Analytical Thinking. e. Health and Physical Education '2 a <3 0 emestor units. This roquiremont may bo mot by ouc-Gessferi completion of at loast 2 units in Hoolth Educcition and at least 1 unit in a physical activity courGO c-hesen from one of the following discipiinos: Phyoical Education, Dance Tochniquoo, Danco Spoela+t^ Physical Fitness or Martial Arts, or d combinod courGO in Health Educdtion and Physical Education activity. /\n activity course is a courso with at icQGt 2 GteR^ard Page 9 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A hours of octivity iaboratory-Phe ChancolloTwi!! Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVTCES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 determine catogorios for oxomption. c. The foltowina three genera! education pians are offered at the colleges of the Los Angeles Community Coileae District: the LACCD General Education Plan: the Caiifornia State University General Education Breadth Plan (CSU GE-Breadth Plan); the Interseamental General Education Tjansfer Curriculum HGETC). LACCD General Education Plan This associate-level general education plan is appropriate for students planning to earn an associate degree who do not pian to transfer to a 4-vear institution. At least 21 semester/28 quarter units of general education coursework must be completed in the foilowina areas, to include an ethnic studies course in at least one of the areas: Area A: Natural Sciences (3 semester/4 quarter units minimum) Courses in the natural sciences are those.which examine the physical universe, its life forms, and its natural phenomena. This category includes introductory or integratfve courses in astronomy, biology, chemistry, general physical science, aeoloav, meteorolociv, oceanoaraphv, physical qeoaraDhy, phvsica anthropoloav, physics and other scientific disciplines. Social and Behavioral Sciences and Area B: American Institutions (6 semester/8 quarter units minimum) Courses in the social and behavioral sciences are those which focus on peopie as members of society. This category includes introductory or intearative survey courses In cultural anthropoloav, cultural aeograDhv, economics, history, politica! science, Dsycholoav, sociology and related disciDlJnes B1: American Institutions (3 semester/4 quarter units minimum) Page 10 of 18 Pages Corn. No iSD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICESDate 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District /"% ^ om.No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 B2: Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 semester/4 quarter units minimum) Area C; Humanities (3 semester/4 quarter units minimum) Courses in the humanities are those which stydy_the cultural activities and artistic expressions of human beings. Such courses include introductory or intearative courses in the arts, foreign languages, literature. philosophy, and religion. Area D: Language and Rationality (6 semester/8 quarter units minimum) Courses In Janauage and rationality are those which develop for the student the principies and appiications of language toward logical thought, dear and precise expression and critical evaluation of communication in whatever symbol system the student uses. Such courses include: D1: Enciiish Composition (3 semester/4 quarter units minimum) D2: Communication and Analytical Thinking (3 semester/4 quarter units minimum) Area E: Health and Physical Education (3 semester units/4 quarter units minimum) E1: Health Education (one course minimum) E2: Physical Education Activity {1 semester/1 quarter unit minimum) A coliege may adopt and publish policies and procedures, through co!leciia! consuitation with the coilecie Academic Senate, which would ai!ow a student to reduce their General Education requirement for the AA/AS degree to the 18-unit minimum as regufred_by Title 5, provided the fotiowinc! conditions are met: Page 11 of 18 Pages Corn, No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICESDate 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District born. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date; July 8, 2015 1) The total units required for the major are 42 or greater, with none of the major coursework elidibie for cfouble-countinq in a General Education area; 2) The student, during their last semester as part of the petition to graduate process, requests to have 3 units of Genera! Education waived; and 3) The student completes a minimum of 3 semester/4 quarter units from each of Areas A through C and a minimum of 3 semester/4 quarter units from each of Areas D1 and D2 as isted above. California State University Genera! Education Breadth Plan rCSU GE-Breadth Plan) The CSU Genera! Education-Breadth ^GE-Breadth) program allows California community college transfer students to fulfill !ower-di vision general education requirements for any CSU campus prior to transfer. This plan is governed by the California State University system. The 39 semester/58 quarter units required for CSU GE *th Breadth_are distributed as follows: Area A: English Language Communication and Cntical Thinking Minimum 9 semester units or 12 quarter units - one course in each subarea Al Oral Communication (3 semester units or 4 quarter units A2 Written Communication (3 semester units or 4 quarter units A3 Critical Thinking (3 semester units or 4 quarter units Page 12 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICESDate 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. fSD/A