Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District AGENDA 770 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 891-2000 ORDER OF BUSINESS - REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Closed Session 4:00 p.m. Public Session 6:00 p.m. Second Closed Session (Immediately Following Public Session if Necessary) Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Aspen Hall – Room 101 400 West Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 I. Roll Call (4:00 p.m.) Location: Aspen Hall – Room 101 II. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees Regarding Closed Session Agenda Matters III. Recess to Closed Session in accordance with The Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq., and the Education Code to discuss the matters on the posted Closed Session agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954.5 (Refer to Attachment “A” for Closed Session agenda). Location: Aspen Hall – Room 120 IV. Reconvene Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) Location: Aspen Hall – Room 101 V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Roll Call Flag Salute Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session – October 7, 2015 Welcoming Remarks by President Laurence Frank, Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting and Closed Session: August 19, 2015 Regular Meeting and Closed Session: September 2, 2015 Reports from Representatives of Employee Organizations at the Resource Table Announcements from the College Presidents ORDER OF BUSINESS October 7, 2015 Page 2 XII. Public Agenda Requests A. Oral Presentations B. Proposed Actions XIII. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees – Multiple Agenda Matters XIV. Reports and Recommendations from the Board Proposed Actions BT1. Resolution – District Classified Employees Retirement BT2. Approve Resolution – Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 – October 15, 2015 BT3. Approve Resolution in Support of International Student Marketing and Recruiting Agency and Agent Contracts Education Facilities Bond Act 2016 BT4. Ratify and Approve Travel BT5. Board Member Absence Authorization XV. Reports from the Chancellor and College Presidents Report from the Chancellor regarding activities or pending issues in the District XVI. Consent Calendar Matters Requiring a Majority Vote BF1. Ratify Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers BF2. Adoption of the 2016-2017 Budget Development Calendar BSD1. Ratify Business Services Actions BSD2. Approve Business Services Actions FPD1. Approve Facilities Planning and Development Report FPD2. Authorize Master Procurement Agreement FPD3. Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Implementation of the Design-Build System of Project Delivery for the Energy Infrastructure Improvements Project at Los Angeles Valley College; Ratifying the Request for Qualifications and Proposal Process; and Authorizing the Award of a DesignBuild Agreement FPD4. Approve Addendum to the 2003 Environmental Impact Report for the Los Angeles Valley College Facilities Master Plan, and Approve Modification to Mitigation Measure AQ-9 HRD1. Personnel Services Routine Actions ISD1. Approve New Educational Courses and Programs ISD2. Approve New Community Services Offerings PC1. Personnel Commission Actions Correspondence ORDER OF BUSINESS October 7, 2015 Page 3 XVII. Recommendations from the Chancellor General Matters CH1. Amend Board Rule Chapter II Article IV – 2408 Order of Business CH2. Approve Los Angeles Mission College Mission Statement CH3. Designate Representatives to the Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium CH4. Adopt the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan Matters Requiring a Super Majority Vote – None XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXII. Recess to Committee of the Whole A. Roll Call B. Public Speakers C. Presentation/Initiative Reviews Presentation on the 2015 Student Success Scorecard D. Other Business E. Adjournment of the Committee of the Whole Reconvene Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Roll Call Notice Reports and Informatives ISD/A. [Informative] Notification of Out-of-State Student Travel Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions by Members of the Board of Trustees Adjournment Next Regularly Scheduled Board Committee Meetings Educational Services Center Board Room – First Floor 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Budget & Finance Committee 3:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Board Room Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success Committee 3:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. th 6 Floor Large Conference Room ORDER OF BUSINESS October 7, 2015 Page 4 Facilities Master Planning & Oversight Committee 5:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Board Room Legislative & Public Affairs Committee 5:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. 6th Floor Large Conference Room In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b), documents made available to the Board after the posting of the agenda that relate to an upcoming public session item will be made available by posting on the District’s official bulletin board located in the lobby of the Educational Services Center located at 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017. Members of the public wishing to view the material will need to make their own parking arrangements at another location. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request, please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at (213) 891-2044 no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. % ^ 'i N :^ s< <" MB '*' .K n. » i AGENDA LDSANOB.ES COmMWYCOLUEGE DBTOCT TTOWsNieBoEilevarEiLosAngeles.CAWtZ 213^1.2000 ATTACHMENT A CLOSED SESSION Wednesday October 7,2015 ILos Angelas Trade-TecWcal ColleQe 4QO W. Washington Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90015 I. PEibliic Employee Evaluation (pursuart to Government Code sectkm 54957} A. Posifcr tmterlm General Counse B. Position: Associate General Counsel II Conference with Labor Negotiator .; (pursaant to Govefnment Code sectbn 54957.6) A. Dlstict Negotiators: Albert Roman Adrma D. Barrera Empbyee Unit aericalffechnlcaE - Local 1521A HE *. Public Employee Disdplme/Dismissal/Retease/Charges/Complaints (pvrsnant to Government Code section 54957) V. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Utigation (pursuant to Gowmnient Code section 54956.9(d)(1)) A... Rhan^a Guess v, LACCD a Robert Ret^berg ¥. LACCD 0. DeontB WIHiams v. LACCD D. Jane Doe v. LACCD E LatifeAmQdo K IACCD Closed Session October 7,2015 Page Two V. Conference with Legal Counsel " Antlclpateci Liltlgatlon (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2) sM (e)(1)) A. Potential Irtigatlon - 3 matters s ® A 'ff. * 'ft, Los Angeles Community College District g Com.No. BT1 Division BOARD OF TRUSTEES Date: October 7, 2015 RESOLUTION - DISTRICT CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SUBJECT: WHEREAS, The classified employees identified below have been employed with the Los Angeles Community CoHege District for many years; and WHEREAS, The classified employees have contributed significantly toward providing the highest quality of services to our students and the public on behalf of the Los Angeles Community College District; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Personnel Commission and the Board of Tru stees of the Los Angeles Community College District do hereby commend the employees for their contributions and extend best wishes in their retirement. Scott J. Svonkin, President David Iwata, Chair Board of Trustees Personnel Commission Eng. Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT1 Div. Board of Trustees Moreno Fong. Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Lighut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date: 10/7/2015 s Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BT1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Division Date: October 7, 2015 SUMMARY OF RETIRED CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES Last Name First Name Solomaho Helena Grimes Roberto Nguyen Vinh Fedak Nicholas EHis Betty Michaeis Senator Chung Kasey Job Ciassification Years Of Service Acimjnistratjve Analyst ESC 40 East 8/29/2015 33 ESC 9/1/2015 33 East 8/15/2015 Office Assistant 30 Trade-Tech 9/2/2015 Sound Engineer 15 City 9/21/2015 15 City 9/2/2015 Custodial Supervisor Director of Budget and Management Analysis nstructiona! Assistant - Art Chemistry Lab Technician Henry Custodian 15 Baptiste Leonard Graphic Designer 9 of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT1 Date 42 Huff Page 2 Retirement Location Div. Board of Trustees 9/1/2015 Trade-Tech 8/15/2015 Mission Date: 9/12/2015 10/7/2015 B ® A ;<. y, Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT2 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 7, 2015 Subject; APPROVE RESOLUTION ~ HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH SEPTEIVIBERJ5" OCTOBER 15, 20 The foEEowing reso!ution is presented by Board Members Svonkin, Eng, and Moreno: WHEREAS, [n19681 (^ngrcss ^th?rizeci^re?tdent, LyncI^P' Johnson to procialm a week in September as Nationai Hispanic Heritage Week and in 1988 this celebration was expanded to Nationa Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15 of each year; and WHEREAS, During this time, America celebrates the culture and traditions of United States residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, and the Spanish-speaking nations in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean; and WHEREAS, Thefoundit,)9 origin,!.<?fthe??y,of L?s An9e!esare La^o and we take this opportunity to recognize the contributions of Latino-Americans for helping shape our national character and strengthen our communities for a better tomorrow; and WHEREAS, Latinos continue to be the iargest and fastest growing group, comprising 56 percent of the tota student population (Fali 2014) as compared with Los Angeles County which is 48 percent Latino; and WHEREAS, Latinos comprise 53 percent of the 18-34 year-oid age group in Los Angetes County; and WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community Coliege District (LACCD) Latino workforce continues to grow but, overall, it still lacks parity within the tota! District workforce; and WHEREAS The LACCD family is encouraged to become enriched by the contributions and achievements of the many cultures that foster the pride of the Latino community; and WHEREAS, Understanding, tderance, and acceptance of the diverse popuiations !iving in our communities is especially criticai in these days; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District does hereby proclaim September 15-October 15, 2015 as Hispanic Heritage Month 1n honor of the diverse cultures that comprise the Latino communities of the greater Los Angeies area and specificaHy the Los Angeies Community College District; and be It further RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District does hereby encourage facility during this month to integrate and share the contributions of Latinos with their students, via their curricutum, to further enlighten the students to be weli-lnformed individuals. Chancellor and Eng Moreno, Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn, No, BT2 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/7/15 s e A .: It Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BT3 Board of Trustees Division Date; October 7, 2015 Subject: APPROVE RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENL_MARKET RECRUITING AGENCY AND AGENT CONTRACTS The foliowing resolution is_presented by the Ad Hoc Outreach and Recruitment Committee members Moreno (Chair) and Eng (Member) and Board MiemberSvonkin: WHEREAS, J^,r?c^.it^en,t of,,intemation,at students to the Los Angeies Community Coliege Pl?^l^iit:ricll?oil^9e_s,cre^tes.a.divrers? ir!ternatipnal student body resuiting In a rich academic and culfurai environment for its domestic students; and WHEREAS, Th!!eges,woul:d !!ke to host.a diverse international student body at its campuses by initiating student marketing and recruitment activities in targeted geographicai areas throughout the world; and WHEREAS, Many !nternational,studentmarketing and recruiting agencies and agents, especiaiiy t-hos-elh-^,are.fo_rei9n~,ba?ed' are UI1ab^ to obtain domestic or foreign insurance to cover their business'activities; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That^ the Los Angeles Community College District believes that in order to obtain a greater diverse and successfui pool of marketing and recruiting agencies and agents that It shai! permit the waiver of insurance coverage requirements, except Those required by law and indemnification for those agreements procuring agencies and agents providing international marketing and recruiting services to the District; and be it further RESOLVED, That,f.achcoiie9epresjdent,procurin9the services of an international marketing and recruiting agency ora9enjwjy ensure due diligence m all other areas of contracting to ensure that these agencies and agents are otherwise qualified to do business with the District, Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman H off man Svonkin Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT3 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/7/15 s ® A .: io Los Angeles Community College District g Corn.No. BT4 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: RATIFY AND AUTHORIZE TRAVEL I. Ratify payment of necessary expenses for Scott J. Svonkin, member of this Board of'Tmstees to have attended the launching of the three-year College Promise Campaign held on September 9, 2015 in Warren, Michigan. II. Ratify payment of necessary expense^ for Scott J. Svonkin, member of this ?.oaLdJ3LTnl?-eeis^t.o_h^ve,aft?nde? the,Fir^ National/Adkdsory Board quarterly meeting held on September 16, 2015 in Washington, DC. III. ^uth^n^he fouow^^uture d^tes o^whlchScottJ Svonkin, member of this Board of Trustees, will be attending the Campaign's National Advisory Board quarterly meetings with payment ofnecessar/expenses as follows: January 27 or 29, 20i6 - Nashville, Tennessee April 27 or 29, 20l6 - Washington, DC July 27 or 29^2016 - Cheyenne or Casper, Wyoming September 28 or 30, 20i6 - Washington, DC Backeround. Board President scott 1L ^Y^nk^.v/a^a,ppoililt?cl to se^Ye OP President Barack ^banl^s Fol^e§e promise ca^nPaign?s ]s;fafi?nal Ad^isory B^I,d- All travel associated ^th the Campaign and the'National Advisor Board ^li-be paid from the 2015-16 Chancellor's Reserve Account. Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearfman Hoffman Svonkin By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT4 Div. Kamiager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 10/7/15 \ gj 'ft; A . ^ Los Angeles Community College District g Corn.No. BT5 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 7, 2015 Subject; BOARD MEMBER ABSENCE AUTHORIZATiON IhaLthe^Boardr.of_.TrListe?S.Sf.t1}? LOSAn9e[es Community coiie9^Disjrict hereby compensate Trustee Nancy Pearlman for the Specia! Board meeting of October 10, 2015 despite her absence pursuant to Board Rule 2104.14. Background: Trustee Peariman's absence was due to a commitment made prior to the development of the Special Board meeting, Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong " Pearlman Hoffrnan Svonkin By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT5 Div. Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 10/7/15 ^ NCTON Los Angeles Community CoNege District Corn.No. 8F1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: RATIFY BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS R^fy.acc^tance.of$4'574'903 '".income as recommended by the Chief^ In accordance with Title 5 of the- California Code'of Regulations, Section 58307, authorize all the appropriation transfers" between major expenditure categories (EXHIBIT I). t. Recommended by: K3^/ Adriana D. Barrera, DeputyChancelior Approved by: Francjs^ C.lRodriguez, Chancellor ? Chanceltorand Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman By Page Date of 1 Pages Corn: No. BF1 Div H Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 10/7/15 EXHIBIT BUDGET REVtSiONS AND APPROPRiADON TRANSFERS ALL FUNDS, EXCLUDING BUILDING BOND FUND October 7. 2015 NEW INCOME (Attachment I) Federa! State Local Interfunrf Transfer in ACCOUNT 810000-849900 Olhei- Financing Sources Ccmiribution (o Reslricted Program 660QQO-669999 870000-88999S 891000-S92999 893000.8S7999 898000-899999 Total New Income AMOUNT 1,686,174 2,713,697 175,032 4,574,903 Approved Budget Appropriation EXPENOITURES ACCOUNT Budget Certificated Salaries Cfassified Salaries 100000-19S999 200000-299993 300000-399999 400000-499999 500000-599999 600000-699999 700000-709999 710000-719999 317,606,272 161.819,447 151,992,105 38,231,730 ^26,321.935 19,350,177 7^)1,316 330,364 50,203 344,511 3,722 7,522,226 1,032 Empfo/ee Benefits Books/Supplies Contract Services Capita! OuUay Other Outgo Other Debt Sen/ices Tuition Transfers Interfunds Transfers Direct Support/indirec! Costs Loan/Granls Other Financing Sources fExcepl 7902) Reserve for Conlingency* Total 720000-729999 730000-739999 740000-749999 750000-759999 760000-79999& 790200 Revisions Transfers Revised Budget 976,027 (14,198,^112} 304,583,887 137.004 3,188,649 165,749,412 152,720,809 38,944,649 ? 33,350,621 21,647,818 398,340 662,716 6.684.175 2,160,635 ^ 4,754 7,522.226 230 230 256,137.126 186,756 167,885,256 1,807,687 23,416,080 2,369 1,101,528 23,416,080 1_,270,486,306 4,574,903 ' Reserve for Contingency balance is S23.42 million, which is 3.50 % of ihe Unrestricted Genera! Fund 256.326,254 170794,471 1,275,061,205 revenue (excluding Generai Resen/e) Aif budget revisions and transfers herein are submitted for the Board of Trustees approval in accordance with Titfe 5 of California Regulations, Sections 58307 and 58308, Appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories are within funds/grants that have been previously received and approved by the Board of Trustees. These transfers have been reviewed by the college administrators and approved by the coliege Vice Presidents of Administration and College Presidents. Reviewed by: { -~x. / / / ^ ^ ~~/ JQefhette L. Gord Chief Fjnanqisi Officer/Treasurer 4^ BF1 October 7, 2015 Page 1 of 5 Attachment I NEW INCOME AND GRANTS BTA NUMBER: FUND/GRANTNAME AMOUNT Federal C-0039 Upward Bound (Fairfax and Manual Arts High Schools) $334,661 To establish funding to provide coliege preparatory services to iow-income youth (Fairfax and Manuai Arts) This program will target firstgeneration potential coiiege students. Services include tutoring, academic advisement, study skiEls development and career guidance workshops, exposure to coitege campuses, and a^six-week summer academic program that incorporates coliege-ievel courses This program will serve seventy-five (75) students. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. C-0040, V-0080 Upward Bound 512,500 To establish funding to increase student proficiency, participation and coUege admission rates. Students will receive an array of services including tutoring, academic advisement, study skilis development and career guidance workshops, exposure to coilege campuses, and a six-week summer academic program that incorporates college-levei courses. This program will serve one hundred thirty-five (135) students. Funding is from the'UnFted States Department of Education. S-0025 student Support Services Trio Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Program To establish funding to provide opportunities for academic development, assist students with basic college requirements, and motivate students to the successful compietion of their postsecondary education. The goal of this program is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its pa^icipants and ^aciiitate the process of transition from one level of higher education to the next. This program will sen/e one hundred twenty (120) students who have an educational objective in the subject areas of Science, Technology^ Engineering and Mathematics each academic year. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. 220,000 BF1 October 1,2015 Page 2 of 5 S-0027 Educational Talent Search (ETS) 230,000 To establish funding to assist selected low-income, potential firsf-generation college students annuaiiy with reaching their academic goals, in order to meet the goais, ETS will provide assistance to each participant with promotion from one grade-level to the next, with graduating from high school, with entering into rigorous academic classes relating to California State Universities/Universsty of California and Private Coiieges A through G requirements, with enroiling successfully into a post-secondary educationai program of their choice, and with completing a post-secondary educationai program within six years. This program ws!! serve five hundred (500) participants who reside in the target area. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. V-0079 Trio/Student Support Services 231,103 To establish funding to aid low-income, first-generation and/or disabled college students in achieving an education, and to graduate and transfer to a four-year university in a timeiy manner. Services include academic, career, transfer and financiai aid counseling, tutoring, mentoring, workshops for study skills, a computer lab, cultural and four-year university fieicf trips and the dissemination of certain supplies. Thi:s program will serve one hundred sixty (160) students for the 2015-2016 year. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. C-0054 Consortium for Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) 157,910 To establish funding to create a community coliege based collaboration between NASA'S Jet Propuision Laboratory (JPL) and six Los Angeles area community colleges (Los Angeles City College, Pasadena City College, Los Angeles Vaiiey Coilege, Victor Valley Coliege, East Los Angeles College, and Moorpark Coiiege), with Los Angetes City College as the lead agency. CURE recruits sixteen (16) community college students per year, with an emphasis on minority, female and o!der "second chance" students, for year-round (but summer-based) research experiences in ongoing, cutting-edge projects in astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary science at NASA'S Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. Funding is from the Nationai Science Foundation. TOTAL FEDERAL $1,686,174 Student Equity $1,408,703 State D-0259 To increase funding to align with the 2015-2016 Revised Budget Aliocations for the Student Equity Program based on the Advance Apportionment provided by the State Chancelior's Office, released on July 28, 2015. This adjustment brings the program tota! allocation to $16,843,507. Funding is from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). BF1 October 7, 2015 Page 3 of 5 D-0263 Student Success and Support Program (Credit) 2015-2016 878,234 To augment funding to align with the 2015-2016 Revised Budget Allocations for the Student Success and Support Program (Credit) based on the Advance Apportionment provided by the State Chancellor's Office, released on June 25, 2015 This adjustment brings the program total allocation to $25,564,692. Funding^ is from the CaJifornia Community Coileges Chanceiior's Office (CCCCO). D-0175, D-0176, CAL Grant B 2014-2015 D-0266, D-0268, D-0271 75,995 To increase the budget for the 2014-2015 CAL Grant B Program as needed for additional student SrantsaPProved. This augmentation brings the program total allocation to $399,374. Funding is from the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). H-0023 Assessment, Remediation <S Retention for Associate Degree Nursing (RN) Program 171,000 To estabiish funding to increase nursing student retention and student success ?LI:^e~_nLirs,i.n?.s!ud?ntsI,as we!las current nursing students, and to provide additional clinical adjunct instructors required for clinical instruction and ^u!!!i^J?l^?o-rd/^?t!o^rundinQ is from the califorrlia Community Colleges Chancefior's Office (CCCCO). H-0064 Song-Brown Capitation 20,000 To establish funding to admit two additiona! underrepresented minority and disadvantaged students into the nursing program, to provide placement of program graduates into the Registered Nursing (RN) shortage areas, and to increase the number of staff in the program. Funding is from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Deve!opment (OSHP'D). V-0061 Career Technical Education (CTE) Enhancement Fund Program 159,765 To establish funding to implement the Institute for Integrated Career & Academic r/T?itlw^ys,^CAPS^ .pfoject .,Asa re9ional partner college in iCAPs Los Angeles Vailey College wi!! be contributing to professional development, industry engagement, regional alignment, and marketing to provide support for the delivery of iCAPs as well as an upgrade to computer lab equipment for Information Communication Technoiogy (ICT) dedicated dassrooms. Six hundred (600) students will benefit from this program. Funding is from the California Community Coileges Chancelior's Office (CCCCO). TOTAL STATE $2,713,697 BF1 October 7, 2015 Page 4 of 5 Local H-0045 Department of Health Services Tutor! ng/Mentoring Program $69,000 To accept funding for the Los Angeles Harbor Coilege Associate Degree Nursing Program to offer personalized academic and clinicai support for nursing students. This program is designed to improve study skills and enhance the overall learning process and success. Funding is from the County of Los Angeles Department of Health Services. Child, Family <S Education Cohort Phase H E-0081 106,032 To accept funding to provide eight Child, Famiiy & Education classes to sixteen (16) Los Angeies County Office of Education-Greater Avenues for independence/Genera! Reiief Opportunities for Work (LACOE-GAiN/GROW) participants. These classes will prepare participants for an Associate Teacher skills-cer'tificate- Fund!n9 is fr'°m the Los Angeies County Office of Education (LACOE). TOTAL LOCAL $175,032 OTHERS: Fund Redistribution C-0061 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) To redistribute funds from EOPS fund number 20489 to EOPS fund number 10489 at Los Angeles City College. C-0062 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) To accept redistributed funds from EOPS fund number 20489 to EOPS fund number 10489 at Los Angeles City Coliege. TOTAL OTHERS TOTAL INCOME ($500,000) 500,000 $0 $4,574,903 BF1 October 7, 2015 Page 5 of 5 Organizational In accordance with Education Code 72670, the following organization is Membership submitted for Board approval: Amend the List of Organizational Memberships to include the Southern Caiifornia Marine institute (SCMI) with annua! dues of $11 ,000. This request originated from Educationai Services Center. Background: Membership in this organization wiii give us access to the following resources at the Southern California Marine tnstitute (SCMi): the research vessel, Yellowfin, and several smali vessels for coastal research (for an annual cruise and education for students and faculty professiona deveiopment). The facility offers speciailzed equipment incEuding seawater circulating filfration systems to maintain living marine specimens, research aboratories, offices and meeting spaces, as well as classroom space (equipped with microscopes and accommodating forty students). Los Angeles Community College District wiil be the first community college district to join the higher education Consortium which includes the ioca! California State Universities, the University of California Los Angeles, the University of Southern Caiifomia, and Occidentai Coilege. The membership wouid give us a seat at the tabie as plans are being drafted for the facility. * . A .: v Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BF2 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: ADOPTION OF THE 2016-2017 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT CALENDAR Adopt the Budget Development Calendar for fiscal year 2016-2017 (Attachment t). ^y^:,^°^Ji[ ^e iL0'16:.20!7 ^udget Development Calendar by the Board olTrusteesinforms the Board, the^Distnct and community 'constituencies ?!.^^nne^^ch.ed^leof budget develoPme^ activities in order to promote participation in the budget process. This calendar was presentecTto the'Di'stnct Budget Committee for review. Recommended by: .a b \%^\^ -/ A3rianaD. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor1 Secretary of the Board of Trustees Page Date of 1 Pages Com7 No. BF2 ^L P^nci^ciji C. Rodriguez, Chancelior hrtd Chancellor and By ^ 5\>AM^- Approved by: Eng Moreno Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Div. _BUSINESS AND FINANCE Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 10/7/15 ATTACHMENT I 2QH6 - 2&17 BUDGET DEVELOPI^EMTCALENDAR DAJE SEPTEMBER,, 2M5; Septemfoer 116 ACTIVITY DEWELOPMENrr OF BUDGET PREPARATION! ACTWEES A) Bydget and Finance Commitfee Meetm.g^ B) Notice of Budgcf DcvcEopmcnt Ca!:cndar j ted; tofr.goard: Qf'TFysfeefe September 23 DisMcs Budget CoFnmi^tee reviews proposed Bu:dgiet Devetopmertt Cal^cta?. OCTOBERt 2<N5 £>EVELOPMiENT OF BUDGET PREPARATION ACTt^nriES Adopfen: o<|' Budget DeveEopment Calendar. October 7 October 1&-30 College Projections and FEnanciai PEans Review. OcEober 211 Bueiget': sndi Rnartee Com:mtttee Meeting. NOVEMBB^ 2m5 DEVELOPMENT OF BU&GET OPERWHON PLA^ MQvembeF2 Ist Qyarteir Reports due from coileges. ImfeE assessment projectronfS of Centralized aceounfs:. November 3 Mbvembey 5 - 3© CDmtemcies review of 1st Quarter Report ami! Distrk^mfe prqi^tiom. November 15 11 sf: Quarter' Report due to State. "tovembef 18 Bu;dg.e.t a^dl Finance CorrEmiftee receives bFtefing on- 1:st Qyarfer Re:p.. DECEMBER, 2@1I& v CONSTITOENaES PROJECTIONS REVIEW December 2-23 A) Constftuencies Fevtew of mtd-y&ar pmjections andi possifele cni.dl-yeaF Fediuctjons:; B) Review of Centraiized Accourite Projection. Decemfcer 9' 1l &t Quarter Report submitfed to Board of Trustees for appmwal. December 16 Budget an^il Finance Committee Meeting. GOVERNORS PROPOSED STATE BUDGET AND PRELMNARY JANtJARY, 201;6 M.LOCAIIOMS anuary 5 A) Budget Office drstnbutes. Budget Operation Ran En:stoc^ns, anuary © - 8 Budget Q^ce Fevtews colieges' 2016-17 dedicated- F&vertue p.rc^ectiQm. A) Byd^et Planning and Formulation ffes protots'pe avaiiaNe'; B) Dedteated Re'venue Projections due to the BtLtdgef C^ftce'. anuaryS -1:5 B) Budiget Pi;anFting and Fomiiuiation WorkshGp. anuairy 14 - 29 Cons^eiieies review Proposed 2CM6-17 PFeEimtnaryAItQcatioR, anuary 2Q - 29 CabiiKt reviews Proposed 2016-17 PrefiminaFyAIEocafen, anusry 21 CFQ andi AceQunlmQ Offtce provEde tn^si endin® balance proiectjom, aCTuary 27 Budget an^ Fmance Commmee Meeting. EBRUiARY,. 2®1ie CONSTfinUENClES REVIEW BUDGET STATUS ebruaryS ebFuary4 2nd Quaifter Repoffs due from cofleges. BiLXiget: omc& dEstrifoutes 2016-17 PfeJitminaFyAlllocatEem. ebruary 1'5 2nd QuairteF Rejaort due to Stafe.. ebmary 17 - 26 A) Cabinet reviews 2016-17 Budget update; B) Co'nsffiuencies review 2nd Qtr Report & College Finan:eiaf Ptar^ ebFU8Fy24 A) Biid^et an(:l Finance ComFnitfee fecewe& bnefmg QR 2ndl Quarter Repo.rt B) CF'O an^ AccouiFTtiing Oftice update ending: baiance pro^ectiQrtS: iARCH,r 2Q^.G PREPARATION OF PREUM1MARY BUDGETS arch 3 Budget Prep files transFnttted to Budget OTice. Teehn.ical review of Budget Prep date files snd upload io SAP. arch4-1S arch 9 2nd Qiiarter Reiport sutem:itfed to BoaFd of jFustees for' appmwalL arch 23 Budget arid Finance Committee l^ee^ng. arch 24 x) c^0: aFK): Accouinting Offtce u'pdafe endmg bataree pFoj^etiortS; B):. Preffimi:n:aFy Budaiet avai;Eabie on SAP s.ysfem. srch 29 - fyta?y & October £0 2fl'1i5. BF2 ARaE& 6pt E QPCT. period for Tentative Budget ad^ustoenfe (Fi:rst A^ystaeN). Page. f ef2 9.i24aer& 2@1& - 20T7 BUDGET &EVELOPnAENT CALENDAR DATE APRIL, 2MG. ACTOFFT RMEVtf OF PREUMIiMARYByDGEfDATA Aprtt 20; CFO: and AecountinQ Office update ending bsfaEi^e- p^edrom. April 26- ApfiE 29 Cemstttymeies review hucfiget status:. ApriE:27 Budget and! Rnance Commt'tfee Meeting. Aprlil 28 - fyEay H8 Budget- meettFTgs OR prelimi nary budgets coRducfedi wj^ eolfege admnis^ates... ! AY,2®f6 RE^ENt^E PROJECTK3NS UPDATED May 2 Srdi QuaFter Reports due- from eoEEeges. Ms^S Revised revenue. Sections based on Govemort& p^oposect SEate. Bs^&t Nay 9 " 13 A) CQnsfityencies fevfew May Revise tiipdate; B) CoriiStttuendes reeeive: fanefms on TentaSve Byefgjet; C) Qpefi period ferr FtRal Bvdset a^usfme^s (Secoi^i A^i^meN). ^ay 1 T A) N&tiee 0!f'Tentative Sustgef to Board! of Trustees; B) B&ard of Trustees aa^honzafe.rt to encumbe.r Frew- yea.r appro^nriation.s. yiay 15 3rd^ QiuarfeF RepQrt diue to State. i^lay 18 A) Cabmet reedlves briefing; on Ie ntaiive Budget; tte¥l& Budget Operation Ran® due t& the Budget Offise, ^ay25 A) Budget and Finance Commii^ee rec&fves briefing O:FY 3rdi Quarter R'eporf, B)!) Budget and FmaFice CQmmEttee revrews Projposecji Tentstiwe. Bud§iefc B) CFO- and: Aecou;n^:ng QffEce update endirtg faalance. projectj:Gm&,. UNE, 2CM6 une8 A) Adoption, of Tentative Budget; B) 3rd Quarter Report submitted to Board ofTrustees for apptrwsi CFO and Aeeounimg Office update ending baiance' pmieefcts', Deafffliine for submission of' revtsed Dedicat&d Rewen;ye for Rriial Bufil§i@£. une16 une 24 ULY,2016 uEyl t^n ByUFAJtVE BUDGET REVESICtM TO REVENyE PROJECTtONS'ALLOCAiriG^NS Be Tentative Bucfg^ report with County and State AgBnefes. 15 uty2Q ufy27 CoCTatiittieneies fesview of Bucket status... A) CFO and! Aecoufrtirtg Qffiic& run 1st closing acfeies.; ©) Bud^eH &Fid FEnance.® fo rewew Propos.ed! FmaJi B'u;dgN.. A) CFO aEid: Accouin^ Office update enetin® b3ia.F e proj^io^, B) CFO' and Accoun^mg Office run 2nd ctosmg actilvf^es:, UGUEST, 20;1;6 myiauDSEi ugust 3 Rnai; year-end cfosi^ng and esfablishmentofactu^: endiim® iB.d'awes. ugysf 3* l^eriic&^briefEng of Rnat Budget to Board of Trustees. PuMicatioft budget avaiEable for public review. ugust 19 - 2:6* ErtEMBER,, 2®1I& eptember 7 ep1;emfcer9 HNiftL BU'&GET^YEAR-ENID AMALYStS Pnbliic Heaifrng and adhptEoo Qt Rna^ BtKfget Fte Finat Budget. Fe^rt with Counfy and State ag,em;Bes.. Ppe!?areiE»HMS * BassS oit 20W1'7&3ardi Me&tRigi e^eCTd^'ffBft.j. Ctetodw 07 2ai;£. BF2: Attari-imew t f3SK:2.at2 9i24i';m:S: 1 ^ t .A Los Angeles Commyoly College District Corn. No. 8SD1 Division: Business Sentilces Date October ?" 2m 5 Subject: RATlRf BUSINESS SERVICES ACTIONS r?-ac or l?rt^?^ith ^ 9alifoi^^ ^?upatiop °p !e and LDS ^oeies Commvpity CoEtege Distnct Board Rules, the foliowlng roi^me transactions are reported for ratifications: A. PURCHASE ORDERS 851.'ssuedfrom A"S"st 3, 2015 to August 31,2015 which totaled $2,183,047. 8. FACIUT1ES ORDER FORNS 53_issuect from August 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015 which totalled $175,020. C. AGREENENT FOR ART yODEUNG SERVICES 7 issued which totaled $1,124. D. AGREENENT FOR ATHLETIC OFFICJATiNG SERVICES 1 issuect which totaled $14,500. E PERMITS FOR USE AND CIVJC CENTER PERMITS 3 jssued from August 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015 for a total fincome of $1,040 at Crty 15 issued from Jvly 1, 2015 to September 1, 2015 for a (Dtal income crf $24,000 a^ East \ Recommended by:\ I (.1 r ^, ^s ^ )^^d v& \ frU'\K^A'i ^..... Approved by: a D. Barrera, Deputy Chanceiior h G< ^ w ChancefEor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Page Date of » * ^ 23 Pages Corn. N!Q> JSSEH Ow. Business Servtces Fi^ncfjko C. trisgju®^, ChaiTcelilStT Eng [si4cwet Fong PeaAnaR HofJman Swonkjni Kamtager iLialTt^-SsRettez S.faEfetif TEiaste.e Advisoty- Vote &ate 110-7-115; Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 3 issued from August 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015 for a total income of $3,000 at Harbor 2 issued from August 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015 for a total income of $16,868 at Southwest 2 issued from August 10, 2015 September 9, 2015 for a total income of $1,200 at Valley 12 issued from July 1, 2015 to September 1, 2015 for a total income of $15,000 at West Total Income of Section E: $61,108 F. CONTRACT EDUCATION AGREEMENTS 4500204836 Harbor. Agreement with Ambassador High School for the College to provide instructional classes that meets the curriculum requirements of the high school during the period September 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $114,800. 4500217077 Harbor. Agreement with Los Angeles County Office of Education for the College to provide instructional classes that meets the requirements of the Culinary Certification program during the period September 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $184,600. Total Income of Section F: $299,400 G. LEASE OF FACILITIES FOR DISTRICT USE 4500207035 Pierce. Amendment to agreement with Ara Melkonian for use of the Ara Dance Studio to conduct Community Services classes, to increase the total contract amount for additional use during designated dates and times during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Total cost: $14,528. Total Cost of Section G: $14,528 H. LEASES, USE PERMITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERMITS OF DISTRICT FACILITIES 4500167096 Page 2 of 23 Pages Com. No. City. Amendment No. 4 to Agreement with Ukrainian Cultural Center for use of parking spaces located in the lot on Melrose Avenue for use as overflow parking as needed for permittee’s events on designated days and times, during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive, for the fifth and final year of the agreement. Total income: $4,000. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 Total Income of Section H: $4,000 I. LICENSE AGREEMENTS 4500218178 Districtwide.Agreement with Wolfram Research Inc., to provide a one-year site license agreement for the piloting of their “Mathematica” software and their Faculty and Student Home Use applications at the nine College’s tutoring labs, under the auspices of the Office of the Chancellor, during the period October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $54,000. 4500169717 Districtwide. Amendment No. 1 to extend the agreement with Economic Modeling, LLC previously known as EMSI, under the auspices of the Office of Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness, for the use of a web-based software that provides regional economic data at the county-level, enabling users to project jobs by industry, occupation, course demand by ZIP code, and population demographics during the period of July 15, 2015 to July 14, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $40,000. 4500199833 Harbor. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with California Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project (MDTP) for the license to use the MDTP tests in the Assessment Center to place students into Math courses during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $800. Total Cost of Section I: $94,800 J. Page 3 of MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 4500217207 Mission. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IR4235 copier in the Information Technology Department during the period November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2020, inclusive. Total cost: $2,700. 4500164873 Valley. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with agreement with Aqua Serv Engineers, Inc. to provide maintenance and complete chemical treatment program for the Central Plant cooling and heating systems for the Maintenance and Operations Department during the period September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $10,320. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500188785 Valley. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Emcor Services Mesa Energy Systems for maintenance of two McQuay and one Broad chillers for the Maintenance and Operations Department during the period August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $9,590. 4500203909 Valley. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Viatron System, Inc. for maintenance of Viatron Imaging Systems including technical support for the Student Services Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $22,239. Total Cost of Section J: $44,849 K. REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT 4500192437 City. Amendment No. 2 to increase the amount on the agreement with Versant Holdings LLC to offer mutual agreed upon and approved educational courses for Registered Nurse Residency Program due to increase of student participation for 2015 Winter and Spring semesters during the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $70,212. Total Cost of Section K: $70,212 L. Page 4 of STUDENT INTERN AGREEMENTS 4500164435 Districtwide. Amendment No. 5 to renew no-cost agreement with Dignity Health for clinical training at various Dignity Health facilities of students enrolled in the colleges' student intern programs during the period September 1, 2015 to August 30, 2016, inclusive. 4500172863 East. No-cost agreement with Keck Medical Center of USC for clinical training of students enrolled in the Respiratory Therapy program during the period March 17, 2015 to March 16, 2017, inclusive. 4500207801 East. No-cost agreement with So. California Healthcare System for clinical training of students enrolled in the Health Information Technology program during the period February 1, 2015 to January 31, 2020, inclusive. 4500214541 East. No-cost agreement with Tender Care Home Health for clinical training of students enrolled in the Health Information Technology program during the period May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2020, inclusive. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500217383 Harbor. No-cost agreement with California State University Long Beach for the CSULB students enrolled in the Athletic Training program to receive clinical education experience under the supervision of a Preceptor in an athletic training setting at the College during the period October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2020, inclusive. 4500185524 West. Amendment to extend no-cost agreement with Mend Dental Clinic for clinical training of students enrolled in the Dental program from August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2018, inclusive. 4500185533 West. Amendment to extend no-cost agreement with V A Greater Los Angeles Hospital for clinical training of students enrolled in the Dental program from August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2018, inclusive. Total Cost of Section L: $0 M. SERVICE AGREEMENTS 4500166116 City. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with Goodwill Disposal Company to provide pickup, hauling and disposal services for 40 yard bin of separated waste materials such as concrete, metal or wood to drop off at the recycling center on an as needed basis. These services are not included in the District-wide waste hauling agreement. Period of service from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $5,000. 4500190462 City. Amendment No. 3 to increase the amount on agreement with SARS Software Products, Inc. to replace SARS-Grid with SARS Anywhere software to include installation fee and software support for the EOPS Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,000. Various Districtwide. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreements with the following Unified School Districts (USD) to provide resources for planning and developing an Adult Education Plan in accordance with AB 86, which would be deployed in 2015, allowing the USD's to hire staff, gather data on existing adult education services, provide reports, and participate in regional meetings, under the auspices of the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, during the period July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $358,303. 4500201268 Page 5 of 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Los Angeles Unified School District. Total cost: $220,664 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 6 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500201266 Culver City Unified School District. Total cost: $19,750 4500201265 Montebello Unified School District. Total cost: $96,139 4500201264 Burbank Unified School District. Total cost: $21,750 4500158701 East. Amendment No.4 to renew agreement with Blackbaud to provide the Learn More Total Training program used in the Resource Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $51,000. 4500162804 East. Amendment No.4 to renew agreement with Sars Software Products, Inc. to provide the Sars-Grid program used in the Assessment Center during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $5,100. 4500162808 East. Amendment No.4 to renew agreement with Kevin Norwall to provide golf classes for the Community Services program previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $24,000. 4500189162 East. Amendment No.2 to renew agreement with Pacific Parking Systems to provide preventative maintenance services for seven parking stations located in the Stadium Parking Lot during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $22,000. 4500191907 East. Amendment No.2 to renew agreement with Nebraska Book Company to provide Win Prism software, used in the Bookstore during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $29,000. 4500197874 East. Amendment No. 1 to extend the agreement with Mobile Modular Management for two modular buildings from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $8,400. 4500199015 East. Amendment No.1 to renew agreement with Uversity to provide School App social media program, used by students during the period June 1, 2015 to May 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $31,000. 4500216238 East. Agreement with Condensed Curriculum International, Inc. to provide course materials for the Pharmacy and EKG Programs at the College during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $63,672. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 7 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500216241 East. Agreement with Jason Sanchez to provide personal makeup and cosmetics classes for the Community Services program previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $21,375. 4500217046 East. Agreement with American Transportation Systems to provide shuttle bus transportation for the South Gate Educational Center during the period August 31, 2015 to December 17, 2015, inclusive. All buses are licensed by the Public Utilities Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission. All buses are inspected regularly by the California Highway Patrol for safety. Total cost: $63,000. 4500217053 East. Agreement with Selwyn Lloyd to provide safety demonstrations for the Fire Academy during the period September 15, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $7,500. 4500170828 Educational Services Center. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with First Southwest Company dba First Southwest Asset Management Company to provide Continuing Disclosure Services as they relate to the creation of annual reports and arbitrage calculations prepared for bond issues, under the auspices of the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer's Office during the period February 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $10,000. 4500174545 Educational Services Center. Amendment No. 2 to extend agreement with AON Consulting & Insurance Services to provide actuarial services related to GASB 45 valuation for the postretirement health benefits plan and to provide reporting information to CalPERS for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer during the period July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $50,000. 4500190930 Educational Services Center. Amendment No. 2 to renew the agreement with North Orange County Community College District for work as part of and funded by the California Community Chancellor’s Office ESL/Basic Skills Professional Grant from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 inclusive for the third year of the agreement. Total cost: $37,350. 