I w vs ws sr aH ^ g A '^ A Los Angeles Community College District TTOWiSshine Bh/d., Los Angetes, CA 90017 (213)891-2000 ORDER OF BUSINESS - REGULAR MEETING Wednesday/ February 10, 2016 Closed Session 4:00 p,m. Public Session 6:00 p.m. Second Closed Session (Immedlateiv Following Public Session if Necessary) Los Angeles Pierce College Student Community Center/Great HaSE/ Byiiding 1900 6201 Wmnetka Avenue Woodland HiSEs/ CA 91371 I. Roll Call (4:00 p.m.) . Location; Student Community Center/Great Ha!E/ Building 1900 II. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees Regarding Closed Session Agenda Matters III. Recess to Closed Session in accordance with The Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq./ and the Education Code to discuss the matters on the posted Closed Session agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954.5 (Refer to Attachment nA" for Closed Session agenda). Location: College Services Conference Room/ Building 2100 IV. Reconvene Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) Location: Student Community Center/Great Hall, Building 1900 V. Roll Call VI. Fiag Salute VII. Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session - February 10, 2016 VIII. Approval of Minutes » Regular Meeting and Closed Session: December 9/ 2015 » Regular Meeting and Closed Session: January 13, 2016 « Regular Meeting: January 27, 2016 IX. Reports from Representatives of Employee Organizations at the Resource Tab!e X. Announcements from the College Presidents ORDER OF BUSINESS February 10, 2016 Page 2 XI. Public Agenda Requests A. Oral Presentations B. Proposed Actions XII. Requests to Address the Board of Trustees - Multiple Agenda Matters XIII. Reports and Recommendations from the Board « Proposed Actions BT1. BT2. BT3. BT4. BT5. Resolution » District Classified Employees Retirement Resolution - Women's History Month Resolution - Support the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program Board Member Absence Ratification Travel Authorizations XIV. Reports from the Chancellor and College Presidents » Report from the Chancellor regarding activities or pending issues in the District XV. Consent Calendar Matters Requiring a Majority Vote BF1. Ratify Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers BSD1. BSD2. FPD1. Ratify Business Services Actions Approve Business Services Actions FPD2. HRD1. HRD2. Approve Facilities Planning and Deveiopment Report Authorize Master Procurement Agreement and Ratify Amendment to Master Procurement Agreement Personnel Services Routine Actions Approve Disciplinary Action Regarding Classified Employee ISD1. ISD2. ISD3. PC1. a XVI. Approve New Educational Courses and Programs Approve New Community Services Offerings Approve Out-of-State Student Trave Personnel Commission Actions Correspondence Recommendations from the Chancellor General Matters ~ None Matters Requiring a Super Maioritv Vote FPD3. Adopt Resolution of Intent to Convey Easement to City of Los Angeles at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College XVII. Notice Reports and Informatives CH/A. Notice] Amend Board Rules/ Chapter XV - Prohibited Discrimination/ Uniawfu) Harassment/ and Sexua Misconduct (Title IX) ORDER OF BUSINESS February 10, 2016 Page 3 XVIII. Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions by Members of the Board of Trustees XIX. Adjournment ^ * * * * * * ijc ^! ^c i|e l(c i|c * ^ * * * * ?K ^ * * * * * * * ^ * * Next Regularly Scheduled Board Committee Meetings Educational Services Center 770 WiEshire Blvd. Los Angeles/ CA 90017 Wednesday/ February 24, 2016 Budget & Finance Committee 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Board Room Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success Committee 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. 6cn Floor Large Conference Room th Facilities Master Planning & Oversight Committee 5:00 p.m, - 6:45 p.m. Board Room Legislative & Pubiic Affairs Committee 5:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. th 6ln Floor Large Conference Room * * * * ^ * * .^^s *^^ *^^" ^V^ ^^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ it: * * * * In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b), documents made available to the Board after the posting of the agenda that relate to an upcoming public session item wil! be made available by posting on the District's official bulletin board located in the lobby of the Educational Services Center located at 770 Wilshire Boulevard/ Los Angeles/ Caiifornia 90017. Members of the public wishing to view the material will need to make their own parking arrangements at another location. If requested/ the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability/ as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132)/ and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how/ for whom/ and when a request for disabitity-reiated modification or accommodation/ including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. ORDER OF BUSINESS February 10,2016 Page 4 To make such a request/ please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at (213) 891-2044 no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. r». . ^ ^ d t UK us . s vs AGENDA «. V. g LOS ANGELES COMMUNHTYCOLLEGE DISTRICT 770WilshiieBoulevard,Lx)sAnfle)es,CA90017 213/891-2000 ATTACHMENT A CLOSED SESSION Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Los Angeles Pierce College 6201 Winnetka Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91371 . Public Employee Discipime/Dismissal/Reiease/Charges/CompIaints (pursuant to Government Code section 54957) H. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1)) A. Efizabeth Oved v. LACCD B. Norma Reyes v. LACCD and Femando Sosa c. Deonte WHIiams v. LACCD D. Noe! Kennedy v. LACCD E. FTR !ntemational, Inc. v. LACCD Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2) and (e)(1)) A. Potential iitigation - 4 matters t A Los Angeles Community College Distriict Division Com.No. BT1 SUBJECT: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Date: February 1l Qt 2016 RESOLUTION - DISTRICT CLASStFIED EMPLOYEESRETIRENENT WHEREAS, The cfassiied employees identified beiow have been employed with the Los Angeies Community College District for many years; and WHEREAS, Ctassfed employees contribute significantly toward provtfcg the highest quality of services to our studer^s and the paNic on behalf of the Los AngeEes Commymty Colege Distict; wm, therefore, be it RESOLVED J That the Personnel Commission and the Board of Trustees of the Los Arrgeiss Community College District do hereby recognize the emptoyees for their service and extend best wishes In their retirement. I* Scott J. Svonkin, President David Iwata, Chair Board of Trustees Personnel Commission SUMMARY OF RETIRED CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES Last Name First Name Fong Cheuk IVItchaels Peter Years Job ClassEficatiOFi Senior Programmer Analyst Assistant Computer & Network Support Spedallst Of Service Retirment Date location 31 ESC 1719/16 15 City 1/26/16 Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong ^ Peariman. By Page J_of J_Pages Corn. No, BT1 Date DEv. Hoffman SvonJkin Kamiager Andersorr Student Trustee AdvisoFy Vote Board of Trustees Date: 2/10/2016 @ A . Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. BT2 Division Board of Trustees Date: February 10,2016 Subject: RESOLUTION - WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH The following resolution is presented by Board Members Svonkln and Hoffman; WHEREAS, The month of March is National Women's History Month; and WHEREAS, Women's History Month had its origins as a national ce!ebration In 1981 when ^z^ ^^ep-kfent toprodaimie week beginning March 7.1982 as "Women's History Week"; and WHEREAS, In 1987_after being petitioned by the National Women's History Proiecl, CoDoress passed Public Law;100-9, which-designated the month of March 1987-as "Women1s History Month"; and WHEREAS, ^i^^5;^nan^aipres^e^a!f/oc^mat^n has been lssued designating the month of March as "Women's History Month"; and WHEREAS, Women have made significant contributions in the fields of medicine, science. engineenn^education, public policy, and sports toward the development ^d growth of our great nation; and WHEREAS, l^omea£°%|se ^.rnaior'ity o^,^e,stuc{ent, P°PU!ata within the Los Angeies Community College Distncl; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That.theLOS,An?eies Community College District hereby reaffirms its commEtment to equal opportunity access by supporting and enhancing services, 'courses:'and programs that enable women to attain their educationaland careergoals; and beTt further RESOLVED, T'ha^th^^oard,ofJrustfe^so^th^L0^ /%ies,c?r?!T!ynity.poiipSe District hereby joins with the nation in ceiebrating March as Women's History Months Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman SvonRjn Kamiager Anderson SIudent Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. 8T2 Div. Board of Trustees Date 2/10/16 * . A «> * Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn.No, BT3 Board of Trustees Date: February 10, 2016 Subject; RESOLUTION - SUPPORT THE VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE (VITA) PROGRAM The foiiowing resolution is presented by Board Member Svonkin: WHEREAS, The VITA program offers free tax help to peopie who general^ make $54,000 or ess; and WHEREAS, y!TA also offers this service to persons with disabJiities, the eiderfy, and limited Engfeh-speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own-tax returns; and WHEREAS, Internal Revenue Service certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing for qualified individuais; and WHEREAS, Thf.,B,oard OLE9ual!z.ati,on has established several partnerships with educational msM)ns at i"c California State .Polytechnic, Universrty.Pomona: ca"fornB state.univ6-!tL D°-9"£z Hills. (CSUDH), California: State University, Northridge (CSUN), and the Rio Hondo-CommunityCollege-Distnct; and WHEREAS, These_educational institutions have developed the course curriculum and offer a V!TA Tax Preparation coliege credit class to interested students; and WHEREAS, Within [he Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), Los Angetes Pierce College and Los Angeles Trade Technica! College offer tax preparation assistance with ViTA volunteers; and WHEREAS, |;ast,LOS Ar1?etes c?)iW, Los. An9e!es Mission Coltege, Los Angeles Southwest College, and West Los Angeles College are initiating VITA programs; and WHEREAS, The V!TA Program benefits employees, students, and members of the public at ittle or no cost to the District and its colleges; and WHEREAS, ^L^CCDCO!le9es mayaiso benefit from the ability to offer the college credit V!TA Program ciass; now', therefore, be it RESOLVED, Ihatjh^ r-u^9_[LCO!!?9e?r wi!f expf^e th,e OPPOrtun^es provided through the Board of Equaiization to offer for credit instruction; and be it further RESOLVED, IhatlheBO?rcLof T^teSS of the LACCDhereby supports and encourages the development of a VITA Program partnership A the Boart of Equalization in service to its employees, students, and communities. Chancellor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Page Date 0^ Pages Corn. No. BT3 Div. Moreno Fong Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Board of Trustees Date 2/10/16 s * ® A y, Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. BT4 Division Board of Trustees Date: February 10,2016 BOARD MEMBER ABSENCE RATIFICATION Subject: That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District hereby compensate Student Trustee Milo H. Anderson'for the Regular Board^meeting of January 13, 2016 despite his absence pursuant to Board Rule 2104.12 Absence - Illness. Background: Student Trustee Andersen's absence was due to illness. Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn. No. BT4 Div. Board of Trustees Date 2/10/16 Board of Trustees ACTION Los Angeles Community College District Com. No. BT5 Division Subject: Board of Trustees Date: February 10, 2016 TRAVEL AUTHORIZATIONS Authorize payment of necessary expenses for Mike Eng, Mike Fong, Andra Hoffman, and Scott J. Svonkin, members of this Board of Trustees, to meet with legislators on March 16-17, 2016 in Washington, DC. Background: Board Members’ travel will be paid out of the 2015-2016 Board Advocacy account. The estimated cost will be $1,875 per Board Member. Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees By ___________________________ Page 1 of 1 Pages Com. No. BT5 Date ________ Div. Eng ____________ Moreno ____________ Fong____________ Pearlman __________ Hoffman _________ Svonkin ___________ Kamlager________ Anderson __________ Board of Trustees Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date 2/10/16 s @ A y. Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. BF1 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Subject: Date: February 10,2016 RATIFY BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS Ratify acceptance of $3,395,278 in income as recommended by the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer. In accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 58307, authorize ail the appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories (EXHIBIT !). Recommended by: VkX^r. Afc/ AyRana D. Barrera, Deputy Chanceilor Approved by: Fra [(^1)CC^ t * b C. Ro^iriguez, Chanceilor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pea rim an Hoffrnan Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. BF1 Div. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date 2/10/16 EXHiBJT! BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS ALL FUNDS, EXCLUDING BUILD)NG BOND FUND February 10, 2016 NEW-JNCOR/tE (AttachmemO Federal State local interfund Transfer In Other Financing Sources Contribution to Restricted Program ACCOUNT AMOUNT 136,848 159,791 2,889,639 810000-849900 860000-869999 870000-889999 891000-892999 893000-897999 898000-899999 209,000 3)395,221 Total New Income EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries Classified Safaries Employee Benefits BcxAs/Supplies Contract Services Capita! Outisy Other Outgo Other Debt Services Tuition Transfers [nterfnnds Transfers Direct Support/! ndirect Costs Loan/Grants Other Financing Sources (Except 7902) Reserre for Contingency* Total Approved Budget ACCOUNT 100000-199999 200000-299999 300000-393999 400000-499999 500000-599999 600000.699999 700000-709999 710000-719999 720000-729999 730000-739999 740000-749999 750000-759999 760000-799998 790200 Budget Appropriation Revisions 314,935,771 496,500 174.884.227 136,799 65,770 157,055,268 37, U3 41,009,225 162,014.676 2,482,687 11,531 25,297,832 Revised Budget Transfers 456,362 569,022 1,113,428 364,506 4,851,362 1^71,451 315,888,633 175,590,046 158.234,466 41,410,874 169,346,725 26,780,814 (2,722) 209,000 9,032 H 926,698 569,905 261,561,598 11,754 14.717,698 230 230 260,859,707 131,986 137,570,679 32,862 23,416.080 1>3HI,773;14r 3,385,278 (9,602,314) 128,001,227 23,416,080 1.315.168,425 * Reserve for Contingency bslanceis $23.42 mi!!ion, which is 3.50 % of the Unrestricted Genera; Fund revenue (excluding General Reserve) A!! budget revisions and transfers herein are submitted for the Board of Trustees approval in accordance with Title 5 of California Regulations, Sections 58307 and 5S308. Appropriation transfers between major expenditure categories are within funds/grants that have been previously received and approved by the Board of Trustees. These transfers have been reviewed by the college administrators and approved by the college Vice Presidents of Administration and College Presidents. Reviewed by: zf^^^f'fv S7 y ^eanette L|Gordon Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer / / ^ rj / / / ^ ^ /. >7^"^i/ BF1 February 10,2016 Page 1 of 6 Attachment I NEW INCOME AND GRANTS FUND/GRANTNAME BTA NUMBER: AMOUNT Federal T-0223 Biomedica! Sector Initiative Program $62,156 To estabiish funding to retrain disiocated workers and others adults who have been laid off due to downsizing. Participants wit! be retrained In the Process TechnoSogy Program at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. Up to eighteen (18) participants will be trained within this cohort in a twelve month period where a coliege-recognized skills certificate wiii be awarded to each participant. Once the training is compieted, Community Career Development, Inc. will provide employment services to place these individuals in careers within the Biotech/Manufacfuring sector such as Process Plant, Biotechnology and Chemical Technoiogy. Funding is from the United States Department of Labor. E-0371 Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Feflowship Program (DDETFP) 15,000 To estabiish funding to attract qualified students to the field of transportation; to enhance the careers of transportation professionals by encouraging them to seek advanced degrees; and to retain top talent in the transportation industry of the United States. East Los Angeles College (ELAC) students will be exposed to the field of transportation and will gain experience in the field through research. Quaiified ful!-time students will compiefe a transportation research internship program. Three (3) ELAC students wi!l directly benefit from this program. Funding is from the United States Department of Transportation. M -0193 Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) @ California State University Northridge (CSUN) Promoting Opportunities for Diversity in Education and Research (PODER) To establish funding to provide an undergraduate research training program where students take classes and work directly with professors on research projects related to health. From public heaith to phiiosophicai frameworks for pain, the program seeks to generate a vibrant, socially-responsible and open environment for asking new research questions and using new methods to reduce health disparities, in the long-term, the goal is to increase representation of those whose health has been traditionally poorer to become researchers themselves - biomedical researchers who make social change by studying heaith influence. Los Angeles Mission College (LAMC) will serve as a point of contact for all LAMC students participating in this program and wi assist them with mentorship and advising for the duration of the program. The number of students expected to benefit from this program this year is approximately fifty (50) students. Funding is from the Nationa! Institutes of Health. 22,826 BF1 February 10,2016 Page 2 of 6 V-0301 Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) @ California State 36,866 University Northridge (CSUN) To increase funding to focus on increasing and cultivating underrepresented students' interest in biomedical research. The goals of this program is to provide support in the foiiowing areas: 1) Recruitment activities; 2) Tutoring services to students at the Biology Tutoring Center; 3) Faculty mentor and student mentee's research related activities; 4) One-unit introductory ciass to basic research and health disparities. t is expected that four students will be recruited each year to participate in the research projects. Student mentees are expected to transfer to CSUN and continue their education leading to obtaining an advanced degree in a biomedicai related fieid. Two hundred (200) students wili benefit from the extended tutoring service at the Biology Tutoring Center. Forty-five (45) students wiil iearn basic research techniques and health disparities. Funding is from the Nafionai institutes of Health. TOTAL FEDERAL $136,848 State D-0501 CAL Grant B 2014-2015 $4,736 To increase the budget for the 2014-2015 CAL Grant B Program based on additional income received from the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). This augmentation brings the program total aiiocation to $710,805. Funding is from the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). C-0238, W-0208 Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) 21,250 To establish funding to assist students in meeting their educational requirements for any of the Child Development Permits issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentials. Eligible participants are students of the coliege who are currently employed in Early Care and Education programs and are taking coursework to earn a Caiifornia Child Development permit. An estimated eighty to ninety (80-90) students wi!l be enrolled in the program. Students may receive stipends for tuition, books, and/or dassroom materiais once they have satisfactorily completed the required coursework. Funding is from the California Department of Education. 0-051:9 Osher Scholarship To establish funding in the Osher Schoiarship Fund for East Los Angeles Coilege. The Osher Foundation estabiished this endowment to support students who have demonstrated a commitment to completing their education, but who have certain financial hardships that make it difficult to pay for the cost of attending college. This scholarship is intended to help them reach their educational goals and can be applied towards any education-related costs. There are one hundred and four (104) recipients of this scholarship. Funding is from the East Los Angeles College Foundation. 