Division; EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 Area B Scientific tngulry and Quantitative Reasomrig Minimum of 12 semester units or 18 quarter units - one course each in subareas B1, B2, and B4. plus laboratory activity related to one of the compteted science courses BI Physica! Science {3 semester units or 4 quarter units 82 Life Science (3 semester units or 4 quarter units B3 Laboratory Activity associated with a course taken to satisfy either B1 or B2 84 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (3 semester units or 4 quarter units Area C: Arts and Humanities Minimum of 12 semester units or 18 quarter units - at least one course completed in each of these two subareas: Cl Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater C2 Humanities: Literature, Phiiosophy, Lanauaaes Other than English Area D: Social Sciences Minimum of 12 semester units or 18 quarter units Area E: Lifelong Learning and Self-DeveIopment Minimum of 3 semester units or 4 quarter units Interseamenta! General Education Transfer Curriculum The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum is a general education proQram that Caiifomia Community CoNeae transfer students can use to fulfi lower-divislon general education requirements at a California State University or University of Cafifomla Page 13 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVfCES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community Coiiege District born. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 campus. This poiicv is governed by the Intersegmentat Committee of the Academic Senates OCAS). The IGETC requires completion of a minimum of 37 semester/49 quarter units of courses In the foHowina areas: AREA 1 - ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 1A: English Composition (one course - 3 semester or 4-5 quarter units) 1B: Critical Thinking - English ComDosition {one course 3 semester or 4-5 quarter units) 1C: Oral Communication (CSU requirement oniy) {one course - 3 semester or 4-5 Quarter units) AREA 2A - MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS & QUANTITATIVE REASONING (one course - 3 semester or 4-5 Quarter units) AREA 3 - ARTS AND HUMANITIES (3 courses, with one from the Arts and one from the Humanities. 9 semester or 12-15 quarter units) 3A: ARTS 3B: HUMANITIES AREA 4 - SOCIAL and BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES_{3 courses from at !east two academic disciplines. 9 semester or 12-15 quarter units) AREA 5 " PHYSICAL and BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (2 courses, with one from the Phvsica! Science and one from the Biological Science, at least one of the two courses must Indude a laboratory. 7-9 semester units or 9-12 quarter units) 5A: PHYSICAL SCIENCE 5B: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AREA 6 - LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH (UC Requirement Only) (Proficiency eauivaient to two^ears of high schoo! study In the same fanqyapej Page 14 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District born. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 6201.15 -Effoctivc Date. Those roquirementG become effective July 1,200/1. 6201.15 The colleges of the LACCDshaH not impose any requirements in addition to the CSUGE plan or t'GETC requirements, including any local college or district requirements, for students completing either of these general education plans for an assodate degree. 6201.16 Graduation Requirements for Associate Degree in Nursing. To obtain an associate degree in nursing, students who have baccalaureate or higher degrees from a United States regionai!y accredited institution of higher education are only required to complete the course work that is unique and exclusively required for completion of the registered nursing program, including prerequisites and nursing course work. These students are not to be required to complete any other courses required by the college for an associate degree. 6201.17 Double-Counting Of Coursework. A course may only be counted once for General education purposes. However, a course may be used to simultaneously satisfy both a General Education requirement and a major/area of emphasis requirement. There is no limit on the number of courses that may be used simultaneously in this manner. Students may also simultaneously apply the same course toward satisfaction of the LACCD Genera! Education Piar^ Plan A or B Associate Degroo Gonoral Education roquiromontG, the CSU GE Breadth Certification requirements and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) requirements. 6201.18 Associate Degrees for Transfer and Local Associate Degrees. A student who completes an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) in a particular major/area of emphasis may also be awarded a focal associate in the same major/area of emphasis provided that the student completes any additional coursework required for the tocal associate degree. Page 15 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVJCES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District 'Corn. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES 6202. Action Date: July 8, 2015 CATALOG RIGHTS. For these purposes, a catalog year Is defined as beginning with the fall semester through the subsequent summer. A student remaining in continuous attendance in the Los Angeles Community College District may elect to satisfy the degree, certificate or graduation requirements in effect at the college from which the student wii! either earn his/her degree, certificate or graduate: 1. at the time the student began such attendance at the college, or 2. allow students to select an intervening catalog in years between the time the student began continuous attendance and time of graduation, or at the time of graduation. 