'* 'a vs SB r a << *A ft Los Angeles Community College District AGENDA 770 Witehirc Bh/d., Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 891-2000 ORDER OF BUSINESS - REGULAR MEETING Wednesday/ November 4, 2015 Ciosed Session 4:00 p.m. s Public Session 6:00 D,_m, Second Closed Session (Immediately Following PublKLSession_if Necessary) I* East Los Angeles College Public Session: Performing & Fine Arts Complex S2 - Recital Hall 1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez Monterey Park, CA 91754 I, Roil Call (4:00 p.m.) Location: Vincent Price Art Museum Sl-201/ 2nandFloor * p II. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees Regarding Closed Session Agenda Matters * III. Recess to Closed Session in accordance with The Ralph M. Brown Act/ Government Code sections 54950 et seq./ and the Education Code to discuss the matters.on the posted Closed Session agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954.S (Refer to Attachment 'W/ for Closed Session agenda). Location: Vincent Price Art Museum - Sl-201/ 2nd Floor IV. Reconvene Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) Performing & Fine Arts Complex S2 " Recital Hall V. Roll Call VI. Flag Salute * VII. Oath of Office for Student Trustee1 . Milo H. Anderson VIII. Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session - November 4, 2015 IX. Welcoming Remarks by President Marvin Martinez/ East Los Angeles College ORDER OF BUSINESS November 4,2015 Page 2 X. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting and Closed Session: October 7/2015 XI. Reports from Representatives of Employee Organizations at the Resource Table XII. Announcements from the CoNege Presidents XIII. Public Agenda Requests A. Oral Presentations B. Proposed Actions XIV. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Multiple Agenda Matters XV. Reports and Recommendations from the Board . Reports of Standing and Special Committees » 4t Proposed Actions BT1. Resolution - District Classified Employees Retirement BT2. BT3. Board Travel Authorizations Resolution - Approve Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016 BT4. Resolution - Veterans Day & National Veterans Awareness Week BT5. Resolution - In Appreciation of Interim Student Trustee Gerson A. Liahut-Sanchez BT6. Resolution - Reappointment of Personnel Commissioner ^-V^V^-f L'Minnn.w-. XVI. Reports from the Chancellor and College Presidents . Report from the Chancellor regarding activities or pending issues in the District XVII. Consent Calendar Matters Requiring a Majority Vote BF1. BF2. Ratify Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers Approve the 2015-16 Spending Plan of One Time State Mandated Claim Reimbursement BSD1. BSD2, Ratify Business Services Actions Approve Business Services Actions FPD1. Approve FacNities Ptanning and Development Report FPD2. Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Implementation of the Deslgn-Build System of Project Delivery for the Centra Plant Phase II Expansion and Chilled Water Storage Project at Los Angeles City College; Ratifying the Request for Qualifications and Proposal Process; and Authorizing the Award of a Design-Build Agreement ORDER OF BUSINESS November 4, 2015 Page 3 FPD3. Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Implementation of the Design-Buiid System of Project Delivery for the Grand Avenue Enhancement Phase I and Biue Line Station Extension Project at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College; Ratifying the Request for Qualifications and Proposal Process; Authorizing the Award of a Design-Build Agreement; and Determining that ail of the Foregoing Actions are Exempt from Further Analysis under the California Environmental Quality Act FPD4. Adopt a Resolution Ratifying the Request for Qualifications and Proposal Process; Authorizing Award of a Profes^Tonat Service Contract for Energy Policy Act of 2005 MonetizatiQiLS£lM££^_Ois£u£tmd£,.and nplPQatiag Authority to Chancellor and/or Chief Facilities Executive to Execute and Administer the Professional Service Contract HRD1. Personnel Services Routine Actions HRD2. Approve Disciplinary Action Regarding Classified Employees HRD3. Approval of Agreement Between the Los Angeles Community College District and the AFT College Staff Guiid/ Local 1521A ISD1. ISD2. ISD3. ISD4. Approve New Educational Courses and Programs Approve New Community Services Offerings Ratify Out-of-State Student Travel Approve Student Discipline " Expulsion without Reconsideration PC1. e Personnel Commission Actions Correspondence XVIII. Recommendations from the Chancelior General Matters » Hearing to Adopt the 2015-16 Spending Plan of the Education Protection Act (EPA) of 2012 BF3. Adopt the 2015-16 Spending Plan of the Education Protection Act (EPA) of 2012 CH1. Approve Los Angeles Trade-Technical College's Strategic CH2. Educational Master Plan, 2014-2017 Authorize Amendment to Agreement with Ciber Inc. Matters Requiring a Super Majority Vote - None ORDER OF BUSINESS November 4, 2015 Page 4 XIX. Recess to Committee of the Whole A. Roll Ca B. Public Speakers C. Presentatjon/lnitiative Reviews « Board of Trustees Elections Alignment with the City of Los Angeles Elections D. Other Business E. Adjournment of the Committee of the Whole XX. Reconvene Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees XXI. Roll Ca XXII. Notice Reports and Informatives ISD/A. Amend Board Rule Chapter VI Article HI - Accreditation XXIII. Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions by Members of the Board of Trustees XXIV. Adjournment Next Regularly Scheduled Board Committee Meetings Educational Services Center Board Room - First Floor 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles/ CA 90017 Wednesday/ November 18, 2015 Budget & Finance Committee 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Board Room Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success Committee 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. 6cn Floor Large Conference Room th Facilities Master Planning & Oversight Committee 5:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Board Room Legislative & Public Affairs Committee 5:00 p,m. -" 6:45 p.m. 6cn Floor Large Conference Room th ORDER OF BUSINESS November 4, 2015 Page 5 In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b)/ documents made available to fche Board after the posting of the agenda fchat relate to an upcoming public session Item will be made available by posting on the District's official bulletin board located in the lobby of the Educational Services Center located at 770 Wilshire Boulevard/ Los Angeles/ California 90017. Members of the public wishing to view the material wi!l need to make their own parking arrangements at another location. If requested/ the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability/ as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C Section 12132)/ and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shal! include information regarding how/ for whom/ and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation/ including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request/ please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at (213) 891-2044 no iater than 12:00 p.m, (noon) on the Tuesday prior to fche Board meeting. ;», t . ^ s vs ad If . s Bs ^ ^ 6 A LOS ANGELES COMMUNITfCOLLEGE DiSTRICT TZOWibhire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213S91-2000 B ATTACHIVIENT A CLOSED SESSION Wednesday, November 4, 2015 East Los Angeles College 1301 Avenida CesarChavez Monterey Park. CA 91754 I. Public Employment (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) A. Position: President, West Los Angeles College f I!. Consideration of Student Discipline (pursuant to Government Code section 54962 and Education Code section 72122) III. Conference with Labor Negotiator (pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6) A. District Negotiators: Albert Roman Adriana D. Barrera Employee Unit: Cfericai/Technica! - Local 1521A IV. Public Employee Disciplme/Dismissal/Release/Charges/Complaints (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) V. Conference with Legal Counsel " Existing Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1)) A. Rhonda Guess v. LACCD B. Deonte Williams v. LACCD c. Jane Doe v. LACCD D. Robert Rettberg v. LACCD E *. Latiffe Amado v. LACCD A Closed Session November 4, 2015 Page Two F. KristJn Lassonde v. LACCD G. Jerome Dixon v. LACCD H. Brian Gard v. LACCD VI. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2) and (e)(1)) A. Potential iitigation - 3 matters VII. Conference with Legal Counsel "Anticipated Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2) and (e)(2)) A. Claim for construction work at Los Angeles City College B. Claim for construction work at Los Angeles Harbor College s » 1 A s s Los Angefes Community College District g Corn,No. BT1 Division SUBJECT: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Date: November 4,2015 RESOLUTEON - DISTRICT CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES RETJREMENT WHEREAS, The classified employees identified beiow have been employed with the Los Angeles Community College District for many years; and WHEREAS The classified employees have contributed significantly toward providing the highest quality of services to our students and the public on behalf of the Los Angeles Community College District; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED That the Personnel Commission and the Board of Tru stees of the Los Angeles Community College District do hereby commend the employees for their contributions and extend best wishes in their retirement. fl Scott J. Svonkin, President David Iwata, Chair Board of Trustees Personne! Commission Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pea rim an Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn, No. BT1 Div. Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date: 11/4/2015 Los Angeles Community College District Com.No, BT1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Division Date: November 4, 2015 SUMAflARY OF RETIRED CLASSIFEED EMPLCYfcES Last Name First Name Job Classification Instructjona! Assistant, Years Of Retirement Location Date 33 West 9/30/2015 Mission Service Kawashima Gai Yee Alice Personnel Assistant 23 Robe Kirk Painter 13 Trade Tech 9/25/2015 Amarawansa Karen Secretary 8 Trade Tech 9/30/2015 Murray Karen Page 2 of 2 Pages CAOT Administrative Secretary Corn. No. BT1 Div. Board of Trustees 5 Pierce Date: 10/1/2015 9/12/2015 11/4/2015 s * A ;«t @ >' Los Angeles Community College District g Corn. No. BT2 Division Board of Trustees Date: November 4, 2015 Subject: BOARD TRAVEL AUTHORIZATIONS ^t^^ ?^yj^t?LnT?^ssaryexpenci?s f?r.Mil5? En9and fY!!ke Fon9> IT!lT^r^o/flt,):^^a^^ Tr^?t-eesi«t^attend,the comrnunity College League of California (CCLC) Annual Convention Peace; -Love'&cSlifomia Commun/'ry Colfeges\o be held on November 19-21, 2015 in Burfingame, California. Backc!round: ,Board Members Eng and Fong will be reimbursed from their 2015-16 Board travel affocations. Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Andersen By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT2 Div. Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 11/4/15 B ® A V. Los Angeles Community College District g Corn. No.BTS Division Subject: Board of Trustees Date: November 4,2015 RESOLUTION - APPROVE KINDERGARTEN THROUGH__COMMUNJTY, COLLEGE P EDUCATION FACILITIES BOND ACT OF 2016 The following resolution is presented by Board Members Svonkin and Eng: WHEREAS, The California Constitution finds public education is a State responsibility in Article X Section 5; and WHEREAS, Artide 1 Section 28 states that pubiic schools shail be safe, secure and peaceful; and WHEREAS, The State has met its constitutiona! responsibilities since 1982 by providing consistent State bond resources through programs contained in Division 1, Part 10 Article 12 and Article 12.5 of the Education Code; and WHEREAS, The State is out of school facility funds and cannot provide the State match for almost $2 billion in projects filed under current iaw; and WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District has $400 miiiion in facility needs, which may be partiai!y funded by State bonds; and WHEREAS, The_Kindergarten_ through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016 provides for the'renovation and upgrade of existing classrooms, construction of new classrooms to accommodate growth, and for career technical education faciiities to provide job training to meet the trained workforce needs of California's employers; and WHEREAS, The Ca!ifornia unempioyment rate is greater than the national unempioyment rate; and WHEREAS, 13,000 middie class jobs are created for each $1 biliion in school facilitv infrastructure investments; and WHEREAS, These jobs will be created throughout Caiifornia and wi!! include almost ali buiiding trades; and WHEREAS, The new Local Contro! Funding Formula and Local Control Accountabiiity Plan are intended to improve educationa! achievement for a!) students but do not provide dedicated facilities funding; and WHEREAS, Quaiity 21st Century schooi facilities designed for student needs of today and tomorrow enhance academic achievement and further the State's academic goa!s; and Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong. Pea rim an Hoffman Svonkin Kam!ager Anderson Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn. No. BT3 Dfv. Board of Trustees Date 11/4/15 9 * Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT3 Division Board of Trustees Date: November 4, 2015 WHEREAS, The^Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of2016wl!l not raise State taxes; and WHEREAS, Th:e_Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016 State matching funds wil! reduce the need for additional local property taxes for schooi facilities; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeies Commumty College District hereby supports the_Kjndergarten through CommLnity College Pubiic Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn.No, BT3 Div. Board of Trustees Date 11/4/15 s @ A . * '"i. Los Angeles Community College District I Corn.No. BT4 Board of Trustees Division Date: November 4,2015 Subject: RESOLUTION - VETERANS DAY & NATIONAL VETERANS AWARENES The following resolution is presented by Board Members Svonkin and Eng: WHEREAS, Veterans Day has been proclaimed a national holiday on November 11, 2015 and all Americans are urged to observe November 8 through November 14, 2015 as National Veterans Awareness Week; and WHEREAS, Americans owe a great deal of gratitude to the men and women who have sacrificed for our liberty and for the security of our Nation; and WHEREAS, From the reaches of Normandy, the snows of Korea, and the jungles of Vietnam to the mountains of Afghanistan and the deserts of Iraq, our courageous veterans have sacrificed so that Americans and others can live in freedom; and WHEREAS, Thousands of veterans are currently enrolled throughout the Los Angeles community College District, thousands'have been enrolled in the past, and still more are expected to enroll in the future; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community .c.?lle^? pi?tric.t ?eret?y saj.utes ,a!l veterans (students and staff) who have served and continue to serve in the Armed Forces as weli as the generations of patriots who wili serve our country in the future; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District encourages the colleges to observe the week with appropriate educational activities to acknowledge the contributions _made by^veterans and urges ail Americans to recognize their valor and sacrifices. Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pea rim an By Page Date of f Pages Corn, No, BT4 Div. Board of Trustees Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 11/4/15 s A ^ A '<* s Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No, BT5 Division: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Date: November 4, 2015 Subject: RESOLUTION ~ IN APPRECIATION OF tNTERBM STUDENT TRUSTEE GERSON A. LIAHUT-SANCHEZ WHEREAS, Gerson A. Liahut-Sanchez has been an active member of the f Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District during his tenure as its interim student representative; and WHEREAS, Interim Student Trustee Liahut-Sanchez has been an effective student leader, both at East Los Angeles College and as Interim Student Trustee; and as demonstrated by his efforts to fuliy represent the needs of his constituency - the students; and WHEREAS, Interim Student Trustee Liahut-Sanchez, during his tenure on the Board, moved affirmativefy to increase and strengthen the role of students in a!l areas of governance and to support and advocate for the rights of students; and WHEREAS, Interim Student Trustee Liahut-Sanchez ensured meaningful student representation on the District-wide food services survey, advocated for student dental coverage and participated in a variety policy discussions, working tirelessly to advance the interests of students; and WHEREAS, Interim Student Trustee Liahut-Sanchez, himself the child of undocumented parents, has exhibited great sensitivity to, and advocacy for, the needs of alt students, especially the undocumented and underrepresented; and WHEREAS, interim Student_ Trustee Liahut-Sanchez exemplified the quality of students served by the Los Angeles Community College District; and WHEREAS, During his tenure on the Board, Interim Student Trustee Liahut Sanchez has made a significant impression upon the District; now, *u therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District does hereby commend Gerson A. Llahut-Sanchez for his exemplary service to the Board, the students, and the Los Angeles Community College District. Chanceitor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong PearJman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of ^_^ Pages Corn. No. BT5 Div. Board of Trustees Date 11/4/15 s . A * Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BT6 Board of Trustees Division Date: November 4, 2015 Subject; RESOLUTION - REAPPOINTR/IENT OF PERSONNEL COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Thejemof office for Commissioner David fwata wiil expire on November 30, 2015;and WHEREAS, !n keeping with the Board's goals to conduct business in an open and transparent manner and to always identify the best avaliabie candidate for District service, an open selection process was conducted which included the l.nterview.oLtwo ?PP ^? ^an interview Pane^ composed of constituent group representativesfoitowed by an interview of the recommended candidate by ah Ad Hoc Committee of the Board of Trustees and Chanceiior; and WHEREAS, It is the recommendation: of both panels that Mr. iwata be reappointed; and WHEREAS, David H. Iwata is uniquely quaiified for service as a Personnel Commissioner of tteLOSAngelescommunlty co"e9e trictasctemonstrcrted by.his dedication to pub!ic service by serving on various commissions and councils in both the ?i^LJ!?l PAr^n^?^J?Slu.d!!?§..J1}!. S?uth.val!8y ^rea, p!aj1n,in9 Commission, Asian Pacific Islander Advisory Council -Los Angeies PoJEce Department; various boards^ and councils for California^UniversityNorthridge, Board of Directors for the Asian: American: Architects Engineers Association, Economic A!!iance of_the San Fernando Vaiiey, Smaii Business Council for the Metropolitan Water District, Board of Directors and Treasurer for the SFV Financial Devetopment Corporation and the LAUSD Focus Student Achievement Council; and WHEREAS, Mr Iwata has served the Los AngeEes ^Community Coiiege District as a Personne! Commissioner since December 6, 2001: and is Vice President for the Caiifornia School Commissioners Association; and WHEREAS, ^r:lwata>ll?s.^een.instmmel?.tai in implementjng changes and improvement in Personnel Commission operations; and WHEREAS, Mr;Jwata, has.9a,ine(:! ^e resPect and support of District administration employees, union leadership, and staff in carrying out the roie of Personnel Commissioner; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District does hereby announce its decision to recommend the reapp'ointment of David H. wata to serve as Personnel: Commissioner. Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Page Date of Pages Corn. No, BT6 Div. Eng Moreno Fong Pearl man Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 11/4/15 :»; ® A 'fi. Los Angeles Community College District Corn,No. 8F1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: November4,2015 Subject; RATIFY BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRjATjON.TRANSFERS Ratify acceptance of $14,863,421 in income as recommended by the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer. In accordance with Title 5 of the Caiifomia Code of Regulations, Section 58307 authorize all the appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories (EXHIBIT I). ^ Recommended by: ^ 1 ^ ^\^ KhJEL^sa^ ^^ ^.^ Approved by: ^ .r f/ # Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor \ Chancellor and By Page Date of ^__ Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. ~^ Frajci^co C. Rodriguez, Chancellor Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees .^-~^, Moreno Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 11/4/15 EXHiBiT I BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATiON TRANSFERS ALL FUNDS, EXCLUDING BUILDING BOND FUND November 4, 2015 NEW INCOME [Attachment n Federa! State Local fnferfund Transfer !n Other Financing Sources Contribution to Restricted Program ACCOUNT AMOUNT 8,172,040 5,661,781 740,768 810000-849SOO 860000-869999 870000-889999 891000-892999 693000-897999 698000-899999 288,832 Total New income EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries Ciassitied Salaries Employee Benefiis Books/Suppi'es Contract Services Capita! OuUsy Other Outgo Other Debt Services Tuition Transfers nterfunds Transfes's Direct SupporVlndirect Costs log n/G rants Other Financing Sources (Except 7902) Resen/e for Contingency* Totai 14,863,421 ACCOUNT 100000-199999 200000-299599 300000-399999 -.100000-499999 500000-599999 600000-699999 700000-709999 710000-719999 720000-729999 730000-7399S9 7400QO-749999 750000-75999S 760000-79999$ 790200 Approved Budget Budget Appropriation Revisions Transfers 304,583,887 2,518,192 165,749,412 2,080.337 152,720,809 1,195,681 38,944,6^9 332.735 133,350,621 11,234,370 2-i,647,616 Revised Budget 1,465,128) 2396,880 (150.845) 262.222 305,636,651 170,226,629 153,765,645 243.185 39,520,569 3,152,377 1,011,349 147.737.368 288,832 7.811,058 328,072 260,335,553 4,754 22,921,387 4,754 7,522,226 230 230 256,326,254 3,681,227 170,794.471 (6,^1,343) (5,804^22) 156,548,706 23,416,080 1_,275,06-(,209 14,863,421 23,4-16,080 1,289,924,630 f: Reserve for Contingency balance is $23.42 miilion, which is 3.50 % of the Unrestricted Genera! Fund revenue (exduding Genera! Reserve) All budget revisions and Transfers herein are submitted for the Board of Trustees approval in accordance with Titie 5 of California Regulations, Sections 58307 and 58308. Appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories are within funds/grants that have been previously received and approved by the Board of Trustees. These transfers have been reviewed by the college administrators and approved by the cotiege Vice Presidents of Administration snd College Presidents//-'- Reviewed-'by; .//~ c / Jeanettle L.&prdon Chief F nanci^J Offic^r/Treasurer .y \. /) v ^) BF1 November 4/2015 Page 1 of 11 Attachment NEW INCOME AND GRANTS 8TA NUMBER: FUND/GRANT NAME AMOUNT Federal M-0050 Improving Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Success and Access for Hispanic Students $821,573 To establish funding to create a comprehensive Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Center combining academic and student support services. The Center wili serve as the hub for STEM facuify and students to strengthen academic series by expanding tutoring, math workshops and summer bridge program for STEM students; supporting curriculum development in math, life science, physical science and computer science; renovating the computer science Jab and upgrading technology; offering STEM Summer Academy to incoming STEM majors; and expanding and formalizing undergraduate research program This program serves over four hundred forty (440) students. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. P-0027 Title V Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSt) Cooperative Project between Pierce College and West Los Angeles College - Improving Quality (IQ) 775,000 To establish funding to create a cooperative project, Improving Quality (!Q) between Pierce College and West Los Angeles Coilege. The project wi'l increase enrollment and completion rates of Latino students in adjacent services areas and deveiop and share resources that increase faculty knowiedge and skiiis in online course design and effective!y assess student iearning outcomes. Almost ten thousand (10,000) Latino students will be enrolled in this program. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. C-0083 77?/0 Student Support Services To estabiish funding to assist low-income, first generation and/or disabied students by providing opportunities for academic development and assistance with basic co!!ege requirements, and motivating students towards the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of this program is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and to facilitate the process of transition from one level of higher education to the next. This program serves one hundred sixty (160) efigibie participants each year by offering a variety of services aimed at increasing the success rate of students. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. 281,510 BF1 November 4,2015 Page 2 of 11 W-0041 TRfO Talent Search 230,000 To establish funding to provide academic support to middle and high school participants by offering tutoring. The program offers seminars in Financia! Aid, Financial Literacy, Schoiastic Aptitude Test (SAT), American Coilege Test (ACT) Career Discovery A-G high school completion, and California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) preparation. This program wiif serve five hundred ninety-two (592) students from Susan MiSier Dorsey High School, Marina del Rey MidcHe School and Daniel Webster Middle School. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. P-0051 California Alfiance for the Long Term Strengthening of Transfer Engineering Programs (CALSTEP) 99,550 To estabiish funding to strengthen transfer engineering programs and to improve the^transfer process for California Community College engineering programs. As a sub-grantee, Pierce Coiiege wit! manage the foliowing two grant activities: 1) Joint Engineering Program (JEP)-this program wii! work towards a collaborative engineering curriculum to facilitate transfer by aligning curricu!um and increasing online engineering course offerings. 2) Summer Engineering Teaching Institute (SETI)-each year of the five-year duration of the grant Pierce CoSlege wil:l host a workshop for ten community college engineering instructors to assist in deveioping Tablet PC-enhanced curricuium and developing oniine courses using CCC Confer. Approximate!y twenty (20)^faculty members will be served each year. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. W-0115 TRIO Upward Bound 250,000 To establish funding to serve high school students from low-income families and from families in which neither parent hoids a bachelor's degree. This program provides fundamental support to participants in their college entrance preparation and opportunities to succeed in their pre-coiiege performance and higher education pursuits. The goal is to increase the rate at which participants compiete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. Each year the program serves fifty (50) students from Los Angeles and Hamilton High Schools, Funding is from the United States Department of Education. H-0133 Student Support Services ~ Academic Success Action Plan (ASAP) Project To establish funding to improve the retention, graduation and transfer rates of students with disabiiities who are currentiy "at-risk" for academic failure due to educationai deficiencies, including the lack of financial literacy and adequate supplemental support series. The top priority of this project is to ensure the project participants have greater access to full financial aid at aii college levels. The project will increase the proficiency levels in financial literacy, reading, writing, computer literacy and math dasses to improve academic success. The target population will be one hundred twenty-five (125) proj:ect-e!igibte disabled students. Funding i:s from the United States Department of Education. 292,340 BF1 November 4,2015 Page 3 of 11 V-0159 Upward Bound Math and Science 250,000 To establish funding to increase student proficiency, participation and coifege admission rates. Students wiil receive an array of services which include assessment, enrichment courses, tutoring, academic, personal and career counseiing mentoring, college visits and sociai and cultural field trips. A minimum of sixty (60) participants will be served each year. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. S-0061 Predominately Black Institutions (PBI) 250,000 To establish funding to help in the retention and success of first year students. The program wi!i provide counseling support, orientation, education planning. success workshops, and a variety of other activities to assist students to be more successful in the first year of their college education. This program wil serve over two hundred twenty-five (225) first-time freshman students. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. W-0136 GoingGlobal: Middle Eastern Studies and Study Abroad 171,626 To establish funding to develop, implement, and evaluate a national: model for engagement across the spectrum of higher education that creates opportunities for underrepresented minority students. The broader impacts of this project are to promote faculty and student discovery and understanding of the cultures and peoples of the Middle East; broaden student knowledge that contributes in significant ways to their iives and careers; create new transfer pathway options in Middle East Studies to University of Caiifornia, Los Angeles; and devel'op a variety of study abroad opportunities. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. E-0222 Scholarships in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) to Achieve Results (S-STAR) 67,992 To establish funding to increase the number of students who transfer and (at minimum) compiete a bachelor's degree in a STEM discipline by offering, on a competitive basis, scholarships to financially needy students who have shown academic aptitude to succeed in a STEM degree. This project will provide one hundred thirty-two (132) scholarships in all STEM disciplines. Funding is from the Nationa! Science Foundation. T-0057 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) - Los Angeles Healthcare Competency to Career Consortium (LA H3C) To establish funding to create a multi-coiiege consortium project to ail nine colleges in the Los Angeles Community College District. A consortium of the community colleges, sector intermediaries, the workforce system, and employers in the healthcare industry sector will join forces to create an innovative training model for trade-impacted workers and other long-term unemployed residents in the Greater Los Angeles area. The primary focus of the project wlli be to buiid upon the program of prior-year TAACCCT grant projects to develop competency-based, stacked and iatticed programs of study, including a common foundation credential, certificates of achievement, and Associate of Arts/Associate of Science (A.A./A.S.) degrees related to the health science professions. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor. 3,388,074 BF1 November 4,2015 Page 4 of 11 V-0151 Build @ California State University Northridge (CSUN) 35,585 To estabiish funding to increase and cultivate u nd erre presented students' interest in biomedical research. This program wi!! fund a one-unit class that introduces basic research techniques and health disparities to interested students^ In addition this program will provide extra funding for Biology Tutoring Center. Two hundred ^200) students will benefit from the extended tutoring service at the Biology Tutoring Center. Forty-five (45) students will learn basic research techniques and health disparities. Funding is from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. C-0073 Gaming Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) 4 LA 2 47,006 To estabiish funding to increase student success at the middle and high school evels, college persistence and preparation for life-long Seaming. Components of the program include tutoring services, student and parent campus visits, Career Technical Education (CTE) opportunities, access to Summer STREAM academy, host mentor camps, access to concurrent/dua! enrollment classes, and weekend writing seminars. The program will serve a doubie cohort of two thousand (2 000) tow-income students in the sixth and seventh grades. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. C-0116 Gaming Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) 4 LA 60,000 To estabiish funding to Increase the number of low4ncome students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. Components of the program inciude a strong academic and financiai counseiing program for students and parents, intensive extended learning programs, professional development for teachers, early college readiness tests, concurrent enrollment programs, co!!ege visits, and peer mentoring for students. The program wit serve a double cohort of three thousand eight hundred (3,800) Sow-income students enrolled in the tenth and eleventh grades. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. T-0135 Gain'n9 Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) 4 LA To estabiish funding to significantiy increase the number of iow-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. This program wi!! provide services at high poverty middle and high schools and through the first year of coiiege. The services include providing information regarding financial aid, attempting rigorous curricula from the sixth and seventh grades in cohorts, assistance with improving the number of students participating obtaining secondary school diplomas and the number of students who apply to enroll in postsecondary educational institutions. Two hundred (200) students will visit each year. Sixty (60) students will participate in the summer program and fifty (50) students wil! compiete the Financial Literacy and Fundamentals for Workplace Success ciass. Funding is from the United States Department of Education. 71,006 BF1 November 4,2015 Page 5 of 11 V-0167 Project Graduation Really Achieves Dreams (GRAD) Los Angeles (PGLA) 155,000 To estabiish funding to provide math and iiteracy tutoring to !ow-income high school students. Project GRAD Los Angeles wiil conduct training for the tutors in Math, English and Reading. Los Angeles Vailey College will benefit from this grant by providing its students with the opportunity to earn income and gain job related skiiis such as communication, ieadership and time management. Impiementation of this project !ays the foundation for increased enrollment. Fifteen to twenty (15-20) Los Angeles Val!ey College students and up to six hundred (600) high schooi students will benefit from this project. Funding Is from the United States Department of Education. E-0259 Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) 925,778 To estabHsh funding to provide healthy meals to all children who are enrolled in CACFP, increase awareness in healthy choices for the children and their families, decrease the effects of childhood obesity in young children, and serve as a supervision/fieid training for instructional divisions. This program will benefit one thousand four hundred and fifty (1,450) students/parents combined from the Los Angeies Community Coilege District Child Development Centers. Funding is from the California Department of Education. TOTAL FEDERAL $8,172,040 Full-Time Student Success Grant (FTSSG) $3,386,400 State D-0336 To establish funding to provide supp!ementaf grants for the 2015-2016 year (anticipated ongoing funding) to community coiiege Cal Grant B recipients who have aiready received a fuli time Cal Grant B award payment. Funding is from the Caiifomia Community Coiieges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). D-0353, D-0357 CAL Grant B 2014-2015 To increase the budget for the 2014-2015 CAL Grant B Program based on additionai income received from the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). This augmentation brings the program total: allocation to $550,620. Funding is from the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). 151,246 BF1 November 4/2015 Page 6 of 11 E-0242 California Early Childhood Mentor Program 3,750 To estabtish funding to offer better access to education and professional development opportunities for both classroom teachers and program administrators. The program selects fourteen (14) experienced dassroom teachers to mentor thirty (30) student teachers from community colleges. Student teachers receive course credit for the practicum requirements for their training institutions. Mentors concurrently participate in a variety of activities for their ongoing professionai deve!opment, inciuding monthEy in-service training seminars, the Mentor Institute and pubiic speaking engagements. Funding is from the California State Department of Education, passing through Chabot-Las Positas Community Coilege District (CLPCCD). H-0068 Middle College High School 99,000 To establish funding to continue the Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy (HTPA) a middle co!!ege high school project, by providing a half-time coliege counseior to help students select concurrent enroilment classes, coiJege etectives, tutoring and other available student services. This funding wii! also support additiona! tutoring with the objective of increasing the number of HTPA students who achieve grades of A or B in Mathematics from 39% to at least 50%. Funding is from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). T-0055 Career Technical Education (CTE) Enhancement Program 297,471 To estabiish funding to develop, enhance, retooi and expand quaSity Career Technical Education (CTE) offerings that build on existing community coilege regions! capacity to respond to regional iabor market needs. Students in each Career Technical: Education (CTE) department are expected to benefit from the program. Funding is from the California Community CoSSeges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). P-0077, T-0059 Enrollment Growth for Associate Degree Nursing (RN) Program (Assessment, Remediation & Retention) 1:14,000 To establish funding to expand current enrollment capacity or maintain prior additional enrollments in the nursing program. This funding wili provide a program whereby the students wi!i demonstrate readiness through diagnostic assessment or successful completion of remediai pre-nursing coursework prior to commencing the registered nursing program, a retention program for students who are enrolled in the Associate Degree in Nursing (AND) Program, support services to prepare students for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), and professlonai development for facu!ty. Funding is from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). T-0058 Proposition 39 Clean Energy Workforce Program To establish funding to enrol! students completing energy related certificates or credentials in Employment Development Department (EDD)'s CaiJOBS system and coliect outcomes data via the Launchboard. Fund will a!so be used to identify at least one facu!ty member per included program to participate in program improvement activities. Funding is from the California Community Colleges Chancelbr's Office (CCCCO). 1,1:40,000 BF1 November 4/2015 Page 7 of IX P-0076, S-0055 Enrollment Growth for Associate Degree Nursing (RN) Program 327,574 To establish funding to promote student success and retention in the nursing program by providing pre-enroliment assessment and preparation, retention program and support and preparation services for Nationai Council Licensure Exam, a remediatlon and advisement course for individuals who do not meet at- risk criteria^tutoring, mentoring and coaching to students who are showing eariy signs of difficulty meeting course objectives. The current enrollment capacity in the nursing program wi!i be expanded by more than ten additional qualified students each semester (over twenty students per year). Funding is from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). T-0100 Permanency and Safety-Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting (PSMAPP) 42,500 To establish funding to support achieving permanency for children by providing a screening process to heip screen, target and support oniy the most committed potential resource famiiies from their communities, and nurturing aitemate homes for chiidren. Approximately one hundred (100) potential foster care providers wil! benefit from this program. Funding is from the Community College Foundation. T-0056 Linked Learning 99,840 To estabiish funding to develop faculty externships that will improve the quaiity ofwork-based learning opportunities at both the secondary and community coiiege leve! for students. These externships will provide experience to teams of faculty spending at ieast a week or ionger of full-time work within the health science industry sector workpiace to iearn through direct experience about trends, skill requirements, and opportunities to enrich and strengthen thesr teaching an_d bring relevance to student ieaming. One hundred ninety-five (195) students will be served by this program. Funding is from the Foundation for CaNfornia Community Colleges. TOTAL STATE $5,661,781 Local D-0331 Interest Income $3,368 To augment the Other Post-Empioyment Benefits (OPEB) fund from interest income generated from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 fund. T-0133 Dedicated Revenue - Rentals of College Site To accept additional revenue at Los Angeles Trade-Technica! College generated from the rentais of college site. Funds wi!l be used to cover overtime of staff and purchase of equipment for the events. 10,000 BF1 November 4, 2015 Page 8 of 11 E-0154 Homeboy Industries-Computer Applications and Office Technologies 4,276 (CAOT) Program To accept funding to provide five CAOT credit classes to four Homeboy Industries participants. The participants who complete the classes with a passing grade wi!! earn an Office Assistant Certificate of Achievement. Funding is from the Homeboy Industries. T-0062, T-0071, Technical & Career Education 91,373 T-0078, T-0087, T-0088, T-0089, To accept additional funding at Los Angeies Trade-Technicai College to conduct T-0090, T-0091, non-credit instruction and vocationai/extensson training workshops and to T-0092, T-0093, purchase instructiona! equipment. Funding is from Construction, Maintenance & T-0095, T-0096, Utiiities (CMU) Department fees, DEAM Trainings, Foundation for California T-0097, T-0098, Community Colleges, NCS Pearson, Peralta Colleges Foundation, PSi T-0099, T-0101, Trainings, PSiP Trainings, and Southern Caiifornia Regiona! Transit Training T-0105, T-0109, Consortium (SCRTTC). T-0125 D-0308, D-0309 Proposition 39 Energy Efficiency and Renew 2014-2015 (5,183) To adjust the Investor Owned Utilities (IOU) and Pubiic Owned Utilities (POU) Incentive budget for Proposition 39 (2014-2015) program as requested by Faciiities Planning and Development Department. Funding is from the Caiifornia Energy Commission. D-0311, D-0312 Proposition 39 California Clean Energy 2013-2014 152,910 To adjust the Utility Incentive budget for Proposition 39 (2013-2014) projects as requested by Faciiities Pianning and Development Department. Funding is from the California Energy Commission. V-0149 LAVCJob Training 33.872 To accept additions! funding for employment training services to participants in the South Bay Service De!ivery area. Nineteen (19) individuals wiil receive customized training through the program. This training will inciude customer service, vocationai English, and technica! training in the areas of hea!thcare, transportation, manufacturing, or computer applications. Funding is from the South Bay Workforce Investment Board. T-0077 Contract Education ~ Street Maintenance Technology Program To accept funding to provide necessary technicai knowledge and skills to Bureau of Street Services employees who wish to advance to supervisor and superintendent levels. The program also offers specialized courses that allow students to focus on a specific area that wili enhance their job ski!!s in Report Writing, Issues and Practices in Public Works, or Heavy Equipment Operator. Approximately one hundred twenty (1 20) participants enrol! each semester for Street Services courses. Funding is from the City of Los Angeles Department of Pubiic Works Bureau of Street Services. 19,440 BF1 November 4,2015 Page 9 of 11 M -0099 Contract Education - Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) Culinary Arts Fall 2015 Cohort 119,312 To accept funding to provide four hundred (400) hours Culinary Arts training for a cohort of a maximum of twenty-five (25) Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Greater Avenues for independence (GAIN) participants. The goal of this program is to create a pathway to college so that all participants can continue their studies at Los Angeles Mission Coilege to reach their educational goai of receiving a certificate, Associate's degree and/or transfer. Funding is from the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). H-0113 Contract Education - Ambassador High School 114,800 To accept funding to provide instructiona! classes in Connmunication Studies, Geography, History, Music, Spanish, Philosophy, Psychology and Theater in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 semesters. Funding is from Ambassador High school. H-0114 Contract Education ~ Culinary Certification Program 184,600 To accept funding to a!!ow students from the Los Angeles County Office of Education to take the courses needed to meet the requirements of the State Cuiinary Certification Program. Up to twenty (20) students per cohort will: be eiigible to participate. Funding is from the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). C-0134 Journalism 12,000 To augment Other Expense account in the Journalism Fund at Los Angeles City Coiiegefrom income generated by the Journaiism Program. TOTAL LOCAL $740,768 OTHERS: Interfund D-0331, D-0340 Increase Support - Retirees Health Insurance Fund from General Fund To set up an !nterfund Transfer to increase the budget for the 1.92% of Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) funding as approved by the Board on November 15, 2006. These funds are transferred to the Post-Retirement Benefit Account in the Debt Services Fund (Fund 3). $288,832 BF1 November 4, 2015 Page 10 of 11 Fund Redistribution D-0337 Instructional Support 2015-2016 ($7,705,435) To redistribute funds from Fund 10138, Physica! Plant and Instructional Support to Fund 50181, Block Grant-One Time 2015-2016 Scheduled Maintenance Program to align with the 2015-2016 Physical P!ant and Instructional Support Block Grants Certification for Expenditures. This adjustment brings the program totai allocation to $5,809,733. D-0349 One Time Block Grant 2015-2016 7,705,435 To accept redistributed funds from Fund 101:38, Physicai Piantand Instructional Support to Fund 50181, Block Grant-One Time 2015-2016 Scheduled Maintenance Program per the request of Facilities Planning and Development Department. C-0098 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services-Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (EOPS-CARE) (10,000) To redistribute funds from EOPS-CARE fund number 20868 to EOPS-CARE fund number 10868 at Los Angeles City College. C-0099 V-0128 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services-Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (EOPS-CARE) To accept redistributed funds from EOPS-CARE fund number 20868 to EOPSCARE fund number 10868 at Los Ange!es City College. Extended Opportunity Programs and Ser/ices (EOPS) 10,000 (61,964) To redistribute funds from EOPS fund number 20489 to EOPS fund number 10489 at Los Angeies Valiey CoHege. V-0129 H-0128 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) To accept redistributed funds from EOPS fund number 20489 to EOPS fund number 10489 at Los Angeies Vailey Coiiege. Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) 61,964 (61,847) To redistribute funds from EOPS fund number 20489 to EOPS fund number 10489 at Los Angeles Harbor College. H-0129 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) To accept redistributed funds from EOPS fund number 20489 to EOPS fund number 10489 at Los Angeles Harbor Coiiege. TOTAL OTHERS TOTAL INCOME 61,847 $288,832 $14,863,421 BF1 November 4,2015 Page 11 of 11 Organizational In accordance with Education Code 72670, the foliowing organization is Membership submitted for Board approvai: Amend the List of Organizational Memberships to inciude the Los Angeies Coalition for the Economy and Jobs with annual dues of $5,000. This request originated from Educational Services Center. Background: Membership in this organization will allow Los Angeles Comrriunity College District to be part of this independent, bipartisan organization to bring together leaders from the region's business, labor, academic and nonprofit communities to advance sound policy initiatives that wi help to responsibly grow the economy and create quality jobs throughout the Los Angeles region. t ® A .»: s Los Angeles Community College District Division; BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn.No. BF2 Date: November 4,2015 Subject: APPROVE THE 2015-16 SPENDING PLAN OF ONE TIME STATE MANDATED CLAIM REiMBURSEMENT In the General Fund, authorize the distribution of $57,669,000 to the Colleges and the Educational Services Center from the 2015-16 State Budget, to be allocated as recommended by the Chancellor for the foltowing (eBTA: D-0425): o Goal 1 ~ Access for Preparation for Success $24,150,000 » Goal 2 ~ Teaching and Learning for Success $ 5,300,000 . Goa! 3 - Organizational Effectiveness . $27,615,000 $ 604,000 Goat 4 ~ Resources and Collaboration Background: The 2015-16 State budget included $632 milSion to the CaHfornia Community College System to pay down previous years state mandated claim reimbursements; the Los Angeies Community College District is projected to receive $57.669,000 of this revenue. The proposal in Attachment!, over the fast four months has been reviewed by the Chancellor's cabinet, the Executive Committee of the District Budget Committee, the District Budget committee, and approved by the Board Budget and Finance Committee at its October 21, 2015 meeting. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Included in the FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget. <, Recommended by: s^ !^ BB Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor 0 Approved by: c t^isc^C. Rodriguez, Chancel!or ChanceHorand Eng_ Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong^ Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of ^ Pages Corn.No. BF2 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Moreno Date 11/4/15 LOS ANCKLKS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTIUCT Attachment I page 1 of 7 BF2 2015/16 LACCD Budget Development Chancellor's Recommendations Uses of $57-67 million Slate Mandate Reimbursement Fund (ECDBC 07/28/2015, DBC 08/12/2015} (Chancctior's Kevisions 08/24/2(115, 09/14/1S Board Budget and Finance and CommiUee, 10/21/15) u h* Ml N LLACCD STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS Goat 1: Access and Preparation for Success ($24.15M) » $8.5 million - Increase high demand class offerings - to fund additionai 2% over-cap ^nroilment growth above 3% funded growth. * $2 million - Basic Skills Initiative (focus on developmental education) . * $1 miilion ~ Develop marketing and outreach campaign: social meriia app's; webslfes' redesign; radio spots, pubiicatlons, JncJudjng deveioping internationa! Student Outreach program. $250,000 ' Begfn LACCO 2018-2021 strategtc planning, engage in needs anaiysi's; conduct enrollment management study . . $3.9 miliion - SiS Project Completion (1 year) $8.5 million - Proposition 30 Temporary Tax, Sales Tax Expires End of 2016 Goai 2: Teaching and Learning for Success ($5.3M) * $2.5 miifion - Bolster support student services, i.e. tutoring. Sibrary hours * fr * $550,000 - Provide start-up and implementation funds for West Los Angeles College baccaiaureate degree program $250,000 - Develop Leadership Development/Succession program $2 miUion " Faculty and Staff Professiona! Deveiopment and Training, inciuding expanding professional: development opportunities, DAS proposai, instructionaf technology, culturaiSy- responsive teaching strategies, awarding mini-grants for facully teaching innovations, and expanding new facuity orientation and training Goai 3: Organizationa) Effectivenfess ($27.615 M) « $22 miflion - Funds for STRS and PERS Future Obligation (Restricted) » $1 miltion - Fund ctistriclwide 2016 Accreditation aciivities . * $2.5 miflion "- ESC electricai and roof repairs, network connectivity and disaster recovery $2 mHtion - Fund recommendations from Blue Ribbon Campus Safety & Emergency Preparedness Committee; Emergency Preparedness Office and Ciery Act and Title IX Training Activities. . $115,000 ~ Adjunct Health Benefit Contribution Adjustment (one-time) Goal 4: Resources and Collaboration ($604,000) . $404,000 - Chanceilor's Resource, Coilaboratkm, and innovation Fund for Revenue-Generating initiatives » < $100,000 - Districtwide Rs&ource Development and Institutional Advancement $100,000" Van de Kamp Center - infrastructure, contract education coordination, adutt education, and workforce deveiopment services Attachment l Pa^e 2 &f 7 Proposed Uses of $57.67 million State Mandate Reimbursement Fund October 21, 2015 *4**U| EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Attached is 8 revised list of recommended uses and explanations for the $57.67M from the State Mandate Reimbursement Fund, The recommendations are fixed around the four district institutional goats, which align weli with accreditation standards. Based on the discussion at the September 16, 2015, Board Budget and Finance Committee^ modifications to the previous recommendations have been made. Below is a summary of the recommended changes for October 21, 2015: Goal 1: Access and PreparaUon for Success Reduce funding for marketing and outreach from $2.9 to $1M » increase Proposition 30 Temporary Tax contribution from $8.3 to $8.5M 0 Goal 2: Teaching and Le^rnmg for Success * Reduce Faculty and Staff Professional Deveiopment and Training from $2.5 to $2.0M Goal 3: Organizational Effectiveness » Remove the redirecting of $18,5 rn^h'on one-time from Dfstrict/Campus Safety/Ce nt raided Sheriffs Contract. This item has been removed from consideration. Campus assessments » for safety contract have been assessed for 2015/16, Increasing th<? Funds for STRS and PERS Future Obiigation from $20 to $22M Goal 4: Resources and Collaboration . Reduce Chancellor's Resource, Coliafaoration, and Innovation Fund from $904,000 to $404,000 With the proposed increases above, funds for future STRS/PERS contributions and post-Prop 30 resources account for a total of $30,5M, about 53% of the available funds» or 3% higher than the 50% previous proposed on September 16, 2016. Of the remaining 47% avaiiable, $13.5M or 50% of the funds are going towards direct service to students through increasing high demand classes, increasing basic skills/developmental education programs, and boistering student support services. The recommendations address the interests <rf the Budget & Rnance Committee to augment dass offerings and basic skills, and student support services, like tutoring and library hours Other proposed recommendations include funding forthcoming recommendatton$ from the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Campus Safety and Emergency Preparedness; investing in professional deveiopment and expansion of internationai student programs; paying for the S!S system from non-bond funds; and botstering marketing anti branding for the district and colleges. Accountability Quarterly reports will be provided to the Budget and Finance Committee and to the entire board, as requested. Emphasis will be given lo measuring progress anct impact of the investments iii the areas supported 1 n Attachment i page 3 of 7 Explanations for Proposed Uses of $57.67 million State Mandate Reimbursement Fund Goal 1: Access and Preparation District Coiiege for Success ($24.15M) » $8.5 million Increases high demand class offerings to bolster enrotlment growth at each of the nine X coiieges to support 2015/16 target of 4,5%; funds additionai 2% over-cap enrollment growth, above 3% funded growth, See Attachment (A) for distribution by coftege. » $2 miHion Adds courses in basic skills (math, English, reading) and provide student support sen/ices for developmental education activities See Attachment (A) for distribution by college, Ut . $1 million x <* <n Develops marketing, outreach, and x x recruitment materials and branding campaign, create social media apps; redesign district and coiiege websites; produce radio spots, ads and collateral publications, devetop International Student Outreach program. . . $250,000 $3.9 mitUon Begins LACCD 2018-2021 strategic piannsng. engage in needs analysis, and conduct enrollment management study. x Funds $3.9 of the projected $7.9M that Is needed to complete project StS Project Completion for one year from non-bond funds. x x x x This allocation wijl inciude funds for training of student services staff. backfiEling for college staff, and programming for the 2015-16 fecal year . $8.5 million Sets aside dollars for Post-Prop 30 Proposition 30 Temporary Tax expires end of 2016. This allocation provides initial set aside of funds to ensure continued operation in anticipation of the elimination of the sales tax initiative and in the event no replacement emerges. District Goal2: Teaching and Learning for Success ($5.3M) » » $2,6 million $550,000 Campus BUT. Boisters support student services, i.e. tutoring, x ibrary hours, and supptementai instruction. See Attachment (A) for distribution by coilege. Provides $250,000 start-up funds for West Los Angeles College baccataureate degree program. Aiso includes data collection improvements to the SIS system to support 2 x x Attachment I page 4 of 7 current and future bachelor's degree programs. This request indudes additional one-time configuration/ progfamming costs for the bachelor's degree on a district wide basis; the programming wil! be in piace for additionai baccataureate degrees are offered in the future. While the cost for this technical addition is $600.000, oniy $300,000 is being requested from this fund. The difference wi'u be identified from other district resources, <*>*» . $250,000 Develops Districtwide Leadership x x x x De vetopment/S access son program that develops a "grow our own" approach for future acfministrative and ieadership vacancies. * $2.0 mHtion Funds Faculty and Staff Professiona! Development and Training, Jncfuding expanding professiona! development opportunities; District Academic Senate Professional Development College; initiates Deans' Academy and Presidents' Academy Faculty Teaching and Learning Academy, indiiding training on instructionai technofogy cuiturally-responsive teaching strategies, distance education; awards mini-grsnts for faculty teaching innovations; and expand new facuity orientation and training, Goal 3: Organizational District Campus Effectiveness ($27.615 Wlj . a $22 million $1 million Fund Dlstrictwide SIRS and PERS Future Obligation (Restricted Funds), as mandated by the state's retirement systems. X X Funds and prepares for districtwide 2016 Accreditation visit from March 7-10, 2016, x x Funds are equally distributed to the colleges and the ESC. » $2-5 mHHon Funds much needed repairs at the ESC, including roof, atieyways and immediate upgrades to the ESC's electrical system. Atso funds computer replacements and improved network connectivity and disaster recovery x program. * $2 million Fund recommendations from Blue Ribbon Campus Safety & Emergency Preparedness Conrunittee; estsbfishes Emergency Preparedness Office; provides Clery Act and Tifie IX Training activities. 3 x x Attachment I page 5 of 7 » $115,000 Fund Adjunct Health Benefit Contribution Adjustment. Recommended by the JLMBC, x this one-time, technical adjustment allows Associate Faculty members to receive ongoing health insurance in an uninterrupted fashion for tb^ one-month between semesters. * G(^i 4: Resources and Cotlaboration ($804,000) ft $404,000 District Campuis Establishes a Chancellor's Resource, Coffaboratson and Innovation Fund for x x Revenue-Generating and student success initiatives. This fund is envisioned to stimulate coilaboration with and between colieges and provoke innovative ideas and strategies from district that enhance student success or that support ideas that can generate revenue for the coltege and/or district. * $100.000 Provides start-up funds for the new offices of Resource Deveiopment and institutiona! x Advancement. * $100,000 Provides funds to establish and equip the Van de Kamp Innovation Center as a central site for coordinating the areas of contract education, aduit education, and workforce development and training. 4 x x Attachment I page 6 of 7 Distribution of $57.7 One Time State Mandated Cost Reimbursement f Goal 1 - Access for Preparation and Success enrollment Prop 30 over-cap (1 ], basjc sR iiisi21 marketing m^mt^stud y S I S p rpj ect conti n c}ency_ To taf City East 3,268,640 Pierce 457,840 2,222,080 135,508 151,409 133,077 1.374,840 155,007 Southwest Trade-Tech 3,907,309 133,077 593,348 133,077 Harbor Mission 238,342 238.3-42 638,669 2,373,4S9 133,677 .!,S29,847 281,835 133,077 281,835 133,077 Vsiiey West 0 STV College Tota DistrictWide HokJing TOTAL 7,323,400 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 1.000.000 0 1.176,600 8,500,000 2,000,000 1,000.000 0 0 Q,323,400 0 250,000 3,900,000 0 5,150,000 0 0 8,500,000 9,$76,600 250,000 3,900,000 8,500,000 24.150,006 Goat 2 - Teaching and Learning for Success Leadership Student Svcs BaccaSaureste [3f program 322,155 555,855 166,863 ^54,839 364,^90 129,243 304,726 317,584 174,197 City East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trscfe-Tech Vaiiey West w & Succession Staff Dev 555,855 16 ,863 154,839 364,490 129,243 304,726 3 i 7,584 424,197 250.000 10.048 tTV College Totaf 2,500,000 DistrictWide 0 Holding 0 2,500,000 TOTAL Totaf 322^55 10,048 0 250,000 300,000 250,000 0 550»000 0 2,750,000 0 550,000 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 250,000 2,000,000 5,360,000 fll Distributed to Coiiges with FTES goals above 3% izl Distributed based on Basic SKitis state apportionment alEocation % '3i Distributed based on FTES % M! $600,000 to pay for SIS programming 10/20/2015 Attachment J page 7 of 7 Distribution of $57.7 One Time State Mandated Cost Reimbursement Goal 3 - Organizational Effectiveness Blue Ribbon PERS/STRS Accreditstf'on Network/disas recommend Adjunct I5i contingency City 100.000 East 100,000 wo.ooo 100,000 100.000 Harbor Mission Pierce Totaf Heaith atipns terrecovery 160,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 iwoo 1M.OOO 100,000 106,000 ? Valley 100,000 100,000 100,000 West 100.000 Southwest Trade-Tech 1 0 0 !TV College Total 0 900,000 DistrictWJde 0 100.000 0 0 0 2,500,000 0 2,000,000 22,000,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 22,000,000 Holding TOTAL 0 0 900,000 0 2,600,000 115J)PQ WWOO 115,000 27,615,000 Goal 4 - Resources and Coliaboration Grand Tolal Rev Van de generating Resource Dev initiatives Kamp Total City 0 660,497 East 0 4,563,163 Harbor 0 Mission a Pierce 0 39^40 848,187 2,B37,979 Southwesl 0 Trade-Tech 0 Vafiey 0 West Q TV 0 699,416 657,274 10,048 12,973,400 0 0 0 0 404.000 100,000 100,000 604,000 Holding 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 404,000 100,000 100,000 Cottege Total DistrictWide *<u 04,000 362,320 1,934,572 6,904,000 35,791,600 57,669.000 i5i Induded in the College Budget Aiiocation 10/2&201S ? ACTION Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Diviskm: BUSJIHECSS Sersfiees Date: November 4,2015 Subject: RATIFY BUSINESS SERVICES ACTIONS In accordance with the Cal|forma Educ^lop Code and LosAngetes Community College Distnct Board Rules, the fotlowing routme transactions are reported for ratifications: A. PURCHASE ORDERS 8?1_ issued from September 1,2015 to September 30.2015 which tolaled $3,422,370. B. FACIUTIES ORDER FORNS 57 Essyect from September 1.2015 to September 30,2Q15 wNch totaled $211.673. c .*- AGREEMENT FOR ART yODEUNG SERVICES 15 Issued which totaled $8,796. D. PERMITS FOR USE AND CIVIC CENTER PERMETS 10 Issued from_Sepfember 1,2015 to September 30, 2015 for ai tota income of $26J49 at City. 17 Issued fromj>ept,ember 1, 2015 to September 30,2015 for a total Imcome of $17.740 at Harbor. 5 Issued from September 10,2015 to October 9, 2015 for a to^all iiQcome of $5,033 at Valley. Total Income of Section D: $49,522 t ^s^ / hSU\^ Approved by: Recommended by: ^dnana D. BaFrera, bep^-ShaTOelbr Frarteiis®6 C. R|^JInigueZt Ch.arrcettor ChancelEor and Eng Nomna Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong P-eariman Hoffman Svonkm Kamtager Andlersoft Student Tttistee Affoiswy V&te By Page Date of 27_ Pages Corn. Ho. _ BSD- &1V. Business Services Date. 1lt-4-1l5 Los Angeles Commimlty CQlllle^e Dlstrk^ iC^ om. No. BSD1 ^ E. Division: Busmess Serviices Date: November 4^2.0115 CONTRACT EDOCATEON AGREEyENT 4500218338 Gtv^Agreemertt w h Lc^ Angeles Counly Office of Edycafen (l.ACOE)jQr^Cottegeiywo^id^ am^y Technlaan tralmngto LACOE's GAIN/GROW partiapan^ dyrmg the period September 9, 2015 to June 30, 2016, WluBlve. To^l Income: $50.970. Total Income of Section E: $50,970 F. LEASE OF EACIUTEES FQR_D|STRICT USE 450021793® Edvcaliionall Services Center Agreement with Shier^on ©a^emy Holel Los Angeles far use of corference rooms to hold Interviews and to provide breakfast and Hvnch undlerthe auspices o^the Hyman Resources Division, fcr the position of Prestent, West Los Angeles College elurlng the period of October 1,2Q15 through October 2:2015, IrrcEvslve. Total cost: $5,200. 4500218358 MEssipn. Jadlltles Use agreement wth the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation for yse of El Caoso Parkforthe coilege's base^lt, softball aFict soccer athletic teams dynrtg the period June 29, 2015 to December 28,_2015, on cteslgnatect dates and times. Tota^ cost: $10.000. 4500180388 Rerce Amendmen^No. 4 to extend agreement with St Mlartln-m-tbe-Rellds Episcopal Chirrch to lease dassrooFn facfcs for use by coltege on designated dates and times dlunqgthe period Augysf 1.2015 to July 31. 2Q16. Total cost: $15.000. 4500207035 irce. Amendment No. 3 tojenew agreement: with Ara iMlellkcrian for use of the Ara Dance Sfudb to conduct CQmmuniity Services classes, to provtde for additional! use diyning deslgnatec[elates_and times duriing the period July 1 t 2015 to June 30, 2016. Total cost $840. 45002W348 Piierce. Amendment Nlo. 1 to agreement with Robert Gates for addltlortal use of rts facilities to condyct Cpmmimity Services classes dmg the period January 1,2015 to December 31, 2015, on desrgnsted dates and times. Total cost $150. 450Q2161I68 Pierce. Amendment No. 1 to agreement with MM Creek Equestnan Center for yse^of itsfacitles to prcMide fbr acUiiemat us® to conduct Commimlty Services classesdLmg desiignafec[datesancl ttmes^dimrEg the period July 1,2015 to June 30,2016. Totat cost: $9.840. Page 2 of .2Z_^9^ Corn, Nto. BSDH &EV. Byslness Senftees Date H1I-4.HS Los Angeles Communtty Coltege Dlslrlct ^s ^/ om.No. BSD1 Division: Busmess Serviices Date; Novenn!ber4,, 2&15 450021!9Q89 Souftwest Agreement with J Tech Enstitute. Inc. for the use of classroom space per 2QU-2015 SEP Permanence aoct SafetyNode| Approach to Partnershjps InParentmg Pfc^ram Cootract Offsite Class for a series of Six (6) conseaitlve Mondays beginning June 1. 2015 to July 6:2015, inclusive. Total cost: $2.400. Total Cost of Section F: $43,430 G. LEASES, USE PERVITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERNtTS OF DESTRICT FACItmES 4500208172 fi^^-_^m^drn51^^?