Teaching Critical Thinking and Writing through Debates: An Experimental Evaluation Author(s): Charles S. Green, III and Hadley G. Klug Source: Teaching Sociology, Vol. 18, No. 4 (Oct., 1990), pp. 462-471 Published by: American Sociological Association Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1317631 Accessed: 30-09-2015 16:09 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. American Sociological Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Teaching Sociology. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TEACHING CRITICAL THINKING AND WRITING THROUGH DEBATES: AN EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION* III CHARLES S. GREEN, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater HADLEY G. KLUG ofWisconsin-Whitewater University Faced with the desire to maintain high standards of scholarship in a context of large introductorylevel classes and limitedresources, the authorsexperimentedwith several active learning techniques designed to develop critical thinkingand writing skills. The tentative conclusionsdrawnare thatthe debateformatin the contextof large classes is an effectiveway to modifystudents' opinions on social issues and to teach critical thinkingand writing skills. Also discussed are several ethical issues involvedin teaching critical thinking. BACKGROUND Probably all faculty think that the teaching of critical thinking and writing is a "good thing,"just as motherhood and apple pie are good things. The problem, of course, is that unless one has plenty of teaching assistants, the conventional term paper isn't feasible in mass classes of 50, 100, or more because the grading load is simply too high. Moreover, if one has ambitions of having students not only write papers but rewrite them several times during a semester, the grading task becomes virtually impossible. So, perhaps reluctantly, we give up the goals of teaching critical thinking and writing and fall back on lecturing and multiple choice tests. But what if our consciences bother us? Our consciences botheredus, so for over ten years we have tinkeredaroundin a variety * Charles S. Green Ilmwas awarded the Hans O. MaukschAwardfor DistinguishedContributionsto UndergraduateSociology in 1989 by the ASA Section on Undergraduate Education. Award recipients are required to providea talkatthe following year's meetings. Green'stalk before the 1990 meetings was based on this article. The article is a revised version of a paper presentedby both authorsto the 1990 annualmeetings of the Midwest Sociological Society in Chicago. The authorswish to acknowledgethe help theircolleagues renderedto thisprojectby gradingstudents'essays: Ronald Berger, Eugene Grigsby, Lanny Neider, LawrenceNeuman, and Richard Salem. We also wish to thank our colleague PatriciaSearles as well as Dean Dom and BarbaraShermanHeyl for providinguseful commentsduring various stages of the project, William Rau and Jean C. Karlen for comments during the Midwest meetings, and the three reviewers of this version: Louis E. Anderson, EugeneM. Labovitz,and NormaJ. Shepelak. This article was copy edited by Donna Perdue. of ways to try to give our students at least some writing experience. Green, for example, gave his students the choice of doing short papers on selected and well-defined topics or of doing reviews of books from a limited list of suitable books. Students were also offered a "revision provision": if they submitteddraftsof their shortpapersor book reviews by a deadline early in the semester, they were provided with constructive criticisms for use in revising their work. The strategy worked reasonably well in that both writing style and substance improved markedly from rough to final drafts. But the grading load was very demanding and after several semesters he got numbreadingpaperson the same small number of topics over and over again! Moreover, in large classes it is impossible to give studentsthe opportunityto improve their writing thr?ugh several revision and critique cycles. In addition, the proliferationof paperson a limited numberof topics semester after semester invites plagiarism. Finally, it is not at all clear that papersand reviews stimulate much critical thinking. In fact, the natureof critical thinking was not clear in our minds when we were first tinkering aroundwith our courses and there wasn't muchliteratureavailablethenon teachingcritical thinking in sociology. We did share the notion that critical thinking involved such thingsas the abilityto createlogical arguments basedon the "sociologicalimagination"and to supportthose argumentsempirically. Therefore, we concluded thatone way to overcome the shortcomings of short papers and book reviews was to have small groupsof students collaborate in preparinglibrary research papers. By collaborating, students would be- TeachingSociology, 1990, Vol.18 (October:462-471) This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 462 463 TEACHINGSOCIOLOGY come more responsiblefor their own learning and would teach one another,improving their thinkingand writing skills (see Billson 1986; Cohen, Lotan, and Leechor 1989; Rau and Heyl 1990). In addition we anticipatedthat since there would be a smaller numberof