LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGES PERSONNEL GUIDE B 359 POINTS – Work Experience Policy ISSUE DATE: ISSUED BY: SERVICE: CHANGES: REPLACES: DISTRIBUTION: 4-5-78 Office of Personnel Operations Certificated Cross reference added under major heading, Section 1. PG B359 (7-19-72) General (See PG: B339 for decoding) Point Credit for Work Experience (See also PG B360, POINTS--Work Experience, Procedures) 1. 2. Policy. Point credit shall be granted for educational work experience while on certain approved leaves of absence or during the summer vacation period in accordance with standards established by the Personnel Services Division. Such employment must be (a) approved in advance, (b) with an established organization or business enterprise, and (c) must provide a substantial increase in the employee’s skill, knowledge, and understanding of his regular assignment. (Admin. Guide 3241) Work Experience Projects a. Description: Work experience projects shall include three parts: (1) Pre-employment preparation based upon instructions and suggestions contained in printed materials. (2) Approved employment. (3) Post-employment report (900-1000 words) including evaluation, interpretation, and summarization of education values resulting from the employment. b. Time: Except in the case of an employee who is on leave of absence, the employer required as part of a work experience project must be undertaken and completed during the summer vacation period. The employment portion of an educational work experience project shall not include any time during which other study for point credit is undertaken. c. 3. Final Report: This report required as a part of the project of an employee not on leave of absence must be undertaken and completed before point credit can be granted. Employment Standards a. Approved Types of Employment (1) General Group: A group of instructors employed for the summer period by, an organization or business in which the group is given. a minimum of group training, and each individual is employed in a different classification. (2) Special Group: A group of instructors employed for a specific period of time during the summer vacation by an organization or business in which the entire group is given specific training in either certain job classification and general training, or both. (3) Individual: Employment of an individual instructor for the summer or approved leave period by an organization or business in which the job performed is directly and specifically related to the teaching field of the applicant and includes substantially significant new skills or knowledge of the field. (Approval will not be granted for jobs of a repetitive, "brush-up", or related information nature.) (4) Special Experience: An employment opportunity of an individual instructor during the summer or approved leave period of such outstanding significance to better understanding of our economic system, governmental operation, or of business and iftdustry, that special consideration may be given for an evaluation of point value. (Only employment of such nature as to provide broad information of value to an instructor may be considered. Routine employment opportunities are not considered to be qualified for approval). b. Minimum Requirements The employment must be(1) Of such nature as to substantially increase the applicant's skill, knowledge, and understanding of his teaching field and/or business and industry and governmental operations. (2) Other than unskilled labor, repetitive assembly, or piece work nature. (3) Significantly different from a skilled trade in which the employee is rendering service to the Los Angeles Community Colleges as an instructor. 4. c. Established Enterprise. The employment must be with a bona fide and established organization or business enterprise. Self-owned, family-owned, or self-operated business enterprises do not come within the definition of an approved business organization. Employment as a teacher or instructor shall not be counted for point credit. Employment in any capacity with the Los Angeles Community College District shall not be counted. d. Length of Employment. A minimum of two consecutive weeks of approved employment du-ring one summer vacation or leave of absence period shall be required. Weeks in excess of two may be non-consecutive with committee approval. Procedures. See Personnel Guide B360, POINTS--Work Experience, Procedures, for information regarding application and allowance of points. *Admin. Guide, Los Angeles City School District -2-