Strictly Classified Climbing the Career Ladder:

Resource Information for Classified Employees
Strictly Classified
An Informational Bulletin Published by the Personnel Commission
Climbing the Career Ladder:
Preparing for Promotion in the LACCD
The Personnel Commission’s 2007 Career Ladders Guide is now available!
Visit the Office of Administrative Services or
your Personnel Commission Service Representative to view a copy.
Whether you are interested in promoting because you are looking for a new challenge or a better salary, there
are significant benefits for both the employee and the Los Angeles Community College District in encouraging
internal promotions. As a classified employee, there are a number of resources available to you to facilitate
career growth within the District. The Personnel Commission is dedicated to retaining classified employees
and promoting their advancement.
The first step in the process is determining your career goals within the District. For those who need more information about the available options, the Personnel Commission has established a number of resources for
classified employees to use in order to determine a career path with the District.
Visit the Personnel Commission Website at to
obtain a current listing of job descriptions. The job descriptions include an explanation of typical duties, as
well as minimum entrance qualifications.
Check out the Career Ladders Guide publication from the office of Administrative Services. The Career
Ladders Guide lists all of the classified employment positions in the District, as well as maps out promotional paths by occupational groupings. Additionally, the Career Ladders Guide provides information on
moving from Classified to Certificated positions, tuition reimbursement programs, and study leave.
Schedule an appointment with your Personnel Commission Service Representative to review the Career
Ladders Guide and map out a promotional path.
Your fellow employees are also an excellent source of information. Talk to employees who have climbed
a similar career ladder or are in positions that you are interested in applying for in the future. They can
provide you with tips on how they successfully promoted, as well as first-hand information on what the
day-to-day responsibilities of the position are.
James A. Srott, Chair
April 2007
David Iwata
Calvin W. Hall, Ed.D.
Karen Martin, Personnel Director
(213) 891-2333
After you have decided upon a career path, you will have to establish a plan for accomplishing your goals.
Some of the key questions to ask are: Do I meet the minimum entrance qualifications? Will I need to obtain
more education or experience? If so, how can I go about doing this?
Education: If additional education is necessary in order to promote to your desired position, the LACCD
offers tuition reimbursement to classified staff. Check your union contract for specific information about
these programs. Keep in mind that funds are limited and deadlines may apply. Unions have also negotiated provisions for study leave. See your contract for details.
Experience: Your current position may not provide you with the experience needed to qualify for your desired position. Perhaps there is an in-between step on the career ladder that will qualify you. You must
determine how you will obtain that needed experience. The Personnel Commission Website lists all positions in which applications are currently being accepted. Check the website regularly to see what opportunities pertain to your interests. Additionally, be sure to visit the Internal Job Opportunities Website at for information about
temporary and provisional opportunities. Temporary and provisional positions are an excellent way to gain
additional experience and try out new positions.
Exams: Because classified employment is based on the merit system, applicants are required to not only
meet minimum entrance qualifications, but also to take and pass an exam in order to be placed on a hiring
list. There are several study guides in a variety of fields available in local libraries and bookstores, as well
as online. These guides include pointers for written, performance, and oral exams in numerous specialized
career areas. Take advantage of these resources prior to taking the exam.
The Personnel Commission is invested in creating and promoting career advancement opportunities for classified employees. As a result, there are a number of resources available to you. To find out more about these
resources, contact your Personnel Commission Service Representative.