papers to grade, we could afford the time to critique them and allow students to revise them. We also expected that studentswould acquirea sense of the vast arrayof empirical and theoreticalliteraturethat exists in sociology andacquirethe skills for finding thatliteraturein the library. Finally, we believed oral skills could be developed by having students presenttheirresults in class. Afterusing such projectsfor several years, we concludedthattheydid indeedhave numerous advantages over short papers and book reviews. However, the presentations the groupsmadein class tendedto be stupefyingly dull, for the students presented their ideas in much the same fashion thatprofessorspresent papersat the meetings of professionalassociations! A far more serious problem was that therewas no directchallengeto the ideas being presentedand, therefore,no need for students to defend theirown argumentsand rebutthose of others,both of which we thoughtshould be crucialcomponentsin the developmentof critical thinkingskills. In orderto overcome these difficulties we decided to try a debate format. Starting in 1985, studentsin Green'sIntroductorySociology and Marriageand the Family classes were given the choice of five debatetopics, with the expectation that every student would participate in a debate. Students were assigned at randomto the "pro"and "con" sides of their debate topics. All students were given a detailed handout containing directions for researching their topic, starter bibliographies, suggestions for coordinating their efforts in preparingfor both the oral in-class debateand the writtenversion of theirarguments,and the standardsthat would be used in grading de1 The writing-across-the-curriculumapproach has promised that writing skills can be improved if students have frequentwriting assignmentsand that little increase in gradingloads need resultfrom frequentwritingassignments because not all assignments need to be graded rigorously. However,Day (1989, p. 458) in an experimental evaluation of the approachfound that ". .. numerous writing assignments are not sufficient in themselves to produce better writing, but that rigorous grading of the entireassignmentis the variablewhich producesimprovement." bates and papers. As had been done with the earlierprojects,rough draftsof the group papers were submittedrelatively early in the semester and subjected to detailed critiques of logic, evidence, grammar,and composition. Students were then permitted to revise and resubmitthese draftsby the end of the semester. Both the oral debate and the group paper received group grades to emphasize the importanceof cooperation. However,in orderto deter"free-riding,"groupswere empoweredto eject any studentwho was not doing her or his shareof the work. We expected to gain a numberof advantages from this debateformat. First,the added drama of debating a controversialtopic was expected to generatemore interestin the presentationsand more post-presentationdiscussion than had been the case for the projects. Second, it was expected that students would not only develop researchskills in the process of developing and finding evidence for their argumentsbut also skills in oral and written argumentationin the process of working out defenses for those argumentsand rebuttalsto opposition arguments. Third,it was expected that, as was the case with projects, students would learn more effectively when working cooperatively than when studying alone. Fourth,it was expected thatthe groupsformed for the debates could be used for other class discussions, thus providingfurtheropportunities for collaborativelearning. Earlyexperiencein using debatesrevealed that the first expectation was fully realized: debateswere lively and elicited a greatdeal of post-debate discussion on the part of class membersnot debating. Moreover,it was clear 2 In decidingupondebatetopics carefulconsideration must be given to selecting topics which are currentand controversial,but not so emotionally engaging that students are sharplypolarizedin theirinitial opinions, and to selecting topics for which a substantialand reasonably high quality body of literatureexists for both sides. Students must be informedthat gradingof both oral debates anddebatepapersfocuses on the qualityof theirreasoning andevidence,noton the side of the debatetopic which they have been assignedto defend. 3Relatively few studentshave been ejected by their teams, perhapsbecause the sanctionhas been so severe. Recently, on students' advice, a less severe sanction has been added. Now at the end of each semesterstudentsin each teamare asked to evaluateeach other's contributions to the team effort;if there is a consensus that a student's performancehas been inferior,the instructorlowers that student'sgrade. This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 464 TEACHINGCRITICALTHINKING from both the debatesand post-debatediscussions that some crucial critical thinking skills were being used: students challenged each other on such mattersas definition of terms, unstatedvalue premises, the lack or misuse of evidence, reliance on "authorities"whose expertise was questionable,the pertinence,reliability, and validity of evidence, and