^ to ext^!cl a9reemerlt ^^ Crespl High School fOiraddltiionalyseofthe swimming pool1 for swimming practice on designated days andjlmes during the period Vay 16. 2015 to October 20, 2015. Total Income: $2.223. 4500216458 Pierce. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreement with Loyiswtlle Hig^^SchooE for additional useofthesoflbail field and pit area for fletd hockey practices on designated dates and times during the penqd October 24, 2015 to November 30, 20115. Tbtalmcome: $6.351. 4500218918 §o^thwe^-,Aareem??t wtth A c 9u?t0^ ciateri^^ dba Recfs Catermg II for use of two designated sites to sell food and refreshments, IMIprxtays thrqycih Saturdays^at varloys hours c|img the perlqd July 1, 2015Tto June 3D, 2Q16, EndusNe. Total locome: $30.000, 4500204531 "^g-Ie^McaL Amendment No 2 to extend the agreemienl with Eriik Pziatlai dba Alt Service Catering for use of a designated slte'tosel;t food and refreshments, Eyiondays (^g^ ^a^y^aj^ro^^^ %S^^StSSIdn£S^ $16,500. Total Income of Section G: $55,Q8Q H. UCENSEAGREEVENT 4500219082 Pierce. Agpermot willn the University Corporation to grairrla ncm-exctysrye license to nfiamtam and openatea Freuefian Siip cafe and ajce^se to_utilize the trademarked Freydlan Sip name The,Bp urdofTrustees_apprpvedan original! sgreemenl on: April! 20. 2005 (Corn. No. -This agreement will provide for the contlnLied use of the license'to run the operation dimg the period Aprit 21,2015 to April 2Q,2016, Page 3 of _27_ Pages Corn. Nlo. BSDIi Div, Bustne&& Services Date 11I-4-1S Los Angeles Community Colliege Distrilct /*^ om.No. BSD1 ^ Division: Busilness Sefvices Date: November 4,,2QH 5 )l indluisi^e. Ro^yajty fee is equatto four percent (4%^o1f the tota gross revenue ^v^Nch a^sale^aTar^JFreudian ^Sip prodlycts applies. EstimNedl annual fee Is $20.000. Total Cost of Section H: $20,QOO I fc- MAINTENANCE AOREEIMIENTS 45002Q55Q4 EdiuicAnaii Services Center. Amendment; Nlo. 1 to renew agreement with_Golden Star Technology Ina to providle software J'lcense support fortheSecure'Rle Shariirtg sppitece and Anti Virus SubscnptEcm for 100 users pravldedl b^ ^P.9?l*'l°-rL Tl?i5. SOJ?^ar:e..tloer?^? allov^s 5>r"the use b^F the colleges and the Educational Services Center of a secvre system for sending and receiving large files vis the Hntemet This systenroperates under the'auspices of the Office of Information Technology, duringthe period September 1,2015 to August 31, 2016, inclusive. "Total Cost $15.295. 4500192264 Bjycallortal Services Center. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement: wib CitlesT)igital for the maintenance of foyr Fypsui scanners for the Human Resources Division, one each for the RNJremert Unit and PayrofE Office,, malrtoiance ^ the Laserfichelceoses arid Workflow software modyle ilmcMlnig the SiJiver SyppQirt package under the ausptces of theQfceof Irtormaitm TechnqEogy, cturtng th^pertod No^mte 20, ^15 to November 19, 2016, Inclusive. TbtaEcost $12.589. 450019202:7 Harte Amrtnent No. 2 to renew agreement wife E^cor Services to protvicte preventatlve maintenance serviic^ on CertFiifygaJ arxlAfosbrption chlllersclunng the peniod December 1,2QH5 to November 30,2016, rebs^e. T | cost $12.939., 4500218469 Hartar.Aqreemeot with Pacific Parking Systems. for pre^enteliive maiintenance seryice on t7aiutomatec[parjking pa^f statm nnachines during the^penod October 1,2015 to September 30,2018, toduslve. Total cost: $25.5(M) .h 4500182688 Pierce. Amendment No. 4 to renew agreement with Amtecl^ Elevator Services for maintenance of 11 elevators for the college during the period December 1,2015 to November 30 2016jnclusive. Total cost: $15,000. t 4500212449 Valley. Amendment No. 1 wjth Paclflc^arkmg Systems, Inc. 5[Ir]^ir!!?l^^L(i[tv^?^ditS?na[ ?si400ve^ek parking pa^ station machines for the Business Office during the periiod September 1, 2015 to May 14, 2016, mciusrve: Total cost: +., 800. Page 4 of 27 Pages Corn. No. BS&1 Qiv. Business Services Date 1111-4-115 Los Angeles Community Cojllege District /^\ <./ om-No. BSD1 Division: Busmess Senfilces Date; No'wem&er4t2®1l5 4500218245 Valley Agreemeqt with Zaretsky Engineering Soluittos dlba Zaretsky^Byldmg Solutions to provide maintehance o?lflhe Alrcuiy^pplmet system in the Allied j^eatth & Scjence Bciiiilielmg dyrlngteperM September 1, 2015 to August 31,201 ©, finidus^e. Total cost: $19,600. Total Cost of Section I: $101,714 J. RENTAL AGREEMENT 4500164953 Edycatmal Services Center Amendment No. 4 to renw ag^eemeFTt with Pj^neyBowes Inc. for rental of a poslage meter ^x the CefiWRnancia! Aid Unjt ciurtrTgthejsencfi Jyty 1. 20115 to. June 30, 2016, inclusive. Tota! cost $264 Total Cost of Section J: $264 K. STUDENT INTERN AGREEVENTS 4500218074 City No-cost agreements with Mission Community Hosplal to prote dinicaltratnlngfor students enrplted in the Nyr^np Program duirmg the period September 1,2015 to August 31 't 2Q18, Indlvsjive. 4500201&32 East No-cosl agreement with Presbyterian Intercormmniy Hospiitali to provide training for students erEfolied m the^Nyi^lng Programs dunnQ the period August 8, 2015 to Aygvst 7, 2017; mduish/e. Various Pierce. Five oa^ost agreements with the foltcwnng contractors for ctinicaE training of students enrolledTmi the Registered Veterinary Technician and/or Pre-Vefermary Sciepoe Program during the period August 31.2Q15toAygiuist 3Q, 2020, indosi^e. I » 4500^18290 4500218291 4500218292 4500218293 Anlma! Specialty Group Banfield Pet Hospital Lawndale Pet Hospital Northridge Veterinary Center 45£X)218294 Veterinary Cancer Group, Inc. 4500217501 Rerce. Np-cost agreement with Henry Mayo Newhall Nlennorlal Rospal^or clinical training of students enrollBGi m te NmingiJ>Fpgram during the period September 1 " 2015 to Augysl 31:2017, Inclusive: Page 5 of 27 Pages C&m. N10. BSD1 Dlv. Business Services &a:te I' l!li-4.1l5 Los Angeles Community College District .om.Nlo. BSD1 e^-. iw/. Division: Business Senrfces Date: November 4,2:&1i 5 4500185533 ^Vest No-cost agreement wtth V^erans Actminlstratlon ^ Greater Los AngellesHotSp^aE to provte clinicat tralnmg for students OT'o|sd m the^Den1alj>rQ9rams during the period August 1. 2015 to July 31,2018, iioctusive. 4500218164 ^^_|'i^:^|[^9reem^lntwiithJV|?trpfH6^^.Sta^c^,to provide clinical tralmg for stvdeFits enrolled In the Medical Assistant programs durihg the period Nay 4,2015 to May 3, 2018 inclusive. t Total Cost of Section K: $0 L SERVICE AGREEMENTS Various Agreements with 0^ Secudt^, Inc. to provide PaEo Alto Networks techm^ support and softoare upgrades for Intema securrtyhartware firewalls that are betweeir-the Coltege and the Internet. Tte?e firewalls protect student, financial and human resources Jinformalion building automation and energy systems at the colegea and can provide a repfacement firewai image In the event of hardware failure. These agreements have been entered Into under the authority of the competitlvety-Ndl State of Cali^mEa Department of General Services Calfcma Ndltlp! e Award Schedule (CMAS) Contract No. 3-Q9-7Q-2428M, TOai cost: $162.944. 4500217916 Cjt^ Dyrmg, thejxmd July 15, 2015 to July 14 2016, inchisjve7^oiall cost $32.102. r 450021^8363 JEdycatipr^t Services Center. During the period September 24, 2015 to September 24,2016, incEusive. 'Totat cost $32,198. 45002171 IT^East. Dimg the period August 30, 2015 to August 29, 2 i167hcHyslve. Total cost: $35.000. 4500218343 iMiilssioni Durmgthe period August 4, 2015to August 3,2QH(MicitSive. Total cost: $32.102. 4500218342 Valley Duming the period August 4, 2015 to August 3, 20167Wusilve. TOatcost: $31^42. 4500165647 City. Amendment No. 5 to renew agreement with Ebsco ?!J!??S ?on ^eryi£i?s iD Pro¥iclet rr^9a?pe and newspaper periodical Stibscrlpte serviicesfor the Library during tee period October 15» 2015 to C^tober 14, 2016, incEuslve. Total cost: $11.000, P-age 6 of 27 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Qw .4 Business Services Date 111-4-15 Los Angetes CommunHy Coflege District Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: November < 2&15 4500216195 Ot^. Correct period of services and contract amountwith Admiral Pest totoll from August; 3 2015 to August 4, 2016 to the period Aygt^_3, 2015 to Auiguist4, 2018 and correct amotmt of$^OQO to $72 OQO, a^preytousty approved by the Board of Trustees on September^ 2015 (Corri/No. BSD1) to provide eco-frlemdl^ integrated pest management services 45Q0217916 City^ N^-cc^t aoreemeirrt with Lc^ Angeles Metrqpdltan TransportAm Autorl^ to pro^icte the Average Vehicte RidersNp & Ellecfimic Survey, enrolt in Metro rewards and Guaranteed Rde Home ProQmm In order to compty with South Coa^AErQyalJit^ Management Distnctrule 2202 during the period Jyfy 115.2015 to Jyty 14, 2016, Inclusive. 4500217947 Q^^reemertwithJ>of?fBOS!erseFy1^ Inc. to provide service on an as needed basis for repairs, replacement, programming and testip9o^ j?D^ers a^dhydrbnic systems during the perjod Jyfy 1^2015 to June 30, 2018. inclusive. Total cost: ~$30,,00 L 4500173401 East Amert tee!!^ No. 4 to renew agreement with Reap Change Consultants to provide the mandated overa! evalustiomjor the Natbnal Science R>undation grant for the 5???^r ^De^l%%rlt DeP3rtment during the period May 15, 2015 to tey 14,, 2018, mcliisi^e. TotaE cost: $11.000. 4500177886 East Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Next Gen W^So^ytlorrs to provide the Scholarship yanagement Software uisedl Ini the Resoyrce arrd Institutional Deveiopment Department for stydent progress tracktng during the penod September 11, 2^15 to Aygyst 31. 2016, inclusive. Total cost: 7,000. 4500191345 East Amefidmenl NQ 3 to renew agreement with Serglo Guzman to provide safety workshop fbrtheFireppenattons Academy duirmg ttie period September 15, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive ."Totali cost: $7,500. 45Q0201631 East Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with 3 D Mailmg to provide delivery services for the Fall 2015 Mini Schedule during the penexUuliy 1,2015 to June 30,2016, Inclusive. Total cost: $37.5QQ. 4500202263 East Amendment No. 1, to renw agreement with Aramark to provide shop towel! servicesjor the Auto TechJ>epartment during the {wmti August 1,2015 to July 31. 2019, inclusive. Total cost:'$-1Q..OOQ, Page of 27_ Pages Corn. No. BSB1I Dw. Bu:sj1nes& Services Date 11-4-15 Los AngeEes Community College District /*v (L-r om:.N®. BSD1 Division: Business Senrtces Daie: November 4,20115 45002118007 East. Agreement; with Kya Services to provide artifidaE turf and water conseFvatosystemJn the Arts_Quad area dunng the period October 7,2015 to December 30, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: $43.800. 4500218014 East Agreement with Viatron^ystems .Jnc to provide scanning system used in the Financial Aid Department cturins theperW Jyty 1, 2015 to June 30,2016, Inclusive. Total cost $12.000. 4500218017 Ea^t^ Agreement with Connect Ed Studios to provJde^College Readiness Badglog program used in the Workforce EducaBoo Deparfmert perMJune 1,2015 to December 31 , 2015 » Inclusive. TeyEal cost: $34.000. 4500217786 Bjycatoali Services Center Agreement with Public Access to Covrt Electromlc Records, dba PACER Service Center, for lcense to access the contractor's online court records and court reporting services for the Office of General Counsel, durmgthe period JuEy 1,2015 to June 30, 2020Jnclusive/Total armvatcost $1.000. 4500219090 BJUiCational Services Center Agreement with Barr Medlatbn Services forjsermes on empipyee matters during the period Septembert, 2015 to June 30^2016, inclusive under the auspices ol the Office of Human Resources. Total cost not to exceed: $10,000 4500190230 Ecluicatoal Services Center (ESQ. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with EBM Corporation tojpro^ide for Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics softwae. including support, used by ESC and campus research offices for dala n^nagement and statlstlca! analysis I under th® auspices of the Office of Educational Programs and nstMxmal Effectiveness during theperiod September 11, 2015 to August 31, 2016, indusEve. Total cost:l $8.984. 4500199493 Educ^Qnail Seirvices Center. Amenclment No. 1 to agreement with Dtrectory Sotvtlons Group to provide UnitySync software licenses and support that will enable LACCD to synchronize user metv^ork Identity and password data across all colleges to enable optolzed secure access to the new PeopleSoft Student Enfbrmatlon System (SIS) and related mbdules unider the avsprces of the Office of Information TechnpEogy StS project, temg the period July 1, 2015 to June 30,2016, inclusive. TOal cost: $2.785. Page 8 of 27 Pages Corn. Ni&. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 111.4-tS Los Angeles Community CotEege District om.No. BSD1 DMsion: Business Services Date: November 4,.20:1; 5 4500203214 Edycatlonat Services Center Amendment No. 1 to rene^ agreement with Priority^yaiEmg, LLC_to provide sybscripfiion services for the SatorfBuEkMailer software and the NAnai Change of Address (NCOA) soHware for the CeotraE Rnancial Aid Umt dyrmgthe penod^uty 1, 2Q15 to Jime 30, 2016, indiystve. Total cost $2.8901 4500218534 Educatoaj SeFvEces Center Agreement with Llebert Cassicfy Whtoare, aProfesstonat Corporation urtder the auspices o^ the Human Resources Diviston to provide ther expert traNng and! consulting services to assist the Human Resources Division m its. rejatlons and negEOtlatlons wfth the employee organisms ctmg theperkxl Juty 1.2015 to JvneSO, 2Q16, InclysNe. Total cost $4,395. 4500158850 Hairtx>r Amendment No. 4 to extend agreement wth Pltney Bcwes to provide postage meter services and eqytpment maiintensmce durmg the period Jyty 1.2015 to December 311 20115, Inclusive, TotaE cost: $419. t 4500217909 Harbor. Agreement with International Trade Education Programs^lTEP) to partner with the College to ass!St_creatlng the Gtobal LogistJcs^ntemationaE Bysiness Adv|sory Board for Global Tracte Locpstlcs pathway, convene^ meetings, de^eiop cuirFlculuim, provKfeup:to-datemdustry Information and ypODmlngeverrte. ITEPwlEI help byNd'student irTterpshIps anct externships for faculty with companjes In th^indystry as allowed by the Career Technicat Education Enhancement Fund duiortp the period September 1, 2015 to Jime 30,2Q16, mctelve. Tbtat cost: $15.000. 4500217971 Harbor. Agreement with Dewey Pest Control Company to provide eco-fFjemny Integrated pestmanagement ser^ces dlLmg thejperlod DecembeM, 201 5 to November 30,2020, Inclvsh/e. TotaE cost: $79.200. Various Nissiort Three agreements with the followmg cor^ractor to pTOiide child care services for the Family ChVd Care Home NetworR (FCCHN) Program participants; this program Is a state funded grant thafallows parents to work, atlend classes or took for empEayment by subsjdizlng their chlfd care r^eeds as fpng as they qualify for services under state guidefines, dvring the period October 1,2015 to June 30, 2016^ incluisive, at an annuial cost of $78,500 per provider for a total of $235,500. Page 9 of 27__ Pages Corn. No. BS&1I DEv. Business ServEces Date H1i-4-1i 5 Los Angeles Community College District f~\ om. No. BSD1 Division: Busmess SeFVices Date; No!veCTTbeF4.2Q1l5 n Agreement No. Contractor Amounit 450Q218850 4500218852 Batres Family Day Care, Inc. $78,500 Julia Hensch dba Hensch Family Child 4500218853 Carolina Felman dba Step by Ste^Famiy Care $78,5QO Childcare $78,500 4500215229 JMiiisslon. AmierKtment No. 1 to increase the tc^al conlract amynton aQreement with Wiliiam J. Cordero, to conduict a comjMBhensEve^ssessmem of the college^ Stutoif Seirvlces Dilvlsbfm to meet the accreditation requirements for this dMsion, mcUlFKi professional develbpment training,, provieJe recormendcfcpsand summary reporiof flnd^gs airf condiysteoffhe assessment for the Prestdemrs Office dyriing the pence! July 1 ^2015 to November 30,2015 t iimdyslve., Total cost: $5,000. 4500218285 yilssiion. Agreement with Dr Albert? "Al" So!ano to proviide exl!Sr^!eY?lyattoriser^ce^ofthe-sclence Techr^c)Qy Engineering and Mathematics grant activltjes as required by tNsQrar^dyring the pehod OctobeM5. 2015 to September 30 » 2016, i^clustve^ Total cost: $15.000. 4500180158 Pierce. AmeFTdment No. 3 to renew agreement with Ebsco Wustees to provide newspaper and magazine stiibscriptiiems for the Ubrary curing the period OctobeM5, 2015 to October 1i4,, 2016, mcteive. "Total cost: $6.176. 450018784Q Pierce Amencfmertt No. 2 to renew agreement wKh John Tyler dba Mm Tyler & Associates to conduct CPR classes previously approved by the Board for the Community^ertfices Department, dvrlng the period July 1, 2015 to June 3Q, 2016 t imdiuisi^e. Total cast $25,000. 4500188764 Pierce. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with Davtd BTQiida to condycrBeginning Blues Harmonlca" and "Beglrmlrx:[Fold Harmonicaft'cfasses previously approved by theB5arcHor %ecommurtitysentffc?SDePartmenf dyrilno^ perilodjylly 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Inclusive, raall cost: ^15.000. 4500218448 Pierce. Agreement with Authorize.Net to use its paymertt Gateway Merchant Service System, specifically for the purpose of collecting proceeds from bank account ami credit card payment transactions; system will be used by GoPsM and will allow students to deposit funds on account which m turn wi!l be processed by Elavon and wifi be transmitted to City Page __10_of 27 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 111-4-15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn-No. BSD1 Division: Business Senriices Date: November' 4,2015 ^ National Bank dunngme period September 1,20115 to Jyne 30, 2017, Inclusive. 'Total cost: $1:168. 4500218458 Rerce- Agreement with News^Pubfisher's Press ferpnntmg of the college's newspaper "the Roundup" for the Media Arts Department during the^peripd^uly 1, 2015toJune30.2016, Inclusive. Total cost: $31,355. 4500218459 Pierce. Agreemertt with Shinebright to conduct a cm-dav prpfessmat development workshop on strengths-teed edycation and provtde license to use its Student Flrrder Workbopk for the EndustriaTTechnologypepartment clyrmg the peflod October 1,2015 to September~30, 2020, Inclusive. Total cost: $16.590. 4500200746 Soutwesi Tennlnate agreement with City of Los Angeltes Economic and Workforce Development to concMe seraces to secure^empEoyer partners, develop internship opportimlties t- and provide job preparation, placement and retention services to eligible partlcEpants under the H1-B Los Angeles Biqroermg Coltsbpratiye Project grant undefthe avsplces of the Tralmig Administration ofthe United States Department of Labor, effective August 13, 2015. Total savings: $180.000. 4500208504 Soothwest. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Yesco LLC to provide maintenance service on the LED display slgin on the confer of Impenal Highway and Western Avenye diiirlng the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total! cost $6.600. 4500217793 Southwest. Agreement with Sunbelt Rentals to rent 20 portable air conditiomn^units for^/aripus classrooms campns- wte during the pericxl October 10, 2014 to November 20, 2014, Inclusive. Total cost: $15.300. 4500217814 Trade-TectalcaLAoreementwtth Sars Software Products, Inc. to provide the-Gr Id, Trak & Alert programs used m StucJemt seraces^a omtmentrem'ndereand?^ 9 during the period July 1, 2Q1 5 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. JcM cost $12.000. 4500177893 ValEev. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement w^th Ramonia Munsett & Associates Consulting tnc.'to provide technea assistance and grant writing services for the 2012-2Q17 Upward Bound Grant^Project during the period September 1, 2Q15toAugust31,2017,'lnclusive7 Total cost: $24.936. Page 11 of 27 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 £>Ev. Business Services Date 1;1-4-115; Los Angeles Community College Dtstrict Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: November 4,2015 4500189748 V^ltey. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement w Sars Software Prextocts Ena ^Sars (Scheduling and Recording SofN?are]-JGnd and Call software' maintenance and sypporffor the Stvdlent Services Department dunng the period My 1 ». 2015 to Jyne 30, 2016, mcEuslve. Totafcost $6.100. 4500203626 VaEEe¥. Amiepdment No. 1 to renew agreement with Blackboard Connect, Inc. to provide unlimited student oLttreach not^ica^oni ^rvlces aswelt as online training and support t>r the SMen|l Services Department during thepertod December 1,2Q15 to Nownber 30; 2016, tncluslve. Total cost: $2B,,6QQ. 4500216841 Valile^. Agreement with the International Business MacNnies Corporalxmforjicerrse of i^s Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SP8S) Statistical Analysis software; IndvAg system sypport and maintenance for the Academic Mairs Department cMng the period August 15, 2015 to June 3Q, 2016JlfTCtelve. Total cost: $11,870. 4500218247 Valley. Agreement with Ramona MunselE & Associates Consulting,, Irra to provtdetechniEcaJ assistance andcirant writing sefyicesfpr the 2015 - 2020 Tit!e IV Studept'Sypprt Services Grant f^j^ct during the period July 1, 201 5 to Jyrre 30, 2Q2Q, IndlysNe: TQ^BI cost: $54.885. 4500218250 Valte^ Aareemert wth.co!^J:^J??.Panyo[ts to create ar^d hosttieJ'Dig.palNe^la^Ectucafbrs Conference" as part of the CT-DiKgaiyedia LAJRegiongrant work plan during the periiod July 1^0115 to June 30, 2016; Inclusive.' Total cost $7.600. 4500218360 Valley. Agreement with PtrracEe Evaluation Services LLC to servessextema^evatator and to provide consyEtlng serviices for the Hispanie^ervmg Institutions ~ Science, Techholog^ Engineermg amd Mathematics gran^as required by tNs grart f dimg the periiod September 1 ^2015 to September 30, 2015 It Inclysi^e. Total cost $7.500. 4500218473 Valley. AgireemeN with Long Beach City College Foyodato Sj^l?l?^2?P^?v^[(??!%!SffaPul^and £?udef?s mdtjdlngmstmcAnjmfTev^productlon technique to add in the crealion reviislcm, ancl beta testing of curriculum as part of thejnfbrmation & Commimlcation Technqlogies-Digital Mledla LA Re9ii09jF^ work ptandurmg the period'Juty 172015 to June 30, 2016, ilrtdyslve. TotaEcost: $8.812. 4500186652 ^esf. Amendment No,4 to renew agreement with Vlafron Systems, Inc. to scanning services for the Student Services DepartmefEt dlurmg the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2Q16. induisi^e, To^all cost: $6.334. Page 12^of ^Z_p39es Corn. No. BSD1 &iv. Business Services Date 1;1:-4-H5 tos Angetes Community Colege DEStrict Corn. No- BSD1 Division: Business Sefvises Date: November 4.20115 E 45002Q807B ^est AmendmentNo. 1 to renew agreement with Steris CQFporafbn to provide service for the Gravity Steam Steritlzer kica^edl In the Science Department during the period July 1 2015 to Jvoe 30. 2016, inctuslve. Total cost: $14,000. I 4500218234 West. Agreement with Courtyard. By Marriott to provide banquet services as atlowedby the program for the Dente Hlyperic professional development program hetd on October 24,2015: Tofat cost: $7.000: Total Cost of Section L: $1,23'U43 M. SPECIAL GRANT FUNDED AGREEMENTS 450017H442 Clt^ AmendF^sint No 4 to renew agreement with Los Angeles Unified School District for that agency to fund the Gear tip 4 LA to provide tutoring services, host campus vistts, provide cottegepreparation and financial literacy workshops during the peno-d September 22,2015 to September 21, 2016, inclusive. Tofat Income: $60.000. 4500197771 QJM. Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with CaElfornEa Communjty Colleges^Chancellpr's Office for that agency to tact the Cal Works Regional Efforts Doitars to encourage colaboratipn of activities to support snd enhance r^iorial etorts dyrmg the period July 1.'2015 to June 30. 2016 t mclysi^e. Total income: $10^000. 45001364111 Dlstlctwtde, Renewal of agreement with the California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division, for that agency to provide funding for healthy meals to alt cNEdreo enrolled aftheCotEeges8 Child Development Centers atocated belcw, mreaslng awareness In healthy choices for the enroled childrerfapd their famities^ and decreasing the effects ofcWhood obesl^ through the State's Child ancfAdylt Care Food Program (CACFP-19-CC-CS), during the period of October 1.2015 to September 30. 2016 inclusive. Total mcome: $ 925 J78. LACrtyColEege East LA CoHege LA. Harbor Colege LA. IMIIssion College LA Rerce Coltege LA. Southwest College LA. Trade-Tech Coltege LA, ValleypolEege West LA College Page t3 of 27 Pages Corn, No. BSD1 Dlv. Business Services $105,568.00 $142,665.00 $ 70,450,00 $ 98,466.00 $ 96,569.00 $ 91,957.00 $101,757.00 $169,842.00 $ 48,504.00 Date 111-4-115 Los Angeles Community Collegie District Corn. No. BSD1 Dtvision: Busmess Services Date: Nkwernber 4,20115 45002118985 EctucatlcmaE Services Center. AQreement with W^iStEd for that agency to fund Igniting Campus^Change in CaEitbrrua Community CoEt^s through STEM (Sdence. Technobg^ E^meermg and Mathematics) Ctassroom Transformatm Pro|sct to Increase college retenttqn and graduatibni rates of STEM students so morestudents from undeFrepresenled popvtetEonsare ready forglobafty competitive careers diyring the ported September 1, 2015 to June X 2016, mdusNe. Total income: $88.000. 4500217193 DiisWwlde. Agreement with the State of California Department ofEducation for that agency to tad the Chid De^eEopment Centers Distrlctwide: Generai Child Care and Devetopment Program (Contract^: CCTR-5096, Project ^: 19- 6474-00-5) to serve a total of 127 college student-parenits, at the sltocattons listed below, during the period July '1, 2015 to Jyne 30,2016, Inclusive. Total incomef $2.238.814. City $ East Harbor Mission Pierce Southwest Trade-Technlca $ $ $ $ $ $ Valley $ 206J74 $ 138,854 West Unatlocated: East $ 48,712 86,132 60,013 486.462 t 40,894 111,518 201.205 * t 858,250 I 4500218526 Districtwide. Agreement with the State of California Depaftment of_Education for that agency to fund the Child Development Centers Districtwide : CaErfornEa State Preschool Program (ContiBC[#: CSPP-5191 Project ^: 19-6474-00-5) to serve a total of 389 coilege student-parents, at the alocatkro listed betow. during the period Jufy 1,2015 to Juioe 30. 2015 inctelve. To^al income:'$5.848^87, Qy $ $ $ $ East Harbor NiSStQFI Pierce $ Sovthwest Trade-Technicat Valley West CCDAA_Membership Control Tech Page 14 of _27 Pages Corn. Ho. 8S&1I mv. Business Servtces $ $ $ $ $ $ t 217,064 I 627,681 221,429 319.119 445.109 > f 521.880 189.023 618.255 » » 132,062 3,000 15.345 > Sate Hi-4^5 Los Ancjeles Community CoiEege District Corn. No. BSD1 Dlvtss&n: Business Services Date: November 4,2015 UnalEocatect: East $ 2,538,420 450019Q926 East. Amendment HQ 1 to agreement withi South Bay Workforce Investment Boarc^ Inc. for that: agency to fund the I- Train Pfogram for the Logiistics Prpgram at the coEEege for up to 25 students, ctyrlngi the period Jyjyl, 2Q15 to June 30, 2017, inclusive. Total income: $99J 5. 4500192357 East. Amendment No. 1 to agreement with Yosemite Community College District forthal agency to fund the Caljforma Child Development Permjts program during the period September 11,2015 to June 3Q,2©f6, Indyslve. Total income: $10,000. 4500218019 East Agreement with ChaM Las PosKas CQmrmmity College for that agency to tad the Cajiifomia Nlentor Teacher program during the period August: 1.2015 to July 31. 2016. indusive. Total income: $3,750. 4500152193 Mission Amendment Nlo. 5 to renew agreement with X^S£E??rP?rn?!1y?^PSIIe?e 9{stri y?f.ll!?t asencyto funcf theChiEdDevelopmentConsortiynTE, Chitct Development Training Program, to conctuct clias^s fo[3pP^oxlrT^teEy 150 students who are working towards their California Chitd D^etopment permit arrd'wto ap cyrreritly working in state and federally fundect child d^e'lopment centers, private chlEd devetoPment certeF;orfamHychMca"> tomes; during the period July 1. 2015 to June 30,2016, Inclvslve.' Total Income: $17.500. 4500193141 MISSIOQ. Amendment No. 2 to rer^ew agreement with Chabot l:a^?c?sitas Fomlnufft ^°!lleS1? Diistetfor that: agency to nm E<????J^IS?S^E1^5?ll?^t?i??1stcl!rect^.lotfhe Program Dtrector and mentors for tie impIerpentatEon of the California Early Childhood Mentor Program for the Child Development Department, during te period August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, Inclusive. No Incdme. 4500218272 Mission. Agreemert^witit Los AnQelles County Office of Educatlqr^(LACOE) for that agency to fund the enmltment of 25 LACOE Greater Avenves of Indepenclence partlCEpants to Culinary Arts ctasses during the peribd August 31,2015 to June 30, 2016, Inctustve. TOall imcome: $419.313. 4500195921 ?f?!de-^F^n£al Agreemertwrlh LosAngeles County MetropolttanTransporlaliooAythortty t>r that agency to fund the Rail Technical Training Programfbr up to 50 stuctents wishing to have a career m High! rail operations during the Page 15 of _27 Pages Corn. No. BSD^ Div. Busiirress Services Date ^-4^S Los Angeles Community College District om.r^fc BSD1 c%. tuT DwEslon: Business Sennces Date: November 4,2015 period September 1.2015 to Octot>er 1, 2018, Inclusive. Total income: $500.000. 450Q205028 ^^^^lg^l^^]]grt^^C^itertla Community CoEleges Chancellor's Office for t.hat agency to fynct the Enrollment Growth for Associate Degree Nyrs|nc| Program for up to 75 students during the period Jyfy 1, 2015~to Jime 30 I 2016, inciusive. Total Income: $204.000. 450Q21719Q Irade:Te<?hr}!C^L Agreemept with Rancho Santia^> CommunJtyCoHepeD ict for W agemcyto fund the Career Technical Educatiort Program fo assist theCptiege In devetoping cumcutum to'meet thie needs of the current labor rS?f^tf2F- .t?.iy^H?!?r?ts^urm^1 ?^ P^^ Jar)uary1 t 2015 to October 31,2016, jndvsi^ Tc^ta! mcome: $297.471. 4500218158 Trade-TechnlcaL Agreement vA Buireau of Street Maintenance Los Ahgetes for that agency to fund the Street Maintenance Technology program for vp to 12Q students enrolled inJhej^ranrfaimrEhe perimf September 1,2015 to August 31, 2016, inclustva Total Income: $19.440. 45QD218175 Trade-TechnlcaE Agreement with California Comnfiunlty Colleges Chancetiors Offtce for that agency to fund the Prop ??. 9!??n. En?!rc^f YvorRf?r ie. pr°QrarTE Oi'a^tfor up to 50 students working toward oteimg certificates related to the energy industry during the perkxh^prll 1, 2Q15 to June 30 I 2016jnclusive. TotaEtncore: $1J4Q.QOO. 4500218180 Trade-TechnjcaL Agreement with Fouindation for CaEifomia Community'CdHeges for that agency to fynd the Linked Learning program for up to 195 stvdent traEistolng from high school to college dunng the periQd^Aug.ust 1,2015 to January 31, 2017, inclusive. Total mcome: $99; 840 4500218255 Vaffey. Agreement U.S. Oepanme^t Edycation for that ???r?SY tRj4nc!^h? ?ildent.?l!^x>ri ^ervjces ?ro^nl to provide aid to low-lncome, first generato and/or disabled college students achieve an educato, graduate and transfer to a four year university in a tlmeiiy manrier to approximately 160 students per year, during the'perlod September 1,2015 to August 31,2020, Inclusive. Total! Inicome: tt.155.515. 4500181141 West Amendment No. 3 to aQreemept with US. Department of Education for that agency to fuirrd the TriiQ Upward Bound Math and ScienceJ3rogramfQf yp to 60stucleFits during the period October 1,2015 to September 31,201 8, tncluslve. TotaE +' income: paSe _t6-.af .27_pa9 s Corn. Mo. BSD1 ,oga Dfv. Business Services Date 1^-4-15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Dtvsston: Business Services Date: November 4,2015 4500181145 West Amendment No. 3 to agreemept wi^h U.S, Department of Education for that agenq^ to fuind the Upward Boimd #2 prcgramforuptD50sftxlentsduringtheperiodSeptember1, 2015 to August 31,2016, mc^si^e. Total'Income: ^250.000. 4500193953 West Amendment No. 4 to aQreement with US. Department of Education for that agency to fund the Trio Talent: Search program for up to 583 students dump the period SeptembeM, 2015 to August 31,2016, mdiuslve. Tb^ IncQme: $230.000. 4500218166 ^fest Agreement with State of Cafifoma Department of RehablEltatlon for tet agency to fmn^ the College to Career program for up to 60 students duirmg the period July 1,2015 to June 30, 2018, inclusive. Totat Income: ^750.000. Total Income of Section N: $14,317,573 N. SHORT TERM AGREEMENTS PREPARED AT SITE IQCATIONS FOR SERVECES7RENTAL & MAINTENANCE OF EQUEPMENT. AES|DL!CENSE MAiNTENANCEOF SOFTWARE $5.000 OR LESS PER YEAR 4500211616 City.Agreementwith LosAngetes Unified School Districtto ?^i?^b!!J?JSt????rt?t^rl fcf!^I??hcareel,pa^ways program participants to gqonjleldtnps using five buses for each scheduled trip from the Coiltege to specified school; arrangements for specific focateonwil^ be made by Director during theperfod September 11. 2015 to September 30, 2015, tnclusiye. All charter buses are iceosed by the PubElc UiElitles Commtsstons and the Interstate Commerce Commission. All buses are inspected regujarjy by the California Highway Patrol for safety. Total cost: $1J50'. 4500217623 Ct^ Agreement with Mission School T^nsportatbn Inc. to provide_bus trartsportaticm for Upward Bouod students and stafHo^Pomona Colfecie for a campus tour on September 23, 2015. All charter buses are Elcensed by the Rjbllc Utilities Commissions and the tnterstate Comrherce ComFnlsston. A buses are inspected regularly by the Cagfomia Highway Patro for safety. TofaE cost: $545. 4500217129 City. Agreement with IBE Digital to replace black ImaQing unit on Kqnica MinpEta C280 copier l^aite'd in the Foster and Kinship Care Education Tech depar|meptclyring the period September 2, 2015 to September 30,2015, Inclusive^ Total cost: $572. 4500217279 Cr^. Agreement with Sandra Smith to. co^dyct a 33-hour training workshops for Permapence aod Safety - Mocte Approach to Partnerships m Parentmg Program partidpants Pas® _iL.ot _2^ Pages Corn. No. SSD1 £>rv. Business Services. Date 1H-4-(S Los Angeles Community College District ^om.Mo. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: Movemiber4, 20t5 who are planning to become faster pajfents or adopt ctyrmg the period September 1, 2015 to June 1,2016, inclusive. Tofa cost: $3.400. 4500217281 City. Agreement with Robert Hanna Barksdale to facilitate the Foster and Kinship Care Education tratnmg to foster parents and relative careglvers on topics to include: parental sktfls, child develQpmerit, behavioral Issues, teen issues and speclaEized care durmg the period to August 24, 2015 to June 30, 2016, Inclusive. Tolai cost; $5.0QQ. 4500217387 City. Agreement with Et Avi&o yagazine to am up to sixteen % P???