52,500 BF1 February 10, 2016 Page 3 of 6 D-0520 Genera! Scholarships - East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Foundation 1,000 Honors Program Scholarship To establish funding for ELAC Foundation Honors Program Scholarship for Fa 2015 semester. There are two (2) recipients of this scholarship. Funding is from the East Los Angeles College Foundation. D-0551 General Scholarships - Scholarships in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) To Achieve Results (S-STAR) Project 37,500 To increase the General Scholarships budget for East Los Angeles College based on the funds awarded by the S-STAR Project. The objectives of the SSTAR Project are to alleviate student economic burden and to improve educational opportunities while increasing retention and the number of STEM students ready to succeed in areas of national need. There are thirteen (13) recipients of the S-STAR Fa!! 2015 Scholarship. Funding is from the East Los Angeies Coliege Foundation. W0307 Foster And Kinship Care Education (FKCE) - Commercial Sexual 3,750 Exploitation of Children (CSEC) To establish funding to provide the Commerciai Sexuai Exploitation of Children (CSEC) workshops to care providers. The estimated number of participants benefiting from these workshops is between one hundred and one hundred fifty (100-150). The college will provide a minimum of three CSEC workshops. Each workshop will be at least three hours long. Funding is from the California Community Colieges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). M -0227 Family Child Care Home Education Network 39,055 To establish funding to develop a growing network of licensed and accredited family child care homes which will be monitored and supported in their endeavor to provide professional chiid care services of the highest qualify to infants, toddlers, preschooiers and school-age children. The program wi!! also provide funding to eligible parents/students to cover the costs of such services. The Los Angeles Mission Co!lege Family Child Care Home Education Network consists of fourteen (14) family child care providers who are licensed through the State of California Department of Social Services. The goal is to have ali the providers meet the criteria and thus quaiify for accreditation. This funding aifows the coiiege to give technical support to these providers as well as fund child care services to over sixty (60) eligible famiiies. Funding is from the California Department of Education. TOTAL STATE $159,791 Local D-84 International Medical Insurance Fees (IMED) To accept funding coliected from International Medica! Insurance Fees at the colleges and to augment the internatsona! Medical insurance Fees account. $2,181,540 BF1 February 10, 2016 Page 4 of 6 T-0222, T-0233, Technical & Career Education T-0234, T-0235, 61,005 T-0236, T-0237, To accept additiona! funding at Los Angeles Trade-Technicai Coilege to conduct T-0238, T-0239, non-credit instruction and vocational/extension training workshops and to T-0240, T-0241, purchase instructional equipment. Funding is from ASE Testing fees, CB Fleet, T-0243, T-0244, Construction Maintenance & Utiiities (CMU) Department fees, Cosmetotogy T-0245, T-0246, Department fees, DEAM, Foundation for California Community Colleges, i-Car T-0247, T-0248, Training fees, NCS Pearson, Peralta Colleges Foundation, and PSIP. T-0249, T-0252, T-0253, T-0254, T-0256, T-0264, T-0268 H-0262, W-0276 Puente Project 3,000 To accept funding to increase the number of educationaliy ctisadvantaged Mexican American/Latino students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees and return to the community as leaders and mentors to future generations. These funds wiil be used for mentoring activities in direct support offieid trips, meetings, orientations, academic and cuitural activities, and hospitality (induding reasonable costs for food provided during student activities). Funding Is from the Regents of the University of California. E-0404 tnfant/Toddler Emphasis Phase I 56,094 To accept funding to provide six (6) Infant/Toddler Emphasis Units to thirty (30) Head Start and Eariy Head Start teachers. Once the classes are completed with a grade of C or better, students wiil receive the Infant/Toddler Emphasis certificate. Funding is from the Los Angeles County of Education (LACOE). D-0478 Igniting Campus Change in California Community Colleges through Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Classroom 88,000 Transformation To accept funding to increase college retention and graduation rates of STEM students so that more students from underrepresented popuiations are ready for globally competitive careers. This will occur by leveraging the existing Ca!ifornia Community College Success Network (3CSN) to provide professional development (online and face-to-face) to one thousand one hundred and fifty (1,150) faculty members over three years to work on improving teaching and creating institutional change based on Reading Apprenticeship. If is estimated the project wsi! impact one hundred sixfy-three thousand two hundred (163,200) community college students. Funding is from the Leona M. and Harry B. Heimsiey Charitable Trust. T-0054 Rail Technical Training Program 500,000 To accept funding to design and develop a curriculum, customized instructional design materials, and train-the-trainer sessions specific to Los Ange!es County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA)'s rail operations to support the Raii Technical Training Program areas and implement a customized curricu!um training program. Funding is from the Los Angeies County Metropoiitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA). TOTAL LOCAL $2,889,639 BF1 February 10, 2016 Page 5 of 6 OTHERS: Interfund D-0492, D-0493 Increase - Special Reserve Fund from General Fund (Deferred $56,000 Maintenance Reser/e) To set up an Interfund transfer for the 2013-2014 Schedu!ed Maintenance Projects as requested by the Facilities Planning and Development Department. These funds wi!i be transferred from the Deferred Maintenance Reserve Fund to the Special Reserve Fund. D-0496, D-0497 Increase - Special Reserve Fund from General Fund (Deferred 31,000 Maintenance Reserve) To set up an Interfund transfer for the 2013-20140ne-Time Block Grant as requested by the Facilities Pianning and Development Department. These funds will be transferred from the Deferred Maintenance Reserve Fund to the Special Reserve Fund. D-0510, D-0511 Increase ~ Special Reserve Fund from General Fund (Deferred 122,000 Maintenance Reserve) To set up an Interfund transfer for a project under the 2015-2016 Scheduled Maintenance Program as requested by the Facilities Planning and Development Department. These funds wili be transferred from the Deferred Maintenance Reserve to the Special Reserve Fund. Fund Redistribution T-0287 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) ($100,000) To redistribute funds from EOPS fund number 20489 to EOPS fund number 10489 at Los Angeies Trade-TechnEcal Coiiege. T-0288 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) 100,000 To accept redistributed funds from EOPS fund number 20489 to EOPS fund number 10489 at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. H-0351 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services-Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (EOPS-CARE) (4,500) To redistribute funds from EOPS-CARE fund number 20868 to EOPS-CARE fund number 10868 at Los Angeles Harbor Coilege. H-0352 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services-Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (EOPS-CARE) 4,500 To accept redistributed funds from EOPS-CARE fund number 20868 to EOPS- CARE fund number 10868 at Los Angeies Harbor Coilege. TOTAL OTHERS TOTAL INCOME $209,000 $3,395,278 BF1 February 10, 2016 Page 6 of 6 Organizational In accordance with Education Code 72670, the foiiowing organization is Membership submitted for Board approval: A. Amend the List of Organizational Memberships to include the Caiifornia Association of Latino Community College Trustees and Administrators (CALCCTA) with annual dues of $300. This request originated from Educafionai Services Center. Background: Membership in this organization wil! give the Los Angeles Community College District an opportunity to assist the Latino community in Latino leadership development, mentoring, succession planning, and strategies essential for innovative and ethica management. B. Amend the List of Organizational Memberships to include the Minority Male Community College Collaborative (M2C3) with no annual dues. This request originated from Pierce Coilege. Backciround: Membership in this organization wilt enhance commitment to improving the success of historicaliy underrepresented and underserved students, including men of color. Engagement in M2C3 will enhance professional: development for facuity and staff, enable informed interventions for the current programs serving men of color, and inspire new initiatives addressing chaElenges facing these men. ACTION Los Angetes Community Coltege Diistrlct Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: February 10,2016 Subject RATIFY BUSINESS SERVICES ACTIONS n accordance with the California Education Code and Los Angeles Community College District Board Rules, the following routine transactions are reported for ratifications A. PURCHASE ORDERS 648 issued from December 1 , 2015 to December 31, 2015 which totaled $4,072,876. B. FACILITIES ORDER FORMS 42 issued from December 1 , 2015 to December 31 , 2015 which totaled $149,430, a AGREEMENT FOR ART_NODELENG SERVICES 11 issued which totaled $4,568 D. AGREEMENT FORVUSICIAN SERVICES 1 issued which totaled $1,275. E. AGREEMENT FOR ATHLETEC OFFICIATING SERVtCES 1 issued which totaled $965. F. PERMITS FOR USE AND CIVEC CENTER PERMITS UP TO 14 DAYS 5 issued from December 1,2015 to December 31,2015 for a total income of $5,477 at City \ Recommended by: \ ^Aj^i^M^ t OJ\)\SL JL^K^, Approved by; AcinanifD. Barrera, Deploy Cha:n:celilloc Francisd(^C/Rodrigq|bz, Chancetfor Cbanceltor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman Svonkin KamEager Andersen By Page Date of 20 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Dtv. Student Trustee Adwsoiy Vof& Business Semces Date 2-1&-1I& Los Angeles Community College District am. No. BSD1 ^*\ L^ Division: Business Services Date: February W. 2Q1i6 5 issued from December 1,2015 to December 31, 201 5 for a total income of $1,893 at Harbor 13 Issued from October 1,2015 to December 31, 2015 for a total income of $18,051 at Pierce 1 issued fronr^ November 10,2Q15 to December 31. 2015 for a total income of $150 at Vade^ Total Income of Section F: $25,571 G. LEASE OF FAC1LITJES FOR DISTRICT USE 4500222382 CjlM. Agreement with the Sheraton Los Angeles for ?<?£!P!?()clat!?nS.an?( meetin9 space for approximately 15 LACCaccredtetionteamYisifors; including parking aricf a apptabte stat& and jocal taxes dunng the'period March 6, 2016 to March 10. 2016, Inclusive. Tdtai cost not to exceed: $20,000. 4500221708 East. No-cost Use agreement with the Downey Unified School Distnct fonjse of dassrooms-at Warren High School pmidog for 60 students to attend the East Los Angeles Collecje Jalme EscaEante iMtath Program free of cost cfyring the period September 12,2015 to December 12, 2015, inclusive. 4500221709 East. No~a>st Use agreement with the Los Angeles United School DtstriECt for use of classrooms at Santee'Educatoa Complex High School providing for students to attend the East Los Angeles College Jalme EscalanteJViath Program^tee of cost during the perbd August 20, 2015 to June 10,20116, inclusive. 4500221830 Educatjpnal Services Center. Agreement with Hyatt Hole! Mr, Santa BarbaFa-tb-provtcleTuse of meeting room, food and non aEcohotlc beverages for the Chancellors Cabinet Retreat on January 14 and 15,2016, under the auspices of the Office of the Chancelbr and funded by the Chancellor's reserve account Total cost not to exceed: $7^000. 4500222349 Educational Services Center. Agreement with Sheraton Hotel Los Angeles to provide hotel accommodations and use of 4t» meeting rooms, food and non-alcohplic beverages Jar the accrediMon team from March 6, 2016 to EVtarch 10, 2011 ©, under the auspices of the Office of the Chancellor and fynicied by the Drstricfwide Admmtstratlve Leadership account. Te^al cost not to exceed:_^15,OOQ, Page 2 of 20 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Diw. Bysmess Services Date 2'^'n Los Angeles Community College District om.No. BSD1 ^ <-f Division: Business Services Datei February 10, 2016 4500222545 Educational Services Center. Agreement with the Westin BonaventureTHoteT- Los Angeles to provide use of meeting room, food and non-aEcohoElc beverages for a Professiona Development Actlviity for the Educattdnat Services Center staff on February 25,2016, under the auspices of the Office of the Chancellor and funded by the District Wide Administrative Leadership account. Total cost not to exceed: $7.200. Total Cost of Section G: $49,200 H. LEASES. USE PERMITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERMITS OF DISTRICT FACILITIES 14 DAYS OR LONGER 4500207465 City, Amendment No 1 to agreement with Joy Badminton Club for^ise of the gym on designated days and times at a rate of $180 per day dlmg perlQd January 4,2016 December 31 2016Jnclush/e. Total Income: $38.000. I 4500195501 PJsrce. Amendment No. 3 to agreement with Minervada and Rumberto CastefEon dba MlrEerva Castellon Maidonado for use of a designated site to sell food and refreshments Monday through Friday at designated havrs. Changed to extend the period of performance'dunng the period January 2, 2016 to December 31.2016, Inclusive. Total Income: $7.500. 4500198637 Pierce. Amendment No. 3 to agreement with Bass Faiafelicious for vseofa deslgniateci site to sell food and refreshments IVtonday through Friday at designated hours. Changed to extend the period of performance during the period January 2,2016to December 31,2016, inclusive. Total income: $12,800., 4500198641 Pierce. Amendment No. 4 to agmementwlth Rafael De La Fuente dba R Hot Sauce Truck'fpr use of a designated site to sell food and refreshments Nonday through Friday at designated hours. Changed to extend the period of performance dimg the period January 2, 2016 to December 31, 2016, inclusive: TolaUrwome: $7:500. 4500221504 Pjerce. Agreement with Eli Camlno Rea! High School for use of the swimming pool for water polo practice and games on designated days wdtenes during the period December 1, 2015 to January 27, 2016. TotaH^coFne: $6.210. 4500221505 Pierce. Agreement wiith Louisville High School for use of the swimming pool for water poto practice and games on designated days ancUmes during the period December 2, 2015 to January 29,2QH6. Totallmcome: $6.287. Pag:& a of 20 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Serviees, Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: February 10, 2016 4500218908 SoutTwest AgreemerHwMii A C Cystom Catering cfba Red's CaterincTITfor the yse of a two desEgnated sttes to sell food and refreshments, durng the perxxUuly 1.2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. To^ali Income: $19,000. 4500221340 ^l^,/^reementw Dlsaster ArW LLC for use of Parking Lot B for base camp and crew o^errtipht parking for a tptat of 200 parking spaces dyong the peoQ£fJanLia^21 2016 to January 22, 2016 jmdlusjve. Total Income: fo.OOO. 4500212405 West amendment Na 2t&^ire^!?p^t with Harout Hatikyan dba Harry's for use of a desigriated site to selt food and refreshments on Nonelays thrpvgh Fridays at designated hours Changed tQadd'lMI-TH regular mstructlon days cluring the^winter Intersessiioo estiimatad at 19 adciltkmal days. Daily rate is pro-rated for pmW day dyrimg intersesslon at a rate of $45 per day, dumgthe period January 4, 2016 to February 4 3 2016, inclusive. To^ali Iricome: $855. 4500221933 West Agreement w Q-TechCQrporatlon for use of up to 20 parking spaces located at 10100 Jefferson Boulevard on Monday through Friday at a ra^eof$1QO per day during the period of January 1i 2016 to December 31, 2016, inclusive, !?f?^c[jlli?.s^rKlsr^?)ci?^c?n?elwor1E l^nsu?9?due to nterest at the site. To^l esiiimated Income: $25.400. To^al Income of Section H: $126,552 yCENSE AGREEMENTS 4500221241 EctucationaE Services Center. Ucense agreement with Redwood Software, te. for their Cronacle Central Server including their RatomAgent PeopleSoft Connector and the first year premium (24^7) sotoare support and maintenance under the auspices of tie Informatioo Technology department dunng thepeopd December 31,2Q15 to December 30,2016, Inclusive. Total cost: $7©,,174, 4500221197 Harbor Agreement wl^h Lvxm, Inc. to provide Key Shot 6 HD software, license to, alto Engineering students to create designs to feed into me3-DP?"^ckm9j^e period January 1, 2016 to December 311,201 8,, incEysh/e" Total cost: $9.845; Tolali Cost, of Section I: $80,019 Page 4 of 2& Pages Corn. Mo. BSD1 Dlv. Busimess Serviees Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 DivisEon: Business Services Date: February 10,2016 J. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 4500221480 §^_A§r^ementwith almat6c^ Llcto. P(°Ytd.e ^o^^ly preyentatiye maintenance service on all bulEding automation ?!15LE1Y^?. systen!s includlp9 tra^n^g. troubleshooting, programming, and reparsfor the Faallties Department during the period January 1,'2016 to December 31,2Q19, Inclusive. Total cost: $60.228. Total Cost of Section J; $60,228 K. PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS 4500221450 Pierce Agreement with Instete of Reading Devetopment (iRD) to conduct a series of not-for-credlt reading ehrichment £r??I?[rlsrPrevi?us^aHP!?ve? b^ th? Boafd 10l ^e Community Services Department; IRD wil! provide.registrafon services for all programs including coltectlohs of tuition fees of $170 - $200 per student for Distance Programs and $249 per student for Program Level Rand $299 perstudentfor Prbgram Level 1-7; and will remit to the college 10% of the gross tuition Incomes, during theperiod January 1, 2Q16 to December 31, 2016, inclusive. Total estimated Income: S1Q.OOCL 450Q221936 Pierce Agreement with Fun Under The Sun (PUTS) to offer a Summer Day Camp in partnership with the Cdmmuriity Seiyices Department; FUTS wjtlpr<Md6 daily programming andcumcuium. camp staff, traimg. field tnpschedutlng and coordination marketing and caFnpe^parent'orientatlonfand witl remit to the coilege12% of the total gross Income, plus reimbursement forsixHfeguards and camp lunches during the period January 1,2016 to'August 31, 2016, induslve. Tota estimated income: $70,000. 4500221443 Valjev A?re?m,ent_wllh Jr^tiLtute.of ??aic!m9 Development (IRD) to conduct a series of not-for-credlt reacting enrichment &ri!?I?!T}srP-r?Yi^^l^aR?i?v??.?)](t?^BOard. fof.the cornmunlty Services Department; IRD wltl provide registration services for all programs including collection of tuittorf fees of $290 per ?-tu?»eSt ^f?r?95!rn !Sy/?is,1l~7^??69 pef^ person for program evej R, and $170 - $200 for Distance Programs; and wl remit to the college 10% ofthe grQss tuitlqET income during the period January 1,2016 to December 31,2016, inclusive. Total estimated income: $7.000. Totat IncoFne of Section K: $87,000 Page 5 of 2& Pages Corn. No. 8SD1 &iv. Busmess Services Dat& 2.10-1 & Los Angeles Community CoHege District Com^. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: February 10, 2016 L REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENTS 4500195756 East. Amendment No. 2 to agreement w Nonrovia Rre Department to provide for students, joiF^tEy wlth_the Cotfege, mutually agreed upi^n educational courses to Fire Department personnel, inon FTES-reyenue-generation and apportionment -shanng partnership; and to compensate the agehcy use of its classroom facilities in providing the ecteatkmarcourses based upon the number of students enrolled, at a cost of $4.00 » E?I^?i^£^^^J^JC?r1^c^ 4Pder the ?^sptces of the College's Affiliation Program during the period Jub 1 > 2015 to June 30, 2016, Inclusive. Total cost: $25.000. 4500220653 East. Agreement with California Fire Chiefs Assodatbn to Prcvideforstudentsl Joint^ w?h th6 901Eeae- mutually agreed ypon^educatlonai courses to Assodato personnel, in an FTES-revenue-generatton and apportionment -sharing l?^r!rtershlp,: ar!<?.to comPens3te tlie agency use of Its classroom facilities in providing the edltcatlonal courses, based upon the number of students enrolled, at a cost of $3.50 per student^stru^iona! hour conducted under the auspices of the College's Affiliation Program durmg the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, indusfve. Total c^st: $30.000. 