the adequacy of logic. It was not, however, clear whetherthose skills had been learned in preparing for debates or learned previously in other classes such as speech, a subject which ourstudentsarerequiredto takeas partof their generaleducationprogram. Finally, a number of unexpectedfindings turnedup. One surprisewas the extent of the impact of the debateson multiplechoice exam scores. Typicallyfoursuchexams were given, with the thirdexam given afterthe firsttwo debatesand the fourthexam given after the last three debates. In all classes, the scores (percentageof items correct) on the last two exams were significantly higher and had lower standard deviations than did the first two exams. In contrastto what we had expected, this effect was not limited to the groupsdebatingbefore eachexam butratherwas characteristicof most students in each class. Thus, debating and even hearingandlaterdiscussingthose debates reinforcedstudents' learningof the text material parallelingthe content of the debates. A second surprise was that the student evaluations of the course improvedsignificantlyand the standarddeviations of evaluation scores declined significantly comparedto the scores from Green's previous courses, taught with lecturescombinedwith groupprojectsor with short papers and book reviews, and Klug's courses, taughtin a conventional lecture for- askedto writeon the studentcourseevaluation instrument"Whatwere the best andworst features of this course?"about 40 percent chose to do so. Of the latter,50 percent wrote specific and favorable comments about debates while just 11 percentwrote unfavorablecomments. No other feature of the course was mentioned as favorably. Before analyzing data on exams and student evaluations, thereby becoming fully awareof the firsttwo surprises,Greendecided thatperhapshe had been too lenient in assigning letter grades to multiple choice exam scores. So he raised the standards,hoping therebyto achieve a Pygmalioneffect. In the five course sections taught since these standards were raised, exam scores (percentage correct, not letter grades) for the first two exams have gone up significantly. However, the higher expectations had no impact on scores for exams three and four. Apparently the impactof debatingoverwhelmedthe effect of higherstandards.Incidentally,althoughthe higher standardsresulted in sharplyreduced proportionsof As given as final course grades, thishadno noticeableeffects on students'evaluations of the course. In short,the majorimpact on those evaluations has come from organizing classes into small groupsfor debates and otherdiscussion andclass exercises. In order to explore the potential of the debate formatfurther,we designed a series of experimentsto determinethe impactof debates on students' opinions about social issues and on changes in thinkingand writingskills. CRITICALTHINKINGAND WRITING: EXPERIMENTS mat. Whenstudentsin Green'ssectionswere 4 We regressed the grades from all four multiple choice tests againsttime. Before debates were introduced the slopes of all four lines were essentially zero, intercepts of all four lines were nearly identical at about 60 percent correctanswers,and Pearson'sR equalled roughly .70 (p < .001) for all four lines. After debates were introduced slopes were again found to be near zero for all four lines. Intercepts for tests one and two remained at about 60 percentbut those for tests threeandfourincreasedto about 70 percentcorrectanswers. Rs remainedat about .70 for tests one and two but increasedto about .80 (p < .001) for tests three and four. Attemptsto fit a single line to all test scores were not successful: neitherlinear nor several curvilinearregressionsproducedRs greaterthan.30 andnone were significant. Gradesin Klug's courses remainedconstant,withregressionlines for his tests comparableto those for Green's tests one and two. We have already noted the rough-and-ready definition of critical thinkingthat we used in 5 Students takingcoursesin ourdepartmentareasked to rate instructorson fourteen items, the last of which requires an overall evaluation: "Taking everything into account,how would you ratethis instructor?"The rating scale varies from a high of one to a low of five. The mean scores on this item were regressedagainst time. Before debates were introduced, the regression intercept (i.e., mean evaluationscore) was 1.9 with a slope of zero and R = .62 (p < .01). Afterdebateswere introduced,the regression interceptwas 1.6 with a slope of zero and R = .79 (p < .005). Attempts to fit linear and curvilinearlines throughthe mean scores of all classes yielded non-significant Rs of less than .40. Student evaluationsin Klug's classes were comparableto those in Green's classes before debateswere introduced. This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TEACHINGSOCIOLOGY 465 our early tinkering with our courses. But a review of the literaturesuggests that a more precise and certainlymore sophisticateddefinition is in order. For example, Dean Dor (1987) defines critical thinking as ". . . the process of reasonably deciding what to do and/orbelieve. This means individualsshould be able not only to assess theirown andothers' arguments but also construct good arguments."6 Dom points out that most experts believe that critical thinking involves acquiring a set of micro and macro level skills and dispositions: 1. Micro level intellectual abilities and skills. Examples:abilityto clarify issues, ability to identify fallacies in an argument, ability to find value assumptions embedded in an argument, ability to know when statistics are misleading or absent, ability to judge whethera statement follows from a premise. 