4500191438 Educational Services Center. Amendment No. 2 to extend agreement with Kimberly Costino to implement activities for regional networks serving participating colleges in Northern, Southern and Central California as part of and funded by the California Community College’s Office ESL/Basic Skills Professional Grant, during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $5,000. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 8 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500199493 Educational Services Center. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Directory Solutions Group to provide UnitySync software support synchronizing identity/password data across all colleges and enabling optimized secure access to the Peoplesoft Student Information System under the auspices of the Office of Information Technology during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2,785. 4500205875 Educational Services Center. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Cities Digital, Inc. to provide annual support and updates of a Laserfiche server for the Central Financial Aid Unit, during the period November 20, 2015 to November 20, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $3,740. 4500214298 Educational Services Center. Agreement with Los County Office of Education to provide transit courier mail services for the District’s Accounts Payable pick-up and delivery during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total Cost: $2,800. 4500217193 Educational Services Center. Agreement with Christopher David Ruiz Cameron to conduct hearings and draft a stipulated settlement in an appeal case under the auspices of the Personnel Commission during the period March 12, 2015 to August 18, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $12,800. 4500217390 Educational Services Center. No-cost agreement with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to collect outstanding student financial aid and proper non-financial obligations owed to the District, through the State Franchise Tax Board’s Interagency Offset Program for the District Central Financial Aid Unit during the period October 1, 2015 to December 20.2015,inclusive. Total cost: $0. 4500217398 Educational Services Center. Agreement with the RP Group to provide for California Community College personnel from across the state to attend and present at the 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference as a mandatory partnership under the ESL/Basic Skills Professional Development grant funded by California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office under the auspices of the Office of Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness, and funded by that grant during the period October 7, 2015 to October 11, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $20,000. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500217656 Educational Services Center. Agreement with Higher Education Cloud Services to conduct an assessment of the District’s Student Information System project and provide recommendations on how to best proceed. The assessment effort will consist of four phases over the course of the assessment during the period September 21, 2015 to September 20, 2016, inclusive with the sole option of the District to renew for a total term of agreement not to exceed four years. Total cost: $32,000. 4500217634 Educational Services Center. Amendment to provide funding to agreement with DHR International, Inc., to provide executive recruitment search assistance to the Office of Personnel Commission for the position of Vice Chancellor of Finance and Resource Development, during the period of September 3, 2015 to June 30, 2016 inclusive. Total cost: $57,000 for professional fees, $10,000 for travel and incidentals billed at cost and an estimated 12% or $8,640 for expenses including allocated support fees such as administrative, the DHR LSI assessment tool, voice and data, reproduction and report production, database management and computer services. Grand total cost estimated at: $75,640. Various Harbor. Amendment No. 1 to extend each of the following agreement’s contract term date previously ratified by the Board of Trustees on January 14, 2015 (Com. BSD1) to establish career pathways from K-12 through secondary education in Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Technology Linked Learning Consortium as part of the California Career Pathways Trust Grant during the period July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, inclusive. No cost. 4500206980 4500211205 4500211207 Page 9 of International Trade Education Program, Inc. Carson High School Banning High School 4500216533 Harbor. Agreement with Riddell All American Sports Corporation to recondition the football equipment shoulder pads and helmets for the Athletics Department during the period June 1, 2015 to July 30, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $6,515. 4500216551 Harbor. Agreement with Lentini Design to create brochures in both print and digital versions to promote the LAHC Health Sciences workforce development educational offerings and potential career opportunities to further students into careers in the healthcare fields during the period August 17, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $11,991. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 10 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500180166 Mission. Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with California Math Diagnostics Testing Project (MDTP) for license to use the MDTP tests used in the Assessment Center to place students into Math courses during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $800. 4500217213 Mission. Agreement with Transit Systems Unlimited, Inc. to provide bus transportation services for the Athletics Department’s intercollegiate competitions during the period August 28, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Buses are inspected every 45 days or 3,000 miles whichever comes first. Along with this plan, operators are required to fill out daily vehicle inspection sheets. Buses are School Pupil Activity Bus certified. To receive these certifications, operators and equipment are inspected by the California Highway Patrol every year. Additionally, operators are mandated to receive 10 hours of behind the wheel and classroom training every year. Total cost: $26,000. 4500189543 Southwest. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with College Central Network, Inc. to provide Career Services Central Application Service Provider, a web-based career office management system for the Office of Economic and Workforce Development during the period of June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,575. 4500217104 Southwest. Agreement with DS Waters of America, Inc., to provide monthly rental of three hot & cold water dispensing units for the President's office, Child Development and Natural Science departments during the period August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $9,000. 4500217395 Southwest. Agreement with Golden Star Technology, Inc. to provide hardware and software maintenance support on the storage modules for the Information Technology Department during the period November 1, 2015 to December 17, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $6,906. 4500201307 Trade-Technical. Agreement with Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation to attend at least one monthly meeting and provide input about opportunities for employer engagement to assist LA H3C in the development of the Health Science Pathway Orientation during the period .June 2, 2014 to June1, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $150,000. 4500201709 Trade-Technical. Amendment No.1 to renew agreement with Clear Channel Communications to provide advertising for the college during the period January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015, inclusive. Total additional cost: $25,000. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 11 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500216187 Trade-Technical. Agreement with Golden Star Technology, provide the Support Sim Capture Program used in the Information Technology Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $7,200. 4500216365 Trade-Technical. Agreement with Nebraska Book Company to provide Win Prism program used in the Bookstore during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $15,540. 4500216880 Trade-Technical. Agreement with Global Trend Productions to provide lighting for the Fall Fashion Show during the period May 28, 2015 to June 15, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $9,993. 4500217148 Valley. Agreement with Nada Bus Company to provide bus transportation services for the Athletics Department intercollegiate competitions during the period September 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Buses are inspected by the California Highway Patrol on an annual basis. A comprehensive maintenance is performed every 45 days. Drivers are required to do pre-trip and post-trip inspection of the vehicles. All drivers are required on a yearly basis to sit down for re-training on driver procedures, check yearly DMV pull notice and client customer service skills. Total cost: $12,190. 4500217149 Valley. Agreement with Post Publishing LLC to provide advertising services to promote the Career Technical Education Programs during the period August 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Total cost: $5,350. 4500217150 Valley. Agreement with Los Angeles Cable Television – LA Channel – LA36 to broadcast five home football games on LA36 channel for the Athletics Department during the period September 5, 2015 to November 8, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $19,750. 4500217199 Valley. No-cost agreement with European Studies Association to provide transportation and program support services for the International Education Program, Summer 2016 Study Away Program in Paris, France during the period July 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, inclusive. 4500217551 Valley. Agreement with JJLA Associates for the design and art production of Winter 2016 and Spring 2016 schedules of classes for the Academic Affairs Office during the period September 15, 2015 to October 28, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $14,344. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 12 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500216902 Van de Kamp Innovation Center. Agreement with FFSTECH dba First Fire Systems to repair faulty digital voice recorders and cameras and as necessary replace and install for the Sheriff’s office (NEB) and Bakery Building, during the period July 23, 2015 to September 30, 2015, inclusive. Total Cost: $11,310. 4500217197 Van de Kamp Innovation Center. Agreement with Pronto Gym Services to conduct preventative maintenance and service on gym equipment during the period August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,313. 4500166845 West. Amendment No.4 to renew agreement with Josephson Academy of Gymnastics to provide classes previously approved by the Board for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $56,000. 4500179744 West. Amendment No.3 to renew agreement with Sars Software Products to provide Sars-Grid program used in Matriculation during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $22,000. 4500202153 West. Amendment No.1 to renew agreement with Brit-West Soccer to provide classes, previously approved by the Board for the Westside Extension during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $16,000. 4500206410 West. Amendment No.1 to renew agreement with Morpho Trust USA to provide fingerprinting services required for the Nursing Program during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $20,000. 4500215409 West. Agreement with Ryan’s Express Transportation, Inc. to provide shuttle bus transportation for the Upward Bound Math and Science Program Summer College Tour during the period July 20, 2015 to July 25, 2015, inclusive. All buses are licensed by the Public Utilities Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission. All buses are inspected regularly by the California Highway Patrol for safety. Total cost: $8,136. 4500217185 West. Agreement with Education To Go to provide various online classes, previously approved by the Board, for the Community Services program during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $20,000. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500217186 West. Agreement with 1st California Notary Services to provide classes, previously approved by the Board, for the Community Services program during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $8,000. 4500217195 West. Agreement with Atelier de Paris to provide cloth painting classes, previously approved by the Board, for the Community Services program during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $6,000. Total Cost of Section M: $1,433,378 N. Page 13 of SPECIAL GRANT FUNDED AGREEMENTS 4500207840 City. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for that agency to fund the Assessment, Remediation and Retention for Associate Degree Nursing Program grant to expand current enrollment capacity by providing resources to demonstrate readiness through remedial pre-nursing coursework and provide support services to assist graduating students to prepare for the National Council Licensure Examination to become eligible for licensure as a registered nurse during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $85,500. 4500217062 City. Agreement with United States Department of Education for that agency to fund the TRIO Student Support Services program to assist up to 160 eligible participants who have an interest in obtaining an Associate’s degree or Certificate and transferring to a four-year university during the period September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2020, inclusive. Total income: $1,407,550. 4500217052 East. Agreement with Los Angeles County Department of Education for that agency to fund the Associate Teacher Skills Certificate program during the period August 5, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $106,032. 4500179966 Harbor. Amendment No. 3 to renew agreement with the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department for that agency to fund the YouthSource Center project serving 183 eligible youth, ages 17-24 with a focus on engaging dropouts, out-of-school, and in-school youth to connect them with education and employment opportunities during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $803,160. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 14 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500189778 Harbor. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Los Angeles County Department of Health Services for that agency to fund the Tutoring/Mentoring Program grant to offer personalized academic and clinical support for nursing students during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $69,000. 4500203893 Harbor. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department for that agency to fund the City Summer Youth Employment program to serve eligible at-risk youth and young adults (ages 14-24) with work experience that provides opportunities for participants to earn a paycheck while developing foundational workplace skills and making a connection to the labor force during the period July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, inclusive. Total income: $97,200. 4500216895 Harbor. Agreement with the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development for that agency to fund the SongBrown Capitation Program grant to provide nursing education for two nursing students during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017, inclusive. Total income: $40,000. 4500217132 Harbor. Agreement with the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department for that agency to fund the City Summer Youth Employment program grant to provide paid work experience to eligible youth in CalWORKs program, in foster care, on probation, who are homeless, who receive general relief from low income households and reside in the City during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $34,662. 4500167272 Mission. Amendment No. 4 with U.S. Department of Education for that agency to fund the Hispanic Serving Institutions – Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (HSI-STEM) Project, improving STEM success and access for Hispanic low-income students, to reduce the fifth year funding during the period October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016, inclusive. Total reduction of income: $48,277. 4500203163 Southwest. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for that agency to fund the Enrollment Growth for Associate Degree Nursing grant to provide pre-enrollment assessment and preparation, retention program and National Council Licensure exam support and preparation services, during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $175,187. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500217067 Southwest. Agreement with the U. S. Department of Education for that agency to fund the TRIO Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Scholars Program which provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements and serves to motivate students towards successful completion of their postsecondary education during the period September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2020, inclusive. Total income: $1,100,000. 4500205028 Trade-Technical. Amendment No.1 to agreement with California Community Colleges Chancellors Office for that agency to fund the Nursing Enrollment Growth program during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $630,000. 4500217190 Trade-Technical. Agreement with Rancho Santiago Community College District for that agency to fund the Career Technical Education Program during the period January 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $297,471. 4500168285 Valley. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with Project Grad Los Angeles for that agency to fund the Math and Literacy Tutoring Program to approximately 1,000 low-income Middle and High School students during the period October 14, 2015 to September 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $155,000. 4500185907 Valley. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Los Angeles County Office of Education for that agency to fund the Vocational Assessments for GAIN/GROW/REP participants of Department of Public Social Services during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $264,000. 4500211597 West. Agreement with Rancho Santiago Community College District for that agency to fund the Career Technical Education Program during the period January 1, 2015 to February 28, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $117,958. 4500217187 West. Agreement with The Community College Foundation for that agency to fund the PS-MAPP program during the period August 1, 2015 to June 31, 2016, inclusive. Total income: $25,500. Total Income of Section N: $5,359,943 Page 15 of 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 O. Page 16 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 SHORT TERM AGREEMENTS PREPARED AT SITE LOCATIONS FOR SERVICES, RENTAL & MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT, AND LICENSE & MAINTENANCE OF SOFTWARE $5,000 OR LESS PER YEAR 4500215856 City. Agreement with Victor P. Lozano to conduct a series of “Hospital Fire Safety” workshops, previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department, during the period August 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $3,000. 4500216823 City. Agreement with Panera Bread to provide catering services for the Veterans Open House/Orientation on August 26, 2016. Total cost: $149. 4500212897 East. Agreement with Canon Business Solutions to provide maintenance for one Canon IR3170 copier located in the Cal Works Department during the period May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,600. 4500214670 East. Agreement with Almansor Court to provide banquet services as allowed by the program, for the Adelante Retreat held on June 5, 2015. Total cost: $752. 4500216638 East. Agreement with Library of Congress to provide Classification Web On-line Service to be used in the Library during the period August 13, 2015 to August 12, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $525. 4500216655 East. Agreement with Marie T. Conde to provide workshops to help students prepare for the Coding Specialist Medical Exam during the period July 6, 2015 to June 30,2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,545. 4500216708 East. Agreement with Golden Star Technology, Inc. to provide support for VMware software used in the Information Technology Department during the period September 14, 2015 to September 13, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2,925. 4500216992 East. Agreement with Golden Star Technology, Inc. to provide support for Dell Workspace Virtual Desktop software used in the Information Technology Department during the period October 31, 2015 to October 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2,457. 4500216993 East. Agreement with Maxine Guerra dba Medics On the Move to provide first aid services for the ELAC Live event held on August 18, 2015.Total cost: $225. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 17 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500216994 East. Agreement with Securenet Solutions, Inc. to provide support for Struxure Ware Data System used in the Information Technology Department during the period August 13, 2015 to August 12, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,352. 4500216995 East. Agreement with Christian Rene Gastelum to provide home buying workshops for the Community Services Department previously approved by the Board during the period September 26, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,800. 4500216996 East. Agreement with Golden Star Technology, Inc. to provide support for Fluke Optiview Network Analyzer used in the Information Technology Department during the period August 30, 2015 to August 29, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $3,800. 4500216398 Districtwide. Agreement with Linda Tubach to conduct eight (8) collective bargaining education project workshops during summer, fall, winter and spring sessions at each of the nine college campuses, funded by California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office under the auspices of the Office of Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness, during the period July 27, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Total cost: $3,200. 4500216568 Educational Services Center. Agreement with Los Angeles County Department of Agricultural Commissioner, Department of Weights and Measures to provide three, three hour pesticide safety training classes for designated LACCD pesticide handlers from each college. Cost not to exceed $1,000 per session including training rate, mileage and travel time, during the period September 15, 2015 to December 31, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $ 3,000. 4500216927 Educational Services Center. Agreement with The Harry Bridges Project to conduct two performances of the play, “From Wharf Rats to Lords of the Docks,” at Los Angeles City College and Los Angeles Valley College, funded by California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office under the auspices of the Office of Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness, that will take place September 17, 2015 and October 27, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $2,000. 4500217160 Educational Services Center. Agreement with Hispanic Hotline for ¼ page size print advertisement for the position of Vice Chancellor of Finance and Resource Development in the following publications, Hispanic Hotline, Black Careers and Asian Pacific, under the auspices of the Personnel Commission, during the period August 3, 2015 to September 4, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $230. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 18 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500217166 Educational Services Center. Agreement with Dr. Kathleen Gabriel to be a guest speaker to discuss her book, “Teaching Unprepared Students: Strategies for Promoting Success and Retention in Higher Education,” to be held at the District Academic Senate Summit at Los Angeles Valley College, under the auspices of the Office of the Chancellor, on September 25, 2015. Total cost: $2,600. 4500215624 Harbor. Agreement with TRL Systems, Inc. to repair server for the Information Technology Department during the period June 1, 2015 to June 5, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $962. 4500215899 Harbor. Agreement with Brit-West Soccer, Inc. to conduct soccer camps for students, ages 2-12, previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department, during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,000. 4500215904 Harbor. Agreement with Wayne Williams to conduct “Make Money in the Auto Wholesale Business” classes, previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department, during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,500. 4500216874 Harbor. Agreement with Dewey Pest Control Company to provide eco-friendly integrated pest management services during the period August 1, 2015 to November 30, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $4,800. 4500216364 Mission. Agreement with SCV Party Rental to provide table cloths rental services for the Culinary Arts Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2,500. 4500216684 Mission. Agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. for maintenance of a Konica Minolta Bizhub 350 copier in the DSP&S Office during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $398. 4500216827 Mission. Agreement with Judith A. Goodell to conduct a 3-day retreat entitled “Courage to Teach” that will train 20 Faculty on self-renewal, teaching methodologies and study success during the period June 3, 2015 to June 5, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $3,000. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 19 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500216832 Mission. Agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. for maintenance of a Konica Minolta Bizhub 350 in the CalWORKs Office during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $398. 4500216050 Pierce. Agreement with Nilah Magruder to serve as speaker for the Artistes Unites: A Celebration of Diversity event on May 11, 2015. Total cost: $250. 4500216489 Pierce. Agreement with Southern California Marine Institute for use of a research vessel to conduct Biology and Oceanography classes for the Life Science Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,318. 4500216452 Pierce. Agreement with Medical Processor Services to provide metal analysis to assure the Environmental Protection Agency compliance for the Agriculture Department during the period September 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $640. 4500216487 Pierce. Agreement with Greg Elliott dba Bottom Scratcher Diving Charter for rental of a charter boat for two full-day 12hour cruises to conduct Biology 11A classes for the Life Science Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,600. 4500216500 Pierce. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IRC4080 copier in the bookstore during the period July 31, 2015 to July 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,000. 4500216501 Pierce. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IR2870 copier in Receiving Department during the period August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,000. 4500216620 Pierce. Agreement with Voice for All LLC to conduct “Introduction to Voiceovers” class previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department on July 9, 2015. Total cost: $768. 4500216720 Pierce. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IRADV4225 copier in Administrative Services Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,000. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500216906 Pierce. Agreement with Western Scientific Company, Inc. for annual preventive maintenance of up to 27 microscopes in the RVT/Agriculture Department during the period January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $945. 4500216907 Pierce. Agreement with Moduflex Anesthesia Equipment, Inc. to provide annual service repairs and maintenance on an anesthetic machine in the Nursing Department during the period January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2,400. 4500216331 Southwest. Agreement with Certification Partners LLC to conduct Certified Internet Web professional development training courses in Site Development Associate, Network Associate, and Internet Business Associate certifications as allowed by the Pathways Trust program grant during the period August 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $4,700. Various Southwest. Four agreements with the following contractors to provide peer group activities and serve as team leaders for the 2015 Freshman Year Experience Summer Bridge Program during the period July 13, 2015 to July 20, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $1,465. 4500216107 4500216108 4500216109 4500216198 Page 20 of Jose Espinoza Ivan Alcides Herrera Yvonne Rodrigues Lovely Porter $400 $355 $355 $355 4500216147 Trade-Technical. Agreement with Joseph Morris to provide nursing exam preparation instruction for students during the period August 3, 2015 to September 7, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $5,000. 4500200719 Valley. Amendment No. 1 to agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IRC5185 copier in the President’s Office during the period April 16, 2015 to July 15, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $229. 4500215784 Valley. Agreement with David Broida to conduct “Harmonica” classes previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2,760. 4500216211 Valley. Agreement with H.C. Stroud to replace one electrical cart terminal for the Maintenance and Operations Department on July 24, 2015. Total cost: $48. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 21 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500216299 Valley. Agreement with Conejo Technical Services, Inc. to provide maintenance of one Steris/Amsco Autoclave SV-120, and central vacuum electrical cabinet in the Biology Department during the period August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,300. 4500216490 Valley. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IR4225 copier in the CalWORKs Office during the period August 23, 2015 to August 22, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,400. 4500216496 Valley. Agreement with E. G. Brennan & Co., Inc. for maintenance of one Destroy It 4605CC shredder in the Financial Aid Office during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,150. 4500216536 Valley. Agreement with College Source for use of its online source to research transfer institution course descriptions, educational programs and requirements for the Counseling Department during the period July 31, 2015 to July 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $3,367. 4500216615 Valley. Agreement with William Maze dba San-Mar Dog Obedience School to conduct “Dog Obedience” classes previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department during the period September 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $1,800. 4500216647 Valley. Agreement with Simon’s Power Equipment for maintenance and repairs including parts on various gardening equipment for the Maintenance and Operations Department during the period July 1, 2015 to October 31, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $586. 4500216769 Valley. Agreement with Armando Figueroa Music to conduct Drum Circle/Team Building workshop during orientation for new students on August 28, 2015. Total cost: $175. 4500216956 Valley. Agreement with No Fuss Enterprise, Inc. dba Action Auto Glass to replace the windshield and back glass of a 2007 Chevrolet Uplander minivan in the Maintenance and Operations Department during the period August 18, 2015 to September 18, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $570. 4500216957 Valley. Agreement with Joselito Capili to conduct “Medical Coding” classes previously approved by the Board for the Community Service Department during the period September, 1, 2015 to October 12, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $4,536. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Page 22 of Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500217168 Valley. Agreement with Heiberg Consulting, Inc. for access and support for its Student Access Online, a program used as database for Student Support Services Program during the period September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $349. 4500217264 Van de Kamp Innovation Center. Agreement with Emergency Lighting Equipment Service to provide preventive maintenance for the Myers uninterruptible power supply for the Old Bakery Building during the period August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016. Total cost: $1,211. 4500215566 West. Agreement with Avant Garde Fencers Club to provide classes for the Westside Extension previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,000. 4500215612 West. Agreement with Curtis Adney to provide career education workshops for the Westside Extension previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,500. 4500215807 West. Agreement with Regents of the University of California Recreation to provide boating workshops for the Westside Extension previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,999. 4500215808 West. Agreement with Trust Auto Sales to provide car buying workshops for the Westside Extension previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,999. 4500215810 West. Agreement with L A Ice Ventures to provide skating classes for the Westside Extension previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,000. 4500215891 West. Agreement with Wiley Subscription Service, Inc. to provide online data base for medical research used in the dental program during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2,875. 4500215978 West. Agreement between A New Way of Life Project to provide guest speaker services for the Black Graduation Celebration.That took place on May 21, 2015 inclusive. Total cost: $1,000. 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: October 7, 2015 4500216599 West. Agreement with Cohen Naglestad Enterprises to provide technology workshops for the Westside Extension previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,500. 4500217177 West. Agreement with Bianca J. Goldstein to provide First Aid and CPR workshops for the Westside Extension previously approved by the Board during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $4,999. Total Cost of Section O: $135,157 P. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM 15-168 Valley. Settlement of a claim in the amount of $2,000. Background: A former faculty member at Valley, filed a claim alleging that he had been harassed by his Department Chair. The former faculty member alleged that he incurred $2,000 in medical expenses as a result of the harassment. The District agreed to pay $2,000.00 as a compromise of a claim. Total Cost of Section P: $2,000 Page 23 of 23 Pages Com. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-7-15 &GTON Los Angetes Commynl^ Co^ileg^ Dlslmct Corn. No. BSD2 DMsEon: Busjlness Services Date: October 7,2 Subject: APPEWE BUSINESS &ER^CTS ACTEONS AUTHORIZE DESTmCTION W RECORDS w ^S??^£^S!?£???.?£the folltowm0 Accounts Payable Di^iBto Class 3 Disposable ReeordB: ^S^StS?? 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S:emees Sate 1i®-7-1^ Los Angeles Commimily Colliecie Dlsfrilct CQffi.N'o. BS©2 D FE Business Sefvices: Date: Qlete&!ey7,,2©>1l5 g^tegyQd: In yoreter^ce wfe TINE V of the Caternla Codle of ?i^^r^ ^^^^3^^^ifc^S^^'^'^^^i^^»-^:^^l^ ^^*^^^il^iJ^/^^^-t/E^ ®®^li':)» me Director erfAccomhg hasteFmmrilhafffienisied Oees3, 5^^5rS,!?L5S£^^y??IJ?i%?forr1^t1rr^the^ iwelbeen records mcMed Im fcActe cor^flld!: with the Boards Reco^pSi^ El. RAJIRf LEASE OF DtOTRECT I^CItHrilES % SS f MW^ ,BOSespuet^mpa totoe a portion of land 0^81?^2tyfcnSwn-a^thewoo.Jeffereon:ProPerty;Cu^Cjty;'Ca:at^t t;^"8^ei£o!le?e;Jhlsc;!eJ3l"^condlrctar'"°P6"^'P"mpkin patdumd entertajnment facilities for young children and eir'famili^slThe use ^I1iS?^£^!!^ ^?^E^S^^I?7^?Pr?LMO[l^a^jhN[?u9^sunday< Se^eas£a9ree?1ent baSePenod'sfronlsePtembeM8"26lITfcaNo3r 6, 2015, indyslve. Total rental'income: $20,395 S?£?°^!f!?:.,III;5i^a??.c?^!?liy ^ 9y6ra^e Wh locomie to benefit the ^5^S^^^ls^^^ ^^6^,,^lrrc^iln9^m^ ??E?!T1y?!!^ ????!? ?fcu!Ner ly fw ^i!l| p teadditlonai local business Sate. A^^e^fJsbelogj^edfpur&uaNfc(^iJbmia Education Code No. Sl^y ,.^^^!c^f ^e l^^?lihel^^^raien^^"^re than five SS^JSl !£ffj!!SJ5^S?S Si?L? ^|r^larto^|^©. Thisco^e provicies for ^^£lt^^F^£?£^r£f!J^^^%^S?!?IL?!?5?f£r?K?^ReviewingI comparison mduslrWlteafens iin the area arrived at thefaiFmarket ^li£^S/^2£Stor5S i^5S£?J!S!5 5? 3?1sr i^a^onusedcuiTentiy for parking new vehfctes. Tte range of ran: for this type cfiocaiionJs between <s?SiPe1^ ft Permorth way0-2?^' sqi^permonth^hi's lea^mount Ei^lSS^ £!? 5S!^£?S?%£[iS!%!fil^r'50'days of^se^T$io^95l ^^^^s:^^^^^sts^^ss'i^l^^^^}^^^ AU?ysL28L201l5r se?e!A^if ^ 2015 anlSeiitmter iTl'SSTS^heISs Angeles Daiy Jteyrnal. Ill h IWIFY SERVJICE A©REE^£NT.gENIBmi 5^^r!SK5£?S??SS??^!?2^0;r^ RBk ^ra^proup. Inc. fe wcmtes roSsafo2dflroadmnstrafertse^^d"""<M5io I; June^"^toteah^^<teaffe«nen;atar^i;mted cost of $603,815. » tert of Trustees Dlstpdwidefyad^ g a ^caTt-.Sto. BSQS. EM v. Susiiness. £;erw<£es Bate -7-1i5; ? ACTON .' Los Angeles Community CoMege District Owionr R^CELmES POytMtMG AMD DEVELOPft^EMT Corn. No. FPD1 Dafe:Ck;fe&er7,.2015 Subject: APPRCWE FACIUTIES PLANNING AND DB/ELOPMENT REPORT The Mowng Items are recommended for approval lay Faclittes Planning arEd Devetopment as part of the Consent Calendar for the Board of Trustees Meetlog Agenda for the date shown. The Coftsent Calenctar may be approved wth a single vo^e. Any member of the Boarei of Trustees has the authority to remote any Item Isted aod have N mduded on the Action Calendar for a separate vote. information regafdlng each item on the Copsert Caiendar can be fo^nd m FPD1 - Resource Document. RATIFY NAME CHANOES *- A. Ratify use of a change of name to Acireement No. 40270 with GQPrint System, Inc. to new use the formal and legal ^uslmess name ITC Systems (USA) Inc. B. Ratify use of a change of name to Agreement No. 40^75 with Interfee Brands Wa Cteisource to now use the formaj ar^d te^l! byslness name ntertme Branids d^a Suppfywote. IE. AyTNORIZE ANENDWNT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AOREE^E Auttoize acticms for AmertdmeFri No. 2 to Agireement No. 33477 with Ted Tokio Tanaka Arehi^ecfs to provide addrttooai design anid coms^Fyctlon aclmNs^ratton services for the Roadway, Wslkway, Grouinds, Parkiog Lot (WGPL) - Red line Pedestnafi Connector & Red Une Exteinslon - Laodscaplng North Entry Qoadrant prqects at Los; Angelles Oty College. ^ * Recommended! by:' Approved by:' Adriana D. Barrera, Depu^ Ch:an.ceilor Rr^fflisee^C-lRQc^jguez, Ch%ce or Chancelor and Big, NiCTH Secretary of the Board ofTrystees Fongi __ Pe.arE'Fna'n; Hctfean SvofTkirr Kam:{agsr 1-iBhut-SaR.ctez Student Trustee Advisory Vo(& Date By Page of s Pages Corn. No, JHPty; &EV. FACIL^IES PLANNii^G A DEWELOPWHEN-r Date nomrm Los Angeles CQmmurs'i^ ColiEege Distrjct on-LNo. FPEH DiwEs&m: F^aUnr)!ES PLANMING. AMD DE^ELOPMiENTT' Date Ctetofcer?,, 201^5 us« AOTNORKE CONSTRyCTION CONTRACTS ly A. Audtoize a contrad \Av GA T^hnical Sermces fD prcNde ^nierat coostryctiioni serviices for the LED Lightmg Repllacemenl - WOTO^S Gym project: at los Afigeles City Coltege. B, Aytooze a contract with Ne^f Art; D^pstruidmn; lo provide g^aerat cofistrycfm servlices for the Wall-Pac^ Extarilor LlgiN^ng project al: Los Angeles, yissicm Col^ge. C. Ayterlze a contract: wlf;hi The Nazerlar^ Grouip fo pro^jcile gerteral co^stryctxm services for the Exterior Ug rTg project at Los Anigeles Tracle-Technlcall College. D. Authorize a contract with Nleubayer Electncs, Inic. ID' p^vicle generaf construction services fbr the Extenor UgNlng piroiect at Los. An^es Valley College B Autote a coNract wi Goiden SL H Fm & C©, Ina to pro^c^ gewail conslmclm services for the Math & SdenEce ByMing RCx Electrrc ^ Gais project at West Los Ancietes Coillege. V. RATIFY CTANOE ORDERS FOR CONSTRyCTX>N CONTRWTS GREA1ER THAN $3©,N IN ORIOiNAL COST l^M^EB VNDER THE STANDARD WDESIGN"BID-ByiLD" WTNOD OF PTOMECT OEtrVEW A. Ratiity Change Order Nos. 5 & 8 to Conslruidlor^ Contocl: No. ^850 wiith vasters CortracfJniQ Corpora^bn tbr aeldJiiional co^^ru'cllon servcas for the Roaetoy, Wail^ay. Groyr^ds, P'arRimig tol - Red LNe PedesfFian Corridor prosjecl at Los Angeles Cily C^lllege. B- Rattty Change Qrder N0. 1 to Constructm Co^ract: . 45Q020329B wilti Angles CQntrador, inc. for additjonali cieneral conslru^xm serviices fcr the Replace Dderior Dcx3srs ^ Hardware? piro|ecl at; tos Angeles H^rtor Coli|eg@ C. Ratity Change Order Nlo. 8 to Construictiion- CeDifraia No. 32594-1 witti HartforGi Fire Ensyrance Compa^fKemp Bros ConsHrycfa^ IM a^dttoall geoeral coiislruictiiQ^ serwiices for the Niediia Arts Cenifar projecl: a^; Los [sl sm Co^lege. D. Raliify Chiar^ge Order Nos. 1 ^ 2 to Cons^ruc^to CWract EMo. 4500i2£^819 wiltr A C© Engiineeired Sysfems for aidcliliional conislFindljioia services for the Technical Education Emergency VanaEgement Systm Opgfade and CemtraE Plant Tie In project at: Los Angeles S^u^hwesl; College. E. RaSrty Change Order No. 1 to Cemstuctor Contact: No.. 33832 wi Access Pacific, te, for adejlfmal general CQinstFu^ctb^ ssirvjces for tie South Campus - Upgrade Security Doors p'rqjecl at Los Angeles TradeTechnical Colliege. Page z of 5. Pages. Corrii.. ^o-. ¥ ^ Piw. F^CItLirOES PLAN!Nl K3i & E>EWELOP^EMF ^fewsjns Los Angeles Community College District .om.No. FPD1 'w DivisEorc FAaUTIIES PLANNI^I^G AND DEVELQPSflENT Dale: Qetefaer 7,20115 v- RAT1FYCHAN®EORDERS TOR CONSTRUCTION CnMTRACT LESS HM^ftW ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "Q^M.Sap ;". METHOD OF PRCyECTDEUVERY A. Raffiy Chance Order No. 1 to Con^ructloo Contmct No. 4500200694 wiift Chapman Coast Roof Co Inc. for additional labor andmaienaTsOTces forthe NysrcMdlng - S^eep and Low Slope Roof Repairs project at Pierce Colege. B* Ratlfy chal"E^ orcter .N10' 510 Construction Contract No. 4500204560 wiith ^f£^;:E!?S!SIL5^^.E^for.^ additiona178 non-compefisable^ys ^o^^!T^iS^!^?13?le^?rT of wor^to perforFn services iortheRepSr Campys Center Freight Bevator project at Los Angeles VaieyCofc^ K vlt AyTOR!ZE A C^^TNCE OF COiyiPLETJON OF CONSTRyCTlQN CDNITRAm A. AufhemzeAcceptance of CompEetxm of Contract No. 4500203296 with Angeles Contrador. Inc. to provide general construction'seroicesforie Replace Brterio, Doors and Hardware project at Los An^es Hate College. B. Authorize Acceptance of Conrtpletta of Contract No. 'if I "7 wl Chapman Coast Roof Co., Ina to provide general cortstFucilQn servi^s for the Fine: Arts Roof Repairs project, at Pierce ColEege. a Avthorize Acceptece of CompMion of Contract No. 450Q2Q0694 wtth Chapman Coast Roof Co., Inc. to provide general consiryctaiiservices for fheN^siic Byidmgi -Steep and Low Slope Roof Repairsprojeci at'P^rce College D. Authorize Acieptece of Completion of Contract Ho. 450Q2CN560 wNh UfEech Elevator Series, Irx:. to provide general cQnstri^ion sentes for tte Repair Campus Center Freight: Elevator project at LosAngeiesVafey College *. E. AvthQFize Acceplaince of CQmpletto o^ Contract No. 33899 with CABD £^?^^ni^?^eg r3f co?strucilon serves foriieCampus Impro.e.e^St^tl^ove^ts.LowerRreS^ceRoacimeSai West Los Angeles College. VII. AUTHORIZE AMENIOMENT TO LEASE AGREEEVIENT Authorizeactfons for Amendment No. 3 (D Lease Agreement No. 33344 wth McGrathRent Corp. d/b/a Mobile ModuHar to extend the term 12mmtefa: lL?I ?S3ILl^??>,fc?rl^?y??t LeOTmci £w^nments(StE)- North otMsM and South olf Mali projects at Fierce Coltege. g FPDIi D . FAaiLjfFtES PLA^NI^G & DEVElQpi^lN Qate i£ m Los Angeles Commun^y Colllege Diistrct f*^. t^ om.No. FPD1 DivtstoFE FAChUTFHES PL/tN^rNIG. AI^D DEVELQPMiEPIT Date.:: O^tQfoer?,, 20115 VIII.AyTNORIZE AI NMENTS TO DESIGN-BOtLD ACSREENEITTS A- SlttE?S)?£?£nSS£ilT?(?£r^,£t£^3ft:SS,SS^1^^' EdgeCo^,«cttaLLCforaddtoaDesign.MdS8n,cesfor S!n£??pus stydw Center and Booksto;re project ai East ZosAngeies Collleg a B' 330 ^£fiS^S2S^^^n£!T^^Ji?J?tES??^^JiS/^ree^tNO4 w Bernardls Bros, te for addrtional Deslgni-iByMsSrvicesfcrthe stydw unlo!n^^rDrllom^ ^strvctyre, LandseSpm^ anci SeaMily (SAILS) project at Los Angeles Hiarbor Colltegie. 0 ^2SSi^^S^^^1^^!S^?l^£:«3S851wllh.Harl?r Cmsfrucfen Company. Inc. for additional Design-BuM seni,ces'for the JSS?J?!^a2?'L? TecMcal ^^calion (SoCTE) prc^ctatijS Anigeies SQythwest Colliie |e, X. RATIFY AJttNmENTS TO DESIGN-BUrLD A<SREaiENTS A. Ratify Amendment No. 5 to Design-Buiid Agreement No. 33388 with Charles Paokow Byiites.JUdL for additbnai Design-Buil^seirvic^fbr the JMlylflpyrpo se Commynly Services Cerrter pro|e t at Los Angela ValHey College B. Ratify Amendment: No. 2 to Design-Build Agreement No. 33436 with Chaftes Pankow Builders. Ltd. for addBonai Design-BuJIUsenicesfbr the CQmmimlty WorfAxee Decent mec<, at LosAngete'Va^ Ccfege. X. RM^f /WENWEOT TO tEASE LEASE-MCK ABR^UENT Ratify Amendment No. 1 to Lease Lease-Back Aciireement: No. 33833 with £la?-cf???c?rl GroyP ~ CslE^bmta IP for aeldiboaj co^ry txmsen4c^s for the Athletic Training FacMy project: at Los Angeies VaBeyCottega Xl. AyTNOR PORCMSE ORDERS A' S;SSSe^£!JI{SrIa^ .?,^ r?h^o opier an? accessoiry eqiylp^en^: for the MomF*tenlter(s1u?ntumo")"ec<latLOS^-v5ey^eg. B> ;?f5S!?S^iS.?yr?a?e of a.photocopi;er an<^ accelsory equipmertix e Athtefe Training Fadtily project at Los Angetes Vatey Mege. s M 0.1 D;!W.. F^qiLrPES PLANiN^^ & DEWEpypftllENf -D^e-1 iG^czns Los Angeles Commirty Colilege District /^t ^/ om. No. FPD1 Dh/ESlon: FAOLmES PLANNI^IG A^D DE¥ELOPRffiEISET Date: Octdher T,2QH 5 XEL RATIFY CORRECTHON OF ERRORS A. Rafiy conrectm to an error showr on Item VII on Cam. No. FPDH on August 5,2015. B. Ratify correction to an error shown on Corn. No. FPD3 on April 15, 20115. XIII. AOTNO^IZE BCrENSEON OF JWE FOR DAttY JQyBNAUWERTOINSG Ai!thorize the extensm of tiime fer adver^sinsi m puteliicaitx>n:s of ttre Dailly JoumaJ Corpaatm from November 1,, 2015 mroyghi December 31.20115. Page & of a Pages. Corn. N:o> FPB1 Qw: FACEim'ES PLAM^INIS & DEVELQtpfilENfT Qais Wff£t& ACT10N Los Angeles Community CotEecie District Corn. No. FPD2 DiwisKm: FAaUTHES PLANNtMG AND DEVELOPEiffiENT Data: Ctetofaer?, 2Q1I5 Subject: AUTNORIZE NASTER PRQCyREiyiENT A^R^UlENT Office Sv&Dtles p"!s<:m1uo,.pybfccontract code sectio" 20652, a) find K is in the best mtefesionheD'strict to.PT"re under the authorily of-Master Procuremert ^r?^e!St ^a?SS?^l!te,FO!lodatiorIf ^cattorlha CMiT^^l£olteg 2Si^;iumonzeJheJ?u!chase of. ^e'suppfesTromtte foflS es esteWshed_FCCC agreement as stipulated beto^ ^wWa, .£ saiesTS shall be paid. Ofce Depot Contract No. CBf 15-016 Effective Dates: ^November 1^2015-0ctober31, 2020 Not to Exceed Amount: $7,000,000 roduct Category-Core Dst Number of Items Pric^ onei 288 47 41% 77% 766 ©2&^ e Papei yppttes 0 Discoynt for Brand Procluict CategQry - Non Core List Business MiacNnes& Equipmenj Clearring Products Cailerrelars and Organizers HillM Storage Gen^f^l BLislness Products ^^^^: DiscouiniffbrOmce Name Items Breakroom Products Recommended by A\ferage Discount Depot Brand Items 35% 25% 35% 40% 60% 40% 45% 60% ©5^ 6 40% 30% 40^fa 45% ©5^ & 3 /' Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy'ehyiceElor 2^APpr^by FrantdisiCQ tteidln'gyez, Chancetor Chancellof and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong; ^ Peartean HlQ^m.a^ Svonkm By Date KamlagcE^ MbFero liahut-SaRehez Student Trusfee Ad'tfisopyVote tC!L.mES P1LAWNIG A^D&EVELQPMEm Bate terms Los Angeles Communilty Colege District .om.No.. FPD2 ^ Dttffeton: FACEUTIES PtAMMtNG AMD DEVELOPMENTf ^ Mlagnetlc NMia yaljroom Syppies Paper ^ Pads Custom Stamps &£>|gns echnotogy Procjucts oner,, Ink & nibbons vmng lirTslnjinriepts School Suipples 35% 36% 50% 20% 20% 30%, 60% 35% Qat^ O'etober?,, 20115 4W '-6' 40% 55%20% 25% 4.0% 6W " 4.0% 3S^I^!!?