-?cfv?rtSselfnents^?iice_a mon^ul?.^Ramsil\?n con'lfp^^^y services and non-credtt success academic aduEt education offerings dyinng the perM July 1. 2015 to June 30, 2016. inclusive. Total cost: $3.©8Q. 4500217436 CJt^ Agreement with 3V Library Systems Contracteto provtde maintenance support to cover parts and labor on 2 detection systems in the Ubrary during the period September 15,2015 to September 14,2016, IncEusive; Total cost $2.078. 4500217467 @t^A9i[eernent?vith Applied Power Technologies Corporation to provide annual preventative maintenance service on the Eaton BladeUPS-48 ynlQterruptlble power supply system and corresponding batteries for the information Technot'ogy department cfumg the period November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost $3.849. 4500217514 City; Agreement with Karin Gonzalez Photography to provide gbotographyserviices for grsduation as altowed by the Gateway to College granfduring the period June 9, 2015 to Juiy 20, 2015, Inclusive. Total cost: $622. 4500217519 City. Agreemeot with Merry X-Ray ChemicaE Co. to maEntam the automatic film processor to include chemical replacement, periodical oteama eqylpment rnaintenance and repair for the Radiation Technology DepartmenUIunng the peFlod jLify 1, 2015 to June 30, 20116, Irrclyslve. Total cost: $800. 4500217525 Crty.^reemer^ with Capital Industrial Medical Supply Co., dbaZee ^edlGalServlceto^ePlenlsh,f{nst3ids^Ppl!^J^^ Sheriffs department durmg the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, incEustve. Total cost7 $1.400. 4500217693 £^A9ree^^^^^at^^^tal^R®steufant to prpvlde catering services for Care workshop participants as allowed by the EOPS Care program grant on Seprfember 25, 2014. lota cost: $289. Page t8 of 27 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Busmess Services Date Hi-4-15 Los AngeEes CoFnmunlty CoHege District Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Servtces Date: November 4,2015 4500217874 City. Agreement with Nichael Motley to conduct "Off The Cuff, Comedy Emprqvlsato" classes preyiousfy approved by the Board for theCommupjty Services Department curing the period August 1,2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $250. 4500217929 City. Agreement wi American Red Cnassforthe Community Services Department to become an authorized provider to teach Red Cross framing courses and offer certificates previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Departmentdimg the period July 1,2015 to June 30,2016, inclusive. Total cost: $3,000 4500217952 City. Agreement with House of Friends Catering to provide catenng services for retreat as allowed by the CalWQRKs and EOPS & Care grant on October 6, 2015/Total cost $1.498. 4500218039 City, Agreement with Subway Sandwich to provide catering seryjces^for the student forum workshops as allowect by the CalWORKs Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Progrann (TANIF) grant during the period July 1,2015 to June 30, 2016, IncIusEve. Total cost: $1:472. 4500218167 Gty. Agreement with Arbuckte Electric Motors. Inc. to provide parts, repair motors, pumps blowers and other caFnpus equipment during the period January 1, 2016 to December 1, 2016, inclusive. Total cost $4,999. 4500215787 East Agreement with On: Course, I nc to provide First Year Experience for new faculty members during the period October 16, 2015 to October 17, 2016, Inclusive. Tdtat cost: $3.860. 4500216653 East. Agreement with Socal Shred to prpylde shredding services of allowed documents for Admtnlstrative Services during the period October 7, 2015 to October 6, 2Q16, inclusive. Total cost: $1,050. 4500216991 East. Agreement with Goiden Star Technology. Inc. to provide support for Hewlett Packard server software "used In the nformation Technotogy Department during the period September 30. 2015 to September 29.2016. Total cost: 1700. 4500217323 East, Agreement with Dean Evans and Associates to. provide support for Event teagiement System used for room scheduling at the College during the period Varch 1,2Q15to February 29, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2,709. Page 'ls_of .27__pa9es Corn. No. BSD1 !i>fV. Bustness Servtces Date 11-4-H5 Los Angetes Community College District Corn.. N& BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: November 4,2015 4500217726 East. Agreement with Yasuyo Nakamura to provide annual piano tuning servicesfpr the Nusic Depar&p'ent during the period August 31,2015 to December 30, 2015, inclusive. Tota cost: $730. 4500217747 East Agreement with Richard Thomas Manasian to provide training on sound desiign for students working on various College prodyctbns and comcerts during the'period October 2, 2015 to June 16, 2016, inclusive. Total cost; $1,500. 4500217958 East Agreement with! Aprodox to provide parRlng citation hearings for the coMege dyriing the period July 1:2015 to June 30, 2016, Inclyslve. Total cost $2.400. 4500217982 East Agreement with Elleen Zamora to provide workshops for the East New Facu!ty_0rientatlon program during the period October 16, 2015 to October 17, 2015, inclusive: Total cost: $500. 4500218258 East, Agreement with Qtls Cotlege ofArt & Design to provide an original exhibition of ceramics_by Ralph Bacerra during the period July 1, 2015 to August 1, 2015, inclusive. Total cost: 1,500 4500215159 Marbor-_ ^9[eemenlt wttP,.?u?^tati°P ^ech Camps to provide Minecraft Mapping! and Modeling classes previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department during the period June 115, 2015 to July 15, 2015. inclusive. Total cost $3.321. 4500215259 Harbor. Agreement with Notary Public Seminars to provide workshops to prepare participants for the state exam previously approved by the Board for the Commynity Services Department during the period of July 1,2015 to December 31 t 2015, indusEve. Total cost $4,000. 4500218065 Harbor Asreementwith Durham School Services to provide bus transportation for the staff and students in Advanced ManuJBcturmg ^ Irtdustriat Desjgn Pathway to tour facility at ACE Clearwater CompBFiy on O'ctober 2,2015. Aft charter buses are licensed by the Public Utilities Commissions and the nterstate Commerce Commission. All buses are inspected regularly by the California Highway Patro! for safety.'Totat cost: $455: 4500217781 Mission. Agreement with Eversqft, Inc. to provide maintenance and supply salt for the water softener tank for the Maintenance and Operations Department including during the paS& 2Q ol 27 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Busmess Services Date 11-4-1S Los Awles Community CoElese Distrtct Corn-N&. BSE)1 Divfsl&R: Business Serwces Date: November 4,2015 period October 1,2015 to September 30, 2016, Inclusive. Total cost: $2:68. 4500217959 Mission. Agreement with Aliiaa Ames-Trelles to conduct workshops on the topics of worRlng with the system, the needs of foster chlldlren, schools iissuies and ctlsclpllrie for the Permanence and Safety- Model Approach to PartnersbEps in Parentmg Prpgrannjparttapants durlngthe period September 19, 2015^10 Johe 30,, 20116, Indystve/Total cost: $<800. 4500217960 Mission. Agreemeot with tori Ann Swlfanowski to conduct workshops to caregNers regarding the essential eEements that every caregh/er stould knpwwheo caring for a child who has been through trauima for the Foster and Kinship Care Education- Program partlciipanis dyrmg the period September 28,2015 to December 30^2015, Inctusive. 'Total cost: $600. 4500218063 Misston. Agreement with Laura Delgado to conduct workshops on the topics of working with the system, the needs of foster children schooEs iissues and discipline for the Permanenoe and Safety - Node| Approach to Partnerships in Parenting, Prpgrampartnapants dyrlngjhe period September 19, 2015 to Jime 30,2018, Wustve/Totai cost: $2:100 4500216057 rc^ Agreement wNh Vo'Ecethread to provide license to use of its software for Distance^EducAn Program during the period September 15,2015 to SeptembeM4, 2016, IhcEusive. Total cost $3,000. 45Q0217306 Pierce. Agreement wiith ^It San Jacintp CoHege to provide an online workshop on course faciWon, introduction to online teaching and learning for the Distance Eiducation Program during the period September 1, 2015 to November 1,'2015, inclusive, totall cost: $2.000. 4500217466 Pierce. Agreement with Fliynton Ritcbie for rental of tables, chairs and tents for the "Go Days Evenf for the Counseling Office on Avgyst 24, 2015. Tofalcost: $980. 450Q217469 Pierce. Agreement with Pruidential Overall Supply for rental of shop towels used jn theAuto Lab during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, mdius^e. Totafcost:' $2.797. 45Q0217495 Pierce^ Agreement with Theresa Reed to conduct "Prudent Parenting class previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department on September 12, 2015. Total cost $6CX). Page 21_of _27_Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Dw. Bustness. SeEviiees Date 11-4-15 Los Angeles Community ColEege Dtstri t Com.No. BSD1 DivEsror^ Bysiness Services Date; November 4,2015 4500217591 Pierce. Agreement with Keiille N^hotsoo dba Grandma Glllle's Greetings-to oortduict "Bartending" classes previously approved by the Board far the Cbmmum^y 3ervices Department duirmg the period NoveEnber3, 2015 to November 17.2Q15jndlusive., Total cost: St.SOO. 4500217592 P^rce. Agreement with Dale Laduike to conduct "Beginning Ukulele^ dasses pr^iQosty approved by the_ Board during the period October 8:2015 to November 12. 2015, incluswe. Total Cost: $1.068. 4500217593 Pierce. A9Feement with Voices for Al I LLC to conduct "An ntroductm toVolceows: d^s previouisEy approved by the Board for the Commimly Servi:ces Department on OctQber 14, 2015. Total cost: $468. 4500217594 Pierce^ Agreemerrl with Sle^e Bensusen to conduct "Artist yocame^elQpmerr classes pre^toysly approved by the Board for the Commumity Services Department durlhg the period October 110,2015 to NcwennberU, 2015, Inclusive Total cost: $1,329. 4500217595 Rerce. Agreement witiRaindy Martin to conduct "Acupresajire & Holistic htealmef cEasses previously approved by the Board cm October 5,2015. Total cost $576. 4500217596 Pierce, Apreement will Helen Ejatsos dba Home Office to conduct "Start Your Own Home-Based Business" class previously approved hy the Board for the Cqmmimity Services Departmenl on November 14,2015. Total Cost: $1,456. 4500217597 Pierce. Agreement with Kns G. Halt IQ conduct "yedlcal Front Office - Online" and "Start a l^ecllca[ Bitting Service OnlEoe" classes pre^ioysly appmec^by the Board dyring the period October 7,2015 to October 2B,, 2015, tncluslve.'Total cost: 1,760. 4500217621 Pierce. Agreement with Robert Gates to conduct "Satsa Red Holland ^egmi]g BaNiroom'1 classes previousEy approved by the Board fofthe Cbmmuimty Services Department dyrlog the period October 9,2Q15 to November 13,2015, Inclusive. Total cost: S300. 4500217788 Pierce. Agreement wrth Ronald Mahto conduct workshops fitted "Let's Talk About Cu!1ure!^and!tMy^-Cuttyral& Diversity Training-Culturally Sensitive Practice" for the Child Devetopment^Center during the period September 25, 20H5 to September 26, 2016, indusive. Total cost $4.000. Page 22 of _27 Pages Corn. No. 8SD1 Div, Siistness: Servtces Date 1^-4-15 Los Angeles Community CoiEege District om.No. BSD1 ^ <L> Division: Busiiness Services Date: November 4,20^5 4500218168 Reree Agreement with Prudential Overall Supply for rental of 3Q mats m vanioys sizes for the Child Development Center during the period September 1, 2015 to August 30.201i6, Inclystve. Tblal cost: $2.289. 4500215254 Sautwest Agreement with American Transportation Systems to. pmlde bas transportation for the Upward'Bound partlapanls a^d staff to Futcrum Learning Systems for team Mdmg activities on July 10 2015 and to Mi. SalrEt tery Urrlversrty and PepperAe University for campus toors on July 17,2015; Al charter bases are licensed by the Public UtlEitiies Commissions and! the Interstate Commerce Commlsston. All buses are Inspected regytarly by the Catifomla Hltghway Patrol for safety, Tolail cost $1 .456: 4500215668 Southwest Agreement with Cl Solutions to provicfe technlcsl support on IID'Card System and ID Card Printer in the Assessment and Testing department during the period July 1 t 2Q15toJyniC 30, 2016, Inclusive. Total cost: $1.684. 4500215742 Southwest. Agreement with Godparents Youth Orgiamzatlort to provide bus transpQftalion for the Upward Bound participants En the summer academy program to Disneyland ahd campus tour visits to Chapman University and^ioEa University duftnig the period Juty24, 2015 to August 1, 2015, inclusive.' A charter buses are licensed by the Public Utilities Commissions and the Interstate Commerce Commission. All buses are mspeeled regylarly by the California Highway Patrol for safety. Total cost: &317; 4500216042 Southwest. Agreement with Four Points by Sheraton to pro^debanqyel services to recognize participants completing the 201^SyTier Enrichment Academy as allowed by the Upward Bound! program grant on August 7, 2015. Total cost: 5.000. 4500216043 Soythwest Agreement with Fulcrum Leaming Systems, Inc., to provide team byllcfog and ieadershjp devetopment actlvitiies for 55 stydlenls^aqd staffas allowed by the Upward Boynd grant cm Juily 10,2015. Total cost: $4,950. 4500204714 Valley. Amendlnnent No. 1 to increase the total contract amount with Enk Pujattan dba AH Service Catering to provide uoches for Upwarel Bound Saturday Academies and Symmer Program participants as allowed by the Upward Bound grant during the perW EMa^ 1 , 2015 to August 31, 2015, Inclustve., TOall cost $2.500. Page 23 of 27 Pages Corn, Ho. BSD1 Div. Busiiness Services Date 1:H-4-15 Los Angeles Community Coilege Distrilct (f^ .w- o'm.No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: November 4, 2Q1I5 4500204716 Valley. Amendlmeot No. 1 to Increase the total contract amoyntwlh Teresa Gonzalez Gatvan dba Tatis Diamond Tours to pro^e bos transportation services for Upward Bound partldpants* cuEtural trips and visits to vandus colleges duriftg tile period July 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015, Indvsi^e. All buses are licensed by the Public Utilities Commisslom ami the Interstate Commerce Commission. All buses are inspected regularfy by the CallfQmia Highway Patrol for sale^y. Total cost $875 4500204717 ValleM. Amendment No. 1 to increase the tota! contract amoimt with TeresQ Gonzalez Galvan dba Tatis DlamonicJ Tours to pro^tdle bus transportation services for the Upward Bound Vath and Science participants' cultural trips arid visits to various camipiBes during the period July 1 2015 to September 3Q, 2015 inclusive. Ati buses are licensed by the Public UMies Commissions and the Interstate Commerce Commission. All buses are Inspected j-egulariy by; the CslltornB Highway Patrol for safety. Total cost: "$9QO. 4500207672 Valley. Amendment No. 1 to Increase the total contract amount with Commercial Meat Company to provide food for the Upv^ard Bouind Math and Science (UBMS) Prociram's after school tvtormg participants as allowed by the UBEVlBgrarrt during the period July 1.2015 to September 30,2015; inclusive. Total cost $996. 4500208407 Valley, Amemdment No. 1 to increase the total contract amount with CommercialJ^eat Company to provide food for the Upward Bovnd (UB) Program's after schooi tutoring parttcipants as allowed by_the UB grantduring the perlbdl Juiily 1,20H5toAygyst 31, 2015, Inclusive. Total cost: $929. 4500213037 Valley. Amenclment No. 1 to increase the total contract amount wlh Springshare LLC for license to use Its Lib Cal-20 software for the^ Basic Skills Program during the period January 1,2015 to December 31, 2015, Inclusive. Totali co^: 449. 4500217354 VsIEey. Agreemerttwith Trust Auto Sales to conduct "Ayto Whotesal^" classes previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department during the period October 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Totafcost $3,500. 4500217392 Valjey. Agreemept with Tennant Sales Service Co. to repair broken window of green machine sweeper for the Maintenance and ppeFcrtions Department during theperiod September 4,2015 to October 31.2015, inclusive. total! cost: 744. Page 24 of 27 Pages Corn. No. 8SD1 Div. Business Services Date 111-4-115 Los Angeles Community College Dlstet f^ "»/ om.No. BSD1 Division: BusiiRe&s Services Date: November 4,20^ 5 4500217397 Valley. Agreement with Intetecom for subscription to Its academ^Dnllne resoirces for the Presidenfs Offlcedvrtpg thepefiodl July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost, 11.500. 4500217515 Valley Ac|reement with Dougias T. Flscherfor maintenance of the weatte station, system located in Gold Creek Area durmg the period Ajugyst 17; 2015 to August 16, 2016. mclusNe. Tolallcost $2,480. 4500217544 Vafey. Agreement with Andy Gump, Inc. for rental and mainiepance of oneAndy Gump Deluxe portable restroom located in, the Gold Creek Area during the penod September 12,2015 to September 11, 2016, inclush^ Total cost $937. 4500217589 Valtev. Agireement with Elalne Voran to conduct" You're Retire^ Now What?" and "Mystery Shopper'1 classes previously appromj by the Board for the Community Services Department dvrmg the period Juty 1,2015 to June 30,2016, mdysive. Total cost $888. 4500217673 Valey. Agreemert with Danie[8cQvlHe to serve as an accompanlst f&r the 2015 Fall Semester VusicaE Theater dass dimg theperM September 2,2015 to December 1» 2015, Wvslve. Total cost:' $1.500. 4500217675 Valley. Agreement with First Student Charter Bus to provte bus tmrmpoirtat!cm services for James Monroe Htgh Schoo and Van Nuys Higl^chool students particlpatfncfm Mlanufaduriing Day Event on October 2,2015. Alt drivers are bacRgroimdl checked and undergone extensive training. Bus fleet arengoroysfy matrrtamed and mspected on a regAr basis. M buses are llcerrsed by the Public Utilities Commiissians and the Interstate Commerce Commission. Total cost $1.035. 45002178311 Vaiey. Agreement with Dean Evan and Associates, Ena to provide svpport and maintenance of EMS CaEendar software forjhe Naster Calendar Office during the period June 1, 2Q15 to May 31, 2016. Inditsive. Total cost: $625. 4500217833 Valjey. Agreementwlth Helberg Cqpsulting, tnc. for access and soppqrtfpf is Student Access Online, a program use as database for Upward Bound students and to generates the armyaljserformance reportjequired by the Department of Edycation for the Upward Boync^Program during the period August H©, 2015to August; 15, 2016, Inclusive. Total cost: 1,49^ Page 2S,of _27_ Pages Corn, No. BSD1; Div. Busmess Services Date .H-4-1;5 Los Angeles Community Colliege District f^ om.No. BSD1 ^ DivtsloR: Business Sefvtces Date: November 4,, 1;2©115 4500217B62 Vcillev. Agreement with Ct Solutions Division of Card ntegratoirs Corporation for maintenance of two Ct ID card systems for the Admissions and Recorcts Office dimci the IpeFiod August 1, 2015 to July 31 , 2016, inclusive. Total cost >3J8Q. 450021T992 Valley. Agireement with Canon Solutions America, lac. for maSmanceofa Canon IR2025i copier In the Child De^etopment Department during the period September 21, $608 2015 to September 20, 2016, inclusive. Total cost ^. 450Q218H08 Valeu Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for mainterwce of a Canon ADVC5035 copier In the Studied Servilces Office during the period October 8, 2015 to October 7, 2016, mclusive. Total cost: $1,000. 45002180112 Valley. Agreement with Capital industrial MedicaE Supply Co., dbaZee Nedjcal Services to supply and re-stock first aid kit In the. Sheriffs Office during the period July 1, 2015 to Jvne 30. 2016, mduslve. Total cost: $2,400. 4500218Q95 Vale^ Agreement with Canon Solutions America. Inc. for malrrfenance of a Canon ADVC5035 copier in the Services for Slydents^th Disabilities Department during the perte^ October 8,2015 to October 7, 2016, inclusive. Tbfail cost: $925. 450021181114 Valtey. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon ADVC5035 copier in the Admiisslons and Records Office during the October 8, 2015 to OctQber 7, 2016jndusi^e, Total cost: $1,000. 4500218116 Valley. Ag-reement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance oftwojCanonjR5075 copies tn Reprog;r3phlcs dwlngi the October 29, 2015 io October 29, 2016^ Inclvslve. Total cost: $1,346. 45Q0218205 ValEev. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for malnlenance of a Canon !R3235 copier located In the slc Department during the period September 30,2015 to September 29,2016 jnciusive. Total cost: S680. 4500218901 Van De Kamp Innovation Center. Agreement with Low Go Carts to proiide complete diagnostic testmg of the etectriic goif cart to determine the mechanical issues that prevent It from workiing durmg the period October 19,2015 to December 3Q 2016. industve. Total cost: $95. pa9e _26^ o^ 27 Pages Corn. N!o, BSD t Wv. Business Services Date t 111-4-11 & Los AngeEes Community College District om.Na. BSD-t DivEslon: Business Services Date: Novem;ber 4,20115 4500215378 West. Agreement with ABMi Business IVIacNnes to provide maintenance for two time clocks located m ^he Business Office during the period July 1,2015 to Junme 30,2016, mclusive. TotaEcost$H,.000. 4500217318 West. Apreement with Karen Nyft to provtde Permanence and Safety Nodel Approach to Partnerships n Parenting Program training workstops^atthe colliege during the period Jyly 1 2015 to June 30; 2Q16, inclusive-. Totallcost '$3.500. t 4500217319 West A@reement with Elonda Austm to provide Permanence and Safety- Mode! Approach to Partnerships in Parenting Programjralmg workshops at the cottege^dyring the peiicd July 30, 2015 tojuoe 30,2016, WUSTO. Total cost: $3.5QQ. Totaf Cost of Section N: $144 J18 Page 27 of 27 Pages Corn. N;o. BSD1 Div. Busmess Seryiees. Date .MI-4-1S ACTION Los Angeles Commune College Dlstlet Date: November 4,, 20115 Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Seryilces Subject: APPROVE BUSINESS SERVICES ACTIONS . AUTHORIZE SERVICE ASREEHENTS A. Authorize an agreement with Blrmmgham High SchooE and Los Angeles Va!ley~College to develop, a\\Qn arKfiimplement a career pathway program in information and Communications Tecteotogiies in particulars design, visual, media arts patinways in the imptemenWon of_LA H^--rech grant, dunng the period July 11,20115 to Jyne 30,2016, Wusiive. Tola! cost: $100,000. Backciiround: The Calfenla Cafeer Pathways Trust- LA Ht-TECH Regional! CorTS-oftjm is part of the mutti-college gran accepted by IheDistet andappTOedbythe Board of Trystees on i^ay 13, 2Q15, BF1. This miyll-colllege grartt Is throucih Pasadena Area Community College, as the fiscal agent ar^d Los Angeles City College as the lieadi college for the Los Angeles Community Cotlege District:. Fyndliirxji is tDmthe Calltbrnia Department of Education These funds wibe uised to bvild robust partnerships between community cQllleges, high schools and emptoyers to prepare students for the 21st century workplace and improve student transmon torn secorxtaryto postsecondary education, trat^mg and empEopfierrt B. Authorize an: agreemenl witi H^herOne to provide a Dlstrictwlde studenif fmapdal aid! funds delivery program ar^d automated teller machine installlalm and services. Coniract period is March 1,2Q16 to February 29,20211. ArmaE cost; not to exceed $60,000. Backgrouinct: RFP 15-06 was Issyed by the District In which two responses were recewed. HigherOnewas the highest racked provider that met the requnrements of the District/ Outofa maximum possibte 300 points, the range was from 255.65 to 279,1i9. Fynefeg Is ItirQugh General funds. w Recommended by: s. t- Approved by: >B» FrancEsco C. Ro^fi;guiez, Ch:ance!lktF Adnana D. B&rreFa, Cte'pu^ Ch:ancet!ar' Chancellor and En,g Morerw Secretary of the Board of Trvstees Fong Pearlman H&ffmart Svonkin KamEager Andersen: Sluctent Trustee AdKisofy Vote Da^e By Page of 6 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 &iw, Bysiiness Services Date ff-4-115 Los Angetes Community ColEege Diislnct Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Data:: NoMBCTTber 4,, 20115 C. Aulhoriz^amendme^i. lo exterrel Agreennent wiith Hoiilandl & KNght LLP and Dakota Cormimicatms to proviicte ong^lmig fedlerall lobbying services from November 1, 2015 to OdDber 31. 2019, iFwtelve. Fee rate is $17.500 morrtNy with an adelitlonal $17.(M)Q aofEually for approved Iraveii esependltyres. Tctfsl cost: $90B,,OQO. Backgroyrt TNs agreemert ms mardeeH>ytlie Board of Trustees m Oclober22,201i4^Com. No. BSD1]i It was e^ablshed as the resylitofa Reqiuest for QL|al^catloms (RFO) process, flo the perfermance of services as tiTe Dlstnct^HiaisonE tD tiie fedlerall government, Holland & Knight LLP and Dakota comrmmatos will develop annually a federal plan faction; assiislwtt message development, talking points and presentations; assist ^h DJstiid branding; track and analyze legislation and regulates; help develop and execute a focused grants ach/ocacy strategy at the federal leve!; assist the District in preparing le@is^wetacpac|e. reports, letters of support and technical commerrfs; help to byllldl ard maintain federal relationships; coordinate vlsrts by the Chancellor or other District designee visits to Washington D.C^and, jpartjdipate iin weekly calls with the District to report on the sMegic ftm prWiles, federal developments and other District concerns. Dell^erables also Include regular written reporting and invoicing, medta and stafeglc messaging plans, identification of grant opportyoitiies, aodl technical! review of grant appiications. Funding Is from the Chancelllor^ Reserve Account. II. AUTHORIZE DESTCyCTiONI OF RECORDS Authorize the destrucfm of the iolowing East Los Angelies College Cllass 3 records. Personnel and Payroll!- 25 boxes ol feesheets dated from July 1,2004 throuigh June 30, 2010; FinanclaE Aid" 230 bo^es oftiinandal aid docymerrts dated fFom Jully 1,2006 through June 30,2010; Nursing Office- 46 bo^ma of exams ctaM Juiy 1, 2Q07 fhroogh Juipe 30,2010; English Department- 200Jaoxes d" sMent essays^ grade rosters anc! timesheets dated July 1, 2©07 through June 30,201 0; Writing Center- 4 bo^es of sMlent essays dated July 1,2Q07 through Jyr^e 30, 2010; CalWORKs Department- 32 boxes of student coimty forms, toe sheets., chitdcare forms and Gam cortracfs dated July 1, 2 X)1 through June 30,, W^[ Vincent Price AFtMlvseyiTh12bo^es ernalls/lovolces and resuFnes dafed Jully 1, 2001 through June 30, 2010. Page 2 of 6 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 DJv. ©ustness, Senraees Date t1:-4-1i& Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: Ntovember4,2Q1l5 Background: Inaccordanicewilh Title V oftheCaiifomia Code ofReguiliatbr^s and the Board Recorei^ Policy (Board Rule 7706 et Seq.), The Vice PFesrdlemt of Administrative Services has dletemned that the fisted Class 3 ReccMls are no longer needed Im paper fbrrpat since they have been preserved artd maintained beyond their recpired reterTtion^and that no record IncWed m this action conflict with the BoardFs Records Policy. It!. AUTHORIZE GRQyNlD LB^SE OF DISTRICT FACIUTIES Authorize a ground lease agreement with Jesus Salvador Angulo dlba Angnb Food Services, LLC,, for use of approxlmateEy 3,426 square feet of the Los Angeles Valley College^Stydent: Union Bytldmg. The physical address js 5800 Fulton Avenue, Valltey Gleni, CA 91401. The lease agreement shall be for ao initial six-month pertDd from January 1,2015 to June 30, 2016, at the rate of $10,000 per month, with ao Qptilon to extend the lease up to a maxlmym tefm of five years. The property shall be usedjorjhe preparation and sate of food and seh/ices to studied facylty and staff. The totai rental income for the Initial six-month lease term Is $©0,QOQ. Background: This agreement Is bemg Issued pursuant to California Eduicatlon Code section 81378 J, whiich allows for the letting of the lease for a period of more than five days but lless ten fiMe years. This Code provides for this lease to be made withoyt the need! to acquire formal or informal bids or proposals. In addition, the Code requires pybllc rtotice of the intent to take this action and was advertised once a weefc for three (3) consecutive weeks prior to fte board action, in reviewing comparable llocations in the area, the college arrived at the fair market value of the locafci to be leased by comparison with other community coileQes mfte area. Rent to be provided for this tease Is ^ $10,000 per morith st $2^2 per sqimre foot. IV. AUTHORIZEUSE OF C^LCARD FOR A SPECIALLY FUNDED PROGRAN Authorize the use of the Distiict's CatCard for the Basic Skilfs/ESL Inrtia^Ne and authorize the suspeosmofthe one smgte purchase transactions ($2,500) and 30 day ($10,000) Ms in order to make arrangements for temporary houislng and other travel related expenses for visiting presenters and professmai development partidpanifs. not to exceed program budget allocation of $500,000. Background: The Office of Edocatoal Programs and Institutional Effectiveness (ERIE) DMsio^ii has received aj|ranHrqm the Califbrnta Community Cdileges Chancei^lb^s Office for $969,000 to provide professional development activfe m keepjog with the statewide Basic SRHEs/ESL Iniiatiive. The Los Angeles CommynifyCollllege Diistrict wiil serve as the prindpa facilitator tolcanvene workshops and direct the grant project actfvitles. This authorization witt allow for hcxislQg ami travel relateci arrangements to be made on behalf of presenters and par^clpants from outside the district Page 3 of 6 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Qvt. Busmess Services Date t1i.4-1iS Los Angetes Community College Dlstrilct Corn. No. BSD2 DMsi&ni Business Semces Date: November 4, 2Q15 V. RATIFY SERVICE AOREEIffiNTS A. Ratify Amendment No. 1 to renew Agreement No. 4500202475 with Etucfes, Jna to provide Le^eli 5 services for its Etudes-NG (Next Generation) software system, Including hosting, administrative support, account nfwagemept and membership services for up to 10,000 enrollments aU-os Ar^gieles Nlssion College, during the period July 1 t 2015 to Jume 30.2Q16, iniClysive, at a total additional cost of $55,300. Backaround: This agreement was authorized by the Board of Truistees on April 4:20115 (Corn ND. BSD1), This amendment will provide the college with the required services to provide the student parttclpaats enrolled In the oalllne couirses. Fyndlng is through the ColEege Gemera fund. B, Ratify Agreement with Northeast Valley Health Corporation to provide student health services inclydlng mental health for the Student HeaEth Center at Los Angeles MISSCT Coltege, July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive, at a totali cost of $218,000. Background: This agreement wiEI allow the Col[ege and its Health: Center to continue its operation of the Student Health Center at the college. Funding is through the Student Health Services fees. a Ratify amendment No 2 to extend agreement with ADP Benefit Services Kentucky, Inc., assignee of SHPS Human Resources Soiutions, inc., to provide third party admimstFation of the District Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and H&atthj^elmbursement Account (HRA), during the period January 1^201!6 to December 31,2016, inclusive d a totafcost rt to exceed $179,000. Backpround: Agfeerper^t 45Q0196903 was previously approved by the Board of Trustees (Corn. No. BSD2) on July 10, 2014 for period January 1,2014 to December 31,2Q1!4 and extended for an additional year on January 14,20114 (Corx No. BSD2) as recommended by the Joint LaborManagement Beneffls Committee (JLMBC) and_Business Services m order b complete the Request, for Proposals (RFP 14-06) which was m the evaluattoo phase and to provide a smooth transition of services. It rs the recommendation of the JMLBC and management to terminate RFP 14-06 and issue a new Request for Proposals which necessttates this extension of the cuirrenl: agreement. Funding is through Dlstnctwlde account funds. D. Ratify an agreement with Charles Dunn Real Estate Services, inc., for property management services for 770 Witshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, for an additional stx (8) months of services during the period October 11, 2015 to March 30, 2016, induislve dunng^which time a Request for Proposal wit! be Issued! and! fmalized for Board of Trustee authorlzafoo. Monthly cost $1i 10,000 and for extraordinary and unforeseen costs to Page 4 of 6 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Servtces Date 1^-4-115 Los Angeles Commimify College District /~*- om.No. BSD2 ^J Diviskm: Business Servsces Date ltow;eFnber4.2Q1l5 fr correct^ityations of the bylEding are estimated to cost aneE additaal $54,000 for this period. Backaroynd: The P^ous agreement was authorized by the Boarei o^ Trustees on Avgust 25, 20W(Com. No. BSD1), pureuarittoRFPff 10-13. The FTCTthty management fee Is $3,950. The balance of the contact ?fTSS! VSl£^!?l!?^^t!lrc^?^PSra^l1?,?nd adrT1^tStral|v@ costs t>r fine bulldlrtg. This amendment wilfprovide fofthe continued effective operations ofthe Educational Services Center fadtlty. Fyndliing us throogh the Djstnct Office Generat fvnd. E. Agreement wi RAND Corporation to monitor and estate te imptemeNatioo of coHege^nci high school-retated grart aclNlies,, make recommendattonstoLACCDandpartners^howfo refine strategies, if ?^??it?-r??^1Lti"l?,cf>iectp/?st assist LACCD In generalmg hi^E^r pFOEectQytcomes,aFid provide evaluation services to ensure pibject deltverablesare achieved during the period June 1,2015 to D toy 31, 2017, Inclusive, under the auspices of the Office ofWartoce and Economic Development at a totat cost of $200,000, BacRgroynd. This agreement Is required as part of a Catom Department of Education (CDE) grant previously approved by te Board ^Trustees on July 8,2015 (Corn No. BSD1). Funding is thirough Career Pathway Enlflatlve grant fynds. F. 5?if^ ?F???cfn1^!1t tc?aPreement No/ ^5p0217656 with Higher Educaibn Cloud Services for posf^assessment technical asslstaoceandl control development support on the Student Information System (818) Projiect during the penod September 21, 2015 to September 20,20116; Wuslve. Total cost not to exceed $1,600. Background: The Board pfTrustees approved this actFBement o-n Oclober 7, 2015 (Corn. No. BSD1). Mr. Steve Kish of Higher Educatto Cbyd Services wi provlcie addrtlonal post-assessment foilcw-ap tectelcal assistance and contract development support services asreqyesledl by the Board of Trvstees as a result of the S!S Assessment Report. FvndErxi Is from District Office of General Counsel funds. VI. RATIFY GROUND LEASE OFDJSTRICT FACILITIES Ratify^a ground lease agreement with Wopdiand Hills SimrBe Utlle League, tbr t^<?!?PPro?lrr!