2. Macro level dispositions. Examples: an interestin seeking reasonsfor what to do or believe, skepticism about others' beliefs, a predispositionto ask for evidence, a predispositionto be creative, to think of counter-argumentsand examples, to be sensitive to one's own biases and values. 3. Macrolevel values. Examples:a commitment to open-mindednessand fairness, empathyfor others' positions, openness to self-criticism, appreciation of the value of looking at events from multiple points of view. lectures can be used to challenge students to question the beliefs and values they take for granted.Similarly,objective tests can be constructed to measure higher order cognitive skills (see Howery 1987); whereas, essay exams may tapmererecallof facts, figures,and ideas. As Baker(1981)concludes "... critical thinkingis not associatedwith any single patternof teachingand testing." Mayer (1986) argues that ". . . critical thinking cannot be accomplished unless the goal is specifically built into course objectives and methods." Teaching critical thinkingrequires what Goldsmid and Wilson (1980) call "benign disruption":a set of techniques by which the taken-for-grantedis challenged. Moreover,such techniquescannotbe effective if addressed solely to intellectual concerns. Teaching techniquesmust instead link reason and emotion (see Baker 1981; Nelson 1989). In establishing this link "The key . . . lies in creating conditions for participation rather thanpassivity, and in providingopportunities for emotionalengagementwith the materials" (Mayer 1986). Debates appear to fit all the criteriamentionedabove (see also Broderick 1982 and Huryn 1986). But do they actually work? Can it be shown thatchangestakeplace in studentsduringa semesterthatcan be attributed in whole or partto the debateexperience? EXPERIMENT1: HOW DOES DEBATINGAFFECTOPINIONSON ISSUES? We startedoff with a rathernaive hypothesis: With a betteridea of what criticalthinking thatdebatingwould give studentsgreaterintelis, can we specify what are the best methods lectual flexibility (see Kohn 1971; Kohn and for conveying these skills, dispositions, and Schooler 1983). Specifically,we predictedthat values? The conventionalwisdom in the aca- those who had debated and had listened to demic world is that lecturing and multiple othersdebatevariousissues pertainingto marchoice exams are useful only for impartingthe riage and the family (Green's students)would recall of facts, while Socratic dialogue, essay become less extreme in their opinions than exams, and term papers are best for teaching students who had also taken a marriageand higher ordercognitive skills. But this dichot- family class but under more conventional omy is far too simple. Socraticdialogues can teaching methods (Klug's students). To test be used to intimidatestudents, teaching them these expectationswe administeredan opinion only what to think, not how to think, whereas survey to two of Klug's and three of Green's classes at both the beginning and the end of the semester. To see if reactive effects were 6 Dom's approachtends to focus on the development (for example if takingthe survey early present of skills of formalargumentationas developed by philosoon later opinions), we also adhad an impact phersand rhetoricians.Otherapproachesinclude those of the ministered survey only at the end of two cognitive psychology, epistemology, and Marxist critical of Green's, one of Klug's). classes other (one Nelson 1989). theory (see This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TEACHINGCRITICALTHINKING 466 Table 1. Comparisonof OpinionChangeAmong Non-Debatersin ExperimentalandControlClasses, by Debate Topic DebateTopic: Classes: Experimental 1. Enoughlove maintainsmarriage 2. Singlehoodpreferable 3. Trainedparentsproducemodelchildren 4. Women's liberationgonetoo far 5. Familyhas no future 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ControlClasses 1 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Theproportion of studentschangingopinionsin theexperimentalclass is significantlyhigher(p < .05, one-tail)thantheproportionof studentschangingopinionsin the controlclass;in no comparisonis theproportionchangingopinionsin the control classsignificantlyhigher. Binomialtests: - Forall 30 comparisons,19 as predicted,p = .100 one-tail - ExcludingDebate2: of 24 comparisons,21 as predicted,p = .001 one-tail - ExcludingDebate2 andExperimental Classl: of 16 comparisons,all as predicted,p = .000 one-tail Thus we had a Solomon four-groupresearch design (Selltiz, Wrightsman,Cook 1976, pp. 140-48 ). Studentswere asked to express their opinions by indicating on a five item Likert scale how strongly they agreed or disagreed with each of the following debate topic statements: 1. "If two people love each other enough, they can maintain their marriage until deathdo them part." 2. "Singlehood is much preferableto marriage." 