^?{?.^il^Jh?,Prc3!aJrS??1? of ^e 3^°^e pro^uias through the above: agreement eslabfehed by the FCCC as stiputeted ab»e:Fw useiStri* mde on at: al! cottege campuses at a WaE no<:to exceed iictentified 'above A. Background: LACCD is^ authorized to ulifize the abow Wastes Procurement agreements estebfeted by the Foundation for Calltomia CQmmiunnyCoNegesfor !te.ato items^,tte _above ca<eS°"es »d as stipuHaW"abow.15eijwy'is £duded"etota! mst W!iicabte. a(lls^ taxsMbe^d: F»c£g £ through Proposfen WAA and Measure J Bond proceeds or UTOugh'Geiwai ?J?(£jl?.?p?!ca?e-,. Tl?ese ^???! ^QC^remer^ AgreemerTEs are avajlableior use. District-wide. District-wide FCCC Office Supplies 40J.5J55.05: AB'Phases. Q t. Pages. Corn:. N'o. FPD £. 0- . FACHUrriES PtANiNlllN^. ANlD E>EVElOpftfl£N?T' Daiifr -KMTNiS * ACTION LpsAmgelies Commnly Colege District Corn. N;o. FPD3 Divfeton: FACMrES PLANNEMG AND DEVELOPMENT Dofe: Oetofaer 7,2^15 SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOUTON AmHOR^NG MPLENlEMmQQN W DESEGN-ByilLD SWFERffl OF PRCMECT DEUVErr roR TNE ENERGY NFRASmyCTORE »RO¥ElffiNTS PRCMECT XT t ANGEttS VALLEY COULEGE: R/WYING THE RB1UEST EOR QyAURCiXT^NS AND PROPOSAL PROCESS^ AND AyTHORIZINB TNE iimRD W A rcsiGN-ayu ASREENENHT Action Adopt a resoluto (Alfachment 1) for the Energy Enfrastryclvre Improvements pFQJect at Los Angeles Valley Co^ge that: 1. Rallies rmplemeot^lon of the Design-BulM system of prQject deliveir^: 2. Ratifies the Requiesl for Qualifications and Proposals procass (Pwyremen^ Number CS-011-15-V-RFP) conducted by S^a^: 3. Authexizes tie award o^ the Design-Buikt Agreement to the smgle De^gn- Buidl Emtity fDBE') Soufiliaocj lodusmes; 4. Mtonzes DlsNct Staff, spec^lcalty the Chancelor and^Dr tlie Chief F'adliles Executive,, -to enter irrto a DesEgn-Bullcl Agreement for te Emew Infrastrodyre impmemerts Project; and 5. In the overt the aggregate cost for the Project ckses exceed the Not to Exceed amouiirl authorized by the Board, then SW shall b^iir^ the lem t arxto the atfecMi part thereof, back to the Board fbr review coosjderaijicm, aneyor fuirther action. Bactaouind t. Project DesCTpto The Wwrng is descrjpive only, oot ati mclusive, c^ fhe worR an^ seifvices e pmided for th^foject:. ^..1 ll Recommended by: t^j^ Approved by: AdifiafnaO.. BarFefaJCtepuitly C^anceJor ^ BaRGt ® R^iiigvez. Cha^eefes Chancellor and En®' Secretary of the Bo^rd of Trvstees- Fong Peajfllman HffiffiiTESETi S-worte KsKtiiage.s lialnMit-Sam'dTtez Steicteftf Tfastee Adwisofy' Vote' Dale By Page of 4 Pages Corn. N:o. FPD3 Ktv". FAaLffiES PLANNIIMG ANID D:EVE^PMENrr Date tWT/115 Los Angeles Commynlty Colege Distjriicl ^ am. No. FPD3 4^ Division.: FACILmES PLANNING AND DE¥ELX)PMIEMT Date; 0^ofeeT?,,2©!l5 The Energy Infrastructure Improvements Project consist c^r a mewatoe- E!? I^!f!?IaiJ^er9^tora?e tank ar!dassod^^~1i2"~u^^mmd m-2umPS and, vault;_ extension of main cWBed! and W'waler piping in tunnel from the Art Building to form a north toop 'wild distrlbufjon polfc rf connection for future VACC building aneTprcmdle a^deSS CTeetm.forme.Musicbuildin9' re?a" ^ -s,,ng-^ g,sii^ !fl^S!^!e??^?ln£!Jn.Monarch scluare and niorihtopi"iepScemeS £?^n!^!. ^ns.?iant-pium?s;,rerrtoval of ooe ex^iS c5i!wplsrt 9QQTonM,cQuay chiller, and instaUrtion of one nwl^oo"Ton"cMHteT;n theex ti"?centali Rant-This expa"s80n <° the exislingCenW Ptotwi swe most of the permanent byildmgs on the main; camim. The ne^ eqy^menit shal be coQoecte^ to the ex^ng Cer^rail! Rar^ campus water loops and associated by| g HVAC s^sleim®. Proiect_ Budget: The Prqect has a projected owafl budget of £^?1i^S,^!?ichlJ; Tr?,th? fbr; Design, Agency Appr^al^ Open Book BWing of SvbCQotractor Trade Package; SabiSl Guaranteed Maximum Price for Construction; and Cwsiw&m. » H¥ ^ a Desm-ByEldl DelivmF Nethod: A- Dlstrie^.mw.Adop«on and R^osnltton of the Design-BuM Delivery NtefNMt me^igfrBuflid defh»ry_me<hod was adopted by tte Board of December 3.2003 (com- N". BSDqasa de«^^on Drstiict-^idle. E tatm. co? ? tms. 817 0 ^ speciic^ty aythoto commrtycofcge dttids to_u(ffize (he Design-BuiM d»ery method 8sa safes!ndLcost.effuiert aHema^.'o""WNebMdingrtxicause the Legisl^vre has deiermed that It can pmilyce ScSSSu comptefe". °LProieds. Provide for cost contaiinmenf;- reduce co^^^^^^ .^exposure to ^ ^-eo^.iy e^e^efcto c«ity ^ege diU'are-^^-i, cdlege ^ii^riicl^ Tl^e Legisilatyre has also el^ermlne^'iTatliie'^ $i!!SJ!!tJ!?'^^L,r? .?r co^a^meN aiidprDi^S complNiloni t© the desiign-feuijld emtiiy. Thefore^Pi!rl9 te^; sedions also: A) recognize apd perm tot the Ml scope o^. co.s and eq.p^, a^edtoacteign: E>iw.. __ FAC.IiLrnlES PtANll^NIES j% E> OCVEtOpf^EN Date. H&tS^NS Los Angeles Community College District Corn. N.&. FPDS N^ DiVtty&rc FACtLHlES PtANNtNQs AND 0£¥ELOj'K B^T Date Odofeeir 7, 2®1I5 Exilkj entity under the applicable Code sections can be authorized in a single; funding phase and that a community coltege distrrct can award design-build contracts on a "best value" (qualitative selection) basis; I and B) require that the governing board of a community college district makes written findings that use of the design-build process will accomplish one of the foHowing objectives: (I) reduce comparable pro|ect costs; (ii) expedite the project's completion, or (in) provicfe features not achievable through the traditional design-bid-build method. B. District's EvaJuiaflon an-cl Wrlften Fmelmgs regarctlngE tlie SEa^ufOtry ReqiMemertts to Use te C^s^n-Buiki De^^e^ o^ te 1!^ Svbject Project. Subsequent to ireviw of the objectives, the ciesJQn-byid ^ejsNery method stoylidl he used for this procurement becayse I will; A) expedlile the prqpct's comptetiion; and provide featyres not achiievable through the tadltional deslgn-blcE-bulld method mctyding cosl contalmeot, B) redlyce construction comptex^y, andl C) reduice exposuire to os^ for the Ol^riict, for the reasons expressed m ILeadl CcMtstactiaa Counsel's Nemora^ium which accompemies fhis Report *. C> Pre-Qyaliiftcaton Process for Deslgn-ByJlct Enitttles and Amrd of tfie Deslgn-Bitltd ^|Feement As pernfiitted fo^ the appliilcabje code sections, the Djslncfs prequafficat ^m ^ was utitzed which was then fe^ib^e^ b^ the sollcilatjoni of pniclng proposals from those Pre-QyalJfiled desigo-b'uiilld entMies for this procuirBment seekiing the "best value" proposal fbF Ihe procurement Utlmg the foregoimg processes, a proposed awardee for fhis procyremend which wll provide t!ie best vaiue to the D lel Is ietotiied m this report for the reasons stated abcwe and Mcm^. The applicaiate code sections also require the Oistridl's giCNmnir^ Board to Issue a wri^em cfecision supporting its ws^l anicl ^Ni^g m derail tie basis of te a^ard as set forth m the proposed Resollu^on (MsEChment 1). By wa^ ^ adQptlon of the proposed ResoNlro, the Board will annouimce Ns award by: (1) Identifying the siccessiiil Deslgn-BuH^I Entity; (2) sfaitmg the Wtnntng DBE's price proposal aimoynt; (3) sWng tfs overal combmed ratmg o^ the Re^es^, fex Page 3 of 4 Pages C&m. HQ, HFKE»3> &^ iFMmjPESPLANlMtNG. AND &EVELOPfi(flENTTDate lis/ams Los Angeles CQmmunl^ College Dlstnct ^/ om.No. FPD3 Dtvi&ioifE FACIILinriES PLAMNHNGi APiD DEVELOPMENT Q.a£^:. Cteteber .7\ 20115 ?????? ??ya!lon ^ctor8^ (4)set forthl t^® wmmg DBE^ price proposal^amourtancf rating as compared to all other responsive IWEOSers and ther ^P^cth^ price proposals; and ran-kjinig^; and (5) a summary o^ the Distriict's rationale for the amrct The syccessfyl DBE Is: SouthteFid jnduistrles The successful DOE'S Price Proposal! Amount ^ $^JM^53.. TNs amoimt iioduicles the cosTfor DesigQ; Agiemcy ApprovaJs; Open-Book Kdldiog of Subcontractor Trade Packages; fatablishing a Guaranteed Mlaximun^Pnce for Construction; Gemerat Conditions for Constructioir andjfte DBE-s Fee for Overhead and Prt on Construction; 'The DBE-s Price Proposal! Amount does not incfude the cost of construction which wffl te esteblished on an open-book bidding basis of" the subcontractor trade packages after all! approvals on the design documents have been obtained. J^jTe proposal ^ou^ts from re ot:her tm> p) proposera were: $2,525,074; and $2,4Q©,087, respectively. The Eis owall combined ratmg on the Reqiuiest for Proposal evaluation factors out of a possible score of 600 maMmum poinisis: 468, versus the oter two proposers with scores of 488 and 437 I respectlvety The DBE w the lowest pri;ce and second! highest score represents the best value to the Distriict The wten fmdmgs suimmarrzed above aBd as set forlhi mi andl m Lead Construction Counsel's Memorandum which accompanies ftis'Report form the basis for Staffs recommenelatms fQiiinid toeni beio^ Further partilcuilars are set forth in the proposed Resolution (Attachment 1) and_ should be considered by the Board ^to "be recommendallons of Staff as if set forth at Hen^h] hereal. N1. Avwc^: statr^a)mmerxls that the Boar t s^^^ resotuioni (AllachF^enA 1) for ^^tl^:^%^yl!?ij!?l?Ier^Jnn$&d.,!or this Pr°Ject 3^ Valey Conege; raffy Staff's _ conduct regarding the promremert process a^rdl the Deslgn-Byllcl Contract descnbecl herein above'; and take * t such farther acto as is set forth in the proposed Resolution (At$achmenl:1)., Page of t_ Pages; Corn. Nto. FP&3 Diw.. FACIILmES PLA^NG AN;D DEWilbplUljENfi Date 1lEyQ7/H5: Attachment 1 to FPD3 RESOUTON AUTHORIZING MPLEmrrXTm OF DESJGN-ByELD SY OF PROJECT DELIVERY FOR THE ENEROT INIFASTRUCTU NWRWENEN1S AT LOS ANGELES VALLEY COILEQE RAJIFYING REO FOR aUAyFICATIONS AND PTOPOSM PROCKS: AND APTNORIZING ATORD W A DESIGH-ByU AGREaENI WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Commuirtty CoNe^e Dislrlct,, yoder Education Code Section WOO, et seq may yffiize a deslgn-Md project deitvery method on capita! projects; and WHEREAS, The Design-Buijllcf delwery mefhoel was adopted by the Board of Taistees on December 3, 2Q03 (Corn. No. as a elelNcry option DlsNct-wlde; and WHEREAS, The Drstrlct Nends to bvNd a Pro|ecl at Los Angeles Valley College, usmg the Design-Bmld dei^ery melho^ (hef^nafter lti;e "Projecf); arid WHEREAS, The Project has a pyutecfed owai bydget of $8,131,073 which covers the "cost- for: JiesignTAgemc^Appmots; Open-Book Bidding of Sybcosntractoc Trade PackaQes; Establshmg a Gyaranteect Maximum Price for Construction; and Cons^ryctiiorL This amount rs m excess of the^nlmum amount reqwedby ^plteabte^ foruseo^the DesisnBuild delivery method yncfer Eduicaflon Code See^io^ 817QQ, et seq.; and WHEREAS, Staff has reviewed the requisite statatoFy Qbiectives and determined that yse of the Deslgn-Bylfd proce^ will: (A) expedite the prpjecfs compieto becauise using tie design-bid- bate delivery methodji.e, Iwest competiiti^e bid) the projecfwould takeappruxlnnalefy 3q_monfhs to aMipllete versys usmg fe Design- Md method wNch will fake only appTOmateiy 27 moAs. a savings of 3 months.: and (B) use of the Design-Byllld method here will result m cost CDQtatnment; reduced coostrucfe compile^ty; amd^r redaced exposuire to nsk for the reasons stated In Staffs Report; and the Nemoranduim from Lead CQnstryctlon Counsel thai acconopaniled Staffs Reporl; amd WHEREAS, As permitted by the apptlcable code sec^liem, the Drsfricfs prequalification process was ufc^ .WII!C:^ WSK t!?en,,.?)t!IP^ed by'tl]e soMatlon of PrCT9 proposals from those Pre-Qyailffie'd design^bultd erttles seeking the "best va^ye" proposal for the procyremeot; and WHEREAS, !!l,^S?%,,?ISJC!!%E?SSJ£2c2^2a^SL!?^iSltS 5^'Sr%^^ awardee for this prdcyreme^t as |ted Wo?^ whiiich m Staffs c^rtion wlffi provte the best value fo the Dislnct for the reasons stated above and herein below; ar^d WHEREAS. Educafe^Code Section 81700, et seq, reqvires; the Board too issue a deas?n.^lwo?lr1P lts.award aod ^S^ii ^ia? thebaSs^me i the S£° £BELPr!oe,:prop?sa!Leilils.ovepl~ ?rntoe l}atlS ^ K ^SSSS ^l%^L^^3i?i^???;-(^lJh?"Bc^rII;stll?fc9u!^ 1^ T££riS>J& %^[ SSrs!^!s:^Sii!T^?er.l;B?^?lw pnce Proposalis 0^ M a svmmary e^'tV D^ricf;&'raiJ male'£wte'av^r3I and! WHEREAS, The Request for Qyalifetlons and Process required the Pre Ss5£?i. ,5S?S!!^?1, Is?^?? ^. ?bmi a i^iSngKopQsaT that aes,h"SP swlamounts ^rfewwwy ap^i^'Spe.Tboo^ bidding ^Jf1£,,^l£??!??S!!?£?d^P^?8^;; eA:£wn5theproj3ose5 %?!d.a-pee_!&r^Nerhe?1 a? l' pr^'&rin9^£ms&yciior? Tt1e_!inat.9"aranteed maximum :price "for ai"corSudion writ be determmed^anopen-book biiddingTbaas ot"tfhe'submntractD?ia^ packages after all approvals oni the dlesiirT dlexxiirieriis have been obtaloed; and » WHEREAS. Staff teT^ the Wcmm| det^rTn^^® ^ successy Design S^5F^r^^l?iSlfrS£S^i'l^ySS^Jr%f?!??LTDBE^;.@E!]e wmmRDBE;sp"cep">P^ is $1.734,453: (ifffihe^ccess&BBE; I*- wegtlcofflbined_ratmg m the request: toproposaievaiuation'factors t^ wi^osfbte^° fmtsJheotte5r°P°^>Sn9s"^ po;"teSie^8^ut^H)o;and.4770«A,,tf606.^P^^yr'(^'«he ^iI?S^i£^^niS&I^JS5!£SLl^^lc?!Srres?nsJve^Pfc^ers SSJ?^-^???!^Bri^ prcposals B toesi price c5 rf the iKSe G? Sth.t5e6*erProPose^ P"""9 P"yosais be|ng- $^525,074, and! ' $2,4Q8,,087, The District's rafem*-foLthe awarcf to e successMi'_DBE"B thaTsouffitand ^S2f ^^^meetett^^to"^LSCO""9."te»de%^ ^theD^^or this project anejaswas&etfertTioiheReqij^.^ Proposals; and WHEREAS, Jh6;,^5s^a^evedaBcor^^tent^ . or exceed the experience of SS iS£J!siy^j? ^S3;£ ^ ?25:^S?dS!^!a^^rarl^^hK^ ^ ?^,S21<noS,J^.^sarti"?^desi8?:^»ed.'^"^"9 i£SS^Ui£ J[ne £xjokWver£^ ^e^gn-bjiiiS& TOttIodoJcw;n^ therefore, be it I RESOLVED,. ^^^BO^dofJt]^e^^tieU>sAj^etes Comwlty College Kstnclhereby,fmdsw.i».is in the test%teests'of"lthe"Diistr5'!S Project at Los Angles Valley College aS; foe i'irter tSS^2S£SK%!SLS%?1L?!i^rXJ?(l ??JIO^?BleW MraSEaSEyre Emprovemehts RESOLVED. That fte Board,adopts as the !' i's own fi^Jn^ iS Staff 's finding » feSal3ngJhythe.Design:Buydeiver^melho5"l^uiid1eJi^t!K !NlnrolecL"2c!ud;%.ttose £A8ssrtfbA,i"siaffsReport"ami ^dl 5?^£?u(SJ:^S?rs NerHora[rl£!^^a^di hereby fmcisSat the use of the design-buifdl process will (Efwpedie' the "projectS s completion, and ^_pro¥kte__feaNres^ot acNe^abile thrQugh me traditionai ctestgn-bid-byllcl me^ho^, to wit: (a) ensare coESt cootailhment; (b) reduce consfructbn complexity; aoeVor_(c]| redoes ^(pos^re of risk to the District^ all for te reasons stated m SW& Report: aM the Nemorandum from Lead Constructto Counsel wNch are'lncofpQralec^ herein as If set forth- at length hereat; a^dl; be in; fyrlher RESOLVED, The Board ratifies Staffs use of the Request for Qualifications anci Proposal process for mis procyremenrE which has identified a DesignBuild Entity using a "besl vatew sel^^on method for the reasons stated above which the Board hereby actopls; as its findings; and; be it fvrther RESOLVED, The Board hereby authorizes District S^aff, specfelty the Chancete and/br the Chief Fadfcs BceculNe, ID ente No. a Desigo-BuiM Contract with SoytNand Industries for line Prqecl at tos Angeles Valley College based on the termis, condliiom; and pro^lsio^s set fQFth m the Request for Qyaltflcatos an;dl Prop©sal process for this procurement for an amount for tNs Project not to exceed thie overatt projected Project Budget of $8,131 ,073 atfxl be il fyfltwr RESOLVED, That If the aggregate cost of this Project does exceed the fbregpng ayfhotect amount. Staff shall brm@ the i^em^ aneto the a^eeled part thereof, back to the Board for review,, amieleraliion, aad^or fuFther action. N WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resoiuto, as presaribecj by Ha^, we, the members ofsaRt Board of Trustees, present and votoQ ttoron, fwe hereuinto set our hands this 7^ of October, 2Q15. Member, Board of Trustees Miember, Board of Trustees Nember, Board of Trustees IMiember, Board of Tryslees yember. Board of Trustees Nerrte, Board oi TruisHees I Presklent Board o^Tirvstees ACTION Los Angeles ComnTi^ Coieg^ DWict Oom. N&. FPEN Drvtsion: FACELmES PL NI^I^G^ AMD BE^EJLO'PliSIENT Date: October 7,, 20115 Subject: APPROVE ADDENDUM TO THE 2W»3 EEWRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOR roR THEUSAN9!LESV^'-EYC01LEGE FACILITI^ AND APPROVE MODIFICATION TO MmGATION MEAStlRT/gj Action H) Adopt a resoluifm (Aftetoert 1) appmlng the Addendum to the 2003 E~en"Pct,RePortfoF the .^ ^- Van.y-Coftege -Mes yaste^Ran f2<m AcJdlerTdiym") relied! to mc&lcatio^'to'miitcjaim meas^e AQ-9;and T £l^?T/^f?^ttf?^^?^N?nle^ 2).aPPmtn IJno*catioos to ^yate Report-for-the Los-A.Seies Valtey CoHege Facilities yasfer Pte ("20CB EER"). Background S!2i^S?$T^^^0?? ^R for tj1e L:°?.AnPetes valey CQlege Fadlfcs Master Plan Related to the Modifications to Mffigafen Measure MM Ihe^/ATI^Va!le^^o!!^eFac!Hty S^Ran ErwiFOomental Innpact Reportwa^certif^ in 2003. There were Addendum to-tteEIR ' In 2006 a'nid 2M1*12'e.2a)3,EtRJncludes.amlt^ation measuire' AQ-8:'which retires that LOSAn?etes.Yaney,Me9e (..LAV^ "c°"st^ a temporary ^ce-^ur.dthe 5CTmte:lthew^T10Pment.centerstetoshiela^Cen.erf^i^ dust er^ssioos. The fence shall have a minimuim height ofSfeetanda so£ i or' £2S^ISlf^2f^ i^£J^?^SS !?Tf^ wth'constm^iDnFofthe'Vai^ A ademi°^lcu ural c?Ite <"¥A CW) te ^-AVC campys,'3nd~cQnslniiCfon ^J!m)?tS£n!S?T^ JSICi??T5t?^-d(f!!li?a^?tn measur^Ao-@. ^^donm Dlstncfs analysis, LAVC has delarmme^l Ihai mligation measyreA MshoiSj'be Recomimended by; ^ 1: t ^ 2^^j^^ Approved! by _ ^ .^J^ AdFian.a D. Ba.rreraJ^u^awS Frandis^o ^ xaf ChancelEor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Pang _ Peafllman Hctfean; Sworte By Dale 3 D4 m V'. Kamlager :CTen:& Liahui-Sanielhez Sfydtent Tcu&tee AdM^icyVofe ^tLinrHES PiAN^EN^ AN&DEVELQp^J^ Date- twrns Los Angeles Commumlty College Diistet ^*v L/ .om.No. FPD4 DivtsEon: FAaOltES PLAbtN^G AE^D DEVELOPMlENT Date: October 7, 20115 revised to have me temporary fertcmg locateci closer to the VACC conslrycfen site. The new language of the mltigatiom measure AQ-9 wovlid read: "CQoslrycllon of a temPorary.fenceatore3fte camPys Mwfrontage of the Child'Devetopmert Geotersiteto shield the_Ceniter from fygiltiive dust emission The fence shai have a minimum height of 8 teet and a soUd or impermeabte surface me_Distri^ ^asjead agency. has_caused to be prepared pursuant to the provisions of CEQAand the State CEQA Guidelines (Title 14. CaBfomiaCodetf Regulator § 1500Q et seq.) an. Addendum to the 2©03 BR"io'a^^iTe envronme^ effect- ffaW of "odify."a m.iitgalta measure AQ-8;" Section ^64^ the SteteCEQA Gui.e^ all^tte 1^ a^cy-to prepare-an addendum.toa-£remusm "semecha"^-^i^ a. necessary but !??1^^ <S^i?ns ??scrj^d! lr^se tT 15162 caing fbrthepreparaim ofa ^seS!?! EEha!!^xu!red;" section 15162 does "ot require aTsuteequent EER where the proposed changes wouild nc^ create a new significant eroronmenteijm?a?.w.substen?uly ~e..te severity of a s.gnfficart enwrorlmer!tanmpactdis<:;tosed " the;Pr»"o"s EIR.. Modifilcations to mfigaiion anc! monitoring plans may be acampHBtal by an Addento7(ManiBroS"Real Estate Group v. City of Los Angetes (2007) 153 Cat App. 4th 1385): H^LE???^ ^S^r^ millgato measure AQ-9 will not alter any of the ^"clusimsoftte 2003 EIR regarding the significance of enwonmentatmpacis: The proposed revisions wBt notiincrease the number of fadtities at' LAM^'wii not SawaPProyedstude"terolitmert:nmbers. -^ ^ usecfes^a^: Therefore_ttejmpacte^n_the phiysicaf erotormert wiil beunchangeSby'tte proposed madiflcattes to- milgalm measure AQ-8. I^5^!^^£t^^t^Jh?.^?^=5? ?^onstl?tBS ^ rl° .new ^W^can-t m?actew.subs<» tncreas6d si9"'" -Pa^wi-ie S^l!^ ?lS!?i.T?5?tions ? mu8afe" measure AQ-8:'Therefore" a subsequent or supplemental EiRiis neither required nor permiBted.amdiie'2015 ^!?^r!L^?T^?rop?t^!! ^, docTent fQr 're^iew of the project The Boart must first approve the 2015 Addendum before considering approvai'oftte moditatlons to mit^atjon measuiFe AQ-9. 3 ages C;om. Nlo. FP04 DEV.. F^CILIHllES PLANlNINGi AN© D'EWELOPMEN^T Date i^&ms Attachment 1 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ADDENDUM TO THE 2003 VALLEY COLLEG FACILITIES MASTER PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WHEREAS, the 2003^yj3J!e_y_9<^ege Faciiities Master Plan Environmental Impact Report ("2003 EIR"), and its addendums in 2006 and 2011, analyze the projects proposed under the Valley College Facilities Master Plan, and the mitigation measures required to reduce potential significant impacts on the environment from those projects.; and WHEREAS, the 2003 E I R currently includes a mitigation measure AQ-9, which states that Valley College shall "construct a temporary fence around the perimeter of the Child Development Center site to shield the Center from fugitive dust emissions. The fence shall have a minimum height of 8 feet and a solid or impermeable surface." WHEREAS, the District is considering modifying mitigation measure AQ-9 to instead read - "constructionof a temporary fence along the Campus Drive frontage of the Child Development Center site to shield the Center from fugitive dust emissions. ^ The fence shall have a minimum height of 8 feet and a solid or impemneable surface." WHEREAS, the District prepared an Addendum to the 2003 EIR in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code, § 21000 et seq. "CEQA") and the State CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, Caiifornia Code of Reguiations, § 15000 et seq. "State CEQA Guidelines"), to study the effect of modifying mitigation measure AQ-9 in the EIR ("2015 Addendum"), and WHEREAS, section 15164(a) of the State CEQA^Guidetines allows the lead agency to prepare an addendum to a previous EIR if "some changes or additions'are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent E!R have occurred." Section 15162 does not require a subsequent EIR where the proposed changes would not create a new significant environmental impact or substantially increase the seventy of a significant environmental impact disclosed in the previous E!R. Modifications to mitigation and monjtoring plans may be accomplished by an Addendum. (Man/ Bros Real Estate Group v. City of Los_Angeles (2007) 153 Cal. App. 4th 1385). With the completion of'the CEQA requirements, the Board is authorized to approve the proposed modifications to mitigation measure AQ-9, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community Coiiege District, at a meeting held on October 7, 2015, the following: RESOLVED, that the above recitals are true and correct; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Board has reviewed and considered the information in the 2015 Addendum to the 2003 E!R, incorporated herein by reference, and that the potential impacts of the proposed modification to mitigation measure AQ-9 have been analyzed in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines via Addendum to the 2003 E!R; and be it further RESOLVED, that the 2015 Addendum to 2003 EIR is approved and adopted. N WITNESS of the passage of this Resolution, as prescribed by law, we the members of said Board ofTrustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set th our hands this 7Tn day of October, 2015. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees President, Board of Trustees Attachment 2 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MODIFICATIONS TO MITIGATION MEASURE AQ-9 WHEREAS, the 2003^^vaNey College Faciljties Master Plan Environmental impact Report (<(2003EtR^) currently includes a mitigation measure AQ"9, which states that vaileyColle?e shall "construct a temporary fence around the perimeter of the Child Development Center site to shield the Center from fugitive dust emissions. The fence shall have a minimum height of 8 feet and a solid or impermeable surface." WHEREAS, the District is considering modifying mitigation measure AQ-9 to instead read ~ "construct!onof a temporary fence along the Campus Drive frontage of the Child Development Center site to shield the Center from fugitive dust emissions. The fence shall have a minimum height of 8 feet and a solid or impermeable surface." WHEREAS, the District prepared an Addendum to the 2003 EiR in compiiance with the Caiifomia Environmental QuaiityAct (Public Resources Code, § 21000et seq. "CEQA") and the State CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, California Code of ^eguiations § 15000 et seq. "statecEQAGLiidelines"), to study the effect of modifying mitigation measure AQ-9 ("2015 Addendum"). 