^t^,?I<?e.a^d.9ne l?alf (3~J/2) ^r?s Qf ^erce CdileQiei iBiid adjacent to, and North Es&i of, the Intersectlpn of Victory Boalevard ahd Winnetka Avenue. The Leased Premises is bordered on me westb^Wmeta Ave, op^the South by Victory Boulevard and on the North ^the Net.ropoiian Transit Authof^ynght-qf^way. The physical address is 6400 Wimeto A^e Woodland Hills JCA9W1. The fiye-year year-to-year lease agreemeN; shall be from Jufy 1 2015 to June 30, 2020 at the annual rate of $2(000 per year, The property shatl be used for the purpose of providing youth based Page 5 of 6 Pages Corn. N;a _BSB2 Div. Business Services Date r t-fl-4-HS Los Angetes Community College District ^s <Ljf Division: Business Services om.Mo. BSD2 Date: November 4.2015 ^[e^K;?l^c^iytties c£d E?!a^d forKlraJslng aci^ies which may Include the sale of holiday trees. The total rental income for the lease termis $100:000; ^??r?ti^^Tt?^?,F??^ ^J??S^I?a!ycecl ?lt? Foot^i"^S an existing little league baseball field and supporting buildings shall beused^sis^The ProPert^oneltreetentra2ceonwi"^^Avenueand-car,support approximatejy ^00 vehicles. This agreement is being issued pursuant to ca!'fom'aEdurationcode *"^^1..*^.aHowsformelefiir.gof 6 tease^fora_penpd_of more than five days but less than fweyeare.'ThisCode provides fortirisjeaseK) be made without the need to acquire formaior informal bids or proposals. In addition. the Code requires public'notice of the intert to take this action andwas advertised once aweekforthreep) S?2??^!i^e^?^Priort<?th? b?5rd ?cttcm- m reviewing comparison' locatiQfts !!J!^^^^^^^!!^^^^^^Jr mar^ ^u?c^th!elocationtobe th>s location from 2005 to 2015 at the average yeariyrentei rate$19;470-per !easedbyromPansorlwimsimita^afcns. Rent isbasedonpnorteasefor year VII. RATIFY ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION ?^^JE^TJ^li?^9r^?JSt2?n?-,a?^?XP-r?ss.apPreclatlon to the donor for thelr contribution to the'Districfs edycailonal program. Los Angeles Pierce Cotleae A,pproximatety40 mixed breed chicte" es3s ^ hatching, from Kaliko Farms LLC, valued at $0 by the donor, to be used in Poultry Prodyction cJass. age 6 of e Pages Corn. No. BSD2 ffiv. Business Serviices. Date 1t-4-t5 e A Los AngeEes Community College District Qmsmn: FACEUTtES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn. No. FPD1 Date: Movember4, 2015 Subject APPROVE FACILITIES PLANNING AND DWELOPNENT REPORT The following items are recommended for approval by Facllittes Plsnnlng and Development as part of the Consent Calendar for the Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda for the date shown. The Consent CaEendar may be approved with a siinglle vote. Any member of the Board of Trustees has the authority to remote any item liisfed and have it included on the Action Calendar for a separate vote:, Iniformatlon regarding each item on the Consent Calendar can be found in FPD1 dNUtk- Resource Document. L AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES^AOREEMBNTS A. Authorize an agreement with P2S Engineeonig, Inc. to provide continued engineering services on a TasR Order basis at East Los Angeles College. B. Authorize an agreement with BudEong & Associates to provide electrica engineering services for the High Voltage ElectncaE System Maintenance project at Los Angeles Harbor College. II. AUTHORIZE AtyiENDMEirf TO PROFESS IONM_SERVICES AGREEMENT Authorize Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 33769 with TTG Engineers to provide additional design and constructiion admtrrlstratlon services for the ^/I&O Facilities project at Los Angeles City CoEtege, / * Recctmmendled by: * ^^.^ Approved by: Adrians D. Barrera, Deputy Chancettor Vf Francteee?C. Ro^fngyez, Chancellor Chancellor and E'FTg Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman HoffmBn Svonkin KamEager Andersen Date By Page of 4 Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Student Trustee Advisory Vote DEV. FACtLmES PLANNIING AND DEVELOPNENT Date 11/04/15 Los Angeles Community College Distnct om. No. FPD1 ^ >uT Division: FACfLFTfES PiANMtMC AJ^D DEVELOPMENT Date: November 4,20115 II. AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A. Authonze a contract with Pacific West Industries, inc. to provide genera construction services for the Replace and Upgrade HVAC - Kmesiollogiy South project at Los Angeles City College. B- Authorize a contract with Valte Grande Construction to provide gierreral construction - smartboard inspection services for the Center for the Sciences project at Pierce Cotiege. C, Authorize a con'tract with Western states Roofing, Inc. to provide genera construction services for the Roof Replacement tndustriali Tech B 3600 project at Pierce College. D. Authorize a comtracl with Line Tech Contractors to provide general constryctlon services for the Tech Ed Generator project at Los Angeles Southwest College. E. Authorize a contract with South Coast Vechanical, Inc. to provide genera construction services for the Replacement of Cooling Tower project at Los Angeles Traide-TechrEicaE College. IV. RATIFY CONSTRyCTEQN CONTRACT Ratify a contract with Southern Catlfornia Trane Company to preside general construction services for te Refurbishment of Central Rant Chlllers pro|ect at Los Angeles Pierce CoElege. V. RATIFY CHANGE FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS GREATER THAirSa.QllB IN ORJGIN^COSTJSSUB) UNDER THE STANDARD "DESJGN-BID-BUUr METHOD OF PROJECT DEL1¥ERY A. Ratify Change Order No. 7 to Construction Contract No. 3385Q with Masters Cemtractmg Corporation for additional construction services for the Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot ~ Red Line Pedestrian Corridor project at Los Angeles City College. B. Ratify Change Order Nos. 1,2,3,and 4 to Construction Contract No. 4500200668 with CEImatec LLC for additional construction services for the Energy Management Cootrols Repair Centrat Plant project at Los Angeles Harbor College. C. Ratify Change Order No. 1 to Construction Contract No. 4500205902 with South Coast: Mechanical for additional general construction services for the Retd House Roof /\IC Units project at Los Angeles Souftwest College. Page 2 of 4 Pages Corn, No, FPD1; Dw. FACiUTtES PLANNIMG & DEVELOPl^EMT Date niywts Los Angeles Community CoEfege District f^r Division: FACILITIES PLANMI^G AND DEVELOPEiffiENT om.No. FPD1 <n/ Date: ^owerrfiber 4,20115 VI. RATIFY CHANCE ORDERS FOR CONSTRUCTJON CONTRACT LESS THANii3(yW ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BfD-BUILD" METHOD OF PRCMECT DEUVERY 1^ Ratify Change Order Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6 to Construction Contract: No. 4500200768 with Xcel ^echanlcat Systems, Inc. for additional coostyctxm services for the Replace Fan Colli Units at Various Buildings project at IDS Angeles Vaiiey College. VII. AUTHORIZE ACCErTANCE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRyCTION CONTRACTS A. Authorize AcceptarEce of Comptetion of Contract No, 450Q215301 with CG Acoustlcs, Inc. to provJde general construction semcesforthe Ceiiing Tile Repair project at CorpQrate Centre - East Los Angeles CoElege. B. Authorize Acceptance of CompEetion of Contract No. 4500211445 with Signature Flooring, Inc. to provide general construction services for the nstaliation of Owner Furnished Flooring Materials (Poors One and Two) project at Corporate Centre - East Los Angeles College. C. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 45002Q0669 with Ciimatec LLC Company to provide general construction serviices fof the Repair Energy Nanagement Controls project at Los Angeles Harbor College. D. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 4500205902 with South Coast Mecharrical to provide general construction services for the Field House Roof A^C Roof Units project at Los Angeles South^es^ College. VHi.AUTHOmZE AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 32616 with V/Space HlQldlnnigs to extend the term 24 months for eight (8) 12l x 48' modular bylldlmgs ami two (2) 14' x 48' modular units for contmyed use as office space by fine College Project Team at Prerce College. IX. AUTHORIZE ANENDMiENTS TO DESIGN-BUILD AOREENIENITS A. Authorize actions for Amendment No. 9 to Deslgn-Buitd Agreemenf Nl®. 33741 with Harper Constiryctlion Company, Inc. for additional Design-Bui!d services for the Hotmes Hsllli yodemization and Student Services Buillcing project at Los Angeles Ci^y Cotlege. B. Authorize actions for Amendment No. 32 to Design-BuiEd Agreementt No. 33063 with Henseli Phelps Construction Co. to modify the scope of the Page 3 of 4 Pages Corn. No, FPD1 &EW. FACiOTIES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Date t1;/Q^1l5 Los Angeles Community College Diistriict f"i fuT Division: FACILITIES PILANNG ANQ BEVELOPMiENT om.No. FPD1 Date: Novem:tber4,, 2©1i5 Deslgn-Bi^d services for the Northeast Quadrant Parking Structyre,, Cooc Building Upgrade, Cox Buiiildlng - Uttte Theater Upgrade, Schooii c^f Nlalh & Science, Campus-Wlde Storm Water Collection System, ar^d FMness ^ Weflness Center projects at Los Angeles Southwest CoEtege. X. RATIFY AMENWiNTTO DESIGN-BUILD AGREEMENT Ratify Amendment No. 14 to Agreement No. 32975 with Pinner Constyctllon Company for additmal Deslgn-Bulld services for the Student Success amd Retention Center project a^ East Los Angeles College. Xl. RATIFY AftlENDNENTS TO LEASE LEASE-8ACK AGREEMENTS A, Ratify Amendment No. 2 to Lease Lease-Back Agreement No. 33848 wlh GGG Demotittoa inc. for acfdltlonal construction services for the I Demoiition of Bm and Aloe Halls project at Los Angetes Trade Technlcail College. B. Ratify Amendment No. 2 to Lease Lease-Back Agreement No. 33833 w Ciark Constructbn Group - California LP for additional constructm services for the AfNetlc Traiinlng FaclHty project at Los Angeles Valey College. XII. AUTHORIZE CORRECTION OF ERROR Authorize correctioo to an error shown In Item IV. C. on Corn. No. FPD1I of October 7, 20115. M X«j. RATIFY SETTLEMENT OF CLA n accordance with Board Riile 7313, ratify the Settlement of Byllder's RlsR Construction Claim No. ©83-538616, reEated to Los Angeles Trade Technical College Contract No. 33Q09. Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn. HQ. J£PDJ v.. FACILITIES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Dafe 1111^4/11 S e Jt '"'. Los Angeles Community College District Dwiston: FACEUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Corn. No, FPD2 Date: November 4,2015 v Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING IWILEMENTATON OF THE DESIGN-BUrLD SYSTEM OF PROJECT DEL EVERY FOR THE CENTRAI PLANT PHASE It EXPANSION AND CHILIED WATER CTORAGE PROJEC AT LOS ANGELES CITY COLLEGE; RATIFYING THE REQUEST FOR OyAUFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL PROCESS: AND~AOtHORIZENG TH AWtRD OF A DESIGN-BUILD AGREENENT Action Adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) for the Central Plant Phase II ExpansEon and Chilled Water Storage project at Los Angeles City College that: 1. Ratifies Implementation of the Design-Build system of project deilvery; 2. Ratifies the Request for Qualifications and Proposals process (Procurement Number CS-020-15-C) conducted by Staff; 3. Authorizes the^award of the Design-Builid Agreement to the single Design- Buitd Entity fDBE") Southland Industries; 4, Authorizes District Staff, spedficafly the ChanceNor art>r the Chief Facilities Executive, to enter into a Deslgn-Buiitd Agreement for the Central Plant Expansion Phase if and Chilled Water Storage Project; 5. to the event the aggregate cost for the Project does exceed the Not to Exceed amount authorized by the Board, then Staff shal briinQ the rtem, and/or the affected part thereof, back to the Board for review,, consicleratton, and/or further action; and 6. Acknowledging that the Project Budget (incfudimg Segments #1 and #2) has a projected overall ^budqet of $7,885,011, which covers the cost for: Design; Agency Approvals; Open-Book Bldetlng of Suibco^traclor Trade Packages; EstabttsNng a Guaranteect Maxtmum Priice far ConstFuctlon; and Constryction. ^^KxS^r^ Recommended by: --»n^ 5^ ^^^tt-^ Appro'ved by:. Acfnana D. Barrera, Deputy ChanceiEor i « ChanceJEor and Engs Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By Page of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 ascjt C. Ro^ ngoez, Chanceflor Moreno FOFtg Peariman Hoffman Svonkln Karelag.er Anderson Div. FACHITIES PLANIN^G A^D?Q£VELOPft ENT Student Trustee AcMsoty Vote Date 11/04/15 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FPD2 Division: FACtUTEES PLAMMING A^D DEVEtQPI^E^T Date; November 4.20115 y Background I. Project Oescripton The following is descriiptive only, not ati inclusive, of the work and services to be provided for the project which has two parts. Central Plant ("Seamenl 11) The Central Plant will be reno¥ated to better meet the present and fu^yre heating and cooling rreedls of the campus based on the Long Range IFadlillies Master Plan of the CoBege. and on input from the College's and Program Manager's updates to the Master Ran, which indudes present bullfcgs' anci future buildings. The changes atso affect the chilled water, condenserwate and heating water systems. Thermal Energy Storage Taok (TES) ("Seament #2) The TES system shal irtcrease the capacity, reliability and stability of, the central plant cooling system. It wiil reduce the cost of cooling the college's buildings by storiog water that Is chiHed overnight - when electricity Is Jess expensive than during the day - and then using the chilled water for air conditioning. Project Budget: The Rroiect (Including Segments #1 and ^2} has a projected overall byetaet of $7,885,011, which covers the cosUorHDesigrt: Agency Approvals^ Open-Book BMing of Subcontractor Trade Packages; Establishing a Gvaranteed Naxtmum Price for Construction; and » Construction. If. Desian-Byild Delivery JMethoef: A. District's Prilor Adoption and Recognition of the Deslgn-Byiy Delivery Netlioci The Deslgn-Byild dellNery method was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a detivery optjicm District-wte +. Education Code sections 81700 et seq, speclficalty autroaze community college distlcfs to utitize the Design-Build delivery mefhQd as a safe and cost efficient alternative to competitive biddmg becsuise Page 2 of 5 Pages Corn. Ho. FP&2 DiiV. FACtUTtES PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT Date 1i 1^04^ S Los Angeles Community College District e*\ t>/ om.No. FPD2 Divfskm: FACIUT1ES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: November v4.2Q15 the LegisEature has determined that it can produce accelerated completion of projects, provide for cost containment, redirce construction ^omptexity. and reduce exposure to risk for commune college districts. The Legislature has also determined that thie cos^ effective benefits to comFTiUinlty college districts are achieved by shifting the llabtllty and risR for cost containment and project completion to the design-bulld entity. The foregoing Code sections also: A) recognize and permit that the fufi scope of design, construction, and equipment awarded to a desrgirrbuild entity under me appicable Code sections can be authorized m a single fundmg phase and that a community coEtege district can award design-builcf contracts on a "best value" (qualitative selection) basis; and B) require that the govemmg board of a community college district makes written findings that use of the design-build process wijl accomplish one of the fbtlowmg objectives: (i) reduce comparable project costs; (li) expedite the projecrs comptetion, or (iii) provide features not achievable through the traditional design-bld-bulld method. 8. District's Evaluation anet Written Fmdlngs regarding the Statytory Reqyirements to Use the Design-Bulld Delivery Method for the Subject Project Subsequent to review of the objectives, the design-bulld deli^eTy method should be used for this procurement because It w A) expedite the project's completton; and provide features not achlevaNe through the Jractrtlonal design-fold-buHd method including cost containment, B) redvce construction comptexlty, and C) "reduce exposure to risk for the District, for the reasons expressed in Lead Construction CoimseFs Nemorandum which accompanies this Report *.. C. Pre-Qualtfication Process for Deslgn-Byilcf Entities and Award of the Design-Build Agreement As permittect by the applicable code sections, the District's prequalification process was utfiized which was then followed by the solicitation of pricing proposate from those Pre-QualifJed destgn-Mcl entities for this procuiremeFit seeking the "best value" proposal for the procurement Page 3 of 5 Pages Corn. No. _FPD2 E>Ev. ._.!FACtyT|ES PLANiNING & DEVELOPMENT Date WQ4{^S Los Angeles Community College District /"* ^/ om.No. FPD2 Division: FACEUTtES PUWIMG AND DEVELOPMENT Date: No-vem&er 4, 2Q15 Utiilzlng the foregoing processes, a proposed awardee for this procurement which will provide the best vaBue to the District Is Identified m this report for the reasons stated abo^e aimd bekw. The apptrcabte code sections also require the Diistrilcfs gcwemlng Board to Issue a written decision supporting Its awarsl and staling In detalt the basis of the award as set forth In the proposed Resoluiion (Machment 1). By way of adoption of the proposed Resolufm, the Board wilt armoimce its award by: (1) Identifying tie successfy^ Design-Build Entity;^ (2) bating the winning DBE-s price proposal amount; (3) stating the winning DBE's overatil combiined Falung cm the Request for Proposal evaluation factors; (4) set forth te'wmng DBEls pnce proposal amount and rating as compared! to alK other responsive proposers and their respective price proposals and rartegs: and (5) a summary of the District's ratiomate for the award. The successfyl DBE Is: Southiand Industries. The DBBs Price Proposal Amount is $2,041,845. This amount mdudes the cost; for Design; Agency Approvals; Open-Book Bidding of Subcontractor Trade Packages; Establishing a Guaranteed Mla^lmym Price for Construction; General Conditions for Conistrycto; and the DBE's Fee for Overhead and Profit on Construction. The OBE's Price Proposal Amount does not include the cost of construction which wil '» be estabttshed on an open-book bidding basis of the subcontractor trade packages after alt approvals on the design documeots have been obtained. The price proposal amount from the other proposer was: $2,687,900. The third pre-qualified DBE failed to submit a proposal. The DBE-s overall combined rating on the Request for Proposal evaluation factors out of a possible score of 625 maximvm points Is: 555, versus the other proposer with a score of 505. The written findings summarized above and as set forth iln and in Lead Constrycflon Counsel's Memorandum which accompanies this Report form the basis for Staffs recommendations fbynd hereio belovy. Further particulars are set forth in the proposed! ResoMon (Attachment 1) and should be considered by the Board to be recommendations of Staff as if set forth at length hereai Page 4 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Dw. FACtUTfES PtANNtNG & DEVELOPMEMT Date H1!/Q4^S Los Angeles Community College District /*v om.No. FPD2 ^ Division: FACEUTtES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: November 4,2Q1i5 III. Award: Staff recommends that the Board adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) fer use ofJthe^Design-Buitct delivery method for this proiect at City College; ratify Staffs conduct regarding the procurement process; award the Deslgn-Build Contract described herein above; and take such further action as Is set forth In the proposed Resolution (Attachment 1). V. Award History: Thismntract represents the 2nd awarded to this company through the Bond Program anci a cumulative origlnat award total of $16,016,084, The previous award to this company was for the Energy Irtfrastuictvre Improvements project at LQS Angelas Valiey Co!!ege. V. Funding and Development.Phase: Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Roadway, Watkway » Grounds, Parking Lot - Centrat Plant Phase !1, Project No. 01 C-1173.06 Financial ID 40J.5101.02.Q4 and 31C.5173.05.06. F Design and Construction Phases. Page 5 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 &EV. FACtUTEES PLANNING & DEVELOPMEMT Date 1!1'/M^i& Attachment 1 to FPD2 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MPJEMENTATION OF DEStGN-BUELD SY OF PROJECT DELIVERY FOR THE CENTRAL PLANT PHASE iFEXPANSION AMD CHILLED WATER STORAGE AT LOS ANGELES CITT COLLEGE RATIFYING REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL'PROCE AND AUTHORIZING THE AV^fARD OF A DESIGN-BUILD AGREEiyiENT B WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District, under Edvcatkm Code se<??or! 8.1700I..?t seq^ ma^ utilize a desEgn-bulld project delNery method on capitat projects; and WHEREAS, The Design-Bylld delivery method was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3. 2Q03 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a delivery option District-wlde; and WHEREAS, TheJ[)^tr^^ter^s,,tp^burldaproiect,atLOSAngeEes^Cify Cplege using the Design-BuikI delivery method (hereinafter'the "Prq|ect"); and WHEREAS, The Project^Qn.ctydTO Seaiments ^1 and #2) has a proiected oversl budget of $7,885.011, whtch covers me cost for Design: Agency Approvals; Open-Bbok Bidding of Subcontractor Jrade" Packages; Establishing a guaranteed Maximum Price for Constructton; imd Construction. This amount Is in excess of the minimum amoitnt required by applicable law for use of the Design-Bulld delivery method under Education Code Section 81700, et seq.faod WHEREAS, Staff has reviewed the reqvlstte statutory objectives anct determmed that use of the Deslgn-BvlEd process will: [A.l.?)?^d.i^.tt^-£rPie9f? c?rn?^ttorLbec?^se.u?rt9 the clest9n-Nd" build delivery method (Le., lowest competitive bid) the projecfwoyld tateapproximatety 36, months to complete versus using tte DesignBuild method which will take only approximately 28 months, a savings of 8 months.: and t (B) use of the Design-Build method here wilt result In cost containment: reduced constructlpp complexjty; and/or redueect exposure to risk for the reasons stated m Staffs Report and the Memorandum from Lead Construction Counset that accompanied Staffs Report;and WHEREAS, As permitted by the applicable code sections, the Dls^ricfs prequalification process was utijlzed which was then: followed by/the solicitation of pricing! proposais from those Pre-Qualified design^builEd entities seeking the "best value" proposal for the procurement; and WHEREAS, ^n ut^izJn^t^ fo^e^otn9^Pr^ce^?^^|a^ has |de^t!fie^a Pr^ awardee for this procurement as fjsted beEow which in Staff's pptniion will provide the best value to the District for the reasons stated above and herein befow; and *. WHEREAS, Education Code Section 81700, et seq. requires the Board to issue a decision supporting Its award and stating In detalt the basis of the award which: (1) Identifies the successful Deslgn-Bvlld Entity; (II) the winning DBE's price proposal; (III) Its overal combined ratiFKt on the request for proposal evafuatkm factors; (tv) the Boarcfs ranking _ m reiatlon to all other responsive proposers and their respective price proposaEs and (v) a summary of the Dlstncfs ratbrmile for the a^ard; and WHEREAS, The Request for Qualtficatlons and Proposal Process required the PreQualified Deslgn-BuilcE Entitles to submit a Prlcmg Proposal that includes lump sum amounts for: design; agency appFO^vals; open bookbidding of the subcontractor trade pacfeages; establishing the proposed guaranteed maximum price for construction; jjenerai conditions during construction; and a Fee for Overhead aad Profit dimog constructloFt The final guaranteed m^dmuim _pnce for ati coFistructten wll be determined on an open-book biddmg basis of the subcontractor trade packages after all apprcnmis on the design- docvments have been obtained; and WHEREAS, Staff has made the fbElowing determinations: (1) the successfui Design Build Entity_bemg proposed is Sqythlaqd jndustnies ((£DBE"); (]!)_ the winning DBE's Price Proposal Is $2,041,845; (lil) the successful DBE's overalfcombined rating on the request for proposal evaluation factors is 555 out of a possible 625 points; (tv) the successful DBE's rankmg in relation to alt other responsive proposers and their respective price proposals is first out of two, with the other prQposefs rankmg on points being 505 out of 625 and with the other proposed Pricing Proposal being $2,687,900. The third pre-qyailfied Applicant failed to submit a proposal. The Districts rationale for the award to the successful DBE is that Southland industries will provide the best value to the District as tts proposal best meets the selection and scoring criteria developed by the District for this project and as was set forth In the Request for Proposals; and WHEREAS. The results achieved are consistent with, or^exceed the experience of the industry with regard_to cost andschedule_savtngs, and shming of the risk of loss regarding the Projecfs desigrT,, achieved by vsing Deslgn-Bultd Fnethodology versus deslgn-bid-butld methodotogy; new, therefore, be it t RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angetes Commynity College District hereby finds that It is in the best interests of the District to utilize Deslgn-Butld project deH^ery for the far the Centrat Plant Phase Project afLos Angeles City College and; be tt further RESOLVED, That the Board adopts, as the Board's own fin-dlngs, Staffs findingis regarding why the Design-Build delivery method should be used for this Proiect, Indudlng those findings set forth in Stars Report and Lead Constritction Counsel's IMemorandum and hereby finds that the use of the design-buiid process will @ expedite the project's completion, and (11} provide _ features, not acNevabEe through me tractitfonal design-bld-builcl method, to wit (a) ensure cost contafnment; (b) reduce construction complexity; and/or (c) reduce exposure of risk to the Dlstrtet, all for the reasons slated m Staffs Report and the Memorandum from Lead Constritction Covnset which arelncorporated herein as if set forth at length hereat; and; be It fyrther RESOLVED, The Board ratifies Staffs use of the Request for Qualiicatais and ProposaE process for this procurement; which has tdentlfled a DesfgnBulfd Entity using a "best value" selection method for the reasons stated above which te Board hereby adopts as Its findings; and; be further RESOLVED, The Board hereby authorizes District Staff, speclfjcalfy the Chancelliior anct/or the Chief FadEttles Executive, to enter into a Design-Bylki Contract with Southland Endustrfes for the Project at Los Angles City College based on the terms, condlttoos and provisions set forth in the Request for Quatiftcations and Proposal process for this procurennenl for an amount for this Project not to exceed the overall projected Project Budget c^ $7,885,011 ; and be tt fyrther RESOLVED, That If the aggregate cost of this Project does exceed the foregoing authorized amourtt. Staff shall bring the ttem, and/or the atected part thereof, back to the Board for review, conslderatEon, and/or further action. N WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we, the members of said Board of Tmstees, present and voting thereon, have hereynto set oyr hands this 4th day of November, 2015. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Nember. Board of Trustees I » President, Board of Trustees . A Los Angeles Commynlty Cotlege District Division: FACIUTiES PILANNNGAND DE¥ELOf»NENT Corn. No. FPD3 Date: November 4,2Q15 v Subject: ADOPT A RESOUTTON AUTNOREZtNG t^PLEMENTATIQN OF raE DESIGN-BUILD SYSTEM OF PROJECT DEUVERY FOR THE GRA AVENUE ENHANCEMENT PHASE E AND BLUE UNE STATION EXTENS PROJECT AT LOS ANGELES TRADE TECHNICAL COIJEQE: RATIFYIN TH^^?^E-ST_.F-?R..oyAILrlcATIONS AND P^O^OSAL PROCESS, ^yiy???^? T^^y^ QF A pCSIGN-BUILD AGREEMENTl^ND .( DETERMINING THAT ALL OF THE FOREGOING ACfJON^ARE EXEM FROM FURTHER ANALYSIS UNDER THE CAUFORNIA-ENV!RQNE|SEN QUAUTYACT Action Adopt a resolution (Attachmeot 1 ) for the Grand Avenue Enhancement Phase and Blue Line Station Extension project at Los Angeles Trade Technical Cottege that 1. Ratifies Implementation of the Destgn-Build system of project delivery; 2. Ratifies the Request for Qyafcations and Proposals process (Procurement Number CS-032-15-T) conducted by Staff; 3. Authorizes ^e^ward of the DesEqn-BuEEd Agreement to the single Design- Build Entity ("DBE") Baifouir Be^ty Construction, LLC; 4. Authorizes District Staff, speclfieatly the Chancetlor and/or the Chief Facltites Executive, to enter Into a Design-Build Agreement for the Grand Avenue Enhancement Phase I and BHuie Line Station Extension Project; 5. Authorizes the Project Budget The Project has a projected overall bvdget of $4,962,912 which covers the cost for: Pyton Removal and Disposal and the Design; Agency Approvals; Open-Book Bidding of Subcontractor Trade Packages; Establishing a Guaranteed Maximum Price for Constryction: and t Construction for the remainder of the Project. In the event the aggregate cost for the Protect does exceed the Not to Exceed amount authorjzed by the ^^.NKS^.^^J Recommended by: s )(^3<?\'U^_ Approved by: Adrians D. Barrera, Deputy Chaneeitor FrarE&isee^C, pdoguez, ChaFiceflar Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong , Peariman Hfiffman Svonkini Kamiager Anderson StudeRt Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of 5 Pages Corn. No. JFPD3 DEv. FAaLrOES PLANME^G AND DEVELOPMENT Date 1i1l/Q4^S Los Angeles Community College Dtstricf ^\ ^ om.No. FPD3 Division: FACEUTEES PLANNNG ANID DE^ELOPMENI Date: November 4,20115 Board, then Staff stelt bring the item, andtor the affected part thereof, back to the Board for review, consideralm. and^br forther action; and 6. Determines that all of the fQremnci actions are exempt from fyrther analiysls under the California EhviroifTmentali Qyalltv Act. Background * Project Description The projecHias five parts: Part A - Grand Avenue Enhancement; Part B Blue Line Extension; Part C - Other Campus Site improvements, Grand Avenue and Washiington Boylevard; Part D - Other Campus Site improvements, 23rd and Flower Street Emtry^and Pyion Removal and Lega Disposal of the Pytos " Prior io Apnt 1, 2018. CEC^ Giridellnes sections: 15303 (New Constructm or Conversion of Small Stryctyres); 1! 5311 (Accessory jStructyres); and 15314 (Miinor Actdltions to Schools), as well as, 15063 (b)(3); alt provide the subject Pro;ject with exempt statos. The improvements will mi generate trafc or the need for addEtionai publk; services or utilities, and will be constructed by work crews using standard construction practices ancf imied amQunts of equipment as further ctescobed in the Notice of Exemption fiiHed with the County CEerk, County of Los Angetes on September 18, 2015. Please refer to Lead Constoctlon CounseFs Memoraodym which accompanies this Report and wNch provktes fyrther details of the Project Description. B Desiqn-Buitd Delivery fctEiod .. .- A. District^ Prior A^o^tio^ and! Reco^nEtlon of the Deslgn-Bnlld Delivery Method. The Design-Buitd delivery method was adopted by the Board of Trysfees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a delivery option Dlstnct-wide. Education Code sections 81700 et seq spedficaily authorize community college districts to utilize the Desrgn-Buitd delivery method as a safe and cost efficient atonat^e to competitive bidding because the Leglstatore has determined that it can produce accelerated completion of projects, provide for cost contammenl, reduce construction compfexlty, ancE reduce exposure to risk for conmimtty coNege districts. The beglslature has also determined that the cost-effective benefits to commvnity college distets Page 2 of *» Pages Corn. No. FPDS Qw., FACtLmiES PLAMNJNG AKD &EVELOPMENT Date 11^04/1.5 Los Angeles Community College District a^ om.No. FPD3 Diviskm; FACILITIES PLANNING AND DE¥ELOP MT ^ Date: November 4,K 20115 are achieved by shiftmg the liabity and risk for cost confaiiioment and project comptetlop to the desjgn-tmilej er^ity. The foregoing Code sedtons also: A) recognize and permit that the (ul scope of design, constructm, and equjpment awarded to a destgn-bulld entity under the applicaNe Code sections can be airthorizect In a smgte fundmg phase and that a camimty co!ilege dJstrlct can award! deslgQbuild contracts om a "best value" ^qyalltallve seEectilon) basis; and ~B) require that the gcwmg board of a community college dlsttct maRes written findings that use of the deslgn-bulkf process wHE accompish one of the foltowlng objectives: (ii) reduce comparable pro|ecf costs; (ii!) expedite theProlect's,comPteti°"-,or.