3. "Ifparentsaretrainedin modem methods of child-rearing, they should have no problemproducingmodel children." 4. "The women's liberationmovement has gone too far." 5. "Thefamily has no future." What were the results of this experiment? Contraryto our initial naive hypothesis, very few opinions among either controls or nondebatingexperimentalsshifted towardneutral ("I can see merit to both sides of this"), the positionwe first thoughtindicativeof intellectualflexibility. In fact, substantialproportions of students were neutralto begin with, especially with respectto topics 2, 3, and4. On the other hand,roughly 60 percent of students in the experimental classes and 40 percent of studentsin controlclasses changed theiropin- ions. Among those whose opiniondid change, the changetypicallyinvolveda shiftof just one categoryon the Likertscale (for example from strongly agree to agree). Further,it is clear from the resultsin Table 1 thatthe experimental "treatment" did not lead to a shift of opinion for debate topic 2 nor within experimental class 1. Interestingly,it was only in the latter class that-despite directionsto thecontrarystudentsin several debates issued disclaimers to theeffect that"Ireallydon'tbelieve this, I'm just defendingthis positionbecauseI have to." Whenwe examinedopinionchangeamong debaterswe found something quite different. Those who debated a side ("pro"or "con") opposite to their initial opinion changed their opinionsharply,typicallyswitchingtheiropinion to the side uponwhich they debated.Those who were initially neutral were even more likely to switch theiropinions to coincide with the position debated. In contrast, those who debated a side coinciding with their initial opinion either did not change theiropinion or strengthenedit (see Table 2). These differing patternsof opinion shift reflect differences in the extent to which studentsexperiencedcognitive dissonance. Furthermore,those who experienceddissonancechose one of threepossible modes of resolving it (see Brehm and Cohen 1962; Michener,DeLamater,Schwartz 1986, pp.184-86). When asked to defend in public views with which they disagreed,stu- This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TEACHINGSOCIOLOGY 467 Table 2. Changeof OpinionsAmong Debatersin ExperimentalClasses, by Section and by CorrespondenceBetween Initial Opinionand Position Debated InitialOpinionRelativeto PositionDebated,by Section Section 1 (n = 55) OppositeNeutralSame OpinionChange Section2 (n = 50) OppositeNeutralSame Switched* Shiftedto neutral Weakened** No change Strengthened*** 3 4 4 10 0 14 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 10 5 8 3 2 3 1 Sub-totals Gamma Chisquare**** P< 21 17 17 .25 16.97 .001 17 * ** ***( **1(* Section3 (n = 43) OppositeNeutralSame 1 0 4 7 6 6 7 0 1 0 15 18 .51 14.48 .001 14 13 0 0 2 0 11 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 10 4 15 14 .65 2754 .001 or vice versa;or fromneutralto positiondebated. Fromagreementto disagreement Fromstronglyagreeto agreeor fromstronglydisagreeto disagree. Fromagreeto stronglyagreeor fromdisagreeto stronglydisagree;or fromneutralto positionoppositethat debated. Forpurposesof calculatingChi square,sub-tableswerecollapsedby dichotomizingthe opinionchangevariable between"weakened" and"nochange." dentsfaced threechoices: 1) they could change theiropinionto conformto the view defended, which most students did; 2) they could keep their initial opinion, claiming publicly that they "don'treally " feel or think"thatway"which several in experimentalsection 1 did, despite instructionsto the contrary;or 3) they could keep their initial opinion, excusing to themselves and possibly to their significant others the apparent inconsistency between opinion and behaviorby saying "I was forced to defend thatside." Several studentsconfided to Green that this is just what they did. Incidentally, we were able to find no reactive effects of takingthe opinion survey at the beginning of a class: among both the experimental (debate) and control classes, the distribution of opinions at the end of a semester had no relation to whetheror not a class had taken a survey at the beginning of thatclass. pers producedand the tape recordingsof selected oral in class debates. However, this would be quite time consuming,and so far we have found no one willing to do it. Furthermore,such a strategywould leave unanswered the more importantquestionof whetheror not studentsacquiredskills which would transfer to new situations. In fact, the literatureis quite pessimistic about such a possibility (Baker 1981, p. 341) for it appearsthatthe teachingof critical thinking and writing succeeds only when it is taught across the curriculum (Browne and Litwin 1987). In order to examine the transferabilityof skills, the authors had every student in their spring 1989 MarriageandFamily classes (one section each) write an essay at the beginning of the semesterdefendingtheirposition on one of the five debate topics outlined earlier. (Green'sstudentswere askedto pick one of the four topics they were not