9/15/2015 2015-16 College Calendar Dates Fall 2015 Begin Computer Term WSCH Term (required for full term)* Class Instruction Finals Holiday, Vacation, and Non-Instruction Days Flex Days RESIDENCY DETERMINATION ADD DATES** Last Day to Add End 8/31/15 Mon 1/3/16 Sun* 8/31/15 Mon 12/20/15 Sun* 8/31/15 Mon 12/13/15 Sun* 12/14/15 Mon 12/20/15 Sun* 8/29-8/30/15 Sat-Sun 9/7/15 11/11/15 11/26-11/27/15 11/28-11/29/15 12/21-12/23/15 12/24-12/25/15 12/26-12/29/15 12/30/15-1/1/16 Mon Wed Thur-Fri Sat-Sun Mon-Wed Thu-Fri Sat-Tue Wed-Fri Winter 2016 Spring 2016 Begin Begin 1/4/16 Mon End 2/7/16 Sun does not apply to intersession 1/4/16 Mon 2/7/16 Sun does not apply to intersession Non-Instruction Labor Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Non-Instruction Non-Instruction Holiday Non-Instruction Holiday Martin Luther King 2/8/16 Mon 6/12/16 Sun 2/8/16 Mon 6/6/16 Mon 2/8/16 Mon 5/29/16 Sun 5/31/16 Tues 6/6/16 Mon 2/13-2/14/16 2/15/16 3/27/16 3/31/16 4/1/16 4/2-4/8/16 5/30/16 Sat-Sun Mon Sun Thu Fri Sat-Fri Mon 8/30/15 Sun Day immediately before first day of instruction Short Term Non-Instruction Presidents' Non-Instruction Cesar Chavez Non-Instruction Spring Break Memorial Day Eve of 20% of time class is scheduled to meet 2/21/16 Sun End 6/13/16 Mon 8/28/16 Sun does not apply to summer intersession Flexible does not apply to summer intersession 7/4/16 Mon Independence Day None 2/7/16 Sun Full Term 9/13/15 Sun Begin Presidents' 6/7-6/8/16 Tue-Wed 8/26-8/28/15 Wed-Fri Full Term End 2/12/16 Fri 1/18/16 Mon Summer 2016 Day immediately before first day of instruction Short Term Eve of 20% of time class is scheduled to meet DROP DATES** No Penalty Drop Date 9/13/15 Sun Day before census Day before census 2/21/16 Sun Day before census Day before census Drop shows on transcript from 9/14/15 Mon Day following above Day following above 2/22/16 Mon Day following above Day following above Last Day to Drop with "W" 11/22/15 Sun 75 % of time class scheduled 75 % of the time class is scheduled to meet 5/8/16 Sun 75 % of time class scheduled 75 % of the time class is scheduled to meet Grade required from 11/23/15 Mon Day following above Day following above 5/9/16 Mon Day following above Day following above FEE DATES Enrollment & Non-Resident Fee Refund Deadline 9/13/15 Sun 2/21/16 Sun First day of penalty 9/14/15 Mon 2/22/16 Mon CENSUS AND SEGMENT DATES Weekly Census (WSCH) Date Daily Census (DSCH) Segment 1 Daily Census (DSCH) Segment 2 Positive Attendance (PA) Seg 1 Positive Attendance (PA) Seg 2 From/On 9/14/15 Mon 8/31/15 Mon None 8/31/15 Mon To From/On 1/3/16 Sun* 1/4/16 Mon 1/3/16 Sun* None 1/4/16 Mon None To From/On 2/7/16 Sun 2/22/16 Mon 2/8/16 Mon 2/7/16 Sun 4/16/16 Sat 2/8/16 Mon None 4/16/16 Sat To 5/30/08, 10/14/08 EDIT DATE: 3/17/09 To 4/15/16 Fri 6/12/16 Sun 6/13/16 Mon 7/1/16 Fri 6/30/16 Thu 8/28/16 Sun 4/15/16 Fri 6/12/16 Sun 6/13/16 Mon 7/1/16 Fri 6/30/16 Thu 8/28/16 Sun * Although full-term classes may end prior to this date, the dates given should be entered for full-term sections so that other dates for these classes will be correctly generated by the Information Technology system. ATTENDANCE ACCOUNTING EDUCATIONAL and STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES From/On EDIT DATE: Summer Segment 1 DSCH courses may be flagged for FTES to be counted in following year. Applies only to DSCH sections with census before July 1 and ending after June 30. Flags must be in place before July for correct annual report. EDIT DATE: print date: 9/16/2015, 1:39 PM