® ProvKte features not achievable through the traditional design~b!d-bull£i mtoi B. DistricTs Evalyatlon aitGf ife^n^en FmeUng^ regardfng the Statutory Requirements to Use the DesEgn-Bvllcf Delivery Method for thie Subject Project. Subsequent to review of the objectives, the deslgn-Md delivery method should ^ be used for this procurement because it will: A) expedite the project's completion; and proide features not achievable through the traditional deslgn-Nd-buid method Wydlng cost containment, B) reduce construction complexity, and C) reduce exposvre to risk for the Disfrict, for the reasons expressed In Lead Constrycttorr Coimsef's MiemoFanidum which accompanies this Report C. Pre-Ouallficatlon Process for Oteslgn-Bylld Entitles anct Avyarcf of the Design-Build Agreement As permitted by the appllcaNe code seclbns, the Dtetncfs prequalification process was uitiilized wNch was then followed by the solicitation of pricing ffQFB those Pre-Qyatified design-bullld entities for this procuremeiff seeking the "best value" proposal'for the procurement. Utilizing the foregoing processes, a proposed awardee for ttiis procurement which wlii provide the best value to the Dtstrict Is icMlfled m this report for the reasons stated above and below. The applicable code sections afso require the District's governing Board to issue a written decision sypportlrrg ite award and stating In detaii the basis of the award as set forth m the proposed Resolution (Attachment: 1). By Page 3 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Dro, FAOJILmES FLAMING AMD &EVEIOPMENT Date 1111/04/1^5 Los Angeles Communiity College District om.No- FPD3 DivEskm: FAOLmES PlANNtNG AND DEVELOPMENT ^ Date: No¥ember4,2015 way of adoption of the proposed Resolution, the Board will announce its ^^^^^er^n9^^ccess>fu^D^l9r^B{fkl ^nt^^ statlr?!th^ wmmg DBEs price proposal amount; (3) stating its owail combJned ratinci on the Request for Proposal evaluation factors; (4) set forth the winning DBEls price proposal amount and rating as compared to all other responsive proposers and their respective price proposals and rankings; and (5) a summary of the District's rationale for the award. The successfyt DBE is: Balfour Beatty Construcfron, LLC The OBE's Price Proposal Amount is $2,204,319. This amount IncMes the cost for Pylon Remove and Disposal; as wei! as the Design; Agency Approvals; Open-Book Bidding of Subcontractor Trade "Packages; Establishing a Guaranteed Maximum Price for Construction; General Conditions for Construction; and the DBE's Fee for Overhead and Profit on Construction for the remainder of the Project, The DBE's Price Proposal Amount does not indude the cost of construction for the remainder of the Project which will be established on an open-book bldctmg basis of the subcontractor trade packages ate all approvals on the design documents have been obtained. The price proposal amounts from the other two proposers were: $2,349.496; and $2,660,719, respectively. The DBE's overall combined rating on the Request for Proposal! evaluation factors out of a possible score of 625 maximum points Is: 580, versus the other two proposers with scores of 356 and 483, respecttvety. The written findings summarized above and as set forth in and in Lead Construction counsel's Memorandum which accompanies this Report form the basis for Staffs recommendations found herein below. Further particulars are set forth in the proposed Resolution (Attachment 1) and shoytct be considered by the Board to be recommendatbms of Staff as if set forth at length hereat HE. Award: Staff recommends_that (1) the Board adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) for use of the Design-Bulld delivery method for this project at Trade Technrcal CoiEege, (2) ratify Staffs conduct regarding the procurement process; award the Design-Build Contract described herein above: (3) take such further action as Is set forth in the proposed ResoEufte (Attachment 1); Page 4 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Div. FACILITIES PLANNfNG AND DEVELOPMENTDate ^1/04/15 Los Angefes Community College District om.No. FPD3 Division: FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELQPMEPIT ^ th/ Date; Novennbef 4,20115 and (4) determine that alt of the foregoing actions are exempt from further analysis under the Cafiorma EnvlFonmental Quat^v Act IV* Award History This contract represents the sixteenth (16) award to this company through the Bond Program and a cumdiafh/e original total of $8QJ21,616. Previous projects Included Pierce Cotlege North of MatE Campiiis mprovement prqects, and the West Los Angeles College Campus mprovement projects V. Funding and DeveloDmeEt Phase Funding is through Proposltiom AA for GFand Avenue Enhancement Phase 1 (Segment m Part A, C a D) Project No. 07T-773.05, Financial! ID 17T.7773^05.05; and a combination of Proposition A and a grant: of (he Federal ^Transportation Authority administered by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority "Metro" for the Blue Line Station Extension (Segment #2 Part B) Project No. 07T-773.06, Financial ID. 07T.6773.05.06. Design and CorTstructkm phases. Page 5 of 5 Pages Corn. Ho. FPD3 &ra- FACIiirPES PtA^NENG. AND DEVELOPMENT Date 1: -y 04^1: S Attachment 1 to FPD3 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZtNO IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN-BUtLD SYSTEV OF PROJECT DELIVERY FOR THE GRANDAVENyE_ENHANCE NT PHASE AND BLUE LINE STATION EXTENSION PROJECT AT LOS ANGELES TRADE TECHNCtAL COLLEGE: RATIFYING REQUEST FOR QyAURCATIONS PROPOSAL PROCESS: AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OE A PESIGN-BU AGREENENT: AND DETERNINING THAT ALL OF THE FOREGOING ARE EXEMPT FROM FURTHER REVIEW UNDER THE CAUFO £NVIRONMENTALQUALrTY_ACT WHEREAS, The Los Angetes Community College Dtstnct yndeF Education Code Section 81700, et seq., may _ utilize a design-build project delivery method on capital projects; and WHEREAS, The Design-Build delivery method was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a detivery option District-wlcte; and WHEREAS, The District intends to_ build a Project at Los Angelas Trade TechrtoE College using the Deslgn-Bultd delivery method (hereinafter the "Project"); and WHEREAS, The Project has a projected overatt budget of $4,962,912 which covers the cost for Pyfon Removal and Disposal; as weH as the cost for: Design; Agency Approvals; Open-Book Bidctmg of Subcontractor Trade Packages; Establishing a Guaranteed -Maximum Price for Construction; and Construction for the remainder of the Project. This amount is in excess of the minimum amount required by applicable law for use pfjhe Design-Bylld delivery method under Education Code Section 81700, etseq.; and WHEREAS, Staff has reviewed the requisite statutory objectives and determined that use of the Design-Bultd process will: (A) expedite the projects completfon because yslng the desigin-bldbuild delivery metM(le, lowest competitive bid) the projecfwould take approximately 34jnonths to complete versus ysing the Design- Budd method which wiEI take only approxtmately 28 months, a savings of 6 months; and (B) use of the Deslgn-Byild method here will result in cost containment; reduced construction complexity; and/or reduced exposure to risk for the reasons stated in Staffs Report andJ,he Memorandum from Lead Construction Counsel that accompanied Staff's Report;and WHEREAS, As permitted by the applicable code sections, the Districts prequalification process was ittilized which was then followed by'the solicitation of pricing proposafs from those Pre-Quatlfied desEgn'-bylfd entitles seeking the "best value" proposal for the procurement; and WHEREAS, In utilizing the foregomg processes, Staff has identified a proposed a^a!d?^J?r.??^.?r?cyr?rn^nt.?s iSt^d ^1 ^ which m Sts^s opnbn will provide the best value to the District for the reasons stated above and herein below; and WHEREAS, Education Code Section 81 TOO, et seq. requires the Board to Issye a decision suppqrtiDg its award and stating; In detail the basis of the award^hEc^^y^entl^es the successfufDeslgn-Bulld E^my; (II) the ^fl1rl[rS PBE!SLPrlce, ,propps8!* (Hl)lts overall c^mNned rating ort the request for _ proposal'evaluation factors; (,v) the Board's ranking, in relation to a^ other responsive .proposers and their respective price proposals and (v) a summary of the Districfs rationale for the award; and WHEREAS, The^e^uest forl^al!fic^ttc^? 3rtd Proposal Process required the PreQualified Deslgn-Bulld Entities to submit a Pricing Proposal that IncEudes lump sum amoynts for Pyton Removat and Disposal and ^ump su[n ?n??UE?!s ?>r^desi^r?; aSe^cy?PEyo¥ats; open book-Ndding of the subcontractor trade packages; estabtlshing the proposed guaraoteed maximum price Jar construction; general ' conditions duiring construction; and a Fee for Overhead and Profit dyrlng constructor for the remainder of the Project The final guaranteed maximum price for all construction for the remainder of the Project wlfl be determined on a!? OPer!-b?okbEi£?.din? ^s^^o^^e subcontractor trade packages after a!l approvals on the design documents have been obtained; and WHEREAS, Staff has made the following determlnatlons.JI) the successful Design Build Entity belng^ proposed Is BalfourBeatty ConstructtonLLC i".D^El;r.?L%?>^j!!rllr?S.[??^J^nF^-!?^p?s^[ES ^2.204*3'^ W ^ !^e^ ?SLOY?ri?!l£or?bine<? ratlrl?'.onJheJ^uesff?r W°^ ?y?LtL^t5.ni r5?JOISJ^..??(?.-o^?-.?L^.^?,ssi?_e 625' po(nts^(tv) ^^ sll^c?ss.fuLDBE^ ranklnS ln ^stlon to all other respohslve prQposers and their respective price proposals is first out of three with the other ProPos^rank!5ss SnP°'rtsb^4830ut ?l6^and,366<xrt °[625. ite?Bt?l^!yl_J^lt!LtI^ 5%erL!????2s?[ST J?n°TO. P^pposals berpg $2,660,719 and $2,349.496, jespectively. The Districfs rafonate for the^award to the successful DBE Is thaf^Balfour Beatty Constryctlon l:.L^^IJ[lProvic!^the b^st value to.the pfstnct asits'prDpqsat best meets the selection and sconng cntena developed by the District for this project and as was set forth 1n the Request for Proposals; and WHEREAS, The results actnieved are consistent with, or exceed the expenence of 2?? i!]^lsty^?? ???rci^ <sst ?[td.sc?edyle.savlns?^ art4 ^hjftmsof £t?-.[?kr.oU(?^J?§afdln^ the pr.°i?ctls> d?;SISP: schieyed by u^rTg Design-BulId methodologyversus design-bld-bufld methodotogy; and WHEREAS, CEQA Guidelines sections: 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Smalf Structures); 15311 (Accessory Structures); and 15314 (Minor Additions to Schools) as we|t as 15063 (b)(3); ^ provide me subject Project with exempt status. The improvements will hot generate traffic or the need for additional public' servtces or utltities, and will be ??J?^t?^t?-(?.bX-wo[k.crews uslrt9 st8ndard constryction practices and imited amounts of equipment as further described in the Notice of w E^??i?t!orEL f!y JS?lth^ .c?ounty Sler^' county ^ Los Angefes on September 1§. 2Q15 which Is affixed' as Attachment "A" 1o Lead Construction Coynseil's Nemoranidum that acconnpanted the Staff Report on this nnalfer, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, ]"hat.the^^rd^Tr1^^,^^ Los AnpeEes Commiinity College District hereby finds that It is m the best Interests of the District ID I'. utilize Desiig^Byild prqect detlvery fbr the Grand Avenue Enhancememtt P^ase I and Blue Une Station Extension project at tos Angeles Trade Tedmffiall College and; be It further RESOLVED,That th^Board^ adopts as ^he Board's own findings. Staffs Wmgs ragardlng why the_Design-BuHd detivery method should be used for thisj>roject including those Wngsj>etjbrth m Staffs Report and Lead Construction Counsef's ^Eemorandum, and hereby fjr^ds that the use_?t.the desi9n-bul1d. Process WIIE (J) exPedite'the pFOjecfs £?r2E!?!i?r^ - ^ J![) ._P^?.ytde.,fe?t4res..rtot ach^evs^6 throuph the traditional d'eslgn-bid-buitd method, to wit (a) ensure cost eootamment (b)^educe construction complexity; and/or (c) reduce ^(posyre of risk to the Dtstrict at! for the reasons stated'in Staff's Report and the Memorandum^rom Lead Construction Counsel^vhfch are'lncQFporated herein as if set forth at length hereat; and: be It further RESOLVED, The Board ratifies^ Staff's vse of the Request for Qualifications and Prcgosal pmce^for $i^Pr??^IST1^L^^h^?K(i?r$ifi^ a Des!lcl^~ Build Entity using a "best value" selection method for the reasons stated abcyye which the Board hereby adopts as its findings; and; be I further RESOLVED, The Board hereby authorizes Diistoct Staff, speclficatfy the Chanceltor and/or the_ CNef Fadliitles Executive, to enter Into a Deslg^-Bultd Contract with Balfour Beauty Construction, LLC for the Project at LOB Angeles Trade Technical! College based on the terms, condffions and provisions set forth m the Request for QualEficatbns and Proposal process for this procuirement for an amount for this Project not to exceed the overall projected Project Budget of $4,962,912; and be further RESOLVED, That If the aggregate cost o^ INs Proiect does exceed the foregoing authorized amouint. Staff shall bring the item, and/or the affected part thereof, back to the Board for review, consicteratton, and/or fyirther action; and be It further RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees for the Los Angeles Community College District has Independently reviewed the Project and, based on the Information set forth m the preceding recitals and other Information presented to the Board at or prior to the time of its constderation of this resolytba has dletenmed that the Project is exempt from further envlrommentali review ander CEC^ pursuant to exemptions stated above and in the Notice of Exemption filed with the County Cterk, County of Los Angeles on September 18, 2015. f- T N WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we, the members of said Board of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereyoto set our th hands this 4Tn day of November 2015. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board ofTrystees Member, Board of Truistees Member, Board of Trvstees Member, Board of Trustees I t 1 President, Board of Trustees '* ;.> ^CTIi^N Bff »» w vs r"» Los Angeles Community Cdfege Dlstefe g DiVtSion FACIUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPNENT Corn. ISto. FP04 Date Etovember 4,2615 SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOLUTION RATiraN^_JHE REOUEST FO QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL PROCESS: AUTHORIZIN AWARD OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT FO ENERGY POUCY ACT OF 20195 liONETIZATION SERVICES " DISTRICT-WIDE: AND rcLE9XTING AUTHORITY TO CHANCELLOR ANTOR CHIEF FACILITIES EXECUTIVE TO EXECUTE AND ADMINISTER THE PROFESSIONAL SERVIC CONTRACT Action Adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) far the Energy Policy Act of 2005 Monetizatlon Services ~ District-wide that: 1. Ratifies the Request for Qualifjcatbos and Proposals process (Procurement Number PM 02-08-15 - RFQP) conducted by Staff; 2. Authorizes the award of a Professional Services Agreement to the single professional service provider, Ef^deocy ErEergy,, LLC; 3. Delegates to the Chancellor ancte the Chief Facilities Executive the authority to execute and administer the professiionall semce CQntract BacRaround 1. Professional Services DescrlptloEi The following is descriptive only, not alit iinidusiive, of the work and services to be provided under the professional: services contract. The professional service provider will! provide technical and administrative services relating to the Enew P<^cy Act off 2005 fEPACT") and as amended/extendecL Section 13311 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. hich was enacted as section 1l79 D of the Internal Revenue Service I % \ hM-hS^ Approved ^ Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor FTaEHSC2.pf Rodfeuez. Chanceflor Recommendied by: ^E? Chancellor an:d Eng; Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By: Page of 5 Pages Corn. No. Moreno Fong Peartman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anttersoti StiKfent Trustee Adyisfxy Vote FPD4 Div. FACILITIES PiANNEN;G AND DEVELOP'MENT Date 11-4-15 LQS Angeles Community College District C&tPt. Nla, FPD4 FACIt-mES PLAM^G AMD DEMELQPMlByrr DlvEsion Dat&:: November 4, 2Q15 Code. Section 179 D provides a tax eleduictloo to the taxpayer with respect to energy efficient commerdal buildings placed In service after December 31, 2005 and (as extended) befere January 1, 2014 and/or as further extended. The Section 3, "Special Rule for Governmeot-Owned Bylldings" found in IRS Notice 2008-40 allows the owner of an energy efficient commercial building property to allocate the 1179 D deduction to the person prlmarify responslbte for designing the property fDeslgoer"). Before the Designer who has been allocated the 179 D deduction can claim the deduction with respecl to property mstaHed on or in the government owned commercial bviildlng t^e Designer must obtain a certification ("Certification") provlcted by a quaffied person. The professional service provider will; facitafe the allocation of the 179 rd! D deduction, providing the required 3ra party certiftcation, enabling the District to recover some portion of the costs rejatlog to the design and construction of the energy saving commercial structure, and as otherwise provided In the Professional Services Agreement affixed to this Request for QuaElficatlons and Proposal documents. The professional service provider w^ also provtde assistance to the District to maximize tax savings under the Eoergy PQlijcy Act of 2QQ5 and any and a extensions, amendments ancto revisions thereto. These services are expected to include, but are not limited to: Determine the retroactive extent of the tsx deduictlQni Energy Policy Act of 2QQ5, as amended, available to the deslgner(s) of construction or renovation/modernizatlon of applicable Dlsfrict buiJEdmgs; Determine the prospective extent of the tax deduiction Energy PoElcy Act of 2005, as amended, available to the lesignier(s) of construction or renovation/modemization of applicable District buildings: Provide appropriate level of expertise reqyired In the Energy Policy Act m each area (e.g. Professional Engineer,, Tax Consultant) needed to comply with the provisions of the Act; page 2 of 5 Pages Corn. No. FPD4 Div- _FAC|y'T1E£PtANNltNEG AND DEVELOPMENT Date 1-MM 5 s Los. Angeles Community College District Corn. Nlo. FPtM DlvEsEon FACtUTffiS PLANNING AMD DEVEi.Oi'iVIENfIT Date: November 4,2015 Contact and Inform the Designers of the possible tax decjyction; Negotiate, as directed by the District, agreemeNs with the project Designers) to maximize payment to the District in retvm for fhe District's assignment of the tax deduction to the Designer; aod As an alternate, negotiate, as directed by the District, agreements to maximize benefit to the District by which deslgniers wii reduce the cost of the Dtstrlct project in return for the Distnc^s assignmeot of the tax deduction to the Designer; The professional service provider wilt al^o provrde services m atlocating and supplying all supporting documerrtatm required by: the Energy Policy Act of 2005, as amended, revised, ancl^or extended; and the Implementing rules and regulaljons prescribed by the Irrtemall Revenue Service to achieve tax deducttblllty. These services are expected to; jindlude, but are not limited to: Assist, District staff in identifying the ciocmentatiQrt necessary to achieve altocation of tax deductlbiiity under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, as amended, revised and/or extended; Assist the Designer, as requested by District, In IderEtifylng the documentation necessary to achieve allocation of tax dedyctiNillty under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, as amended, revised anct/or extended; Produce and provide to appropriate governmental agencies and the District all supporting documentation required to achieve Certification as required under section 4 of !RS Notice 2006-52an^or section 5 of ERS Notice 2008-14 (or as amended/revtsed/updated); Provide documentation of an errors and omissions, or similar, Insurance policy to provide assurance to mitigate the risk of disallcwance by the IRS; Provide appropriate level of expertise reqyiired In the Enerciy Policy Act in each area (e.g. Professional Engineer, Tax Consultartt) needed to comply with the provisions of the Act; The professional service provider shali a!so provide the technicai and admmistratlve services relating to the Energy Policy Act (EPACT) of 2005 and as amended, revised and/or extended shall provide all facilities, Page a of 5 Pages Corn. Mo. FPD4 Div. FAaimES; PLAN:NlfcN:GAN!D DEVELOPMENIT~~"DaSe11-445 ees Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. FP&4 Divlston FACIUTtES PLANNING AND DEVELOPRffiElCF Etafe:: November 4, 20t5 personnel, equipment, software, supplies, transporfatjcm and resources needed to provide the services required, II. Reqyest for Qualifications and Proposal Process As permitted by the applicable code sections, the Distefs Request for Quatlftcations and Proposal process was ytized. The District: ran the procurement under the guidance of Lead Constrycto Coynsel aod Tom Halt, Director, Facilities Planning and Deveilopment was the Dlstncfs Authorized representative and Contracfeg Ofcei Utilizing the foregoing processes, 27 firms viewed tire Request for Qualifjcatlons and Proposal documents. 23 frms cio^mtoaded the documents, and one firm submitted a propo'sal The successful professional service provider is: Efficiency Energy, LLC. The successful professional service provider Price Propossil Amount was 20% of recovered funds for qualifying protects that have already been bultt anchor currently under construction; and 15% of recovered tads for qualifying projects that not yet been bultt Whie these rates were "In the ball park", Staffs direction was to try and negotiate a lewer rate(s). After further negotiations with the propose^ SW was successful m gating the proposer to reduce its initial 20% for qualityimg projeds that have atready been built and/or currently under constructicm do^ni to 15%» with the 15% of recovered funds for qualifying projects that not yet been bylif remalmng as proposed. Additionally, the successful proposer has acknwMged IJna^: 1. Proposer onty receives compensation fmm ffie District for the subject services under the professional services contracl, catcylated on a project by project basis. If and when the Distnict recedes an actuaf monetary recovery, according to applicable law,, for a eligible prosject that has been built and completed to date according to the apptlcable tax deduction !aws; Page 4 of 2. Proposer only receives compensatfon from the Dis(M for te subject services under the professional services contract, calculated on a project by project basis, if the DistM receives realized yalue (as defined in the professional services contract), according to. applicable 5 Pages Corn. Mo. FPD4 DtV. FACEUTEESPLANNtNBANQDEVELOPEi/lENT Date 11-4-15 ees Los Angeles Community College Distftct Corn, No. FPD4 Division FACII-mES PLAMNtMG AND DEWELOPEidiENT Date; Movember 4,2015 aw, for an eligible project; that wilt be bui;lt and completed within the period of eligibility accorelmg to the applicabte tax deduction laws; 3. Under no circumstances is the Distnct rBquired to advance any funds/money for any purposes. If any such funds/money needs to be expended to perform the services requilrecl by the professiona! services contract, Proposer shal do SQ at Is own risk and expense and will be compensated only by Its share the percentage fee agreed to betow, on a project by project basis. AfTy shortfaite are at the sole risk of the Proposer; 4. The Proposer wilt not receive any ^elmbursable costs, of any kfncf at any time, from the District and 5. If the Proposer p'roduces no actua! monetary recovery or value received by the Dlstnct, the Diistnct owes the Proposer nothing under the professional services contract Award: III. Staff recommends that the Board adopt a resolution (Attachment 1): 1) ratifying Staffs use of the Request for QuallflcatEons and Proposal process; 2) authorizing the award of the Professional Sen/lces Agreerrtent to the single professional service provider Efficiency Energy, LLC, based on the terms, conditions and provisions in the Request for Proposal documents, and a s stated hereinabove; and 3) delegating to the Chancellor aneVor the Chief Facilities Executive the authority to execute and administer the professional service contract. Page 5 of 5 Pages Corn. H&. FPD4 Biv. FAC.EL.ETEES P'LANNIENG AND DEVELOPMENT"" Datef-E-4-1!& Attachment 1 to Corn. No. FPD4 RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS A PROPOSAL PROCESS: AUTHORIZING AWARD OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVI CONTRACT FOR ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005 IVIONETIZATION SERVICES DiSTRICT-WIDE; AND DELEGATING AUTHORIPT TO CHANCELLOR AN CHIEF FACILITIES EXECUTIVE TO EXECUTE AND ADMINISTER THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Community College District, under Government Code Section 53060, and other applicable !aw, may hire a professional service provider to provide special services and advice to the District in the areas of financial, economic, accounting, engineering, lega!, or administrative matters if such persons are specially trained and experienced and competent to perform the special services required and the District may pay from any available funds such compensation to such persons as it deems proper for the services rendered; and WHEREAS, the District seeks to use the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and ail of its subsequent amendments, revisions and extensions thereto, as well as all Notices and Regulations promulgated in connection therewith ("ACT") to monetize all available tax deductions obtainabfe for qualifying projects that have been built and are yet to be built as permitted by the Act; and WHEREAS, The District intends to retain a qualified professional service provider to perform such services on a District-wide basis; and WHEREAS, Staff has conducted a Request for Qualifications and Proposal process to identify a successful professional service provider qualified to perform such services; and WHEREAS, In utilizing the foregoing processes, Staff has identified a proposed awardee for this procurement as listed below, which in Staff's opinion will provide the needed professional services to and for the District at a price acceptable to the District as stated herein befow; and WHEREAS, Staff has made the following determinations: (i) the successfu professional service provider is Efficiency Energy, LLC; (ii) the successful professiona! service provider Price Proposai, after post submittal negotiations, is 15% of recovered funds for qualifying projects that have already been _ built _ and/or^ currently under construction; and 15% of recovered funds for qualifying projects that not yet been built; and WHEREAS, the successful proposer acknowledges that the successful professional service provider (i) only receives compensation from the District for the subject services 'under the professional services contract, calculated on a project by project basis, if and when the District receives an actual monetary recovery, according to applicable law, for an eligible project that has been built and completed to date according to the applicable tax deduction laws; (ii) only receives compensation from the District for the subject services under the professiona services contract, calculated on a project by project basis, if the District receives realized value (as defined in the professiona! services contract) and/or money, according to applicable law. for an eligible project that will be built and completed within the period of eligibility according to the applicable tax deduction laws; (iii) agrees that under no circumstances is the District required to advance any funds/money for any purposes. !f any such funds/money needs to be expended to perform the services required by the professional services contract, the successful professional service provider shall do so at its own risk and expense and wil! be compensated only by its share the percentage fee agreed to below, on a project by project basis. Any shortfalls are at the sole risk of the successfu! professional service provider Proposer; (iv) in no event shall receive any reimbursable costs, of any kind at any time, from the District; and; (v) produces no actual monetary recovery or va!ue received by the District, the successful professional service provider is entitled to nothing under the professional services contract; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District hereby finds that it is in the best interests of the District to retain the professional services of Efficiency Energy LLC for Energy Policy Act of 2005 Monetization Services - District-wide, and; be it further RESOLVED, That the Board adopts as the Board's own findings, Staff's findings as set forth in its Report, and; be it further RESOLVED, The Board ratifies Staff's use of the Request for Qualifications and Proposai process for this procurement which has identified a well qualified professional service provider to perform the requisite professional services and provide the requisite advice to the District for the reasons stated above, which the Board hereby adopts as its own findings; and; be it further RESOLVED, That the authorizes award of the professional services contract to Efficiency Energy, LLC as described herein above and as set forth in the professional services contract that was a part of the Request for Qualifications and Proposal documents, and; be it further RESOLVED, The Board hereby authorizes District Staff, specifically the Chancellor and/or the Chief Facilities Executive, to execute and administer the professional services contract with Efficiency Energy, LLC for the Energy Policy Act of 2005 Monetization Services - District-wide, and; be it further RESOLVED, That as the professional service provider and Staff negotiate the actua value and/or money to be received by the District for each project, that Staff bring such proposals back to the Board for approval on a project by project basis before committing the District to any final terms, conditions and provisions thereof. 1*1 IN WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we, the members of said Board of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set our th hands this 4Tn day of November, 2015. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees 5 President, Board of Trustees y. A Los Angeles Community Co!lege District g Corn. No. HRD1 HUMAN RESOURCES Division: Date: November 4,2015 Subject: PERSONNEL SERVICES ROUTINE ACTIONS Total Tota (This Report) (07-01-15 to Date) 1. Academic Service: 697 3024 160 575 2131 9235 2988 12834 (Faculty, Academic Administration, Academic Supervisors) 2. Classified Service: (Clerical, technical, supervisors, maintenance & operations, trades, dassified managers, confidential) 3. Unclassified Service: (Student workers, professional experts, community services staff, community recreation) Total: DATE RANGE: September 15, 2015 - October 12, 2015 All personnel actions reported herein are in accordance with the Board of Trustees Rules and are within the approved budget Personnel actions include retirements, employment, leaves, separations/resignations and assignment changes. The ciassified assignments noted above have not been certified by the Personnel Commission and are subject to further audit by the Personnel Commission due to SAP transition issues and may be subject to change. ^^/ % fc. 'My O*-k %ibert^f.Roman^rce5hancei1or Karen Martin, F^rsonne! Director Human Resources Personnel Corfimission iorf^ \ c* \ ft Recommended by: Adriana D. Barrera, Depufy'Chanceilor ^ Approved by: sco C. ^odriguez, Chancelior Chancelior and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Student Trustee Advisory Vote Human Resources Date 11/4/15 :»; * ® A B '«< * Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. HRD2 Division: HUMAN RESOURCES Date: November 4, 2015 Subject: APPROVE DISCIPLINARY ACTION REGARDING CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SUSPENSION OF CLASSIFIED PERMANENT EMPLOYEE . The suspension of employee (EN817138) assigned to Los Angeles Valley Coiiege as a permanent Financia! Aid Assistant is based on the following causes: nefficiency ® Derefiction of Duty ® ® Insubordination Background: The above recommendation is in accordance with procedures listed in Education Code Section 88123 and Personnel Commission Rule 735. Evidence is on fiie in the Empioyer-Employee Relations Unit of the Human Resources Division to support the above recommendation. Due process rights guaranteed by Skelly v. State Personnel Board, 15 Cal. 3d i94 (1975) have been afforded the above listed permanent employee. DISMISSAL OF CLASSIFIED PERMANENT EMPLOYEE . The dismissal of employee (EN1036764) assigned to Los Angeles City Coffege as a permanent Custodian is based on the following causes: Recommended <?_ f, %FT7 *. "II'TII lllUnr c/Alberkf. Roman Vice Chance!lor, Human Resources ^^^^1 Recommended by: "'"^Lwi-*^-^ ^ (^N^SLI\S^ Approved by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chanceitor rancybco U. Rodriguez, Chanceilor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Date By Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD2 Div. Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Human Resources Date 11/4/15 Los Angeles Community College District Date: November 4, 2015 Corn. No, HRD2 Division: HUMAN RESOURCES » Frequent Unexcused Absence and Tardiness » Abuse of Leave Privileges by Habitual Use of Leave for Trivial Indispositions or by Absence so Frequent that the Efficiency of the Service is Impaired Background: The above recommendation is in accordance with procedures iisted in Education Code Section 88123 and Personnel Commission Rule 735. Evidence is on file In the Empbyer-Empioyee Relations Unit of the Human Resources Division to support the above recommendation. Due process rights guaranteed by Skelly v. State Personnel Board, 15 Cal. 3d 194 (1975) have been afforded the above listed permanent employee. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD2 Div. Human Resources Date 1/4/15 K Go|lediveBat"<3aihirtg ^<a<iN .; Los Angeies Community College District B Corn. No. HRD3 Division: HUMAN RESOURCES Date: November 4, 2015 Subject: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LOS ANGELES COMMU COLLEGE DISTRICT AND THE AFT COLLEGE STAFF GUILD, LOCAL 1521A Approve an agreement between the Los Angeles Community College District and the AFT Coilege Staff Guild, Local 1521A^ governing wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for the period July 1 , 2014 through June 30, 2017. Background; In accordance with the Government Code, the designated representatives of the Los Angeles Community College District and the AFT College Staff Guild. Loca! 1521A, have met and negotiated a good faith effort and have reached agreement on matters governing wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017. A copy of the agreement is available from the Vice Chancellor's Office, Human Resources, and will be posted on the District website. Recommended by: *h T^3'A~s *» c^lberf/J. Rom^n Vice Chancellor, Human Resources ^^L'A-tu^' Recommended by: c: s^ Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor 1^ Approved by: " r"""*»ih^, r ^ Francisco C.^odriguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearfman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Andersen Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. HRD3 Div. Human Resources Date 11/4/15 ® A a; Los Angeles Community College District g Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD1 Date: November 4,2015 Subject: APPROVE NEW EDUCATIONAL COURSES AND PROGRAMS APPROVE NEW COURSES Title, Units and Coilege Course Transferabilitv LABR ST 024 Enforcing Workers' Rights (3 Units) TRADE csu NRSCE 931 Cooperative Education - Nursing Science (3 Units) VALLEY csu NRSCE 941 Cooperative Education - Nursing Science (4 Units) VALLEY csu HOSPT 136 Event Management (3 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 133 Destination Geography: Eastern Hemisphere (3 Units) WEST csu Recommended by: <^-^_<^A-^C<^ .5^L-^A^-. Donald Gauthier, President, DAS ^sSlKKA^a,^) w ^IffifflW 1^0. obbi KimbTe, hterim Vice Chance!lor ^1 \ Recommended by: ^As^ Approved by: » Frah^cojC. Ro^riguez: Chance Actriana D. Barrera, Deputy Uhancelior Chancelior and Eng. Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Date By Page of 6 Pages Corn. No. \S01 Div. Educational Support Services Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 11/4/15 Los Angeles Community College District /^ \J Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES om. No. ISD1 Date: November 4,2015 APPROVE NEW COURSES (continued) Course Title, Units and College Transferabilitv TRAVEL 134 Destination Geography - Alaska (1.5 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 136 Destination Geography- Caribbean (1.5 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 138 Destination Geography- Hawaii (1.5 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 139 Destination Geography - Mexico (1.5 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 141 csu TRAVEL 142 Destination Geography ~ Northern/Centrat Europe Destination Geography - North America (1.5 Units) WEST csu (1.5 Units) WEST 143 Destination Geography - Southern Europe TRAVEL csu (1.5 Units) WEST TRAVEL 144 Destination Geography - South Pacific (1.5 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 146 Destination Geography - East Asia (1.5 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 162 Accessible Travel Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu TRAVEL 163 Adventure Travel Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu TRAVEL 164 GLBT Travel Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu TRAVEL 166 Golf Travel Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu Page 2 of 6 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div, Educational SypportServices Date 11/4/15 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD1 Date: November 4, 2015 APPROVE NEW COURSES (continued) TRAVEL 167 Romance Travel Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu TRAVEL 168 Luxury Trave! Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu TRAVEL 169 Ski Travel Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu TRAVEL 171 Spa Travel Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu TRAVEL 172 Sustalnable Travel Specialty Markets (1 Unit) WEST csu TRAVEL 173 Corporate Travel Management Specialty Markets csu (1 Unit) WEST TRAVEL 181 Tours and Package Travel Sales and Marketing csu (3 Units) WEST TRAVEL 182 Hotel and Resort Sales and Marketing (3 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 190 Agency Operations and tmpiementation (3 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 191 Marketing the Trave! Agency (3 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 192 Business and Financial Planning (3 Units) WEST csu TRAVEL 193 Travel Agency Management and Leadership csu (3 Units) WEST Page 3 of 6 Pages Corn. No. JSD^I Div. Educational Support Services Date 11/4/15 Los Angeles Community Co!!ege District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD1 Date: November 4, 2015 RATIFY ADDiTIONS TO EXISTING CREDIT COURSES M The following are college additions of individual credit courses which have been previousiy adopted by the Board of Trustees. Title, Units and College Course CHDEV 031 Transferabiiitv nfant and Toddler Studies II csu (3 Units) EAST PHILOS 015 History of Contemporary Philosophy (3 Units) EAST csu K!N ATH 506 ntercoilegjate Ath!etics-Cross Country (3 Units) HARBOR csu THEATER 280 Musical Theater Workshop (3 Units) HARBOR csu HEALTH Men's Health and Fitness csu 043 (3 Units) PIERCE DANCEST 826 Dance Performance Company csu (1 Unit) PIERCE 217-1 K!N Self-Defense Skills csu (1 Unit) PIERCE GEOG 025 ntroduction to Geographic Information Systems and Laboratory (4 Units) SOUTHWEST csu K!N 327 Lifelong Fitness Lab (1 Unit) SOUTHWEST csu MATH 100 Mathematics Workshop (1 Unit) SOUTHWEST NT MUSIC 216-1 Music Theory I (3 Units) SOUTHWEST csu MUSIC 216-2 Music Theory II (3 Units) SOUTHWEST csu Page 4 of 6 Pages Corn. No. 1SD1 Div. Educational Support Services Date 11/4/15 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES /*\ ^ am. No. IS01 Date: November 4, 2015 RATIFY ADDITIONS TO EXISTING CRED!T COURSES {continued^ Course Title, Units and Colieae Transferabilitv MUSIC 216-3 Music Theory ill (3 Units) SOUTHWEST csu MUSIC 216-4 Music Theory IV (3 Units) SOUHWEST csu MUSIC 217-1 Musicianship (1 Unit) SOUTHWEST csu MUSIC 217-2 Musicianship II (1 Unit) SOUTHWEST csu MUSIC 217-3 Musicianship III (1 Unit) SOUTHWEST csu MUSIC 217-4 Musicianship IV (1 Unit) SOUTHWEST csu II. RATIFY ADDmONS TO EXIS_TING_NONCREDIT COURSES The following are college additions of individual noncredit courses which have been previously adopted by the Board of Trustees. Title, Units and Coileae Course OLDADL Transferabilitv 057CE Adventures in Theater NT (0 Units) HARBOR Page 5 of 6- - Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Educational Support Services Date 11/4/15 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES om. No. ISD1 /^ V/ Date: November 4, 2015 IV. REAUTHORIZE EXISTING CREDIT COURSES The following are courses that were previously approved by the Board and are being reauthorized per state request. Course Title, Units and Coliege HLTHOCC 055 Clinical Assisting Techniques (4 Units) HARBOR Transferabihty NT MATH 259 Precalculus With Trigonometry (6 Units) HARBOR PHOTO 049 Advanced Photographic Digital imaging (6 Units) HARBOR csu AFRO AM 007 Black Americans and the Political System (3 Units) SOUTHWEST uc/csu MUSIC College Choir (1 Unit) SOUTHWEST uc/csu 501 uc/csu V. APPROVE NEW_EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Los Angeles Mission College A. Certificate of AchieyementJnC.ertifjed Nurse Assistant and Home Health Aide (16 Units) Los Angeles Valley College A. Associate in Science in Bioioav for Transfer Degree - A.S.-T (60 Units) West Los Angeles College A. Associate in Arts in Globa! Studies - A.A. (60 Units) Page 6 of 6 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Educationai Support Services Date 11/4/15 s A ® A u <i Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD2 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: November 4, 2015 Subject: APPROVE NEW COMMUNmf SERVICES OFFERINGS Approve the following new Community Services course offerings as submitted by Los Angeles Harbor College for use in the Los Angeles Community College District, as listed in Attachment 1. ^b^- ^ywi^s Recommended b Bobbi Kimble, interim Vice Chancellor < Recommended by: S^j ^^^s^ I S^MA^ Approved by: _ Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chanceilor Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. ISD2 Francis . Rodtiguez, Chancel!or EriS- Moreno Fong, Peartman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Div. Educational Support Services Date 11/4/15 Community Services Courses 11/4/15 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 2 Los Angeles Harbor College GENERAL EDUCATION DESCRIPTION COURSE NAIViE ntro to Video Game Design with Scratch The Lives and Students in this dass will learn about the processes of designing and building games using the Scratch design platform. Students will learn how to be a game designer, how to design narratives, how to apply art and animation, programming roles, project teamwork, and how to make a game from beginning to end. Students in this class will (earn about a different famous Techniques of the Master artist each week of the class, and will learn how to use the techniques that made the artist famous. This hands-on class is open to new and experienced artists. Artists Workforce Math and Students in this class will iearn key mathematical concepts English Language Skills and English language skills that are required for successful on-the-job performance. Career Advancement and Students in this class wi!! learn skills applicable to their Performance Self professional advancement. Management 1 Workforce State of Mind Students in this dass will be introduced to the skills and 'exercises that will sharpen their perception and problemsolving abilities. Empowerment through Professionalism Students in this class will learn principles of team cooperation and membership, how to navigate and understand workplace culture and diversity, how to develop skills and strategies for dealing with workplace conflict, how to develop professional work attitudes, and how to develop communication tools and emotional intelligence in order to sustain a positive career trajectory. Community Services Courses 11/4/15 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 2 TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRBPTSON QuickBooks Online Students in this class will learn how to effectively use the QuickBooks online software platform. Become a Transaction Escrow Coordinator Students with a background in real estate and who are notaries wil! learn how to coordinate escrows. Become a Certified Tax Students in this class wi!l learn how to prepare tax forms for clients, and will gain a robust understanding of tax laws, Preparer ethics and best practices. Office Computing and Students in this class wili learn how to use computers, Supporting Technologies common software platforms and standard office technology, including fax machines, copy machines, and integrated telephone systems. e A Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. ISD3 Date: November 4, 2015 Subject RATIFY OUT-OF-STATE STUDENT TRAVEL I. Los Angeles City College A. Seven students and one faculty member traveled to the Associated Media Collegiate Press/CoNege Media Association National College Convention in Austin, Texas during the period of October 28 to November 1, 2015. Background: The purpose of the trip was to allow LACC Journalism students the opportunity to compete as finalists for "Multimedia Feature Story of the Year 2015," and "Diversity Story of the Year for Newspapers," and enter the "Best in Show Magazine" competition In this national awards event. FISCAL IMPLICATION: The total estimated cost of the trip was $5,500.00. Non-District funds from the Coliegian Ad Revenue Account were used for this travel. o^t- Recommended * ^3^-"»~^-. obbi Kimbie, interim Vice Chancellor ^ * * Recommended by: * ^^j\^Approved by: N Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chanceiior F nciscc^C. Rc|driguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anderson Date By Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. ISD3 Div. Educational Support Services Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 11/4/15 Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Corn. No. iSD3 Date; November 4,2015 East Los Angeles College II. th A. Six students and one faculty member traveled to the 37In Annual National Leadership Conference on Student Government in St. Louis, Missouri during the period of October 8 to October 11, 2015. Background: The purpose of the trip was to aliow students an opportunity to enhance their skills needed to foster academic success, establish a support network, support their goals for graduation, and improve their personal achievement by influencing leadership through representing themselves on a national level. FISCAL IMPLICATION: The total estimated cost of the trip was $9,345.00. Non-District funds from the Student Rep. Fee Account were used for this travel. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. ISD3 Div. Educational Support Services Date 11/4/15 s * d A .' * Los Angeles Community College District Corn, No. ISD4 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: November 4, 2015 Subject: APPROVE STUDENT DISCIPLINE ~ EXPULSION WITHOUT RECONSiDER 1. Expel Los Angeies City College Student, SID # XX-XXX-4586, from all colleges in the Los Angeles Community College District without reconsideration. The student has violated the following Standards of Student Conduct: Board Ruie 9803.12 - Dishonesty Board Rule 9803.14 - College Documents (Forgery) Background: Education Code 72122 requires that the final action of the Board shall be taken In a public meeting. The above recommendations are made in accordance with Board Rule91101.6and91101.18. t ^ Recommended by: 1 n ^ ^-^»^ ftBf Bobbi Kimbie, Interim Vice Chanceilor Recommended by: ^ ^ I^XS^A!^ \ ^ ^fcj Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chance lior -^ Approved by: ^ Franc^bo C\ Rodriguez, Chanceilor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong, Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anderson Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote Date By Page of ^__ Pages Corn. No. ISD4 DJv. Educational Support Ser/ices Date 11/4/15 'ft; n 1 A :. '11 Los Angeles Community College District s Corn. No. PC1 Division PERSONNEL COMMISSION Date: November 4, 2015 PERSONNEL COMMISSION ACTIONS Subject: I. Classification Study Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to reclassify EN 1037386, from Office Assistant to Administrative Aide, effective May 8, 2015. Office Assistant $2,753.56 $2,905.00 $3,064.78 $3,233.34 $3,411.18 Monthly $33,042.71 $34,860.06 $36,777.36 $38,800.11 $40,934.12 Annually Administrative Aide $3,594.33 $3,792.02 $4,000.58 $4,220.61 $4,452.74 Monthly $43,131.96 $45,504.22 $48,006.95 $50,647.33 $53,432.94 Annually BACKGROUND: In accordance with provisions of the AFT Contract and Education Code ) Personnel Commission staff conducted an audit. The audit determined that the duties and responsibilities of the incumbent fall within the classification of Administrative Aide. The position is located in the Plant Facilities Department at Los Angeles Pierce College. The 2014-2015 fiscal year cost of this action is approximately $926.71. The 2015-2016 fiscal year cost of this action is approximately $6,354.60 Recommended by: ^ ^c^ Karen J. Mqrfin, Personnel Director Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of 3 Pages Corn. No. PC1 Div. PERSONNEL COMMiSSiON Date: 11/4/2015 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No, PC1 PERSONNEL COMMiSSEON Division Date: November 4, 2015 II. Establishment of New Classifications A. Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to establish the new classification of Facilities Project Manager-Central Plant and Utilities (CPU) and allocate the new class to salary schedule $7277.70, effective October 13,2015. Salary Schedule $7277.70 $7,277.70 $7,677.98 $8,100.27 $8,545.78 $9,015.80 Monthly $87,332.40 $92,135.76 $97,203.24 $102,549.36 $108,189.60 Annually BACKGROUND: The establishment of the new class was requested by the Director of Facilities Planning and Development who indicated a need for a project manager position in his department that is dedicated to providing professional expertise and oversight to projects throughout the District involving the design, construction, and upgrade of central plant and utility systems. Since this area involves specialized knowledge of the design integration and use of central energy systems, a request for a specialized class became necessary. III. Salary Reallocation Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to reallocate the salary for the class of Vice Chancellor, Finance and Resource Development, as follows, effective October 13,2015. Current Salary Schedule: 15333.17 (Shortened Range) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step5 $15,333.17 $16,176.49 $17,066.2 $18,004.84 $18,995.11 Monthly $183,998.04 $194,117.88 $204,794.40 $216,058.08 $227,941.32 Annually New Salary Schedule: 15494.62 (Shortened Range) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step5 $15,494.62 $16,346.83 $17,245.90 $18,194.43 $19,195.12 Monthly $185,935.44 S196J6L96 $206,950.8 $218,333.16 $230,341.44 Aimually Page 2 of 3 Pages Corn.No. PC1 Div. Date PERSONNEL COMMISSION 11/4/2015 ; Los Angetes Community College District Division Corn. No. PC1 PERSONNEL COMMISSION Date: November 4,2015 BACKGROUND: The new job classification of Vice Chancellor, Finance and Resource Development was created on October 13, 2015. The salary for the class was based on direct alignment with the District's salary range for PresidenWice Chancellor. The structure of the salary schedule for President/Vlce Chancellor is represented to be 10 steps with 1.8% difference between steps. In 2013, an adjustment to the salary for academic executive positions was made in conjunction with the adoption of a reduced auto allowance. In calculating the new salary schedule an error was made which resulted in the differential between steps being less than 1.8%. The effect is that each employee is receiving $2,400 less in annual compensation than the correct salary schedule structure would warrant. The Division of Human Resources has been advised and has indicated a correction will be made. However, since we are actively recruiting for the position of Vice Chancellor, Finance and Resource Development, we are recommending that the adjustment for this class be made in advance of the correction of the academic schedule. Page 3 of 3 Pages Corn. No. PC1 Div. PERSONNEL COMMISSION Date; 11/4/2015 »: ® A '!*!. <» Los Angeles Community College District I Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Corn.No. BF3 Date: November 4,2015 Subject: ADOPT THE 2015-16 SPENDING PLAN OF THE EDUCATION PROTECTJON ACT (EPA) OF 2012 Adopt the District's spending plan as submitted by the colleges in the chart below and as shown in more detaii in Attachment < TOTAL EPA FUNDS COLLEGE $12,585,993 $20,752,568 City East Harbor $6,331,393 Mission $5,799,469 $13,696,540 Pierce $4,919,224 Southwest $11,335,752 $12,198,830 Trade-Tech Va!ley $6,551,203 $402,469 West TV $94,573,441 TOTAL Background: On November 6, 2012, voters passed Proposition 30 to provide funding for K-12, community cofieges, and public safety. Districts have sole authority to determine how the moneys received from the EPA are spent, provided that the governing board makes these spending determinations in open session of a public meeting of the governing board. The Act specifically prohibits the expenditure of EPA funds for administrative salaries and benefits or any other administrative costs, in accordance with Proposition 30, the District must hold a public hearing before approving the EPA spending plan. ^^^S^) Recommended by: > <r SLMik Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor Approved by: Francisco C\. Rodriguez, Chanceilor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Date By Page of Pages Com. No. BF3 Div. Student Trustee Advisory Vote BUSINESS AND F!NANCE Date 11-04-2015 BF3 Attachment t Page 1 of 4 Los Angeles C&mmmmty College trief 2015-16 Edueati&tt Protecfiim Acc&n^t (EPA) Spending PlaB The Lffs Angeles Commumty CoUege stricfrs estvmssfe^ 2ffI5-H EPA Fund £s $94,57$,441 Proposition 30, The Schools and Local Public Safety ProteetioB Act of 2012, approved by the v&ters 0.11 November 6, 2012, temporarily increases tJhe state sales tax rate for all taxpayers and the perscma! income tax rates for upper-income taxpayers. The revenues generated from Proposition 30 are deposited into the state accoiiBt called tlie EducatioB Protection Account (EPA). Commmiity eolleges receive fimds from the EPA based on their pToportionate share of the statewide EPA revenue. A correspemdmg reduction is made to the computed state gejffieral revenue that the districts are entitled to. Ptoposition 30 provides that the local district board have ffae sole authority t& detemiine how the fimds received from the EPA are spent with these provisieas: The spending plan must be approved by the g&vemmg board during a pyNic meeting,. EPA funds cannot be used for the salaries or benefits of administrators or my other administrative costs- The District must publish on its website an accounting of how mucli money was received from the EPA and how the funds were spent. It is proposed that EPA funds be used for the costs of classroom mstmction and mstructiosal support activities. The 20] 5-16 Spending Plan as submitted by each college is provided in Attachment I, pages 3 and 4 of 4. The District has received the EPA funds over four years. Tfee ftmds received and ysed are presented below: Co^mputed Unrestricted State General ReveBiue 2012-2M3 State General Revenue, excludmg EPAfun^s EPA Fttmls Total State General Revenue 2&I3-I4 SSWJ6.2^ 2QN-I5 $404,6Q6J5Q $76J9W2 $74,536,779 S46S,2M,234 $47^54 3,529 % (ERA) »f State General Revenue 16.2?% 2015-M (est.) S4}ffJ64,327 S46S,280,723 394,506,345 S94,57S,,44f S504,67Q,672 $562,.S54J64 15.54% 18.72% mM% Number of Classes Offered aad Students Served 2012-13 # of Classes Summer 2 Fall Winter Spring Summer J W13-S4 # ofStu^enfs 0 # ofCfawes Q 2Q14-1S # o/SiSu.tfettts S3 tS6'2 S of Classes 20HS-I6 (plsnnHBg) ^ofStvctenfs SS4 ti-ofChsf-es. itefStuefmis 6.870 397 n. J-747 174'^S / 3,913 77.006i S.599 99,228 5,8]3 117,455 6,709 117 3.ff25 42 £,922T 0 (?. 287f^ S.52S 6.968 HI,.S55 6.285 127.577 t- 186 5,76] 126 3,26S S.^9ff6 9S,.241 5S3 5,432 io H5SO SOff Los Angeles Community College District Fiscal year 2015-16 Activity Classification Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act Attachment Prop 30 EPA Expenditure Pl^n Page 2 of 4 Activity Unrestricted Code District EPA Allocation 8630 94,573,441 Salaries Activity Activity Classification Instructional Activities Code and Benefits 0000 - 3000) Operating Capitaf Expenses Outlay (4000 . §900) (6000) 0100-5900 Total Instryctionai) Activities 0100-5900 Other Support Activities (list below) Total Other Support Activities 94,008,230 6XXX rot§l Expenditures for iPA* 115,211 94,1^,441 0 0 4SO,000 0 4!?0,000 0 Allocation less Proposed Plan 94,008,230 565,211 N,&73,441 0 * CCFS.311 Tota rots! gxpenditures for RPA may not Include Aciministrator Salitries and Benefite or other adm»ni@trativ@ costs, Page 1 Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act (Prop 30) Atlachment Fund 10106 Page 3 of 4 2915-2016 Proposed Spending Plan* Allocation ofEPA $94,573,441 Functional Salaries and Benefits Area/ Activity Instructional Activities 0100'S9W Summer 2015 0100-5900 Fail 2015 0100-5900 Winter 2016 0100-5900 Spring 2016 0100-S800 Summer 2016 0100.5900 Totatlnsfruclionat.AclivIttes Other Support Activities (1XXXXX-3XXXXX) Cods Activity C!assificat!on Cil> (yiM Hsrbw 6,337,289 6,248,704 rtercc Missiun 11.332.358 9,420,210 2,385,000 2,939.562 218,193 179.914 2,385,000 2,679.993 5.948,336 1,424,128 6,258.865 2Q,m,ii6? 6,331,3^ VuScy .rrixlfTrrh 1,49-4,315 <f 671,600 12>(;8S,89iS 1,546,728 4,826,763 WKf n'v Tlitul 2,165,915 .+ 4.871,325 2,975,750 345,019 220,962 5,790,469 13,831,329 43,508,130 2,043,157 2,209,612 5,014,674 7,327,805 3,573,453 57,450 45,177,46@ 1.113,522 441,922 4,418,224 W3$,7.S2 12,198,830 S,S5t,293 Vnlkv Wist 'ws,^ 94,008.230 Saiiiries and Benefit? (lf?t (ixxx?y(-3xxxw) below)**Jt exxx Learning Center St) lit hvi t>B< 671,600 *. City Kmt H»rtw Mlwfftfi fffl'CC 6110 SonMw^iit 65,211 Tiwk-rwti (TV Tctil SQ,000 ns,zn Oporsflfg gxpenses (4XXXXX"5XXXXX) exxx l-egmlng Center Cily Mi^iun linrlwr firrcv Sn^thw^t L 6110 Vii)t»)' Tnclf-TffB Wtst ITV Tiriiil 450,000 Total QWcrSupportActfvKfes Tots! Planned Expendjtures for EPA* Kdst fr v ^ IT n 12,565,383 20,762,668 S,33'(,333 5,793,468 13,e3'»,329 1,847 2,848 ?,095 960 1,S42 450,000 450,00? 4,869,220 ). 1^338,762 T 12,188,830 » 6,S51>203 4&2,4S9 4?2 ?? 56S,2't1 ?4,573,441 Alioctrtion IBSS Prc»pose<( Pffin N um Be c of Pf? lined (; lasses 648 ihm E^penditMres for EPA Fund CTO proh felted to bs used for Admmistretor Satariea Bnd'Benefits or fan/ other administrative costs. (Refsr to State Chancellor's Qffica AcwunUngAcivlgory FS 13-03, Aprii IpT'ZoTg) GCFS-311 p^ ? 1,178 13,719 Attachment | page 4 of 4 2015-201$ PROPOSED PROP 30 KPA SPENDING PLAN Nymfcier of Class Offerings and Students Served Vast ^ity SU?/fWIERSESStON; Beginn|nsJu!Yl>20i5 1. Number of Cjass^Offerings Rarltior Mission Pierce i^outfiwest Trade-Tecft 92 .2^3.1 2_,_Number of S.ty dents Ssryec! m? WsSt rr? rotSf 305 397 11,747 9,216 FALL SEMESTER; 1. Number of Class Offerings 2,_._Nymber,o.f Students Sen/ed 930 iMoe 1,504 42,0.90 942 27,337 18,798 29 1,741 930 29,000 485 788 17,237 361 11,897 214 5,034 14 287 1,373 375 8,523 445 1.7,622 840 14.5 16,995 8,090 725 22,084 464 1.1.J49 4@2 5,421 18 1,693 6,709 174,587 WINTER (NTERSESSiON: 1. Numberof Clsss.Qffonngs 2. Number of Stucjenls Sewed 30 SPRING SEMESTER; ^^umb@TofCjasspffenng$ 2. Number of Students Sen/ed 917 iMm 1,344 SUMMSR SESSION: Beginning prior to July 1,2016 1. Number of Class Offerings 92 2. NumberofStudents Served X?teLNUmfci?lof.cf.?9s^fferIns& M48 2,(W§ 714 17,135, T 5 400 980 1,843' 648 6,203 127,577 120 3,2§3 28 750 2.S13 1,847 763 23,157 V93 1,178 492 23 13,716 I ® A .: *. Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. CH1 Division: CHANCELLOR Date: November 4, 2015 Subject: APPROVE LOS ANGELES TRADE-TECHNICAL COLLEGES STRATEGI EDUCATIONAL JVIASTER PLAN, 2014-2017 Approve the Strategic Educationa! Master Plan, Student Success Through Innovation (SEMP) - 2014-2017 for Los Angeles Trade-Technical Coilege. Background; Accreditation standards require that colleges submit their strategic p!ans to the Board of Trustees for review and approval on a regular basis to assure constant institutional improvement. These plans are meant to provide colleges with a framework for systematic seif-analysis, public accountability, and Institutional goal setting. On October 21, 2015, the Board's Institutional Effectiveness and Student Success Committee reviewed the "Los Angeles TradeTechnical College Strategic Educational Master Pian" and recommended its approval by the Board. » Approved by; Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Page Date of 1__ Pages Corn. No. CH1 c Franco C.)Rodriguez,Chanceilor Div. Chancelior Moreno Fong Pea rim an Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 11/4/15 s ft * < Wiriiii vs vs vs vs * Los Angeles Community College District 'ft, B Division: Corn No. CH2 CHANCELLOR Date: November 4, 2015 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE AMENDIVIENT TO AGREEMENTWITH CIBER INC. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4500182429 with Ciber nc. in order to a!!ow the foilowing: (1) extend the Agreement end date from December 6, 2016 to December 6, 2017; (2) revise the Statement of Work, Project Work Plan and Decision Director functions to provide for updated and more specified tasks, activities and deliverables to implement the new Oracle People Soft Student Information System (StS) software suite utilizing a phased module approach for deployment in Fail of 2017; (3) provide for payments made on the basis of milestone delivery, with a ten percent retention withheld on all payments, and an additional retention of 5% for every week a milestone is deiayed, with the total retention on any milestone not to exceed 30% ; (4) permit shared expense for on-going project monitoring; (5) include an option for District to include additional Statement of Work to configure functionality for implementing upcoming baccalaureate degree programming; and (6) incorporate recommendations made by Higher Education Cloud Services in the SIS Assessment Report as mutually agreed upon by the parties. No cost amendment. Background: On December 5, 2012, the Board authorized an agreement with Ciber, Inc. to configure and implement the SIS software suite including creating the California version of the software incorporating regulatory and other modifications for appropriate MIS reporting at an amount not to exceed sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000) (Corn. No FPD1(II)(G)). An amendment is needed in order to reflect the updated changes to the Statement of Work as a result of an extensive fit/gap analysis process conducted which resulted in a change from a pilot college approach to a phased module approach; to extend the contract term to meet the revised project work pian timeiine; and to revise the payment terms to milestone Approved by: Franci . Rocj^iguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Fong Secretary of the Board of Trustees Hoffman Date By: Page Kamlager Moreno Pearlman Svonkin Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote of 2 Page Corn. No, CH2 Div. Chancellor Date 11-4-15 r Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. CH2 Division Date: November 4, 2015 Chancellor only payment with ten percent retention withheld and increased retention up to a total of 30% for delay to ensure timely depioyment of the entire SIS system in the Fail of 2017. An additional optional Statement of Work exercised in District's sole discretion will be added to reflect the impending baccaiaureate degree program. Ciber has aiso agreed to share the expenses of on-going project monitoring to ensure the project's timely delivery and to incorporate recommendations made by Higher Cloud Education Services in the SIS Assessment Report. Given that post-production work will occur past the existing extended agreement term and the legally allowable time period for services agreements under Education Code Section 81644, a separate no-cost agreement will be entered into by the District and approved by the Board of Trustees to permit the continuance of post-production support after December 6, 2017 at similar terms and conditions negotiated under this present Agreement. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn.No, CH2 Div. Chancellor Date 11-4.15 ^BSB s 12 ^ . I Notice: November 4, 2015 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD/A B Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Action Date: December 9, 2015 Subject: AMEND BOARD RULE CHAPTER VI ARTICLE III " ACCREDITATION Amend Article II! of the Board Rules as shown below. ARTICLE Hi ACCREDITATION 6300.01 Roie of the Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees has authority over, and responsibility for poficies to assure the academic auaiitv, inteciritv. and effectiveness of student learning programs and services. and the financial stability of the institution. The Board sha!i, at ieast annualiv. review key indicators of student learning and achievement, and institutional plans for improving academic quality. 6300.02 Role of the Chancellor The_Chancellor serves as the Chief Executive of the District, assuring academic auafity and institutionai effectiveness. The Chancellor shall ensyre_a_reQular cycle of review to assess the effectiveness of the units and divisions within the Educationai Services Center, the delineatjQn of roles and responsibiiities of the District and the coUeaes, and District-ievei cjovernance and decision-makina processes. Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong. Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of 2 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. Educational Support Services 12/9/15 Date Notice: 11/4/15 Los Angeles Community Coilege District /^ \J om. No. iSD/A Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES 6300.03 Action Date: December 9, 2015 Planning and Assessment Planning, assessment, and continuous improvement processes must be clearly articuiated and contribute to the realization of the college and District vision, values, mission, and strategic plans. Managers, faculty, dassified staff, and students shail be aDp_roorjately_[nyoLved jn formulating, reviewing, and implementJna al! institutional pians. Budget allocations and other major academic and administrative decisions shall be linked to piannina and assessment processes, in order to improve institutional effectiveness and student success. 6300.04 Evaluation and Institutional Effectiveness Each college, and the District office, shall have formal processes by which systematic assessment of institutionai effectiveness is conducted. The results of these assessments sha!l be reported to the Board of Trustees at !east annually. 6300.05 Costs of Accreditation COSTS OF ACCREDITATtON OF COLLEGES. The Board of Trustees may pay the costs of accrediting the colleges of the District by the Rogional Accrediting Association serving Caiifomia^ or by any other accrediting ocsociation serving California or by any other an accrediting agency recognized by the United State Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education R 0 recommended by the Chancellor and approved by the Board of Governors. The Board shall approve only an accreditor recognized and approved by the U.S. Secretary of Education under the Higher Education Act of 1965 acting within the agency's scope of recognition by the Secretary. Title 5, C.C.R., 51016 Adopted 12-09-69 Amended 03-30-71 Amended 10-22-97 Amended XXXX Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. ISD/A Div. Educationa! Support Services Date 12/9/15 Notice: 11/4/15 FPD1 - Resource Documertt < AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS A. Action Authooze an agreement with P2S Engineering, Inc. to provldle confoued engineering services on a Task Order basis at East Los Angeles Colilege with specific assignments to be issued incrementally at the dlreefm of fte Program Manager on an as-needed basis from December 2,20115 through February 28, 2017 crt a cost not to exceed $60,OQQ mduishfe of elipble relmbursabte expenses. Background On December 1,. 