assigned to debate.) We also had them write on those same topics at the end of class. Thus, we had"before"and EXPERIMENT2: "after"essays from each student which we HOW DOES DEBATINGAFFECTTHINKINGAND WRITINGSKILLS? planned to have gradedblindly by other colleagues in our department. In orderto keep the gradingload for these As we noted earlier,debateshave a numberof over other teaching techniques, faculty within some reasonable bounds, we advantages even including those techniqueswhich place each picked a 25 percent sample of our stusome emphasis on writing (such as research dents at random: 11 from Green's class, 10 projects,book reviews, shortpapers). But, so from Klug's. Thus from these 21 students far we have not demonstratedwhetheror not there were 42 essays to be evaluated(21 "bedebatinghasany impacton thinkingor writing. fore" and 21 "after")by each of two faculty The best demonstrationwould involve a care- members. We assigned essays to faculty at ful externalevaluation of both the group pa- randomso thateach would gradeessays from This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 468 TEACHINGCRITICALTHINKING Table 3. Reliability of Faculty Evaluationsof the Quality of Thinkingand WritingDisplayed in Students' Essays Thinking 1. Differencesin absolute scoresbetweenthe two gradersof each essay:* a. Meandifference b. Mediandifference 2. Rankordercorrelation (Kendall'stau) betweeneachgrader's scoresandthose assignedby other gradersof those sameessays:** Grader1 Grader2 Grader3 Grader4 Grader5 12.64 10.00 Table 4. FacultyEvaluationsof the Qualityof Thinking andWritingin Beginningand FinalStudentEssays, by ExperimentalCondition Writing 7.02 5.00 Experimental 1. TheQualityof Thinking Meanscoreof two graders: Beginningessay Finalessay Meanchangein scores: 2. TheQualityof Writing Meanscoreof two graders: Beginningessay Finalessay Meanchangein scores: .804 .921 .724 .889 .902 .841 1.000 .871 .946 .935 * Scoringwas basedon a 100 pointscale;see Appendix forscoringdirectionsgiven faculty. ** Forall taus,p < .0000 one-tail. bothexperimentalandcontrolclasses andeach wouldgrade"before"and"after"essays. Each faculty member was provided with a set of guidelines for grading the quality of both students' writing and critical thinking (these guidelines may be found in the Appendix). Before turningto the results of the faculty gradingefforts, it is importantto discuss Control 65.6 75.9 10.4 p <.0005 one-tail 63.6 67.1 3.5 p NS one-tail 71.6 77.3 5.6 p <.0005 one-tail 68.7 72.8 4.1 p NS one-tail obtained by averaging for each student the scores assigned by each faculty grader. The statistical significance of the results is not changed if, insteadof averagingthe scores of the two graders,the scores of just the first or just the second graders are analyzed, or if the scores of the gradersassigning the worst grades are analyzed, or if the scores of the gradersassigningthe best gradesareanalyzed, or if the scores of graderspickedat randomare analyzed. Thereforeit doesn't seem to matter which set of scores are chosen for analysis. Part2 of Table4 shows thatstudentsin the experimentalclass improvedtheir writing by almost six points, a statistically significant change; whereas, studentsin the control section improvedby just fourpoints, a difference which is not a statistically significant result. Again, tinkeringaroundwith scoring methods does not change the significanceof the overall result. In summary,the results look quite good: debatesdo seem to work in that they produce improvementsin both the quality of thinking and the quality of writing. However, a more cautious, even pessimistic, interpretationcan be made of the resultsin Table 4. Even in the experimentalclass, final essays werejudged to be about C quality work with respect to the qualityof thinking(a score of 75.9) and about the same quality with respect to writing (a score of 77.3). We would be much more encouragedby B qualitywork. whetheror not the grading of the essays was reliable;for example,do facultyagreeon what is good critical thinking and good writing? Note the resultsreportedin Table 3. Part 1 of thatTable suggests thatfaculty have quite differentstandardsin assigning absolutenumerical scores,especially to the qualityof thinking. They arealmost 13 points apart,the equivalent of a grade and a half or the differencebetween an A and a B-. On the otherhand,Part2 of the Tablesuggestsa very highdegreeof reliability, for facultydo agreeon the rankorderingof the quality of students' essays. For example, the rank ordercorrelationbetween the scores assigned by Grader1 for writing and the scores assigned by the other graders of l's set of essays is .804. With some assurancethatthe grading is reliable, we turn to the actual researchquestionsof interest. The results are summarized in Table 4. Part1 of thatTable shows thatthe experimental class improvedthe qualityof its thinkingby DISCUSSION a full ten points, a highly significant change, whereasthe controlclass improvedbarelyfour points,which is not significant. It is important We have shown in this paperthatdebates can to note thatthe scores reportedin Table4 were be effective in improving