3. For the so!e purpose of satisfying graduation competency requirements, students entering the Los Angeles Community College District prior to Fall 2009 who remain in continuous attendance within the LACCD may graduate from any LACCD College by satisfying graduation competency by either: fulfilling competency requirements in place at the time the 1. student began such attendance within the district, or 2. fu!fi!ling competency requirements in place at the time of graduation. For the purposes of implementing this policy, the college may develop a policy to: 1. authorize or require substitutions for discontinued courses; or 2. require a student changing his/her major to complete the major requirements in effect at the time of the change, 3 allow students to select an inten/ening cotaiog in yoars botwoon time student bogcin continuous attondanco and time of graduation. The college's policy shall be developed in consultation with the college Academic Senate in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XVI! I of the Board Rules -ACADEMIC SENATE AND THE BOARD OF Page 16 of TRUSTEES SHARED GOVERNANCE POLICY, and published in at college catalogs under appropriate headings. 18 Pages Corn. No, !SD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community Coliege District ^ ^ om. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 This policy does not apply to college programs which are governed or regulated by outside government agencies or which require licensure or certification through one of these agencies. 6203. CONTINUOUS ATTENDANCE. "Continuous attendance" means no more than one semester absence within a school year, excluding Summer Sessions and Winter Intersession. Students granted a "military withdrawal" under the provisions of Board Rule 6701.10, will be considered to be in "continuous attendance" for their required period of military service. 6204. ADDITIONAL and CONCURRENT ASSOCIATE DEGREES. Additiona Associate Degrees: Students who have previously earned an associate degree from a United States regionally accredited institution will be granted an additional associate degree when the following requirements have been met: 1. Pursuant to catalog rights, described in Board Rule 6202, completion of a!l current degree requirements - i.e., scholarship, residency, competency, general education and major requirements. 2. Completion of a minimum of six (6) new units in a major. requiring 18 35 units or twelve (12) now unite in a major following Plan B of General Education requiring 36 or more units. Major course requirements compieted in previous degrees awarded can be used again foradditiona! degrees. 3. Ai! courses that count towards the associate degree major or area of emphasis must be satisfactorily completed with a grade of "C" or higher or "P" (pass). Major or area of cmphoGic courses for an Associate! Degree for Trancfor (ADA T or AS T) degree must be complotod with Q grade of C or higher; P (paoG) grades are not pCFmrttedr 4. There is no limit to the number of additional associate degrees that can be awarded provided that al! the above requirements have been met. Page 17 of 18 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICESDate 07/8/15 Notice: 06/24/15 Los Angeles Community College District ^ \^f om. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: July 8, 2015 5. Completion of any additions! requirements, including new units, as determined by the college through collegial consultation with the college Academic Senate in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XVI I of the Board Ru!es "" Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees Shared Governance Policy. Concurrent degrees; Concurrent degrees are degrees awarded in the same semester. Students may petition and be awarded concurrent associate degrees in different majors if the following criteria are met: 1. Pursuant to catalog rights, described in Board Rule 6202, completion of alt current degree requirements: scholarship, residency, competency, genera! education and major requirements. 2. There is no maximum number of concurrent degrees that a student may be awarded. 3. f a course is a major requirement for each concurrent degree, it may be applied toward satisfaction of each major degree requirement. 4--If an Associate of Science and Associato of Arts degree can bo awarded in th© same major, only one dogrco will be gra^te^-a selected by the student. 5. Completion of the General Education requirements for one associate degree wi!l fulfill the general education requirements for concurrent degrees, if the same general education pattern applies to the additional degree. if each degree requires the completion of different general education patterns, the genera education pattern of each degree must be fulfilled. Courses may be applied toward the general education requirements for each concurrent degree. 6. All courses that count towards the associate degree major or area of emphasis must be satisfactorily completed with a grade of "C" or higher or "P" (pass). 7. The LACCD does not offer double majors. Page 18 of 18 Pages Corn. No. 1SD/A Div. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICESDate 07/8/15 Notice; 06/24/15 c. 0