ME 324 – LAB #2 UPSETTING, EXTRUSION, AND BENDING Part 1:Upsetting (compression) test Reading Assignment: Chaper2. Section 2.3 Apparatus: Hydraulic testing machine Caliper Micrometer Materials and Specimens: Gray Cast Iron AISI 1020 Steel Procedure: 1. Using a caliper and/or the micrometer, measure the diameter and length of each specimen. Record your measurements on the data sheet. 2. Rub the lubricant on top and bottom surfaces of the specimen. Place the specimen between two supporting disks. Make sure that the specimen axis is concentric with the supporting disks. 3. Move hydraulic press upwards until contact with the supports is achieved. 4. Place the safety guards around the testing area. 5. Start applying the compressive load and observe the changes in the shape of the specimen closely. 6. Continue applying the compressive load slowly until the specimen fails. 7. Stop the test and remove the specimen. 8. Measure the final length and the diameter. Record your measurement on the data sheet. 1020 Initial Diameter Do Initial Length Lo Maximum Load, PU Length at Maximum Load, LU Initial Area, Ao Final Area, AF % Area increase % Length reduction GCI Part 2: Extrusion Process Reading Assignment: Chapter 15, Sections: 15.1 - 15.10. (pp. 369-382) Apparatus: Hydraulic Testing Equipment Experimental extrusion apparatus Caliper Materials and Specimens: Lead Procedure: 1. Measure the dimensions of the lead cylinder specimen, and the extrusion die. 2. Rub the lubricant over the lead specimen and insert it into the extrusion apparatus. 3. Insert the plunger into the extrusion apparatus and place the whole set up on the hydraulic testing machine. 4. Move hydraulic press upwards until contact with the supports is achieved. 5. Start applying the compressive load and observe the changes in the shape of the specimen closely. 6. Record the applied load during the extrusion process. 7. Stop the test before the whole lead cylinder is extruded 8. Remove the specimen from the apparatus and measure the extruded dimensions, record them on the data sheet. Initial Diameter Do Initial Length Lo Final Diameter, AF Initial Area, Ao Final Area, AF Extrusion ratio, R Extrusion force (experimental) , FE Extrusion force (calculated) , F Part 3: Bending Test Reading Assignment: Chapter 16, Section 16.5 (pp 407-411) Apparatus: Vise Pliers, adjustable spanners Materials and Specimens: 1020 Steel Stainless Steel Aluminum Magnesium Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Measure the thickness of each specimen and record it. Place one end of the specimen between the jaws of the vise and tighten. Bend the specimen using the pliers or the spanner slowly. Remove the specimen and measure the bending radius. Record the measurement. 5. Repeat the test for all specimens. Material Thickness, T Bending Radius, R Engineering Strain, e Report: Complete the data sheets for each part of the lab and present them as tables. Include sample calculations and formulas used. Summarize Compression 30% Extrusion 40% Bending 30% By Emrah Simsek