students' perfor- This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TEACHINGSOCIOLOGY 469 manceon multiplechoice exams covering materialrelatedto the debates,in raisingstudents' participationin and enthusiasmfor class discussions, and in raising students' evaluations of instructors.Furthermore,there is evidence for modest gains in writing and critical thinking skills and evidence that these skills are transferable.However, the study does need to be hedged with several qualifications. From a methodological perspective, our experimentsare not true ones: students were not assigned at random to experimental and controlclasses. Therefore,thereis the risk that the results are due merely to differences in composition between classes. We have tried to rule out the effects of several potential sources of bias in the composition of classes. For example, the distributionsof studentsby year in college and by majorfield are the same between our classes. Moreover, initial opinions about the five debate topics are similar. Butwe cannotruleout moresubtledifferences: might students have chosen Green and Klug for different reasons which might have affected their performance in class? In fact, there is a hint that such is the case, for a somewhat higher (but not quite statistically significant)percentageof Green's classes are composed of females. Differences in the way we conduct our classes also may have had an impact on one or more aspects of students' performance. One such difference, our textbooks, can probablybe ruledout: Greenused several differenttextbooksbefore introducing debates with no noticeable effects on student evaluations or on grades on multiple choice tests. In addition,we have no way of knowing to what extent opinion change may have been influenced by students knowing or guessing that Green expected such change. Nor do we know how those debaterswho faced a dissonance arousing situation were influenced by the presenceof friendsin the audiencefor their debate. Our conclusions with respect to improvementsin thinking and writing skills are based on just 21 students. If we had more faculty on our staff or could have inducedour present faculty to grade far more essays, we would have greaterconfidence in our results. Thus, the study cries out for replication. This study provides no evidence concerning the permanenceof either the changes in opinions induced or of the improvements in writing and critical thinking skills. We also do notknow whetherthe latterskills will transfer to other sociology courses, let alone to course work in otherdisciplines. It should be obvious thatfollow-up studies are needed. Debates seem to be like other methods of stimulating critical thinking in that they 1) encounterstudentswith views contraryto the.ir own and,in so doing, 2) inducestudentseither to change those views or learn to defend their own views with betterlogic and more substantial evidence. We wish to emphasize, however, that debates are not the only way to get studentsto thinkmorecritically,andtheyprobably are not the best way-of course the "best way" has yet to be found. Nevertheless, debates are especially advantageous in large classes. By subdividing a large class into smaller groups, instructorscan encouragecooperativelearning,not only for the debatesper se but also for otherclass discussions or exercises and for preparingfor exams. A final advantageof debatesis thatinsteadof grading (or giving up on grading) 50 or more papers, the instructorhas to gradejust one paperfrom each debate team. We wish to close this articleby noting two ethical issues involved in teaching critical thinking. First, are we engaged in a form of brainwashingwhen we get students'opinions to change sharply,especially underthe condition in which they mustdefendin public views to which they are initially opposed? The second issue, one raised by a reviewer, concerns whether our teaching of critical thinking merelycreatesamoralmonsters:personsadept at criticismbut lacking both a sense of values and a commitmentto acting on those values. Thus, could it be that critical thinking and commitment are actually incommensurate, 7 The writing of formal, stylistically correct papers may not be essentialin the teachingof criticalthinking. In teachingduringsummersessions oftenjust threeweeks in length, Green has found that it is almost impossible for studentsto write up their debatepapers;consequently,he no longer requirespapersduringthe summer. However, adequatepreparationfor the oral debates requiresconsiderable notetaking,the sharing of those notes with one's debateteam members, and the reorganizationof data and potentialpoints of argumentfrom those notes into a logically interrelatedset of arguments. Each debate team typicallyhas a well developedoutlineandarrangesto have each member present certain arguments in a specified sequence. The betterpreparedteams will also have members assigned in advanceto rebuttheiropposition. Therefore, considerablewriting(albeitinformal)does takeplace, together with much discussion of how to organize arguments and mobilize evidence for best effect. This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TEACHINGCRITICALTHINKING even mutually destructive?Or is it possible thatstudentscan be taughtto act as responsible citizens while fully and freely acknowledging the weaknesses in the basis for thataction (see Paul 1984)? 