'The 2015 Addendum concluded that the modification of mitigation measure AQ-9 will have no significant impact on the environment. With the completion of the-^Q.A_ recluirements'the Board is authorized to approve the proposed modifications to mitigation measure AQ-9; and WHEREAS, approval of the modification to mitigation measure AQ-9 will save District resources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District, at a meeting held on October 7, 2015, the following: RESOLVED, that the above recitals are true and correct; and be it further RESOLVED, that the potential impacts of the proposed modifications to mitigation measure AQ-9 have been analyzed in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines via the concurrentiy-adopted 2015 Addendum to the 2003 EiR, incorporated herein by reference; and be it further RESOLVED, that the proposed modifications to mitigation measure AQ-9 are hereby approved and adopted. IN WITNESS of the passage of this Resolution, as prescribed by law, we the members of said Board ofjrustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set th our hands this 7tn day of October, 2015. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees President, Board of Trustees s A ;<.: Los Angeles Community College District 8 Corn. No. HRD1 Division: HUMAN RESOURCES Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: PERSONNEL SERVICES ROUTINE ACTIONS Total Total (This Report) (07-01-15 to Date) 1. Academic Service: (Faculty, Academic Administration, Academic Supervisors) 992 2144 2. Classified Service: (Cierical, technical, supervisors, maintenance & operations, trades, classified managers, confidential) 209 415 2628 5575 3829 8134 3. Unclassified Service: (Student workers, professionai experts, community services staff, comfnunify recreation) Total: DATE RANGE: August 11, 2015 ~ September 14, 2015 A!f personnel actions reported herein are in accordance with the Board of Trustees Rules and are within the approved budget. Personnel actions include retirements, employment leaves, separations/resignations and assignment changes. The classified assignments noted above have not been certified by the Personne Commission and are subject to further audit by the Personnel Commission due to SAP transition issues and may be subject to change. ^ ^ /^ / ./ ^_'fc^ ^ ^ -<». ^ AEb'ertJ. Roman, vice ^han^llo ^ / Karen Martir/Personne! Director r Human Resources Personnel commission jl fr Recommended by: ^ ^ Acffiana D. Barrera, Deputy Chanceilor A^Approved by: .^ Francisc/C.lF^odriguez, Chanceilor ^y Chanceitor and Eng. Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong, Pearlman Hoffman Svonkirs Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Human Resources Date 10/7/15 s A V. Los Ange!es Community College District Corn, No, ISD1 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: APPROVE NEW EDUCATiONAL COURSES AND PROGRAMS APPROVE NEW COURSES I. Title, Units and Coiiege Course 020 ASIAN Transferabiiitv Asian and Asian American Film csu (3 Units) EAST LING Phonetics of Spanish, Italian, French, and German 007 csu for Artistic Performance (3 Units) EAST CO TECH 049 ntroduction to Dynamic Web Applications (3 Units) HARBOR csu IND DSN 101 Materials, Processes, Fabrication csu (2 Units) HARBOR IND DSN 202 Industrial Design (3 Units) HARBOR Recommended by: cf^t-«-<-<<_ Q. csu >dL^£J-> onald Gauthier,cf?resident, DAS » 4<2 Wffln [o^~- mtdt obbi Kimble, Interim Vice Chancelior I" \ Recommended by: Adriana D, Barrera, Deputy Chancellor Sy^ Approved by: Francisco C.^R^driguez, Chanceilor Chancellor and Eng. Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman S van kin Kamlager IJahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisor Vote Date By Page of 6 Pages Corn. No. !SD1 Div. Educational Support Services Date 10/7/15 Los Angeles Comrriunity College District ^ \^ om. No. ISD1 Division: EDUCATtONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: October 7, 2015 APPROVE NEW COURSES (continued) Title, Units and College Course Transferability csu 268-2 Go!f Skills II KIN (1 Unit) HARBOR K!N 288-1 Fiag/Touch Football Skills (1 Unit) HARBOR csu KIN 288-2 Flag/Touch Football Skills (1 Unit) HARBOR csu BUS 174 Leadership (3 Units) MISSION csu COSCI 488 Security + Certification Preparation (3 Units) MISSION csu KIN 373-1 Ultimate Frisbee I csu (1 Unit) PIERCE THEATER 231 Play Production (3 Units) SOUTHWEST csu cosc 940 C++ Programmng (3 Units) WEST csu DEN HY 305 Community Dental Health (3 Units) WEST csu PALEGAL 046 Technology Use for Paralegals NT (3 Units) WEST Page 2 of 6 Pages Corn. No. JSD1 Div. Educational Support Services Date 10/7/15 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn, No. ISD1 d Date: October 7, 2015 APPROVE NEW NONCREDIT COURSES Title, Units and Coileae Course Transferabiiitv ACAD PR 015CE Data Analysis (0 Units) EAST Title, Units and College Course NT Transferabilitv ACADPR 016CE Algebra (0 Units) EAST NT ACAD PR 017CE Geometry (0 Units) EAST NT BStCSKL 082CE GED Preparation: Reading Skills (0 Units) EAST NT BSICSKL 088CE GED Preparation: Language Skills (0 Units) EAST NT BSICSKL 090CE College Readiness: Writing Skills (0 Units) TRADE NT in It REAUTHORIZE EXISTING CREDIT COURSES The following are courses that were previously approved by the Board and are being reauthorized per state request. Course Title, Units and Coiieae AFRO AM 002 The African American in Contemporary Urban Society (3 Units) SOUTHWEST CHDEV Practicum in Child Development (4 Units) SOUTHWEST csu Publication Laboratory (2 Units) SOUTHWEST csu 023 JOURNAL 217 Page 3 of J)_Pages Corn. No. JSD1 Div. Educational Support Services Transferabiiitv uc/csu Date 10/7/15 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD1 Date: October 7, 2015 RATIFY ADDITIONS TO EXISTING CREDST COURSES EV The following are college additions of individual credit courses which have been previously adopted by the Board of Trustees. Title, Units and College Course Transferabilitv ARTHIST 130 History of Asian Art (3 Units) SOUTHWEST csu ARTHIST 140 The Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Ancient America (3 Units) SOUTHWEST csu Choreography (1 Unit) VALLEY csu Latin Social and Salsa Dance csu DANCEST 302 DNCESPC441 (1 Unit) VALLEY KIN ATH 556 ntercoliegiate Basketball ~ Fitness & Skills Training (3 Units) VALLEY csu V. RATIFY ADDITIONS TO EXISTINGMONCREDJT COURSES The following are college additions of individual noncredit courses which have been previously adopted by the Board of Trustees. Title, Units and College Course Transferabilitv ACAD PR 004CE Language Arts: Reading Fiction NT (0 Units) TRADE v APPROVE SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE REQUESTS -WEST LOS ANGELE u ACCJC requires that substantive changes be evaluated and approved to ensure that Eligibility Requirements, Accreditation Standards, and Commission policies continue to be met. West Los Angeles College is submitting Substantive Change Proposals to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJS/WASC), as follows: Page 4 of 6 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Edycatjonal Support Services Date 10/7/15 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn, No. ISD1 a Date: October 7, 2015 APPROVE SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE REQUEST TO AN APPR CREDIT PROGRAM: POLICE ORIENTATION AND PREPARAT PROGRAM (POPP) ACCJC approval is being requested to establish an additional location, geographically apart from the main campus at which the institution offers at least 50% of the program. Background: West Los Angeles College, in partnership with the Los Angeies Unified School District (LAUSD) and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), offers a Police Orientation and Preparation Program (POPP) for !oca high school students. POPP, established in 2009, allows 12th grade students to earn their high school diplomas while simultaneousfy working towards an A.A. degree in Administration of Justice. The program is designed to place its students into roies of leadership and authority in their old neighborhoods. Students can complete an A.A. degree in Administration of Justice by starting coiiege classes while they are in high schoo!, then completing their degree at the LAPD's Ahmanson Recruit Training Center, allowing POPP students who had difficulty commuting to West to meet program requirements. 2. APPROVE SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE REQUEST TO AN APPR CREDIT PROGRAM: PARAiVIEDLCiNE_PR_OGRAM ACCJC approval is being requested to establish an additional location, geographically apart from the main campus at which the institution offers at least 50% of the program. Background: West Los Angeles College, in partnership with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), offers paramedic courses in dedicated classroom space at a UCLA sateliite location a few miies from the main WLAC campus. The expansion of available Associate degrees furthers the college's mission and wi!l provide students an opportunity to earn an Associate's degree and transfer to other colleges and universities that offer a Bachelor's degree. 3. APPROVE SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE REQUEST TO AN APPR CREDIT PROGRAM: DENTAL HYGIENE BACHELOR SCIENCES PROGRAM Page 5 of 6 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 ^tv- Educational Support Services Date 10/7/15 Los Angeles Community Coiiege District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No, I:SD1 Date: October 7, 2015 ACCJC approva! is being sought to offer a Bachelor of Science degree in Denta! Hygiene. Background: As a result of the passage of SB 850, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors approved 15 colleges to offer a Baccalaureate degree. West Los Angeles College was selected to offer a Baccaiaureate degree based in Dental Hygiene. The proposed new program will expand the existing 2-year degree, creating an entirely new Bachelor of Science program. VII. APPROVE NEW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Los Angeles Harbor College A. Certificate of Achievement in Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) (12.5 Units B. Certificate of Achievement in Certified Nursing Assistant (CNAVHome Health Aide (HHA) (14.5 Units) Los Angeles Mission College A. Associate in Arts in Art History for Transfer Degree - A.A.-T (60 Units) B. Certificate of Achievement in Certified Nurse Assistant and Home Health Aide M 5.5 Units) Los Angeles Southwest College A. Certificate of Achievement in Certified Nursing Assistant (CNAVHome Health Aide (HHA) (14.5 Units) Los Angeles Trade-Technical College A. Certificate of Achievement in tntersegmenta! General Education Transfer Curriculum HGETC) {37-42 Units) B. Certificate of Achievement In California State University Genera Education Pattern (CSU GE) (37-42 Units) C. Certificate of Achievement in Retail Management (24 Units) Los Angeles Valley College A. Certificate of Achievement in Retail Management (CRM) (18 Units) Page 6 of 6 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Educationai Support Semces Date 10/7/15 A w. e s Los Angeles Community College District g Corn. No. !SD2 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: October 7,2015 Subject: APPROVE NEW COMMUNIW SERVICES OFFERINGS Approve the following new Community Services course offerings as submitted by Los Angeles City College and West Los Angeles College for use in the Los Angeles Community College District, as listed in Attachment 1. v * Recommended by: d^>"?£ ^t -^^. obbi Kimbie, Interim Vice Chancellor ad ^^K>A>^S^ Recommended by: / ^ ^^\Ky^^APProved by: A3nana D: Barrera^eputy'Uhancellor' Francisco Cj Ro^rjguez, Chanceilor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong_ Peariman Hoffman Svonkin KamSager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. ISD2 Div. Educational Support Services Date 10/7/15 Community Services Courses 10/7/15 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 3 Los Ange es c B ty Co e e VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Barista Training Students in this dass will learn about coffee, how to prepare and serve espresso and espresso based drinks and how to utilize espresso/cappuccino machines at a commerciai !evet. HEALTH COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Introduction to Kitchen Students in this class wiil iearn the basic elements of kitchen and Bath Design and bath design to become informed consumers with their home design or remodel projects. Cub Fit Students in this class will iearn a variety of fitness and recreational activities to develop a fitness regimen and/or to alleviate stress. Walk/Run Track Fitness Students in this dass wi!l learn how utilize exercises such as walking, jogging, or running for fitness or fun. Fitness Center Workout Students In this class will learn about fitness equipment, including weights, eiiiptica! trainers, treadmiiis, etc., to develop a healthy weli-being. TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRiPTION City Sights: Street Photography techniques such as framing, composition, exposure, shutter Students in this class will learn and practice photographic speed, and ISO, through the exploration of interesting subjects they find in their environments. Song Performance Workshop Students in this class wiii learn !ive performance skills and techniques, and showcase their music skills with a variety of instruments and songs. Community Services Courses 10/7/15 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 3 West Los Angeles College HEALTH COURSE NAME DESCRBPTION Laser Dental Hygiene Students in this class wilt fearn educational objectives needed to obtain a Laser Dental Hygiene Certificate. Certification GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAEVIE DESCRIPTION Bachata Students in this class will learn this sexy, playful, and seductive dance, which is popuiar in the Dominican Republic, Latin America, and Mediterranean Europe and is now a favorite in Los Angeles dance dubs. Kszomba Students in this class will learn about this music from the French Caribbean. Kizomba mixes influences ofzouk music and traditional semba to create a rhythm that's romantic and sensual, with African rhythms. "Braided Beauty" Students in this class will learn how to make a muiti-colored Kumihimo Neckiace kumihimo necklace out of silky cording, adding glass and crystal beads to finish off this loveiy and unique jewelry piece. "Enchanted Evening" Beaded Statement Necklace Students in this class wil! learn how to make an elegant statement neckpiece ready to show off at those upcoming holiday events with just a few pearls, crystals, seed beads and a clasp. Twisted Wire & Students in this class will learn how to make a "tree of life," Gemstone "Tree of Life" symbolic in many cultures. These magical little sculptures Sculpture bloom and grow out of copper, gold or silver wire along with gemstone and glass beads that make it sparkle and shine. How to Make Up Balm & Students in this class wii! learn how to make a unique Body Butter product with just a handful of ingredients and tools from the kitchen. Do-lt-Yourself Detergent Students in this hands-on dass will use natural ingredients to create products that are safe for any washing machine, will rinse out completely, and will leave laundry clean and fresh-smelling. Community Services Courses 10/7/15 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 3 of 3 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Make Your Bath Students in this class wil! team how to turn bath time into a Fragrances & Hair luxurious event by learning the secrets of creating persona Conditioner bath fragrances and hair conditioners. Here Comes the Bridal Floral Students in this class wli) !earn three different ways to construct corsages and two ways to build a bouquet. Vintage Jeweiry: Fab or Students in this class will learn how to unlock the mysteries Fake? of vintage jewelry by learning to identify design, materials, construction, and important eras in fashion history. Hypnosis to improve Students in this dass will fearn simple but effective techniques for insight and contra!, stress relief and anxiety, and clearing menta! blocks. Creating Sweeps & Contests - Legally! Students in this class will learn why sweepstakes and contests are such effective marketing tools, and wi!l learn the laws and rules that govern them, including those that apply in social media. Write 'Straight Up" with a Students in this class wi!l iearn how to organize ideas more Grammar 'Twist* effectively, integrate better sentence and vocabulary variety, and incorporate self-editing strategies to produce error-free writing. Presentation Practice for Students in this class wi!f focus on organization, speech writing strategies, and articulation in order to pu!i offtop- Teens notch presentations again and again! Writing Workshops for Teens Students in this class wiil learn the strategies and techniques to produce welf-structured school essays, test essays, and personal statements for college admission, as we!! as how to strengthen creative writing skills incorporating elements of fiction writing and short story development through prose and poetry. i s ® A », s r '^, Los Angeles Community Coliege District fi Corn. No. PC1 Division Subject: PERSONNEL COMMSSSiON Date: October 7, 2015 PERSONNEL COMMISSION ACTIONS I. Establishment of a New Classification Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to establish the new classification of Professional Development Coordinator and allocate the new class to salary schedule $7449.41, effective September 22, 2015. Salary Schedule $7,449.41 $7,449.41 ; $7,859.12 1 $8,291.38 $8,747.40 $9,228.51 Monthly $89,392.92 $94,309.44 $99,496.50 $104,968.80 $110,742.12 Annually BACKGROUND: The establishment of the new class was requested by the College President of Pierce College who identified a need for a professional-level job classification that is dedicated to developing, implementing, and running customized professional development programs, events, and activities on a college-wide basis for all employee groups. With the creation of this position, the college administration anticipates to be more responsive to employees' training needs in areas such as soft skills, technical and specialized training performance management, and new employee orientations, as well as an enhancement of employee engagement opportunities and activities. ^ Recommended by: ^ Karen J. M/rtin, Personnei Director Chancellor and Eng. Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn. No. PC 1 Div. Moreno PERSONNEL COMMISSION Date 10/7/2015 ; Los Angetes Community College District Corn. No. PC1 PERSONNEL COMMISSSON Division Date: October 7, 2015 II. Classification Study Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to reclassify EN 1037386, from Office Assistant to Administrative Aide, effective May 8, 2015. Office Assistant $2,753.56 $2,905.00 $3,064.78 $3,233.34 $3,411.18 Monthly $33,042.71 . $34,860.06 $36,777.36 $38,800.11 $40,934.12 Annually Administrative Aide $3,594.33 $3,792.02 $4,000.58 $4,220.61 $4,452.74 Monthly $43,131.96 $45,504.22 $48,006.95 $50,647.33 $53,432.94 Annually BACKGROUND: In accordance with provisions of the AFT Contract and Education Code Personnel Commission staff conducted an audit. The audit determined that the duties and responsibilities of the incumbent fall within the classification of Administrative Aide. The position is located in the Plant Facilities Department at Los Angeles Pierce College. The 2014-2015 fiscal year cost of this action is approximately $926.71. The 2015-2016 fiscal year cost of this action is approximately $6,354.60 Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No, PC1 Div. PERSONNEL COMMISSIONDate 10/7/2015 ; s © A '.' 'ft. Noticed: August 5, 2015 Los Angeles Community College District g Corn. No. CH1 CHANCELLOR Division Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: AMEND BOARD RULE CHAPTER II ARTICLE IV - 2408 ORDER OF BUSINESS Amend Board Rule 2408 as follows: 2408. ORDER OF BUSINESS A, The Board of Trustees shall hold one meeting each month. This meeting shall be hetd on the first or second Wed nesdav. The Board of Trustees may also hold meetings of the Committee of the Whole, and meettnas-6f th-estandina committees, on any Wednesday of each month. B, The order in which matters are discussed during a Board of Trustee meeting, or during a meeting of any committee, shalf be determined by the Chanceltor, in consultation with the President of the Board of Trustees." While no specific Order of Business is mandated, the followinfl genera! order may be observed: A. During the first Board of Trustees meeting, the Order of Business shall be as follows: * Roil Ca + Flag Salute . Minutes . . . Reports from Representatives of Employee Organizations at the Resource Table Announcements from the College Presidents Public Agenda Requests 1. Ora! Presentations 2. Proposed Actions . . ^ Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Multipie Agenda Matters Reports and Recommendations from the Board 1. Reports of Standing and Specla! Committees 2. Proposed Actions Reports from the Chancellor and College Presidents . Consent Calendar o Majority Vote . Recommendations from the Chanceilor 0 0 1. Genera! Matters 1111^111 2, Matters Requiring a Super Majority Vote .Recess to Committee of the Whole . Reconvene to Public Session . . Notice Reports and hformatives Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions by members of the Board of Trustees Approved by: Francisco^, R^drfcuez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng- Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong. Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn. No. cm Div. CHANCELLOR Date Noticed: 10/7/15 8/5/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. CH1 Division CHANCELLOR . Date: October 7, 2015 Requests to Address the Board of Trustees regarding Closed Session Matters . Recess to Closed Session * Reconvene m to Public Session Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session ^ Public Action items Following Closed Session Deilberations . Adjournment . B. During the second Board of Trustees meeting each month, generally hold on the fourth Wednesday of the month, the Order of Business sha!f bo -as~follows: -Call to Order - Roll Call Flag Salute Reports from Roprosentativos of Employee Organizationc at the Rosourco Table -»-. Announcements from the College Presidents ^ Public Agenda Requests -^. -4-. 4v Oral Presentations 2-. -Proposed Actions ^ Recess to Committoc of the Whole ^ Reports and Rocommondations from the Chancellor Notice Reports and Informativos ^-Afiftomwements and Indications of Future Proposed Actiono ^- ^- Requests to address the Board of Trustees -Closed Session Agenda MattorG ^ Recess to Closed Session ^ Reconvene in Public Session Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session Public Action items Following Closed Session DetibcrationG ^Adjournment ^ -«-. ^ B; Adjustments to Order of Business. The Chance!!or, in consuitation with the President of the Board of Trustees, shall have discretion to adjust the Order of Business as may be appropriate, &C, Study Sessions 1. The Chanceilor, in consultation with the President of the Board of Trustees, shall have discretion to scheduie a Study Session on a date prior to the Board Meeting in order to aliow Board members to ask questions of staff and obtain further information from staff regarding the posted agenda items for the regular Board meeting. 2. The Study Session shall be posted as an open meeting that members of the pub!ic shall be a!Eowed to attend in accordance with the Brown Act, 3. The Study Session shall not be considered a reguiar Board meeting and attendance shai! be optiona! for purposes of compensation. 