4500220654 East Agreement with Alhambra Fire Department to provide for students, jointly with theCollege, mutually agreed upon educational courses to Fire Department personnel. In an FTES-revenue-generation andapportoment -shaTlng partnership; and to compensate the agency use of its classroom facilities in providing the educate! courses, based upon the number of students enrolled, at a cost of $4.00 per student instructional hour, conducted under the auspiices of the College's Affiliation Program durmg the period Jyiy 1 » 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. TotaE cost: S60.000. Total Cost of Section L $115,OQQ M. SOCIAL WORK FIELD EDUCATION PRACT!CUM AGREENENT 4500221446 yaf!6vNo..cost agreement with California State Uniiversity Northridge to provide practicum stte for their Master Social Yvork^?gJS?.stud^nts durin9the P^o^ February 1, 2016 to June 30/2021, inclusive. Totat Cost of Section M: $0 faQe 6 of 20 Pages Corn.No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Daf& 2-1&-16 Los Angeles Community College District Corn-No. BSD1 OEvEsron: Business Services Date: February 10,2016 N. STUDENT INTERN AGREEMENT 4500221133 Harbor No-cost agreement with Lighthouse Healthcare Center to provide clinical training for students enrolled In the Nursing proNgram during the period January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018, inclusive. t Total Cost of Section N: $0 0. SERyiCEAGBEEMENTS 4500219799 City. Amendment No. 2 to increase the contract amount on agreement with Harout Hatikyan to provtde breakfast and unch catering services for activities as allowed by the Gear Up for LA grant during the period January 6, 2016 to'September 21, 2016, Inclusive. Total cost: $6.794. 4500221132 City. Agreement with Sonoma County Junior College District on behalf of Santa Rosa^ Junior College to provide Career Technical Education (CTE) Employment Outcomes Suryey by gathering information on emptoyment outcomes for students participating in CTE programs at California community colleges, Induding whether students became employed within their field of study; if the coursework positlveEy affected their earning potential and how the program can be improved. Approximately 1501-200(^students wlH be Impacted by the survey during the period Ocjtober 15, 2015 to'September 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost $12,000. 4500221390 City Agreement with Hurst Review Services to provide National Council Licensure Examination (N-CLEX) review for nursing students preparing fqrthe_Reg!stered Nursing exam during theperiod November 23,2015~to June 30,2016, inclusive. Total cost $12,000 4500208610 East. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with Hanover Research Council to provide consultation services for the Titie V grant during the period February 16,2016 to February 15, 2017, inclusive. Total cost: $38,500. 4500217046 East. Amendment No. 1 to renew agreement with American Transportation^ Systems to provide shuttie bus transportation for the South Gate EelucatlonaE Center cturmg the period January 4,2016 to February 5, 2016jncluslve. All buses are licensed by the Public Utilities Commisskm and the interstate Commerce Commlssioa AtE buses are inspected regutarlyby the California Highway Patrol for safety. Total cost: 118.750. Page 7 of 20 Pages Corn, No. BSD1 Dw. Business Services Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Community Coilege District Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: February 10,2016 4500220494 East. Agreement with Midnight Rain to provide technical support and maintenance for the East Stadium Scoreboard used for homefootbail and soccer games during the period September 1,2015 to Juiy 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $6:000. 4500221415 East. Agreement with Med Waste Management to provide medical waste removal for the Respiratory Therapy Program during the period December 9, 2015 to December's, 2017, inclusive. Tota! cost: $1,200. 4500221418 East. Agreement with Global Transportation Services to provide bus transportation for high school student participating in the Assessment Center's^Dayat East Program for potential students during the period February 16, 2016 to March 30, 2016, inclusive. A!l buses are licensed by the Public Utiiities Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission. Al buses are mspected regularly by the California Highway Patrol for safety. Totai cost: $7,695". 4500221421 East. Agreement with Red 8, LLC to provide software for the Netapp Fast 2240 video security system used in the Information Technology Department during the period November 1, 2015 to October 31 , 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $15,000. 4500221423 East. Agreement with Bibiiotheca to provide book security and tagging system used in the library during the period December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $5.400. 4500221680 East. ,No-cost agreement with Instructure, Inc. for the use of the fully hosted Learning Management Systems provided as a subscription doud service over the internet and commonly known as Canvas for the Distance Learning Education Department during the period February 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017, indusive. The Chancellor's Office of the California Community Co!leges will be covering the costs through ButteGlenn Community College District during this 2-year period. 4500220513 Educational Service Center. Amendment No. 1 to extend agreement with JVA Group Los Angeles for one additional month through Apri! 2016 and to provide for additional services between February and AprHfor videography. digita! media support and development of multi-lingual materia! for use in publications under the auspices of the Office of the Chancellor and funded from the Districtwide Public Relations funds. This agreement will a!!ow time for a Request for Qualifications to be issued and processed. Total additional cost not to exceed: $25,000. Page 8 of 20 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Commymty College District ^ ^/ om,N:o. SSD1 Diwtstoni Business Services Date: Febrvary10,2016 450Q222076 Educational Services Center. Agreement with the Los Angeles S??5!Hll!?Ltyr5eY?J????PLE?????mer1^LPS AnQeles city yy5)rRfc>rceJ?eye!PP!TleI?AB?arclto Parttcipate m regional planning efforts that will help align-colleges with.targeted high schools and ensure more students are 1'dentifled for"the District's Career Pathways project, ynder the auspices of the Office of Economic andIWorRforce Deveippment, during the period of March 01,2016 to December 30; 2016, Inclusive. Los Angeles Community Development pepartmeoVLos Angeles City Workforce Development Board will ensure sustainable businesses wlthimts membershilp are ma^hect with students seeking a correlating work-based teaming actwity and wil measure its success by havmp student Iritems evaluate the experience of the mterhshlp. Total cost: $2QQ.,000. 4500222365 Educationat Services Center. Agreement with the Southern California Marine Institute to develop and deploy and learning n^tiatives that fall under the Car^r Pathways mode! and participate in regional p|annlng efforts that enable coifeges to work much closer with their ta'rgeted high schools, under the auspices of the Office of Ecortdmlc andTWorkforce Development, dunng the perlod_of January 30, 2016 to December 30, 2016jnclusEve. Sovthem CaElfornla Marine nstitute will ensure sustamable busmesses within its membership are matched with students seeking a correlating work-based learning activity and will measure its success by having student interns evaluate the experience of the Internship. Total cost: $45,,000. 4500222490 Educational Services Center AgFeement with the City of Glendale on behalf pMhe VerduTgo Workforce Development Board to align WIOA-funcled actEVfties (including business s.?fvio.e8..an? w?rk exPerierTce 3ct!vities) to hetp'ln recruiting at- riSk ^o^h_? ?>r. the,proiect and P^fltcipate in regional planning e?9rt?lhat^heIP.al!S*co^eQes.?fi? tawted high schools under the Career Pathways initiative, under the auspices of the Office of^Economic and Worterce Devejopment during the period of March 01,2016_to December 30; 2016; inclusive. Verdugo Workforce DevetopmeN Board wllE ensure s^t^lna.PJe.bustn?.sses withtlr! ^s membership are matched with students seeking a correlating wprk-based Eearning ac^yftXaI?.d w111 messure its success by having studentlnterns evaluate the experience of the Inlernshlp. TbtaEcost: $30.000. 4500199493 .B^C»?tior?J.s^rv!c?sce5t?rAfneJ'1dm?nt. ^9- ^ to ^Q^ement with DirectorySolutiorts Grouip to provfde UnltySync software censes and software support that wilt! enable LACCD to synchronize user network identity and password data across Pa&e 9 of 2Q_ Pages Corn. ^o, BSD1 Div. Busmess Services Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Community College District ^S4 u» .om-Na. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: February 10, 2016 all cofleges to enable optimized secure access to the new PeopteSoft Student Information System (SIS) and related modules undeMhe auspices of the Omce of ihformatlon Technology StS project, during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016/ihclusive.TQta! cost $12.000. Various B^^'r^!!2^%l^^J??»!c:?!o^/!r!£!^s ^n§ele? 4ntfted School Districts- ^schools to parfter withtheCoitegeto form the Harbor Syb-Reglon under the auspices ofthe'LA Regional Careers Pathways project to create, organize, administer, and implement collaborative college and career pathwaysjn the mtery sectors of International Trade^Eobat Logistics for the Economic Workforce ancf Development department duhing the period November 1, 2015 to June 30. 2016, inciuslve. Total cost: 31.200. 4500221374 - Narbcmne High School -Total cost $15.600 4500221375 - San Pedro High School -Total cost: ^5J605 4500221356 MJssfpn Agreement wjth yirlclis_Learning, Inc. for license to use theVtndls Career Pathway Platform'software and provEde customization services and access^to its Skills Passport ^?S^Jlr?J?rJh^?J4??r1t.?eJvi?^?-P?Pj?rtrPent ^urln9the period July 6, 2015 to July 6, 2017, inclusive. Total'cost: $28,000. Various Soygwest Agreement wti the fbllcwlng coHeges to act as a partner to participate m the regional project planning and implementation of new certificates and A.S. ^egreern Giobal Trade and Loglsfe, with Industry-themed pathways, ??i?^J?ll?.ci CQlfrs^? sypported by dual enrollment and/or early admlssjon unde^the auspices of the Career Technical Education 40% Enhanicefnent Fund Reglonai Share grant during the ^enocUuty 11,2015 to June 30, 2016, inciusEve. Total cost: "UO.OOO. 4599?21310 - Santa Monica College - Total cost: $30.000 4500221311 - Santa Ana College ^ Tolat cost $10^000 4500221370 Sgy|Mest Agreement with Blackboard Connect Inc. to provide an outreach potiificato service on admission, finandai aid and event text^eluriiog the period December 30, 2015 to December 29, 2018, indyslve/ Total cost: S18.729, 4500218672 Trade-TechnlcaL Agreement with FrontHne TechnoEogles Group toprovide software to develop, record and track professional de^eliopment ^ staff and faculty. This program will also facitMe Feportmg FLEX hours to the State Chancetlor's Office ensimg that faculty meet ihe\r FLEX Page VLOf ^°__pa3es Corn. No- BSD1 ON. Busiiness Servtces Date 2.1 Q-t 6 Los Angeles Community College District iCom. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: February 10, 2016 obHgation duringjhe perlod^OGlober 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016, incluslve.To^ai cost: $8.900. 4500221297 ^rade-TSCI"micaL Agreement with Dlrango LLC to provide Veeam System Avallabtlrty program used in the Infbrmation Technology apartment during the period October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016, Musive; Total cost $39 648. 4500221338 Jra<je^ech[lical-Aareementwlth OutfrontJVIedia to provide bus wapadvertismgfb^Trade-TechnicaI College during the period July 31.20l5to September 30.2015, inclusive. total cost: $35.000. 4500221495 Irade-Technicat. Agreement with Link Systems IntematlonaE, Pi^!? P[?vide. ?rt4iriEe N?t TL!tor use ? py^tu^ents that require additional assistance with variQus subjects during the period December 1, 2015 to November 30. 2016, inciuslve. total cost: $9.984 n 4500221447 Valley. Agreement with Center for Organizational Responsibility and^Advancement to provide unlimited enrollment In" the Teaching Men of Color Certificate Proaram ncluding class gyidebopks for the Academic Senate dunng the period December^ 2015 to December 14, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $15,000, 4500221652 ^^:^A^reer5ePt^Nh^n'osur?N^ewMedJa Inc. to translate ?l?^xi??!??..o?t?"^oilnlelr1t?tE9rl an^. advlslrl9 multimedia Er?S?-ntJ3tion_tnK> S6anish/ ArmePian an^ Russian languages for the Counseling Department during the period January 4, 2016 to December 31; 2016. Inclusive. Total cost: $36.6ob. 4500221653 Valley. Agreement with Condensed Curricufum Intemationa !o-?^yj<^Ei$^Tech£tasse.sa^pr?ve f ^the Board for the £?mn?^^ity^erY^ce^D5K??!Tle^t ^ltrmSthe period January 1 , 2016 to December 311, 2016, mctuslve. 'Total cost: $ 16.800. 4500221657 ValEey^ No-cost agreement with Instructure, Inc, for the use of t_h^ !liHY hoste^ Learotqg Nanagement Systems provided as a subscription cloud sen/tceowthe Internet and commonly known as Canvas for the Distance Learning Education Department during the period February 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017, inclusive. The Chancellor's Offtce of the California Community Colleges will be covering the costs through ButteGlenn Community College DfStrEct clurlng this 2-year period. Page 1l't of 2Q Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Dtv. Business Services Date 2-10.1 G Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No.. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date; February 10, 2016 4500190265 West Amendment No 2 to agiFeeme^t witt^Optiv Security, inc. !?.Br?Y!EI?J!le p^?, ^{t9,R.f?wall.^etwor!?s Jechnicai support and software upgrade for Internal security hardware that are between the College and the Internet. This firewall protects ?u^?t!L^11anci.a! nd humarl resoyrces Informatiori, building ?lit5ma?io-na!?<lener9^s^sterns.,atthe COIEe9e ^^ can provide a replacement firewall image |n the eyent ofhardware failure, "atheoffic^tnformafcn TedwW"""9jte period November 5, 2015 to November 4, 2016, mcluslve'This ??l?^?.Snt !1a.s. been.er1ter6^|^o un^er the authority of the competitively bid State of Calffornia^Department of General ServicesMultlpIe Award Schedule Contract No. 3-09-70- 2728M. Total cost: $31.542 * 4500220426 wes^ NCL-cost a?reen?ent ^lth u-8- Yeter?^s ^ provide mentorina career and guidance services for veterans of the miltery during the period November 13, 2015 to June 30, 2016/lncluslve. 4500221372 West Agreement with Career America, LLC to provide on-ilne 2c5^-t?-vid^0 pr?gral'T}mlW ysed,to Q^cie students through S?e. p.roce.ss^5f. ?PP!^n8fbr fi^^cial aid during the period October 1,2015 to September 30,2018, Inclusive. Total cost: $15.000. Total Cost of Section 0: $761,142 P. SPECIAL GRANT FUNDED EXPENDITURE AGREENENTS 4500188481 East. Amencfment No. ItorenewagreeFrEentwith U.S, Department of Transportation for that agency to fund the Technology Fellowship Program for up to three students dunn9JEhePenod AU9ust 10-2015 to A^^t 9, 2016. inclusive. Total: $15.000. 450Q190660 East. Amendment No. 1 to renew aQreement with National Science Foundation for that agencyto fund the Academic and studertsuPPOrtto lmProve Science. Technology, Engineering and Mathematicsjxograms for uptotZS students, diinng the CeriodAugust 1, 2015 to July 31; 2016, inclusive. lotel; $397,769: 4500201427 East. Amendment No, 1 to renew agreement with California Communjfy Colleges Chancellors Office for that agency to fund the Math, EngmeeFing and Science Achievement (MESA) program for up to 50 sM<^ <te»ig[jthe period July 1/2015t6 June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total: $50~500. Page 12 of 2& Pages Corn. No. BSD 1 Div. Bysiness Services Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Division: Business Seryices Date: FebFuiary HQ, 2016 4500221692 East Aareemept with Ca!ifornia State UnlverslyNlorthridlge for that agency to fund the Build @ CSUN program for recruiEtmertt of commymty coEEege stydentsfor up toSSOstydenlsdvrmg the period September 26,2014 to June 30.2016, jinduslve F-, Totah $50,500. 4500207209 Souttwest. Agreement with _the following agencies to fund ie Cougar Guardian Scholars Program grant to provide comprehensive services to current and formerfosteryouteas they develop and pursue their educational or yocafipoall goals at the College in order to earn degrees transfer to fbyr-^ear instMons, and/or learn vocationai skills. Total Jncome: $55.000. 450Q2072Q9 ~ Anthony & JeanneRteker Famiify Foynida^ion, during the period December 14,2015 to December 114,201© Inctustve. Total income: $40,000. t 450Q209083-Foster Care Counts during the perM December 30, 2015 to December 30, 2016, IndasNe. Total income: $15.000. 4500180181 Trade-Techntcat ^Amendment No, 1 _to renew agreemertt with Los^ngejes Unified Schopi District for that agency to fuind e GEAR UP 4 LA Program for up to 200 students, dmg the period September 1:2014 to August 31, 2017. mdlusiive. Total; $108.420: 4500173371 West Amendment No. 2 to renew agreement with CaiHlfbrnla State Uiwersity Dominguez Hills forthat agency tQ tadl Ihe Title VHSI Cooperative' Project to assiststuctenits tramsfermg to Dommguez HjlEsfrornWestforup toj50 students cjyrmg the periodpctobert, 2015 to September 30, 2016, Irwtelve. Total: $236.300. Total of Section P: $913,489 Q. SHORT TERM AGREEMENTS PREPARED AT SITE LOCATIONS FOR SERVICES, RENTAL^ J^AJNTENANCE OF EQUJPNENT. AND LICENSE ^ MAINTENANCE OF SOFTWARE $5.000 OR LESS PER YEAR 4500218039 Ciitv. Amendment No. 1 to increase the contract amounit on agreemertwill^Subway Sandwich to provide catering! services for the student forum workshops as aitowed by the Cil^VORKs Temporary Assistance for NeedyF-amilies Program grant during the periocUanuary 4, 2016 to June 30.20H6,mriusive. Total cost: $2.472. pa3e _t3-.of _20_pa9es Corn. No. BSD^ DEV. Business Services Date 2-1iEM;& Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. BSD1 Dh/ision: Business Services Date: February 10,20W 4500218597 City. Amendment No. 1 to increase the contract amount on agreement with Wayne Wiltiams to conduct "Auto WhoHesalle StJ?l[Le^s!PnrLHOmeM.C!a^es Previously approved by the Board for the Community Services Department durmg the period October 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $517. *l 4500218621 City. Agreement with Transportation USA to provide bus tJ?r?J???atloP,!OL9TE secondaryand post-seconidary students and staff to various^ locations for career ^cplbratioa actlvlttes as allowed by the Perktns^lVTIfte grant diirtng the period Avgyst 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, indusive. Ai charter buses are tensed by the Pubtlc Utilities Commisstorrs aad the r^?r?Jt?el^<?!rnmJ?r9? Co^^tss^n- Ail buses are Inspected regularfyb^the California Highway Patrol for safety/TotaJ cost $3,200. 4500219554 City AQ^^nt with Kogi Restaurant Group LLC to provide food truck catering services for the U.S. Veterans Inifiative program as allowed by the Student Equity fund on November 10, 2015. Total cost: $2.256. 4500221248 Cjty. Agreement w[th Maggiano's Little Italy to provide cajenng services for CalWORKs workshop as aifowed by the Tempprary Assistance for Needy Family grant dunng the period December 1. 2015 to June 30, 20f6, inclusive. Total cost: $400. 4500221250 Citv^ Agjeement with Wltliam Bly to provide catermg services for'CatWORKs meetings as al[dwedby the Ca[WORKs grartt during theperiiod November 16,2015 to June 30,2016 induslve. Totat cost: $3,100. t 4500221251 City. Agreement with City of Los Angeles to rent tennis courts at Griffith Part to conduct tennis classes previously approved by the Board for theCwnmunity ServicesDepartment durmg the period January 9,2016 to February 27, 2016, Incteive. Total cost $150. 4500221511 £rtM-,A9reemer^ with John D.jGmy to provide turang services on nine pianos for the Music Department during theT period January 11, 2016 to February 28, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $540. Page 14 of 20 Pages Corn, No. BSD1 &iv. Business Servtces Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Community College District om. No. BSD1 ^ Division: Business Services Date: February 1Q, 2016 4500221403 East, Agreement with My Bus, Inc to provide round trip transportation for Adelante^Students from^East to Loydia Marymoimt University on October 9. 2015, All buses'are [censed by the Public Uttfltles Commission and the Interstate Commerce CommlsslorL All buses are Inspected regylarly by the California Highway Patrol for safety. Total cost: $785. 4500221406 East Agreement with Global Transportation Services to provlcle round tnp transportation for high schools students participating In East's Coltege Workshop Program for students anclj>arytscmJaEwary 16/2016. A!E buses are lEcensecl by the Public Utilities Commission and the Interstate CQmmerce Commission. All buses are inspected regulariy by the Caiifomia Higihiway PatroE for safety. Total cost: $2.094. 4500221407 East Agreement with ARC Imaging Respurcesto provide maintenance for one Xerox Workcentre 7855PT located In the Architecture Department during the period September 11 t 2015 to September 10, 2016, inclusive. Total cost: $2.000. 