470 - valueassumptionsleft unstatedand unrecognized. - citesthe opinionsof personswhoseexpertiseis dubiousorundocumented. APPENDIX DIRECTIONS FORFACULTYGRADINGTHEESSAYS 1. Pleaseassigntwo gradesto eachessay,one forthe quality of writingandone forthequalityof argumentation or criticalthinking.Guidelinesforeachof theseareprovided below. a. Use a numericalscale for eachgrade: NumericalScale: RoughEquivalency: A or excellent B or aboveaverage C or average D or below average F or well below average b. NOTE-you do nothaveto provideanywritten comments,critique,or rationaleforyourgrade. In fact,you shouldnot writeanythingat all-ontheblue books. 91-100 81-90 71-80 61-70 60 andless 2. Someguidelinesto use in gradingthe essays: a. Qualityof writing i. Is theessay well organizedandcohesive-are argumentsclearlystatedandis anoutlineclearly discernible,albeitimplicit? ii. Arethe sentencescompleteor aretheymere fragments?Aresentenceslinkedtogetherinto meaningfulparagraphs?Arethereeffective betweenparagraphs? transitions iii. Is grammatical use usageproper(e.g., punctuation, of tense,avoidanceof splitinfinitives)? iv. Arewordchoicessuitable?Arewordsspelled correctly? or of "criticalthinking." b. Qualityof argumentation i. Aresociologicalconceptsusedto illuminateand analyzethe issue?Does the writerindicatean awarenessof historical,cultural,andsocialstructural (e.g., class, gender,age, race)contexts? ii. How adequateis the logic of the argument?Some commonlogicalgoofs to look for: - uses evidenceselectively,or uses outof date evidence,or uses examplesof dubious pertinence. - generalizesfrompersonalexperienceor uses adhominemarguments. - fails to definekey termsor uses circular definitions. in -insensitive to weaknessesandcontradictions own logic and/orevidence. - appealsto numbersor prevailingopinion(e.g., "weall knowthat...;" "sincemost people thinkthat... it followsthat..."-the bandwagonrationalel) - not sensitiveto questionsof reliabilityand validityof evidence. - oversimplifiesormisrepresents opponents' arguments-thestrawpersonfallacy. REFERENCES Baker, PJ. 1981. "Learing Sociology and Assessing CriticalThinking."TeachingSociology 8:325-363. Billson, J.M. 1986. "The College Classroom as a Small Group: Some Implications for Teaching and Learning." TeachingSociology 14:143-151. Brehm, J.W., and A.R. Cohen. 1962. Explorations in Cognitive Dissonance. New York:Wiley. Broderick,J.J. 1982. "Using Debateto TeachSociology." ASA TeachingNewsletter 7:8-9. Browne, M.N., and J. L. Litwin. 1987. "CriticalThinking in the Sociology Classroom: Facilitating Movement from Vague Objective to Explicit Achievement." Teaching Sociology 15:384-391. Cohen, E.G., R.A. Lotan, and C. Leechor. 1989. "Can Classrooms Learn?" Sociology of Education 62:7594. Day, S. 1989. "ProducingBetter Writers in Sociology Classes: A Test of the Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Approach."Teaching Sociology 17:458-464. Dom, D.S. 1987. "CriticalThinking."Presentationat the Spring Teaching Seminar, University of WisconsinWhitewater. Goldsmid, C.A., and E.K. Wilson. 1980. Passing on Sociology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Howery, C.B. 1987. "Measuring Up to Writing Good Multiple Choice Tests." ASA Footnotes 15 (February):9. Huryn,J.S. 1986. "Debatingas a Teaching Technique." Teaching Sociology 14:266-269. Kohn,M. M. 1971. "BureaucraticMan:A PortraitandAn Interpretation." American Sociological Review 36:461-474. ,and C. Schooler. 1983. Workand Personality. New York: Aldine. Mayer, J. 1986. "TeachingCritical Awareness in an IntroductoryCourse."Teaching Sociology 14:249-256. Michener, H.A., J.D. DeLamater, and S.H. Schwartz. 1986. Social Psychology. New York:HarcourtBrace. Nelson, L. 1989. "CriticalThinkingAboutCriticalThinking." UndergraduateTeachingImprovementCouncil, University of Wisconsin System. Teaching Forum 11(April):1-3. Paul, R.W. "CriticalThinking:Fundamentalto Education for a Free Society." EducationalLeadership42:4-14. Rau, W., and B.S. Heyl. 1990. "Humanizingthe College Classroom:CollaborativeLearningand Social Organization Among Students." Teaching Sociology 18:141-155. Selltiz, C., L.S. Wrightsman,and S.W. Cook. 1976. Research Methods in Social Relations. 3rd ed. New York:Holt, Rinehart. This content downloaded from on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:09:49 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TEACHING SOCIOLOGY 471 Charles S. Green Ill is Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. His interests include marriageand the family, critical thinking, and applied sociology. Address correspondanceto Charles S. Green lm, Departmentof Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater,Whitewater,WI 53190. Hadley S. Klug is Associate Professorof Sociology at the Universityof Wisconsin-Whitewater.He has interests in marriageand the family, ruralsociolgy, andintentional communalgroups. He is doing researchon changesin the curricularofferings of those communalgroups known as "graduatedepartmentsof sociology." 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