4. Members of the public may address the Study Session regarding matters on the agenda. Background: The proposed changes have been developed in order that business items be considered during the Board's regular meeting each month, Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. CH1 Div. CHANCELLOR Date 10/7/15 Noticed: 8/5/15 + ® A Los Angeles Community Coilege District Corn. No. CH2 Division: CHANCELLOR Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: APPROVE LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Approve the revised Mission Statement for Los Angeles Mission College. Background: Accreditation standards require that colleges regularly review their mission statements to ensure that they continue to reflect the institution's broad educational purpose, its intended population, and its commitment to achieving student learning. Accreditation standards also require Board of Trustees approva of the mission statement since It is centra! to institutiona! planning and decision *4t making. On September 16, 2015, the Board's Institutional Effectiveness and Student Success Committee reviewed the Mission Statement Change for Los Angeles Mission College and recommended its approval by the Board. ^- Approved by: ^ Fran^Tscql C. ^odriguez, Chanceilor Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. CH2 Div. Chancellor Moreno Date 10/7/15 WH -^ Los Angeles Mission College Mission Statement Change 'w. ^ Executive Summary September 16,2015 Current College Mission Statement Los Angeles Mission College is committed to the success of our students. The College provides accessible, affordable, high quality learning opportunities in a culturally and intellectually supportive environment by: Ensuring that students successfully transfer to four-year institutions, prepare for successful careers in the workplace, and improve their basic skills; Encouraging students to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners; Providing services and programs that improve the lives of the diverse communities we . » . serve. New Proposed Mission Statement Los Angeles Mission College is committed to the success of its students. The College, which awards associate degrees and certificates, provides accessible, affordable, high-quality teaming opportunities in a culturally and intellectual ly-supportive environment by: . Providing services and programs in basic skills, general education, career and technical education, and for transfer ) . . » » » Educating students to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners; Ensuring that all programs and services are continuously evaluated and improved to support student learning and achievement; and Making traditional and distance education learning opportunities available to enhance the health and wellness of the diverse communities it serves. Rationale for Change The new ACCJC accreditation standards require that college mission statements articulate the institution's broad educational purpose, degree and certificate granting authority, student populations served, available educational offerings, and commitment to student learning and student achievement. The new LAMC Mission Statement meets all of the standards required by the ACCJC by comprehensively describing the college mission, capturing all of the college's strategic goals, and demonstrating the college's commitment to student success. The Mission Statement was vetted through the colleges shared governance process, having been discussed by the Educational Planning Committee, College Council, other shared governance committees, and the Academic Senate in spring 2015 and summer 2015. 'ft; ® A w Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. CH3 Division CHANCELLOR Date; October 7,2015 Subject: DESIGNATE^ REPRESENTATIVES TO THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL ADULT EDUCA CONSORTIUM /rl^J^ar^ °J^slT?h^eir^y Ad^%at^^d ^S,l:?°Jn^^?r!ii?.^rl!n^)_F)resid^n.t OJ. ^st ,LOS ^nse!es Coilege^to serve as the Los Angeles Commumty_Co!lege District's representative to the Los Angefes Regional AM Ed^ucafon Consortium (LARAEC). T^he Board of Trustees further designates and appoin'ts b;-S presJden^LM.Ar^^:Technca!co" serve - ^ District's Sate representative to represent the Districfin Mr. Martinez's absence. BackQround. The District is a member of LARAEC. Assembly Bill 104 and Education Code _ Section 84905 require ^he Districts Board of Trustees to ^e^!9n^e^an,offic!a! to represent the ~District"i LARAEC, On_September 16, 2015, the Legislative & Public Affairs Committee nominated Mr;Martinez to in serve as the District's representative to LARAEC and nominated Mr, Frank to serve as the aEtemate.'Mr". Martinez has served as the District's unofficial representative to LARAEC since 2013, * Approved by: .^ 11 Francisco C. R^drfcue^, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffrnan Svonkin Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. CH3 Div, CHANCELLOR Date 10/7/15 .\ ^ ^ w s Noticed: September 2, 2015 Los Angeles CommumtyCpJlege District g Corn No.CH4 Division CHANCELLOR Action Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: ADOPT THE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITf PLAN Adopt tjne Employment Opportunity Ran JEEO). The Districf-Wide EEO Ptan requires to be submitted to the State Chancellor's Office no iater than OctobeM5,~2015; J^SK%0,^L LciaJi5)Tla-9?>?eoLReg_UJatlor?>s Te,.5/ section 50003(a) mandates that th:!.G.O^ing--bofird-5J-e^clco.Tmu'[!le^edis?rictdeYeloP-and~adopt'a'distric^ wide-written.equal.oPPOrtunJty Plan ,to 'imPl,ement^ its equal employment'-opportunity program. Once adopted, the Plan shall be submitted to the State Chancellor's Office for » review. Approved by: » F r nc]sco C. podriguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. CH4 Div. CHANCELLOR Kamlager Liahut-Sanchez Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 10/7/2015 Noticed 9/2/2015 B s SB! TO aa^ B a n> ^ aaam A w Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: October 7, 2015 Subject: NOTIFICATION OF OUT-OF-STATE STUDENT TRAVEL I. Los Angeles Pierce CoUeqe A. Twenty-five students and one faculty member wit) travel to Estero de Punta Banda in Baja California, Mexico during the period of October 6 to October 8, 2015. Background: This is a regular semester class offering for students enrolled in Biology 0118 at Los Angeles Piece College. This is a field study class that examines the ecology of the rocky intertida! region of the Punta Banda region and Media Camino region of the Baja California peninsula. FISCAL IMPUCATION: The tota! estimated cost of the trip is $130 per person for 25 students; total not to exceed $3,250. Students will pay for their own expenses for this travel. No District funds will be used. Page 01 [_ Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. Educational Support Services Date 10/7/15 v wa FPD1 ~ Resource Documenf * RAWY NA^E CHANGES A. Action Ratify use of a chamge of name to Agreement No. 40270 with GoPrM System, Inc. to now use the fQrnnat and tegal business name ITC S^stefm (USA) Inc. There are no other changes. Backgrovnd This agreement was auithcreecj by the Board of Trustees on January 1@, 2Q13 (Corn. No. FPD2). Pyrsuarrt to eoffication from the compare pre^ious^f Rno^n Q& CoPpnt Sterns, Inc. Uhte? nem authorizes s^at to wise the legal bysimess nme to rfC Systems (USA) Inc. B. Acttpo Ratify use of a cteg^ of n^iae to AQfeement No. 40275 wHh imerine Brands cWa CleansQUirce to niew yse the formal and legal bysress name Interte Brands Wa Siiippliyworks. There are no other changes. Backgroimd This agreement was ayttonzed by the Board of Trustees on January 18, 2013 (Corn. No. FPTO). Puirsyant to rrotmcatlon from me company pfcviousty known as IINerlne Brands dba Cleansource this teni authonzes staff to revise the llegal bysiness name to interllne Bramds dba Sojppiyworks. II. AUTOORIZE ANENWEOT TO PROPESSIG^AL SERVJCES AGREE Actloni Authorize the foltowmg acfjons for Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 3347? wrth Ted Toklo Tana^a Afchta^s to prov additional design and cor^stryctm admlniistratlon serviices fbr the Roadway, Wallway, GrQynidls, ParRlng Lot (RWGPL) - Red One Pectesfnan Coonector & Red Une Exteoslon - LandscapioQ North Entry Qyadrant projects at Los Angeles City Coltege within the existing term of the AQreement from April 24, 2015 tinirough February 8, 2017 at a cost rx^t to exceed $13,440 mcluslve o^ elglNe reimfoursable expenses: 11. RaMy this Amendmeni to tNls Agreement to provide these services firom Apnll 24,20115 to October 7, 2015 at a cost not to exceect $13,440; ar^ Page 1 of 26 » Facilities PEanrmg and! Devel!opmeot » October?, 2015 FPD1 - Resource Document 2. Authorize mi^ATOrxilmnl to this AQreemen to pro^e these services from October 8, 2015 to February 8,20117 at m aMmal cost. !!^?^2!.S?rP!^?S^.a^^clm@^t the tolal amount °^ this agreement approved by the Boand of Truslees its rereased to $26©,847. Backaroundl ThtS3grB6menEt:wasaythor^edibyjhe Board o^r Tryslees oo February 8,20112 (Corn. No. FPD1) ^ Ted TofcTa«ka Architects to serve asteArSci of Record for this project. This amendment is proposed to accommodateiie foilowing completed addlfeal scope, of wortc desiign semces"to« ess discovered unforeseen conditions encountered during site excmafion'wNch required the modificafcn to fte comipleled desiyis fa,r stair and' wail foun S^tortope.^cape a.d Won. a ^.g ^; £?^S!^^I!^?^?^!Sj?^c!i!i^ns r^ ?? shom1! oi^^WMr^lngs. Fees shall be within, Ihe Distect guicteUnes estebllished for these semces; Fimdtna and De^ellopmenf Phase Funding Is through Propasltm AA. BOBGI proceeds. RWGPL ~ Red One Pedestrian Corridor HC.7173.05.03/31C.5173.05.03. Constec&mPtese: II fr AOTNORIZE CONSTRyCTIONI CdNITRACTS A. Action ^-t??i2^-a ,contract,w!t.t? GATechnical Services to proMde geaerait constru^on serves for the^ LED Lighting Replacement ^ Womeifs G^n project at Los Angeles City College at a cost of $142.000. Consistent witt Board Rule 7100.10, authorize the Chief Facilities Executiw to auttmze change orders, each change order no! to exceed ten percent (10%)'of'the origlaal contract pr^, wi e it re-inddliing, suibject to subseQuient' Board ratificatiorL Background This contract is te resui ^ formal competitive biding. Ten contractors reqpesled biidl packets. Two (2) resportsive Nds were rece^eci ranging from $142.000 to $247.123. This constmcfcn contract is to replacement of exisling ligMiing to LED ISgWhg at the Womafs f- Gymnaslym. P^ge 2 e^ 26 » Fadlliifies Ranmmg a^dl OevelloprnerTt 9 October 7,, 2015 (10) FPD1 ~ Resource Document Funding Fundmg Is through Proposlbn $9 Furels. NlofT-Bonci project. B. Action Authcmze a corHracf with Ne^f Art Construction to provide general construction services, for ttie Wall-Pack Bderlor Llghtfn^ proEect"at Los Angeles Mission College a^ a cost of $96,400. Conslstenfwtth Board Rute 710a10' a^oiT the Chief Faciiiiles Executive to authorize change ordersleach ch3^9e ?r t^r ^? to exceed t^ percent (10%) of the orlgloai contract price, without re-Nddllng,, suibtsct to subsec|yent Boarti ra^iflcaiJQn. Backcroynd I?!T-???ct-is.,th? fe?y? °^ forFin^competitrve biddiftg. Eleven (11) contractors requested M Pack^ -Three (3) responsive Nds were received rangfog from $96,,400 io $143,450. This construction comract Is for replacement of existiing HlgMmg with LED fbctures. Funding Funding is throygh Propositto 39 Fynds. Non-Bonct project C. Action Authonze a contract wth The Nazeriart OrQup to provide general construction semce^ t>r the Extenoir LlgMing project at Los Angeles Trade-Techmca! College a^ a co^ of $137,450. cbnslstent with Board Rute 7100.10, authorize the CN,ef FadlBies Executive to authorize change orders, ead^cte^eoirdlefnsl to exceed ten percent (10%) of the origmal contract price, wlthQut re-Nddliing, suibiect to suibsequent Board ratifrcaiion. Background I!!'l!^c??!l[act-!!? of fbrrml compemive bidding. Twelve (112) contractors requested Nd P^^-_Three (3) responsive bids were received rang^g from $1137,45^ to $1173,000. This coristruction contract is for replacement of e^lstmg e^eriior lig^mg with LED fixtures. Funding Funding Is throygh Proposilm 39 Enerciy Fynds. Hem-Bonel project Page 3 of 26 » Facilities Planniimg and Devebpmenl » October 7,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document D. Action ^SSSJ !^!^ ^b^^^r.^e^csr loc^to pro¥lde ^r1erai cw£[w&M.servlcesto^Exte!w Li» t: at-toswes S?!???elt?eLchief Faciiities ^x^^tive to authorize chao^ o^ersre^h chan9ej??£^notjoexceed ten Percent (lO^)ofiheorigmFcoNrS Valley Coleggsat a cost of $843,489. Consistent with Board Ryie 710&10 price, wthout re-bidding, subject to'subsequent Board rattficafcn: Backaroyrndl I!SrS?!?lS.!?2J?T5 <?L!?rn?al S°ml:^lti¥e blddm9- Twe^y-four (24) rortoriors requested Md packets. One-(1) responsive'yd was receiSed for $843,489. This consfyctto.n contract is for r^rDmog exteriorligfir^. Puindmo Funding is through Proposto 39 Funding. Non-Bond project. E. Actbp ^!!SS^(S!?S!t^!?L.?o!?!e1^11Rrm &.po-.lna ^ pm?iidle general consfructoserwes for the Math & Science Building RCx Etectric&'Gas project al,West_Los Angeles Colfege at a cost of $9<400; 'Consistent with Board Rule 7100.10. authorize the Chief Facilities'ExeaHiw'to'arihoree ^S OTSeartcten£°"ternottoexce^ ^P-ni C^^ ori9inalcontract pfc- wtthout re-bidding, subject to subseqvent'Board ratlflcato. Backgroynd This contract: its the result of formal competitive bWlng.. Fi¥e (5) contractors requested bid_pactets. Two (2) responsive bids'were reaiwd rngng from $94,400 to $184,300. Thls'constructJQn corrtra^'isforTetc^ ^!!!!!!Sn!?,SJ!Tr^.^!di?§lopera!lons and ^^^^^n^^ce (C^N) procedures to entanice owalll bylldlrtg performance. Fundioa Fundog Is throagh Proposiion 39 Fyrtdmg. NQn-Bonct project Page 4 e^ 26 « Faidities PilanimQg and! Development » October 7,2Q15 I'. FPD1 - Resource Document lv- RATrLJ:NIAN?EL-P?DERS Fo^ CONSTRyCHOML_CQNTRACT <'RET.T'.i?M»JN 6Rt6lNAL-COSf-l§*UEDSSrTF STANDARD "DESION-SID-BUIUr METHOD 6? PR&iE^TEiLiyiRY A, ActilQn Ratify Change Order Nlos. 5 & 6 to Construction Contract No. 33850 wl^ Naslers Cootmctmg Corporation for additional constructtoo serviices for the Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot - Red Une PedestrlaQ Corridor project at Los Angeles City Cottege at a cost not to exceed'the amoimts Nsfecl lo the table below: Change Cost Percentageof Original $^^ 0.35% 0.69% Order No, Contract Cost 5 6 $37,319 Wius^e of these change orders, the total cost of this Cems^uctm Contract Is $5,47B,446. BackcifQyfKJ This agreement wasaythortzed by the Board of Trustees on November 5, 20114 (Corn. No FPD1) with Masters Contracting Corporato lo prokle general! jXMiistructo senflces for this project The orjgioal contract vakie Is $5,397,,OQO. The negiotjatect reduction from contractor demand is $8,7m. Rcrtify approval reqyested so as not to incur detay costs. The fota^oa services have been completed and are regyesied to be ratified: 1., Dye to yntoeseen cQnelitlons: » Remo\?e exrstmg yoderground asphalt and retaining wal rrot shown on as-bitt dra^mQs and etiscovered during demiolltJQrT. Z Due to addlitoal requirements: « I'. Per Los Angeles Department ofPublicWorks (LADW) lirrspector, remote fence at the north side of the MTA elevator. «. Per IADPW mispector, remove werprown street trees m City of Los Angeles rtght-of-way and replace with City-mandated tree^as well as renriiOws and repllace curb Sc gutter. Page 5 of 26 » Fadlltlies Rammg and Development » October 7,2Q15 FPD1 - Resource Docuiment * ?e?lace ,as^hallt wltt1! c^crete to Increase accessibity of the Sfflpysfrom e.ErrtIyJ>laza Per *he.Archtect of Recordl (AOR); En^eer of Record (EOR). and Inspeofor of Record (OR). 9 ^^ru^ ,SS!}crete curb aroltod raised emry pllanier per AOR FOR, and JOR. f. Fymdlm amd! Devetopment Phase Fimcfeg is through Neasvre J Bond proceeds. RWGPL - Re^ Lme Pedestrian Corridor 11C.71l73.05.03, '31C.5173.05.03:' ~ CssstoscSn Phase. B. Aclm Ratify Change Orcfer No. 1 to Construction Contract No, 4500203296 with Angries^ Contractor, Inc. for additional general coretnxtosemcesfor thence Extenor Doors & Hardware project at Los Angeles-Harbor College at a cost of $4,4©0l lndus!¥e °!thls chanoe orcter.the ioi^ cost of this Conistryctbin Cor^ract Is $352,460. BackdirQynd I?^,a£eemi^? v!aS.?IJ?ho!?ed by the ?oard Qf Trysfe(es cm September 3, 20!4.£om; Na.Fpolwith ^tes^ContractDr, Inc. to prowfie general construction services far this prqect._This change order represente:1.3% of the oriiglnal coifttract va^ue of $348,000. TheWlowtnqi services have been completed and are reqo^ri to h» rallied: Due to ynfbreseen conditiQnis: ft I!?L?SSI!l%au?Dn?B? accessible efoor operators, were nol fyQdbomg property and needed to be replaced along wth transmitters: push to open dlecals, push pllates and arms. The discowed cortclllon o^tNs equipment was^xrt apparent during^the site survey fortte'design phase and therefore was not included in the scope of the contact. Rjmdm Rmefeg us thrQygh 20113 - 2014 Scheduled MaterTance Fyr^s. Non- Boodi project Page © of 26 » FadKes PEannlpg and Development » October 7,2015 FPD1I - Resource Document C. Action Ratify Change Onler No. 8 to toistructai Contract No. 32584-1 with Hartford Fire Insurance Compaoy^Kemp Brois. Constructton for acMmal general constmcfe services for fhe Nedta AHs Center project at Los Angeies Nlsston College ^dueling credits m the amount of ($11,400) and costs In the amount of $80,086 for a tola^ cost of $68,686. Enclusjve of this change order, the total cost of this Constmctlon Contract is $18361,143. BackgFQLind This agreement was autonzed by lh& Boardl of Trustees on Augyst 19, 2009 (Corn, No. FPD1)wth Hartfbrci Rre Insurance Compan^Kemp Bros. Construction to pro^de general co^structtoni servi^ces for this project. J . change order represerts 0,37% of the anglnat contract value of $18,397,000. The negotiated redyctm from contractor demand is $16J©6. The folEowlna services have been completeel and are reouestecl to be ratified: 1. Due to unforeseen! condlifkms: De-watermg and proledroni of the constryctton site upon the discovery o^ umantepated uindergrounel w^er » Relocated concrete rebar at service yard to avoid conU with e^stmgtrarisformet « Z Duetoadditbnatrequtemerte ft Weatherpfoof a parapet wall per fte ArcNtect of Record (AOR). e . Irtstalj a cable tra^ lni RoQnnE 117 to support added AudkWlsuat wiring per the ADR. Deletion of scope for line theatncal ngiglng system per the AOR. Fyndlm amd Devetopment PliiaEse Funding Is through Proposiitloo A and N!easu;re J Bond proceeds and State Funds. Nedia Arts Center 34N.5404.02. ConstuctEoo Phase. Page 7 of 26 » FacMItles Rannmg and De^elbpment » October 7,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document D. Action Ratify Change Order Nos. 1 ^ 2 to' Ccmstnrfoni Contract No. 45Q0206819 with Aoco Engmeered Systems lor aidefitlooa^ constmictlorE services for the Techntcat Education Emerge!niqf yianiagerTEent System Upgrade and Central Ptot Tie In project at Los Angeles Southwest CoVege at a cost not to exceed the amounts listed m te tabte be^o^: Change Cost Order No. Percentage of Qrjgmal Contract Cost 2 t%TO $51 Jl 32 4...©% aj% Inclusive of these change orders, the tola^ cost of this Constructton Contract is $664,652. Backctfcund This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on November 5 2014 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Aeco Bwpneered Systems to provide general construction services for this pFojeci The origmat contract value Is $586,651. The folEowlns services have beep comletedl arid are requested to be ratified: 1. Due to unforeseen condtms: » Chemical ffushmg and cteamg o^ extelmg piping was required as a result of extended stagrmt coiniclltlon due to nort-operatlon of system. 2. Due to additional reqytFememits: * Aefdltional cNIEed wa^er pilpiBg required to conoect to central plant loop as existing ptping was co^lgure^ to cormect lo chitler roof top unit per EOR. Funding Fundmg Is through Propositm 39 aod Sctiedu^ Narntenance Fynds. Non-Borrd project. Page 8 of 26 ft Faalitiies Ptamlng and Developnnenit » October 7,2015 f FPD1 - Resource Document E. Action Ratify Change Order N^Q. 11 to Conslryc^k>n CQr^raet No. 33832 witli Access^ Padfc, fro. for adUtilonali general construction services for'the Soumcay - Upgrade Secu^ project at LosAngetes Trade: Technical CoiileQe at a cost of $8,970. ^^^ ^ this change order, the 1 cost of thiis ConstruiCto Contact B $99,384. » Backgiround !!??<. c%eeme? w^?u! the ?oard of Truis^ees on August ©, 2014 jcQm- HQ-: ^Pp1!) with Access Paci^c, Ina to pro«e g^ierai construction servrces for this project TNs change order represeots^.92% of the original conlract vafu® of $90,414. The negofeted reduction from contractor demand is $17,414. The followmai services have been comleted and are reaaested to be ratified: Dye to unforeseen corrdims: . pro¥lde 3n ^ ;CTSS iirElercom sy^em compNlble w the exisfog campys votce^te sy^em per the new marrulactuirefs reqyljfeFTient. Fondlna and De¥etomeN R^as^ [F^A9 !s.thTJ19? pro????i?!LA.^5d proceeds. Souith Campus Upgrade Security Doors 07T67QH., 02..07. CQnstryctHm Phase. ¥- ^TIF¥^HANGE.O ERSJ?>R.CONST^CTEON! COOTRACT LESS raAN^c^mjssyEDyNOEH TNE STANDARD ^bEiJSSp-kySS \!CT rtfeTH6P 6F PROJE&f DEUVER^ A. Action Ratiify Change Orc^er No. 11 to: Conis^njictjoni Contract No. 450Q200694 with Chapman Coast Roof Co., inc. for addlilfonat tabor and materiaffor'ie Music BAfeg - Steep and L^ Slope Roof Repairs project m Pierce College at a cost: or $8.868. Indush/e of this amendment, the Wall cost: of this Constructton Contact is $97,445. I Page 9 eyf 26 » Facllliitles Planning and De^lopmemt « 0 er7.2015 FPD1 - Resource Document Backgroynd Th® agreement was authorized by fhe Board of Jmstees on June 1 2micom;.NO:.FPD1),w ! ctePma" Coast Roo.'co^te'top^e ?^iSCLrTSt?!1?! for.a<Mbnafl r^Lr?E?ir servlces fortNsprojeciThe 111 cuTEatNe change order amouint iiS $8,888. Tte Mowing services have been compteted and are reou^ri tr, hp ratified: Due to unforeseen condrtions: » yPorlrem(^1 ^^e exi^mg roof ont the Nusrc Buidlng, significant ctamagetojteexstmgsubstrafe matemtws discovered SiaAreqiurect repiacement_prior to (he hstatetion o? ihe new root "Repaire'were made and the project piroceedledFyncfoo and Development Phase Fyndlng is throygh Schedyledi Malnter^nce fuinds. Non-BQnd project. B. Action Ratify Change Order No. 5 to Conslrudm Comract No. 450Q2 N56Q with Hfte*EtevatDrsere!c^teforan a««^ non-co.pensabteda.s ! ^l!S^!T^S?l!?LS?r!?e^il?n °^WQrk to P^^^ servtcesfertheRepar Campus Center Freight Elevator project: at Los Angefes Vaftey Coftegeat FIQ COSt, !rM:!yshfe.of thls amen£ji^enit, the tcylall cost olf this Ccmstucfem Contract ^ $193 93,177. Backaroimd I]SaSr^T^W^?MXL?d, ^the ?oard Qf Truislees on Seplember 3, 2014JConi_No^FPD1) with Uffech Etevator Services; tnc;to~p(mjde ma!^ns .seraces for thts Wec<- Te cu.ufat.e change order amovnt Is $32,1105. t TheWowinig services have been compieted and are requested to be ratlfred: P^ge1iQo^26»FaciiesPteninmgiandlDe^eHopnnert1 » C ber7,2Q15 FPD1 - Resource Document Due to additional reqytremenls: a. Provide a 7May mm-compensaNe time exteosbn to accommocjate delays^ tteStatejnspecfm of code compimt work requested'bythe nspectorofRecordL The addfenal work was previoysly apprc^^lby ^ Board of Trustees (Corn. No. FPD1) on yay 13, 2015 as CNmge Order Nos. 1 through 4. Funding Fimdmg is through 1100% llccaty fynde^ Etef&rred Naiotermce Funds. Non-Bond project. vlu AUT°?!ZE ACCEnfANICE OF CO^PLmiON OF CONISTRVCT^ON CQNTRAC A. Action Authorlze_Acceplance of CompWon of CQritract No. 450020^98 with Angeles Contractor. Inc. to provide generai construction services for'the Replace Exterior Doors _and Hardware project at Los Angetes Hartior College with a substantial compilelloni da^eofjluty 24, 2015. Background I?^(^nrac!!.w£!SJS'u?onzed ^the Boarcl af Trl^^ees on September 3, 2014 (Corn. No. FPD1). The total cost of this; amtract is $352,460 Funding and Development Phase Funding is through 201i3-2014 ScheAled Namtenance Funds. Non-BQnd project. B. Action: Authorize Acceptance of Completiiom of Contact Nlo. 450Q20Q747 wilh Chapman Coast Roof CQ.. Inc. to provide genera! consfructtonsemcesfor the Fine Arts _ Roof Repaffs prqect at: Pierce College with a substantia completion date of April 27,. 