2Q10 (Corn. No. FPD1), the Board of Trustees authorized Agreement No. 50221 with P2S Engineering, Inc. to pmide nnecbamcal electrical, plymbing, and telecommunication englneerimg services on a Task Order basis campus wide. The Agreement sfhialll expire on December 2, 2015 at the end of the five year term. It Is rec|uested that a new Agreemeot be authonzed to a!!ow the continued Issuance of Task Orders for work underway. The current need Is complefion of the Academic Network Backbone and Campus Wide Fire Pump projects. The unexpended fyods from AQreement No. 50221 shal! be ut^llze^ exellysiively to fund this proposed Agreement This agreeFnent has beerr consiidlered through the partidpAry governance process, Award History This agreement represents the 35th awarded to this company through the Bond Progrann arrct a cumul^lve original award total of $2,584 J 27. Other projects mdiude the Bidding C - Space Heating pro|ect ai Los AQgelles Trade-Technlcal College and the Central Plant Phase II project al Los Angeles City College. The fee is within the Design and! Spedial^y Consultant Fee Guidelmes. Fundma and DeveloprrEertt Phase Funding Is throygh Propositton A/M and Measure J Bond proceeds. Projects to be determined on an as-needed basis. All Phases, Page! of 21 » Facilltjies Planning and Development ® November 4,2Q15 t FPD1 - Resource Document, B. Action Authorize an agreement with Budtong & Associates to pro^iefe eliectriical engineering services for the High VoEtage Electrical System Majnleniarwe project at Los Angeles Harbor College from November 15, 2015 throygh December 31, 2Q16 at a cost not to exceed $95,060 mdysjve of ©lligi reimbursable expenses. Backcround Budlong & Associales has been sefected through sollcMto of proposals from four firms. The purpose of this Agreement is to obtain electrical engipeerlng services. The scope of work te to survey existing electrical panels and swlchgear and develop construictbn documents for maintenance and rejNacemenl o^ various s^vltchgear. The work Is recommendect by the engineer fbr the High Voltage Electrical System Maintenance protject at Los Angeles Harbor College. Of the fbvr (4) proposals received, two (2) were determirred to be responsive and were ther^ evaluated by the selection comm^tee Induidiiing representatiives from Los Angeles Harbor CoKege anej the Fadmies Planning & Development Department. This Committee is composed! of the Director of CoElege Facilities, the Lead EEectrldan, the Gerreral Foreman, and the Facilities Project Manager As a result o^ this comprehensive review and selection process, Budlong & Assodiales is recommended for ward of this Agreement. Fundm Funding is through 2Q14 - 2015 Deferred Maintenance FLmds. No^-Bood project. High VoHage Electrical System Maintenance. WorR Order No. 40000723. Design- Phase. II. AUTHORIZE A ND NT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ABREERflENfr Action Authorize Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 33769 with TTC Engineers to provide addtttonaii design and constmction administration serviic^ for the M&O Facltlties project ^ Los Angeles City College from Nicwember 5, 2015 through October 16, 20W at a cost not to exceed $4,800 tnctel^e of eigiblie reimbursabte expenses. Page 2 of 21 » FacHities Planmpg and Development » November 4,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document nciusive of this proposed amendmertt, the total amount of tNs agFeennen^ approved by the Board of Trustees is $20,040. Background This agreement was autorized by the Board of Trustees on IDecember 11 2013 (Corn. No. FPD1) with TTG Engineers to continue to swe as. the Engineer of Record for tNs project subsequent to the exprratbn of a pre^iouis agreement tM was authorized by the Board on January 14, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). Field mspectiops by the DMsion of the State Architect o^ the yncter construction project resvltecf m additional requirements made to prowde additional lower level floor anchoring and upper level wal bolting for approximately 400 tota! lir^eal feet of pre-fabricated sheNng for palilels." The proposed Amendment expaacls the scope of worR at added cost for the provision of addltbnal engmeering and construction acimfntstraljoni services to meet the addrtlonai requirements. Fees shall be within the Distlct gutelites established for these services. Funciina and Develoment Phase Funding Is through Proposition AA Bond proceeds. M Faa es 11C.7116.02.01. ConstructiQn Phase. ill. AUTHORIZE CONSTRyCTJEON CONTRACTS A. Action Authorize a cortect with Pacific West Industries, (no. to prcmdle general construction services for the Replace and Upgrade HVAC - Kinestotogy South protect at Los Angeles City College at a cost of $1I54,,9Q& Consistent with Board Rule 7100.10, authorize the Chief Facliies Executive to authQrize change orders, each change order rrot to exceed ten percent (10%)oftheofiiglnal contract price, without re-bidding, subject to subsequent Board! ratification. Background This contract is the result of formal competitive bldcfeg. Five (5) contractors requested bid packets. One (1) responsive Nd was receh/ed for $154,900. This cQestfyctlon contract is for the Womeif^ Gym (Kineslology Soufh) replacement and upgmde of the HVAC. Page 3 of 21 » Facilities Plarmmg andl Development » November 4, 2015 t FPD1 - Resource Document Funding and Developmenit Phase Funding is through Scheduled Maintenance Funds. Replace and Upgrade HVAC - KinesJology South. Non-Bond project Work Order No'. 400006801. Constryctten Phase. B. Action Authorize a contract with Valle Grande Construction to provlete ^rrera^ constructtor^ - smartboard Inspection services for the Center for the Sciences project at Pierce College at a cost of $21 ,842. Ccmsrstent with Board Rule 7100.1Q, authonze the Chief Faciiities Executive to aulhorize change orders, each change order not to exceed ten percent: (10%) of the original contract price, without re-bidding, subject to subsequenl" Board ratification. Background This contract is the result of competitive bidding. Two (2) contractors attended the pre-bld conference. Two (2) responsive bids were recetvect ranging from $21,842 to $28,420, This construction contract Is for the removal of existing srmrtboards to al!ow for the Inspectkm of tie substrate, bacRlng and attachment, and the reinstaflatlon and modification of the smartboards. Award History This contract represents the seventh (7) awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative original award total of $204,650. Previous awards have been given to this company for the Anlma Sciences Fadtlty project at Fierce College and the Horticuttyre Fence project at Pierce College. Funding and Develo&ment Phase Funding is through Proposition A and Proposition AA Bond proceeds. Center for the Sciences 15PJ501.02. Construction Phase. C. Action Authorize a contract with Western States Roofing, Inc. to provide general construction services for the Roof Reptacement industrial Tech B 3600 project at Pierce Coiiege at a cost of $77,000. Consistent with Board Rule 7100.10, authorize the Chief Facilities Executive to authorize chamge Page 4 of 21 ® Facilities Ptannlng and DevefopFnent ® November 4, 2015 I'. FPD1 ~ Resource Document orders, each change order not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the origEnaf contract price, without re-biddlng, sybject to subsequent Board ratification, Background This contract is the result of competiive bidding. Bght (8) contractors requested bid packets Rve (5) responsive bids were receEveel ranging from $77,000 to $150,500. This constuclioo contract Is for the remova and replacement of approximately <60Q square feel of roofing. Funding and Deve)ODmeot_Phase Funding is through Deferred Maiin^epan^ce FyndEng. Roof Replacement rtdustrial Tech B 3600. Non-Bond prqjecl. Worl<-0rcier No. 40000821. Construction Phase. D. Action Authorize a contract with Line Tech Contractors to provide genera constructjon^services for the Tech Ed Generator project at Los Angeles Southwest College at a cost of $152,000. Consistent with Board "Rule 7100.10, authorize the Chief FacBities Executive to authorize change orders each change order not to exceeel to teni percent (10%) of the original contract price, without re-bidding, suEqect to subsequent Board ratification. Background This contract is the ^ result of forma! competitive bjdding. Five (5) contractors requested bid packete. One (1) responsive brd was received for $152.000._ This construction contract is for the padding, mounting, and instatlation of an emergency electrical generator mctydEng ati necessary electricai and mechanical as reqiilredl per FnaQufacturer recommencfatlons and South Coast Air Quality Managemept Dlstrilct reqylrements. Funding and Development Phase Funding Is through 2013 - 2014 Locailly Funded Deferred Naintenance Program. Tech Ed Generator Non-Bond project. Work Order No, 40000145, Construction Phase. Page 5 of 21 ft Facilities Planning and Development ^ November 4, 2Q15 FPD1 - Resource Document E. Action Authorize a contract with South Coast: Mechanical. Inc. to provide genera construction services for the Replacement of Cooling Tower prqjecfat Los Angeles Trade-Technicaf College at a cost: of $175,055, Consistent with Board Rule 7100.10, authorize the Chief FaciEitles Executtve to authorize change orders, each change order not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract price, without re-bEdctlng, sybject to subsequent' Board ratification. Backctround This contract is the resutt of formal competitive bldetlng. Two (2) contractors requested bid pacRets, One (1) responsive bid was received for $175,055. This construction contract is for the replacement of the cooling tower at Sequoia Had. Funding and DevelODment Phase Funding is through Deferred Maintenance Funds. Replacement of Cooling Tower. Non-Bond project. Work Order No. 40000570. Constryctjon Phase. IV IF RATIfY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Action Ratify a contract with Southern California Trane Company to provide genera construction services for e Refurbishment of Central Plant ChMers project at Los Angeles Pierce College at a cost of $132,000. Conslstertt with Board Rule 7100.10, authorize the Chief Facilities Executive to authorize change orders, each change order not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract price, without re-blddmg, subject to subsequent Board ratification Background This contract was procured subsequent to the approval by the Board of Trustees for a Waiver on Restnctlve Specrications on March 12, 2014 (Corn. No, FPD1). This construction contract Is for thie refurbishment of chillers to return the units to useful condition through CenTraVac Renewal program. Page 6 of 21 ® FaclElties Planning and Development 9 Ncyvember4,,2015 FPD1 ~ Resource Document Funding and Deveip_pment Phase Funding is through Scheduled telntenance Funds. Refurbishment of Central Plant Chillers. Work Order No. 40000086. Construction Phase. V. RATIFY__CHANGE ORDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT GREATER^THAN S30.000-IN ORIGINAl~COST'ISSUg^_iBDEi?THl STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUILD" METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY A. Action Ratify Change Order No. 7 to Construction Contract No. 33850 with Masters Contracting Corporato for additional construction services for the Roadway, WaEkway, Grounds, Parking Lot - Red Line Pedestrian Corridor project at Los Angeles City Cotlege at a cost of $38,000. Inclusive of this change order, the total cost of this Construction Contract is $5,516,446. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on November 5 2014 (Corn. No.^FPDI) with Masters Contracting Corporation to provide » general construction services for this project. The original contract valire Is $5,397,000. The negotiated reduction from contractor demand Is $8,647, The following services have been completed and are requested to be ratified: Due to unforeseen conditions: ft Modify stair and wall foundations, Qfadlng, harctscape, landscape and irrigation, a retaining wait, and fencirtg due to ctiscovered conditions not shown on as-buiit drawings. Funding and DeveioDment Phase Funding Is through Measure J Bond proceeds. RWGPL - Red Une Pedestrian Comdor31C.5173.05.03. Construction Phase. Page 7 of 21 » Facilities Ptanning and Devefopment ® November 4,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document B. Action Ratify Change Order Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 to. ConstRtctioo Contract No. 45QQ2QQ669 with Climatec LLC for additional constryctioo services for me Energy Management Controls Repair Central Plant project at Los Angeles Harbor College at a cost of the amounts listed m thie'taNe betow: Change Cost Order No * Percentage of Ortginal Contract Cost 2 3 4 $17,739 $1,866 $2,451 $1,063 6,3% QJ% 1.0^'0 OA% nclusive of these change orders^ the to^all cost of this Construction Contract is $303,053. Backoround This agreement was authonzed by the Board of Trustees on June 11, 20114 (Corn, No. FPD1) with aimatec LLC to provide construction services for this protject The original contract value Is $279,935. The folfowinq services have been compieted and are requested to be railed: Due to additional requirements: . Change Order No. 1: The existing chilter feak detection system was not functioning properly and needed to be reenglneered to provide additional hardware to correct an unsafe condition and bring up to code. a Change Order No. 2: Relocate Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT) sensor to meet code. ft Change Order No. 3: Additional conduit and wiring was required from e^asting make-up f!ow meter to mam to water treatment panet and back to Building Management System (BNS) panel * change ofder No- 4: .serv^ cal1 to correct 9roynd feult at ^s^^S Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). Page 8 of 211 » Facilities Ptannlng and DeveEopment ® November 4,2015 FPD1 ~ Resource Document Funding and Development Phase Funclmg Is through 2013 ~ 2014 Kock Grant and Proposition 39 Funds. N^Bond prqect. Energy Managememt ConlroEs Repair. Work Order No 4000Q081 Construction Phase. C. Action Ratify Change Order No. 1 to Construction Contract No. 4500205902 with South Coast Mechanical for additional general constructlort services for the ReEct House Roof A/C Units prqecl: at Los Angelles Southwest Cotlege sA a cost not to exceed $9J38 Inclysh/e of ei^lble reimbyrsable expenses. nclusive of this change order, the total cost of this tenstructEon Contract ^$121387. Backoround This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on November 5, 2014 (Corn. No. FPD1) with South Coast iMechanlcal to provide general construction services for mis project. This change order represents 8.7% of the originat contract value of $112,149. The following services have been completed and are requested to be rattfred: Due to requests by the coEiege: * Provide and install automated A/C conWs to maximize energy samgs. Fundm and Development Phase Funding Is through Locally Funded Deferred EMtalntenance Fund. NonBond project. Field House Roof AX; Units. Work Orcier No. 40000161 Con.s.tryctlon Phase. VI. RATIFY CHANGE ORDERS FOR CONSTRyCTON CaNTRACTLESS FNAN S3Q.OQO ISSUED UNDER THE ^FANDARD^'BESEisNlBED-mjiitb" METNOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Action Ratify Change Order Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6 to- Conslryctbn Contract No. 4500200768 with Xcel Mechanical Systems, ^c. for aMlona^ construction Page 9 of 21 » Fadlrties Planning and DeveEopment « November 4, 2015 FPD1 - Resource Document services for thej^eplace Fan Coil Units at Vaooits By gs project at Los Angeles Vattey CoElege at a cost not to exceed the amounts Tlsted In me table below: Change Cost Order No H- Percerrtage of OrlgmE Contract Cost 3 4 5 6 $11,889 $4,821 $2,516 $2,203 1.29% 0.52% 0.27% 0.24% Backairoimd This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on June 11, 2Q14 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Xcel Mechanical Systems, inc. to provide constructton services for tNs prqject The onginal contract value was $236,577 and was amended fc»y the Board on April 15, 2015 (Corn. No. FPD1) to indude the capacity to accommodate bid attemates which, when implemented, can increase the cost of the Agreement by an additional $1 ,037,092, Inclusive of Change Orders 3, 4, 5, and 6, the total cost of this Construction Contract is $1,295,098. The fQltowm services have been completed and are regyestecl to be ratified 1. Due to requests by the college: » CO-004: Overtime to complete the work In shorter time anei pnor to the start of Fall Semester allowing non-disruptbn of classes. 2. Due to ynforeseen conditions: * 9^003i l^stallatiorl of aclditional drain Itnes for proper function of Fan Coil Units (FCU). » CO-OQ5: installation of access doors to allow proper roteance of ECU. ft CO-006: Reconnectlon of existing ductwork tcllie to prcmde functtona system. Page 10 of 21 « Facilittes Pianrring and Development » November 4,2Q15 FPD1 - Resource Document Fyndlna and Development Phase Funding Is through 2013-14 and 2014-15 Deferred temtenarwe. Non-Bond prolect-_ Replace Fan coli units at Various BLtidrniQs. WorR Or^er Nos 4QOOQ1Q5, 40000106, 40000620, and 40000621. Consfructm Phase. VIL M!T9RIZE ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION OF CQNSTRUCTIO CONHrRACI A. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No., 450Q215301 wth CG Acoustrcs Inc. to provide general construction serviices for the Gating Tile Repair project at Corporate Centre - East Los Angeles Cottege wth a sufostanttal completion date of July 27,2015. Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on July 8, 2015 (Com.No.FPD1) The total cost of this contract is $24,485. Fundrno and Develooment Phase Funding is through 2014 - 2015 Scheduied Nlatntenance Funds. Non- Bond project. Repair Celling Tlfe - Corporate Center, Work Order No, 4QOQQ426. Construction Phase. B. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 450Q211445 with Signature Flooring, Inc. to provide general canst ructiion services for the Installation of Owner Furnished Rooring teterials (FbQrs One and Two) project at Corporate Centre - East Los Angeles ColleQe with a substantial completion date of June 30, 2015. Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on April 15, 2015 (Com.No.FPD1). The total cost of this contract is $29,995. Page 11 of 21 » FaciEitles Planning and Development » Novemiber4,,2Q15 FPD1 - Resource Document Funding and Development Phase Funding is through District Scheduled Maintenance Funds. Non-Bond project. EnstalEation of Owner Furnished Ffooring yaterlals (Floors One and Two). WorR Order No. 40000424. Constructio.n Phase. C. Action Authorize Acceptance ^ Completion of Contract No. 45002Q0669 with Ctlmatec LLC Company to provide general construction services for the Repair Energy Management Controls project at Los Angeles Harbor College with a substantiat completion date of August 14,2015. Backgiround This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on June 11, 2014 (Com.No.FPDt). The total cost of this contract is $302,652. Funding and Development Phase Funding Is through 2013-2014 Scheduled Maintenance Funds. Non-Bond project. Repair Energy Management Controls. Work Order No. 400000081. Construction Phase. D. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 45002Q59Q2 with South Coast Mechanical to provide general construction servrces TQF the Field House Roof A/C Roof Units project at Los Angeies Southwest Coiiege with a substantial comptetion date of August 26,2015. Backoround This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on November 5, 2014 (Com.No.FPD1). The total cost of this contract is $121,887. Page 12 of 21 ® Facilities Planning and Development * November 4,2015 FPD1 " Resource Document Furtdlna Funding Is through 2013-2014 Locally Deferred Naintertance Funds. NonBond project. Field House Roof AIC Roof Units. Work Order No. 40000161. Construction Phase. VIIE. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO LEASE ACREMENT Actlort Authorize Amendment No 4 to Agreement No. 32616 with M/Spaoe Holdings to extend the term 24 months for eight (8) 12l x 48* moduEar buildings and two (2) 114^ x^48t modular umt^for continued yse as office space by the CoHege Project Team (CPT) at Pierce College from January 11, 2016 through January 10, 2018 at a cost of $177,234. If appltcabte, all sales tax shall be paid, Inclusive of this amendment, the totai amount of this tease agreement is $736,471. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on October 7, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). An extension of this lease agreement is needed to allow I continueduse of ten total modular units utilized by the College Project Team at Pierce College. FvndTO and DevelopmentPhase Funding Is through Measure J Bond proceeds. FF&E - Pierce 40J.5555.05. Construction Phase. DC. AOTNORIZE AMENDMENTS TO DESIGN-BUILD AOREE^ENTS A. Action Authorize the foitpwing actions for Amendment No. 9 to Desrgn-Bulld Agreement No. 33741 with Harper Construction Company, Inc. for addit!onaE Design-Bulid services for the Hlolmes Halt Mociemizatton and Student Semces Building project at Los Angeles City College at a cost not to exceed $5,899 inclusive of eligible reimbuirsabie expenses: Page 113 of 21 » Facilities Planning and Development » November 4,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document 1. Ratify Amendment No. 9 to Agreement No. 33741 to provide addittonaf Design-Bultd services at a cost of $4,200: and I 2. Authorize ^merrdmept No. 9 to Agreement No. 33741 to provide additional Destgn-Build ser^ces at a cost of $1,699. Credits Costs $(293.427) $39,899,550 $1,005,798 Orlginat Agreement Approved Amendment Nos.1 - 8 Proposed Amendment $5,899 No. 9 otat $40,617,820 ndusiveofthis amenclmertt, the total cost of this Design-Bulld agreement is $40,617,820. Background The Design-Build system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn No. BSD5) as a project del^ery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Buifd system^by the Board of Trustees on January 16, 2013 {Corn. No,FPD1)._ This Deslgn-Build agreement w Harper Construction Company, Inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 11, 2013(Com,No.FPD1), The followincf Desiqn-Build services have been completed and are requested to be ratified: Due to unforeseen condltjons: . Sed a discovered opening not shown on as-built drawings in the existing firewall within Hofmes HatL The foHowTO addEtlonaii Desicio-Build services are proposed and are requested to be authorized: Due to unforeseen conditions: . Fabricate and instaill added sheet metal duct risers to raise existing roof vents discovered to be tower than required by building codes to avoid water intru&icm into Holmes HaEE. Page 14 of 21 « Facilities Ranmgand Devetopment * November 4,2015 FPD1"" Resource Document Amendment No. 9 to Agreement No. 33741 includes Change Order No. 11-HK Fundma and Devefopment, Phase ^undlng isjhr?tllgh ^^?t??.J^Ond proceects as applicable. S^uder^t Services BuNirrg 31C.5134.02 and Holmes Ha 31C.5110.03. Constructioni Phase. Modernization B. Action Authorize the follewiingi acfkms for Amendment No. 32 to DesEgn-Birilld Agreement Na330©3wNh Hensel Phelps Construction Co. to modify the scope of the Desrgn-BirN services for the Northeast Quadrant Parkmg Strvctyre, Cox Building Upgrade, Cox BuiidJng " Little Theater Upgrade School of ^ath St Sdence, Campus-Wide Storm Water Cotlection System, and Fitness & Weltness Center proijects at Los Angeles Southwest College and for the delletlon of the design and construction for a School of Math & Science replacement building including credits in the amount of ($7,485,073) and costs m the amount of $387,282 for a totaE credit of ($7,097,791): 1' ??^^rl?n?me? ^' 32 to Agreement No 33063 to provide additional Deslgm-Builld services at a cost of $387,282; and, 2. Authorize Ameniclment No. 32 to Agreement No. 33063 to reduce Design-Butkf servk^s for a credit of $(7,485,073). Credits Original Agreement Approved Amendment $(42,400) Costs $80,816,000 $17,300,486 Nos. 1 - 311 Proposedl Amendment$(7,485,073) $387,282 No. 32 otal $90,976,295 tnclustve of this amendment the total value of this Design-Build agreement is reduced to $90,976,295. Background The Design-Build system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of I?^e?.c??-PecS!T1?e^3t ?0£S ^corn-.No- BSD5) as a project delivery option avariabie Drs^rict-wde. This project was approved for delivery by Page 15 of 21 ® Facilities PiarTning and Devetopment » November 4,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees on August 19, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Design-Buiid agreement with HenselPhelps Construction Co. was authorized by the Boart of Trustees on August 11, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1) at a cost not to exceed $80,816,000. Subsequently, the Board Gif Trustees approved Amendment Nos. 1 through 31 forchangesthat Included but were not timited to, the follcwlng: addition of a Campvs-Wkte Storm Water Collection System: replacement of the Lecture Lab building envelope, installation of an Energy Management System, constryctlon; Qf a fire access road, provision of a School of Nursing feasibility study; replacement of electrical lines; correction of an elevator strycture; (nstaEtatlon of mechanical roof top uinlts; repair of the Little Thieafer roof, conducted code compliance analysis for the School of Math and Sdence, abatement of discovered poteQtiailly hazardous materials; replacement of a domestic water line; ancj instaiiation of adcfltionai fiire spriinklef heads. The total added cost of approved Amendment NQS. 1 through 31 was $17,258,086 and a cumulative value of $98,074,086. This amendment has been considered through the shared governance process. The following additional are requested to be ratted: -Build services have been completed and Due to unforeseen conditions: » When the as-bvllt drawings for the existing structural steel for the Cox Building and Little Theater were discovered to be inaccurate, it was necessary to^ refabrieate custom^ ordered steel by re-drillins anchor holes, base ptates, beams and ledger angles. The foilowinq addfaal Desrqin-Bulld services are prooosed and are requested to be aythorized: Due to requests by the colllege: . Provide a credit to the project In the amount of $(7,273,768) for the deletion of the design and construction for a School of Math &'Sdence replacement buildfng. Amendment No. 32 to Agreement No. 33063 inductes Change Order Nos. 62,63,64,65. 66, 67, and 68. Page 16 of 21 « Facilities Ptanning and Development » November 4,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document FimcHna and Development Phase Fuming jsjthrpugh j^easure J Bond proceeds. Cox BuMng Upgrade 36S.56Q70310 _B6S 5607.03.10 Cox Bylldlng - Lmie Theater Upgrade project 36S.5607.03.09, Fitness & Weltness 36S.5667.03, School ofMath & Science 36S.5618.03.01. Constructton Phase- X. RATIFY ANENDMENT TO DESIGN-BUItD AGREENiENT Action Ratify Amendment No. 14 to Agreement No. 32975 with Plnner Constmctlon Company for additional Design-Bulld services for the Student Success and Retention Center project at East Los Angetes College for a total cost not to exceed $455,903 inclusive of eligible relmbursablle expenses. Credits Costs Original Agreement Approved Amendment $(1,552,002} $58,817,063 $5,915,819 Nos. 1 -13 Proposed Amendment No. 14 otal m pi. $455,903 $63,636,783 tnclus^ve_oHhls amendment, the total cost of this Desiign-Bulld agreement is $63,656,783. BacRaround The Design-Builc! system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December^, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5)as a projecfdeEh/ery option available District-wide. This project was approved for delwery by Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees on June 24 2009 (Corn/No. FPD'1). This Design-Bultd agreement with Plnner CQns^rucfiiQn Company Inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on June 16,, 20110 (Corn. No/FPDt). The foltowm Desian-Buiid services have been completed and are requested to be ratified: 1. Due to unforeseen conditions: ft Over-excavate and re-compact the soil! at Entry plaza area per Geotechnicaf Engineer's requirement. Page 17 of 21 ^ FaclHties Planning and Development » Nownber4,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document 2. Due to additional requirements: » Install additional structural reinforcements to the Centrat Rre Pump equipment encasing structure per requirements made by the Division of the State Architect and the Architect of Record. Amendment No. 14 to Agreement No. 32975 Includes Change Order No. 25 *. Funding and DeveEo&ment Phase Fundilng is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Student Success and Retention Center 32E.5234.02, Construction Phase. XL RATEFY AMENDMENTS TO LEASE LEASE-BACK A^SRjEIEENTS A. Action Ratify Amendment No. 2 to Lease Lease-BacR Agreement; No. 33846 with GGG Demolition, inc. for adctitional constructton services for the Demolition of Elm and Aloe Halls project at Los Angeles Trade-Techniica College at a cost not to exceed $162,570 inclusive of eligible reimbursabte expenses. ncluslve of this amendment, the total cost of this Lease Lease-Back agreement is $2,838,970. Backoround This Lease Lease-Back agreement with GGG Demolition, Inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on October 8, 2014 (Corn. No. FPD3), The following Lease Lease-Back services have been coroleted and are requested to be ratified: 1. Due to requests by the colfege: » Replaced^ydroseed specified in the origina! scope of work for the site of demoiished Elm Hat with accommodate upcoming college activities. new natural grass tuff to . Expanded the original scope of work by adding power receptacles to new light standards Installed at the site of demolished Etm'HalL Page 18 of 21 ® Facilities Planning and Development & November 4,2015 FPD1 ~ Resource Document « Expanded the original scope of work b^ adcfog a pedestrian access gate adjacent to the site of demoltshed Aloe Hall to functo with the new fence . Expanded the original scope of work regarAg the emergency phone system at the site of ctemollshed Aloe Hatl b^ adding wiinng and a keypacl 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: » Relocate and reroufe drscovered fiber cabte liines In te cra^l space area of Etm Halt not shicwn on as-buillt drawings. e Reroute discovered gas tine and storm ciFaln lires tcx^fed underground and adjacent to Elim HaH ne^ shorn on as-bmlt drawings. ft Remove discovered potentiatEy hazardous materials adjacent to the * crawt space of Elm Hall. Replace and Install a new culvert transition due to discovered sform drain lines during the demolition of Elm Hail and not shown on asbuilt drawings. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 33846 Includes Change Order No. 3. Fuftcfina and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Demolttbn of Elm and Ate Halls 37T.5779.03.15. Ccmstructton Phase, B. Action Ratify Amendment No, 2 to lease Lease-Back Agreement No. 33833 with Ctark Construction Group - Catlfomla IP for acNlttonat construcfiorT services for the Athletic Training Facl^y project ai Los Angeles Valley Colllege at a cost not to exceed $208,116 jncluslve of eiiglNe rermbuirsabte expenses. Induislve of this amendment, the totali cost of this Lease Lease-Back agreement Is $24,694,315. Background This tease Lease-Back agreement w Cterk Construdion Group Calllfomla LP was authorized by the Board of Trustees on Aogusl 7, 2Q14 (Corn. No. FPD2). P^ge1i9 of 21 » Facilities Planning and Development » November 4,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document The foflowina Lease Lease-Back services have been completed and are requested to be ratifEed: 1. Due to requests by the college: * Changed the spedications for the celling mourEted Itght fixtvres In the Weight Room to be compatible with a redesigned celting. Selected three coEumn op.tion for the softball scoreboard. » Installed 200 amp breaker for better performance of efectnlcal service for the new restroom bultdings, » 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: ft ncreased the quantify and size e^ available electrical conduilts to meet the needs of the project when the existing mfrastructure was discovered to be Insufficient. » Costs Incurred to recover delays regarding discovered conditions: required testing of the exlstmg soil stockpile to confirm usabity; and accommodation of underground utilities and footlrtgs tocated during excavation and not shown on as-built drawings, . Installed a 1200 amp breaker due to Inaccurate as-butlt drawings. . Replaced an infiittraHon trench for proper storm water management of the permanent site when the existing facility was discovered to be non-functlonal 3. Due to additional requlreFnerfe . ncreased fbotlrrg sizes for batting cages and blleachers per regulatory requirements. . Changed drilled pile footings for bleachers to spread fDotogs per regulatory requirements. . Added two hour fire rated barrier at roof expansron joinf per regulatory requirements. B Changed connectton of dygout drains from sanitary sewer to stQrm cfraln- . Added light fixtures not depicted on eiectfical drawings. . ft Added required electrical outlets at Rooms 110, 11, arxl 112 that were not provided In the electrical plans. Reconfigured steet support column to provide a flush wall surface. » Revised sizes of steel embed plates for roof beams at dugoyits to correct discrepancies between structural and architectural drawings affecting beam spacing. Page 20 of 21 * Facilities PEanning and DeveEoproeFtt » November 4,2015 FPD1 - Resource Document » Increased height of six light pole bases to prevent damage that would occur if instatled flush with asphalt paving as shewn on drawlrrcts. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 33833 includes Change Order No. 2. Fyndm and De^/etopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond Proceeds, Athletic Training Facility 38V.5837.02. Construction Phase. XII. AUTHORIZE CORRECTION! OF ERROR Authorize the fatlowmg correctbFT to an error shown on ftem IV, C. on Corn. No. FPD1 on October?, 2015: Ratify Change Order No. 8 to Construction Contract No. 32594-1 with Hartford Fire Ir^syrance Company/Kemp Bros. Construction for addltlcma general construction services for the Media Arts Center project ai Los Angeles Msston College Including credits in the amount of ($11,400) and costs In the amount of $80»Q86 for a total cost of $68,686. ncluslve of this. change order, the total cost of this Constmction Contract is $WWb44^ $19,45^,777. Background The cost of previouslly approved Change Order No. 1 at $527,948 and proposed Change Order No. 8 at $68,686 were not included m the tc^aE cost of the construction contract. The correction is shown above. Xl v RATIFY SETTLEMiENT OF CLAM tn accordance with Boerd Rule 7313, ratify the Settlement of Bultdefs RlsR Construction C!alm NQ. 883-538616, reEated to Los Angeles Trade Technical Cotiege Contract Nb. 33Q09, m the aFnount of $3,316.17 to be paid to contractor as ftel claim settliement for repair costs associated with a broken water pipe on the upper flloor that leaked inside the building during construction. Page 21 of 21 « Facilities Pianmrrg and DeveEopment » November 4,2015