4500221408 East, Agreement with ARC ImagingResourcesto provide maintenancefor one Xerox 6604 printer located In the Architecture Department during the period August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, inctusive. Total cost: $3.000. 4500221409 g|st. M&asst agreement with George Yepesto provide two Mlxec^ Media Art Projects for the Community Services Department during the period December 1f, 2015 to June 30, 2016, inclusive. » 4500222450 EastAgreement with William yoreno to provide guest curator services Jor an exhibition of artwork by Linda Arrebla at the Vincent Price JMIuseum during the perfod December 211,201 5 to February 27,20116, inclusive. Total cost: $1.000. Various EcEucational Services Center. Agreements and amendments as part of a mandatory partnership under the ESUBaslc Skills ProfessEooalJDeveloprpent Grant funded by the Catlfbrrria Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. LACCD Is the fiscal agent for the grant and, as such. Is required to enter mto and fund agreeFnents with mdivlduals to provide forjive (5) workshops to prov|de_training on Cuittvating a Growth'Nindset for approximatefy 40 faculty from various community coNeges throu^oyt the state during the period February 19^ 2016'to May 20, 2016, Inclusive. Total cost $3.000. 4500215926 4500215927 Page 15 of 20 Pages C&m. Mo. BSDt Krlstlne Nlkkhoo Scott Sandier Div. Business Services $1,500 $1,500 Date 2.10-16 Los Angeles Community College Distnct f^L. k/' om.No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: Febrvary-10, 20116 4500215457 Educational Services Center. Agreement with Paula Gunder to provide tramitngorTthe Habits of Nind Leadership Community of Practice series of workshops for approximately 40 faculty from various community coHeges throucjhoyt the state as part of a mandatory partnership" under the ESUBaslc SkHls Professional Development Grant funded by tie California Community Colleges Chancellors Office. LACCD Is the fisca^agent for the grant and, as such, is required IQ enter into and fund agreements wlthmdivicluals to provide workshops, during: the period February 19, 2016 to May 20 2016, Inclusive. Total cost: $1.500. 4500221369 Harbor. Agreement with Haas Systems to provide technical support and software upgrades on fire system eciuipmertt fQf the Facil^ies Department during^the period January 1, 2016 to December 31. 2016, inclusive. Totai cost $1.465. 4500220667 Mission, Agreement with Noemi Castaneda to conduict a workshop on the topic of interviewing and job skilts for the CARE Program participants during the period December 2. 2015 to December 11,2015, Inclusive. 'Total cost S2,QQQ. 4500220908 Mission. Agreement with Matthew Schrelber to provide- piano tuning services for the Art Department during the period January 10,2016 to January 31,2016, incluiive. Total cost $400. 4500220910 IVHssiort AgreementwlthRK;ardoRo<Jrigue2,Jrt ^pFovtde dance perlormance during the college's "State and Screen Festival on December 11 ,~ 2015. Total cost: $350. Various Rerce. Two agreements with the folfowlng contractors to conducE a workshop on the cultyrajty responsive trmmg series for the Library on November 4, 2015. Total cost: $2,.OOQ. 4500220874 John Benltz 4500220875 Andrew P. Carrot $1,000 $1.000 4500221065 Pierce. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, inc. for maintenance of Canon ADV5945 copier in the yamtenance and Operations pepartment during the period March 3,2016 toMarch2,2017jnctuslve, Totafcosf $1.300. 4500221066 Pierce. AQreement with Canon Sotuflons America. Inc. for maintenance of a Canon JR3245 copier in the Child Development Center duringjhe period March 12,. 2Q1i6 to March 11,201i7, Inclusive/Total cost $600. Page 16 of 20 Pages Corn. No. BSD! Div. Business Servtces Date 2--m-i& Los Angeles Community College District Corns. No. BSD1 Division: Business Services Date: Febrvafy -10, 2016 4500221102 Pierce. Agreement with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for maintenance of five Canon IR1025 copiers in the Center for the SciiencesBuitding during the period March 3,2016 to March2,2Q17jrtCtuslve, Total cost: $1.500. 4500221107 Pjerce. Agreement with Scantron Corporation for nrEalntenance ofaScaotron 5702505 IN4ES machine m the Assessment Center during: the period February 13, 2016 to February 12, 2017, inclusive. Total cost: $901. 4500215291 Soutwest. Agreement with La Opinion to run quarter page color ad to promote 2015 FaEf semester enrollment on July 20, 2015. Totalf cost: $800. 4500217927 Soutfwest. Agreement with Study Smart Tutors to provide a 4hour SAT-workshop for students as allowed by the Upward Bound program grant on May 23, 2015. Total cost: $1,526. 4500220131 Southwest. Agreement with La Opinion to run mobile banner ads across Impowerwebsites to promote 2016 Winter^Spring semester enrollment during thej)eriod December 1,2015 to December 30,2015, inclusive. Total cost: $2.500. 4500220157 south.west A9reerT?er?wit.h GodP?r?nts Xou^ Organ^zatior} to provide two separate bus transportations for Upward Bound students and staff to California'State University, DomlnQyez HHIs and California fnstitute^of Technology, Pasadena for a campus tour on November 23,2015 and'on a separate bus to Knott's Berry Farm - Adventure In Education on November 24, 2015. All charter buses are licensed by the Public Utilities Corrmssbns and the Interstate Commerce Commissbn. At! buses are inspected regujarly by the California Highway Patroi for safety. TofaE cost: $1,239. 4500220283 Southwest agreement with Soca^Noma to ptan and coprdimte Engineermg Summer Bootcamp to local feeder high school students as aEtowed by ^JDeputy Sector Navigator grarrtdyringtheperiod July 1,2015 to December 311,2015, inclusive. Totat cost: $4.050. 4500220924 Soutwest Agreement withJJpsnap USA inc. to provide mobile adverttsmg from 0-15 miles around the campus to promote 2016 Wihter/Spring semester enroljment during thie period November 30, 2015 to December 5, 2015, Inclusive Total cost: $2.000. Page 17 of 26 Pages Corn. Ho. BSD^H &[V. Business Services Date 2-10-t 6 Los Angeles Community Coltege District /nn. om.No. BSD1 ^ Dmskrn: Business Services Date: FebFyary10,2016 4500221014 Southwest. Agreement with Wa^e Community Newspaperto run a web ad to promote 2016 Wmte^Spong semester enrottment during the period December'24, 2015 to Janyary 14, 2016, inclusive. Total cost $600 4500221077 Southwest Agreement with Our Weekfy LLC to provide web banner advertisement on: www,oyweeklv.com to promote 2016Wlnt6^Spnng enrollment dvnngthe'penocl December 16, 2015 to January 16, 2016, {nduiSwe.Totafcost: $400. 4500221143 Southwest Agreement with Los Anpetes Sentmell to provide yerticaiweb banner advertisement to promote 2Q16 Wlnter/Spring enrollment dimgjhe period December 17,2015 to January 18, 2016, Inclusive. Totat'cost $1.500. 45Q0220185 Trade-TechnicaE, Agreement with Celtls Ventttres^ to provide advertising for the IATTC Institute for Advanced Transportation Training designed IQ mcrease program awareness during the perlocf November 23. 2015to December 23, 2015, inclusive. TotaE cost: $4.800. 4500220941photography j[S5!^I^^^^.^^SS?fS£!l %!KJ?Pe£?LtS^r%SL services from HIIEary Clmton's visit to'LATTC in August2015 to be used in future LATTC advertising. Tote cost: $650. 450Q208591 Valley. Amendment No. 1_ to agreement v^h Carm Solutions America, inc. to increase the contract amoynt to allow for overagesfor the Acadermc^Afflalrs Cfficej^urtrtg the penod May 1,2015 to January 31, 2016, irtsh/e. Total cost $450. 4500219788 Valley. ^Agreement with Rhea Louise Derman Sparks to conduct a workshop on the subject of anti-Nas and muEticultural ectucatlon for the Career Technical Education Program on October 16, 2015. Total cost $1.000. 4500219836 Vailev. Agreement with Robert Hlerron dba Nedila Works Group to install 29 Nova SotutEor^s computer workstations for the Science, Technology, EngnneermgjSt EVIathematjcs Program during the period January 11:2016 to February 5.2016, inclusive. Total cost $750. 4500219862 yalley. Agreement with Jamlel Shw dba yyscleman Fitness Equipment Repair for maintenance and repair oftreactmills in the Fitness Center during the period October 12, 2Q15 to November 30, 2015, inclusive^ Total cost S726. Page _^8_ of .20_pa3es Cotn, No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Community CoEEege District om.No. BSD1 Dsvision: Business Services Daf&: Fefamary 1l0> 201:6 ^^ ^ 450022Q6W VaEley. _ Agreement with Robert K. Moore dba Moiimtam Medical Supply for repair includjng part replacement of Sciftt Pro 2 exercise machine for the Services for Stydents with DlsabElrtles during the period December 115, 2015 to February 1,2016, inclusive. Total cost $201. 450Q220652 ValEey. Agreement v^th Simons PowrEqylpment for repair and sharpening of a 24" Stlhi chalnsawforthe teEotenance and Operations Department durrnQ the perM October 29, 2015 to November 29, 2015, inclusive. Total! cost: $118. 4500220925 VaEJey. Agreement with Subway Sanetwich to provide approximately 250 boxed Eunches for Upward Boond i^ath & Science (UBMS) Saturday Academjes participants and field tftps^as allowed by UBMS grant dirmgithe period December 1 2015 to May 31, 2016, inclusive. Total cast: $1.500. 450Q22Q932 Valley. Agreement with Time Clock Sales & Service Co. for repair of an Amano MJR7000 time clock for tie telntenance and Operations Department during the peribd December 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, mdusrve, TotatcQst $139. 450Q221010 Valley. Agreemerrtwith PrudentmE Overall Supply for rental of floor mops for the Custodial Services during the period January 1,2016 to December 31, 2018, miduslve. Total cost: 1,683. 4500221330 Valley. Agreement with Canon Sotytxms America, Inc. for maintenance of a Canon IR3045 copier in, the Receiving Department during the period December 15,2Q115 to December 14,2016, inclusive. Total cost $333. 450Q221357 Valley. Agreement with Canon Soliytkms America, inc. for maintenance of a Canon IR220Q coprer m the CaWORKs Office during the period January 1, 2016 to December 31 t 2Q16Jnc!usIve, Total cost $745. 45002211360 VaEEey. Agreement with Canon SoEutos America, Ina for maintenance of a Canon IR3235 copier m the Nuirslng Department during the period January 5. 2016 to Jamuiary 4, 2017, inclusive. Total cost: $219. Total Cost of Section Q: $64.459 Page _1&_of _26__ Pages Corn. N!o. ..BSD-I Div. Business Semees Date 2-10-16 f Los Angefes Communi^ CQllege District om-No. BSD1 Divtefon: Busilness S.ervfees f^ ^ Dafe; FebFyary1Q,2Q1l6 R. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS 16-0014 East Settlement of a union grievance iin the amou^ of $17T79.80. Background: Setttement of a grtevanice filed by AFT 1521A Staff Gulldregarding the collection! of vnion dues from represented employees at East Los Angeies College. P5589C l^lssron. Settlement of a cEalm NT the amouirl or $1! 1 ,QOO. Background: Settlement of a vlolatm note ts^ the Sou^h Coast Air Quality Management Dlstlcyor yrrtely sybmtsslon of the Employee Commute Rednctkm Program report. Totat Cost of Secfer R: $112,179.80 Page~~_20_ of J20_ Pages; Corn. N;o. BSDI DEv. Business Sen/ices Date 2-116-16; . A w Los Angeles Community College District Division: Business Services Corn, No. BSD2 Date: February 10,2016 Subject: APPROVE BUSINESS SERVICES ACTIONS h AUTHORIZE SERVICE AGREEMENTS A. Authorize an agreement with Account Control Technology (ACT) to provide services to the Central Financial Aid Unit in the collection of past-due delinquent and defaulted federal and state student loans other than Perkins, during the period March 1, 2016 to February 29, 2021, inclusive, at a commission percentage to ACT of 22% to 30%. Background: The billing services wi!! continue much-needed collection services provided by this and other collection agencies in the past. The dollar amount of commissions paid will vary based on the number of based on the number of referrals of delinquent, defaulted and uncoNectable accounts made in accordance with federal-due diligence guidelines. There are no net costs to the District for ACT'S services as the commission earned is billed directly to the account holders as a cost of collection activity. B. Authorize an agreement with Fairbank, Maslin, Maulin, Metz & Associates - Los Angeles to conduct public opinion survey research and marketing analysis for ballot measure support under the auspices of the Office of the Chancellor and funded by the District Wide Marketing account during the period of February 11, 2016 to August 31, 2016 inclusive at a total cost not to exceed $133,350.00. Background: This public opinion survey research agreement would aiiow the firm to conduct opinion polls to assist the District with needed research related to public support for facilities and infrastructure modernization. The surveys wil! be based on goals developed by college constituents and community on needs, potential projects and revised Educational and Facilities Master Plans. II. UTHORIZE DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS JsboA-Mi^S^ t * ^AS.J^_ Recommended by: Adriana D, Barrera, Deputy Chancellor t Approved by: Fr^Qcis^o C. R^driguez, Chanceiior Chanceitorand Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong, Pea rim an Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of 4 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Moreno Date 2-10-16 Los Angeles Community College District Corn, No. BSD2 Division: Business Services 16 Date: February 10, 2016 AUTHORIZE DESTRUCTiON OF RECORDS A. Authorize the destruction of the following Los Angeles Harbor College Class 3 Disposable Records: 1 box of unused City National Bank Journalism Account Check # 1101 through #1200 (99 checks), City National Bank Journalism Account No. 08 deposit slips (1,250 s!ips)^Wet!s Fargo A.S.O check #1001 through #1_040 (39;checks), Wells Fargo A.S.O deposit slips (443 slips), Wells Fargo LACCD^LosAngelesHarbor College Trust (495 slips) and WelisFargo LACCD-LosAngeies Harbor Coiiege Trust ^2 stamps^Wei^Fargo BankA.S.O -2'stamps, We!ls Fargo bank Revolving Cash_Refund -1 stamp, Union Bank for the Bookstore ~1 stamp, City Nations! Bank Journalism Account - 2 stamps. We!!s Fargo Bank account closed August 2007 and Union National Bank account dosed July 1992. Background: In accordance with Title V of the California Code of Regulations and the Board's Records Policy (Board Rule 7706 et seq.), the College Vice President of Administrative Services has determined that the listed Class 3 Disposable Records are no longer needed in paper format since they have been reserved and maintained beyond their required retention, and that no records included in this action conflict with the Board's Records Retention Policy. B. Authorize the destruction of the following Los Angeles Mission College C!ass 3 Disposable Records: Approximately 35 000 students' financial aid documents from July 1, 2013to June 30, 2014 Background: in accordance with Title V of the California Code of Reguiations the Board's Record Policy (Board Rule 7706 et se.), Health and Safety Code 123145, and Chancellor's Administrative Regulation E-106, The Los Angeles Mission College President has determined that the above referenced Class 3 Disposable Records are no longer needed in paper format since they have been preserved and maintained beyond their required retention period. No records included In the action conflict with the Board's Record Policy. C. Authorize the destruction of the foiiowing Los Angeles Valley College Class 3 Disposable Records: 1. Seven boxes of Community Services & Library cash receipts from July 1, 1998 to June 30,2008. Page 2 of 4 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 2-10-16 Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: February 10,2016 2. Seyenty-Seven boxes of Bookstore collection reports from July 1, 1992 to June 30, 2011. 3. Fifty-one boxes of miscellaneous on-line and off-line collection reports from July 1,1991 to July 30, 2011. 4. Four_ boxes of RevoMng Funds from July 1,1994 to June 30, 2007. 5. Forty boxes of Purchase Orders, Contracts and FOF invoices from July 1, 1992 to June 30, 2010. 6. Five boxes of Bookstore and Cafeteria collection reports from July 1, 1992 to June 30, 2003. 7. Ttlr<^ ^?xes °^ petty (^as^ receipts from July 1 , 2000 to June 30,2007. 8. 9ne_box of Warrant Register reports from July 1, 2004 to June 30,2005. 9. Four boxes of Miscellaneous Checks with backup from July 1 , 1992 to June 30, 2005. 10. Two boxes of Refund Checks Receipts from Ju!y 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997. Background: !n accordance with Title V of the California Code of Regulations and the Board's Records Policy (Board Rule 7706 et seq.), the Coliege Vice President of Administrative Services has determined that the listed Class 3 Disposable Records are no longer needed in paper format since they have been preserved and maintained beyond their required retention, and that no records included in this action conflict with the Board's Records Retention Policy. III. AUTHORIZE LEASE OF DISTRICT FACILITIES Authorize a lease agreement with _S & B Foods for the cafe space, 7,012 sq. ft. identified in the Student Services Building on the campus of West Los Angeles College 9000 Overland Avenue, Culver City, California 90230 to provide food service to the campus community. The lease agreement shall be'during the term of February 11, 2016 through Decembers!, 2016. Tota! estimated rental income: $25,000.00. Background: Short term lease pending selection of a vendor as part of the district wide RFP for food services, initial term through Fai! 2016 with standard termination clauses. Renew semester to semester or annually pending selection of a vendor through the district wide RFP process. EstimatecTlncome from the initial contract period assumes the vendor wiii be able to commence operations approximateiy March 1> 2016 and wili pay a guaranteed commission of $2,500 a month or $30,000 annually. If annua! sales exceed @$500,000 the college will receive 10% in additional commission over the $2,500 a month guarantee. This agreement Is being issued pursuant to California Education Code section 81378.1, which allows for the letting of the lease for a period of more than five Page 3 of 4 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 2-10-16 Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No. BSD2 Division; Business Services Date: February 10, 2016 days but less than five years. This Code provides for this lease to be made without the need to acquire formal or informal bids or proposals. In addition, the Code requires public notice of the intent to take this action and was advertised once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks prior to the board action. In reviewing comparison locations in the area, the coi!ege has arrived to a determination that the fair market value range from $25,000 to $27,000. This lease agreement is within the range the fair market value. IV. RATIFY SERVICE AGREEMENTS A. Ratify Amendment No. 3 to renew Agreement No. 4500181132 with SAP Public Services^ [nc. for maintenance of mySAP, Payroll Tax. Employee Self Service (ESS), Mercury QC software, NetWeaver, Public Budget Formulation. Adobe enabled Interactive Forms, dashboard reporting features modules^a^wej[ asSAP Mi! (Manufacturing Integration and ntelligencej and SAP MRS (Multiresource Scheduling) of the SAP Enterprise System software during the period January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016, inclusive, at a tota! cost of $750,489. Background: This agreement was approved by the Board of Trustees on January 16,^013 (Corn. No. BSD2). Funding is through the District's nformation Technology funds. 8. Ratify legal services agreement with Stmmwasser & Woocher, LLP under the auspices of the Office of General Counsel at the Educational Sen/ice Center to provide specialized iegal services on an as needed basis only. Fee schedule is: Senior Partners; $525/hour; Junior Partners: $450/hour; Senior Associates: $375/hour; Junior Associates: $325/hourand Paralegais/Anaiysts: $175/hour, during the period November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2020, inclusive. Background: This agreement will provide for the addition of another legal firm to the current !isting^of providers for specialized legal services on an as needed basis on!y. Funding is through Districtwide'Office of General Counsel funds. V. RATIFY ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION Ratify the following donation and express appreciation to the donors for their contribution to the District. Los Angeles Southwest Cofleae Donation of one 16" diameter x 3A" LEED platinum plaque, sand blasted in the front, with round mounting hardware total value by the donor at $550 from Harper Construction Company to be used to promote LEED education. Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn. No, BSD2 Div. Business Services Date 2-10-16 ACTION Los Angeles Community College District Cam. No. FPD1 DNsiorc FACHLmiES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: February 1'0, 2016 Subject: APPROVE FACIUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENiT REPORT The fotilowlng items are recommended for approval by FaciHilies Rannlng and Deveiopment as part of the Consent Calendar for the Boare! of Trustees Neeting Agenda for the date shown. The Consent Calendar may be approved with a single vote. Any member of the Board of Trustees has the authority to remove any item lllsted and have It indueled am the Actton CaEendar for a separate vote. Informalibn regarding each item on the Consent Calendar can be found m FPD1 »»". Resource Document. 1. AUTNORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AOREEJEENT Authorize a short-term agreement with American Ombydsman Enterprises (AOE) to provide continued ombudsman services for the Bond Program workers' compensation carve-out program (Amoupt reqvested $36,QOO). II. AOTHORIZE ANEND^IENTS TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ASREE NTS A. Ayttiorize actions for Amendment No. 1 to Agreement Nlo, 45Q0215463 with KPFF Consulting Engineers to provide additoai engineering services for the Faculty Office Roadway project of the owraffl RE Stadium Walkway, Pepper Tree Roadway, and Faculty Office Roadway projects at Fierce College (Amount requested $58,1 10). B. Authorize Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 33728 with CO Architects to pmte additional design services for Allied Health ^ Science Center project at Los Angeles Valley College (Amount requested $277,000). r < *-B Recommended by: ». AWi!aiFraDm"Ba'Frera7DeputyChanceEior ^ Approved by: ran^sco C.. ^odriguez, ChancelSor ChancelEor and En® Voreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peartman By Page Date of 4 Pa^es Corn. No. FPD1 Hofflman, Svonkin Kat-riager Anrierson SWdent Trustee Advisory Vote DEv. FACIUTEES PLANNtN:G AMD DEVELOPMENT Date 02/10/2616 Los Angeles Community ColEege District om,N:o. FPD1 DtvEsEon: FACELITEES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: February 10, 2016 II. AUTHORIZE ADOPTION OF CQNSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Authorize the adoption of plans and spediftcatiems for certain projects at West Los Angeles College (No cost). IV. RATIFY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Ratify a contract with Floor Tech Amerrca, IFIC. to provide general construction services for the Corporate Centre project at East Los Angeies College Corporate Centre (Amount Reqye^ed $44,189), V. RATIFY CHANGE ORDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS GREATER THAN $30.000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDERTHE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUIlLD^ NETHQD OF PROJECT DELIVERY A, Ratify Change Order No'. 9 to Construction Contract No. 33850 with Masters Contracting Corporation for additional general construction services for the Roadway, Watoay, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) Red Line Pedestrian Comidor project at Los Angeles City College (Amount Requested $11,058), B. Ratify Change Order No. 1 to CQnstrvction Contract No. 4500207299 with A.J. Rstes Corporation for additional archltecturaf painting services for the Corporate Centre Interior Painting project at East Los Angeles College - Corporate Centre (Amount Requiested $2,657). C. Ratify Change Order No. 11 to Construction Contract No. 4500201111 with Waisman Construction Inc. for aWbnal construction services for the Child Development Center Generator project at Los Angeies Southwest College (Amount requested $69,,000). D, Ratify Change Order No. 2 to Construction Contract No. 33832 with Access Pacific, Inc. to provide conitiouied general construction services for the South Campus - Upgrade Security Doors project at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (No cost). VI. RATIFY CHANGE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTiON CONTRACT LESS THAN $30.000 ISSUES UNDBR TNE STANDARD "DESIGNI-BiD-BUILD" METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY Ratify Change Order No. 3 to Construction Contract No. 33800 with Vaile Grande Construction for addNiortal general construction services for the Horticulture Fence project at Pierce College (Amovnt Requested $717). Page 2 of 4 Pages Corn. Ho. FPD1 Div. ...FACMJTtES PtANNiENG & DEVELOPBftENT Date 02/1 &/t 6 Los Angeles Community College District f^. om:. No. FPD1 kd» Divfston: FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMlENT Date: February 10, 2016 VII. RATIFY SUBSTITUTiON OFCONSimCTON SyBCONTRACTOR Ratify substitution regarding Contract; No. 33863 with Baloyr Beatty Construction for the North of Malt Campuis ImprovemeNs, Package - Parking Lot 8 ADA Corrective Work project at Pierce Coltege (No cost). VlltAUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE QF_COHPUETEON OF CONSTRyCTION CONTRACTS A. Authorize Acceptance of Completbn of Ccmtract No. 450Q215743 w South Bay Landscaping, Inc. to provide general constryction services for the CDC Irrigation and System Repar project at East Los Angeles College (No cost). B. Authorize Acceptance of Completibrr of Contract No. 45Q0207299 with A. J. Fistes Corporation to provide general conEStruictlcm services for the Corporate Centre Interior Painting project at East Los Angeles Coltege Corporate Centre (No cost). C. Authorize Acceptance of Completiicm of Contract No. 45QQ2011 11 with Walsman Construction inc. to provide general corrstructlon services for the Child Development Center Generator project at Los Ar^geEes Southwest College (No cost). D. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Corrtract No, 33832 with Access Pacific, Inc, to provide general corrsfructloo services for te South Campus - Upgrade Security Doors project at Los Angeles TradeTechnical College (No cost). X. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENTS TO DESION-BUILD AOREE^ENTS A. Authorize Amendment No. 1 1 to' Design-Byild Agreement No. 33741 with Harper Construction Company, te. for additiionial Desrgrr-Bylld services for the Holmes Hall Modernizatlem and Sfuetet Services Byil^mg project at Los Angeles City College (Amount Reqyested $932,557). B. Authorize actions for Amendment No. 16 to Agreement No. 32975 with Pinner Construction Company for addiitea^ Design-Bvlld services for the Student Success and Retention Center project at East Los Angetes College (Credit of $3,638). C. Authorize actions for Amendment No. 7 to Design-Bylld Agreemertt No. 32879 with Masters Contracting Corporate for aclditoal Design-Bulld services for the Campus Modemizato Phase IE project at Nission Coriege (Amount Requested $105,266). Page 3 of 4__ Pages Corn. No. FPD1 Dlv. FACELirPES PtANiMEWGi & DE^ELOPIViEMT Date &2/l&/tC Los Angeles Commynity College District f^. tn/ oFn.No. FPD1 DivEsbn: FACILFTIES PLANNING AND DEVELQPiSflENT Date: February 10,2016 X. RATIFY ANENDRIENTS TO DESION-BUElLD ASREEIffiNTS A. Ratify Amendment No. 9 to Desiign-BulGt Agreemenit No. 33074 w Pankow Special Projects, L.P. for addittoal Deslgin-Borld services for the Theater Drsma Speech project Qi Los Aogeles Harloor Coltege (Amount Requested $35 B. Ratify Amendment No, 2 to Deslgo-Build Agreement No. 333Q4 with KPRS Construction Services for actditoal Desigrr-Bylld services for the I * Campus Improvements - Buildmgi Reto^ pro^ct; at Los Angeles Valley Coltecte (Amount Requested $48,500). X(. AUTHORIZE WAIVER OH RESTRICTIVj SPiCIEICAJtONS Make a determination that there js an appropnate basis for waiivlng the prohibition on restrictive speclficatEons pursuant io Publiic Contract Code Section 3400 C and authorize the reqitlremerrt that speci^catrons and bidding documents for the Cedar Halt CNIIer Overhaui^RefitrNshment project at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (No! cost). Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn. Mo. FPD1 Dfcv. FACtUFFtES PLANiNIIN:G & &EVELOPfiffiEMT Date Q2/WE8 s :. jt ^C'TON .ff . . vs w ^ Los Angeles Community CoBege Distncl Dh/isEOH FAC1LITEES PLANMENiG AMD DEVELQPIV1ENT Corn. No. FPD2 Date Februafy 10,2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE MASTER PROCUREMENT AGREEMENT AND RATIF AMENDMENT TO IVIASTER PROCURE^EOT AGREEMENT I. AUTHORIZE MASTER PROCURINENT AGREEMENT Computer Peripheral Products Action PiacehoEder Pursuant to Public Contract Code Sectbn 20652, 50653.5 and Education Code 81646, a) find ft Is in the best interest of the District to procyre uncter the authority of Master Procurement Agreements establlshecl by the Foundation for California Community CoHeges (FCCC) and, b) aythorize computer peripherai products purchases from the following estabEished FCCC agreements as stipulated befow. This Agreement shall be cotermlnous with the Term of the PCCC Agreement. The dlscouints itemized in the table below represent addittonat dtscoLmts extended to the FCCC over the suppElers published higher edncatron price list. Ef applicable, all sales tax shall be patd CDW Government Lt-C Contract No. CB #15-206 Not to Exceed Amount: $5,000,000 Expiry June 3, 2016 ^ Recommended by: SV^sJ ^^ Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancelfor v^ Secretary of the Board of Trustees By Date of 3 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 t ran^isco C..Jkodri:g:u;ez, Chancellto'r Eng ChancetEor and Page > Approved by: Moreno Fo:Ftg Peartman Hoftmian Svo'rAm KamEager AndersQn SftKteot Trustee Adwsofy Vote Dtv. FACIUTIES PLANiNiNG AMID DEVELOPMiE^TDate Emil0f20^ Los Angeles Community CoEEege District Corn. No. FPD2 Dlvis.iion FAC&rriES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date Fe&mary .IS, 20-t& AGREEVENT WTH: CDW GOVERNNENT LLC tem No Percent Discount from 2 Bid Item Description Laptop Accessories Battery Back-up/Power/Surge 3 Cables 15.00% 4 9.50% 7 Data SforaQe/Drives Digital imaging Camera^Scanner KeybQarcWllce^lnput Devices emory^System Components 8 NetComm Produicts 7..50% 9 SouncmuEtimedia 1Q.5Q% 10 Telecom Products 8.50% 11 Vldeo/Nonltors/Carcts/Proiectors T.OQ% 12 Nlotebook^yobHe Devices 3.50% 13 9.5Q% 17 Eoterprise Storage Desktop Computers Servers and Server Equipment Vedjcal CartsX>fftce Eciuipment Printing and Docyment Scanning 8.5.0% 18 Software 4.50% 5 6 14 15 16 CataEogye Price List 3..5Q%. 14.50% 5.5Q% 13.50% 8.50% O..50% 3.50% 5.50% FunclTO and Develo&ment Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Fuinds as applicable. This procurement Is Initially for the Fymityre, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) project and Is avAble fer use District-wicte. DlsNct-wkle peripheral products purchases 40J.5J55.Q5, FF&E. M Phases, Page 2 of 3 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACELETEES PLANNEN:G AND'DEVEL.O'PMENT Dale&2/11QM6 ees Los Angeles Community CoEiege District C&m, tto. FPD2 Division FACIUTIES PLAMNmG AND DEVELOPMENT Date Fetmnary W, 2EH1:6 IS. RATIRF AMENDMENT TO MASTER PROCUREMENT AGREEMEN Action Ratify Amendment No. 1 to Master Procurement Agreement No. 40226 with Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company ("HPE") to add NetworR Products and discounts within the existing term of the Agreement explrtng on February 8, 2017 at no additional cost. BacRcround Master Procurement Agreement No. 40226 with HPE was authorized by the Board of Trustees on February 8, 2012 (Corn. No. FPD2) for a period of five (5) years at a not to exceed amount of $20,000,000. The proposed Amendment provides additional Network Products at a fifty-percent (50% discount. There are no other changes proposed. FuncHna and Development Phase Funding Is through Proposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Funds as appiicabie. Server Hardware 40J.J05.Q7. A Phases. Page 3 of s Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Dtv. FACfUTEES PLANNIMG AMD DEVELOPNENT"'"Daie &2/1iEN1l6. s ^sss aw a A '»: w Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. HRD1 Division: HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION Date: February 10,2016 Subject: PERSONNEL SERVICES ROUTiNE ACTiONS Tota Tota (This Report) (07-01 "15 to Date) 1. Academic Service: (Faculty, Academic Administration Academic Supervisors) 592 5300 2. Classified Service: (Clerical, technical, supervisors, maintenance & 108 899 2240 12829 2940 19028 operations, trades, classified managers, confidential) 3. Unclassified Service: (Student workers, professional experts, community services staff, community recreation) Total: DATE RANGE December 15, 2015 - January 14,2016 EER: Case #704 Ail personnel actions reported herein are in accordance with the Board of Trustees Rules and are withini thei approved budget Personnel actions include retirements, employment, eaves, separations/resignations and assignment changes. The classified assignments noted above have not been certified by the Personne! Commission and are subject to further audit by the Personnel Commission due to SAP transition issues and may be subject to change. ^ /^ ^/^^ f ^-^ ^ Albert J. E^oman,Vic^Chancelior t^a. Qomi Karen Martin/Personnei Director Personnel Qfommission Human Resources '^- s^^t' Approved by: ^ K>^<J^M\^^ t ^ Recommended by: s==^1 /^iaha D- Barrera, Deputy'Chancellor Fra is C. Ro^lriguez, ChanceHor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong. Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 1 Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Human Resources Date 2/10/16 a » d A v * Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. HRD2 Division: HUMAN RESOURCES Date: February 10, 2016 Subject APPROVE DISCIPLINARY ACTION REGARDING CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEE » APPROVE SUSPENSION OF CLASSIFIED PERMANENT EMPLOYEE The seven (7) day suspension of employee (EN 1004165) assigned to Los Angeles Trade-Technical College as a permanent Custodian is'based on the following causes: ® Frequent Unexcused Absence and Tardiness » Abuse of Leave Privileges by Habitual Use of Leave for Trivia Indispositions or by Absence so Frequent that Efficiency of the Service is Impaired » Discourteous, Abusive or Threatening Language or Behavior Directed Toward any Person, inciuding Sexual Harassment, or other Legally Prohibited Actions or Behavior ® * nsubordination Dishonesty Background: The above recommendation is in accordance with procedures listed in Education Code Section 88123 and Personnel Comnnission Rule 735. Evidence is on file in the Empioyer-Empioyee Relations Unit of the Human Resources Division to support the above recommendation. Due process rights guaranteed by Skeliy v. State Personnel Board, 15 Cai. 3d 194 (1975) have been afforded the above listed permanent employee. Recommended ^^bert J Roman, /Vice CRanceiior Human Resources ?s^ Si KK£LA\^\^ ^. Recommended by: ^ t Ml h4. l»J Approved by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancelior an^sco C. ^odriguez, Chancelior Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. HRD2 Div. Human Resources Date 2/10/16 t S) .^ ]\ t^ &' s ^ ^ ;i' Los Angeies Community College District Corn. No, IS 01 Subject * * Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES 0 A A & w 0v aamn uCAT At cou Date; February 10,2016 N 0 N wcouR Course Tltie, Units and Colieae CINEMA 501 Media Aesthetics and Design for Film and Dlgita Medla ARTHIST A 91 Transferabilit csu (3 Units) CITY Introduction to Street Art and Urban Visual Culture cs u (1 Unit) EAST AR THIST 285 Directed Study "Art History (2 Units) EAST csu EGDTEK 123 3-D Computer-Asded Design with PTC-CREO (3 Units) EAST csu READING019 Academic Foundations for Reading (3 Units) EAST Recommended by: /2&^^^^- z^^-\ s R^sfCM. Cornner. Vice Chancellor Donaid Gauthier, President, DAS Recommended by: 'Sl^ ^^ /^TnanaD.BarreTa, Deputy ChanceiioT ^ Q. ^ Secretary of the Board of Trustees Date By of 3 £ Pages Corn. No. JSD1! "s f » c; Approved by: ^ Cisco C^. Rodriguez, Chancetior Eng_ Chancellor and Page NT Moreno Fong, Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Div. Educational Support Services Date 2/10/16 Los Angeles Community Coffege District Corn. No. ISD1 Division: EDUCATEONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: February 10,2016 APPROVE NEW COURSES (continued) Course Title, Units and CoHeae E.S1. 004C College English As A Second Language IV: Listening and Speaking (3 Units) HARBOR ANML SC 604 Transferabifity NT Equine Faciltty Management csu (2 Units) PEERCE COMM 100 ntroductfon to Communication Studies csu (3 Units) PIERCE DNCESPC161 Cultural Dance Rehearsals and Performances csu (1 Unit) VALLEY VOCED 060CE Custodial Technician Training NT (0 Units) WEST VOCED 281CE Exploring Computer Science information Technology Careers (0 Units) WEST NT VOCED 290CE Computer Literacy for College NT (0 Units) WEST VOCED 292CE Robotics Lab NT (0 Units) WEST VOCED 294CE Introduction to Soda! Media-WordPress Bfogs NT (0 Units) WEST VOC ED 296CE CISCO, VMWare, and Network Security Training NT Lab (0 Units) WEST Page j£, 0 s ages Corn. No, ISD1 Div. Educat[pnai Support Services Date 2/10/16 t Li Los Angeles Community College District Division: EDUCATtONAL SUPPORT SERVICES 'Corn. No, ISD1 F ATFYADDT ON s TO x *h""i "n MuwumnnndiniannnBuuua I! Gc Date: February 10,2016 DT ecu The foiiowing are co!iege additions of individuai credit courses which have been previously adopted by the Board of Trustees, Course litleJJnits and College DANCETQ122 Jazz Dance Techniques It (1 Unit) MISSION MATH Introduction to Afgebraic Concepts (5 Units) MISSION NT Rehearsals and Performances csu 110 THEATER 292 Transferability csu (2 Units) MISSION THEATER 293 Rehearsals and Performances III csu (3 Units) MISSION MUSIC 265-1 Recording Arts Workshop (3 Units) VALLEY csu MUSiC 265-2 Recording Arts Workshop II (3 Units) VALLEY csu MUSIC 265-3 Recording Arts Workshop II (3 Units) VALLEY csu Page 3 of 3 Pages Corn. No. ISD1 Div. Educationai Support Services Date 2/10/16 fi + ^ a i A n> ^ Los Angeles Community Coiiege District Corn. No. ISD2 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: February 1:0,2016 Subject: APPROVE NEW COIVIIV!UNEPi< SERVICES OFFERINGS Approve the following new Community Services course offerings as submitted by Los Angeles Harbor College and West Los Angefes College for use in the Los Angeles Community College District, as listed in Attachment 1. Recommended by; fe^ ^y^^s^yt^-^-- , Cornner, Vice ChanceHor ^2§^ Recommended by: Qj'k\S^ ,v » ^\ ^ AdnlinaD^Barrera, Deputy^ ha nceibr ^ K. Approved by; gn^isco C. podriguez, ChancelSor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong, Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Andersen Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. ISD2 Div. Educational Support Services Date 02/10/16 Community Services Courses 2/10/16 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 7 Los Angeles Harbor College TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Do's and Don'ts on the Students in this class will learn the best practices for Internet protecting their identities, computers and internet-connectect devices from malware, viruses and phishing scams. Your Web Presence Students in this class will learn how to use social media and (Promoting Yourself or Business Online) web-based portals to promote their businesses and/or selves. GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Structuring Your Life For Students in this class will iearn prioritization through Success interactive processes of identifying and eliminating distractions, managing stress, and balancing the complexities of home life and work while working toward their goals. Establish Your Own Preschool/Chiid Care Center Students in this class will learn how to participate In a comprehensive overview of best practices, licensing process, licensing/staffing requirements, funding, generating funds, marketing, operations and iabor laws. Entrepreneur - How to Students in this class will iearn through an interactive Start a Business With No process how to identify business options, develop a Money business plan. create a marketing strategy, and how to brand products. Cotor Illustration and Students in this class wil! learn about design basics and how Design for Advanced Beginners to use and apply color to their drawings. Beginning Book Binding Students in this class wil! learn basic book binding techniques and how to make book covers. Fruit Bouquets Students in this class wi!l ieam basic design and construction techniques used to create fruit bouquets. Community Semces Courses 2/10/16 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 7 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Bake Great Cakes from Students in this class wi!J iearn the best practices used to Scratch bake cakes and create icings. Cake Decorating Buttercream and Icing Students in this class will iearn how to use a piping bag and Basics patterns. Cake Decorating Students in this class will iearn how to decorate cakes using fondant and gum paste as the primary medium. niiint Fondant and Gum assorted cake decorating tips to create new and classic Fundamentals Cake Decorating: Tiered Students in this class wili iearn how to plan, build, and & Wedding Cakes decorate multi-tiered cakes. Home Cooking for Kids Students in this dass will learn how to prepare meals with minimal help from adults as a means of empowerment, by teaching them how to prepare dishes step by step, with the exception of using a hot stove or oven. Spanish for Kids Students in this class will iearn basic