2Q15. Page 11 of 26 » FaclEltjes Planning an^ Development * October?, 2Q15 FPD1 - Resource Document Backcrovnd jy contract was aulhorizedl ^ the Board o^ Trustees on June 11, 20114 (Com.NiQ.FPD1). The total cost of this CQrriraet is $142,562. Fundrna and DevelloDmenit Rliase ^?Sj^?^^S!l^?eSUI!^ M!a!lnlerEance ^ncls. Fme Arts Byiildlng Roof Repah-s 400£XiOS5. Comsfructfoni PhaseC. Aetiion Authorize Acceptance of Co^pteto of Comract No. 45Q02Q06Q4 with Chapman Coast Roof Co.. tnc. to proMide senerat constructmsemcesfor the Music Bvifdin^ Sfeep and_Low Sfope Roof Repairs project al'Rerce College with a sybslanM connpteto elate ofAprlt 27, 2015. Backarovnd This contract was autorizeel E^ the Board of Trustees on June 11, 2Q14 (Com.NlGxFPDH). 1 The totel cost of this contasfr Is $97,445. Fuindlna and DevelomeN Pfia;se to*0^ through ScheMed tertlfenance Fancfs. [^tuslc B^^lng Steep and Low Stope Roof Repairs. Work Order No: 40000W2. Construictlon Phase. D. Action Authorize Acceptance of Compllelilon of Contract No. 4500204560 wiith Liftech Elevator Ser^ces,, !lnc. ID pro^j^le general constructmservices for tte^Repw Campus Center Freight Eievatexprqjedat Los AngetesValllsy Colege with a sybstofel a>mplelto date of'Jyfy 17,2015. Backaround " lsco!^mct wsautoitzed b^ the Board of Trustees on September 3, 2014 (Com.Nlo.FPD1). The total cost of thte cortoct is $193J77. t Page 12 of 26 » Facilities Planrang and Developnne^t: e October 7,2015 .1**1 FPD1 - Resource Document FvrMfoa and Developmem Phase FuFXfeg Is through Deferred MaiNermce Mrn^. Repair Campuis Ceater Ffeyit ElevaUx. Work O^er No. 4(MXX)1(3^. Ctoseout Phase. E Action »- Aythoree Acceptance of Comptetiion' of CoE^traict N10. 33899 with CABD C^nstruictlon, Ina to provfde general^ co^sfrycfon services for the Campus improvements - Street lmpmemerrt& - U^er Fiire; Servte Road projecl al West Los Angeles College with a sitbstanW co^plieto date o? Aygys^ 25.2015. ». Baclcaroynd This cor^rad was authorizect by the Board o^ Trustees QP July 8, 2015 (Corn. No. FPD1). The total cost of this contract Is $118,500. ? PyriiCfeg and DeveEopment Phase FUiring is through Measure J Bor^d proceeds. Campas Imprc^ememts - Street ImprovemeNs " Lower Fire Ser^ce Road 39W.5979.03.30. Construiclto Phase. ¥K * AUTHORIZE ANENDNENT TO UEASE AGREEMENT AA>n Autonze the Mowing actions for AFnendnnent No. 31© lease Agreement No. 33344 w MlcGrath Rent: Corp. d/Na Mbbiile Mbdular to. aKlemct the term. 112 months for 17 modular ynlts fbf the SMert teafmng Err^ronments (SLE) North of NaN and South of Nail projects al; Pierce College tQm Auigysli: 15, 2015 to August 14, 2016 at a cost of $2^9,288« plus ai^y appjcaNe tax: 1, Ra^fy Amendment No, 3 to Lease Agreement No. 33344 lo exteBd the term torn Ayguist 15, 2Q15 to October 7, 2015 al a cost not to exceed $36J01; and 2. Auteriize Amendment Mo. 3 to lease A£j;reemert No. 33344 to extend! the term from OctobeF 8, 2015 to August 14,, 201B at a cos^: mc^ to exceed $212,587 P^ge 13 of 26 » Facilities Planrang and OevelQpment » CX^ober?, 2015 Wv FPD1 ~ Resoirrce Document I1$itrolf this amendme"t'the totaf amount of this iease agreement is $1 T t BackQroynd TO^yeemert^ authorized by the Board of Trustees on June 15. 201 S.^ TO1^.exten" "s lease agr^^'is1^^ to S^J^S!!L?f.J?BJe?se -8rTd. cor!tmye J^uise '^"theselefripwaFy i011 ciassfDommocMar yntts durtrl^ c^^^^ctto of the N^xth 5' NaianicTsouthar Nallt pro|ects. Fyrrdiina and Devetoment Phase ^SSS S.S^^l^^^ 5°nd proceeds, tie Sciemce, Chem^ry, P^M*835PT3^se " ^n^ons---Co^te; Sa»S aod^Compyter learning 35P.5507H3; Phase 11 Re^iQ^feS"'ieiia\m5 Science Social Science MathemNJics and Engish ?yikfogs 35P. 5510,03: ^^tessr^Mode^tWTec^lwTo.Wage 35P.5535.03.Q3. Construction Phase. VML AUTHORIZE AJffiNDWOTS TO DESIGNI-BOILD AGRPFIjENTS A, Actm ^^^l^t fc?!?T9 ^ys ^ Amendment NQ. 9 to Desjgn-Bi^d ^Se!??l^'J?l^^Edgtcc?nstt^T ^Cfer adAmai1)e5g^ Md services for the Campus SMent Center and project at East Los Angeles College at a cost not: to exceed $30;730rehSve of etiigiNe relmbursable expenses. 1 -RasfyAmendment No-9 to Agireemert Nto. 33116 to pmide addfeat Oeslgn-Byild services at a cost of $25,7^0; and 1: z ^5S ^!????e?! _Nla 9 tQAOreenn ^ No. 331i16 tQ provide addltoal -I Design-Budd serviices at a co^of$5,QiQO. Creeffls Oriiginal Agreement Costs »htn Amendment Nos. 1 - 8 Proposed Amendment No.9 otal *m** $28,293,8Q@ $1^B2J38 $3QJ3© $30,007,274 telysive^ > amendment, the to^al cosl: of this Des^io-ByliEi! agreement Is $30,007,274. P3geH4of26ftF:aeHiliesRannrngandDevelopmerTt « October 7, 2015 t' FPD1 ~ Resource Document Background S?eJ??sl9n^ikl sy?erTI°t??lect cle!iiveify w£^s adopted by the Board of TSees.oR.December3^03Jcom. No- BSD5) as a ^ecU^ ^Pfo^avateUie_Dtetrict-wtde_JWs project was approved' for deHveiy'by Des^BUMWnbyffie Board of T^ees on -June 24; .2Q09 (Co^ No^FPDI). ThisDesign-Buiild agreement with Edge Construction U-Cws autenzed by me Board of Trustees on Oetober-6, 2010-(Com- Na FPD1) The following Desiqn-BuiU services have been compteted and are requested to be ratified: Due to additional requiremenls: * ^L5u?c![i?Lar?d tlntermeciiate terizontal mulllons at all full height aluminum-framed interior glass waills on the second and third floor^of the buiMing to meet the new program requirement for enhancedlaH prevention. T^ ^iowlna additional Destart-Buid services are proposed and are regyested to be authorized: Due to addittonat reqiromenls: fr ^S^t?Ie-!E^I!!3fvts^1.rack ss?1!?n lrl the ADA-accessibJe faculty tectems to accommodate accessMy reqylrements. Amendment No. 9 to Agreement No. 33116 includes Change Order No. 10. Fyndm and Development Phase Fundingjs through Measure J_Bond proceeds. Campus Student Center and Bookstore 32E.5231Q2. CQQSlrucfai Phase. B. Action ^??[??J^ ^KS?9 ,?ct!?ns for Ameodmerlt No. 10 to Design-Bultd Agreement No. 33064 with Bernards Bros, Inc. for addittonat Design-Buiid sereKes.for.ttestudent.uroon. Aslron0^ "^ructure. Landscaping and Security JSAILS) project at ^Angries Harbor College at' a cost n5 to- exceed $627.536 indusiw of eligible rembursabte expenses; Page 15 o^2©» Facilities Ptomng and Development « C her7,2015 .'t FPD1 " Resource Document 1' ??!^L^rS!1?!ie!? ^ 10 to AOree!rner^_No. 33064 to proviidle additional Design-BuN services at a cost of $543.454; and, z ^1^!?,: ^-m^?8?! Na.10 to AOreerneirTt No. 330^4 fo pro^ldle additional Design-Bulld services at a cost Qf $84,082. Credits Costs $(39,805,468) $41,036,437 OrlglnaE Agreement Approved Amendment Nos.1-9 Proposed Amendment $65,J 98,000 W¥ **» No. 10 otaf $6^7.5^ $69302,853 Inclusive of this ameFTdmenl, the t£Xal cost of this DeslgQ-Byllcil aar^meN s $69,302,853. BacRcrouncj TheDeslgn-Bulld system of project delivery was adopted b^ the Board of TI^On.Deuimter3.2003Jcm No- BS^) as a p^cf^^^syste^t.e Board a, Trustees on May 12. 2010(C<»:N. option available District-wide. TWs prqect was approved' for cteliivery^y FPD1)^ This Deslgn-Byild apreemert with Bernards Bros, ineTwas auttwrized^heBoard of Jfustees °" A"g^ 11. 2010-(Corn. ^ FPD1) for the SAILS project at a cost not to exceed $65J 98,000. Subseqyently, the Board! of Trustees approved Amendment Nos. 1 through 9 to expand the scope of work to include nwe'Wrastrudure utBtethanoriginaUy teliude more landscape ilmp^ma* than originally planned, to address unforeseen condttion,s 'discowred dur.n^, to defete scope ^ he prqect-^ed <o tte deferraljrf the Speciali Programs andSemces (SPSyHedlftbuiMing ^.S^^ l^my!ssecw y "frastructure.and fo'adAesscofey directed cftawo the locatos a.d sizes of tteSMenf: U^bu^ The total value of these romphried amendments was $41.03^437 wNch included^ credit of ($39,805,468), thereby increasing (he cumulatiw value of the Design-Bylld Agreement to $68,675,317. nctuslve_ of the proposed Amemlment No. 1Q, the tolal co^ of Ihils Deslgn-Balld Agreement Is mcreased to $69,302,853, Page 16 of 26 » Facilities Planning and De^elopmeot » October 7,20115 FPD1 - Resource Document T^ followT ^^-Bviildl services have been completed amd are requested to be rated:: 1. Due to requests by the colltege: * ^^ced the {ro0^ a!nld r(x^ top ^ handling units at the Nursing Butldmg. * Sc^l??:Lj3L..teny?raIry- accesslbEe pedestrian path needed cturmg demolim actNiies a mjwvedl the mam ^^uirall gas connection for the campus to eosyre safety dyrlr^ uipcomlmg dlem©liiilioB and constryctlon worR. . Relocated ^und'erground utifities to accommodate the changecf locations of the Student Union site. . ^2!!??^!^?r?I^?CAVer^t{1? construct10^ Protect; Nanage^iertt Offices during a campus-wide efectrical shut down. 2. Due to unforeseen condfer^s: » Abated discovered po^enliaty hazardous materlais at the bungalows phior to their demoNlQH. » Reconfigured discovered utities at the Nursing Building not shown on the as-buii pians. . nstalled an acWmall bacMlew preventer to accommQdate reEocatedi yljilities » InstaEled a groyndl wre asaodated with the relocation of the eiecfrical s^Mi. ThefoiiowioQ 3iCUii c^ Desta-BuiiiliGl services are proDosed and are reQuested to be aythoirizedl: Due to additionsli reqyremenis: e ncreased costs to sie ImgNlnig to meet changed requirements of the BulEcting CO^B. Ame"dme"tJNO;1iotoASreeme"tNio-33064 fncludes Change Order Nos. 17,18,19,20, 21, 22, andl 23.. » Funding and De^elomemt Ptias® Funding Is froc^ PTQpc^feni AZAA^ anc^ Measure J Bond proceed®. SAILS - StvcM Urtiorr 33H.5350.Q2.01, SAILS (W nfmstruetyre 33H.5350J02.03, S^LS - Nuirsrig Building HVAC 33H.535aQ25)B[ Design & Construction Phases. P8ge17Qf26»FacNltiesPtenmgandDe^©bpn^ot » October 7, 2015 FPD1 - Resource Document C. Action Authorize Amendmert No. 19 to Agreement No. 328811 with Harper ConstFuctkm Cojmpan^ Inc. tor adctttlonai Design-Buitd services tor the School of Career ^ Technical Edycationi (SoCTE) project at Los Anigelies Southwest Cctege a^ a cost m^. to exceed $287,500. 1. Ratify AmendmeN No., H 9 to AQreement No. 32881 to prokfe addltlonat Design-Buidl services af a cost of $27,500; and Authorize AmendmerTt No 19 to Agreemer^ No. 32881 to provide ac ona^ DeelgnBuild semces at a cost of $2gQ,CNXl Crecte Original AQreenne^ Cos^s <h»*. Ame^dmenit Nos. 1 " 18 $(15,446,619) Proposed Amendment ~f- u* No. 19 Total i $45,Q7@,,487 $8,997,033 $287,500 $38,914.401 nclusive of this amendnnent. the tota^ cost of this Design-Bultd agreememt is $38,928,801. Background The Design-Bylld system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project deivery option available Diistnct-wcle. This project was approved for cEetNery by De^go-Bulld system b^ the BoaFd of Trustees on December 3, 20QB (Corn. No. FPD1). This Des^-Bylld agreement with Harper ComiSfwtm Co. was authorized fa^ the Board o^ Tmistees on April 14, 201Q (Corn. No. FPD1). Subsequently, the Board! of Trustees approved Amendments 1 throygb 18 to this Design-Byiilldl Agreemer^ to modtty the scope of work to: Md campus wicte water uiflliity Hinges: p'rQvlete additional soil excavatlcm and compacticn; coostuct the East Pump Hoitse anct upgrade tte water Ite far frefrghfeg use; reroyfe uindergrQynd piping and fire atarm corxlyii; removed the School of Ajrts and Human^es project; deleted Photovotec panels; upgrade the exlsliing central piant; and completed t^e Installa&n of the campus high voyage loop to mclyde the completed Cox aoct SoCTE bultdmgs. The tD^all addedi cost as&Qdated with these amendments was an overaM credit: to the project m the amount of -$6,449,586 wMc^ deareasedl the cumylative vallue o^ Ihe Deslgn-Builtd Aoreement to a tolN vallue o^ $38,626,901. Page 18 of 26 » FadHtiesPllanniing and Development * October 7,2015 FPD1I - Resource Document Thefo^wT aMionajDesram-Buid services ha\ been completed and are requested to bejatjf|ed: Due to unfereseen conditions: . Provide tabor, Fnaterial and equiipment necessary to demolish and ^(?SJt^o?cir?e.s!3b,. j!sawred c^lTQ trenching operations and not shown on as-byllt drwlng^. Jhe.foswmq addnionaf Desiqn-BuM services are proDosed and ^ requested to be authoriizeet: Due to unforeseen conditions: » ^ST? S^S?1^?!?0? f?r t!1? c^ectrQo of the Cox Buildtng and fheSoCTE Building to the Hi:gh VoBage Looptorovyinciucte tte_replacement of a limited "section "of existing'etecincai transmission lines discorored to be. in deteriorated condition'and not previously identifiied. The deteriorated transmisston lines were discovered during a scheduled electrical shut'down'to connect the new transmission lines to the existing tines/" The deteriorated condition was not previously identified. » E?£??S^?^??0[^°? to l!ndul te ft6 c^^P^etiort of a parttalty completed concrete btockwaBl tDjmemt ffooding to the'eEecfrieal swltehgear that Is part of the SoCTE pro|ect Amendment No. 19 to Agreement No. 32881 inctudes Change Order Nos. 27 and 28. Funding and DeveioDmerTt Phase Funding js J^rouQh yeasare J BmS proceeds. School of Career & ZechnicaLBlucationJ6s-5631.02.. _S- Water-lmplementation: ^til^S?^9^?ol^l?-.Pe?arm!?nt of TraosPor1^ion (CarFrans)Wail 40J.5609.Q5.Q2. CoristmdtonPhase, IX. RATIFY AMENDMENTS TO DESEGN-BOILD A<SREE^ENTS A. Action Ratify Amendment No. 5 to Design-BuM Agreement No. 33388 with Charles Pankow Bulklers, Ltd!, for addlftoal Desrgn-Buiid services for the Multipurpose CommunBy Services Cenler projeci'at Los Angeles VaBey Page 119 of 26 »FadMies Planning and DevelQpnnenf » OctQber7, 2015 FPD1 ~ Resource Document College at a cost not to exceed |411 ,343 Inclusive of eligible reimbursabte expenses. Creeps Costs $(22,101) $17,600,000 $2,678,574 $411,343 OrVnalAgreemenit Amerxjmenit Nos. 11 - 4 Proposed Amendment NQ.5 otat w- fh $20,667,816 M^weoftNs amendment, the fotal cost of this Deslgn-Build agreement its $20,667,816, Backcrouod The Deslgn-Buiy syslenn of project delivery was aetopted by the Board of Trustees cn^ December 3 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery °Pt!on ^a?able Dl^ct-wide. Jhiis pR)ject was approved for delivery by Design-Buildsy^emby the Board off Trustees dn Ncyvember 3, 201 Q (Corn. No. FPD1). This Desigm-Bulld agreement with Charles Pankow Bi^lders^ W wasauilhorized by the Board of Trustees on September 7, 2011 (Com.No.FPD1). The following Dewo-Byiild services have been completed and are recmested to be ratified: 1. Due to requests by the college: ft ^s d^icafed ctajiit and electrical outlets at ligN pole bases in plaza and bulllcirr^ extehicr A Change site slgnag^ to match new campus standards Issued after execyfloo of the Deslgn-Buiild corrtract. . Install a temporary storm drain and modify underground utilities, terdscapeand landscape due to resequendng of the Athletic Traimg Facility project 2. Due to unforeseen comcilltms: »- Replace existing domestic water pipe within project site discovered to be ruistedL * ????a!eJber5!,Ptic ^n<? COPPer llrles^ mo^ity exts^lng swltchgear, and provide add'itional design services discovered tomterferewith the addition of a utility enclosure requested by the college. « Reroute new utility trenching to avoid dlscQvered undergrounel utllHfles not shown on as-buiK drawirrgs. Page 20 of 26 » Facilities Plarmlog and! Developmert » October 7, 2015 FPD1 - Resource Document 3. Due to additma! reqyiremenls: » IVIodtfy vlsfer concessbrr stand doors to comply with AOA requirements as spedied by the Dwlslon of the State Architect fielld Inspector. » Add Q^i^w fire^gNing water foe back ^m preventer requreef by the Los AngNes Departmert of Water and Pcwer, Amendmemt No. 5 to Agreemerrt No. 33388 tnctudes Change Or^er Nos. 5. 6, and 7. Fyndro and DevellQ&meN Phase ^^!!!1 S-!!S?USilJ^SSUSJBOrrcl plroce^s- Numpurpose Commiynly Services Center 3W.5B39.Gt2. Design and Constr^ctioQ Phases .fc B. Action Ratify Amendimert No. 2 to Deslgn-Bylld Agreement No. 33436 w Charles Pankow Builders, Ud. for addHional Design-Build servtesfbr'tfte Co^nWcfo^Devetop^ Center project at LosAngetesValtey College at a cost not to exceed $418,7&4 inclusive of efigibfe reimbitfsabte expenses. Credits Original AQreemert Costs AmefKfeTtenf No. 1 $35J19JIH2 $900,000 Proposed! Amendmert $418J©4 No. 2 ota $37,Q37.87© ^elusive oftNs amendlmen^ lh& tQlal cost of this Deslgn-Byi^ agreemem Is $37,037,876. Background Jhe Design-BuiM system of prqect deHwery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on Deceoiber 3, 2003 (Cc^n. No. as a project delivery opfenavateNe Diis^ricl-wi^e. JNs piroject was approved for ddiivery by Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees on November 3/2010 (Corn. No. FPD2). This Design-BuiM agreement with Ctwtes Pantow I Buildere, Ltd was_au oriz8d by the Board of Trustees on, December^ 2011 (Com.Nio.FPD1). Page 21 of 26 « Facilities Pilamng andl De^eiiopmeQt ft October^ 2015 FPD1 - Resource Document ]]^ MQWmQI De^an-ByiEcf services ha^e beerr comiDlletedl and are regyested to be ratrfled: 11. Due to requests by the college: ».' 5S??f!?f !IT cable racks artd e£iyi!Pmen1 cabmefs ait the Omega Data Center. 2. Doe to unlbreseen conditions: ft ?srn0^ ar!?1 re^llace cellin9 wiring discovered to reqiulra selsmiic supports not shown on as-buU drawings to be ^code co»pltet * Pemove discowecl hazardous flooring materiiaii nol shewn on as f* byllt drawings. 3. Due to aeUlQoat requirements: ft pfotainpMsion^af State Arctiitect (DSA) appmal for moeliicatms toasting ^cilities for swing space rotorigtaHfy anticipafedto require DSA approval. ft Construct ADA-compliant pathway betoeen the project and an adj aeent project per reciulremer^s miade by DSA fielldl impeclor. * £?!??? .a Edltlorlal ET aod tetecoTWEcato caspadty per tetephQne company requirements. AT?d??nt Na 2 to ACEreer^ent No. 33436 mcluictes Chanige Order N0$. 2, 3 and 4., Fundm and Development Phase S!!!S5J^Jhr?:f??L^?^ufe^.Borxl Pro eeds: CommiuN^ WWorce Devetopment^Center /New Administration 38V.5836;02:"Desmand Constryctjoni Phases. X. RATIFY AMENIDNENT OF LEASE LEASE-B^CK A<5REEKIEN1T Action Ratify ^mmdment No. 1 to Lease Lease-Bsck AgreemeN No. 33833 wiifh Cl!ark Constuctm ©Foup- California LP for acidjtjonailconstrvcftoservtes foLtewefcTSMyPro'ect at Los A"S^ Va^^^-aTa cost not: to exceed $203.200 inctusive of etjgtblie reiimtesabte wpws^. lodluwe of this ^amendment, the total cost of ife Lease Lease-Back agreement: is $26,315,000, Page 22 of 26 »Fac»ies Planning and DeveEopment » 0 lote7,,2OT5 FPD1 - Resource Document Backarouind TNs Lease Lease-Back agreement with ClarR Construc^iicxi ©TOP - Caiforola LP ^as ai^hoozed by the Board of Trustees on Avgyst 7, ^)14 (Conn. No. FPD^) I" The fQiamm constyctlon services have been coroliefed and! are regyes^ed to be rafcd: Due to ynforeseen concjltlQns: *l » Used am alemafNe excavation method to constryct ttie Field! Houise after the Wi^Min^s foatiinQs were ei^covere^ lo InteFfere w the f©yn^ai£Mii of the CcMTcessions Mldmg niOl shown on as-byilt ctrmmgB. * Re-mited new storm dram and uWes dtscosvered to interfere with existing shalow yndergroynd storm draifE not shown on as-built drawings. Removed trees determined to be diseased, dead, or located wrthin the fbc^tprmt of cQnstructlon work and replace. Remove concrete planters, cyrfos, and paving. The number of new trees planted' to replace those removed exceeded the- one-to-one requirement atect in Section tV D, Tree Replacement Policy In the Los Angeles Vatley College Urban R)resl Master Ran da^ Au^st 18,2011. » Abaleet discovered urrcierground transite plpiing nof; showti oa as-byllt drawmgs « * . Removed! asphalt rvbble cllscoverecl wl iin exlstmg dirt sloekplle on s e ohiglmallliy to be ysed . Amendmemt No. 1 ID AgreemeN No. 33846 includes Change Ordler No. 1. Fimdlna and Development Phase Fundiing Is throygh yieasuire J Bond proceeds. Athletic Traimg Faall Project 3W.5B37.0^ Constryctkm Phase. Xl AUTOOTOE PURCHASE ORDERS A. ActlQR Pyrsuant to PuiblHc Contract Code 20653 and 1Q290(J), a) fj^dl lit: is m the best Irteest of the District to procyre under the autortty of the- Gtemdate Uniiifedl Schiool Di^rict (GUSDyAVC Office Automation Contract No. P-12 13-14, an^ b) au^hoflze the purchase of four (4) photeoplers aodl accessory eqylpmant for the Monarch Center (StyideN Unm) projecl af Page 23 of 26 ® FadBjies Plammlog and Development ® October 7,2015 y FPD1 - Resource DoaiirTEent LosAngetes Vaitey CoUege at a cost: of $34,986. Hc appiicabte. aft sates lax shall; be pakl » BackarQyRcl ^f^J!^tiTrt2?d^?.,ult)l!2e ?he abo^e,cor11^ throygh GUSD alonig w JTices for pub!iciyfunded a9- Del^ry»d^p^ incliy^ect Fumdma and Development Phase !:iSS%.^t^HLMSasli^ J.BOr!?. Pro ee^s- iMlonart Center (Stodent U^ii ) 38V.584ZQ2. CoostryctaiJPhase, B. Action ?u!?f?t!D.PI^!c 9cmtra t cocje 2(^53a^ w29Q(i), a) fM iit is m the be^J^eir^ of ^e Dl^rK;t^P^rocu^^cler the aiMtioriity of tie Gien4a£ Unified Schoof District (GUSDyAVC Office Artm,afiion Cordraci: N&'M2 13-14, and b) authorize the purchase of ooe (1) pMocopjer and for the Atbtetic _Trainiing Faciiity project at Los Angelas Vattey Coltege at a cost of $4,161. If applicabte;atf sales tax sh5l be paid. BackairQu^d !^<:^j!L!?!?tSf??ct.^Lun!zeJh? abovecontIM throirgh GOSD atag ^.seMGes fw"funded ^- De^»d-s^p-^ mcluded Fyodma aod Development Phase 5mSgJS roughMeasure.JBO"d Proceeds- A"* Trairtn.g Facity 38V.,5837.(]©. CQostuction Phase. XII RATIFY CORRECTJON OF ERRORS A. Action FWy the Mowing conrectlon to an error shewn on item vil m C^m., No. FPD1 on Auigyst; 5, 2015: Atltef!lze paynr^m from Bond pi^cee^ to the Ciity o^ Los Angd^es to K?!!!lJIS:.^S!USd.ul?eJ)f.!?/e,tenPisJ;otJrts at the ^^tos Angles Riverside Tennis FacUy for (be Temporary FacSSes project Page 24 of 26 » Padilliies Ptaninlng and Developmerrt » October?, 20115 FPD1 - Resource Document at ^o? Anl^es City Cole^ from AuQUist 8, 2015 IhrouigfT December 31, 2015 m the amoant of few 13,900. Bacteoimd I!? 5S!? acfe^au!thorTqti'^ contra^: iindii^eei a typographtall error In the etoilar amount This action corrects the error. TOere'are no "other changes. Fumidm and De¥elioment Rhase 5SS? J^?E?!JS?J^ea!?yre J Bond procee^. Temporary Fadfflies 3^'Q WlsNre 310.514^.03. CQnstructlon Phase, B. Ad loo F^yyefoleymg ccmcfcii to arr error shown on Corn. Na FPD3 on AprB15;M15 regarding a Lease Lease-Back Agreement: with'Dietodld for the MUti-Campus Technology and Secure Upgrade Project' sWuafed on messes of Los Angeles Rerca Colllegeand Wes<:Ios-Wes College * "The notto exieed cost of the Cons^uctjion Services A©reement for Site A (Pierce Coftege) is $3,500.000 MSOC.OttB and^tte"n»tto exeeedrosf tf the Construction SeracesAQreement for Site B 'West Los Angeles CoHlege) is $4,500,000 $3,500, li * Backaroumel The Board acto aulhohiziing these contracts iWydedl am error wNch ^cttytransposed e dofter amourt to be approved for .ea^ location of the project. This action corrects the error" There are'no oUw changes Fyndm and DevelQpment; Phase ^?2 ^?!??^g!?^'??s?e.J Bf?? .E?^ed^ ^Arma^te Teeh^ollo^iy Security Dwices, and Harcfware 40J-J05.33. Constryctm asfc Page 25 of 26 » FadHilies Rannmg and De^elopmert < OdQbe;r7, 2015 T FPD1 - Resource Document XEEL AUTNOR^ZE EXTENSION OF TINE FOR DAItV JOyRNXlL AE^jm-ESING Action ^t???^J!!Te..???erl?orl of.timefor sdvertislngi m pubiilcatlons of the Dalfiy Joumaf Corporation from November 1. 2015 through December 31:2Q15~at t rx> aWional cost. There is an unused balance of $454 J21 remaming. Backeroynd 2^?5?r!? ?J?<?ifT(!J°Jnf?rm ?e P{J^ ?boljlt cart3m upcomimg pubic ??a![llf?s as w?!l as opportunnties for bWlng/proposals for the pFO^sbniai products, se^ees. and/or construction prqects througb the pbce^t of advertisements in newspapers of genera! drcvtation. Further, to ensure Wonnatun is widely available, the District encourages the advertising effort to include tte_use of outreach newspapers that are'in foreigm fanguas^and commimlty-focused On Jufy 24, 2002 (Corn. No. BSD4), the Board of Trustees established an ??^? flSci^?tfollR!?.BO!KI proceeds fbr the ^ymerrt of the advertising semces. Subsequent Board actions have extended ihe toe period to accesl the budget alliocafed. Development Phase Funding Is through Proposmons A^AA and Neasure J proceeds and other sources as applicable. District-wide Advertising 40J:&J55:05. ~Ai Phases. Page 26 of 26 » Fadltes Planning ar^d Development » October?, 20115 ti