Strictly Classified Rewarding Outstanding Work Performance

Resource Information for Supervisors & Managers
Strictly Classified
An Informational Bulletin Published by the Personnel Commission
Rewarding Outstanding
Work Performance
Successful leaders understand that employees perform best with the proper motivation. Beyond the standard monetary compensation that employees receive,
most employees also require a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment to boost
job satisfaction and stay motivated on the job. Fortunately, our District has in
place a formal method for employees to receive an official commendation for high performance on the job:
the Notice of Outstanding Work Performance.
Notices of Outstanding Work Performance are a useful employee recognition tool for LACCD supervisors.
They provide an opportunity to acknowledge the exceptional contributions of staff members while giving
recipients motivation to keep up the good work. It will also give other employees a goal to work toward.
These notices can be awarded any time throughout the year and ideally should be granted soon after an employee’s exceptional performance. They may be issued as often as the supervisor considers it appropriate.
There are two major reasons for awarding this commendation to an employee:
Outstanding day-to-day performance by an employee
Outstanding work performance in unusually difficult and/or emergency situations
Outstanding work performance on a special or difficult project
The Notice of Outstanding Work Performance should be completed by the immediate supervisor of the employee who is receiving recognition. When preparing a notice, supervisors should provide specific examples
or explanatory comments that illustrate in what respect the employee has clearly exceeded the supervisor’s
standards for satisfactory work. The examples or comments provided should demonstrate the employee’s
outstanding work performance on one or more of the following factors:
Quantity of work
Quality of work
Relationships with people
Work habits and attitudes
Supervisory ability
If you would like to submit a Notice of Outstanding Work Performance for a member of your staff, the form
can be found at the following link:
David Iwata, Chair  Henry Jones, Vice Chair  Ann Young-Havens  Karen Martin, Personnel Director  (213) 891-2333
June 2014
We would like to recognize the LACCD classified employees who received a Notice of Outstanding Work
Performance during the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year:
Monica Castillo, Library Technician, Library, Los Angeles Trade Tech College
Dam Christie, Executive Assistant (Confidential), President’s Office, Los Angeles Trade-Tech College
Andres Guerrero, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid, Los Angeles Valley College
Monica Hernandez, Library Technician, Library, Los Angeles Trade Tech College
Henry Huff, Custodian, Maintenance & Operations, Los Angeles Trade Tech College
Thomas Jones, General Foreman, Plant Facilities, Los Angeles Harbor College
Monica Martinez, Administrative Analyst, Personnel Operations, District Office
David Mora, Custodian, Plant Facilities, Los Angeles Harbor College
Manuel Ramirez, Custodian, Operations, Los Angeles Valley College
Raquel Sanchez, Student Services Specialist, Matriculation, Los Angeles Valley College
Harold Sherburne, Carpenter, Plant Facilities, East Los Angeles College
Marina Vargas, Admissions and Records Assistant, Admissions Office, Los Angeles Harbor College
Angel Viramontes, Student Recruitment Coordinator, Admissions and Records Office, West Los Angeles
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