Spanish grammar, vocabulary and phrases. Vaientine*s Day Cookies Students in this class will iearn how to make a Valentine's Day themed cookie batter from scratch, and wiii bake cookies with the help of an adult. I West Los Angeles College VOCATIONAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Dental Hygiene Students in this class designed for recent WLAC denta hygiene graduates allows students to continue clinica Graduates' Clinical Rotation practice after completion of the dental hygiene program in order to prepare for the State Board Examination. Fall Prevention & Safe Students in this class will learn how to assist clinicians in Patient Handling identifying patient conditions and safety hazards to help prevent patient falis and injuries. Community Services Courses 2/10/16 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 3 of 7 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Gerontology Update and Students in this class will learn how to provide clinicians with Dementia Care information on the aging process, and signs and symptoms of dementia, and strategies to care for patients in the early and late stages of dementia. WLAC Dental Hygiene Symposium: Pediatric and Special Needs Dentistry WLAC Denta! Hygiene Symposium: RDHAP Program Overview Students in this class intended for health care providers will learn about the management of ora! health care particular to individuals with special health care needs. Students in this class will be provided with an overview of the RDHAP Program, which prepares registered dental hygienists to become licensed to operate a private practice providing dentai hygiene services in homes, schools, residential facilities, and underserved areas. Range of Motion, Students in this class intended for clinicians will learn about Aspiration Precaution & range of motion issues, aspiration precautions, and fall Fall Prevention prevention procedures. HEALTH COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Belly Boot Camp Students in this class wiil learn drills based on be!fy dance moves iike isoiations, shimmies, and undulations to achieve more body control and confidence. While the focus is on strengthening and toning, students will also receive a cardio workout. Fiamenco Fitness Students in this class will learn receive a cardio workout in addition to strengthening the arms, legs, feet, and torso. Footwork, skirt work, palmas and arm work from the Spanish gypsy tradition will make this a workout like no other. Afrovibe Students in this class wi!l learn a unique cardio workout built around dances from Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and Brazil. Afrovibe combines foliow-along choreography with strength, conditioning, and flexibility exercises. Community Services Courses 2/10/16 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 4 of 7 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Homeopathy: What's In Students in this class will learn the ins and outs of treating Your Medicine Cabinet common ailments safely and effectively the non-toxic way, and how to replace conventional medications with homeopathlc aiternatives. HOMEMAKSNG COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Cocoa Confections: Students in this class will !eam how to customize Chocolate Candy Making confections to the occasion and ensure quality in this handson introduction to fine chocolate work. DecEuttenng Boot Camp Students in this class wiii learn how to get instant relief with simple organizing and decluttering techniques. Students wi! learn where to begin, how and where to find more storage space, and get pointers on organizing paper clutter-sti!l one of the top organizing challenges reported by clients of professional organizers. TECHNICAL COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION LP! Linux Essentials Students in this class wiii gain the support needed to study, Exam Prep prepare for, and pass the Linux Essentials exam. The Linux Professional institute (LPI) Linux Essentials exam is an industry standard that demonstrates to employers knowledge of the basics of the Linux operating system. ntroduction to Windows Students in this class will gain the foundation needed to get 10 started right away using Windows 10. Windows 10, the completely new operating system from Microsoft, offers a more robust, more powerful, and completely unique computing experience. Introduction to Lightroom Students in this class will iearn how Lightroom can help to prepare, edit, and organize photos quickly and effectiveiy. Community Services Courses 2/10/16 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 5 of 7 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION Independent Swim Students in this class will learn how to improve swim skills through independent practice. Djembe Drumming Students In this dass will learn the technique for playing ancient instruments like the djembe, dundun. shekere, bell, and block. Students will learn some song accompaniments, and will put it ail together. Stand-Up Comedy Writers* Workshop Students in this class will learn how to find comedy material in everything, how to turn life experiences and embarrassing moments into !aughs, how to sharpen writing point-of-view, and how to strengthen your material-including your existing material. Europe for People Who Students In this dass will learn how to experience Europe, Think They Can't Afford ft including how to get there-and get around-for !ess. Students in this class will iearn how to fine-tune Exploring Still Life Drawing " Black & White observationai drawing skills and enhance a portfolio for Media college admission by exploring the techniques and materials that provide a stronger grasp on drawing from life. Exploring Still Life Drawing - Color Students in this class will fearn how to expand drawing skills to color media by exploring stiil life drawing techniques and materials that wil! make art works stand out. "Lady-in-Waiting" Students in this class will learn how to make the "rosary interchangeable Beaded style" necklace or the Y-Necklace, which has been around Y-Necklace since the medieval times. Students will iearn how to make beaded links with wire, then connect them to a centerpiece. "Arm Candy" Paper Bead Students in this class will learn how to cut, roll and glaze beautifuliy-colored paper into lovely bead shapes. Students will finish by stringing bead "candy" into a fashionable cuff with a striking focal piece that makes this a unique bracelet Cuff Bracelet for all to admire. DIY Shampoos, Shower Students in this fun, hands-on class will learn how to make shampoos, shower gels, and bubbie bath from safe and gentle ingredients-at a fraction of the cost of commercial Gels & Bubble Bath brands. Community Services Courses 2/10/16 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 6 of 7 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION EViedicare 101 Students in this class wil! receive in-depth information about the various parts of Medicare, what they will and won't cover, and how and when to enroll. FizzEes & Hair Students in this class will learn how to turn bath time into a uxurious event by creating personalized bath fizzies and Conditioner hair conditioners. Students will iearn how to make these Personalized Bath products easily with simple and inexpensive ingredients. Beyond the Selfie" Smartphone Photography Biogging for Fun and Profit: Your Best Bet Students in this hands-on workshop wiil iearn the technica aspects of getting great photos from phones as well as delving into the creative side of photography. Students in this class will iearn what a blog is, where blogs are found, how to pick a blog topic that makes money, and over a dozen ways to get content. Be a Solar Installer in Less than a Month! Getting Your Degree Without Losing Your Mind Students in this class wil! learn about solar design and installation, followed by free hands-on practice doing live installations, which can help make one qualified for employment in the soiar installation industry. Students in this class wiil learn how to get acquainted with the California community college and university systems, financial aid, strategies for choosing the best class options, and how to make the most of limited study time. On My Own Swim Basics, Students in this class designed for beginning swimmers who Level 2 have finished Level 1 Swim or know basic swim techniques wi!i continue to develop their technique. Brit-West Soccer Player Students in this class wil! learn how to improve soccer skills Development Center for those who already play soccer. Cai South and nationally qualified coaches will target elite skills and game development. Sunday Soccer League Students in this class wi!l learn how to arrive at their designated time, complete a 15-minute ball-skiils warm up, then square off in 6-person teams in 4x4 games (no goalkeepers). Games only, no additional training commitment. Tiny Pros Golf Students in this class will learn how to develop playing ability quickly using movement activities to develop golf Community Services Courses 2/10/16 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 7 of 7 COURSE NAME DESCRIPTION motor ski!!s, which can be an effective transition into the game of goif. Game basics and the social aspects of the game/course etiquette are also taught. * A jn' Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. ISD3 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: February 10, 2016 Subject APPROVE OUT-OF-STATE STUDENT TRAVEL. I. East Los Angeles College Twenty-five students and five faculty members wil! trave! to the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, Region VIII, Festival 48, in Manoa and Honoluiu, Hawaii during the period of February 10 to February 15, 2016. Background: The purpose of the trip is to allow students the opportunity to compete in the Irene Ryan Acting Auditions, present their design concepts and work, and participate in the theater festival. Students will network with other theater students and faculty from other colleges in the same region. FISCAL IMPLICATION: The total estimated cost of the trip is $25,704.00. Funds used for this travel include $2,500.00 from the Academic Senate college general fund, $6,000.00 from the college ASO fund, $7,324.95 nonDistrict funding from the Performance East Club, $3,958.85 non-District funding contributed by the participating students, and $5,920.20 non-District funding from the participating faculty members. < Recommended by: ^^--^-7^^^C^\^^ Ry n M. Cornner, Vice Chancelior V. Recommended by: I ^ _^)\^AK t Approved by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancelior an r> sco <-;. odriguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong. Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamiager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of Pages Corn. No. !SD3 Div. Educational Support Services Date 2/10/16 ACTION s y. 'ft, Los Angeles Community Coilege District g Corn, No, PC1 PERSONNEL COMMISSION Division Date: February 10,2016 Subject: PERSONNEL COMMISSION ACTIONS I. Claims for Temporary Work Out of Classification Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to approve payment for temporary work out of classification for EN 1020570 for the period of July 16, 2015 to December 31, 2015. BACKGROUND: EN 1020570, a Sign Language Interpreter I, from Los Angeles City College, was performing duties outside of her current classification during the time periods specified in the report. Staff found that the higher level duties assigned to the employee were consistent with the duties of the class Sign Language Interpreter II. The estimated cost of this action is $550.70. II. Classification Study Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to reclassify EN 789789, from Assistant Computer & Network Support Specialist to Computer & Network Support Specialist, effective December 1, 2015. ) Assistant Computer & Network Support Specialist $4,331.80 $4,570.06 $4,821.42 $5,086.58 $5,366.36 $51,981.60 $54,840.72 $57,857.04 $61,038.96 $64,396.32 Monthly Annually Computer & Network Support Specialist $5,366.36 $5,661.50 $5,972.88 $6,301.40 $6,647.96 $64,396.32 $67,938.00 $71,674.56 $75,616.80 $79,775.52 Monthly Annually BACKGROUND: In accordance with provisions of the AFT Contract and Education Code, Personnel Commission staff conducted an audit. The audit determined that the duties and responsibilities of the incumbent fall within the classification of Computer & Network Support Specialist. The position is located in the Information Technology Department at Los Angeles Southwest College. The 2015-2016 fiscal year cost of this action is approximately $2065.98. r Recommended by: 1/i^y ^ Karen J. E/artin, Personnel Director ChanceHor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Pearlman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote Date By Page of 4 Pages Corn. No. PC1 Div. Date PERSONNEL COMMISSION 2/10/2016 Los Angeles Community College District Division Com.No.PC1 PERSONNEL COMMiSSION Date: February 10, 2016 III. Establishment of New Classifications A. Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to establish the new classification of Instructional Assistant, Journalism and allocate the new class to salary schedule 3,948.16 effective January 26, 2016. Salary Schedule $3,948.16 $3,948.16 $4,165.32 $4,394.40 $4,636.10 $4,891.08 Monthly $47,377.92 $49,983.84 $52,732.80 $55,633.20 $58,692.93 Annually BACKGROUND: The establishment of the new class was initiated by the administration of Pierce College who indicated a need for the position in the Journalism Department to provide instructional assistant support to students in Journalism laboratories used for maintaining the print and online editions of the student newspapers and magazine, and the internet radio station. B. Concur with the action of the Personnel Commission to establish the new classifications of General Counsel, Associate General Counsel, and Assistant General Counsel; find that current Associate General Counsel incumbents, EN 782319, EN 799958, and EN 803660, be found eligible for placement in the new counterpart job classification of Associate General Counsel in the classified service; allocate; the new classes to the salary schedules noted below; shorten the salary range for the class of General Counsel to begin at step 2; and designate the class of General Counsel as a classified senior administrative position, all to be effective October 13, 2015. General Counsel Salary Schedule $15,494.62 $15,494.62 $16,346.83 $17,245.90 $18J94.43 $19,195.12 I ; ; Monthly $185,935.44 $196,161.96 $206,950.80 $218,333.16 $230,341.44 Annually Associate General Counsel Salary Schedule $12,050.91 $12,050.91 $12,713.71 ; $13,412.96 $14,150.67 $14,928.96 Monthly $144,610.92 $152,564.52 $160,955.52 $169,808.04 $179,147.52 Annually Page 2 of 4 Pages Corn.No, PC 1 Div. Date PERSONNEL COMMISSION 2/10/2016 Los Angeles Community College District Division Corn. No, PC1 PERSONNEL COMMiSSION Date: February 10,2016 Assistant General Counsel Salary Schedule $9,727.70 $9,727.70 $10,262.72 $10,827.17 $11,422.66 $12,050.91 Monthly $116,732.40 $123,152.64 $129,926.04 $137,071.92 $144,610.92 Annually BACKGROUND: At the request of the incumbents and with the support of the Chancellor, a study of the legal counsel positions in the Office of General Counsel was conducted. The bases of the request are outlined below. The District has had positions of General Counsel, Associate General Counsel, and Assistant General Counsel for many years. For reasons which are not documented, the positions were placed in the Academic Service. The recommendation to change the positions from the Academic Service to the Classified Service was based on the following: a. Education Code Considerations: The work performed by incumbents in job classifications does not conform to Education Code definitions of an academic employee or educational administrator. b. Retirement System Considerations (CalSTRS): The work performed by incumbents in these job classifications does not fall within the legal definition of activities performed for an employer which are creditable service for membership in CalSTRS. c. Minimum Qualifications Considerations: The work performed by incumbents in these job classifications is not identified as work for which minimum qualifications have been established by the board of governors. d. Advisory issued by the State Chancellor's Office: California Commimity Colleges were advised by the State Chancellor's Office to review all academic positions approved by their local boards that may not fall completely with the definition of creditable service" as defined in applicable Education Code Sections, and consider being proactive in correcting possible violations. (t e. PrevaUins Practice Considerations: Within the State of California all staff school attorneys in K-12 and community college districts are classified. Page 3 of 4 Pages Corn. No. PC 1 Div. Date PERSONNEL COMMISSION 2/10/2016 Los Angeles Community College District PERSONNEL COMMISSION Division Corn, No. PC1 Date: February 10, 2016 The recommended salaries for the new classes were based on internal and external salary considerations. External data for the benchmark of Lawyers was obtained from the Bureau Labor Statistics. Internal job classes such as the class of Vice Chancellor were considered an appropriate match for the General Counsel job class and the District's standard Director class was considered an appropriate match for the class of Associate General Counsel, based on past practice. This produced a salary schedule for the two classes that matched their prior academic salary schedule. The salary for the class of Assistant General Counsel class was tied to the class of Associate General Counsel (four salary steps below) and produced a salary for the class that also fell closely within its current academic salary schedule. The new class of General Counsel meets the definition and is being designated as a classified senior administrative position as outlined in the Education Code and Personnel Commission Rule 519. This means that an incumbent can be released from employment for any reason upon 60 days notice to the employee. Page 4 of 4 Pages Corn, No, PC1 Div. Date PERSONNEL COMM1SSSON 2/10/2016 . A .' * Los Angeles Community College District Corn.No. FPD3 Division: FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Subject: Date: February 10, 2016 ADOPT RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CONVEY EASEMENT TO CITY OF LOS ANGELES AT LOS ANGELES TRADE TECHNICAI Nt COLLEGE Action Adopt a Resolution of Intent (Attachment 1) pursuant to Education Code Sections 81310-81313 to convey an easement to City of Los Angeles A strip of real property identified in the attached Lega Description (Exhibit A) for purposes of maintaining a public sidewalk and access ramp at the intersection of 23rd Street and Grand Avenue. The new access ramp will be located at the northeast corner of Grand Avenue and 23ra rdStreet and the sidewaik is located at the north side of rd 23ro Street between Grand Avenue and Olive Street. Background Dedication of this easement is one of the conditions of the City of Los Angeles approved Street Vacation of 22nd Street between Grand Avenue and Olive Street. REQUIRES FIVE (5) AFFIRMATIVE VOTES Recommended by: s f. $<Y;\iL KK&-^^- ^ Approved by: Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancelior ^a^isc^i » » ran^isco C.|Rodriguez, Chancellor Chanceifor and Eng Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong, Pea rim an Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of Pages Corn.No. FPD3 Moreno oiv- _ FACH-ITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 02/10/16 Attachment 1 to Corn. No. FPD3 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CONVEY EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES AT LOS ANGELES TRADETECHNICAL COLLEGE WHEREAS, Education Code Section 81311 requires that before a governing board of a community college district orders the dedication or conveyance of any real property owned by the district for an easement to lay, construct, reconstruct or maintain and operate water, sewer, gas, storm drain pipes or ditches, electric or telephone lines, and access roads over and upon land belonging to the community college district to a public corporation or private corporation; _the governing board shall in a regular open meeting by two-thirds vote of all its members adopt a resolution declaring its intention to dedicate or convey the property; and WHEREAS, n is the intention of the Los Angeles Community College District ("District") Board of Trustees to consider conveying an easement'to City of Los Angeles for purposes of providing a access ramp at the northeast comer rd of 23 Street and Grand Avenue and for maintaining a public sidewalk along the north side of 23rd Street and Grand Avenue for the benefit of Los Angeles Trade Tech College. The new ramp and sidewalk is located at the southeastern comer of the campus and is more specifically identified in the "Legal Description" attached herein as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The District shall hold a public hearing on the adoption of the Resolution to Convey the easement during a regularly scheduled board meeting on Wednesday March 9, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Los Angeles Pierce College, 6201 Winnetka Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91371, thereafter the Board of Trustees may consider an action to adopt the Resolution to Convey the easement to City of Los Angeles and WHEREAS, The District wii! provide notices of the public hearing and the action to adopt the Resolution to Convey and the time and place of the board meeting by publishing this Resolution in a newspaper of general circulation five (5) days before the public hearing and proposed action; as wel! as not !ess than ten (10) days before post copies of this Resolution in three public places in the district as prescribed by Education Code section 81312. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees declares its intent to convey an easement to City of Los Angeles located at Los Angeles Trade Technical College at 400 W. Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles CA.. The'new access ramp and sidewalk is located at the southeast comer of the campus, along 23 Street between Grand Avenue and Olive Street. rd IN WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we, the members of said Board of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereunto set our hands this 10th day of February 2016. Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees President, Board of Trustees Page 1 of 1 PENCO ENGINEERBNG, INC. 16842 VON KARMAN AVENUE, SUITE 150 IRVINE.CA 92606 SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 JN: 02975.10 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 23rd STREET DEDICATION STRIP ^ ^STf?ti?-ofLL^!E? ?-J}OJLEJ!LV^.B^LN9J.HESOUTHWESTERLY 2-°° FEET OF I-OTS 12, 13,14, 15,16AND 18, OF THE GROVER ORCHARD TRACT, IN THE CHY OF LOS ANGELES, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED N BOOK 5. PAGE 452 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNP(/ RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. BEING BOUNDED ON THE NORTHWEST BY THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF GRAND AVENUE, 80.00 FEET WIDE AS SHOWN ON TRACT NO. 20819 RECORDED JN BOOK 767 PAGES 91 AND 92 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTS AND BEING BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHEAST BY THE THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN FINAL DECREE OF CONDEMNATION RECORDED IN BOOK 3795 PAGE 164 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. STRIP 2 THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 18, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE^NTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF GRAND AVENUE, 80.00 FEET WIDE, AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT NO. 20819 WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 2.00 FEET.NORJHEASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAtD LOTS 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 AND 18, SAID PARALLEL LiNE ALSO BEING PARALLEL WITH AND 2.00 FEET NORTH!ASTERLYOF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF 23rt STREET. 60.00 FEET WIDE; FORMERLY ORANGE AVENUE; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE 20.00 FEET, IN A NORTHEASTERLY DIRECTION, MORE OR LESS TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET, SAfD CURVE ALSO BEING TANGENT TO SAID PARALLEL LINE; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO SAfD PARALLEL LINE: THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 20.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS THE POINT OF BEGINNING Exmerr "B" ATTACHED AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. SUBJECT TO: COVENANTS^ CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS. RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS, RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD, !F ANY <^^^ J 8RALEY P.L.S. NO. 8446 REG. EXP; 12/31/16 ^ ^/z^9^ DATE F:VOB\2Q10\02975\XSurvey\LegalDescriptions\LEGAL-Dedication-23rdSr.doc ERWAffiO .WtBV feM@ .0 ^. EXHHT .B' SHEET 1 OF 1 23rd STREET DEDICATION ^. / ^ ^ ^) <sf ^. ^(f ^ c 0 f ^' ^ ^ 4? ^ <\ » £> / ^ 4? .'S. ^ s/< ^ / f ^ 5> ^ £&3 &3 % s ^ *5 fa CL Q?b 1 ^ / ^ ^> ^-£.s>^ e> 40' / /^. ^ f 401 .& ^ ^ / ^ ^?'^ y ^ ^r 0' ^' ^ CM ^^ * 00 F-< ^ < / m t- 0 (N ttC*j &3 k -S' .^CM f- 05 <f / <F ,\ y s < f en >' -& ¥ ^ ^ ^ 40' ^ >-? 0 & ^ 1^ -0 1 ^ Q -^ ^ / ^ -i-* -E: c/> -i-1 V) tQ c^ "0 (D ^ & ^ a -(-' m ^ in r- / 01 <N .z. N ~? ca / .e. <^ ^-^ ^ < 0: <: /^ ^ s M c f 0 **^ Q. '^ SCALE: r-ioo' ^. u m §> '^ a p \ <u -j >. <u £ 3 ^. <;C5 n '<? ^ ^ ?^ fl? 1&: J 8RALEY IS 8446 LEGEND: V / / / /\ PROPOSED DEDICATION J BRALEY P.LS. NO. 8446 DATE Exp. 12/^/16 ^ REG. EXP: 12/31/16 J;!z :^'f w K /-I m r<" c» 0 0 '*. ^ wws T" 0 N 03 0 -3 *. * u; PENCO ENGINEERING, INC. ^ Civil Engineering 16842von carman Ave. Suite 150 PlanniB^ Irvine, Catifomia 92606 Surveying (949) 753-8111 Fax (949) 753-0775 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY A LEGAL DESCRIPTION CITY OF LOS ANGELES 23rd STREET DEOtCATlON SCALE AS-SHOWN DRAWN BY: REP CHECKED 8Y: JB DATE: 09-24-15 JOB No. 2975.55 s ® '«' February 10,2016 Los Angeles Community College District g Corn. No. CH/A CHANCELLOR Division Date: March 9, 2016 Subject: AMEND BOARD RULES, CHAPTER XV - PROHiBtTED DISCRIMiNATIQN, UNLAWFU! HARASSMENT. AND SEXUAL MISCONDUCT (TITLE DC) 15001. POLICY Al L!SJle.P,olk;L!:)f..the,LOS ,^n9eles Community Co!!ege District to provide a safe educational, employment, and business environment free from Prohibited Discrimination, Unlawfui Harassment, and Sexua! Misconduct, as defined in the Administrative Regulatfpns associated with thjs policy. Empjoyees, students, or other persons actjng ?!1j3^ha^ ?^!.h^PJSlricLWS°r?.n?. ?.e.i PAr5hi. ted P lmfn^ti9ni uniawfu! Harassment, °.[ ?exu^l-IV!lsc.on,duc? ?s de.fln,^ in theAcfministra^ye Regulations related to this'policy or by state or federa! law sh a!! be subject to discipline, up to and induding discharge, expulsion, or termination of contract. B' ?e..E:?s^n^!?.s-PO_mmullity,c?ll:e9e 91?triFt ?.9ard of T^stees condemns any act of Sexuaj Misconduct committed at any of its faciiities or at any of its activities,' fhelos ^e!es.9?finm.u.^t.y .90tl !ge.D!strict is con?r!1itted ,t?.takins. immediate and appropriate action upon learning of potential incidents of Sexual Misconduct. c> ln^esti§ation-ofLaii c?r?plain^s a!!eging violations of this Chapter sha!i be conducted under the auspices of the Office for Diversity, Equity and inciusion. implementation" of temporary, interim sanctions shall be overseen by the Title IX Coordinator for that site, with the advice and consent of relevant administrators, impiementation of permanent sanctions_shal! be overseen by the College President or at the Educationai Services Center ("ESC") by the Deputy Chancellor as set forth in the Administrative Regulations which compiement this policy; 15002. ACADEMIC FREEDOM f*1e^.o?rdr.oJ.T>ruste?s. reaffirm^ !ts (?nn,!Tt!tme,ntJ° acaderpiC freedom but recognizes that academic freedom does not aNow Prohibited ^Discrimination. The discussion of ideas, taboos, behavior, or language which is an htrinsic part of the course content shai! in no event constitute Prohibited Discrimination, Unlawful Harassment, or Sexual Misconduct. !t I s recognized that an essentia! function of education is a probing of received opinions and an exptoratfon of ideas which may cause some students discomfort. It is further recognized that academic freedom ensures the faculty's right to teach and the student's right to learn, » Approved by: [ar^isco q Rodriguez, Chancellor Chancellor and Eng Moreno Secretary of the Board of Trustees Fong Peariman Hoffman Svonkin Kamlager Anderson Student Trustee Advisory Vote By Page Date of 2 Pages Corn. No. CH/A Div. CHANCELLOR Date 3/9/16 Notice: 2/10/16 Los Angeles Community College District Corn. No. CH/A Division CHANCELLOR Date: March 9, 2016 15003. DUTIES OF SUPERVISORS All Supervisors sha!! be responsible for maintaining a work environment consistent with this policy Any Supervisor who becomes aware of a situation that could reasonabiy be perceivedjo be a violation of this poiicy has a duty to report that information to the Director, Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 15004. PROCEDURES, ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS A. The specific rules and procedures for reporting allegations of Prohibited Discrimination, Unlawfu! Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct and for pursuing avaifab!e remedies are ncorporated m a separate Administrative ReguEatipn issued under the authonty of the Chancelior. Copies may be obtained on the District website and from the Office for Diyersity, Equity and hclusion. Such Administrative Regufation covers both Titie 5 and Tit!e IX compliance and includes foundationa! information, process, and definitions. B, Former Board Rule XV! Is incorporated into this Board Rule and reiated Admjnistrative Regulations. Background: This chapter of the Board Rules replaces the existing Chapters XV and XVI in their entirety. Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. CH/A Div. CHANCELLOR Date 3/9/16 Notice: 2/10/16 FPD1 - Resource Document . AUTHORtZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AOREEMENT Action Authorize a short-term agreement with Amencart Ombudsman Enterprises (AGE) to provide continued ombudsman services for the Bond Program workers' compensation carve-out program for six months from February 29, 2016 to August 31, 2Q16 at a cost not to exceed $6,000 per month for a tota not to exceed cost of $36,000 inclusive of etlglble relmbursabEe expenses. Background The Board of Trustees previously approved the use of a "carve-ouf program for the workers1 compensation portion of the constructbn Owrter Controtlecl nsurance Program. The carve-out is authorised ur^der section 3201.5 of the California Labor Code. It is an alternative dispute resolution system intended to enhance speedy delivery of benefits to Inpred workers and to reduce costs through the avoidance of litigation by timely resolution of disputes. A carveout requires the services of an Ombudsman to mtercede In the resotytlon of claims and provide a source of information to, the injured worker. This firm has provided such services under the A/AA/J Program, is well quallfted to perform this function, and was originally the unammovs selection of the Joint Labor Management Workers* Compensation Committee that oversees the carveout. The proposed short-term agreement allows for the continued provision of these services, subsequent to the expiration of a five year maximum term, which have been identified as crtticai to the fynctiomng of the Bond Program white a search Is undertaken to identify whether other qualified firms exist and. If so, a competitive Request for Proposals process wil! be conducted to identify a firm for the provision of these servtces for a tonger term. M* Award History This agreement represents the third awarded to this company through the Bond Program and a cumulative orlginai award totat of $978,800 for the Bond Program worRers compensation carve out program » Fondino and Development Phase Funding is through Proposition A/AA and Neasure J Bond proceeds. OCIP 40J.5J87.05. Ail Phases. Page 1 of 20 » Facilities Planning anci Development » February 10, 2016 FPD1 ~ Resource Document II. AUTHORIZE AMENDNENTS _ TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS A. Action Authorize the fotlowlng actions for Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4500215463 with KPFF Consulting Engmeers to provtde aciditlana! engtneertng services for the Faculty Office Roadway project of the overall PE Stadium WaEkway, Pepper Tree Roadway, amd Faculty Office Roadway projects at Pierce College from NovembeF 9, 2015 through December 31, 2017 at a cost not to exceed $58,110 inclusive of eligible reimbursable expenses: 1. Ratify Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 450Q215463 to prmde these services from November 9, 2015 through February 10, 201i6 at a cost of $7,500; 2. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 45002154^3 to proviide these services from February 11, 2016 through December 31, 2017 a cost not to exceed $50,610. OrlQlnal Agreement Approved Amendments Sub Tota Proposed Amendment Total $70,480 $Q ^ $70,480 ssyis $128,590 The current value of this agreement is $70,480. If this proposed amendment is approved, the total vaEve will be Increased to $128,590. Backoround TNs agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on July 8, 2015 (Cam. No. FPD1) with KPFF ConsuKing Engmeers to serve as the Engineer of Record for the PE Stadtum Wailkway, Pepper Tree Roadway, and Faculty Office projects. Subsec|Lient to the issuarrce of Hnie Agreement, a determinatlcm was made to engineer the project consistent with newer Americans with Disabilities Act standards. As a resutt, the proposed Amenctment witl allow the ftfm to pwlde adcJitbnial engineering services for the retrofit of the existing accessible path of travel!, restrooms, and drinking fountains for the Faculty Office Roadway project. Fees shal be within the District guidelines establlsheci for these services. Page 2 of 20 ft FacHEtles Planning and Development » February 10, 20116 FPD1 - Resource Document FundTO and Development Phase Funding is through Scheduled Maintenance Funds. Physical Education Stadium WaERway, Pepper Tree Roadway, and Faculty Office Roadway projects. Work Order Nos. 40000401, 40000402, and 40000404. Deskm Phase. Non-Bond project. B. Action Authorize Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 33728 with CO Architects to provide additional design services for the Allied Heatth & Science Center project at Los Angeies Valley College within the existing term from February 1Q, 2016 through August 8, 2018 at a cost not to exceed $277,000 Inclusive of eligible reimbursabie expenses, Original A9feement Approved Amendments $98,000 $0 + Sub Total $98,000 Proposed Amendment $277.000 Total $375,000 The current value of this agreement is $98, f this proposed amendment is approved, the total value will be increased to $375,000. BacRairound This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 7. 2013 (Cam. No. FPD1) with CO Architects to continue to serve as the Architect of Record for this project subsequent to the expiration of a previous agreement which had reached its maximum five-year limit. Amendment No. 1 to this Agreement extended the term at no additional cost to allow the firm to complete the Division of the State Architect process. The extension did not include adctitlonat services needed to address construction defects which cause the structure to leak when it rains. Those additional services were at that time anticlpatect to be procured separately through the alternative Design-Bultd methodology and combined with other smaller scale Bond-funded projects at the college in order to meet state mandated cost thresholds. That scenario proved unfeasible when the other projects were deferred. The needed reconstruction work witi now be procured through the standard deslgn-bldbuild methodology. This change of direction requires the associated design services of an architect to observe and document reconstruictiion work as It proceeds. Since CO Architects Is uniquely qualified to fdfNH this responslbiiity, proposed Amendment No. 2 expands the capacity of the Page 3 of 20 ft Facilities Ptanning and Development » February 10, 2016 FPD1 - Resource Document agreement for these services at addifionati cost. This proposed amendment has been reviewed and approved throygh the participatory governance process at the college. Funding and Deveiopment Phase Funding is through Prop A Bond proceeds. Allied Health & Science Center 08V.6803.02.01. Design and CoFistrcuto Phase w. * AUTHORIZE ADOPTION OF CONSTRyCTtON PLANS AN SPECIFICATIONS Action Authorize the adoption of plans and speclflcatos for the foEEowing projects at West Los Angeles College: A. Performing Arts Amphitheater 39W.5916.03; and B. Physical Education & Dance 39W.594H.02. These projects are each over $175,000 m value and are each under $5,000,000 in value. Background n accordance with Public Contract Coele Sectlort 22039, the Board of » Trustees shall adopt the construction plans and specriicatbrts for projects over $175,000 in value prior to bkkHng construction work. The project pEans and specifications have been designed and develloped by a licensed architect and reviewed by the LACCD Chief Facilttles Executtve Qr designee, the College Project Director, and the Program Manager. The above listed projects project are each under $5,000,000 in value and do' not require the review of the Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee. The estimated value of any construction contract is avaitable to prospective bidders on the online vendor portal. Funding and Development Phase Funding Is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Bid Phase. Page 4 of 20 » Facilities Planning and Devetopment » February 10, 2016 FPD1 - Resource Document IV. RATIFY CONSTRUCTJON CONTRACT Action Ratify a contract with Floor Tech America, Inc. to. provide general construction services for the Corporate Centre project at East Los Angeles College - Corporate Centre at a cost of $44,189. Consistent with Board Rule 7100.1Q authorize the Chief Facilities Executive to authorize change orders, each change order not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract price t without re-bidding, subject to subsequent Board ratification. Background This contract is the result of Informal competitive Nddlng. Two (2) contractors attended the pre-bid conference. Two (2) responsive bids were received ranging from $44,189 to $55,961. This construction contract is for the installation of carpet, vinyt cut life, and rubber base at Corporate Centre. Award History This contract represents the first awarded to this company through the Bond Program. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Borrd proceeds. Corporate Centre 40J.5J92.05. Construction Phase. V. RATIFY CHANGE ORDERS FOR CONSTRVCTON CONTR GREATER THAN $30.000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED ONDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUELD" METHOD OF PROJECT DEOVERY A. Action Ratify Change Order No. 9 to Constuctbn Contract No. 33850 with Masters Contracting Corporation for adclittonai generaE construction services for the Roadway, Walkway, Grounds, Parking Lot (RWGPL) Red Line Pedestrian Corridor project at Los Angeles City College at a cost of $11.058. nctuslve of these change orders, the total cost of this Construction Contract Is $5,533,058. Page 5 of 20 » Facilities Pianning and Development » February 10, 2016 IflNW FPD1 - Resource Document Backctfound This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trystees on November 5, 2014 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Masters Contracting Corporation to provide generaE construction services for this prolect. This change order represents 0.21% of the original contract value of $5,397,000. The fotlowina services have been completed and are requested to be ratified: Due to requests by the college: . . Provide conduit at all gates being instalM within the onglnat project site only for future security access controts. mprove the design of the text and graphics for new permanent buHcflng signs being fabricated and Installed throygh this contract for Clausen Hall and Franklin Hati. Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. RWGPL - Red Line Pedestrian Corridor 110.7173,05.03, 3HC.5173.Q5.03. Construction Phase. B. Actto Ratify Change Order No. 1 to Constryctlon Contract No. 4500207299 with AJ. Fistes Corporation for additional archltecturat painttFig services for the Corporate Centre Interior Painting project at East Los Angetes College Corporate Centre at a cost of $2,657. IneEvsive of these change orders, the total cost of this Construction Contract is $73,457. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Tirustees on December 3, 2014 with A.J. Fistes Corporation to provide Interior archltecturat painting services for this project. This change order represents 3.75% of the orlginai contract value of $70,800 +. PageBof 20 » Fadlrtles Planning and Development « February 1iQ, 2016 FPD1 - Resource Document The followinQ services have been completed and are reQLiested to be ratified: Due to requests by the college: » Paint underslde of buitding's exterior parapet Fundingi and Development Phase Fynding Is through 2014 - 2015 Schedyled IMialnter^anice Funds. Corporate Centre interior Painting. Work Order No. 40Q00425. Construction Phase. Non-Bond project. C. Action Ratify Change Order No-1 to Construction Contact No. 450Q2Q1111 with Waisman Construction !nc. for additional constmctton services for the Child Development Center Generator project at Los Angeles Southwest College at a cost of $1,942. ncluslve of this change order, the total cost of this Construction Contract is $70,942. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on June 11, 2Q14 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Waisman CoQs^fuctlon Inc. to provlcfe construction services for this project. This change oreler represents 2.82% of the original contract value of $69,000. The fQllowlna services have been completed and are reauested to be ratified: Due to unforeseen conditions: ft Replace the annunclator panel discovereel to be iQCompatitole wrlh the newly installed generator. The condition was M rdentlfled (tolng the site survey. Funding- and Development Phase Funding is through 2013 - 2014 Scheduled iMialNenance Funds. Child Development Center Generator WorR Order No. 440000143. Constnrctbn Phase. Non-Bond project. Page 7 of 20 w Fadlltles Planning and Development » February 110, 2016 FPD1 ~ Resource Document D. Action Ratify Change Order No, 2 to Construction Contract No. 33832 with Access Pacific, Inc. to provide continued general canstruictbn services for the South Campus - Upgrade Security Doors project at Los Angeles Trade-Technlcal College at no additional cost. tncluslve of this change order, the total cost of this Construction Contract remains at $99,384. Background This agreement was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 6, 2014 (Corn. No. FPD1) with Access Pacific, inc. to pwlcte genera construction services for this project. The followtna services have been compEeted artd are requested to be ratified: Due to requests by the cofiege: » Provide a non-compensable 63-day time extension to accommodate a delay caused by associated work underway by Campus FaclHties (upgrade and expand the building's existmg security system to accept card readers and the new intercom system). Fundina and Deveiopment Phase Fundlngi Is through Proposition A Bond proceeds. Sou;th Campus itUU* Upgrade Security Doors 07T.6701.02,07. ConstructiorE Phase. VI. RATIFY CHANCE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT LE FNAN ^30,000 ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "0 SK3N"BID-BUILD" METHOD OF PROJECT DEUVERY Action Ratify Change Order No. 3 to Construction Contract No. 33800 with Valle Grande Construction for actditionai general constructlort! services for the Hortlcufture Fence project at Pierce College at a cost of $717. IncEosive of this amendment, the total cost of this ConstFuctbn Contract is $26,992. Page 8 of 20 » Faculties Planning and Development a February 10, 201 G FPD1 - Resource Document Background This agreement was ratified by the Board of Trustees on April 23,2014 (Corn, No. FPD1) with Valle Grande Construction to prwkle general construction services to provide, install, and maintain a rented temporary fence for this project The cumulative change order amount is $14,992. The fotiowinci services have been completed and are reguiested to be ratified: Due to unforeseen conditions: » Repair vandalism to the rented fence at the project penmeler InellLtdmg the replacement o^ line posts. Damage caused by vandalmsm is not covered by the rental agreement. Funding and Development Phase Functrng is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Hortlcuilture Facility 35P.5521.02.03. Construction Phase. VH. RATIFY SUBSTITUTION OF CONSTRUCTION SUBCONTRACTOR Action Ratify the foElowlng substitution regarding Contract No. 33863 with Balfour Beatty Construction for the North of Mail Campus Jmprovements PacRage Parking Lot 8 ADA Corrective Work project at Pierce College: Substitute subcontractor GM2 Engineering, inc. for sybcontFactor B&M Contractors for concrete, asphalt, and striping services. BacRaround This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees oo December 3, 2014 (Corn. No. FPD2). This substitution is the result of the sybcontractor Inability to meet requirements of the construction subcontract and will be at no additional cost to the District. Funding and Devetopment Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. PMovoIfalc Arrays for Parking Lots 1 & 8 35P.5544.03.03. Construction Phase. Page 9 of 20 » FacBies Planning and Development . February 10, 2016 FPD1 - Resource Document VIII. AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF COWLETtON OF CONSTRUCTI CONTRACT A. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 4500215743 with South Bay Landscaping, Inc. to provide general construction services for the CDC Irrigation and System Repair project at East Los Angeles College with a substantial completion date of September 30, 2015. Background This contract was authcmzed by the Board of Trustees on June 10, 2015 (Com.No.FPD1). The total cost of this contract is $11i 7,000 ». Funding and Development Phase Funding is through 2014-2015 Scheduled Maintenance Funds. CDC rrigation and System Repair. WorR Order No. 40000387. Construction Phase. B, Action Authorize Acceptance of Comptetlon of Contract No. 4500207299 with A. J. Fistes Coiporation to prcwlde general construction services for the Corporate Centre Interior Painting project at East Los Angeles College ~ Corporate Centre with a substantial comptetion date of December 21 2015. Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2014 (Corn. No. FPD1) for interior palriting at Corporate Centre. The total cost of this contract is $73,457. Funding and Devetopment Pfiase Funding Is through 2014-2015 Scheduled Maintenance Funds. Corporate Centre Painting. Work Order No, 40QOQ425. Construction Phase. Non Bond project. Page 10 of 20 » Facilities Planning and Developrnent ® February 10,2016 (Ht- FPD1"~ Resource Document C. Action Authorize Acceptance of ComptetEon of Contract No. 45002Q1111 with Waisman Construction tnc. to provide general construction services for the Child Development Center Generator project at Los Angeles Souithwest College with a substantial completion date of December 20, 2015. Background This contract was authonzed by the Board of Trustees on June 11, 2014 (Com.No.FPD1). The totai cost of this contract Is $70,942. Funding and DevelQpmeot Phase Funding Is through 2013 ~ 2014 Scheduled Malrrtenance Funds. Child Work Order No. 40000143. Development Center Generator Construction Phase. Non-Bond project D. Action Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Cortect No. 33832 with Access Pacific, Inc. to provide general construction services for the South Campus - Upgrade Security Doors project at Los Angeles TradeTechnical College with a substantial compfetlon date of November 23, 2015. Background This contract was authorized by the Board of Trustees on August 6, 2014 (Com.No.FPD1) * The total cost of this contract was $99,384. Funding and Developmertt Phase Funding Is through Proposlfoi A Bond proceeds. South Campus Upgrade Security Doors 07T.6701.02.07. Construction Phase. Page 11 of 20 » Facilities Planning and Development » Febaiary 1Q, 20116 M< FPD1 - Resource Document D( * AUTHORIZE AMENDMENTS TO_DEStGN"8UILD AOREEMEMTS A. Action Authorize Amendment No. 11 to Deslgn-Buifd Agreement No. 33741 with Harper Construction Company, Inc. for additional Deslgn-BulEd services for the Hofmes Hall Modernization and Student Services Bulidingi project at Los Angeles City College at a cost not to exceed $932,557 inclusive of eligible relmbursabfe expenses: Original Agreement Approved AmendmerTts $39,899,550 + Proposed Amendment Tota |y)63,788 $40,963,346 Sub Tota + $932.557 $41,895,903 ndusive of this amendment, the total cost of this Design-Bulld agreement is $41,895,903. Background The Design-Buikl system of project delivery was adopted by the Board ^ Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project deEivery option available District-wlde. This project was approved for delivery by Design-BuiEd system by the Board of Trustees on January 16, 20113 (Cam No. FPD1). This Destgn-Build agreement with Harper Constructbn Company, Inc. was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 11, 2013 (Com.No.FPD1). The fQllowlng additional Desm-Bulld services are proposed and are requested to be authorized: 1, Due to requests by the coilege: e Reconfigure new department programming due to aging of plans and specifications. 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: . Provide design changes to correct unforeseen structural deficiencies discovered durlnQ the demolition stage of existing structure and plaster Page 12 of 20 » Facilities Planning and Devetopmertt « February 10, 2016 * FPD1 ~ Resource Document 3. Due to additional requirements: » Provide minor remstalEation of celling grid to match the campiis standard per Inspector of Record (EOR). Provide work couotertop steel supports not shown in original plans » by the pre-desiign build architect per tOR. Amendment No. 11 to Agreement No. 33741 includes Change Order No. 14-HH, 15-HH, 16-HIH,, and 10-SS. FundinQ and Development Phase Funding is through yeasure J Bonct proceeds. Student Services BiWng 31C.5134.02 arKl Hlolmes Hall Nodemizatlon 31C.5110.03. Construictbn Phase. B. Action Authorize the foElowlng actions for Amendment No. 16 to Agreement No. 32975 with Plnner Constryctlon Company for additionat Design-Byild services for the Student Success and Retention Center project at East Los Angeles College Inclydmg credits in the amount of $(100,500) and costs in the amount of $96,8©2 for a net credit of $(3,638) inclusive of eligtble reimbursable expenses: 1. Ratify Amendmeriit No. 16 to Agreement No. 32975 to reduce the scope of services resullmgi in a credit to the project In the amount of provide these services at a credit of ($100,500); 2. Authorize Amendment No. 16 to Agreement No 32975 to expand the scope of the Agreement at a cost of $96.862. Original Agreement Approved Amendments $58,817,063 + Sub To^al Proposed Amendment Tota $5,268,266 $64,085,329 *n $64,081,691 Inclusive of this amendment, the total cost of this Design-BuHd agreemen.t is reduced to $64,081,69H. Page 13 of 20 e Facilities Planning and Development ® February 1 0,2016 FPD1 - Resource Document Background The Design-Bulkt system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delliveFy option available Distnct-wkte. This project was approved for delivery b^ Deslgn-Build system by the Board of Trustees on June 24, 2009 (Corn No. FPD1). This DesigrT-BLHEcf agreement with Plnner Construction Company, Inc, was authorized by the Board of Trustees on June 116, 201Q (Com.No.FPD1). The fotEowma Deste-Buitd services have been comoteted and are recjuested to be ratified: Due to unforeseen condilms: . Provide a credit to the proiect resulting from the discovered reducecl amount of transilte piping than originaliy estimated to be present and that would have required abatement. The foliowinQ additional DeslQin-Build services are proposecl anid are requested to be authorlzeel: Due to requests by the college: e ncrease the cost of the Agreement by $96,862 to Include the lease of temporary swing space from February 29, 2016 to April 23, 2016. Amendment No. 16 to Agreement No. 32975 includes Change Order Nos. 28 and 29. Funding and Development Phase Funding Is through Veasure J Bond proceeds. Student Success anel Retention Center 32E.5234.Q2. Construction Phase. C. Action Authorize the follbwrng actions for Amendment No. 7 to Deslgn-Burld Agreement No. 32879 witr Masters Contracting Corporation for acMlffonia Design-Buitd services for the Campus Modernization Phase II project at Mission College mclixling crectits In the amount of $(252,500) ane^ costs In the amount of $357,766 for a total cost of $105,266: Page 14 of 20 » Facilities Rarmmg and Development e February 10, 2016 FPD1 - Resource Document 1. Ratify Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. 32879 to provide additional Design-Buiid services at a cost of $220,266; and, 2. Authorize Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. 32879 to provide additional Destgn-Buiild services mdudlng credits in the amoimt of $(252,500) and costs m the amount c^f $137,500 for a total net credit of $(115,000). Original Agreemertt Approvec! Amendments $17,457.323 $(2.783.652) $U,673,681 Sub Tota Proposed Ameodtnnert Tota + $105.266 $14,778,947 fndusive of this amendlmer^ the total cost of this Deslgn-BuiEd agreement is $14,778,947. Backarounci The Design-Buitd system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project detivery option available DtStFtct-wlde. This project was approved for delivery by Design-Build system by the Board of Trustees on December 16th, 2009 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Deslgn-Buid agreement with Masters Conlrscfeg Corporation was authorized by the Board of Trustees on March 24m,2Q10 (Com.No.FPD1). The following Desian-Byild services have been completed and are requested to be ratiffed: 1. Due to requests by the college: . Provide additional design services for the Food Lab and the Culinary Arts classroom at the Instmctlonat Administration bullcling to become a classroom and adrmlstrative space subsequent to the opening of the Cufeary Arts Building. 2. Due to unforeseen condttlonis: . Remove and re-byitd the exlsling non-code compliant ceHing at the Shipping and Receiiving area located in the Campus Services Building. < Remove and re-build the existing non-code compliant soffit at the Health Services area bcated In the Campus Services Building. Page 15 of 20 » Facilities Planning and Development a February 10, 2016 FPD1 - Resource Document » Repair existing non-code compliant 1-hour fire rated corridors at both East and West ends of the Shipping and Receiving area ocated in the Campus Services BuiEdtng. Demolish dlsco¥ered foocf lab grease exhaust ducts in the nstructional Acimintstration bulldtng not shown on programming or contract drawmgs. 3, Due to additional requrements: » Design and construct new accessible parking area with path of travel to fnstmctionaE Aclrmlstalion buiEdlng per DSA. The following additbnali Deslani-Buicl services are DroDosed and are requested to be authorized: 1. Due to requests by the college: . Delete from the scope of the Agreement remodeling of the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) work area 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: » Repair existing rmn-code compliant one-hour fire rated corridors at rooms 1006 and 1QQ7 in the Instructional Administration building. Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. 32879 Inciudes Change Order No. 9. Functlna and Development Phase Funding is through Veasure J Bond proceeds. Campus Modemlzaficm Phase H 34M.5420.03. Deskm anid CoostFuctlon Phases. X. RATIFY AMENDfVIENTS TO DESSGNl-ByiLD AOREEMENTS A. Action Ratify Amendment No. 9 to Design-BulEd Agreement No. 33074 wrth Pankow Special Projects, LP. for additliona! Deslgn-Buiid services for the Theater Drama Speech project ai Los Angeies Harbor College for a cost not to exceed $35,241. Page 16 of 20 » Fadiities Planning and Development » February 10,2016 FPD1 - Resource Document Original Agreement Approved Amendments $7,978,629 + $786 J 04 + $8J64J33 $35.241 $8.799,974 Sub Total Proposed Amendment Total ndusive of this Amendment, the total cost of this Design-Bulld agreement is $8,799,974. Background The Design-Build system of project delivery was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option available District-wide. This proiect was approved for delivery by Deslgn-Build system by the Board of Tarstees on August 11, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1). This Deslgn-Bulld agreement with Pankow SpeclaE Projects L.P was authorized by the Board of Trustees on September 11, 2010 (Corn. No. FPD1) at a cost not to exceed $7,978,629. Subsequently, the Board of Trustees approved Amendment Nos. 1 through 8 between 2011 and 2015 for a variety of changes Including, but not limited to the following: replacement of yniderslzeef sewer line at a restroom; upgrades to an HIVAC system: reptacement of exterior Eight fixtures; ceiling demolitfon work mclLiding abatement of potentfally hazardous material; replacement of water piping; and stair replacement and replacement of interior etectrtcal power outlets. The total added cost associated with these eight (8) amendments to the Agreement was $786,104. The eight (8) Amendments Increased the cumulative value of the Design-Bylld Agreement to $8,764,733. The folfowinQ additional DesiarhBuild sen/iices have been comoletecl and are requested to be ratified: Due to requests by the college, impmed or restored to working order the following items which were the responsibility of the orlglnaE contractor that is no longer on the project Sawdust collection system; Hand rail at an exterior accessibility ramp; ft Condensation drainage for the HVAC system. » » Amendment No. 8 to Agreement No. 33074 Wvdes Change Order No. 9. Page 17 of 20 * Facilities Planning and Development ® February 10, 2016 FPD1 - Resource Document Funding and Development Phase Funding is through Measure J Bond proceeds. Theater Drama Speech 33H.5307.03. Construction Phase. B. Action Ratify Amendment No. 2 to Deslgn-Bulld Agreement No. 33304 with KPRS Construction Services for aeUmal Deslgn-Build services for the Campus Improvements - Butt^lrrg Retrofit project at Los Angetes Valley College Including credits in the amoynt of $(5,5117) and costs m the amount of $54,017 for a cost of $48,500. $2,,8112,232 Original Agreement Approved Amendments + Proposed Amendmeot SyxMyw $3,812,232 Sub Total -I" Tota $48,500 $3,860,732 ndusive of this amendment, the total cost of this Deslgn-Butld agreement is $3,860,732. Backoround The Design-Build system of pro|eet delivery was adopled by the Board of Trustees on December 3, 2003 (Corn. No. BSD5) as a project delivery option available Dtstrict-wide, This project was approved for delivery by Deslgn-Build system by the Board of Trustees an January 12, 2011 (Corn. No. FPD3). This Deslgn-Byiild agireeifnerrt with KRPS Ccmstructlon Services was authorized by the Board d Trustees on yay 11,, 2011 (Corn. NO.FPD1). The fotlowlna Deslan-Bulfd services have been completed and are reouested to be ratified: 1. Due to requests by the college: » Relocated project materials storage area. w Provided compressed air piping and ffilngs for Interior of paint booth. . Deteted scope for trash endosure llgNmQ and reto air gFld. Page 18 of 20 ft Facilities Planntng and Development » February 10,2016 FPD1 ~ Resource Documenit 2. Due to unforeseen conditions: ft Strengthened existing roof piatform to support the Instalatbn of a new fan coil mt when discovered to be unsuitable. » Replaced roof platform framing insulation at eight locations after existing msulation was discovered to be unusable * 3. Due to additional requirements: tt » . Provided! a maintenance ptatfarm and access opening with pane for the mechanical unit in the attic of the Humanities Room 114 per Archied of Record (AOR), nstalled sersmlc bracing for mechanical ducts and vertical exhaust orr the rof c^ t,hs N&O BuHding per AOR. nstalted fire alarm devices within the paint booth Instalted En the V&O Bylldlng per AOR. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No, 33304 includes Change Order No. 2. Funding and DevelODmeot_R"(ase Fimdtng ts throygh Proposttion AA Bond proceeds. Campus mprovements - Byildmg Retrofit 18V.7879.03.06. Construction Phase Xl. AUTHORIZE WWER ON! RESTRICTIVE SPECJFiCATIONS Action A. Make a eleterminatm that there ts an appropriate basis for waiving the prohrbltlon on restetlve specifications pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 34QQ C; and, B. Authorize the requrement that specifications and bidding documents for the Cedar Hatli Chilter OverhauE/Refurbishment projecf at Los Angeles Trade-Technlcal Coltege be compatible with Trane's CenTr^Vac R'enwal program. Background Currently Installed in Cedar Hall at Los Angeles Trade-Technical Cottege are Trane CenTraVac CNEIers manufactyred by Trane of California (Trane"). The Page 19 of 20 » Facilities Ranmng and Development . February 10, 2Q16 FPD1 - Resource Document chiilers have exceeded their ase ess and reqyire replacement or refurbishment to return the units to uiseful condition. For the following reasons. It Is In the best Interest of, the District and Los Angetes Trade-Technicai CotEeQe that the chllers be refurfotshed through Trane: (1) Consistent with Pybtic Contract Coele Section 3400 C Compatibility Issues: To ensure the system continues to operate correctly. It; is necessary to use only parts and service authorized by Trane. Trace's CenTraVac Compressor R'newal service program Is condycted by Trane's factoryauthorized technicians that rebiild the machme using original Trane components that bring the chiller's eompresscr to new cQndltion. The service Is backed with a Trane factory warrarty on the chiller's compressors and Eubrication system under a new serial rmmber. (2) Cost: The refurbished chillers will foe a like new product with a warranty from the manufacturer at a fraction of the cost invoEved In replacement of the machines. Based on the foregoing. It has been: cleterrTMned that It is necessary and appropriate to restrict the speciftcations Im the contracting documents for the refurbishment of the chdlers at Los Angeiles Trade-Techmcal College exclusively to Trane. Funding and Development Phase The Funding is 100% through me 2013 - 2014 Scheduled Maintenance Program. Page 20 of 20 » Facilities Planning and Developmienl . Februiary 1Q, 2016